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ر ء س : الرَّأْسُ عُضْوٌ مَعْرُوفٌ وَهُوَ مُذَكَّرٌ وَجَمْعُهُ أَرْؤُسٌ وَرُءُوسٌ وَبَائِعُهَا رَآَّسٌ بِهَمْزَةٍ مُشَدَّدَةٍ مِثْلُ: نَجَّارٍ وَعَطَّارٍ وَأَمَّا رَوَّاسٌ فَمُوَلَّدٌ وَالرَّأْسُ مَهْمُوزٌ فِي أَكْثَرِ لُغَاتِهِمْ إلَّا بَنِي تَمِيمٍ فَإِنَّهُمْ يَتْرُكُونَ الْهَمْزَ لُزُومًا وَرَأْسُ الشَّهْرِ أَوَّلُهُ وَرَأْسُ الْمَالِ أَصْلُهُ وَرَأَسَ الشَّخْصُ يَرْأَسُ مَهْمُوزٌ بِفَتْحَتَيْنِ رَآسَةً شَرُفَ قَدْرُهُ فَهُوَ رَئِيسٌ وَالْجَمْعُ رُؤَسَاءُ مِثْلُ: شَرِيفٍ وَشُرَفَاءَ. 


رَؤُسَ(n. ac. رَئَاْسَة)
a. Was chief, head, master.

a. [acc. & 'Ala], Made, appointed head, chief over.
تَرَأَّسَa. Became chief, supreme & c.

إِرْتَأَسَa. see Vb. Bent down the head of.
c. Occupied, engaged the attention of.

رَأْس (pl.
أَرْؤُس []
رُؤُوْس [ 27 ] )
a. Head: summit, top; chief, leader; captain; cape
headland, promotory; peak.
b. Head of cattle.
c. Principal; principal part; beginning
d. Chapter; heading.
e. Capital, principal (funds).
f. Great tribe.

رِئَاسَة []
a. Headship, chieftainship.
b. Power, authority; rule, sway, command; dominion;
c. Ecclesiastical government.

رَيِّس [] (pl.
[ ] )
a. Head, chief; leading, foremost, first; principal;
superior; supreme.
b. Chief, leader; captain.

رَئِيْسَة []
a. Abbess, Lady Superior.

رَوَائِس []
a. Heights of a valley.

a. Altogether, entirely.

عَلَى الرَّأْس والعَيْن
a. Right willingly.

رَأْسالمَال رَسْمَــال
a. Capital, principal; funds.


التضمين في الشعر: هو أن يتعلق معنى البيت بالذي قبله تعلقا لا يصح إلا به.

تضمين مزودج: هو أن يقع في أثناء قرائن النثر والنظم لفظان مسجعان بعد مراعاة حدود الأسجاع والقوافي الأصلية، كقوله تعالى: {وَجِئْتُكَ مِنْ سَبَأٍ بِنَبَأٍ يَقِينٍ} ، وكقوله عليه السلام: "المؤمنون هينون لينون"، ومن النظم:
تعود رسم الوهب والنهب في العلى ... وهذان وقت اللطف والعنف دأبُهُ


الدَّثْرُ: المالُ الكثيرُ، مالٌ ومالانَ وأموالٌ دَثْرٌ، وبالتحريكِ: الوَسَخُ، وبِلا لامٍ: حِصْنٌ باليمنِ.
والدُّثُورُ: الدُّرُوسُ،
وـ للنَّفْسِ: سُرْعَةُ نِسْيانِها،
وـ للقَلْبِ: امِّحاءُ الذِّكْرِ منه، وبالفتح: الرجلُ البَطِيءُ الخامِلُ النَّؤُومُ.
والداثِرُ: الهالِكُ، والغافِلُ،
وتَدَثَّرَ بالثوبِ: اشْتَمَلَ به،
وـ الفَحْلُ الناقَةَ: تَسَنَّمَها،
وـ الرجلُ قِرْنَه: وثَبَ عليه فَرَكِبَهُ.
والمُتَدَثِّر: المَأْبونُ.
والدِّثارُ، بالكسر: ما فوقَ الشِّعارِ من الثيابِ.
ودَثَرَ الشجرُ: أورَقَ،
وـ الــرَّسْمُ: قَدُمَ،
وـ الثوبُ: اتَّسَخَ،
وـ السيفُ: صَدِئَ، فهو داثِرٌ.
وهو دِثْرُ مالٍ، بالكسرِ: حَسَنُ القِيامِ به. ودِثارٌ القَطَّانُ الضَّبِّيُّ، ويَزيدُ بنُ دِثارٍ التابِعيُّ، ومُحارِبُ بنُ دِثارٍ وابنُهُ دِثارٌ: محدثونَ.
وادَّثَرَ: اقَتَنَى دَثْراً من المالِ.
وتَدْثيرُ الطائِرِ: إِصلاحُهُ عُشَّهُ.
ودُثِرَ على القَتيلِ: نُضِّدَ عليه الصَّخْرُ. 


هو تصغير النجر، وقد تقدم اشتقاقه: حصن باليمن قرب حضرموت منيع لجأ إليه أهل الردّة مع الأشعث بن قيس في أيام أبي بكر، رضي الله عنه، فحاصره زياد بن لبيد البياضي حتّى افتتحه عنوة وقتل من فيه وأسر الأشعث بن قيس وذلك في سنة 12 للهجرة، وكان الأشعث بن قيس قد قدم على النبي، صلّى الله عليه وسلّم، في وفد كندة من حضرموت فأسلموا وسألوا أن يبعث عليهم رجلا يعلّمهم السنن ويجبي صدقاتهم، فأنفذ معهم زياد بن لبيد البياضي عاملا للنبي، صلّى الله عليه وسلّم، يجبيهم، فلما مات النبي، صلّى الله عليه وسلّم، خطبهم زياد ودعاهم إلى بيعة أبي بكر، رضي الله عنه، فنكص الأشعث عن بيعة أبي بكر، رضي الله عنه، ونهاه ابن امرئ القيس بن عابس فلم ينته فكتب زياد إلى أبي بكر بذلك فكتب أبو بكر إلى المهاجر بن أبي أمية وكان على صنعاء بعد قتل العنسي أن يمدّ زيادا بنفسه ويعينه على مخالفي الإسلام بحضرموت، وكتب إلى زياد أن يقاتل مخالفي الإسلام بمن عنده من المسلمين، فجمع زياد جموعه وواقع مخالفيه فنصره الله عليهم حتى تحصنوا بالنّجير فحصرهم فيه إلى أن أعيوا عن المقام فيه فاجتمعوا إلى الأشعث وسألوه أن يأخذ لهم الأمان، فأرسل إلى زياد بن لبيد يسأله الأمان حتى يلقاه ويخاطبه فآمنه، فلما اجتمع به سأله أن يؤمّن أهل النّجير ويصالحهم فامتنع عليه ورادّه حتى آمن سبعين رجلا منهم وأن يكون حكمه في الباقي نافذا، فخرج سبعون فأراد قتل الأشعث وقال له: قد أخرجت نفسك من الأمان بتكملة عدد السبعين، فسأله أن يحمله إلى أبي بكر ليرى فيه رأيه فآمنه زياد على أن يبعث به وبأهله إلى أبي بكر ليرى فيه رأيه، وفتحوا له حصن النجير وكان فيه كثير فعمد إلى أشرافهم نحو سبعمائة رجل فضرب أعناقهم على دم واحد ولام القوم الأشعث وقالوا لزياد: إن الأشعث غدر بنا، أخذ الأمان لنفسه وأهله وماله ولم يأخذ لنا وإنما نزل على أن يأخذ لنا جميعا، وأبى زياد أن يواري جثث من قتل وتركهم للسباع، وكان هذا أشدّ على من بقي من القتل، وبعث السبي مع نهيك بن أوس بن خزيمة وكتب إلى أبي بكر: إنّا لم نؤمنه إلا على حكمك، وبعث الأشعث في وثاق وأهله وماله معه، فترى فيه رأيك، فأخذ أبو بكر يقرّع الأشعث ويقول له: فعلت وفعلت، فقال الأشعث: أيها الرجل استبقني لحربك وزوّجني أختك أمّ فروة بنت أبي قحافة، ففعل أبو بكر ذلك وكان الأشعث بالمدينة مقيما حتى ندب عمر الناس لقتال الفرس فخرج فيهم، وقال أبو صبيح السكوني:
ألا بلّغا عني ابن قيس وبرمة: ... أأنفذت قولي بالفعال المصدّق
أقلّت عديد الحارثيين بعد ما ... دعتهم سجوع ذات جيد مطوّق
فيا لهف نفسي، لهف نفسي على الذي ... سبانا بها من غيّ عمياء موبق
فأفنيت قومي في ألايا توكدت، ... وما كنت فيها بالمصيب الموفّق
وقال عرّام: حذاء قرية صفينة ماءة يقال لها النجير وبحذائها ماءة يقال لها النجارة بئر واحدة وكلاهما فيه ملوحة وليست بالشديدة، قال كثير:
وطبّق من نحو النجير كأنه ... بأليل لما خلّف النخل ذامر
وقال الأعشى ميمون بن قيس يمدح النبي، صلّى الله عليه وسلّم:
ألم تغتمض عيناك ليلة أرمدا، ... وبتّ كما بات السليم مسهّدا
وما ذاك من عشق النساء وإنما ... تناسيت قبل اليوم خلّا مهدّدا
ولكن أرى الدهر الذي هو خائن ... إذا أصلحت كفّاي عاد فأفسدا
كهولا وشبّانا فقدت وثروة، ... فلله هذا الدهر كيف تردّدا!
وما زلت أبغي المال مذ أنا يافع ... وليدا وكهلا، حين شبت، وأمردا
وأبتذل العيس المراقيل تغتلي ... مسافة ما بين النّجير وصرخدا
وقال أبو دهبل الجمحي:
أعرفت رسمــا بالنّجي ... ر عفا لزينب أو لساره
لعزيزة من حضرمو ... ت على محيّاها النضارة


