Arabic-English Lexicon by Edward William Lane (d. 1876) المعجم العربي الإنجليزي لإدوارد وليام لين

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1 حَرَشَ الضَّبَّ, (S, A, K,) aor. ـِ inf. n. حَرْشٌ (S, K) and تَحْرَاشٌ, (K,) He hunted, or sought to capture or catch, or captured or caught, the [lizard called] ضبّ; syn. صَادَهُ; (S, A, K;) by moving about his hand at its hole, (S, K,) at the entrance thereof, (K,) in order that it might imagine it to be a serpent, and put forth its tail to strike it, whereupon he would seize it; (S, K;) as also ↓ احترشهُ: (A, K:) or, as also ↓ احترشهُ, and ↓ تحرّشهُ, and بِهِ ↓ تحرّش, he traced its hole, and made a noise with his staff, or stick, at it, and inserted the end of this into the hole, and the ضبّ, hearing the sound, thought it to be a beast desiring to come in upon it, so it came backwards upon its feet and kinder part, fighting, and striking with its tail, whereupon the man hastened with it, and seized it firmly by its tail, and it was unable to escape from him. (TA.) And hence, He hunted, or sought to capture, or captured, the ضبّ in any manner. (Ham p. 61.) Hence also the saying, لَهُوَ أَخْبَثُ مِنْ ضَبٍّ حَرَشْتَهُ [Verily he is worse than a ضبّ which thou hast hunted]: for sometimes the ضبّ scents [its pursuer], and circumvents [him], and cannot be caught. (TA.) And hence the prov., alluding to one's discoursing to a learned man with the desire of instructing him, أَتُعْلِمُنِى بِضَبٍّ

أَنَا حَرَشْتُهُ [Dost thou acquaint me with a ضبّ which I have captured?]. (A 'Obeyd, Az.) Hence also the prov., هٰذَاأَجَلُّ مِنَ الحَرْشِ [This is a greater matter than the hunting, or capturing, of the ضبّ]: (M, A, K:) originating in one of their fables, to the effect that a ضبّ said to its young one, “O my little son, beware thou of الحَرْش: ” and the young one heard, one day, the fall of a digging-implement upon the mouth of the hole; so he said, “O my father, is this الحَرْش? ” to which his father answered, “O my little son, this is a greater matter than الحَرْش: ” (M, K: *) and it became a prov., which is applied to him who fears a thing and falls into that which is more severe. (M.) [Hence also the saying,] ضَبَّ العَدَاوَةِ بَيْنَهُمْ ↓ اِحْتَرَشَ (tropical:) [He roused the rancour of enmity between them]. (TA.) b2: حَرَشَهُ, (S, K,) aor. ـِ (K,) inf. n. حَرْشٌ (S, K) and تَحْرَاشٌ, (K,) signifies also He scratched him with the nails; or wounded him in the outer skin; (S, K;) and so خَرَشَهُ, with خ. (S.) b3: Both also signify It (a fly) bit him. (TA in art. خرش.) b4: And حَرَشَ البَعِيرَ He scratched, or rubbed, the غَارِب [or withers] of the camel with his staff, or stick, to make him go. (TA.) b5: And He scratched, or rubbed, the camel so as to abrade the upper skin, and make it bleed; whereupon it is smeared with هِنَآء [or tar]; as also خَرَشَهُ. (TA.) A2: حَرَشَ بَيْنَ القَوْمِ; &c.: see 2, in two places.

A3: حَرِشَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. حَرْشٌ, He deceived, beguiled, or circumvented; syn. خَدَعَ: and ↓ احترش signifies the same; or nearly the same; i. e. he endeavoured to deceive, beguile, or circumvent; syn. of the inf. n. خِدَاعٌ. (TA.) 2 حَرَّشَ بَيْنَ القَوْمِ, inf. n. تَحْرِيشٌ; (S, * A, * K, * TA;;) and بَيْنَهُمْ ↓ حَرَشَ, (A, TA, *) inf. n. حَرْشٌ; (TA;) He excited discord, dissension, disorder, strife, quarrelling, or animosity, between, or among, the people; (S, * A, * K, * TA;) and (so in the S, but in the K “ or ”) بَيْنَ الكِلَابِ between, or among, the dogs; (S, K;) and البَهَائِمِ the beasts; exciting, or provoking, them, one against another; as is done with camels, and rams, and cocks, &c.; the doing of which is forbidden in a trad.; (TA;) or حَرْشٌ and تَحْرِيشٌ signify one's inciting a man, and a lion, to attack his adversary; (TA;) and مُحَارَشَةٌ and حِرَاشٌ [inf. ns. of ↓ حَارَشَ] are syn. with تَحْرِيشٌ [in the last of the senses above]; as also مُهَارَشَةٌ and هِرَاشٌ: (TA in art. هرش, q. v.:) you say, حَرَّشَهُ [and ↓ حَرَشَهُ, meaning, he incited him, &c.; or rather, he exasperated him; app. from حَرشٌ or or حُرْشَةٌ, signifying “ roughness ”]. (Az, S in art. ذأر.) b2: [Hence, app.,] تَحْرِيشٌ also signifies The mentioning a thing that renders reproof necessary. (TA.) 3 حارش الضَّبُّ الأَفْعَى The ضبّ fought with the viper, the latter desiring to come in upon him. (TA.) b2: See also 2.4 احرش الهِنَآءُ البَعِيرَ [app. originally signifying The tar made the camel to scratch: and hence meaning,] the tar made the camel to break out with small pustules; syn. بَثَّرَهُ: (K:) or excoriated him, and made him to bleed. (Ibn-'Abbád.) 5 تحرّشهُ and تحرّش بِهِ: see حَرَشَ الضَّبَّ.

A2: [تحرّش is also quasi-pass. of 2. You say,] تحرّش بِهِمْ [He became exasperated by them]. (Az, L in art. حد, in explanation of the phrase تَحَدَّدَ بِهِمْ) [See also حَرِدَ.]8 احترشهُ: see حَرَشَ الضَّبَّ, in three places.

A2: See also حَرِشَ.

حَرْشٌ A mark, or trace; syn. أَثَرٌ: (S, K:) by poetic license written ↓ حَرَشٌ: (S:) or a mark upon the back: or a mark of a blow or beating, upon a camel, which has healed, but upon which no hair nor fur grows: or, as heard by Az, from more than one of the Arabs of the desert, a gall, or sore, on the back, which has healed, or become covered with a skin in healing: or a scar of a gall, or sore, on the back: (TA:) pl. حِرَاشٌ. (S, TA.) حَرَشٌ Roughness, harshness, or coarseness; as also ↓ حُرْشَةٌ: (K:) or roughness, &c., of the skin. (S.) [App., it has no verb: see حَرِشٌ, voce أَحْرَشُ.]

A2: See also حَرْشٌ.

حَرِشٌ: see أَحْرَشُ.

حُرْشَةٌ: see حَرَشٌ.

حَارِشُ ضِبَابٍ A hunter, or catcher, of [lizaras of the kind called] ضِبَاب [pl. of ضَبٌّ]: (S A:) pl. حَرَشَةٌ. (A.) أَحْرَشُ Anything rough, harsh, or coarse; as also ↓ حَرِشٌ, on the authority of AHn, and thought by Az to be a possessive epithet, [meaning having roughness, &c., from حَرَشٌ or حُرْشَةٌ,] because he had not heard any verb belonging to it: (TA:) or the former is applied to a ضَبّ, signifying rough; (S, K;) or rough in the skin, (A, TA,) as though notched, or serrated: (TA:) and in like manner, its fem., حَرْشَآءُ, to a serpent (حَيَّة), signifying rough; (K;) or rough in the skin: (S, TA:) and the masc. to a deenár, signifying rough (S, A, K) by reason of its newness; (A, K;) good, rough, recently coined; having upon it the roughness of the stamp: pl. حُرُشٌ (TA) [and حُرْشٌ]: and to a camel, signifying whose galls, or sores, on his back have healed, or become covered with a skin in healing: (Az, as heard by him from more than one of the Arabs of the desert:) and the fem., above mentioned, is applied to a she-camel, signifying, having the mange, or scab, (K, TA,) and not smeared [with tar]; (TA;) she being so called because of the roughness of her skin: (Az, TA:) and to a نُقْبَة [or scab], signifying having small pustules, (S,) not smeared [with tar]. (S, A.)



أل1 سَأَلَهُ (S, M, K) with كَذَا following it, and سَأَلَهُ عَنْ كَذَا and بِكَذَا, (S, * K,) aor. ـْ (M,) inf. n. سُؤَالٌ and مَسْأَلَةٌ, (S, M, K,) which latter is also pronounced مَسَلَةٌ, without the hemzeh, (TA,) and تَسْآلٌ and سَآلَةٌ, (M, K,) and سَأَلَةٌ or سَأْلَةٌ, (accord. to different copies of the K, the former of these two accord. to the TA, [and it appears from a statement that will be found below, voce سُؤْلٌ, that one of these is correct, but in an excel-lent copy of the M, in the place thereof, I find, and ↓ سَآءَلَهُ, as a verb, doubly trans., first thus by itself, and secondly by means of عَنْ, as shown by an ex. in a verse cited below, (see 3,) and this also is correct,]) all [sometimes] signify the same, (S, * K,) i. e. He asked him such a thing; or asked him, interrogated him, questioned him, or inquired of him, respecting such a thing: but عن كذا is more common than بكذا: when سَأَلَ means the asking, or demanding, of property, it is trans. [only] by itself or by means of مِنْ [so that you say سَأَلَهُ كَذَا and سَأَلَ مِنْهُ كَذَا meaning he asked, or demanded, of him such a thing]: (Er-Rághib, TA:) and one says also سَالَ, aor. ـَ (Akh, S, M, Msb, K,) like خَافَ, aor. ـَ (Msb, K;) which is of the dial. of Hudheyl; the medial letter of this being originally و, as is shown by the phrase, mentioned by Az, هُمَا يَتَسَاوَلَانِ: (TA:) [respecting this dial. var., see what follows:] the imperative (S, Msb, K, TA;) of سَأَلَ (S, Msb, TA) is اِسْأَلْ; (S, M, Msb, K, TA;) and (S, K, &c.) that of سَالَ, (S, Msb, TA,) سَلْ, (S, Msb, K, TA,) dual. سَلَا, and pl. سَلُوا, [these two being] irregular; (Msb;) and AAF mentions that Aboo-'Othmán heard one say اِسَلْ, [a form omitted in some copies of the K, but mentioned in the CK,] meaning اِسْأَلْ, suppressing the ء, and transferring its vowel to the preceding letter, like as some of the Arabs said لَحْمَرُ for الأَحْمَرُ [as many do in the present day]: (M:) accord. to ISd, (TA,) the Arabs universally suppress the ء in the imperative except when they prefix to it فَ or وَ; (M, TA;) saying فَاسْأَلْ and وَاسْأَلْ: (TA:) or when وَ [or فَ] is prefixed, it is allowable to pronounce the ء and also to suppress it, as in saying وَاسْأَلُوا and وَسَلُوا: (Msb:) and for the pass. سُئِلَ, one may say سِيلَ, and سُيِلَ, in this instance making the kesreh to partake of the sound of dammeh, and سُولَ; and also سُيِلَ, in which the middle letter is pronounced with a sound between that of ء and that of ى, or resembling that of و. (IJ, TA.) As Er-Rághib says, سُؤَالٌ signifies The asking, or demanding, knowledge, or information, or what leads thereto: and the asking, or demanding, property, or what leads thereto. (TA.) سَأَلْتُهُ عَنِ الشَّىْءِ means I asked of him information respecting the thing: (IB, TA: [and the like is said in the Msb:]) and سَأَلْتُهُ الشَّىْءَ [is sometimes used in the same sense, as has been shown above, but generally] means I asked him to give me the thing: (IB, TA:) you say, سَأَلَهُ مَالًا He asked, demanded, or begged, of him property, and in like manner, سَأَلَ مِنْهُ and سَأَلَ إِلَيْهِ [followed by مَالًا]: (MA:) and سَأَلْتُ اللّٰهَ العَافِيَةَ, inf. n. سُؤَالٌ and مَسْأَلَةٌ, I begged, or sought, of God health, or freedom from disease, &c. (Msb.) The saying in the Kur [lxx. 1], سَأَلَ سَائِلٌ بِعَذَابٍ وَاقِعٍ means عَنْ عَذَابٍ [i. e. An asker asked respecting a falling punishment]: (S:) [for] one says, خَرَجْنَا نَسْأَلُ عَنْ فُلَانٍ and بِفُلَانٍ [meaning We went forth asking respecting such a one]: (Akh, S:) or the phrase in the Kur means a caller called [for a falling punishment]: (TA:) and some read سَالَ سَائِلٌ بعذاب واقع, (Bd, TA,) [likewise] from السُّؤَالُ: (Bd:) or this means سَالَ وَادٍ بعذاب واقع [i. e. a valley flowed with a falling punishment]; (Bd, TA;) so some say; (TA;) from السَّيَلَانُ. (Bd.) The saying, in a trad., نَهَى عَنْ كَثْرَةِ السَّؤَالِ [He (Mohammad) forbade much questioning or inquiring] is said to relate to subtile questions or inquiries, that are needless; like another trad., mentioned below, voce, مَسْأَلَةٌ: or to the begging, of men, their property needlessly. (TA.) 3 سَآءَلَهُ, (M, TA,) inf. n. مُسَآءَلَةٌ: (TA:) see 1, first sentence. Aboo-Dhu-eyb says, أَسَآءَلْتَ رَسْمَ الدَّارِ أَمْ لَمْ تُسَائِلِ عَنِ السَّكْنِ أَمْ عَنْ عَهْدِهِ بِالأَوَائِلِ [Didst thou ask the remains of the dwelling, or didst thou not ask, respecting the inhabitants, or respecting their knowledge of the former occupants?]. (M, TA.) b2: In the saying of Bilál Ibn-Jereer, وَجَدْتَ بِهِمْ عِلَّةً حَاضِرَهْ إِذَا ضِفْتَهُمْ أَوْ سَآيَلْتَهُمْ [When thou becomest their guest, or askest of them, thou findest with them a ready excuse], سَآيَلْتَهُمْ is a combination of two dial. vars.; the ء being in the original phrase سَآءَلْتُ زَيْدًا, and the ى being a substitute in the phrase سَايَلْتُ زَيْدًا; the measure of سَآيَلْتَهُمْ being فَعَايَلْتَهُمْ: (M, K: *) so said Ahmad Ibn-Yahyà, [i. e. Th,] who had at first ignored the expression: (M:) and it is an instance of which we know not a parallel in the language. (M, K. *) b3: [Accord. to analogy, سَآءَلَهَ also signifies He asked him, &c., being asked by him, &c. b4: And Freytag states that Reiske has explained سَآءَلَ as meaning He always demanded that another should express wishes for his health: but I know not any instance of its being used in this sense.]4 أَسْاَ^َ ↓ أَسْأَلَهُ سُؤْلَهُ, (K,) or ↓ سُؤْلَتَهُ, (S,) and ↓ مَسْأَلَتَهُ, (S, K,) He accomplished for him his want. (S, K.) 5 تسأّل, in the modern language, signifies He begged, or asked alms; as also تَسَوَّلَ: both probably post-classical.]6 تَسَآءَلُوا They asked, or begged, one another. (S, Msb, K.) You say, هُمَا يَتَسَآءَلَانِ, (M,) and also يَتَسَاوَلَانِ, (M, Msb, K,) and يَتَسَايَلَانِ. (TA.) In the Kur [iv. 1], some read وَاتَّقُوا اللّٰهَ الَّذِى تَسَّآءَلُونَ بِهِ; and others, تَسَآءَلُونَ بِهِ: in each case, originally تَتَسَآءَلُونَ: the meaning is, [and fear ye God,] by Whom ye demand [one of another] your rights, or dues: (M:) or by Whom ye ask, or demand, one of another; (Bd, Jel;) saying, I ask thee, or beg thee, by God; and I beseech thee, or adjure thee, by God. (Jel.) b2: One says also تَسَآءَلُوا القَوْمَ, meaning They [together] asked, or begged, the people. (Mgh in art. نقض.) سُؤْلٌ, (S, M, K;) also pronounced سُولٌ, without ء, (S, K,) [A petition; or a request; meaning] a thing that people ask or beg; (S;) or a thing that one has asked or begged; (M, K;) as also ↓ سُؤْلَةٌ, (IJ, M, K,) which is likewise pronounced سُولَةٌ, without ء; (K;) and ↓ سُؤُولٌ; (Har p. 422; [or this is app. pl. of سُؤْلٌ, like as بُرُوجٌ is of بُرْجٌ, and بُرُودٌ of بُرْدٌ, &c.;]) [and ↓ سَأْلَةٌ or سَأَلَةٌ, as will be shown by what follows;] and ↓ مَسْؤُولٌ; (Msb;) [and ↓ مَسْأَلَةٌ:] see 4: the first of these said by Z to be of the measure فُعْلٌ in the sense of the measure مَفْعُولٌ; like عُرْفٌ and نُكْرٌ. (TA.) Thus in the Kur [xx. 36], قَدْ أُوتِيتَ سُؤْلَكَ يَا مُوسَى

Thou hast been granted thy petition, or the thing that thou hast asked, O Moses. (S, M, TA.) In the saying ↓ اَللّٰهُمَّ أَعْطِنَا سَأَلَاتِنَا [O God, grant Thou us our petitions], mentioned by Aboo-'Alee on the authority of Az, the inf. n. is used as a subst., properly so termed, and is therefore pluralized. (M.) سَأْلَةٌ or سَأَلَةٌ; pl. سَأَلَاتٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, in two places.

سُؤْلَةٌ: see 4: and see also سْؤْلٌ.

سُؤَلَةٌ, (S, K,) also pronounced سُوَلَةٌ, (TA,) A man (S) who asks, or begs, much; (S, K;) as also ↓ سَأّلٌ, and ↓ سَؤُولٌ: (TA:) such is improperly termed ↓ سَائِلٌ. (Durrat el-Ghowwás, in De Sacy's Anthol. Gramm. Ar., p. 47 of the Ar. text.) سُؤَالٌ an inf. n. of 1. (S, M, K, &c.) b2: [It is often used as a subst. properly so called; like مَسْأَلَةٌ; meaning A question; an interrogation; correlative of جَوَابٌ: and a demand, or petition: and as such has a pl., سُؤَالَاتٌ; perhaps postclassical.]

سَؤُولٌ: see سُؤَلَةٌ.

سُؤُولٌ: see سُؤْلٌ [of which it is app. pl.].

سَأّلٌ: see سُؤَلَةٌ.

سَائِلٌ [i. e. Asking; meaning interrogating, questioning, or inquiring; and demanding, or begging;] has for its pl. سَأَلَةٌ and سُؤَّالٌ. (TA.) See سُؤَلَةٌ. b2: It also means [A beggar; i. e.] a poor man asking, or begging, a thing. (Er-Rághib, TA.) So it has been expl. as used in the Kur [xciii. 10], where it is said, وَأَمَّا السَّائِلَ فَلَا تَنْهَرْ [And as for the beggar, thou shalt not chide him, or address him with rough speech]: or, accord. to El-Hasan, it here means the seeker of knowledge. (TA.) مَسْأَلَةٌ, an inf. n. of 1, is tropically used in the sense of a pass. part. n. [with the noun qualified by it understood; meaning (tropical:) A thing asked; i. e. a question; a problem, or proposition; a matter, or an affair, proposed for decision or determination]: (TA:) and the pl. is مَسَائِلُ. (Msb, TA.) So in the saying, تَعَلَّمْتُ مَسْأَلَةً (tropical:) [I learned a question, or problem, &c.]. (TA.) The saying, in a trad., كَرِهَ المَسَائِلَ وَعَابَهَا means (assumed tropical:) [He (Mohammad) disliked and discommended] subtile questions, such as are needless. (TA.) b2: See also سُؤْلٌ: b3: and see 4.

مَسْؤُولٌ [pass. part. n. of 1: and used as a subst.]: see سُؤْلٌ.



1 حَرَبَهُ, (S, A, K,) aor. ـُ inf. n. حَرَبٌ, (S, K,) He despoiled him of his wealth, or property; or plundered him; (S, A, K;) leaving him without anything. (S.) b2: [Hence,] حُرِبَ, (A, Mgh, Msb,) or حُرِبَ مَالَهُ, (S,) He was, or became, despoiled, or plundered, (S, A, Mgh, Msb,) of his wealth, or property, (S,) or of all his wealth, or property; as also حَرِبَ, (Mgh, Msb,) aor. ـَ (Msb,) inf. n. حَرَبٌ. (Mgh, Msb.) You say, مَا لَهُ جَرِبَ وحَرِبَ: see art. جرب. (TA.) And حُرِبَ دِينَهُ (assumed tropical:) He was despoiled of his religion; was rendered, or became, an unbeliever. (TA.) b3: [And hence,] حَرِبَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. حَرَبٌ, He said وَا حَرَبَا, or وَا حَرَبَاهْ: [see حَرَبٌ, below.] (TA.) b4: and حَرِبَ, (S, A, K,) aor. ـَ (K,) inf. n. حَرَبٌ, (A, TA,) (tropical:) He (a man, S, A) was, or became, angry, (A,) or violently angry. (S, K.) And i. q. كَلِبَ [meaning (assumed tropical:) He was, or became, affected with canine madness: see حَرِبٌ]. (K.) And (assumed tropical:) He (an enemy) was, or became, like a lion; as also ↓ استحرب. (TA.) 2 حرّب, inf. n. تَحْرِيبٌ, He sharpened a spearhead. (S, K.) b2: (tropical:) He angered: (S, A:) or angered violently: (K:) and he provoked, or exasperated. (S, K, TA.) And it is said to signify (assumed tropical:) He acquainted a person with a thing that angered him: but where it is said to have this meaning, it is accord. to one reading with ج and hemzeh [in the places of ح and ب]. (TA.) 3 حاربهُ, (S, A, Msb, K,) inf. n. مُحَارَبَةٌ (Msb, K) and حِرَابٌ, (K,) He waged, or contended in, war with him; warred, or battled, with him. (S, * A, Msb, K.) See also 6. b2: He was, or became, hostile, or an enemy, to him. (S, * TA.) b3: He disobeyed Him; namely, God. (TA.) 4 احرب الحَرْبَ He excited, provoked, or stirred up, war. (K.) b2: احربهُ He guided him to spoil, or plunder; guided him, or showed him the way, to obtain spoil, or plunder, of an enemy; (S, K, TA;) acting as a spy. (TA.) b3: He found him to be despoiled, or plundered, of his wealth, or property, or of all his wealth, or property. (TA.) 6 تحاربوا and ↓ احتربوا (S, A, K) and ↓ حاربوا (S) They waged, or contended in, war, one with another; warred, or battled, one with another. (S, A, K.) 8 إِحْتَرَبَ see 6. b2: اُحْتُرِبَ It was all plundered, taken, or carried off. (Har p. 313.) 10 إِسْتَحْرَبَ see 1, last meaning.

حَرْبٌ War, battle, fight, or conflict; (Msb, TA;) contr. of سِلْمٌ; (TA;) consisting, first, in shooting arrows, one at another; then, in thrusting, one at another, with spears; then, in combating one another with swords; and then, in grappling and struggling together: (Suh, TA:) it is [generally] fem.; (S, L Msb;) but its dim. is ↓ حُرَيْبٌ, without ة, (Kh, S, L, Msb,) contr. to rule, (L, Msb,) like ذُرَيْعٌ, and قُوَيْسٌ, and فُرَيْسٌ in a fem. sense, (L,) because originally an inf. n. [of which the verb (حَرَبَ) seems not to have been used as meaning “ he waged, or contended in, war ”], (El-Mázinee, S,) or in order that it may not be confounded with the dim. of حَرْبَةٌ: (Msb:) Seer makes its origin to be the epithet حَرْبٌ, which, however, is originally an inf. n.: (L:) sometimes it is masc.; (IAar, Mbr, S, Msb, K;) but this is extr.: (L:) the pl. is حُرُوبٌ. (S, K.) You say, وَقَعَتْ بَيْنَهُمْ حَرْبٌ [War happened between them]. (S.) And قَامَتِ الحَرْبُ عَلَى سَاقٍ

The war, or battle, became vehement, so that safety from destruction was difficult of attainment. (Msb.) And making it masc., as meaning قِتَالٌ, you say حَرْبٌ شَدِيدٌ A vehement fight or battle. (Msb.) [Hence,] اِبْنُ حَرْبٍ A warrior: (Er-Rághib, TA in art. بنى:) and اِبْنُ الحَرْبِ [the warrior; or] he who suffices for war, and who defends. (Msb in that art.) And دَارُ الحَرْبِ The country, or countries, of the unbelievers, (Msb,) or of [those called by the Muslims] the polytheists, (K,) between whom and the Muslims there is not peace. (Msb, K.) In the saying of Aboo-Haneefeh, كَانَتْ مَكَّةُ إِذْ ذٰاكَ حَرْبًا, the meaning is دَارَ حَرْبٍ [Mekkeh was at that time a place of which the people were at war with the Muslims]. (Mgh.) A2: It is also an epithet; originally an inf. n. (L.) You say رَجُلٌ حَرْبٌ, (K, TA,) [in the CK حَرِبٌ, but it is] like عَدْلٌ, (TA,) A man vehement in war, and courageous; as also ↓ مِحْرَبٌ and ↓ مِحْرَابٌ: (K:) or ↓ مِحْرَبٌ signifies a man of wars; (S;) or a man of war, as also ↓ مِحْرَابٌ; and a known, experienced warrior. (TA.) [Being originally an inf. n.,] حَرْبٌ as an epithet is used in the same form as masc. and fem. and sing. and pl.: (K:) so that one says اِمْرَأَةٌ حَرْبٌ and قَوْمٌ حَرْبٌ, (TA,) as also ↓ قَوْمٌ مِحْرَبَةٌ. (S, K.) b2: Also An enemy, (S, K,) whether, or not, actually at war. (K.) So in the saying, أَنَا حَرْبٌ لِمَنْ حَارَبَنَىِ [I am an enemy to him who wars with me, or who is an enemy to me]. (S.) And فُلَانٌ حَرْبُ فُلَانٍ Such a one is the enemy of such a one. (TA.) Some hold that حَرْبٌ is a pl. [or rather a quasi-pl. n.] of حَارِبٌ or مُحَارِبٌ. (TA.) حَرَبٌ inf. n. of حَرِبَ. (A, Mgh, Msb.) وَاحَرَبَا is an ejaculation expressive of grief, lamentation, or regret, [meaning Alas, my spoliation! or my loss! or my grief!] (ISd, Mgh, TA,) used in an absolute manner, like وَا أَسَفَا, (ISd, TA,) or يَا أَسَفَا, (Mgh,) from حَرَبَهُ “ he despoiled him of his wealth, or property: ” (K:) [or from حَرِبَ, q. v.:] or it originated from the fact that Harb the son of Umeiyeh, when any one died, used to ask his family what they required to expend on the occasion, and used to supply them therewith; (TA;) and when he himself died, the people of Mekkeh and its neighbourhood bewailed him, saying, وَا حَرْبَا, (Th, K, * TA,) or وَا حَرْبَاهْ, (TA,) [Alas for Harb!] and then they changed the expression to وَا حَرَبَا, (Th, K,) or وَاحَرَبَاهْ, and it became used in the case of bewailing any person who was dear, and in the cases of other calamities: but this account of the origin did not please ISd. (TA.) b2: Also Perdition. destruction, or death. (Har p. 158.) حَرِبٌ: see حَرِيبٌ.

