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[الى] نه فيه: من "يتأل" على الله يكذبه أي من حكم وحلف نحو والله ليدخلن الله فلاناً النار، منلية اليمين من ألى يولى إيلاء، وتألى يتألى، والاسم الألية. ومنه ح: ويل "للمتألين" أي الحاكمين على الله فلان في الجنة، وفلان في النار. ومنه: فمن "المتألى" على الله. ط قوله: هذا إن كان كفراً فإحباط أعماله ظاهر، وإن كان معصية فمحمول على التغليظ. ن: أو يأول الإحباط أنه أسقطت حسناته في مقابلة سيئاته، أو جرى منه ما يوجب الكفر، أو كان في شريعتهم إحباط الأعمال بالمعاصي. ج: تألى أي حلف تفعل من الألية و"لا يأتل" يفتعل منها إلى وائتلى وتألى بمعنى. نه ومنه ح: "ألى" من نسائه أي حلف لا يدخل عليهن إذا الإيلاء الفقهي مشروط بأمور. ومنه حديث منكر ونكير: لا دريت ولا "ائتليت" أي ولا استطعت أن تدري يقال: ما ألوه أي ما استطيعه، وهو افتعلت منه، وعند المحدثين ولا تليت والصواب الأول. ومنه: من صام الدهر لا صام ولا "ألى" أي ولا استطاع أن يصوم، كأنه دعاء عليه، فعل من ألوت ويجوز كونه إخباراً أي لم يصم ولم يقصرالشاة و"الجب" القطع. ومنه: حتى تضطرب "اليات" نساء دوس على ذي الخلصة أي ترتد عن الدين فتطوف نساؤهم حول ذلك الصنم وتضطرب أعجازهن في الطواف. ن: وهو بفتح همزة ولام. نه وفيه: لا يقام الرجل من مجلسه حتى يقوم من "إلية" نفسه أي من قبل نفسه من غير أن يزعج أو يقام، وهمزته مكسورة، وقيل أصله ولية. ومنه: كان ابن عمر يقوم له الرجل من "إليته" فما يجلس في مجلسه، ويروى من ليته، ويجيء في اللام. وفي الحج: وليس ثم طرد ولا "إليك" أي تنح وابعد، يفعل بين يدي الأمراء كما يقال الطريق الطريق. وح: قال عمر لابن عباس: إني قائل قولاً وهو "إليك" أي هو سر أفضيت به إليك. وفيه: اللهم "إليك" أي أشكو إليك أو خذني إليك. وعن الحسن: اللهم "إليك" أي اقبضني إليك وذلك حين رأى من قوم رعة سيئة. وفيه: والشر ليس "إليك" أي ليس مما يتقرب به إليك، كما تقول لصاحبك أنا منك وإليك، أي التجائي وانتمائي إليك.


ى1 أَلِىَ, (S, K,) aor. ـْ inf. n. أَلًى, (S,) He (a man, S) was, or became, large in the أُلْيَة, q. v. (S, K. *) A2: أَلَيْتَ: see 1 in art. الو.

أَلْىٌ: see إِلًى: A2: and see also أَلَيَانٌ.

أَلًى: see إِلًى: A2: and see also أَلَيَانٌ.

أُلْىٌّ: see إِلًى.

