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Arabic-English Lexicon by Edward William Lane (d. 1876) المعجم العربي الإنجليزي لإدوارد وليام لين

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1 شَغَفَهُ, (S, O, Msb, K,) aor. ـَ (Msb, K,) inf. n. شَغْفٌ, (Msb,) He, or it, struck, or smote, his شَغَاف; (O, K;) like كَبَدَهُ meaning “ he, or it, struck, or smote, his كَبِد ” [or “ liver ”]; (O, TA;) so says Yoo: (TA:) or it (i. e. love) rent the شَغَاف of his heart: (Fr, TA:) or it (love) reached his شَغَاف: (ISk, S, TA:) or شَغَفَ قَلْبَهُ it (love) reached the شَغَاف of his heart, i. e. his pericardium. (Msb.) I'Ab read, [in the Kur xii. 30,] قَدْ شَغَفَهَا حُبًّا, and expl. the meaning to be [He has affected her so that] the love of him has entered beneath the شَغَاف: (S, TA:) or the meaning is, the love of him has struck, or smitten, her شَغَاف: (Lth, O, TA:) or he has rent the شَغَاف of her heart, i. e. its حِجَاب, [app. meaning her midriff,] so as to reach her heart, with love: (Bd:) Abu-l-Ash-hab read قَدْ شَغِفَهَا حُبًّا, with kesr to the غ, [meaning he has became attached to her, or has loved her,] like the reading of Thábit El-Bunyánee, شَعِفَهَا, with kesr to the unpointed ء: (O, TA:) [for] شَغِفَهُ, aor. ـَ [inf. n. app. شَغَفٌ,] signifies he became attached to him, or loved him. (K, TA.) One says also, شَغَفَهُ المَالُ, meaning The property became embellished to him, [or pleasing to him,] so that he loved it. (Msb.) And شُغِفَ بِالشَّىْءِ, like عُنِىَ, He was, or became, vehemently desirous of the thing; or fond of it. (TA.) And شَغِفَ بِالشَّىْءِ, like فَرِحَ, He became disquieted, or disturbed, by the thing. (TA.) 5 مَا هٰذِهِ الفُتْيَا الَّتِى تَشَغَّفَتِ النَّاسَ, a saying of I'Ab, means [What is this judicial sentence] that has put vain suggestions into the minds of the people, and separated them? as though it entered the شَغَاف of their hearts. (TA.) [See also 1 in arts. شعب and شغب.]

شَغْفٌ: see شَغَافٌ in two places.

شَغَفٌ [app. inf. n. of شَغِفَ: and accord. to Fei, app., Love reaching to the pericardium; or heartfelt love; see an ex. in a verse cited voce بَلْ; and see also حُبٌّ, and شَعَفٌ;] a subst. from شَغَفَ قَلْبَهُ, said of love. (Msb.) A2: See also شَغَافٌ, in two places.

A3: Also The bark (نَجَب, AHn, O, or قِشْر, K) of the kind of tree called غاف. (AHn, O, K. *) شَغَافٌ The pericardium; i. e. the غِلَاف, (S, O, K,) or غِشَآء, (Msb,) of the heart: (S, O, Msb, K:) or [app. a mistake for “ and,” as will be shown by what follows,] its حِجَاب [generally meaning the midriff], (K,) [here said to be,] accord. to AHeyth, a certain fat that clothes the heart: (TA:) [J seems to confound the غِلَاف of the heart with its حِجَاب; for after “ the غَلاف of the heart,” he adds, “and it is a skin beneath it (دُونَهُ), like the حِجَاب: ”] or the حَبَّة (K) or the سُوَيْدَآء [both generally meaning the core] thereof: (O, K:) or the place of entrance (مَوْلج) of the phlegm: (Lth, O, K:) and ↓ شَغْفٌ and ↓ شَغَفٌ signify the same in the two senses, (K,) or in the first and second senses: (TA:) or القَلْب ↓ شَغْفُ and ↓ شَغَفُهُ signify the same as شَغَافُهُ, accord. to AHeyth: (O:) the pl. of the شَغَاف of the heart is شُغُفٌ; which is metaphorically applied in a saying of 'Alee to the place of the fœtus [in the belly]. (TA.) A2: Also, (A'Obeyd, S, O, K,) and ↓ شُغَافٌ, (K,) the latter agreeable with analogy as the name of a disease, (TA,) A certain disease that attacks one, beneath the شَرَاسِيف [pl. of شُرْسُوفٌ, q. v.], in the right side: (A'Obeyd, S, O, K:) and (some say, TA) a pain of the belly: (K, TA: [in the CK, البَظْر is erroneously put for البَطْن:]) and (some say, TA) a pain of the شَغَاف of the heart: (K, TA:) accord. to As, شَغَافٌ signifies a certain disease in the heart, which, if it reaches to the spleen, kills the patient. (TA.) شُغَافٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

مَشْغُوفٌ Insane, or mad; (O, K;) like مَشْعُوفٌ. (O.) And مَشْغُوفٌ بِمَالٍ One to whom property is embellished [or rendered pleasing,] so that he loves it. (Msb.)



1 ذَكَرَهُ, [aor. ـُ inf. n. ذِكْرَى, (S, A, Msb,) which is fem., (Msb,) and imperfectly decl., (S,) and ذِكْرٌ (A, K) [and ذُكْرٌ, or, accord. to EtTebreezee, (Ham p. 26,) the latter of these two but not the former, or, as is said in the Msb., both are properly substs., and a distinction is made between them, as will be shown below,] and تَذْكَارٌ, (K,) He preserved it in his memory: (K, * TA:) he remembered it; (S, A;) as also ذَكَرَهُ بِقَلْبِهِ [to distinguish it from ذَكَرَ in a sense afterwards to be explained], (S, Msb,) and ↓ تذكّرهُ; (S, A;) and ↓ اِدَّكَرَهُ (S, K, TA,) originally اِذْتَكَرَهُ (S,) and اِذَّكَرَهُ (TA, and so in the CK,) and اِذْدَكَرَهُ (K,) and ↓ استذكرهُ, (Az, K,) signify the same as تذكّرهُ (K) [as explained above]: ↓ تذكّرهُ signifies also he became reminded of it; (Msb;) [and so ↓ ادّكرهُ and its variations: and ↓ استذكرهُ seems properly to signify, as also ↓ تذكرّهُ, he recollected it; or called it to mind: and he sought to remember it: and ↓ استذكر and ↓ تذكّر used intransitively, he sought, or endeavoured, to remember.] Yousay, ذَكَرْتُ الشَّىْءَ بَعْدَ النِّسْيَانِ [I remembered the thing after forgetting]: (S:) and ذَكَرْتُ المَنْسِىَّ and ↓ تَذَكَّرْتُهُ [I remembered the thing forgotten, and I became reminded of it, or I recollected it]: (A:) and بَعْدَ أَمَهٍ ↓ ادّكر, occurring in the Kur [xii. 45, accord. to one reading of the last word], means He remembered [or became reminded] after forgetting. (S) And رَبَطَ فِى

بِهِ حَاجَتِهِ ↓ إِصْبَعِهِ خَيْطًا يَسْتَذْكِرُ [He tied upon his finger a thread or string, seeking to remember, or recollect, or call to mind, thereby the thing that he wanted: such a thread or string is commonly called رَتِيمَةٌ:]: (Az:) and ↓ استذكر is used alone with the like signification [i. e. He sought to remember]: and also signifies He studied a book and preserved it in his memory, accord. to the K; but accord. to other lexicons, he studied a thing in order to remember it, or preserve it in his memory: (TA:) you say, بِدِرَاسَتِهِ ↓ استذكر He sought to remember by his studying of a book. (A.) b2: ذَكَرَ حَقَّهُ, (K,) inf. n. ذِكْرٌ (TA,) He was mindful of his right, or claim; and did not neglect it. (K.) Agreeably with this explanation, the words in the Kur [ii. 231, &c.,] وَاذْكُرُوا نِعْمَةَ اللّٰهِ عَلَيْكُمْ have been rendered And be ye mindful of, and neglect not to be thankful for, the favour of God conferred upon you: like as an Arab says to his companion, اُذْكُرْ حَقِّىعَلَيْكَ Be thou mindful of my claim upon thee; and neglect it not. (TA.) b3: [In like manner also are explained the words] وَاذْكُرُوا مَا فِيهِ in the Kur [ii. 60], And study ye what is in it, and forget it not: or think ye upon what is in it: or do ye what is in it. (Bd.) b4: One says, مَا اسْمُكَ أَذْكُرْ, (Fs and Lb, and so in a copy of the K,) or أَذْكُرْهُ, (so in another copy of the K, and in the TA,) the hemzeh of أَذْكُرْ being disjunctive, (Lb, K,) [in the CK we find مَا اسمُكَ اَذْكِرْهُ بقطعِ الهَمْزَةِ مِنْ اَذْكَر, as though the reading were أَذْكَرْهُ with a disjunctive hemzeh from أَذْكَرَ, which is manifestly wrong,] and with fet-h, because it is the hemzeh of the first person of a triliteral [unaugmented] verb, and with the ر mejzoom, because it is the complement of an interrogative phrase: (Lb:) it is expressive of disapprobation, (Lb, K,) and means, Acquaint me with thy name: [or, lit., what is thy name?] I will remember it, or I will bear it in mind (اذكره): the conditional phrase [if thou tell it to me] is suppressed because unnecessary, on account of frequent usage of the saying, and because what remains is indicative of it: (Lb, MF:) the saying is a prov.; and is also related with the conjunctive hemzeh, [اذْكُرْ, or اذْكُرْ; in which case it is most appropriately rendered, What is thy name? Say: or Tell it] but the reading with the disjunctive hemzeh is that which is commonly known: (TA:) [for]

A2: ذَكَرَهُ, aor. ـُ (TA,) inf. n. ذِكْرَى, fem., [and imperfectly decl,] (Msb,) and ذِكْرٌ and ذُكْرٌ, (TA,) [or the former of these two (which is the most common of all) but not the latter, or, as is said in the Msb, both are properly substs., and a distinction is made between them, as will be shown below,] also signifies He mentioned it; told it; related it; said it; (TA;) and so ذَكَرَهُ بِلِسَانِهِ [to distinguish it from ذَكَرَ in the first sense explained above]. (S, Msb.) You say ذَكَرْتُ لِفُلَانٍ حَدِيثَ كَذَاوَكَذَا I mentioned, or told, or related, to such a one the story of such and such things. (TA.) And ذَكَرَ امْرَأُ بِمَا لَيْسَ فِيهِ [He mentioned, or spoke of, a man as having that attribute which was not in him]. (El-Jámi' es-Sagheer voce مَنْ) b2: And ذَكَرَهُ (assumed tropical:) He magnified Him, namely, God; celebrated, lauded, or praised, Him; asserted his unity; (Zj;) [saying سُبْحَانَ اللّٰهِ, and الحَمْدُ لِلّٰهِ, and اَللّٰهُ أَكْبَرُ; or لَاإِلَاهَ إِلَّااللّٰهُ; or هُوَاللّٰهُ; or the like.] b3: [And, in like manner, (assumed tropical:) He spoke well of him, namely, a man; mentioned him with approbation; eulogized, praised, or commended, him: for ذَكَرَهُ بِالجَمِيلِ, or بِخَيْرٍ

See ذِكْرٌ below.] b4: Also, contr., [for ذَكَرَهُ بِالقَبِيحِ or بِشَرٍّ] (assumed tropical:) He spoke evil of him; men-tioned him with evil words; (Fr;) mentioned his vices, or faults; spoke evil of him behind his back, or in his absence, saying of him what would grieve him if he heard it, but saying what was true; or merely said of him what would grieve him: an elliptical expression in this and in the contrary sense; what is meant being known. (Zj.) One says to a man, لَئِنْ ذَكَرْتَنِى لَتَنْدَمَنَّ, meaning [Verily, if thou mention me] with evil words [thou will assuredly repent]: and in like manner the verb is used in the Kur xxi. 37 and 61: and 'Antarah says, لَاتَذْكُرِى فَرَسِى وَمَا أَطْعَمْتُهُ فَيَكُونَ جِلْدُكَ مِثْلَ جِلْدِ الأَجْرَبِ meaning Mention thou not reproachfully [my horse, and what I have given him for food, for, if thou do, thy skin will be like the skin of the scabby]: (Fr, T:) but AHeyth disallows this signification of the verb, and explains the saying of 'Antarah as meaning, Be not thou fond of mentioning my horse, and my preferring him before the family. (T, TA.) b5: ذَكَرَ فُلَانَةَ, inf. n ذِكْرٌ, [expressly said to be] with kesr, [so in the CK, and I think it the right reading,] or ذَكْرٌ, [so in a MS. copy of the K, and in the TA,] with fet-h, [so in the TA,] He demanded such a one in marriage: or he addressed himself to demand her in marriage: (K:) [as though the mentioning a woman implied a desire to demand her in marriage:] it occurs in one of these two senses in a trad. (TA.) A3: ذَكَرَهُ, inf. n. ذَكْرٌ, with fet-h, He struck him upon his penis. (K.) 2 ذكّرهُ إِيَّاهُ, (S, A, * Msb, K,) and ذكّرهُ بِهِ, (Kur xiv. 5, &c.,) inf. n. تَذْكِرَةٌ (A, TA) and تَذْكِيرٌ, (K, TA,) and quasi-inf. n. ↓ ذِكْرَى imperfectly decl.; (A, * K, * TA;) and ايّاهُ ↓ اذكرهُ; (S, Msb, K;) He reminded him of, or caused him to remember, him, or it. (S, Msb, K.) b2: And ذكّر, (TA,) inf. n. تَذْكِيرٌ (K) [and تَذْكِرَةٌ also, as in the Kur xx. 2], He exhorted; admonished; exhorted to obedience; gave good advice, and reminded of the results of affairs; reminded of what might soften the heart, by the mention of rewards and punishments. (K, TA.) Thus the verb is used in the Kur lxxxviii. 21. (TA.) A2: Also ذكّرهُ, inf. n. تَذْكِيرُ, He made it (a word) masculine; contr. of أَنَّثَهُ. (S, * Msb, K. *) b2: In the Kur [ii. 282], فَتُذَكِّرَ إِحْدَاهُمَا الأُخْرَى is said by some to signify (assumed tropical:) That one of them may make the other to be in the legal predicament of a male: [meaning that both of them together shall be as one man:] or, accord. to others, one of them may remind the other. (TA.) b3: It is said in a trad., فَذَكِّرُوهُ ↓ القُرْآنُ ذَكَرٌ (tropical:) The Kur-án is eminently excellent [lit., masculine]: therefore do ye hold it and know it and describe it as such. (K, TA. [In the CK, for ذَكَرٌ is put ذِكْرٌ.]) b4: [Hence,] ذكّرهُ, (TA,) inf. n. تَذْكِيرٌ, (K,) He put to it, namely a sword, (TA,) and the head of an axe &c., (K,) an edge of steel. (K, * TA.) [See ذُكْرَةٌ.]3 ذاكرهُ, (MA,) inf. n. مُذَاكَرَةٌ, (KL;) He called to mind with him (MA, KL) a story, or discourse, or the like, (MA,) or a thing. (KL.) b2: [And hence, He conferred with him.]4 أَذْكَرَ see 2.

A2: اذكر also signifies He (a man [or other]) begat a male. (TA from a trad.) and اذكرت She (a woman, S, A, or other female, TA) brought forth a male, (S, A, K,) or males. (Mgh.) It is said in a prayer for a woman in labour, أَيْسَرَتْ وَأَذْكَرَتْ May she have an easy birth, and may she bring forth a male child. (A.) And you say also, اذكرت بِهِ (assumed tropical:) She brought him forth a male, and hardy: (TA from a trad.:) or a male, and sharp and cunning. (Mgh.) 5 تَذَكَّرَ see 1, in five places, in the first and second sentences. b2: [Also It (a word) was, or became, or was made, of the masculine gender; contr. of تأنّث.]6 تذاكروا They called to mind [a story, or discourse, or the like, or a thing,] one with another. (KL. [See 3.]) b2: [And hence, They conferred together.]8 اِدَّكَرَ and اِذَّكَرَ and اِذْدَكَرَ: see 1, in three places, in the first and second sentences.10 إِسْتَذْكَرَ see 1, in six places, in the first and third sentences.

ذَكْرٌ: see ذِكْرٌ: A2: and ذَكِيرٌ.

ذُكْرٌ: see ذِكْرٌ, in six places.

A2: سَيْفٌ ذُو ذُكْرٍ, or ↓ ذُكُرٍ, (as in different copies of the S,) and أَذْكِرَةٍ, [which is the pl.,] (A,) (tropical:) A cutting, or sharp, sword. (S, A.) [See ذُكْرَةٌ.]

ذِكْرٌ (Yoo, A'Obeyd, Yaakoob, S, M, A, Msb, K) and ↓ ذُكْرٌ, (Yoo, A'Obeyd, Yaakoob, S, A, Msb, K, TA,) or the latter only in the first of the senses here to be explained, (Fr, Msb, TA,) and the latter only is mentioned in this sense in the Fs, (TA,) and is said by El-Ahmar to be of the dial. of Kureysh, (TA,) [both said in the Msb to be simple substs., though many hold them to be inf. ns.,] and ↓ ذَكْرٌ, accord. to one of the expositors of the Fs, but this is strange, (TA,) and ↓ ذِكْرَةٌ (S, M) and ↓ ذُكْرَةٌ (M, TA) and ↓ ذِكْرَى, (S, M, [see 1, first sentence,]) and also دِكْرٌ (S) and دُكْرٌ, mentioned by ISd as of the dial. of Rabee'ah, but held by him to be of weak authority, (TA,) Remembrance; (S, M, A, Msb, K, &c.;) the presence of a thing in the mind: (Er-Rághib:) also termed ذِكْرٌ بِالقَلْبِ, (Msb, TA,) to distinguish it from ذِكْرٌ in another sense, to be explained below: (TA:) he pl. of ↓ ذِكْرَةٌ is ذِكَرٌ, (M,) also said to be pl. of ↓ ذِكْرَى. (MF, art. احد.) You say, ↓ اِجْعَلْهُ مِنْكَ عَلَى ذُكْرٍ and ذِكْرٍ in the same sense, Place thou him, or it, in thy remembrance. (S.) And أَجْعَلَهُ مِنِّى

↓ عَلَى ذُكْرٍ, and ذِكْرٍ, I will not forget him, or it. (A.) And ↓ مَا زَالَ مِنِّى عَلَى ذُكْرٍ, and ذِكْرٍ (K,) or the former only, (Fr, Msb, TA,) He, or it, did not cease to be in my remembrance; (K;) I did not forget him, or it. (Fr, TA.) and ↓ أَنْتَ مِنِّى عَلَى ذُكْرٍ Thou art in my mind. (ISd, Lb.) b2: The words in the Kur [xxix. 44]

وَلَذِكْرُ اللّٰهِ أَكْبَرُ admit of two explanations: The remembrance of God is better for a man than a man's remembrance of a man: and the remembrance of God is better as more efficacious in forbidding evil conduct than is prayer. (TA.) b3: ذِكْرٌ also signifies Memory; a certain quality of the mind, by which a man is able to remember what he cares to know; like حِفُظٌ, except that this latter term is used with regard to the preservation of a thing [in the mind], whereas the former is used with regard to calling it to mind. (Er-Rághib.) A2: Also ذِكْرٌ (Er-Rághib, Msb, TA) and ↓ ذُكْرٌ, (Msb, TA,) or the former only accord. to Fr, (Msb, TA,) and ↓ ذِكْرَى (Msb,) The mention, telling, relating, or saying, of a thing: said by some to be contr. of صَمْتٌ: (TA:) and also termed ذِكْرٌ بِاللِّسَانِ (Msb, TA,) to distinguish it from ذِكْرٌ in the sense first explained above. (TA.) b2: Also ذِكْرٌ (assumed tropical:) The praise, and glorification, of God; the celebration, or declaration, of his remoteness, or freedom, from every impurity or imperfection, or from everything derogatory from his glory; or the saying سُبْحَانَ, اللّٰهِ, [and الحَمْدُ لِلّٰهِ, and أَللّٰهُ أَكْبَرُ,] and لَا إِلَاهَ إِلَّا اللّٰهُ, [&c., see 1,] and uttering all the forms of his praise: a reading, or reciting, of the Kur-án: a thanking [God]: obedience [to God]: (Abu-l- 'Abbás:) prayer to God; (K;) supplication. (Abu-l-'Abbás, K.) b3: Also (tropical:) Praise, or eulogy, or good speech, of another. (S, * K, * TA.) b4: [And, accord. to some, (tropical:) Dispraise, or evil speech. See 1.]

b5: Also (assumed tropical:) A thing that is current upon the tongue. (K.) b6: (tropical:) Fame; renown; report; reputation; (S, A, K;) whether good or evil; (ISd;) as also ↓ ذُكْرَةٌ. (Az, ISd, K.) Thus in the saying, لَهُ ذِكْرٌ فِى النَّاسِ (tropical:) He has fame among the people: in which it has also the signification next following. (A.) b7: (tropical:) Eminence; nobility; honour. (S, A, Msb, K.) So in the Kur [xciv. 4], وَرَفَعْنَا لَكَ ذِكْرَكَ (tropical:) And We have raised for thee thine eminence, or thy nobility, or thine honour: as some say, it means, when I am mentioned, thou art mentioned with Me: and again, in the Kur [xliii. 43], وَ إِنَّهُ لَذِكْرٌ لَكَ وَ لِقَوْمِكَ (tropical:) And verily it (the Kur-án) is an honour to thee and to thy people. (TA.) Also, in the Kur [xxxviii. 1], وَ القُرْآنِ ذِى الذِّكْرِ (tropical:) By the Kur-án possessed of eminence, &c. (S) b8: Also (assumed tropical:) A book containing an exposition of religion, and an institution of religious laws: (K:) any book of the prophets: (TA:) and especially the Kur-án: (MF, TA:) and the تَوْرَاةٌ [or Book of the Law revealed to Moses]: (Aboo-Hureyreh, TA in art. زبر:) and that [law] which is [recorded] in heaven. (Sa'eed Ibn-Jubeyr, TA ubi suprà.) b9: (assumed tropical:) An exhortation; an admonition, or a warning. (Bd in xxxviii. 1.) b10: ذِكْرُ حَقٍّ (tropical:) A written obligation; syn. صَكٌّ: (A, K:) pl. ذُكُورُ حَقٍّ, (A,) or ذُكُورُ حُقُوقٍ. (TA.) You say, لِى عَلَى هٰذَا الأَمْرِ ذِكْرُ حَقٍّ (tropical:) [I have a written obligation to insure this thing]. (A.) A3: See also the next paragraph, in the latter half.

