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اون: آن يئون = آن يئين، ففي ألف ليلة 3: 452: يئون الأوان: يحين الحين.
عن التركية اون بمعنى الدقيق والــطحن والعدد عشرة؛ أو عن الفارسية اون بمعنى الشيء المعلق، أو عن الأوردية اون بمعنى الصوف.
[اون] فيه: يحتلب شاة "أونة" أي يحتلبها مرة بعد أخرى، من فلان يصنع الأمر أونة إذا كان يصنعه مراراً ويدعه مراراً، وقيل: إن أونة جمع أوان وهو الزمان.


1 آنَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. أَوْنٌ, He was, or became, at rest, or at ease; he rested in a journey. (IAar, T.) b2: أُنْتُ, aor. and inf. n. as above, I enjoyed a life of ease and plenty; a state of freedom from trouble or inconvenience, and toil or fatigue; a state of ease, repose, or tranquillity. (Az, T, S, M, K.) b3: I was, or became, grave, staid, steady, sedate, or calm. (S, K.) b4: I was, or became, gentle; or I acted gently: (T, S, M, Msb, K:) and I acted, or proceeded, with moderation, without haste or hurry, in pace or journeying: (M:) I went gently, softly, or in a leisurely manner: (S, K:) أَوْنٌ [the inf. n.] is formed by substitution [of أ for ه] from هَوْنٌ. (S.) You say, أُنْتُ بِالشَّىْءِ, and عَلَى الشَّىْءِ, I was gentle, or I acted gently, with the thing; (M;) and فِى الأَمْرِ in the affair. (Msb.) and أُنْ عَلَى نَفْسِكَ Act thou gently with thyself, or be thou gentle, in pace or journeying: and proceed thou with moderation, without haste or hurry: (T, S:) said in the latter sense to one who has become unsteady, or irresolute. (T.) [In like manner,] you say, عَلَى قَدْرِكَ ↓ أَوِّنْ, meaning اِتَّئِدْ عَلَى نَحْوِكَ [app. Act thou with moderation, gentleness, deliberation, or in a leisurely manner, according to thine ability, or to the measure of thine ability; for قَدْرٌ and نَحْوٌ are both syn. with مِقْدَارٌ]. (T, K.) And فِى سَيْرِكُمْ ↓ أَوِّنُوا Proceed ye with moderation in your course or pace or journeying. (ISk, T.) And فِى ↓ تَأَوَّنَ الأَمْرِ He paused, or was patient, in the affair. (M.) A2: أَوْنٌ also signifies The being weary, or fatigued; like أَيْنٌ. (M.) [Whether, in this sense, it have a verb, is doubtful: see its syn. here mentioned.] b2: Also The putting oneself to trouble, or inconvenience, for the sake of what one may expend upon himself and his family. (M.) And hence, accord. to one [whose name is imperfectly written in the TA], the word ↓ مَؤُونَةٌ, [as being originally مَأْوُنَةٌ,] of the measure مَفْعُلَةٌ: but others say that it is of the measure فَعُولَةٌ, from مَأَنْتُ. (TA.) A3: ↓ آنَ أَوْنُكَ and أَوَانُكَ [and أَيْنُكَ] signify the same. (M.) [See art. اين.]2 اَوَّنَ see 1, in two places.5 تَاَوَّنَ see 1.

الآنَ and its vars.: see art. اين. [Accord. to some, it belongs to the present art., in which it is mentioned in the Msb.]

أَوْنٌ: see 1 [of which it is the inf. n.]: and see also what next follows.

