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Arabic-English Lexicon by Edward William Lane (d. 1876) المعجم العربي الإنجليزي لإدوارد وليام لين
Search results for: وفى
140724. نَيْقَان1 140725. نَيْقَب1 140726. نيقولا1 140727. نيقولاسي1 140728. نيقولاوس1 140729. نيقولاوسي1 140730. نِيقِيَةُ1 140731. نيك11140732. نيكا1 140733. نَيْكَت1 140734. نَيْكَر1 140735. نيكل1 140736. نيكلس1 140737. نيكلسي1
77609. خُجُستانُ1 77610. خُجَسْتَةُ1 77611. خجستن1 77612. خجف4 77613. خَجف1 77614. خَجَلَ1 77615. خَجِل1 77616. خجل1677617. خَجِلَ1 77618. خَجل1 77619. خَجِلَ 1 77620. خجله1 77621. خجم3 77622. خَجم1
1 خَجِلَ, (S, Msb, K, &c.,) aor. ـَ (K,) inf. n. خَجَلٌ, (S, Msb, &c.,) but not خَجَالَةٌ, [though authorized by the KL, in my copy of which I find it thus written (not خِجَالَةٌ as written by Golius),] for this is a vulgar mistake for خَجَلَةٌ or خَجْلٌ, (Mgh, [so in my copy, but correctly ↓ خَجَلَةٌ (which may be either a simple subst. or an inf. n. of un.) or خَجَلٌ,]) He was, or became, confounded, or perplexed, and unable to see his right course, by reason of shame: (S, O:) or he was, or became, ashamed, and confounded, or perplexed, and unable to see his right course, (T, M, K,) [or, simply, ashamed, (see خَجِلٌ,)] in consequence of a deed that he had done: (T, M, TA:) thus الخَجَلُ has a more particular signification than الحَيَآءُ: (TA:) or it is like الاِسْتِحْيَآءُ. (Msb.) b2: And He remained silent, (T, K,) or still, (M,) not speaking nor moving. (K.) b3: and He was, or became, in a confused and dubious case, (JK, M, * K, *) so that he knew not how to extricate himself from it. (M, K.) b4: Also, said of a camel, (tropical:) He went in mud, and became like him who is confounded, or perplexed, and unable to see his right course: (JK, * M, K, TA:) or he stuck fast in mire. (T, TA.) b5: And in like manner, (assumed tropical:) He became agitated, or convulsed, or he struggled, or floundered, with his load: (JK:) or خَجِلَ بِالْحِمْلِ he was oppressed by the load, (K, TA,) so that he was agitated, or convulsed, or he struggled, or floundered, beneath it. (TA.) b6: And, said of a plant, or of herbage, (tropical:) It was, or became, tall, and tangled, or luxuriant, or abundant and dense; (ISd, K, TA;) and so ↓ اخجل said of the kind of trees termed حَيْض. (JK, K.) b7: [And, as inf. n. of خَجِلَ,] خَجَلٌ also signifies The bearing richness ill; as when, being rich, one exults, or exults greatly or excessively, and behaves insolently and unthankfully: (S, * K:) or the taking a wide, or an ample, range, or being profuse, when rich. (TA.) It is related in a trad. that he [Mohammad] said to the women, إِذَا جُعْتُنَّ وَ إِذَا شَبِعْتُنَّ خَجِلْتُنَّ, (S, * TA,) i. e. When ye are hungry, ye become lowly, humble, or submissive, and cleave to the dust, or earth; (S and TA in art. دقع;) or ye bear poverty ill: (TA in the present art.;) and when ye are satiated, [ye bear richness ill; or] ye exult, or exult greatly or excessively, and behave insolently and unthankfully. (S in the present art.) [See also a verse of El-Kumeyt cited in the first paragraph of art. دقع.] b8: And i. q. بَرَمٌ [The being affected with disgust, loathing, or aversion; the being vexed, grieved, disquieted by grief, &c.] (K, TA. [In the CK, البَرْمُ is erroneously put for البَرَمُ.]) b9: And The being remiss in seeking subsistence. (K.) b10: And The being lazy, or indolent: (Az, ISd, K:) from the verb in the sense explained in the second sentence of this paragraph. (TA.) b11: And i. q. [The being bad, corrupt, &c.]. (M, K.) b12: Also, in a shirt, (assumed tropical:) The being much slit, or rent, in the lower parts, or skirts. (Fr, K.) 2 خَجَّلَ see what next follows.4 اخجلهُ (S, Msb, K) i. q. ↓ خجّلهُ, (Msb, * K, TA,) inf. n. تَخْجِيلٌ; (TA;) He, (S,) or it, namely, an affair, or event, (TA,) caused him to become confounded, or perplexed, and unable to see his right course, by reason of shame: (S in explanation of the former:) [or caused him to become ashamed, and confounded, or perplexed, and unable to see his right course, in consequence of a deed that he had done: (see 1:)] or he said to him خَجِلْتَ. (Msb. [But it is not clear whether this meaning be there assigned to both of these verbs, or only to the latter of them.]) A2: See also 1.خَجِلٌ part. n. of خَجِلَ; (Msb;) [Confounded, or perplexed, and unable to see his right course, by reason of shame: or ashamed, and confounded, or perplexed, and unable to see his right course, in consequence of a deed that he has done: or, simply,] ashamed. (S, Msb. *) b2: [Other meanings are shown by explanations of the verb.]
b3: Applied to herbage, (tropical:) Tall, (K, TA,) and tangled, or luxuriant, or abundant and dense, and goodly, and ISd adds, full-grown: and ↓ مُخْجِلٌ [in like manner], applied to the kind of trees termed حَمْض, dense, or tangled, and tall: or, applied to herbage, or pasturage, wide, abundant, full-grown, that detains one so that he stays among it, not passing beyond. (TA.) b4: And, applied to a place, and a valley, (assumed tropical:) Abounding with tangled, or luxuriant, or abundant and dense, herbage: (S:) or, applied to a valley, (JK, K,) as also ↓ مُخْجِلٌ, (K,) (tropical:) exceedingly abundant in herbage: (K, TA:) or tangled, or luxuriant, or abundant and dense, therewith; (JK, K, TA;) resounding with the humming of flies. (JK.) b5: Also, applied to a garment, (assumed tropical:) Wide and long: (ISh, K:) or ample: or such that the wearer is impeded and clogged therein: (TA:) and, so applied, (assumed tropical:) old, and worn out: (K:) or (assumed tropical:) much slit, or rent, in the lower parts, or skirts. (Fr, TA.) b6: And, applied to a جُلّ [or horse-cloth, or covering for a beast], (ISh, K,) [or] such as is put upon a camel, (ISh,) That moves to and fro, or from side to side, (ISh, K,) upon the camel, (ISh,) or upon the horse, (K,) by reason of its width. (ISh.) خَجْلَةٌ: see 1: [it seems to be most probably a subst. signifying Confusion, or perplexity, and inability to see one's right course, by reason of shame: or shame, and confusion, or perplexity, and inability to see one's right course, in consequence of a deed that one has done: or simply,] i. q. حَيَآءٌ [shame, or a sense of shame, &c.]. (S.) مُخْجِلٌ: see خَجِلٌ, in two places.
88975. ريكردو1 88976. ريكستان1 88977. ريكنج1 88978. رِيكَنز1 88979. ريل8 88980. رَيَّل1 88981. ريله1 88982. ريم1588983. رَيَمَ1 88984. رِيم1 88985. رَيْم1 88986. رَيَمَ 1 88987. ريماز1 88988. رَيْمَانُ1
1 رَيْمٌ is syn. with بَرَاحٌ; (Lth, T, M, K;) and the verb is رَامَ, aor. ـِ [He went away, or departed; and he quitted a place: and he ceased doing a thing:] (Lth, T, TA:) رَيْمٌ being the inf. n. (TA.) IAar used to say, in relation [or reply] to the saying مَا رِمْتُ [I did not go away, &c., or I have not gone away, &c.], بَلَى قَدْ رِمْتُ [Nay, I did go away, &c., or I have gone away, &c.]: but others use the verb only with a negative particle: (T:) or it is mostly used in negative phrases. (TA.) You say, رَامَهُ, aor. ـِ (S, Mgh,) inf. n. as above, (S,) He went away from it, departed from it, or quitted it; syn. بَرِحَهُ; (S;) or زَالَ مِنْهُ, and فَارَقَهُ; namely, his place. (Mgh.) And رِمْتُ فُلَانًا and رَمْتُ مِنْ عِنْدِ فُلَانٍ[I went away from such a one]: both meaning the same. (S.) And لَا تَرِمْهُ Go not thou away from him, or it; syn. لَاتَبْرَحْهُ. (S.) And مَا رِمْتُ المَكَانَ and مَا رِمْتُ مِنْهُ (M, K) I went not from the place; syn. مَا بَرِحْتُ. (K.) And مَا رِمْتُ أَفْعَلُ ذٰلِكَ (M, * K, * TA) I ceased not doing that; syn. مَا بَرِحْتُ. (TA.) b2: And i. q. تَبَاعُدٌ [The being, or becoming, distant, remote, far off, or aloof; &c.]: (T, K:) [you say,] مَا يَرِيمٌ [He does not become distant, &c.]. (T.) [Accord. to the TK, it is, in this sense, inf. n. of رَامَهُ, aor. as above, meaning He was, or became, distant, &c., from it.] b3: And An inclining, or a leaning, in the load of a camel, (K, TA,) by reason of excess and heaviness thereof. (TA.) One says, لِهٰذَا العِدْلِ رَيْمٌ عَلَى هٰذَا [There is to this side-burden an inclining, or a leaning, by reason of an excess of weight over this: or,] a heaviness [exceeding that of this], by reason of which it inclines, or leans. (TA.) [And accord. to the TK, you say of the load of a camel, رَامَ, meaning It inclined, or leaned.] b4: And The becoming drawn together, of the mouth of a wound, in order to heal; as also رَيَمَانٌ. (K.) [Both are said in the TK to be inf. ns. of رَامَ, aor. as above, said of a wound, meaning Its mouth became drawn together, in order to heal.]
A2: رِيمَ بِهِ i. q. قُطِعَ بِهِ [He was or became, disabled from prosecuting, or unable to prosecute, his journey]. (S, K.) A rájiz says, وَرِيمَ بِالسَّاعِى الَّذِى كَانَ مَعِى
[And the messenger that was with me became disabled from prosecuting his journey]. (S, TA.) 2 ريّم عَلَيْهِ, (T, K,) inf. n. تَرْيِيمٌ, (TA,) He exceeded him; (T, K, TA;) i. e., one man, another; (T;) in journeying, or pace, and the like: from رَيْمٌ as signifying زِيَادَةٌ and فَضْلٌ [i. e.
“ excess,” &c.], or as signifying بَرَاحٌ [expl. above]. (TA.) b2: ريّم بِالمَكَانِ, (ISk, S, M,) inf. n. as above, (ISk, S,) He (a man, ISk, S) remained, stayed, dwelt, or abode, in the place. (ISk, S. M.) And رَيَّمَتِ السَّحَابَةُ فَأَغْضَنَتْ The cloud remained without clearing away [and rained continually]. (S, TA.) b3: And ريّم, inf. n. as above, He journeyed all the day. (TA.) رَيْمٌ Excess, redundance, or superiority; syn. فَضْلٌ, (ISk, T, S, M, K,) and زِيَادَةٌ, (S, K,) which is like فَضْلٌ. (TA.) One says, لِهٰذَا رَيْمٌ عَلَى هٰذَا This has excess, or superiority, (فَضْلٌ, ISk, T,) over this. (ISk, T, S. *) الرَّيْمُ عَلَىالمَزْجُورِ, a phrase used by El-'Ajjáj, means مَنْ زُجِرَ فَعَلَيْهِ الفَضْلُ [which may be rendered He who is chidden, it is incumbent on him to exceed; or he who is chidden is exceeded]: (T, S:) such being always the case; for one is chidden only on account of an affair in which he has fallen short of doing what was requisite. (S.) b2: A thing such as is termed عِلَاوَة [q. v.] between the two side-loads of a camel. (IAar, T, K.) Hence the saying, الرَّيْمُ
أَثْقَلُ عَلَى الدَّوَابِّ مِنَ الحِمْلِ [The additional burden that is put between the two side-loads is more onerous to the beasts than the (usual) load]. (TK) after the flesh of the slaughtered camel has been distributed (T, S) in the game called المَيْسِر, (T,) and which is given to the slaughterer: (M, K:) accord. to Lh, the camel for slaughter is brought, and its owner slaughters it, then puts it upon something laid upon the ground to preserve it from pollution, having divided it into ten portion, namely, the two haunches, and the two thighs, and the rump, and the withers, and the breast, and [the part of the back called] the مَلْحَآء [q. v.], and the two shoulders together with the two arms; then he betakes himself to the طَفَاطِف [or soft parts, such as the flanks, or the soft parts of the belly], and the vertebræ of the neck, and distributes them upon those portions equally; and if there remain a bone, or a small piece of flesh, that is the رَيْم: then the slaughterer waits with it for him who desires it, and he whose arrow wins, his it is; otherwise, it is for the slaughterer. (M, TA.) b3: The last portion of the day-time, extending to the confusedness (اِخْتِلَاط, for which اِخْتِلَاف is erroneously put in the copies of the K, TA) of the darkness. (M, K, TA.) A long [indefinite period such as is termed] سَاعَة: (S, K:) so in the saying, قَدْ بَقِىَ رَيْمٌ مِنَ النَّهَارِ [A long period of the day-time had remained; or, emphatically, remains]. (S.) And نَهَارٌ رَيْمٌ meansA long day or day-time: so in the saying, عَلَيْكَ نَهَارٌ رَيْمٌ [app. meaning A long day is appointed thee for the performance of a work or task]. (Az, T.) A2: Also i. q. دَرَجَةٌ [as meaning A series of stairs:] (IAar, JM, T, S, M, K:) of the dial. of El-Yemen. (S.) Aboo-'Amr Ibn-'Alà says, as related by As, I was in El-Yemen, and I came to the house of a man, inquiring for him, and a man of the house said to me, اُسْمُكْ فِى الرَّيْمِ, meaning اِصْعَدِ الدَّرَجَةِ [Ascend thou the stairs]. (JM, cited in the PS.) b2: And i. q. دُكَّانٌ [meaning A kind of wide bench, of stone or brick; and also a shop]: (M, TA:) likewise of the dial. of El-Yemen. (TA.) b3: And Small mountains. (IAar, T, K.) b4: And A grave: (IAar, T, S, M, K:) or the middle thereof. (M, K.) A3: See also what next follows.
رِيمٌ, (JM, T, PS,) with kesr, (JM, PS,) [accord. to the K, erroneously, ↓ رَيْمٌ, The antilope leucoryx;] a white antelope; (JM, PS;) an antelope (ظَبْىٌ) that is purely white: (IAar, T, K:) written with and without ء: [see رِئْمٌ, in art. رأم:] pl. أَرْآمٌ (JM, PS) [and آرَامٌ].
مَرْيَمٌ A woman who loves the discourse of men, but does not act vitiously or immorally, or commit adultery or fornication. (K.) Also a [female] proper name. (K.) It is said by AA to be of the measure مَفْعَلٌ from رَامَ, aor. ـِ (S, Sgh, Msb, TA:) but some say that, as a proper name, it is arabicized, from مَارِيَة. (TA.)
67110. توثب1 67111. تُوثَةُ1 67112. توثق1 67113. توثيق عرى الإيمان، في تفضيل حبيب ال...1 67114. تَوْثين1 67115. توَج1 67116. تَوَّجُ1 67117. توج1367118. تَوَجَ1 67119. توجأه1 67120. تَوْجاس1 67121. تَوَجَّبَ1 67122. توجب1 67123. تُوجد1
2 توّجهُ He crowned him; invested him with the crown. (S, A, Msb, * K.) b2: He made him a prince, lord, or chief. (Msb, * TA.) b3: (assumed tropical:) He turbaned him; invested him with the turban. (TA.) 5 تتوّج He was, or became, crowned, or invested with the crown. (S, A, K.) [For the verb تَاجَ, in this or a similar sense, mentioned in the Lexicons of Golius and Freytag, in the former as from the K, I find no authority: on the contrary, it is said in the TA that no verb answering to تَائِجٌ has been heard.] b2: He was made, or became, a prince, lord, or chief. (TA.) b3: (assumed tropical:) He was, or became, turbaned, or invested with the turban. (TA.) تَاجٌ A crown; (S, A, K, TA;) i. e. a thing that is made for kings, of gold and jewels; (TA;) peculiar to the عَجَم [or Persians and other foreigners]: (Msb:) [a Persian word:] pl. [of mult.] تِيجَانٌ (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K) and [of pauc.]أَتْوَاجٌ. (TA.) b2: (assumed tropical:) A turban; as being likened to a crown. (TA.) It is said in a trad., (TA,) العَمَائِمُ تِيجَانُ العَرَبِ [Turbans are the crowns of the Arabs]; (S, TA;) i. e. turbans are to the Arabs as crowns to the kings; for the Arabs in the deserts are [or were] mostly bare-headed or wearing قَلَانِس [pl. of قَلَنْسُوَةٌ, q. v.]; turbans among them being few. (TA.) b3: Also Silver. (TA.) [See what next follows.]
تَاجَةٌ An ingot of purified silver: originally تَازَهْ, a Persian word, applied to a dirhem recently coined. (TA.) تَائِجٌ Having a تَاج [i. e. crown, or (assumed tropical:) turban]; an epithet applied to an إِمَام: (K:) it is a possessive epithet, like دَارِعٌ, for we have not heard any verb answering to it. (TA.) مُتَوَّجٌ Crowned; applied to a king: (A, TA:) (assumed tropical:) made a prince, lord, or chief: (assumed tropical:) turbaned. (TA.) مَتَاوِجُ [a pl. of which the sing. is not mentioned,] occurring in the saying of Jendel Er-Rá'ee, وَهُنَّ يَعْمِينَ مِنَ المَلَامِجِ بِقَرِدٍ مُخْرَنْطِمِ المَتَاوِجِ signifies [properly The parts of the head] where one is crowned (حَيْثُ يُتَتَوَّجُ) with the turban: (K,* TA:) [but it is evidently here used in a tropical manner; the poet is speaking of she-camels:] the ملامج are the mouths; [or the parts around the mouths;] and the قَرِد, a word like كَتِف, is the accumulated foam which the camel casts forth from his mouth. (TA.) [It seems that the poet means, And they cast forth, from the parts around the mouth, accumulated foam, elongated in the extremities: مُخْرَنْطِم being app. syn. with مُخَرْطَم, as meaning “ elongated like a خُرْطُوم,” or “ snout. ”]
91799. سَايِمة1 91800. سب3 91801. سبَ1 91802. سِب1 91803. سَبَّ 1 91804. سبء1 91805. سَبَأ1 91806. سبأ1691807. سَبَأَ2 91808. سبئية1 91809. سَبَا1 91810. سبا1 91811. سبّا1 91812. سَبَا صُهَيْب1
أ1 سَبَأَ الخَمْرَ, (S, M, K,) aor. ـَ (M, K,) inf. n. سَبْءٌ (S, M, K) and سِبَآءٌ, (M, K, TA,) like كِتَابٌ, (TA, in the CK سَباء,) [but see سِبَآءٌ below,] and مَسْبَأٌ; (S, K;) and ↓ استبأها; (S, M, K;) He bought wine, syn. شَرَاهَا, (M, K,) which mostly means “ he sold it,” (TA,) or اِشْتَرَاهَا, (S, O,) which is well known as meaning “ he bought it,” wherefore it is here used in the S and O, (TA,) in order that he might drink it: (S, O:) accord. to Ks, (TA,) when you buy wine to carry it to a place, you say, سَبَيْتُ الخَمْرَ, without ء; (S, TA;) and so say the [other] celebrated lexicologists, except Fei, accord. to whom you say in this case [as in others], سَبَأْتُهَا; and it is itself called سَبِيْئَةٌ: (TA:) the verbs are only used, in the sense of buying, in relation to wine. (S, Msb, TA.) [See also art. سبى.] b2: and سَبَأَ الشَّرَابَ He collected the wine in vessels: occurring in this sense in a trad. (Aboo-Moosà, TA.) A2: سَبَأَتْهُ, (M,) or سَبَأَتِ الجِلْدَ, (K,) said of fire, (M, K,) and of whips, (M,) It, or they, burned, or hurt, (M, K,) or, as some say, (M, but in the K “ and,”) altered, (M, K,) him, (M,) or the skin: (K:) and in like manner one says of the sun, and of fever, and of journeying. (M.) b2: And سَبَأْتُهُ بِالنَّارِ I burned him with fire: (Az, S:) or سَبَأَ جِلْدَهُ, inf. n. سَبْءٌ, He burned his skin; or, as some say, stripped it off: (M:) or سَبَأَ الجِلْدَ he burned the skin: and سَبَأَ signifies also he stripped off [skin], or he skinned. (K.) b3: And سَبَأْتُ الرَّجُلَ, (inf. n. سَبْءٌ, TA,) I flogged the man. (S, K. *) A3: سَبَأَ عَلَى يَمِينٍكَاذِبَةٍ, (S, M,) aor. ـَ inf. n. سَبْءٌ, (M,) He passed over a false oath [that he had sworn], not caring for it: (S): or he swore a false oath: and some say, سَبَأَ عَلَى يَمِينٍ, aor. and inf. n. as above, meaning he passed over an oath [that he had sworn], lying. (M.) A4: سَبَأَ is also syn. with صَافَحَ [He took by the hand: &c.]: (O, K:) deemed by MF a strange meaning. (TA.) 4 اسبأ He (a man) was, or became, silent. (Sh, TA in art. رطم.) b2: اسبأ لِأَمْرِ اللّٰهِ He, (M, K,) or his heart, (L,) was, or became, submissive to the decree of God. (M, L, K.) b3: And اسبأ عَلَى الشَّىْءِ His heart became in a bad state, or heavy, (خَبُثَ, [so in the M and in a copy of the K, in the CK and TA خَبَتَ, and thus in my MS. copy of the K, but there altered from خَبُثَ, app. on the authority of the TA, and I think it a mistranscription, although expl. in the TA as meaning اِنْخَضَعَ, which is a signification of أَخْبَتَ, the explanation of اسبأ in the next preceding sentence,]) at the thing. (M, K.) 7 انسبأ It (the skin) was, or became, stripped. off. (S, M.) b2: And It (a person's skin) peeled off, or became abraded. (TA.) 8 إِسْتَبَاَ see 1, first sentence.