ذَكَرٌ [probably originally signifying “ mentioned,” or “ talked of,” of the measure فَعَلٌ in the sense of the measure مَفْعُولٌ, like نَفَضٌ in the sense of مَنْفُوضٌ, and خَبَطٌ in the sense of مَخْبُوطٌ, and قَبَضٌ in the sense of مَقْبُوضٌ, &c.; and hence the first, and perhaps most others, of the significations here following:] Male; masculine; of the male, or masculine, sex, or gender; contr. of أُنْثَى: (S, A, Msb, K, &c.:) [the corresponding word in Hebrew () has been supposed to have this signification because a male is much “ mentioned,” or “ talked of; ” and it is well known that the Arabs make comparatively little account of a female:] pl. ذُكُورٌ (S, A, Msb, K) and ذُكُورَةٌ (A, Msb, K) and ذِكَارٌ (K) and ذِكَارَةٌ and ذُكْرَانٌ (S, A, Msb, K) and ذِكَرَةٌ: (S, K:) [the last, in one copy of the S, I find written ↓ ذِكْرَةٌ, which, if correct, is a pl. of pauc.: and in the TA, in the same phrase in which it occurs in the S, it is written ↓ ذُكْرَةٌ, and expressly said to be with damm, so that it is a quasi-pl. n.:] the pl. form with و and ن is not allowable. (Msb.) One says, كَمِ الذِّكَرَةُ مِنْ وَلَدِكَ, or ↓ الذِّكْرَةُ, (accord. to different copies of the S,) or ↓ الذُّكْرَةُ, with damm, (accord. to the TA,) How many are the males of thy children? (S, TA.) b2: The male organ of generation; the penis; syn. عَوْفٌ; (S, K, &c.;) of a man: (TA:) or the فَرْج [an equivocal term, but here evidently used in the above-mentioned sense,] of an animal: (Msb:) pl. ذُكُورٌ, (K,) or ذِكَرَةٌ, like عِنَبَةٌ, (Msb,) or ذِكَارَةٌ, (T, TA,) and ↓ مَذَاكِيرُ: (S, Msb, K:) the last contr. to analogy, (S, Msb,) as though used for the sake of distinction between this signification and the one immediately preceding: (S:) or of the same class as مَحَاسِنُ [with respect to حُسْنٌ] and مَلَامِحُ [with respect to لَمْحَةٌ]: (ISd:) Akh says that it is a pl. without a [proper] sing., like عَبَابِيدُ and أَبَابِيلُ: accord. to the T, it has no sing.; or if it have a sing., it is ↓ مُذْكِرٌ, like مُقْدِمٌ, of which the pl. is مَقَادِيمُ; and signifies the parts next to the penis: (TA:) or it signifies the penis with what is around it; [or the genitals;] and is similar to مَفَارِقُ in the phrase شَابَتْ مَفَارِقُ رَأْسِهِ: and قَطَعَ مَذَاكِيرَهُ signified He extirpated his penis. (Mgh.) b3: Applied to a man, (A, K,) it also signifies (tropical:) Strong; courageous; acute and ardent; vigorous and effective in affairs; [and also] stubborn; and disdainful: (TA:) or [masculine, meaning] perfect; like as أُنْثَى is applied to a woman. (T and A in art. انث.) The signification of “ strong, courageous, and stubborn,” and the significations which the same word has when applied to rain and to a saying, are assigned in the K to ↓ ذِكْرٌ; but [SM says,] I know not how this is; for in the other lexicons they are assigned to ذَكَرٌ. (TA.) You say, لَا يَفْعَلُهُ إِلَّا ذُكُورَةُ الرِّجَالِ (tropical:) [None will do it but such as are strong, &c., of men]. (A.) b4: Applied to iron, (tropical:) Of the toughest and best quality, (K,) and strongest; (TA;) contr. of أَنِيثٌ; (S;) [iron converted into steel;] as also ↓ ذَكِيرٌ. (K.) [See also ذُكْرَةٌ.] b5: Applied to a sword, (tropical:) Having مَآء

[i. e., diversified wavy marks, streaks, or grain]; (S;) as also ↓ مُذَّكَّرٌ: (S, K:) or of which the edge is of steel (حَدِيدٌ ذَكَرٌ) and the مَتْن [or middle of the broad side] of soft iron; of which the people say that they are of the fabric of the Jinn, or Genii: (A'Obeyd, S:) or ↓ مُذَكَّرُ signifies having a sharp iron blade or edge: (As:) the pl. of the former is ذُكُورٌ. (Ham p. 168.) b6: ذُكُورُ البُقُولِ (tropical:) Herbs, or leguminous plants, that are hard and thick: (TA voce عُشْبٌ:) or that are thick, and inclining to bitterness: (S, TA:) like as أَحْرَارُهَا signifies such as are slender and sweet: (TA:) or the former signifies such as are thick and rough. (AHeyth.) b7: ذُكُورَةُ الطِّيبِ, (K,) and ذُكُورُهُ, and ذِكَارَتُهُ, (TA,) (tropical:) Perfume proper for men, exclusively of women: i. e., (TA,) that leaves no stain; (K, * TA;) that becomes dissipated; such as musk, and aloes-wood, and camphire, and غَالِيَة, and ذَرِيرَة. (TA.) [See the contr., طِيبٌ مُؤَنَّثٌ, in art. انث.] b8: ذَكَرٌ applied to the Kur-án signifies (tropical:) Eminently excellent. (K.) See 2. b9: Applied to a saying, (tropical:) Strong and firm: and in like manner to poetry. (A.) b10: The Arabs disliked a she-camel's bringing forth a male; and hence they applied the term ذَكَرٌ, met., to (tropical:) Anything disliked. (A.) b11: [Thus,] applied to rain, it signifies (tropical:) Violent; (A, K;) falling in large drops. (K.) They said, أَصَابَتِ الأَرْضَ ذُكُورُ الأَسْمِيَةِ (tropical:) Rains bringing intense cold and torrents fell upon the earth. (A.) b12: Applied to a day, (tropical:) [Severe; distressing; hard to be borne: see also مُذَكَّرٌ]. (A.) b13: IDrd says, I think that the name الذكر [so in the TA, without any syll. signs; app. الذَّكَرُ] is applied by some of the Arabs to السِّمَاكُ الرَّامِحُ [or the star Arcturus]. (TA.) ذَكُرٌ: see ذَكِيرٌ.

ذَكِرٌ: see ذَكِيرٌ.

سَيْفٌ ذُو ذُكُرٍ: see ذُكْرٌ.

ذَكْرَةٌ: see مُذَكَّرٌ.

ذُكْرَةٌ: see ذِكْرٌ, in two places: A2: and ذَكَرٌ, in two places.

A3: Also (tropical:) A piece of steel that is added [to the edge of a sword and] to the head of an axe &c. (K, * TA.) b2: And (tropical:) Sharpness of a sword: [see also ذُكْرٌ:] and of a man. (S, A, K.) You say, ذَهَبَتْ ذُكْرَةُ السَّيْفِ, and ذُكْرَةُ الرَّجُلِ, (tropical:) The sharpness of the sword, and the sharpness of the man, went. (S, A.) ذِكْرَةٌ: see ذِكْرٌ, in two places: A2: and ذَكَرٌ, in two places.

ذَكَرَةٌ: see مُذَكَّرٌ.

ذَكِرَةٌ: see مُذَكَّرٌ.

ذِكْرَى: see ذِكْرٌ, in three places. b2: Remembrance with the reception of exhortation: so in the following passage of the Kur [xlvii. 20], فَأَنَّى لَهُمْ إِذَا جَآءَتْهُمْ ذِكْرَاهُمْ [Then how, that is, of what avail, will be to them their remembrance with the reception of exhortation when it (the hour of the resurrection) cometh to them: or] how will it be to them when it (the hour) cometh to them with their remembrance and their reception of exhortation: (K, * TA:) i. e., this will not profit them. (TA.) b3: Repentance: so in the Kur [lxxxix. 24], وَأَنَّى لَهُ الذِّكْرَى, i. e. And how shall he have repentance? (K, TA.) b4: A reminding, or causing to remember: so in the Kur viii. 1, and xi. 121, (K,) and li. 55. (Fr.) See 2. b5: An admonition: so in the Kur xxxviii. 42, and xl. 56. (K.) b6: A being reminded, or caused to remember: so in the Kur [xxxviii. 46], in the phrase ذِكْرَى الدَّارِ Their being reminded of, or caused to remember, the latter abode, and being made to relinquish worldly things, or not to desire them: (K:) or it may mean their remembering much the latter abode. (B, TA.) ذَكِيرٌ A man possessing an excellent memory. (S.) b2: Also, (Az, K,) and ↓ ذَكْرٌ, (accord. to a MS. copy of the K, and so, as is said in the TA, accord. to the method of the author of the K,) or ↓ ذَكِرٌ, (accord. to the CK,) and ↓ ذَكُرٌ and ↓ ذِكِّيرٌ, (K,) (tropical:) A man possessing ذِكْر, (K,) i. e., fame, or renown: or glory, or boastfulness. (TA.) A2: See also ذَكَرٌ, in the latter half of the paragraph.

ذِكِّيرٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

ذُكَّارَةٌ The males of palm-trees. (K.) ذَاكِرٌ [act. part. n. of 1]. b2: مَا حَلَفْتُ بِهِ ذَاكِرًا وَلَا

آثِرًا: see art. اثر.

أَذْكَرُ (tropical:) More, and most, sharp, (S, TA,) acute and ardent, vigorous and effective in affairs. (TA.) Mohammad used to go round to his wives in one night, and to perform the ablution termed غُسْل for his visit to every one of them; and being asked wherefore he did so, he answered, إِنَّهُ أَذْكَرُ (tropical:) It is more, or most, sharp [or effective]; syn. أَحَدُّ. (S, TA, from a trad.) And it was said to Ibn-Ez-Zubeyr, when he was prostrated, وَاللّٰهِ مَا وَلَدَتِ النِّسَآءُ أَذْكَرَ مِنْكَ (tropical:) By God, women have not brought forth one more acute and ardent and vigorous and effective in affairs than thou. (TA from a trad.) تَذْكِرَةٌ an inf. n. of 2. (A, TA.) b2: [and hence,] A thing by means of which something that one wants [or desires to remember] is called to mind; a memorandum. (S, K, TA.) b3: [A biographical memoir. b4: And, in the present day, Any official note; such as a passport; a permit; and the like.]

مَذْكَرٌ A place of remembrance: pl. مَذَاكِرُ: whence المَذَاكِرُ in a trad., app. meaning The black corner or stone [of the Kaabeh]. (TA.) مُذْكَرٌ: see its fem., with ة, voce مُذَكَّرٌ.

مُذْكِرٌ A woman [or other female (see 4)] bringing forth a male: (S, K:) or a woman that brings forth men-children. (TA in art. رجل.) b2: And (tropical:) A desert that produces herbs, or leguminous plants, of the kind called ذُكُور. (As. [See ذَكَرٌ: and see also مِذْكَارٌ.]) b3: and (tropical:) A road that is feared. (A, K.) b4: See also مَذَكَّرٌ, in two places. b5: And see ذَكَرٌ, in the former half of the paragraph.

مُذَكَّرٌ [A masculine word; a word made mas-culine]. b2: مُذَكَّرَةٌ A she-camel resembling a hecamel in make and in disposition. (S.) and also, (K, TA,) or ↓ مُذْكَرَةٌ, (accord. to the CK,) A woman who makes herself like a male; (K;) as also ↓ ذَكَرَةٌ, (L, and so in a copy of the K,) or ↓ ذَكِرَةٌ, (so in another copy of the K, and in the TA,) or ↓ ذَكْرَةٌ, (so in the CK,) and ↓ مُتَذَكِّرَةٌ. (K.) b3: مُذَكَّرَةُ الثُّنْيَا A she-camel having a large head, (K, TA,) like that of a he-camel: (TA:) because her head is one of the parts that are excepted in the game of chance [called المَيْسِر] for the man who has sold her: [therefore those parts are termed الثُّنْيَا:] (K:) or resembling the make of the male in [the largeness of] the head and legs. (Th, M in art. ثنى.) b4: And يَوْمٌ مُذَكَّرٌ (tropical:) A day that is severe, distressing, or hard to be borne; as also ↓ مُذْكِرٌ: (K, TA:) or in which a severe fight, or slaughter, has taken place. (A, TA.) [See also ذَكَرٌ, last sentence but one.]

b5: And دَاهِيَةٌ مُذَكَّرَةٌ (tropical:) A severe calamity or misfortune; (A, K;) and so ↓ مُذْكِرٌ [without ة because it is from this epithet applied to a she-camel as meaning "bringing forth a male;" for her doing so was disliked, as has been mentioned voce ذَكَرٌ]: (K:) or the latter means which none can withstand but strong, courageous, stubborn men. (TA.) A2: See also ذَكَرٌ, in two places, in the latter half of the paragraph.

مِذْكَارٌ A woman [or other female] that usually brings forth males. (S, K.) And A man who usually begets male children. (TA.) b2: Also (tropical:) Land that produces herbs, or leguminous plants, such as are termed ذُكُور: (A, TA: [see مُذْكِرٌ, and ذَكَرٌ:]) or that does not produce [anything]: but the former signification is the more common. (TA.) b3: And فَلَاةٌ مِذْكَارٌ (tropical:) A terrible desert; (As, A, K;) that is not traversed but by strong, courageous, stubborn men. (As, K.) مَذْكُورٌ [pass. part. n. of 1]. b2: (assumed tropical:) A man praised, or spoken of well. (TA.) b3: لَمْ يَكُنْ شَيْئًا مَذْكُورًا, in the Kur [lxxvi. 1], means [accord. to some] When he was not a thing existing by itself, though existing in the knowledge of God. (TA.) مَذَاكِيرُ said to be an anomalous pl. of ذَكَرٌ in a sense pointed out above: see the latter word. (S, Msb, K. *) مُتَذَكّرَةٌ: see مُذَكَّرٌ.



1 شَحَبَ, aor. ـُ (S, A, O, K, &c.) and شَحَبَ, (A, O, K, &c.,) but the former more commonly obtains, (TA,) inf. n. شُحُوبٌ; (S, O, K;) and شَحُبَ, (Fr, S, A, O, K, &c.,) inf. n. شُحُوبَةٌ, (Fr, S, O, K,) but this form of the verb is disapproved by Az and 'Iyád; (TA; [in which, however, nine authorities for it are mentioned;]) said of one's body; (Fr, S, O;) or of one's colour, or complexion, (A, K,) and so شُحِبَ, (A, O, K,) inf. n. شُحُوبٌ; (A;) [It was, or became, altered [for the worse, wan, or haggard], (Fr, S, A, O, K, &c.,) in consequence of emaciation, (K,) or hunger, (A, K,) or sleeplessness, and the like, (A,) or travel, (K,) or work, or disease, or impatience, or distress or fatigue: or, accord. to the author of the “ Wá'ee,” شُحُوبٌ signifies emaciation itself: (TA:) in this sense, it is of the dial. of Benoo-Kiláb. (A, TA.) A2: شَحَبَ الأَرْضَ, (IDrd, O, K,) aor. ـَ inf. n. شَحْبٌ, (IDrd, O,) He pared the ground, or scraped off its superficial part, with a shovel, (IDrd, O, K,) or some other thing: of the dial. of El-Yemen. (IDrd, O.) شَحِبٌ: see what follows.

شَاحِبٌ A man having his colour, or complexion, altered [for the worse, wan, or haggard], (TA,) or so شَاحِبُ اللَّوْنِ, (A,) in consequence of disease, or travel, or the like: (TA: [see 1:]) and emaciated, or lean; (TA, KL;) as also ↓ شَحِبٌ. (KL.) It is said in a trad., لَا تَلْقَى المُؤْمِنَ إِلَّا شَاحِبًا [Thou wilt not find the believer otherwise than wan, or haggard; or emaciated, or lean]; because شُحُوب is one of the effects of fear, and of paucity of food, and of little enjoying of plentifulness and pleasantness or easiness, and softness or delicacy, of life. (TA.) b2: It is also applied as an epithet to a sword, meaning Altered in its colour by blood that has dried upon it: used in this sense by the poet Taäbbata-sharrà. (TA.)



ذَحْلٌ (S, Mgh, Msb, K) and ↓ ذَحَلٌ (Msb) Rancour, malevolence, malice, or spite; or concealment of enmity, and violent hatred, in the heart; or retention of enmity in the heart, with watchfulness for an opportunity to indulge it or exercise it; syn. حِقْدٌ: (S, Mgh, Msb, K:) and [simply] enmity: (S, K:) or blood-revenge; or retaliation of murder or homicide; or a seeking to revenge, or avenge, or retaliate, blood; syn. ثَأْرٌ: or a desire, or seeking, for retaliation of a crime or of enmity: (K:) pl. (of the former) ذُحُولٌ (S, Mgh, Msb, K) and (of the latter, Msb) أَذْحَالٌ. (Mgh, Msb, K.) One says, طَلَبَ بِذَحْلِهِ, meaning بِثَأْرِهِ [i. e. He sought to obtain his bloodrevenge, or retaliation]. (S, Msb.) And عِنْدَهُ ذَحْلِى [He owes me my blood-revenge], meaning he is the slayer of my relation. (A in art. ثأر.) [See also a verse of Lebeed cited as an ex. of the preposition بِ.]

ذَحَلٌ: see the preceding paragraph.



1 سَحَقَهُ, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) aor. ـَ (Msb, K) inf. n. سَحْقٌ, (Msb,) He bruised, brayed, or pounded, it; syn. دَقَّهُ; (Mgh, K;) namely, a thing, (S, TA,) or medicine: (Mgh, Msb:) or i. q. سَهَكَهُ [app. as meaning he bruised, brayed, or pounded, it coarsely; but see this latter verb]: (S, K:) or it signifies [he did so in a degree] less than what is meant by دَقَّهُ: (Lth, K:) or [he powdered, or pulverized, it; i. e.] he bruised, brayed, or pounded, it finely: or he bruised, brayed, or pounded, it time after time. (TA.) b2: [Hence,] سَحَقَتِ الرِّيحُ الأَرْضَ, (K,) aor. and inf. n. as above, (TA,) (tropical:) The wind effaced the traces of the ground, (K, TA,) and carried away the broken particles [that were upon it]: (M, TA:) or passed along as though it were bruising, or braying, or pounding, (كَأَنَّهَا تَسْحَقُ,) the dust: (O, K:) or pared, or abraded, the surface of the earth by its vehement blowing; as also سَهَكَتْهَا [q. v.]. (T, A, TA.) b3: And سَحَقَهُ, (K, TA,) aor. and inf. n. as above, (TA,) (tropical:) He wore it out; namely, a garment. (K, TA.) And سَحَقَهُ مَرُّ الزَّمَانِ (assumed tropical:) The course of time rendered it (a garment) thin and worn out. (O, TA.) And سَحَقَهُ البِلَا (assumed tropical:) [Wear wasted it]; namely, a garment. (TA.) b4: Also He, or it, rendered it soft, or smooth; namely, a hard thing. (K.) b5: and (assumed tropical:) He destroyed it; and so ↓ اسحقهُ. (Har p. 257-8.) b6: سَحَقَ القَمْلَةَ He killed the louse. (K.) b7: سَحَقَ رَأْسَهُ He shaved his head. (K.) b8: سَحَقَتِ العَيْنُ دَمْعَهَا The eye spent its tears; (K, TA;) shed them, or let them fall. (TA.) b9: See also 4.

A2: سَحُقَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. سُحُوقَةٌ, (assumed tropical:) It (a garment) was, or became, old, and worn out; (K;) [and so, app., سَحِقَ, inf. n., سَحَقٌ, accord. to a usage of this noun, in the Deewán el-Hudhaleeyeen, mentioned by Freytag, and agreeably with the phrase ثَوْبٌ سَحِقٌ, mentioned below;] as also ↓ اسحق, (Yaakoob, S, Msb, K,) inf. n. إِسْحَاقٌ. (Msb.) A3: سَحُقَ, (S, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ and سَحِقَ, aor. ـَ (K;) inf. n. سُحْقٌ (S, * Msb, * K) [and app. سُحُقٌ also]; It (a thing, S, or a place, Msb) was, or became, distant, or remote; (S, Msb, K;) as also ↓ اسحق, and ↓ انسحق. (TA.) سُحْقٌ and سُحُقٌ are both syn. with بُعْدٌ. (S, K.) One says, سُحْقًا لَهُ, (S, Msb,) a form of imprecation, (Msb,) meaning May God alienate him, or estrange him, from good, or prosperity! or curse him! i. e. may he not be pitied with respect to that which has befallen him! like بُعْدًا لَهُ: the most approved way is to put the noun thus in the accus. case as an inf. n.; but the tribe of Temeem say, بُعْدٌ لَهُ, and سُحْقٌ. (TA in art. بعد.) b2: سَحُقَتِ النَّخْلَةُ The palm-tree became tall: (K:) or tall with smoothness [of its trunk]. (TA.) A4: سَحَقَتِ الدَّابَّةُ, [inf. n. سَحْقٌ,] The beast ran vehemently: or ran a pace above that termed مَشْىٌ and below that termed حُضْرٌ, (K, TA,) agreeably with what is said in explanation of السَّحْقُ in the S: or below that termed حُضْرٌ and above that termed سَحْجٌ. (TA.) 3 مُسَاحَقَةُ النِّسَآءِ [meaning (tropical:) The mutual act, of women, indicated by the epithet سَحَّاقَةٌ (q. v.), as also ↓ تَسَاحُقٌ,] is post-classical: (T, TA:) such it is said to be. (Mgh.) 4 اسحقهُ: see 1. b2: Said of God, (S, TA,) He removed him far away, or alienated him, or estranged him, in a general sense, or from good, or prosperity; syn. أَبْعَدَهُ; (S, O, K, TA; [accord. to the CK انسحقهُ, which is wrong;]) as also ↓ سَحَقَهُ: or, from his mercy. (TA.) A2: اسحق as intrans.: see 1, in two places. b2: Also, [in the CK, erroneously, انسحق,] said of a came's foot, It was, or became, smooth, with a degree of hardness; syn. مَرَنَ. (ISk, S, O, K.) b3: And said of an udder, It lost its milk, and became wasted, and clave to the belly: (ISk, S, O, K:) or it dried up: (As, TA:) or it went away; and wasted. (A'Obeyd, TA.) b4: And اسحقت الدَّلْوُ The bucket became empty of what was in it. (TA.) 6 تَسَاحُقٌ The act of rubbing together. (KL.) See also 3.7 انسحق [It was, or became, bruised, brayed, or pounded: &c.:] quasi-pass. of سَحَقَهُ as expl. in the first sentence of this art. (S, O, K.) b2: Said of a garment, It was, or became, [worn out; or thin and worn out; (see 1;) or] threadbare, or napless, while new. (TA.) b3: And [said of a place,] It was wide, or ample. (O, K.) b4: See also 1. b5: انسحق الدَّمْعُ The tears were shed. (TA.) سَحْقٌ An old and worn-out garment, (S, Mgh, O, Msb, K,) that has become thin, (O,) and threadbare; (Ham p. 591;) also used as a prefixed noun, (Mgh, Msb,) so that you say سَحْقُ ثَوْبٍ [meaning as above], (Mgh,) and سَحْقُ بُرْدٍ [an old and worn-out بُرْد], and سَحْقُ عِمَامَةٍ [an old and worn-out turban]: (Mgh, Msb:) and one says ثَوْبٌ سَحْقٌ, [using it as an epithet,] (O, TA,) and ↓ ثَوْبٌ سَحِقٌ, (Har p. 258, [but for this I have found no other authority, and it may be a mistranscription,]) and ↓ ثَوْبٌ مُنْسَحِقٌ likewise signifies an old and worn-out garment: (TA:) سَحْقٌ applied to a garment is an inf. n. used as a subst.: (O, TA:) the pl. is سُحُوقٌ. (TA.) Hence one says سَحْقُ دِرْهَمٍ, meaning (tropical:) A [bad] dirhem [or] such as is termed زَائِفٌ. (Mgh.) b2: Also A pastor's bag (كِنْفٌ): so in a verse cited voce خُفٌّ. (S in art. خف.) b3: And (tropical:) Thin clouds: (K:) likened to an old and worn-out garment. (TA.) b4: And The mark, or scar, of a gall, or sore, on the back of a camel, when it has healed, and the place thereof has become white: (TA:) [like سَلْقٌ and سَلَقٌ.]

سَحِقٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

سُحْقَةٌ Baldness: of the dial. of El-Yemen. (Freytag, from IDrd.)]