أَوَانٌ (T, S, M, Msb, K) and ↓ إِوَانٌ, (T, M, Msb, K,) the latter mentioned by Ks on the authority of Aboo-Jámi', but the former is the usual mode of pronouncing it, (T,) and ↓ أَوْنٌ, (M,) A time; a season: pl. آوِنَةٌ; (T, S, M, Msb, K;) but Sb says آوناتٌ; (M; [so in a copy of that work; app. آوِنَاتٌ, as though pl. of آوِنَةٌ;]) and آيِنَةٌ is syn. with آوِنَةٌ. (AA, T, K.) You say, جَآءَ أَوَانُ البَرْدِ [The time, or season, of cold came]. (T.) And فُلَانٌ يَصْنَعُ ذٰلِكَ الأَمْرَ

آوِنَةً, (S, K, *) and آيِنَةً, (K, [in the CK آئِنَةً,]) Such a one does that thing sometimes, leaving it undone sometimes. (S, K. *) And أَتَيْتُهُ آينَةً

بَعْدَ آيِنَةٍ I came to him times after times. (AA, T.) And آوِنَةً signifies Time after time. (TA, from a trad.) In the saying (of Aboo-Zubeyd, L), طَلَبُوا صُلْحَنَا وَلَاتَ أَوَانٍ (M,) or إِوَانٍ, (L,) [They sought our reconciliation with them, but it was not the time that reconciliation should be sought], accord. to Abu-l- 'Abbás, the tenween of the last word is not a sign of the genitive case, but is, as in the instance of إِذٍ, because of the suppression of a proposition to which the word should be prefixed, as when you say, جِئْتُ أَوَانَ قَامَ زَيْدٌ I came at the time that Zeyd stood. (M, L.) b2: [Hence, أَوَانَئِذٍ At that time or season; then; like حِينَئِذٍ.]

إِوَانٌ: see أَوَانٌ: A2: and see also إِيَوَانٌ.

آئِنٌ [part. n. of 1:] A man enjoying a life of ease and plenty; a state of freedom from trouble or inconvenience, and toil or fatigue; a state of ease, repose, or tranquillity. (Az, T, S, K.) b2: [Hence the saying,] رِبْعٌ آئِن خَيْرٌ مِنْ غِبٍّ

حَصْحَاصٍ [An easy, or a gentle, journey in which the camels are watered only on the first and fourth days is better than a laborious, or quick, journey in which they are watered only on the first and third days]. (TA.) [The fem. is آئِنَةٌ: the pl. of which is أَوَائِنُ and آئِنَاتٌ.] You say, بَيْنَنَا وَبَيْنَ مَكًّةَ ثَلَاثُ لَيَالٍ أَوَائِنُ Between us and Mekkeh are three nights of easy, or gentle, journeying: (S, K: *) and عَشْرُلَيَال آئِنَاتٌ ten nights of easy journeying. (S, M, K.) إِيوَانٌ and ↓ إِوَانٌ (T, S, M, Msb, K) [each] a foreign word, [i. e. Persian,] (M,) A chamber, or an apartment, (T, Msb,) or a large صُفَّة [i. e. porch, or roofed vestibule, or the like], (S, K,) similar to an أَزَج [or oblong arched or vaulted structure, or a portico], (T, S, M, K,) or built in the form of an أَزَج, (Msb,) not closed in the front, or face: (T, M, Msb: *) [and a palace; often used in this sense in Arabic as well as in Persian: and in the present day, the former, and more commonly لِيوَان, which is Persian, is also applied to an estrade; a slightly-raised portion of the floor, generally extending nearly from the door to the end, or to each end, of a room:] pl. of the former, أَوَاوِينُ, (T, S, K,) because the sing. is originally إِوْوَانٌ, (S,) and إِيوَانَاتٌ; and pl. of the latter, أُونٌ. (T, S, K.) Hence, إِيوَانُ كِسْرَى

[The great porch, or the palace, of Kisrà, or Chosroes, who is called صَاحِبُ الإِيوَانِ]. (T, S, Msb.) b2: Also the latter, [and app., accord. to the Msb, the former also,] Any prop, or support, of a thing: (T, Msb:) particularly, a pole of a [tent of the kind called] خِبَآء. (T.) b3: The إِيوَان of the لِجَام [is The headstall of the bridle; and] has for its pl. إِيوَانَاتٌ. (T, K.) مَؤُونَةٌ: see 1, and see art. مأن.