سَبَأٌ: see سَبِيْئَةٌ
A2: تَفَرَّقُوا أَيْدِى سَبَا, and أَيَادِى
سَبَا, (M, K,) and with ذَهَبُوا in the place of تفرّقوا, (T, TA,) They became scattered, or dispersed, (K, TA,) and they went away in a state of dispersion, in the ways of Seba, (T, TA,) a people of El-Yemen, who were dispersed in consequence of the inundation of their lands by the bursting of their [famous] dam, (TA,) and who became proverbial on that account: (M, K, TA:) سَبَا is here made indecl., (M, K, TA, [بَنُوهُ in the CK being a mistranscription for بَنَوْهُ, wherefore كما تَبَدَّد has been there interpolated, immediately before بَنُوهُ,]) with the last letter quiescent, and forms, with the preceding word, a compound like خَمْسَةَ عَشَرَ [which implies that we should read أَيْدِى سَبَا and أَيَادِىَسَبَا, but I have never found it thus written]: (TA:) it is not formed from سَبَأَ by suppression of the ء, but is a substitute for that word, (M, K, TA,) on account of the frequent use of this phrase. (M, TA.) [See also art. سبى.]
سُبْأَةٌ A long, or far, journey, (IAar, T, M, K,) that alters one: (IAar, M, TA:) so termed because the sun alters him who makes a long journey. (T, TA. [See 1.]) You say, إِنَّكَ لَتُرِيدُ سُبْأَةً Verily thou desirest a long journey, (IAar, M, K, *) that will alter thee. (IAar, M.) In the case of a short journey, you say, تُرِيدُ سُرْبَةً. (T, TA.) السَّبَئِيَّةُ, (S, and so in a copy of the K,) or ↓ السَّبَائِيَّةُ; (so in another copy of the K and accord. to the CK;) MF says that the former is the correct term, but both are correct; (TA;) Certain of the غُلَاة, (S, K, TA,) i. e. extravagant zealots of the class of innovators; a party of the غُلَاة of the شِيعَة [q. v.]; who are divided into eighteen sects: (TA:) they are so called in relation to Seba (سَبَأ) the father of 'Abd-Allah, (K,) or in relation to 'Abd-Allah Ibn-Seba. (S.) سِبَآءٌ [The purchase of wine;] a subst. from سَبَأَ الخَمْرَ; (S;) or an inf. n. (M, K, TA.) A2: See also سَبِيْئَةٌ, in two places.
سَبِىْءٌ The skin, or slough, of a serpent; (K;) as also سَبِىٌّ; for it is with, and without, ء. (TA.) سَبِيْئَةٌ (S, M, K) and ↓ سِبَآءٌ (M, K) and, accord. to Ks, ↓ سَبَأْ, but the form commonly known is ↓ سِبَآءٌ, with kesr to the س, and with medd, (IAmb, TA,) Wine, (S, M, K,) in an absolute sense; (TA;) or, [as is perhaps meant in the S,] wine that is bought to be drunk, not for merchandise. (Har p. 409, in explanation of the first word.) [See an ex. of the second in a verse of Lebeed cited in art. دكن: and see also سَبِيَّةٌ, in art. سبى.]
السَّبَائِيَّةُ: see السَّبَئِيَّةُ, above.
سَبَّآءٌ A vintner, or seller of wine. (S, M, K.) b2: [It is said in a marginal note in my MS. copy of the K that it signifies also A seller of graveclothes: but this is evidently a mistake, app. occasioned by a mistranscription, for سَيَّآء, with ى.]
مَسْبَأٌ A road (S, K) in a mountain. (S.)
145655. وَلَعَ 1 145656. وَلِعَانُ1 145657. وَلْعَان1 145658. وَلِعَة1 145659. ولعق1 145660. وَلْعو1 145661. وَلَغَ2 145662. ولغ15145663. ولغَ1 145664. وَلَغَ 1 145665. وَلْغُون1 145666. وَلَفَ1 145667. ولف11 145668. وَلَقَ2
1 وَلَغَ He (a dog) lapped. (S, Msb, K.) See an ex. voce مَحْسُومٌ.85731. رَايِض1 85732. رايف1 85733. رَايقي1 85734. رايل1 85735. رايموند1 85736. رايناس1 85737. ربّ1 85738. رب685739. رُبَّ1 85740. رَبُّ المال1 85741. رُبَّ صوت البلبل1 85742. رُبَّ مالٍ كَثِيرٍ1 85743. رَبَّ 1 85744. ربء1
1 رَبَّهُ, (M, K,) aor. ـُ inf. n. رَبٌّ, (M,) [He was, or became, its رَبّ, or lord, possessor, owner, &c.;] he possessed, or owned, it; had possession of it, and command, or authority, over it; (M, K;) namely, a thing; (K;) syn. مَلَكَهُ. (M, K.) [and in like manner, He was, or became, his رَبّ, or lord, &c.] You say, رَبَبْتُ القَوْمَ, [inf. n. as above and مَرَبَّةٌ and رِبَابَةٌ,] I ruled, or governed, the people; syn. سُسْتُهُمْ; i. e. I was, or became, over them [as their lord, master, or chief]. (S.) and طَالَتْ مَرَبَّتُهُمُ النَّاسَ and رِبَابَتُهُم Their ruling, or governing, the people continued long. (M, K. *) The saying of Safwán, (T, S,) on the day of Honeyn, (T,) لَأَنْ يَرُبَّنِى رَجُلٌ مِنْ قُرَيْشٍ أَحَبُّ إِلَىَّ مِنْ أُنْ يَرُبَّنِى رَجُلٌ مِنْ هَوَازِنَ means [Assuredly that a man of Kureysh] should be over me (T, S) as رَبّ [or lord, &c.], and as master, or chief, having command, or authority, over me, (T,) [is more pleasing to me than that a man of Hawázin should be lord, &c., over me.] b2: Also, (S, M, Mgh, K,) aor. ـُ (S, M,) inf. n. رَبٌّ, (S, Mgh, M,) He reared, fostered, brought up, fed, or nourished, him; i. q. رَبَّاهُ; (S, M, Mgh, K;) namely, his child, (S,) or a child, (M, K,) either his own or another's; taking good care of him, and acting as his guardian, (M,) until he attained to puberty, or to the utmost term of youth: (M, K:) and so ↓ ربّبهُ, (Lh, S, M, Mgh, K,) or this has a more emphatic signification, (TA,) inf. n. تَربِيبٌ (Lh, M, Mgh, K) and تَرِبَّةٌ; (Lh, M, K;) and ↓ تربّبه; (S, M, K;) and ↓ ارتبّهُ: (M, K:) [in like manner, also,] ↓ رَبْرَبَ signifies he reared, fostered, or brought up, an orphan: (AA, T:) and accord. to IDrd, (M,) رَبِبْتُهُ is a dial. var. [of رَبَبْتُهُ]: (M, K:) he says also that the verb is used in like manner in relation to the young one of an animal other than man; and he used to cite this ex.: كَانَ لَنَا وَهْوَ فَلُوٌّ نِرْبِبُهْ [He belonged to us when he was a young weaned, or one-year-old, colt, we rearing him]; with the letter characteristic of the aor. meksoor, to show that the second letter of the preterite is meksoor, accord to the opinion of Sb in respect of a case of this kind; and this, he says, is peculiar to the dial. of Hudheyl in this species of verb. (M, TA.) رَبَّتِ المَرْأَةُ صَبِيَّهَا, used tropically, means (tropical:) The woman patted her child repeatedly on its side in order that it might sleep. (A, TA.) [See 2 in art. ربت.] [It is said that] the primary signification of الرَّبُّ is التَّرْبِيَةُ; i. e. The bringing a thing to a state of completion by degrees. (Bd in i. l.) A poet says, (S,) namely, Hassán Ibn-Thábit, (TA,) مِنْ دُرَّةٍ بَيْضَآءَ صَافِيَةٍحَائِرُ البَحْرِ ↓ مِمَّا تَرَبَّبَ [Than a white, clear, pearl, of those which the depth of the sea has brought to maturity]; meaning a pearl which the shell has reared, or brought to maturity in the bottom of the water. (S, TA.) And the phrase لَكَ نِعْمَةٌ تَرُبُّهَا occurs in a trad., meaning [Thou hast wealth] which thou preservest, and of which thou takest care, and which thou fosterest like as the man fosters his child. (TA.) b3: [Hence,] المَطَرُ يَرُبُّ النَّبَاتَ وَالثَّرَى The rain causes the plants, or herbage, and the moisture [of the earth] to increase. (M.) and السَّحَابُ يَرُبُّ المَطَرَ The clouds collect and increase the rain. (M.) And رَبَّ, (T, S, M, K, TA,) aor. ـُ inf. n. رَبٌّ and رِبَابٌ and رِبَابَةٌ; (Lh, M, TA;) and ↓ ربّب; (M, TA;) (tropical:) He increased, (M, K, TA,) or rightly disposed, and completed, (T, S,) a benefit, or benefaction. (T, S, M, TA.) b4: رَبَّ الأَمْرَ, (M, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ , inf. n. رَبٌّ (M, Msb) and رِبَابَةٌ, (M,) (tropical:) He put the affair into a right, or proper, state; adjusted it, arranged it, ordered it, or rightly disposed it; (M, K;) and established it firmly: (M:) or he managed, conducted, or regulated, the affair: (Msb:) [perhaps from رَبَّ signifying “ he reared,”
&c.; but more probably, I think, from what next follows.] b5: رَبَّ, (T, S, M, K,) aor. ـُ (T, M,) inf. n. رَبُّ (T, M, K) and رُبٌّ; (K) and ↓ ربّب; (M;) He seasoned a skin (T, S, K) for clarified butter (T, S) with رُبّ [i. e. rob, or inspissated juice], (T, S, K,) of dates, (TA,) which imparts a good odour to it, (S, TA,) and prevents the flavour and odour of the butter from being spoiled: (TA:) or he seasoned a skin with رُبّ, and a jar with tar or pitch: or, as some say, رَبَبْتُهُ signifies I smeared it over, and prepared it properly. (M.) ↓ رَبَّ and ↓ ربّب, (K,) or the latter, but the former also is allowable, (M,) (tropical:) He made oil, or ointment, good, and sweet, or fragrant, or he perfumed it, (M, K, * TA,) accord. to Lh, by infusing in it jasmine or some other sweet-smelling plant. (M, TA.) See also مُرَبَّبٌ, below. b6: رَبَّ also signifies He collected, or congregated, (K, TA,) people: (TA:) [and so, probably, ↓ ربّب: see رَبَبٌ.] You say, فُلَانٌ يَرُبُّ النَّاسَ Such a one collects, or congregates, to him the people. (T, S, M.) A2: رَبَّ, aor. ـِ see 4 A3: رَبَّتْ, (Lh, M, K,) aor. ـُ (so in the M,) or ـِ (MF, TA,) inf. n. رَبٌّ, (M, TA,) or رِبَابٌ, (S, K, [in each of which this is mentioned as the inf. n. whence the epithet رُبَّى,]) said of a ewe or she-goat, She brought forth: (Lh, M, K:) or, as some say, she conceived: or, accord. to some, there is no verb to the epithet رُبَّى: (M:) Az says that it has no verb: (Msb:) [but] ↓ رِبَابٌ is an inf. n. used in relation to a ewe or she-goat as meaning her being in the state of such as is termed رُبَّى
[q. v.]: (S, M, * Msb, * K: *) and in relation to a she-camel, as in the ex. cited by Munteji' Ibn-Nebhán to As, حَنِينَ أُمِّ البَــوِّفِى رِبَابِهَا [The yearning cry of the mother of the young camel in the time of her having recently brought forth]: (S:) and used also in relation to a woman as meaning her having recently brought forth: or her state within two months after having brought forth: or within twenty days: whence the phrase, in a trad., حَمْلُهَا رِبَابٌ, meaning She becomes pregnant soon after having brought forth. (TA.) 2 ربّب: see 1, in five places. b2: [Also He preserved with رُبّ, i. e., rob, or inspissated juice: see مُرَبَّبٌ.]4 اربّ بِالمَكَانِ, (T, M, A, K, *) inf. n. إِرْبَابٌ; (T;) and ↓ رَبَّ, (M, K,) aor. ـِ (MF, TA;) He remained, stayed, dwelt, or abode, in the place, (T, M, A, K, *) not quitting it; (T;) like
أَلَبَّ: (T, A:) and the former, [or each,] he kept, or clave, to the place. (M.) And اربّتِ الإِبِلُ بِالمَوْضِعِ (T,) or بِمَكَانِ كَذَا, (S,) The camels kept, or clave, (T, S,) to the place, (T,) or to such a place, and remained in it. (S.) and اربّت النَّاقَةُ, (S,) or اربّت النَاقة بِالفَحْلِ, and بِوَلَدِهَا, (M,) The she-camel kept to the stallion, (S, M,) and to her young one, (M,) and affected it. (TA.) And اربّت السَّحَابَةُ (S, M, A) بِأَرْضِهِمْ (A) (tropical:) The cloud continued raining [in their land]. (S, * M.) And اربّت الجَنُوبُ (assumed tropical:) The south, or southerly, wind continued. (T, S.) b2: الإِرْبَابُ also signifies The drawing near, or approaching, (S, M, K,) a thing, (S, M,) of any kind. (M.) 5 تربّب الأَرْضَ, (M, A, K,) and الرَّجُلَ, (M, K,) He asserted himself to be the ربّ [or lord, &c.,] of the land, (M, A, K,) and of the man. (M, K.) b2: See also 1, in two places, in the former half of the paragraph.
A2: تربّبوا They collected themselves together, or congregated; or they became collected or congregated. (S.) 6 ترابّوا They united in a confederacy, league, or covenant. (M, TA.) [App. from the fact of some confederates dipping their hands into رُبّ: see رِبَابٌ.]8 ارتبّهُ: see 1. b2: تَرْتَبُّ الشَّعَرَ [She adjusts, or arranges, and composes, or collects together, the hair], said of a woman, is from [الرَّبُّ signifying]
الإِصْلَاحُ and الجَمْعُ. (M.) b3: اُرْتُبَّ العِنَبُ The grapes were cooked so as to become رُبّ [or rob], used to give a relish to bread. (AHn, M.) R. Q. 1 رَبْرَبَ: see 1.
رَبْ: see رَأَبَ, of which it is an imperative.
رُبَ and رَبَ and رُبُ and رُبْ and رَبْ; and رُبَمَا and رَبَمَا &c.: see رُبَّ.
رَبٌ: see the next paragraph, last sentence but one.
رَبٌّ A lord, a possessor, an owner, or a proprietor, syn. مَالِكٌ, (T, IAmb, S, M, A, Msb, K,) of a thing, (T,) of anything, (S, M, A, K,) or of an irrational thing; (Msb;) a person who has a right, or just title or claim, to the possession of anything; or its صَاحِب [which is syn. with مَالِك]; (M, A, K;) رَبٌّ and مَالِكٌ and صَاحِبٌ all signifying in Pers\. خُدَاوَنْد: (KL:) and a lord, master, or chief; (Msb, TA;) or a lord, master, or chief, to whom obedience is paid: (IAmb, TA:) and a lord, ruler, governor, regulator, or disposer; (TA;) an orderer, a rectifier, or a reformer: (IAmb, TA:) a rearer, fosterer, bringer-up, feeder, or nourisher: and a completer, or an accomplisher: (TA:) it is an epithet, like نَمٌّ from نَمَّ: or an inf. n. used as an intensive epithet; like عَدْلٌ; (Ksh and Bd * in i. l;) originally signifying the “ bringing (a thing) to a state of completion by degrees;” (Bd, ibid.;) then used in the sense of مَالِكٌ: (Ksh and Bd ibid.:) the pl. [of pauc.] is أَرْبَابٌ and [of mult.]
