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(الرثية) الضعْف والفتور وَيُقَال فِي أمره رثية والحمق ووجع المــفاصل أَو الركب أَو الْأَطْرَاف وَهُوَ مَا يعرف (بالروماتزم) وكل مَا مَنعك من الانبعاث من وجع أَو كبر

(الرثية) الرثية


انظر: الــفاصل.
(الحاجز) الْــفَاصِل بَين الشَّيْئَيْنِ وَالَّذِي يمْنَع بعض النَّاس من بعض ويفصل بَينهم بِالْحَقِّ (ج) حجزة


وَيُقَال (ذن) بِحَذْف الْهمزَة حرف يَقع فِي صدر الْكَلَام مَعْنَاهُ الْجَواب وَالْجَزَاء لكَلَام سَابق يُقَال لَك سأكرمك فتجيب إِذن أحبك فكلامك جَوَاب لقَوْل الْقَائِل أكرمك وَجَزَاء لفعله
وَإِذا دخلت على الْمُضَارع نصبته بِشَرْط كَونهَا متصدرة وَغير مفصولة مِنْهُ بــفاصل وَكَون زمن الْفِعْل مُسْتَقْبلا


موسيقا [مفرد]: ج موسيقات:
1 - مُوسِيقى، فنُّ تأليف الألحان وتوزيعها وإيقاعها والغناء والتطريب بضروب المعازف (تذكّر وتؤنّث) "موسيقا راقصة/ هادئة/ عسكريّة/ غربيّة/ غربيّ".
2 - أصوات تمتلك إيقاعًا وتناغمًا.
• علم الموسيقا: (سق) علم يبحثُ فيه عن أصول النَّغم من حيث الائتلاف أو التنافر، وأحوال الأزمنة المتخلِّلة بينها؛ ليُعْلَمَ كيف يُؤلَّف اللَّحن. 

موسيقار [مفرد]: مَنْ حرفته الموسيقى، الذي برع في التَّأليف الموسيقيّ والإنتاج، أو في العزف ° موسيقار الأجيال: الفنَّان المصري الرّاحل محمد عبد الوهاب. 

موسيقى [مفرد]: ج موسيقات: (انظر: م و س ي ق ا - موسيقا). 

موسيقيّ [مفرد]:
1 - اسم منسوب إلى موسيقى: "آلة/ قطعة موسيقيّة- فاصل موسيقيّ".
2 - من يحترف الموسيقى، العامل بها "فنَّان موسيقيّ- فرقة موسيقيَّة".
• الجَوْقَةُ الموسيقيَّةُ: فريق من النَّاس يؤدّون عملاً فنِّيًّا غنائيًّا مشتركًا. 


تبلوه [مفرد]: ج تبلوهات:
1 - تابلوه، لوحة فنِّيَّة تُصنع من الخشب أو الورق أو القماش أو أيّة خامة أخرى "أهدى إلى صديقه تبلوهًا جميلاً".
2 - (فن) مشهد فاصل صامت خلال عرض مسرحيّ يتجمَّد فيه الممثلون على المسرح ثم يتابعون الحركة.
• تبلوه السَّيَّارة: تابلوه؛ صندوق معدنيّ- غالبًا- مجهَّز لاحتواء عدَّادَي البنزين والسُّرعة، ومؤشِّر الحرارة وجهاز الراديو، وخِزانة صغيرة. 


تصويرة ولوحة أي ما يسرمه الرسام باستخدام الألوان المائية أو الزيتية ونحوهما.
تابلوه [مفرد]: ج تابلوهات:
1 - تبلوه، لوحة فنِّيَّة تصنع من الخشب أو الورق أو القماش أو أيّة خامة أخرى "أقيم
 معرض للّوحات والتابلوهات الفنيّة لكبار الرَّسامين العالميِّين".
2 - (فن) مشهد فاصل صامت خلال عرض مسرحيّ يتجمَّد فيه الممثلون على المسرح ثم يتابعون الحركة.
• تابلوه السَّيَّارة: صندوق معدنيّ- غالبًا- مجهَّز لاحتواء عدَّادَي البنزين والسُّرعة، ومؤشِّر الحرارة وجهاز الراديو، وخِزانة صغيرة. 


الجذر: ح د د

مثال: حُدُود دَوْليَّة
الرأي: مرفوضة
السبب: لجمع المصدر، والأصل فيه ألا يُثَنَّى ولا يُجمع.
المعنى: خطوط فاصلــة بين دولتين

الصواب والرتبة: -حُدود دَوْلِيَّة [فصيحة]
التعليق: منع بعض اللغويين تثنية المصدر وجمعه مطلقًا، وأجاز ذلك بعضهم إذا أريد بالمصدر العدد أو كان آخره تاء المرَّة، مثل: «رَمْيَة: رَمْيَتان ورميات»، و «تسبيحة: تسبيحتان وتسبيحات»، وكذلك إذا تعددت الأنواع، مثل: «تصريح: تصريحان وتصريحات»، وذلك اعتمادًا على ما جاء في الاستعمال القرآني في قوله تعالى: {وَتَظُنُّونَ بِاللَّهِ الظُّنُونَا} الأحزاب/10، حيث جاءت «الظنون» وهي جمع «الظن» وهو مصدر. وقد أجاز مجمع اللغة المصري إلحاق تاء الوحدة بالمصادر الثلاثية والمزيدة، ثم جمعها جمع مؤنث سالمًا، كما أجاز تثنية المصدر وجمعه جمع تكسير أو جمع مؤنث سالِمًا عندما تختلف أنواعه؛ ومن ثَمَّ يمكن تصويب الاستعمال المرفوض، وقد أورده الأساسيّ.


الْقصب وَنَحْوه مصا شربه شربا رَفِيقًا وَيُقَال مص من الدُّنْيَا نَالَ الْقَلِيل مِنْهَا
مص: امتص: جف، يبس، قسا (للشجرة) (فوك). ورق المص: ورق نشاف (بوشر).
قصب المص: أنظر الكلمة الأولى.
ذو مصة: في محيط المحيط (أحد السبعة الذين يقتدى بهم عند السبعين سمي به لأنه يمص أي يأخذ العلم من الحجة).
مصاصة قصب والجمع مصاص: ثفل المصاص (ثفل قصب السكر الذي يرسل إلى المطحنة) (بوشر).
مصاص: في محيط المحيط (الحجام والكثير المص) (فوك). مصاص جروح: هو الذي يمص الجروح لكي يشفيها (بوشر).
مصاصة: بومة (بوشر). مصاصة: هامة، خفاش يمتص الدماء (بوشر).
مصاصة: خفاش كبير (بوشر).
مصاصة: لسان الحمل، أذان الجدي، ذنب الفار (المعجم اللاتيني العربي وفي معجم المنصوري لسان الحمل، ياجني مخطوط، براكس جريدة الشرق والجزائر 8: 347، شيرب الذي كتبها منه مساسة). مصاصة البر: هو ما يدعى باللاتينية Plantago minima ( باجني مخطوط).
مصيص: في محيط المحيط (المصيص حبال وخيوط تصنع من مشاقة الكتان).
ممص: أداة تساعد على المص (بوشر).
ممصوص: مخيف جدا؛ طويل ممصوص، ضامر، مشيق (بوشر).
مَصِصْتُ الشيْءَ وامْتَصَصْتُه. ومُصَاصُه: ما امْتَصَصْتَ منه. ويقولون: وَيْلي على ماصّانِ بنِ ماصانَ؛ وماصانَةِ بنِ ماصّانَةَ. ومَصّانُ ومَصّانَةُ: من تُمِصُّه إمْصَاصاً. والمَصُوْص من النَسَاءِ: التي تَحْرَصُ على الرجُلِ عِنْدَ الجِماع. وهي من الأحْرَاحِ: التي تَنْشَفُ ما على الذَّكَرِ من البِلةِ، وُيجْمَع مَصَائصَ.
ومُصَاصُ القَوْمِ: أصْلُ مَنْبَتِهم وسِطَتِهم. ومُصةُ المالِ: مُصَاصُه. والمُصَاصُ: نباتٌ رَطْبٌ فإذا يَبِسَ قِشْرُه اتًّخِذَ منه الحِبَالُ.
والماصةُ: داءٌ يَأْخُذُ الصَبِيَّ من شَعَراتٍ تَنْبُتُ على سَنَاسِنِ الفَقَارِ فلا يَنْجَعُ فيه طَعام ولا شَرَابٌ.
والمَصُوْصَةُ من النَسَاءِ: المَهْزُوْلَةُ؛ وهي مِثْلُ المَهْلُوْسَةِ، وقيل: مَمْصُوْصَةٌ. والمَمْصُوْصَةُ من الأوْظِفَةِ: الدَّقِيْقُ منها.
والمَصْمَصَةُ: غَسْلُ الفَمِ بطَرَفِ اللِّسَانِ؛ دُوْنَ المَضْمَضَةِ. وفَرَس مُصَامِصٌ: شَدِيْدُ تَرْكِيْبِ المَــفَاصلِ. والمُصَامِصُ من الخَيْلِ: الخالِصُ الكُمْتَةِ. ووَرْد مُصَامِصٌ. وُيقال للأسَدِ الشدِيدِ: المُصَامِصُ، وكذلك الرجُلُ.
والمَصيْصَةُ: من ثَغْرِ الرُوم. والمَصِيْصَةُ: القَصْعَةُ. ومَصِيْصُ الثَّرى: النَدى من التُّرابِ والرَّمْلِ. ورَأَيْتُ شَيْئاً يَتَمَصصُ: أي يَتَحَركُ.


1 مَصَّهُ, (A, Msb,) first Pers\. مَصِصْتُ, (S, M, Msb, K,) aor. ـَ (S, Msb, K;) and first Pers\. مَصَصْتُ, aor. ـُ (Msb, K;) but the former is the more chaste; (T, Msb, TA,) inf. n. مَصٌّ; (S, M, Msb;) [He sucked it; or sucked it in; or sipped it, i. e.] he drank it (namely water, A, or a thing, S, M,) with a minute draught, (شُرْبًا رَقِيقًا: so in a copy of the A, and in the CK,) or with a gentle draught: (شُرْبًا رَفِيقًا: so in some copies of the K, and in the TA:) or he took it (namely a small quantity of a fluid) by drawing in the breath: and whether شَرِبَ may be used to denote this, as it is in the K, requires consideration: (MF:) or i. q. رَشَفَهُ: (S, K, art. رشف:) or i. q. تَرَشَّفَهُ: (M:) رَشْفٌ signifies the “ taking ” water “ with the lips; ” and is more than مَصٌّ: (Msb, art. رشف:) and ↓ امتصّهُ signifies the same; (S, M, A, Msb, K;) and so ↓ تمصّصهُ: (M, A:) or the last signifies he did so leisurely. (S, K.) You say, الرُّمَّانَ ↓ امتصّ, i. e. مَصَّهُ [He sucked the pomegranate]; and so of other things. (TA.) And مَصَّ الجَارِيَةَ He sucked the damsel's saliva from her mouth. (IAar, in L, art. مصد.) And مَصَّ Mإٌا اLضّUٌأىاا (tropical:) He obtained a little of worldly goods. (TA.) 4 امصّهُ [He made him to suck: or he gave him to suck]. (S, A, K.) You say أَمْصَصْتُهُ المَآءَ (A) or الشَّىْءَ (S) [I made him to suck, or I gave him to suck, the water, or the thing]. b2: (tropical:) He said to him يَا مَصَّانُ, q. v. (S, * A, TA.) You say, هُوَ يُمِصُّهُ وَيُبَظِّرُهُ. (K, art. بظر, which see in the present work.) 5 تَمَصَّّ see 1, in which two explanations of it are given.8 إِمْتَصَ3َ see 1. in two places. R. Q. 1 مَصْمَصَ, (S, A,) or مَصْمَصَ فَاهُ, (M, TA,) inf. n. مَصْمَصَةٌ, (S, M, K,) [He rinsed his mouth with water; he agitated water in his mouth; syn. مَضْمَضَ: (M:) or he did so with the extremity of his tongue, (S, M, K,) or with the fore parts of his mouth; (A;) whereas the latter signifies he did so with his mouth altogether; (S, M, A;) the difference between مَصْمَصَةٌ and مَضْمَضَةٌ being similar to that between قَبْصَةٌ and قَبْضَةٌ: (S, M:) the former is mentioned in a trad. as being done after drinking milk; but not after eating dates. (S.) You say also, مَصْمَصَ الإِنَآءَ He washed the vessel; (ISk, S, M;) as also مَضْمَضَهُ: (ISk, Yaakoob, M:) or he washed out, or rinsed, the vessel; he put water into the vessel, and shook it, to wash it; (As, TA;) he poured water into the vessel, and then shook it, without washing it with his hand, and then poured it out. (Aboo-Sa'eed, TA.) And مَصْمَصَ الثَّوْبَ He washed [or rinsed] the garment, or piece of cloth. (M, TA.) مُصَّةٌ: see what next follows.

