1 رَبَلُوا, (T, S, M, K,) aor. ـُ (T, S, K) and رَبِلَ, (K,) inf. n. رُبُولٌ, (T,) They multiplied; became many in number: (T, M, K:) they increased and multiplied: (S:) and their children multiplied, and their cattle, or property. (M, K.) See also 8. b2: رَبَلَتْ She (a woman) was, or became, fleshy; (M;) and so ↓ تربّلت. (S.) And you say also لَحْمُهُ ↓ تربّل [app. meaning His flesh was, or became, abundant]. (M in art. رأبل.) A2: رَبَلَتِ الأَرْضُ, (IDrd, M, K,) inf. n. رَبْلُ; (IDrd, TA;) and ↓ اربلت; (IDrd, M, K;) The land produced رَبْل [q. v.]: (IDrd, K:) or abounded with رَبْل: (M:) or the latter signifies it ceased not to have in it رَبْل. (T.) And رَبَلَتِ المَرَاعِى The pasturages abounded with herbage. (T.) [See also 5.]4 أَرْبَلَ see above.A2: Also اربل He was, or became, wicked, crafty, or cunning; [like رَأْبَلَ; see art. رأبل;] and lay in wait for the purpose of doing evil, or mischief. (TA.) 5 تَرَبَّلَ see 1, in two places.
A2: تربِّلت الأَرْضُ The land had trees such as are termed رَبْل; i. e. breaking forth with green leaves, without rain, when the season had become cool to them, and the summer had retired: (As, A'Obeyd, T:) or the land became green after dryness, at the advent of autumn. (S.) And تربّل الشَّجَرُ The trees put forth leaves such as are termed رَبْل. (M, K. *) b2: تربّل also signifies He ate رَبْل; (Ibn-'Abbád, K;) said of a gazelle. (Ibn-'Abbád, TA.) and They (a company of men) pastured their cattle upon رَبْل. (M, K.) And He prosecuted a search after رَبْل. (Ibn-'Abbád, K.) b3: Also He took, captured, caught, snared, or trapped; or sought to take &c.; game, or wild animals, or the like. (M, K.) You say, خَرَجُوا يَتَرَبَّلُونَ They went forth to take &c., or seeking to take &c., game &c. (M.) 8 ارتبل مَالُهُ His cattle, or property, multiplied; (Ibn-'Abbád, K;) like ↓ رَبَلَ. (Ibn-'Abbád, TA.) Q. Q. 2 تَرَيْبَلَ, originally تَرَأْبَلَ: see the latter, in art. رأبل.
رَبْلٌ Fat, and soft, or supple: [perhaps, in this sense, a contraction, by poetic license, of رَبِلٌ:] an epithet applied to a man. (Ham p. 630.) A2: Also A sort of trees which, when the season has become cool to them, and the summer has retired, break forth with green leaves, without rain: (As, A'Obeyd, T, S:) or certain sorts of trees that break forth [with leaves] in the end of the hot season, after the drying up, by reason of the coolness of the night, without rain: (K:) accord. to Aboo-Ziyád, a plant, or herbage, that scarcely, or never, grows but after the ground has dried up; as also رَيِّحَةٌ and خِلْفَةٌ and رِبَّةٌ: (TA:) [and] leaves that break forth in the end of the hot season, after the drying up, by reason of the coolness of the night, without rain: (M:) pl. رُبُولٌ. (S, M, K.) رَبَلٌ A certain plant, intensely green, abounding at Bulbeys [a town in the eastern province of Lower Egypt, commonly called Belbeys or Bilbeys,] (K) and its neighbourhood: (TA:) two drachms thereof are an antidote for the bite of the viper. (K.) رَبِلٌ, applied to a man, Fleshy: (A'Obeyd, S, TA:) or fleshy and fat. (TA. [See also رَبِيلٌ.]) And [in like manner the fem.] رَبِلَةٌ, as also ↓ مَتَرَبِّلَةٌ, Fleshy (M, K) and fat; applied to a woman. (M.) And رَبِلَةٌ applied to a woman signifies also Large in the رَبَلَات [pl. of رَبَلَةٌ, q. v.]; (Lth, T, M, K;) as also ↓ رَبْلَأءُ: (M, K:) or both signify رَفْغَآءُ; (O, K; [in the CK, erroneously, رَقْعاءُ;]) i. e. narrow in the أَرْقَاغ [or groins, or inguinal creases, or the like], as expl. in the 'Eyn: (TA:) or you say رَبْلَآءُ رَفْغَآءُ, meaning [app., as seems to be implied in the context, large in the رَبَلَات and] narrow in the أَرْفَاغ. (Lth, T.) رَبْلَةٌ: see what next follows.