A2: Also (tropical:) Angry: (A:) or violently angry: (S, K:) applied to a man and to a lion. (S, A.) And i. q. كَلِبٌ [meaning Affected with canine madness]: pl. حَرْبَى, (K,) syn. with كَلْبَى, but unknown to Az in this sense except in one instance. (TA.) حَرْبَةٌ [A dart, or javelin;] a certain weapon (K) resembling a spear, (Msb,) but smaller, (TA,) having a wide head; (As, TA;) not reckoned among رِمَاح: (IAar, TA:) dim. ↓ حُرَيْبَةٌ: (Msb:) pl. حِرَابٌ. (S, A, Msb, K.) You say, أَخَذُوا الحِرَابَ لِلْحِرَابِ [They took the darts, or javelins, for contending in war, or battle]. (A.) A2: A thrust, stick, or stab. (K.) b2: Spoliation. (K.) b3: Corruptness of religion. (K.) A3: حَرْبَةُ a name of Friday; (K, TA;) accord. to the Námoos, because it is a time for warring with oneself: (TA:) pl. حَرَبَاتٌ and حَرْبَاتٌ. (K.) حِرْبَةٌ A mode, or manner, of war, battle, fight, or conflict. (K.) حِرْبَاءٌ [The male chameleon;] the male of what is called أُمُّ حُبَيْنٍ; (S, Msb, K; [but see the latter appellation in art. حبن;]) a well-known animal: (TA:) or a certain reptile, like the عَظَآءَة, (K,) said to be larger than this latter, (Msb,) somewhat larger, (S,) that turns itself, (S, Msb,) or its head, (K,) towards the sun, (S, Msb, K,) turning with the sun as the sun turns, and assuming various colours (S, Msb) by reason of the heat of the sun: (S:) Az describes it as a reptile resembling in form what is called سَامُّ أَبْرَصَ, with four legs, slender head, [which is not correct as applied to the chameleon,] and striped back; that all the day looks towards the sun; and he adds that its flesh is impure, and the Arabs never eat it: (TA:) [accord. to Freytag, the word, thus applied, is said (but I know not on what authority) to be from خُرْبَا, meaning حافظ الشمس (guardian of the sun):] the fem. is with ة: (S:) and the pl. حَرَابِىُّ. (S, Msb.) [The word حرباء is used in passages cited in the TA as masc. and fem.; whence it seems that it may be written حِرْبَآءُ as well as حِرْبَآءٌ.] The Arabs used the expression حِرْبَآءُ تَنْضُبٍ or تَنْضُبَ, like ذئْبُ غَضًا: (S:) [the latter word in each of these cases being the name of a tree:] the former is proverbially applied to a prudent man; because the حرباء does not quit the first branch but to leap upon the second. (TA.) The phrase اِنْتَصَبَ العُودُ فِى

الحِرْبَآءِ is used, by inversion, for انتصب الحرباءُ فى العودِ [The male chameleon stood erect upon the branch]: for it stands erect upon stones, and upon the roots or trunks of trees, looking towards the sun, and declines as the sun declines. (TA.) b2: Also (tropical:) The back: or its flesh: (K:) or حِرْبَآءُ المَتْنِ means the flesh along either side of the backbone: (TA:) or this, (TA,) or الحرباءُ, (K,) the ridge of the backbone: (K, TA:) or حَرَابِىُّ المَتْنِ (S, L, TA) signifies the portions of flesh, (S,) or the flesh, (L, TA,) along either side of the backbone: (S, L, TA:) the sing. is حِرْبَآءٌ; likened to the حرباء [or male chameleon] of the desert, and therefore tropical: Kr says that the sing. of حَرَابِىُّ الظُّهُورِ is حِرْبَآءٌ accord. to rule; showing that it has no known sing. on the authority of hearsay. (L, TA.) A2: The nails, (S,) or a nail, (K,) of a coat of mail: (S, K:) or the head of a nail in a ring of a coat of mail: (K:) pl. as above. (TA.) A3: And Rugged ground: (K:) or rugged and hard ground; accord. to Th; but the word commonly known is حِزْبَآءٌ, with záy. (TA.) [This meaning has been supposed to be assigned in the K to مُحْرَبِئَةٌ; but the TA shows that such is not the case.]

حَرِيبٌ and ↓ مَحْرُوبٌ (S, Mgh, Msb, K) and ↓ حَرِبٌ (MF) Despoiled of his wealth, or property; plundered; (S, Mgh, Msb, K, MF;) and left without anything: (S, Mgh, Msb:) pl. (of the first, TA) حَرْبَى and حُرَبَآءُ. (K.) And حَرِيبَةٌ and ↓ مَحْرُوبَةٌ A woman deprived of her child, or children. (TA.) And ↓ محروب (assumed tropical:) Despoiled of his religion; rendered, or become, an unbeliever. (TA.) حُرَيْبٌ dim. of حَرْبٌ, q. v.

حَرَابَةٌ: see what next follows.

حَرِيبَةٌ (S, A, K) and ↓ حَرَابَةٌ (A) Wealth, or property, of which one is despoiled, or plundered: (A, K:) a man's property is not so called until he has been despoiled of it: (TA:) or (K, but in the A “ and ”) wealth, or property, by means of which one lives, or subsists: (S, A, K:) pl. of the former [and of the latter also accord. to analogy] حَرَائِبُ. (TA.) حُرَيْبَةٌ dim. of حَرْبَةٌ, q. v.

حَرَّابَةٌ A troop of plunderers. (TA.) حَارِبٌ [act. part. n. of حَرَبَ]. b2: It occurs in a trad. as signifying One who strips people forcibly of their clothes. (TA.) مِحْرَبٌ and مِحْرَبَةٌ: see حَرْبٌ, in three places.

أَرْضٌ مُحَرْبِئَةٌ (S, K, in the CK مُحَرْبِيَةٌ) A land containing, (S,) or abounding with, (K,) animals of the kind called حِرْبَآء [i. e. male chameleons]. (S, K.) المُحَرَّبُ and ↓ المُتَحَرِّبُ The lion. (K, TA.) مِحْرَابٌ: see حَرْبٌ, in two places.

A2: Also The upper end of a sitting-room, (Msb, and so accord. to an explanation of the pl. مَحَارِيبُ, in the S, on the authority of Fr,) or of a house, or tent, or chamber; (K;) the chief, or most honourable, sitting-place; (AO, L, Msb, K; *) whence, in a trad., كَانَ يَكْرَهُ المَحَارِيبَ [he used to dislike the uppermost, or chief, sitting-places in rooms]: (L:) the place where kings and chiefs and great men sit: (Msb:) a high place: (As, Hr, TA:) a [chamber of the kind called] غُرْفَة: (S, Msb, K:) the highest chamber in a house: a chamber to which one ascends by stairs: (Zj, TA:) a king's closet, or private chamber, into which he retires alone, out of the way of the people: (K:) a [pavilion, or building of the kind called] قَصْر: (As, TA:) the station of the Imám in a mosque: (K:) the مِحْرَاب [or niche which shows the direction of the kibleh] of a mosque; from the same word as signifying the “ upper end of a sittingroom; ” (Fr, S, Msb;) or, as some say, because the person praying wars with the devil and with himself by causing the attention of his heart: (Msb:) the highest place in a mosque: (Zj, TA:) the kibleh: (L, TA:) a mosque, or place of worship; so in the Kur xix. 12: (S, L:) a place of assembly. (As, TA.) مَحَارِيبُ بَنِى إِسْرَائِيلَ meansThe places of worship of the Children of Israel, (T, K,) in which they used to assemble for prayer, (T, TA,) or in which they used to sit; (K;) as though they sat therein to consult respecting war. (TA.) [See also مَذْبَحٌ.] b2: I. q. أَجَمَةٌ, (K,) meaning The haunt of a lion. (TA.) b3: The neck of a beast. (Lth, K, TA.) مَحْرُوبٌ and مَحْرُوبَةٌ: see حَرِيبٌ, in three places.

المُتَحَرِّبُ: see المُحَرَّبُ.



1 حَرَدَ, (S, A, Msb, K,) aor. ـِ (S, K,) inf. n. حَرْدٌ, (S, Msb,) He tended, repaired, betook himself, or directed himself or his course or aim, to or towards; made for or towards; aimed at; sought, pursued, desired, or intended; (him, or it; IAar, K;) syn. قَصَدَ. (IAar, S, A, Msb, K.) Agreeably with this explanation, some render the words of the Kur [lxviii. 25], وَغَدَوْا عَلَى حَرْدٍ

قَادِرِينَ. (S.) You say to a man, ↓ قَدْ حَرَدْتُ حَرْدَكَ I have tended, repaired, &c., to, or towards, thee; like قَصَدْتُ قَصْدَكَ (Fr, S, * L) and أَقْبَلْتُ قِبَلَكَ. (Fr, L.) A rájiz says, (S,) namely, Hassán, (so in a copy of the S,) أَقْبَلَ سَيْلٌ جَآءَ مِنْ أَمْرِ اللّٰهَ يَحْرِدُ حَرْدَ الجَنَّةِ المُغِلَّهْ

[A torrent advanced, that came by the command of God, tending to the fruitful garden]. (S.) A2: Also, aor. ـِ (K,) inf. n. حَرْدٌ, (S, L,) He prevented, hindered, impeded, withheld, restrained, debarred, inhibited, forbade, prohibited, or interdicted; (IAar, S, K;) and so ↓ حرّد, (L, K,) inf. n. تَحْرِيدٌ. (TA.) Agreeably with this explanation, also, some render the words of the Kur cited above: from حَارَدَتْ said of she-camels, meaning “ they became scanty in their supplies of milk. ” (S.) A3: Also, aor. ـِ (S, L, K,) or ـُ (Az, S, L,) inf. n. حُرُودٌ; (S, K;) [and app. ↓ تحرّد and ↓ انحرد; (see حَرِيدٌ;)] He (a man) separated himself from others; (K;) he left, or abandoned, or forsook, his people, and removed from them; (Az, S;) he retired from his people, and alighted, or took up his abode, in a place by himself. (S.) A4: حَرِدَ, (Sb, S, Msb, K,) aor. ـَ (Msb, K,) and حَرَدَ, aor. ـِ (L, K,) inf. n. حَرْدٌ, (Sb, As, T, IDrd, S, Msb, &c.,) so says Aboo-Nasr Ahmad Ibn-Hátim, companion of As, (S,) and حَرَدٌ, (T, S, Msb,) this latter form of the inf. n. sometimes used, accord. to ISk, (S,) and this is the form heard by Az and AO and As from the Arabs of chaste speech, (TA,) but both forms are chaste, (IAar, TA,) though the former is the more common, (IAar, Msb,) He was, or became, angry: (S, Msb, K, &c.:) he was, or became, exasperated (تحرّش) by one who angered him, and desired to kill him. (T, L.) And حَرَدَ عَلَيْهِ (A, L) and حَرِدَ (L) He was angry with him. (A, L.) A5: حَرِدَ, (S, Msb, K,) aor. ـَ (S, K,) inf. n. حَرَدٌ, (S, Mgh, Msb,) He (a camel) had the disease termed حَرَدٌ [q. v.]: (K:) he had the tendons, or sinews, of one of his fore legs relaxed by the cord whereby the fore shank is sometimes bound up to the arm, or had them in that state naturally, (S, Mgh, Msb, *) so that he shook his fore legs, (S,) or so that he beat the ground [with the fore leg], (Mgh, Msb,) in walking, or going: (S, Mgh, Msb:) or he (a camel) had the tendon, or sinew, of his arm broken, so that his fore leg became lax, and he never ceased to shake it: the tendon, or sinew, breaks only in the outer side of the arm, and it [the arm] seems, when the camel walks or is in motion, as though it stretched, by reason of his raising it so high from the ground, and by reason of its laxness: (ISh, TA:) or he (a beast) raised his legs very high, in walking, or going, and put them down in their place, by reason of his being very short in his step. (L.) b2: Also, aor. and inf. n. as above, He (a man) was oppressed by the weight of his coat of mail, so that he was unable to stretch himself out in walking. (K.) b3: And, with the same aor. and inf. n., It (a bowstring) had one or more of the several portions of which (by their being twisted together) it was composed longer than others. (K.) 2 حرّد: see 1.

A2: Also, (T, L, K,) inf. n. تَحْرِيدٌ, (K,) He twisted a rope so tightly that the strands formed knots, and overlay one another: (T, L:) and he rolled a rope in twisting it (أَدْرَجَ فَتْلَهُ) so that it became round. (AHn, L, K.) [See also the pass. part. n., below.] b2: And, (K,) inf. n. as above, (S, K,) He crooked, curved, or bent, a thing, (S, K,) in the form of an arch. (S.) b3: See also حُرْدِىٌ. [It seems to be implied in the L, that one says حرّد حَائِطَ القَصَبِ, meaning He bound a حُرْدِىّ (q. v.) upon the fence of reeds, or canes, of a fold for sheep &c.]

A3: Also, (K,) inf. n. as above, (T, K,) He (a man) betook himself, or repaired, for covert, or lodging, to a [house, or hut, such as is called] كُوخ, (T, K,) with a gibbous roof. (K.) 3 حَارَدَتْ, (S, A, K,) inf. n. حِرَادٌ, (S,) She (a camel) was, or became, scanty in her supply of milk: (S, A, K:) or ceased to yield milk, or to have milk in her udder. (K.) b2: [Hence,] (tropical:) She (a woman) ceased to have milk in her breasts. (L.) b3: And (tropical:) It (a بَاطِيَة or other vessel) ceased to have wine, or beverage, in it. (L.) b4: And (tropical:) It (a year, سَنَةٌ,) was one of little rain. (S, A, K.) b5: And حارد (tropical:) He (a man) was about to give, and then refrained. (A.) b6: And حَارَدَتْ حَالِى (tropical:) My state, or condition, became changed, so as not to be known, or so as to be displeasing. (A.) 4 احردهُ He separated, or set apart, (K,) and removed, (TA,) him, or it. (K, TA.) 5 تَحَرَّدَ see 1.7 إِنْحَرَدَ see 1. b2: [Also,] It (a star) darted down. (K.) حَرْدٌ i. q. قَصْدٌ: whence the phrase, قَدْ حَرَدْتُ حَرْدَكَ: see 1.

A2: Anger; [as also ↓ حَرَدٌ: see 1:] so in the prov., تَمَسَّكْ بِحَرْدِكَ حَتَّى تُدْرِكَ حَقَّكَ Retain, or persist in, thine anger until thou obtain thy right. (TA.) Rancour, or enmity which one retains in the heart, watching for an opportunity to indulge it. (El-Kálee, MF.) A3: See also حَرِيدٌ.

حِرْدٌ The مَبْعَر [i. e. the intestine, or gut, containing the بَعْر, or dung,] of a camel, (As, S, K,) male or female; (K;) as also ↓ حِرْدَةٌ: (As, K:) pl. حُرُودٌ. (As, S.) b2: An intestine, or a gut: (T:) pl. as above: (IAar:) [or] أَحْرَادٌ signifies the intestines, or guts, of camels; and is probably a pl. of حِرْدٌ, like حُرُودٌ, as the مَبَاعِر and the أَمْعَآء are nearly alike. (L.) Accord. to Lth [and the K], حِرْدٌ signifies A piece of a camel's hump: but this is a mistake: it means (as explained above) an intestine, or a gut. (T.) حَرَدٌ: see حَرْدٌ.

A2: Also A certain disease in the legs of camels, (K, TA,) occasioning them, in walking, or going, to shake their legs, and to beat the ground with them much: (TA:) or a certain disease in their fore legs; (K, TA;) not in the hind legs; caused by the cord whereby the fore shank is sometimes bound up to the arm: (TA:) or an aridity in the tendons, or sinews, of one of the fore legs, occasioned by that cord, (K, TA,) when the animal is young and recently weaned, (TA,) in consequence of which he beats the ground with his fore legs, (K, TA,) or [strikes] his breast [therewith], in walking, or going: (TA:) the disease thus called is casual; [or generally so; (see حُرَيْدَآءُ;)] not natural. (T.) [See حَرِدَ.]

حَرِدٌ: see حَرِيدٌ: A2: and حَارِدٌ: A3: and أَحْرَدُ, in two places.

A4: Also A rope uneven in its strands. (AHn, TA.) A bow-string having one or more of the several portions of which (by their being twisted together) it is composed longer than others. (K.) [See also مُحَرَّدٌ.]

A5: A man in want, or needy. (Yoo, on the authority of an Arab of the desert.) حِرْدَةٌ: see حِرْدٌ.

حُرْدِىٌّ A bundle of reeds, or canes, which is laid upon the rafters, or pieces of wood; (called رَوَافِدُ, IAar, L,) of a roof: (IAar, Mgh, Msb:) [the reeds, or canes, which are thus used in the construction of a roof are tied together in small bundles, each of which I have generally found to consist of about five or six: over them is added a coat of plaster:] pl. حَرَادِىُّ: a Nabathæan word: (S, Mgh, Msb, K:) arabicized: (S:) you should not say هُرْدِىٌّ. (ISk, S, Mgh.) b2: Also, (L, K,) and ↓ حُرْدِيَّةٌ, (Mgh, L, K,) The girdle (حِيَاصَة, Mgh, L, K, TA, in the CK حِياضَة) of a fold for sheep, &c. (حَظِيرَة), which is bound upon the fence (حَائِط) of reeds, or canes, (Mgh, L, K,) crosswise: (Mgh, L:) accord. to IDrd, Nabathæan. (L.) You say, ↓ حَرَّدَهُ, inf. n. تَحْرِيدٌ. (L.) b3: Also ↓ حُرْدِيَّةٌ, (Lth, Msb,) in the 'Eyn هُرْدِيَّةٌ, (Mgh,) but this latter is disallowed by ISk, (Msb,) Reeds, or canes, which are connected, in a bent form, with the arched branches (طَاقَات) of a grape-vine, (Lth, Mgh, Msb,) and upon which the shoots of the vine are let fall. (Mgh.) b4: Also حُرْدِىٌّ, with damm, [irregularly formed from حِرْدٌ, unless it be a mistake for حِرْدِىٌّ,] A man having wide, or capacious, intestines [like those of the camel]. (L, TA.) حُرْدِيَّةٌ: see what next precedes, in two places.

حَرْدَانُ: see حَرِيدُ: A2: and حَارِدُ.

حَرُودٌ (S, A, K) and ↓ مُحَارِدٌ (A, K) and ↓ مُحَارَدَةٌ (K, TA, but omitted in some copies of the K) A she-camel yielding little milk: (S, A, K:) or ceasing to yield milk, or to have milk in her udder. (K.) حُرُودٌ and ↓ حَرَائِدُ, (K, TA,) or ↓ حَرَادِيدُ, (so in a MS. copy of the K and in the CK,) The prominent edges of a rope: (K: [in a MS. copy of the K and in the CK, for حَبْل is erroneously put جَبَل:]) or the former, knots, and parts overlying one another, in a rope, in consequence of the strands' being twisted very tightly. (Az, on the authority of Arabs of his time.) b2: Also the former, pl. of حِرْدٌ [q. v.]. (As, S.) حَرِيدٌ A man who separates himself from others; as also ↓ حَرِدٌ and ↓ حَرْدٌ and ↓ حَارِدٌ and ↓ مُتَحَرِّدٌ (K) and ↓ حَرْدَانُ: (L:) fem. حَرِيدَةُ, not حَرْدَى: (L:) or a man who has left, or abandoned, or forsaken, his people, and removed from them: (Az, S:) or a sole, or single, man: (As, S:) and ↓ مُنْحَرِدٌ signifies solitary, in the dial. of Hudheyl: (As, S:) pl. (of the first, S) حُرْدَآءُ (S, K) and (of the second, TA) حِرَادٌ. (K.) You say, حَلَّ حَرِيدًا He alighted and abode aside, or apart, from the people. (A.) And حَىٌّ حَرِيدٌ A tribe that separates itself from others, (K, TA,) not mixing with them when departing and alighting, (TA,) either on account of its might or on account of its smallness of number (K, TA) and its meanness of condition. (TA.) And كَوْكَبٌ حَرِيدٌ (S, A) and ↓ مُنْحَرِدٌ (S) A solitary star. (S.) Aboo-Dhu-eyb says, ↓ كَأَنَّهُ كَوْكَبٌ فِى الجَوِّ مُنْحَرِدُ [As though it were a solitary star in the region between the heaven and the earth]: but AA reads [منجرد,] with ج, explaining it in the same sense; and saying that the poet means سُهَيْلٌ [or Canopus]. (S.) [See also 7.] And they say, كُلُّ قَلِيلِ فِى

كَثِيرٍ حَرِيدٌ [Everything little among much, or small in number among great in number, is solitary]. (Az, S.) حُرَيْدَآءُ A tendon, or sinew, that is in the place of the cord whereby the fore shank is sometimes bound up to the arm, occasioning a beast to be what is termed أَحْرَد, (K,) i. e., to shake one of his fore legs in walking, or going: sometimes this is natural. (TA.) [See حَرَدٌ.]

حَرَائِدُ: see حُرُودٌ.

حَرَادِيدُ: see حُرُودٌ.

حَارِدٌ: see حَرِيدٌ.

A2: Also, (S, A, K,) and ↓ حَرِدٌ (A, K) and ↓ حَرْدَانُ, Angry: (S, A, K:) exasperated (مُتَحَرِّشٌ) by him who has angered him, and desirous of killing him: (T, L:) or the first, compact in make, strong, feared, or dreaded; whom, by reason of [his] disdainfulness (عزة [i. e.

عِزَّة]) one thinks to be angry. (Ham p. 300.) أَسَدٌ حَارِدٌ An angry lion: pl. حَوَارِدُ. (S, A.) أَحْرَدُ A camel (or a beast, L) having the disease, or fault, termed حَرَدٌ; (S, Mgh, L, Msb, K;) as also ↓ حَرِدٌ: (K:) fem. of the former حَرْدَآءُ. (S.) b2: A man oppressed by the weight of his coat of mail, and unable to stretch himself out in walking; (T, TA;) [and] so ↓ حَرِدٌ. (K.) b3: (tropical:) Niggardly; mean; sordid. (K, TA.) and أَحْرَدُ اليَدَيْنِ (assumed tropical:) Close-fisted, or niggardly. (T.) مُحَرَّدٌ A rope plaited so that it has prominent edges, by reason of its distortion. (S, L. [See also 2; and see حَرِدٌ.]) And A bow-string strongly twisted, having one or more of its strands, or the several portions of which (by their being twisted together) it is composed, appearing over, or above, others; as also مُعَجَّرٌ. (L.) b2: Crooked, curved, or bent, (S, K,) [in the form of an arch: see 2:] applied to anything. (S.) b3: A room in which are [bundles such as are called] حَرَادِىّ of reeds, or canes, (S, L,) laid across [over the rafters of the roof]; (L;) as also مُحَرَّدَةٌ applied as an epithet to a room of the kind called غُرْفَة: (S, L:) and the former word, (K,) used as a subst., (TA,) signifies as above. (K, TA.) b4: Also, (K,) or بَيْتٌ مُحَرَّدٌ, (As, S, A,) A house [or hut] with a gibbous roof, such as is termed كوخ. (As, S, A, * K. *) مُحَارِدٌ and مُحَارِدَةٌ: see حَرُودٌ.

مُتَحَرِّدٌ: see حَرِيدٌ.

مُنْحَرِدٌ: see حَرِيدٌ, in three places.



1 سَاكَ الشَّىْءَ, (IDrd, O, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ inf. n. سُوْكٌ, (IDrd, O, Msb,) He rubbed the thing, or rubbed it well. (IDrd, O, Msb, K.) b2: See also 2.

A2: And see 6.2 سوّك فَاهُ, (S, O, Msb,) or سوّك فَمَهُ بِالعُودِ, (K,) inf. n. تَسْوِيكٌ; (S, O, Msb, K;) and ↓ سَاكَهُ, (O, K,) aor. and inf. n. as in the first paragraph, (O,) or inf. n. سِوَاكٌ; (Msb; [there said to be an inf. n., as well as a subst. syn. with مِسْوَاكٌ, but without the mention of its verb;]) and ↓ استاك and ↓ تسوَك, these two used without the mention of the mouth (S, O, Msb, K) or the stick; (K;) [He rubbed and cleaned his teeth with the سِوَاك, or مِسْوَاك.]5 تَسَوَّكَ see the next preceding paragraph.6 تَسَاوُكٌ and سِوَاكٌ [each an inf. n., the verb of the latter, if it have one, being app. ↓ سَاكَ,] A weak manner of going: or a bad manner of going, resulting from slowness or emaciation: (K, TA:) so says ISk. (TA.) One says, جَآءَتِ الإِبِلُ تَسَاوَكُ, [for تَتَسَاوَكُ,] i. e. The camels came inclining from side to side, in consequence of weakness, in their going along. (S, O.) [Or]

تساوكت الإِبِلُ means The camels had an agitation of their necks in consequence of leanness. (IF, Msb.) In the M it is said that جَآءَت الغَنَمُ مَاتَسَاوَكُ means The sheep, or goats, came, not moving their heads, in consequence of weakness. (TA.) 8 إِسْتَوَكَ see 2.

سِوَاكٌ and ↓ مِسْوَاكٌ signify the same; (S, Mgh, O, Msb, K;) i. e. A tooth-stick; a piece of stick with which the teeth are rubbed [and cleaned, the end being made like a brush by beating or chewing it so as to separate the fibres]; (K, * TA;) [commonly] a piece of stick of the [kind of tree called] أَرَاك: (Msb:) accord. to IDrd, derived from سُكْتُ الشَّىْءَ meaning “ I rubbed, or rubbed well, the thing; ” (O, Msb;) accord. to IF, from تساوكت الإِبِلُ [expl. above]: (Msb:) accord. to Lth, (T, TA,) سِوَاكٌ is masc. and fem., (IDrd, T, M, O, K,) though it is the more approvable way to make it masc.; (O;) but Az holds this to be a mistake, and the word to be masc. [only]; and Hr says that this assertion of Lth is one of his foul mistakes: (TA:) its pl. is سُوُكٌ (S, O, Msb, K) and سُوْكٌ (Az, TA) and سُؤُكٌ, (AHn, TA,) and [of pauc.] أَسْوِكَةٌ; and the pl. of ↓ مِسْوَاكٌ is مَسَاوِيكُ. (TA.) In the saying, in a trad., خَيْرُ خِلَالِ الصَّائِمِ السِّوَاكُ, a prefixed n. is [said to be] suppressed [so that the meaning is The best of the habits, or customs, of the faster is the use of the tooth-stick: but see 2, where سِوَاكٌ is said, on the authority of the Msb, to be also an inf. n.].

مِسْوَاكٌ: see سِوَاكٌ, in two places.