العُذْرُ: مَا يمْنَع وجود الْقَضَاء.
العُذْرُ، بالضم: م
ج: أعْذارٌ، عَذَرَهُ يَعْذِرُهُ عُذْراً وعُذُوراً وعُذْرَى ومَعْذِرَةً ومَعْذُورةً، وأعْذَرَه، والاسمُ: المَعْذَِرَةُ، مُثَلَّثَةَ الذالِ، والعِذْرَةُ بالكسر،
وأعْذَرَ: أبْدَى عُذْراً، وأحْدَثَ، وثَبَثَ له عُذْرٌ، وقَصَّرَ ولم يُبالِغْ وهو يُرِي أنه مُبالِغٌ، وبالَغَ، كأنه ضِدٌّ، وكثُرَتْ ذُنُوبُه وعُيُوبُه،
كعَذَرَ، ومنه: "لَنْ يَهْلِكَ الناسُ حتى يَعْذِرُوا من أنفسِهم"،
وـ الفرسَ: ألْجَمَهُ، أو جَعَلَ له عِذاراً،
وـ الغُلامَ: خَتَنَهُ،
كعَذَرَهُ يَعْذِرُه،
وـ للقومِ: عَمِلَ طَعامَ الخِتانِ، وأنْصَفَ،
وـ في ظَهْرِهِ: ضَرَبَهُ فأثَّرَ فيه،
وـ الدارُ: كثُرَتْ فيه العَذِرَةُ.
وعَذَّرَ تَعْذِيراً: لم يَثْبُتْ له عُذْرٌ،
وـ الغُلامُ: نَبَتَ شَعْرُ عِذَارِهِ،
وـ الشيءَ: لَطَخَه بالعَذِرَةِ،
وـ الدارَ: طَمَسَ آثارَها، واتَّخَذَ طَعَامَ العِذَارِ ودَعَا إليه.
وتَعَذَّرَ: تَأخَّرَ،
وـ الأمْرُ: لم يَسْتَقِمْ،
وـ الــرَّسمُ: دَرَسَ،
كاعْتَذَرَ، وتَلَطَّخَ بالعَذِرَةِ، واحْتَجَّ لنفسِهِ. وفَرَّ.
والعَذِيرُ: العاذِرُ، والحالُ التي تُحاوِلُها تُعْذَرُ عليها، والنَّصيرُ.
والعِذَارُ من اللِّجامِ: ما سَالَ على خَدِّ الفَرَسِ.
وعَذَرَ الفَرَسَ به يَعْذِرُهُ ويَعْذُرُهُ: شَدَّ عِذَارَهُ،
ج: عُذُرٌ، وجانِبا اللِّحْيَةِ، وطَعامُ البِناءِ والخِتانِ، وأن تَسْتَفيدَ شيئاً جديداً فَتَتَّخِذَ طَعاماً تَدْعُو إليه إخْوانَكَ،
كالإِعْذارِ والعَذيرَةِ والعَذيرِ فيهما، وغِلَظٌ من الأرضِ يَعْتَرِضُ في فَضَاءٍ واسعٍ،
وـ من العِراقِ: ما انْفَسَحَ عن الطَّفِّ.
وعِذَارَيْن في قولِ ذي الرُّمَّةِ: حَبْلانِ مُسْتَطيلانِ من الرملِ، أو طَريقانِ، والحَياءُ، وسِمَةٌ في موضِعِ العِذَارِ،
وـ من النَّصلِ: شَفْرَتَاهُ، والخَدُّ،
كالمُعَذِّرِ، وما يَضُمُّ حَبْلَ الخِطَامِ إلى رأسِ البَعيرِ.
والعُذْرُ، بالضم: النُّجْحُ، والغَلَبَةُ، وبهاءٍ: الناصِيَةُ، وهيَ الخُصْلَةُ من الشَّعَرِ، وقُلْفَةُ الصَّبِيِّ، والشَّعَرُ على كاهِلِ الفَرَسِ، والبَظْرُ، والخِتانُ، والبَكَارَةُ، وخمسةُ كواكِبَ في آخِرِ المَجَرَّةِ، وافتِضاضُ الجارِيةِ، ومُفْتَضُّها: أبو عُذْرِها، ونَجْمٌ إذا طَلَعَ، اشْتَدَّ الحَرُّ، والعَلامَةُ، وداءٌ في الحَلْقِ،
كالعاذُور، أو وَجَعُهُ من الدَّمِ. وعَذَرَهُ فَعُذِرَ، وهو مَعْذُورٌ، واسْمُ ذلك المَوْضِعِ، وبِلا لامٍ: قَبيلَةٌ في اليَمنِ.
والعَذْراءُ: البِكْرُ
ج: العَذَارَى والعَذَارِي والعَذْرَاواتُ، وشيءٌ من حديدٍ يُعَذَّب به الإِنسانُ لإِقْرارٍ بأمْرٍ ونحوهِ، ورَمْلَةٌ لم تُوطَأْ، ودُرَّةٌ لم تُثْقَبْ، وبُرْجُ السُّنْبُلَةِ أو الجَوْزاءِ، ومدينةُ النبي، صلى الله عليه وسلم،
وبِلا لامٍ: ع على بَريدٍ من دِمَشْقَ، قُتِلَ به مُعاوِيةُ بنُ حُجْرٍ،
أو ة بالشامِ م.
والعاذِرُ: عِرْقُ الاسْتِحاضَةِ، وأثَرُ الجُرْحِ، والغائِطُ،
كالعاذِرَةِ والعَذِرَةِ.
والعَذِرَةُ: فِناءُ الدَّارِ، ومجلِسُ القومِ، وأرْدَأُ ما يَخْرُجُ من الطَّعامِ.
والمَعاذِيرُ: السُّتُورُ، والحُجَجُ، الواحدُ: مِعْذَارٌ.
والعَذَوَّرُ، كعَمَلَّسٍ: الواسِعُ الجَوْفِ الفَحَّاشُ من الحَميرِ، والسَّيِّئُ الخُلُقِ الشديدُ النَّفْسِ، والمَلِكُ الشديدُ.
واعْتَذَرَ: شَكا،
وـ العِمامَةَ: أرْخَى لها عَذَبَتَيْنِ من خَلْفُ،
وـ المِياهُ: انْقَطَعَتْ. وعَذَرٌ، كَحَسَنٍ، ابنُ وائلٍ: جَدٌّ لأَبي موسى الأَشْعَرِيِّ. وكزُفَرَ: ابنُ سعدٍ من هَمْدانَ.
وضُرِبَ زَيْدٌ فأُعْذِرَ: أُشْرِفَ به على الهَلاكِ.
وقولهُ تعالى: {وجاءَ المُعَذِّرُونَ} ، بتشديدِ الذالِ المكسُورَةِ، أي: المُعْتَذِرونَ الذين لهم عُذْرٌ، وقد يكونُ المُعَذِّرُ غيرَ مُحِقٍّ، فالمَعْنى: المُقَصِّرونَ بغيرِ عُذْرٍ، وقَرَأ ابنُ عَبَّاسٍ بالتخفيف، من أعْذَرَ، وكان يقولُ: والله لهكَذا أُنْزلَتْ. وكان يقولُ: لَعَن اللهُ المُعَذِّرِينَ. كأَنَّ المُعَذِّرَ عندَه إنما هو غيرُ المُحِقِّ، وبالتخفيف: من له عُذْرٌ.


الذَّحْلُ: الثَّأْرُ، أو طَلَبُ مكافَأَةٍ بِجِنَايَةٍ جُنِيَتْ عليك، أو عَداوةٍ أُتِيَتْ إليك، أو هو العَداوةُ والحِقْدُ، ج: أذْحالٌ.
وذُحولٌ، وع.
بلفظ الوتر: موضع، قال الشاعر:
عفا الذّحل من ميّ فعفّت منازله
وفي رواية عليّ بن عيسى قال مالك بن الريب:
أتجزع أن عرفت ببطن قوّ ... وصحراء الأديم رسم دار
وأن حلّ الخليط، ولست فيهم، ... مراتع بين ذحل إلى سرار
إذا حلّوا بعائجة خلاء ... يقطّف نور حنوتها العرار


الخَلْقُ: اسْم جَامع للهيئات، والأشكال، والصور المدركة بالبصر.
الخَلْقُ: التَّقْديرُ.
والخالِقُ، في صِفاتِه تعالى: المُبْدِعُ للشيءِ، المُخْتَرِعُ على غيرِ مِثالٍ سَبَقَ، وصانعُ الأَديمِ ونحوِه.
وخَلَقَ الإِفْكَ: افْتَراهُ،
كاخْتَلَقَه وتَخَلَّقَه،
وـ الشيءَ: مَلَّسَه ولَيَّنَه،
وـ الكلاَم وغيرَه: صَنَعَه،
وـ النِّطَعَ، والأَديمَ خَلْقاً وخَلْقَةً، بفتحهما: قَدَّرَه وحَزَرَه، أو قَدَّرَهَ قَبْلَ أن يَقْطَعَه، فإذا قَطَعَه قيل: فَرَاهُ،
وـ العُودَ: سَوَّاهُ،
وخَلُقَ، كفرِحَ وكَرُمَ: امْلاسَّ. حَجَرٌ أخْلَقُ، وصَخْرَةٌ خَلْقَاءُ.
وككَرُمَ: صارَ خَلِيقاً، أي: جَدِيراً،
وـ المرأةُ خَلاَقَةً: حَسُنَ خُلُقُها.
وقَصيدَةٌ مَخْلوقَةٌ: مَنْحولَة.
وخَوالِقُها، في قولِ لبيد، أي: جِبالُها المُلْسُ.
والخَلِيقةُ: الطَّبيعةُ، والناسُ،
كالخَلْقِ، والبهائمُ، والبِئرُ ساعةَ تُحْفَرُ. والخَلائِقُ: قِلاتٌ بِذِرْوَةِ الصَّمَّانِ، تُمْسِكُ ماءَ السماءِ.
وكسفينةٍ: ع بالحِجَازِ، وماءٌ بين مكةَ واليمامةِ، وامرأةُ الحَجَّاجِ بنِ مِقْلاصٍ: محدِّثَةٌ.
وخَلِقَ الثَّوبُ، كنَصَرَ وكرُمَ وسَمِعَ، خُلوقَةً وخَلَقاً، محرَّكةً: بَلِيَ.
ومَخْلَقَةٌ بذلك، كَمَرْحَلَةٍ: مَجْدَرَةٌ.
وسَحَابَةٌ خَلِقَةٌ، كفَرِحَةٍ وسَفينَةٍ: فيها أثَرُ المَطَرِ.
والخَلَقُ، مُحرَّكةً: البالي، للمُذَكَّرِ والمُؤَنَّثِ، ج: خُلْقَانٌ.
ومِلْحَفَةٌ خُلَيقٌ، كزُبَيْرٍ، صَغَّروهُ بِلا هاءٍ، لأن الهاءَ لا تَلْحَقُ تَصْغيرَ الصِّفاتِ، كنُصَيْفٍ في امْرَأةٍ نَصَفٍ.
وثَوْبٌ أخْلاقٌ: إذا كانت الخُلوقَةُ فيه كُلِّهِ. وكصَبورٍ وكِتابٍ: ضَرْبٌ من الطيبِ. وكَسحابٍ: النَّصيبُ الوافِرُ من الخَيْرِ.
والخُلْقُ، بالضم وبضَمَّتَيْنِ: السَّجِيَّةُ والطَّبْعُ، والمُروءةُ والدينُ.
والأخْلَقُ: الأَمْلَسُ المُصْمَتُ، والفَقيرُ.
والخِلْقَةُ، بالكسرِ: الفِطْرَةُ،
كالخَلْقِ، وبالضم: المَلاسَةُ،
كالخَلوقَةِ والخَلاقَةِ، وبالتَّحْريكِ: السَّحابَةُ المُسْتَوِيَةُ المُخِيلَةُ للمَطَرِ.
والخَلْقاءُ من الفَراسِنِ: التي لا شَقَّ فيها، والرَّتْقاءُ،
كالخُلَّقِ، كرُكَّعٍ، والصَّخْرَةُ ليس فيها وَصْمٌ ولا كَسْرٌ، وهي بَيِّنَةُ الخَلَقِ، محرَّكةً،
وـ من البَعيرِ وغيرِهِ: جَنْبُهُ، ويقال: ضَرَبْتُ على خَلْقاءِ جَنْبِهِ أيضاً،
وـ من الغارِ: باطِنُهُ،
وـ من الجَبْهَةِ: مُسْتَواها،
كالخُلَيْقاءِ فيهما.
والخُلَيْقاءُ من الفَرَسِ: كالعِرْنَينِ مِنَّا.
وأخْلَقَهُ: كساهُ ثَوْباً خَلَقاً.
ومُضْغَةٌ مُخَلَّقَةٌ، كمُعَظَّمَةٍ: تامَّةُ الخَلْقِ. وكمُعَظَّمٍ: القِدْحُ إذا لُيِّنَ.
وخَلَّقَه تَخْليقاً: طَيَّبَهُ فَتَخَلَّقَ به.
والمُخْتَلَقُ: التامُّ الخَلْقِ المُعْتَدِلُهُ.
وتَخَلَّقَ بغيرِ خُلُقِه: تَكَلَّفَهُ.
واخْلَوْلَقَ السَّحابُ: اسْتَوَى وصار خَليقاً للمَطَر،
وـ الــرَّسْمُ: اسْتَوى بالأرضِ،
وـ مَتْنُ الفَرَسِ: امَّلَسَ.
وخالَقَهُم: عاشَرَهُمْ بِخُلُقٍ حَسَنٍ.


(لأى) فِي حَاجته أَبْطَأَ



بَعْدُ لَأْىٍ After difficulty, &c. (Lth, TA.) See an ex. cited voce بَيَّنَ. b2: لَأْيًا With difficulty, trouble, labour, or exertion.
(لأى) - في الحديث : مَنْ صَبَر على لأْواءِ المدينةِ"
: أي شِدَّتِها، وأَلَأى الرَّجلُ وقَع في لَأوَاء ولَوْلَاء أيضاً.
بوزن لعا: من نواحي المدينة، قال ابن هرمة:
حيّ الديار بمنشد فالمنتضى ... فالهضب هضب رواوتين إلى لأى
لعب الزمان بها فغيّر رسمــها ... وخريقه يغتال من قبل الصبّا
فكأنها بليت وجوه عراضها، ... فبكيت من جزع لما كشف البلى


مفعول من المدر، وهو حجارة من الطين:
موضع في ديار غطفان، قال ابن ميّادة الرّمّاح:
ألا حيّيا رسمــا بذي العشّ دارسا، ... وربعا بذي الممدور مستعجما قفرا
فأعجب دار دارها غير أنني ... إذا ما أتيت الدار ترجعني صفرا
عشيّة أثني بالرداء على الحشا، ... كأنّ الحشا من دونها أسعرت جمرا
فبهرا لقومي إذ يبيعون مهجتي ... بجارية، بهرا لهم بعدها بهرا!
يدعو عليهم أن ينزل بهم ما يبهرهم كما يقال:
جدعا وعقرا.


بالكسر ثم السكون، وهو في اللغة شبه حوض ضخم يقرأ فيه ماء البئر أي يجيء إليه، وجمعها المقاري، والمقاري أيضا: الجفان التي تقرى فيها الأضياف، والمقراة وتوضح في قول امرئ القيس:
فتوضح فالمقراة لم يعف رسمــها ... لما نسجتها من جنوب وشمأل
قريتان من نواحي اليمامة، وقال السّكري في شرح هذا البيت: الدّخول فحومل وتوضح والمقراة مواضع ما بين إمّرة وأسود العين.


