Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
4361. نظف18 4362. نظم16 4363. نعب15 4364. نعت15 4365. نعث7 4366. نعج144367. نعر16 4368. نعس17 4369. نعش15 4370. نعظ9 4371. نعق16 4372. نعل18 4373. نعم24 4374. نعو7 4375. نغ2 4376. نغب12 4377. نغت5 4378. نغث3 4379. نغر16 4380. نغص13 4381. نغض16 4382. نغف13 4383. نغق12 4384. نغل16 4385. نغم13 4386. نغو5 4387. نفأ7 4388. نفت9 4389. نفث19 4390. نفج14 4391. نفخ16 4392. نفد17 4393. نفذ20 4394. نفر21 4395. نفز10 4396. نفس22 4397. نفش19 4398. نفض18 4399. نفط16 4400. نفع15 4401. نفق22 4402. نفل21 4403. نفى5 4404. نقب25 4405. نقت7 4406. نقث9 4407. نقح16 4408. نقخ10 4409. نقد16 4410. نقذ16 4411. نقر20 4412. نقرس11 4413. نقز15 4414. نقس18 4415. نقش17 4416. نقص20 4417. نقض21 4418. نقط14 4419. نقع20 4420. نقف14 4421. نقل17 4422. نقلس2 4423. نقم18 4424. نقه14 4425. نقى2 4426. نكأ11 4427. نكب17 4428. نكت15 4429. نكث18 4430. نكح15 4431. نكد17 4432. نكر18 4433. نكز12 4434. نكس20 4435. نكش13 4436. نكص16 4437. نكع10 4438. نكف18 4439. نكل20 4440. نكه15 4441. نكى5 4442. نلج1 4443. نلك5 4444. نم6 4445. نمأ5 4446. نمت4 4447. نمذج5 4448. نمر17 4449. نمس21 4450. نمش16 4451. نمص13 4452. نمط16 4453. نمغ9 4454. نمل19 4455. نمى6 4456. نه1 4457. نهأ8 4458. نهب17 4459. نهت9 4460. نهج18 Prev. 100




1 نَعَجَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. نَعَجٌ (S, K) and نُعُوجٌ, (K,) a verb similar to طَلَبٌ, (S, K,) aor. ـُ inf. n. طَلَبٌ; (S;) so in the handwriting of J; (IB;) or, with reference to a colour, نَعِجَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. نَعَجٌ, a verb like صَخِبَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. صَخَبٌ: (accord-to an insertion in a copy of the S read to IB, TA, [and so in one of M. Fresnel's copies of the S, and in a copy in my possession, and so in the L, in which both forms of the verb are given,]) He, or it, [a colour,] was of a clear, or pure white. (S, L, K.) A2: نَعِجَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. نَعَجٌ, He (a man, Az, or a camel, S) became fat: (T, S, K:) said by AA to occur in a poem of Dhu-r-Rummeh, but not found in his poetry by Sh, who deems it strange: Az, however, confirms it by the authority of an Arab of the desert; and adds, that it signifies he (a man) became fat and in good condition: and he increased, and became swollen, or inflated: and نَهِجَ is said to signify the same. (TA.) b2: نَعِجَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. نَعَجٌ, He (a man, S) became heavy in the stomach (القَلْب) from eating mutton. (S, K.) A3: نَعَجَتْ فِى سَيْرِهَا, (inf. n. نَعْجٌ, L.) She (a camel) was quick, or swift, in her pace: (S, L:) she went with a certain pace: (L:) a dial. form of مَعَجَتْ. (S.) 4 أَنْعَجَ القَوْمُ The people's camels became fat. (S, K.) نَعِجٌ [and ↓ أَنْعَجُ] Of a pure white colour: (L:) [pl. of the latter نُعْجٌ]. b2: نِسَآءٌ نُعْجُ المَحَاجِرِ دُعْجُ النَّوَاظِرِ [Women of a clear white colour in the parts around the eyes; intensely black and wide, in the eyes]. (A.) A2: نَعِجٌ A man heavy in the stomach (القَلْب) from eating mutton: pl. نَعِجُونَ. (S, TA.) نَعْجَةٌ, (S, K,) and ↓ نِعْجَةٌ, accord. to a reading of El-Hasan, وَلِى نِعْجَةٌ وَاحِدَةٌ, [Kur, xxxviii. 22,] (TA,) A ewe; the female of the sheep: (L, K:) also, the female of the wild bull: and, of the gazelle: and, of the wild sheep: (TA:) [but see below:] pl. نِعَاجٌ and نَعَجَاتٌ. (S, K.) b2: نَعْجَةُ الرَّمْلِ The [wild] cow: pl. نِعَاجُ الرَّمْلِ: no other wild animal but the cow (accord. to A 'Obeyd, S,) is thus called: (S, K:) [but see above]. The Arabs speak of gazelles as though they were goats, terming the male تَيْسٌ; and of wild bulls or cows as though they were sheep, terming the female نَعْجَةٌ. (AAF.) b3: Also نَعْجَةٌ (tropical:) A woman; as likewise شَاةٌ. (TA.) نِعْجَةٌ: see نَعْجَةٌ.

نَاعِجٌ A camel of beautiful colour, and highly esteemed. (TA.) نَاعِجَةٌ A she-camel of beautiful colour: (TA:) or a white she-camel, (S, K,) of generous race: (TA:) a swift she-camel: a she-camel upon which one hunts wild cows: (S, K:) such is of the kind called مَهْرِيَّةٌ: (IJ:) or one that is light, or active: (TA:) pl. نَوَاعِجُ. (S.) b2: نَاعِجَةٌ also A woman of beautiful complexion, or colour. (TA.) A2: أَرْضٌ نَاعِجَةٌ Plain, or even, land, (S, K,) fertile, and producing the kind of tree called رِمْث. (Aboo-Kheyreh.) أَنْعَجُ: see نَعِجٌ.
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