الرحا والرحى

(الرحا والرحى) الأداة الَّتِي يــطحن بهَا وَهِي حجران مستديران يوضع أَحدهمَا على الآخر ويدار الْأَعْلَى على قطب (ج) أرح وأرحاء ورحي وأرحية والصدر وَمن الظفر مَا حوله والضرس (ج) أرحاء ورحى الْحَرْب حومتها وَيُقَال دارت رحى الْحَرْب نشبت ودارت عَلَيْهِ رحى الْمَوْت مَاتَ وَجَمَاعَة الْعِيَال وَمن الْإِبِل الْكَثِيرَة المزدحمة ورحى الْقَوْم سيدهم الَّذِي يصدرون عَن رَأْيه ورحى السَّحَاب المستدير مِنْهَا وَمن الأَرْض المستديرة المشرفة على مَا حولهَا


(الثفال) مَا يبسط تَحت الرَّحَى عِنْد الــطَّحْن من جلد وَغَيره ليسقط عَلَيْهِ الدَّقِيق وَفِي حَدِيث عَليّ (وتدقهم الْفِتَن دق الرَّحَى بثفالها) وَالْحجر الْأَسْفَل من الرَّحَى (ج) ثفل

(الثفال) من الدَّوَابّ وَغَيرهَا البطيء الثقيل الَّذِي لَا ينبعث إِلَّا كرها

(الثفال) الْحجر الْأَسْفَل من الرَّحَى


(الثفل) مَا يبسط تَحت الرَّحَى عِنْد الــطَّحْن وَمَا اسْتَقر تَحت المَاء وَنَحْوه من كدر وَمَا يتبقى من الْمَادَّة بعد عصيرها (مج) وَعند البدو مَا يُؤْكَل غير اللَّبن من حب وخبز وتمر وَفِي الحَدِيث (من كَانَ مَعَه ثفل فليصطنع) (ج) أثفال

(الثفل) الثفال (ج) أثفال


من (ك ر ك ر) علم منقول عن الفعل كركر بمعنى ضحك ضحكا شديدا بشه القهقهة، وصاح بالدجاجة، ودفع غيره عن الشيء، وأدار الرحي وطحن الحب.


(الْحَث) المدقوق من كل شَيْء وحطام التِّبْن والرمل الغليظ الْيَابِس الخشن وَالْخبْز القفار وَيُقَال سويق حث غير دَقِيق الــطَّحْن أَو غير ملتوت


كاكاو [جمع]:
1 - (نت) شجر يُتَّخذ من مسحوق بذوره شراب، ويدخل في صناعة الحلوى كالشُّوكولاتة، كما يُستخرج منه زيت طبّيّ يُستعمل في الصَّيْدلة "قدّم له فنجانًا مِن الكاكاو الممزوج باللَّبن".
2 - مسحوق مصنوع من حبوب الكاكاو بعد تخميرها وتحميصها وإزالة قشورها ودهونها ثم طحنــها.
• زُبْدَة الكاكاو: (كم) مادة صُلْبة دَسِمة بيضاء مُصْفَرَّة، تُستخرج من بذور الكاكاو بعد عصرها، وتدْخل في صناعة الشيكولاتة والصّابون ومستحضرات التجميل. 


(المكنة) الْقُدْرَة والاستطاعة وَالْقُوَّة والشدة

(المكنة) التَّمَكُّن والمكانة تَقول الْعَرَب إِن ابْن فلَان لذُو مكنة من النَّاس ذُو مكانة عِنْدهم وَلفُلَان مكنة قُوَّة وَشدَّة وَآلَة أَو جهاز من الصلب أَو نَحوه تديره الْيَد أَو الرجل أَو قُوَّة بخارية أَو كهربية ويتركب من عدَّة أَجزَاء لكل مِنْهَا وَظِيفَة خَاصَّة ويعاون بَعْضهَا بَعْضًا على أَدَاء عمل معِين ويحدد اسْم المكنة بِالْإِضَافَة فَيُقَال مكنة خياطَة أَو مكنة طحن أَو مكنة طباعة وَهَكَذَا (ج) مكنات وَمَكَان (مج)


الطَّحُّ: أنْ يَضَعَ عَقِبَه على شَيْءٍ يُسَحِّجُه بها. والمِطَحَّةُ من الشّاةِ: مُؤخَّرُ ظِلْفِها. والطَّحْطَحَةُ: التَّفَرُّقُ وإهْلاكُ الشَّيْءِ. وأتانا وما عليه طِحْطِحَةٌ: أي خِرْقَةٌ. والطَّحْطَحُ من الأرْضِ: بمنزلةِ الصَّحْصَح. وما على رَأْسِه طِحْطِحَةٌ: أي شَعرةٌ.