عَلِمَهُ، كسَمِعَهُ، عِلْماً، بالكسرِ: عَرَفَهُ، وعَلِمَ هو في نفسِه، ورَجُلٌ عالِمٌ وعَلِيمٌ
ج: عُلَماءُ وعُلاَّمٌ، كجُهَّالٍ، وعَلَّمَهُ العِلْمَ تَعْليماً وعِلاَّماً، ككذَّابٍ، وأعْلَمَهُ إياهُ فَتَعَلَّمَهُ.
والعَلاَّمَةُ، مُشَدَّدَةٌ وكشَدَّادٍ وزُنَّارٍ،
والتِّعْلِمَةُ، كزِبْرِجَةٍ،
والتِّعْلامَةُ: العالِمُ جِدّاً، والنَّسَّابَةُ.
وعالَمَهُ فَعَلَمَهُ، كنَصَرَهُ: غَلَبَهُ عِلْماً.
وعَلِمَ به، كسَمِعَ: شَعَرَ،
وـ الأَمْرَ: أتْقَنَهُ،
والعُلْمَةُ، بالضم،
والعَلَمَةُ والعَلَمُ، محرَّكتينِ: شَقٌّ في الشَّفَةِ العُلْيا، أو في إحْدَى جانِبَيْها. عَلِم، كَفرِحَ، فهو أعْلَمُ.
وعَلَمَهُ، كنَصَرَهُ وضَرَبَهُ: وسَمَهُ،
وـ شَفَتَهُ يَعْلِمُها: شَقَّها.
وأعْلَمَ الفَرَسَ: عَلَّقَ عليه صُوفاً مُلَوَّناً في الحَرْبِ،
وـ نفسَهُ: وسَمَها بِسِيما الحَرْبِ،
والعَلامَةُ: السِّمَةُ،
كالأُعْلومةِ، بالضم
ج: أعْلامٌ، والفصلُ بينَ الأَرْضَيْنِ، ومَنْصوبٌ في الطَّريقِ يُهْتَدى به،
كالعَلَمِ فيهما.
والعَلَمُ، محرَّكةً: الجَبَلُ الطويلُ، أو عامٌّ
ج: أعْلامٌ وعِلامٌ، ورَسْمُ الثَّوْب ورَقْمُهُ، والرَّايَةُ، وما يُعْقَدُ على الرُّمْحِ، وسَيِّدُ القومِ
ج: أعْلامٌ.
ومَعْلَمُ الشيءِ، كمَقْعَدِ: مَظِنَّتُه، وما يُسْتَدَلُّ به،
كالعُلاَّمَةِ، كرُمَّانَةٍ،
والعالَمُ: الخَلْقُ كُلُّهُ، أو ما حَواهُ بَطْنُ الفَلَكِ، ولا يَجْمَعُ فاعَلٌ بالواوِ والنونِ غَيْرُهُ وغَيْرُ باسَمٍ.
وتَعالَمَهُ الجَميعُ: عَلِموهُ،
والأَيَّامُ المَعْلُوماتُ: عَشْرُ ذي الحِجَّةِ. وكغُرابٍ وزُنَّارٍ: الصَّقْرُ، والباشِقُ.
والعُلامِيُّ، بالضم: الخَفِيفُ الذَّكيُّ. وكزُنَّارٍ: الحِنَّاءُ. وكشَدَّادٍ: اسْمٌ.
والعَيْلَمُ: البَحْرُ، والماءُ الذي عليه الأرضُ، والتارُّ الناعِمُ، والضِّفْدِعُ، والبِئْرُ الكَثيرَةُ الماءِ، أو المِلْحَةُ، واسْمٌ، والضَّبُعُ الذَّكَرُ،
والعَلْماءُ: الدَّرْعُ.
واعْتَلَمَهُ: عَلِمَهُ،
وـ الماءُ: سالَ. وكزُبيرٍ: اسمٌ.
وعَلَمَيْنُ العُلماءِ: أرْضٌ بالشأْمِ.
وعَلَمُ السَّعْدِ: جبلٌ قُرْبَ دومةَ.


موضع في سواد العراق من منازل إياد، قال أبو دؤاد:
أمن رسم يعفّى أو رماد، ... وسفع كالحمامات الفراد
وأنشاء يلحن على ركيّ ... بنقع مليحة فالمستراد


كانَ يَكِينُ: خَضَعَ.
واكْتانَ: حَزِنَ.
والكَيْنُ: لَحْمُ باطِنِ الفَرْجِ، أو غُدَدٌ فيه كأَطْرافِ النَّوى، والبَظْرُ
ج: كُيُونٌ.
والكَيْنَةُ: النَّبِقَةُ، والكَفالَةُ، وبالكسر: الشِّدَّةُ المُذِلَّةُ، والحالَةُ.
وكأَيِّنْ وكائِنْ: بِمَعْنَى كَمْ في الاسْتِفْهامِ والخَبَرِ، مُرَكَّبٌ من كافِ التَّشْبِيهِ، وأيٍّ المُنَوَّنَةِ، ولِهذا جازَ الوَقْفُ عليها بالنونِ، ورُسِمَ في المصْحَفِ نُوناً. وتُوافِقُ "كَمْ" في خَمْسَةِ أُمُورٍ: الإِبْهامِ، والافْتقارِ إلى التَّمْييزِ، والبِناءِ، ولُزومِ التَّصْدِيرِ، وإفادَةِ التَّنْكِيرِ تارَةً، والاِسْتِفْهامِ أُخْرَى، وهو نادِرٌ. قال أُبَيٌّ لابنِ مسعودِ: كأَيِّنْ تَقْرَأُ سورةَ الأحْزابِ آيةً؟ قال: ثلاثاً وسبعينَ. وتُخالِفُها في خَمْسَةٍ أُمُورٍ:
1 أنها مُرَكَّبَةٌ وكم بَسِيطةٌ على الصَّحيحِ.
2 أنَّ مُمَيِّزَها مَجْرُورٌ بِمِنْ غالباً، حتى زَعَمَ ابنُ عُصْفورٍ لزُومَه.
3 أنها لا تَقَعُ اسْتِفْهامِيَّةً عند الجُمْهورِ.
4 أنها لا تَقَعُ مجرورَةً، خِلافاً لِمَنْ جَوَّزَ: بِكَأَيِّنْ تَبِيعُ هذا.
5 أنَّ خَبَرَها لا يَقَعُ مُفْرَداً.
والمُكْتانُ: الكَفيلُ.
وأكانَهُ الله إكانَةً: خَضَّعَهُ، وأدخَلَ عليه الذُّلَّ.
واكْتانَ: حَزِنَ وهو يُسِرُّهُ.


الشُّفْعَة: حق تمْلِيك قهري بعوض يثبت للشَّرِيك الْقَدِيم على الْحَادِث.
(الشُّفْعَة) رَكعَتَا الضُّحَى

(الشُّفْعَة) حق الْجَار فِي تملك الْعقار جبرا على مُشْتَرِيه بِشُرُوطِهِ الَّتِي رسمــها الْفُقَهَاء وَالْملك الْمَشْفُوع وَالشُّفْعَة وَالْعين يُقَال أَصَابَته شُفْعَة عين
الشُّفْعَة: لُغَة بِالضَّمِّ بِمَعْنى الْمَفْعُول من الشفع وَهُوَ الضَّم كالأكلة من الْأكل. وَمنع الشفع ضد الْوتر وشفاعة النَّبِي - صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّم َ - إِذْ بهَا ضم المذنبين بالفائزين. وَفِي (حل الرموز) الشُّفْعَة لُغَة فعلة بِالضَّمِّ بِمَعْنى الْمَفْعُول من قَوْلهم كَانَ هَذَا الشَّيْء وترا فشفعته بِأُخْرَى جعلته زوجا لَهُ فَهِيَ فِي الأَصْل اسْم للْملك الْمَشْفُوع وَلم يسمع مِنْهَا فعل. وَمن لُغَة الْفُقَهَاء بَاعَ الشَّفِيع الدَّار الَّتِي تشفع بهَا أَي تُؤْخَذ بِالشُّفْعَة كَمَا فِي الْمغرب. وَفِي الْعَيْنِيّ شرح كنز الدقائق الشُّفْعَة فِي اللُّغَة من الشفع وَهُوَ الضَّم ضد الْوتر من شفع الرجل إِذا كَانَ فَردا فَصَارَ لَهُ ثَان - وَالشَّفِيع أَيْضا يضم الْمَأْخُوذ إِلَى ملكه فَلذَلِك سمي الشُّفْعَة وَفِي الْهِدَايَة الشُّفْعَة مُشْتَقَّة من الشفع وَهُوَ الضَّم سميت بهَا لما فِيهَا من ضم الْمُشْتَرَاة إِلَى عقار الشَّفِيع. وَفِي الشَّرْع هِيَ تمْلِيك الْبقْعَة جبرا على المُشْتَرِي بِمَا قَامَ عَلَيْهِ وطلبها على ثَلَاثَة أوجه. الأول طلب المواثبة. وَالثَّانِي طلب التَّقْرِير وَالْإِشْهَاد. وَالثَّالِث طلب الْخُصُومَة - وَالتَّفْصِيل فِي الْهِدَايَة بِمَا لَا مزِيد عَلَيْهِ.


الصُّورَة: مَا يكون الشَّيْء بِهِ وَبِغَيْرِهِ مَوْجُودا.
الصُّورَة: مَا يمتاز بِهِ الشَّيْء وَيُقَال صُورَة الشَّيْء مَا بِهِ يحصل الشَّيْء بِالْفِعْلِ. فَإِن قيل، إِنَّهَا أَيْضا شَيْء فَلَا بُد لَهَا من صُورَة أُخْرَى حَتَّى يمتاز من أُخْرَى فَيلْزم التسلسل أَو عدم الامتياز. أَقُول، صُورَة الصُّورَة عين الصُّورَة كوجود الْوُجُود عين الْوُجُود وَأَيْضًا الصُّورَة أَمر اعتباري انتزاعي والتسلسل فِي الْأُمُور الاعتبارية لَيْسَ بمحال كَمَا مر فِي التسلسل. وَاعْلَم أَن الْمَاهِيّة بِاعْتِبَار الْحُضُور العلمي تسمى صُورَة وَبِاعْتِبَار الْوُجُود الْعَيْنِيّ أَي الْخَارِجِي عينا.
وَقَالَ أستاذ أستاذي مَوْلَانَا مُحَمَّد أكبر مفتي أَحْمد آباد رَحمَه الله تَعَالَى اعْلَم أَن لفظ الصُّورَة تطلق على مَعْنيين أَحدهمَا الْمَاهِيّة الْمَعْلُومَة وَثَانِيهمَا الْعلم وَهُوَ الْأَمر المتشخص بالتشخص الذهْنِي انْتهى. وَالْحَاصِل أَن الصُّورَة تطلق على كَيْفيَّة هِيَ آلَة التعقل وعَلى الْمَعْلُوم المتميز بهَا فِي الذِّهْن وَالْأولَى شخصية وَالثَّانيَِة كُلية إِذْ الْكُلية لَا تعرض لصورة الْحَيَوَان الَّتِي هِيَ عرض حَال فِي الْعقل بل للحيوان المتميز بهَا، فَافْهَم واحفظ فَإِنَّهُ ينفعك جدا.
وَالصُّورَة عِنْد أَرْبَاب السلوك والحقائق قدس الله تَعَالَى أسرارهم مَا يكون محلا لظُهُور أَمر مخفي لَا يظْهر ذَلِك الْأَمر إِلَّا بِهِ كأسمائه تَعَالَى وَصِفَاته فَإِنَّهَا صور الْحق سُبْحَانَهُ وَمظَاهر ومجالي ذَاته الْمُقَدّس الْمُطلق الظَّاهِر بقيودها فعلى هَذَا الْأَعْيَان الثَّابِتَة صور الْأَسْمَاء الإلهية والأعيان الخارجية صور الْأَعْيَان الثَّابِتَة.
(الصُّورَة) الشكل والتمثال المجسم وَفِي التَّنْزِيل الْعَزِيز {الَّذِي خلقك فسواك فعدلك فِي أَي صُورَة مَا شَاءَ ركبك} وَصُورَة الْمَسْأَلَة أَو الْأَمر صفتهَا وَالنَّوْع يُقَال هَذَا الْأَمر على ثَلَاث صور وَصُورَة الشَّيْء ماهيته الْمُجَرَّدَة وخياله فِي الذِّهْن أَو الْعقل
و (صُورَة الحكم التنفيذية) (فِي قانون المرافعات) صُورَة رسمــية من النُّسْخَة الْأَصْلِيَّة للْحكم يكون التَّنْفِيذ بموجبها وَهِي تختم بِخَاتم المحكمة ويوقع عَلَيْهَا الْكَاتِب الْمُخْتَص بذلك بعد أَن يذيلها بالصيغة التنفيذية (مج)


الدّسْتَانُ: اسْم لكل من الألحان المنسوبة إِلَى ناربذ، وَقيل: عَلَامَات تــرسم على ذَوَات الأوتار يعرف بهَا مَتى إِخْرَاج نعْمَة من جُزْء من أَجزَاء الْوتر تخرج، وَقيل: هِيَ الرباطات الَّتِي تُوضَع عَلَيْهَا الْأَصَابِع.