1 حَدَرَ, aor. ـُ (M, Msb, K, &c.) and حَدِرَ, (M, K,) inf. n. حُدُورٌ (T, S, M, Msb, K) and حَدْرٌ, (T, M, K,) He made to descend, or to go down or downwards or down a declivity; sent, let, or put, down, or from a higher to a lower place or position; (T, S, M, A, Msb, K;) as also ↓ احدر: (Msb:) [or this latter is not chaste; for, accord. to J,] one says, حَدَرَ السَّفِينَةَ he lowered the ship; or sent it to a lower place, (S,) or from a higher to a lower part of a river; (A;) but one should not say, احدرها. (S.) You say also, حَدَرَ الحَجَرَ مِنَ الجَبَلِ He rolled down the stone from the mountain. (A.) b2: حَدَرَتْهُمُ السَّنَةُ (tropical:) Dearth, scarcity, or drought, made them to descend [from the desert]; brought them to a descent; (T, S;) brought them, (TA,) or brought them down, or made them to descend, (A,) to the towns, or villages. (A, TA.) b3: حَدَرَ اللِّثَامَ عَنْ حَنَكِهِ He turned down the لثام [or muffler] from the part beneath his chin. (TA.) b4: حَدَرَ الدَّمْعَ, aor. ـُ and حَدِرَ, inf. n. حُدُورٌ and حَدْرٌ, He shed, or let fall, tears; as also ↓ حدّرهُ. (TA.) And العَيْنُ تَحْدُرُ الدَّمْعَ, (A, K, *) and تَحْدِرُهُ, inf. n. حَدَرٌ, (K,) (tropical:) The eye sheds, or lets fall, tears; (A;) or flows with tears. (K.) And الدَّمْعُ يَحْدُرُ الكُحْلَ (tropical:) [The tears make the collyrium to flow down]. (A.) b5: حَدَرَ الدَّوَآءُ بَطْنَهُ, (A,) aor. ـُ (TA,) inf. n. حَدْرٌ, (K,) (tropical:) The medicine made his belly to discharge itself. (A, K.) [And الطَّمْثَ ↓ حدّر (assumed tropical:) It (a medicine) caused the menstrual flux to descend: see مُحَدِّرٌ.]

A2: حَدَرَ, (T, S, Mgh, K,) aor. ـُ and حَدِرَ, (K,) inf. n. حَدْرٌ; (S, Mgh, K;) and ↓ احدر, (T, S, A, K,) inf. n. إِحْدَارٌ; (K;) (tropical:) He made the skin to swell, (T, S, A, Mgh, K,) and to become thick, (A,) by beating. (T, S, A, Mgh.) A3: حَدَرَ الثَّوْبَ, (A, K,) aor. ـُ and حَدِرَ, inf. n. حَدْرٌ; (K;) and ↓ احدرهُ, (S, K,) inf. n. إِحْدَارٌ; (K;) (tropical:) He twisted the unwoven warp, (K,) or the extremities of the unwoven warp, (S, A,) of the garment, or piece of cloth; (S, A, K;) like as is done with the ends of [garments of the kind called] أَكْسِيَة [pl. of كِسَآء]: (S:) because its length is thus diminished. (A.) A4: See 7. b2: [Hence,] حَدَرَ فِى القِرَآءَةِ, (S, Mgh, Msb, K, *) and فِى الأَذَانِ, (S, Mgh, Msb,) and فِى الإِقَامَةِ, (Msb,) aor. ـُ (S, Mgh, Msb, K) and حَدِرَ, (K,) inf. n. حَدْرٌ; (S, Mgh, Msb, K;) and ↓ حدّر, inf. n. تَحْدِيرٌ; (K;) and حَدَرَ القِرَآءَةَ, (A, Msb,) and الأَذَانَ, and الإِقَامَةَ; (Msb;) (tropical:) He hastened, or was quick, in the reading, or recitation, (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K, *) and in the call to prayer, (S, Mgh, Msb,) and in the [form of words called the] اقامة; (Msb;) and he hastened the reading, or recitation, &c. (Msb.) A5: حَدَرَ and حَدُرَ, inf. n. [of the latter, accord. to analogy,] حُدُورَةٌ, It (a bow-string) was thick and strong. (TA. [See also حَادِرٌ.]) b2: And [hence, app.,] (tropical:) It (a boy) was, or became, such as is termed حَادِرٌ [q. v.]: (TA:) [or] حَدُرَ, aor. ـُ (Lth, As, S, A, K;) and حَدَرَ, aor. ـُ (ISd, K;) inf. n. [of the former] حَدَارَةٌ (A, K) and حَدْرٌ; (S, K;) (tropical:) he was, or became, compact in make, (As, S, K,) and thick: (TA:) or short and fleshy: (A:) and he was, or became, fat, with thickness, (K, TA,) and shortness. (TA. [See حَادِرٌ.]) b3: and حَدَرَ, (T, S, A, K,) aor. ـُ (T, S, K) and حَدِرَ, (K,) inf. n. حُدُورٌ (T, S, A) and حَدْرٌ; (K;) and ↓ احدر, inf. n. إِحْدَارٌ; and ↓ حدّر, inf. n. تَحْدِيرٌ; (K, TA;) or tho first form only; (T;) (tropical:) It (the skin) became swollen, (T, S, TA,) as also ↓ انحدر, (S, K,) by reason of beating: (T, S, TA:) or became swollen and thick, by reason thereof. (A, K.) b4: حَدُرَتِ العَيْنُ, inf. n. حَدَارَةٌ, (assumed tropical:) The eye was, or became, large and wide: (Msb:) was, or became, beautiful. (TA.) 2 حَدَّرَ see 1, in four places.4 أَحْدَرَ see 1, in four places.

A2: Also احدر الثَّوْبَ (assumed tropical:) He sewed the garment, or piece of cloth, the second time, after the [slight sewing termed] مَلّ, or شَلّ. (S.) 5 تحدّر الدَّمْعُ (S, K *) and ↓ تحادر (A) The tears descended gently, or little by little. (S, A, K. *) And عَلَى لِحْيَتِهِ ↓ رَأَيْتُ المَطَرَ يَتَحَادَرُ I saw the rain descending and dropping upon his beard. (TA.) 6 تَحَاْدَرَ see 5, in two places.7 انحدر He, or it, descended; went down, downwards, down a declivity, or from a higher to a lower place or position: (S, A, Msb, K:) and [in like manner] ↓ حَدَرَ, inf. n. حَدْرٌ, (TA,) or حُدُورٌ, (A,) he went down, or descended, a declivity. (A, TA.) [Hence,] اِنْحَدَرْتُ إِلَى البَصْرَةِ I went down to El-Basrah. (S.) b2: Also He journeyed, or went, towards El-'Irák, and Syria, and 'Omán: opposed to أَصْعَدَ, which signifies “ he journeyed, or went, towards Nejd, and El-Hijáz, and El-Yemen: ” (ISk, on the authority of 'Omárah, TA in art. صعد:) or the former, he journeyed, or went, towards El-'Irák: and the latter, “ he journeyed, or went, towards the Kibleh: ” (Aboo-Sakhr, T, TA ubi suprà:) and ↓ مُنْحَدَرٌ is used as an inf. n. of the former; like as مُصعَدٌ is of the latter: (T, TA ubi suprà:) also, the former verb, he returned from any town or country: and the latter, “he commenced a journey or the like, in any direction. ” (Ibn-'Arafeh, TA ubi suprà.) b3: Also, said of a place, It sloped down. (Msb.) A2: See also 1, last sentence but one.

حَدَرٌ: see حَدُورٌ, in two places.

حَدْرَةٌ A single thread, of the threads of a [garment of the kind called] كِسَآء. (TA.) [See حَدَرَ الثَّوْبَ.]

A2: عَيْنٌ حَدْرَةٌ (As, T, S, Msb, K) and ↓ حُدُرَّى (K) (assumed tropical:) An eye compact and hard: (As, T, S:) or thick and hard: (K:) or wide and large and projecting: (T:) or large and wide: (Msb:) or large: (K:) or wide: (TA:) or sharp-sighted. (K.) حُدْرَةٌ A herd of camels, (S, K,) like, or about, a صِرْمَة, (S,) which is [as some say] from ten to forty: when they amount to sixty, they are termed a صِدْعَة: (TA:) a flock of sheep or goats. (Lh, TA.) b2: See also حُدُورَةٌ.

حَدْرَآءُ: see حَدُورٌ.

A2: عَيْنٌ حَدْرَآءُ (assumed tropical:) A beautiful eye. (TA.) حُدُرَّى: see حَدْرَةٌ.

حَدُورٌ (S, A, Msb, K) and ↓ حَدَرٌ (S, K) and ↓ حَدْرَآءُ, (T, K,) of the same measure as صَفْرَآءُ, (T,) [in the CK, erroneously, حُدَرَآء,] and ↓ أُحْدُورٌ and ↓ حَادُورٌ (K) and ↓ مُنْحَدَرٌ (S, K) [which is of frequent occurrence] and ↓ مُنْحُدُرٌ and ↓ مُنْحَدِرٌ, or ↓ مَنْحَدِرٌ, or ↓ مُنْحَدُرٌ, (as in different copies of the K, the last of these being the third form given in the CK,) A declivity, or declivous place; a place sloping down; a slope; a place of descent, or by which one descends: (S, A, Msb, K:) a حدور is at the foot of a mountain, and in any place. (TA.) You say, هَبَطْنَا فِى حَدُورِ صَعْبَةٍ

[We descended a difficult declivity]. (A.) and ↓ كَأَنَّمَا يَنْحَطُّ فِى حَدَرٍ [As though he were descending a declivity]: (S:) occurring in a trad. (TA.) حَدُورَةٌ: see what next follows.

حُدُورَةٌ and ↓ حَدُورَةٌ and ↓ حَادُورَةٌ (tropical:) A flow, or flowing, of tears from the eye. (Lh, ISd, K, TA.) A2: Also the first, (S,) so accord. to the M, &c., (TA,) or ↓ حُدْرَةٌ, (K,) Multitude, and congregation. (S, M, K.) You say حَىٌّ ذُو حُدُورَةٍ

A tribe numerous and congregated. (S, M.) حَادِرُ A rope strongly twisted: a bow-string strong and full. (TA. [See also 1.]) b2: A thick spear. (TA.) And كُعُوبٌ حَوَادِرُ Thick and round knots, or joints, of a spear. (TA.) b3: A cake of bread (رَغِيف) complete: or having thick edges. (TA.) b4: (tropical:) A man compact in make: (S:) a boy short and fleshy: (A:) a youth thick and compact: (TA:) or full of fat and flesh, with softness, or thinness, of skin: (Lth, Az:) a boy full in body, and of great force: (Th:) or a boy full of youthful vigour; as also حَادِرَةٌ: [but this is an intensive epithet:] (Lth, Az:) or a fat boy: (K:) or a boy fat, thick, and compact in make: (ISd:) or goodly, or beautiful: (ISd, K:) pl. حَدَرَةٌ. (TA.) Also the fem., حَادِرَةٌ, (assumed tropical:) A thick, or bulky, she-camel. (T in art. رنب.) And the same, (assumed tropical:) Bulky in the shoulder-joints. (IB.) And حَوَادِرُ [the pl. fem.] (assumed tropical:) Compact and bulky camels or the like. (TA.) b5: (assumed tropical:) Anything full of moisture, and of beautiful make. (TA.) And حَادِرَةُ العَيْنَيْنِ (assumed tropical:) A she-camel having full eyes: (S:) or having eyes full of fat, equal, and beautiful. (TA.) b6: A tribe congregated. (TA.) b7: A lofty mountain. (TA.) b8: See also الحَيْدَرَةُ.

حُنْدُرٌ and ↓ حُنْدُورَةٌ (S, K) and ↓ حُنْدُورٌ (K) and ↓ حِنْدُورَةٌ (Th, K) and ↓ حِنْدَوْرَةٌ, and ↓ حِنْدِيرٌ and ↓ حِنْدِيرَةٌ and ↓ حِنْدَوْرٌ and ↓ حِنْدَارَةٌ, (K,) of which ↓ حِنْدِيرَةٌ is the most approved form, (TA,) The black of the eye. (S, K.) One says, هُوَ عَلَى

حُنْدُرِ عَيْنِهِ and عَيْنِهِ ↓ حُنْدُورَةِ (S, K) and ↓ حُنْدُورِ عَيْنِهِ and عَيْنِهِ ↓ حِنْدَوْرَةِ (TA) (assumed tropical:) He is deemed burdensome, or troublesome, by him, so that he cannot look at him by reason of hatred. (S, K.) and عَيْنِى ↓ جَعَلْتُهُ عَلَى حِنْدِيرَةِ and عَيْنِى ↓ حُنْدُورَةِ (assumed tropical:) I made him, or it, a conspicuous object, or a thing in full view, of my eye. (S, K.) Several lexicographers mention these forms in art. حندر, regarding the ن as a radical letter, as it should not be held to be augmentative, when occupying the second place in a word, unless on strong evidence. (TA.) حَيْدَرٌ and الحَيْدَرُ: see what next follows.

الحَيْدَرَةُ (assumed tropical:) The lion; (S, K;) as also ↓ الحَيْدَرُ, (K,) and ↓ حَيْدَرٌ, without ال, (TA,) and ↓ الحَادِرُ: (Kudot;:) or the lion that is, among other lions, like the king among men; (IAar;) because of the thickness of his neck, and the strength of his fore legs. (Th, TA.) b2: Also حَيْدَرَةٌ (tropical:) Destruction, or perdition; (Az, K;) and so ↓ حَادُورٌ: (K:) or a severe calamity; as though it were a lion in its severity. (A.) حَادُورٌ: see حَدُورٌ.

A2: Also An ear-ring; syn. قُرْطٌ: (S, K:) pl. حَوَادِيرُ. (TA.) A3: (tropical:) A laxative medicine; (A, K, * TA;) contr. of عَاقُولٌ. (A.) A4: See also الحَيْدَرَةُ.

حَادُورَةُ: see حُدُورَةُ.

حُنْدُورٌ and حِنْدَوْرٌ: see حُنْدُرٌ, in three places.

حِنْدِيرٌ: see حُنْدُرٌ.

حِنْدَارَةٌ: see حُنْدُرٌ.

حُنْدُورَةٌ and حِنْدُورَةٌ and حِنْدَوْرَةٌ: see حُنْدُرٌ, in six places.

حِنْدِيرَةٌ: see حُنْدُرٌ, in three places.

أَحْدَرُ (assumed tropical:) More, most, or very, fat and thick. (TA.) أُحْدُورٌ: see حَدُورٌ.

مُحَدِّرٌ لِلطَّمْثِ (assumed tropical:) [Emmenagogue]. (K in arts.

نجذ and جزر &c.) مُنْحَدَرٌ and مُنْحُدُرٌ and مُنْحَدِرٌ, or مَنْحَدِرٌ, or مُنْحَدُرٌ: see حَدُورٌ: A2: and for the first, see also 7.



1 حَظَرَهُ, (Msb, K,) and حَظَرَ عَلَيْهِ, (K,) aor. ـُ (Msb,) inf. n. حَظْرٌ (S, A, Msb) and حِظَارٌ, (TA,) He forbade it; prohibited it; interdicted it. (S, A, Msb, K.) The Arabs say, لَا حِظَارَ عَلَى الأَسْمَآءِ There is no prohibition against names; i. e., no one is forbidden to be named, or to name himself, as he pleases. (TA.) b2: حَظَرَ الشَّىْءَ عَلَيْهِ It (anything intervening) debarred the thing from him. (L.) And حُظِرَ عَلَيْهِ كَذَا Such a thing was debarred from him, by something intervening. (A.) b3: Also حَظَرَهُ, (Msb, K,) inf. n. حَظْرٌ, (Mgh,) He took it to, or for, himself; (Mgh, Msb, K, TA;) as though he withheld it from others. (TA.) b4: And حَظَرَ, (K,) aor. ـُ inf. n. حَظْرٌ, (TA,) He confined cattle in a حَظِيرَة. (K.) and حَظَرَ عَلَى نَعَمِهِ He confined his cattle in a حَظَار. (Az.) b5: And حَظَرَ, (K,) [aor. app. as above,] inf. n. حَظْرٌ; (TA;) ↓ احتظر; (A, Msb, K;) He made a حَظِيرَة: (A, Msb, K:) or the former, (Mgh,) or ↓ احظر inf. n. إِحْظَارٌ, (TA,) he made a حظيرة for another: and ↓ احتظر he made a حظيرة for himself. (Mgh, TA.) 2 حَظَّرَ [حظّر, inf. n. تَحْظِيرٌ, app. signifies He made a limit of separation, or the like. For] زَمَنُ التَّحْظِيرِ (used as an era, Mgh) points to what 'Omar did, in dividing Wádi-l-Kurà among the Muslims and Benoo-'Odhrah, after the expulsion of the Jews: (Mgh, K, TA:) as though he assigned to every one a limit of separation. (TA.) 4 أَحْظَرَ see 1.8 إِحْتَظَرَ see 1, in two places. b2: Also احتظر بِهِ (assumed tropical:) He protected, or defended, himself by means of him, or it. (TA.) حَظِرٌ Trees with which a حَظِيرَة is made. (A, K.) b2: And Fresh thorns. (K.) وَقَعَ فِى الحَظِرِ الرَّطْبِ (assumed tropical:) He fell into that to which he was not equal, (K, TA,) is a prov., originating from the fact of the Arabs' collecting fresh thorns, and making of them enclosures, into which a man sometimes falls so that he becomes caught therein. (TA.) And جَآءَ بِالحَظِرِ الرَّطْبِ (tropical:) He came with, or brought, a large number of cattle, and of men: or an odious lie: (K:) [or calumny, or slander, and falsehood:] is said of a calumniator, or slanderer, and liar, who kindles by his calumnies the fire of enmity, and makes it to burn up. (A.) And أَوْقَدَ فِى الحَظِرِ الرَّطْبِ (tropical:) He uttered calumny, or slander: (K:) or he went about with calumny, or slander, and foul conduct. (TA.) حِظَارٌ (Sh, T, K) and حَظَارٌ (T, K) i. q. حَائِطٌ [A wall, or wall of enclosure, &c.]: (Sh, T, K:) and anything intervening between a person and a thing, or between two things, and forming a barrier, and obstruction, a partition, or a fence. (TA.) See also the next paragraph, in two places.

حَظِيرَةٌ An enclosure of a thing, of wood, or of canes or reeds: (K:) [a kind of pen:] an enclosure for camels, (S, Mgh,) made of trees, to protect them from the cold and wind; (S;) as also ↓ حِظَارٌ: (S, K:) an enclosure for sheep or goats, &c., made of trees, to confine and protect them: pl. حَظَائِرُ and حِظَارٌ: (Msb:) Az heard the Arabs apply the term ↓ حَظَارٌ, with fet-h [to the ح, to a wall made of trees placed one upon another to form a protection for camels or sheep or goats from the cold of the north wind in winter. (TA.) The pl. حَظَائرُ is met. applied, by the poet El-Marrár Ibn-Munkidh, to (tropical:) [Enclosures of] palm-trees. (TA.) [Hence,] حَظِيرَةٌ القُدْسِ (assumed tropical:) Paradise: (K:) occurring in a trad. (TA.) and هَوَ نَكِدُ الحَظِيرَةِ (tropical:) He is a person of little good, or of no good: (S, K:) or niggardly, tenacious, penurious, or avaricious. (A.) b2: Also A place in which dates are dried: (K:) of the dial. of Nejd: as also حَضِيرَةٌ and حَصِيرَةٌ. (TA.) مَحْظُورٌ Forbidden; prohibited; interdicted: (S, Mgh, K:) confined to one class of men, exclusively of others; thus in the Kur xvii. 21. (K.) مُحْتَظَرٌ: see what next follows.

مُحْتَظِرٌ A maker of a حَظِيرَة. (S, Msb.) In the Kur liv. 31, some read, كَهَشِيمِ المُحْتَظِرِ; and others, ↓ المُحْتَظَرِ: (S, TA:) the former meaning Like the dry fragments of plants, or trees, which the maker of a حظيرة collects: the latter, like the dry fragments of plants, or trees, of a حظيرة. (TA.)



Q. 1 خَنْدَقَهُ (K) and خَنْدَقَ حَوْلَهُ (TA) He dug a خَنْدَق, i. e. fosse, or moat, around it. (K, * TA.) [In the CK the words of this art. are with ذ in the place of د.]

خَنْدَقٌ A fosse, or moat, [such as is] dug around the walls of cities: arabicized, from كَنْدَهْ, (IDrd, K,) which is Persian: (IDrd:) pl. خَنَادِقُ. (TA.) b2: And A valley. (TA.) مُخَنْدِقٌ One who makes a خَنْدَق [i. e. fosse, or moat]. (JK.) خَنْدَقُوقٌ Tall. (TA. [But perhaps this is a mistranscription for حَنْدَقُوقٌ, q. v.])



1 فَتَقَهُ, (S, O, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ and فَتِقَ, [the former of which is the more common,] (Msb, TA,) inf. n. فَتْقٌ, (S, O, Msb,) He slit it, rent it, rent it asunder or open, or divided it lengthwise: (S, O, K:) disjoined it, or disunited it: (TA:) or undid the sewing of it, unsewed it, or unstitched it: (Msb:) contr. of رَتَقَهُ: (O, TA:) and ↓ فتّقهُ, (S, O, Msb, K,) inf. n. تَفْتِيقٌ, (S, O,) is like it in signification, (S, O, Msb, K,) but means he did so much, or many times. (Msb.) It is said of the heavens and the earth, in the Kur [xxi. 31], كَانَتَا رَتْقًا فَفَتَقْنَاهُمَا [expl. in art. رتق]. (O, TA.) b2: And (hence, TA) الفَتْقُ signifies (tropical:) The effecting of disunion and dissension among the community (T, S, O, K, TA) of the Muslims, (T, TA,) and the befalling of war (S, O, K, TA) among them, (S, O,) after verbal agreement respecting war on the frontier, or some other thing, (T, TA,) with the occurring of wounds and bloodsheddings. (TA.) One says, فَتَقَ فُلَانٌ بَيْنَهُمْ Such a one effected disunion, &c., between them, or among them, (TK.) b3: And sometimes it means (tropical:) The dissolving of a compact, or covenant. (TA.) b4: فَتَقَ العَجِينَ He put leaven such as is termed فِتَاق [q. v.] into the dough. (Lth, O, K.) b5: فَتَقَ المِسْكَ, (S, O, TA,) aor. ـُ (PS, [in the TA in the next following instance فَتَقَ, an evident mistranscription,]) inf. n. فَتْقٌ, He drew forth the odour of the musk [or increased its fragrance]

بِغَيْرِهِ by the admixture of some other thing: (S, O, TA:) and فَتَقَ الطِّيبَ, and الدُّهْنَ, he rendered fragrant, and mixed, [or rendered fragrant by mixing,] with aloes-wood &c., the perfume, and the oil. (TA.) A2: فَتِقَتِ المَرْأَةُ, aor. ـَ (TK,) inf. n. فَتَقٌ, (S, Mgh, O, K, TK,) The woman was, or became, such as is termed فَتْقَآء; (S, Mgh, O, K;) contr. of رَتِقَت. (TK.) b2: And فَتِقَ العَامُ, aor. ـَ inf. n. فَتَقٌ, (tropical:) The year was, or became, abundant with herbage. (S, * O, * K, TA.) It is related by Abu-l-Jowzà that the people were afflicted with drought, and complained to 'Áïsheh, who directed them to make an aperture towards the sky in the tomb of the Prophet, and they did so, and thereupon it rained so that the herbage grew, and the camels became fat to such a degree that they became swollen, or inflated, in the flanks (تَفَتَّقَتْ); whence it [the year] was called عَامُ الفَتَقِ. (O, TA.) 2 فَتَّقَ see the preceding paragraph, first sentence: b2: and see also فُتُقٌ. b3: فتّق الكَلَامَ (tropical:) He rectified the language; or trimmed it, and removed its faults, or defects: or, as Zj says, he made its meaning clear. (TA.) 4 افتق, said of a man, (TA,) or of a party of men, (O,) He was one, or they were persons, whose beasts were become fat (O, K, TA) so that they became swollen, or inflated, in the flanks (تَفَتَّقَتْ) (O, TA) by reason of the abundance of the herbage: (TA:) mentioned by AA. (O, TA.) b2: Said of the upper limb (قَرْن) of the sun [app. when a little above the eastern horizon], It reached a rent (فَتْق) in the clouds, and appeared therefrom. (ISk, S, O, K.) And, said of the moon, It appeared, after concealment, between two black clouds. (IAar, TA.) b3: Also, said of a party of men, They had the clouds parted asunder from [over] them. (S, O, K.) b4: And أَفْتَقْنَا We found, or lighted on a فَتْق, i. e. a place upon which rain had not fallen when it had fallen upon what was around it. (S, O, K. *) And We had no rain fallen upon our parts of the country when other parts had rain fallen upon them. (TA.) b5: And افتق (tropical:) He went forth to a فَتْق, or an open, and a spacious, place: (O, K, TA:) a verb, in this sense, similar to أَصْحَرَ and أَفْضَى. (O, TA.) A2: Also (tropical:) He became harassed by ↓ فُتُوق, meaning such evils as poverty and debt (O, K, TA) and hunger (O, TA) and disease. (K, TA.) A3: And He cleaned his teeth with the فِتَاق, or stem, or lower part, of the raceme of a palm-tree. (IAar, O, K. *) 5 تَفَتَّقَ see 7. b2: تفتّقت المَاشِيَةُ and ↓ انفتقت (assumed tropical:) The cattle became swollen, or inflated, in the flanks, by reason of fatness: in consequence of their becoming so, they die; or, sometimes, they become free from the disease: (TA:) one says of a camel, تفتّق سِمَنًا. (As, S, O, K.) And تفتّقت خَوَاصِرُ الغَنَمِ (assumed tropical:) The flanks of the sheep, or goats, became dilated by reason of much pasturing upon herbs, or leguminous plants. (TA.) It is said in a description of the Prophet, كَانَ فِى خَاصِرَتَيْهِ

↓ انْفِتَاقٌ, (O, TA,) meaning (assumed tropical:) [There was in his flanks] a flaccidity, or laxness: or a swollen, or an inflated, state: (O:) or a dilatation, which is approved in men, but disapproved in women. (TA.) b3: تفتّق بِالكَلَامِ [see فُتُقٌ] (tropical:) He was diffuse, or profuse, in speech [as though bursting therewith]. (TA.) 7 انفتق quasi-pass. of فَتَقَهُ [i. e. it signifies It became slit, rent, rent asunder or open, or divided lengthwise: became disjoined, or disunited: or became unsewed, or unstitched]: (S, * O, Msb, K: *) and ↓ تفتّق is quasi-pass. of فتّقهُ [i. e. it signifies it became slit, &c., much, or in many places, or it is said of a number of things]. (S, * O, K. *) b2: انفتقت آبَاطُهُ is said of a fat child [meaning His armpits became chapped, or cracked]. (S in art. ضب.) b3: انفتق الغَيْمُ عَنِ الشَّمْسِ (O, K, TA) i. e. [The clouds became parted asunder, or] became removed, or cleared away, from [before] the sun: (TA:) and عَنِ القَوْمِ [from over the party of men]. (S, O, K.) b4: انفتقت عَلَيْهِ بَائِقَةٌ (assumed tropical:) [A calamity, misfortune, or disaster, burst upon him]. (S and K in art. بوق, &c.) b5: انفتقت said of a she-camel, She was seized with a disease, (Az, O, K,) termed ↓ فَتَقٌ, (TA,) between her udder and her navel, (Az, O, K,) occasioned by fatness: sometimes in this case she recovers, (Az, O,) and sometimes she dies. (Az, O, K.) b6: See also 5, in two places.