مُصَاصٌ What is sucked from, or of, a thing; (M, TA;) as also ↓ مُصَاصَةٌ. (M, A, TA.) Yousay, طَابَتْ مُصَاصَتُهُ فِى فَمِى What was sucked from it, or of it, was good, or sweet, or pleasant, in my mouth. (A.) b2: [And hence,] The pure, or choice, part of anything; (S, K;) as also ↓ مُصَامِصٌ: (K:) and (S) the purest, or choicest, (S, M,) of a thing; as also ↓ مُصَاصَةٌ and ↓ مُصَامِصٌ. (M.) And المَالِ ↓ مُصَّةُ signifies the same as مُصَاصُهُ, (K, TA,) i. e. The pure, or choice part of property, or of the property. (TA.) You say, فُلَانٌ مُصَاصُ قَوْمِهِ, (S, M,) and ↓ مُصَاصَتُهُ, (M,) Such a one is the purest in race, or lineage, of his people: and in like manner you say of two, and of more, and of a female. (S, M.) And هُوَ مِنْ مُصَاصِ قَوْمِهِ [He is of the purest, or choicest, of his people]. (A.) b3: Also, Pure, or choice, applied to حَسَب [or grounds of pretension to respect, &c.]; as also ↓ مُصَامِصٌ. (A.) You say also, إِنَّهُ لَمُصَامِصٌ فِى قَوْمِهِ Verily he is distinguished, or characterized, by pure grounds of respect among his people. (K, * TA.) b4: Also, The origin, source, or place of origination, of a thing. (M, TA.) You say, هُوَ كَرِيمُ المُصَاصِ He is generous, or noble, in respect of origin. (TA.) Accord. to Lth, مُصَاصُ القَوْمِ signifies The original source of the people: and the most excellent of their middle class. (TA.) مَصُوصٌ A certain kind of food, (S, K,) of flesh-meat, cooked, and steeped in vinegar; (K;) or, as some say, steeped in vinegar, and then cooked: (TA:) or of the flesh of birds particularly: (K:) pronounced by the vulgar with damm to the م: (S:) but what is said in the Nh implies that it is with damm; for it is there said, “and it may be with fet-h to the م. ” (TA.) مُصَاصَةٌ: see مُصَاصٌ, in four places.

مَصُوصَةٌ: see مَمْصُوصَةٌ.

مَصَّاصٌ: see what next follows.

مَصَّانٌ A cupper; because he sucks; (M, TA;) and so ↓ مَصَّاصٌ: (K, voce حَجَّامٌ, which is its syn.:) fem. of the former with ة. (M.) b2: A man who sucks his ewes or she-goats; by reason of his meanness, or ungenerousness: (A'Obeyd, S, K:) i. e. who sucks from their udders with his mouth; lest the sound of the milking should be heard; as also, ↓ مَاصُّ; (TA;) and so مَلْحَانُ and مَكَّانُ. (A'Obeyd, TA.) [But in the TA it is written مَصَّانُ, without tenween; and so in two copies of the S.]) b3: يَا مَصَّانُ, [said to a man,] and يَا مَصَّانَةُ, to a female, denote vituperation, meaning (tropical:) O sucker (مَاصّ S, K) of such a thing, (S, TA,) i. e. (TA) of the بَظْر [q. v.], (K, TA,) of thy mother: (S, K, TA:) or the meaning is O sucker (رَاضِع) of the ewes or she-goats: (K:) ISk says, (TA,) you should not say ↓ يَا مَاصَّانُ: (S, TA:) but Ibn-'Abbád says, (TA,) one says وَيْلِى عَلَى مَاصَّانِ بْنِ مَاصَّانٍ, and ↓ مَاصَّانَةَ بْنِ مَاصَّانَةَ, (K, TA,) meaning [Alas for me, on account of] the mean, or ungenerous, the son of the mean, or ungenerous! (TA.) مُصَّانٌ, with damm, The sugar-cane; [because it is sucked.] (IKh, IB.) مُصَامصٌ: see مُصَاصٌ, in four places.

مَاصٌّ, act. part. n. of 1: see مَصَّانٌ, in two places.

مَاصَّانُ and مَاصَّانَةُ: see مَصَّانٌ.

وَظِيفٌ مَمْصُوصٌ (tropical:) A slender pastern; (K, TA;) as though it were sucked. (TA.) And مَمْصُوصَةٌ (M, A) and مَصُوصَةٌ (Az, ISk, K) (tropical:) A woman emaciated (Az, ISk, M, A, K) by reason of a disease infecting her; (Az, ISk, M;) as though she were sucked. (M, TA.)


الْجرْح فصيصا سَالَ بعض مَا فِيهِ والعرق رشح والجندب فصا وفصيصا صَوت وَالشَّيْء فَصله وانتزعه من غَيره
الفَص: فَصُّ الأمْرِ يَعْني أصْلَه، وجَمْعُه فُصُوْصٌ. وفَص الخاتَمِ وفِضُه، والعَيْنِ: حَدَقَتُها. والفَص: سِن من الثُوم. وفَص الشيْءُ يَفِضُ فُصُوْصاً. وافْتَصَصْتُه: أي انْتَزَعْته. وما أفْصَصْتُه مِنّي شَيْئاً. وانْفَص الشيْءُ من الشيْءِ: انْفَصَلَ منه. ومنه قيل للمَــفاصِلِ: فُصُوْصٌ. وما اسْتَفَصَّ منه شيْئاً: أي ما اسْتَخْرَجَ وما أدْرَكَ.
والفِصْفِصَةُ: القَتُ الرَّطْبُ.
وفَصْفَصَ العُصْفُوْرُ وفَصِّ: صاحَ. والفَصِيْصُ: نَحْوُ صَوْتِ الجَنَادِبِ. والشوَاءُ يَفِصُّ فَصِيْصاً: وهو صَوْتُه على النّارِ.
وفَص الجُرْحُ فَصِيْصاً: سالَ منه شَيْءٌ.
وكُلُّ رَطْبٍ يَفِصُّ.
وفَصِيْص: اسْمُ عَيْني.
والتَفْصِيْصُ: حَمْلَقَة الإنسانِ بعَيْنِه، يُقال: فَصَّصَ الرَّجُلُ. والفَصِيْصُ من النَوى: النقِيُّ الذي كأنَّه مَدْهُوْنٌ.
ورَجُلٌ فُصَافِصٌ: أي جَلْدٌ شَدِيدٌ. والفَصْفَصَةُ في الكَلام: عَجَلَةٌ وسُرْعَةٌ. وتَفَصْفَصَ الرجُلُ من حَوَالَيْه: أي تَنَادَّ عنه.
فص: فصص: زخرف بالجواهر والأحجار الكريمة (فليشر معجم 105، رتجرز ص147، 149، 169، 173).
فصص: رصع الجدران ودفتي الأبواب بالأحجار الكريمة. (ياقوت 1: 213، 214) وقد ذكر البكري (ص66) فصص الجدار ولذلك فلا تترجمها إلى الفرنسية بما معناه: زخرف الألواح المأطورة (ذوات الإطار أي البراوز) كما فعل السيد دي سلان.
فصص: رصع بمربعات من الرخام (المرمر). أو بغيره من المواد- وكسى بالفسيفساء. (مملوك) 2، 1: 270).
فصص بالزاز: طلى بالميناء، نفش بالميناء (بوشر).
فصص: قطع الأحجار قطعا صغيرة. ففي ابن العوام (1: 635): الحصى المفصص الذي تغطى به جذور الأشجار.
فصص: انتزع بروز القرنيات من السنفة أي القشرة. نزع قشرة الفول الأول. (بوشر).
فصص: ضرط، خضف. (فوك).
فص (مثلثة الفاء) وهي كتابة الكلمة اليونانية فوصص (فليشر معجم ص105، 106 وقد صححت في طبعة ألف ليلة 12، المقدمة ص94): عينة (نموذج) من الحجارة الكريمة، حجر كريم. (مملوك 2، 1: 270، فليشر1: 1) وفي المعجم اللاتيني- العربي iacynthus فص سماوي البزادي.
فص: منطقة أحجار صغار وكبار (أماري ص29). فص: قطعة من الرخام أو من الحجر تدخل في تركيب الفسيفساء (مملوك 1، 1).
فص= زهر النرد (زار). فليشر 1: 1).
فص: نقطة في قرنية العين. أو على إنسان العين (البؤبؤ) أو على حدقة العين. (سنج).
فص: صفار البيضة مح البيضة، ويقال: فص البيض أو فص البيضة كما يقال: فص فقط، (فوك ألكالا دومب ص61، بوشر (بربرية) همبرت ص77) وفي ابن العوام (1: 645): أو ببصوص البيض. والصواب بفصوص. ففي البيطار (1: 245) في كلامه عن الجري (السلور): ليس له فصول ولا ريش وفي محيط المحيط (مادة جر): الجري سمك طويل أملس لا تأكله إليهود وليس عليه فصوص.
فص: سنفة، قرن، غلاف الحب (بوشر).
فص: متن الكتاب. (محيط المحيط).
فص: قرقعة، فرقعة، (الكالا).
فص: ضرطة (محيط المحيط).
قص: قارن مع آخر المادة في معجم لين ما جاء في الكامل: أحسن فيه وأصاب الفص. (ص239).
فصة: رطبة، نفل، فصفصة. (بوشر، محيط المحيط). وعند بليسييه (ص347): نوع من نبات الحلبة من القرنيات وهو الكلأ الوحيد الذي رأيت العرب يزرعونه. كلمة فصعة عند بوسييه تحريف فصة.
فصة الماء: نفل الماء. حندقوقة (بوشر).
فصاصة: ذكر الكالا في مادة traqueadera، وهي كلمة لم تذكر في معاجمي، كلمة facaca والجمع facacin، وبمقارنة الكلمة التي ذكرها مقابل كلمة فص (انظر فص) أرى أن الحرف C لابد أن يكون أيضا c.
فصاص: الذي يصنع الخواتم ويركبها (محيط المحيط).
مفصص: فسيفساء، موزاييك. (معجم الإدريسي).
مفصص: ما لونه لون الراتينج، راتنجي (الكالا).