أَلَا [in its primitive acceptation, being composed of the interrogative hemzeh and the negative لا,] denotes an interrogation respecting a negative, as in the saying [of the poet], أَلَا اصْطِبَارَ لِسَلْمَى أَمْ لَهَا جَلَدٌ
إِذَا أُلَاقِى الَّذِى لَاقَاهُ أَمْثَالِى

[Is there not any patience belonging to Selmà, or has she hardiness, when I experience what persons like me have experienced?]: (Mughnee, K:) and when used in this manner, it is put before a nominal proposition only, and governs like the negative لا [when used without the interrogative hemzeh]. (Mughnee.) b2: It also denotes a wish; as in the saying [of the poet], أَلَا عُمْرَ وَلَّى مُسْتَطَاعٌ رُجُوعُهُ
فَيَرْأَبَ مَا أَثْأَتْ يَدُ الغَفَلَاتِ [May there not be a life which has declined whereof the returning is possible, so that it may repair what the hand of negligences hath marred?]; for which reason يرأب is mansoob, because it is the complement of a wish, coupled with فَ: and used in this manner, also, it is put before a nominal proposition only, [ولّى in the verse above being a qualificative, like an epithet,] and it governs like the negative لا [without the interrogative hemzeh], and has no enunciative either expressed or understood. (Mughnee.) b3: It also denotes reproof, or reproach, (T, Mughnee, K,) and disapproval; as in the saying [of the poet], أَلَا ارْعِوَآءَ لِمَنْ وَلَتْ شَبِيْبَتُهُ
وَاذَنَتْ بِمَشِيبٍ بَعْدَهُ هَرَمُ [Is there no self-restraint to him whose youth hath declined, and announced hoariness, after which is to follow decrepitude?]: (Mughnee, K:) and used in this manner, also, it is put before a nominal proposition only, and governs as in the cases mentioned above, (Mughnee,) or before a verb [also], which is always marfooa; as in the phrase أَلَا تَنَدَّمَ عَلَى فِعَالِكَ [Dost not thou repent of thine actions?] and أَلَا تَسْتَحْيِى

مِنْ جِيرَانِكَ [Art not thou ashamed for thyself, or of thyself, with respect to thy neighbours?] and أَلَا تَخَافُ رَبَّكَ [Dost not thou fear thy Lord?]. (T.) b4: It also denotes عَرْضٌ, (T,) or العَرْضُ, and التَّحْضِيضُ, both of which signify the asking, or requiring, a thing; (Mughnee, K; *) but the former means the doing so with gentleness; (Mughnee, K;) and the latter, the doing so with urgency: (Mughnee:) and when used in this manner, [also,] it is said to be composed of لا with the interrogative hemzeh; (TA;) and is put before a verbal proposition only; (Mughnee;) as in the saying [in the Kur xxiv. 22], أَلَا تُحِبُّونَ أَنْ يَغْفِرَ اللّٰهُ لَكُمْ [Do not ye, or wherefore do not ye, (see أَمَا,) like that God should forgive you?] (Mughnee, K,) and [in the same, ix. 13,] أَلَاتُقَاتِلُونَ قًوْمًا نَكَثُوا أَيْمَانَهُمْ [Will not ye, or wherefore will not ye, fight a people who have broken their oaths?]; (Mughnee;) or before a mejzoom or marfooa aor. , both of these forms being mentioned on the authority of the Arabs, as in أَلَا تَنْزِلْ تَأْكُلْ and أَلَا تَنْزِلُ تَأْكُلُ [Wilt not thou, or wherefore wilt not thou, alight and eat?]. (Ks, T.) b5: It is also an inceptive particle, (S, Mughnee, K,) of which those who parse show the place but neglect the meaning, (Mughnee,) used to give notice of something about to be said, [like as Now, and why, (by the former of which I think it is generally best rendered when thus used,) are often employed in our language, and like as ἀλλὰ (which is remarkable for its near agreement with it in sound) is often used in Greek,] (S, Mughnee, K,) and importing averment, because it is composed of the interrogative hemzeh and the negative لا which, when thus composed, have this import, (Mughnee, K,) like أَلَمْ, and أَلَيْسَ, because the interrogative particle resembles the particle of negation, and the negation of a negation is an affirmation, (Ham p. 589,) and like أَمَا before an oath: (Z, Mughnee:) [it may therefore be further rendered by our word surely;; for this word (as Dr. Johnson says in his Dictionary) "is often used rather to intend and strengthen the meaning of the sentence, than with any distinct and explicable meaning:"] or it signifies حَقًّا [verily, or truly]: (M voce أَمَا:) it is put before both the [kinds of] propositions, [the nominal and the verbal;] (Mughnee;) as in the saying [in the Kur ii. 12], أَلَا إِنَّهُمْ هُمُ السُّفَهَآءُ [meaning Now surely it is they who are the lightwitted], (Mughnee, K,) and [in the same, xi. 11,] أَلَا يَوْمَ يَأْتِيهِمْ لَيْسَ مَصْرُوفًا عَنْهُمْ [meaning Now surely, on the day of its coming to them, it shall not be averted from them], (Mughnee,) in which يَوْمَ يَأْتِيهِمْ appears to be the object of government of مَصْرُوفًا, which is the enunciative of لَيْسَ whence it has been argued that, as the object of government of the enunciative of ليس precedes that verb, the enunciative itself may precede it: (I 'Ak pp. 74 and 75:) [J says,] you say, أَلَا إِنَّ زَيْدًا خَارِجٌ [Now surely Zeyd is going forth], like as you say, إِعْلَمْ أَنَّ زَيْدًا خَارِجٌ [Know thou that Zeyd is going forth]: (S:) Ks says, أَلَا is used to give notice of what is about to be said, and is followed by a command and a prohibition and an enunciation, as in أَلَا قُمْ [Now stand thou], and أَلَا لَا تَقُمْ [Now stand not thou], and أَلَا إِنَّ زَيْدًا قَدْ قَامَ [Now surely Zeyd has stood, or has just now stood]. (T.) When it is put before the particle [يَا] used to give notice of what is about to be said, it is merely an inceptive, as in the saying. [of the poet], أَلَا يَا اسْلَمِى يَا دَارَ مَىَّ عَلَى البِلَى

[Now be thou free from evil, O abode of Meiyà, during wear and tear]. (AAF, M.) b6: Lth says, sometimes أَلَا is immediately followed by another لا; and he cites the following ex.: فَقَامَ يَذُودُ النَّاسَ عَنَّا بِسَيْفِهِ
يَقُولُ أَلَا لَا مِنْ سَبِيلٍ إِلَى هِنْدِ [Then he began to drive away the people from us, saying, Now is there no way to Hind?]: and one says to a man, "Did such and such things happen?" and he answers, أَلَا لَا [Why no]: he holds الا to be used to give notice of what is about to be said, and لا to be a negative. (T.) أُلَا and الأُلَا, and أُلَآءِ &c.: see art. الى.

أَلَّا is a particle denoting تَحْضِيض; (Msb in art. حض, Mughnee, K;) i. e., when followed by a future, exciting to an action, and seeking or desiring or demanding the performance of it; and when followed by a preterite, reproof for not doing a thing; (Msb ubi suprà;) syn. with هَلَّا; (T, TA;) and peculiar to enunciative verbal propositions, (Mughnee, K,) like the other particles used for the same purpose. (Mughnee.) Yousay, [أَلَّا تَفْعَلُ كَذَا Wherefore wilt not thou do such a thing? and] أَلَّا . فَعَلْتَ كَذَا [Wherefore didst not thou such a thing?] (T, TA,) meaning, (TA,) or as though meaning, (T,) لِمَ لَمْ تَفْعَلْ كَذَا. (T, TA.) A2: It also means أَنْ لَا; the ن being incorporated into the ل, which is written with teshdeed: (T, TA:) in which case, it is not to be confounded with the foregoing particle. (Mughnee.) You say, أَمَرْتُهُ أَلَّا يَفْعَلَ ذَاكَ [I commanded him that he should not do that]; and you may say, أَمَرْتُهُ أَنْ لَا يَفْعَلَ ذَاكَ: it occurs in the old copies of the Kur written in the former manner in some places, and in the latter manner in other places. (T, TA.) In the saying in the Kur [xxvii. 31], أَلَّا تَعْلُوا عَلَىَّ, [which may mean That ye exalt not yourselves against me, or exalt ye not yourselves against me,] it may be a compound of أَنْ governing a mansoob aor. and the negative لَا, or of the explicative أَنْ and the prohibitive لا. (Mughnee.) [It often has لِ prefixed to it, forming the compound لِئَلَّا, which signifies That, or in order that,... not; and may frequently be rendered by lest; as in the Kur ii. 145, لِئَلَّا يَكُونَ لِلنَّاسِ عَلَيْكُمْ حُجَّةٌ That, or in order that, there may not be, or lest there should be, to men, against you, any allegation.]

إِلَّا, [regarded as a simple word,] not to be confounded with the compound of the conditional إِنْ and the negative لَا, (Mughnee at the end of the article on this word,) is used in four manners. (The same in the beginning of the art.) First, (Mughnee,) it is used (as a particle, S, Msb,) to denote exception; [meaning Except, save, or saving; and sometimes but; and sometimes but not; as will be seen below;] (T, S, Msb, Mughnee, K; [in which last it is mentioned in art. ال, and again, as in the S, in the last division of the work;]) and to denote exception, it is used in five manners; after an affirmation, and a negation, and a portion of a sentence devoid of the mention of that from which the exception is made, and when the thing excepted precedes that from which the exception is made, and when these two are disunited in kind, in which last case it has the meaning of لٰكِنَّ [but when the sentence is negative, and but not when the sentence is affirmative]. (S, TA.) You say, قَامَ القَوْمُ إِلَّا زَيْدًا [The people, or company of men, stood, except Zeyd]; i. e., Zeyd was not included in the predicament of the people, or company of men: (Msb:) and it is said in the Kur [ii. 250], (T,) فَشَرِبُوا مِنْهُ إِلَّا قَلِيلًا مِنْهُمْ [And they drank of it, except a few of them]: (T, Mughnee, K:) here قليلا is governed in the accus. case by الّا, (Mughnee, K,) accord. to the most correct opinion: (Mughnee:) accord. to Th, it is so because there is no negation in the beginning of the sentence. (T.) And it is also said in the Kur [iv. 69], (T,) مَا فَعَلُوهُ إِلَّا قَلِيلٌ مِنْهُمْ [They had not done it, or they would not do it, except a few of them]: (T, Mughnee, K:) here قليل is in the nom. case as being a partial substitute, (Mughnee, K,) accord. to the Basrees, (Mughnee,) i. e., as being a [partial] substitute for the [pronoun] و [in فعلوه], for it may here be so without perversion of the meaning, whereas it cannot be so without such perversion when the sentence is affirmative: (TA:) accord. to the Koofees, الّا is a conjunction, like the conjunctive لَا: (Mughnee:) accord. to Th, قليل is here in the nom. case because the sentence commences with a negative: (T:) or in a sentence [like this,] which is not affirmative, in which the thing excepted is united in kind to that from which the exception is made, accord. to the opinion which is generally preferred and which commonly obtains, the noun signifying the thing excepted is a substitute for the noun signifying that from which the exception is made; but it is allowable to put it in the accus. case according to the general rule respecting exception; so that one says, مَا قَامَ أَحَدٌ إِلَّا زَيْدٌ and إِلَّا زَيْدًا [There stood not any one, except Zeyd]: and the same is the case in a prohibitive sentence; as in لَا يَقُمْ أَحَدٌ

إِلَّا زَيْدٌ and إِلَّا زَيْدًا [Let not any one stand, except Zeyd]; and in an interrogative sentence; as in هَلْ قَامَ أَحَدٌ إِلَّا زَيْدٌ and إِلَّا زَيْدًا [Did any one stand, except Zeyd?]; when, in such sentences, the thing excepted is united in kind to that from which the exception is made. (I 'Ak p. 162.) You say also, مَا جَآءَنِى إِلَّا زَيْدٌ [There came not to me any, save Zeyd], without mentioning that from which the exception is made; (TA;) and مَا ضَرَبْتُ إِلَّا زَيْدًا [I beat not any, save Zeyd]; and مَا مَرَرْتُ إِلَّا بِزَيْدٍ

[I passed not by any, save by Zeyd]; (I' Ak p. 164;) the case of the noun signifying the thing excepted being the same as if الّا were not mentioned: (I' Ak ubi suprà, and TA:*) but you may not say, affirmatively, ضَرَبْتُ إِلَّا زَيْدًا, or the like. (I 'Ak ubi suprà.) When the thing excepted precedes that from which the exception is made, if the sentence is affirmative, the noun signifying the former must be in the accus. case; as in قَامَ إِلَّا زَيْدًا القَوْمُ [Except Zeyd, the people, or company of men, stood]: and so, accord. to the usage generally preferred, when the sentence is not affirmative; as in مَاقَامَ إِلَّا زَيْدًا القَوْمُ [Except Zeyd, the people, or company of men, stood not]; but recorded instances allow one's saying also, مَا قَامَ إِلَّا زَيْدٌ القَوْمُ. (I 'Ak p. 163.) When the thing excepted is disunited in kind from that from which the exception is made, if the sentence is affirmative, the noun signifying the former must likewise be in the accus. case; as in قَامَ القَوْمُ إِلَّا حِمَارًا [The people, or company of men, stood, but not an ass], and ضَرَبْتُ القَوْمَ إِلَّا حِمَارًا [I beat the people, but not an ass], &c.: (I' Ak p. 162:) and so, accord. to the generality of the Arabs, when the sentence is negative; as in مَا قَامَ القَوْمُ إِلَّا حِمَارًا [The people stood not, but an ass]; (I' Ak p. 163;) and مَا رَأَيْتُ القَوْمَ إِلَّا حِمَارًا [I saw not the people, but an ass]; الّا being here syn. with لٰكِنَّ; as also in the Kur [xlii. 22], where it is said, لَا أَسْأَلُكُمْ عَلَيْهِ أَجْرًا إِلَّا الْمَوَدَةَ فِى القُرْبَى [I ask not of you a recompense for it, but affection in respect of relationship]; (Msb;) and in the same xx. 1 and 2, مَا أَنْزَلْنَا عَلَيْكَ القُرْآنَ لِتَشْقَى إِلَّا تَذْكِرَةً

