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من (ط ل م) نسبة إلى الطُّلْم: الخوان يبسط عليه الخبز؛ أو نسبة إلى الطلمة: الــخبزة تنضج في الرماد الحار وحجر عريض ينصب كالطابق ويخبز عليه.


الإِلْحَاحُ: الإِقْبَالُ على الشَّيْءِ من غَيرِ فُتُوْرٍ، رَجُلٌ مُلِحٌّ مِلْحَاحٌ. وألَحَّ السَّحَابُ بالمَطَرِ: دامَ. وتَلَحْلَحَ القَوْمُ: أقامُوا بمَكانِهم فلم يَبْرَحُوا. واللِّحَّةُ: بَقْلَةٌ يُقال لها لِحَّةُ التَّيْسِ. وخُبْزَةٌ لَحْلَحَةٌ: يابِسَةٌ. ولَحِحَتْ عَيْنُه: الْتَصَقَتْ، ومنه: ابنُ عَمِّي لَحّاً، وابنُ عَمٍّ لَحٍّ. وقَتَبٌ مِلْحَاحٌ: لازمٌ للظَّهْرِ. والمِلْحَاحُ: الذي يَعَضُّ. وألَحَّ الرَّجُلُ إلْحَاحاً: هَرَبَ سعياً. ورَجُلٌ مُلَحْلَحٌ: سَيِّدٌ. ومَكانٌ لَحْلَحٌ ولاحٌّ: أي ضَيِّقٌ.


1 لَحِحَتْ عَيْنُهُ, (S, L, K,) aor. ـْ inf. n. لَحَحٌ; (L;) and لَحَّتْ; (L;) [as also لَخِخَتْ:] His eyelids stuck together, by reason of a white thick matter collected in their corners: (S, L, K:) or, by reason of pain: or, by reason of many tears: (L:) the former is one of those verbs which retain their original forms, like ضَبِبَ in the phrase ضَبِبَ البَلَدُ, with the reduplication distinct: (S:) also, لَحَّتْ عَيْنُهُ his eye shed many tears, and its lids became thick, or rough; like لَخَّتْ. (L.) b2: لَحَّتِ القَرَابَةُ بَيْنَنَا, inf. n. لَحٌّ, The relationship between us was close. (Aboo-Sa'eed, K.) See لَحٌّ.4 الحّ, (inf. n. إِلْحَاحٌ, Msb,) It [a cloud) rained continually, or incessantly. (S, Msb, K) Hence the phrase الحّ على شى [q. v. infra]. (Msb) b2: الحّ عَلْيهِ, (inf. n. إِلْحَاحٌ, L,) He importuned him; plied him; plied him hard; pressed him; pressed upon him; pressed him hard; was urgent with him; persecuted, or harassed, him, (L,) بِالْمَسْأَلَةِ, (S, L,) or فِى السَّؤَالِ, (K,) in asking, begging, or petitioning; like أَلْحَفَ. (S, L, K.) الحّ على غَرِيمِهِ He pressed his creditor perseveringly, assiduously, or constantly. (L.) and أَلْحَحْتُ عَلَى فُلَانٍ فِى الاِتِّبَاعِ حَتَّى اخْتَلَفْتُه, i. e. [I pressed upon such a one in following] until I made him to be behind me. (ISk, TA in art. خلف.) الحّ عَلَى شَىْءٍ [and فِى شَىْءٍ] He applied himself to a thing perseveringly, persistently, assiduously, or constantly, (Msb,) or incessantly. (L.) الحّ فِى شَىْءٍ He asked, begged, or petitioned, for a thing much, or frequently; as though he stuck to it. (L.) الحّ عَلَى غَيِّهِ [and فى غَيِّهِ He persevered, or persisted, in his error]. (Msb, art. مدى.) b3: It (a cloud) remained, or stayed, بِمَكَانٍ in a place; like أَلَثَّ. (As, S.) b4: الحّ (tropical:) He (a camel) was restive, or refractory, and would not move from his place; (S, L, K;) like as you say of a she-camel خَلَأَتْ, (As, S,) and of a horse and the like حَزَنَ: (As:) and الحّت she (a camel) did the same; (L, K;) accord. to some, and so used in a trad. (TA.) b5: الحّتِ المَطِىُّ (tropical:) The beasts of carriage, or the camels, were fatigued, and became slow, or tardy. (K.) b6: الحّ (tropical:) It (a saddle of the kind called قَتَب, L, K, and a رَحْل, and a horse's saddle, L) wounded the back. (L, K.) See مِلْحَاحٌ.

R. Q. 1 لَحْلَحُوا, (K,) and ↓ تَلَحْلَحُوا, (S, K,) They remained fixed, or firm, in their place; did not quit it. (S, K.) b2: ↓ تَلَحْلَحَ He (a camel) stayed, and remained fixed, or firm. (L.) b3: Also ↓ تلحلحوا They became dispersed; formed by transposition from تحلحلوا. (L.) R. Q. 2 See R. Q. 1.

هُوَ ابْنُ عَمِّى لَحًّا [He is my cousin on the father's side,] closely related: (S, K:) from the phrase لَحِحَتْ عَيْنُهُ. (S.) Here لحّا is put in the acc. case as a denotative of state, because what precedes it is determinate. (S.) And you say هُوَ ابْنُ عَمٍّ لَحٍّ [He is a cousin on the father's side,] closely related, (S, K,) in an indeterminate phrase employing لَحٍّ as an epithet to عَمٍّ. (S.) You say the same in the case of the fem. and dual and pl.; (S;) making no difference between the sing. and dual and pl. and fem. (L.) Lh says, that one says, [of two persons who are cousins, one to the other,] هُمَا ابْنَا عَمٍّ لَحٍّ, and لَحًّا; and in like manner هما ابنا خَالَةٍ; but not هما ابنا خَالٍ لَحًّا, nor ابنا عَمَّةٍ لَحًّا. (L.) When the ابن عمّ is not in the state termed لَحّ, but is of the عَشِيرَة, you say هُوَ ابْنُ عَمِّ الكَلَالَةِ, and ابنُ عَمٍّ كَلَالَةٌ. (S, K.) [See also دِنْيًا; and the contr., ظْهرًا.]