رُبُوبٌ, (M, K,) and accord. to Sh, رِبَابٌ also, (TA,) signifying أَصْحَابٌ, (K,) and ↓ رَبُوبٌ is app. a quasi-pl. n.: (M:) the fem. is ↓ رَبَّةٌ; of which the pl. is رَبَّاتٌ. (T.) Whoever possesses a thing is its رَبّ: you say, هُوَ رَبُّ الدَّابَّةِ [He is the possessor, or owner, or master, of the beast], and الدَّارِ [of the house], (T,) and المَالِ [of the property, or cattle]; (Msb;) and البَيْتِ ↓ هِىَ رَبَّةُ [She is the owner, or mistress, of the house or tent]. (T.) With the article ال, it is [properly] applied only to God: (T, S, M, A, Msb, K:) He is رَبُّ الأَرْبَابِ [The Lord of lords]. (T. [Thus the pl. with the article ال is applied to created beings.]) To any other being it is not [properly] applied but as a prefixed noun governing another noun as its complement in the gen. case [or in a similar manner]. (S.) The pagan Arabs, however, sometimes applied it to A king, (S,) or to a lord as meaning a master or chief: (Msb:) El-Hárith says, (S, Msb,) i. e. Ibn-Hillizeh, (S,) وَهُوَ الرَّبُّ وَالشَّهِيدُ عَلَى يُوْ مِ الحِيَارَيْنِ وَالبَلَآءُ بَلَآءُ (S, Msb,) i. e. And he (meaning El-Mundhir Ibn-Má-es-Semà, or, as some say, 'Amr Ibn-Hind,) was the king [or lord] and witness of our fighting on the day of El-Hiyárán (the name of a place), and the trial was a hard trial. (EM, p. 285: [in which الحَيَارَيْنِ is erroneously put for الحِيَارَيْنِ.]) Some forbid that a man should be called the رَبّ of his slave: (Msb:) it is said in a trad. that the slave shall not say to his master, رَبّى, because it is like attributing a partner to God: (TA:) but رَبّ is sometimes used in the sense of lord as meaning master or chief prefixed to a noun signifying a rational being governed by it in the gen. case: thus in the saying of the Prophet, حَتَّى تَلِدَ الأَمَةُ رَبَّهَا [So that the female slave shall bring forth him who will become her master], or ↓ رَبَّتَهَا [her mistress], accord. to different transmitters; (Msb;) relating to the signs of the hour of resurrection: i. e., the female slave shall bring forth to her master a child that shall be as a master [or mistress] to her because like his [or her] father in rank: meaning that captives and concubines shall be numerous. (TA.) As to the phrase in the Kur [xii. 42], اُذْكُرْنِى عِنْدَ رَبِّكَ [Mention thou me in the presence of thy lord], Joseph thus addressed his fellow-prisoner agreeably with the acceptation in which he [the latter] understood the words. (TA.) A similar instance also occurs in the same chapter, in the verse immediately preceding. (Msb.) In another verse, [23 of the same ch.,] إِنَّهُ رَبِّى
[Verily he is my lord] may refer to Joseph's master or to God. (M, TA.) The words of the Kur [lxxxix. 28 and 29], اِرْجِعِى إِلَى رَبِّكِ رَاضِيَةً
مَرْضِيَّةً فَادْخُلِى فِى عَبْدىِ, as some read, [instead of عِبَادِى,] may mean Return to thine owner, [approving, approved,] and enter into my servant. (M, TA.) b2: Without the article ال, as some say, (L, TA,) it is sometimes written and pronounced ↓ رَبٌ, without teshdeed; (L, K;) as in the following verse, cited by El-Mufaddal, وَقَدْ عَلِمَ الأَقْوَامُ أَنْ لَيْسَ فَوْقَهُ رَبٌ غَيْرُ مَنْ يَعْطِى الحُظُوظَ وَيَرْزُقُ [And the peoples have known that there is not above him a lord beside Him who gives the portions of mankind and of others and grants the means of subsistence]. (L.) And Ahmad Ibn-Yahyà [i. e. Th] mentions the phrase لَا وَرَبِيكَ لَا
أَفْعَلُ, for لَا وَرَبِّكَ [i. e. No, by thy Lord, I will not do such a thing]; the [latter] ب being changed into ى because of the reduplication. (M, K: * in the CK رَبْيِكَ.) رُبَّ is a word of which there are seventy dial. vars., all mentioned by Zekereeyà El-Ansáree in his great Expos. of the “ Munferijeh,” but only eighteen of which are mentioned in the K, including some that are formed with the affix ت, some with the affix مَا, and some with both these affixes together; as follows: (TA:) رُبَّ (T, S, M, Msb, Mughnee, K, &c.) and رَبَّ (T, M, Mughnee, K) and رُبُّ, (Mughnee,) and ↓ رُبَ (T, S, M, Mughnee, K) and رَبَ (T, M, Mughnee, K) and رُبُ and رُبْ (Mughnee, K) and رَبْ; (Mughnee;) and ↓ رُبَّتَ (T, S, M, Msb, Mughnee, K) and رَبَّتَ (M, Mughnee, K) and رُبُّتَ and رُبَّتُ and رَبَّتُ and رُبُّتُ and رُبَّتِ and رَبَّتِ and رُبُّتِ and رَبُّت (TA) and رُبَّتْ and رَبَّتْ (Mughnee) and رُبُّتْ, (TA,) and ↓ رُبَتَ (T, Mughnee, K) and رَبَتَ (Mughnee, K) and رُبُتَ and رُبْتَ and رَبْتَ and رُبَتُ and رَبَتُ and رُبُتُ and رُبْتُ and رَبْتُ and رُبَتِ and رَبَتِ and رُبُتِ and رَبُتِ and رُبْتِ and رَبْتِ (TA) and رُبَتْ and رَبَتْ (Mughnee) and رُبُتْ; (TA;) and رُبَّمَا (T, S, M, K) and رَبَّمَا (M, K) and رُبُّمَا, (TA,) and ↓ رُبَمَا (T, K) and رَبَمَا (K) and رُبُمَا and رُبْمَا and رَبْمَا; (TA;) and ↓ رُبَّتَمَا (T, S, M, K) and رَبَّتَمَا (M, K) and رُبُّتَمَا and رُبَّتُمَا and رَبَّتُمَا and رُبُّتُمَا and رُبَّتْمَا and رَبَّتْمَا and رُبُّتْمَا, (TA,) and ↓ رُبَتَمَا and رَبَتَمَا (M, K) and رُبُتَمَا and رُبْتَمَا and رَبْتَمَا and رُبَتُمَا and رَبَتُمَا and رُبُتُمَا and رُبْتُمَا and رَبْتُمَا and رُبَتْمَا and رَبَتْمَا and رُبُتْمَا: (TA:) [of all these, the most common are رُبَّ and رُبَّمَا: and] ↓ رُبَّتَ is the most common of the forms that have the affix ت: (Mughnee and K on the letter ت:) and the forms with teshdeed are more common than the [corresponding] forms without teshdeed. (M.) It is a word, (M,) or particle, (T, S, Mughnee, K,) governing the gen. case: (S, M, Mughnee, K:) or a noun, (K, TA,) [i. e. an indecl. noun,] in the opinion of the Koofees and some others; but this opinion is rejected by Ibn-Málik in the Tesheel and its Expos., and by AHei, and by IHsh in the Mughnee. (TA.) Accord. to some, (K, TA,) it is used to denote a small number, (T, M, Msb, K, TA,) always, (TA,) or mostly: (Msb, TA:) [thus it may be rendered Few if we render the noun following it as a pl.; and scarce any if we render the noun following as a sing. or a pl.:] it is the contr. of كَمْ when this latter is not used interrogatively: (T:) [and with مَا affixed, restricting it from government, it may be rendered Few times, or seldom:] or it is used to denote a large number; (K, TA;) i. e. always: so says IDrst: (TA:) [thus used, but such is not always the case, it may be rendered Many, whether we render the noun following it as a sing. or as a pl.: and with مَا affixed, Many times, many a time, oftentimes, ofttimes, often, or frequently:] or it is used to denote a small and a large number; (Mughnee, K;) often the latter, and seldom the former: (Mughnee:) or it is used in a case of boasting, or glorying, (K, TA,) exclusively of other cases, (TA,) to denote a large number: (K, TA:) or it does not denote by itself either a small number or a large number; but one or the other of these meanings is inferred from the context: (K:) [but sometimes neither of these meanings can be clearly inferred from the context: in these cases, it may be rendered Some: and with مَا affixed, Sometimes:] accord. to Er-Radee, its primary meaning is to denote a small number, but it has been so much used to denote a large number as to be in this latter sense as though it were proper, and in the former sense as though it were tropical, requiring context [to explain it]. (Marginal note in my copy of the Mughnee.) [Without the affix ما,] it governs an indeterminate noun (T, * S, Msb, Mughnee, K) only, (T, S, K,) and a pronoun. (S, M, Mughnee.) You say, رُبَّ يَوْمٍ بَكَّرْتُ فِيهِ [Few, or many, days have I gone forth early therein]: (T:) and رُبَّ رَجُلٍ قَائِمٌ [Few, or many, men are standing]: (M:) and رُبَّ رَجُلٍ قَامَ [Few, or many, men stood]: (Msb:) and in like manner, رُبَّتَ ↓ رَجُلٍ ; (Msb;) for the ت in this case is not a denotative of the fem. gender. (Msb.) The pronoun affixed to it is of the third Pers\., (S, M,) and is [generally] sing. and masc., (S, Mughnee,) though it may be followed by a fem. and by a dual and by a pl.: (S:) notwithstanding its being determinate in the utmost degree, its use in this manner is allowable because it resembles an indeterminate noun in its being used without the previous mention of the noun to which it relates; and hence it requires a noun to explain it: (IJ, M:) it annuls the government of رُبَّ; (TA;) and the indeterminate noun that follows it is put in the accus. case as a specificative: (S, Mughnee:) thus you say, رُبَّهُ رَجُلًا قَدْ ضَرَبْتُ [Few, or many, men I have beaten]: (S, M: *) but accord. to the Koofees, you say رُبَّهُ رَجُلًا, (S,) and رُبَّهَا امْرَأَةً, (M,) and رُبَّهُمَا رَجُلَيْنش, and رُبَّهُمْ رِجَالًا, and رُبَّهُنَّ نِسَآءً: he who puts the pronoun in the sing. [in all cases] holds it to be allusive to something unknown; and he who does not put it in the sing. [when it is not followed by a sing. noun] holds it to be used in reply to a question, as though it were said to a man, “Hast thou not any young women? ” and he answered, رُبَّهُنَّ جَوَارٍ قَدْ مَلَكْتُ [Few, or many, young women have I possessed]: Ibn-Es-Sarráj says that the grammarians are as though they were of one consent in holding رُبَّ to be a replicative [app. meaning in a case of this kind, with an affixed pronoun]: (S:) [but it is not always a replicative in a case of this kind; though perhaps it was originally:] AHeyth cites as an ex.
وَرُبَّهُ عَطِبًا أَنْقَذْتُ مِ العَطَبِ [And many a perishing man have I saved from perdition]. (TA. [But the reading commonly found in grammars is مِنْ عَطَبِهْ from his state of perdition.]) The following is an ex. of the use of رُبَّ to denote a small number, [or rather to denote singleness,] أَلَا رُبَّ مَوْلُودٍ وَلَيْسَ لَهُ أَبٌ وَذِى وَلَدٍ لَمْ يَلْدِهِ أَبَوَانِ [Now surely scarce an instance is there of anyone born not having a father, and of anyone having offspring whom two parents have not procreated]; meaning [our Lord] Jesus and Adam: (Mughnee: [but I have substituted يَلْدِهِ for يَلْدَهُ, the reading in my copy of that work: لَمْ يَلْدِهِ is for لَمْ يَلِدْهُ, for the sake of the metre; like as لِمْ أَجْدِ is for لَمْ أَجِدْ:]) and among the many exs. of its use to denote a large number, is the saying, in a trad., يَا رُبَّ كاَسِيَةٍ فِى الدُّنْيَا عَارِيَةٌ يَوْمَ القِيٰمَةِ [O, many a female having clothing in the present state of existence will be naked on the day of resurrection!]; and the saying of an Arab of the desert, after the ending of Ramadán, يَا رُبَّ صَائِمِهِ لَنْ يَعصُومَهُ وَيَا رُبَّ قَائِمِهِ لَنْ يَقُومَهُ [O, many a keeper of its fast shall not keep its fast again! and O, many a passer of its nights in prayer, or per-former of its تَرَاوِيح, shall not pass its nights in prayer, or perform its تراويح, again!]. (Mughnee.) [But in this last ex., and in others, it relates to few in comparison with others, though many abstractedly.] b2: مَا is affixed to رُبَّ &c. in order that a verb may follow it; (S, Mughnee;) and the verb that follows it is generally a preterite, (T, Mughnee,) as to the letter and the meaning: (Mughnee:) you say, رُبَّمَا جَآءَنِى فُلَانٌ [Seldom, or often, such a one came to me, or has come to me]: (T:) sometimes the verb is a future; (T, Mughnee;) but only when it expresses an event of which one is certain: (T:) so in the saying in the Kur [xv. 2], رُبَّمَا يَوَدُّ الَّذينَ كَفَرُوا لَوْ كَانُوا مُسْلِمِينَ, (T, S, M, Mughnee), meaning Often [will those who have disbelieved wish that they had been Muslims]; (Mughnee, Jel;) or seldom, (Zj, T, M, Jel,) because terrors will bereave them of their reason so that they will but seldom recover reason to wish this; (Jel;) for God's threat is true, as though it had come to pass, and therefore the verb here is equivalent to a preterite [which is often used in the Kur and elsewhere in this manner]. (T.) مَا is also sometimes affixed when a noun follows, (T, Mughnee,) or a nominal proposition, and generally restricts رُبَّ
&c. from governing: thus, Aboo-Duwád says, رُبَّمَا الجَامِلُ المُؤَبَّلُ فِيهِمْ وَعَنَا جِيجُ بَيْنَهُنَّ المِهَارُ
[Sometimes, or often, the numerous herd of camels is among them, and there are swift horses, among which are the colts]: another says, making رُبَّ, with مَا affixed, to govern, رُبَّمَا ضَرْبَةٍ بِسَيْفٍ صَقِيلٍ
قَيْنِ بُصْرَى وَطَعْنَةٍ نَجْلَآءَ [Many a stroke with a polished sword of the forging of Busrà, (the Bozrah of the Bible, a city famous for its sword-blades,) and many a wide spear-wound; or, perhaps, few strokes &c.]: (Mughnee: [but I have substituted قَيْنِ for بَيْنَ, which is the reading in my copy of the Mughnee, an evident mistranscription:]) and another, cited by IAar, says, غَارَةٍ ↓ مَاوِىَّ يَا رُبَّتَمَا شَعْوَآءَ كَاللَّذْعَةِ بِالْمِيسَمِ [Máweeyeh, (مَاوِىَّ being an apocopated proper name of a woman, originally مَاوِيَّةُ,) O, many a raid spreading widely and dispersedly, like the burn with the branding-iron]. (T. [In the TT, as from the T, I find, here, بَلْ in the place of يا, which I find in a copy of the T, and which is the reading commonly known.]) رُبٌّ Rob, or inspissated juice, (دِبْس,) of any fruit; i. e., (M, TA,) the first, or clear, juice of the thick residuum of any fruit after it has been pressed (M, K, TA) and cooked: (M, TA:) thick طِلَآء [or expressed juice; such as the inspissated juice of dates, with which a skin for clarified butter is seasoned; see 1, in the latter half of the paragraph]: (S:) or what flows from fresh ripe dates, like honey, when it has been cooked [and so rendered thick]; before which it is called صَقْرٌ: (Msb in the present art. and in art. صقر:) what is prepared by coction from, or of, dates: (TA:) expressed juice of grapes, and of apples, &c., cooked and [so] thickened: (KL:) and dregs, (K,) or black dregs, (IDrd, M,) of clarified butter, (IDrd, M, K,) and of olive-oil: (IDrd, M:) pl. رُبُوبٌ and رِبَابٌ (S) [and pl. pl. (i. e. pl. of رُبُوبٌ) رُبُوبَاتٌ, which means sorts, or species, of رُبّ]
A2: See also رُبَّى.
رَبَّةٌ: see رَبٌّ, in three places. b2: الرَّبَّةُ was also the name of A Kaabeh [or square temple], (M, K,) in Nejrán, (M,) belonging to [the tribe of] Medh-hij (M, K) and Benu-l-Hárith-Ibn-Kaab, who held it in honour. (M.) In a trad. of 'Orweh (K, TA) Ibn-Mes'ood Eth-Thakafee, (TA,) it is applied to El-Lát (اللَّاتُ), (K, TA,) the rock which [the tribe of] Thakeef worshipped, at Et-Táïf. (TA.) And in another trad., it is said to be the name of A temple of [the tribe of] Thakeef, which, when they became Muslims, was demolished by El-Mugheereh. (TA.) b3: and رَبَّةٌ, (K,) or دَارٌ رَبَّةٌ, (M,) signifies A large house or mansion. (M, K.) A2: See also رُبَّى.
رُبَّةٌ A party, division, sect, or distinct body or class, of men: (M:) or a large assembly or company: (K:) or a myriad; i. e. ten thousand: (M, K:) or thereabout: (M:) and ↓ رِبّةٌ signifies the same: (M, K:) or this signifies a company [of men]: (T:) the pl. of the former is رِبَابٌ: (S, M:) and that of the latter is أَرِبَّةٌ: (T, K:) by Th [and in the K], the former pl. is said to be a pl. of رِبَّةٌ; but this is a mistake. (M.) b2: [Hence, the pl.] رِبَابٌ signifies Companions. (K.) b3: And hence [also], i. e., as pl. of الرُّبَةُ, (S, M,) الرِّبَابُ is an appellation of The [confederate] tribes of Dabbeh; (M, K, TA;) or Teym and 'Adee and 'Okl; (T, TA;) or Teym and 'Adee and 'Owf and Thowr and Ashyab; (TA; [but for the orthography of the last of these names I have found no authority; it is written in the TA اشيب, without any syll. signs;]) and Dabbeh was their paternal uncle; (TA;) or five tribes which united in a confederacy, consisting of Dabbeh and Thowr and 'Okl and Teym and 'Adee: (S:) they were thus called because of their division into distinct bodies; (M;) or because they collected themselves (As, Th, S, TA) in distinct bodies: (Th, M, TA:) or because they united in a confederacy against Temeem Ibn-Murr: (AO, M, TA:) or because they dipped their hands in some رُبّ, and formed a confederacy over it: (As, T, M, K:) or, as some say, because they congregated, and became like the رِبَاب [or bundle] of arrows [used in the game called المَيْسِر]: (TA:) the rel. n. is ↓ رُبِّىٌّ, formed from the sing., (Sb, S, M,) accord. to a rule generally observed except when a [single] man has a pl. word for his name, as كِلَابٌ &c. (S, TA.) b4: The sing. (رُبَّةٌ) also signifies Plenty, or abundance, of the means of subsistence: (K:) and constant, or inseparable, prosperity. (Khálid Ibn-Jembeh, TA.) A2: See also رُبَّى.
رِبَّةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, first sentence. b2: [Hence its pl.] أَرِبَّةٌ signifies Confederates; (S, IB, K;) [or] it is for ذَوُو أَرِبَّةٍ
having covenants; أَرِبَّةٌ being said by AAF to be pl. of رِبَابٌ in the sense of عَهْدٌ. (IB, TA.) A2: Also A species of plant, (S, M, Msb, K,) of the [season called] صَيْف, (M,) remaining in the end of the صَيْف: (Msb:) or the name of a number of plants which do not dry up in the صَيْف, remaining green in the winter and the صيف [or summer]; among which are the حُلَّب and the رُخَامَى and the مَكْر and the عَلْقَى or عَلْقًى: [see رَبْلٌ:] or a certain soft, or tender, herb, or leguminous plant: (TA:) or any plant that is green in the hot season: or certain species of trees, or of plants, undefined: (M:) pl. رِبَبٌ. (S, Msb.) [In the dial. of Egypt, Alexandrian trefoil (بِرْسِيم, q. v.,) of the second and third crops.] b2: Also A certain tree: as some say, the tree of the خَرُّوب [an appellation generally applied to the carob, or locust-tree]. (M, K.) رَبَبٌ, (S, M, K,) or مَآءٌ رَبَبٌ, (S, TA,) Much water, (S, M, K,) collected together: (M:) or sweet-water: (S, K:) accord. to Th, it means مَا رَبَّبَهُ الطِينُ [app. such (water) as the clay has collected; for تَرَبَّبَ signifying تَجَمَّعَ is probably quasi-pass. of رَبَّبَ, so that this last seems to signify جَمَّعَ]. (M.) رُبَتَ and رَبَتَ &c.; and رُبَتَمَا and رَبَتَمَا &c.: see رُبَّ.
رَبَابٌ Clouds: (M:) or white clouds: (S, K:) or clouds that one sees beneath other clouds, (S,) or clouds suspended beneath other clouds, (M,) sometimes white and sometimes black: (S, M:) this latter is said by IB to be the signification commonly known: (TA:) or clouds consisting of an accumulation of parts: (A 'Obeyd, T:) n. un. with ة. (A 'Obeyd, S, K.) Hence الرَّبَابُ as a proper name of a woman. (A 'Obeyd, T, S.) A2: Also A certain instrument of diversion, [meaning, of music,] (K,) having strings, (TA,) with which one plays [lit. beats]. (K.) [The رباب in common use among the Arabs in the present day is a kind of viol. A specimen of it is figured and described in my work on the Modern Egyptians. Being an instrument of remarkable simplicity, it is probably similar to the ancient رباب.] Memdood Ibn-'Abd-Allah El-Wásitee Er-Rabábee became proverbial for his musical skill with the رباب. (K.) A3: See also رُبَّانٌ.
رُبَابٌ: see رُبَّى, of which it is an anomalous pl.: A2: and see also رُبَّانٌ.
رِبَابٌ: see رِبَابَةٌ, in two places. b2: Also (tropical:) Tithes, or tenths; syn. عُشُورٌ: (S, M, K:) from the same word signifying “ a covenant. ” (S.) b3: In the phrase يُعْطِيهَا الأَمَانَ رِبَابُهَا, ending a verse of Aboo-Dhu-eyb, describing some asses, رِبَاب is said to signify An oath, or a promise, which the owner of the asses takes of a people to permit those asses to water: or the poet means that the person giving those asses permission to water gives to their owner an arrow, of those used in the game called المَيْسِر, [as a token,] to show that they have received permission to water, and that no one may offer them any opposition: (TA:) some say that رِبَابُهَا here means their owners: (M:) [holding this last opinion,] Sh says that رِبَاب in this verse is a pl. of رَبٌّ. (TA.) A2: It is also a pl. of رُبَّةٌ; (S, M;) not of رِبَّةٌ, as it is said to be by Th [and in the K]. (M.) A3: See also 1, last sentence.
A4: And see رُبَّانٌ.
رَبُوبٌ: see رَبِيبٌ.
A2: See also رَبٌّ, of which it is said in the M to be app. a quasi-pl. n.