رَبَلَةٌ (Az, T, S, M, K) and ↓ رَبْلَةٌ, (S, M, K,) the former said by As to be the more chaste, (S,) The inner part of the thigh; (Az, T, S, M, K;) i. e., of each thigh, of a man: (Az, T:) or any large portion of flesh: (M, K:) or the parts (M, K) of the inner side of the thigh [or of each thigh] (M) that surround the udder (M, K) and the vulva: (K:) pl. رَبَلَاتٌ; (Az, T, S, M, K;) which Th explains as meaning the roots of the thighs. (M, TA.) رَبَالٌ Fleshiness and fatness. (IAar, T. [Thus in two copies of the T, without ة. See also رَبَالَةٌ.]) رَبِيلٌ Fleshy; applied to a man: (T:) or corpulent, large in body, or big-bodied; so applied: (TA:) and with ة fat; applied to a woman. (TT, as from the T; but wanting in a copy of the T. [See also رَبِلٌ.]) b2: [Also] A thief who goes on a hostile, or hostile and plundering, expedition, (M, K,) against a party, (M,) by himself. (M, K. [See also رِيبَالٌ; and see Q. 2 in art. رأبل.]) رَبَالَةٌ Fleshiness, (A'Obeyd, S, M, K,) and some add and fatness. (TA. [See also رَبَالٌ.]) b2: بئْرٌ ذَاتُ رَبَالَةٍ A well of which the water is wholesome and fattening to the drinkers. (Ham p. 367.) رَبِيلَةٌ Fatness; (S, M, K;) and ease, or ampleness of the circumstances, or plentifulness and pleasantness, or softness or delicateness, of life: (M, K: [in the CK, النِّعْمَةُ is erroneously put for النَّعْمَةٌ:]) or the primary signification is softness, or suppleness, and fatness. (Ham p. 367.) رَيْبَلٌ, applied to a woman, Soft, or tender: (O, TA:) or fleshy: (TA:) or soft, or tender, and fleshy. (K. [In the CK, النّاقةُ is erroneously put for النَّاعِمَةُ.]) رَابِلَةٌ The flesh of the shoulder-blade. (Ibn-'Abbád, TA.) رِيبَالٌ The lion; (A'Obeyd, T, S, M, K;). as also رِئْبَالٌ, (S,) which is the original form, (M in art. رأبل, q. v.,) derived from رَأْبَلَةٌ signifying
“ wickedness,” &c.: (TA in that art.:) Aboo-Sa'eed says that it is allowable to omit the ء [and substitute for it ى]: (S:) [and Az says,] thus I have heard it pronounced by the Arabs, without ء: (T:) or, accord. to Skr, it signifies a fleshy and young lion: (TA:) the pl. is رَيَابِلَةٌ (T, TA) and رَيَابِيلُ: (S, TA:) and hence رَيَابِيلُ العَرَبِ, meaning Those, of the Arabs, who used to go on hostile, or hostile and plundering, expeditions, upon their feet [and alone]. (TA. [See also رَبِيلٌ; and see Q. 2 in art. رأبل.]) It is also applied as an epithet to a wolf: and to a thief: (T, S:) accord. to Lth, because of their boldness: (T:) or as meaning Malignant, guileful, or crafty. (TA.) Applied to an old, or elderly, man, (M, K,) it means Advanced in age, (M,) or weak, or feeble. (K.) Also One who is the only offspring of his mother. (Ibn-'Abbád, TA.) b2: Applied to herbage, Tangled, or luxuriant, or abundant and dense, and tall. (Fr, T, K.) رِيبَالَةٌ A cunning, or crafty, lion. (TA.) رَبْلُ أَرْبَلُ means, (M, K,) app., (M,) Good, or excellent, رَبْل. (M, K. *) A2: رَبْلَآءُ [its fem.]: see رَبِلٌ.
أَرْضٌ مِرْبَالٌ A land that ceases not to have in it رَبْل: (T:) or a land abounding therewith. (M, K.) مُتَرَبِّلَةٌ, applied to a woman: see رَبِلٌ.