فَتْقٌ inf. n. of فَتَقَهُ. (S, O, Msb.) b2: [Used as a simple subst., A rent, slit, or like. b3: and hence, (tropical:) A breach in society.] One says, رَتَقَ فَتْقَهُمْ, meaning (tropical:) [He closed up the breach that was between them; he reconciled them; or] he reformed, or amended, the circumstances subsisting between them. (TA in art. رتق.) b4: [Hence also A rupture; a hernia;] a certain malady; a protrusion in the thin, or delicate, and soft part of the belly; (S, O;) a malady in the صِفَاق [meaning peritonæum], consisting in a solution of the integument so that a rent takes place in it, and through this passes a strange body, or substance, that was confined within it before the rent; and there is no cure for it, except for that which happens, rarely, to children: (K:) a disease that befalls a man in his intestines, consisting in a disruption of a place between these and his scrotum, in consequence of which a flatus collects between the two testicles and they become enlarged; in which case one says, أَصَابَتْهُ رِيحُ الفَتْقِ: or a severing of the fat [or cellular substance] that encloses the testicles: in the “ Ghareebáni,” it is termed ↓ فَتَق, with fet-h to the ت: (Mgh:) and thus it is said to be by Az, and thus it is expl. by him: (O:) or it is a rending of the skin between the scrotum and the lower part of the belly, in consequence of which [some of] the intestines fall into the scrotum: (TA:) accord. to Ibráheem El-Harbee, a rupture of the bladder. (O, TA.) b5: [And A rent in the clouds: see 4:] and ↓ فَتَقٌ [likewise] signifies a gap of the clouds: pl. فُتُوقٌ. (TA.) b6: And (assumed tropical:) An open, and a spacious, place. (O, K.) b7: And A place upon which rain has not fallen when it has fallen upon what is around it; (S, O, K;) and ↓ فَتَقَةٌ signifies thus, applied to a land: pl. of the former فُتُوقٌ. (TA.) [Hence,] عَامٌ ذُو الفُتُوقِ A year of little rain. (S, O, See an ex., from a rájiz, in the first paragraph of art. زل.) b8: And (tropical:) The dawn; (O, K, TA;) and so ↓ فَتَقٌ: (S, O, K, TA:) signifying also the rising [or rather breaking] of the dawn; as in the saying, اُنْظُرْ إِلَى فَتَقِ الفَجْرِ [Look thou at the rising, or breaking, of the dawn]: and ↓ الفَتِيقُ likewise signifies the dawn; mentioned by El-Isbahánee, and in the B. (TA.) b9: See also 4, last sentence but one, for a meaning of the pl. فُتُوقٌ.

فَتَقٌ [inf. n. of فَتِقَت said of a woman: b2: and of فَتِقَ said of a year:] as a subst.: see فَتْقٌ, in three places: b3: and see also 7.

فُتُقٌ, applied to a woman, signifies ↓ مُتَفَتِّقَةٌ بِالكَلَامِ (tropical:) [Diffuse, or profuse, in speech, as though bursting therewith]: (S, O, K, TA; [in the CK مُنْفَتِقَة;]) or loquacious: (TK:) or, accord. to ISk, so applied, that mars (↓ تُفَتِّقُ [lit. rends]) in [performing] affairs. (TA.) فَتَقَةٌ: see فَتْقٌ, last quarter.

فَتْقَآءُ, applied to a woman, means Having the فَرْج dehiscent; [or wide; not constringed;] الفَرْجِ ↓ مُنْفَتِقَةُ; (S, O, K;) contr. of رَتْقَآءُ [q. v.]. (S, O.) فِتَاقٌ The parting asunder (اِنْفِتَاق) of the clouds from [before] the sun, (O, K, TA,) and their becoming removed, or cleared away, therefrom. (TA.) b2: And The upper limb (قَرْن), and the disk (عَيْن), of the sun, (O, K, TA,) when it is covered over and then somewhat of it appears. (TA.) A2: Also The base, or lowest portion, of the white [membranous fibres of the palm-tree which are termed] لِيف, (O, K, TA,) such as have not yet appeared: (TA:) the face is likened thereto, because of its clearness. (O, TA.) b2: And (accord. to IAar, O, TA) The main stem, or the lower part of the main stem when the fruit-stalks have been cut off, of the raceme of a palm-tree. (O, K, TA.) A3: And (tropical:) The leaven of dough: (ISd, TA:) a large lump of leaven, that soon causes the dough to become mature (O, K, TA) when it is put therein. (O, TA.) b2: And Mixtures of medicaments compounded (O, K, TA) with oil of jasmine or the like thereof, in order that the odour may diffuse itself: (O, TA:) or musk compounded with ambergris. (TA.) فَتِيقٌ [i. q. ↓ مَفْتُوقٌ i. e. Slit, rent, &c.]. نَصْلٌ فَتِيقُ الشَّفْرَتَيْنِ means [An arrow-head] having two forking portions; (Lth, O, K;) as though [each] one of them were slit [from the other]: (Lth, O:) [or it may mean sharp in the two edges: for] سَيْفٌ فَتِيقُ الغِرَارَيْنِ signifies A sword sharp [in the two edges]: and سَيْفٌ فَتِيقٌ, A sharp sword: (TA:) [whence,] رَجُلٌ فَتِيقُ اللِّسَانِ A sharp-tongued man: (S, O, K:) or chaste, or eloquent, and sharp, of tongue: or chaste, or eloquent, of tongue, perspicuous in speech. (TA.) b2: الصُّبْحُ الفَتِيقُ (tropical:) The shining dawn. (As, S, O, K.) b3: See also فَتْقٌ, last sentence but one. b4: جَمَلٌ فَتِيقٌ (tropical:) A camel swollen, or inflated, in the flanks, by reason of fatness; تَفَتَّقَ سِمَنًا: (As, S, O, K:) and نَاقَةٌ فَتِيقَةٌ a fat she-camel. (TA.) A2: and فَتِيقٌ is used in the sense of فَتْقٌ: thus in the saying of 'Amr Ibn-El-Ahtam, لَهَا مِنْ أَمَامِ المَنْكِبَيْنِ فَتِيقُ [app. describing a she-camel: I can only conjecture the meaning to be, Having, in the part before the shoulders, a crease like a gash, occasioned by fatness]. (O.) فَاتِقٌ [Slitting, rending, &c.]. b2: [Hence,] one says, هُوَ الفَاتِقُ الرَّاتِقُ meaning (assumed tropical:) He is the possessor of command or rule, so that he opens and closes, and straitens and widens [or rather widens and straitens]. (Har p. 208.) فَيْتَقٌ, of the measure فَيْعَلٌ, (S, TA,) from الفَتْقُ [“ the act of slitting ” &c.], (TA,) A carpenter. (S, O, K.) b2: And A حَدَّاد [which signifies a worker in iron: but it also has the meaning here next following, which may therefore be intended by him who first gave this explanation of فَيْتَقٌ]. (Az, O, K.) b3: And A بَوَّاب [i. e. door-keeper]. (O, K.) b4: And A king. (Az, O, K.) مَفْتَقٌ A place of slitting, or of the slit, of a shirt. (O, K.) مَفْتُوقٌ: see فَتِيقٌ.

مُتَفَتِّقَةٌ بِالكَلَامِ: see فُتُقٌ.

مُنْفَتِقَةُ الفَرْجِ: see فَتْقَآءُ.



1 فَتَلَهُ, (S, M, O, Msb, K,) aor. ـِ (M, Msb, K,) inf. n. فَتْلٌ; (T, M, Msb;) and ↓ فتّلهُ, (M, K, TA,) [but this has teshdeed given to it to denote muchness of the action, or multiplicity of the objects, (see its pass. part. n. below,)] inf. n. تَفْتِيلٌ; (TA;) He twisted it, (T, M, K, TA,) i. e. a thing, (T, M,) like as one twists (T) a rope (T, S, O, Msb) &c., (S, O, Msb,) and like as one twists a wick. (T.) b2: [Hence] one says رَجُلٌ مُحْكَمُ الفَتْلِ (tropical:) [A man firm, or compact, in respect of make; as though firmly twisted]. (K and TA voce مَجْدُولٌ. [See the pass. part. n. below.]) b3: And فَتَلَ ذُؤَابَتَهُ, (K,) or فَتَلَ فِى

ذُؤَابَتِهِ, (O, TA,) (tropical:) [lit. He twisted his pendent lock of hair;] meaning he made him to turn, or swerve, from his opinion, or judgment, or sentiment, (O, K, TA,) by deceiving, or deluding, him. (TA.) And جَآءَ وَقَدْ فُتِلَتْ ذُؤَابَتُهُ (tropical:) He came, having been deceived, or beguiled, and turned from his opinion, &c. (TA.) And مَا زَالَ يَفْتِلُ مِنْ فُلَانٍ فِى الذِّرْوَةِ وَالغَارِبِ, (tropical:) meaning, يَدُورُ مِنْ وَرَآءِ خَدِيعَتِهِ [i. e. He ceased not to be going about seeking, or endeavouring, after the deceiving, or beguiling, of such a one]: (S, O, K:) originating from a saying in a trad. of Ez-Zubeyr, cited and expl. voce غَارِبٌ [q. v.]. (O, TA. [See also Freytag's Arab. Prov. ii. 200.]) b4: فَتَلَهُ عَنْ حَاجَتِهِ, (T,) or عَنْ وَجْهِهِ, (S, O,) means He turned him [from the object of his want, or from his way, or course], like لَفَتَهُ, (T, S, O,) from which it is [said to be] formed by transposition. (S, O.) And فَتَلَ وَجْهَهُ عَنْهُمْ [also] means He turned his face from them, (M, K,) like لَفَتَهُ. (M.) A2: فَتِلَتِ النَّاقَةُ, [aor. ـَ inf. n. فَتَلٌ, (assumed tropical:) The she-camel was smooth, or sleek, and flaccid, in the skin of her armpit, it not having in it عَرْك nor حَازّ nor خَالِع [which words see in their proper arts.]. (T, TA.) [See also فَتَلٌ below.]2 فَتَّلَ see the preceding paragraph, first sentence.4 افتل said of [trees of the species termed]

سَلَم and سَمُر, (K,) or افتلت said of a سَمُرَة (M, O) and of a سَلَمَة, (M,) They, or it, put forth, or produced, the فَتْلَة [q. v.] thereof. (M, O, K.) 5 تَفَتَّلَ see the paragraph here following.7 انفتل, and ↓ تفتّل, [but the latter, as quasipass. of 2, denotes, or implies, muchness, or multiplicity,] It [a rope, &c.,] became twisted. (M, K.) b2: And the former, He turned away (T, S, Mgh) from his prayer, (T,) or from prayer, (Mgh,) or from his way, or course. (S.) and انفتل رَاجِعًا [He turned away, returning]. (S, O, K, in art. صوع.) فَتْلٌ: see its n. un. فَتْلَةٌ: A2: and see also فَتَلٌ.

A3: Also The cry, or crying, of the فَتَّال, i. e. بُلْبُل. (IAar, T, O, TA. [Said in the TA to be an inf. n.: but its verb, if it have one, is not mentioned.]) فَتَلٌ an inf. n. of فَتِلَت [q. v.] said of a she-camel. (T, TA.) [It is also expl. as signifying] (tropical:) Wideness between the elbows and sides of a she-camel: (S, O, TA:) or a state of firm, or concealed, insertion, (اِنْدِمَاجٌ,) in the elbow of a camel, (M, K, TA,) and its being apart from the side; (M, TA;) as also ↓ فَتْلٌ: (M: [thus in the TT as from the M; being there written فَتَْل:]) this [or rather the like of this] in the shank and foot of the camel is a fault. (M, TA.) فَتْلَةٌ [as an inf. n. un., A twisting. b2: and hence, app., (assumed tropical:) An intense firmness of compacture of the flesh of the fore arm: expl. in the TT, as from the M, by the words شِدة عَصْب الدِباغ; for which, I doubt not, we should read شِدَّةُ عَصْبِ الذِّرَاعِ: see مَفْتُولٌ. b3: And A twist. b4: And particularly A twisted slip, formed by slitting, of the ear of a she-camel. (See 4 in art. دبر, in the last quarter of the paragraph.) b5: And, as used in the present day, A needleful of thread. b6: Also] The seed-vessel of the سَلَم and of the سَمُر, peculiarly, (M, K,) resembling the pods of the bean, (M,) when they first come forth. (M, K.) and The blossom of the سَمُرَة: (M:) or the fruit of the سَمُر and of the عُرْفُط: (TA:) or the blossom of the [kind of trees called] عِضَاه, (O, TA,) when it has become compactly organized: (TA:) or it signifies also, (M, K,) and so does ↓ فَتَلَةٌ, (K,) or peculiarly this latter, بالتَّحْرِيكِ, as AHn says on the authority of some one or more of the relaters, (O,) the fruit (بَرَمَة) of the عُرْفُط, (M, O, K,) because its filaments, or fringe-like appertenances, are as though they were cotton, and it is white, like the button of the shirt, or somewhat larger: (AHn, M, O:) or it signifies one of what are termed ↓ فَتْلٌ, which means what are [as though they were] twisted, of the وَرَق [properly signifying leaves of simple and common kinds] of trees, such as the ورق of the [tamarisks called] طَرْفَآء and أَثْل and the like; (TA;) or, (M, K, TA,) as AHn says, (M, TA,) this word فَتْلٌ signifies what are not وَرَق, but are substitutes for these: (M, K, TA:) and, (K,) as some say, (M,) what do not expand, of [the appertenances of] plants, but are [as though they were] twisted; (M, K;) so that they are like هُدْب [thus in the TT as from the M, perhaps a mistranscription for هَدَب, q. v.]; being like the هدب [i. e. هَدَب] of the طَرْفَآء and أَثْل and أَرْطى. (M.) b7: See also فَتِيلٌ, last sentence.

فِتْلَةٌ [A manner of twisting]. You say فِتْلَةٌ بَارِحَةٌ, meaning شَزْرَةٌ [i. e. A manner of twisting contrary to that which is usual]. (A in art. برح.) فَتَلَةٌ: see فَتْلَةٌ, near the middle: b2: and see the paragraph here following, last sentence.

فَتِيلٌ Twisted; [applied to a rope, &c.;] as also ↓ مَفْتُولٌ. (M, K.) b2: And A slender cord, of [the fibres called] لِيف, (M, K,) or of [the bark termed] خَزَم, or of عَرَق [meaning plaited palmleaves], or of thongs, (M,) which is bound upon the ring (M, K) called عِيَان which is at the end (مُنْتَهى), (M,) or which is at the place of meeting (مُلْتَقَى), (K,) of the دُجْرَانِ [two pieces of wood to which the share of the plough is attached]. (M, K.) b3: [And A tent for a wound: a term used by surgeons: see دَسَمَ الجُرْحَ, in art. دسم.]

b4: And What one twists [or rolls] (S, M, O, K) between his fingers (M, K) or between the two fingers [meaning the thumb and fore finger], (S, O,) of dirt [that has collected upon the skin when it has not been recently washed]; (S, O, K;) as also ↓ فَتِيلَةٌ. (M, K.) So says I' Ab in explaining the saying in the Kur [iv. 52, and 79 also accord. to some readers, and xvii. 73], وَلَا يُظْلَمُونَ فَتِيلًا [meaning (tropical:) And they shall not be wronged by their being deprived of the most paltry right; or they shall not be wronged a whit]: (O, TA:) or the [primary, or proper,] meaning in this phrase is what here follows. (TA; and in like manner Bd says in iv. 52.) b5: And The سَحَاة [or integument, meaning the pellicle], (M, K, TA,) or the خَيْط [or thread, meaning the filament], (Bd in iv. 52,) that is in the شَقّ [or cleft, resembling a crease, which extends along one side] of the datestone: (M, K, TA: but for شَقّ, the CK has شِقّ:) ISk says, the قِطْمِير is the thin integument upon the date-stone, and, he adds, (T, TA, *) the فَتِيل is what is in the شَقّ of the date-stone. (T, S, O, Msb, TA.) Hence, (M,) one says, مَا أُغْنِى

عَنْهُ فَتِيلًا, (M, and so in the K except that the latter has عَنْكَ instead of عَنْهُ,) meaning [I do not avail, or profit, him, (or accord. to the K, thee,) or I do not stand, or serve, him (or thee) in stead,] as much as that سَحَاة, (M,) or a whit; (K;) and in like manner, ↓ فَتْلَةً, (Th, M, K, [in the CK, erroneously, فَتِيلَةً,]) and ↓ فَتَلَةً. (IAar, M, K.) فَتِيلَةٌ A wick (S, O, K) of a lamp: (T, Msb:) pl. فَتَائِلُ and فَتِيلَاتٌ. (Msb.) [Hence, حَجَرُ الفَتِيلَةِ Amiantus, or flexible asbestus, of which wicks are sometimes made. b2: And in the present day, فَتِيلَةٌ also signifies A hempen match. b3: and A suppository.] b4: فَتَائِلُ الرُّهْبَانِ is the name of A certain plant, the leaves of which are like [those of] the senna (السَّنَا), and its blossom is yellow. (TA.) b5: See also فَتِيلٌ.

الفَتَّالٌ The [bird called] بُلْبُل [q. v.]. (T, O, K.) أَفْتَلُ, (S, M, O, K,) applied to the elbow, (S, M, O,) of a camel, (S, O,) or of a she-camel, (M,) [and app. to a he-camel,] Having what is termed فَتَلٌ [expl. above]: (S, M, O, K:) fem.

فَتْلَآءُ, (T, M, K,) applied to a she-camel, meaning having, in her arm, a wide separation from the side: (T, * TA:) or, so applied, heavy, and curved in the kind legs: (M, K:) [the pl. is فُتْلٌ:] and one says قَوْمٌ فُتْلُ الأَيْدِى [app. meaning Persons having the arms widely separated from the sides]. (S, O.) ذُبَالٌ مُفَتَّلٌ [Twisted wicks]: the epithet in this case is with teshdeed because applied to many things. (S, O, K.) مَفْتُولٌ: see فَتِيلٌ. b2: [It also signifies (tropical:) Compact, or firm, in make; as though twisted; like مَجْدُولٌ and مَعْصُوبٌ:] you say رَجُلٌ مَفْتُولُ السَّاعِدِ A man strong [or firm or compact] in the ساعد [or fore arm]; as though it were twisted. (TA.)



1 حَجَزَةُ, aor. ـُ (S, K) and حَجِزَ, (K,) inf. n. حَجْزٌ (S, K) and حِجَازَةٌ and ↓ حِجِّيزَى, (K,) [or the last is rather a quasi-inf. n. of تَحَاجَزُوا, and, accord. to some, it is of an intensive form,] He, or it, prevented, hindered, impeded, withheld, restrained, or debarred, him, or it; syn. مَنَعَهُ, (S, K,) and كَفَّهُ. (K.) It is said in a trad., وَلِأَهْلِ القَتِيلِ أَنْ يَحْجُزُوا الأَدْنَى فَالأَدْنَى And it is for the family of the slain person to prevent the nearest [in relationship] and then the nearest [after him] from retaliating the slaughter. (TA.) And one says, كَانَتْ بَيْنَ القَوْمِ رِمِّيَّا ثُمَّ صَارَتْ إِلَى

↓ حِجِّيزَى There was a shooting of arrows or the like [or a great shooting &c.] between the people; then they withheld themselves [or withheld themselves much] from each other: (S, L:) which is a prov. (TA.) It is also said in another prov., مَا يُحْجَزُ فُلَانٌ فِى العِلْمِ (tropical:) Such a one's case [with respect to knowledge or science] cannot be concealed. (A, TA.) b2: حَجَزَ بَيْنَهُمَا, (A, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ (Msb, K) and حَجِزَ, (K,) inf. n. حَجْزٌ, (Msb,) He, or it, intervened as, or made, or formed, a separation, a partition, a fence, a barrier, or an obstacle, or obstruction, between them two; he separated, or parted, them; (Msb, K;) i. e., two things; (Msb;) or two persons or things facing, or opposite to, each other. (Az, A, TA.) 2 سَطْحٌ لَمْ يُحَجَّزْ بِجِدَارٍ [A flat roof that has not been fenced round with a wall to prevent persons falling from it]. (K in art. جلح.) 3 حَاجَزُوا عَدُوَّهُمْ, (A,) inf. n. مُحَاجَزَةٌ, (S, K,) They reciprocally prevented their enemy from fighting with them, or reciprocally abstained from fighting with them, and made peace with them; syn. كَافُّوهُمْ, (A,) and syn. of the inf. n. مُمَانَعَةٌ, (S, K, TA,) and مُسَالَمَةٌ. (TA.) It is said in a prov., إِنْ أَرَدْتَ المُحَاجَزَهْ فَقَبْلَ المُنَاجَزَهْ [If thou desire the reciprocal prevention of fighting, and the making of peace, let it be before fighting]: (S, TA:) or المُحَاجَزَهْ قَبْلَ المُنَاجَزَهْ [The reciprocal prevention of fighting, and the making of peace, should be before fighting]. (A.) [See also art. نجز.]4 أَحْجَزَ see 8.6 تَحَاجَزَا They prevented one another, or mutually abstained, from fighting, [and made peace, one with another; (see also 3;)] syn. تَمَانَعَا: (S * K, TA:) said of two troops. (S.) b2: تحاجز القَوْمُ The people separated themselves, one from another; they left, forsook, or relinquished, one another; as also ↓ انحجزوا and ↓ احتجزوا. (TA.) A2: Also تحاجز القَوْمُ The people took, or took hold of, one another by the حُجَز [pl. of حُجْزَةٌ]; took hold of one another's حُجَز: (TA:) [or sought aid, or refuge and protection, one of another: see حَجْزَةٌ.]7 انحجز quasi-pass. of حَجَزَهُ in the first of the senses explained above; (TA;) He, or it, was, or became, prevented, hindered, impeded, withheld, restrained, or debarred; he withheld, or restrained, himself; he refrained, forbore, or abstained. (S, K, TA.) b2: انحجز عَنْهُ He left, forsook, or relinquished, it. (TA.) b3: See also 6.

A2: See also 8.8 احتجز بِهِ He, or it, was, or became, defended, or he defended himself, by it; syn. امْتَنَعَ. (TA.) [See also another explanation in what follows.] b2: احتجزا They two were, or became, separated, or parted, each from the other. (TA.) See also 6.

A2: احتجزهُ He carried it in his حُجْزَة: (A, K: *) like as اِحْتَضَنَهُ signifies “he carried it in his حِضْن” (A.) b2: احتجز بِإِزَارِهِ He tied his ازار upon [or around] his waist; (S, Mgh, Msb, K;) he made the two ends thereof to meet, and tied it upon his waist; (A, TA;) he wrapped it round his waist. (TA.) b3: Hence, احتجز بِالحِرَارِ وَالجِبَالِ It was encompassed by the stony tracts called حرار [pl. of حَرَّةٌ], and by the mountains. (Mgh.) A3: احتجز He, (a man, TA,) or it, (a party of people, S,) came to the province called El-Hijáz; (S, K;) as also ↓ انحجز; (ISk, S, K;) and ↓ احجز, (K,) inf. n. إِحْجَازٌ. (TA.) حَجْزٌ One who abstains from what is unlawful and indecorous. (TA.) [See also حُجْزَةٌ.]

حِجْزٌ: see حُجْزَةٌ, in two places.

حَجْزَةٌ A severe year, that confines men to their tents or houses, so that they slaughter their generous camels to eat them. (L in art. نبت, on a verse of Zuheyr.) حُجْزَةُ الإِزَارِ The place [or part] of the ازار where it is tied [round the waist]; (S, Msb, K, TA;) the place where the end of the ازار is folded, or doubled, in wrapping it round: (Lth, TA:) and [in like manner] حُجْزَةُ السَّرَاوِيلِ [the tuck, or doubled upper border, of the trousers, through which passes the waist-band, i. e., the band or string that binds them round the waist;] the part of the trousers in which is the تِكَّة [or waist-band]; (S;) the place of the تِكَّة: (K:) pl. حُجَزٌ (Msb, TA) and حُجُزَاتٌ and حُجَزَاتٌ: (TA:) and hence حُجْزَةٌ is applied to the garment called إِزَار itself; as also ↓ حِجْزٌ; of which latter the pl. is حُجُزٌ, with two dammehs, [app. contracted into حُجْزٌ,] and pl. pl. حُجُوزٌ: Z says that ↓ حِجْزٌ and حُجْزٌ signify the same. (TA.) b2: Hence, شِدَّةٌ الحُجْزَةِ (tropical:) Patience, (K, TA,) and hardiness. (TA.) One says, هَوَ شَديدُ الحُجْزَةِ (tropical:) He is patient in difficulty. (TA.) And it is said in a trad. of 'Alee, when he was asked respecting the BenooUmeiyeh, هُمْ أَشَدُّنَا حُجَزًا, or حَجْزَةً, accord. to different relations, (tropical:) They are the most patient of us in difficulty. (TA.) b3: You say also رَجُلٌ طّيِّبُ الحُجْزَةِ, (A, TA,) and كَرِيمُ الحُجْزَةِ, and كَرِيمُ الحُجْزِ, [app. a contraction of الحُجُزِ,] (TA,) (tropical:) He is one who abstains from what is unlawful and indecorous [especially with respect to women]; like طَيِّبُ الإِزَارِ. (TA.) b4: And هُوَ نَاتِىءُ الحُجْزَةِ (tropical:) He is full in the flanks: the being so is a fault. (K, TA.) b5: You also say, أَخَذَ بِحُجْزَتِهِ,, meaning (tropical:) He sought aid of him: (A, TA:) or he had recourse to him for refuge and protection. (TA.) And أَخَذَ بِحُجْزَةِ اللّٰهِ, i. e., بِسَبَبٍ مِنْهُ [meaning, (assumed tropical:) He laid hold of a means of obtaining access, or nearness, to God]: said of Mohammad, in a trad. (TA.) And هٰذَا كَلَامٌ آخِذٌ بَعْضُهُ بِحُجَزِ بَعْضٍ (tropical:) This is language disposed in regular order, consecutively. (A, TA.) It is said in a trad., إِنَّ الرَّحِمَ أَخَذَتْ بِحُجْزَةِ الرَّحمٰنِ [Verily الرَّحِمُ is connected with الرَّحْمٰن]: said to mean, that the name of الرحم is derived from الرحمن; so that it is as though it attached itself thereto, and laid hold of the middle thereof. (IAth, TA.) حِجْزَةٌ A mode, manner, or form, of tying the إِزَار. (TA.) حِجَازٌ: see حَاجِزٌ.

حَجَازَيْكَ Separate thou, or part thou, the people; (S, A, K; and T in art. دول, on the authority of IAar;) time after time: (K:) app. meaning, without intermission: (TA:) or it may mean withhold thyself. (IAar, T in art. دول.) حِجِّيزَى: see 1, in two places.

