هَنَبٌ [probably an inf. n., of which the verb is هَنِبَ, aor. ـَ Weakness of understanding; want of discrimination; stupidity; foolishness; littleness of sense. (S.) هَنَبَى &c.: see هُنَّبَاءُ.
هُنَّبَاءُ (incorrectly written by J, in a verse which he quotes, هَنْبَاءُ, K, TA; but in an old and excellent copy of the S, I find the word written هَنَباءُ;]) and هُنَّبَى (K) and هَنَبَاءُ and ↓ هَنَبَى (IDrd, K) A woman of weak understanding; without discrimination; stupid; foolish; of little sense: (S, K:) accord. to some, as mentioned in a note by Aboo-Zekereeya, in the S, in this art., هُنَبَى signifies an insane woman; or one possessed by a jinnee. (TA.) هُنَّبَاءُ is the only word of the measure فُعَّلَاءُ known to Az. (TA.) Accord. to the K, IDrd writes إِمْرَأَةٌ هَنَبَاءُ and هَنَبَى: but this is [thought to be] a mistake: he gives the two forms هُنَّبَاءُ and هُنَّبَى, as stated by IM and others; and, app., هَنَبَى. (TA.) b2: The first and second of these three words also signify A man who is stupid, foolish, or of little sense. (K.) مِهْنَبٌ Exceedingly stupid, or foolish. (IAar, Az, K.)