1 فَصَّهُ, [aor., accord. to rule, فَصُّ, and inf. n., accord. to Golius, فَصٌّ,] (tropical:) He separated it from (مِنْ) another thing; (S, A, K;) as also ↓ افتصّهُ: (S, K:) and he pulled it out, or up, or off; or removed it; or displaced it; from another thing; (S, K;) as also ↓ the latter. (S.) A2: فَصَّ, inf. n. فَصَصٌ: see 7.

A3: فَصَّ الجُرْحُ, aor. ـِ inf. n. فَصِيصٌ, (S, M, O, K,) like فَزَّ; (S, O;) The wound became moist, and flowed: (S, O, K:) or flowed: or flowed with somewhat, not much. (M.) And فَصَّ العَرَقُ The sweat exuded; (M, TA;) and so فِزَّ. (TA.) b2: فَصَّ said of the [locust, or cricket, called]

جُنْدَب, (Sh, O, K,) inf. n. فَصِيصٌ (M, O) and فَصٌّ, (M,) It uttered a sound. (Sh, M, O, K.) And, said of a child, (AA, O, K,) inf. n. فَصِيصٌ, (AA, O,) He uttered a weak weeping, (AA, O, K, TA,) like whistling. (TA.) b3: And فَصِيصٌ signifies also The being in a state of commotion; and twisting, or winding. (M.) A4: And one says, مَا فَصَّ فِى يَدِ ى شَىْءٌ, (IAar, M, O, K,) aor. ـِ inf. n. فَصٌّ, (M,) Nothing remained, or became permanent, (IAar, O, K,) or accrued, (M,) [in my hand,] مِنْهُ, [thereof, or therefrom]. (M.) 2 فصّص الخَاتَمَ [He set a فَصّ (q. v.) in the ring, or signet]. (A.) A2: فصّص بِعَيْنِهِ, (A,) inf. n. تَفْصِيصٌ, (O, K,) (tropical:) He looked intently, or hardly: (A:) or he opened his eyes and looked intently, or hardly. (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K.) 4 أَفْصَ3َافصّ إِلَيْهِ مِنْ حَقِّهِ شَيْأً (assumed tropical:) He produced, or gave forth, (Fr, S, K,) or gave, (M,) to him somewhat of his right, or due. (Fr, S, M, K.) 7 انفصّ (tropical:) It became separated from (مِنْ) another thing: (S, M, K, TA:) it became parted asunder, severed, disjoined, or disunited: (TA:) and i. q. اِنْفَرَجَ [app. as meaning it opened, so as to form an interval, an interstice, or a gap]; (L;) [and so, app., ↓ فَصَّ, aor. ـَ inf. n. فَصَصٌ; for]

فَصَصٌ is syn, with اِنْفِرَاجٌ. (TA.) And [hence,] (assumed tropical:) He got out of or from (من) a thing, and severed himself therefrom. (Mtr, in De Sacy's Chrest. Arabe, 2nd ed., tome iii., p. 232.) And انْفَصَصْتُ عَنِ الكَلَامِ means اِنْفَرَجْتُ [i. e., app., I broke off from, or intermitted, speaking]. (L.) 8 إِفْتَصَ3َ see 1, in two places.10 مَا استفصّ مِنْهُ شَيْأً (assumed tropical:) He did not extract, get out, or elicit, from him, or it, anything. (S, K.) R. Q. 1 فَصْفَصَ He told a narrative, or story, truly; (IAar, K, TA;) as though from its فَصّ, [q. v.,] and كُنْه. (TA.) b2: And [the inf. n.] signifies The being hasty in speech, (Ibn-'Abbád, 'O, K,) and quick therein. (Ibn-'Abbád, O.) A2: Also He fed a beast, or horse or the like, with فِصْفِصَة [q. v.]. (M.) R. Q. 2 تَفَصْفَصُوا عَنْهُ, (K, TA,) مِنْ حَوَالَيْهِ, (O, TA,) They dispersed themselves, and took themselves away, from him, (K, TA,) from around him; and took fright, and ran away at random. (O, TA.) فَصٌّ, of a ring, or signet, (S, M, A, Msb, K,) signifies [The stone, or gem, or] what is set therein, (Lth, M, L, Msb,) of a different substance therefrom; (Msb;) and is also written ↓ فِصٌّ, (M, A, K,) thus pronounced by the vulgar, (Lth, S,) but J's saying this does not necessarily mean that it is incorrect, which, as in opposition to what is said by J, it is asserted not to be in the K [and A], (TA,) or the latter form is bad, accord. to ISk and El-Fárábee; (Msb;) and ↓ فُصٌّ; (A, K;) all of which three forms are mentioned by Ibn-Málik and others; but they assert that the first is the most correct and the most commonly known: (TA:) pl. [of pauc.] أَفُصٌّ (Lth, M) and [of mult.] فُصُوصٌ (S, M, A, Msb, K) and فِصَاصٌ. (Lth, M.) b2: [Also, Any gem, or similar stone, rare or common, and natural or factitious: and any hard stone cut for inlaying or for construction. b3: A die, such as is used in the game of tables, or backgammon: and an ossicle that is used in like manner: see كَعْبٌ.] b4: (tropical:) A clove (سِنٌّ) of garlic; (Lth, A, O, K;) [and] so ↓ فَصَّةٌ. (S and L in art. سن.) b5: (assumed tropical:) The yolk of an egg. (M, voce مُحٌّ.) b6: (assumed tropical:) The bubbles of water. (M.) b7: (assumed tropical:) What leaps, or leap, up, [i. e., the particles that leap up, in effervescence,] of wine. (M.) b8: (tropical:) The black (حَدَقَة) of the eye: (M, K:) [or the pupil: for] you say, عَرَفْتُ البَغْضَآءَ فِى فَصِّ حَدَقَتِهِ (tropical:) [I knew vehement hatred in the pupil of the black of his eye]: and رَمَوْهُ بِفُصُوصِ أَعْيُنِهِمْ (tropical:) [they cast piercing glances at him with their eyeballs]. (A, TA.) b9: (tropical:) A joint, or place of separation between two parts of an animal: (M, A:) or any joint, (Az, M,) or any place of meeting of two bones, (ISk, S, Msb, K,) except (of) the fingers, (Az, M,) for the joints thereof are not so called: (M:) pl., in this and all the other senses which we have mentioned, [of pauc.] أَفُصٌّ (M) and [of mult.]

فُصُوصٌ: (S, M, A, Msb:) or, as some say, contradicting Az, the فصوص are the بَرَاجِم and the سُلَامَيَات: [see these two words:] (Sh, TA:) and ISh says, in the “ Book of Horses,” that the فصوص of the horse are the joints of the knee and pasterns, in which latter are the سُلَامَيَات, these being the bones of the pasterns. (TA.) One says of a horse, إِنَّ فُصُوصَهُ لَظِمَآءٌ (tropical:) Verily his joints are hard; not flabby nor fleshy. (S, A.) [and hence, app., from the place in which it is mentioned by Z in this art., the saying,] فُلَانٌ حَزَّازُ الفُصُوصِ [in a copy of the A, حَزَّارُ; and in the TA, ضرار; but I have no doubt that the right reading is that which I have given; lit., Such a one is the great cutter of joints;] meaning, (tropical:) Such a one is often right in his judgment, or opinion, and in his answer. (A, TA.) b10: Hence, [immediately,] accord. to Abu-l-'Abbás; or [originally] from فَصٌّ in the first of the senses expl. above, accord. to IDrd; (Mtr, cited in De Sacy's Chrest. Arabe, see. ed. iii. 232;) فَصُّ أَمْرٍ (tropical:) The point upon which a thing, or an affair, turns, or hinges; or the point in which it is distinguished, or discriminated, from other things; syn. مَفْصِلُهُ; (Abu-l- 'Abbás ubi suprà, S, Msb, K;) or مَحَزُّهٌ: (Mtr ubi suprá:) [or its utmost point, or particular; syn. مُنْتَهَاهُ: (Msb in art. فصل, in explanation of مَفْصِلُ أمْرٍ:)] or its origin, or source; syn. أَصْلُه; (M; and Mtr ubi suprà, and L;) and مَخْرَجُهُ الَّذى قَدْ خَرَجَ مِنْهُ: (L, TA:) and its essence, or very essence; its substance; its most essential, or elementary, part; its pith; the ultimate element to which it can be reduced or resolved; syn. حَقِيقَتُهُ, (M, L, TA,) and كُنْهُهُ, i. e. جَوْهَرُهُ, and نِهَايَتُهُ: (L, TA:) or its real, as opposed to its apparent, state; syn. مَخْبَرُهُ. (A, TA.) Hence the saying, (S, Msb, TA,) of a poet, (S, TA,) or of Ez-Zubeyr Ibn-El-'Owwám, (TA,) or of 'AbdAllah Ibn-Jaafar Ibn-Abee-Tálib, (Mtr ubi suprà, and TA,) وَيَأْتِيكَ بِالأَمْرِ مِنْ فَصِّهِ (tropical:) [And he will tell thee the thing, or affair, tracing it from the point on which it turns, or hinges; &c.: but it appears to be originally without وَ; forming an incomplete hemistich: see Freytag's Arab. Prov. ii. 918]: (S, M, * A, * Mtr, TA:) or he will tell thee the thing, or affair, distinctly. (Msb, TA. *) You say also, قَرَأْتُ فِى فَصِّ الكِتَابِ كَذَا (tropical:) [I read, in the most essential part of the book or writing, such a thing]. (A, TA.) And hence, فُصُوصُ الأَخْبَارِ (tropical:) [The most essential parts or particulars of narrations]. (A.) فُصٌّ: see فَصٌّ, first signification.

فِصٌّ: see فَصٌّ, first signification.

فَصَّةٌ: see فَصٌّ, former half.

فَصِيصٌ [as an inf. n.: see 1.

A2: Also] Datestones (نَوًى) clean, as though oiled. (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K.) فَصَّاصٌ [A cutter, or an engraver, or a seller, of فُصُوص, or stones, or gems, for rings or signets]. (TA.) فَصْفِصٌ: see what next follows.

فصْفِصَةٌ (S, M, Msb, K) and ↓ فِصْفِصٌ (M) A certain plant; (K;) i. q. رَطْبَةٌ [a species of trefoil, or clover], (S, M, Msb,) a food for beasts, or horses and the like, (TA,) before it dries up; after which it is called قَتّ: (Msb:) or i. q. قَتٌّ: or قَتّ in its fresh state: (M:) also written with س: (TA:) originally, (S, M,) in Pers\., (S, M, K,) إِسْفِسْتْ, (so in copies of the S,) or إِسْبِسْتْ, (so in a copy of the S and one of the M) or إِسْبِسْتْ, (K, and so, accord. to the TA, in the hand writing of Az,) or إِسْپِسْتْ: (CK:) pl. فَصَافِصُ. (S, M, Msb.) فُصَافِصٌ Hardy; strong; (O, K, TA;) applied to a man. (TA.) الفُصَافصَةُ The lion. (O, K.) خَاتَمٌ مُفَصَّصٌ [A ring, or signet, having a فَصّ set in it]. (A.)