سَحُوقٌ Tall; applied to a palm-tree; (S, Msb, K;) as also سُيْحُوقٌ; (S;) and to a he-ass and to a she-ass; (S, K) and by some, metaphorically, to a woman; (TA;) and ↓ سَوْحَقٌ signifies the same, (K,) applied to a man; (TA;) and الرِّجْلَيْنِ ↓ سَوْحَقُ long in respect of the legs: (IB:) or سَحُوقٌ applied to a palm-tree signifies tall so that its fruit is far above the gatherer; As says, I know not whether that be with a bending: or, accord. to Sh, so applied, smooth and tall, having no stumps of the branches remaining [upon the trunk]; and to such the neck of a horse is likened by a poet: and applied to a he-ass and to a she-ass, tall, and advanced in age: (TA:) pl. سُحُقٌ, (S, O, Msb,) like رُسُلٌ, (Msb,) or سُحْقٌ. (So in the K.) One says also جَنَّةٌ سُحُقٌ, meaning A garden of tall palm-trees. (TA.) سَحِيقٌ Bruised, brayed, or pounded: (Mgh:) [&c.: (see 1, first sentence:)] i. q. ↓ مَسْحُوقٌ: (O:) applied to musk; (Mgh, O;) and to saffron. (Mgh in art. ورس.) b2: and Distant; remote; (S, Msb, K;) applied to a thing, (S,) or to a place; (Msb, K;) as also ↓ أَسْحَقُ; (IB, TA;) and ↓ سَاحِقٌ in the same sense, applied to a place, is allowed in poetry. (TA.) One says, إِنَّهُ لَبَعِيدٌ سَحِيقٌ [app. meaning Verily he, or it, is very distant or remote]. (TA.) سَحِيقَةٌ A great rain that sweeps away that along which it passes: (K:) or, accord. to As, سَحِيفَةٌ, with ف, has this meaning; and the former word signifies a vehement rain, consisting of large drops, (TA in the present art.,) but of little width: pls.سَحَائِقُ and سَحَائِفُ. (TA in art. سحف.) سَحَّاقَةٌ [Fricatrix; quæ confrictu libidinem alterius explet: (Golius, from Meyd:)] an epithet of evil import, applied to a woman: (O, K:) pl. سَحَّاقَاتٌ: of such it is said that they are cursed by God. (Mgh.) سَاحِقٌ: see سَحِيقٌ. b2: You say also سُحْقٌ سَاحِقٌ, meaning Great distance or remoteness. (TA.) سَوْحَقٌ: see سَحُوقٌ, in two places.

أَسْحَقُ: see سَحِيقٌ. b2: [Also Bald: of the dial. of El-Yemen. (Freytag, from IDrd.)]

مِسْحَقٌ An instrument with which one bruises, brays, or pounds: &c.: (يُسْحَقُ بِهِ:) [see 1, first sentence.] (TA.) مَسْحُوقٌ: see سَحِيقٌ.

مُنْسَحِقٌ: see سَحْقٌ. b2: Also Wide, or ample. (TA.) b3: دَمْعٌ مُنْسَحِقٌ Tears pouring forth; syn. مُنْدَفِقٌ: (Lth, Az, TA:) in the K, مُنْدَفِعٌ: (TA:) pl. مَسَاحِيقُ, which is extr.; (K;) like مَكَاسِيرُ, pl. of مُنْكَسِرٌ. (TA.)



1 سَرِفَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. سَرَفٌ, He was ignorant: or he was unmindful, negligent, or heedless. (Msb.) [In these senses it is trans.: you say,] سَرِفَهُ, (S, M, K,) aor. ـَ (K,) inf. n. سَرَفٌ, (S, * M, K, *) He was unmindful, negligent, or heedless, of it; (S, M, K;) namely, a thing: (S, M:) and he was ignorant of it: (S, K:) and he missed it; (S, * M, K; * [in the first and third of which, only the inf. n. of the verb in this sense in mentioned, and expl. as syn. with خَطَأٌ;]) syn. أَخْطَأَهُ. (M.) And طَلَبْتُهُمْ فَسَرِفْتُهُمْ I sought them and missed them: or was ignorant of them. (Msb.) And سَرِفَ القَوْمَ He passed by the people, or party, and left them behind him. (M.) As relates, of an Arab of the desert, with whom some companions of his made an appointment to meet him in a certain place of the mosque, and to whom he broke his promise, that, being asked respecting that, he said, مَرَرْتُ بِكُمْ فَسَرِفْتُكُمْ, meaning [I passed by you and] I was unmindful of you. (S.) And hence the saying of Jereer, (S, TA,) praising the Benoo-Umeiyeh, (TA,) أَعْطَوْا هُنَيْدَةَ يَحْدُوهَا ثَمَانِيَةٌ مَا فِى عَطَائِهِمُ مِنٌّ وَلَا سَرَفُ meaning [They gave a hundred camels, eight persons driving them, or urging them by singing to them: there was not in their gift reproach for a benefit conferred, nor] unmindfulness: or the meaning is, nor missing (خَطَأٌ); that is, they did not miss the proper place of the gift by their giving it to such as did not deserve it and refusing it to the deserving. (S, TA.) You say also, سَرِفْتُ يَمِينَهُ I was unacquainted with, or knew not, his oath. (TA.) b2: [سَرَفٌ is also, as expl. below, syn. with إِسْرَافٌ, but as a subst., having no verb properly belonging to it.]

A2: سَرَفَتِ الشَّجَرَةَ, (ISk, S, K,) aor. ـُ inf. n. سَرْفٌ, (ISk, S,) said of the سُرْفَة [q. v.], It ate the leaves of the tree: (ISk, S, K:) and سَرَفَتِ الخَشَبَ is likewise said of the سُرْفَة [as meaning it ate the wood]. (Z, TA.) And سُرِفَتِ الشَّجَرَةُ, (ISk, S, M, TA,) inf. n. سَرْفٌ, (ISk,) The tree had its leaves eaten by the سُرْفَة: (S:) or was smitten, or lighted on, by the سُرْفَة: (ISk, M, TA:) and سَرِفَ الخَشَبُ [the wood was eaten by the سُرْفَة], the verb in this phrase being quasi-pass. of the verb in the phrase سَرَفَتِ السُّرْفَةُ الخَشَبّ, like as حَطِمَ and صَعِقَ are quasi-passives of the verbs in the phrases حَطَمَتْهُ السِّنُّ and صَعَقَتْهُ السَّمَآءُ: (Z, TA:) and [hence] one says also, سَرِفَ الطَّعَامُ (tropical:) The wheat, or food, was, or became, cankered, or eaten away; as though smitten, or lighted on, by the سُرْفَة. (M, TA.) b2: [Hence also,] سُرِفَتْ أُذُنُ الشَّاةِ (tropical:) The ear of the sheep, or goat, was entirely cut off. (A, TA.) b3: And سَرَفَتْ وَلَدَهَا (tropical:) She (a mother) injured her child by too much milk. (A, K, * TA.) 4 اسرف, (Msb,) inf. n. إِسْرَافٌ, (M, Msb,) He exceeded, or transgressed, the just, or right, bound, or limit, or measure; acted extravagantly, exorbitantly, or immoderately: (M, Msb:) or إِسْرَافٌ signifies the being extravagant in expenditure, syn. تَبْذِيرٌ; (K) or so إِسْرَافٌ فِى النَّفَقَةِ: (S, TA:) or, as some say, تبذير means the “ exceeding in respect of the right objects of expenditure,” which is ignorance of the [right] manner, and of things that should prevent it; and اسراف means the exceeding with respect to quantity [in expenditure], and is ignorance of the values of the right objects: (MF in art. بذر:) or the latter signifies the expending otherwise than in obedience of God, (Sufyán, K, * TA,) whether little or much; (TA;) as also ↓ سَرَفٌ: (M, TA:) it is also said to mean the eating that which it is not lawful to eat; and this is said to be meant in the Kur vi. 142 or vii. 29: and the putting a thing in a wrong place [as when one expends his money upon a wrong object]: and accord. to Iyás Ibn-Mo'áwiyeh, الإِسْرَافُ is that [action] whereby one falls short of what is due to God. (TA.) You say also, اسرف فِى مَالِهِ, meaning He was hasty in respect of his property, [i. e. in expending it,] without pursuing the just course, or keeping within due bounds. (M.) And اسرف فِى الكَلَامِ and فِى القَتْلِ He exceeded the due bounds, or just limits, in speech, and in slaying. (M.) الإِسْرَافُ فِى القَتْلِ, which is forbidden in the Kur xvii. 35, is said to mean The slaying of another than the slayer of one's companion: (Zj, M, Mgh: *) or the slaying the slayer without the authority of the Sultán: or the not being content with slaying one, but slaying a number of persons, because of the high rank of the slain and the low condition of the slayer: or the slaying one higher in rank than the slayer: (Zj, M:) or the slaying two when the slayer is one: or the maining or mutilating [before slaughter]. (Mgh.) إِسْرَافٌ also signifies The committing of many faults, offences, or crimes, and sins. (TA.) and you say, أَكَلَهُ إِسْرَافًا (TA) and ↓ سَرَفًا, (M, TA,) meaning He ate it hastily. (M, TA.) 5 تسرّف He sucked: and ate, gnawed, or devoured. (KL. [App. from سُرْفَةٌ, q. v. See also سَرَفَتِ الشَّجَرَةَ, &c., in the latter half of the first paragraph.]) سَرَفْ inf. n. of سَرِفَ [q. v.]. (S, * M, Msb, K. *) b2: And also a subst. from أَسْرَفَ; (Msb;) i. q. إِسْرَافٌ; (M;) signifying Excess, or transgression, of the just, or right, bound, or limit, or measure; extravagant, exorbitant, or immoderate, action or conduct; (M, Msb, TA;) contr. of قَصْدٌ. (S, K.) See also 4, in two places. b3: [Hence,] (tropical:) The overflowing of water from the sides of a watering-trough, or tank; as in the saying, ذَهَبَ مَآءُ الحَوْضِ سَرَفًا (tropical:) The water of the watering-trough, or tank, [went away running to waste, or] overflowed from its sides: (K, TA:) or سَرَفُ المَآءِ means (assumed tropical:) what goes, of water, without irrigating and without profit: [or rather its going for nought:] you say, أَرْوَتِ البِئْرُ النَّخِيلَ وَذَهَبَ بَقِيَّةُ المَآءِ سَرَفًا (assumed tropical:) [The well irrigated the palmtrees, and the rest of the water went for nought, in waste]. (Sh, TA.) b4: And Addictedness (ضَرَاوَةٌ, S, K, or لَهَجٌ M) to a thing, (M,) or in respect of wine. (K, TA.) It is said in a trad. (S, M) of 'Áïsheh, (TA,) إِنَّ لِلَّحْمِ سَرَفًا كَسَرَفِ الخَمْرِ [Verily there is an addictedness to flesh-meat like the addictedness to wine]: (S, M, TA:) i. e. he who is accustomed to it is addicted to the eating thereof, like as he who is constantly drinking wine is addicted thereto, having little selfrestraint therefrom: or the meaning here is unmindfulness [of consequences with respect to flesh-meat &c.]: or corruptness of conduct, arising from hardness of heart, and daringness to disobey, and self-impulsion to the gratification of appetite: (TA:) or it may be [that the meaning is, there is an extravagance with respect to flesh-meat &c.,] from الإِسْرَافُ (S, TA) in expenditure for that which is not needed, or otherwise than in obedience [to the law of God]. (TA.) b5: It is also said in a trad., لَا يَنْتَهِبُ الرَّجُلُ نُهْبَةً ذَاتَ سَرَفٍ وَهُوَ مُؤْمِنٌ, meaning, ذَاتَ شَرَفٍ وَقَدْرٍ كَبِيرٍ

[i. e. The man shall not take a thing as spoil that is of high and great estimation, he being a believer]: (K, TA:) [for] people disapprove of that: (TA:) and it is also related with ش [i. e.

ذات شَرَفٍ]. (K.) سَرِفٌ Ignorant; (IAar, M, Msb, TA;) as also ↓ مُسْرِفٌ: (IAar, TA:) or unmindful, negligent, or heedless. (Msb.) And رَجُلٌ سَرِفٌ الفُؤَادِ (tropical:) A man missing, or mistaking, in heart, or mind; negligent, or heedless, therein. (S, K, TA.) and رَجُلٌ سَرِفُ العَقْلِ (assumed tropical:) A man having little intellect, or intelligence: or (tropical:) corrupt in intellect; accord. to Z, from سَرَفَتِ السُّرْفَةُ الخَشَبَ, of which the quasipass. is سَرِفَ [q. v.; meaning that it is from سَرِفٌ as a part. n. of this latter verb]. (TA.) b2: أَرْضٌ سَرِفَةٌ, (S, M, K,) and وَادٍ سَرِفٌ, (M, TA,) A land, and a valley, abounding with the [worm, or caterpillar, or small creeping thing, called] سُرْفَة. (S, M, * K, TA.) سُرُفٌ A certain white thing [or substance] resembling the web of the silkworm. (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K.) سُرْفَةٌ [A certain worm, or caterpillar, or small creeping thing;] a small creeping thing that makes for itself a habitation, (S, K,) four-sided, or square, (S,) of fragments of wood, (S, K,) joining them together by means of its spittle, in the form of a نَاؤُوس [here meaning coffin], (S,) which it then enters, and [therein it] dies: (S, K:) or the silkworm: or a certain small creeping thing, dust-coloured, that constructs a beautiful habitation in which it is: or a very small creeping thing, like the half of a lentil, that bores a tree, and then constructs therein a habitation of pieces of wood, which it conjoins by means of what resembles the web of the spider: or a very small dust-coloured creeping thing, that comes to a piece of wood and excavates it, and then brings a bit of wood and puts it therein, then another, then another, and then weaves what resembles the web of the spider: or, accord. to AHn, a certain small creeping thing, like the worm, inclining in some degree to blackness, found upon the [plants called] حَمْض, that constructs a four-sided, or square, habitation, of pieces of wood, joining the extremities of these together by means of a thing [or substance] resembling the web of the spider: or the worm [or caterpillar] that weaves [a web] upon certain trees, and eats their leaves, and destroys the rest thereof by that weaving: or a certain worm [or caterpillar] like the finger, hairy, speckled with black or white, that eats the leaves of trees so as to make them bare: or a certain worm [or caterpillar] that weaves upon itself, of the size of the finger in length, a thing like the قِرْطَاس [or roll, or scroll, of paper], which it enters, so becoming unattainable: or a certain light, small creeping thing, like a spider: (M:) pl. سُرَفٌ. (TA.) Hence the prov., أَصْنَعُ مِنْ سُرْفَةٍ [More skilled in fabricating than a سُرْفَة]. (S, M, K.) And one says also, أَخَفُّ مِنْ سُرْفَةٍ [Lighter than a سُرْفَة]. (M.) سَرَافٌ, accord. to Freytag, (but he has not named his authority,) The erosion of a tree by wood-fretters (“ teredines,” by which he means سُرَف, pl. of سُرْفَةٌ).]

سَرُوفٌ Hard, severe, or difficult; great, momentous, or formidable: (O, K, TA:) an epithet applied to a day. (O, TA.) سَرِيفٌ A row of grape-vines. (O, K.) سَرَافِيلُ: see إِسْرَافِيلُ, below.

أُسْرُفٌ i. q. آنُكٌ [i. e. Lead, or black lead, or tin, or pewter]; (O, K;) of Pers\. origin, (O,) arabicized, from سُرُبْ, (O, L, K,) or أُسْرُبْ. (CK.) [See also أُسْرُبٌ.]

إِسْرَافِيلُ, (S, M, O, K,) and El-Kanánee used to say ↓ سَرَافِيلُ, the name of A certain angel; (M; [in which it is mentioned among quadriliteral-radical words; but it is there said that the إ may be radical;]) the angel who is to blow the horn on the day of resurrection: (Jel in vi. 73, &c.:) [see رُوحَانِىٌّ:] a foreign word (S, O, K) prefixed, (K,) or as though prefixed, (S, O,) to إِيلُ: (S, O, K:) and إِسْرَافِينُ is a dial. var. of the same; (Kh, S, M, O, K;) like as they said جَبْرِينُ and إِسْمَاعِينُ and إِسْرَائِينُ. (Akh, S, O.) مُسْرِفٌ [Exceeding, or transgressing, the just, or right, bound, or limit, or measure; acting extravagantly, &c.: see its verb (4)]. b2: See also سَرِفٌ. b3: [Also] Denying, or disacknowledging, the favours, or benefits, or the unity, and the prophets and law, of God; a disbeliever, an unbeliever, or an infidel: it is said to be used in this sense in the Kur xl. 36. (TA.) مَسْرُوفٌ Eaten by the سُرْفَة [q. v.]. (TA.) and شَجَرَةٌ مَسْرُوفَةٌ A tree of which the leaves have been eaten by the سُرْفَة; (S;) or smitten, or lighted on, by the سُرْفَة. (ISk, TA.) b2: شَاةٌ مَسْرُوفَةٌ (tropical:) A sheep, or goat, that has had its ear entirely cut off. (M, A.) سرفل and سرفن سَرَافِيلُ and إِسْرَافِيلُ and إِسْرَافِينُ: see the next preceding art. سرق.1 سَرَقَ مِنْهُ مَالًا, (S, Mgh, O, Msb,) or الشَّىْءَ, (K,) and سَرَقَهُ مَالًا, (S, Mgh, O, Msb,) thus also they sometimes said, (S, O,) the prep. being suppressed for the sake of alleviation, but meant to be understood, (Ham p. 155,) aor. ـِ inf. n. سَرَقٌ (S, Mgh, O, Msb, K) and سَرِقٌ and سَرَقَةٌ (Mgh, K) and سَرِقَةٌ and سَرْقٌ, (K,) He stole from him property, [or the thing,] i. e. he took it [from him] secretly, and by artifice; (Mgh;) or he came clandestinely to a place of custody, and took what belonged to him, namely, another person; (O, K;) as also ↓ استرقهُ [followed by مِنْهُ]. (IAar, K.) And سَرَقَهُمْ [alone, He stole from them; or robbed them]. (JK and K in art. بوق.) It is said in a prov., سُرِقَ السَّارِقُ فَانْتَحَرَ (S, O) The thief was robbed, and in consequence slew himself: applied to him who has a thing not belonging to him taken from him, and whose impatience consequently becomes excessive. (Meyd, * O.) And ↓ سرّقهُ, inf. n. تَسْرِيقٌ signifies the same as سَرَقَهُ: El-Farezdak says, لَا تَحْسِبَنَّ دَرَاهِمًا سَرَّقْتَهَا تَمْحُو مَخَازِيكَ الَّتِى بِعُمَانِ [By no means reckon thou that dirhems which thou stolest will efface thy disgraceful practices that were committed in 'Omán]. (IB, TA.) And you say in selling a slave, بَرِئْتُ إِلَيْكَ مِنَ الإِبَاقِ وَالسَّرَقِ [I am irresponsible to thee for running away and stealing]. (TA.) b2: One says also, سَرَقَ السَّمْعَ, meaning استرقهُ . (Msb. See 3.) b3: And سُرِقَ صَوْتُهُ [lit. His voice was stolen], meaning (tropical:) he became hoarse. (Z, TA.) b4: And سرقت يا قوم [app. سُرِقْتُ يَا قَوْمِ, expl. as meaning سرقت عرضى, which I think a mistranscription for سُرِقْتُ عِرْضِى, i. e. (assumed tropical:) I have been robbed of my honour, or reputation, O my people]. (TA.) b5: And سَرَقْنَا لَيْلَةً مِنَ الشَّهْرِ (assumed tropical:) We passed pleasantly, or with enjoyment, a night of the month. (TA.) b6: And سَرَقَتْنِى عَيْنِى (tropical:) My eye overcame me. (TA.) A2: سَرِقَ, aor. ـَ (Yoo, IDrd, K,) inf. n. سَرَقٌ, (TK,) said of a thing, (Yoo, IDrd,) i. q. خَفِىَ [It was, or became, unperceived, or imperceptible, or hardly perceived or perceptible, &c.]. (Yoo, IDrd, K.) b2: And سَرِقَتْ مَفَاصِلُهُ, aor. as above, (IDrd, K,) and so the inf. n., (TA,) His joints became weak, or feeble; (IDrd, K;) as also ↓ انسرقت. (K.) 2 سرّقهُ: see 1. b2: Also, (S,) inf. n. تَسْرِيقٌ, (K,) He attributed to him [or accused him of] theft. (S.) It is said in the Kur [xii. 81], accord. to one reading, إِنَّ ابْنَكَ سُرِّقَ [Verily thy son has been accused of theft]. (S.) 3 هُوَ يُسَارِقُ النَّظَرَ إِلَيْهِ (tropical:) He avails himself of, (S, O,) or seeks, (K,) his inadvertence, to look at him: (S, O, K:) [he takes an opportunity of looking at him by stealth:] and in like manner one uses the phrases النَّظَرِ ↓ اِسْتَراقُ and ↓ تَسَرُّقُهُ [as meaning (tropical:) the taking an opportunity of looking by stealth]: and ↓ التَّسَرُّقُ [alone] signifies (assumed tropical:) the taking an opportunity of looking and of hearing: (TA:) [and the hearing discourse by stealth; as is indicated in the TA:] and السَّمْعَ ↓ استرق [and استرق alone, as appears from an explanation of the part. n. مُسْتَرِقٌ, below,] (tropical:) He listened, (S, O,) or heard, (Msb,) by stealth; (S, O, Msb;) as also السَّمْعَ ↓ سَرَقَ. (Msb.) 5 تسرّق He stole [by degrees, or] one thing and then another. (O, K.) So in the phrase تسرّق شِعْرِى [He stole my poetry, bit by bit], used by Ru-beh. (O, TA.) b2: See also 3, in two places.7 انسرق He went, drew, or shrank, back, in order to go away, عَنْهُمْ from them. (K, TA. [In this and the following sense, the verb is erroneously written in the CK اَسْرَقَ.]) b2: and He was, or became, languid, and weak, or feeble. (O, K, TA.) See also 1, last sentence.8 استرق: see 1, first sentence: b2: and see 3, in two places. [See also كَبِيسٌ.] b3: Also (tropical:) He deceived, or circumvented, secretly, [or by stealth,] like him who [so] listens. (TA.) b4: And you say, استرق الكَاتِبُ بَعْضَ المُحَاسَبَاتِ (tropical:) The writer suppressed some of the items of the reckoning. (TA.) Q. Q. 1 سَرْقَنَ الأَرْضَ He manured the land with سِرْقِين. (L in art. سرقن.) سَرَقٌ Oblong pieces (S, O, Msb, * K) of silk; (S, O, Msb;) accord. to A'Obeyd, (S, O,) of white silk: (S, O, K:) or silk in general: (K:) said by A'Obeyd to be arabicized from the Pers\.

سَرَهْ, meaning “ good: ” (S, O:) n. un. with ة; (S, O, Msb;) which is expl. as meaning a piece of good silk. (TA.) سَرِقٌ and ↓ سَرِقَةٌ [the former of which is said in the Mgh and K, and the latter in the K, to be an inf. n., are also said to be] substs. from سَرَقَ, [as such signifying Theft,] as also ↓ سَرْقَةٌ, (O, K,) or ↓ سِرْقَةٌ. (Msb.) سَرْقَةٌ: see what next precedes.

سِرْقَةٌ: see what next precedes.

سَرِقَةٌ: see سَرِقٌ. b2: Also, (Msb,) A thing stolen; (Mgh, Msb;) and so ↓ سُرَاقَةٌ; [pl. of the latter سُرَاقَاتٌ;] whence the saying عِنْدَهُ سُرَاقَاتُ الشِّعْرِ [He has stolen things of poetry or verse]. (TA.) سِرْقِينٌ, (K, and S and Msb in art. سرج,) sometimes written سَرْقِينٌ, (K,) as also سَرْجِين, (Msb, TA,) Dung of horses or other solid-hoofed animals, syn. رَوْثٌ, and زِبْلٌ, (Msb,) or fresh dung of camels, sheep and goats, wild oxen, and the like; (TA in art. ذأر;) a manure for land: (L:) arabicized from سركين [or سَرْگِينْ], (Msb, K,) a Pers\. word. (Msb.) [See سِرْجِينٌ, in art. سرج.]