حَاجِزٌ A thing intervening, as a separation, a partition, a fence, a barrier, or an obstacle, or obstruction, between two other things, (TA,) or between two things facing, or opposite to, each other; (Az, A, TA;) as also ↓ حِجَازٌ. (Az, A, TA.) Hence the province called El-Hijáz is thus named, because it forms a separation between Nejd and the Ghowr, or Ghór; (S, Mgh, TA;) or between Nejd and the Saráh; (Msb, K;) or between the Ghowr, or Ghór, and Syria (Mgh, Msb, TA) and the Bádiyeh; (Mgh, TA;) or between Nejd and Tihámeh; (K;) or because the Hirár [or certain stony tracts] separate it from the high part of Nejd; (Az, TA;) or because it is encompassed by the Hirár and the mountains, (Mgh, Msb, *) or by the five Hirár, namely, the Harrah of Benoo-Suleym and that of Wákim and that of Leylà and that of Showrán and that of En-Nár. (As, K.) b2: Also sing. of حَجَزَةٌ, (K,) which latter signifies Wrongers, or wrongdoers, who prevent one from obtaining his right: (S:) or persons who defend men, one from another, and decide between them justly. (Az, TA.) In the K, the signification of “wrongers, or wrongdoers,” is combined with the contrary explanation given by Az. (TA.) It is said in a trad. of Keyleh, أَيْعُجِزُ ابْنُ هٰذِهِ أَنْ يَنْتَصِفَ مِنْ وَرَآءِ الحَجَزَةِ [Is the son of this woman unable to obtain his right in the absence of the wrongdoers who prevent his doing so?]: (S:) or [according to one relation] أَيُلَامُ ابْنُ ذِهْ أَنْ يَفصِلَ الخُطَّةَ مِنْ وَرَآءِ الحَجَزَة [Is the son of this woman to be blamed for deciding the affair in the absence of those who defend men, one from another, and decide between them justly?]: by “the son of this woman” she means her own son: she says, if he suffer a wrong, and allege for himself that which repels from him the wrong, [without having recourse to the judge,] he is not to be blamed. (TA.) [See also خُطَّةٌ.]

مَحْجُوزٌ Hit, or hurt, in the place [or part of the body] where the إِزَار is tied. (K.) مُحْتَجَزٌ The place [or part of the body] where the إِزِار is tied. (K.) مُحْتَجِزٌ Having his waist bound [with the إِزَار]: and with ة, a woman having her مِئْزَر bound upon [that part of her person which is termed] the عَوْرَة. (TA.)



1 حَازَهُ, (S, A, Msb,) aor. ـُ (Msb,) inf. n. حَوْزٌ and حِيَازَةٌ; (S, A, Msb, K;) as also حَازَهُ, [aor. ـِ inf. n. حَيْزٌ; (Msb;) He drew, collected, or gathered, it together; (S, A, Msb, K;) and so ↓ احتازهُ, (TA,) inf. n. اِحْتِيَازٌ; (K;) and ↓ حوّزهُ, inf. n. تَحْوِيزٌ: (TA:) he drew, collected, or gathered, it together (namely, property or wealth &c., TA) to himself; (S, A, Msb;) as also ↓ احتازهُ, (S,) and لِنَفْسِهِ ↓ احتازهُ, (A, TA,) and حَازَهُ إِلَيْهِ, and اليه ↓ احتازهُ. (TA.) You say, عَلَيْكَ بِحِيَازَةِ المَالِ Take thou to the collecting of wealth. (A, TA.) b2: حَازَهُ, aor. ـُ (TA,) inf. n. حَوْزٌ, (K, TA,) He had, held, or possessed, it; had it, or held it, in his possession; had, took, got, obtained, or acquired, possession, or occupation, of it; (AA, K, * TA; [المَلِكُ, given as an explanation of the inf. n. in the CK, is a mistake for المِلْكُ;]) he took, or received, it; he had it, or took it, to, or for, himself. (AA, TA.) [See حَوْزَةٌ, below. Hence, It comprehended, comprised, or embraced, it.] b3: حَازَ الأَرْضَ, inf. n. حَوْزٌ, He took for himself the land, and marked out its boundaries, and had an exclusive right to it. (TA: but only the inf. n. is there mentioned.) b4: حَازَ, aor. ـُ also signifies [He or] it overcame, conquered, or mastered, [a thing,] as in an instance in art. حز, voce حَزَّازٌ: (Sh, K:) [as also حَاذَ.] b5: Also, (A, TA,) inf. n. حَوْزٌ, (K,) (tropical:) He compressed a woman: (A, * K, * TA:) [as though he mastered her.] b6: حَازَ الحِمَارُ أُتُنَهُ The he-ass gained the mastery over his she-asses, and collected them together; as also حَاذَهَا. (L in art. حوذ.) b7: حَازَ الإِبِلَ, aor. ـُ (S, A, Msb,) inf. n. حَوْزٌ, (S, K,) He drove the camels gently; (S, Msb, K;) as also حَازَهَا, aor. ـِ (S, Msb,) inf. n. حَيْزٌ; (S, TA;) and ↓ حوّزها. (TA.) Also He drove the camels vehemently; (K;) and so حازها, aor. ـِ (TA in art. حيز,) inf. n. حَيْزٌ: (K in art. حيز:) thus bearing two contr. significations: (K:) [as also حَاذَهَا:] you say [also] ↓ أَحِزْهَا, [unless this be a mistranscription for حُزْهَا,] meaning, Drive thou them vehemently. (TA.) Also He drove the camels to water; (A;) and so ↓ حوّزها; (S, A;) [and حَاذَهَا:] or ↓ حوّزها, (As, S, K,) inf. n. تَحْوِيزٌ, (K,) signifies he drove them during the first night to water, (As, S, K,) it being distant from the pasture: (As, S:) because in that night they are driven gently. (TA.) [See also حَوْزٌ, below.] b8: حَازَ الشَّىْءَ He removed the thing from its place; put it away; placed it at a distance. (Sh, TA.2 حوّزهُ: see 1, first sentence: b2: and حوّز: الإِبِلَ: see 1, in three places.4 أَحِزِ الإِبِلَ: see 1.5 تحوّز He, or it, writhed, or twisted, about, (K, TA,) and turned over and over; (TA;) as also ↓ تحيّز: (K:) or was restless, or unquiet, not remaining still, upon the ground. (Lth, TA.) You say, تحوّزت الحَيَّةُ, and ↓ تحيزّت, The serpent writhed, or twisted, about. (Both in the S; and the latter in the K in art. حيز.) And مَا لَكَ تَتَحَوَّزُ تَحَوُّزَ الحَيَّةِ, and تَحَيُّزَ الحَيَّةِ ↓ تَتَحَيَّزُ, Wherefore dost thou writhe about like the writhing about of the serpent? the latter verb, accord. to Sb, is of the measure تَفَيْعَلَ, from حُزْتُ الشَّىْءَ. (S.) b2: He removed, withdrew, or retired to a distance, (A'Obeyd, S, K,) and drew back, (S,) عَنْهُ [or مِنْهُ] from him or it; (TA;) as also ↓ تحيّز; (A'Obeyd, S;) and ↓ انحاز. (A.) Yousay, دَخَلَ عَلَيْهِ فَمَا تَحَوَّزَ لَهُ عَنْ فِرَاشِهِ He went in to him and he did not move for him from his bed, or mattress. (TK.) And El-Katámee says, (S, TA,) describing an old woman of whom he sought hospitality, and who eluded him, (TA,) مِنِّى خَشْيَةً أَنْ أَضِيفَهَا ↓ تَحَيَّزُ الأَفْعَى مَخَافَةَ ضَارِبِ ↓ كَمَا انْحَازَتِ She (this old woman) retires and draws back from me for fear of my alighting at her abode as a guest [like as the viper turns away in fear of a beater]: or, as some relate the verse, تَحَوَّزُ. (S.) b3: He tarried, or loitered: he was slow in rising; as also تحوّس: he desired to rise, and it was tedious to him to do so; as also ↓ تحيّز. (TA.) AA says, تَحَوَّزَ تَحَوُّزَ الحَيَّةِ, [as though meaning, He was slow in rising like as the rising of the serpent is slow: for he adds,] and it is slow in rising when it desires to rise. (S.) 6 تحاوز الفَرِيقَانِ The two parties, or divisions, turned away, each from the other, (S, K,) in war or battle. (S.) 7 إِنْحَوَزَانحاز القَوْمُ The company of men left their appointed station, (S, K, TA,) and place of fighting, (TA,) and turned away to another place. (S, * K, * TA.) You say also, انحاز عَنْهُ He turned away from him: (S, K:) and انحاز إِلَيْهِ he turned to, or towards, him; and he joined himself to him. (Har pp. 122 and 326.) You say of friends, انحازو عَنِ العَدُوِّ, and حَاصُوا; [They turned away from the enemy;] and of enemies, اِنْهَزَمُوا, and وَلَّوْ مُدْبِرِينَ. (S, TA.) Or انحاز signifies He separated himself from others that he might be with those who were fighting. (Aboo-Is-hák, TA.) And انحاز الرَّحُلُ إِلَى القَوْمِ signifies the same as إِلَيْهِمْ ↓ تحيّز [The man turned, removed, withdrew, or retired, or he joined himself, to the company of men]. (Msb.) See 5, in two places. b2: انحاز عَلَى الشَّىْءِ [for عن, in the TA, I have substituted على, as the former is apparently a mistranscription] He drew himself together, and fell to the thing; expl. by ضَمَّ بَعْضَهُ عَلَى بَعْضٍ

وَأَكَبَّ عَلَيْهِ. (TA.) 8 احتازهُ: see حَازَهُ, in four places, first sentence. Q. Q. 2 تَحَيَّزَ, [originally تَحَيْوزَ,] of the measure تَفَيْعَلَ, (Sb, S, TA,) [from حَيِّزٌ, originally حَيْوِزٌ,] He turned aside to a حَيِّز [or place, &c.]. (Mgh.) You say also تحيّز المَالُ [The property, or the camels or the like,] became drawn, collected, or gathered, together; or drew, collected, or gathered, themselves together; to a حَيِّز. (Msb.) b2: See also 5, throughout; and see 7.

حَوْزٌ inf. n. of 1 [q. v.]. b2: فِى حَوْزِهِ: see حَوْزَةٌ.

A2: A place of which a man takes possession, (TA,) and around which a dam (مُسَنَّاةٌ) is made: (K, TA:) pl. أَحْوَازٌ. (TA.) b2: حَوْزُ الدَّارِ: see حَيِّزٌ.

A3: لَيْلَةُ الحَوْزِ The first night during which camels repair towards the water (As, S, K) when it is distant from the pasture: (As, S:) because they are driven gently that night: but when their faces are turned towards the water and they are left to pasture that night, the night is called لَيْلَةُ الطَّلَقِ. (TA.) One says to a man, when he holds back respecting an affair, دَعْنِى مِنْ حَوْزِكَ وَطَلَقِكَ (assumed tropical:) [Let me alone and cease from this and that discursion of thine]. (TA.) And one says also, طَوَّلَ عَلَيْنَا فُلَانٌ بِالْحَوْزِ وَالطَّلَقِ قَبْلَ القَرَبِ (assumed tropical:) [Such a one was prolix, or tedious, to us with this and that discursion before coming to the point]. (TA.) b2: حَوْزٌ is also used as an epithet; though properly an inf. n.: you say, سَوْقٌ حَوْزٌ [A gentle driving: or a vehement driving]. (TA.) حَوْزَةٌ i. q. حَيِّزٌ, as pointed out in two places below. (S, Msb, &c.) b2: [Hence,] (assumed tropical:) A thing that is in one's possession or occupation; a thing that is one's property: so in the saying of a certain woman, وَأَحْمِى حَوْزَةَ الغَائِبِ (assumed tropical:) And I guard from encroachment the property of the absent: meaning her فَرْج, which was the property of her husband by the marriage-contract: whence it appears that, if this saying be the only ground upon which Az has asserted that one of the significations of حَوْزَةٌ is the فَرْج of a woman, [as is also said in the K,] his assertion requires consideration; for a woman's فرج is her own when she has no husband; and when she is married, it is her husband's property. (L, TA.) You say also, صَارَفِى حَوْزَتِهِ, and ↓ فِى حَوْزِهِ, [and ↓ فى حَيِّزِهِ,] It became in his possession, or occupation. (L, TA.) And فُلَانٌ مَانِعٌ حَوْزَتَهُ (assumed tropical:) Such a one defends, or guards, from encroachment, or invasion, or attack, what is in his حَيِّز [or place; meaning, in his possession or occupation]. (TA.) In like manner, a poet says, حَمَى حَوْزَاتِهِ فَتُرِكْنَ قَفْرًا He guarded from encroachment his tracts of pasture-land [so that they were left deserted]. (Fr, TA.) And it is said in a trad., فَحَمَى حَوْزَةً

الإِسْلَامِ (tropical:) And he defended, or protected, or guarded, from encroachment, or invasion, or attack, the limits, [meaning, what the limits comprised, i. e., the territory,] and the tracts, or regions, of El-Islám [meaning, of the Muslims]. (TA.) حَوْزَةُ المُلْكِ signifies [in like manner]

بَيْضَتُهُ [i. e. (assumed tropical:) The seat of regal power: or the heart, or principal part, of the kingdom]. (S, K.) b3: (assumed tropical:) Nature; or natural disposition, temper, or other quality or property; (K, TA;) whether good or evil. (TA.) حَيِّزٌ, (S, Mgh, Msb,) of the measure فَيْعِلٌ, (Mgh, Msb,) from الحَوْزُ, (S, * Mgh,) as signifying “ the drawing, collecting, or gathering, together,” (Mgh,) originally حَيْوِزٌ, (TA,) and also contracted into حَيْزٌ, (S, Msb, TA,) like هَيِّنٌ and هَيْنٌ, and لَيِّنٌ and لَيْنٌ; (S, TA;) [The continent, or container, or receptacle, of anything; like بَيْضَةٌ; as also ↓ حَوْزَةٌ, q. v.:] any place in which a thing is: (Mgh:) in scholastic theology, the imaginary portion of space occupied by a thing having extent, as a body; or by a thing not having extent, as an indivisible atom: in philosophy, the inner surface of a container, which is contiguous [in every part] to the outer surface of the thing contained: and [hence,] الحَيِّزُ الطَبِيعِىُّ [the proper natural place of a thing;] that in which the nature of a thing requires it to be. (KT.) b2: A quarter, tract, region, or place, considered relatively, or as part of a whole; or a part, or portion, of a place; syn. نَاحِيَةٌ; (S, Mgh, Msb;) as also ↓ حَوْزَةٌ: (S, Msb, K:) so the authors on practical law mean by حَيِّزٌ; such, for instance, as a room, or an apartment, of a house: (Mgh:) pl. أَحْيَازٌ, (S, Msb, TA,) which is extr., (TA,) being from the contracted form [حَيْزٌ]: (Msb:) by rule it should be أَحْوَازٌ, (Az, Msb, TA,) like أَمْوَاتٌ, pl. of مَيِّتٌ [and مَيْتٌ]: (Az, TA:) or by rule [if from the uncontracted form حَيِّزٌ] it should be حَيَائِزُ, with hemz, accord. to Sb; or حَيَاوِزُ, with و, accord. to Abu-l-Hasan. (TA.) حَيِّزُ الدَّارِ, (S, Msb, TA,) as also الدّارِ ↓ حَوْزُ, (TA,) signifies What is annexed to the house, (S, TA,) or appertains thereto, (Msb,) of the مَرَافِق (S, Msb, TA) and مَنَافِع (TA) and نَوَاحٍ; (Msb;) [i. e., of the conveniences thereof, such as the privy and the kitchen and the like, and other parts or apartments;] such are termed collectively أَحْيَازُ الدَّارِ; (Msb;) and each part or apartment (نَاحِيَة), by itself, is termed حَيِّزٌ. (TA.) b3: [Hence the saying,] أَنَا فِى حَيِّزِهِ وَكَنَفِهِ (tropical:) [I am in his quarter and protection]. (A, TA.) b4: [And hence also the saying,] فِى حَيِّزِ التَّوَاتِرُ (tropical:) In the manner, and place, of [that kind of transmission which is termed] التواتر [which is “ transmission by such a number of persons as cannot be supposed to have agreed to a falsehood: ” as explained in the Mz, 3rd نوع]. (Mgh.) b5: And صَارَ فِى حَيِّزِهِ: see حَوْزَةٌ. b6: [And عَلَى حَيِّزِهِ By himself or itself.]

الإِثْمُ حَوَّازُ القُلُوبِ: see حَزَّازُ, in art. حز.

أَوْ مُتَحَيِّزًا إِلَى فِئَةٍ, in the Kur [viii. 16], signifies Or turning aside to a different company of the Muslims: (Mgh, Msb: *) or the meaning is, or separating themselves from others to betake themselves to [a different company of] those engaged in fighting. (Aboo-Is-hák, TA.) The original form of مُتَحَيِّزٌ is مُتَحَيْوِزٌ. (TA.) قِطْعَةٌ مِنَ الأَرْضِ مُسْتَحِيزَةٌ [A portion of the earth, or of land, comprehended within certain limits]. (M and K in art. بلد.)



1 حَمِسَ, aor. ـَ (S, A, K,) inf. n. حَمَسٌ (S) and حَمَاسَةٌ, (Ham p. 2,) He was, or became, hard, firm, strong, strict, or rigorous, in religion, and in fight, (S, A, K,) and in courage, (TA,) and in an affair. (Ham p. 2) [See also 5.] b2: (tropical:) It (an affair, or a case, TA) was, or became, severe, rigorous, distressful, or afflictive: (K, TA:) and (tropical:) it (war, or the clamour thereof, الوَغَى,) was, or became, hot, (A, TA,) or vehement. (TA.) b3: حَمَسَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. حَمْسٌ, He (a man) was, or became, courageous. (Sb, TA.) 5 تحمّس He acted, or behaved, with forced hardness, firmness, strictness, or rigour, (S, A, Mgh,) in his religion. (A, Mgh, K.) b2: He (a man) feigned disobedience; syn. تَعَاصَى. (S, TA.) b3: He protected, or defended, himself, (syn. تَحَرَّمَ,) بِهِ by means of him. (Sh, TA.) 6 تحامسوا They vied with, strove to surpass, or contended for superiority with, one another in strength, (تَشَادّوا,) and fought one another. (TA.) حَمِسٌ: see أَحْمَسُ, in three places.

حَمَاسٌ Hardness; firmness; strength: defence: conflict. (TA.) [See also حَمَاسَةٌ.]

حَمِيسٌ Vehement. (TS, K.) So in the saying of Ru-beh, لَا قَيْنَ مِنْهُ حَمَسًا حَمِيسَا [They experienced from it vehement strength]: (TS, TA:) or, as Az says, strength and courage. (TA.) b2: See also أَحْمَسُ, in two places.

حَمَاسةٌ Courage: (S, K, TA:) defence: conflict. [See also حَمِسَ.]

أَحْمَسُ Hard, firm, strong, strict, or rigorous, in religion, and in fight, (S, K,) and in courage; (TA;) as also ↓ حَمِسٌ: (S, K:) pl. of the former, حُمْسٌ. (K.) b2: Hence, A pious man, who carefully abstains from unlawful things: because he exceeds the usual bounds in matters of religion, and is hard to himself; as also ↓ مُتَحَمِّسٌ. (TA.) b3: Sing. of الحُمْسُ, (Mgh,) which latter is an epithet applied to The tribes of Kureysh (S, A, K) and Kináneh (S, K) and Jedeeleh, (K,) i. e. Jedeeleh of Keys, consisting of [the tribes of] Fahm and and 'Adwán the two sons of 'Amr the son of Keys the son of 'Eylán, and the Benoo- 'Ámir Ibn-Saasa'ah, (AHeyth, TA,) and their followers in the Time of Ignorance; (K;) or to Kureysh and their coreligionists; (Mgh;) because of the hardships which they imposed upon themselves in matters of religion, (S, A, Mgh, K,) as well as in courage, (TA,) for they used not to enjoy the shade in the days of Minè, nor to enter the houses by their doors, (S, Mgh, TA,) while they were in the state of إِحْرَام, (TA,) nor to clarify butter, nor to pick up [dung such as is called] جَلَّة, (S, L,) or بَعْر, (TA,) [for fuel,] and they dwelt in the Haram, (AHeyth, TA,) and did not go forth in the days of the مَوْسِم to 'Arafát, but halted at El-Muzdelifeh, (AHeyth, Mgh, TA,) saying, “ We are the people of God, and we go not forth from the Haram: ” (AHeyth, TA:) or they were thus called because they made their abode in the Haram: (Sgh, TA:) or because they betook themselves for refuge to the حَمْسَآء (الحَمْسَآءُ), which is the Kaabeh, so called because its stones are white inclining to blackness: (K:) the Benoo-'Ámir were of the حُمْس, though not of the inhabitants of the Haram, because their mother was of the tribe of Kureysh: the term الأَحْمَاسُ also, [pl. of ↓ حَمِسٌ or of ↓ حَمِيسٌ,] is applied to those of the Arabs whose mothers were of the tribe of Kureysh. (TA.) b4: Also Courageous; (Sb, S, K;) and so ↓ حَمِيسٌ and ↓ حَمِسٌ: (K:) pl. [of the first, masc. only,] أَحَامِسُ and [masc. and fem.]

حُمْسٌ and [of the second or third] أَحْمَاسٌ. (TA.) الأَحَامِسُ is also said to be applied to The tribe of Kureysh: or, accord. to some, to the Benoo-'Ámir, because descendants of Kureysh: the former is said by IAar. (TA.) b5: Hence, (A, TA,) وَقَعَ فِى هِنْدِ الأَحَامِسِ, (A, TS, K,) or لَقِىَ هِنْدَ الأَحَامِسِ, (L,) (tropical:) He fell into distress (A, L) and trial: (A:) or into calamity: (K:) or he died: (K:) or the latter phrase has this last meaning. (ISd, A, and TA in art. هند.) هِنْدٌ was the name of a courageous people of the Arabs. (A, TA.) b6: عَامٌ أَحْمَسُ, (S, A, K,) and سَنَةٌ حَمْسَآءُ, (K,) (tropical:) A severe year. (S, A, K.) They say also سِنُونَ أَحَامِسُ (tropical:) Severe years: (K:) the masc. form [of the epithet] being used because by سنون is meant أَعْوَامٌ; or the epithet being used after the manner of a subst.: (ISd, TA:) and سِنُونَ حُمْسٌ signifies the same: (K:) or the latter, years of hunger. (Az, TA.) b7: نَجْدَةٌ حَمْسَآءُ (assumed tropical:) Vehement [courage, or fight, &c.]. (TA.) b8: مَكَانٌ أَحْمَسُ (tropical:) A hard place: (S, K:) or a rugged and hard place: (A:) pl. أَمْكِنَةٌ حُمْسٌ. (K.) You say also أَرْضٌ أَحَامِسُ, with the pl., meaning, (tropical:) A sterile, barren, or unfruitful, and narrow, land: (A:) or a land in which is no herbage nor pasturage nor rain nor anything. (TA.) and أَرَضُونَ أَحَامِسُ (tropical:) Sterile, barren, or unfruitful, lands. (S, L.) مُتَحَمِّسٌ: see أَحْمسُ, second signification.



1 خَرَقَهُ, (JK, S, Mgh, Msb, K,) aor. ـِ (Mgh, Msb, K) and خَرُقَ, (K,) the former of which is the more chaste, (TA,) inf. n. خَرْقٌ, (S, Mgh, Msb, KL,) He made a hole in it, perforated it, pierced it, or bored it; (Msb, * KL;) syn. جَابَهُ [in this sense, as well as in another to be explained below], (K, [in the CK, erroneously, جاءَ بهِ,]) and ثَقَبَهُ: (TA:) and he cut it [so as to make a hole or a slit in it]: (Msb:) and he rent it, or tore it. (JK, K, KL.) You say, خَرَقَ الثَوْبَ, (JK, S, Mgh, K,) aor. ـِ [and خَرُقَ], inf. n. as above, (Mgh,) He [made a hole in, or] rent, or tore, the garment, or piece of cloth; (JK, K;) and الخُفَّ [the boot]; and the like. (Mgh.) And خَرَقَ الصَّخْرَةَ He made a hole in the rock; syn. جَابَهُ. (A in art. جوب.) [And خَرَقَ الحَائِطَ He made a hole in, or through, the wall: see خَرْقٌ, below.] And خَرَقَهُ بِالمِثْقَبِ He made a hole in it or through it, perforated it, pierced it, or bored it, with a drill or the like; syn. ثَقَبَهُ. (Msb in art. ثقب.) خَرَقَ السَّفِينَةَ [He made a hole in the ship], in the Kur xviii. 70, means that he did so by taking out, from the ship, with an axe, (Ksh, Bd, Jel,) a plank, (Jel,) or two planks. (Ksh, Bd.) b2: [Hence,] خَرَقَ الأَرْضَ, (JK, S, Msb,) or المَفَازَةَ, (Mgh, K, *) (tropical:) He traversed, crossed, or cut through by journeying, (JK, S, Mgh, Msb, K,) the earth, or land, (JK, S, Msb,) or the desert; (Mgh, K;) syn. قَطَعَهَا; (JK, Mgh, K; *) or جَابَهَا; (S, Msb;) so as to reach the furthest part thereof. (Mgh, TA.) [See also 8.] It is said in the Kur [xvii. 39], إِنَّكَ لَنْ تَخْرِقَ الأَرْضَ, meaning, For thou shalt not reach the extremities of the earth: or, accord. to Az, thou shalt not traverse the earth in length and breadth: (TA:) or it means thou shalt not bore through the earth, (Jel, TA,) so as to reach the end thereof: (Jel:) or thou shalt not make a hole in the earth by thy vehement treading: (Ksh, Bd:) accord. to one reading, لن تَخْرُقَ. (Ksh, TA.) b3: [and خَرَقَتِ الرِّيحُ (assumed tropical:) The wind passed along: and (assumed tropical:) blew: for] the inf. n. خَرْقٌ signifies (assumed tropical:) the passing of the wind: and (assumed tropical:) the blowing thereof. (KL.) [See also 7 and 8.] b4: خَرَقَ الكَذِبَ (tropical:) He forged, or feigned, the lie; as also ↓اخترقهُ. (K, TA.) It is said in the Kur vi. 100, وَخَرَقُوا لَهُ بَنِينَ وَبَنَاتٍ, i. e. (tropical:) And they have feigned Him to have, or falsely attributed to Him, sons and daughters. (Ksh, Bd, Jel. [See also 2.]) And خَرَقَ [alone, the object being understood], (K,) inf. n. as above, (KL,) signifies (tropical:) He lied; told a lie: (K, KL, TA:) and ↓ تخرّق (tropical:) he forged, or feigned, a lie. (S, K, TA.) A2: خَرِقَتِ الشَّاةُ, aor. ـَ inf. n. خَرَقٌ, The sheep had in its ear a خَرْق, i. e. a round hole or perforation. (Msb.) A3: خَرِقَ فِى