فِي مَنْطِقه عيا وعياء عجز عَنهُ فَلم يسْتَطع بَيَان مُرَاده مِنْهُ وَيُقَال عي بأَمْره وعي عَن حجَّته وَالْأَمر وبالأمر جَهله فَهُوَ عي (ج) أعياء وَهُوَ عي (ج) أعيياه وَهُوَ عيان وَهِي عيا (ج) عيايا
عي: عيي، ومضارعه يعيا (فوك) ومضارعه.
يعيى: تعب، نصب، أعيا، (فوك، بوشر).
وفي ألف ليلة (1: 69): عيى صبره ليعرف حال هذين الكلبين.
عيي من: أسف على. (البكري ص186).
عَيي: أضجر، أسأم، أبرم، ضايق، أزعج. ففي المقدمة (3: 419): يقول قد عياني ذا البكا والنواح.
عَيَّي (بالتشديد) عيَّي الرجل مثل عاياه في معجم لين (زيشر 12: 80 رقم 19).
عَيَّي فلاناً: أتعبه (فوك) وأتعبه وأرهقه (بوشر).
أعيا: كما يقال اعيا به بعيره لين.
يقال أيضاً: اعيا به حيلته ومكيدته. (كليلة ودمنه ص170) أي أخلت به حيلته ومكيدته.
أعيا فلاناً: لا أدري ماذا هو المعنى الدفيف لهذه الكلمة التي وردت في بيت الشعر للمعتمد خاطب به زوجته الغائبة وهو:
مرادي أعيك في كل حين ... فيا ليت أني أعطى مرادي
(عباد 2: 68).
أعيا: جاوز الحدود، زاد وبلغ أقصى مداه، بالغ ففي معجم فوك: اعيا في المدح والشتم وذكر من مرادفاته افرط وهذا الشاهد من الأهمية بمكان على تصحيح جمل فيها هذا الفعل بالغين وهو خطأ، ففي المقري (1: 82): والثاني أن قوله 60 يوماً للفارس المجد إعياء وإفراط وقد قال جماعة إنها شهر ونصف. وفيه (1: 135): وذلك لشطارة عامتها وكثرة شرهم وإعيائهم في أمور التلصص. وفيه (1: 337): كتب الله لكم إعياء ما سالت الأَلْسُن السائلة. وعند ملر (نصوص من ابن الخطيب 1863، 2: 7): من اعيي في التوحش.
ففي العبارتين الأوليين في المقري وردت الكلمة إعياء بالعين في طبعة بولاق، غير أنها جاءت في العبارة الثالثة وردت أغياء وهو خطأ. أما ما ذكره ملر فالترجمة صحيحة ولو أن الكلمة كتبت بالغين المعجمة. وهو غير صحيح.
عياء: ضجر، سأم، ملل. (بوشر)، وتعب، نصب (همبرت ص42 جزائرية).
عياء: جاهل. (فوك).
عيّي: جاهل (فوك). وفي كتاب محمد بن الحارث (ص317): إلا إنه كان جاهلا عيباً.
عيان: واهن الصحة، مسقام، هزيل البنية، ضعيف. (بوشر).
عَيّان: مسوّس، مدود، فيه دود. ويستعمل مجازاً بمعنى سيئ، رديء شرير. (بوشر).
إعياء: عند الأطباء كلال مفرط يعرض في المــفاصل والعضلات. (محيط المحيط).
المرض الاعيائي: المرض الذي يسبب إرهاقاً شديداً وكلالاً. (ابن البيطار 1: 51).
معايات (جمع): المسائل التي تتعب العقل وتبدو أنها مستحيلة، مسائل رياضية. (المقدمة 1: 218) مع تعليقة السيد دي سلان، وانظر المقدمة (1: 217، 218).
معايات: شغل عقلي متعب، الغاز، أحجيات. (المقدمة 3: 146) واكتب فيها ت بدل ة.
(الخطيب ص38 ق).



1 شَقَّهُ, (S, M, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ (M, Msb,) inf. n. شَقٌّ, (S, M, Msb,) He cut it [or divided it] lengthwise; (TA in art. قد;) [i. e.] he clave it, split it, rived or rifted it, or slit it; so as to separate it; [i. e. he clave, split, rived or rifted, slit, rent, ripped, tore, broke, or burst, it asunder;] or without separating it; [i. e. he cracked, chapped, incided or incised, gashed, slashed, furrowed, or trenched, it; or clave, split, &c., or cut, it open;] syn. صَدَعَهُ; (K;) or [more explicitly]

الشَّقُّ signifies الصَّدْعُ البَائِنُ [the cleaving &c. that separates]; or غَيْرُ البَائِنِ [that which does not separate]; or الصَّدْعُ [the cleaving, &c.,] in a general sense: (M:) and in like manner, [but with an intensive signification, or implying frequency or repetition of the action, or its application to several objects, generally meaning he clave it, &c., much, or in pieces, or in several places,] ↓ شقّقهُ: (M, K:) you say, شقّق الحَطَبَ (S, K) وَغَيْرَهُ (S) i. e. شَقَّهُ [but properly meaning He clave in pieces the firewood &c.]. (K. [In the CK, شَقَّ الحَطَبَ is erroneously put for شقّق الحطب.]) b2: [شَقَّ رَأْسَهُ generally means He clave his head, or his pericranium: and sometimes, as in an instance in the K voce شَقَأَ, he divided the hair of his head.] b3: شَقَّ العَصَا [lit. He split the staff] means (tropical:) he separated himself from the community; (S, K, TA;) and particularly, that of the Muslims: because the staff is not thus called but when it is whole, not when it is split: accord. to Lth, يَشُقُّ عَصَا المُسْلِمِينَ and ↓ يُشَاقُّهُمْ signify alike: but they differ in meaning, as will be shown hereafter. (TA.) شَقَّ عَصَا المُسْلِمِينَ, K, TA,) said of a خَارِجِىّ [i. e. heretic or schismatic], also means (assumed tropical:) He effected disunion and dissension in the body of the Muslims. (TA.) And one says also, شَقَّ عَصَا الطَّاعَةِ (assumed tropical:) [He broke the compact of allegiance, or obedience; became a rebel]. (M.) b4: لَا وَالَّذِى شَقَّ الرِّجَالَ لِلْخَيْلِ وَالجِبَالَ لِلسَّيْلِ [app. meaning (assumed tropical:) No, by Him who clave men for the riding upon horses, and the mountains for the flowing of the torrent,] is a saying mentioned by IAar, but not expl. by him. (M. [It is there added, وَعِنْدِى أَنَّهُ جَعَلَ الرِّجَالَ وَالجِبَالَ جُمْلَةً

وَاحِدَةً ثُمَّ خَرَقَهُمَا فَجَعَلَ الرِّجَالَ لِهٰذِهِ وَالجِبَالَ لِهٰذَا: an expression of opinion which is, to me, by no means clear, though reconcilable with my rendering.]) b5: المَالُ بَيْنَنَا شَقَّ الأَبْلَمَةِ and الأُبْلُمَةِ [The property is divided between us as in the dividing of the ابلمة; or the cattle are divided &c.;] meanswe are equal in respect of the property, or cattle: for the ابلمة means the [kind of leaf called]

خُوصَة, which, when it is split lengthwise, splits in halves: (M:) or, accord. to Aboo-Ziyád, the ابلمة is a herb, or leguminous plant, (بَقْلَةٌ,) to which there come forth pods, like [those of] the bean; and when you split them lengthwise, they split in halves, equally, from the first part to the last thereof: شَقَّ is in the accus. case as an inf. n., مَشْقُوقٌ being understood. (Har p. 639.) [See also شِقٌّ.] b6: شَقَّ, (S, M, K,) aor. ـُ inf. n. شُقُوقٌ, (M,) said of the canine tooth of a camel, (tropical:) It [clave the gum and] came forth: (S, M, K, TA:) [said to be] a dial. var. of شَقَأَ: (S:) and said of the canine tooth of a child, (M, TA,) in like manner, (TA,) meaning it made its first appearance: (M:) and said also of a plant, [as meaning it came forth] on the ground's first cleaving open from it. (M, TA.) b7: Also, aor. ـُ inf. n. شَقٌّ, said of the dawn, (tropical:) It rose; as though it clave the place of its rising and came forth therefrom. (TA.) b8: Also, aor. ـُ (TA,) inf. n. شَقٌّ, said of lightning, (tropical:) It [clave the clouds, and] extended high, into the midst of the sky, without going to the right and left: (K, TA:) so says A'Obeyd: (TA: [see شَقِيقٌ:]) and ↓ انشقّ and ↓ تشقّق, said of lightning, signify اِنْعَقَّ [probably meaning the same; (see عَقِيقَةٌ;) or, as expl. in the S and also in the O, in art. عق, it was, or became, in a state of commotion, (تَضَرَّبَ,) in the clouds]: (M, TA:) or ↓ تشقّق said of lightning means it spread wide and long. (JK.) b9: شَقَّ السَّبِيلَ (K in art. عبر) (assumed tropical:) He passed along the way; as though he cut it, or furrowed it. (TK in that art.) and شَقَّ النَّهْرَ (assumed tropical:) He crossed the river by swimming. (TA in art. قطع.) b10: شَقَّ المَآءَ (assumed tropical:) He opened a way, passage, vent, or channel, for the water to flow forth; syn. بَجَسَهُ. (A and K in art. بجس.) b11: شَقَّ أَمْرَهُ, aor. ـُ inf. n. شَقٌّ, (assumed tropical:) He, or it, discomposed, deranged, or disordered, so that it became incongruous, or inconsistent, his affair, or state of affairs. (M, TA.) [A phrase similar to شَقَّ العَصَا, mentioned above. And so, app., what next follows.] b12: شَقَّ الكَلَامَ, i. q. قَدَّهُ [also expl. as syn. with قَطَعَهُ, which generally means (assumed tropical:) He cut short, or broke off, the speech; or ceased from speaking; but sometimes, and perhaps in this case, he articulated speech, or the speech: compare a signification of 2.]. (M and L in art. قد.) b13: See also 8. b14: شَقَّ بَصَرُ المَيِّتِ i. q. شَخَصَ [i. e. (assumed tropical:) The eye, or eyes, of the dying man became fixedly open; or his eyelids became raised upwards, and he looked intently, and became disquieted, or disturbed]: (M, TA:) and (TA) the dying man looked at a thing, his sight not recoiling to him: (S, K, TA:) said of him to whom death is present: (S, TA:) or [simply] the eyes of the dying man became open: (TA:) one should not say شَقَّ المَيِّتُ بَصَرَهُ: (S, M, K:) and شُقَّ, with damm to the ش, is not approved. (IAth, TA.) b15: شَقَّ عَلَيْهِ, (M, K, in the S عَلَىَّ, and in the Msb عَلَيْنَا,) aor. ـُ (S, M, Msb,) inf. n. شَقٌّ (S, M, K) and مَشَقَّةٌ, (S, K,) [or the latter is a simple subst., as seems to be indicated in the M and Msb,] (assumed tropical:) It (a thing, S, or an affair, or event, M, Msb, K) affected him severely; had a severe effect upon him; distressed, afflicted, troubled, molested, inconvenienced, fatigued, or wearied, him: (M:) it was difficult, hard, distressing, grievous, or severe, to him; (K, TA;) and onerous, burdensome, oppressive, or troublesome, to him. (TA.) and شَقَّ عَلَيْهِ, [inf. n., app., شَقٌّ only,] (assumed tropical:) He caused him to fall into a difficult, hard, distressing, grievous, or severe, case: (K, TA:) imposed upon him that which was onerous, burdensome, oppressive, or troublesome. (TA.) And شَقَّتِ السَّفْرَةُ (assumed tropical:) The journey was [difficult, hard, or] far-extending. (Msb.) A2: شُقَّ, said of the solid hoof, and of the pastern of a horse or the like, It was, or became, affected with the disease termed شُقَاق, occasioning cracks. (M, TA.) 2 شَقَّّ see 1, first sentence. b2: شقّق الكَلَامَ, (S, K, TA,) inf. n. تَشْقِيقٌ, (TA,) (tropical:) He uttered, or pronounced, speech, or the speech, in the best manner: (S, K, TA:) and he sought with repeated efforts, in speaking, to utter, or pronounce, the speech in the best manner. (TA.) 3 شاقّهُ, (M, Mgh, Msb,) inf. n. مُشَاقَّةٌ (S, M, Mgh, Msb, K) and شِقَاقٌ, (S, M, Msb, K,) the latter inf. n. occurring in the Kur ii. 131 and iv. 39 [&c.], (TA,) (assumed tropical:) He acted with him contrariously, or adversely, (S, * M, Mgh, Msb, K,) and inimically; (K;) properly, each of them doing to the other that which was distressing, grievous, or troublesome, so that each of them was in a شِقّ [or side] other than that of his fellow; (Msb;) or as though he became in a شِقّ, i. e. side, in respect of him: (Mgh:) accord. to Er-Rághib, the inf. n. signifies the being in a شِقّ [or side] other than that of one's fellow: or it is from شَقُّ العَصَا بَيْنَكَ وَبَيْنَ صَاحِبِكَ [meaning “ the effecting disunion and dissension between thee and thy fellow ”], so that it is tropical: (TA:) or the primary meaning of الشِّقَاقُ is the being [mutually] remote. (Ham p. 326.) See also 1, in the first quarter of the paragraph.4 اشقّ النَّخْلُ The palm-trees put forth their شَوَاقّ, pl. of شَاقَّةٌ [q. v.]: mentioned by Th, on the authority of some one or more of the BenooSuwáäh. (M.) 5 تشقّق quasi-pass. of 2: (S, M, K:) said of firewood (S, K) &c. (S) [as meaning It became cloven in pieces]. See 7, in two places. b2: Said of lightning: see 1, in two places, in the latter half of the paragraph. b3: Said of a horse, (tropical:) He was, or became, lean, or light of flesh; slender and lean; or lean, and lank in the belly. (A'Obeyd, TA.) 6 تَشَاقَّا, said of two adversaries, or litigants, as also ↓ اِشْتَقَّا, They wrangled, quarrelled, or contended, each with the other, (M, TA,) and took to the right and left in contention; (TA;) فِى