1 طَحَّهُ, aor. ـُ (S, O,) inf. n. طَحٌّ, (S, O, K,) He scraped it with his heel so as to remove its superficial part; grazed it with his heel: (S, O, K: *) or he put his heel upon it and then so scraped it. (TA.) b2: And He spread it, or expanded it. (IDrd, O, K.) 4 اطحّهُ He made it to fall, threw it down, or let it fall: and he threw it. (Fr, O, K.) 7 انطحّ It (a thing, O) became spread or expanded; or it spread, or expanded, itself. (O, K.) R. Q. 1 طَحْطَحَ بِهِمْ, (S, O,) inf. n. طَحْطَحَةٌ and طِحْطَاحٌ, (S,) He dispersed, or scattered, them, (S, O, TA,) destroying them: (TA:) or he dispersed, or scattered, them, and overcame them. (IF, O.) And طَحْطَحَهُ He dispersed, or scattered, it, destroying it: (Lth, TA:) or he destroyed it: (IDrd, O:) and he broke it: (S, O:) or he broke it, destroying it: (TA:) and he dispersed, or scattered, it. (S, O.) And طَحْطَحَهُمْ, said of time, or fortune, It destroyed them; and dispersed, or scattered, them. (A.) And طَحْطَحَ مَالَهُ He dispersed, or scattered, his property. (A.) A2: And طَحْطَحَ He laughed slightly: (K:) or so طَحْطَحَ فِى ضَحِكِهِ; (TA;) which means the same as طَهْطَهَ and كَتْكَتَ (O, TA) and طَخْطَخَ and كَدْكَدَ and كَرْكَرَ. (TA.) طُحُحٌ i. q. مَسَاحِجُ [pl. of مَسْحَجٌ and of مَسْحَجٌ: see these two words]. (IAar, O, K.) طَحَّانُ [A grinder of corn &c. with a mill] is said by Ks to be of the measure فَعْلَانُ from [the inf. n.] الطَّحُّ. (O, TA.) [But see art. طحن.]

مَا عَلَى رَأْسِهِ طِحْطِحَةٌ means There is not upon his head a single hair: so says Az: Lh says, أَتَانَا وَمَا عَلَيْهِ طِحْطِحَةٌ He came to us not having upon him anything: (O:) or the last word in ما عليه طحطحة signifies anything: or any hair. (K.) [See also طِحْلِبَةٌ.]

الطَّحْطَاحُ The lion. (IDrd, O, K.) مِطَحَّةٌ The hinder part of the hoof of a sheep or goat: (Lth, IAar, O, K:) or a thing resembling a فَلْكَة [generally meaning the whirl of a spindle], in its foot, with which it scrapes the ground: (Th, O, K:) Lth says that, beneath its hoof, in the place of the مِطَحَّة, is a little bone like the فَلْكَة. (O.)


القَعْسَرَةُ سُوْءُ المَتْحِ في السَّقْي. والمُعَازَّةُ والمُغَالَبَةُ. وعَبْدٌ قَعْسَرٌ جَيِّدُ السَّقْي. ومكانٌ قَعْسَرٌ قَديمٌ. والقَعْسَرِيُّ الجَمَلُ الضَّخْمُ الشَّديدُ، وهو القَعْسَرُ أيضاً. والقَعْسَرِيُّ الخَشَبَةُ التي تُدَارُ بها الرَّحى الصَّغيرةُ يُــطْحَنُ بها باليَدِ.
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