البَيْتِ, aor. ـَ (JK, K,) inf. n. خُرُوقٌ, (JK,) or خَرَقٌ; (TK;) and خَرَقَ, inf. n. خُرُوقٌ; (K;) He remained in the house, or tent, not quitting it. (JK, * K.) b2: And خَرِقَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. خَرَقٌ, said of a gazelle, or young gazelle, (Msb, K, TA,) when hunted, (TA,) or when overtaken by the dog, (IAar,) It was frightened, (Msb, K, TA, [in the CK, اَنْ يَعْرَقَ is erroneously put for أَنْ يَفْرَقَ,]) so as to be unable to go away, (Msb,) or so as to be unable to rise, (K, TA,) and clave to the ground: (IAar, TA:) and in like manner said of a bird, (Msb, K,) it became frightened, (K,) or impatient, (TA,) so as to be unable to fly away. (K, TA.) b3: And hence, (Msb,) the same verb, (S, Msb, K,) with the same aor. , (Msb, K,) and the same inf. n., (S, Msb, K,) said of a man, (Msb,) He became confounded, or perplexed, and unable to see his right course; or he became bereft of his reason or intellect, because of fear, or of shame: (S, Msb, K:) or he was confounded, perplexed, or amazed, [for يَتَهَيَّبَ in the CK, I read يَبْهَتَ, as in other copies of the K and in the TA,] opening his eyes, and looking: (K, TA:) and he remained confounded, or perplexed, and unable to see his right course, by reason of anxiety, or of hardship, or distress. (TA.) وَقَعَ فَخَرِقَ [He fell down and clave to the ground], occurring in a trad, means he fell down dead. (TA.) A4: خَرِقَ, aor. ـَ (JK, S, Msb, K,) inf. n. خَرَقٌ; (S, Msb, K; *) and خَرُقَ, aor. ـُ (JK, K,) [of which خُرْقٌ, said in the S and Msb to be a simple subst., may be the inf. n., like as حُسْنٌ is of حَسْنَ;] He was rough, ungentle, clumsy, or awkward, (S, Msb, K,) in doing, or making, a thing: (Msb:) and he was unskilful in work, and in the management of affairs: and he was foolish; stupid; or unsound, or deficient, in intellect or understanding: (K:) or he was ignorant: (JK:) or the latter verb signifies he knew not his work with his hand, or his handicraft. (Msb.) and خَرُقَ بِالشَّىْءِ He was ignorant of the thing, (K, TA,) and did it not well. (TA.) 2 خرّقه, (S, Msb,) inf. n. تَخْرِيقٌ, (Msb, K,) is similar to خَرَقَهُ, but has an intensive signification; [He made holes in it; perforated it, pierced it, or bored it, in several, or many, places: he cut it so as to make holes or slits in it:] (Msb:) he rent it, or tore it, much, or in several, or many, places: (K, TA:) namely, a garment, (S, TA,) &c. (TA.) b2: And خرّق, (TA,) inf. n. as above, (K,) (assumed tropical:) He lied much. (K, TA.) Aboo-Jaafar and Náfi' read, [in the Kur vi. 100,] وَخَرَّقُوا لَهُ بَنِينَ وَبَنَاتٍ (assumed tropical:) [And they have very falsely attributed to Him sons and daughters]. (TA. [See also 1.]) 4 اخرقهُ He (a man, S) caused him to be confounded, or perplexed, so that he was unable to see his right course; or caused him to be bereft of his reason, or intellect. (S, K.) 5 تخرّق quasi-pass. of خَرَّقَ; [thus signifying It had holes made in it; became perforated, pierced, or bored, in several, or many, places: it became cut so as to have holes or slits made in it: it became rent, or torn, much, or in several, or many, places:] (S, * K:) as also ↓ انخرق; (K;) [or rather the latter, as is indicated in the S, is quasi-pass. of خَرَقَ, and thus signifies it had a hole made in it; became perforated, pierced, or bored: it became cut so as to have a hole or slit made in it: it became rent, or torn:] and ↓اخرورق signifies the same [as the former or as the latter]: all said of a garment [&c.]: (S:) and ↓ انخرق signifies also it became wide, or expanded. (TA.) b2: [Hence,] تخرّق فِى السَّخَآءِ (tropical:) He took a wide, or an ample, range, or was profuse, in liberality, bounty, or munificence; syn. توسّع. (S, K, TA.) b3: See also 1, in the middle of the paragraph. b4: And see what next follows, in two places.7 إِنْخَرَقَ see 5, in two places. b2: انخرقتِ الرِّيحُ (tropical:) The wind blew [app. in any manner, (see مُنْخَرَق,) or] irregularly; not in one uniform manner: (TA:) [and ↓تخرّفت app. signifies the same: for you say,] بَلَدٌ وَاسِعٌ تَنْخَرِقُ بِهِ الرِّيَاحُ [(assumed tropical:) A wide country in which the winds blow, or blow irregularly]: (El-Muärrij, TA:) and فِيهَا الرِّيَاحُ ↓ أَرْضٌ وَاسِعَةٌ تَتَخَرَّقُ [app. meaning, in like manner, (assumed tropical:) A wide land in which the winds blow, &c.]. (S, K.) 8 اخترق (tropical:) He, or it, passed through, or over, or across. (Mgh, K, * TA.) [See also 1, in the former half of the paragraph.] (tropical:) He traversed, or crossed, (Mgh, TA,) a desert, (Mgh,) or a land, (TA,) not following a road. (Mgh, TA.) [(assumed tropical:) He travelled a road: see an ex. voce ثُغْرَةٌ.] (tropical:) He made a mosque, (Mgh, TA,) and a house, (TA,) to be his way, or thoroughfare. (Mgh, TA.) Hence, اخترق الحِجْرَ (assumed tropical:) He entered into the midst of the حِجْر [q. v.], without going around the حَطِيم. (Mgh.) And الخَيْلُ تَخْتَرِقُ مَابَيْنَ القُرَى وَالأَرْضِ (tropical:) The horses, or horsemen, pass through the midst of the intervening spaces of the towns, or villages, and the land. (TA.) And اِخْتَرَقْتُ القَوْمَ (assumed tropical:) I stepped into the midst of the people, or party. (TA.) And الرَّيحُ تَخْتَرِقُ الأَشْجَارَ (assumed tropical:) [The wind passes, or blows, through the trees.] (JK.) اِخْتِرَاقُ الرِّيَاحِ signifies (assumed tropical:) The passing [or blowing] of the winds. (S.) [See also 1, in the middle of the paragraph; and see 7.] b2: اخترق الكَذِبَ: see 1, in the middle of the paragraph.12 إِخْرَوْرَقَ see 5.

خَرْقٌ, originally an inf. n., of 1: (S, Mgh, Msb, TA:) A hole, or perforation, (Mgh, Msb, KL,) in a garment, (S, TA,) and in a wall, (Msb, TA,) &c.: (Msb:) and a round hole, or perforation, in the ear of a sheep: (S, Msb:) pl. خُرُوقٌ. (S, Mgh, Msb.) Hence the saying, اِتَّسَعَ الخَرْقُ عَلَى الرَّاقِعِ [The hole was, or became, wide to the patcher]. (TA.) b2: And A part that has a hole made in it, or that is rent, or torn, of, or from, a thing. (TA.) b3: Also A desert; and so ↓ مَخْرَقٌ: (K:) or the former, a desert far extending, (JK, TA,) whether level or not level: and ↓ the latter, a wide desert in which the winds [blow, or] blow irregularly: (TA:) and the former, (El-Muärrij, K,) as also ↓ خَرْقَآءٌ, (K,) signifies likewise a wide land, (K,) or a wide country, (El-Muärrij,) in which the winds [blow, or] blow irregularly: (El-Muärrij, K: [see 7:]) ISh says, the space between El-Basrah and Hafr Abee-Moosà is a خَرْق, and that between En-Nibáj and Dareeyeh is a خَرْق: (TA:) pl. خُرُوقٌ. (K.) You say also خَوْقَآءُ ↓ مَفَازَةٌ خَرْقَآءُ A farextending desert. (TA.) And قَطَعْنَا إِلَيْكُمْ أَرْضًا

↓ خَرْقَآءَ and ↓ خَرُوقًا [We have traversed, in journeying to you, a wide land, or a wide land in which the winds blow, &c.]. (TA.) A2: Also A certain plant, resembling the قُسْط [q. v.], (JK, Ibn-'Abbád, K,) having leaves. (JK, Ibn-'Abbád.) خُرْقٌ a subst. from خَرِقَ, (S, Msb,) [or perhaps inf. n. of خَرُقَ as syn. with خَرِقَ, (see 1, last two sentences,)] and ↓ خُرُقٌ, (TA,) Roughness, ungentleness, clumsiness, or awkwardness; contr. of رِفْقٌ; (JK, S, * Mgh, Msb, * K, TA;) in doing, or making, a thing: (Msb:) unskilfulness in work, and in the management of affairs: foolishness; stupidity; or unsoundness, or deficiency, in intellect or understanding; as also ↓ خُرْقَةٌ: (K:) and ignorance. (TA.) [Hence,] نَوْمَةُ الخُرْقِ The sleep of [the time of morning called] the ضُحَى. (Har p. 223. [See also حُمْقٌ and خُلُقٌ.]) A2: The first of these words is also pl. of أَخْرَقُ and of [its fem.] خَرْقَآءُ. (K.) A3: Also The she-camel's vulva. (JK.) خِرْقٌ and ↓ خِرِّيقٌ (tropical:) Liberal, bountiful, munificent, or generous; (S, K;) as also ↓ مِخْرَاقٌ: (IAar, K:) or ↓ the second signifies very liberal or bountiful &c.: (K: [so in a later part of the art.:]) or this and the first signify one who takes a wide, or an ample, range, or is profuse, in liberality or bounty &c.: (TA:) or a youth, or young man, (JK,) excellent, or elegant, in mind, manners, address, speech, person, and the like; or clever, or ingenious; with liberality, bounty, munificence, or generosity, (Lth, JK, K,) and courage: (Lth, JK:) and a goodly youth or young man, [for الفَتِىُّ in the CK, I read الفَتَى, as in other copies of the K,] of generous disposition: (K:) the pl. (of خِرْقٌ, TA) is أَخْرَاقٌ [a pl. of pauc.] (K) and خُرَاقٌ, or خُرَّاقٌ, (accord. to different copies of the K, [both anomalous, and perhaps it is خِرَاقٌ, agreeably with analogy,]) and خُرُوقٌ; (K;) and the pl. of ↓ خِرِّيقٌ is خِرِّيقُونَ; no broken pl. of it having been heard. (T, TA.) One says also, الكَفِّ بِالنَّوَالِ ↓ هُوَ مَتَخَرِّقُ (tropical:) [He has a liberal hand, largely beneficent]. (TA.) and الكّفِّ بِالنَّوَالِ ↓ هُوَ مَخْرُوقُ (tropical:) He is liberal, bountiful, munificent, or generous. (TA. [But see مَخْرُوقٌ below.]) b2: خِرْقٌ is also applied to a spear, meaning (assumed tropical:) Highly esteemed or prized; excellent; or rare. (TA.) خَرُقٌ: see أَخْرَقُ.

خَرِقٌ [part. n. of خَرِقَ, q. v.:] A young gazelle weak in the legs, (K, TA,) cleaving to the ground, and not rising: (TA:) a gazelle, or young gazelle, (K, TA,) when hunted, (TA,) frightened, so as to be unable to rise: (K, TA:) and in like manner a bird (K, TA) frightened, (K,) or impatient, (TA,) so as to be unable to fly away: (K, TA:) fem. with ة. (K.) b2: And [hence,] A man (Msb) confounded, or perplexed, and unable to see his right course; or bereft of his reason or intellect, by reason of fear, or of shame: (S, Msb, K:) or confounded, perplexed, or amazed, opening his eyes, and looking. (K, TA.) See also أَخْرَقُ.

A2: Also Ashes: because they remain [cleaving to the ground] while the people thereof go away. (K.) خُرُقٌ: see خُرْقٌ.

خُرْقَةٌ: see خُرْقٌ.

خِرْقَةٌ A piece, (S, Msb, K,) or piece torn off, (TA,) of a garment, or of cloth; [a rag;] pl. خِرَقٌ. (S, Msb, TA.) b2: [A ragged, patched, garment: and particularly one worn by a devotee; also called مُرَقَّعَةٌ, q. v.: but this is probably postclassical. Hence, أَصْحَابُ الخِرَقِ The devotees.]

b3: (tropical:) A portion of a swarm of locusts, (K, TA,) less than a رِجْل; as also حِزْقَةٌ. (TA.) خَرُوقٌ: see the next paragraph: b2: and see also خَرْقٌ.

خَرِيقٌ A womb rent by the fœtus, and that consequently does not conceive (K, TA) afterwards; (TA;) [of the measure فَعِيلٌ in the sense of the measure مَفْعُولٌ;] as also ↓ مُتَخَرِّقَةٌ. (K.) b2: And A she-camel whose womb has been rent. (JK.) Applied to a well (بِئْر), it signifies الَّتِى

كُسِرَ جِبْلَتُهَاعَنِ المَآءِ: (JK, Ibn-' Abbád, K:) [in the CK جَبَلَتُها: neither of these readings affords an admissible meaning: the right reading I believe to be جِيلُهَا; and the meaning, Of which the side, or lateral part, is broken, from the water upwards:] pl. خَرَائِقُ (JK, Ibn-' Abbád, K, TA) and خُرُقٌ, (Ibn-' Abbád, K, TA, [the latter erroneously written in the CK خُرُوْقٌ,]) like سَفَائِنُ and سُفْنٌ. (TA.) b3: A channel of water that is not deep, and not without trees. (JK, Ibn-'Abbád, K.) b4: The place of expanding of a valley, where it ends. (JK, K.) b5: A low, or depressed, tract of land, containing herbage: pl. خُرُقٌ. (S, K.) One says, مَرَرْتُ بِخَرِيقٍ مِنَ الأَرْضِ بَيْنَ مَسْحَاوَيْنِ [I passed by a low tract of land, containing herbage, between two plain tracts containing small pebbles and without herbage]. (Fr, S.) b6: Hard ground. (A, TA.) b7: (tropical:) A violent wind; (A, TA;) as also ↓ رِيحٌ خَرْقَآءُ: (S, K:) the latter signifies (tropical:) a wind that blows violently: or, that does not continue to blow in the same direction: (TA:) or the former signifies (tropical:) a cold wind that blows violently; (S, K;) as also ↓ خَرُوقٌ: (K:) [it is an epithet; for] one says رِيحٌ خَرِيقٌ which is anomalous, as by rule one should say خَرِيقَةٌ: (S:) it is [also] one of the names for (tropical:) a cold wind that blows violently; (JK, T, TA;) as though it perforated, or rent; the agent [رِيحٌ] being unused: (T, TA:) and (as some say, TA) it signifies also (assumed tropical:) a gentle, soft, wind; thus bearing two contr. meanings: or that returns, and [then] continues its course: (K:) or, as in the L, does not continue its course: (TA:) or that blows long. (K.) خُرَّقٌ A certain bird, (JK, IDrd, K,) smaller than the قُنْبُر [or lark], (JK,) that cleaves to the ground: (IDrd:) or a kind of sparrow: (K:) so says AHát, in the “ Book of Birds: ” (TA:) pl. خَرَارِقُ. (JK, IDrd, K.) خِرِّيقٌ: see خِرْقٌ, in three places.

خَارِقٌ [act. part. n. of خَرَقَ]. b2: [And hence,] سَيْفٌ خَارِقٌ A sharp, or cutting, sword: pl. خُرُقٌ. (TA.) b3: [Hence also,] أَمْرٌ خَارِقٌ لِلْعَادَةِ (assumed tropical:) [An event breaking through, or infringing, the usual course of nature]. (KT, in a definition of مُعْجِزَةٌ, q. v.) b4: [In the present day, خَارِقٌ signifies also (assumed tropical:) Profound, or penetrating, in learning or science.]

أَخْرَقُ and [its fem.] خَرْقَآءُ have for their pl. خُرْقٌ. (K.) b2: The fem., applied to a ewe, signifies Having her ear perforated (S, Mgh, Msb, K) with a round hole. (S, Msb.) And, applied to an ear, Perforated, or bored. (TA.) b3: and the masc., applied to a camel, That puts his مَنْسِم [or toe] upon the ground before [the sole of] his خُفّ [or foot]: the doing of which is a result of generous quality. (JK, Ibn-'Abbád, K.) And the fem., applied to a she-camel, That does not retread (لَا تَتَعَاهَدُ), in the L لا تتعهّد,) [with her hind feet] the places of her [fore] feet (JK, L, K) upon the ground: mentioned by Ibn-'Abbád and Z. (TA.) b4: Applied to a man, (Mgh, Msb,) Rough, ungentle, clumsy, or awkward, (JK, S, Msb,) in doing, or making, a thing: (Msb:) unskilful in work [and in the management of affairs (see خَرِقَ]; as also ↓ خَرِقٌ and ↓ خَرُقٌ: (K:) or foolish; stupid; or unsound, or deficient, in intellect or understanding: (Mgh, K:) ignorant: (TA:) not knowing his work with his hand, or his handicraft: (Msb:) fem. as above. (JK, S, Mgh, Msb, &c.) It is said in a prov., (JK, S,) لَا تَعْدَمُ الخَرْقَآءُ عِلَّةً

[The stupid woman is not in want of an excuse]: (JK, S, K:) used in forbidding excuses: (K:) i. e., excuses are many: the stupid woman is skilled in making them: how then must be the clever? (S, K:) applied to every one who excuses himself being able. (K in art. عل.) b5: خَرْقَآءُ applied to a desert, and to a land: see خَرْقٌ, in three places. b6: And applied to a wind: see خَرِيقٌ. b7: Hence, رِحْلَةٌ خَرْقآءُ (assumed tropical:) A hard journey. (Har p. 177.) مَخْرَقٌ: see خَرْقٌ, in two places. b2: مَخْرَقُ حَوْضٍ

A stone that is at the عُقْر [or hinder part] of a watering-trough, for the purpose of their [standing upon it, and] drawing forth the water from it, [i. e. the trough,] when they will. (K.) مَخْرِقٌ, though unheard by us, is the sing. of مَخَارِقُ signifying The orifices of the body; such as the mouth and the nose and the ears and the anus and the like. (Mgh.) مُخْرَقٌ [pass. part. n. of 4; Confounded, &c.: and hence,] silent. (JK: but there written without the vowel of the ر.) غَيْرُ مُخْرِقٍ, applied to a road, means [That does not cause one to be confounded, or perplexed, and unable to see his right course; or] in which one is not confounded, or perplexed, so as to be unable to see his right course. (IAar in TA: but the latter word is there written without the vowel of the ر.) مِخْرَاقٌ A kerchief twisted for the purpose of beating therewith: (JK, S:) a genuine Arabic word: (S:) or a thing made of twisted rags, with which boys play: (TA:) or a twisted kerchief, or an inflated [skin such as is termed] زِقّ, or the like, with which boys play, beating one another therewith: so called because it rends (يَخْرِقُ) the air when they make use of it: (Ham p. 702:) pl. مَخَارِيقُ. (S, TA.) 'Amr Ibn-Kulthoom says, كَأَنَّ سُيُوفَنَا مِنَّا وَمِنْهُمْ مَخَارِيقٌ بِأَيْدِى لَا عِبِينَا [As though our swords, ours and theirs, were kerchiefs twisted for beating therewith, in the hands of players]: (S:) or مخاريق in this verse [written with tenween by poetic license] is the pl. of مِخْرَاقٌ signifying a wooden sword with which boys play: the poet means, we cared not for the smiting with the swords, like as the players care not for the smiting with the مخاريق. (EM p. 198.) [See also another ex., in a verse cited voce خَرِيجٌ.] 'Alee is related, in a trad., to have said that the lightning is the مَخَارِيق of the angels; (S, TA;) meaning thereby the instruments with which the angels chide and drive the clouds. (TA.) b2: Also A garment, or piece of cloth. (JK. [But this I find not elsewhere.]) b3: And (tropical:) A sword [in the ordinary sense of the word]: so in the A and O and L: in the K, السَّيِّدُ is erroneously put for السَّيْفُ. (TA.) b4: (assumed tropical:) A man goodly in body, or person, whether tall or not tall. (JK, K.) b5: (assumed tropical:) One who falls not into a case without escaping, or extricating himself, therefrom. (Sh, TA.) b6: (assumed tropical:) One who exercises art in the management of affairs. (K.) b7: (tropical:) A wild bull: (As, K:) so called because he traverses far-extending districts: (As, TA:) or because the dogs pursue him and he escapes from them: said in the A to be called مِخْرَاقُ المَفَازَةِ. (TA.) b8: (assumed tropical:) A man who engages in wars, or fights, and is active therein. (S, K.) b9: See also خِرْقٌ.

مَخْرُوقٌ (tropical:) One who is denied good, or prosperity; into whose hand wealth falls not. (K, TA.) And مَخْرُوقُ الكَفِّ (assumed tropical:) A man who gains not, or gets not, anything. (JK.) See also خِرْقٌ.

مُخْرَوْرِقٌ One who goes round about camels, [meaning who has them within the compass of his rule and care,] (JK, K, TA,) and urges them against their will, (TA,) and is active, and exercises art in his management [of them]: (JK, K, TA:) mentioned by Sgh on the authority of Ibn-'Abbád. (TA.) مُخْتَرَقٌ (assumed tropical:) A passage, or place of passing. (S. [See خَوْخَةٌ, in two places.]) b2: [Hence,] بَلَدٌ بَعِيدُ المُخْتَرَقِ (assumed tropical:) [A country, or district, wide to traverse; lit., far extending in respect of the place of passing]. (TA.) b3: مُخْتَرَقُ الرِّيَاحِ (assumed tropical:) A place in which the winds blow: (K:) and الرِّيحِ ↓ مُنْخَرَقُ (assumed tropical:) a place in which the wind blows [in any manner, or irregularly: see 7]. (S.) مُتَخَرِّقُ: see the last paragraph in this art.: and see also خَرِيقٌ: b2: and خِرْقٌ.

مُنْخَرَقٌ: see مُخْتَرَقٌ.

مُنْخَرِقٌ [Having a hole made in it, &c.: see its verb]. رَجُلٌ مُنْخَرِقُ السِّرْبَالِ A man having his clothing rent, or torn, (JK, K,) by long travel; as also السِّرْبَال ↓ مُتَخَرِّقُ. (K.) b2: Also (assumed tropical:) Quick, or swift. (Ham p. 42.)



1 حَفَلَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. حَفْلٌ and حُفُولٌ and حَفِيلٌ, said of water, and of milk (K) in the udder (TA) [or breast], It collected; as also ↓ تحِفّل and ↓ احتفل. (K, TA. [In the CK, احَتَفَلَهُ is erroneously put for احْتَفَلَ.]) And حَفْلٌ signifies The collecting of water, i. e. its becoming collected, in its مَحْفِل, meaning its place of collecting. (TA.) b2: حَفَلَ الدَّمْعُ, (M, K,) inf. n. حَفْلٌ, (TA,) The tears became copious. (M, K, TA.) In some copies of the K, نثر is here erroneously put for كَثُرَ. (TA.) b3: حَفَلَ الوَادِى

بِالسَّيْلِ The valley brought the torrent so as that it filled its sides; as also ↓ احتفل: (K:) or the latter signifies the valley became filled by the torrent: (S:) or احتفل الوادى the valley became full, and flowed. (Msb.) b4: حَفَلَتِ السَّمَآءُ, (S, M, K,) inf. n. حَفْلٌ, (S,) The sky rained vehemently: (K:) or the rain fell profusely. (S, * M, TA.) b5: حَفَلَتْ, said of a woman, She collected the milk in her breasts. (TA.) And of camels, one says, (K in art. شكر,) حَفَلَتْ مِنَ الرَّبِيعِ [They abounded in milk, or had their udders full, from the herbage called ربيع]. (S and K in that art. [See حَافِلٌ.]) b6: حَفَلَ القَوْمُ, (S, Msb, K,) aor. ـِ inf. n. حَفْلٌ; (Msb;) and ↓ احتفلوا; (S, Msb, K;) The people, or party, collected themselves together (S, Msb, K) in a sitting-place: (Msb:) they collected themselves together, aiding one another, or for one thing or affair; syn. احتشدوا. (S.) And حَفَلُوا لَهُ They combined for him, [or on his account,] and took pains, or exerted themselves, in treating him with courtesy and honour; as also حَشَدُوا لَهُ. (Fr, L in art. حشد.) b7: See also 8.

A2: حَفَلَهُ: see 2.

A3: حَفَلْتُ بِفُلَانٍ I managed, or conducted, the affair, or affairs, of such a one. (Msb.) And بِالأُمُورِ ↓ احتفل He managed, or conducted, affairs, or the affairs, well. (IDrd, K.) b2: حَفَلْتُ كَذَا, aor. ـِ I cared for, minded, heeded, or regarded, such a thing. (S.) And مَا حَفَلَهُ, and مَا حَفَلَ بِهِ, aor. ـِ (M, K,) inf. n. حَفْلٌ; (TA;) and بِهِ ↓ ما احتفل [and لَهُ; so in the T and TA in art. ربأ]; He did not care for, mind, heed, or regard, it, or him. (M, K.) And لَا تَحْفِلْ بِهِ Do not thou care for, mind, &c., it, or him. (S.) And لَا تَحْفِلْ بِأَمْرهِ Do not thou ask his affair, nor be disquieted thereby. (Msb.) A4: حَفَلَهُ, aor. ـِ (S,) inf. n. حَفْلٌ, (TA,) He, or it, made it, or rendered it, clear, unobscured, apparent, plainly apparent, or conspicuous; (S, TA;) as, for instance, black hair the colour of a pearl, increasing [in appearance] its whiteness; (TA;) exposed it to view; displayed it; syn. جَلَاهُ [perhaps here signifying also he polished it]. (S, TA.) 2 حفّلُه, (Mgh, * Msb, K,) inf. n. تَحْفِيلٌ; (TA;) and ↓ حَفَلَهُ, (K,) inf. n. حَفْلٌ; (TA;) He collected it, or caused it to collect; (Mgh, Msb, K;) namely, water, (K,) and milk (Mgh, Msb, K) in the udder (Mgh) of a ewe or she-goat, (Mgh, Msb,) or of a she-camel, or of a cow, in order to deceive the purchaser, that he might increase the price. (Mgh.) Hence one says, حفّل الشَّاةَ, (S, * Msb, K, *) or البَقَرَةَ, or النَّاقَةَ, (TA,) inf. n. as above, (S, K,) He abstained from milking the ewe or she-goat, (S, Msb, K, *) or the cow, or the she-camel, (TA,) for some days, in order that the milk might collect in her udder, for sale, (S, K, *) or until the milk collected in her udder. (Msb.) The Prophet forbade the doing this. (S.) A2: He adorned him, or it. (K, * TA.) 5 تحفّل: see 1, first signification. b2: Also, said of a sitting-place, It abounded with company; had many persons in it. (ISd, K.) A2: He adorned himself; (K;) as also ↓ احتفل. (TA.) and تَحَفَّلِى لِزَوْجِكِ Adorn thyself that thou mayest be in favour with thy husband. (TA.) and ↓ العَرُوسُ تَحْتَفِلُ The bride adorns herself. (TA.) b2: It was, or became, clear, unobscured, apparent, plainly apparent, conspicuous, exposed to view, or displayed; (S;) as also ↓ احتفل: (S, K: *) each is quasi-pass. of حَفَلَهُ as explained in the last sentence of the first paragraph in this art.: (S:) the latter, said of a road, means It was, or became, apparent. (As, K.) 8 احتفل: see 1, in five places: A2: and 5, in three places.

A3: اِحْتِفَالٌ also signifies The exceeding the usual, or ordinary, or the just, or proper, bounds, or degree; acting egregiously, or immoderately, or extravagantly; striving, or labouring; exerting oneself, or one's power or efforts or endeavours or ability; or the like; syn. مُبَالَغَةٌ; and so حَفيلٌ [an inf. n. of ↓ حَفَلَ]. (M, K.) b2: and اَحتفل, said of a horse, He showed his rider that he had attained his utmost speed of running, and yet had some remaining power. (AO, K.) حَفْلٌ A company of men; as in the saying, عِنْدَهُ حَفْلٌ مِنَ النَّاسِ [With him, or at his abode, is a company of men]: originally an inf. n. (S.) b2: جَمْعٌ حَفْلٌ and ↓ حَفِيلٌ [which latter is also originally an inf. n. (see 1 and 8)] A numerous company. (K.) A2: ذُوحَفْلٍ, (K,) and ↓ ذو حَفْلَةٍ, (S, K,) and ↓ حَفِيلٌ, (K,) فِى أَمْرِهِ, (TA,) A man who exerts himself, or his power or efforts or endeavours or ability, or who takes pains or extraordinary pains, in that which he sets about. (S, K, TA.) And ↓ أَخَذَ لِلْأَمْرِ حَفْلَتَهُ He strove, or laboured; exerted himself, or his power or efforts or endeavours or ability; or took pains or extraordinary pains; in the affair. (Sgh, K.) حِفْلٌ: see حُفَالَةٌ.