رَبِيبٌ Reared, fostered, brought up, fed, or nourished; [and taken good care of, until the age of puberty; (see 1;)] as also ↓ مَرْبُوبٌ; (S, M, K;) both applied to a boy: (S, M:) and in like manner applied to a horse: (M:) or the latter epithet, applied to a horse, (tropical:) tended well, or taken good care of: (A:) the former is also applied to a gazelle; (IAar, K in art. دخل;) [as meaning (assumed tropical:) brought up in, or near, the house or tent, and there fed;] like أَهْلِىٌّ: (TA in that art.:) and [its fem.] رَبِيبَةٌ is applied to a ewe or she-goat, (شَاةٌ, K,) meaning (assumed tropical:) brought up in the tent, or house, for the sake of her milk; (S, K; [see also رُبَّى;]) pl. رَبَائِبُ; (S;) this last being applied to sheep or goats that are tied near to the tents, or houses, and there fed, and that do not go forth to pasture; (M, TA;) of which it is said that none are to be taken for the poor-rate. (TA.) b2: [Hence, A step-son,] a man's wife's son (T, S, M, A, Msb, K) by another husband; (T, S, M, A, K;) as also ↓ رَبُوبٌ: (T, K:) pl. أَرِبَّآءُ. (Msb.) And رَبِيبَةٌ [A step-daughter;] a woman's husband's daughter by another wife: (S:) or a man's wife's daughter (T, M, A, Mgh, Msb, K) by another husband; (T, M, A;) because he rears her: (Mgh:) pl. رَبَائِبُ (A, Mgh, Msb) and sometimes رَبِيبَاتٌ. (Msb.) b3: Also, and ↓ رَابٌّ, (T, M, K,) both syn., like شَهِيدٌ and شَاهِدٌ, and خَبِيرٌ and خَابِرٌ, (TA,) or the latter, (T, S,) mentioned by IAar, is the correct term, (T,) [A step-father;] the husband of a mother (T, S, M, K) who has a child by another husband. (T.) And رَبِيبَةٌ and ↓ رَابَّةٌ, (T,) or the latter [only], (S, K,) [A stepmother;] the wife of a father (T, S, K) who has a child by another wife. (T.) رَبِيبَةٌ also signifies [A foster-mother;] a woman who has the charge of a child, who carries him, and takes care of him, and rears, or fosters, him; (Th, S, M, Msb, K;) like ↓ رَابَّةٌ; the former being of the measure فَعِلَيةٌ in the sense of فَاعِلَةٌ. (Msb.) أَربَّآءُ النَّبِىّ [meaning The foster-fathers of the Prophet] is an appellation given to the people [of the tribe of Saad] among whom Mohammad was suckled; as though اربّآء were pl. of رَبِيبٌ [as it is said to be in one of the senses mentioned above]. (TA.) b4: And رَبِيبٌ signifies also A confederate; a person with whom one unites in a confederacy, league, or covenant. (M, K.) b5: And A king. (M, K.) رِبَابَةٌ: see رُبُوبِيَّةٌ.
A2: Also A covenant, compact, confederacy, or league; (S, M, K;) as also ↓ رِبَابٌ, (M, K,) of which latter, in this sense, the pl. is أَرِبَّةٌ. (AAF, IB, TA.) [See رِبَّةٌ, second sentence.]) A3: And A thing [or case] resembling a quiver (كِنَانَة), in which the arrows of the game called المَيْسِر are enclosed together: (S:) or a piece of skin, (T,) or a piece of thin skin, (Lh, M, TA,) in which the arrows are enclosed, (Lh, T, M, TA,) resembling a quiver (كنانة): (TA:) or a piece of rag, (M, K, TA,) or of skin, (TA,) in which the arrows are enclosed (M, K, TA) or bound: (TA:) or a piece of thin skin which is bound upon the hand of the man who takes forth the arrows (K, TA) of that game, (TA,) lest he should know the feel of an arrow for the owner of which he has an affection: (K, TA:) or a small cord with which the arrows are bound [together]: or the arrows [themselves] collectively: (M, K:) sometimes it is used in this last sense: (S:) and ↓ رِبَابٌ also seems to be used in like manner; as meaning the رِبَابَة of the arrows of the game of الميسر. (TA.) [See an ex. in a verse cited voce أَفَاضَ in art. فيض.]
رُبُوبَةٌ: see رُبُوبِيَّةٌ.
رَبَابىٌّ A player on the رَبَاب [q. v.]. (MA, K.) رَبُوبِىٌّ, (M, K,) with fet-h [to the ر], (K,) a rel. n. from الرَّبُّ, deviating from rule: so in the phrase عِلْمٌ رَبُوبِىٌّ [Knowledge, science, or doctrine, relating to the Lord, i. e., to God]. (M, K.) رُبُوبِيَّةٌ [Lordship; or the state, or quality, of such as is termed رَبٌّ i. e. a lord, a possessor, an owner, or a proprietor; &c.: and, with the article ال particularly godship, godhead, or deity:] a subst. from الرَّبُّ; (T, * S, * M, K;) as also ↓ رِبَابَةٌ [which seems to be properly an inf. n. of 1 in the sense first explained]. (M, K.) A2: Also, (M, K,) or ↓ رُبُوبَةٌ, (so in a copy of the K,) The state, or condition, of a مَمْلُوك [or slave]. (M, K.) رُبَّتَ and رَبَّتَ &c.; and رُبَّتَمَا and رَبَّتَمَا &c.: see رُبَّ, in five places.
رُبَّى, applied to a ewe or she-goat (شَاةٌ), (S, M, &c.,) That has brought forth: (M, Msb, K:) and so if her young one has died: (M, K:) or that has recently brought forth: (Lh, S, M, Mgh, Msb, K:) or that has brought forth twenty days before: (M:) or that has brought forth two months before: (El-Umawee, S, M:) or that is followed, (M,) or accompanied, (As, Mgh,) by her young one: (As, M, Mgh:) or that is confined in the tent, or house, for the sake of her milk: (Msb: [see also رَبِيبَةٌ, voce رَبِيبٌ:]) accord. to Az, (S, Msb,) it is applied to a she-goat, (S, M, Msb,) and رَغُوثٌ is applied to a ewe: (M:) accord. to others, the former is applied to a she-goat and a ewe, and sometimes to a she-camel: (S, Msb:) the pl. is ↓ رُبَابٌ, (As, T, S, M, Mgh, Msb, K,) which is extr. [in form]: (M, K:) Lh mentions the phrase غَنَمٌ رُبَابٌ, or رِبَابٌ, which, he says, is rare. (M.) b2: See also رُبَّانٌ, in two places.
A2: A benefit, favour, boon, or good. (AA, T, K.) [See an ex. in the first paragraph of art. جشأ.] b2: A want; (AA, T, K;) as in the saying, لِى عِنْدَ فُلَانٍ رُبَّى [I have a want for such a one to supply, or accomplish]. (AA, T.) A3: A child's nurse; syn. دَايَةٌ. (AA, T. In one copy of the T بابه; and in the TA راية. [Perhaps the right reading is رَابَّةٌ, meaning a foster-mother.]) A4: A firm knot: (AA, T, K:) [and so, app., ↓ رُبَّانٌ, if correctly written thus, in the instance here following.] You say, إِنْ كُنْتَ
إِزْرِكَ ↓ بِى تَشهدُّ ظَهْرَكَ فَأَرْخِ بِرُبَّانِ, (TA,) or بِرُبَّا
إِزْرِكَ (so in the TT, as from the M, [as though for بِرُبَّى,]) and مِنع رُبَّى إِزْرِكَ, (T, TA,) a prov., meaning (assumed tropical:) If thou place thy reliance upon me, then let me weary myself, and enjoy thou relaxation and rest: (T, TA:) here رُبَّى [properly] signifies a firm knot. (T.) [See also a similar prov. in Freytag's Arab. Prov. i. 24.]) A5: Also a name of Jumádà-l-Oolà [the fifth month of the Arabian calendar]; and so ↓ رُبٌّ: (M, K:) and likewise, (K,) or accord. to Kr, (M,) a name of Jumádà-l-Ákhireh [the sixth month]; and so ↓ رُبَّةُ: (M, K:) and this last likewise, (K, there expressly said to be with damm,) or ↓ رَبَّةُ, (so accord. to the M as transcribed in the TT,) a name of Dhu-l-Kaadeh [the eleventh month]: (M, K:) thus these months were called in the Time of Ignorance. (M. [See also شَهْرٌ: and see رُنَّى or الرُّنَّى, in art. رن.]) رَبِّىٌّ: see رَبَّانِىٌّ. b2: And for its pl., رَبِّيُّونَ, see رِبِّىٌّ, in two places.
رُبِّىٌّ rel. n. of رُبَّةٌ, q. v. (Sb, S, M.) b2: See also its pl., رُبِّيُّونَ, in the next paragraph, in two places.
رِبِّىٌّ sing. of رِبِّيُّونَ (T, S, K,) which signifies Thousands (Fr, Th, T, S, K) of men: (S, K:) accord. to Akh, it is from الرَّبُّ; and if so, it is ↓ رَبِّيُّونَ, with fet-h to the ر: but accord. to Fr, it is from رِبَّةٌ, meaning “ a company: ” (Th, T:) Zj says that it is رِبِّيُّونَ and ↓ رُبِّيُّونَ, with kesr to the ر and also with damm to the ر, and signifies a numerous company: he adds that رِبَّةٌ is said by some to signify “ ten thousand; ” and that ربّيُون is said to signify learned, pious, patient men; and that each of these sayings is good: accord. to Aboo-Tálib, it signifies numerous companies: (T:) [in the Kur iii. 140,] El-Hasan read ↓ رُبِّيُّونَ; and Ibn-' Abbas, ↓ رَبِّيُّونَ; the former with damm, and the latter with fet-h, to the ر. (L, TA.) b2: See also رَبَّانِىٌّ.
رَبَّانٌ: see the next paragraph, in four places.
رُبَّانٌ The first, or beginning, or commencement, or the first and fresh state, of anything; (As, A 'Obeyd, T;) [and so ↓ رَبَّانٌ &c., as appears from what follows.] You say, أَتَيْتُهُ فِى رُبَّانِ شَبَابِهِ, (T,) and شبابه ↓ رَبَّانِ, or شبابه ↓ رِبَّانِ, (accord. to different copies of the T,) and شبابه ↓ رُبَابِ, (T,) and شبابه ↓ رَبَابِ, or شبابه ↓ رِبَابِ, (accord. to different copies of the T,) and شبابه ↓ رُبَّى, all meaning [I came to him] in the beginning, or first and fresh state, of his youth. (T.) and اِفْعَلْ ذٰلِكَ الأَمْرَ بِرُبَّانِهِ Do thou that thing in its first and fresh state: so accord. to ISk: and hence, he says, ↓ شَاةٌ رُبَّى [explained above]. (S.) And أَخَذْتُ الشَّىْءَ بِرُبَّانِهِ, (As, S, K, *) and ↓ بِرَبَّانِهِ, with damm and with fet-h, (K,) i. e. [I took the thing] in its first state: (K:) or altogether, (As, S, K,) not leaving of it aught. (As, S.) They said also, ذَرْهُ بِرُبَّانٍ [app. meaning Leave thou him early, before he acquire more power]: and Th cites the following [as an ex.]: فَذَرْهُمْ بِرُبَّانٍ وَإِلَّا تَذَرْهُمُ يُذِيقُوكَ مَا فِيهِمْ وَإِنْ كَانَ أَكْثَرَا [which seems to mean Then leave thou them early, before they acquire more power; for if thou do not, or wilt not, leave them, they will make thee to taste what is in them, though it be more]. (M.) b2: Also, accord. to A 'Obeyd, The chief, or main, part or portion of a constellation: or, accord. to As, the aggregate thereof: or, accord. to AO, ↓ رَبَّانٌ, with fet-h, has this meaning: (T:) or both signify a company or an assembly, or an aggregate or assemblage. (K, TA.) A2: Also A captain of sailors (Sh, K) in the sea; (Sh;) and so ↓ رُبَّانِىٌّ: (Sh, K:) one skilled in navigation: pl. [or rather coll. n. of the latter]
رُبَّانِيَّةٌ. (TA voce رَهْنَامَجٌ.) A3: See also رُبَّى, in two places.
رِبَّانٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, second sentence.
رَبَّانِىٌّ (T, S, M, A, K) and ↓ رِبِّىٌّ (M,) or ↓ رِبِّىٌّ, (A, KL,) One who devotes himself to religious services or exercises, or applies himself to acts of devotion; (S, A, K;) who possesses a knowledge of God: (T, S, K, KL:) or a learned man: (T:) or the first signifies, (M,) or signifies also, (K,) and so the second, (M,) i. q. حَبْرٌ [i. e. a learned man, or particularly of the Jews, &c.; or a good, or righteous, man]; (M, K;) and a lord, or master, of knowledge or science: or a worshipper of the Lord (الرَّبّ): (M:) or a learned man, a teacher of others, who nourishes people with the small matters of knowledge, or science, before the great: (IAar, T:) or a learned man firmly grounded in knowledge, or science, and religion: or a learned man who practices what he knows and instructs others: or one of high rank in knowledge, or science: or learned with respect to what is lawful and what is unlawful, and what is commanded and what is forbidden: (TA:) رَبَّانِىٌّ is a rel. n. from رَبَّانٌ; or from الرَّبُّ meaning “ God: ” (TA, and some copies of the K:) the ا and ن being added to give intensiveness to the signification; (M;) or, as Sb says, to denote a special reference to the knowledge of the Lord, as though the word signified one possessing a knowledge of the Lord exclusively of other branches of knowledge; (T;) so that it is like لِحْيَانِىٌّ, (T, M, and so in some copies of the K,) meaning “ long-bearded,” (T,) or “ largebearded,” (M,) and رَقَبَانِىٌّ, “thick-necked,” and شَعْرَانِىٌّ, “having much hair: ” (T:) or it is a Syriac word; (TA, and some copies of the K;) or Hebrew; and was unknown to the [pagan] Arabs, and known only to the men of law and science: (TA:) the pl. is رَبَّانِيُّونَ, (T, S,) occurring in the Kur iii. 73 (S) [and v. 48 and 68].
رُبَّانِىٌّ: see رُبَّانٌ, last sentence but one.
رَبَّانِيَّةٌ The quality denoted by the epithet رَبَّانِىٌّ [q. v.]. (A.) رَبْرَبٌ A herd (T, S, M, K) of oxen, (T,) [i. e.] of wild oxen (بَقَر الوَحْش): (S, M, K:) or, as some say, of gazelles: or, accord. to Kr, a number of [wild] oxen together, less than ten: it has no sing., or n. un. (M.) رَابٌّ; and its fem., with ة: see رَبِيبٌ in three places.
أَرِبَّةٌsaid in the T and K to be pl. of رِبَّةٌ [q. v.]: and said by AAF to be pl. of رِبَابٌ.
مَرَبٌّ A place of collecting (T, S, M, A) of people: (M, A:) a place of alighting: (M, K:) a place of abiding, or dwelling, and congregating. (M.) [Hence,] مَرَبُّ الإِبِلِ The place where the camels keep, or remain. (T, S.) b2: [Hence also,] فُلَانٌ مَرَبٌّ (assumed tropical:) Such a one is a person who collects, or congregates, people. (T, S, M, K. *) [and hence,] فُلَانٌ مَرَبٌّ لِبَنِى فُلَانٍ (assumed tropical:) Such a one is an object of resort for his counsel and authority to the sons of such a one. (TA in art. جمع.) A2: Also, and ↓ مِرْبَابٌ, (M, K,) Land abounding with plants, or herbage; (K;) or with رِبَّة [q. v.]: (TA:) or land in which there ceases not to be moisture; and so ↓ مَرَبَّةٌ: or ↓ مرْبَابٌ signifies land abounding with plants, or herbage, and with people. (M.) مُرِبٌّ Anything keeping, or cleaving, to a thing. (M. [See its verb, 4]) You say نَاقَةٌ مُرِبٌّ A she-camel keeping to, and affecting, her young one, and the stallion. (Az, TA.) And إِبِلٌ مَرَابُّ [originally مَرَابِبُ, pl. of مُرِبٌّ,] Camels keeping in a place; remaining in it. (T, S.) and فَقْرٌ مُرِبٌّ (assumed tropical:) Constant, inseparable, poverty: occurring in a trad.: or the epithet there is مُلِبٌّ. (IAth.) مَرَبَّةٌ: see مَرَبٌّ.
مُرَبَّبٌ Made [or preserved] with رُبّ [or inspissated juice]; (S, K;) like as مُعَسَّلٌ signifies “ made [or preserved] with عَسَل [or honey]: ” (S:) you say زَنْجَبِيلٌ مُرَبَّبٌ and مُرَبًّى [ginger so preserved]: and ↓ مُرَبَّبَاتٌ signifies Preserves, or confections, made with رُبّ; (S, K;) and in like manner مُرَبَّيَاتٌ, except that this is from التَّرْبِيَةُ [inf. n. of رَبَّى]. (S.) b2: Also Oil of which the grain (حَبّ [perhaps a mistranscription for حُبّ i. e. jar]) whence it has been prepared, or taken, has been perfumed (↓ رُبِّبَ): (T, TA:) or oil perfumed with sweet-smelling plants; as also ↓ مَرْبُوبٌ and مُرَبًّى. (A.) مُرَبَّبَاتٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.
مِرْبَابٌ: see مَرَبٌّ, in two places.
مَرْبُوبٌ: see رَبِيبٌ. b2: Also A slave; a bondman; syn. مَمْلُوكٌ [lit. possessed, and now particularly applied to a male white slave]. (M, K.) العِبَادُ مَرْبُوبُونَ لِلّٰهِ means [Mankind (lit. the servants of God) are] bondmen (مَمْلُوكُونَ) [to God]. (M.) b3: A skin for clarified butter &c. seasoned with رُبّ [or inspissated juice]. (T, S.) [And A jar smeared with tar or pitch: see 1.] b4: See also مُرَبَّبٌ.
مُرْتَبٌّ One who confers a benefit, or benefits. (K.) b2: And One on whom a benefit is conferred, or on whom benefits are conferred. (K.)
90413. زمخَ1 90414. زَمَخَ 1 90415. زَمْخَرَ4 90416. زمخر6 90417. زَمَخْشَرُ2 90418. زمخشر1 90419. زمخن2 90420. زمر1890421. زَمَرَ2 90422. زَمُِرَ 1 90423. زَمْران1 90424. زُمَّراني1 90425. زَمْرانِي1 90426. زَمْراوي1
1 زَمَرَ, aor. ـِ and زَمُرَ, inf. n. زَمْرٌ (S, Msb, K) and زَمِيرٌ (Msb, K) and زَمَرَانٌ; (ISd, TA;) and ↓ زمّر, inf. n. تَزْمِيرٌ; (K;) He [piped, or] played upon (lit. sang in) a reed; (K;) he blew in a مِزْمَارٌ. (S, * A, Msb. *) b2: [Hence,] زَمَرَ النَّعَامُ, (S, K,) and زَمَرَتِ الهَيْقَةُ, (A,) or النَّعَامَةُ, (TA,) aor. ـِ inf. n. زِمَارٌ (S, A, K) and زُمَارٌ, (TA,) (tropical:) The ostriches, (S, K,) and the she-ostrich, (A, TA,) cried, or uttered their, or her, cry. (S, A, K, TA.) [Said only of the females, or a female:] of the male ostrich one says only عَارَّ. (S, TA.) b3: and زَمَرَ بِالحَدِيثِ (tropical:) He published, or divulged, the story. (A, K.) b4: And زَمَرَ فُلَانًا بِفُلَانٍ He excited, or incited, such a one against such a one. (A, * K, TA.) A2: زَمِرَ, (S, K,) aor. ـَ (K,) inf. n. زَمَرٌ, (S,) He had little hair, (S, * K, * TA,) and little wool. (K, * TA.) b2: Also, [hence,] inf. n. as above, (S,) or زَمَارَةٌ and زُمُورَةٌ, (TA,) (tropical:) He (a man, S, TA) had little مُرُوْءَة [i. e. manliness, or manly virtue]. (S, K.) b3: And زَمِرَ مَالُهُ, inf. n. as above, (assumed tropical:) His property became little, or scanty. (TA in art. قفر.) 2 زَمَّرَ see 1, first sentence.10 استزمر (tropical:) He was, or became, abject, or ignominious, or weak, and small in body, and lean; being abased or brought low. (A, TA.) [See also the part n., below.]زَمْرٌ: see زُمْرَةٌ.