الشَّىْءِ [in respect of the thing]. (M.) 7 انشقّ quasi-pass. of شَقَّهُ as expl. in the first sentence of this art.: [i. e. it signifies It became divided lengthwise, cloven, split, riven or rifted, slit, rent, ripped, torn, broken, or burst, asunder; or it became cracked, chapped, incided or incised, gashed, slashed, furrowed, or trenched; or cloven, or split, &c., or cut, open: or it clave, split, &c.:] (S, M:) and in like manner, ↓ تشقّق is quasi-pass. of شَقَّقَهُ: [i. e. it signifies it became cloven or split &c., or it clave or split &c., much, or in pieces, or in several or many places:] (M:) or the former signifies [sometimes] it opened so as to have in it an interstice. (Msb.) وَانْشَقَّ القَمَرُ, in the Kur liv. I, means And the moon hath been cloven (Bd, Jel) in twain, (Jel,) as a sign to the Prophet: (Bd, Jel:) or shall be cloven on the day of resurrection: but the former is confirmed by another reading, وَقَدِ أْنْشَقَّ القَمَرُ: (Bd:) or, accord. to Er-Rághib, the meaning is, (assumed tropical:) the case hath become manifest. (TA.) One says, انشقّ الشَّىْءُ بِنِصْفَيْنِ [The thing became cloven, &c., in halves]. (S.) [And انشقّ مِنْهُ It became cloven, &c., from it: and it branched off from it; as a river from another river, and the like. and انشقّ عَنْهُ It clave asunder from over it, so as to disclose it: see also 8.] b2: [Hence,] انشقّ فلَانٌ مِنَ الغَضَبِ (assumed tropical:) Such a one was as though his interior were filled with anger so that he split. (TA.) b3: And اِنْشَقَّتِ العَصَا (assumed tropical:) The affair, or state of affairs, became discomposed, deranged, or disordered: (S, K, TA:) and انشقّت العَصَا بِالبَيْنِ, and ↓ تشقّقت, (Lth, M, TA,) (assumed tropical:) the affair, or state of affairs, became discomposed, deranged, or disorganized, by separation: (Lth, TA:) and انشقّ الأَمْرُ (assumed tropical:) the affair, or state of affairs, became discomposed, deranged, or disorganized, being incongruous, or inconsistent. (M, TA.) and انشقّت عَصَا الطَّاعَةِ (assumed tropical:) [The compact of allegiance, or obedience, became broken]. (M.) b4: انشقّ said of lightning: see 1, in the latter half of the paragraph.8 اِشْتِقَاقٌ signifies The taking the شِقّ of a thing, (S, K,) i. e. the half thereof. (S.) One says, اشتقّ الشَّىْءَ He took the شِقّ [or half] of the thing. (TK.) b2: And (assumed tropical:) The taking [or deriving] a word from a word, (S, K,) with the condition of reciprocal relation in meaning and [radical] composition, and of reciprocal difference in form: [and it is of three kinds:] الاِشْتِقَاقُ الصَّغِيرُ is that derivation in which there is a reciprocal relation between the two words in the letters and in the order [thereof]; as in ضَرَبَ from الضَّرْبُ: الاشتقاق الكَبِيرُ is that in which there is a reciprocal relation between the two words as to the letter and the meaning, exclusively of the order; as in جَبَذَ from الجَذْبُ: الاشتقاق الأَكْبَرُ is that in which there is a reciprocal relation between the two words in the place [or places] of utterance; as in نَعَقَ from النَّهْقُ. (KT.) [You say, اشتقّ حَرْفًا or كَلِمَةً or لَفْظًا, and اسْمًا, He derived a word, and a name, مِنْ آخَرَ from another; and ↓ شَقَّهُ sometimes signifies the same, as is shown by a citation voce رَحِمٌ.] b3: [And, as syn. with اِخْتِرَاعٌ, (see 8 in art. خرع,)] The constructing, or founding, (بُنْيَان,) of a thing of, or from, what is originated without premeditation. (M.) b4: and (tropical:) The taking to the right and left, (S, K, TA,) not pursuing the right, or direct, course, (S, TA,) in speech, and in contention, or disputation, or litigation: (S, K, TA:) or اِشْتِقَاقُ الكَلَامِ signifies the taking to the right and left in speech: (so in a copy of the M: [but I think that the right reading is الاِشْتِقَاقُ فِى الكَلَامِ, agreeably with what here follows:]) you say, اشتقّ فِى الكَلَامِ, and فِى الخُصُومَةِ. (TK.) See also 6. And [in like manner] one says of a horse, اشتقّ فِى عَدْوِهِ (assumed tropical:) He went to the right and left in his running. (M. [See also أَشَقُّ.]) b5: اشتقّ الطَّرِيقُ فِى الفَلَاةِ (tropical:) The road went [or branched off] into the desert. (TA. [See also 7.]) 10 استشقّ بِالجُوَالِقِ He turned the sack upon one of his two sides (عَلَى أَحَدِ شِقَّيْهِ), in order to pass through a door. (TA.) b2: [استشقّ, as stated by Freytag, is expl. by Jac. Schultens, but on what authority is not said, as signifying “ Prodiit, manifestus evasit. ”] R. Q. 1 شَقْشَقَ, (JK, S, K,) inf. n. شَقْشَقَةٌ, (S,) said of a stallion [camel], He brayed [in his شِقْشِقَة, or faucial bag]. (JK, S, K.) [It is said that] the primary meaning of شَقْشَقَةٌ is Loudness of voice; or the being loud in voice. (JK.) b2: And said of a sparrow, It uttered a cry: (K, TA:) or one says of a sparrow, يُشَقْشِقُ فِى صَوْتِهِ [app. meaning It makes a loud twittering in its cry]. (S.) شَقٌّ sing. of شُقُوقٌ; (S, Mgh, Msb, K;) originally an inf. n.; (S, Msb;) An opening forming an interstice in a thing: (Msb:) or a fissure, cleft, chink, split, slit, rent, crack, or the like, syn. صَدْعٌ, in wood or a stick, or in a wall, or in a glass vessel [&c.]: (T, TA:) [or] a place that is مَشْقُوق [i. e. cloven or cleft, split, &c.: (see 1, first sentence: and see also مَشَقٌّ:) and often signifying an incision, a gash, or a furrow, or trench]: (M, K:) as though an inf. n. used as a subst. in this sense: pl. as above, شُقُوقٌ: (M:) it differs from شُقَاقٌ, (S, Mgh,) by having a general signification: (Mgh:) accord. to Yaakoob, one says, بِيَدِ فُلَانٍ شُقُوقٌ (S, Mgh) and بِرِجْلِهِ (S) [i. e. In the hand, or arm, of such a one are cracks, or the like, and in his foot, or leg]: but [it is asserted that in this case] one should not say شُقَاقٌ: (S, Mgh: [see, however, this word:]) and hence, شَقُّ القَبْرِ The trench, or oblong excavation, in the middle of the grave: and accord. to As, شُقُوقٌ signifies صُدُوع [i. e. fissures, &c.,] in mountains, and in the earth, or ground. (Mgh.) b2: The rima vulvæ of a woman; i. e. the gap [or chink] between the two edges, or borders, of the labia majora of her vulva: as also ↓ مَشَقٌّ. (M, K.) b3: And (tropical:) The daybreak. (S, K, TA.) A2: See also the next paragraph, first and fifth sentences.

A3: And see the last two sentences of the same paragraph.

