88791. روينع1 88792. رويه1 88793. رُوَيْهق1 88794. رويي1 88795. رويين1 88796. رى188797. رَيَ1 88798. رِيّ1 88799. رَيُّ الأَرْضِ1 88800. ريأ4 88801. رَيَّأَهُ1 88802. رَيّا1 88803. رَيَّا1 88804. ريا5 88805. رَيَا1 88806. رِيَاء1 88807. رياء2 88808. رِيَاحٌ1 88809. رِيَاح1 88810. رِيَاحِيّ1 88811. رَيّاحِي1 88812. رِيادا1 88813. رِياز1 88814. رَيَّاس1 88815. رياسة1 88816. رِياست1 88817. رِياش ثمينة1 88818. رَيَّاصي1 88819. رِيَاض1 88820. رياض القَطا1 88821. رياضة1 88822. رِيَاضَتْ1 88823. رِياضنة1 88824. رِيَاضِيّ1 88825. رياضيّاتيّ1 88826. رِيَاطِيّ1 88827. رِيَاعٌ1 88828. رِيَاع1 88829. رَيَّاعي1 88830. رِياعيّ1 88831. ريَّاف1 88832. رِياف1 88833. ريَّاقة1 88834. رِيالا بك1 88835. ريالات1 88836. رَيَانُ1 88837. رَيّانُ1 88838. رَيّان1 88839. رَيَّانًا1 88840. رَيَّانة1 88841. رَيَّانِي1 88842. رَيَّانِين1 88843. ريايفي1 88844. ريب19 88845. رَيَبَ1 88846. رَيْب1 88847. رَيْبٍ1 88848. رَيَبَ 1 88849. ريباس2 88850. ريبكي1 88851. رِيبُورْتَاج1 88852. ريبول1 88853. رَيّةُ1 88854. رِيَّة1 88855. رَيَّة1 88856. ريتا1 88857. ريتار1 88858. ريتينج1 88859. رَيْث1 88860. ريث16 88861. رَيَثَ1 88862. رَيَثَ 1 88863. ريثا1 88864. رَيّثة1 88865. رَيْثة1 88866. ريجيم1 88867. رَيِّح1 88868. ريح9 88869. رِيحٌ1 88870. رِيح شَدِيد1 88871. رَيَحَ 1 88872. رِيحاء1 88873. رِيحاب1 88874. رَيْحان1 88875. رَيْحَانُ1 88876. رِيحان1 88877. رَيْحَانٌ1 88878. ريحان الدين1 88879. رَيْحَانَة1 88880. رَيْحَانِيّ1 88881. رِيحون1 88882. ريحي1 88883. رِيحيّة1 88884. رِيخُ1 88885. ريخ5 88886. ريخَ1 88887. رَيَخَ 1 88888. رِيخَشْن1 88889. ريخه1 88890. ريد9 Prev. 100




ى1 رَيَيْتُ and ↓ رَيَّيْتُ, inf. n. of the former رَىٌّ and of the latter تَرْيِيَةٌ, are both of them verbs relating to الرَّايَةُ: (T:) you say, الرَّايَةَ ↓ رَيَّيْتُ [and رَيَيْتُهَا] I made the رَايَة [q. v.]: (M, TA:) the imperative of رَيَيْتُ is اِرْيَهْ, and that of ↓ رَيَّيْتُ is رَيِّهْ: and the pass. part. ns. are ↓ مَرْيِىٌّ and ↓ مُرَىٌّ, each applied to a banner. (T.) 2 رَىَّ3َ see 1, in three places.

A2: You say also, رَيَّيْتُ رَآءً I made a ر; (M;) or I wrote a ر. (TA in باب الالف الليّنة.) 4 أَرْيَيْتُ الرَّايَةَ; accord. to Lh, أَرْأَيْتُهَا, [and so in the K, (see 1 in art. رأى, near the end of the paragraph,]) but [ISd says,] I hold that this is anomalous, and that it is properly only أَرْيَيْتُهَا; I stuck, or fixed, [into the ground,] the banner, or standard. (M, TA.) 8 اِرْتَيْتُهُ, [as though a contraction of اِرْتَيَيْتُهُ,] for اِرْتَأَيْتُهُ: see رَأَى, first signification.10 اِسْتَرَيْتُهُ, [as though a contraction of اِسْتَرْيَيْتُهُ, like as اِسْتَحَيْتُ is a contraction of اِسْتَحْيَيْتُ,] for اِسْتَرْأَيْتُهُ: see رَأَى, first signification.

رَىٌّ, said in the CK, in art. رأى, to be a pl. of رَأْىٌ: see this latter word.

رُىٌّ: see art. روى.

A2: It is also said in the K, in art. رأى, to be pl. of رَأْىٌ: see this latter word.

رِىٌّ: see art. روى

A2: It is also said in the K, in art. رأى, to be a pl. of رَأْىٌ: see this latter word. b2: Also Beauty of aspect; (K; and M in art. روى;) accord. to him who holds it to be without ء; said by AAF to mean beauty as implying نَمْعَةٌ [and therefore belonging to art. روى]. (M in art. روى. [See also رِئْىٌ, in art. رأى.]) رِيَةٌ: see رِئَةٌ, in art. رأى.

رِيًا: see رِئْىٌ, in art. رأى.

رِيَّةٌ an inf. n. of رَأَى [q. v.]. (T, M, K; all in art. رأى.) رَيَّا: see art. روى.

رُيَّا: see رُؤْيَا, in art. رأى.

رِيَّا: see رُؤْيَا, in art. رأى.

رِيًّا: see رِئْىٌ, in art. رأى.

رَيَّانُ: see art. روى.

رَاىٌ: see what next follows.

رَايَةٌ, (T, S, M, Msb, K,) and رَآءَةٌ, mentioned by Sb on the authority of Abu-l-Khattáb, the ا of رَايَةٌ, though a substitute for the medial radical, [i. e. ى,] being likened by him to the augmentative ا, and therefore the final radical is made ء, like as is done in the case of سِقَآءٌ &c., (M,) A banner, or standard, (T, S, M, Msb, K,) of an army: (Msb:) accord. to some, (Msb,) originally with ء, [see رَأْيَةٌ, in art. رأى,] though pronounced by the Arabs without ء; (T, Msb;) but others deny this, and say that it has not been heard with ء: (Msb:) pl. رَايَاتٌ (M, Msb, K) and [coll. gen. n.] ↓ رَاىٌ. (M, K.) b2: Also A قِلَاَدة [app. here meaning collar]: (K:) or a thing that is put upon the neck (Lth, T, M, K) of a runaway male slave, (M, K.) to show that he is a runaway: it is an iron ring, of the size of the neck. (TA.) A2: It is also said to be an inf. n. of رَأَى: see this latter word.

رُيَيَّةٌ dim. of رَايَةٌ. (Lth, T.) قَصِيدَةٌ رَيِّيَّةٌ An ode of which the رَوِىّ [or fundamental rhyme-letter] is ر. (TA in باب الالف الليّنة.) تَرِيَّةٌ and تِرِيَّةٌ: see تَرْئِيَةٌ, in art. رأى.

مُرَىٌّ: see the first paragraph.

مَرْيِىٌّ: see the first paragraph.
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