سَرُوقٌ [Thievish; a great thief]; an epithet applied to a man, and to a dog: pl. سُرُقٌ. (TA.) سُرَاقَةٌ: see سَرِقَةٌ. b2: Also A stealer of poetry or verses. (TA.) سَرُوقَةٌ [Very thievish; a very great thief]: it has no pl. (TA.) سَارِقٌ [Stealing; a thief; or] one who comes clandestinely to a place of custody, and takes what does not belong to him: (O:) pl. سَرَقَةٌ and سُرَّاقٌ (TA) and سُرَّقٌ. (Mgh.) سُورَقٌ A certain disease in the members, or limbs. (Ibn-'Abbád, O.) سَارِقَةٌ sing. of سَوَارِقُ, which signifies [Collars by means of which the two hands are confined together to the neck, called also] جَوَامِعُ, (O, K, TA,) of iron, attached to fetters or shackles. (TA.) b2: And the pl., سَوَارِقُ, signifies also The adjuncts (زَوَائِد) in the catches (فَرَاش [q. v.]) of a lock. (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K.) مَسْرُوقُ الصَّوْتِ [lit. Having the voice stolen,] means (tropical:) hoarse in voice. (Z, TA.) And hence, مَسْرُوقُ البُغَامِ (tropical:) [A young gazelle] having a nasal sound, or twang, in its cry; as though its voice were stolen: a phrase used by El-Aashà. (TA.) مُسْتَرِقٌ (tropical:) Listening by stealth, (K, TA,) like the thief. (TA.) b2: (assumed tropical:) Defective, weak in make. (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K.) b3: مُسْتَرِقُ القَوْلِ (tropical:) Weak in speech or saying. (A, TA.) b4: مُسْتَرِقُ العُنُقِ (tropical:) Short in the neck; (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K, TA;) applied to a man; (Ibn-'Abbád, O, TA;) contracted therein. (A, TA.) [In the CK, المُسْرِقُ is erroneously put for المُسْتَرِقُ.]



2 سدّفهُ, (M, TA,) inf. n. تَسْدِيفٌ, (TA,) He cut it in pieces; namely, a camel's hump. (M, TA.) 4 اسدف It (the night) became dark; (S, M, K;) accord. to some, after the جِنْح [app. as meaning the first part thereof; or about the half; or a great, or the greater, part]: (M:) or let down its curtains, and became dark: and ازدف and اسدف signify the same. (AO, TA.) b2: And اسدف القَوْمُ The people, or party, entered upon the [period of the night called] سُدْفَة. (M.) b3: And اسدف He slept; (AA, K, TA;) as also ازدف. (AA, TA.) b4: And (tropical:) His eyes became dark by reason of hunger or age: (K, TA:) said of a man. (TA.) b5: Also, said of the daybreak, or dawn, It shone: (S, K, TA:) [thus,] as AO says, it has two contr. significations. (TA.) b6: And He lighted the lamp: (K:) or one says, in the dial. of Hawázin, أَسْدِفُوا, i. e. أَسْرِجُوا [Light ye a lamp, or with a lamp]; from السِّرَاجُ: (S, TA:) or one says in that dial., أَسْدَفُوا لَنَا, i. e. أَسْرَجُوا [They lighted for us a lamp, or with a lamp]. (M.) b7: Also He moved away or aside [in order that the light might enter a place]. (K.) When a man is standing at a door or an entrance, one says to him, أَسْدِفْ, i. e. Move thou away or aside from the door, or entrance, in order that the chamber, or tent, may become light. (AA, TA. [See also the last sentence of this paragraph.]) b8: [In all of these senses, perhaps excepting one, it is intrans.: in others, trans.]

A2: You say of a woman, اسدفت القِنَاعَ, (S, TA,) and الحِجَابَ, (TA,) She let down [the head-covering, and the veil, or curtain]. (S, TA.) b2: And اسدف السِّتْرَ He raised [the veil, or curtain]. (K.) b3: One says also, أَسْدِفِ البَابَ Open thou the door, or entrance, in order that the chamber, or tent, may become light. (S.) سَدَفٌ: see سُدْفَةٌ, in three places. b2: Also The night. (S, TA.) b3: And The daybreak, or dawn: (AA, S, K:) and the advent thereof: (Fr, S, K:) and the whiteness of day. (TA.) A2: Also A ewe: (Ibn-'Abbád, K:) or such as has a blackness like that of night. (TA.) b2: And سَدَفْ سَدَفْ is A call to the ewe to be milked. (K.) سَدْفَةٌ: see the next paragraph.

سُدْفَةٌ and ↓ سَدْفَةٌ i. q. ↓ سَدَفٌ, (As, S, M, K,) as meaning The darkness, (As, S, K,) in the dial. of Nejd, (As, S,) or of Temeem; (K;) or as meaning the darkness of night; or, as some say, after the جِنْح [which here app. means the first part of the night; or about the half; or a great, or the greater, part]: (M:) and also as meaning the light, (As, S, K, and M in explanation of the first word,) in the dial. of others, (As, S,) or of Keys: (K:) thus having two contr. significations; (S, K;) or the darkness and the light are called by one and the same name because each of them comes upon the other: (K:) or the first, (S, M, K,) and second, (K,) the commingling of the light and the darkness, (S, M, K,) as in the time between the rising of the dawn, (S,) or as in the time between the prayer of the dawn, (M,) and that when the sun becomes white, (S, M,) accord. to some, as is said by A 'Obeyd; (S;) or, as 'Omárah says, the first signifies darkness in which is light, of the former part of the night and of the latter part thereof, between the redness after sunset and the darkness and between the dawn and the prayer [of the dawn]; And Az says that this is the correct explanation: (TA:) and the first and second, a portion of the night: (M, K:) or the first, a remaining portion of the night: (Ibn-Habeeb, TA:) or the first of five divisions of the night: (TA in art. خدر: see خُدْرَةٌ, voce خَدَرٌ:) and the first, (K, TA,) i. e. with damm, (TA,) or the second, (CK,) as also ↓ سَدَفٌ, the blackness of night: (K:) the pl. of the first is سُدَفٌ; as in the saying of 'Alee, كَشَفْتُ عَنْهُمْ سُدَفَ اللَّيْلِ I removed from over them the darknesses of night: (TA:) and the pl. of ↓ سَدَفٌ is أَسْدَافٌ. (M, TA.) You say also, رَأَيْتُ سُدْفَةَ شَخْصِهِ مِنْ بُعْدٍ (tropical:) I saw the blackness of his body, or form, from a distance. (TA.) A2: Also the first, A door, or an entrance: (M, K:) or its سُدَّة [i. e. vestibule, or porch, &c.]: (K:) and a sort of covering over a door to protect it from the rain. (K, * TA.) سُدُوفٌ [a pl. of which the sing. is app. سَدَفٌ, like شَدَفٌ,] The corporeal forms or figures or substances of men or other things which one sees from a distance: (K:) accord. to Sgh, (TA,) correctly with ش: (K, TA:) but the truth is, that they are two dial. vars. (TA.) سَدِيفٌ A camel's hump: (S:) or a camel's hump cut into pieces: (M, TA:) or pieces [or slices] of a camel's hump: (Ham p. 258:) or the fat of a camel's hump: (M, K, and Ham p. 257:) [or a very fat hump of a camel: (Freytag, from the Deewán of Jereer:)] pl. سَدَائِفُ and سِدَافٌ. (TA.) سِدَافَةٌ A veil, or covering; a thing that veils, conceals, covers, or protects: whence the saying of Umm-Selemeh to 'Áïsheh, (O, K, TA,) when she desired to go forth to El-Basrah, (TA,) قَدْ وَجَّهْتِ سِدَافَتَهُ i. e. هَتَكْتِ السِّتْرَ i. e. أَخَذْتِ وَجْهَهَا [i. e. وَجْهَ سِدَافَتِهِ (JM in art. وجه) Thou hast rent open his veil, or covering, meaning the Prophet's, as is shown in the TA]: (O, K, TA:) or thou hast removed his veil, or covering: (O, TA:) or thou hast removed his veil, or covering, from its place, to which thou wast commanded to keep, and hast placed it before thee: (O, K, TA:) but the saying is also related otherwise, i. e. وَجَّهْتِ سِجَافَتَهُ, mentioned before [in art. سجف]. (TA.) One says also, وَجَّهَ فُلَانٌ سِدَافَتَهُ, meaning Such a one quitted his veil, or covering, and came forth from [behind] it. (TA.) أَسْدَفُ, as an epithet applied to night, Dark, (M, [as also مُسْدِفٌ,]) or black. (K.) مُسْدِفٌ Dark: [like أَسْدَفُ:] and also light: having two contr. significations. (M, TA.) b2: And Entering upon the [period called] سُدْفَة. (TA.).

سَنَامٌ مُسَدَّفٌ A camel's hump cut into pieces [or slices]. (M.) حِجَابٌ مَسْدُوفٌ A veil, or curtain, let down. (TA.)



1 ذَقَنَهُ, (JK, S, A, K,) aor. ـُ (JK,) inf. n. ذَقْنٌ, (TK,) He struck his ذَقَن [or chin]: (JK, S, A, K:) or he struck him on the back of his neck, or on his head at the part next the back of the neck, with the inside of his hand; syn. قَفَدَهُ. (K, TA. [In the CK, erroneously, فَقَدَهُ.]) and He struck him, or beat him, with a staff, or stick. (JK.) b2: ذَقَنَ عَلَى يَدِهِ, (K,) or على عَصَاهُ, (JK, K,) He put his ذَقَن [or chin] upon his hand, or upon his staff, or stick, (JK, K, TA,) and leaned [upon it]: (TA:) and ذَقَنَ بِسَوْطِهِ [He leaned his chin upon his whip]: (TA:) as also ↓ ذَقَّنَ. (K.) A2: ذَقِنَتِ الدَّلْوُ, (JK, S, K,) aor. ـَ (JK, K,) inf. n. ذَقَنٌ, (JK,) The bucket was, or became, such as is termed ذَقُونٌ (S, K) or ذَقْنَآءُ. (JK.) 2 ذَقَّنَ see the preceding paragraph.3 ذاقنهُ He straitened him. (K.) 4 اذقن is said by Golius, as on the authority of the KL, to signify Opem tulit in tollenda re: but the word explained in the KL as signifying the doing this is the inf. n. of ازقن, not of اذقن.]

ذِقْنٌ A decrepit, old and weak, or extremely aged, man. (K.) ذَقَنٌ [The chin;] the place where the لَحْيَانٌ [here meaning the two lateral portions of the lower jaw] combine, (JK, S, Msb, K,) at their lower part: (K:) it is of a man (S, Msb) [and of a beast]: also pronounced with kesr (ISd, K) to the ذ [i. e. ↓ ذِقَنٌ]: (TK:) of the masc. gender, (Lh, K,) only: (Lh, TA:) pl. أَذْقَانٌ, (Msb, K,) a pl. of pauc.; and the pl. of mult. is ذُقُونٌ. (Msb.) Hence, (K,) مُثْقَلٌ اسْتَعَانَ بِذَقَنِهِ [A heavily-burdened, or overburdened, camel sought to help himself to rise by means of his chin]: (S, M, K:) a prov., applied to a low, base, or mean, and weak man, who seeks to help himself by means of another man like himself; (S;) or to him who seeks to help himself by means of one who has no power of defending, and by means of one more low, base, or mean, and weak, than he: (M:) or to him who seeks to help himself by means of one less than he: (K:) originating from the fact that a camel laden with a heavy load, and unable to rise, bears with his chin upon the ground. (S, K.) You say also, خِرُّوا لِأَذْقَانِهِمْ [They fell down prostrate, with their chins to the ground: see the Kur xvii. 108 and 109]: and [hence,] عَصَفَتْ رِيحٌ فَخَرَّتِ الأَشْجَارُ لِلْأَذْقَانِ (tropical:) [A wind blew violently, so that the trees fell, or bent themselves down to the ground]: (A in art. خر:) and هَبّتِ الرِّيحُ فَكَبَّتِ الشَّجَرَ عَلَى

أَذْقَانِهَا (tropical:) [The wind blew, and overturned, or threw down, or bent down, the trees]: and, of a stone, كَبَّهُ السَّيْلُ لِذَقَنِهِ (tropical:) The torrent overturned it. (TA.) b2: The hair that grows upon the chin: used in this sense by the vulgar; and said by Esh-Shiháb El-Khafajee, in the “ Shifá el-Ghaleel,” to be post-classical: Z says, in the “ Rabeea el-Abrár,” that it signifies the beard in the language of the Nabathæans. (TA.) ذِقَنٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, first sentence.

ذَقَنَى: see the paragraph next following.

ذَقُونٌ A she-camel that relaxes her chin [so as to make her lower lip hang down] in going along: (S, K:) or that moves about her head in going along: (JK:) or that stretches her steps, and moves about her head, by reason of strength, and briskness, liveliness, or sprightliness, in going along: (A, TA:) pl. ذُقُنٌ: (TA:) and ↓ ذَاقِنَةٌ, applied to a she-camel, signifies the same as ذَقُونٌ. (IAar, TA.) b2: دَلْوٌ ذَقُونٌ (assumed tropical:) A bucket [of leather] which one has sewed in such a manner that its lip inclines on one side: (S, K:) or a large bucket inclining on one side: (Er-Rághib, TA:) and ↓ ذَلْوٌ ذَقَنَى a bucket with an inclining lip: (IB, TA:) and ↓ دَلْوٌ ذَقْنَآءُ a bucket that has had an addition made to one of its two sides, and consequently inclines on one side. (JK.) الذَّاقِنَةُ The part beneath the ذَقَن [or chin]: (K:) or the part, of the breast, that is reached by the ذَقَن: or the ذَقَن [itself]: (TA:) or the head of the حُلْقُوم [or windpipe]: (K:) or the prominent extremity of the حلقوم: (S, K:) thus explained by A'Obeyd and AA in the saying of 'Áïsheh, “[The Prophet died] between my حَاقِنَة and my ذَاقِنَة: ” (TA: [see الحَاقِنَةُ:]) or the تَرْقُوة [ or collar-bone; or it may here mean the fore part of the throat, next the chest; or the uppermost part of the chest]: (K:) but this, in the M, is an explanation of الحَاقِنَةُ: (TA:) or the lower part of the belly, next the navel: (K:) but this, also, is given as an explanation of الحاقنة, by ISd and by Z: (TA:) or the pit of the uppermost part of the breast, or chest: or the upper part of the belly: (K:) and the stomach: (JK:) pl. ذَوَاقِنُ. (S, TA.) [See also الحَاقِنَةُ.] Hence the prov., لَأُلْحِقَنَّ حَوَاقِنَكَ بَذَوَاقِنِكَ [explained in art. حقن]: الذَّوَاقِنُ, accord. to Az, means the lower part of the belly. (S.) A2: See also ذَقُونٌ.

أَذْقَنٌ A man long in the ذَقَن [or chin]: and so [the fem.] ذَقْنَآءُ applied to a woman. (K.) b2: And A man having the two sides of the mouth inclining, or wry. (JK.) b3: And [hence, app.,] ذَقْنَآءُ, (K, TA,) applied to a woman, by way of comparison, (TA,) (tropical:) Having the جَهَاز [or pudendum] inclining, or wry. (K, TA.) b4: دَلْوٌ ذَقْنَآءُ: see ذَقُونٌ.



1 ذَمَّهُ, (T, S, M, &c.,) aor. ـُ (T, M, Msb,) inf. n. ذَمٌّ (T, S, M, Mgh, Msb, K) and مَذَمَّةٌ, (M, K,) He blamed, dispraised, discommended, found fault with, censured, or reprehended, him, in respect of evil conduct; الذَّمُّ signifying اللَّوْمُ (T, Mgh) فِى الإِسَآءَةِ; (T;) contr. of المَدْحُ, (S, M, Mgh, Msb, K,) or of الحَمْدُ: (Mgh:) and ↓ ذمّمهُ, (MA,) inf. n. تَذْمِيمٌ, (KL,) signifies the same: (MA, KL:) [or this has an intensive meaning: see its pass. part. n., below.] Hence the saying, اِفْعَلْ كَذَا وخَلَاكَ ذَمٌّ, (T, S, K,) i. e. خَلَا مِنْكَ ذَمٌّ, meaning [Do thou such a thing, and] thou wilt not be blamed; (ISk, S, K;) or thou wilt have an excuse; [lit.] blame will full from thee: (S in art. خلو:) one should not say خَلَاكَ ذَنْبٌ. (ISk, S in the present art.) ذُمَّ, also, signifies He was satirized, particularly in verse. (IAar, T.) And He was made to suffer loss or diminution [app. in respect of his reputation]. (IAar, T.) b2: ذَمَّ المَكَانُ (tropical:) The place was, or became, affected with drought, or barrenness, and its good things [or produce] became scanty. (TA.) [But perhaps ذَمَّ is here a mistranscription for ذُمَّ; for] you say of a land, ذَمَّ مَرْعَاهَا [He dispraised, or discommended, its pasture, when its pasture is scanty]. (S and M and K in art. بذأ.) A2: ذَمَّ, [aor. ـِ said of the nose, (S, K,) It flowed [with ذَمِيم, i. e. mucus]; (K;) like ذَنَّ. (S, K.) And [the aor. ـَ is said of ذَمِيم; (S, K;) like يَذِنُّ; (S, TA;) meaning It flows. (TA.) 2 ذَمَّّ see 1, first sentence.3 فُلَانٌ يُذَامُّ عَيْشَهُ (assumed tropical:) Such a one passes his life contended with scantiness. (TA.) 4 اذمّ He (a man) did [or said] that for which he should be blamed, dispraised, discommended, found fault with, censured, or reprehended; (S;) contr. of أَحْمَدَ. (A in art. حمد.) and إِلَيْهِ ↓ استذمّ, (M, K,) or إِلَى النَّاسِ, (S,) He did to him, or to the people, that for which he should be blamed, &c. (S, M, K.) b2: [Hence,] أَذَمَّتْ رَاحِلَتُهُ (tropical:) His riding-camel ceased going on; as though she made the people to blame her. (TA.) And أَذَمَّتْ رِكَابُهُمْ (tropical:) Their camels upon which they were riding became jaded, and lagged behind, (S, M, K, TA,) not keeping up with the main body of camels; (S, TA;) [as though they made their riders to blame them; or] as though [the idea of] their strength in journeying were derived from ذَمَّةٌ meaning “ a well having little water. ” (TA.) And اذمّ بِهَ بَعِيرُهُ (tropical:) [His camel became jaded, and lagged behind with him]. (S, TA.) And أَذَمَّتْ بِالرَّكْبِ, said of a she-ass, (tropical:) She kept back the company of riders upon camels by her weakness and her ceasing to go on. (TA from a trad.) A2: اذمّهُ He found him, or it, to be such as is blamed, dispraised, &c.; (S, M, K, TA;) contr. of أَحْمَدَهُ. (TA.) One says, أَتَيْتُ مَوْضِعَ كَذَا فَأَذْمَمْتُهُ, i. e. [I came to such a place, and] I found it to be such as is discommended. (S) b2: اذّم بِهِ, (S,) or بِهِمْ, (M, K,) He held him, or them, in little, or light, or mean, estimation, or in contempt: (S, K:) or he left [him or] them blamed, dispraised, &c., among the people. (IAar, M, K.) A3: Also, اذمّهُ, He protected him; granted him protection, or refuge. (S, K.) b2: And اذمّ لَهُ عَلَيْهِ He took, or obtained, a promise, or an assurance, of security or safety, and a compact, or covenant, for him, or in his favour, of, or against, him [i. e. another person, making the latter responsible for his (the former's) security, or safety, &c.]. (M, * K, * TA.) A4: See also the next paragraph.5 تذمّم He shunned, or avoided, (T, * Mgh,) or he preserved, or guarded, himself from, (MA,) blame, dispraise, &c.: (T, * MA, Mgh:) this is the proper meaning; and hence, (Mgh,) he felt disdain, or scorn, and shame. (S, MA, Mgh, K, KL.) One says, لَوْ لَمْ أَتْرُكِ الكَذِبَ تَأَثُّمًا لَتَرَكْتُهُ تَذَمُّمَا [If I did not refrain from lying for the purpose of abstaining from sin, I would refrain from it from a feeling of disdain, or scorn, or shame]. (S, K.) And تذمّم مِنْهُ [He abstained, or refrained, from it to avoid blame, or through disdain, or scorn, or shame; disdained, or scorned, it; or was ashamed of it]. (K in art. حشم.) And Aboo-'Amr Ibn-El-'Alà mentions his having heard an Arab of the desert use the expression لا يذمّون [app. ↓ لَا يُذِمُّونَ, for the ا in the measure أَفْعَلَ sometimes has a privative property,] meaning They do not shun, or avoid, blame; (لَا يَتَذَمَّمُونَ;) and are not affected with shame. (TA.) It is said in a trad., مِنْ خِلَالِ المَكَارِمِ التَّذَمُّمُ لِلصَّاحِبِ, meaning [Of the properties of generous, or honourable, practices, is] the being regardful of everything that is entitled to reverence, respect, honour, or defence, in the character and appertenances of the companion, or friend, and dispelling from oneself the blame that he would incur from men if he were not regardful thereof. (TA.) And one says, لِلْجَارِ عِنْدَكَ تَذَمُّمٌ and ↓ مُسْتَذَمٌّ [To the neighbour, with thee, is shown regard of everything that is entitled to reverence, respect, honour, or defence, in his character and appertenances: مُسْتَذَمٌّ being app. an inf. n. of ↓ استذمّ, and this being syn. with تذمّم]. (TA.) 6 تذامّوا They blamed, dispraised, discommended, found fault with, censured, or reprehended, one another. (M, K.) 10 استذمّ [He required blame, &c.; as though he called for it; or] he was blamed, or dispraised, &c. (KL.) See also 4, second sentence. b2: and see 5, last sentence. b3: [استذمّ بِذِمَامِهِ is used by post-classical writers, and is perhaps a classical phrase, meaning He begged, or implored, his protection. See an instance in “ Abulfedæ Annales,”

vol. iii. p. 170.] R. Q. 1 ذَمْذَمَ He made his gift small, or scanty. (IAar, T, K.) ذَمٌّ inf. n. of ذَمَّهُ. (T, S, M, &c.) [As a simple subst., Blame, dispraise, or censure.] b2: and [the pl.] ذُمُومٌ signifies Vices, faults, defects, or the like. (M, K. [See ذَامٌّ.]) A2: See also ذَمِيمٌ.

A3: And see ذَمَّةٌ.

ذِمٌّ: see ذَمِيمٌ. b2: Also Excessively lean or emaciated; and perishing: (K:) or like him who is perishing. (T, TA.) b3: See also ذِمَّةٌ.