أُلَى, (so in some copies of the S and in the M,) accord. to Sb, or أُلَا, (so likewise in the M, in which it is mentioned in art. الى, [and thus it is always pronounced,]) or أُولَى; (so in several copies of the S and in the K, in the last division of each of those works, [and thus it is generally written;]) and with the lengthened ا, [and this is the more common form of the word, i. e. ↓ أُلَآءِ, as it is always pronounced, or أُولَآءِ, as it is generally written, both of which modes of writing it I find in the M.,] (S, M, K,) of the same measure as غُرَاب, (M,) indecl., with a kesreh for its termination; (S;) [These and those,] a pl. having no proper sing., (S, K,) or a noun denoting a pl., (M,) or its sing. is ذَا for the masc. and ذِهْ for the fem., (S, K,) for it is both masc. and fem., (S,) and is applied to rational beings and to irrational things. (M.) [Thus,] هُمْ أُولَآءِ عَلَى أَثَرِى, in the Kur xx. 86, means [They are these, following near after me; or] they are near me, coming near after me. (Jel, and Bd says the like.) And in the same, iii. 115, هَاأَنْتُمْ أُولَآءِ تُحِبُّونَهُمْ وَلَا يُحِبُّونَكُمْ Now ye, O ye these believers, love them, and they love not you. (Jel.) b2: The particle (M) هَا (S, K) used as an inceptive to give notice of what is about to be said is prefixed to it, [i. e., to the form with the lengthened ا,] (S, M, K,) so that you say, ↓ هؤُلَآءِ [meaning These, like as هذَا means “this”]. (S, K.) And Az says that some of the Arabs say, هؤَلَآءِ قَوْمُكَ [These are thy people], (S, M, *) and ↓ رَأَيْتُ هؤُلَآءٍ [I saw these], (M,) with tenween and kesr (S, M) to the hemzeh; (S;) and this, says IJ, is of the dial. of Benoo-'Okeyl. (M.) b3: And the ك of allocution is added to it, so that you say, أُولئِكَ, [or آُولَآئِكَ, which is the same, and أُولئِكُمْ, or أُولَآئِكُمْ, &c.,] and أُولَاكَ, (S, K,) and أُولَالِكَ, (so in some copies of the S and in the K,) or أُلَالِكَ, (so in some copies of the S and in the M,) in which the [second] ل is augmentative, (M,) and ↓ أُلَّاكَ, with teshdeed, (K,) [all meaning Those, like as ذَاكَ and ذلِكَ mean “that” and hence] Ks says that when one says أُولَآئكَ, the sing. is ذلِكَ; and when one says أُولَاكَ, the sing. is ذَاكَ; (S;) or أُلَالِكَ [or أُولَالِكَ, each with an augmentative ل, like ذلِكَ, (and this, I doubt not, is the correct statement,)] is as though it were pl. of ذلِكَ: (M:) but one does not say هَاؤُلَالِكَ, or هأُولَالِكَ, (M,) [nor هَؤُلَائِكَ, or the like.] [Thus it is said in the Kur ii. 4, أُولَآئِكَ عَلَ هُدًى مِنْ رَبِّهِمْ وَأُولَآئِكَ هُمُ المُفْلِحُونَ Those follow a right direction from their Lord, and those are they who shall prosper.] And sometimes أُولَآئِكَ is applied to irrational things, as in the phrase بَعْد أُولَآئِكَ الأَيَّامِ [After those days]; and in the Kur [xvii. 38], where it is said, إِنَّ السَّمْعَ وَالْبَصَرَ وَالْفُؤَادَ كُلُّ أُولَآئِكَ كَانَ عَنْهُ مَسْؤُولًا [Verily the ears and the eyes and the heart, all of those shall be inquired of]. (S.) b4: The dims. are ↓ إُلَيَّا and ↓ أُلَيَّآءِ (S, M) and ↓ هؤُلَيَّآءِ: (M:) for the formation of the dim. of a noun of vague application does not alter its commencement, but leaves it in its original state, with fet-h or damm, [as the case may be,] and the ى which is the characteristic of the dim. is inserted in the second place if the word is one of two letters, [as in the instance of ذَيَّا, dim. of ذَا,] and in the third place if it is a word of three letters. (S.) A2: الأُلَى, (as in some copies of the S and T,) of the same measure as العُلَى; (S; [wherefore the author of the TA prefers this mode of writing it, which expresses the manner in which it is always pronounced;]) or الأُلَا; (ISd, TA;) or الأُولَى; (so in some copies of the S and T;) is likewise a pl. having no proper sing., [meaning They who, those which, and simply who, and which,] its sing. being الَّذِى; (S;) or is changed from being a noun of indication so as to have the meaning of الَّذِينَ; as also ↓ الأُلَآءِ; wherefore they have the lengthened as well as the shortened alif, and that with the lengthened alif is made indecl. by terminating with a kesreh. (ISd.) A poet says, وَإِنَّ الإُولَى بِالطَّفِّ مِنْ آلِ هَاشِمٍ