[We have not sent down unto thee the Kur-án that thou shouldest suffer fatigue, but as an admonition]; (Bd, Jel;) or it is here syn. with بَلْ [which in this case means the same as لكنّ]: (S:) so, too, when the sentence resembles a negative, being prohibitive or interrogative; (I' Ak p. 163, explained in p. 162;) [thus, لَا تَضْرِبِ القَوْمَ

إِلَّا حِمَارًا means Beat not thou the people, but an ass; and] فَلَولَا كَانَتْ قَرْيَةٌ آمَنَتْ فَنَفَعَهَا إِيمَانُهَا إِلَّا قَوْمَ يُونُسَ [in the Kur x. 98] means And wherefore did not any inhabitants of a town believe, before the punishment befell them, and their belief profit them, but the people of Jonas? for these were different from the former. (T.) When إِلَّا is repeated for the purpose of corroboration, it has no effect upon what follows it, except that of corroborating the first exception; as in مَا مَرَرْتُ بِأَحَدٍ إَلَّا زَيْدٍ إِلَّا أَخِيكَ [I passed not by any one, except Zeyd, except thy brother], in which اخيك is a substitute for زيد, for it is as though you said, مَا مَرَرْتُ بِأَحَدٍ إِلَّا زَيْدٍ أَخِيكَ; and as in قَامَ القَوْمُ

إِلَّا زَيْدًا وَ إِلَّا عَمْرًا [The people stood, except Zeyd, and except' Amr], originally إِلَّا زَيْدًا وَ عَمْرًا. When the repetition is not for that purpose, if the sentence is devoid of the mention of that from which the exception is made, you make the governing word [which is the verb] to affect one, whichever you please, of the nouns signifying the things excepted, and put the others in the accus. case, so that you say, مَا قَامَ إِلَّا زَيْدٌ إِلَّا عَمْرًا إِلَّا بَكْرًا [There stood not any, save Zeyd, save' Amr, save Bekr]; but if the sentence is not devoid of the mention of that from which the exception is made, different rules are observed accord. as the things excepted are mentioned before that from which the exception is made or after it: in the former case, all must be put in the accus., whether the sentence be affirmative or not affirmative; as in قَامَ إِلَّا زَيْدًا إِلَّا عَمْرًا إِلَّا بَكْرًا القَوْمُ [Except Zeyd, except' Amr, except Bekr, the people stood], and مَاقَامَ إِلَّا زَيْدًا إِلَّا عَمْرًا إِلَّا بَكْرًا القَوْمُ [Except Zeyd, except' Amr, except Bekr, the people stood not]: in the latter case, when the sentence is affirmative, all must likewise be put in the accus., so that you say, قَامَ القَوْمُ إِلَّا زَيْدًا إِلَّا عَمْرًا إِلَّا بَكْرًا [The people stood, except Zeyd, except' Amr, except Bekr]; but when the sentence is not affirmative, the same rule is observed with respect to one of them as when the exception is not repeated, accord. to the usage generally preferred, or it may be put in the accus., which is rarely done, and the rest must be put in the accus., so that you say, مَا قَامَ أَحَدٌ إِلَّا زَيْدٌ إِلَّا عَمْرًا إِلَّا بَكْرًا [There stood not any one, except Zeyd, except' Amr, except Bekr, accord. to the more approved usage], زيد being a substitute for احد, or you may make the other nouns which remain to be substitutes. (I' Ak pp. 164 — 166.) b2: Secondly, (Mughnee,) it is used as a qualificative, (S, Msb, Mughnee, K,) in the manner of غَيْرُ, (Mughnee, K,) [i. e.] in the place of غَيْرُ, (S,) [i. e.] as syn. with غَيْرُ, (T, Msb,) and سِوَى; (T;) [both meaning the same, i. e. Other than; or not, as used before a subst. or an adjective;] but its primary application is to denote exception, and its use as a qualificative is adventitious; whereas the primary application of غَيْرُ is as a qualificative, and its use to denote exception is adventitious. (S.) It [generally] follows an indeterminate, unrestricted pl.; (Msb;) or an indeterminate pl., or the like thereof, is qualified by it and by that which follows it; (Mughnee, K;) the noun which follows it being put in the same case as that which precedes it. (S.) The following is an ex. of the indeterminate pl.: (Mughnee, K:) لَوْ كَانَ فِيهِمَا آلِهَةٌ إِلَّا اللّٰهُ لَفَسَدَتَا [If there had been in them (namely the heavens and the earth) deities other than God, or not God, assuredly they would have become in a state of disorder, or ruin; occurring in the Kur xxi. 22]; (Fr, T, S, Msb, Mughnee, K;) الّا here meaning سَوِى, (Fr, T,) or غَيْرُ, (Msb, TA,) and الّا اللّه being a qualificative of آلهة. (TA.) and the following is an ex. of the like of an indeterminate pl.: أُنِيخَتْ فَأَلْقَتْ بَلْدَةً فَوْقِ بَلْدَةٍ
قَلِيلٍ بِهَا الأَصْوَاتُ إِلَّا بُغَامُهَا [She (the camel) was made to lie down, and threw her breast upon a tract of ground in which were few sounds other than her broken yearning cry for her young one]; for the determination of الاصوات [by the article ال] is generical: (Mughnee, K:) this verse is by Dhu-r-Rummeh. (S in art. بلد.) The following is an ex. of the like of a pl..: (Mughnee:) it is by Lebeed: (T:) لَوْ كَانَ غَيْرِى سُلَيْمَى اليَوْمَ غَيَّرَهُ
وَقْعُ الحَوَادِثِ إِلَّا الصَّارِمُ الذَّكَرُ [If it had been other than I, (O) Suleymà, today, the befalling of misfortunes would have altered him; other than the sharp sword diversified with wavy marks or streaks or grain, or of which the edge is of steel and the middle of the broad side of soft iron]. (T, Mughnee. [But in the latter, in the place of اليَوْمَ, I find الدَّهْرَ, i. e. ever.]) What Sb says necessarily implies its not being a condition that the word qualified must be a pl. or the like thereof; for he gives as an ex., لَوْ كَانَ مَعَنَا رَجُلٌ إِلَّ [If there had been with us a man other than Zeyd, we should have been overcome]. (Mughnee.) Another ex. of the same usage of إِلَّا is the following: جَآءَنِى القَوْمُ إِلَّا زَيْدٌ [The people came to me, others than Zeyd, or not Zeyd]. (S.) [And مَ أَنْتُمْ إِلَّا بَشَرٌ مِثْلُنَا Ye are no other than human beings like us. (Kur xxxvi. 14.)] And the saying [in the Kur xliv. 56], لَا يَذُقُونَ فِيهَا الْمَوْتَ إِلَّا المَوْتَةَ الْأُولَى [They shall not taste therein death, other than the first death]; الّا here meaning سِوَى: (T:) or, accord. to some, it here means بَعْدَ [after]. (Jel.) And the saying of 'Amr Ibn-Maadee-kerib, وَ كُلُّ أَخٍ مُفَارِقُهُ أَخُوهُ
لَعَمْرُ أَبِيكَ إِلَا الفَرْقَدَانِ [And every brother, his brother forsakes him, or separates himself from him, by the life of thy father, other than the Farhadán; which is the name of the two stars b and r of Ursa Minor]; as though he said غَيْرُ الفَرْقَدَيْنِ: (S:) but Ibn-El-Hájib regards this instance as a deviation from a general rule; for he makes it a condition of the use of الّا as a qualificative that it must be impossible to use it for the purpose of denoting exception: (Mughnee:) Fr says that this verse has the meaning of a negation, and therefore الّا here governs the nom. case; as though the poet said, There is not any one but his brother forsakes him, except the Farkadán. (T.) When it is used as a qualificative, it differs from غَيْرُ inasmuch as that the noun qualified by it may not be suppressed; so that one may not say, جَآءَنِى إِلَّا زَيْدٌ [meaning There came to me not Zeyd]; whereas one says, جَآئَنِى غَيْرُ زَيْدٍ: and, accord. to some, in this also; that it may not be used as such unless it may be used to denote exception; so that one may say, عِنْدِى

دِرْهَمٌ إِلَّا دَانِقٌ [I have a dirhem, not a dánik], because one may say إِلَّا دَانِقًا [except a dánik]; but not إِلَّا جَيِّدٌ [not a good one], because one may not say إِلَّا جَيِّدًا [except a good one]; but it may be said that this is at variance with what they assert respecting the phrase لَوْ كَانَ فِيهِمَا آلِهَةٌ, and with the ex. given by Sb, and with the saying of Ibn-El-Hájib mentioned above. (Mughnee.) b3: Thirdly, (Mughnee,) sometimes, (S, Msb,) it is used as a conjunction, (Mughnee, K,) in the manner of وَ (S, Mughnee, K,) consociating both literally and as to the meaning, as mentioned by Akh and Fr and AO, (Mughnee,) [i. e.] as syn. with وَ [And]. (Msb.) Thus in the saying, لِئَلاَّ يَكُونَ لِلنَّاسِ عَلَيْكُمْ حُجَةٌ إِلَّا الَّذِينَ ظَلَمُوا [That there may not be to men, against you, any allegation, and (meaning nor) to those who have acted wrongfully]; (Msb, Mughnee, K;) occurring in the Kur [ii. 145]; (Msb;) so accord. to Akh and Fr and AO; (Mughnee;) i. e., and those who have acted wrongfully also, to them there shall not be, against you, any allegation: (Msb:) Fr explains it as meaning that the wrongdoer has no allegation of which account should be taken; and this is correct, and is the opinion held by Zj. (T.) Thus, too, in the saying [in the Kur xxvii.10 and 11], لَا يَخَافُ لَدَىَّ الْمُرْسَلُونَ إِلَّا مَنْ ظَلَمَ ثُمَّ بَدَلَ حُسْنًا بَعْدَ سُوءٍ [The apostles shall not fear in my presence, and neither shall he who hath acted wrongfully, then hath done good instead, after evil; as some explain it; but others say that وَلَا مَنْ ظَلَمَ here denotes exception]. (Mughnee, in which it is explained as meaning ; and K.) And thus in the saying of the poet, [namely, El-Mukhabbal Es-Saadee, (S in art. خلد,)]

وَأَرَى لَهَا دَارًا بِأَغْدِرَة السْ??
سِيدَانِ لَمْ يَدْرُسْ لَهَا رَسْمُ
إِلَّا رَمَادًا هَامِدًا دَفَعَتْ
عَنْهُ الرِّيَاحَ خَوَالِدٌ سُحْمٌ [And I see a dwelling formerly belonging to her, at the pools of Es-Seedán, (a hill so called,) the remains of which have not become effaced, and ashes wasted and compacted together, from which three black pieces of stone whereon the cooking-pot was wont to be placed turned back the winds]: he means, أَرَى لَهَا دَارًا وَ رَمَادًا. (S.) b4: Fourthly, (Mughnee,) it is redundant, as in the following verse, (S in art. فك, Mughnee, K,) of Dhu-rRummeh, (S ubi suprà, Mughnee,) accord. to As and IJ: (Mughnee:) حَرَاجِيجُ مَا تَنْفَكُّ إِلَّا مُنَاخَةٌ
عَلَى الخَسْفِ أَوْ نَرْمِى بِهَا بَلَدًا قَفْرَا [She-camels long-bodied, or lean, (but other meanings are assigned to the word which I thus render,) that cease not to be made to lie down in a state of hunger, or with which we direct our course to a desert region]; (S ubi suprà, Mughnee; [but in one copy of the former, in the place of نَرْمِى, I find يَرْمِى; and in my copy of the latter, تَرْمِى;]) meaning, ما تنفكّ مناخةً: (S ubi suprà:) but it is said that this is a mistake of the poet: (Mughnee:) so says Aboo-'Amr Ibn-El-'Alà; for, he says, الّا is not to be introduced after تَنْفَكُّ and تَزَالُ: (TA:) and some say that the right reading is إِلًّا, with tenween, [perhaps a mistranscription, for آلًا,] meaning شَخْصًا [in a pl. sense]: and some, that تنفكّ is a complete [or an attributive] verb, and مناخة is a denotative of state; [consequently, that إِلَّا is a compound of إِنْ and لَا, as in some other instances hereafter to be mentioned;] the meaning being, that are not disengaged, or not free, from fatigue [unless when made to lie down]. (Mughnee.) The following is also given as an ex. of the same kind: أَرَى الدَّهْرَ إِلَّا مَنْجَنُونًا بِأَهْلِهِ [I see fortune, or time, to be like a water-wheel, with its people]: but the reading which is remembered to have been heard is وَمَا الدَّهْرُ: and if the former be correct, it may be explained on the supposition that ارى is the complement of an oath meant to be understood, and that لا is suppressed, as in [the saying in the Kur xii. 85,] تَاللّٰهِ تَفْتَأُ تَذْكُرُ يُوسُفَ; [so that the meaning is, I see not fortune, or time, to be aught save a water-wheel, with its people;] the form of the exceptive sentence which is devoid of the mention of that from which the exception is made indicating such an explanation. (Mughnee.) b5: [Fifthly,] it occurs as syn. with لضَا [as a particle denoting exception, equivalent to our But; meaning both except and (after an oath or the like) only, or nothing more than]; as in the saying in the Kur [xxxviii. 13], إِنْ كُلٌّ إِلَّا كَذَّبَ الرُّسُلَ [There was not any one but such as accused the apostles of lying], in which 'Abd-Allah reads, in its place, لَمَّا; and for كُلٌّ he reads كُلُّهُمْ; and as in the saying, أَسْأَلُكَ بِاللّٰهِ إِلَّا أَعْطَيْتَنِى [I ask, or beg, or beseech, thee by God but that thou give me; i. e., I do not ask of thee anything save thy giving me; the preterite here, as in many instances in which it is preceded by لَمَّا (q. v.), not being a preterite in meaning]; for which one says also لَمَّا اعطيتنى. (T.) A2: It is also a particle [or rather a compound of two words] denoting the complement of a condition; originally إِنْ لَا, which form a compound that does not admit of [the pronunciation termed] imáleh, because إِنْ and لَا are particles. (T.) [It signifies, lit., If not.] It is followed by a fut., which it renders mejzoom; [and in this case it may be rendered as above, or by unless;] as in the saying in the Kur [viii. 74], إِلَا تَفْعَلُوهُ تَكُنْ فِتْنَةٌ فِى الأَرْضِ [If ye do it not, or unless ye do it, there will be a weakness of faith and an appearing of unbelief in the earth]. (T.) [In like manner,] in a saying such as the following, [in the Kur ix. 40,] إِلَّا تَنْصُرُوهُ فَقَدْ نَصَرَهُ اللّٰهُ [If ye do not, or will not, aid him, certainly God aided him], it is only a compound of two words, the conditional إِنْ and the negative لَا, and is distinct from إِلَّا of which the usages have been mentioned before, though Ibn-Málik has included it therewith. (Mughnee.) [Often in post-classical works, and perhaps in classical also, but seldom except when it is preceded by a condition with its complement, the verb or verbal proposition which should immediately follow it is suppressed; as in the like of the saying, إِنْ فَعَلْتَ كَذَا عَفَوْتُ عَنْكَ وَ إِلَّا قَتَلْتُكَ If thou do such a thing, I forgive thee, or cancel thine offence; but if thou wilt not do it (i. e., إِلَّا تَفْعَلْهُ,) I kill thee: sometimes also it ends a sentence, by an aposiopesis; the whole of what should follow it being suppressed: and sometimes the complement of the condition which precedes, as well as the verb or verbal proposition which should immediately follow it, is suppressed; so that you say, إِنْ فَعَلْتُ كَذَا وَ إِلَّا قَتَلْتُكَ If thou do such a thing, excellent will it be, or the like, فَنِعِمَّا هُوَ, or the like, being understood,) but if not, I kill thee. Hence,] it sometimes has the meaning of إِمَّا, [signifying Or, denoting an alternative, corresponding to a preceding إِمَّا, which signifies “either,”] as in the saying, إِمَّا أَنْ تُكَلِّمَنِى وَ إِلَّا فَاسْكُتْ [Either do thou speak to me or else (meaning وَ إِلَّا تُكَلِّمَنِى or if thou wilt not speak to me) be silent], i. e., وَ إِمَّا أَنْ تَسْكُتَ. (S.) [It is also followed by أَنْ, as in إِلَّا أَنْ يَشَآءَ اللّٰهُ Unless God should please; in the Kur vi. 111, &c. And by و as a denotative of state, as in لَا تَمُوتُنَّ