ذَمَّةٌ [as a subst.]; (T, Mgh;) and بِئْرٌ ذَمَّةٌ, (T, S, M, Mgh, K,) in which the latter word is an epithet, (Mgh,) and ↓ ذِمَّةٌ also, with kesr, (so in one of my copies of the S,) and ↓ ذَمِيمٌ, and ذَمِيمَةٌ; (M, K;) A well containing little water; (T, S, M, Mgh, K;) because discommended: (M, Mgh:) and, (M, K,) as some say, (M,) containing much water: thus having two contr. significations: (M, K:) pl. ذِمَامٌ (T, S, M, K) and ↓ ذَمٌّ, (T, TA,) [or rather the latter is a coll. gen. n., of which ذَمَّةٌ is the n. un.] A poet says, (S,) namely, Dhu-r-Rummeh, describing camels whose eyes were sunk in their sockets by reason of fatigue, (T,) عَلَى حِمْيَرِيَّاتٍ كَأَنَّ عُيُونَهَا ذِمَامُ الرَّكَايَا أَنْكَزَتْهَا المَوَاتِحُ [Upon camels of Himyer that were as though their eyes were wells containing little water which the camels employed to draw it had exhausted]. (T, S.) ذِمَّةٌ A compact, a covenant, a contract, a league, a treaty, an engagement, a bond, or an obligation; (T, S, M, Mgh, Msb, K;) because the breaking thereof necessitates blame: (Mgh:) and a right, or due, (حَقٌّ,) for the neglect of which one is to be blamed: (Bd in ix. 8:) [an inviolable right or due:] and ↓ ذِمَامٌ and ↓ مَذِمَّةٌ and ↓ مَذَمَّةٌ signify in like manner a compact, a covenant, &c. as above, for the neglect, or nonobservance, of which a man is to be blamed: (Msb:) or these three words [in the CK the first and last only] signify a right, or due; syn. حَقٌّ: (M, K:) or so the first of them: (T, * S:) and each of them, (M, K,) or the first of them, i. e. ذِمَامٌ, (T, S, Mgh,) i. q. حُرْمَةٌ [which includes all the significations of ذِمَّةٌ likewise, those above and those which follow, but appears here to be used as meaning especially a thing that should be sacred, or inviolable; or which one is under an obligation to reverence, respect, or honour, and defend; everything that is entitled to reverence, respect, honour, or defence. in the character and appertenances of a person]; (S, M, Mgh, K;) every حُرْمَة for the neglect, or non-observance, of which one is to be blamed: (T:) ↓ ذَمَامَةٌ, also, and ↓ ذِمَامَةٌ, are syn. with حَقٌّ and حُرْمَةٌ: (TA:) and ذِمَّةٌ signifies also i. q. أَمَانٌ [as meaning security, or safety; security of life and property; protection, or safeguard; a promise, or an assurance, of security, safety, protection, or safeguard; indemnity; or quarter]; (S, Mgh, Msb, KL, TA;) and so ↓ ذِمَامٌ: (MA, KL: [explained in both by the Pers\. زِنْهَارْ; and in the latter by حُرْمَةٌ and حَقٌّ also:]) and responsibility [for the fulfilment of an obligation, for the payment of a sum of money, for the restitution of a thing, or for the safety, or safe-keeping, of a thing or person]; suretiship; (M, Mgh, Msb, K;) as also ↓ ذَمَامَةٌ and ↓ ذِمَامَةٌ; (M, K; [in the former of which, these two words are said to be syn. with ذِمَّةٌ, app. meaning, in all the senses mentioned above;]) and ↓ ذِمٌّ: (M, K: [said in the M to be syn. with ذِمَّةٌ in the first only of the senses mentioned above in this paragraph: in the CK, والذِّمُّ is erroneously put for وَ الذِّمِّ:]) the pl. of ذِمَّةٌ is ذِمَمٌ (T, Msb) and ذِمَامٌ: (T:) and the pl. of ↓ ذِمَامٌ as [a sing.] syn. with [ذِمَّةٌ and] مَذَمَّةٌ and مَذِمَّةٌ is أَذِمَّةٌ. (M, K.) Hence, i. e. from ذِمَّةٌ in the first of the senses explained above, أَهلُ الذِّمَّةِ, (S, Mgh, TA.) and الذِّمِّةُ, (T, M, * Mgh, K, TA,) with the prefixed noun اهل suppressed, (TA,) The people with whom a compact, or covenant, &c., has been made; (T, S, M, K, TA;) [and particularly] those, of the believers in a plurality of Gods, [by which are here meant the Christians, Jews, and Sabians, but no others,] who pay the [tax called] جِزْيَة; (T, TA;) [i. e. the free non-Muslim subjects of a Muslim government, who pay a poll-tax for which the Muslims are responsible for their security and freedom and toleration: see أَهْلٌ:] the appellation ↓ ذِمِّىٌّ, (Mgh, Msb,) a rel. n. from الذِّمَّةُ, (Msb;) is applied to a person of this class; (Mgh, Msb;) because he is rendered secure, or free from fear, for his property and his blood, by means of the جِزْيَة. (Mgh.) جَعَلَ عُمَرُ أَهْلَ السَّوَادِ ذِمَّةً means'Omar treated [lit. made] the people of the Sawád as those who are termed أَهْلُ الذِّمَّةِ. (Mgh.) and أَقْبِلْنَا بِذِمَّةٍ [or أَقْلِبْنَا?], in the prayer of the traveller, means Restore us to our family in safety. (TA.) It is related in a trad. of 'Alee, that he said, ذِمَّتِى بِمَا

أَقُولُ رَهِينَةٌ وَ أَنَا بِهِ زَعِيمٌ, meaning My responsibility is pledged for [the truth of] what I say, and I am answerable for it; (Mgh, TA; *) i. e. this my saying is true, and I am responsible for it. (Mgh.) And it is said in another trad., فَقَدْ بَرِئَتْ مِنْهُ الذِّمَّة [Then the responsibility of God is clear, or quit, of him]; i. e. there is given to every one, by God, a covenant whereby He binds Himself to preserve and protect him; and when he throws himself into destruction, or does that which is unlawful for him to do, or acts at variance with that which he is commanded to do, the covenant of God fails to aid him. (TA.) فِى ذِمَّتِى كَذَا means فى ضَمَانِى [virtually I am responsible for such a thing; i. e. for paying it, or restoring it, &c.; but lit. in my responsibility is such a thing; or on my responsibility rests, or lies, or be, such a thing; for فى may be here used, as it is in many other instances, in the sense of عَلَى]: (Msb:) [or,] in the saying ثَبَتَ فِى ذِمَّتِى كَذَا, [which means Such a thing became, or has become, binding, obligatory, or incumbent, on me,] the term ذِمَّة is applied to designate [the moral sense considered as] the seat [of the sense] of obligation to fulfil what is [properly] termed ذِمَّة [i. e. a compact, or covenant, or the like]. (Mgh.) الرَّضَاعِ ↓ مَا يُذْهِبُ عَنِّى مَذِمَّةَ (T, S, Mgh, *) or الرَّضَاعِ ↓ مَذَمَّةَ, (T, Mgh,) meaning [What will put away from me the obligation of] the right, or due, of the woman who has suckled for the sucking? is a question occurring in a trad., (T, S, Mgh, *) as put by a man to the Prophet: (T:) and the answer was, “A slave, male or female: ” (T, S, Mgh:) En-Nakha'ee says, (S,) they liked, on the occasion of the weaning of a child, to give the woman who had suckled it something beside the hire: (S, Mgh:) ↓ مَذَمَّةٌ in this case is a dial. var. of ↓ مَذِمَّةٌ: (Mgh:) or, as IAth says, the former is from الذَّمُّ; and the latter, from الذِّمَّهُ. (TA.) Yousay also, الرَّضَاعِ بِشَّىْءٍ تُعْطِيهِ ↓ أَذْهِبْ عَنْكَ مَذَمَّ الظِّئْرَ and الرَّضَاعِ ↓ مَذِمَّ, meaning [Put away from thee the obligation of] the right, or due, that is incumbent on thee to render her for the sucking of thy child [by something that thou shalt give to her who has suckled]. (T.) And أَذْهِبْ عَنْكَ بِشَىْءٍ ↓ مَذِمَّتَهُمْ and ↓ مَذَمَّتَهُمْ, (T, and so accord. to different copies of the S and K, in which عنك is omitted,) مَذَمَّة being a dial. var., (T,) i. e. [Put away from thee the obligation of their right, or due, by something; meaning] feed them with something, (T,) or give to them something, (S, K,) for they have a right, or due. (T, S, K.) and ↓ قَضَى مَذِمَّتَهُ and ↓ مَذَمَّتَهُ [He paid his right, or due;] meaning he did good to him, or conferred upon him a benefit or benefits, in order that he might not be blamed. (M, K.) And رَجُلٌ

↓ ذُو مَذِمَّةٍ and ↓ مَذَمَّةٍ [in the CK the latter only, A man who has a right, or due,] meaning كَلٌّ عَلَى النَّاسِ (tropical:) [a man who is a burden upon people, to be maintained, or supported, by them]. (M, K, TA.) A2: Also (i. e. ذِمَّةٌ) A repast, or banquet, to which guests are invited, [simply] for food, or for a wedding. (K.) A3: See also ذَمَّةٌ.

ذِمَامٌ: see ذِمَّةٌ, in three places. It is also a pl. of ذِمَّةٌ [as well as syn. therewith]. (T.) ذَمِيمٌ Blamed, dispraised, discommended, found fault with, censured, or reprehended; (S, M, Mgh, Msb, K;) i. q. ↓ مَذْمُومٌ; (T, M, Msb, K;) as also ↓ ذِمٌّ (T, K, TA) and ↓ ذَمٌّ, (M, K, TA,) which last is an inf. n. used as an epithet, and, like [its contr.] حَمْدٌ, is applied to a man and to a place of alighting or sojourning or abiding. (TA.) [See مُذِمٌّ] b2: See also ذَمَّةٌ. b3: Also, applied to water, Disliked, or disapproved. (S, K. *) A2: [As a subst.,] Urine and mucus, (K,) so in the copies of the K, but correctly, (TA,) mucus, and urine (S, TA) that flows from the penis of the goat: (S, K, TA:) or a fluid that flows from the nose. (IAar, T.) b2: And in like manner, Milk [that flows] from the teats of sheep or goats; (K;) or, as in some copies of the S, form the teats of the she-camel; (TA;) or from the teats of the sheep or goat: (so in one of my copies of the S: in the other of those copies omitted:) or milk that becomes sprinkled upon the udders: (Th, M:) or milk that flows upon the thighs and udders of camels and sheep or goats. (M.) b3: Also Dew, (M, K,) absolutely; (TA;) accord. to IDrd: (M:) or dew that falls in the night upon the trees, and upon which dust lights, so that it becomes like bits of clay or mud. (M, K.) b4: And A thing [meaning the sebaceous matter] that comes forth from the pores of the soft part of the nose, like the eggs of ants: (S:) or pimples, or small pustules, (بَثْرٌ, T, K,) or a thing resembling بَثْر, black, or red, (M,) like the eggs of ants, (T, M,) coming forth upon the nose, (T,) or arising upon the faces (M, K) and the noses, (M,) from heat (T, M, K) or from the scab: (M, K:) or the dirty matter that comes forth upon the nose: n. un. with ة. (TA.) b5: And Whiteness upon the nose of a kid. (Kr, M, K.) ذَمَامَةٌ: see ذِمَّةٌ, in two places. b2: Also Shame, and fear of blame: whence the saying, أَخَذَتْهُ مِنْ صَاحِبِهِ ذَمَامَةٌ [Shame, and fear of blame, with respect to his companion, seized him]: and أَصَابَتْهُ مِنْهُ ذَمَامَةٌ, i. e. Shame and disgrace affected him on account of him, or it. (TA.) One says also, ↓ أَخَذَتْنِى مِنْهُ مَذَمَّةٌ and ↓ مَذِمَّةٌ, meaning Shame and disgrace by reason of the neglect of that which should be sacred or inviolable, or of that which was entitled to reverence, respect, honour, or defence, or of the obligation or duty, or the right or due, that should be regarded as sacred or inviolable, (مِنْ تَرْكِ الحُرْمَةِ,) [seized me on account of him, or it.] (S, K.) ذُمَامَةٌ (assumed tropical:) A remain, remainder, remaining portion, remnant, or relic. (K.) [See also ذَمَّآء, below.]

ذِمَامَةٌ: see ذِمَّةٌ, in two places.

بِهِ ذَمِيمَةٌ In him is a crippleness, or a chronic disease, (K, [in the CK ذَمانَةٌ is erroneously put for زَمَانَةٌ,]) or an infirmity arising therefrom or from some evil affection, (M,) that prevents him from going forth. (M, K.) أَبْقَى ذَمَّآءَ الصُّبِّ (tropical:) [He left] the last remains [of what was poured out, or forth, at once]: so in the A. (TA. [But the last word is there written without any syll. signs.]) [See also ذُمَامَةٌ.]

ذِمِّىٌّ: see ذِمَّةٌ, in the former half of the paragraph.

ذَمَّامٌ One who blames, dispraises, discommends, &c., much, or often. (TA.) ذَامٌّ and ذَامٌ, with and without teshdeed, [the latter belonging to art. ذيم,] A vice, fault, defect, or the like. (As, T.) [See also ذَمٌّ.]

أَذَمُّ A horse fatigued, and standing still. (TA.) مَذَمٌّ and مَذِمٌّ: see ذِمَّةٌ, in the latter part of the paragraph.

مُذِّمٌّ A thing blamed, dispraised, &c.; [like ذَمِيمٌ;] or made, or caused, to be faulty, or defective, or to have a vice, fault, defect, or the like; (S. K;) as also ↓ مِذَمٌّ. (K.) b2: And A man (S) in whom is no motion. (S, K.) مِذَمٌّ: see the next preceding paragraph.

مَذَمَّةٌ, with fet-h only [to the ذ, A cause of blame, dispraise, discommendation, censure, or reprehension; a blamable, or discommendable, quality or action;] a thing for which one is, or is to be, blamed, dispraised, discommended, found fault with, censured, or reprehended: contr. of مَحْمَدَةٌ: (S:) [pl. مَذَامٌّ.] You say, البُخْلُ مَذَمَّةٌ, (S, K,) i. e. [Niggardliness is] one of the things for which one is, or is to be, blamed, &c. (S.) And إِيَّاكَ وَ المَذَامَّ [Beware thou of, or avoid thou, or remove thyself far from, causes of blame, &c.]. (TA.) b2: See also ذِمَّةٌ, in six places. b3: and see ذَمَامَةٌ.

مَذِمَّةٌ: see ذِمَّةٌ, in six places. b2: And see also ذَمَامَةٌ.

مُذَمَّمٌ A man blamed, dispraised, discommended, found fault with, censured, or reprehended, much. (S, K.) b2: And A place held in reverence, respect, or honour. (TA.) مَذْمُومٌ: see ذَمِيمٌ, first sentence.

مُسْتَذَمٌّ: see 5, last sentence.



1 شَعَفَ, (S, O, K,) aor. ـَ (K,) inf. n. شَعَفٌ, though it is implied in the K, by its being said that the verb is like مَنَعَ, that it is شَعْفٌ, (TA,) He smeared, anointed, or overspread, a camel [suffering from the mange, or scab], with tar, (S, O, K, and Bd in xii. 30,) and burned him by so doing. (Bd ibid.) Imra-el-Keys says, لِيَقْتُلَنِى وَقَدْ شَعَفْتُ فُؤَادَهَا كَمَا شَعَفَ المَهْنُوْءَةَ الرَّجُلُ الطَّالِى

[That he should slay me, I having overspread her heart with love of me, like as the man anointing overspreads her (meaning the camel) that is smeared with tar]: but it is also related otherwise, i. e. قَطَرْتُ فُؤَادَهَا كَمَا قَطَرَ: (O, TA:) Aboo-'Alee El-Kálee says that she [the camel] that is smeared with tar experiences, by reason of the tar, a pleasurable sensation with a burning. (TA.) b2: Hence, [as indicated above,] قَدْ شَعَفَهَا حُبًّا [He has overspread and burned her heart with love]; as some read in the Kur xii. 30; others reading شَغَفَهَا: (Bd:) [or he has burned her heart with love; for] شَعَفَهُ الحُبُّ means love burned his heart: (S:) there are two readings of the words of the Kur above; (O, K;) [as well as two other readings mentioned in art. شغف;] قَدْ شَعَفَهَا حُبًّا, (S, O, K,) one, a reading of El-Hasan (S, O) and others; meaning [as above: or], accord. to Az, he has diseased her heart with love, (S, * O,) and melted it: (O:) or, accord. to El-Hasan, he has penetrated into her with love: (S:) the other reading is قَدْ شَعِفَهَا حُبًّا, (O, K,) meaning he has become attached to her with love, and loved her excessively: (O:) [but it is also said that] شَعَفَنِى

حُبُّهُ means The love of him overspread my heart from above; (O, K;) from شَعَفَةٌ signifying the “ head ” of the heart, “at the place of suspension of [or from] the نِيَاط; ” (O, * K;) and in like manner, شُعِفْتُ بِهِ and بِحُبِّهِ, (O, and so in the CK,) or شَعِفْتُ: (so in other copies of the K, in which, and in the CK, the verb in this case is said to be like فَرِحَ: [but this I regard as a mistake:]) and شَعَفَ القَلْبَ He, or it, struck, or smote, the شَعَفَة, or uppermost part, of the heart: (Ham p.

545:) Az, however, says, I know not any one that has assigned to the heart a شَعَفَة, except Lth; and vehement love takes possession of the core (سَوَاد) of the heart; not of its extremity: [but] accord. to Fr, شُعِفَ بِفُلَانٍ, like عُنِىَ, means The love of such a one rose to the highest places of his heart: others say that الشعف [app. الشَّعَفُ] signifies the being frightened, and disquieted, like the beast when it is frightened; and that the Arabs transferred its attribution from beasts to human beings: (TA:) Abu-l-'Alà says that الشَّعَفُ signifies a thing's falling into the heart: (IB, TA:) one says also, شَعَفَهُ المَرَضُ Disease melted him: (TA:) and accord. to Az, شُعِفَ بِكَذَا means He became diseased by such a thing. (S.) شَعَفٌ: see شَعَفَةٌ, in two places. b2: Also The upper, or uppermost, part of the hump of the camel: (O, K:) Lth says that it is like the heads of truffles, and the three stones upon which the cooking-pot is placed, that are round in their upper, or uppermost, parts. (O.) A2: Also Vehemence of love: (L:) [or simply love: for] one says, أَلْقَى عَلَيْهِ شَعَفَهُ, meaning [He cast] his love [upon him, or it]; as also شَغَفَهُ. (TA.) شَعَفَةٌ The head [or summit] of a mountain: (S, O, K:) and the upper, or uppermost, part of anything: (Ham pp. 130 and 545:) pl. ↓ شَعَفٌ [or rather this is a coll. gen. n., and accord. to Freytag it is used as a sing., in the two senses above mentioned, in the Deewán of Jereer,] and [the pl. is] شُعُوفٌ and شِعَافٌ and شَعَفَاتٌ: (S, O, K:) and ↓ شَعَفٌ is also expl. as signifying an elevated part of the earth or ground. (TA.) b2: Also A lock of hair (خُصْلَةٌ) upon the head, (K,) or upon the upper, or uppermost, part of the head. (O, TA.) And شِعَافٌ (its pl., TA) signifies The hair of the head: so in the phrase رَجُلٌ صُهْبُ الشِّعَافِ [A man whose hair of the head is red, or red in the outer part and black beneath, or of a red colour tinged over with blackness, &c.]. (S, O, K.) b3: And The [pendent lock of hair termed] ذُؤَابَة of a boy, or young man. (S.) b4: And شَعَفَةُ القَلْبِ signifies The head of the heart, at the place of suspension of [or from] the نِيَاط [q. v.]. (O, TA. [But see, in the first paragraph, what Az says respecting this meaning.]) شَعَافٌ, like سَحَابٌ, Love's making away with the heart. (TA.) شُعَافٌ Insanity, or madness. (O, K.) شُعَيْفَةٌ dim. of شَعَفَةٌ: pl. شُعَيْفَاتٌ.] One says, مَا عَلَى رَأْسِهِ إِلَّا شُعَيْفَاتٌ There is not upon his head aught save some small hairs of the [pendent lock of hair termed] ذُؤَابَة. (S, O, K.) مَشْعُوفٌ [Burned in the heart by love: (see 1:) or] diseased [therein]: (Az, S:) or struck, or smitten, in the شَعَفَة of his heart by love, or by fright, or by insanity, or madness. (O, K.) Insane, or mad. (O, K.) Bereft of his heart. (TA.) [See also مَشْغُوفٌ.]



1 شَرِكَهُ فِيهِ, aor. ـَ inf. n. شِرْكَةٌ (S, Mgh, * Msb, K) and شَرِكَةٌ, the former a contraction of the latter, but the more usual, (Msb,) and شِرْكٌ (Mgh, Msb) and شَرِكٌ, the former of these two a contraction of the latter, but the more usual, (Msb,) or شِرْكٌ [q. v. infrà] is a simple subst., (S, K,) [He shared, participated, or partook, with him in it;] he was, or became, a شَرِيك [or copartner &c.] to him in it; (Msb;) namely, a sale or purchase, and an inheritance, (S, K,) or an affair; (Msb;) and فيه ↓ شاركهُ [signifies the same]. (Mgh, Msb, * K. * [It is said in the TA, after the mention of شَرِكَهُ with its inf. n. شِرْكَةٌ, that it is more chaste than ↓ اشركهُ; by which it is implied that this latter is sometimes used as syn. with the former; for which I do not find any express authority.] And He entered with him into it; [or engaged with him in it;] namely, an affair. (TA.) A2: شَرِكَتِ النَّعْلُ, aor. ـَ The sandal had its شِرَاك broken; (Ibn-Buzurj, K;) inf. n. شَرَكٌ. (TK.) 2 شَرَّكَ see 4. b2: [The inf. n.] تَشْرِيكٌ also signifies The selling a part [or share] of what one has purchased for that for which it was purchased. (Mgh, K.) A2: شرّك النَّعْلَ, (S, * Mgh, Msb, K,) inf. n. تَشْرِيكٌ, (S, K,) He put a شِرَاك to the sandal; (S, Mgh, Msb, K;) as also ↓ أَشْرَكَهَا, (S, TA,) inf. n. إِشْرَاكٌ. (TA.) 3 شَارَكْتُ فُلَانًا, (S, TA,) inf. n. مُشَارَكَةٌ, (TK,) [I shared, participated, or partook, with such a one;] I was, or became, the شَرِيك [or copartner &c.] of such a one. (S, TA.) El-Jaadee says, وَشَارَكْنَا قُرَيْشًا فِى تُقَاهَا العِنَانِ ↓ وَفِى أَحْسَابِهَا شِرْكَ [And we shared with Kureysh in their piety and in their several grounds of pretension to respect, with a sharing exclusive of other properties]. (S.) See also 1. [And see 8.]4 أَشْرَكْتُهُ فِى الأَمْرِ I made him a شَرِيك [or copartner &c.] to me in the affair: and ↓ شَرَّكْتُ بَيْنَهُمْ فِى المَالِ [I made them copartners in the property; and شَرَّكَهُمْ, occurring in this art. in the TA, on the authority of Esh-Sháfi'ee, means, in like manner, he made them copartners; and أَشْرَكَ بَيْنَهُمْ is used in this sense in the present art. in the K]. (Msb.) وَأَشْرِكْهُ فِى أَمْرِى, in the Kur [xx. 33], means And make Thou him my شَرِيك [or copartner, or associate, or colleague,] in my affair. (S.) And one says also, اشركهُ مَعَهُ فِى

الأَمْرِ He made him to enter [or engage] with him in the affair: and اشرك فُلَانًا فِى البَيْعِ He made such a one to enter [or share] with him in the sale or purchase. (TA.) b2: [Hence,] اشرك بِاللّٰهِ He attributed to God a شَرِيك [or copartner &c.] (Mgh, TA) in his dominion: (TA:) [or he attributed to God شُرَكَآء i. e. copartners &c., such as the angels and the devils: (see Kur vi.

100, &c., and any of the expositions thereof:) i. e. he believed in a duality, or a plurality, of gods:] and [in a wider sense,] he disbelieved [or misbelieved] in God: syn. كَفَرَ: (S, * Msb, K, TA:) used in this latter sense because الكُفْرُ is not free from some kind of شِرْك. (Kull p. 49.) A2: See also 1: A3: and 2.6 تَشَاْرَكَ see the next paragraph, in three places.8 اشتركوا and ↓ تشاركوا, (Mgh, Msb,) and اشتركا and ↓ تشاركا, (K,) and اشتركنا and ↓ تشاركنا, (S,) [They, and they two, and we, shared, participated, or partook, one with another, and each with the other; or were, or became, copartners, &c.;] فِى كَذَا [in such a thing]. (S.) b2: [Hence,] الاِشْتِرَاكُ in lexicology signifies The being homonymous; lit. the being shared, or participated, in by several meanings: [used as a subst., homonymy:] (Mz, 25th نوع; and Intr. to the TA:) one says of a noun [or word] that is termed مُشْتَرَكٌ [q. v.], تَشْتَرِكُ فِيهِ مَعَانٍ كَثِيرَةٌ [Many meanings share, or participate, in it]. (TA.) b3: And اشترك الأَمْرُ (assumed tropical:) The affair, or case, was, or became, confused, and dubious. (TA.) شَرْكٌ: see what next follows.