تَآسَوْا فَسَنُّوا لِلْكِرَامِ التَّآسِيَا [And they who are in Et-Taff, of the family of Háshim, shared their property, one with another, and so set the example, to the generous, of the sharing of property]. (T, and S in art. اسو, where, in one copy, I find الأُلَى in the place of الأُولَى.) And another poet says, وَإَنَّ الإُلَآءِ يَعْلَمُونَكَ مِنْهُمُ [And verily they who know thee, of them]: which shows what has been said above, respecting the change of meaning. (ISd.) Ziyád El-Aajam uses the former of the two words without ال, saying, فَأَنْتُمْ أُولَى جِئْتُمْ مَعَ البَقْلِ وَالدَّبَى

فَطَارَ وَهذَا شَخْصُكُمْ غَيْرُ طَائِرِ [For ye are they who came with the herbs, or leguminous plants, and the young locusts, and they have gone away, while these, yourselves, are not going away]: (T:) he means that their nobility is recent. (Ham p. 678; where, instead of فأنتم and اولى, we find وَأَنْتُمُ and أُلَا.) b2: In the phrase العَرَبُ الأُولَى, (as in the L, and in some copies of the S and K,) or الأُلَى, (as also in the L, and in other copies of the S and K, [and thus it is always pronounced,]) الاولى or الالى may also signify الَّذِينَ, the verb سَلَفُوا being suppressed after it, because understood; [so that the meaning is, The Arabs who have preceded, or passed away;] so says Ibn-EshShejeree: (L:) or it is formed by transposition from الأُوَلُ, being pl. of أُولَى [fem. of أَوَّلُ], like as أُخَرُ is pl. of آخَ: and it is thus in the phrase, ذَهَبَتِ العَرَبُ الأُولَى or الأُلَى [The first Arabs have passed away]. (S, K.) 'Obeyd Ibn-ElAbras uses the phrase, نَحْنُ الأُلَى [as meaning We are the first]. (TA.) إِلْىٌ: see إِلًى.

إِلَى: see إِلًى: A2: and see also art. الو.