لَحِحٌ and لَحْلَحٌ: see لَاحٌّ.

لَاحٌّ (S, K) and ↓ لَحِحٌ and ↓ لَحْلَحٌ (K) A strait, or confined, place. (S, K.) Also, لَاحٌّ, A valley with tangled, confused, intertwined, or complicated, trees, which stick together: or strait, or confined, and abounding with tangled trees, and stones. In both senses, applied to a place and a valley, it is also written لَاخٌّ, with خ. (L.) [See لَاخٌّ.]

أَلَحُّ [More, and most, importunate, pressing, persevering, &c.]. (TA, art. خنفس; see the same article in the present work.) مُلِحٌّ That stands still by reason of fatigue, and will not move from its place. (TA.) b2: A beast of carriage which, when it lies down, remains immovable, and will not be roused up. (L.) مِلْحَاحٌ A cloud continually, or incessantly, raining. (L.) b2: A man [very] importunate, pressing, persevering, assiduous, or constant, in asking, begging, petitioning, or seeking. (L.) b3: رَحًى

مِلْحَاحٌ عَلَى مَا تَطْحَنُهُ (S) A mill-stone that presses hard upon that which it grinds. (A.) b4: مِلْحَاحٌ (tropical:) A saddle of the kind called قَتَب that wounds the back; (K;) that wounds the camel's withers; (S;) that sticks close to the camel's back, and wounds it; and in like manner a saddle of the kind called رَحْل, and a horse's saddle. (L.) b5: Whatever is slow, or tardy. (L.)


(الهوبر) (انْظُر هبر)
(الهوبر) الْكثير الْوَبر من الْإِبِل وَغَيرهَا والقرد الْكثير الشّعْر والفهد والسوسن وَمَوْضِع كثير القتاد وَفِي الْمثل (إِن دون الطلمة خرط قتاد هوبر) يضْرب لتعذر الشَّيْء والطلمة الــخبزة تجْعَل فِي الْملَّة


الفُرْنُ، بالضم: المَخْبَزُ يُخْبَزُ فيه
الفُرْنِيُّ، لِخُبْزٍ غليظٍ مُسْتَديرٍ، أو خُبْزَةٍ مُصَعْنَبَةٍ مَضْمومةِ الجَوانبِ إلى الوَسَطِ تُشْوَى، ثم تُرَوَّى سَمْناً ولَبَنَاً وسُكَّراً.
والفُرْنِيُّ أيضاً: الرجلُ الغَليظُ، والكَلْبُ الضَّخْمُ.
والفارِنَةُ: الخَبَّازَةُ.
وأفْرَنُ، كأَحمدَ وكيَمْنَعُ: قَبيلَةٌ من بَرابِرِ المَغْرِبِ.
ومحمدُ بنُ إبْراهِيمَ بنِ فُرْنَةَ، بالضم،
ومحمدُ بنُ فَرْنٍ، بالفتح: مُحَدِّثانِ.
وفَرَّانُ، كشَدَّادٍ: بِلادٌ واسعَةٌ بالمَغْرِبِ، وابنُ بَليٍّ في قُضاعَة.
وفارانُ: جِبالٌ مَذْكورَةٌ في التَّوْراةِ، منها بَكْرُ بنُ القاسم.
وأفْرانُ: ة بِنَسَفَ.
وفِرْيانانُ، بالكسر: ة بِمَرْوَ.
وكِسكِّينٍ: ع.
وكزُبَيْرٍ: ة بالشامِ. وكسَحابٍ: ماءٌ لبَنيِ سُلَيْمٍ.
والفَرْنأَةُ: الفَرْسُ، والتَّقْطِيعُ.


(الرشراش) الرخو يُقَال خبز رشراش رخو يَابِس وَعظم رشراش رخو وشواء رشراش سمين يقطر مَاؤُهُ أَو دسمه وَهِي رشراشة يُقَال خبْزَة رشراشة


ربقا ربطه بالربق وَفُلَانًا فِي الْأَمر أوقعه فَهُوَ مربوق وربيق وَهِي (بتاء)

(ربقه) بَالغ فِي ربطه والربقة هيأها وَالْكَلَام لفقه وَالْخبْز أدمه بزبد أَو نَحوه يُقَال خبْزَة مربقة


الضاد والباء والياء ض ب ي

ضَبَتْهُ الشمسُ والنارُ ضَبْياً لَفَحَتْهُ ولَوَّحَتْه وبعض أهلِ اليمنِ يُسَمُّونَ خُبْزَةَ المَلَّةِ مَضْبَاةً من هذا ولا أدْرِي كيف ذلك إلا أَنْ تُسَمَّى باسْمِ المَوْضِعِ وأَضْبَى الرَّجُلُ على ما في يَدَيْه أَمْسَكَ لغةٌ في أَضْبأَ عن اللِّحيانِيِّ وأضْبَى بهم السَّفَرُ أخْلَفَهُم ما رَجَوْا فيه من رِبْحٍ ومَنْفعةٍ عن الهَجَريِّ وأنشد

(لا يَشْكُرونَ إذا كُنَّا بِمَيْسَرَةٍ ... ولا يَكُفُّونَ إنْ أَضْبَى بِنَا السَّفَرُ)
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