زَمِرٌ Having little hair; (S, A, K;) and having little wool: fem. with ة. (A, K.) You say صَبِىٌّ زَمِرٌ A child having little hair: and شَاةٌ زَمِرَةٌ [A sheep, or goat, having little wool or hair]: and غَنَمٌ زَوَامِرُ [Sheep, or goats, having little wool or hair]: (A, TA:) and نَاقَةٌ زَمِرَةٌ A she-camel having little fur: and نَبْتٌ زَمِٰرٌ [app. meaning A plant having few leaves]. (Ham p. 683.) And شَعَرٌ زَمِرٌ [Scanty, or thin, hair]. (A, TA.) b2: Also, [hence,] (S, K,) or زَمِرُ المُرُوْءَةِ, (A,) (tropical:) A man (A) having little مُرُوْءَة [i. e. manliness, or manly virtue]. (S, A, * K.) b3: And زَمِرُ المَالِ (assumed tropical:) A man having little, or scanty, property. (Az, TA in art. قفر.) b4: and عَطِيَّةٌ زَمِرَةٌ (tropical:) A scanty, or small, gift. (A, * TA.) A2: Also Good singing: (Th, TA:) [and] so ↓ زَمِيرٌ. (Az, O, TA.) b2: And Goodly in countenance. (K.) زَمْرَةٌ A company, or congregated body, of men; (S, K;) as also ↓ زَوْمَرٌ: (TA:) or (so in the TA, but in the K “ and ”) a party in a state of dispersion: (K:) pl. زُمَرٌ: (S, A, K:) you say, جَاؤُوا زُمَرًا They came in parties in a state of dispersion, one after another: (A:) some say that زُمْرَةٌ is from ↓ زَمْرٌ [originally an inf. n., (see 1, first sentence,) and hence] signifying “ sound,”
because a company of men is not without sound: others, that it signifies a company of few persons; from شَاةٌ زَمِرَةٌ: (MF:) but the former is the proper derivation, and is confirmed by what is said in the B. (TA.) زَمُورٌ: see the next paragraph.
زَمِيرٌ Short; (Kr, K;) applied to a man: (TA:) pl. زِمَارٌ. (Kr, K.) b2: And Beautiful; applied to a boy, or young man; (AA, Th, O, K;) as also ↓ زَوْمَرٌ (AA, O, K) and ↓ زَمُورٌ. (K.) b3: See also زَمِرٌ.
زِمَارَةٌ The act [or art] of [piping, or] playing upon the reed [or مِزْمَار]. (K.) زَمَّارٌ (As, S, A, Msb, K) and ↓ زَامِرٌ, (As, S, K,) but the latter is rare, (K,) or scarcely ever used, (S,) or it is not allowable, (Msb,) applied to a man; and ↓ زَامِرَةُ, (S, Msb, K,) but not زَمَّارَةٌ, (S, Msb,) applied to a woman; (S, Msb, K;) A [piper, or] player upon a reed; (K;) one who blows in a مِزْمَار. (S, * A, Msb. *) b2: Also زَمَّارَةٌ, (assumed tropical:) A fornicatress, or an adulteress: (Th, A'Obeyd, Az, S, K:) so in a trad., in which it is said نَهَى عَنْ كَسْبِ الزَّمَّارَةِ He prohibited the gain of the fornicatress: (Th, A'Obeyd, Az, S:) so called because she publishes her business: (Th:) some say that the correct word is here رَمَّازَة, because such a woman makes signs with her lips and her eyes and her eyebrows: Az says that he holds the former to be the right; and Abu-l- 'Abbás Ahmad says that the latter is wrong, and that the former signifies a beautiful prostitute: but Az adds that the trad. may mean as above, or he prohibited the gain of the female singer, as AHát relates on the authority of As. (TA.) زَمَّارَةٌ [fem. of زَمَّارٌ, q. v. b2: Also] i. q. مِزْمَارٌ, q. v. (K.) b3: And (tropical:) A سَاجُور [i. e. collar, or collar of iron,] (O, A, K, TA) that is put upon the neck of a dog. (TA.) b4: And metaphorically used as meaning (tropical:) A جَامِعَة; (A, TA;) [i. e.] A [shackle for the neck and hands, such as is called]
غُلّ. (TA.) And (assumed tropical:) A bar of iron (عَمُودٌ) between the two rings of the [shackle called] غُلّ: (M, O, K:) so termed because of its sound. (O.) b5: Also A she-ostrich. (Har p. 408.) زَامِرٌ; and its fem., with ة: see زَمَّارٌ.
زَوْمَرٌ: see زُمْرَةٌ: A2: and see also زَمِيرٌ. b2: Also Playing; or a player. (O.) مُزَمَّرٌ (assumed tropical:) Shackled [with a زَمَّارة]. (O, TA.) مِزْمَارٌ A musical reed, or pipe; (S, * A, Msb, * K, * TA;) what is called in Persian نَاىْ [now generally meaning a flute]; (marginal note in a copy of the KT;) as also ↓ زَمَّارَةٌ, (K,) [which latter, by many pronounced زُمَّارَة, and generally so pronounced in Egypt, is applied to a double reed-pipe, figured and described in my work on the Modern Egyptians,] and ↓ مَزْمُورٌ and ↓ مَزْمُورٌ, (IAth,) the latter like مَغْلُوقٌ and مَغْرُودٌ: (TA:) pl. of the first, (S, A,) and of the last two, مَزَامِيرُ. (S, * A.) It is related in a trad., that Mohammad, on hearing Aboo-Moosà El-Ash'aree reciting, said to him, لَقَدْ أُعْطِيتَ مِزْمَارًا مِنْ مَزَامِيرِ آلِ دَاوُودَ (tropical:) [Verily thou hast been gifted with a pipe like that of David himself]; likening the sweetness of his voice and melody to the sound of the مِزْمَار; (TA;) as though he had musical pipes in his throat: or مزاميرآل داوود is here the same as مَزْمُورَات دَاوُود: (A:) for, b2: مَزَامِيرُ دَاوُودَ also signifies [The Psalms of David;] what David used to sing, or chant, (يَتَغَنَّى بِهِ, in the CK يُتَغَنَّى به,) of the Psalms: (K:) and to such is likened the utmost sweetness of voice in reciting: and آل is said to be here redundant or pleonastic; meaning the person: (TA:) or (so in the TA, but in the K “ and ”) مزامير داوود signifies kinds of prayer, or supplication: it is pl. of مِزْمَارٌ and of ↓ مَزْمُورٌ or مُزْمُورٌ. (So in different copies of the K.) مَزْمُورٌ and مُزْمُورٌ: see مِزْمَارٌ, in two places.
مُسْتَزْمِرٌ (tropical:) Shrinking, and abject, or ignominious, in his own estimation. (K, TA.) [See also its verb.]
89036. زءف1 89037. زءم1 89038. زءن1 89039. زءي1 89040. زأب7 89041. زَأَبَ1 89042. زَأَبَ 1 89043. زأبر389044. زأَبر1 89045. زأبق6 89046. زأت1 89047. زأَت1 89048. زَأَتَهُ1 89049. زأج1
أبر زَأْبَرَ: &c.: see art. زبر.144024. وَجَنَ 1 144025. وَجَنَات1 144026. وَجْنة1 144027. وجهٌ1 144028. وَجه4 144029. وجّه1 144030. وَجَهَ1 144031. وجه16144032. وجه التّشبيه1 144033. وَجْه الحَجَر1 144034. وجه الحق1 144035. وَجْهُ نَهارٍ1 144036. وَجَهَ 1 144037. وَجْهَة2
2 وَجَّهْتِ سِجَافَتَهُ and سِدَافَتَهُ; i. e. هَتَكْتِ سِتْرَهُ, i. e. أَخَذْتِ وَجْهَهَا: see arts. سجف and سدف, and جوه, conj. 2.3 وَاجَهَهُ , inf. n. مُوَاجَهَةٌ, He faced him; confronted him; encountered him; met him face to face (S, K, Msb.) He confronted him, accosted him, or encountered him, with speech, or words, or with his face. (Lth, JK, TA.) 4 أَوْجَهَ He repelled, or rejected, an asker, or a beggar. (T.) b2: See جوه.5 تَوَجَّهَ He tended, repaired, or betook himself, to, or towards, him, or it, either in a direct course, or indirectly. (IJ, in M and L, art. قصد.) b2: أَحْمَقُ مَايَتَوَجَّهُ A stupid man, who does not accomplish his affair well. (JK.) 8 لَمْ يَتَّجِهْ لِشَىْءٍ (S, K, art. بور; and M, K, art. بلد; &c.) He did not apply himself rightly to anything; he knew not the right course to pursue; like لَمْ يَهْتَدِ. See also أَحْمَقُ مَا يَتَوَجَّهُ; and see بَائِرٌ and غُمَّى. b2: اِتَّجَهَ لَهُ رَأْىٌ i. q. سَنَحَ. (S, TA.) See سَنَحَ, in two places. b3: اِتَّجَهَ إِلَى الصِحَّةِ He became convalescent.
وَجْهٌ b2: أَسْلَمْتُ وَجْهِى للّٰه I resigned, or resign, myself to God: i. e., I became, or become, * Muslim: وجه is here used for the whole because it is the most noble part: (Jel, ii. 106:) or ذاتى my course. (TA.) b3: مِنْ كُلِّ وَجْهٍ In every respect; considered from every point of view. b4: الوَجْهُ أَنْ يَكُونَ كَذَا The [proper or reasonable] way is that it should be thus: or the valid and obvious [way]. (Msb.) See تُرْعَةٌ. b5: وَجْهٌ A course, a purpose, or an object, which one is pursuing; a direction in which one is going or looking, & c. as also ↓ جِهَةٌ. b6: The way of a thing. (TA.) b7: لَيْسَ لِكَلاَمِكَ وَجْهٌ There is no truth, or correctness, in thy saying. (TA.) b8: وَجْهٌ Brightness [of intellect]. (L, voce كَدٌّ.) b9: لِوَجْهِ اللّٰهِ (Kur, lxxvi. 9) For the sake of God; or to obtain the countenance or favour of God. (Kull, p. 378.) See فِى ذَاتِ اللّٰهِ in art. ذُو. b10: لَوْكَانَ كَذَا لَكَانَ وَجْهًا Were it so, it were reasonable. b11: لَا وَجْهَ لَهُ, said of a phrase, &c., There is no reasonable way of accounting for it. b12: لَيسَ بِالوَجْهِ same as لَيْسَ بِوَجِيةٍ Not of respectable, or esteemed, or high, authority: (said of a word or phrase, &c.:) or it is not the proper way. b13: اِبْتِغَاءَ وَجْهِ اللّٰهِ From a desire of God's recompense: (Kur, ii. 274; and Expos. of the Jeláleyn:) or countenance, meaning favour. There are several similar phrases in the Kur, where وجه is explained in the same sense of ثَوَابٌ in the Expos. of the Jeláleyn. b14: جَبَسَهُ عَنْ وَجْهِهِ [He withheld him, or restrained him, from his course, purpose, or object]. (S, art. الت.) b15: صَرَفَ الشَّىْءَ عَنْ وَجْهُهُ He turned the thing away, or back, from its course, عَنْ سَنَنِهِ. (TA.) b16: خَرَجَ وَجْهُهُ (S, A, L, art. مرد; and L voce استعلج;) [for خَرَجَ نَبَاتُ وَجْهِهِ, The hair of his face grew forth]. b17: وَجْهُ الدَّهْرِ The beginning of time, (K,) and نَهَارٍ of day. (TA.) b18: رَوَاهُ عَلَى وَجْهِهِ, (S, K, art. قص,) and حَدَّثَ بِهِ عَلَى وَجْهِهِ: (Msb, art. قص:) see قَصَّ, in two places. b19: أَتَيْتُ الأَمْرَ مِنْ وَجَهِهِ, &c., and ↓ جِهَتِهِ: see مَأْتًى. b20: وَجْهٌ The drift of speech. (K, Kull, p. 378.) b21: مَضَىَ عَلَى وَجْهِهِ [He went at random, heedlessly, headlong, or in a heedless, or headlong, course, or manner; and so ذَهَبَ عَلَى وَجْهِهِ]: see رَكِبَ رَأْسَهُ in art. ركب. b22: دَهَبَ عَلَى وَجْهِهِ حَيْثُ شَآءَ [He went away at random whither he would]. (TA in art. سوم.) b23: بَلَّتْ مَطِيَّتُهُ عَلَى وَجْهِهَا and أَبَلَّتْ: see 1 in art. بل. b24: أُطْلُبُوا الحَوَائِجَ إِنَى حِسَانِ الوُجُوهِ Make ye petition, for the things that ye want, to persons of good rank or station. (El-Hasan El-Muäddib, in TA, art. نضر.) b25: وَجْهٌ (assumed tropical:) Consideration and regard. See 3 in art. اسو. b26: وَجْهٌ and ↓ جِهَةٌ The place towards which one goes: (Munjid of Kr:) or the place, region, quarter, part, or point, towards which a person, or thing, goes, tends, or is directed: so I have rendered ↓ جِهَةٌ: see صُقْعٌ, and مَسْجُوحٌ: ↓ جِهَةٌ signifies any place towards which one looks or goes; as also ↓ وِجْهُةٌ: (Har, p. 373:) the place, or point, of the tendency or direction or bearing of anything: whence كَذَا ↓ جِهَةَ in the direction of such a thing: and ↓ لِجِهَةٍ towards one quarter. b27: Hence, وَجْهُ الطَّرِيقِ The point, or place, to which the way, or road, leads: see ذَنَابَةٌ. And in like manner, وَجْهُ أَمْرٍ and ↓ جِهَتُهُ The end, or result, of an affair, to which it leads, or tends. b28: رَمَوْا وَجْهًا وَاحِدًا [They shot in one direction]. (M voce رِشْقٌ.) b29: وَجْهُ الضُّحَى The first, or beginning, of the ضُحَى. (TA voce رَوْنَقٌ, q. v.) b30: وَجْهٌ A chief of a people or party. (K.) b31: أَتَوْا مَنْ وَجْهِهِمْ: see فَوْرٌ. b32: وَجْهٌ i. q. طَرِيقَةٌ [meaning The mode, or manner, of a thing]. (KL.) b34: مَا أَدْرِى مَا وَجْهُهُ I know not what is its meaning. b35: أَخَذَ وَجْهَهَا [app. He degraded her; took away her grade: and hence he took her maidenhead: see وَجَّهْتِ سِجَافَتَهُ].
جَهَةٌ : see وَجْهٌ throughout. b2: مِنْ جِهَةِ كَذَا In respect of, or with reference to, such a thing: and by reason, or on account, or because, of such a thing. b3: الجِهَاتُ السِّتُ The six relative points or directions or locations; namely, above, below, before, behind, right, and left.
وِجْهَةٌ : see وَجْةٌ. b2: A way, mode, or manner, of acting, &c.
وَجِيهٌ Worthy of regard.
أَوْجَهُ More, and most, worthy of regard.
تَوْجِيهٌ : see وَلْثٌ. b2: التَّوْجِيهُ i. q. التَّوْرِيَةُ.
مُتَوَجَّهٌ A place towards which one tends, repairs, or betakes himself.
144554. وركن1 144555. وَرْكُوه1 144556. وِرْكَي1 144557. وِرْكي1 144558. ورل11 144559. وَرَلَ 1 144560. ورلز1 144561. ورم17144562. وَرَم1 144563. وَرِمَ1 144564. وَرَمَ 1 144565. ورمن1 144566. وَرِمِي1 144567. وَرَمِي1
1 وَرِمَ أَنْفُهُ (tropical:) He became enraged: see أَنْفٌ.4 أَوْرَمَهُ meaning أَرْغَمَهُ He angered him: see شَرَاهُ.وَرَمٌ
, a coll. gen. n., Swellings, or tumours: n. un. with ة. The n. un. occurs in the TA, art. جدر, &c.
145165. وَعَقَ 1 145166. وَعْقَةُ1 145167. وَعَكَ1 145168. وعك13 145169. وَعَكَ 1 145170. وَعَلَ1 145171. وَعْلٌ1 145172. وعل16145173. وَعَلَ 1 145174. وَعْلا1 145175. وَعْلان1 145176. وَعلم الشَّيْء بِالْوَجْهِ...1 145177. وعلُوّ1 145178. وَعِلي1
وَعِْلٌ A mountain-goat: (K, &c.:) see ثَيَنَلٌ; also أَلْبٌ; and أَرْوِيَّةٌ and شَهْرٌ.
وُعُولٌ as meaning Noble persons: and strong men: see two exs. voce تَحْت.
147027. يَكُون سببَ1 147028. يَكُونُوا1 147029. يل ويلل1 147030. يَلَّ 1 147031. يَلابِنُ1 147032. يَلَّاد1 147033. يَلَّاغَة1 147034. يلب10147035. يَلَبَ 1 147036. يلبر1 147037. يَلْبِس1 147038. يلبن1 147039. يَلْبَنُ1 147040. يلبوال1
يَلَبٌ Shields, of the kind called تِرْسَةٌ, (K,) pl. of تُرْسٌ; or of the kind called دَرَقٌ, as is said in the R and M; which two kinds differ in this, that the درق, like the حَجَف, are of skin, or leather, without any wood or sinews (or nerves), whereas ترس is a more general appellation: (TA:) or coats of defence, syn. دُرُوعٌ, (K,) of the fabric of El-Yemen: (TA:) made [app. whether shields or coats of defence] of skins; (K;) i. e., of the hides of camels: (TA:) or coats of defence (دروع) of the fabric of ElYemen, made of skins sewed together: a coll. gen. n., of which the n. un. is يَلَبَةٌ: 'Amr Ibn Kulthoom says: عَلَيْنَا البَيْضُ وَاليَلَبُ اليَمَانِى
وَأَسْيَافٌ يَقُمْنَ وَيَنْحَنِينَا [Upon us (were) helmets, and leathern coats of defence of the fabric of El-Yemen, and swords that are straight (so accord. to the above reading, of يَقُمْنَ, which I find in an excellent copy of the S: but some read يُقَمْنَ, which, I think, affords not so good a sense:) and that curve]: (S:) or helmets made of camel's hides: [see also أَلَبٌ and أَلَبَةٌ:] or [head-coverings made of] plaited thongs of leather (نُسُوعٌ) woven together, which are put on the head in lieu of the helmet: (TA:) or skins which are sewed together, and worn on the head, specially: (K:) or skins which are worn beneath the [kind of coat called] دِرْع, or [beneath that of] دِيبَاج; one of which is called يَلَبَةٌ: or skins which are worn like the coats of defence called دروع: or skins of which such coats are made: (TA:) or any defensive coverings, or armour, of skins; not of iron; and hence, shields (دَرَقٌ) [of skins] are thus called: a poet says, عَلَيْهِمْ كُلُّ سَابِغَةٍِ دِلَاصٍ
وَفِى أَيْدِهِمِ اليَلَبُ المُدَارُ [Upon them (are, or were,) all (kinds of) ample coats of mail, smooth and glistening; and in their hands, round shields of skins]: and يَلَبٌ, originally is a name of that skin [of which such coverings are made]: Aboo-Dahbal El-Jumahee says, دِرْعِى دِلَاصٌ شَكُّهَا شَكٌّ عَجَبْ وَجَوْبُهَا القَاتِرُ مِنْ سَيْرِ الْيَلَبْ
[My coat of mail is smooth and glistening: its cleaving (or sticking close) is an admirable cleaving: and its shield, of good dimensions, is of strips of skin: so accord. to explanations in the S, in arts. شك and قتر: but I incline to think that جوبها here is the same as جَيْبُهَا; and that a word is understood, which makes the meaning to be its opening at the neck and bosom, of good dimensions, is bordered with an edge of thongs]: (S:) or simply skin, or hide. (K.) b2: Also defensive coverings, or armour, of pieces of felt (لُبُود), with a stuffing of honey (عَسَل) and sand. (K.) b3: Also, Steel; (K;) pure iron: (ISh, T, K:) n. un. يَلَبَةٌ. (TA.) Of this signification, the following hemistich is cited as an ex., وَمِحْوَرٌ أَخْلَصُ مَن مَّاءِ اليَلَبَ [And a pulley-axis clearer (in its brightness) than the lustre of pure iron, or steel]: but ISk says that it is by an Arab of the desert, who, hearing the verse of 'Amr Ibn-Kulthoom quoted above, erroneously supposed يلب to signify the most excellent kind of iron; and IDrd also asserts that the meaning assigned to it in this hemistich is founded upon a mistake. (TA.) See also أَلَبَةٌ. b4: Also, Anything great, big, or large in size. (K.)