إِلَى (T, S, M, K) and ↓ أَلًى, (S, M, K,) the latter said by Zekereeyà to be the most common, and the same is implied in the S, but MF says that this is not known, (TA,) and ↓ إِلْوٌ, (T,) or ↓ أَلْوٌ, (Es-Semeen, K,) like دَلْوٌ, (Es-Semeen, TA,) [belonging to art. الو,] and ↓ إِلْىٌ (T, M, K) and ↓ أَلْىٌ (M, K) and ↓ أُلْيٌ (Es-Sakháwee, Zekereeyà, TA) and ↓ إِلَى, (the same,) or إِلَا, occurring at the end of a verse, but it may be a contraction of إِلَّا, meaning عَهْدًا, (M,) A benefit, benefaction, favour, boon, or blessing: pl. آلَآءٌ. (T, S, M, K, &c.) IAmb says that إِلًى and أَلًى are originally وِلًا and وَلًا. (TA.) أَلْيَةٌ The buttock, or buttocks, rump, or posteriors, syn. عَجِيزَةٌ, (K,) or [more properly] عَجُزٌ, (M,) of a man &c., (M,) or of a sheep or goat, (Lth, T, S,) and of a man, (Lth, T,) or of a ewe: (ISk, T:) or the flesh and fat thereon: (M, K:) you should not say ↓ إِلْيَةٌ, (T, S, K,) a form mentioned by the expositors of the Fs, but said to be vulgar and low; (TA;) nor لِيَّةٌ, (T, S, K,) with kesr to the ل, and with teshdeed to the ى, as in the S, [but in a copy of the S, and in one of the T, written without teshdeed,] a form asserted to be correct by some, but it is rarer and lower than إِلْيَةٌ, though it is the form commonly obtaining with the vulgar: (TA:) the dual. is ↓ أَلْيَانِ, (Az, T, S,) without ت; (S;) but أَلْيَتَانِ sometimes occurs: (IB:) أَلَصُّ الأَلْيَتَيْنِ is an epithet applied to the Zenjee, (K in art. لص,) meaning having the buttocks cleaving together: (TA in that art.:) the pl. is أَلْيَاتٌ (T, M, K) and أَلَايَا; (M, K;) the latter anomalous. (M.) Lh mentions the phrase, إِنَّهُ لَذُو أَلْيَاتٍ [Verily he has large buttocks]; as though the term إَلْيَةٌ applied to every part of what is thus called. (M.) b2: Fat, as a subst.: (M:) and a piece of fat. (M, K.) b3: The tail, or fat of the tail, (Pers\. دُنْبَهٌ,) of a sheep. (KL.) [Both of these significations (the “tail,” and “fat of the tail,” of a sheep) are now commonly given to لِيَّة, a corruption of أَلْيَةٌ mentioned above: and in the K, voce طُنْبُورٌ, it is said that the Pers\. دُنْبَهْ بَرَّهْ signifies أَلْيَةُ الحَمَلِ.] b4: أَلْيَةُ السَّاقِ The muscle of the shank; syn. حَمَاةُ السَّاقِ [which see, in art. حمو]. (AAF, M, K.) b5: أَلْيَةُ الإِبْهَامِ The portion of flesh that is at the root of the thumb; (S, M;) and which is also called its ضَرَّة; (M;) or the part to which corresponds the ضَرَّة; (S;) and which is also called أَلْيَةُ الكَفِّ; the ضَرَّة being the portion of flesh in فِى, [app. a mistranscription for مِنْ from]) the little finger to the prominent extremity of the ulna next that finger, at the wrist: (TA:) or the portion of flesh in the ضَرَّة of the thumb. (K.) b6: أَلْيَةُ الخَنْصِرِ The portion of flesh that is beneath the little finger; [app. what is described above, as called the ضَرَّة, extending from that finger to the prominent extremity of the ulna, at the wrist;] also called أَلْيَةُ اليَدِ. (Lth, T.) b7: أَلْيَتَا الكَفِّ The أَلْيَة of the thumb [described above as also called by itself أَلْيَةُ الكَفِّ] and the ضَرَّة of the little finger [respecting which see the next preceding sentence]. (TA, from a trad.) b8: القَدَمِ أَلْيَةُ The part of the human foot upon which one treads, which is the portion of flesh beneath [or next to] the little toe. (M.) b9: أَلْيَةُ الحَافِرِ The hinder part of the solid hoof. (S, M.) إِلْيَةٌ: see أَلْيَةٌ.

أَلْيَانُ: see أَلَيَانٌ.

أَلْيَانِ an irreg. dual of أَلَيَانٌ, q. v.

