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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
330. بغت16 331. بغث17 332. بغش10 333. بغض15 334. بغل16 335. بغم10336. بغو5 337. بغى6 338. بق3 339. بقر19 340. بقس3 341. بقش3 342. بقع17 343. بقل16 344. بقم9 345. بقو4 346. بقى7 347. بكأ11 348. بكت13 349. بكر18 350. بكم16 351. بكى6 352. بل9 353. بلج14 354. بلح15 355. بلد18 356. بلز6 357. بلس17 358. بلسان2 359. بلط18 360. بلع15 361. بلعم12 362. بلغ18 363. بلغم10 364. بلق13 365. بلقع11 366. بلن6 367. بله18 368. بلو9 369. بلور4 370. بلى6 371. بم3 372. بن6 373. بنج10 374. بند12 375. بندر6 376. بندق12 377. بنصر5 378. بنفسج4 379. بنق12 380. بنم4 381. بنو4 382. بنى9 383. بهأ10 384. بهت20 385. بهج17 386. بهر20 387. بهرج14 388. بهظ11 389. بهق14 390. بهل18 391. بهم20 392. بهو9 393. بهى3 394. بو2 395. بوأ15 396. بوب16 397. بوح14 398. بوخ11 399. بود7 400. بور19 401. بوز9 402. بوس14 403. بوش11 404. بوع14 405. بوق16 406. بول14 407. بوم9 408. بون14 409. بوه7 410. بى1 411. بيب5 412. بيت15 413. بيد16 414. بيص8 415. بيض17 416. بيع20 417. بيلون1 418. بين19 419. بيه3 420. ت5 421. تأ1 422. تأر6 423. تأم11 424. تا5 425. تب4 426. تبت8 427. تبر19 428. تبع21 429. تبل17 Prev. 100




1 بَغَمَتْ, aor. ـِ (S, K) and بَغَمَ and بَغُمَ, (K,) inf. n. بُغَامٌ (JK, S, K) and بُغُومٌ; (JK, K;) and ↓ تبغّمت; (K;) She (a gazelle) uttered a cry: (S:) or uttered her softest, or gentlest, cry (JK, K) to her young one: (K:) and sometimes it is said of a [wild] cow: (TA:) so too بَغَمَ said of a male gazelle: and the verb is also used transitively, said of a female gazelle uttering this cry to her young one. (JK.) Also, (S, K,) ↓ both verbs, (K,) She (a camel) uttered a cry without clearness: (S:) or uttered a broken, or an interrupted, not a prolonged, yearning cry, to, or for, her young one: (K:) or uttered a weak cry, below that [grumbling cry] which is termed رُغَآء. (Ham p. 233.) [See an ex. in a verse of Dhu-rRummeh cited voce إِلَّا.] And بَغَمَ and ↓ تبغّم said of the ثَيْتَل and إِيَّل and وَعِل, [all of which words are said to signify the mountain goat,] He uttered a cry. (K.) b2: بَغَمَهُ, (S, K,) and بَغَمَ لَهُ, (TA,) (assumed tropical:) He spoke to him obscurely, not expressing clearly to him the meaning of his speech to him; (S, K;) taken from the بُغَام of the she-camel; because it is a cry not uttered clearly. (TA.) 3 بَاْغَمَ باغمهُ, (K,) inf. n. مُبَاغَمَةٌ, (S,) (tropical:) He talked with him with a soft, or gentle, voice: (S, K, TA:) or المُبَاغَمَةٌ is like المُنَاغَمَةُ, and means the speaking [with another] faintly; taken from the بُغَام [see 1] of the gazelle and the she-camel: (Ham p. 233:) or the holding amatory and enticing talk, or conversation, with another, with a soft, or gentle, voice. (TA.) 5 تَبَغَّمَ see 1, in three places.6 تَبَاْغَمَ [تَبَاغَمَتْ They (gazelles) uttered cries, or their softest or gentlest cries, one to another.] One says, مَرَرْتُ بِرَوْضَةٍ تَتَبَاغَمُ فِيهَا الظِّبَآءُ [I passed by a meadow in which the gazelles were uttering cries, &c., one to another]: and بِغِزْلَانٍ يَتَبَاغَمْنَ [by gazelles uttering cries, &c., one to another]. (TA.) بُغْمَةٌ A thing like the قِلَادَة, [a necklace,] with which women ornament themselves. (TA.) [But this is apparently post-classical, from the Turkish بُوغْمَقْ. In the present day, it is applied to A necklace of pearls.]

بُغَامٌ The crying, or cry, of the female gazelle, and of the she-camel, as explained above: see 1. (S.) بَغُومٌ A female gazelle uttering, or that utters, the cry termed بُغَام. (S, K.) b2: (assumed tropical:) A woman having a soft, or gentle, voice. (JK, TA.) مَبْغُومٌ A young gazelle, and a young camel, to which the cry termed بُغَام is addressed by its mother. (JK.) b2: One says, also, بُغَامٌ مَبْغُومٌ [A cry &c. uttered]; like as one says, قَوْلٌ مَقُولٌ. (TA.)
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