إِلَّا وَ أَنْتُمْ مُسْلِمُونَ Do not ye die unless ye be Muslims; in the Kur ii. 126 and iii. 97. and sometimes it is preceded by اَللّهُمَّ; for the effect of which, in this case, see art. اله.]
[الا] ز فيه: و"إلا" كانت نافلة أي وإن لم تصادفهم صلوا بل أدركتهم ولم يصلوا فصليت معهم كانت لك نافلة. ن: "إلا" أل فلان رخص الشارع لأم عطية لنياحة أل فلان، وله أن يخص من العموم فلا يدل على عموم الإباحة كما زعم المالكية. "وإلا" أني سمعته صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول: من لطم مملوكه، قيل الاستثناء متصل أي ما أعتقد إلا لأني سمعته، وقيل: منقطع. و"إلا" أن يأخذ عليها الاستثناء منقطع أي ما مسرأة لكن يأخذ عليها بالبيعة بالكلام. و"إلا" الدين تنبيه على جميع حقوق الناس. ولا يخرجكم "إلا" فرار منه بالرفع والنصب، قيل "إلا" غلط والصواب حذفها كما في سائر الرواية لأن ظاهره منع الخروج لكل سبب غير الفرار فلا منع منه وهو ضد المراد، وسيجيء في "يخرج" من خ توجيهه. ط: جلد يوم القيامة "إلا" أن يكون كما قال، الاستثناء مشكل إلا أن يأول، قوله "وهو بريء" أي يعتقد ويظن براءته، ويكون العبد كما قال في قذفه لا ما أعتقد. وح: "إلا" أن يشاربها أي فيتطوع. وح: لا كفارة له "إلا" ذلك، الحصر إما بمعنى أنه لا يكفرها غير قضائها، أو بمعنى أنه لا يلزم في نسيان الصلاة غرامة ولا زيادة تضعيف ولا كفارة كما في ترك الصوم، وأراد أنه زاد في رواية هذه العبارة لا أنه بدل عن الأولى. ك: لا "إلا" أن تطوع أي لا يلزمك غيرها إلا أن تشرع في التطوع فيلزمك إتمامه، وقيل الاستثناء منقطع أي لكن التطوع مستحب. نه: كل بناء وبال "إلا" ما لابد منه للإنسان من كن يقوم به الحياة.



1 أَمِنَ, (T, S, M, &c.,) aor. ـَ (T, Msb, K,) inf. n. أَمْنٌ (T, S, M, Msb, K) and إِمْنٌ (Zj, M, K) and أَمَنٌ (M, K) and أَمَنَةٌ (T, S, M, K) and إِمْنَةٌ (T) and أَمَانٌ (M, K) [and app. أَمَانَةٌ, for it is said in the S that this is syn. with أَمَانٌ,] and آمنٌ, an instance of an inf. n. of the measure فَاعِلٌ, which is strange, (MF,) or this is a subst. like فَالِجٌ, (M,) He was, or became, or felt, secure, safe, or in a state of security or safety; originally, he was, or became, quiet, or tranquil, in heart, or mind; (Msb;) he was, or became, secure, or free from fear; أَمْنٌ signifying the contr. of خَوْفٌ, (S, M, K,) and so أَمَنَةٌ (S) and آمِنٌ [&c.]: (M, K:) he was, or became, or felt, free from expectation of evil, or of an object of dislike or hatred, in the coming time; originally, he was, or became, easy in mind, and free from fear. (El-Munáwee, TA.) [See أَمْنٌ, below.] You say also, يَإْمَنُ عَلَى نَفْسِهِ [He is secure, or safe, or free from fear, for himself]. (M.) And أَمِنَ البَلَدُ, meaning The inhabitants of the country or district, or town, were in a state of security, or confidence, therein. (Msb.) The verb is trans. by itself, and by means of the particle مِنْ; as in أَمَنَ زَيْدٌ الأَسَدَ and أَمِنَ مِنَ الأَسَدِ, meaning Zeyd was, or became, or felt, secure from, safe from, [or free from fear of,] the lion. (Msb.) You say also, أَمِنَ كَذِبَ مَنْ

أَخْبَرَهُ [He was secure from, or free from fear of, the lying of him who informed him]. (M.) And لَا آنَنُ أَنْ يَكُونَ كَذلِكَ [I am not free from fear of its being so; I am not sure but that it may be so]. (Mgh in art. نبذ; and other lexicons passim.) And, of a strong-made she camel, أَمِنَتْ

أَنْ تَكُونَ ضَعَيفَةً [She was secure from, or free from fear of, being weak]: (M: [in a copy of the S أُمِنَتْ:]) and أَمِنَتِ العِثَارَ وَالإَعْيَآءٍ [ She was secure from, or free from fear of, stumbling, and becoming jaded]: (M:) and أُمِنَ عِثَارُهَا [Her stumbling was not feared]. (So in a copy of the S.) And, of a highly-prized camel, أُمِنَ أَنْ يُنْحَرَ [It was not feared that he would be slaughtered; or his being slaughtered was not feared]. (M.) [أَمنَهُ sometimes means He was, or became, free from fear, though having cause for fear, of him, or it. i. e. he thought himself secure, or safe, from him or it. (See Kur vii. 97.)] b2: أمِنَهُ (inf. n. أَمْنٌ TK) [and accord. to some copies of the K ↓ آمَنَهُ] and ↓ أمّنهُ (inf. n. تَأْمِينٌ K) and ↓ ائتمنهُ ([written with the disjunctive alif اِيتَمَنَهُ, and] also written اِتَّمَنَهُ, on the authority of Th, which is extr., like اِتَّهَلَ [&c.], M) and ↓ استأمنهُ all signify the same (M, K, TA) [He trusted, or confided, in him; (as also آمن بِهِ, q. v.;) he intrusted him with, or confided to him, power, authority, control, or a charge; he gave him charge over a thing or person: these meanings are vaguely indicated in the M and K and TA.]. You say, يَأْمَنُهُ النَّاسُ وَلَا يَخَافُونَ غَائِلَتَهُ [Men, or people, trust, or confide, in him, and do not fear his malevolence, or mischievousness]. (T, M.) and أَمِنَهُ عَلَى كَذَا (S, Mgh, * Msb *) and ↓ ائتمنهُ عَلَيْهِ, (S, Msb, K,) [He trusted, or confided, in him with respect to such a thing; he intrusted him with, or confided to him, power, authority, control, or a charge, over it; he gave him charge over it;] he made him, or took him as, أَمِين over such a thing. (Mgh.) Hence, in a trad., the مُؤَذِّن is said to be مُؤْتَمَنٌ; i. e. النَّاسُ عَلَ الأَوْقَاتِ الَّتِى يُؤَذَّنُ فِيهَا ↓ يَأْتَمِنُهُ [Men trust, or confide, in him with respect to the times in which he calls to prayer], and know, by his calling to prayer, what they are commanded to do, as to praying and fasting and breaking fast. (Mgh.) It is said in the Kur [xii. 11], مَا لَكَ لَا تَأْمَنُنَا عَلَى يُوسُفَ and [تَأْمَنَّا] with idghám [i. e. What aileth thee that thou dost not trust, or confide, in us with respect to Joseph? or, that thou dost not give us charge over Joseph?]; (S;) meaning, why dost thou fear us for him? (Bd;) some pronouncing the verb in a manner between those of the former and the latter modes of writing it; but Akh says that the latter is better: (S:) some read تِيمَنَّا. (Bd.) You say also, ↓ اُوتُمِنَ فُلَانٌ [Such a one was trusted, or confided, in &c.;] when it begins a sentence, changing the second ء into و; in like manner as you change it into ى when the first is with kesr, as in اِيتَمَنَهُ; and into ا when the first is with fet-h, as in آمَنَ. (S.) The phrase أَمَانَةً ↓ اُوتُمِنَ, in a saying of Mohammad, if it be not correctly عَلَى أَمَانَةٍ, may be explained as implying the meaning of اُسْتُحْفِظَ أَمَانَةً [He was asked to take care of a deposite; or he was intrusted with it]. (Mgh.) [You also say, أَمِنَهُ بِكَذَا, meaning He intrusted him with such a thing; as, for instance, money or other property: see two exs. in the Kur iii. 68.]

A2: أَمُنَ, (M, Mgh, K,) or أَمِنَ, (Msb,) inf. n. أَمَانَةٌ, (M, Mgh, Msb,) He was, or became, trusted in, or confided in: (M, K:) or he was, or became, trusty, trustworthy, trustful, confidential, or faithful: said of a man. (Mgh.) 2 أمّنهُ, inf. n. تَأْمِينٌ: see 4: b2: and see also أَمِنَهُ.

