Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
3601. كد5 3602. كدأ7 3603. كدب7 3604. كدح18 3605. كدر18 3606. كدس173607. كدش10 3608. كدم16 3609. كذ5 3610. كذب22 3611. كذبن1 3612. كذنق4 3613. كر5 3614. كرب21 3615. كربح4 3616. كربس11 3617. كربق3 3618. كرت10 3619. كرتب4 3620. كرتح4 3621. كرث14 3622. كرثأ4 3623. كرج9 3624. كرد11 3625. كردح5 3626. كردم6 3627. كرز15 3628. كرس22 3629. كرش19 3630. كرشب3 3631. كرص6 3632. كرع19 3633. كرفأ5 3634. كرفس10 3635. كرك10 3636. كركب5 3637. كرم21 3638. كرمح4 3639. كرنب6 3640. كره19 3641. كرى6 3642. كز6 3643. كزب8 3644. كزبر8 3645. كس6 3646. كسب18 3647. كسبر3 3648. كست7 3649. كسج10 3650. كسح17 3651. كسحب2 3652. كسد15 3653. كسر18 3654. كسط6 3655. كسف21 3656. كسق2 3657. كسل17 3658. كسو11 3659. كش4 3660. كشأ8 3661. كشب7 3662. كشث9 3663. كشح16 3664. كشر15 3665. كشط18 3666. كشف19 3667. كشك10 3668. كظ5 3669. كظب6 3670. كظر11 3671. كظم19 3672. كعب17 3673. كعبر7 3674. كعت11 3675. كعثب6 3676. كعدب7 3677. كعسب4 3678. كعك8 3679. كعكب2 3680. كعل8 3681. كعم14 3682. كعنب5 3683. كغد6 3684. كغذ3 3685. كف7 3686. كفأ18 3687. كفت16 3688. كفح13 3689. كفر25 3690. كفل22 3691. كفن16 3692. كفهر8 3693. كفى6 3694. ككب5 3695. ككنج1 3696. كل8 3697. كلأ16 3698. كلب20 3699. كلبث5 3700. كلت8 Prev. 100




1 كَدَسَهُ, (A, Msb, TA,) aor. ـِ (Msb,) inf. n. كَدْسٌ, (Msb, TA,) He collected it together; (A, TA;) made it into a كُدْس, accumulated, heaped, or piled up, one part upon another; (Msb;) namely, wheat, (A,) or reaped grain; (Msb, TA;) [and in like manner, (tropical:) money, and clothes, &c.: and so ↓ كدّس, inf. n. تَكْدِيسٌ; but this has an intensive signification, or applies to many objects: see مُكَدَّسٌ, below.]

A2: كَدَسَتِ الخَيْلُ, (A, Msb,) [aor. ـِ inf. n. كَدْسٌ, (Msb,) (tropical:) The horses followed closely one upon another: (Msb:) or collected themselves together, and followed closely one upon another; as also ↓ تكدّست: (A:) or كَدْسٌ signifies the going quickly of one who is heavily laden: (S, K:) and كَدَسَتِ الخَيْلُ the horses went quickly, being heavily laden: (S:) and كَدَسَتِ الإِبِلُ the camels went quickly, with heaviness, and followed closely one upon another: (TA:) or [simply] went quickly: (Fr:) ↓ تَكَدُّسٌ also signifies the walking, or going, quickly: (IAar, K:) and الفَرَسُ ↓ تكدّس the horse went as though he were heavily laden: (S:) or ↓ تَكَدُّسٌ signifies the walking, or going, like him who is short and thick: (TA:) and the moving about the shoulder-joints, and erecting the part between the paps, (but instead of وَيَنْصِبَ مَا بَيْنَ ثَدْيَيْهِ, we find in some copies وَيَنْصَبُّ إِلَى مَا بَيْنَ يَدَيْهِ [and descending towards the place before him], TA,) when walking, or going along, (K, TA,) as though one were going away at random; and thus the mountain-goats go: so accord. to IAar: (TA:) and الإِنْسَانُ ↓ تكدّس the man was pushed from behind, and fell down. (TA.) 2 كَدَّسَ see 1, first part.5 تكدّس It (wheat, A, or reaped grain, TA, [&c.,]) became collected together. (A, TA.) A2: See also 1, in five places.

كُدْسٌ Reaped grain collected together; [a heap thereof;] (A, K;) as also ↓ كُدَّاسٌ, like رُمَّانٌ: (Ibn-'Abbád and A, Sgh, K:) or what is collected together, of wheat, (S, * Msb,) in the place where it is trodden out: (Msb:) when trodden out and thrashed, it is called عَرَمَةٌ and صُبْرَةٌ: or, as Az says, in one place in the T, on the authority of IAar, كُدْسٌ and بَيْدَرٌ and عَرَمَةٌ and شَغْلَةٌ are all one: and in another place he says, that كُدْسٌ signifies a collection of wheat: and in like manner, (assumed tropical:) what is collected [or heaped] together, of money, and of other things: (Msb:) or (assumed tropical:) of dates, (TA,) and (tropical:) of money, (A, TA,) and the like, (TA,) and (tropical:) of clothes: (A, TA:) also, (assumed tropical:) a large heap of sand, of which one part does not separate from another: (En-Nadr:) and ↓ كُدَاسٌ, like غُرَابٌ, what is collected together, or heaped up, of snow: and ↓ كُدَاسَةٌ, what is collected together, and heaped up, one part upon another: (K:) the pl. of كُدْسٌ is أَكْدَاسٌ. (S, A, Msb.) كُدَاسٌ and كُدَاسَةٌ: see كُدْسٌ كُدَّاسٌ: see كُدْسٌ كُدْسٌ مُكَدَّسٌ [What is collected together, of wheat, &c., heaped up much]. (Msb.) You say also عِنْدَهُ مِنْ دَرَاهِمَ وَثِيَابٍ كُدْسٌ مُكَدَّسٌ (tropical:) [He has, of money, and of clothes, a collection heaped up much]: and أَكْدَاسٌ مُكَدَّسَةٌ (tropical:) [collections heaped up]. (A, TA.)
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