شِرْكٌ is an inf. n. of شَرِكَهُ, as mentioned in the first sentence of this art.: (Mgh, Msb:) or a subst. therefrom: (S:) and is syn. with ↓ شِرْكَةٌ, [signifying A sharing, participating or participation, partaking, or copartnership, and mentioned before as an inf. n.,] (K,) as also are ↓ شَرِكٌ and ↓ شَرِكَةٌ, [likewise mentioned before as inf. ns.,] and ↓ شَرْكٌ and ↓ شَرْكَةٌ, (MF, TA,) and so is ↓ شُرْكَةٌ, with damm, (K,) this last said by MF to be unknown, but it is common in Syria, almost to the exclusion of the other dial. vars. mentioned above. (TA.) An ex. of the first occurs in a trad, of Mo'ádh, أَجَازَ بَيْنَ أَهْلِ اليَمَنِ الشِّرْكَ, meaning [He allowed, among the people of El-Yemen,] the sharing, one with another, (الاِشْتِرَاك,) in land [and app. its produce], by its owner giving it to another for the half [app. of its produce], or the third, or the like thereof: and a similar ex. of the same word occurs in another trad. (TA.) See also an ex. in a verse cited above, conj. 3. And one says, رَغِبْنَا فِى شِرْكِكُمْ, meaning We are desirous of sharing with you in affinity, or relationship by marriage. (K, * TA.) b2: And A share: (Mgh, O, Msb, TA:) as in the saying, بِيعَ شِرْكٌ مِنْ دَارِهِ [A share of his house was sold]: (Mgh:) and as in the saying, أَعْتَقَ شِرْكًا لَهُ فِى عَبْدٍ [He emancipated a share belonging to him in a slave]: (Msb:) pl. أَشْرَاكٌ. (O, Msb, TA.) [See a verse of Lebeed cited voce زَعَامَةٌ.] b3: It is also a subst. from أَشْرَكَ بِاللّٰهِ; (Mgh, Msb, K, TA;) thus in the Kur xxxi. 12; (Mgh, TA;) meaning The attribution of a شَرِيك [or copartner &c., or of شُرَكَآء i. e. copartners

&c., (see 4,)] to God: (Mgh:) [so that it may be rendered belief in a plurality of gods:] and [in a wider sense,] unbelief [or misbelief]; syn. كُفْرٌ. (S, Msb, K, TA.) And it is also expl. as meaning Hypocrisy: (Mgh, TA:) so in the saying of the Prophet, إِنَّ أَخْوَفَ مَا أَخَافُ عَلَى أُمَّتِى الشِّرْكُ [Verily the most fearful of what I fear for my people is hypocrisy]: (Mgh:) and so in the trad., الشِّرْكُ أَخْفَى فِى أُمَّتِى مِنْ دَبِيبِ النَّمْلِ [Hypocrisy is more latent in my people than the creeping of ants]. (IAth, TA.) b4: See also شَرِيكٌ, in two places.

شَرَكٌ The حِبَالَة [properly a sing., meaning snare, but here app. used as a gen. n., meaning snares, as will be seen from what follows,] of the صَائِد [i. e. sportsman, or catcher of game, or wild animals, or birds]; one of which is called ↓ شَرَكَةٌ: (S, O:) the meaning of the شَرَك of the صَائِد is well known; and the pl. is أَشْرَاكٌ; like سَبَبٌ and أَسْبَابٌ: or, as some say, شَرَكٌ is the pl. of ↓ شَرَكَةٌ, [or rather is a coll. gen. n. of which ↓ شَرَكَةٌ is the n. un.,] like قَصَبٌ and قَصَبَةٌ: (Msb:) [i. e.,] شَرَكٌ signifies the حَبَائِل [or snares, or by this may perhaps be meant the cords composing a snare, for حَبَائِلُ is an anomalous pl. of حَبْلٌ,] for catching wild animals or the like; and what is, or are, set up for [catching] birds: (K, TA:) one whereof is said to be called ↓ شَرَكَةٌ [a term used in the K, in art. شبك, as the explanation of شَبَكَةٌ, which means a net]: (TA:) and the pl. of شَرَكٌ is شُرُكٌ, with two dammehs, which is extr. [with respect to analogy, like فُلُكٌ pl. of فَلَكٌ]. (K.) Hence the trad., أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ شَرِّ الشَّيْطَانِ وَشَرَكِهِ, meaning حَبَائِلِهِ وَمَصَايِدِهِ [i. e. I seek protection by Thee from the mischief of the Devil, and his snares]. (TA.) b2: شَرَكُ الطَّرِيقِ means The main and middle parts of the road; (S, K;) syn. جَوَادُّهُ: or the tracks that are [conspicuous and distinct,] not obscure to one nor blended together: (K:) pl. [or rather coll. gen. n.] of ↓ شَرَكَةٌ: (S:) or the أَنْسَاع of the road; (As, TA;) i. e. the furrows of the road, made by the beasts with their legs [or feet] in its surface, a ↓ شَرَكَة here and another by the side of it: (TA:) or أَشْرَاكٌ [is its pl., and] signifies the small tracks that branch off from the main road and then stop, or terminate. (Sh, TA.) [See أُسٌّ.]

شَرِكٌ: see شِرْكٌ, first sentence.

شَرْكَةٌ: see شِرْكٌ, first sentence.

شُرْكَةٌ: see شِرْكٌ, first sentence.

شِرْكَةٌ: see شِرْكٌ, first sentence. b2: Also A piece of flesh-meat; of the dial. of El-Yemen; originally, of a slaughtered camel, in which people share, one with another. (TA.) شَرَكَةٌ: see شَرَكٌ, in six places.

شَرِكَةٌ: see شِرْكٌ, first sentence.

شُرَكِىٌّ and شُرَّكِىٌّ A quick, or swift, pace: (K:) so says ISd. (TA.) And لَطْمٌ شُرَكِىٌّ A quick and consecutive slapping, (S, O, K,) like the camel's slapping when a thorn has entered his foot and he beats the ground with it with a consecutive beating. (S, * O.) Ows Ibn-Hajar says, وَمَا أَنَ إِلَّا مُسْتَعِدٌّ كَمَا تَرَى

أَخُو شُرَكِىِّ الوِرْدِ غَيْرُ مُعَتِّمِ [And I am none other than one who is ready, as thou seest; one in the habit of quick and consecutive coming to water; not one who is dilatory]: i. e., one coming to water time after time, consecutively: he means, I will do to thee what thou dislikest, not delaying to do that. (S.) شِرَاكٌ The thong, or strap, of the sandal, (Mgh, Msb, K, TA,) that is on the face thereof, (TA,) upon the back [meaning upper side] of the foot, (Mgh, Msb,) [extending from the thong, or strap, that passes between two of the toes, towards the ankle, and having two arms (its عَضُدَانِ), which are attached to the أُذُنَانِ (q. v.), or pass through these and unite behind the foot: see also خِزَامَةٌ, and فَرَصَهُ, whence it appears to mean also each arm, and the two arms, of the شِرَاك properly so called: and see سَيْرٌ, where it appears to be used as meaning a thong or strap, absolutely:] the شِرَاك of the sandal is well known: (O:) pl. شُرُكٌ, (O, K, TA,) and accord. to the K أَشْرُكٌ also, but this is a mistake. (TA.) To this is likened, in a trad., the shadow at the base of a wall, on the eastern side thereof, when very small [or narrow], showing that the sun has begun to decline from the meridian. (Mgh, Msb,) b2: [Hence,] (assumed tropical:) A streak of herbage: (S, O, K:) pl. شُرُكٌ, (S, O, TA,) expl. by AHn as meaning herbage in streaks; not continuous. (TA.) One says, الكَلَأُ فِى بَنِى فُلَانٍ شُرُكٌ (assumed tropical:) The herbage among the sons of such a one is composed of streaks. (Aboo-Nasr, S, O.) b3: [In the K voce بَنَقَ it is used as meaning (assumed tropical:) A row of shoots, or offsets, cut from palm-trees and planted, such as are termed, when planted, مُبَنَّقٌ and مُنَبَّقٌ.] b4: [Hence,] one says, مَضَوْا عَلَى شِرَاكٍ وَاحِدٍ (tropical:) [They went away in one uniform line or manner]. (TA.) And اِجْعَلِ الأَمْرَ شِرَاكًا وَاحِدًا (assumed tropical:) Make thou the affair, or case, [uniform, or] one uniform thing. (Fr, TA in art. بأج.) شَرِيكٌ act. part. n. of شَرِكَةٌ; (Mgh;) i. q. ↓ مُشَارِكٌ [A sharer, participator, partaker, or partner, with another; a copartner, an associate, or a colleague, of another]; (K;) and ↓ شِرْكٌ signifies the same: (Az, K, TA:) a sharer in what is not divided: (K and TK in art. خلط:) or a sharer in the rights of a thing that is sold: (Mgh in that art.:) pl. شُرَكَآءُ and أَشْرَاكٌ, (S, O, Msb, K, TA,) like شُرَفَآءُ and أَشْرَافٌ pls. of شَرِيفٌ; (S, O, TA;) or the latter is pl. of ↓ شِرْكٌ: (Az, TA:) a woman is termed شَرِيكَةٌ; (S, O, K;) which is applied to a man's جَارَة [i. e. wife, or object of love]; (TA;) and the pl. of this is شَرَائِكُ. (S, O, K.) Az mentions his having heard one of the Arabs say, فُلَانٌ شَرِيكُ فُلَانٍ meaning Such a one is married to the daughter, or to the sister, of such a one; what people call the خَتَن [of such a one]. (TA.) مُشْرِكٌ and ↓ مُشْرِكِىٌّ, (S, O, K,) like as one says دَوٌّ and دَوِّىٌّ, and قَعْسَرٌ and قَعْسَرِىٌّ, (S, O,) One who attributes to God a شَرِيك [or copartner &c., or شُرَكَآء i. e. copartners &c. (see 4)]: (O:) [i. e. a believer in a duality, or a plurality, of gods:] and [in a wider sense,] a disbeliever [or misbeliever] in God. (S, O, K.) Abu-l-'Abbás explains [the pl.] مُشْرِكُونَ in the Kur xvi. 102 as meaning Those who are مشركون by their obeying the Devil; by their worshipping God and worshipping with Him the Devil. (TA.) b2: [In one place, in the CK, the former word is erroneously put for مُشْتَرَكٌ, q. v., last sentence.]

مُشْرِكِىٌّ: see the next preceding paragraph.

الفَرِيضَةُ المُشَرَّكَةُ, (O, K, TA,) or المَسْأَلَةُ المَشَرَّكَةُ, (Msb,) for المُشَرَّكُ فِيهَا, (Msb, TA,) is That [assigned portion of inheritance, or the question relating thereto (المَسْأَلَةُ المُشَرَّكَةُ being for مَسْأَلَةُ الفَرِيضَةِ المُشَرَّكَةِ),] in which the brothers by the mother's side [only] and those by [both] the father's and the mother's sides are made to share together; (O, Msb, * K, TA;) also called ↓ المُشَرِّكَةُ [that makes to share], tropically; (Msb;) and called also ↓ المُشْتَرَكَةُ [for المُشْتَرَكُ فِيهَا i. e. that is shared in]: (Lth, K, TA:) this is the case of a husband and a mother and brothers by the mother's side and brothers by the father's and mother's sides: (O, K, TA:) for the wife is half; and for the mother, a sixth; and for the brothers by the mother's side, a third, and the brothers by the father's and mother's sides share with them: (O, TA:) 'Omar decided in a case of this kind by assigning the third to two brothers by the mother's side, and not assigning anything to the brothers by the father's and mother's sides; whereupon they said, يَا أَمِيرَ المُؤْمِنِينَ هَبْ أَنَّ

أَبَانَا كَانَ حِمَارًا فَأَشْرِكْنَا بِقَرَابَةِ أُمَّنَا [O Prince of the Believers, suppose that our father was an ass, and make us to share by reason of the relationship of our mother]: so he made them to share together (فَأَشْرَكَ بَيْنَهُمْ [thus in the O and K, but correctly فَشَرَّكَ بينهم, or, as afterwards in the TA, فَشَرَّكَهُمْ]): (O, K, TA:) therefore it (i. e. the فَرِيضَة, TA) was called مُشَرَّكَة [and مُشَرِّكَة] and مُشْتَرَكَة, [in the CK, erroneously, مُشْرَكَة,] and also حِمَارِيَّة: (K, TA:) and it is also called حَجَرِيَّة, because it is related that they said, هَبْ أَنَّ أَبَانَا كَانَ حَجَرًا مُلْقًى فِى اليَمِّ [suppose that our father was a stone thrown into the sea]; and [therefore] some called it يَمِّيَّة: and it was called also عُمَرِيَّة. (TA. [More is there added, explaining different decisions of this case.]) المُشَرِّكَةُ: see the next preceding paragraph.

مُشَارِكٌ: see شَرِيكٌ. b2: رِيحٌ مُشَارِكٌ means A wind to which the نَكْبَآء [q. v.] is nearer than the two winds between which this blows. (K.) مُشْتَرَكٌ, applied to a road (طَرِيق, Mgh, Msb, TA), is for مُشْتَرَكٌ فِيهِ, (Msb,) meaning [Shared in: or] in which the people are equal [sharers]. (TA.) b2: Hence, الأَجِيرُ المُشْتَرَكُ [in my copy of the Mgh, erroneously, المُشْتَرِكُ,] The hired man [that is shared in; i. e.,] whose work no one has for himself exclusively of others, but who works for every one who repairs to him for work, like the tailor in the sitting-places of the markets; (Msb;) or who works for whom he pleases: as to أَجِيرُ المُشْتَرَكِ, it is not right, unless the word thus governed in the gen. case be expl. as an inf. n. (Mgh.) b3: See also الفَرِيضَةُ المُشَرَّكَةُ, above. b4: اِسْمٌ مُشْتَرَكٌ [in like manner for مُشْتَرَكٌ فِيهِ A noun shared in by several meanings; i. e. a homonym;] a noun shared in by many meanings, such as عَيْنٌ and the like: (Mz, 25th نوع; and TA in the present art. and in the Intr.:) or مُشْتَرَكٌ signifies a word having two, or more, meanings; and is applied to a noun, and to the pret. of a verb as denoting predication and prayer, and to the aor. as denoting the present and the future, and to a particle: (Mz ubi suprà:) [مُشْتَرَكٌ used as a subst., meaning a homonym, has for its pl. مُشْتَرَكَاتٌ.] b5: [الحِسُّ المُشْتَرَكُ, for المُشْتَرَكُ فِيهِ, signifies, in the conventional language of the philosophers, The faculty of fancy; so called because “ participated in ” by the five senses: but it is vulgarly used as meaning common sense.]

b6: مُشْتَرَكٌ applied to a man, [for مُشْتَرَكٌ فِيهِ,] means (assumed tropical:) Talking to himself, like him who is affected with anxiety; (As, S, K, TA; [in the CK, erroneously, مُشْرِكٌ;]) his judgment being shared in; not one. (TA.)



1 سَلَقَهُ, (S, K,) [aor. ـُ inf. n. سَلْقٌ, (TK,) He prostrated him on the back of his neck; (K;) or threw him down on his back; (S;) as also ↓ سَلْقَاهُ, inf. n. سِلْقَآءٌ. (S, K.) You say, طَعَنْتُهُ فَسَلَقْتُهُ and ↓ سَلْقَيْتُهُ, i. e. [I thrust him, or pierced him, and] threw him down on his back. (S.) And سَلَقَنِى لِحُلَاوَةِ القَفَا and سَلْقَانِى ↓ عَلَى قَفَاىَ He threw me down on my back: and so with ص; but more commonly with س. (TA, from a trad.) And سَلَقَهُ الطَّبِيبُ عَلَى ظَهْرِهِ The physician extended him on his back. (TA.) And سَلَقَهَا, (S, Msb, K,) inf. n. as above, (TA,) He threw her down on the back of her neck [or on her back] for the purpose of compressing her; namely, his wife: (Msb:) or he spread her, and then compressed her; (S, K;) as also ↓ سَلْقَاهَا; (S;) namely, a girl, or young woman. (K.) b2: He thrust him, or pierced him, (K, TA,) with a spear; (TK;) and pushed him, or repelled him; and dashed himself, or his body, against him; (TA;) and ↓ سَلْقَاهُ signifies the same; (K, TA;) inf. n. سِلْقَآءٌ: (TA:) [and he struck him, or smote him; for the inf. n.] سَلْقٌ signifies the act of striking, or smiting. (TA.) [Hence,] سَلَقَهُ بِالكَلَامِ, (S, K,) aor. ـُ (TA,) inf. n. سَلْقٌ, (S, TA,) (tropical:) He hurt him, or displeased him, with speech; (S, K, TA;) spoke strongly, or severely, to him; (S, TA;) made him to hear that which he disliked, or hated, and did so much: (TA:) and سَلَقَهُ بِلِسَانِهِ (assumed tropical:) he said to him that which he dislike, or hated. (Msb.) سَقُوكُمْ بِأَلْسِنَةٍ حِدَادٍ, in the Kur xxxiii. 19, means (tropical:) They hurt you, or displease you, (Fr, Jel, TA,) by what they say, or bite you, (Fr, TA,) or are extravagant, or vehement, in speech to you, (AO, S, TA,) or smite you, (Bd, Jel,) with sharp tongues: (Fr, Bd, TA:) سَلْقٌ signifying the act of assaulting, and smiting, with force, with the hand, or arm, or (assumed tropical:) with the tongue: (Bd:) and the verb is also with ص; but this is not allowable in the reading [of the Kur]. (TA.) b3: You say also, سَلَقَتِ الأَقْدَامُ وَالحَوَافِرُ الطَّرِيقَ, (TK,) inf. n. سَلْقٌ, (K,) The feet of men, and the hoofs of horses or the like, marked, or made marks upon, the road. (K, TK.) b4: And سَلَقَهُ He flayed him with a whip. (K.) b5: He galled it; namely, the back of his camel. (TA.) b6: He (a beast) abraded the inner side of his (the rider's) thigh. (TA.) b7: He peeled it off; namely, the flesh from the bone (عَنِ العَظْمِ); syn. اِلْتَحَاهُ; (O, K, TA;) he removed it therefrom. (TA.) b8: He removed its hair, (Msb, K,) and its fur, (K,) with hot water, (Msb, K,) leaving the traces thereof remaining; (K;) aor. ـُ inf. n. سَلْقٌ. (Msb.) b9: He boiled it with fire: (K:) or he boiled it slightly: inf. n. as above. (TA.) You say, سَلَقْتُ البَقْلُ I boiled the herbs, or leguminous plants, with fire, slightly: (S:) or I boiled them with water merely: thus heard by Az from the Arabs: (Msb:) and in like manner, eggs, (S, Msb,) in their shells: so says Az. (Msb.) You say also, سَلَقْتُ شَيْئًا بِالمَآءِ الحَارِّ [I cooked a thing with hot water]. (Lth, TA.) And سُلِقَ is said of anything as meaning It was [boiled, i. e.] cooked with hot water (TA.) b10: سَلَقَ البَرْدُ النَّبَاتَ The cold nipped, shrunk, shrivelled, or blasted, the herbage, or plants; syn. أَحْرَقَهُ [q. v.]. (K.) b11: سَلَقَ المَزَادَةَ, (inf. n. as above, TA,) He oiled, or greased, the leathern water-bag: (S, K:) and in like manner, الأَدِيمَ [the hide, or tanned hide]. (TA.) and سَلَقَ البَعِيرَ (K, TA) بِالهِنَآءِ (TA) He smeared the camel all over with tar: (K, TA:) from Ibn-'Abbád. (TA.) A2: سَلَقَ الجُوَالِقَ, aor. ـُ (TA,) inf. n. سَلْقٌ, (S, TA,) He inserted one of the two loops of the [sack called] جوالق into the other: (S, TA:) or سَلَقَ العُودَ فِى العُرْوَةِ he inserted the stick into the loop [of the جوالق]; as also ↓ اسلقهُ: (K:) accord. to AHeyth, سَلْقٌ signifies the inserting the [stick called] شِظَاظ at once into the two loops of the [two sacks called]

جُوَالِقَانِ when they are put and bound upon the camel. (TA. [See also قَطَبَ الجُوَالِقَ.]) A3: سَلَقَ الحَائِطَ: see 5.

A4: سُلِقَتْ أَفْوَاهُنَا مِنْ أَكْلِ وَرَقِ الشَّجَرِ Our mouths broke out with pimples, or small pustules, from the eating of the leaves of trees. (TA. [See سُلَاقٌ.]) A5: الِتَّى سُلِقَ عَلَيْهَا ↓ هٰذِهِ سَلِيقَتُهُ and سُلِقَهَا [This is his nature, to which he was constitutionally adapted or disposed]: said by Sb. (TA.) A6: سَلَقَ, [intrans., aor. ـُ (S, K,) inf. n. سَلْقٌ, (TA,) He called out, cried out, or shouted; or did so vehemently; or with his utmost force: (S, K:) a dial. var. of صَلَقَ: (S:) he raised the voice: (Ibn-El-Mubárak, TA:) or he raised his voice on the occasion of the death of a man, or on the occasion of a calamity: (A 'Obeyd, TA:) accord. to IDrd, the meaning [of the inf. n.] is a woman's slapping and scratching her face: but the first explanation is more correct. (TA.) b2: Also He ran. (K.) You say سَلَقَ سَلْقَةً He ran a run. (Ibn-'Abbád, O.) 4 اسلق, said of a man, His camel's back became white after the healing of galls. (TA.) A2: And He hunted, snared, or trapped, a she-wolf, (IAar. K,) which is called سِلْقَة. (IAar.) A3: See also 1, in the latter half of the paragraph.5 تَسَلَّقَ see Q. Q. 3. b2: تسلّق عَلَى فِرَاشِهِ (IAar, K, TA) ظَهْرًا لِبَطْنٍ (IAar, TA) He was, or became, restless, agitated, or in a state of commotion, upon his bed, by reason of anxiety or pain: (IAar, K, TA:) but Az says that the verb known in this sense is with ص. (TA.) A2: تسلّق الجِدَارَ, (S, K,) or الحَائِطَ; and ↓ سَلَقَهُ, inf. n. سَلْقٌ; (TA; [comp. the Chald. 165;]) He ascended, climbed, or scaled, the wall: (S, K, TA:) or تَسَلُّقٌ signifies the ascending a smooth wall: or it is like the تَسَلُّق of the Messiah to Heaven. (TA.) 7 انسلق [app. signifies It was, or became, affected with what is termed سُلَاق; said of the tongue: and in like manner said of the eye: or,] said of the tongue, it was, or became, affected with an excoriation: and اِنْسِلَاقٌ in the eye is a redness incident thereto. (TA.) Q. Q. 1 سَلْقَاهُ &c.: see 1, in five places. Q. Q. 3 اِسْلَنْقَى, of the measure اِفْعَنْلَى, (S,) He lay, or slept, (نَامَ,) on his back; (Seer, S, O, K;) like اِسْتَلْقَى [which belongs to art. لقى]; (O, K;) as also ↓ تسلّق. (TA.) سَلْقٌ The mark, or scar, of a gall, or sore, on the back of a camel, when it has healed, and the place thereof has become white; (K;) [like سَحْقٌ;] as also ↓ سَلَقٌ. (S, K.) b2: And The mark made by the [plaited thong called] نِسْع upon the side of the camel, (K, TA,) or upon his belly, from which the fur becomes worn off; (TA;) and so ↓ سَلِيقَةٌ: (S, K: *) سَلَائِقُ [is pl. of ↓ the latter word, and] signifies the marks made by the feet of men and by the hoofs of horses or the like upon the road: (K, TA:) and to these the marks made by the [plaited thongs called]

أَنْسَاع upon the belly of the camel are likened. (TA.) سِلْقٌ [Bete; and particularly red garden-bete: so called in the present day; and also called شَوَنْدَر and سَوَنْدَر and بَنْجَر:] a certain plant, (S, Msb,) or herb (بَقْلَةٌ), (K,) that is eaten, (S,) well known; (Msb, K;) i. q. جغندر [or چُغُنْدُرْ, whence the vulgar name شَوَنْدَر, and hence سَوَنْدَر]; so says ISh; i. e. in Pers\.; in some of the MSS.

