Q. 4 اِسْلَحَبَّ It was, or became, right, direct, rightly directed, straight, or even. (S, K.) b2: It (a road) was extended: (S:) or conspicuous and extended. (K.) b3: [And app. It was, or became, spread out, or expanded: see the part n., below.]سُلْحُوبٌ A woman who cares not for what she does nor for what is said to her. (AA, TA.) مُسْلِحَبٌّ Right, direct, rightly directed, straight, or even: (S, K:) like مُتْلَئِبٌّ. (TA.) b2: Extended: (S:) or conspicuous and extended: (K:) applied to a road: (S, K:) like مُطْلَحِبٌّ. (L.) b3: I. q. مُنْبَطِحٌ [app. as meaning Spread out, or expanded]. (TA.) b4: ظَلَّ يَوْمَنَا مُسَْحِبًّا means Our day was, or became, one of protracted journeying. (L, TA.)