A2: أمّن, inf. n. as above, also signifies He said آمِينَ or أَمِينَ, (T, S, Msb,) after finishing the Fátihah, (T,) or عَلَي الدُّعَآءِ on the occasion of the prayer, or supplication. (Msb.) 4 آمَنَ is originally أَأْمَنَ; the second ء being softened. (S.) You say, آمنهُ, [inf. n. إِيمَانٌ;] (S, M, Msb;) and ↓ أمّنهُ, [inf. n. تَأْمِينٌ;] (M, TA;) meaning He rendered him secure, or safe; (Msb;) he rendered him secure, or free from fear; (S, M, TA;) contr. of أَخَافهُ: (TA:) so in آمَنْتُهُ مِنْهُ I rendered him secure, or safe, from him, or it. (Msb.) And of God you say, آمَنَ عِبادَهُ مِنْ أَنْ يَظْلِمَهُمْ [He hath rendered his servants secure from his wronging them]. (S.) And يُؤْمِنُ عِبَادَهُ مِنْ عَذَابِهِ [ He rendereth his servants secure from his punishment]. (M.) You say also, آمَنْتُ الأَسِيرَ, meaning I gave, or granted, الأَمَان [i. e. security or safety, or protection or safeguard, or the promise or assurance of security or safety, or indemnity, or quarter,] to the captive. (Msb.) And آمَنَ فُلَانٌ الَعَدُوَّ [Such a one granted security, &c., to the enemy], inf. n. as above. (T.) It is said in the Kur ch. ix. [verse 12], accord. to one reading, لَا إِيمَانَ لَهُمْ They have not the attribute of granting protection; meaning that when they grant protection, they do not fulfil their engagement to protect. (T.) A2: إِيمَانٌ also signifies The believing [a thing, or in a thing, and particularly in God]; syn. تَصْدِيقٌ; (T, S, &c.;) by common consent of the lexicologists and other men of science: (T:) its primary meaning is the becoming true to the trust with respect to which God has confided in one, by a firm believing with the heart; not by profession of belief with the tongue only, without the assent of the heart; for he who does not firmly believe with his heart is either a hypocrite or an ignorant person. (T, TA.) Its verb is intrans. and trans. (TA, from a Commentary on the Mutowwal.) You say, آمَنَ, meaning He believed. (T.) and it is said to be trans. by itself, like صَدَّقَ; and by means of بِ, considered as meaning اِعْتِرَافٌ [or acknowledgment]; and by means of لِ, considered as meaning إِذْعَانٌ [or submission]. (TA.) [Thus] you say, [آمنهُ and] آمن بِهِ, (inf. n. إِيمَانٌ, T, K,) namely, a thing. (T, M.) And آمن بِاللّٰهِ He believed in God. (T.) It seems to be meant by what is said in the Ksh [in ii. 2], that آمن بِهِ [or آمَنَهُ] properly signifies آمَنَهُ التَّكْذِيبَ [He rendered him secure from being charged with lying, or falsehood]; and that the meaning he believed him or in him, is tropical; but this is at variance with what its author says in the A; and Es-Saad says that this latter meaning is proper. (TA.) The phrase in the Kur [ix. 61], وَيُؤْمِنُ لِلْمؤْمِنِينَ, accord. to Th, means And he believeth the believers; giveth credit to them. (M.) b2: Sometimes it is employed to signify The acknowledging with the tongue only; and hence, in the Kur [lxiii. 3], ذلِكَ بأَنَّهُمْ آمَنُوا ثُمَّ كَفَرُوا That is because they acknowledged with the tongue, then disacknowledged with the heart. (TA.) b3: Also (assumed tropical:) The trusting, or confiding, or having trust or confidence. (M, K.) [You say, آمن بِهِ, meaning He trusted, or confided, in him, or it: for] the verb of ايمان in this sense is trans. by means of بِ without implication; as Bd says. (TA.) [And it is also trans. by itself: for] you say, مَا آمَنَ أَنْ يَجِدَ صَحَابَةً, meaning (tropical:) He trusted not that he would find companions; (M, * K, * TA;) said of one who has formed the intention of journeying: or the meaning is مَا كَادَ [i. e. he hardly, or scarcely, found &c.; or he was not near to finding &c.]. (M, K.) See also أَمِنَهُ. b4: Also The manifesting humility or submission, and the accepting the Law, (Zj, T, * K,) and that which the Prophet has said or done, and the firm believing thereof with the heart; (Zj, T, M;) without which firm belief, the manifesting of humility or submission, and the accepting that which the Prophet has said or done, is termed إِسْلَامٌ, for which one's blood is to be spared. (T.) [In this sense, it is trans. by means of لِ, accord. to some, as shown above; or by means of بِ, for, accord. to Fei,] you say, آمَنْتُ بِاللّٰهِ, inf. n. as above, meaning I submitted, or resigned, myself to God. (Msb.) [There are numerous other explanations which it is needless to give, differing according to different persuasions. b5: See also إِيمَان below.]8 إِاْتَمَنَ see 1, in five places.10 استأمنهُ He asked, or demanded, of him الأَمَان [i. e. security or safety, or protection or safeguard, or the promise or assurance of security or safety, or indemnity, or quarter]. (T, * Msb, TA.) b2: See also أَمِنَهُ. b3: استأمن إِلَيْهِ He entered within the pale of his أمَان [or protection, or safeguard]. (S, Msb.) أَمْنٌ [an inf. n. of أَمِنِ: as a simple subst. it signifies Security, or safety: (see أَمِنَ:) or] security as meaning freedom from fear; contr. of خَوْفٌ; (S, M, K;) as also ↓ إِمْنٌ (Zj, M, K) and ↓ أَمِنٌ (M, K) and ↓ أَمَنَهُ (S, M, K) [and ↓ إِمْنَةٌ (see أَمِنَ)] and ↓ أَمَانٌ and ↓ آمِنٌ, (M, K,) which last is an inf. n. of أَمِنَ [like the rest], (MF,) or a subst. like فَالِجٌ; (M;) and ↓ أَمَانَةٌ is syn. with أَمَانٌ, (S,) both of these signifying security, or safety, and freedom from fear: (PS:) or أَمْنٌ signifies freedom from expectation of evil, or of an object of dislike or hatred, in the coming time; originally, ease of mind, and freedom from fear. (El-Munáwee, TA.) You say, أَنْتَ فِى أَمْنٍ [Thou art in a state of security], (T, M,) مِنْ ذَاكَ [from that]; and ↓ فى أَمَانٍ signifies the same; (T;) and so ↓ فى آمِنٍ. (M.) And نُعَاسًا ↓ أَمَنَةً, in the Kur [iii. 148], means Security (أَمْنًا) [and slumber]. (S.) ↓ أَمَانٌ also signifies Protection, or safeguard: and [very frequently] a promise, or an assurance, of security or safety; indemnity; or quarter: in Pers\. پَنَاهْ and زِنْهَارٌ: (KL:) syn. إِلُّ. (K in art. ال.) Yousay, ↓ دَخَلَ فِى أَمَانِهِ [He entered within the pale of his protection, or safeguard]. (S, Msb.) [and اللّٰهِ ↓ كُنٌ فِى أَمَانِ Be thou in the protection, or safeguard, of God.] And ↓ أَعْطَيْتُهُ الأَمَانَ [I gave, or granted, to him security or safety, or protection or safeguard, or the promise or assurance of security or safety, or indemnity, or quarter]; namely, a captive. (Msb.) And طَلَبَ

↓ مِنْهُ الأَمَانَ [He asked, or demanded, of him security or safety, or protection or safeguard, &c., as in the next preceding ex.]. (Msb, TA.) b2: أَمْنًا in the Kur ii. 119 means ذَا أَمْن [Possessed of security or safety]: (Aboo-Is-hák, M:) or مَوْضِعَ أَمْنٍ [a place of security or safety; like مَأْمَنًا]. (Bd.) b3: See also آمِنٌ. b4: You say also, مَا أَحْسَنَ أَمْنَكَ, and ↓ أَمَنَكَ, meaning How good is thy religion! and thy natural disposition! (M, K.) إِمْنٌ: see أَمْنٌ.

أَمَنٌ: see أَمْنٌ, first and last sentences.

أَمِنٌ: see آمِنٌ. b2: Also, (K, [there said to be like كَتِفٌ,]) or ↓ آمِنٌ, (M, [so written in a copy of that work,)] Asking, or demanding, or seeking, protection, in order to be secure, or safe, or free from fear, for himself: (M, K:) so says IAar. (M.) إِمْنَةٌ: see أَمْنٌ.

أمَنَةٌ: see أَمْنٌ, in two places: b2: and see also أَمَانَةٌ.

A2: Also A man who trusts, or confides, in every one; (T, S, M;) and so ↓ أُمَنَةٌ: (S:) and who believes in everything that he hears; who disbelieves in nothing: (Lh, T:) or in whom men, or people, trust, or confide, and whose malevolence, or mischievousness, they do not fear: (T, M:) and ↓ أُمَنَةٌ signifies trusted in, or confided in; [like أَمِينٌ;] and by rule should be أُمْنَةٌ, because it has the meaning of a pass. part. n. [like لُعْنَةٌ and ضُحْكَةٌ and لُقْطَلةٌ &c. (see لَقَطٌ)]: (M:) or both signify one in whom every one trusts, or confides, in, or with respect to, everything. (K.) b2: See also أَمِينٌ.

أُمَنَةٌ: see أَمَنَةٌ, in two places.

أَمَانٌ: see أَمْنٌ, in seven places.

أَمُونٌ, applied to a she camel, of the measure فَعُولٌ in the sense of the measure مَفْعُولَةٌ, like عَصُوبٌ and حَلُوبٌ, (tropical:) Trusted, or confided, in; (T;) firmly, compactly, or strongly, made; (T, S, M, K;) secure from, or free from fear of, being weak: (S, M:) also, that is secure from, or free from fear of, stumbling, and becoming jaded: (M:) or strong, so that her becoming languid is not feared: (A, TA:) pl. أُمُنٌ. (M, K.) [See also what next follows.]

أَمينٌ Trusted; trusted in; confided in; (T, * S, * M, Msb, * K;) as also ↓ أُمَّانٌ; (S, M, K;) i. q. ↓ مَأْمُونٌ (S, M, K) and ↓ مُؤْتَمَنٌ: (ISk, T, K:) [a person in whom one trusts or confides; a confidant; a person intrusted with, or to whom is confided, power, authority, control, or a charge, عَلَى شَىْءٍ over a thing; a person intrusted with an affair, or with affairs, i. e., with the management, or disposal, thereof; a confidential agent, or superintendent; a commissioner; a commissary; a trustee; a depositary;] a guardian: (TA:) trusty; trustworthy; trustful; confidential; faithful: (Mgh, Msb: *) pl. أُمَنَآءُ, and, accord. to some, ↓ أَمَنَةٌ, as in a trad. in which it is said, أَصْحَابِى أَمَنَةٌ لِأُمَّتِى, meaning My companions are guardians to my people: or, accord. to others, this is pl. of ↓ آمِنٌ [app. in a sense mentioned below in this paragraph, so that the meaning in this trad. is my companions are persons who accord trust, or confidence, to my people]. (TA.) Hence, أَلَمْ تَعْلَمِى يَا أَسْمَ وَيْحَكِ أَنَّنِى

حَلَفْتُ يَمِينًا لَا أَخُونُ أَمِينِى

[Knowest thou not, O Asmà (أَسْمَآء, curtailed for the sake of the metre), mercy on thee! or woe to thee! that I have sworn an oath that I will not act treacherously to him in whom I trust?] i. e. ↓ مَأْمُونِى: (S:) or the meaning here is, him who trusts, or confides, in me; (ISk, T;) [i. e.] it is here syn. with ↓ آمِنِى. (M.) [Hence also,] الأَمِينُ فِى القِمَارِ, (K voce مُجُمِدٌ, &c.,) or أَمِينُ, القِمَارِ, [The person who is intrusted, as deputy, with the disposal of the arrows in the game called المَيْسِر; or] he who shuffles the arrows; الَّذِى.

يَضْرِبُ بِالقِدَاحِ. (EM p. 105.) [Hence also,] الرُّوحُ الأَمِينُ [The Trusted, or Trusty, Spirit]; (Kur xxvi. 193;) applied to Gabriel, because he is intrusted with the revelation of God. (Bd.) ↓ أُمَّانٌ, mentioned above, and occurring in a verse of El-Aashà, applied to a merchant, is said by some to mean Possessed of religion and excellence. (M.) ↓ مُؤْتَمَنٌ is applied, in a trad., to the مُؤَذِّن, as meaning that men trust, or confide, in him with respect to the times in which he calls to prayer, and know by his call what they are commanded to do as to praying and fasting and breaking fast. (Mgh.) المُعَامَلَةِ ↓ هُوَ مَأْمُونُ means He is [trusty, or trustworthy, in dealing with others; or] free from exorbitance and deceit or artifice or craft to be feared. (Msb.) b2: An aid, or assistant; syn. عَوْنٌ [here app. meaning, as it often does, an armed attendant, or a guard]; because one trusts in his strength, and is without fear of his being weak. (M.) b3: (assumed tropical:) The strong; syn. قَوِىٌّ. (K, TA: [in the latter of which is given the same reason for this signification as is given in the M for that of عون; for which قوى may be a mistranscription; but see أَمُونٌ.]) b4: One who trusts, or confides, in another; (ISk, T, K;) [as also ↓ آمِنٌ, of which see an ex. voce حَذِرٌ;] so accord. to ISk in the verse cited above in this paragraph: (T:) thus it bears two contr. significations. (K.) b5: See also آمِنٌ, in five places.

A2: And see آمِينَ.

أَمَانَةٌ: see أَمْنٌ, first sentence. b2: Trustiness; trustworthiness; trustfulness; faithfulness; fidelity; (M, Mgh, K;) as also ↓ أَمَنَةٌ. (M, K.) أَمَانَةُ اللّٰهِ [for أَمَانَةُ اللّٰهِ قَسَمِي or مَا أُقْسِمُ The faithfulness of God is my oath or that by which I swear] is composed of an inf. n. prefixed to the agent, and the former is in the nom. case as an inchoative; the phrase being like لَعَمْرُ اللّٰهِ, as meaning an oath; and the enunciative being suppressed, and meant to be understood: accord. to some, you say, أَمَانَةَ اللّٰهِ [app. for نَشَدْتُكَ أَمَانَةَ اللّٰهِ I adjure thee, or conjure thee, by the faithfulness of God, or the like], making it to be governed in the accus. case by the verb which is to be understood: and some correctly say, وَأَمَانَةِ اللّٰهِ [By the faithfulness of God], with the و which denotes an oath: (Mgh:) or this last is an oath accord. to Aboo-Haneefeh; but Esh-Sháfi'ee does not reckon it as such: and it is forbidden in a trad. to swear by الأَمَانَة; app. because it is not one of the names of God. (TA.) [Or these phrases may have been used, in the manner of an oath, agreeably with explanations here following.]