54259. بَدَّ 1 54260. بِدْء1 54261. بدء1 54262. بدء الدنيا1 54263. بدء المخلوقات1 54264. بَدَأَ3 54265. بدأَ2 54266. بدأ1554267. بَدأ1 54268. بَدَأَ بـ1 54269. بَدَأَ 2 54270. بُدِئَ1 54271. بدا8 54272. بَدَا2
أ1 بَدَأَ بِهِ, (T, S, M, &c.,) aor. ـَ (Mgh, K,) inf. n. بَدْءٌ, (T, S, M, Msb,) i. q. به ↓ ابتدأ; (S, Msb, K;) [He began with it;] he made it to have precedence, or to be first; gave precedence to it; syn. قَدَّمَهُ: (Mgh, Msb:) in the dial. of the Ansár, بَدِئَ به is used in this sense of قدّمه; (M;) or بَدِىَ به [without ء]; (IKtt, TA; [see بَدةءٌ;]) [and بَدَى به; see art. بدى;] and به ↓ ابدأ signifies the same. (Msb.) [So in the Kur xii. 76, فَبَدَأَ بِأَوْعِيَتِهِمْ قَبْلَ وِعَآءِ أَخِيهِ And he began with their bags, before the bags of his brother. and بَدَأَهُ is sometimes used in the sense of بَدَأَ بِهِ; whence, in the Kur ix. 13, وَهُمْ بَدَؤُوكُمْ أَوَّلَ مَرَّةٍAnd they, it was, began with you the first time; i. e., as Bd says, by acting with hostility, and fighting.] You say also, بَدَّا ثُمَّ عَادَ He began, or did a first time, or the first time: then repeated, or did a second time. (Az, TA in art. عود.) and بَدَأَ فِىِ الأَمْرِ [He began, or made a beginning, in the affair.] (M.) b2: بَدَأَ also signifies It (a thing) began; began to be; originated; or came into existence. (Msb.) [See also 5.]
A2: بَدَأَ الشَّيْءَ, (S, M, K,) aor. and inf. n. as above, (M,) [He began the thing; commenced it; set about it; as also ↓ ابتدأهُ: accord. to the Mgh, the latter has this meaning, or, agreeably with the authority of the M and K, the meaning which here next follows:] he did the thing first, for the first time, by way of beginning, or originally; (S, M, K;) as also ↓ ابدأهُ and ↓ ابتدأهُ; (M, K;) i. e., not after the example of anything preceding. (TA. [But this addition seems rather to belong to another explanation to be mentioned below.]) One does not say, زَيْدًا ↓ ابتدأ nor بَدَأَهُ, because these two verbs [signifying as last explained above] do not have for their objects corporeal things. (Mgh.) [El-Mutanakhkhil El-Hudhalee uses the phrase سَأَبْدُؤُهُمْ بِمَشْمَعِةٍ I will begin with them (meaning his guests) by sporting and jesting; like the phrase in the Kur ix. 13 cited above: but different from these is the saying in the Kur xxxii. 6, وَبَدَأَ خَلْقِ الْإِنْسَانِ مِنْ طِينٍ And He began the creation of man from clay.] The saying, ↓ فَإِنْ كَانَ السَّبُعُ ابْتَدَأَهُ means ابتدأ أَخْذَهُ
أَوْ عَضَّهُ [But if the beast, or bird, of prey has begun the seizing of him, or the biting of him]; the noun that is prefixed [to the pronoun] being suppressed. (Mgh.) You say also, كَانَ ذٰلِكَ فِى
الأَمْرِ ↓ ابْتِدَآءِ That was in the beginning, or first, of the affair. (Msb.) [See also بَدْءٌ, below.] b2: He originated the thing; brought it into being or existence; made it, or produced it, for the first time, it not having been before; (Mgh;) [and] so ↓ ابدأهُ, said [of God, and] of a man, as the agent; (Msb;) and ↓ ابتدأهُ. (Mgh in art. بدع.) [Hence,] بَدَأَ اللّٰهُ الخَلْقَ, and ↓ أَبْدَأَهُمْ, God created, or brought into existence, mankind, or the created beings: (M, Msb, K:) both signify the same. (S.) البَاطِلُ وَمَا يُعِيدُ ↓ مَا يُبْدِئُ [in the Kur xxxiv. 48, means What doth that which is false, or the Devil, originate, or produce in the first instance? and what doth it, or he, reproduce after it hath perished?]: Zj says that مَا, here, is in the place of an accus., meaning in each Instance أَىَّ شَىْءٍ: or it may be a negative; and الباطل here is Iblees; i. e., Iblees createth not, nor raiseth to life after death. (M.) You say also, وَمَا يُعِيدُ ↓ مَا يُبْدِئُ, meaning وَلَا ↓ مَا يَتَكَلَّمُ عَائِدَةٍ, (S, K,) i. e. He does not say anything for the first time, nor anything for the second time; or anything original, nor anything in the way of repetition; الكَلَامِ ↓ بَادِئَةُ signifying what is said for the first time; and عَائِدَةُ الكَلَامِ, what is said for the second time, afterwards: (TA:) or he says not anything: (A in art. عود:) and he has no art, artifice, or cunning. (IAar, TA in art. عود; and A in the present art.) b3: بَدَأَ البِئْرَ He dug the well [for the first time: see بَدِىْءٌ]. (Msb.) A3: بَدَأَ مِنْ أَرْضٍ إِلَى أَرْضٍ, (T,) or مِنْ أَرْضِهِ, (K,) He went forth from a land to a land, or from his land; as also ↓ ابدأ. (T, K.) A4: بُدِئَ, (inf. n. as above, S, M, K,) He (a man, S, M) had the small-pox: (Az, As, T, S, M, K:) or the حَصْبَة [i. e. measles, or spotted fever]: (S, M, K:) or, as Az says, and the حصبة: (T:) or, as Lh says, there came forth upon him pustules resembling the small-pox: but he adds, some say, the small-pox itself: (M:) the epithet applied to a person affected therewith is ↓ مَبْدُوْءٌ. (Az, As, Lh, T, S, M.) b2: Also He fell sick. (IAth, TA.) In a trad. of ' Áïsheh occur the words, فِى اليَوْمِ الَّذِى بُدِئَ فِيهِ رَسُولِ اللّٰهِ [meaning In the day in which the Apostle of God fell sick]: and IAth says, مَتَى بُدِئَ فُلَانٌ meaning When did such a one fall sick? is a phrase used in inquiring respecting the living [who has been attacked by illness] and respecting the dead. (TA.) 4 ابدأ: see 1, in seven places. b2: Also He did a new thing; a thing unknown before; or a strange, or wonderful, thing. (S, * TA.) b3: and He voided excrement, or ordure; or broke wind; syn. نَجَا; [as also أَبْدَى;] said of a man. (M.) b4: And He put forth his second teeth; said of a child; (M;) and of a colt. (TA voce أَحْفَرَ, q. v.) 5 تبدّأ He, or it, began, or made a beginning. (KL.) [See also 1. Golius mentions, but without giving the authority, and without the vowel-signs, the saying, هَاتِ القِصَّةَ مِنْ ذِى تُبُدِّئَتْ; but writing the last word تبديت, stating only that it is in the passive form; as meaning Relate thou the story, or history, from the beginning.]8 إِبْتَدَاَ see 1, in seven places. b2: ابتدأهُ بِوَعْدٍ He made him a promise in anticipation; without his asking it of him. (M in art. انف.) بَدءٌ inf.n. of 1; (T, S, M, Msb;) [The act of beginning;] or the doing a thing first. (M.) Yousay, لَكَ البَدْءُ, (M, K,) and ↓ البُدْءُ, (As, TA,) and ↓ البَدْأَةُ, (S, M, Msb, K,) and ↓ البُدْأَةُ, (S, M, K,) and ↓ البِدْأَةُ, (L,) and ↓ البَدَآءَةُ, (M, K,) and ↓ البُدَآءَةُ, (S, M, K,) and البُدَاهَةُ, with ه substituted for ء, (M, Mtr,) and ↓ البِدَآءَةُ, (Mtr, TA,) and, accord. to IKtt, البِدَايَةُ, but see what follows, (TA,) and ↓ البَدِئَةُ, (M, K,) and ↓ البُدَّآءَةُ, (Az, TA,) It is for thee to begin, (S, M, Msb, K,) before any other, in shooting or casting, &c.: (S:) as to البِدَايَةُ, mentioned above, accord. to Mtr [and Fei], (TA,) it is a vulgar word, (Mgh, Msb, TA,) as IB and several others have stated, (Msb, TA, *) a corruption of ↓ البِدَآءَةُ, (Mgh, Msb,) signifying the first; as also ↓ البُدَآءَةُ; and ↓ البَدْأَةُ: (Msb:) but IKtt says that it is a word of the dial. of the Ansár; بَدَأْتُ بِالشَّىْءِ and بَدِيتُ بِهِ signifying قَدَّمْتُهُ: [see 1:] and he cites the following verse of Ibn-Rawáhah: وَلَوْ عَبَدْنَا غَيْرَهُ شَقِينَا بِاسْمِ الْإِلَاهِ وَ بِهِ بَدِينَا [In the name of God, and with it we begin; and if we worshipped any other than Him, we should be miserable]: see art. بدى. (TA. [This verse is also cited in the S in art. بدو, where, in one copy I find it as above; in another, with بَدَيْنَا instead of بَدِيْنَا.]) And you say, فَعَلَهُ عَوْذَا وَبَدْءًا, (T, S,) and عَوْدَهُ عَلَي بَدْئِهِ, (M,) and فِى عَوْدِهِ وَبَدْئِهِ, and ↓ فِى عَوْدَتِهِ وَبَدْأَتِهِ, (S, M,) [He did it returning and beginning again; or returning to his beginning; i. e. he did it again from the beginning; he recommenced it: or you say this] meaning like as is meant by the saying next following. (TA.) رَجَعَ عَوْدَهُ عَلَى بَدْئِهِ, (S, K,) and عَوْدًا عَلَى بَدْءٍ, in both of which [and in the last following] the verb may be trans., and the noun following therefore in the accus. case, (TA,) and فِى عَوْدِهِ وَبَدْئِهِ, and ↓ فِى عَوْدَتِهِ وَبَدْأَتِهِ, [in both of which, if correct, the verb must be intrans.,] and عَوْدًا وَبَدْءًا, [as though meaning عَائِدًا وَبَادِئًا, used as a phrase denotative of state,] (K,) [but in this last, and the two next preceding, accord. to the TA, the verb should be فَعَلَهُ, as in the next preceding sentence, instead of رَجَعَ, and this is confirmed by what is said in the K in art. عود,] He returned in the way whence he had come: (S, K:) [accord. to the TA, the literal meaning of the first and second may be he made his returning to revert to his beginning, and he made a returning to revert to a beginning:] or the meaning of the first, (Sb, TA in art. عود, and K in that art.,) and of the second, (K in that art.,) is, he returned without stopping after he had gone away: (Sb, K:) and sometimes it signifies the stopping in one's coming and then returning: (Sb:) [and it returned to its first state; it recommenced:] and you say, رَجَعْتُ عَوْدِى عَلَى
بَدْئِى, meaning I returned like as I had come. (Sb ubi suprà.) b2: Also First, or former; preceding all others, or preceding another; as also ↓ البَدْءُ بَدِىْءٌ; and البَدِىءُ being syn. with الأَوَّلُ. (S, K.) Hence the saying, اِفْعَلْهُ بَادِى بَدْءٍ, and ↓ بَادِى بَدِىْءٍ, meaning Do thou it the first thing, or the first of everything; [accord. to different copies of the S;] the ى in بادى being quiescent, in the place of the accus. case, accord. to usage; and sometimes they omit the [altogether], on account of frequent use [of the phrase], as will be stated in art. بدو, (S in the present art.,) saying بَادِى بَدٍ, and بَادِىبَدِى (S in art. بدو.) You say also, اِفْعَلْهُ بَدْءًا, and أَوَّلَ بَدْءٍ, (Th, M, K,) and بَدْءَ بَدْءٍ, (CK,) and بَدَا بَدْءٍ, (M, K,) and بَدْءٍ ↓ بَادِئَ, (A'Obeyd, T, S, M, K,) and بَادِىَ بَدٍ, (K,) and بَادِىْ بَدًا, (M, K, [in the CK بَادِىْ بَدٍ,]) and بَادِىْ بَدًا, (M,) and بَدِىْءٍ ↓ بَادَئَ, (K,) and بَادِىْ بَدَا, (M, K,) and ↓ بَدِىْءٍ ↓ بَادِئَ, (A'Obeyd, T, S, M, CK,) and بَدِىٍّ ↓ بَادِئَ, which is anomalous, (M,) or بَادِىَ بَدِّىِ, (K,) and بَادِىْ بَدِيٍّ, (Fr, A'Obeyd, T, S, M,) and ↓ بَدِئٍ ↓ بَادِئَ, (S, CK,) or ↓ بَادِىَ بَدِئٍ, (K, TA,) and بَادِىْ
↓ بَدْأَةَ, (M, K, TA,) the former word being the act. part. n. of بَدِىَ, which is of the dial. of the Ansár, as mentioned above, and the latter being indecl., with fet-h for its termination, (TA, [in the CK the latter word is written بَدْءَة,]) and بَدْءٍ ↓ بَدْأَةَ, (CK,) and ↓ بَدْأَةَ بَدْأَةَ, (M, K,) and ↓ بَدِىْءٍ ↓ بَدْأَةَ, (S,) and بَدْءٍ ↓ بَدِىْءَ, (S, CK,) and بَدْءَ ذِى بَدْءٍ, (Fr, T,) and ذِى بَدْءٍ ↓ بَدْأَةَ, (Fr, T, S, K,) and ↓ بَدْأَةَ ذِى بَدْأَةٍ, and ↓ ذِى بَدِىْءٍ ↓ بَدْأَةَ, (S, K,) and ↓ ذِي بَدَآءَةَ ↓ بَدَأَةَ, (K, TA,) not بداءة [as in the CK], (TA,) and ↓ بَدِىْءَ ذِى بَدِىْءٍ, (S, K, TA, [in the CK the last word is written بَدْءٍ,]) and ↓ ذِى بَدِىْءٍ ↓ بَدَآءَةِ, (K,) meaning Do thou it the first thing; (Fr, T, K;) so in a correct copy [of the K, and so I find in a MS. copy of the K and in the CK]: accord. to another copy, the first of everything: (TA:) or the first of first; (S;) thus in the L: (TA:) the words here put in the accus. case [literally or virtually] are so put [in some instances] as adverbial nouns; or, accord. to MF, they may be [in some instances] denotatives of state, with respect to the agent; the meaning being اِفْعَلْهُ حَالَةَ كَوْنِكَ بَادِئًا, i. e. مُبْتَدِئَا بِهِ [lit. do thou it in the state of thy being beginning it]. (TA.) [In like manner,] you also say, بَدْءَ الرَّأْىِ, and [more commonly] الرَّأْىِ ↓ بَادِئَ, At first thought; or on the first opinion: (Lh, M:) [بَدْءُ الرَّأْىِ and] الرَّأْىِ ↓ بَادِئُ signifying the first, and beginning, of the idea, thought, opinion, or judgment; or what is perceived before considering well or thoroughly: (M:) [and بَدْءٌ alone signifying a first idea, thought, opinion, or judgment; as is implied in the A, voce صَيُّورٌ, q. v.:] hence, الرَّأْيِ ↓ فَعَلَهُ فِى بَادِئِ [He did it at first thought, &c.]: (M:) and الرَّأْىِ تُرِيدُ ↓ أَنْتَ بَادِئَ ظُلْمَنَا, and الرأى ↓ مُبْتَدَأَ, i.e. Thou at first thought, &c., desirest to wrong us: and one says also, بَادِىَ الرأى, without; meaning on the occasion of what appeared of opinion; i. e. at the first of what appeared thereof; [or at the first opinion's presenting itself;;] in which case, the phrase does not belong to this art. [but to art. بدو]: it occurs in the Kur xi. 29: (M:) AA alone there read بَادِئَ, with; all the other readers pronounced it without ء (TA.) b3: Also A chief, or lord, (S, M, Msb, K,) who occupies the first place in chieftainship or lordship: (S:) or, as some say, a youth, or young man, whose judgment, or opinion, is deemed good, and who is consulted: (M:) or it signifies also an intelligent youth or young man: (K:) pl. بُدُوْءٌ. (M.) A poet (namely, Ows Ibn-Maghrà Es-Saadee, TA) says, ثُنْيَانُنَا إِنْ أَتَاهُمْ كَانَ بَدْأَهُمُ وَبَدْؤُهُمْ إِنْ أَتَانَا كِانَ ثُنْيَانَا [Our second chief, if he came to them, would be their first chief; and their first chief, if he came to us, would be a second chief]. (S.) b4: Also, and ↓ بَدْأَةٌ, A share, or portion, of a slaughtered camel: (S, K:) or the best share or portion thereof: (T:) or the former word has the latter signification; and the latter word, the former signification: and the former signifies also a bone with the meat, or flesh, that is on it: (M:) and a joint; syn. مَفْصِلٌ; (AA, T, M;) and so بَدًا q.v.: (AA, T:) the pl. [of pauc.] of بَدْءٌ is أَبْدَآءٌ (S, M, K) and [of mult.] بُدُوْءٌ; (S, K;) the former of which is the more common: (TA:) or this is pl. of بَدًا. (AA, T.) The shares abovementioned [as commonly divided for the game called المَيْسِر q. v.] are ten; namely, the two haunches, the two thighs properly so called, the two thighs commonly so called (i. e. the tibiæ), the two shoulders, and the two arms; which last are the worst, because of the many veins [therein]. (TA.) b5: See also بَدِىْءٌ.
بُدءٌ: see بَدْءٌ; second sentence.
بَدِئٌ: see بَادِئَ بَدِئٍ, or بَادِىَ بَدِئٍ, voce بَدءٌ.
بَدْأَةٌ: see بَدْءٌ, in thirteen places. b2: Also The beginning, or outward course, of a military expedition; opposed to رَجْعَةٌ, meaning the returning, or homeward course, thereof: occurring in a trad., in which it is said that the Prophet gave, in the case of the former, a fourth [of the spoil], and in the case of the latter, a third; i.e., when a troop went forth from the main body of the army and attacked a party of the enemy, they were to have a fourth of the spoil that they took, and the rest of the army was to share with them the remaining three fourths; and if a troop did so in returning, they were to have a third of all the spoil that they took, because of the greater difficulty and danger attending this case. (T, Mgh.) b3: كَانَ ذٰلِكَ فِى بَدْأَتِنَا, and ↓ بُدْأَتِنَا, and ↓ بِدْأَتِنَا, (K,) and ↓ بَدَآءَتِنَا, (Lh, M, TA,) and ↓ بُدَآءَتِنَا, and ↓ بِدَآءَتِنَا, (TA,) and ↓ بَدَأَتِنَا, (Lh, M, K,) but [ISd says,] I know not how that is, (M,) and ↓ مُبْدَئِنَا, and ↓ مُبْدَئِنَا, (K,) and ↓ مَبْدَأَتِنَا, (Lh, M, and so in some copies of the K,) or مَبْدَاتِنَا, (so in other copies of the K,) thus in the بَاهِر of Ibn-'Odeys [in the CK Ibn-'Adebbes], (K,) which is said to indicate that we should hesitate respecting them [before admitting them to be of classical authority], are phrases meaning That was in the first of our state, and in our adolescence. (TA.) A2: Also, (so in a copy of the M, there written بَدْأَة,) or ↓ بُدْأَةٌ, with damm, (K,) A certain plant; (M;) a black thing, resembling a truffle (كَمْء), of which no use is made: so says AHn. (M.) بُدْأَةٌ: see بَدْءٌ; second sentence: and see بَدْأَةٌ, in two places.
بِدْأَةٌ: see بَدْءٌ; second sentence: and see بَدْأَةٌ بَدَأَةٌ: see بَدْأَةٌ.