شِقٌّ The half (S, Mgh, Msb, K) of a thing (S, Msb, K) of any kind; as also ↓ شَقٌّ: (K:) or the half of a thing when it is cloven, or split, or divided lengthwise; (M;) as also ↓ شِقَّةٌ. (AHn, S, * M, K.) One says, أَخَذْتُ شِقَّ الشَّاةِ and ↓ شِقَّةَ الشَّاةِ I took the half of the sheep or goat: (S, TA:) the vulgar pronounce the ش with fet-h. (TA.) And خُذْ هٰذَا الشِّقَّ Take thou this ↓ شِقَّة [i. e. half] of the sheep or goat. (TA.) Hence the trad., تَصَدَّقُوا وَلَوْ بِشِقِّ تَمْرَةٍ i. e. [Give ye alms though it be but] the half of a date; meaning deem not anything little that is given as alms. (TA.) And المَالُ بَيْنِى وَبَيْنَكَ شِقَّ الشَّعَرَةِ and الشَّعَرَةِ ↓ شَقَّ, (O, K, * [in the CK and in my MS. copy of the K شقُّ, but the former reading appears to be the right, شَقَّ being an inf. n. as in a similar saying in the former half of the first paragraph of this art., and شِقَّ being a subst. used as an inf. n. or for كَشِقِّ,]) meaning [The property is between us] two halves, equal [in division]. (K.) b2: [Hence,] A certain kind of the jinn, or genii; (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K;) a species of diabolical beings having the form of the half of a human being. (Kzw in his Descr. of the Jinn.) b3: The lateral half, or half and side; as when one says that a person paralyzed has a شِقّ inclining; and as when one speaks of the شِقّ of a مَحْمِل [meaning either of the two dorsers, or panniers, or oblong chests, which are borne, one on either side, by a camel, and which, with a small tent over them, compose a مَحْمِل: see this last word, and مَحَارَةٌ]. (Mgh.) b4: The side of the body; as when one says of a person that his left شِقّ was grazed, or abraded. (Mgh.) [Hence,] one says of a horse, يَمِيلُ عَلَى أَحَدِ شِقَّيْهِ [He inclines, or leans, upon one of his two sides]. (O.) [And مَشَى عَلَى شِقٍّ and فِى شِقٍّ He went, or walked, inclining upon one side.] b5: The side, or lateral part, (Lth, Msb, K, TA,) of a thing; the two sides of a thing being called شِقَّاهُ: (Lth, TA:) or, as some say, (TA,) the side of a mountain. (S, TA.) [Hence,] one says, فُلَانٌ مِنْ شِقِّ العَشِيرَةِ لَا مِنْ صَمِيمِهَا (assumed tropical:) [Such a one is of the collateral class of the kinsfolk, or tribe, not of the main stock thereof]. (Mgh in art. عرض.) b6: I. q. ↓ شَقِيقٌ; (S, Msb, K;) [which primarily signifies The cloven-off half of a thing; i. e.,] when a thing is cloven in halves, each of the halves is called the شَقِيق of the other. (S, K.) b7: [And hence, (assumed tropical:) The counterpart of a person or thing: and this appears to be meant by J, and accord. to SM in the K, where it is said that شِقٌّ is syn. with ↓ شَقِيقٌ; for they add immediately after:] one says هُوَ أَخِى وَشِقُّ نَفْسِى (tropical:) [He is my brother, and the counterpart of myself]; (S, TA;) as though he were cloven from me, because of the resemblance of each of us to the other. (TA.) One says also, هذَا

↓ شَقِيقُهُ, meaning (assumed tropical:) This is the like of him, or it. (TA.) And [hence] it is said in a trad., النِّسَآءُ شَقَائِقُ الرِّجَالِ, [in which شَقَائِقُ is the pl. of ↓ شَقِيقٌ as fem., or of شَقِيقَةٌ in the same sense,] meaning (assumed tropical:) Women are the likes of men in natural dispositions; as though they were cloven from them; or because Eve was created from Adam. (TA.) b8: And (tropical:) A man's brother; (M;) and so ↓ شَقِيقٌ; (S, M, O, K, TA;) meaning a brother by the father and mother; (TA;) from شَقِيقٌ as meaning “ either half of a thing that is cloven in halves; ” (S, TA;) or as though the relationship of one were cloven from that of the other: (IDrd, O, K:) pl. of the latter أَشِقَّآءُ. (M, Msb.) b9: And a name for A thing at which one looks: (Lth, O, K:) [but this is app. taken from the following saying of Lth, in which I think الشِّقُّ is a mistranscription for الشَّقُّ, meaning “ the crack,” &c.:] الشَّقُّ is the inf. n. of شَقَقْتُ, and الشِّقُّ is a name for that at which one looks [i. e. for the visible effect of the act signified by the verb], and the pl. is الشُّقُوقُ [which is well known as the pl. of الشَّقُّ]. (JK.) A2: Also i. q. ↓ مَشَقَّةٌ (S, M, O, Msb, K) i. e. Difficulty, hardship, distress, affliction, trouble, inconvenience, fatigue, or weariness; (M, TA;) and languor, or lack of power, that overtakes the mind and the body; (Er-Rághib, TA;) and so ↓ شَقٌّ; (IJ, S, M, O, K;) thus it is sometimes pronounced with fet-h; mentioned by A'Obeyd; (S;) and by Az; (M;) or this is an inf. n., and شِقٌّ is the subst.; (O, K;) and ↓ شُقَّةٌ and ↓ شِقَّةٌ also signify the same as مَشَقَّةٌ, (K,) or such as overtakes a man in consequence of travel; (TA;) and the pls. of these two are شُقَقٌ, (K, TA,) mentioned by Fr, (TA,) and شِقَقٌ, (K, TA,) mentioned on the authority of some one or more of [the tribe of] Keys: (TA:) the pl. of ↓ مَشَقَّةٌ is مَشَاقُّ and مَشَقَّاتٌ. (TA.) Hence, in the Kur [xvi. 7], لَمْ تَكُونُوا بَالِغِيهِ إِلَّا بِشِقِ الْأَنْفُسِ [Which ye would not reach save with difficulty, or distress, &c., of the souls]; where some read ↓ بِشَقِّ. (S, * TA.) شُقَّةٌ primarily signifies The half of a garment [consisting of two oblong pieces sewed together, side by side]: then it was applied to [such] a garment as it is [when complete: in both of these senses it is used in the present day]: (Er-Rághib, TA:) or a piece (قِطْعَةٌ) of a garment: (Mgh:) or the شُقَّة of ثِيَاب [thus, and thus only, in the S, meaning of garments and of cloths, for it is of both,] is an oblong piece; syn. سَبِيبَةٌ مُسْتَطِيلَةٌ: (M, K:) [it is often applied to an oblong piece of cloth of those pieces of which a tent is composed:] pl. شُقَقٌ and شِقَاقٌ. (M, Mgh, TA.) One says, فُلَانٌ يَبِيعُ شِقَاقَ الكَتَّانِ [Such a one sells pieces, or oblong pieces, &c., of linen]. (Mgh.) b2: Also A piece of a مَزَادَة [q. v.]. (B, TA in art. بصر.) b3: And A piece, or portion, [or tract,] of Hell; likewise pronounced ↓ شِقَّةٌ. (Ham p. 816.) b4: And A far journey; as also ↓ شِقَّةٌ, (S, M, K,) sometimes thus pronounced with kesr: (S:) a far, long journey: a far-extending space: (TA:) or a road difficult to him who travels it: (Mgh:) or [simply] a journey: and i. q. ثنيا [so in my copy of the Msb, app. a mistranscription for ثَنِيَّة, i. e. a mountain-road, &c.]: pl. شُقَقٌ. (Msb.) b5: and A part, region, quarter, or tract, (Ibn-'Arafeh, Er-Rághib, K, TA,) towards which one draws near, (Ibn-'Arafeh, TA,) or towards which the traveller directs himself, (K, TA,) [like شُكَّةٌ,] or in the reaching of which one is overtaken by difficulty, or distress; (Er-Rághib, TA;) and ↓ شِقَّةٌ signifies the same. (K.) b6: And Distance; and so ↓ شِقَّةٌ. (K.) b7: See also شِقٌّ, last sentence but one.

شِقَّةٌ A splinter (S, K) that splits off, (S,) or a piece (M, Mgh, TA) split off, (M, TA,) of a plank, (S, M, K, TA,) or of wood, (TA,) or of a piece of wood, (S, Mgh,) or other thing: (M, TA:) a piece split, or divided, lengthwise, of a staff, or stick, and of a garment, or piece of cloth, &c.: (IDrd, O, K:) and a piece split (K, TA) from anything; such as the half: (TA:) pl. شِقَقٌ. (O, TA.) One says of him who is angry, اِحْتَدَّ فَطَارَتْ مِنْهُ شِقَّةٌ فِى الأَرْضِ وَشِقَّةٌ فِى السَّمَآءِ (assumed tropical:) [He became excited by sharpness of temper, or angriness, and he was as though a bit flew from him upon the ground, and a bit into the sky]. (S, * M, TA: in the S, فى الارض &c. is omitted.) See also شِقٌّ, first three sentences. b2: See also شُقَّةٌ, in four places. b3: And see شِقٌّ, again, last sentence but one.

شَقَقٌ The quality, in a horse, (M, K,) and in a man, (M,) denoted by the epithet أَشَقُّ [q. v.]. (M, K.) شَقَقَةٌ [a pl. of which the sing. is not mentioned] Enemies. (TA.) شُقَاقٌ A cracking in several places, (تَشَقُّقٌ, S, K,) or cracks, (Mgh,) or a certain disease occasioning cracks, (M,) in the pasterns of horses or the like, (S, M, Mgh, K,) and in their hoofs, (M, Mgh,) and sometimes rising to their shanks: so says Yaakoob: (S:) and, accord. to Lth, (Mgh,) and Az, (TA,) a cracking in several places (تَشَقُّقٌ) of the skin, from cold or some other cause, in the hands or arms, and the face: (Mgh, TA:) or it signifies also any crack, or slit, in the skin, from disease: (M, TA:) As says that it is in the hand or arm, and the foot or leg, of a human being, and in the fore leg and kind leg of an animal: (Mgh, TA:) but this is inconsistent with what is said by Yaakoob [as stated voce شَقٌّ, first sentence]. (Mgh.) See also أَسْعَدُ: and شَرَجٌ.

شَقِيقٌ: see شِقٌّ, in five places. b2: شَقِيقُ البَرْقِ [so in a copy of the M, but the right reading may be شَقِيقَةُ البَرْقِ, which occurs in the next sentence of the M,] i. q. عَقِيقَتُهُ [expl. in the S, in art. خفو, as meaning Lightning that cleaves the clouds, and extends high, into the midst of the sky, without going to the right and left: but see شَقِيقَةٌ]. (M.) A2: Also A calf that has become firm, or strong: (O, K:) and applied likewise to (assumed tropical:) a man [that has become so; by way of comparison]: (O:) or a bull such as is termed جَذَعٌ [i. e. in his second, or third, year]. (JK.) شَقُوقَةٌ A certain bird; also called ↓ شَقِيقَةٌ: (M, K:) and ↓ شُقَيِّقَةٌ is the dim. thereof: (K:) AHát says, the ↓ شَقُوقَة is a very little thing, grayish (زُرَيْقَآءُ), of the colour of ashes; ten and fifteen of what are thus called congregate; and I think it to be the ↓ شُقَيِّقَة, which is a دُخَّلَة of the دُخَّل [q. v.]; it is somewhat dusky; and its form is the form of these, but it is smaller than they: it is called ↓ شُقَيِّقَة becanse of its smallness: IDrd, in the class of فُعَيْعِل, mentions ↓ الشُّقَيِّقُ as signifying a certain species of birds [app. as a coll. gen. n., of which the n. un. is with ة]. (O, TA.) شَقِيقَةٌ [accord. to Golius, A fissure; as from the KL; but not so expl. in my copy of that work. b2: ] An intervening space or tract between two elongated, or extended, tracts of sand, (S, M, * O, K, * [in the last of which الجَبَلَيْنِ is erroneously put for الجَبْلَيْنِ,]) thus expl. to AHn by an Arab of the desert, (TA,) producing herbage: (S, M, O, K:) or a rugged tract between two elongated, or extended, tracts of sand, producing good herbage; (M, TA;) so in the T, as expl. to its author by an Arab of the desert: (TA:) pl. شَقَائِقُ, (T, S, O, K, TA,) expl. by some as meaning sands themselves: (TA:) or a great piece of sand: or a piece of sand between two pieces thereof. (Ham p. 282.) b3: [In the A and TA voce قِطُّ, it is used as meaning A slice cut off of a melon &c.]