أَلَيَانٌ (T, S, M, K) and ↓ أَلْيَانُ (M, K) and ↓ آلَى, (T, S, K,) of the measure أَفْعَلُ, (S,) and ↓ آلٌ, (M,) or ↓ أَلًى, (so in some copies of the K, and so accord. to the TA,) or ↓ أَلْىٌ, (so in a copy of the K,) or ↓ أَلِىٌ, (accord. to the CK,) and ↓ آلٍ, (M, K,) applied to a ram, Large in the أَلْيَة, q. v.: (T, * S, M, * K, * TA:) and so, applied to a ewe, أَلَيَانَةٌ, (T, M, K, [in the CK اَلْيَانَةٌ,]) fem. of أَلَيَانٌ; (T;) and ↓ أَلْيَآءٌ, (T, S, M, K,) fem. of آلَى: (T, S:) and in like manner these epithets [masc. and fem. respectively, آلَى, however, being omitted in the M,] are applied to a man and to a woman; (M, K;) or, accord. to Aboo-Is-hák, (M,) آلَى is applied to a man, and عَجْزَآءُ to a woman, but not أَلْيَآءُ, (S, M,) though [it is asserted that] some say this, (S,) Yz saying so, accord. to A 'Obeyd, (IB,) but A 'Obeyd has erred in this matter: (M:) the pl. is أُلْىٌ, (T, S, M, K, [in the CK erroneously written with fet-h to the ا,]) pl. of آلَى, (T, S, M,) or of آلٍ; of the former because an epithet of this kind is generally of the measure أَفْعَلُ, or of the latter after the manner of بُزْلٌ as pl. of بَازِلٌ, and عُودٌ as pl. of عَائِدٌ; (M;) applied to rams (T, S M) and to ewes, (T, S,) and to men and to women; (M, K) and أَلَيَانَاتٌ, (S, M, K, [in the CK اَلْيانات,]) pl. of أَلَيَانَةٌ, (TA,) [but] applied to rams (S) [as well as ewes], or to women, (M, K,) and, also applied to women, إِلَآءٌ, (M, and so in a copy of the K, [in the CK اَلآء,]) or آلَآءٌ, (so in some copies of the K, and in the TA,) with medd, pl. of أَلًى, (TA,) and أَلَايَا, (K,) pl. of أَلْيَانُ. (TA.) أُلَآءِ and هؤُلَآءِ and هؤُلَآءٍ and الأُلَآُءِ: see أُلَى.

أَلِىُ, mentioned in this art. in the K: see art. الو: A2: and see also أَلَيَانٌ.

أُلَيَّا and أُلَيَّآءِ and هؤُلَيَّآءِ: see أُلَى.

أَلَّآءٍ A man who sells fat, which is termed الأَلْيَةُ. (M.) أُلَّاكَ: see أُلَى.

آلٌ: see أَلَيَانٌ.

آلٍ: see أَلَيَانٌ.

آلَى, and its fem. أَلْيَآءُ: see أَلَيَانٌ, in two places.


(مَغَلَ) الْمِيمُ وَالْغَيْنُ وَاللَّامُ أَصْلَانِ صَحِيحَانِ، أَحَدُهُمَا يَدُلُّ عَلَى دَاءٍ وَفَسَادٍ، وَالْآخَرُ ضَرْبٌ مِنَ النِّتَاجِ.

الْأَوَّلُ الْمَغَلُ: وَجَعُ الْبَطْنِ، وَيَكُونُ فِي الدَّوَابِّ عَنْ أَكْلِ التُّرَابِ وَأَمْغَلُوا: أَصَابَ إِبِلَهُمْ ذَلِكَ الدَّاءُ.

وَمِنَ الْبَابِ الْإِمْغَالُ: إِفْسَادٌ بَيْنَ النَّاسِ، وَالْوِشَايَةُ ; وَهُوَ الْمَغْلُ أَيْضًا. وَيُقَالُ إِنَّهُ صَاحِبُ مَغَالَةٍ، إِذَا فَعَلَ ذَلِكَ.

وَالْأَصْلُ الْآخَرُ الْإِمْغَالُ فِي الْغَنَمِ وَغَيْرِهَا، وَهُوَ أَنْ تُنْتَجَ فِي السَّنَةِ مَرَّتَيْنِ. يُقَالُ: عَنْزٌ مَغْلَةٌ مِنْ ذَلِكَ، وَغَنَمٌ مِغَالٌ. وَيُقَالُ الْمُمْغِلُ مِنَ النِّسَاءِ: الَّتِي تَحْمِلُ قَبْلَ فِطَامِ الصَّبِيِّ. وَاللَّهُ أَعْلَمُ بِالصَّوَابِ. 