حَفْلَةٌ: see حَفْلٌ, in two places: and see also جَاؤُوا بِحَفِيلَتِهِمْ, below.

دَعَاهُمُ الحَفَلَى and ↓ الأَجْفَلَى dial. vars. of الجَفَلَى and الأَجْفَلَى, (M, K,) which are more common; meaning He invited them with their company. (M, TA. [See art. جفل.]) حُفَالٌ Milk collected. (IAar, K.) b2: A great company. (IAar, K.) حَفُولٌ: see حَافِلٌ. b2: Also, applied to a woman, Beautiful, goodly, or comely; syn. جَمِيلَةٌ: (Ibn-'Abbád, TA:) pl. حَفَائِلُ, or, as some say, حَوَافِلُ. (TA.) حَفِيلٌ: see حَفْلٌ, in two places.

حُفَالَةٌ The bad, or vile, of anything: (As, S:) of wheat, what comes forth and is thrown away; [like حُثَالَةٌ;] (TA;) and ↓ حِفْلٌ [in like manner] signifies the حُثَالَة of wheat: (AA, TA:) also, the former, what is thin, of the dregs of oil (K, TA) and perfume, (TA,) and of the froth of milk: (CK:) or it signifies also the froth of milk: (ISd, K, TA:) and the worthless of mankind; those in whom is no good; (As, S;) like حُثَالَةٌ; (As, S, K;) as in the saying هُوَ مِنْ حُفَالَتِهِمْ [He is of the worthless of them]. (As. S.) جَاؤُوا بِحَفِيلَتِهِمْ They came, all of them, or all together: (M, K:) in the O, ↓ بِحَفْلَتِهِمْ. (TA.) b2: كَانَ حَفِيلَةُ مَا أَعْطَى دِرْهَمًا The utmost amount that he gave was a dirhem. (TA.) حَافِلٌ A valley, and a small water-course (شُعْبَةٌ), flowing with a copious torrent. (S.) An udder full of milk: (S:) or having much milk: pl. حُفَّلٌ (K) and حَوَافِلُ also: (Har p. 131:) it has also the latter meaning applied to a ewe or she-goat; (K;) pl. حُفُلٌ: (TA:) and so have حَافِلَةٌ and ↓ حَفُولٌ applied to a she-camel. (K.) مَدَامِعُ حُفَّلٌ Copious flowings of tears. (TA.) دَعَاهُمُ الأَحْفَلَى: see الحَفَلَى.

مَحْفِلٌ A place of collecting of water. (TA.) b2: A place of assembling, or congregating, (T, S, Msb, K,) of a people; (S, Msb;) as also ↓ مُحْتَفَلٌ: (S, K:) or a place of assembling, or congregating, of many persons: (El-Ámidee, MF:) or a place in which is an assembly, or congregation: (El-Munáwee, TA:) and a sittingplace: (T, TA:) pl. مَحَافِلُ. (Msb.) b3: [and The elevated platform for the مُبَلِّغُون in a mosque; also (in Egypt) called دَكَّةٌ, vulg. دِكَّة, it is surrounded by a low railing or parapet, and generally supported by small columns.]

مُحَفَّلَةٌ A ewe, or she-goat, left unmilked (S, Msb) for some days, in order that the milk may collect in her udder, for sale, (S,) or until the milk has collected in her udder: (Msb:) or a ewe, or she-goat, or a she-camel, or a cow, whose milk has been made to collect in the udder, in order to deceive the purchaser, that he may increase the price: (Mgh:) originally مُحَفَّلٌ لَبَنُهَا. (Msb.) مُحَافِلٌ Contending for superiority in number &c. (TA.) b2: هُوَ مُحَافِظٌ عَلَى حَسَبِهِ مُحَافِلٌ He is one who preserves his nobility, or honourableness. (Az, K.) مُحْتَفَلٌ: see مَحْفِلٌ. b2: Also The most fleshy part of the flesh of the thigh and shank. (TA.) b3: And The main part of an affair: (TA:) [and likewise of a place, or tract, or region; for]

مُحْتَفَلُ البَيْدَآءِ signifies the main part of the desert; syn. مُعْظَمُهَا and مُتَجَمَّعُهَا. (TA in art. جمع.)



وَلِيمَةٌ A repast prepared on the occasion of a wedding: (T, S, M, Mgh, Msb, K:) or, on any occasion. (M, Mgh, K.)



1 جَحَدَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. جَحْدٌ and جُحُودٌ, He denied a thing; disacknowledged it; (L, MF;) in an absolute sense, whether knowing it to be otherwise than as he represented it to be or not. (MF.) [It is used by grammarians, and often by others, as relating to something past, or supposed or asserted to be past; and thus, in a more restricted sense than نَفَى.] You say, جَحَدَهُ حَقَّهُ, and بِحَقِّهِ, inf. ns. as above; [and ↓ جاحدهُ; (see 3 in art. كبر, where جاحَدَهُ is used in explaining كَابَرَهُ; and see what follows;)] He denied, or disacknowledged, his right, or due, knowing it to be such, (S, A, * Msb, K, MF,) and also, not knowing it; (MF;) the doing of which is also termed مُكَابَرَةٌ: (TA:) but accord. to some, it is made trans. by means of ب only by its being made to imply the meaning of كَفَرَ. (MF.) A2: Also جَحَدَهُ, He found him to be niggardly, or avaricious: (K:) or he found him to possess little good; i. e., to be either niggardly or poor. (TA.) A3: جَحِدَ, (S, K,) aor. ـِ (K,) inf. n. جَحْدٌ, (S,) He (a man) was, or became, niggardly, or avaricious; (S;) possessed little good; (S, K;) as also ↓ اجحد: (S:) or his property became dissipated or dispersed, and passed away; and so ↓ the latter verb. (AA, TA.) b2: It (anything, TA) was, or became, little in quantity, or scanty. (K, TA.) b3: It (a person's life, TA) was, or became, strait, and difficult. (K, * TA.) b4: It (a plant) was, or became, scanty; (S;) did not grow tall. (S, K.) b5: جَحِدَتِ الأَرْضُ The land became dry, and of no good. (L.) b6: جَحَدَ عَامُنَا [Our year was, or became, one of little rain: see جَحِدٌ]. (A.) 3 حَاْدَّ see 1.4 أَحْدَ3َ see 1, in two places.

جَحْدٌ and ↓ جُحْدٌ and ↓ جَحَدٌ Paucity, or scantiness, of good; (S, K;) which means both niggardliness and poverty: (A:) straitness of the means of subsistence; as also ↓ جُحُودٌ. (TA.) One says, ↓ نَكَدًا لَهُ وَجَحَدًا (S) and نُكْدًا لَهُ

↓ وَجُحْدًا (L in art. نكد) [May God decree straitness, or difficulty, to him, and poverty]: a form of imprecation. (TA.) A2: جَحْدٌ as an epithet, fem. with ة: see جَحْدٌ, in three places.

جُحْدٌ: see جَحْدٌ, in four places.

جَحَدٌ: see جَجْدٌ, in four places.

جَحِدٌ (S, K) and ↓ جَجْدٌ and ↓ أَجْحَدُ (K) A man niggardly, or avaricious; (S;) possessing little good. (S, K.) [Hence,] ↓ أَرْضٌ جَحْدَةٌ Dry land, in which is no good. (L.) And عَامٌ جَحِدٌ, (S,) or ↓ جَحْدٌ, (A,) A year in which is little rain. (S.) b2: Also جَحِدٌ, A thick and short horse: fem. with ة: pl. جِحَادٌ. (K.) جُحُودٌ: see جَحْدٌ.

جَحَّادٌ (applied to a man, TA) Slow in emitting his seminal fluid; syn. بَطىْءُ الإِنْزَالِ. (K.) أَجْحَدُ: see جَحِدٌ.


1 حَدَّ, (A, Mgh, Msb,) aor. ـُ (Mgh, TA,) inf. n. حَدّق, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) He, or it, prevented, hindered, impeded, withheld, restrained, debarred, inhibited, forbade, prohibited, or interdicted: (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K, TA:) this is the primary signification: (Mgh:) and he repelled, turned away, or averted, (L, K, TA,) evil [or the like], and also a person from a thing, good or evil. (L.) You say, حَدَّ الرَّجُلَ عَنِ الأَمْرِ He prevented, or hindered, and withheld, or restrained, the man from the thing, or affair. (L.) And حَدَدْتُ فُلانًا عَنِ الشَّرِّ I prevented, or hindered, such a one from [falling into], or preserved him from, evil. (L.) And قَدْ حَدَّ اللّٰهُ ذٰلِكَ عَنَّا [God hath forbidden us that]. (S.) and اَللّٰهُمَّ احْدُودْهُ (T, A, L) O God, prevent him from hitting the mark: said with reference to a man shooting, or casting a missile weapon, or the like. (T, L.) And حُدَّ He (a man) was prevented, or withheld, from obtaining good fortune, success, or what he desired or sought. (L.) And حَدَّ اللّٰهُ عَنَّا شَرَّ فُلَانٍ May God repel, or avert, from us, the evil, or mischief, of such a one. (L.) b2: [Hence,] حَدَّهُ, (S, L, Msb,) aor. ـُ (L,) inf. n. حَدٌّ, (L, Msb, K,) He inflicted upon him the castigation, or punishment, termed حَدٌّ; (S, L;) he inflicted upon him (namely, a criminal or an offender [against the law],) a castigation, or punishment, that should prevent him from returning to his crime or offence, and that should prevent others from committing such a crime or such an offence: (K, * TA:) he inflicted upon him a flogging. (Msb.) b3: حَدَّ شَيْئًا مِنْ غَيْرِهِ, aor. ـُ (L,) inf. n. حَدٌّ; (L, K;) and ↓ حدّدهُ; (L;) He distinguished, or separated by some mark or note, or marks or notes, a thing from another thing. (L, K. *) And حَدَّ الدَّارَ, aor. and inf. n. as above; (S, Msb;) and ↓ حّددها, inf. n. تَحْدِيدٌ; (S;) He distinguished the house from the parts adjoining it, by mentioning [or defining] its limits. Msb.) A2: [And hence, حَدَّ in logic, inf. n. حَدٌّ, (assumed tropical:) He defined a word; as also ↓ حدّد, inf. n. تَحْدِيدٌ.]

b2: حَدَّ, (L, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ (L, Msb,) inf. n. حَدٌّ; (L;) and ↓ حدّد, (S, L, Msb, K,) [which is more common,] inf. n. تَحْدِيدٌ; (S;) and ↓ احدّ, (S, L, K,) which is the form preferred by Lh, (L,) inf. n. إِحْدَادٌ; (S;) and ↓ استحدّ; (As, S, L;) He edged, or sharpened, a knife, (L, K,) a blade, (S,) a sword, (L, Msb,) or anything blunt, (L,) [and pointed, or made sharp-pointed, an arrow-head or the like,] with a stone or file. (L, K.) b3: [And hence,] حَدَّ بَصَرَهُ إِلَيْهِ, aor. ـُ (Lh, L;) and ↓ احدّهُ, (L,) or احدّ النَّظَرَ اليه; (S, Msb;) and ↓ حدّدهُ; (K in art. لتأ, &c.;) (tropical:) He looked sharply at him, or it; (L;) or intently, or attentively. (Msb.) A3: حَدَّتْ, (S, Mgh, L, K,) or حَدَّتْ عَلَى زَوْجِهَا, (Msb,) aor. ـِ and حَدُّ, inf. n. حِدَادٌ (S, Mgh, L, Msb, K) and حَدٌّ; (L, K;) and ↓ احدّت, (As, S, A, Mgh, L, Msb, K,) inf. n. إِحْدَادٌ; (Mgh, Msb;) the former the more common in the language of the Arabs, but the latter preferred by the early grammarians, (Fr, TA,) and the only form known to As, (S,) who rejected the former; (Msb;) She (a woman) abstained from the wearing of ornaments, (A 'Obeyd, S, A, Mgh, L, Msb, K,) and the use of perfumes, (L,) and dye for the hands &c., (S, Mgh,) because forbidden such things, or because she forbade herself, (Mgh,) and put on the garments of mourning, (A,) after the death of her husband, (S, Mgh,) or on account of the death of her husband, (A 'Obeyd, A, Msb,) for the period called العِدَّة: (K:) or she mourned for her husband, and put on the garments of mourning, and abstained from the wearing of ornaments, and the use dye for the hands &c. (L.) The epithets applied to a woman in this case are ↓ حَادٌّ (S, L, Msb, K) and ↓ مُحِدٌّ (S, A, Mgh, L, Msb, K) and ↓ مُحِدَّةٌ also, but the first [always] without ة, (Msb,) or both more chaste without ة. (TA.) A4: حَدَّ, aor. ـِ inf. n. حِدَّةٌ; (S, L, Msb, K;) and ↓ احتدّ; (L, K;) [and app. ↓ انحدّ, q. v.;] It (a sword, S Msb, and a knife, L, K, [or the like,] and a canine tooth, L) was, or became, [edged, or] sharp, or pointed. (S, L, Msb, K.) b2: [and hence,] حَدَّ, aor. ـِ inf. n. حِدَّةٌ, (tropical:) He was, or became, sharp [or effective] in respect of eloquence, and of intellect, or understanding, and of anger. (L.) And حَدَّ عَلَيْهِ, aor. ـِ (S, L, K,) inf. n. حِدَّةٌ and حَدٌّ, (S, L,) (tropical:) He became excited against him by sharpness, or hastiness, of temper; by irascibility, passionateness, or angriness; (Ks, S, L, K;) as also عَلَيْهِ ↓ احتدّ: (TA:) and حَدَّ عَلَيْهِ, aor. as above, inf. n. حَدَدٌ; (L, K;) and ↓ حدّد, (accord. to some copies of the K,) and ↓ احتدّ, (S, [in which it is not followed by عليه,] A, L, K,) and ↓ استحدّ; (L, K;) (tropical:) he was angry with him; (S, * A, L, K;) but Az remarks upon the last of these verbs as not heard from the Arabs of classical times in this sense: (L:) and بِهِمْ ↓ تحدّد (tropical:) he became exasperated by them: syn. تحرّش. (Az, L.) 2 حّدد as a trans. v.: see 1, in five places. b2: حدّد بَلَدًا He repaired, or betook himself, to the limits, or boundaries, of a country, or town. (L.) And حدّد إِلَيْهِ and لَهُ He repaired, or betook himself, to him, or it. (K.) A2: As an intrans. v., inf. n. تَحْدِيدٌ, It (seed-produce) was late in coming forth because of the lateness of rain, (K, TA,) and then came forth [pointed,] without forking, or shooting forth into separate stalks or stems. (TA.) b2: حدّد عَلَيْهِ: see 1.3 أَرْضُنَا تُحَادُّ أَرْضَكُمْ Our land borders upon, or is conterminous with, your land; syn. تَتَاخِمُهَا. (K in art. تخم.) b2: [And hence,] حادّهُ, (L, K,) inf. n. مُحَادَّةٌ, (S,) (tropical:) He acted towards him with reciprocal anger and enmity (L, K) and opposition or contrariety or repugnance, (S, K,) contending with him, (TA,) and refusing to do what was incumbent on him: (S:) like شَاقَّهُ: as though meaning he became in the حّدّ, i. e. the side, region, quarter, or tract, in which was (or opposite to that in which was, Zj) his enemy; like as شاقّهُ means he became in the شِقّ, i. e. the side, or quarter, in which was [or opposite to that in which was] his enemy: (L:) and ↓ تحادّهُ, (TA,) inf. n. تَحَادٌّ, (S,) signifies the same. (S, TA.) 4 أَحْدَ3َ see 1, in three places.5 تَحَدَّّ see 1, last sentence.6 تَحَاْدَّ see 3.7 انحدّ It was, or became, slender. (TA in art. ابر.) b2: See 1, latter part.8 إِحْتَدَ3َ see 1, latter part, in three places.10 استحدّ as a trans. v.: see 1.

A2: Also (tropical:) He shaved (S, Mgh, K) his pubes (S, Mgh) with [a razor of] iron: (Mgh, K:) derived from حَدِيدٌ. (Mgh.) b2: See also 1, last sentence.

حَدْ, for أَحَدٌ, in the phrase يَا حَدْ رَآهَا: see أَحَدٌ, in art. احد.

حَدٌّ Prevention, hinderance, an impediment, a withholding, restraint, a debarring, inhibition, forbiddance, prohibition, or interdiction; (S, Mgh, L, Msb, K, TA;) as also ↓ حَدَدٌ: (S, L, K:) and, both words, a repelling, or an averting. (K. [See 1.]) A poet says, (S,) namely, Zeyd Ibn-' Amr Ibn-Nufeyl, (TA,) لَا تَعْبُدَنَّ إِلٰهًا غَيْرَ خَالِقِكُمْ

↓ وَإِنْ دُعِيتُمْ فَقُولُوا دُونَهُ حَدَدُ [Ye shall by no means worship any deity except your Creator; and if ye be invited to do so, say ye, There is an impediment in the way of it, or a prohibition against it]. (S, TA.) And one says, ↓ دُونَ مَا سَأَلْتَ عَنْهُ حَدَدٌ (A, * L) There is an impediment, or a prohibition, in the way of that respecting which thou hast asked. (L.) and عَنْهُ ↓ لَاحَدَدَ There is nothing to prevent, or hinder, one from it. (L. [But this admits of another meaning, as will be seen, under the word حَدَدٌ, below.]) b2: [Hence,] A restrictive ordinance, or statute, of God, respecting things lawful and things unlawful: pl. حُدُودٌ. (L.) The حُدُود of God are of two kinds: first, those ordinances prescribed to men (T, Mgh, L) respecting eatables and drinkables and marriages &c.; what are lawful thereof and what are unlawful: (T, L:) the second kind, castigations, or punishments, prescribed, or appointed, to be inflicted upon him who does that which he has been forbidden to do; (T, Mgh, L;) as the حدّ of the thief, which is the cutting off of his right hand for stealing a thing of the value of a quarter of a deenár or more; and that of the fornicator or fornicatress, which is flogging with a hundred stripes and banishment for a year; and that of the adulterer or adulteress, which is stoning; and that of the person who [falsely] charges an honest or a married woman with adultery, which is flogging with eighty stripes [as is also that of the person who has committed the crime of drunkenness]: (T, L:) the first kind are called حدود because they denote limits which God has forbidden to transgress: the second, because they prevent one's committing again those acts for which they are appointed as punishments; (T, Mgh, L;) or because the limits thereof are determined: (Mgh:) the latter kind of حدّ is also explained as being that [castigation, or punishment,] which prevents the criminal from returning to his crime, and prevents others from committing his crime. (L, K. *) لَوْ رَأَيْتَهُ عَلَى حَدٍّ, in a saying of ' Omar, means Hadst thou seen him engaged in an affair requiring the infliction of the حدّ. (Mgh.) b3: A bar, an obstruction, a partition, or a separation, (S, A, Mgh, L, Msb, * K,) between two things, (S, A, L, K,) or between two places, (Mgh,) [or between two persons,] to prevent their commixture, or confusion, or the encroachment of one upon the other: (L:) an inf. n. used as a subst.: (Mgh:) pl. حُدُودٌ. (L.) b4: A limit, or boundary, of a land or territory: pl. as above. (L.) [Hence, جَاوَزَ الحَدَّ (assumed tropical:) He, or it, exceeded the proper, due, or common, limit; was excessive, immoderate, beyond measure, enormous, inordinate, or exorbitant.] b5: [And hence, in logic, (assumed tropical:) A definition.] It is applied by the learned to the حَقِيقَة of a thing, [or that by being which a thing is what it is,] because it is [a term] collective and restrictive. (Mgh.) b6: The end, extremity, or utmost point, of a thing: (S, L, K:) pl. as above. (L.) b7: [(assumed tropical:) The point, or verge, of an event.] The saying مُسْلِمَةٌ مَوْقُوفَةٌ عَلَى حَدِّ مَحْرَمٍ means (assumed tropical:) A Muslimeh brought to the point, or verge, of being subjected to an infidel's lying with her: and in like manner, مُسْلِمٌ مَوْقُوفٌ عَلَى حَدِّ كُفْرٍ (assumed tropical:) A Muslim brought, by beating or slaughter, to [the point, or verge, of] denying God. (Mgh.) b8: The edge, or extremity of the edge, (S, L,) and point, (L,) of anything, (S, L,) as of a sword, a knife, a spear-head, and an arrow: (L:) the part of a sword [&c.] with which one cuts: (MF:) pl. as above. (L.) b9: See also حِدَّةٌ, in four places. b10: [And hence, app.,] Arms, or weapons; as in the phrase ذَوُو حَدٍّ [Possessors of arms or weapons: or this may mean (tropical:) persons endowed with valour]. (Ham p. 143.) b11: A side, region, quarter, or tract. (L.) b12: (assumed tropical:) Station, standing, rank, condition, or the like; syn. مَرْتَبَةٌ. (KL.) b13: [(assumed tropical:) A case: as when a noun is said to be فِى حَدِّ الرَّفْعِ in the nominative case. b14: And (assumed tropical:) A class, or category: as when a verb is said to be مِنْ حَدِّ ضَرَبَ of the class, or category, of ضَرَبَ.] b15: [(tropical:) A quarter of the year.] Yousay, أَقَامَ حَدَّ الرَّبِيعِ (tropical:) He remained, stayed, or abode, during the quarter of the ربيع. (A.) A2: See also مَحْدُودٌ.

حُدٌّ: see مَحْدُودٌ.

حُدَّةٌ A small quantity of water or milk &c. remaining in a vessel or skin; syn. كُثْبَةٌ and صُبَّةٌ. (K.) حِدَّةٌ [Sharpness of a sword, a knife, or the like: see 1]. b2: [And hence,] (tropical:) Sharpness, or hastiness, of temper; irascibility, passionateness, or angriness; (Ks, S, A, L, K;) as also ↓ حَدٌّ: (Ks, S, L, K:) (tropical:) sharpness [or effectiveness] in respect of eloquence, and of intellect or understanding, and of anger: (L:) (tropical:) sharpness, penetrating energy, vigorousness, effectiveness, and briskness, in the performance of affairs; and also, in matters of religion, with ambition to attain what is good: from حَدٌّ as signifying the “ edge ” of a sword [&c.]: (L:) and ↓ the latter word, [or rather both,] (tropical:) a man's sharpness, penetrating energy, or vigour, in the exercise of courage; his mettle; (L;) his valour, or valiantness, in war. (S, A, L, K.) You say, ↓ إِنَّهُ لَبَيِّنُ الحَدِّ (tropical:) Verily he is one who displays sharpness like that of a knife. (L.) b3: حِدَّةٌ and ↓ حَدٌّ, as denoting a quality of anything, are syn. (K.) [Both signify (assumed tropical:) Sharpness; vehemence; force; and strength: and] both, (assumed tropical:) the force, or strength, of wine and the like; syn. سَوْرَةٌ; (Msb and K, in explanation of the former, [which is the more common,] in art. سور;) meaning شِدَّةٌ; (MF;) and صَلَابَةٌ. (S and L in explanation of the latter in the present art.) [Also, the former, (assumed tropical:) Pungency; acridness.]

حَدَدٌ: see حَدٌّ, first four sentences. b2: You say also, مَالِى عَنْ هٰذَا الأَمْرِ حَدَدٌ, (S, A, *) and ↓ مالى عَنْهُ مُحْتَدٌّ, (K,) and ↓ مُحَدٌّ, (K, TA,) with damm, of the same measure as مُكْرَمٌ, (TA,) or ↓ مَحَدٌّ, (so in the CK,) I have no way of avoiding, or escaping, this thing. (S, A, K.) And وَلَا مُلْتَدًّا ↓ مَا أَجِدُ مِنْهُ مُحْتَدًّا I find not any way of avoiding, nor any way of escaping, it. (S.) A2: Also, (L,) and ↓ مَحْدُودٌ, (Msb,) Prevented, hindered, impeded, withheld, restrained, debarred, inhibited, forbidden, prohibited, or interdicted. (L, Msb.) You say, هٰذَا أَمْرٌ حَدَدٌ This is a forbidden, or prohibited, thing; a thing unlawful to be done, or committed. (S. [See also what follows.]) And حَدَدًا أَنْ يَكُونَ كَذَا (S, * A, L) Forbidden be it that it should be so: like as you say, مَعَاذَ اللّٰهِ قَدْ حَدَّ اللّٰهُ ذٰلِكَ عَنَّا. (S, A, * L.) أَمْرٌ حَدَدٌ also signifies A disallowed, and vain, or false, thing or affair. (L.) And دَعْوَةٌ حَدَدٌ A vain, or false, pretension. (S, L, K.) حَدَادِ, like قَطَامِ, [indecl., a proper name, for الحَادَّةُ, fem. act. part. n. of حَدَّ; like فَجَارِ for الفَاجِرَةُ; and hence, for يَا حَادَّةُ;] occurring in the phrase, حَدَادِ حُدِّيهِ [O averter, avert him, or it]: said [with respect] to him whose aspect, or countenance, thou dislikest. (A, * K.) b2: [It is also a proper name for الحَدٌّ; like فَجَارِ for الفَجْرَةُ or الفُجُورُ; as in the following hemistich:] حَدَادِ دُونَ شَرِّهَا حَدَادِ [May there be an impediment in the way of her evil, or mischief: an impediment]. (L.) b3: حَدَادُكَ: see the next paragraph.

حُدَادٌ: see حَدِيدٌ.