بَدَآءٌ, with medd; [Excrement from the anus; as also بَدَّا;] a subst. from أَبْدَأَ, as meaning نَجَا. (M.) بَدِىْءٌ: see بَدْءٌ, as signifying First, or former; in eight places. b2: Also, applied to a thing, or an affair, i. q بَدِيعٌ, (S, and so in a copy of the K,) or مُبْدَعٌ: (so in other copies of the K:) [thus it signifies] Originated; brought into being or existence; made, or produced, for the first time, not having been before, or not after the similitude of any former thing: (TA:) and created: (M, K:) and wonderful: (M, Msb, TA:) and strange, or extraordinary, as not being after the similitude of any former thing. (TA.) b3: [Hence, as is implied in the Mgh,] بِئْرٌ بَدِىْءٌ A well newly dug; (T, Mgh, Msb;) i. q. بَدِيعٌ; (M;) or dug since the era of ElIslám (S, K;) not ancient; (S, Mgh, Msb;) as also ↓ بَدْءٌ: (S:) the former epithet [in this sense] is generally pronounced [بَدِىٌّ] without ء: (T:) the well thus called is one dug in a waste land that has no owner: (TA:) AO says, (TA,) this epithet, and بَدِيع, are applied to a well when thou hast dug it; but if thou findest it to have been dug before thee, it is termed خَفِيَّة; and thus the well of Zemzem is termed خفيّة, because it was Ismá'eel's, and was filled up or covered over [after his time]: (T, TA:) the term قَلِيب is [said to be] applied to an ancient well of which neither the owner nor the digger is known: (TA:) it is said in a trad., that the حَرِيم of a well such as is termed بدىء [i. e. the space surrounding it and belonging to it] is five-and-twenty cubits: (T, S: [but see حَرِيمٌ:]) the pl. is بُدُوْءٌ: (M:) and AO says that بُودَانٌ is pl. of بَدِىْءٌ applied to a well, and is syn. with قُلْبَانٌ [a pl. of قَلِيبٌ which I have not found elsewhere] and رَكَايَا, being formed by transposition of letters from بُدْيَانٌ [which is for بُدْآنٌ, as بَدِىٌّ is for بَدِىْءٌ; the د and ى being transposed, the word becomes بُيْدَانٌ, and this, by a rule of permutation, becomes بُودَانٌ]. (TA.) بَدَآءَةٌ: see بَدْءٌ, in three places: and see بَدْأَةٌ: and بَدِئَةٌ, in two places.
بُدَآءَةٌ: see بَدْءٌ, in two places: and see بَدْأَةٌ: and for the former, see also بَدِئَْةٌ.
بِدَآءَةٌ: see بَدْءٌ, in two places: and see بَدْأَةٌ: and for the former, see also بَدِئَةٌ.
بَدِيْئَةٌ: see بَدْءٌ; second sentence. b2: Also, (M, K,) and ↓ بَدَآءَةٌ, (K,) or ↓ بُدَآءَةٌ, (M,) i. q. بَدِيهَةٌ, (K,) and بَدَاهَةٌ, (TA,) or بُدَاهَةٌ, i. e. The first occurrence of a thing, that happens to one unexpectedly: (M:) [or the first of anything: and an occurrence thereof by which one is taken unawares: accord. to explanations in the K in art. بده:] pl. of the first, بَدَايَا. (TA.) b3: [And all app. signify The faculty of extemporizing; like بَدِيهَةٌ (q. v.) &c.] You say, جَيِّدَةٍ ↓ فُلَانٌ ذُو بَدَآءَةٍ, i. e. بَدِيهَةٍ حَسَنَةٍ, [meaning] Such a one has a good faculty of extemporizing; or of uttering, or relating, things by means of the promptness of his intelligence. (TA.) بُدَّآءَةٌ: see بَدْءٌ; second sentence.
بَادِئٌ [act. part. n. of 1]: see بَدْءٌ, in nine places.
بَادِئَةٌ: see 1, in two places.
مَبْدَأٌ [originally noun of place and of time from 1; A place, and a time, of beginning, &c. b2: ] See بَدْأَةٌ. b3: [Also A principle, or first rule, of a science &c.: pl. مَبَادِئُ. b4: And The primary import of a word; opposed in this sense to غَايَةٌ.]
مُبْدَأٌ: see بَدْأَةٌ.
المُبْدِئُ, applied to God, The Creator, or Originator, of the things [that exist], who hath produced them at the beginning, not after the similitude of anything pre-existing. (Nh.) and المُبْدِئُ المُعِيدُ, so applied, He who createth mankind, and who returneth them after life to death in the present world and after death to life on the day of resurrection. (TA in art. عود.) b2: مُبْدِئُ مُعِيدٌ A man who has gone on warring, or warring and plundering, expeditions, time after time, and is experienced in affairs: (A 'Obeyd, and K in art. عود:) and a horse upon which the owner has gone time after time on warring, or warring and plundering, expeditions; (TA in that art.;) or well trained and exercised, (K and TA in that art.) so as to be obedient to his rider. (TA in that art.) b3: [For other significations of مُبْدِئٌ, see its verb (4); and see أَحْفَرَ.]
مَبْدَأَةٌ: see بَدْأَةٌ مَبْدُوْءٌ [pass. part. n. of 1; Begun, &c.
A2: ] See بُدِئَ.
مُبْتَدَأٌ: see بَدْءٌ. b2: [In grammar, as correlative of خَبَرٌ, An inchoative.]
145004. وَضَرَ1 145005. وضر12 145006. وَضَرَ 1 145007. وَضْرَةُ1 145008. وضره1 145009. وضض2 145010. وَضَعَ1 145011. وضع22145012. وَضْع ألف بعد واو جمع المذكر السالم...1 145013. وَضَعَ بـ1 145014. وَضَعَ 1 145015. وضَعَهُ1 145016. وَضَفَ1 145017. وضف6
1 وَضَعَهُ He put it, or laid it, (KL, * PS,) in, or on, a place: (PS:) he put it, or threw it, down from his hand: (TA:) contr. of رَفَعَه: (Mgh:) syn. حَطَّهُ: (K, * TA, in art. حط:) but it has a more general sense than this last. (Er-Rághib, Kull.) b2: وَضَعَ He put down a thing: contr. of رَفَعَ. (K, voce نَصَبَ.) b3: وَضَعَتْ She brought forth. b4: وَضَعَ لَهُ He appointed to him, or for him, a sign, or token, &c.: see Msb in art. علم. b5: وَضَعَ عَلَيْهِ He imposed upon him a fine, or tax, &c. b6: وَضَعَ He remitted a tax or the like; did not exact it. (Mgh, Msb, in art. جوح.) b7: وَضَعُوا الحَرْبَ (assumed tropical:) [They gave over, or relinquished, war;] they made peace; opposed to رَفَعُوهَا. (Ham, pp. 179 and 180.) b8: وَضَعَ مِنْهُ, (S,) or عَنْهُ, (K,) He lowered his grade, rank, condition, (S, K,) or estimation. (K.) b9: وُضِعَ فِى تِجَارَتِهِ He lost, or suffered loss or diminution, in his traffic; (S, Mgh, Msb, K;) did not gain in it; (Mgh;) as also ↓ أُوْضِعَ. (Mgh.) b10: وَضَعَ He forged (a word:) he forged (poetry, على in the name of). (Mz, 8th نوع.) b11: وَضَعَ لَفْظًا لِشَىْءٍ He applied or assigned or appropriated a word, or phrase, to denote, or signify, a thing. (Kull, 371, &c.) See also إِزَآء. b12: وَضَعْتُ عَلَيْهِ الشَّىْءَ app. signifies I made the thing according to his, or its, measare. See قَدَرْتُ.2 فِى فُلَانٍ تَوْضِيعٌ: see طُرْقَةٌ.4 أَوْضَعَ See 1. b2: مِنْ أَيْنَ أَوْضَعَ الرَّاكِبُ i. q.
90472. زَمَلَة1 90473. زَمْلَة1 90474. زِمْلَة1 90475. زُمَلَة1 90476. زُمْلَة1 90477. زملط1 90478. زُمَّلِقُ1 90479. زملق590480. زُمُلْقُ1 90481. زملك1 90482. زَمَلُكَا1 90483. زِمْلِكانُ1 90484. زَمْلَكَانُ1 90485. زمله1
Q. 1 زَمْلَقَ, inf. n. زَمْلَقَةٌ, He did the act denoted by the epithet زُمَلِقٌ expl. in art. زلق voce زَلِقٌ. (TA.) b2: زَمْلَقَةٌ in asses is like هَمْلَجَةٌ [i. e. The going an easy and a quick pace] in a horse. (TA.) زُمَلِقٌ and ↓ زُمَّلِقٌ and ↓ زُمَالِقٌ are expl. in the S in art. زلق [q. v., voce زَلِقٌ]: in the K, in the present art., agreeably with the opinion of Aboo-'Obeyd. (TA.) [The first is said in the TA, voce ثَتٌّ, to be syn. with عِذْيَوْطٌ, q. v.] b2: The first is also applied to an ass, as meaning Fat; whose back is even by reason of the fat. (Lh, TA.) زُمْلُوقٌ A boy, or young man, light, or active, upon whom his pursuer can hardly lay hold by reason of his lightness in his running, and his going this way and that, quickly, and deceitfully, or guilefully; as also ↓ زُمَالِقٌ: thus expl. by Az, on the authority of one of the Arabs: also said to signify light, or active, and inconstant, unsteady, or fickle; and so ↓ زُمَّلِقٌ and ↓ زُمَالِقٌ. (TA.) زُمَالِقٌ: see زُمَلِقٌ: b2: and see also زُمْلُوقٌ, in two places.زُمَّلِقٌ: see زُمَلِقٌ: b2: and see also زُمْلُوقٌ.
144731. وَسَط2 144732. وَسُطَ1 144733. وسطُ الْكَوْكَب1 144734. وَسَطَ 1 144735. وسطا1 144736. وَسْطَانُ1 144737. وَسطه1 144738. وسع20144739. وَسَعَ1 144740. وَسِعَ1 144741. وَسَعَ 1 144742. وَسِعَه1 144743. وُسْعِي1 144744. وسف7
1 وَسِعَ الإِنَآءُ المَتَاعَ [The vessel was sufficient in its capacity or dimensions, or sufficiently capacious, or large, for the goods]; and المَكَانُ القَوْمَ [the place for the company of men]. (Msb.) لَا يَسَعُكَ ان تَفْعَلَ كَذَا It is not in thy power, or proper for thee, (MA,) or allowable for thee, (Mgh, Msb,) to do such a thing. (MA, Mgh, Msb.) b2: وَسَعَ عَلَيْهِ رِزْقَهُ, aor. ـْ and ↓ أَوْسَعَهُ, and ↓ وَسَّعَهُ; He (God) made his means of subsistence ample and abundant. (Msb.) 2 وَسَّعَ He made wide, broad, spacious, roomy, or ample. b2: وَسَّعَ لَهُ فِى المَجْلِسِ He made room, or ample space, for him in the sitting-place. (S, art. فسح.) b3: [And so] فِى المَجْلِسِ ↓ تَوَاسَّعُوا They made room, or ample space, [one for another,] in the sitting-place. (S, art. فسح.) b4: وَسَّعَ عَلَيْهِ, for وَسَّعَ عَلَيْهِ رِزْقَهُ, He (God) amplified, enlarged, or made ample or plentiful, his means of subsistence; contr. of ضَيَّقَ. b5: See 1, and 4.4 أَوْسَعَهُ الشَّىْءَ [He made, or rendered, the thing ample, or free from straitness, to him;] he made the thing sufficient for him; syn. جَعَلَهُ يَسَعُهُ: (TA:) [he gave him sufficiently of the thing; or largely thereof.] b2: اَللّٰهُمَّ أَوْسِعْنَا رَحْمَتَكَ O God, make thy mercy sufficient for us; syn. اِجْعَلْهَا تَسَعُنَا. (TA.) b3: أَوْسَعَهُ أَمْرَهُ [He made, or rendered, his state, or case, or affair, ample, or free from straitness, to him]. (S, art. فرش.) See فَرَشَهُ. b4: أَوْسَعُوا لِلرَّجُلِ They made room, or ample space, for the man, in a place of standing or of sitting. (Msb, voce فَرَجَ.) b5: أَوْسَعَ عَلَيْهِ, (S, K.) and ↓ وَسَّعَ, (K,) He (God) enriched him; or rendered him free from want. (S, K.) b6: See 1.5 تَوَسَّعَ [He became, or made himself, ample, or abundant, in his circumstances; or in his means of subsistence; for توسّع فِى عَيْشِهِ;] i. q. تَرَفَّغَ. (S, in art. رفغ.) b2: تَوَسَّعَ He took a wide, an ample, or a large, range, فِى أَمْرٍ, in an affair. b3: تَوَسَّعَ فِى السَّخَآءِ (assumed tropical:) [He took a wide, or an ample range, or was profuse, in bounty, or munificence]. (S, K, in art. خرق.) b4: It expanded itself, spread out, dilated, widened. b5: He expatiated. One says, توسّع فِى الدَّارِ, and لَهُ سَاحَةٌ يتوسّع فِيهَا. (TA, voce تركّح.) b6: He strode, in walking. b7: تَوَسَّعُوا فِيهِ حَتَّى أَطْلَقُوهُ عَلَى كَذَا They extended its (a word's) signification, or amplified in respect of it, or rather, took an extended range in using it, so that they applied it to such a thing. (The lexicons, &c., passim.) b8: تَوَسَّعَ: see تَبَقَّرَ.8 اِتَّسَعَ It (a man's state, or condition, &c.) became free from straitness, or unstraitened. b2: اِتَّسَعَ عَيْشُهُ [His means, or circumstances, of life became ample, or plentiful]. (Msb, art. نعم.) b3: اِتَّسَعَ It widened, became wide, dilated, or expanded. b4: اِتَّسَعَ بَطْنُهُ His belly became wide, or distended. b5: اِتَّسَعَ لِأَمْرٍ He was capable of doing a thing. An instance occurs in the TA, voce أَوْهَبَ. b6: اِتِّسَاعُ البِئْرِ i. q.جِرَابُهَا [The interior of the well]. (K, art. جرب.) See also 5, in art. عقد. b7: اِتَّسَعَ الخَرْقُ عَلَى الرَّاقِعِ The hole was wide to the pitcher: see خَرْقٌ. b8: اِتِّسَاعٌ Extension of the signification of a word or phrase: an amplification. (The lexicons, &c., passim.) سَعَةٌ Width; breadth; extent, or space, from side to side. See سَدِيلٌ. b2: سَعَةٌ العَيْشِ Ampleness of the means, or circumstances, of life; an unstraitened, or a plentiful, state of life. b3: سَعَةٌ [Ample scope for action, &c.: and a state in which is ample scope for action, &c.: see نَفَسٌ, and مِعْرَاضٌ:] richness, or wealthiness, or competence: and capacity, or power, or ability: (S, K:) and plentifulness and [consequently] easiness of life. (TA.) b4: سَعَةُ الصَّدْرِ i. q.
سَعَةُ الخُلُقِ. (Har, p. 194.) b5: لَكَ عَنْهُ سَعَةٌ: see رُدْحَةٌ. b6: يَجُوزُ فِى السَّعَةِ It is allowable absolutely, in other cases than those of poetical necessity. (IbrD.) وَسَاعٌ A horse wide in step: (S, K:) or i. q. جَوَادٌ. (K.) وَسِيعٌ
, pl. وِسَاعٌ: see أَرِيضء in art. أرض.
عَيْشٌ وَاسِعٌ A life ample in its means or circumstances; unstraitened, or plentiful. b2: وَاسِعٌ Having power, or ability: (Bd, iv. 129:) or rather, having ample power or ability; powerful. See Ham, p. 609. b3: نَفْسٌ وَاسِعٌ: see رَابِطٌ. b4: خُلُقٌ وَاسِعٌ (assumed tropical:) A large, or liberal, disposition: see بَارِجٌ. b5: وَاسِعُ الخُلُقِ (tropical:) Large, or liberal, in disposition. b6: وَاسِعُ الصَّدْرِ: see مَجَمٌّ. b7: وَاسِعُ الجَرْىِ (S voce سَهْبٌ, applied to a horse,) Widestepping [in running]. (So expl. in the PS.) أَوْسَعُ Wider, or widest: see 3 in art. خلط.
مُوَسَّعٌ عَلَيْهِ Amply, or abundantly, provided with the means of subsistence.
مُتَّسَعٌ Width; extent; ampleness of space, and of quantity: properly a place of width, or spaciousness. See نُفْسَةٌ and مَبْسَطٌ.
96992. شَبِين1 96993. شَبِينَة1 96994. شبيه الاشتقاق1 96995. شبيه البدل1 96996. شبيهة القوس1 96997. شَبِيهي1 96998. شِبْيَوْط1 96999. شت697000. شتّ1 97001. شَتَّ1 97002. شَتَّ 1 97003. شتا6 97004. شِتَا1 97005. شَتَا1
1 شَتَّ, (S, A, Mgh, K,) aor. ـِ (Msb,) inf. n. شَتٌّ (S, Msb, K *) and شَتَاتٌ, (S, A, K, *) or the latter is a simple subst., (Msb,) and شَتيِتٌ (K, by implication,) and شُتُوتٌ; (MA;) and ↓ انشتّ, (K,) and ↓ استشتّ, and ↓ تشتّت; (S, K; [but the last, app., has an intensive signification;]) It (the state of affairs, S, or the state of union of a people or party, A, TA) became dissolved, broken up, discomposed, deranged, disorganized, disordered, or unsettled; syn. تَفَرَّقَ, (S, A, Msb, K, TA,) or اِنْفَرَقَ; (CK;) and of the third and fourth verbs, [or rather of all,] اِنْتَشَرَ. (TA.) And ↓ تشتّتوا They became separated, disunited, dispersed, or scattered. (A.) A2: See also 2, in two places.2 شتّت, (S, K,) inf. n. تَشْتِيتٌ; (S;) and ↓ اشتّ; and ↓ شَتَّ, aor. ـِ [which is anomalous in the case of a trans. verb of this class,] inf. n. شَتٌّ and شَتَاتٌ and شَتِيتٌ; (K;) [the first and second mentioned in the K only with reference to God as the agent;] He dissolved, broke up, discomposed, deranged, disorganized, disordered, or unsettled, syn. فَرَّقَ, (S, K,) the state of affairs [&c.], (S,) and the state of union of a people or party. (TA.) And one says also, بِى قَوْمِى ↓ اشتّ My people, or party, dissolved, broke up, &c., my state of affairs. (S, TA.) And بِقَلْبِى ↓ شَتَّ كَذَا وَكَذَا Such and such things discomposed, or disorganized, (فَرَّقَ, [which may also be rendered frightened,]) my mind, or heart. (As, TA.) And شَتَّتَهُمُ اللّٰهُ God separated, disunited, dispersed, or scattered, them. (A.) 4 أَشْتَ3َ see 2, in two places.A2: [أَشَتَّ عَلَيْكَ It (a thing) was, or became, distinct, or clear, to thee. (Freytag, from the Deewán of the Hudhalees.)]5 تَشَتَّّ see 1, in two places.7 إِنْشَتَ3َand 10: see 1.
شَتٌّ an inf. n. of 1 [q. v.] (S, Msb, K.) b2: And signifying Separation, disunion, or dispersion: so in the saying, الحَمْدُ لِلّٰهِ الَّذِى جَمَعَنَا مِنْ شَتٍّ [Praise be to God who has brought us together from a state of separation, disunion, or dispersion]: (TA:) a saying mentioned by AA, as heard by him from an Arab of the desert: (S, TA:) and ↓ شَتَاتٌ is [similar in meaning, being] likewise an inf. n. of 1; (S, A, K;) or it is a subst. from the intrans. verb شَتَّ, (Msb,) and signifies a state of separation or disunion; as in the saying, أَخَافُ عَلَيْكُمُ الشَّتَاتَ [I fear for you separation, or disunion]. (TA.) A2: Also i. q. مُتَفَرِّقٌ [meaning Dissolved, broken up, discomposed, deranged, disorganized, disordered, or unsettled; and separated, disunited, dispersed, or scattered]; as also ↓ شَتِيتٌ, (S, A, Msb,) [and ↓ شَتَاتٌ, as will be shown in what follows;] or ↓ شَتِيتٌ is syn. with مُفَرَّقٌ, [which is virtually the same as مُتَفَرِّقٌ,] and مُشَتَّتٌ: (K:) the pl. of شَتٌّ is أَشْتَاتٌ (S) [and شُتُوتٌ also, as will be shown by an ex. in what follows]: and ↓ شَتَّى is pl. of ↓ شَتِيتٌ, like as مَرْضَى is of مَرِيضٌ; (Jel in xx.