1 أَرَشَهُ, (TA,) aor. ـُ (TK,) inf. n. أَرْشٌ, (K, TA,) He scratched with the nails, or lacerated, him, [a man,] or it, [the skin, or (as in the TK) the face,] little or much, so as to bring blood or not; syn. خَدَشَهُ. (K, * TA.) [This signification is probably derived from أَرْشٌ as syn. with تَأْرِيشٌ, in which sense it seems to be the inf. n. of an obsolete verb.]

A2: أَرَشَهُ, (TA,) inf. n. as above, (K, TA,) He gave him (K, * TA) the fine, or mulct, for a wound. (TA.) b2: أَرَشُوهُ, inf. n. as above, They sold the milk of their camels for the water of his well. (Sgh.) A3: أُرِشَ, like عُنِىَ, (Sgh,) inf. n. as above, (Sgh, K,) He sought to obtain, or demanded, the fine, or mulct, for a wound. Sgh, K. *) 2 أرّش بَيْنَ القَوْمِ, (S, L, Msb,) and بَيْنَ الرَّجُلَيْنِ, (TA,) inf. n. تَأْرِيشٌ, (S, Msb,) He made mischief; or excited disorder, disturbance, disagreement, discord, dissension, strife, or quarrelling; (S, L, Msb, TA;) between, or among, the people, or company of men, (S, L, Msb,) and between the two men: (TA:) accord. to some, its original is حَرَّشَ. (Msb.) b2: And ارّش النَّارَ, inf. n. as above, He kindled the fire; or made it to burn: (S, K:) and in like manner, الحَرْبَ (assumed tropical:) war, or the war. (S.) 8 آئْتَرِشْ [written with the disjunctive alif اِيتَرِشْ] Take thou from him the fine, or mulct, for thy خُمَاشَة, q. v. (K.) b2: آئْتَرَشَ لِلْخُمَاشَةِ [He surrendered himself to pay the fine, or mulct, for the injury termed خُمَاشَة,] is like اِسْتَسْلَمَ لِلْقِصَاصِ. (K.) أَرْضٌ The making mischief; or exciting disorder, disturbance, disagreement, discord, dissension, strife, or quarrelling; [like تَأْرِيشٌ; see 2, and see also 1;] syn. فَسَادٌ [in the sense of إِفْسَادٌ]; (Msb;) and إِغْرَآءٌ. (K.) b2: Disagreement, discord, or dissension; and contention, or altercation: you say, بَيْنَهُمَا أَرْشٌ Between them two is disagreement, &c. (K.) A2: A fine, or mulct, for a wound: (S, Mgh, Msb, K:) from the first of the significations in this paragraph; (Msb;) or from its being one of the causes of contention, or altercation; or, accord. to AM, from the same word as inf. n. of أَرُوشٌ in the first of the senses explained in this art.; accord. to IF, originally هَرْشٌ: (TA:) pl. أُرُوشٌ. (Mgh, Msb.) Hence the saying mentioned by IAar, اِنْتَظِرْنِى حَتَّى

تَعْقِلَ فَلَيْسَ لَكَ عِنْدَنَا أَرْشٌ إِلَّا الأَسِنَّةُ [Wait thou for me until thou accept a fine for a wound in lieu of retaliation; for thou hast no compensation for a wound to receive from us except the spearheads]: meaning, thou shalt not slay a man for whom we will ever give bloodwit. (L, TA.) b2: What is diminished [of the price] by reason of a defect in a garment or piece of cloth: as being a cause of contention, or altercation. (K, * TA.) b3: What is payed [by way of adjustment of the difference] between freedom from defect and defect in an article of merchandise: (KT, K:) for when the purchaser of a garment or piece of cloth as being free from defect discovers in it a hole or other defect, contention ensues between him and the seller. (TA.) b4: A bribe. (Aboo-Nahshal, Sh, K.) مَأْرُوشٌ Scratched with the nails, or lacerated, little or much, so as to bleed or not. Ru-beh says,
فَقُلْ لِذَاكَ المُزْعَجِ المَحْنُوشِ
أَصْبِحٌ فَمَا مِنْ بَشَرٍ مَأْرُوشِ Then say thou to that man who is disquieted by envy, and as though he were stung, Act thou gently, for [there is no scarf-skin scratched; meaning,] my honour is uninjured, having in it no defect nor scratch. (L, * TA.)