A2: A rain, (M,) or a violent rain, consisting of large drops, (K, TA,) wide in extent: so called because the clouds cleave asunder from it: (M, K, TA:) pl. as above. (TA.) b2: The pl., شَقَائِقُ, is expl. by Az as signifying Clouds that have cloven asunder with copious rains. (O, TA.) b3: شَقِيقَةُ بَرْقٍِ, (O, K,) and عَقِيقَتُهُ, both as expl. by Aboo-Sa'eed, (O,) A flash of lightning that has spread (O, K) in the horizon, (O,) or from the horizon: (K: [but see شَقِيقُ البَرْقِ:]) or شَقِيقَةٌ signifies a flash of lightning that has spread in the breadth of the clouds, and filled the sky: pl. as above. (Ham p. 557.) A3: A headache, (JK, T, TA,) or a pain, (S, O, K,) or a certain disease, (M,) in the half of the head, (JK, T, S, M, O, K,) [i. e. hemicrania,] and of the face: (JK, T, S, O, K:) or, accord. to IAth, a sort of headache in the fore part of the head and towards the sides thereof. (TA.) A4: شَقَائِقُ النُّعْمَانِ, used alike as sing. and pl., (S, O, K,) having no proper sing., (Msb,) or its sing. is شَقِيقَةٌ; (M, O, Msb;) [The red, or blood-coloured, anemone;] a certain plant; (M;) a certain red flower; (Lth, O;) well known; (S, K;) the شَقِر; (Msb;) or, as AHn says, on the authority of AA and Aboo-Nasr and others, it is the شَقِرَة [n. un. of شَقِرٌ]; and the sing. of شقائق is شَقِيقَةٌ: (O, TA:) it is called شقائق النعمان because of its redness, as being likened to the شَقِيقَة of lightning: (M, K:) or from النُّعْمَان as meaning “ blood,” as resembling blood in colour; (Msb, TA;) so that it signifies “ pieces of blood: ” (TA:) or in relation to En-Noamán Ibn-El-Mundhir, because he prohibited to the public a piece of land in which it abounded: (S, K, TA:) or because he alighted upon شَقَائِق of sand that had produced red شَقِر, and he deemed them beautiful, and commanded that they should be prohibited to the public; so the شَقِر were called the شقائق of En-Noamán, by the name of the place of their growth. (TA.) A5: See also شَقُوقَةٌ.

شُقَيِّقٌ, and with ة: see شَقُوقَةٌ, in four places.

شَقَّاقٌ, meaning One who glories, or boasts, vainly, and praises himself for that which is not in him, is not of the [classical] language of the Arabs. (L, TA.) شَقِّىٌّ A horse with which his rider ex-periences difficulty in striving to master him. (JK.) شِقِّيَّةٌ A certain mode of جِمَاع, (K, TA,) in which the woman lies upon her شِقّ [or side]. (TA.) شِقْشِقَةٌ [The bursa faucium, or faucial bag, which is placed behind the palate of the he-camel, and which, when excited, he inflates, and blows out from the side of his mouth;] a thing resembling the lungs, or lights, which the he-camel protrudes from his mouth when he is excited by lust; (S, O, K;) a skin in the fauces of the Arabian camel, which he inflates with wind, and in which he brays; whereupon it appears from the side of his mouth; so says En-Nadr; and he adds that it does not pertain to any but the Arabian camel, [as is said in the M, and] as Hr says; but this requires consideration; (TA;) [also expl. as] the لَهَاة [q. v.] of the he-camel, (M, and Har p. 16,) which he protrudes from his mouth when he brays: (Har ubi suprá:) pl. شَقَاشِقُ. (TA.) b2: To this is likened the tongue of the chaste, or eloquent, and able speaker; himself being likened to the braying stallion-camel: (O:) and hence they say of an orator, or a preacher, that he is ذُو شِقْشِقَةٍ: (S:) one says likewise of an orator, or a preacher, that is loud in voice and skilful in speech, هُوَ أَهْرَتُ الشِقْشِقَةِ [lit. He is wide, or ample, in respect of the شقشقة]: (TA:) and one says, هَدَرَتْ شِقْشِقَتُهُ (assumed tropical:) [meaning His utterance was sonorous and fluent]. (A and TA in art. هدر.) Orators, or preachers, are also termed شَقَاشِق [for ذَوُو شَقَاشِقَ]: and one says, فُلَانٌ شِقْشِقَةُ قَوْمِهِ, meaning (assumed tropical:) Such a one is the noble, and the chaste in speech, or eloquent, of his people. (M.) And in a trad. of 'Omar, (M, O, TA,) accord. to A'Obeyd and others, or of 'Alee accord. to Hr, (TA,) شَقَاشِق are assigned to the Devil, in his saying, إِنَّ كَثِيرًا مِنَ الخُطَبِ مِنْ شَقَاشِقِ الشَّيْطَانِ [lit. Verily many of the orations, or harangues, are from the شقاشق of the Devil]; because of the lying introduced into them. (M, O, * TA. *) الخُطْبَةُ الشِّقْشِقِيَّةُ an appellation applied to a certain خُطْبَة [i. e. oration, or harangue, or sermon,] of 'Alee, because of his saying to Ibn-'Abbás, (O, K,) on his having cut short his speech, (O,) in reply to a remark of the latter person upon his not having continued his speech uninterruptedly, تِلْكَ شِقْشِقَةٌ هَدَرَتْ ثُمَّ قَرَّتْ [That was a شقشقة that uttered a braying, then became still]. (O, K.) شَاقٌّ Difficult, hard, distressing, grievous, afflicting, troubling, molesting, fatiguing, or wearying. (KL.) One says أَمْرٌ شَاقٌّ [An affair, or event, that is difficult, &c.]; from شَقَّ عَلَيْنَا الأَمْرُ. (Msb.) And شُقَّةٌ شَاقَّةٌ (S, Msb) A long journey [that is difficult, &c.]. (Msb.) شافَّةٌ The spadix of a palm-tree, that has become a span in length; so called because it cleaves the envelope: pl. شَوَاقُّ. (M.) أَشَقُّ, (S, M, O, K,) fem. شَقَّآءُ, and pl. شُقٌّ, (K,) applied to a horse, Wide between the hind legs: (IAar, Th, T, O, * K, * TA:) and the fem. signifies wide in the أَرْفَاغ [or groins, or similar parts]; (TA;) and is applied to a mare: (IDrd, O, TA:) and wide in the vulva; (IAar, O, K;) applied in this sense to a woman. (IAar, O, TA.) and أَشَقُّ المَنْخِرَيْنِ, applied to a horse, Wide in the nostrils. (Lth, O, TA.) b2: Also, (O, K,) Tall, or long; (T, S, M, O, K;) applied to a horse; (T, S, M, K;) thus expl. by As; (T, TA;) and so too applied to a man: (M, TA:) and the fem., as above, applied to a mare. (S.) b3: And, applied to a horse, That goes to the right and left in his running, (JK, * O, K, TA, [in the CK, يَسْبِقُ is erroneously put for يَشْتَقُّ, and in like manner in my MS. copy of the K, with the additional mistranscription of من عَدْوِهِ for فِى عَدْوِهِ,]) as though (O, TA) leaning upon one of his sides: (JK, O, TA:) so says Lth; and he cites as an ex., وَتَبَازَيْتُ كَمَا يَمْشِى الأَشَقُّ [as though meaning And I moved my posteriors in walking, like as goes the horse that inclines to the right and left in his running: but this may be rendered and I stepped wide, like as does the tall, or long-bodied, horse]. (O, TA.) مَشَقٌّ [properly A place of cleaving, splitting, &c.: and hence a fissure, cleft, &c., like شَقٌّ: pl. مَشَاقُّ]: see شَقٌّ. b2: مَشَقُّ العَيْنِ [The slit of the eye]. (TA in art. حوص.) مَشَقَّةٌ [said in the S and K to be an inf. n. of شَقَّ trans. by means of عَلَى]: see شِقٌّ, in the last quarter of the paragraph, in two places.
الشِّقْشِقَةُ: لَهَاةُ البَعِيرِ العَرَبيِّ، والجميع الشَّقاشِقُ. وشَقْشَقَ الفَحْلُ: هَدَرَ.
والشًقَاشِقً: الخُطَباءُ الفُصَحاءُ. وأصْلُ الشَّقْشَقَةِ: جَهَارَةُ الصَّوْتِ.
والشَّقُّ: مَصْدَرُ شَقَقْت. والشِّقُّ: اسْمٌ لِمَا نَظَرْتَ إليه. والجميع الشُّقُوقُ.
والشُّقَاقُ: تَشَقًّقُ الجِلْدِ من بَرْدٍ أو غيرِه. والبَرْقُ يَتَشَقَّقُ إذا اسْتَطارَ في سَعَةٍ وطُولٍ.
والأشَقُّ: الفَجْرُ المُسْتَطِيلُ في الأفُق.
والشِّقُّ: المَشَقَةُ في السيْرِ والعَمَل. ومَجْهُودُ النَّفْس. والجانِبُ من الشَّيْءِ. والشَّقِيْقُ، هو أخي وشَقِيقي وشِقُّ نفسي. وشاقَقْتُ الرَّجُلَ: كافَأْته.
وشُقَّة من القَمَر. والشِّقَاق والشقَّةُ: بُعْدُ مَسِيرٍ إلى أرضٍ بعيدة. وأمْرٌ شاقٌّ.
والشَّقِّيُّ من الخَيْل: الذي يَشُقُّ على فارِسِه عِلاجُه.
والشِّقَّةُ: شَظِيَّةٌ تُشَقُّ من لَوْحٍ أو خَشَبَةٍ، والجميع الشِّقَقُ. والشُّقَّةُ من الثِّياب: معروفة، والجميع الشُّقَقُ. وفَرَسٌ أشَقُّ المَنْخِرَين: أي واسِعُهما.
والشِّقَاقُ: الخِلافُ، وهو يُشَاقّهم خِلافاً. وانْشَقَّتْ عَصاهم.
والاشْتِقاقُ: الأخْذُ في الكلام والخُصوماتِ يَميناً وشِمالاً.
وفَرَسٌ أشَقُّ: قد اشْتَقَّ في عَدْوِه يَمِيْلُ على أحَدِ شِقَّيْه، ومَصْدَرُه الشَّقَقُ.
والأشَقُّ: الطَوِيلُ، والأنثى شَقّاء. وقيل: الأشَقُّ: الذي قَرِحَ من أحَدِ جانِبَيْه.
والشَّقِيْقَةُ: صدَاعٌ يَأْخُذُ في نِصْفِ الرَّأْس والوَجْهِ. والفُرْجَةُ بَيْنَ الرِّمَال تُنْبِتُ العًشْبَ والشَّجَرَ، والجميع الشَّقائقُ. ونَوْرٌ أحْمَرُ يُسَمّى شَقائقَ النُّعْمانِ، الواحدةُ شَقِيْقَةٌ.
وشَقَّ ناب البَعِيرِ: بمعنى شَقَأ. والشِّقُّ: جِنْسٌ من الجِنِّ. والشِّقِّيَّةُ: ضَرْبٌ من البُضْع.
والشَّقِيْقُ: الثَّوْرُ الجَذَع. والشُّقَاقُ: داءٌ في حَوافِرِ الدَوابِّ وأرساغِها.
القاف والضاد
الشَّقُّ: الخرم الواقع في الشيء. يقال:
شَقَقْتُهُ بنصفين. قال تعالى: ثُمَّ شَقَقْنَا الْأَرْضَ شَقًّا
[عبس/ 26] ، يَوْمَ تَشَقَّقُ الْأَرْضُ عَنْهُمْ سِراعاً
[ق/ 44] ، وَانْشَقَّتِ السَّماءُ
[الحاقة/ 16] ، إِذَا السَّماءُ انْشَقَّتْ [الانشقاق/ 1] ، وَانْشَقَّ الْقَمَرُ [القمر/ 1] ، وقيل: انْشِقَاقُهُ في زمن النّبيّ عليه الصلاة والسلام، وقيل: هو انْشِقَاقٌ يعرض فيه حين تقرب القيامة ، وقيل معناه: وضح الأمر ، والشِّقَّةُ: القطعة الْمُنْشَقَّةُ كالنّصف، ومنه قيل:
طار فلان من الغضب شِقَاقًا، وطارت منهم شِقَّةٌ، كقولك: قطع غضبا . والشِّقُّ: الْمَشَقَّةُ والانكسار الذي يلحق النّفس والبدن، وذلك كاستعارة الانكسار لها. قال عزّ وجلّ: لَمْ تَكُونُوا بالِغِيهِ إِلَّا بِشِقِّ الْأَنْفُسِ