55, and MF;) or, accord. to some, it is a sing. noun. (MF.) One says أَمْرٌ شَتٌّ i. e. مُتَفَرِّقٌ [A state of affairs dissolved, broken up, &c.]; (S;) and [so] ↓ أَمْرٌ شَتَاتٌ, the latter word being an inf. n. used as an epithet. (Ham p. 176.) and ↓ صَارَ جَمْعُهُمْ شَتِيتًا i. e. مُتَفَرِّقًا [Their company, or congregated body, became separated, disunited, dispersed, or scattered]. (A.) And جَاؤُوا أَشْتَاتًا They came separated, disunited, dispersed, or scattered; syn. مُتَفَرِّقِينَ: (S, Msb, K:) and so ↓ جاؤوا شَتَاتَ شَتَاتَ, (K,) in one copy of the K شَتَاتَ وَشَتَاتَ; and MF allows ↓ شُتَاتَ, like ثُلَاثَ and رُبَاعَ; but there is no apparent reason for the repetition; and accord. to the L, the phrase as transmitted from the authorities worthy of confidence is ↓ جَآءَ القَوْمُ شَتَاتًا and شَتَاتَ i. e. The people, or party, came separated, &c. (TA.) and ↓ قَوْمٌ شَتَّى (S, Msb, K, TA) A people, or party, separated, &c.; syn. مُتَفَرِّقُونَ: (Msb, TA:) or consisting of sundry, or distinct, bodies; not of one tribe. (K.) And إِنَّ المَجْلِسَ لَيَجْمَعُ شُتُوتًا مِنَ النَّاسِ, (S, TA,) and مِنَ النَّاسِ ↓ شَتَّى, Verily the assembly comprises sundry, or distinct, bodies of men; (TA;) or men not of one tribe. (S TA.) And ↓ أَشْيَآءُ شَتَّى [Things of sundry, or different, or distinct, kinds or sorts]. (S.) أَزْوَاجًا مِنْ نَبَاتٍ
↓ شَتَّى, in the Kur xx. 55, means Sorts, of plants, various, or different, in colours, tastes, &c. (Jel.) ↓ أُمَّهَاتُهُمْ شَتَّى see expl. voce أُمٌّ. And تَؤُوبُ ↓ شَتَّى
الحَلَبَهْ, a prov., see expl. voce حَالِبٌ.
شَتَاتٌ and شَتَاتَ and شَتَاتًا: see شَتٌّ, in five places.
شُتَاتَ: see شَتٌّ.
شَتِيتٌ: see شَتٌّ, in four places. ثَغْرٌ شَتِيتٌ means [Fore teeth] separate, or wide-apart, one from another. (S, A, K.) Tarafeh says, مِنْ شَتِيتٍ كَأَقَاحِ الرَّمْلِ غُرْ [meaning From separate fore teeth like white chamomiles of the sands: ثَغْرٍ being understood, and غُرْ being for غُرٍّ]. (TA.) شَتَّى: see شَتٌّ, in seven places: b2: and see also the last sentence of the following paragraph.
شَتَّانَ بَيْنُهُمَا, (K, TA, but omitted in the CK,) with damm to the ن of بين, (TA,) [Different, or distinct, are they two: or widely different or distinct are they two: or how very, or widely, different or distinct, are they two! lit., the union of them two is severed: or the interval between them two is far-extending, or wide: or how greatly is the union of them two severed! as will be shown below.] Az quotes, in his “ Nawádir,”
with بين in the nom. case, the following verse: شَتَّانَ بَيْنُهُمَا فِى كُلِّ مَنْزِلَةٍ
هٰذَا يَخَافُ وَهٰذَا يَرْتَجِى أَبَدَا [Different, or widely different, &c., are they two in every predicament: this fears, and this hopes, ever]. (TA.) The mansoob form, however, is also employed (K, TA, but omitted in the CK) by some of the Arabs in the above-mentioned phrase, so that one says, شَتَّانَ بَيْنَهُمَا, مَا being understood, as though one said, شَتَّ الَّذِى بَيْنَهُمَا [meaning, as above explained, Different, or widely different, &c., are they two: lit., separated, or disunited, or severed, is that which is between them two: or far-extending, or wide, is the interval between them two: or how greatly separated, or severed, is the union between them two!]: Hassán Ibn-Thábit says, وَشَتَّانَ بَيْنَكُمَا فِى النَّدَى
وَفِى البَأْسِ وَالخُبْرِ وَالمَنْظَرِ [And different, or widely different, &c., are ye two in munificence and in valour and internal state and external appearance]. (TA.) In like manner also, [but with ما,] one says, شَتَّانَ مَا بَيْنَهُمَا, (A, Msb, K,) accord. to Th. (TA.) This [as also, consequently, the same phrase without ما] is disallowed by As and IKt: IB, however, says that this phrase occurs in the verses of chaste Arabs: for instance, Abu-l-Aswad EdDuälee says, وَشَتَّانَ مَا بَيْنِى وَبَيْنَكَ إِنَّنِى
عَلَى كُلِّ حَالٍ أَسْتَقِيمُ وَتَظْلَعُ [And different, or widely different, &c., are I and thou: for I, in every case, go erect, and thou haltest]: and similar is the saying of El-Ba'eeth, وَشَتَّانَ مَا بَيْنِى وَبَيْنَ ابْنِ خَالِدٍ
أُمَيَّةَ فِى الرِّزْقِ الَّذِى يَتَقَسَّمُ [And different, or widely different, &c., are I and Ibn-Khálid Umeiyeh, with respect to the supplies for the wants of life that are divided among mankind]. (TA.) One says also, شَتَّانَ مَا هُمَا; (S, A, K;) and شَتَّانَ مَا عَمْرٌو وَأَخُوهُ; (S, K;) Different, or distinct, or widely different, &c., are they two; and 'Amr and his brother: [lit., separate, or distinct, are they two; &c.: or remote are they two, one from the other; &c.:] or how greatly, or widely, are they two separated; &c.! (S, A, K:) here ما is redundant; and in the former phrase, هما is the agent of شتّان; as is the former of the two nouns, to which the latter noun is conjoined, in the latter phrase. (TA.) ElAashà says, شَتَّانَ مَا يَوْمِى عَلَى كُورِهَا وَيَوْمُ حَيَّانَ أَخِىجَابِرِ [Different, or widely different, &c., are (or were) my day upon her (the camel's) saddle, and the day of Heiyán the brother of Jábir: in which, for يَوْمِى and يَوْمُ, some read نَوْمِى and نَوْمُ]. (S, TA.) And in like manner, [but without ما,] one says, شَتَّانَ أَخُوهُ وَأَبُوهُ [Different, or widely different, &c., are his brother and his father]. (TA.) [See also an ex. in a verse cited voce دَائِمٌ, in art. دوم.]
b2: شَتَّانَ, is a preterite verbal noun, signifying اِفْتَرَقَ, [and so expl. above,] accord. to many authorities, [including most of the grammarians,] and therefore they have made it a condition that its agent must be what denotes more than one: [for اشترطوا فى فعله التردّد, I read اشترطوا فى فاعلهُ التعدّد, which agrees with what is afterwards said in the TA and here; though the former phrase may be so rendered as to convey essentially the same meaning: but this condition is not necessary if we render شتّان by بَعُدَ:] (TA:) or it signifies تَبَاعَدَ and اِفْتَرَقَ; (Ibn-Umm-Kásim;) or بَعُدَ; [and so expl. above;] (S, A, Msb, K;) and is inflected from شَتُتَ; (S, K;) [which is a verb not used; in the CK, incorrectly, شَتَتَ;] the fet-hah of the ن being the fet-hah originally pertaining to the [final] ت [of the verb]; and this fet-hah shows the word to be inflected from the preterite verb, like as سَرْعَانَ is from سَرُعَ, and وَشْكَانَ from وَشُكَ: (S:) or, accord. to Er-Radee, it implies wonder, [like several verbs of the measure فَعُلَ, as shown in remarks on هَيُؤَ &c.,] and means how greatly separated, disunited, or severed, &c.! (TA:) or, accord. to El-Marzookee and Hr and Zj and some others, it is an inf. n.: El-Marzookee says, in his Expos. of the Fs, that it is an inf. n. of a verb not used, [namely شَتُتَ,] and is indecl., with fet-hah for its termination, because it is put in the place of a pret. verb, being equivalent to شَتَّ, [for شَتُتَ,] i. e., تَشَتَّتَ أَوْ تَفَرَّقَ جِدًّا [as expl. above]: and Zj says that it is an inf. n. occupying the place of a verb, of the measure فَعْلَان, and therefore indecl., because differing thus from others of its class: Aboo-'Othmán El-Mázinee says that شَتَّان and سُبْحَان may receive tenween, whether they be substs, or occupying the place of substs.: upon which AAF observes that if شتّان be in its proper place, it is a verbal noun, meaning شَتَّ: if with tenween, it is indeterminate; if without tenween, determinate; and if translated from its office of a verbal noun, and made a subst. answering to التَّشْتِيتُ, and determinate, it is similar to سبحان in the phrase سُبْحَانَ مِنْ عَلْقَمَةَ الفَاخِرِ, which is a subst. answering to التَّنْزِيهُ. (TA.) The ن in شَتَّان (sometimes, TA) receives kesreh; (K;) though this is contr. to what is said by Az and by IDrst: its being sometimes with kesreh is mentioned by Th, on the authority of Fr: and Er-Radee seems to infer that its being so was an opinion of As; and gives two reasons for his disallowal of the expression شتّان ما بين; first, because شتّان occurs with kesr to the ن; and second, because its agent cannot be otherwise than what denotes more than one: [but see what has been observed above on this point:] IAmb says that one must not say شَتَّانِ مَا بَيْنَ أَخِيكَ وَأَبِيكَ, because, in this case, شتّان [virtually] governs only one noun in the nom. case: but that one may say, شَتَّانِ أَخُوكَ وَأَبُوكَ, and شَتَّانِ مَا أَخُوكَ وَأَبُوكَ, using شَتَّانِ as the dual of شَتٌّ; though correctly شتّان is a verbal noun: MF, however, observes that the Expositors of the Fs seem to say that Fr makes شَتَّانِ to be the dual of شَتٌّ; but that he only mentions it as a dial. var. of شَتَّانَ: the following is adduced as an ex.
لَشَتَّانَ مَا أَنْوِى وَيَنْوِى بَنُو أَبِى
[Different, or widely different, &c., are that which I intend and that which the sons of my father intend]: in which شتّان is read with both fet-hah and kesreh: and it is said in the O that شَتَّانِ is a dial. var. of شَتَّانَ. (TA.) b3: IJ mentions ↓ شَتَّى as an accidental syn. of شتّان; and says that it is not the fem. of the latter: therefore the assertion of some, that it is used by poetical license in the following verse of Jemeel requires consideration: أُرِيدُ صِلَاحَهَا وَتُرِيدُ قَتْلِى
وَشَتَّى بَيْنَ قَتْلِى وَالصِّلَاحِ [I desire to make peace with her, but she desires to slay me: and different, or widely different, &c., are slaying me and making peace]. (TA.)
85815. رُبَّة1 85816. رَبَّة1 85817. ربت10 85818. رَبَت1 85819. رَبَتَ 1 85820. رَبْتَسٌ1 85821. ربتس2 85822. ربث1185823. رَبَثَ1 85824. رَبَثَ 1 85825. ربثه1 85826. ربج6 85827. رَبْج1 85828. رَبُجَ 1
1 رَبَثَهُ, aor. ـُ inf. n. رَبْثٌ, (Ks, ISk, T,) He hindered, withheld, restrained, or prevented, him, and retarded him; or diverted him, by occupying him otherwise; (Ks, T, TA;) as also ↓ ربّثهُ: (A:) and he kept him, or held him, back: (Ks, T, TA:) and he deceived, deluded, beguiled, circumvented, or outwitted, him. (ISk, T.) Yousay, رَبَثَهُ عَنْ حَاجَتِهِ, (Sh, T, S, A, * K, *) and أَمْرِهِ, (T, M,) aor. as above, (T, S, M,) and so the inf. n.; (T, S, M, A, K;) and ↓ ربّثهُ, (M,) inf. n. تَرْبِيثٌ; (K;) He hindered, withheld, restrained, or debarred, him; (Sh, T, S, M, A, K;) and turned, or diverted, him; (M;) from the thing that he wanted, (Sh, T, S, A, K,) and from his affair, (T, M,) by pretexts. (T.) A2: رَبَثَ He was, or became, slow, tardy, dilatory, late, or backward. (Sh, TA.) [See also 5.]2 ربّثهُ: see above, in two places. Also He made him to tarry, stay, or stop. (M.) 5 تربّث He tarried, stayed, or stopped, (S, K,) in his journeying. (S.) 8 إِرْتَبَثَ see the next paragraph.9 اربثّوا They became separated, disunited, dispersed, or scattered. (TA.) And اربثّت الغَنَمُ The sheep, or goats, became dispersed, or scattered. (A, TA.) And اربثّوا فِى مَنَازِلِهِمْ, and رَأْيِهِمْ, They became separated, or disunited, in their places of alighting or abode, and their judgment or opinion. (A, TA.) b2: [Hence,] اربثّأَمْرُهُمْ, (S, TA,) or ↓ اِرْبَاثّ (K, TA,) or ↓ اِرْبَأَثَّ, (CK,) which last has been heard thus pronounced with ء to avoid the conjunction of two quiescent letters, (MF,) (assumed tropical:) Their affair was, or became, weak, and slow, tardy, or dilatory, so that they became separated, disunited, dispersed, or scattered: (S, K:) or the first (اربثّ امرهم) signifies, (T, M, A,) or signifies also, (K, * TA,) (tropical:) their affair, or state of affairs, was, or became, discomposed, dissipated, disorganized, disordered, or broken up; (T, M, A, K; *) as also ↓ ارتبث. (K.) 11 اِرْبَاثَّ, (K, TA,) or ↓ اِرْبَأَثَّ, (CK,) He was, or became, hindered, withheld, restrained, or debarred. (K, TA.) You say, دَنَا فُلَانٌ ثُمَّ ارْبَاثَّ Such a one drew near, or approached: then became hindered, withheld, &c. (TA.) b2: See also 9.
Q. Q. 4 اِرْبَأَثَّ: see 11: b2: and see also 9.
رَبِيثٌ i. q. ↓ مَرْبُوثٌ, (M, K,) Hindered, withheld, &c.: (M, * K:) the former, (T, M,) and the latter also, (M,) applied to an affair, or an event. (T, M.) One says, جَرْيُهُ كَرِيثٌ وَأَمْرُهُ رَبِيثٌ [app. meaning His running is attended with difficulty, and the accomplishment of his affair is hindered]: (T: [in a copy of the A, as cited in the TA, حِزْبُهُ is put in the place of جَرْيُهُ, which appears to be the right reading, from what here follows:]) and جَرْىٌ كَرِيثٌ أَمْرُهُ رَبِيثُ [app. meaning A running attended with difficulty, the affair of which is hindered]: (M:) كَرِيثٌ is [here] syn. with مَكْرُوثٌ. (T.) A2: It is also said to signify The جِرِّيث [or eel]; and so ↓ رَبِيثَةٌ: and in the " Jámi" of El-Ghooree, ↓ رِبِّيثَى with kesr to the ر and with teshdeed of the ب, is said to mean a species of fish. (Mgh.) رَبِيثَةٌ, (T, S, M, K,) a subst. from رَبَثَهُ signifying as expl. in the second sentence of this art., (T,) and ↓ رِبِّيثَى (T, S, M, K,) [in like manner a subst.] from رَبَثَهُ signifying as expl. in the first sentence of this art., (T,) A thing, or an event, that hinders, withholds, restrains, or prevents, one [from a thing that he wants, and from his affair; and that turns, or diverts, one therefrom; and that deceives, or deludes, one]: (S, K:) or both signify deceit, or delusion; [in which sense, accord, to the TA, the former word is expl. in the K, but it is not so in my MS. copy of the K nor in the CK;] and hindrance, restraint, or prevention: (M, TA:) pl. of the former رَبَائِثُ. (TA.) You say, فَعَلَ ذٰلِكَ لَهُ رَبِيثَةً and ↓ رِبِّيثَى He did that to him from a motive of deceit, or delusion, and hindrance, restraint, or prevention. (M.) And إِنَّمَا قُلْتُ ذٰلِكَ رَبِيثَةً مِنِّى
I said that only from a motive of deceit, or delusion, on my part. (ISk, T.) It is said in a trad., تَعْتَرضُ الشَّيَاطِينُ النَّاسَ يَوْمَ الجُمُعَةِ بِالَّربَائِثِ, meaning [The devils go forth against men indiscriminately, on Friday,] with the means of hindering them, or withholding them, from prayer: (M:) or إِذَا كَانَ يَوْمُ الجُمُعَةِ بَعَثَ إِبْلِيسُ جُنُودَهُ
إِلَى النَّاسِ فَأَخَذُوا عَلَيْهِمْ بَالرَّبَائِثِ, i. e. [When Friday is come, Iblees sends forth his forces to men, and] they remind them of the wants that hinder, or withhold, them [from the prayers of that day]: (S:) or, as some relate it, ↓ يَرْمُونَ النَّاسَ بِالتَّرَابِيثِ, which is said by El-Khattábee to be of no account; but it may mean [they assail men with] hindrances; for تَرَابِيثُ may be pl. of ↓ تَرْبِيثَةٌ, inf. n. un. of رَبَّثَهُ. (MF.) A2: See also رَبِيثٌ last sentence.
رِبِّيثَى: see the next preceding paragraph, in two places: A2: and see also رَبِيثٌ last sentence.
رَابِثٌ Slow, tardy, dilatory, late, or backward. (TA.) تَرْبِيثَةٌ, and its pl. تَرَابِيثُ: see رَبِيثَةٌ last sentence but one.
مَرْبُوثٌ: see رَبِيثٌ.
144493. ورست1 144494. وَرْسَك1 144495. ورسن1 144496. وَرْسَنَان1 144497. وَرْسَنين1 144498. وَرْسِيَّة1 144499. وَرَشَ1 144500. ورش15144501. وَرِش1 144502. وَرْش1 144503. وَرَشَ 1 144504. وَرْشَان1 144505. وَرْشَةُ1 144506. وَرْشَد1
1 وَرَشَ, (S, A, K,) aor. ـِ inf. n. وُرُوشٌ (K) and وَرْشٌ, (TA,) He took, or reached, or took or reached with the hand, or with the extended hand, (S, A, K,) food, (A, K,) or somewhat thereof, (S,) or a little thereof. (Az.) b2: Also, (K,) inf. n. وَرْشٌ and وُرُوشٌ, (TA,) He ate vehemently and greedily: (Ibn-'Abbád, A, K:) but accord. to IAar, رَوْشٌ, with the rá first, signifies the “ eating much; ” and وَرْشٌ, with the wáw first, the eating little. (TA.) b3: Also, (K,) inf. n. وَرْشٌ, (TA,) He coveted; longed; yearned; eagerly desired; strove to acquire; obtain, or attain. (Ibn-'Abbád, K.) You say, وَرَشَ إِليهِ He coveted it; &c. (TK.) b4: وَرَشَ عَلَيْهِمْ, (A, K,) inf. n. وَرْشٌ, (TA,) He came in to them uninvited when they were eating, (A, K, TA,) to get some of their food: and when one has gone in to others while they were drinking, you say, وَغَلَ عَليْهِمْ: but see وَارِشٌ. (TA.) A2: وَرَشَ فُلَانًا بِفُلاَنٍ He incited such a one against such a one: (Ibn-'Abbád, TA:) in the K, erroneously, وَرَشَ فُلَانٌ بِفُلَانٍ. (TA.) See also 2.2 وَرَّشَ بَيْنَ القَوْمِ, (S,) inf. n. تَوْريِشٌ, (S, K,) He excited discord, dissension, disorder, strife, quarrelling, or animosity, between, or among, the people; syn. حَرَّشَ; (S, K;) as also أَرَّشَ (S) [and هَرَّشَ]. See also 1, last signification.وَرَشَانٌ A certain bird, (S, Mgh, K,) of the pigeon-kind, (AHát, Mgh, Msb,) or resembling the pigeon, (TA,) also called سَاقُ حُرٍّ, (S, Msb, K,) which is the male of the قَمَارِىّ [or kind of collared turtle-doves of which a single female is called قُمْرِيَّةٌ (see قُمْرِىٌّ)], (Msb,) of the birds of the desert, (TA,) the flesh of which is lighter than that of the [common] pigeon: (K:) fem. with ة: (K:) pl. وَرَاشِينُ (S, Mgh, Msb, K) and وِرْشَانٌ, (S, Msb, K,) like as كِرُوَانٌ is a pl. of كَرَوَانٌ, contr. to rule. (S.) It is said in a proverb, بِعِلَّةِ الوَرَشَانِ تَأْكُلُ رُطَبَ المُشَانِ [With the pretext of the warashán, thou eatest the fresh ripe dates of the excellent kind called مشان]: (S, A, K:) said to him who pretends one thing and means another: (A, K:) originating from the fact that some people employed a slave belonging to them to guard the fresh ripe dates of their palm-trees, and he used to eat them, and, when reproved for his evil conduct, laid the blame upon the warashán; wherefore this was said to him. (Sgh.) وَارِشٌ One who comes in to a people uninvited, when they are eating; like وَاغِلٌ in the case of beverage: (S:) and, accord. to some, i. q. وَاغِلٌ but others say, that وارش has the first signification only, relating to food: and that of a sponger desiring food. (TA.) See رَاشِنٌ and طُفَيْلِىٌّ.