جلندر [a mistranscription for چُگُنْدُرْ]; a plant having long leaves, and a root penetrating [deeply] into the earth, the leaves of which are tender, and are cooked: (TA:) it clears [the skin], acts as a dissolvent, and as a lenitive, and as an aperient, or a deobstruent; exhilarates, and is good for the نِقْرِس [i. e. gout, or podagra,] and the joints: its expressed juice, when poured upon wine, converts it into vinegar after two hours; and when poured upon vinegar, converts it into wine after four hours; and the expressed juice of its root, used as an errhine, is an antidote to toothache and earache and hemicrania. (K.) [See also حُمَّاضٌ, and كُرْنُبٌ.] سِلْقُ المَآءِ and سِلْقُ البَرِّ, also, are the names of Two plants. (K.) A2: Also The he-wolf: (S, Msb, K:) and ↓ سِلْقَةٌ the she-wolf: (S, K:) or the latter signifies thus; but سِلْقٌ is not applied to the he-wolf: (K:) the pl. of سِلْقَةٌ is سُلْقَانٌ and سِلْقَانٌ: (JM, TA;) or these are pls. of سِلْقٌ; and the pl. of سِلْقَةٌ is سِلَقٌ and سِلْقٌ, (K,) or [rather] this last is a coll. gen. n. of which سِلْقَةٌ is the n. un. (Sb.) Hence the prov., ↓ أَسْلَطُ مِنْ سِلْقَةٍ (JK, Meyd) i. e. More clamorous than a she-wolf: or it may mean more overpowering. (Meyd.) b2: And hence, (TA,) ↓ سِلْقَةٌ is applied to a woman as meaning (tropical:) Clamorous; or long-tongued and vehemently clamorous, (S, K, TA,) foul, evil, or lewd; (K, TA;) likened to the she-wolf in respect of her bad qualities: (TA:) pl. سُلْقَانٌ and سِلْقَانٌ. (K.) b3: ↓ سِلْقَةٌ also signifies A female lizard of the kind called ضَبّ, (JK,) or a female locust, (TA,) when she has laid her eggs. (JK, TA.) A3: Also A water-course, or channel in which water flows, (K, TA,) between two tracts of elevated, or elevated and rugged, ground: or, accord. to As, an even, depressed tract of ground: (TA:) pl. سُلْقَانٌ (K) and أَسْلَاقٌ and أَسَالِقُ, which (i. e. the second and third of these pls.) are also said to be pls. of سَلَقٌ [q. v.]. (TA.) سَلَقٌ An even plain: (S:) or a smooth, even, tract, of good soil: (O, K: [a meaning erroneously assigned in the CK to سَلْقَةٌ:] or a depressed, even, plain, in which are no trees: (ISh:) or a low tract, or portion, of land, that produces herbage: (JK:) pl. [of mult.] سُلْقَانٌ (S, O, K) and سِلْقَانٌ (K) and [of pauc.] أَسْلَاقٌ, (JK, O, K,) and أَسَالِقُ is also a pl. of سَلَقٌ, or of its pl. أَسْلَاقٌ, as is likewise أَسَالِيقُ: (TA:) ↓ سَمْلَقٌ, also, with an augmentative م, signifies the same, and its pl. is سَمَالِقُ: (S:) or the pl. سُلْقَانٌ signifies meadows (رِيَاض) in the higher parts of [tracts such as are termed] بِرَاق [pl. of بُرْقَةٌ] and قِفَاف [pl. of قُفٌّ]. (Az, TA in art. روض.) b2: See also سَلْقٌ.

سِلْقَةٌ: see سِلْقٌ, in four places.

سَلْقَاةٌ A certain mode of compressing, upon the back. (Ibn-'Abbád, K, TA.) [See 1.]

سُلَاقٌ Pimples, or small pustules, that comes forth upon the root of the tongue: or a scaling in the roots of the teeth: (S, K:) sometimes it is in beasts (دَوَابّ). (TA.) b2: And A thickness, or roughness, in the eyelids, by reason of a corrosive matter which causes them to become red and occasions the falling off of the eyelashes and then the ulceration of the edges of the eyelids: (K:) thus سلاق of the eye is expl. in the “ Kánoon. ” (TA.) سَلِيقٌ What fall off [app. of the leaves] (S, K) from trees, (S,) or from shrubs, or small trees; (K;) or from trees which the cold has nipped, or blasted: or, accord. to As, trees which heat, or cold, has nipped, or blasted: (TA:) pl. سُلْقٌ. (K.) b2: And What has dried up of [the plant called] شِبْرِق, (Ibn-'Abbád, K,) and become parched by the sun. (Ibn-'Abbád.) A2: Also Honey which the bees build up (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K) along the length of their hive, or habitation: (K:) or, accord. to the T, ↓ سَلِيقَةٌ signifies a certain thing which the bees fabricate in their hive, or habitation, lengthwise: (TA:) pl. سُلْقٌ. (K.) A3: Also The side of a road. (K.) The two sides of the road are called سَلِيقَا الطَّرِيقِ. (Ibn-'Abbád, O.) سَلِيقَةٌ What is cooked with hot water (مَا سُلِقَ), of herbs, or leguminous plants, and the like: (K:) or, accord. to Az, what is cooked (مَا طُبِخَ) with water, of the herbs, or leguminous plants, of the [season called] رَبِيع, and eaten in times of famine: pl. سَلَائِقُ, which occurs in a trad., and, as some relate it, with ص. (TA.) b2: And Millet (ذُرَةٌ) bruised, (IAar, IDrd, Z, K,) and dressed, (IAar, IDrd, K,) by being cooked with milk: (IAar:) or أَقِط [a preparation of dried curd] with which are mixed [plants called] طَرَاثيث. (K.) A2: Accord. to Lth, (TA,) The place where the [plaited thong called] نِسْع comes forth [from the ropes that form the breast-girth], (O, K, TA,) in the side of the camel: said by him to be derived from the phrase سَلَقْتُ شَيْئًا بِالمَآءِ الحَارِّ; because it is [as though it were] burnt by the ropes: or, accord. to another explanation, its pl., سَلَائِقُ, signifies the strips of flesh between the two sides. (TA.) b2: See also سَلْقٌ, in two places.

A3: And see سَلِيقٌ.

A4: And The nature, or natural disposition or constitution, (Az, IAar, S, K,) of a man. (IAar, S.) See 1, in the last quarter of the paragraph. One says, إِنَّهُ لَكَرِيمُ السَّلِيقَةِ Verily he is generous in respect of nature. (Az.) [See also سَلِيقِيَّةٌ.]

سَلُوقِىٌّ [applied in the present day to A greyhound, and any hunting-dog;] a sort of dog: (MA:) and a sort of coat of mail: (TA:) ↓ سَلُوقِيَّةٌ [as a coll. n.] is applied to certain coats of mail: (S, K: *) and to certain dogs: so called in relation to سَلُوقُ, [said by Freytag to be written in the K سَلُوقة, but it is there said to be like صَبُور,] a town in El-Yemen; (S, MA, K; *) or a town, or district, in the border of Armenia, (K,) called اللَّان [or لَان]: (TA:) or the coats of mail are so called in relation to the former سلوق; (so in a copy of the S;) and the dogs, in relation to سَلُوق which is the city of اللَّان [or لَان]: (S, TA: *) or both are so called in relation to سَلَقِيَّةُ, a town in the Greek Empire, (IDrd as on the authority of As, and K,) said by ElMes'oodee to have been on the shore of [the province of] Antioch, remains of which still exist; (TA;) and if so, it is a rel. n. altered from its proper form. (K, TA.) b2: [It is also said in the TA to signify A sword: but a verse there cited, after Th, as an ex. of it in this sense, is mistranscribed, and casts doubt upon the orthography of the word, and upon this explanation.]

كَلَامٌ سَلِيقِىٌّ [Natural, or untaught, speech;] speech whereof the desinential syntax is not much attended to, but which is chaste and eloquent in respect of what has been heard, though often tripping, or stumbling, in respect of grammar: (Lth, L, TA:) or the speech which the dweller in the desert utters according to his nature and his proper dialect, though his other speech be nobler and better. (L, TA.) And ↓ سَلِيقِيَّةٌ [in like manner, the ة being affixed to the epithet سَلِيقِىٌّ to convert it into a subst.,] signifies The dialect in which the speaker thereof proceeds loosely, or freely, according to his nature, without paying much attention to desinential syntax, and without avoiding incorrectness. (O, TA.) You say, ↓ فُلَانٌ يَتَكَلَّمُ بِالسَّلِيقِيَّةِ, meaning Such a one speaks according to his nature, not from having learned. (S, K.) And ↓ فُلَانٌ يَقْرَأُ بِالسَّلِيقِيَّةِ Such a one reads, or recites, according to the natural condition in which he has grown up, not as having been taught. (TA.) سَلُوقِيَّةٌ: see سَلُوقِىٌّ.

A2: Also The sitting-place of the رُبَّان [or captain] of a ship. (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K.) سَلِيقِيَّةٌ: see سَلِيقِىٌّ, in three places.

سَلَّاقٌ: see مِسْلَقٌ, in two places.

السُّلَاقُ A certain festival of the Christians; (K;) that of the Ascension of Jesus into Heaven: (TK:) derived from سَلَقَ الحَائِطَ [expl. above (see 5)]: said by IDrd to be a foreign word (أَعْجَمَىٌّ), and in one place said by him to be Syriac, arabicized. (TA.) سَالِقَةٌ A woman raising her voice, on the occasion of a calamity, (K, TA,) or on the occasion of the death of any one: (TA:) or slapping her face: (K, TA:) thus says Ibn-El-Mubárak: but the former explanation is the more correct: it occurs in a trad., in which such is said to have been cursed by the Prophet; and, as some relate it, with ص. (TA.) سَمْلَقٌ: see سَلَقٌ: and see also art. سملق.

سَيْلَقٌ Quick, or swift; a fem. epithet; (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K;) applied to a she-camel: (Ibn-'Abbád, O:) in the Tekmileh, سَلِيقٌ, which is a mistake: in the L, a she-camel having a penetrative energy in her pace. (TA.) الأَسَالِقُ What is next to the لَهَوات [app. here a pl. used as a sing., meaning the uvula] of the mouth, internally: (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K:) or the upper parts of the interior of the mouth: (TA:) or the upper parts of the mouth, (M, TA,) those to which the tongue rises: thus applied, it is a pl. having no sing. (TA.) خَطِيبٌ مِسْلَقٌ and ↓ مِسْلَاقٌ and ↓ سَلَّاقٌ (tropical:) An eloquent speaker or orator or preacher: (S, K, TA:) because of the vehemence of his voice and his speech. (S, TA.) And لِسَانٌ مِسْلَقٌ and ↓ سَلَّاقٌ (tropical:) A sharp, cutting, or eloquent, tongue. (TA.) مِسْلَاقٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

مَسْلُوقَةٌ, meaning A skinned fowl cooked [i. e. boiled] with water, by itself, [and also any boiled meat, is agreeable with a classical usage of the verb from which it is derived, but] is [said to be a vulgar term. (TA.)



1 تَفِهَ, aor. ـَ (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) inf. n. تَفَهٌ, (JK, Msb, K, TA,) or تَفْهٌ, (Mgh, CK,) and تُفُوهٌ (K) and تَفَاهَةٌ, (Msb, TA,) or this last is a mistake; (Mgh;) and تَفَهَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. تُفُوهٌ; (JK;) It (a thing, JK, Mgh, Msb) was, or became, paltry, sorry, mean, contemptible, or inconsiderable; (JK, S, Mgh, Msb;) and little, or small, in quantity or number. (JK, S, K.) b2: تَفِهَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. تُفُوهٌ, He (a man) was, or became, stupid, or foolish. (JK, K.) And تَفِهَتْ نَفْسُهُ His mind became weak. (JK.) b3: تَفَهَ, aor. ـُ and تَفِهَ, aor. ـَ He, or it, was, or became, lean, or meagre; syn. غَثَّ. (K.) It is said in a trad. (S, K) of Ibn-Mes'ood, (K,) القُرْآنُ لَا يَتْفَهُ وَلَا يَتَشَّانُ, (S, K, [in the CK, erroneously, يُتْفَهُ and يُتَشانُّ, and in some copies of the K, for the latter is put ينتان,]) i. e. لَا يَغِثُّ وَ لَا يَخْلَقُ (assumed tropical:) [The Kur-án will not become meagre, nor will it become worn out]: (K: [in the CK, erroneously, لا يُغَثُّ و لا يُخْلَقُ:]) it is implied by the context in the S, that لا يتفه means will not become paltry, or mean: لايتشانّ means will not become worn out by reason of much repetition; from شَنُّ signifying “ a wornout water-skin. ” (TA.) 4 اتفه فِى عَطَائِهِ [He was paltry, sorry, mean, or niggardly, in his gift;] he made his gift little, or small. (TA.) تَفِهٌ: see تَافِهٌ. b2: Also Insipid; tasteless; and so ↓ تَافِهٌ. (KL.) You say أَطْعِمَةٌ تَفِهَةٌ Kinds of food having no taste of sweetness, or of sourness, or of bitterness; and some include bread and flesh-meat among these. (K.) تَافِهٌ (S, Mgh, Msb, KL, TA) and ↓ تَفِهٌ (Mgh, KL, TA) applied to a thing, (JK, Mgh, Msb,) and the former to a man also, (TA,) Paltry, sorry, mean, contemptible, or inconsiderable: (JK, S, Mgh, Msb, KL, TA:) and little, or small, in quantity or number. (JK, S, TA, and KL in explanation of the former.) b2: تَافِهُ العَقْلِ A man having little sense, or intellect; (TA;) stupid, or foolish. (JK.) b3: See also تَفِهٌ. b4: تَافِهٌ also signifies Afflicted, or distressed, by reason of disease and fatigue. (JK.) مُتَفَّهَةٌ; (JK, TA;) so in the handwriting of Sgh; in the K, مُتْفَهَةٌ; (TA;) Easy, submissive, or tractable; applied to a she-camel. (JK, K.)



1 وَجَبَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. وَجْبَةٌ (Lh, K) and وَجْبٌ (Lh) It (a wall, or the like, Msb, or a house, or anything, Lh,) fell down. (Lh, K, Msb.) See وَجْبَةٌ. b2: وَجَبَ, inf. n. وَجْبَةٌ, It fell to the ground. (TA.) b3: وَجْبَةٌ does not signify a single act; but is an inf. n. in an absolute sense, unrestricted to the signification of a single act: ex. وَجْبَةُ الشَّمْسِ The falling of the sun, in setting. (TA.) b4: فَإِذَا وَجَبَتْ جُنُوبُهَا [Kur. xxii. 37,] is said to signify And when their sides fall down upon the ground: or and when their souls depart, and they fall down. (TA.) b5: وَجَبَتِ الشَّمْسُ, (S, K,) inf. n. وَجْبٌ and وُجُوبٌ (K) and وَجْبَةٌ (see above), The sun set. (S, K.) b6: وَجَبَتِ العَيْنُ (tropical:) The eye was, or became, sunk in the head. (K.) b7: وَجَبَ, (S, K,) aor. ـِ inf. n. وُجُوبٌ and مَوْجِبٌ, (TA,) He fell down and died: (S:) he died. (K.) b8: Hudbeh Ibn-Khashram says, فَقُلْتُ لَهُ لَا تَبْكِ عَيْنُكَ إِنَّهُ بِكَفَّىَّ مَا لَا قَيْتُ إِذْ حَانَ مَوْجِبِى

[And I said to him, Let not thine eye weep; for by my own hands is occasioned what I experience, now that my death has come to pass]. By موجب he means مَوْتٌ. (TA.) b9: [See also وَجْبَةٌ, which seems to be a third inf. n. of the verb in this sense.] b10: وَجَبَ, (aor. ـِ TA,) inf. n. وَجِيبٌ (Th, S,) and وَجْبٌ and وَجَبَانٌ (K) and وُجُوبٌ and وَجْبَةٌ, (TA,) It (the heart) palpitated, beat, throbbed; (K;) was agitated, or in a state of commotion. (S.) b11: وَجَبَتِ الإِبِلُ, and ↓ وجّبت, The camels could scarcely arise from the places where they lay down. (TA.) b12: وَحُبَ, [aor. ـْ inf. n. وُجُوبَةٌ, He was cowardly, or pusillanimous. (S, K.) b13: وَجَبَهُ عَنْهُ He drove him back, or turned him back, from it, (K,) when he had long kept to it. (Nawádir el-Aaráb.) A2: وَجَبَ and ↓ اوجب and ↓ وجب (tropical:) He (a man, TA,) ate once a day. (Th, K) See وَجْبَةٌ.

A3: وَجَبَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. وُجُوبٌ (S, K,) and جِبَةٌ, (K,) It (a thing) was, or became, necessitated, necessary, requisite, or unavoidable: it was binding, obligatory, incumbent, or due: syn. لَزِمَ; (S, K, Msb;) [lit. accord. to some, it fell on a person: see 4;] and ثَبَتَ, (Telweeh,) which means nearly the same as لَزِمَ. (TA.) b2: For a fuller explanation, see its syn. حَقَّ. [In the science of the fundamentals of religion, It necessarily was or existed; was a thing of which the nonexistence could not be mentally conceived: as is the essence of God. (Ibr. D.)] b3: [وَجَبَ عَلَيْهِ كَذَا, or أَنْ يَفَعَلَ كَذَا, Such a thing, or the doing of such a thing, was binding, incumbent, or obligatory upon him; was unavoidable to him; lay on him; was his necessary, or indispensable duty: or was binding, incumbent, or obligatory upon him, by God's express appointment, so that he would be punished for neglecting it: and it was that which should be preferred and approved. See وَاجِبٌ.] b4: See also another explanation, afterwards. b5: وَجَبَ البَيْعُ, aor. ـِ inf. n. جِبَةٌ (Lh, S, Msb) and وُجُوبٌ (Lh, Msb) The sale was, or became, binding, or obligatory; (Msb, TA;) ratified, fixed, settled, decided, or determined; (Msb;) completed, accomplished, or concluded; it had, or took, effect; it was extended, or performed; or it was, or became, effectual: (TA:) and وَجَبَتْ يَمِينُهُ, i. q. بَتَّتْ, q. v. (M, in art. بت.) b6: It is said in a trad., إِذَا كَانَ البَيْعُ عَنْ خِيَارٍ

فَقَدْ وَجَبَ [When the sale is optional, it is binding, or obligatory]: i. e., when one says, after the contract, “Take thy choice to reject the sale, or to make it effectual,” and the person so addressed chooses to do the latter, the sale is binding, even if the two parties have not yet separated. (TA.) b7: In like manner, وَجَبَ الحَقُّ, inf. ns. as above, The right, due, or claim, was, or became, binding, or obligatory; or fixed, settled, decided, or determined. (Msb.) b8: وجب الوجب, inf. n. وجب: (TA: [unexplained; but following وَجْبٌ as signifying “ a bet, &c.: ”

app. meaning The bet, wager, or stake, became due, or incumbent]. b9: [وَجَبَ عَلَيْه It was, or became, necessitated, necessary, requisite, or unavoidable, for him to do, or suffer, such a thing; and hence, sometimes, it was, or became, binding, obligatory, or incumbent, on him.] b10: وَجَبَ عَلَيْهِ القَوْلُ [The saying or sentence became necessitated to take effect upon him; or it became requisite that the saying or sentence should take effect upon him.] Jel, in xxxvi. 6, &c. b11: [وَجَبَ لَهُ كَذَا Such a thing was, or became, due to him; as, for instance, a reward, or a punishment.] b12: وَجَبَ عَلَيْهِ القَتْلُ [Slaughter was, or became, his due.] (TA, in art. بقى, &c.) 2 وجّب بِهِ الأَرْضَ, inf. n. تَوْجِيبٌ, He threw him down upon the ground. (S.) b2: وجّب, inf. n. تَوْجِيبٌ, The camel lay upon his breast with folded legs, falling down upon the ground. (TA.) b3: وجّبت, inf. n. تَوْجِيبٌ She (a camel) became milkless: (TA:) or [her biestings coagulated in her udder: see وَجْبٌ]. b4: وجّب, (inf. n. تَوْجِيبٌ, K,) He was fatigued, tired, or weary: (S, K:) said of a camel. (S.) b5: وجّب اللِّبَأُ, inf. n. تَوْجِيبٌ, The biestings coagulated in the udder. (K.) A2: وجّب, (inf. n. تَوْجِيبٌ, TA,) He milked (a camel, K,) but once in the course of each day and night. (S, K.) b2: وجّب, inf. n. تَوْجِيبٌ, He accustomed himself, (Lh, S,) in which case you also say وجّب لِنَفْسِهِ, (Lh,) and his family, or household, and his horse, (Lh, K,) to eat but one meal (K) in the course of each day and night. (Lh, S.) b3: See 1.

A3: وجّب He took, got, or won, a bet, wager, or stake, at a shooting-match or race. (L, in TA, voce نَدَبٌ.) b2: See 4.3 وَاْجَبَ see 4.4 اوجبهُ (S, K,) and ↓ وجّبهُ (K) but this latter is by some rejected, (TA,) He (God, S) made it, or rendered it necessary, requisite, or unavoidable; necessitated it; made it, or declared it to be, binding, incumbent, or obligatory: (S, K:) [lit. accord. to some, he made it to fall on a person: see فَرَضَ.] b2: اوجب البَيْعَ, (Lh, S,) inf. n. إِيجَابٌ, (Lh,) He made, or rendered, or declared, the sale binding, or obligatory; (Msb, TA;) ratified it; made, or rendered, it fixed, settled, decided, or determined; (Msb;) completed, accomplished, or concluded; effectual. (TA.) b3: اوجب لَكَ البَيْعَ He made the sale to thee to be binding, or obligatory; &c. (Lh, K.) b4: In like manner, البَيْعَ ↓ وَاجَبَهُ, inf. n. مُوَاجَبَةٌ and وِجَابٌ; (Lh; in quoting whose words, the author of the K has made an omission, so as to cause it to appear that these two words are inf. ns. of اوجب; TA;) He, with his (another's) concurrence, made the sale to him to be binding, or obligatory; &c. (TA.) b5: اوجب عَلَيْهِ شَيْئًا [He made a thing, or declared it to be, binding, obligatory, or incumbent, upon him; or unavoidable to him]. (TA.) b6: اوجب عَلَيْه القَضَآءَ He necessitated the sentence to take effect upon him; syn. حَقَّهُ and أَحَقَّهُ. (TA, in art. حق.) b7: اوجب He did a great sin, or an act of great goodness, making [the punishment of] hell, or [the reward of] paradise, the consequence thereof [unless followed by different conduct &c.]: (S, K:) he committed sins for which he who should punish him would be excusable, because he deserved punishment. (IAar, in TA, art. لوط.) b8: It is said, in a trad., that some persons came to Mo-hammad, saying, إِنَّ صَاحِبًا لَنَا أَوْجَبَ, i. e., Verily a companion of our's hath committed a sin for which he has become deserving of hell: to which he replied, Command him to emancipate a slave [as an expiation]. (TA.) b9: In another trad. it is said, أَوْجَبَ ذُو التَّلَاثَةِ وَالإِثْنَيْنِ, meaning, He of whom three children, or two, have gone before him [to paradise] hath become entitled to paradise. (TA.) b10: أَوْجَبَ لَهُ الجَنَّةَ أَوِ النَّارَ It (an action) procured for him as a necessary consequence thereof [the reward of] paradise, or [the punishment of] hell; or made such to be to him a necessary consequence thereof; [unless followed by repentance &c.:] (S, K *:) [it required for him paradise or hell.] b11: [يُوجِبُ كَذَا It necessitates, or renders necessary, such a thing. b12: It requires such a thing, as a necessary consequence. b13: It necessarily implies the coexistence of such a thing therewith. Used in physics &c., and perhaps in classical writings.] b14: أَوْجَبْتُ لِفُلَانٍ حَقَّهُ means I regarded such a one's right or due: and you say فَعَلْتُ ذٰلِكَ إِيجَابًا لِحَقِّهِ [I did that from regard to his right or due] (Har. p. 490); [and اوجبهُ لَهُ He made it, or declared it to be due to him]. b15: [اوجبهُ also signifies He affirmed it, he averred it; i. q. أَثْبَتَهُ as contr. of نَفَاهُ. b16: And It necessarily occasioned it.]