A2: A thing committed to the trust and care of a person; a trust; a deposite; (Mgh, Msb;) and the like: (Msb:) property committed to trust and care: (TA:) pl. أَمَانَاتٌ. (Mgh, Msb.) It is said in the Kur [viii. 27], وَتَخُونُوا أَمَانَاتِكُمْ [Nor be ye unfaithful to the trusts committed to you]. (Mgh.) And in the same [xxxiii. 72], إِنَّا عَرَضْنَاالأَمَانَةَ عَلَى

السّموَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِوَالْجِبَالِ فَأَبَيْنَ أَنْ يَحْمِلْنَهَا وَأَشْفَقْنَ مِنْهَا وَحَمَلَهَا الْإِنْسَانُ [Verily we proposed, or offered, the trust which we have committed to man to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, and (accord. to explanations of Bd and others) they refused to take it upon themselves, or to accept it, and they feared it, but man took it upon himself, or accepted it: or, (accord. to another explanation of Bd, also given in the T, and in the K in art. حمل, &c.,) they refused to be unfaithful to it, and they feared it, but man was unfaithful to it: but in explaining what this trust was, authors greatly differ: accord. to some,] الامانة here means obedience; so called because the rendering thereof is incumbent: or the obedience which includes that which is natural and that which depends upon the will: [for] it is said that when God created these [celestial and terrestrial] bodies, He created in them understanding: or it may here [and in some other instances] mean reason, or intellect: [and the faculty of volition: and app. conscience: these being trusts committed to us by God, to be faithfully employed: (see an ex. voce جَذْرٌ:)] and the imposition of a task or duty or of tasks or duties [app. combined with reason or intellect, which is necessary for the performance thereof]: (Bd:) or it here means prayers and other duties for the performance of which there is recompense and for the neglect of which there is punishment: (Jel:) or, accord. to I'Ab and Sa'eed Ibn-Jubeyr, (T,) the obligatory statutes which God has imposed upon his servants: (T, K: *) or, (T, K,) accord. to Ibn-'Omar, [the choice between] obedience and disobedience was offered to Adam, and he was informed of the recompense of obedience and the punishment of disobedience: but, in my opinion, he says, (T,) it here means the intention which one holds in the heart, (T, K,) with respect to the belief which he professes with the tongue, and with respect to all the obligatory statutes which he externally fulfils; (K;) because God has confided to him power over it, and not manifested it to any [other] of his creatures, so that he who conceives in his mind, with respect to the acknowledgment of the unity of God, (T, K,) and with respect to belief [in general], (T,) the like of that which he professes, he fulfils the امانة [or trust], (T, K,) and he who conceives in his mind disbelief while he professes belief with the tongue is unfaithful thereto, and every one who is unfaithful to that which is confided to him is [termed] حَامِلٌ, (T,) or حَامِلُ الأَمَانَةِ, and مُحْتَمِلُهَا: (Bd:) and by الإِنْسَانُ is here meant the doubting disbeliever. (T.) b2: Also, [as being a trust committed to him by God, A man's] family, or household; syn. أَهْلٌ. (TA.) أُمَّانٌ: see أَمينٌ, in two places.

A2: Also One who does not write; as though he were (كَأَنَّهُ [in the CK لاَنَّهُ because he is]) an أُمِّى. (K, TA.) [But this belongs to art. ام; being of the measure فُعْلَانٌ, like عُرْيَانٌ.] b2: And A sower, or cultivator of land; [perhaps meaning a clown, or boor;] syn. زَرَّاعٌ: (CK:) or sowers, or cultivators of land; syn. زُرَّاعٌ: (K, TA:) in one copy of the K زِرَاع. (TA.) آمِنٌ Secure, safe, or free from fear; as also ↓ أَمِينٌ (Lh, T, * S, * M, Msb, K) and ↓ أَمِنٌ. (M, K.) Hence, in the Kur [xcv. 3], ↓ وَهذَا الْبَلَدِ الْأَمِينِ [And this secure town]; (Akh, Lh, T, S, M;) meaning Mekkeh. (M.) بَلَدٌ آمِنٌ and ↓ أَمِينٌ means A town, or country, or district, of which the inhabitants are in a state of security, or confidence, therein. (Msb.) It is also said in the Kur [xliv. 51], ↓ إِنَّ الْمُتَّقِينَ فِي مَقَامٍ أَمِينٍ, meaning [Verily the pious shall be in an abode] wherein they shall be secure from the accidents, or casualties, of fortune. (M.) [And hence,] ↓ الأَمِينُ is one of the epithets applied to God, (Mgh, K,) on the authority of El-Hasan; (Mgh;) an assertion requiring consideration: it may mean He who is secure with respect to the accidents, or casualties, of fortune: but see المُؤْمِنُ, which is [well known as] an epithet applied to God. (TA.) آمِنُ المَالِ means What is secure from being slaughtered, of the camels, because of its being highly prized; by المال being meant الإِبِل: or, as some say, (tropical:) what is highly esteemed, of property of any kind; as though, if it had intellect, it would feel secure from being exchanged. (M.) You say, أَعْطَيْتُهُ مِنْ آمِنِ مَالِي, (K, TA, [in the CK آمَنِ,]) meaning (tropical:) I gave him of the choice, or best, of my property; of what was highly esteemed thereof; (K, TA;) and مَالِى ↓ مِنْ أَمْنِ which Az explains as meaning of the choice, or best, of my property. (TA: [in which is given a verse cited by ISk showing that أَمْن, thus used, is not a mistranscription for آمِن.]) And آمِنُ الحِلْمِ means Steadfast in forbearance or clemency; of whose becoming disordered in temper, and free from self-restraint, there is no fear. (M.) b2: See also أَمِينٌ, in three places: b3: and see اَمِنٌ.

A2: See also أَمِينٌ, in two places.

آمِينَ [in the CK, erroneously, آمِينُ] and ↓ أَمِينَ; (Th, T, S, M, Mgh, Msb, K;) both chaste and well known, (TA,) the latter of the dial. of El-Hijáz, (Msb, TA,) as some say, (TA,) [and this, though the less common, is the original form, for] the medd in the former is only to give fulness of sound to the fet-hah of the أ, (Th, M, Msb, TA,) as is shown by the fact that there is no word in the Arabic language of the measure فَاعِيلٌ; (Msb, TA;) and some pronounce the former آمِّينَ, (K,) which is said by some of the learned to be a dial. var., (Msb,) but this is a mistake, (S, Msb,) accord. to authorities of good repute, and is one of old date, originating from an assertion of Ahmad Ibn-Yahyà, [i. e. Th,] that آمِينَ is like عَاصِينَ, by which he was falsely supposed to mean its having the form of a pl., [and being consequently آمِّينَ,] (Msb, [and part of this is said in the M,]) whereas he thereby only meant that the م is without teshdeed, like the ص in عَاصِينَ; (M;) beside that the sense of قَاصِدِينَ [which is that of آمِّينَ, from أَمَّ,] would be inconsistent after the last phrase of the first chapter of the Kur [where آمينَ is usually added]; (Msb;) and sometimes it is pronounced with imáleh, [i. e. “émeena,”] as is said by ElWáhidee in the Beseet; (K;) but this is unknown in works on lexicology, and is said to be a mispronunciation of some of the Arabs of the desert of El-Yemen: (MF:) each form is indecl., (S,) with fet-h for its termination, like أَيْنَ and كَيْفَ, to prevent the occurrence of two quiescent letters together: (T, S, TA:) it is a word used immediately after a prayer, or supplication: (S, * M:) [it is best expressed, when occurring in a translation, by the familiar Hebrew equivalent Amen:] El-Fárisee says that it is a compound of a verb and a noun; (M;) meaning answer Thou me; [i. e. answer Thou my prayer;] (M, Mgh;*) or O God, answer Thou: (Zj, T, Msb, K:) or so be it: (AHát, S, Msb, K:) or so do Thou, (K, TA,) O Lord: (TA:) it is strangely asserted by some of the learned, that, after the Fátihah, [or Opening Chapter of the Kur-án,] it is a prayer which implies all that is prayed for in detail in the Fátihah: so in the Towsheeh: (MF:) or it is one of the names of God: (M, Msb, K:) so says El-Hasan (M, Msb) El-Basree: (Msb:) but the assertion that it is for يَا اَللّٰهُ [O God], and that اسْتَجِبٌ [answer Thou] is meant to be understood, is not correct accord. to the lexicologists; for, were it so, it would be with refa, not nasb. (T.) إِيمَانٌ [inf. n. of 4, q. v. b2: Used as a simple subst., Belief; particularly in God, and in his word and apostles &c.: faith: trust, or confidence: &c.] b3: Sometimes it means Prayer; syn. صَلَاةٌ: as in the Kur [ii. 138], where it is said, وَمَا كَانَ اللّٰهُ لِيُضِيعَ إِيَمانَكُمْ, (Bd, Jel, TA,) i. e. [God will not make to be lost] your prayer towards Jerusalem, (Bd, * Jel,) as some explain it. (Bd.) b4: Sometimes, also, it is used as meaning The law brought by the Prophet. (Er-Rághib, TA.) مَأْمَنٌ A place of security or safety or freedom from fear; or where one feels secure. (M, TA.) مُؤْمَنٌ pass. part. n. of آمَنَهُ. (T.) It is said in the Kur [iv. 96], accord. to one reading, (T, M,) that of Aboo-Jaafar El-Medenee, (T,) لَسْتَ مُؤْمَنًا [Thou art not granted security, or safety, &c.; or] we will not grant thee security, &c. (T, M.) مُؤْمِنٌ [act. part. n. of 4; Rendering secure, &c.]. المُؤْمِنُ is an epithet applied to God; meaning He who rendereth mankind secure from his wronging them: (T, S:) or He who rendereth his servants secure from his punishment: (M, IAth:) i. q. المُهَيْمِنُ, (M,) which is originally المُؤَأْمِنُ; [for the form مُفْعِلٌ is originally مُؤَفْعِلٌ;] the second ء being softened, and changed into ى, and the first being changed into ه: (S:) or the Believer of his servants (Th, M, TA) the Muslims, on the day of resurrection, when the nations shall be interrogated respecting the messages of their apostles: (TA:) or He who will faithfully perform to his servants what He hath promised them: (T, TA:) or He who hath declared in his word the truth of his unity. (T.) b2: [Also Believing, or a believer; particularly in God, and in his word and apostles &c.: faithful: trusting, or confiding: &c.: see 4.]

مَأْمُونٌ: see أَمِينٌ, in three places. b2: مَأْمُونَةٌ A woman whose like is sought after and eagerly retained because of her valuable qualities. (M.) مَأْمُونِيَّةٌ A certain kind of food; so called in relation to El-Ma-moon. (TA.) مُؤْتَمَنٌ: see أَمِينٌ, in two places.
[امن] فيه: ويلقى الشيطان في "أمنيته" أي قراءته، و"تمنى" إذا قرأ والأماني جمعه ومنه: إلا "أماني" أي ما يقرؤنه. وإياكم و"الأماني" بتشديد ياء وخفتها. قا: إلا "أماني" الاستثناء منقطع، والأمنية ما يقدره في النفس، ولذا يطلق على الكذب، وعلى ما يتمنى، وما يقرأ أي ولكن يعتقدون أكاذيب تقليداً، أو مواعيد فارغة من أن الجنة لا يدخلها إلا اليهود ونحوه. نه وفيه: "المؤمن" تعالى أي يصدق عباده وعده من الإيمان التصديق، أو يؤمنهم في القيعذابه من الأمان ضد الخوف. ونهران "مؤمنان" النيل والفرات شبهاً بالمؤمن في عموم النفع لأنهما يفيضان على الأرض فيسقيان الحرث بلا مؤنة وكلفة، وشبه دجلة ونهر بلخ بالكافر في قلة النفع لأنهما لا يسقيان ولا ينتفع بهما إلا بمؤنة وكلفة. ولا يزني الزاني وهو "مؤمن" قيل: هو نهي في صورة الخبر أي لا يزن المؤمن فإنه لا يليق بالمؤمنين، وقيل:مده أكثر من القصر، أي أنه طابع الله على عباده للآفات والبلايا تدفع به كخاتم الكتاب يصونه من فساده وإظهار ما فيه، وهو مبني على الفتح ومعناه استجب لي، أو كذلك فليكن. وفيه: "أمين" درجة في الجنة أي كلمة يكتسب بها قائلها درجة. شا: قولهم في الدعاء "أمين" أنه اسم من أسماء الله بمعنى المؤمن أن بالفتح بمعنى التعليل، ومعناه يا أمين استجب، ورده النووي إذ لم يثبت بالقرآن والسنة المتواترة، وأسماؤه لا تثبت بدونهما. نه: لا تسبقني "بأمين" لعل بلالاً كان يقرأ الفاتحة في السكتة الأولى من سكتتي الإمام فربما يبقى عليه منها شيء ورسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قد فرغ من قراءتها فاستمهله بلال في التأمين بقدر ما يتم فيه بقية السورة حتى ينال بركة موافقته في التأمين. ط: إذا "أمن" الإمام "فأمنوا" فإنه من وافق عطف على محذوف أي فإن الملائكة تؤمن فمن وافق، والمراد الحفظة، وقيل غيرهم، فإن الإمام علة لترتب الجزاء على الشرط.
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