[النحل/ 7] ، والشُّقَّةُ:
النّاحية التي تلحقك المشقّة في الوصول إليها، وقال: بَعُدَتْ عَلَيْهِمُ الشُّقَّةُ [التوبة/ 42] ، والشِّقَاقُ: المخالفة، وكونك في شِقٍّ غير شِقِ صاحبك، أو مَن: شَقَّ العصا بينك وبينه. قال تعالى: وَإِنْ خِفْتُمْ شِقاقَ بَيْنِهِما
[النساء/ 35] ، فَإِنَّما هُمْ فِي شِقاقٍ [البقرة/ 137] ، أي: مخالفة، لا يَجْرِمَنَّكُمْ شِقاقِي [هود/ 89] ، وَإِنَّ الَّذِينَ اخْتَلَفُوا فِي الْكِتابِ لَفِي شِقاقٍ بَعِيدٍ [البقرة/ 176] ، مَنْ يُشاقِقِ اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ
[الأنفال/ 13] ، أي: صار في شقّ غير شقّ أوليائه، نحو: مَنْ يُحادِدِ اللَّهَ [التوبة/ 63] ، ونحوه: وَمَنْ يُشاقِقِ الرَّسُولَ [النساء/ 115] ، ويقال: المال بينهما شقّ الشّعرة، وشَقَّ الإبلمة ، أي: مقسوم كقسمتهما، وفلان شِقُّ نفسي، وشَقِيقُ نفسي، أي: كأنه شقّ منّي لمشابهة بعضنا بعضا، وشَقَائِقُ النّعمان: نبت معروف. وشَقِيقَةُ الرّمل:
ما يُشَقَّقُ، والشَّقْشَقَةُ: لهاة البعير لما فيه من الشّقّ، وبيده شُقُوقٌ، وبحافر الدّابّة شِقَاقٌ، وفرس أَشَقُّ: إذا مال إلى أحد شِقَّيْهِ، والشُّقَّةُ في الأصل نصف ثوب وإن كان قد يسمّى الثّوب كما هو شُقَّةً.
شق: لا يشق غباره: تعبير مستحدث على ما يبدو، من الشاعر النابغة الذبياني، وهو تعبير يرتد أصله إلى سباق الخيل. وهو بالضبط: الغبار الذي لا ينشق ولا يخترق بمعنى الفارس الذي يتقدم منافسيه إلى مدى لا يستطيعون إدراك الغبار الذي أثاره. وهذا الكلام يقال للرجل الشهير، الذي لا قرين له، الذي يسبق الآخرين (دي سلان في ترجمته لابن خلكان 1، 50، خلكان 1، 26، 7، سلين، المقري 2، 189، 12، 354، 12): وقد عارضه كثيرون فما شقّوا له غباراً.
شُقّت خَشِبية السيف إذا صقل السيف وسقى الماء (ديوان الهذليين 27، 3، 76، 3، 142، 36).
شُق عنه: يقال عن الطفل الذي يسحب من رحم أمه بالعملية القيصرية (معجم أبي الفداء).
شق: احدث خطوطاً. (بوشر). شق الارض بالسكة: اصطلاح من اصطلاحات الحراثة وأسم المصدر شِقاق، وهو الحرث الأول للأرض.
شق: حين يكون الفعل بمعنى اجتاز أو جاز أو عبر أو قطع لا يمكن أن يستعمل وحده بل يقال شق في؛ وكذلك الأمر مع شق ب فيقال: جزيرتان تشق السفن بينهما (معجم الإدريسي).
شق شقةً: تنزه، جال في نزهة (ألف ليلة 3، 444، 9) شق على: مرّ بفلان، رآه في أثناء مروره، زار (بوشر).
شق: على المريض: عاده (محيط المحيط) فتح من القناة ساقية (معجم الطرائف).
شق: تعب (معجم الادريسي).
شق على جرح: ضمد جرحاً (بوشر).
شاقة الطاعة: رفض طاعة فلان، ثار عليه (تاريخ البربرية 2، 3، 4): نابذوه العهد وشاقوه الطاعة.
أرض متشققة: الأرض التي فيها المزيد من الشقوق أو الحفر (بكري 56، 1517، 7 وعوادي 1، 42) انشق غماً، أنشق غيظاً (الكالا: Rebentar de Enojo) .
أشتق: استمد ماء الساقية من القناة (معجم الطرائف، دي ساس كرست 11، 24 وانظر جاز وعبر).
شق: اشطب من فريتاج الجملة الآتية: Prodiit manafistus evasit إذ إنه ذهب إلى هذا المعنى في ترجمته للمقامة الحريرية 21 أي 212 طبعة 9 دي ساسي؛ فأخطأ في كتابة هذه الكلمة لأن الفعل هناك كان: شف بالفاء.
شق: الموضع الذي بين ساقي الرجل في الجزء الذي يتصل بالجسم وجذعه (انتار 6، 5 والمعنى نفسه عند كوسج وكرست 87، 6 الذي يدعوه مشّق).
شق: مشكاة، ثغرة في سمك الحائط يوضع فيها تمثال .. الخ (بوشر).
خرقت شقوق البربر: صفوفهم (نويري أسبانيا 483).
شق: خط حراثة الأرض الأول (انظر ما تقدم) شُقّ: خشخاش (روولف 118).
شقَّة جمعها شقاق: فتحة (الكالا hendedura ومرادفاتها) صدع: فلع فلق. ثغرة (بوشر).
شق: نزهة في جولة واحدة.
شق: جولة في عدة مواضع، جولة سنوية أو دورية (بوشر).
شق: زيارة طبية.
شقة: جانب؛ على شقة: على جانب، من جانب. بانحراف (بوشر).
شق: قطعة: شقة القلوب والأكباد (مولر 85، 2) يوضح هذا بقوله: كلما زادت قيمة الشيء، زاد تمسكنا به أي القطعة منه.
شقة: جزء (بوشر).
شقة: جذمة (بوشر).
شقة: هي قطعة قماش ولاسيما شقة الكتان (كارتاس 36، 16) قطعة من نسيج كتان (الكالا): (شيء من شقة Tela de Cedaco, Lencal Cosa de Lienco) أو قطعة من جوخ أو صوف (بوشر).
في قوانين غرناطة نجد كلمة شوقا مثلما نجد شقة.
ومن هناك نجد: قطعة قماش من كتان أو شعر العمر الذي تصنع منه الخيمة، (زاتشر 22، 143 وعنده: شِقّة جمعها شقاق).
في (بركهارت سوريا) ص91: خيمة مضيفنا غاية في الإحكام، لأنها مصنوعة من الشق الذي يتعاقب فيه اللونان الأبيض والأسود أو القماش المصنوع من شعر العنز.
جمع الكلمة لا يقتصر على: شقاق فحسب بل تجمع على أشقاق (باين سميث) 1632، (بار على طبعه هوفمان رقم 4515).
شِقة: (بمعنى التعميم) خيمة كبيرة دائرية الشكل (مملوك 1، 1، 192، 2، 2، 12).
شِقة: هي قاطع أو فاصل من القماش يحيط بالخيمة ويسمر سرا برده (مملوك 2، 2، 212).
شِقة: مثل شِق وهو نصف فراش الدواب المزدوج أو إحدى السلّتين (جوب 178، 6 ابن بطوطة 1، 404، 2، 148) (كاترمير هو الذي دون العبارة الأخيرة إلا إن مملوك 101 لم يستطيع فهمها).
شِقة: مِقرعة الباب (مملوك).
شقة من دار: قسم رئيس من مسكن (بوشر).
شقة الرصاص: صفيحة الرصاص (مملوك 2، 2، 212).
شقة وجمعها شقق: الشق في الحائط وغيره (فوك).
شقَّة: الجوانب الأربعة للكعب أو العُظيمة التي تبرز النقرة التي فيه (معجم الأسبانية 254) وجع الشقة: الصداع (محيط المحيط).
شقيق: خشخاش منثور (بوشر مولر 22، 4، ابن الجزائر، زاد المسافر: شقيق النعمان وهي الحببورا).
شقيق القرن: خشخاش مقرون ومقرن وبحري وأقرن وما ميثاء وباللاتينية Glaucium ou Parot Cornu ( بوشر).
شقيق الماء، حوذان؛ صغير. (بوشر).
شقائق (جمع): حرير (فوك).
شقيقة: رباط، لفافة (دي ساسي وكريست: وتلبس دنّيّة طويلة سوداء بشقائق صفر طوال مدلاة على صدرك.).
شقيقة - انظر أصل تسمية الورد المسمى شقائق النعمان عند ابن خلكان 1، 370 وسلين 2، 57؛ والخشخاش (مولر 22).
شُقّيق: خشخاش (بوشر) وهو من كلام العامة (محيط المحيط 475).
شقاق: صانع البياضات وبائعها تاجر الأقمشة القطنية أو الكتانية (فوك) (الكالا).
شاقق: بارز، منبثق (بوشر).
مشّق (انظر شق) هي عند ابن البيطار ص188 جزء 4: ودع واحدة ودعة وهي مناقف صغار تخرج من البحر يزين بها الإكليل وهي بيضاء في بطونها مشق كمشق النواة.
مشقق: كثير الكهوف (الكالا). (البكري 56، ياقوت 1، 456 وضع كلمة أرض متشققة بدلاً من ارض مشققة).
مشقوق، صنوبرة مشقوقة من حالها (الكالا).
مشاقق: منشق، منفصل، خارجي (بوشر).
اشتقاق: إنبثاق، انبعاث (بوشر).
اشتقاقي: (بوشر).
انشقاق: غرق (الكالا).

مد الحجز

مد الحجز:
* إدخال ألف بمقدار حركتين بين الهمزتين المتتاليتين نحو (أأنت) عند بعض القراء، وسمي بذلك؛ لأنه يحجز بين الهمزتين ويبعد إحداهما عن الأخرى، ويسمى (المد الــفاصل)، وهو المعروف بـ (الإدخال). * المد الحاجز بين الساكن والمتحرك، وهو المد اللازم، نحو (دابة).
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