بفتح أوله وثانيه، وسكون الراء، وميم، معناه بكلام الروم المدينة: وهي أعظم مدينة في جزيرة صقلية في بحر المغرب على شاطئ البحر، قال ابن حوقل: بلرم مدينة كبيرة سورها شاهق منيع مبني من حجر وجامعها كان بيعة وفيها هيكل عظيم، وسمعت بعض المنطقيّين يقول: إنّ أرسطوطاليس معلّق في خشبة في هيكلها، وكانت النصارى تعظّم قبره وتستشفي به لاعتقاد اليونان فيه، فعلّقوه توسّلا إلى الله به، قال: وقد رأيت خشبة في هذا الهيكل معلّقة يوشك أن يكون فيها، قال: وفي بلرم والخالصة والحارات المحيطة بها ومن وراء سورها من المساجد نيف وثلاثمائة مسجد، وفي محالّ كانت تلاصقها وتتصل بها وبوادي عباس مجاورة المكان المعروف بالمعسكر، وهو في ضمن البلد إلى المنزل المعروف بالبيضاء قرية تشرف على المدينة من نحو فرسخ مائتا مسجد، قال وقد رأيت في بعض الشوارع من بلرم على مقدار رمية سهم عشرة مساجد بعضها تجاه بعض وبينها عرض الطريق فقط، فسألت عن ذلك فقيل لي: إنّ القوم لشدة انتفاخ رؤوسهم وقلّة عقولهم يحبّ كلّ واحد منهم أن يكون له مسجد على حدة لا يصلّي فيه غيره ومن يختصّ به، وربما كان أخوان وداراهما متلاصقتان وقد عمل كلّ واحد منهما مسجدا لنفسه خاصّا به يتفرّد به عن أخيه والأب عن ابنه، قال: ومدينة بلرم مستطيلة وسوقها قد أخذ من شرقها إلى غربها، وهو سوق يعرف بالسماط مفروش بالحجارة، وتطيف بالمدينة عيون من شرقها إلى غربها، وماؤها يدير رحى، وشرب بعض أهلها من آبار عذبة وملحة على كثرة المياه العذبة الجارية عندهم والعيون، والذي يحملهم على ذلك قلّة مروءتهم وعدم فطنتهم وكثرة أكلهم البصل، فذاك الذي أفسد أدمغتهم وقلّل حسّهم، وذكر يوسف بن إبراهيم في كتاب أخبار الأطبّاء: قال بعض الأطبّاء وقد قال له رجل إني إذا أكلت البصل لا أحسّ بملوحة الماء، فقال: إنّ خاصيّة البصل إفساد الدماغ فإذا فسد الدماغ فسدت الحواسّ، فالبصل إنما يقلّل حسّك لملوحة الماء لما أفسد من الدماغ، قال:
ولهذا لا ترى في صقلية عالما ولا عاقلا بالحقيقة بفنّ من العلوم ولا ذا مروءة ودين بل الغالب عليهم الرّقاعة والضّعة وقلة العقل والدين، وقال أبو الفتح نصر الله بن عبد الله بن قلاقس الإسكندري:
وركب، كأطراف الأسنّة، عرّسوا ... على مثل أطراف السيوف الصّوارم
لأمر على الإسلام فيه تحيّف، ... يخيف عليه أنه غير سالم
وقالوا: بلرم عند إبرام أمرهم، ... فنجّمت أن قد صادفوا جود حاتم
قد سعى بي الوشاة نحو علاه، ... فسعوا لي، فلا عدمت الوشاتا
حرّكوا لي الشّباة منهم، وظنّوا ... أنهم حرّكوا عليّ الشباتا
فدعا من بلرم حجّي فلبّي ... ت، وكانت سرقوسة الميقاتا
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