A2: حُدَادُكَ أَنْ تَفْعَلَ كَذَا, (K, TA,) with damm, (TA,) or ↓ حَدَادُكَ, (so in a MS. copy of the K and in the CK,) The utmost of thy power, or of thine ability, [will be] thy doing such a thing; and the end of thy case; syn. قُصَارَاكَ, (K,) [or قُصَارُكَ,] and مُنْتَهَى أَمْرِكَ. (TA.) حِدَادٌ The black garments of mourning [worn by a widow]. (S, A, Mgh, L.) حَدِيدٌ i. q. ↓ مُحَادٌّ. (A.) You say, فُلَانٌ حَدِيدُ فُلَانٍ Such a one is the close, or next, neighbour of such a one; meaning that the house of the former is next by the side of that of the latter; (A, * L;) or that the land of the former is adjacent to that of the latter. (S, L.) And هُوَ حَديدِى

فِى الدَّارِ, i. e. ↓ مُحَادِّى [He is my next neighbour in respect of house]. (A.) And دَارِى حَدِيدَةُ دَارِهِ, and ↓ مُحَادَّتُهَا (L, K,) or لِدَارِهِ ↓ مُحادَّةٌ, (A,) My house is close, or next, or adjoining, to his house; meaning that the limit of the former is like that of the latter. (L, K. *) A2: Also, (S, L, Msb, K,) used as masc. and fem. without ة, and also as fem. with ة, (L,) and ↓ حَادٌّ, (S, L, Msb,) but this is disapproved by IKh, (TA,) though allowed by some as agreeable with analogy, (MF,) and ↓ حُدَادٌ, (As, L, K,) and ↓ حُدَّادٌ, (AA, S, L, K,) [Edged, or sharpened; or] sharp; applied to a sword, (S, Msb,) a knife, (L, Msb, K,) [and the like: and pointed, or sharp-pointed:] pl. [of the first] حِدَادٌ, (S, L, K,) masc. and fem.; (L;) and حَدِيدَاتٌ and حَدَائِدُ, (L, K,) fem. (L.) And نَابٌ حَدِيدٌ and حَدِيدَةٌ A sharp canine tooth: (L, K:) حُدَادٌ thus applied has not been heard. (L.) b2: [Hence,] رَجُلٌ حَدِيدٌ (tropical:) A man who is sharp [or effective] in respect of eloquence, and of intellect or understanding, and (as also ↓ مُحْتَدٌّ, S) of anger: pl. أَحِدَّآهُ and أَحِدَّةٌ and حِدَادٌ. (L, K.) And أَلْسِنَةٌ حِدَادٌ (assumed tropical:) Sharp tongues. (S.) And رَجُلٌ حَدِيدُ النَّاظِرِ (tropical:) [A man who looks sharply, or boldly;] a man not suspected of evil, so that he should cast down his eyes. (L.) فَبَصَرُكَ اليَوْمَ حَدِيدٌ [in the Kur 1. 21] means (assumed tropical:) And thy sight, or intellect, to-day, is] sharp, or piercing; so that thou perceivest therewith what thou didst not know, or what thou deemedst improbable, in thy life on earth: (Jel:) or thy judgment, to-day, is penetrating. (L.) [Hence also,] رَائِحَةٌ حَدِيدَةٌ (L) and ↓ حَادَّةٌ (L, K) (tropical:) A sharp, or pungent, odour. (L, K.) And نَاقَةٌ حَدِيدَةُ الجِرَّةِ (tropical:) A she-camel whose cud has a pungent odour; (K, TA;) which is a quality approved. (TA.) A3: حَدِيدٌ also signifies [Iron;] a certain substance, (L,) well known; (S, L, K;) so called because of its resistance: (S, L:) ↓ حَدِيدَةٌ is a more particular term, (S,) signifying a piece thereof; (L;) [and an instrument, or implement, thereof:] pl. حَدَائِدُ (S, L, K) and حَدَائِدَاتٌ; (S L;) the latter (which is erroneously written in the K حَدِيدَاتٌ, TA) is a pl. pl., (L,) sometimes occurring in poetry. (S.) It is said in a prov., إِنَّ الحَدِيدَ بِالحَدِيدِ يُفْلَحُ Verily iron with iron is cloven, or cut. (S and K in art. فلح.) And in another, تَضْرِبُ فِى حَدِيدٍ

بَارِدٍ [Thou beatest upon cold iron]: applied in relation to him who hopes for that of which the attainment is remote, or improbable; and to him in whom is nothing to be hoped for. (Har p. 633.) b2: Also (assumed tropical:) Like iron in hardness: applied in this sense to solid hoofs. (Mgh.) حَدَادَةٌ One's wife. (Sh, K.) حَدَادَةٌ The office of a door-keeper. (Msb.) b2: The art of a blacksmith, or worker in iron. (Mgh.) [The art of a maker of coats of mail.]

حَدِيدَةٌ: see حَدِيدٌ.

حُدَّى: see حِدَأَةٌ, in art. حدأ.

حَدَّادٌ A door-keeper: (S, A, Mgh, L, Msb, K:) so called because he prevents men from entering. (Mgh, L.) b2: A keeper of a prison: (S, Mgh, K:) because he prevents persons from going out, or because he works the iron of the shackles. (S. [See what follows.]) b3: The person who inflicts the punishment termed حَدٌّ: so in the saying, أُجْرَةٌ الحَدَّادِ عَلَى السَّارِقِ [The pay of the inflicter of the حدّ is to be imposed upon the thief]; or, as some say, the meaning here is, the keeper of the prison, because, in general, he has the charge of the amputation; but the former meaning is the more probable, and more obvious. (Mgh.) b4: A seller of wine; a vintner: because he withholds his wine until he obtains for it a price that contents him: so in the following verse of ElAashà: فَقُمْنَا وَلَمَّا يَصِحْ دِيكُنَا

إِلَى جَوْنَةٍ عِنْدَ حَدَّادِهَا [And we arose, when our cock had not yet crowed, to a wine-jar smeared with pitch, in the possession of its seller]. (S, L.) b5: A blacksmith; a worker in iron. (Mgh, L, K.) A maker of coats of mail. (TA.) حُدَّادٌ: see حَدِيدٌ.

حَدْحَدٌ Short (L, K) and thick: an epithet applied to a man. (L.) حَادٌّ; fem. with ة: see حَدِيدٌ, in two places.

A2: See also 1, voce حَدَّتْ.

أَحَدُّ [More, and most, sharp: &c.] b2: You say, هُوَ مِنْ أَحَدِّ الرِّجَالِ (tropical:) He is of the most sharp, or hasty, in temper, or of the most irascible, passionate, or angry, of men. (A, TA.) مَحَدٌّ, or مُحَدٌّ: see حَدَدٌ.

مُحِدٌّ and مُحِدَّةٌ: see 1, voce حَدَّتْ.

مَحْدُودٌ: see حَدَدٌ. b2: Also A man (L) denied, or refused, good, or prosperity; prevented, or withheld, from obtaining good; (T, L, K;) and so ↓ حُدٌّ, with damm, (K,) or ↓ حَدٌّ; (as in the L;) the latter heard only from Lth: (T, TA:) withheld from good fortune &c.; (S, L;) withheld from sustenance; contr. of مَجْدُودٌ: (Mgh:) and withheld from evil. (L, K.) مُحَادٌّ and مُحَادَّةٌ: see حَدِيدٌ, in four places.

مُحْتَدٌّ: see حَدِيدٌ: A2: and see also حَدَدٌ, in two places.



1 حَرَفَ الشَّىْءَ عَنْ وَجْهِهِ, (AO, S, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ (Msb,) or ـِ (K,) inf. n. حَرْفٌ, (S, Msb,) He turned the thing from its proper way, or manner: (K:) or altered it therefrom: (Msb:) and ↓ حرّفهُ, inf. n. تَحْرِيفٌ, has this latter meaning: (K, * TA:) or has an intensive signification of this kind. (Msb.) الكَلِمِ عَنْ ↓ تَحْرِيفُ مَوَاضِعِهِ signifies The altering words from their proper meanings: (S, * TA:) and agreeably with this explanation, the verb is used in the Kur iv. 48, &c.: (TA:) or تحريف signifies the perverting of language: (Msb:) or the altering a word in form; as in writing بُرْدٌ for بَرْدٌ; or vice versâ: (KT:) [and the mistranscribing a word in any manner: commonly used in this sense in the lexicons &c.: or the altering a word by substituting one letter, or more, for another, or others. See also صَحَّفَ.]

A2: See also 7.

A3: حَرَفَ لِعِيَالِهِ, (Msb, K,) aor. ـِ (As, S, K,) or ـُ (Msb,) He earned or gained [subsistence], or laboured to do so, for his family, or household, (As, S, Msb, K,) from this and that quarter; (As, S;) as also ↓ احترف: (Mgh, * Msb, TA:) and بِيَدَيْهِ ↓ احترف [he earned, or gained, with his hands]: and لِعِيَالِهِ ↓ تحرّف he applied himself to earn or gain [subsistence] for his family, or household, by means of any, or every, art or craft: (TA:) and ↓ احرف he laboured, or sought gain or sustenance, for his household, or family; expl. by كَدَّ عَلَى عِيَالِهِ. (IAar, K.) A4: حَرَفَ عَيْنُهُ, inf. n. حَرْفَةٌ, (K,) not an inf. n. of un., (TA,) He applied collyrium to his eye (K, TA) with the [style called] مِيل. (TA.) A5: حُرِفَ فِى مَالِهِ, inf. n. حَرْفَةٌ, He suffered the loss of somewhat of his property. (Lh, K.) 2 حَرَّفَ see 1, in two places. b2: [Hence,] طَاعُونٌ يُحَرِّفُ القُلُوبَ [A pestilence] causing the hearts [of those witnessing its effects] to turn away, and be aloof: (K:) occurring in a trad.: or, accord. to one relation, يُحَوِّفُ القلوب, (TA,) i. e., turning the hearts from confidence, and inclining them to removal and flight. (K and TA in art. حوف.) b3: تَحْرِيفُ القَلَمِ The nibbing the writing-reed obliquely; (S, * K, * TA;) making the right tooth of the nib higher [i. e. longer] than the left. (TA.) You say also, حَرَّفَ القَطَّةَ [He made the nibbing oblique]. (TA.) and حرّف السِّكِّينَ فِى حَالِ القَطِّ [He turned the knife obliquely in nibbing]. (TA.) b4: See also 7. b5: تَحْرِيفٌ also signifies The putting in motion, or into a state of commotion; syn. تَحْرِيكٌ. (TA.) b6: قَالَ بِيَدِهِ فَحَرَّفَهَا كَأَنَّهُ يُرِيدُ القَتْلَ, in a trad., means [He made a sign with his hand,] and imitated with it the cutting of a sword with its edge. (TA.) 3 حُورِفَ He was debarred from the means of subsistence; because he of whom this is said is aloof (بِحَرْفٍ) from the means of subsistence. (Mgh.) And حُورِفَ كَسْبُ فُلَانٍ Such a one was made to experience difficulty (S, TA) in his buying and selling, and was straitened (TA) in his means of subsistence; as though his means of subsistence were turned away from him: (S, TA:) or he had his gain, or earnings, turned away from him. (Msb.) It is said in a trad. of Ibn-Mes'ood, مَوْتُ المُؤْمِنِ عَرَقُ الجَبِينِ تَبْقَى عَلَيْهِ البَقِيَّةِمِنَ الذُّنُوبِ فَيُحَارِفُ بِهَا عِنْدَ المَوْتِ, i. e. [The death of the believer is accompanied with sweating of the side of the forehead: some sins remain chargeable against him, and] he is made to experience difficulty by them [in dying], in order that his sins may be diminished. (S.) A2: مُحَارَفَةٌ has also a meaning like مُفَاخَرَةٌ: Sá'ideh says, فَقَدْ عَلِمُوا فِى الغَزْوِ كَيْفَ نُحَارِفُ [And they certainly know, in warfare, how we vie for superiority in glory: or] accord. to Skr, it means how we deal with them; as when one says to a man, What is thy حِرْفَة (i. e. thine occupation) and thy lineage? (TA:) [or the meaning may be how we requite; for]

A3: حارفهُ بِسُوْءٍ signifies He requited him for evil (K, TA) that he had done. (TA.) And it is said in a trad., إِنَّ العَبْدِ لَيُحَارَفُ عَنْ عَمَلِهِ الخَيْرَ أَوْ الشَّرَّ, i. e. [Verily the servant] shall be requited [for his deed; the good I mean, or the evil]. (IAar, TA.) And ↓ احرف also signifies He requited for good or evil. (IAar, K.) A4: مُحَارَفَةٌ signifies also The measuring a wound with the مِحْرَاف, i. e. the probe. (K, * TA.) 4 احرف: see 1. b2: Also, (inf. n. إِحْرَافٌ, Msb,) His مال [or cattle] increased, and became in a good state or condition. (Az, S, Msb, K.) One says, جَآءَ بِالحَقِ وَالإِحْرَافِ, meaning He came with, or brought, much cattle. (Az, S. [See حِلْقٌ.]) A2: He emaciated, or rendered lean, a she-camel: so says As: others say احرث. (S.) [See حَرْفٌ: and see حَرِيثَةٌ.]

A3: See also 3, last sentence but one.5 تَحَرَّفَ see 7: b2: and see also 1.7 انحرف [It became turned, or altered, from its proper way, or manner; quasi-pass. of 1 in the first of the senses explained above: and] he turned aside; (Az, S, Mgh, Msb, K;) as also ↓ تحرّف; (Az, S, Mgh, K;) and ↓ احرورف; (Az, S, K;) and ↓ حَرَفَ, inf. n. حَرْفٌ; (TA;) عَنْهُ from it. (Az, S, Msb, TA.) [Hence,] one says, انحرف مِزَاجَهُ [His temperament, or constitution, became disordered]; as also ↓ حَرَّفَ, [app. a mistranscription for حُرِّفَ,] inf. n. تَحْرِيفٌ. (TA.) [And انحرف عَلَيْهِ He turned against him, with enmity, or anger.] And انحرف إِلَيْهِ He turned to, or towards, him, or it. (TA.) 8 إِحْتَرَفَ see 1, in two places.12 إِحْرَوْرَفَ see 7.

حَرْفٌ The extremity, verge, border, margin, brink, brow, side, or edge, (S, Mgh, * K, TA,) of anything; (S, K;) as, for instance, the side of a river or rivulet, and of a ship or boat, (TA,) and of the notch of an arrow; (Msb;) and the edge of a sword: (L, TA:) pl. [of mult. حُرُوفٌ, and of pauc.] أَحْرُفٌ. (TA.) Hence, (S,) [A point, a ridge, a brow, and a ledge, of a mountain:] the pointed, sharp, or edged, summit of a mountain: (S, Msb, K:) a projecting portion in the side of a mountain, in form like a small دُكَّان [i. e. bench] or the like: and a portion in the summit of a mountain, having a thin edge, or ridge, rising above the upper part of the back: (Sh, TA:) pl. (of the word thus used in relation to a mountain, TA) حِرَفٌ; (Fr, S, Msb, K;) accord. to Fr, (Msb,) the only instance of the kind except طِلَلٌ as pl. of طَلٌّ. (Msb, K.) [Hence, also,] A nib, of a writing-reed, obliquely cut: so in the phrase قَلَمٌ لَا حَرْفَ لَهُ, in the S and K in art. جزم, a writingreed not having a nib obliquely cut. (TA in that art. [See 2 in the present art.]) And حَرْفَا الرَّأْسِ The two lateral halves of the head. (TA.) [Hence, also, the phrase] فُلَانٌ عَلَى حَرْفٍ مِنْ

أَمْرِهِ [and بِحَرْفٍ مِنْهُ (see 3, first sentence,)] Such a one is [standing] aloof with respect to his affair, (عَلَى نَاحِيَةٍ مِنْهُ, ISd, TA,) [in suspense,] waiting, and looking to the result, if he see, in regarding it from one side, what he likes; (TA;) turning from it if he see what does not please him. (ISd, TA.) The saying, in the Kur xxii. 11, وَمِنَ النَّاسِ مَنْ يَعْبُدُ اللّٰهَ عَلَى حَرْفٍ means And of men is he who serves God standing aloof with respect to religion, in a fluctuating state, like him who is in the outskirts of the army, who, if sure of victory and spoil, stands firm, and otherwise flees: (Ksh, Bd: *) or the meaning is, who serves God in doubt, or suspense, (Zj, K, Jel,) being unsteady like him who alights and abides upon the حَرْف [i. e. point, or ridge, or brow,] of a mountain: (Jel:) or in a state of disquietude respecting his case; (Ibn-'Arafeh, K;) i. e. not entering into the religion firmly, or steadily: (K:) or who serves God in one mode of circumstances; i. e. when in ample circumstances, and not when straitened in circumstances; (Az, S, K;) as though good fortune and plenty were one side, and an evil state were another side: (Az, TA:) [hence,] حَرْفٌ sometimes signifies a mode, or manner, and a way. (Msb.) b2: A letter of the alphabet: pl. حُرُوفٌ: (S, Msb, K:) the letters being thus called because they are the extremities of the word [and of the syllable]. (Kull.) The saying of the lawyers, تُبْطَلُ الصَّلَاةَ بِحَرْفٍ مُفْهِمٍ [Prayer is made null by a significant letter] means only by an imperative of a verb of which the first and last radical letters are infirm; such as فِ from وَفَى, and قِ from وَقَى, and the like. (Msb.) b3: As a grammatical term, (assumed tropical:) [A particle; i. e.] what is used to express a meaning, and is not a noun nor a verb: every other definition of it is bad: (K:) pl. حُرُوفٌ. (Msb, &c.) b4: And (tropical:) A word [absolutely: often used in this sense in lexicons &c.]. (Kull.) b5: A dialect, an idiom, or a mode of expression, peculiar to certain of the Arabs: pl. [of pauc.]

أَحْرُفٌ: so in the saying (of Mohammad, TA) نَزَلَ القُرْآنُ عَلَى سَبْعَةِ أَحْرُفٍ The Kur-án has been revealed according to seven dialects, of the dialects of the Arabs: (A'Obeyd, Az, IAth, K:) or this means, according to seven modes, or manners, (Mgh, Msb,) of reading: whence فُلَانٌ يَقْرَأُ بِحَرْفِ ابْنِ مَسْعُودٍ Such a one reads in the manner of reading of Ibn-Mes'ood. (Mgh.) A2: Applied to a she-camel, (assumed tropical:) Lean, or light of flesh; or lean, and lank in the belly; (S, K;) and firm, strong, or hardy; likened to the حَرْف of a mountain; (S;) or to the حرف of a sword, (Z, O, TA,) in respect of her leanness, or thinness, and her sharpness and effectiveness in pace; (Z, TA;) or to a letter of the alphabet, meaning the letter ا, in respect of her leanness: (TA:) or excellent, or high-bred, or strong and light and swift, sharp and effective in pace, rendered lean by journeyings; likened to the حرف of a sword: (L:) or emaciated: (S, K:) so As used to say: (S:) but this is inconsistent with Dhu-r-Rummeh's description of a she-camel by the epithets جُمَالِيَّةٌ حَرْفٌ سِنَادٌ: (TA:) [see حَرِيثَةٌ:] or [in the CK “ and ”] great; big; of great size; (K, TA;) likened to the حرف of a mountain: (TA:) it is applied only to a she-camel: one may not say جَمَلٌ حَرْفٌ. (IAar, TA.) حُرْفٌ and ↓ حِرْفَةٌ (S, K) and ↓ حُرْفَةٌ (Mgh, K) and ↓ حِرَافٌ (TA) Ill-fatedness; privation of prosperity; or the being denied prosperity; syn. حِرْمَانٌ [as inf. n. of حُرِمَ]: (K, TA:) lack of good fortune, so that one has no increase of his cattle or other property: (S:) debarment from the means of subsistence. (Mgh.) Hence the saying of 'Omar, أَحَدِهِمْ أَشَدُّ عَلَىَّ مِنْ عَيْلَتِهِ ↓ لِحِرْفَةُ, (S, K,) or, accord. to one reading, ↓ لَحُرْفَةُ, (TA,) [Verily the ill-fatedness of any one of them is more distressing to me than his poverty:] i. e., the supplying the wants of the poor man is easier to me than the making the bad to thrive: or the meaning is, the want of the means of gaining subsistence by any one of them, and grief on that account, is more distressing to me than his poverty: so in the Nh. (TA.) A2: الحُرْفُ A certain grain, resembling الخَرْدَل [or mustard]; (Az, Msb, TA;) called by the vulgar, (AHn, TA,) or in the dial. of El-'Irák, (TA in art. رشد,) حَبُّ الرَّشَادِ, (AHn, S, K,) or الرَّشَادُ: (Msb:) n. un. with ة, (TA,) applied to a single grain thereof. (Msb.) [See art. رشد.] Hence حِرِّيفٌ [q. v.]. (S, Msb.) حُرْفَةٌ: see حُرْفٌ, in two places.

حِرْفَةٌ A craft, or handicraft, (S, K, TA,) by which one gains his subsistence; a mode, or manner, of gain; any habitual work or occupation of a man; because he turns (يَنْحَرِفُ, K, i. e. يَمِيلُ, TA) to it; (K, TA;) a subst. from اِحْتَرَفَ: (Mgh, Msb:) pl. حِرَفٌ. (TA.) A2: See also حُرْفٌ, in two places.

حُرْفِىٌّ A seller of الحُرْف, i. e. حَبّ الرَّشَاد. (K.) حِرَافٌ: see حُرْفٌ.

حَرِيفٌ A fellow-worker, syn. مُعَامِلٌ, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) in one's craft or ordinary occupation: (K:) and an associate: (KL:) pl. حُرَفَآءُ. (Msb.) b2: It is mostly used by foreigners as meaning A companion in drinking: and by most of the Turks, as implying vituperation; [like our term “ fel-low; ”] so that when any one of them addresses another by this epithet, he is angry. (TA.) حَرَافَةٌ The quality, or property, of burning, or biting, the tongue; acritude. (S, Msb, TA.) حِرِّيفٌ, from الحُرْفُ, Burning, or biting, to the tongue: (S, Msb, TA:) it is applied in this sense to an onion, and to other things: one should not say حَرِّيفٌ. (S, TA.) مَحْرِفٌ A place to which to turn away, or back, from a thing. (AO, S, K.) So in the saying, مَالِى عَنْ هٰذَا الأَمْرِ مَحْرِفٌ [I have no place to which to turn away, or back, from this thing]. (AO, S, K. *) b2: Also, and ↓ مُحْتَرَفٌ, A place in which a man earns or gains [subsistence], or labours to do so, and employs himself as he pleases, or follows his various pursuits. (K.) مُحْرِفٌ A man whose property increases, and becomes in a good state or condition; or whose cattle increase &c. (S, Msb.) مِحْرَفٌ: see مِحْرَافٌ.

مِحْرَفَةٌ: see مِحْرَافٌ.

مُحَرَّفٌ [pass. part. n. of 2, q. v. b2: ] One whose property has gone. (TA.) b3: A writing-reed nibbed obliquely; having the right tooth of the nib higher [i. e. longer] than the left. (TA.) مُحَرِّفُ القُلُوبِ, applied to God, The Turner, or Incliner, of hearts: or the Mover of hearts: (TA:) or the Remover of hearts. (Fr, TA voce مُحَرِّك, q. v.) مِحْرَافٌ (S, L, K) and ↓ مِحْرَفٌ, (L, TA,) or ↓ مِحْرَفَةٌ, (Akh, TA,) A probe with which the depth of a wound is measured: (S, L, K:) pl. of the first مَحَارِيفُ; and [of the second, or,] accord. to Akh, of the last, مَحَارِفُ. (TA.) مُحَارَفٌ Prevented, or withheld, from obtaining good; withheld from good fortune, or from sustenance; denied, or refused, good, or prosperity; lacking good fortune; having no increase of his cattle or other property; (S, Mgh, * K; *) contr. of مُبَارَكٌ: (S:) or having his gain, or earnings, turned away from him: (Msb:) or who obtains not good from a quarter to which he betakes himself: or scanted in his means of subsistence: or who works not, or labours not, to earn, or gain: or who earns, or gains, with his hands, but not enough for the support of himself and his household or family: (TA:) مُخَارَفٌ and مُجَارَفٌ are dial. vars. thereof. (TA in art. خرف.) مُحْتَرَفٌ: see مَحْرِفٌ.

مُحْتَرِفٌ A handicraftsman; a worker with his hands. (S, TA.) مُتَحَرِّفًا لِقِتَالٍ, in the Kur [viii. 16], means Turning away for the purpose of returning to fight: the doing which is one of the stratagems of war. (Mgh, Msb. *)



Q. 1 حَرْقَفَ الأَتَانَ He (an ass) took hold upon the حَرَاقِف [pl. of حَرْقَفَة] of the she-ass [with his fore legs]. (Ibn-'Abbád, Sgh, K.) حَرْقَفَةٌ The bone of the حَجَبَة, which is the head [or crest] of the hip or haunch: (S, K:) or the head of the upper part of the hip or haunch: (TA in art. اكم:) or [the dual]

حَرْقَفَتَانِ signifies the place where the head of each thigh unites with, or meets, the hip or haunch, (Zj in his “ Khalk el-Insán,” and TA, *) externally: (TA:) [see an explanation of حَجَبَةٌ, in which a distinction is made between this latter term and حَرْقَفَةٌ: a distinction is also made between them by Zj in his work cited above, as a reference to حجبة will show:] pl. حَرَاقِفُ (S, K) and حَرَاقِيفُ. (TA.) One says, المَرِيضُ إِذَا طَالَتْ ضَجْعَتُهُ دَبِرَتْ حَرَاقِفُهُ [The sick man, when his lying on the side is of long continuance, his حراقف became galled; i. e. the exterior prominent regions of his hip-joints]. (S.) حُرْقُوفٌ An emaciated beast, or horse or the like; (S, K, TA;) i. e., whose حَرَاقِيف are apparent. (TA.)



1 وَسَمَ الثَّوْبَ [He marked, or put a mark on, the garment, &c.]; said of a trader, or dealer. (JK in art. رقم.) b2: وَسَمَهُ بِالهِجَآءِ [He branded him, or stigmatized him, with satire]. (TA.) See a hemistich cited voce شَكِىٌّ. b3: وَسَمَهُ He marked it [in any manner]. (Msb.) b4: وَسَمَهُ بِالقَوْلِ (tropical:) He stigmatized him, or set a mark upon him whereby he should be known, by something said. (TA in art. علظ.) b5: وَسَمْتُ الكِتَابَ [I put a superscription, or title, to the book, or writing.] (TA in art. عنو.) b6: وَسُمَ, inf. n. وَسَامَةٌ (S, Msb, K) and وَسَامٌ, (S, K,) He (a man, S) was beautiful in face: (S, Msb:) or bore the impress, or stamp, of beauty. (K.) 5 تَوَسَّمْتُ فِيهِ الخَبْرَ i. q.

تَفَرَّسْتُهُ; (S;) [I discovered, or perceived, in him good, or goodness, by right opinion formed from its outward signs;] originally, I knew its real existence in him by its outward sign. (MF.) See also Har, pp. 30, 46, 76. b2: تَوَسَّمَ He examined deliberately in order to know the real state or character of a thing by the external sign thereof. (Bd, xv.

75.) b3: He perceived a thing by forming a correct opinion from its outward signs. (TK.) سِمَةٌ A brand, or mark or figure made with a hot iron, upon an animal. (K.) And i. q. عَلَامَةٌ [A mark, sign, badge, token, symptom, &c.]. (Msb.) And The عُلْوَان [or title] of a book or writing. (TA in art. علو.) See also سِيمَةٌ and سِيمَى in art. سوم.

وَسِْمَةٌ [now applied to Woad]: i. q. عِظْلِمٌ, with which one tinges or dyes [the hands, &c.]: (S:) a certain plant, with the leaves of which one tinges or dyes [the hands, &c.]; and said to be the عِظْلِم: (Msb:) the leaves of the نِيل [or indigo-plant]: or a plant [of another species (TA)] with the leaves of which one tinges or dyes [the hands, &c.] (K.) الوَسْمِىُّ

: on the rain thus called, see نَوْءٌ.

مَوْسِمٌ [A periodical festival: a fair:] i. q. عِيدٌ. (Msb, art. عود.) b2: مَوْسِمُ الحَاجِّ The fair, and place of meeting, of the pilgrims. (Mgh.) مِيسَمٌ A brand, or mark made with a hot iron. (TA, voce خِدَادٌ.) b2: [Originally] A branding, or cauterizing, instrument [or iron]; (S, K;) a marking instrument. (Msb.) b3: An impress, or a character, of beauty. (S, K.) See an ex. in a verse cited voce أَثِمَ.
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