A2: اوجب عَلَيْهِ He beat him, overcame him, in a case of laying a bet, wager, or stake, at a shooting-match or race. (TA.) A3: اوجب اللّٰهُ قَلْبَهُ God made his heart to palpitate, beat, or throb; [to be agitated, or in a state of commotion]. (Lh, K.) A4: See 1.6 تَوَاجَبُوا They laid a bet, wager, or stake, one with another, at a shooting-match or race: as though one party of them made a thing binding, or obligatory, on another party of them. (TA.) 10 استوجبهُ He had a right or just title or claim, to it; deserved it; merited it: syn. إِسْتَحَقَّهُ [q. v.] (S, K.) See the act. part. n. below. b2: استوجب إثْمًا i. q. اِسْتَحَقِّهُ; (TA, in art. حق;) which means He did what necessitated sin; (Ksh, Bd, Jel, in v. 106;) [was guilty of a sin;] and deserved its being said of him that he was a sinner. (Ksh.) b3: رَكَبَ خَطِئَةً اسْتَوْجَبَ بِهَا النَّارَ [He committed a sin for which he became deserving of hell]. (TA.) وَجْبٌ and ↓ مُوَجِّبٌ A she-camel whose biestings coagulate in her udder. (K.) b2: وِجَابٌ Places in which water stagnates: (K:) pl. of وَجْبٌ. (TA.) b3: وَجْبٌ A large skin of the kind called سِقَاءٌ, made of the (complete, TA,) hide of a he-goat: pl. وِجَابٌ. (AHn, K.) b4: وَجْبٌ Stupid; foolish; of little sense. (K.) b5: وَجْبٌ (S, K) and ↓ وَجَّابٌ (K) and ↓ وَجَّابَةٌ (IAar, K) and ↓ مُوَجِّبٌ (IAar) A coward; cowardly; pusillanimous. (S, K, &c.) [The second and third, and more especially the latter, are probably intensive epithets.]

A2: وَجْبٌ A bet, wager, or stake, at a shooting-match (Lh, K) or a race. (IAar; and L in TA, voce نَدَبٌ.) وَجْبَةٌ inf. n. of وَجَبَ “ it fell down, &c.,” q. v. b2: بِجَنْبِهِ فَلْتَكُنِ الوَجْبَةُ, a proverb, (S,) [(May a disease be) in his side, or (may God afflict him, or smite him, with a disease) in his side, and may falling down upon the ground, and dying, happen (or be the result thereof) ! i. e. بجنبه داءٌ فلتكن الوجبه به; or رَمَاهُ اللّٰهُ بِدَاءٍ بجنبه الخ. (Freytag, Arab. Prov. i. 156)]. b3: وَجْبَةٌ A falling with a sound, or noise, such as that produced by the fall of a wall or the like: (S, K:) [see 1, where it is given as an inf. n. unrestricted to the signification of a single act:] or the sound of a thing falling (K) and producing a sound such as above mentioned. (TA.) A2: وَجَبَهٌ An eating but once in the course of a day and night: (S, K:) or an eating but once in a day until the like eating in the following day: (K:) an inf. n. (Lh) [restricted to the signification of a single act]: you say, فُلَانٌ يَأْكُلُ وَجْبَةً Such a one eats but once (T) in the course of the day and night. (Az, S.) [See also صَيْرَمٌ.] b2: In a trad. respecting the expiation of an oath, it is said, يُطْعِمُ عَشَرَةَ مَسَاكِينَ وَجْبَةً وَاحِدَةً [He shall feed ten poor men with a meal sufficient for a day and a night]. (TA.) وُجَابٌ: see وُحَابٌ.

وَجِيبَةٌ A daily allowance of food; or daily maintenance: syn. وَظِيفَةٌ: (K:) i. e., what a man is accustomed to allow himself [each day] as that which is necessary, and fixed: but the word in the A is وَجْبَةٌ, q. v. (TA.) b2: وَجِيبَةٌ [A term employed in the case of] one's concluding a sale, and then taking it [meaning what is sold to him] by regular successive portions, one after another, (AA, S, K,) or, as some say, on the condition of his taking a portion of it every day, (TA,) until he has taken the whole of his وَجِيبَة: (K:) [which hence appears to signify both the act above described and also what is due to one of a thing purchased and taken in this manner; but more probably the latter is the only meaning intended]. When a person has finished doing this, one says to him قَدِ اسْتَوْفَيْتَ وَجِيبَتَكَ [Thou hast taken the whole of what was due to thee of the thing purchased and taken by thee in the manner above described]. (S.) وُجُوبِىٌّ Obligatory, or incumbent: opposed to اِمْتِنَانِىٌّ.]

وَجَّابٌ and وجَّابَةٌ: see وَجْبٌ.

وَاجِبٌ Slain: (S:) dying; or dead. (TA.) So in the following verse of Keys Ibn-ElKhateem: أَطَاعَتْ بَنُو عَوْفٍ أَمِيرًا نَهَاهُمُ عَنِ السِّلْمِ حَتَّى كَانَ أَوَّلَ وَاجِبِ [The sons of 'Owf obeyed a commander who forbade them to make peace until he was the first who was slain, or who died]. (S, TA.) A2: وَاجِبٌ [act. part. n. of وَجَبَ; Necessary; requisite; unavoidable: binding, incumbent, or obligatory. In the science of the fundamentals of religion, Necessarily being or existing; of which the nonexistence cannot be mentally conceived: as the essence of God. (IbrD.)] b2: Accord. to [the Imám] Aboo-Haneefeh, وَاجِبٌ [in matters of religion] is not so strong a term as فَرْضٌ: [and so may be rendered incumbent, or obligatory; or that which is a necessary, or indispensable, duty; yet not so decisively or manifestly shown to be such as that which is termed فرض:] or, accord. to Esh-Sháfi'ee, these two terms are syn., signifying [binding, incumbent, or obligatory, by God's express appointment, as] a thing for neglecting which one will be punished: and واجب signifies that which should be preferred and approved; thus explained by ElKhattábee as occurring in the following trad.: غُسْلُ الجُمْعَةِ وَاجِبٌ عَلَى كُلِّ مُحْتَلِمٍ The ablution prescribed to be performed on Friday is an act which every one who has experienced a nocturnal pollution should prefer and approve. (TA.) A3: فِعْلٌ وَاجِبٌ [A verb expressing an event as a positive fact] is such, for instance, as in the phrase بَيْنَمَا أَنَا كَذَا إِذْ جَآءَ زَيْدٌ [while I was thus, or in [this state, lo, or behold, Zeyd came]. (S, L, art. اذ.) مُوجَبٌ An effect; that which is produced by an operating cause; a result; a consequence. (Msb.) A2: [كَلَامٌ مُوجَبٌ, lit. An affirmed sentence; i. q. مُثْبَتٌ as contr. of مَنْفِىٌّ; virtually the same as ↓ كَلَامٌ مُوجِبٌ, an affirmative sentence.]

مَوْجِبٌ A place where one falls down and dies; where one dies]. b2: خَرَجَ القَوْمُ إِلَى مَوَاجِبِهِمْ, i. e. الى مَصَارِعِهِمْ; The people went forth to the places where they should be prostrated; or, as implied in the S, where they should full down and die; or where they should die]. (S.) A2: مُوجِبٌ [and ↓ مُوجِبَةٌ] A cause; an efficient; that which produces, or effects, anything. (Msb.) b2: See كَلَامٌ مُوجَبٌ

A3: مُوجِبٌ A name of the month المُحَرَّمُ (K) in ancient times. (TA.) مُوجِبَةٌ A great sin for which one deserves punishment [in the world to come]: (TA:) or a great sin, and also an act of great goodness, which makes [the punishment of] hell, or [the reward of] paradise, the consequence thereof unless followed by repentance &c.] (K.) b2: أَللّٰهُمَّ إِنِّى أَسْأَلُكَ مُوجِبَاتِ رَحْمَتِكَ [O God, I ask of thee those things which will procure thy mercy!]. (TA, from a trad.) b3: See مُوجِبٌ.

مُوَجِّبٌ One who eats but once in the course of a day and a night. (Az, S.) A2: مُوَجِّبٌ A beast of carriage that is frightened at everything. (ISd.) Not known to AM. (TA.) b2: See وَجْبٌ in two places.

أَللّٰهُ مُسْتَوْجِبٌ الحَمْدِ God is worthy, or deserving, of praise; has a right, or just title or claim, to it; deserves it; merits it: syn. هُوَ وَلِيُّهُ, and مُسْتَحِقُّهُ. (TA.)



1 ثَمَنَهُمْ, aor. ـُ (S, M, Mgh, &c.,) inf. n. ثَمْنٌ, (M,) He took the eighth of their goods, or property. (S, M, Mgh, Msb, K.) b2: And, aor. ـِ He was, or became, the eighth of them: (S, Mgh, Msb, K:) or he made them, with himself, eight. (S in art. ثلث.) And He made them, they being seventy-nine, to be eighty. (A'Obeyd, S in art. ثلث.) A2: ثَمُنَ, [aor. ـُ inf. n. ثَمَانَةٌ, It (a commodity) was, or became, precious, costly, of high price; and ↓ اثمن [signifies the same; or] it had a price, or value. (TA. [See ثَمِينٌ.]) 2 ثمّنهُ He made it eight: or called it eight. (Esh-Sheybánee, and K in art. وحد.) b2: [He made it octangular.] b3: ثمّن لِامْرَأَتِهِ, or عِنْدَهَا, He remained eight nights with his wife: and in like manner the verb is used in relation to any saying or action. (TA in art. سبع.) A2: Also, (T, TA,) inf. n. تَثْمِينٌ, (TA,) He collected it together. (T, TA.) A3: Also, inf. n. as above, (Msb, TA,) He made known, or notified, [or he set or assigned it,] its price; i. e., the price of a commodity; like قَوَّمَهُ: (TA:) or he assigned it a price by conjecture: (Msb:) and ↓ اثمنهُ he named a price for it. (TA.) 4 اثمن القَوْمُ The party of men became eight: (S, K:) and also the party of men became eighty. (M and L in art. ثلث.) b2: أَثْمَنَتْ She brought forth her eighth offspring. (TA in art. بكر.) b3: اثمن said of a man, He was, or became, one whose camels came to water ↓ ثِمْنًا, (S, K,) i. e., on the eighth night [after the next preceding watering]. (K.) A2: اثمن said of a commodity: see 1.

A3: اثمنهُ He sold it for a price. (Msb.) b2: See also 2. b3: اثمن الرَّجُلَ مَتَاعَهُ, (T, S,) or سِلْعَتَهُ, (K,) and اثمن لَهُ, (T, S, K,) [i. e. اثمن له متاعه, or سلعته,] signify the same, (T, S, *) He gave the man the price of his commodity: (K:) or اثمن الرَّجُلَ بِمَتَاعِهِ, and اثمن لَهُ مَتَاعَهُ, he named to the man a price for his commodity, and assigned it to it, or to him. (Mgh.) ثُمْنٌ: see ثُمُنٌ.

ثِمْنٌ The eighth young one or offspring. (A in art. ثلث.) A2: One of the periods between two drinkings, or waterings, of camels: (S:) [or the end of one of those periods; namely, the night of coming to water which is] the eighth night of a period between two drinkings, or waterings, of camels, (K,) [counting the night of the next preceding drinking, or watering, as the first: see رِبْعٌ and خِمْسٌ &c.] See also 4.

ثَمَنٌ The price of a thing; i. e. the thing that the seller receives in return for the thing sold, whether money or a commodity; (Er-Rághib, TA;) the ثَمَن of a thing sold: (S:) and also (Er-Rághib, TA) a compensation, or substitute, (Mgh, Msb, Er-Rághib, TA,) whatever it be, for a thing, (Er-Rághib, TA,) i. e., for a thing that is sold; but in the sense commonly known, such as it is incumbent upon one to pay, of pieces of silver, and of gold [or other money]; not commodities and the like: (Mgh:) or the value, or worth, of a thing; (K;) its قِيمَة: (T:) or the estimated value, or worth, of a thing, by mutual consent, even though it be really excessive or deficient; whereas the قِيمَة is its real value or worth, its equivalent: (MF:) pl. أَثْمَانٌ (T, Mgh, Msb, K) and أَثْمُنٌ, (S, Msb, K,) the latter used only as a pl. of pauc., (Msb,) and [so] أَثْمِنَةٌ. (CK: not in the TA.) The saying in the Kur [ii. 38 and v. 48], وَلَا تَشْتَرُوا بِآيَاتِى ثَمَنًا قَلِيلًا is metaphorical, meaning (tropical:) And take ye not in exchange for my signs a small substitute: [i. e. purchase not in exchange for belief in my word the happiness, or enjoyments, of the present life.] (Mgh.) With respect to this saying, Fr remarks, when ثَمَنًا occurs in the Kur, with بِ prefixed to the name of the thing sold or bought, in most cases it relates to two things whereof neither is a ثمن in the sense commonly known, i. e., such as pieces of gold and of silver: and such is the case when you say, اِشْتَرَيْتُ ثَوْبًا بِكِسَآءٍ [I purchased a garment with a كساء, q. v.]: either of these may be termed a ثمن for the other: but in speaking of pieces of silver and of gold, you prefix the ب to the ثمن [only]; as is done in [the chapter of] Yoosuf, [i. e. ch. xii., v. 20, where it is said,] وَشَرَوْهُ بِثَمَنٍ بَخْسٍ دَرَاهِمَ مَعْدُودَةٍ

[And they sold him for a deficient, or an insufficient, price: for pieces of silver not many, so as to require their being weighed, but few, and therefore counted]: for pieces of silver are always a ثمن: and when you purchase pieces of silver and of gold with the like, you prefix the ب to whichever of the two you will, because each of them in this case is a purchase and a price. (T.) ثُمُنٌ (S, M, Mgh, Msb, K) and ↓ ثُمْنٌ (M, Msb, K) An eighth; an eighth part or portion; as also ↓ ثَمِينٌ; (S, M, * Mgh, Msb, K;) agreeably with a general rule applying to fractions, accord. to some; (M, K;) but ثَلِيثٌ was ignored by Az (T and S in art. ثلث) and by others, (TA,) and so was خَمِيسٌ: (S in art. ثلث:) pl. أَثْمَانٌ. (M, K.) ثَمَانٍ and ثَمَانٌ: see ثَمَانِيَةٌ.

ثَمِينٌ: see ثُمُنٌ.

A2: Also High-priced; or of high value; (S, TA;) and ↓ مُثْمِنٌ [signifies the same; or] having a price, or value: (TA:) but accord. to the Durrat el-Ghowwás, the assertion that the former has the meaning here assigned to it is a mistake; for it means [only] the same as ثُمُنٌ; and a thing that has a price, or value, is termed مثمن [app. مُثْمِنٌ, as above; but perhaps مُثْمَنٌ, q. v.]. (Har p. 42.) ثَمَانِيَةٌ a noun of number, well known; [meaning Eight;] as also ↓ ثَمَانٍ, (M, TA,) which is like يَمَانٍ, (M, K,) in form: (M:) the former is the masc. form: the latter, the fem.: (Msb:) this is not a rel. n. [though likened above to يَمَانٍ]: (M, K:) or it is originally a rel. n. from الثُّمُنُ, because it is the part, or portion, that makes seven to be eight, so that it is its eighth: they make the first letter to be pronounced with fet-h, because they make changes [in some other cases] in the rel. n., (S, K,) as when they say سُهْلِىٌّ and دُهْرِىٌّ, [which are rel. ns. of سَهْلٌ and دَهْرٌ,] (S,) and they suppress one of the two ى which are characteristic of the rel. n., and compensate it by the insertion of ا, as they do in the rel. n. of اليَمَنُ [when they say يَمَانٍ, originally يَمَانِىٌ, for يَمَنِىٌّ]: (S, K: [and the like is said in the Mgh:]) El-Fárisee says that the ا of ثَمَانٍ is the characteristic of the rel. n., because this word is not a broken pl. like صَحَارٍ; and IF assents to this, and says that were it not so, the ة would be inseparable, as it is in عَبَاقِيَةٌ &c. (M.) You say ثَمَانِيَةُ رِجَالٍ [Eight men], (T, S, Mgh,) and ثَمَانِيَةُ أَيَّامٍ [eight days]. (Msb.) And when ثمان is prefixed to another noun, its ى is retained, like the ى in القَاضِى: (S, Msb, K:) and it is decl. in the same manner as words of the class to which this last belongs: (Msb:) you say ثَمَانِى نِسْوَةٍ

[Eight women], (T, S, Mgh, Msb, K,) and ثَمَانِى

مِائَةٍ [eight hundred], (S, Msb, K,) [in the nom. and gen. cases;] and رَأَيْتُ ثَمَانِىَ نِسْوَةٍ [I saw eight women], pronouncing the fet-hah [at the end, in this case]. (Msb.) When it is with tenween, the ى is dropped in the nom. and gen. cases, but it is retained in the accus. case: (S, K:) [i. e.,] when the fem. form is not prefixed to another noun, you say, عِنْدِى مِنَ النِّسَآءِ ثَمَانٍ

[I have with me, of women, eight], and مَرَرْتُ مِنْهُنَّ بِثَمَانٍ [I passed by, of them, eight], and رَأَيْتُ ثَمَانِيًا [I saw eight]. (Msb.) It sometimes occurs, in poetry, indecl.: (S, M:) this is because it is fancied to be a pl.; (S;) or because it is likened, as to the letter, but not as to the meaning, to جَوَارِىَ. (M.) The people of El-Hijáz pronounce the masc. and the fem. with nasb in every case, in phrases like أَتَوْنِى ثَلَاثَتَهُمْ and أَتَيْنَنِى ثَلَاثَهُنَّ; and so on to ten [inclusive]. (S voce ثَلَاثَةٌ, q. v.) Th mentions ↓ ثَمَانٌ; (TA;) and some instances of its occurrence are cited; but As disallows it. (T, Mgh, TA.) كِسَآءٌ ذُو ثَمَانٍ means A [garment of the kind called] كساء

made of eight fleeces. (T.) تُقْبِلُ بِأَرْبَعٍ وَتُدْبِرُ بِثَمَانٍ [She advances with four and goes back with eight] is a saying of one of the مُخَنَّثُون of El-Medeeneh; meaning, with four creases (عُكَن) of the belly, and with eight extremities thereof; each crease having two extremities, towards the two sides of the woman spoken of. (Mgh in art. هيت.) The saying الثَّوْبُ سَبْعٌ فِى ثَمَانٍ should properly be فِى ثَمَانِيَةٍ, (S,) which means, The garment, or piece of cloth, is seven cubits in length by eight spans in breadth; (Msb;) because the length is measured by the ذِرَاع, which is fem., and the breadth by the شِبْر, which is masc.; but they use the fem. when they do not mention things; as when they say, صُمْنَا مِنَ الشَّهْرِ خَمْسًا [We fasted, of the month, five], though meaning days: (S:) or because ذراع is fem. in most instances, and شبر is masc. (Msb.) [But it is said that when ثمانية means the things numbered, not the amount of the number, it is imperfectly decl., being regarded as a proper name: thus] you say, تِسْعَةُ أَكْثَرُ مِنْ ثَمَانِيَةَ [Nine things are more than eight things]. (TA voce تِسْعَةٌ, q. v.) [See also سِتَّةٌ.] b2: When you make it a compound [with the number ten], you say, عِنْدَى ثَمَانِيَةَ عَشَرَ رَجُلًا [I have with me eighteen men]: and in the case of the fem., you may either make the ى to be with fet-h or make it quiescent, saying, عِنْدِى

مِنَ النِّسَآءِ ثَمَانِىَ عَشْرَةَ امْرَأَةً or ثَمَانِىْعَشْرَةَ [I have with me, of women, eighteen women]; but the former is the more chaste; and in one dial., the ى is elided, on the condition of [saying ثَمَانَ عَشْرَةَ,] making the ن to be with fet-h; (Msb;) or in this case you say ثَمَانِ عَشْرَةَ, with kesr. (T.) A poet says, (T, S,) namely, El-Aashà, (K,) فَلَأَشْرَبَنَّ ثَمَانِيًا وَثَمَانِيًا وَثَمَانِ عَشْرَةَ وَاثْنَتَيْنِ وَأَرْبَعَا [And I will assuredly drink eight cups of wine, (a pl. of كَأْس, which is fem., being understood,) and eight more, and eighteen, and two, and four]: (T, S, K: but in the S and K, وَلَقَدْ شَرِبْتُ; and in the K, and in one copy of the S, وَثَمَانَ:) he should properly have said ثَمَانِىَ عَشْرَةَ or ثَمَانِىْ عَشْرَةَ, (accord. to different copies of the T and S and K,) but he elides the ى after the dial. of him who says طِوَالُ الأَيْدِ [for الأَيْدِى], (S, K,) and he makes the ن to be with kesr in order to indicate the ى. (T.) b3: The dim. of ثَمَانِيَةٌ may be formed either by suppressing the ا, which is the preferable way, so that you say ↓ ثُمَيْنِيَةٌ, or by suppressing the ى, saying ↓ ثُمَيِّنَةٌ, changing the ا into ى and incorporating into it the ى that is the characteristic of the dim.; and you may compensate for both [of these suppressed letters by saying ↓ ثُمَيْنِيَّةٌ and ↓ ثُمَيِّينَةٌ]. (S.) b4: الثَّمَانِى is also the name of A certain plant. (As, T, K.) ثَمَانُونَ a well-known noun of number; [meaning Eighty;] sometimes used as an epithet: ElAashà says, لَئِنْ كُنْتَ فِى جُبٍّ ثَمَانِينَ قَامَةً

وَرُقِّيتَ أَسْبَابَ السِّمَآءِ بِسُلَّمِ [Assuredly if thou wert in a well eighty fathoms deep, and wert made to ascend the tracts of heaven by a ladder]: he uses it thus as meaning deep. (TA. [But in this verse, as cited in the present art in the TA, أَبْوَابَ is put in the place of اسباب, which is the reading commonly known, and given in the S and TA in art. سب, and in the TA in art رقى-]) أَحْمَقُ مِنْ صَاحَبِ ضَأْنٍ ثَمَانِينَ [More stupid than an owner of eighty sheep], (S, K,) or مِنْ رَاعِى ضَأْنٍ ثَمَانِينَ [than a pastor of eighty sheep], as in some of the copies of the S, or, as in the Proverbs of Aboo-'Obeyd, مِنْ طَالِبِ ضَأْنٍ

ثَمَانِينَ [than a demander of eighty sheep], (TA,) is a saying that originated from the fact that an Arab of the desert announced to Kisrà an event that rejoiced him, whereupon he said, “Ask of me what thou wilt; ” and he asked of him eighty sheep. (S, K.) b2: [It also signifies Eightieth.]

ثُمَيْنِيَةٌ and ثُمَيِّنَةٌ and ثُمَيْنِيَّةٌ and ثُمَيَّينَةٌ: see ثَمَانِيَةٌ, last sentence but one.

ثَامِنٌ [Eighth: fem. with ة]. (S, K, &c.) b2: [ثَامِنَ عَشَرَ and ثَامِنَةَ عَشْرَةَ, the former masc. and the latter fem., meaning Eighteenth, are subject to the same rules as ثَالِثَ عَشَرَ and its fem., explained in art. ثلث, q. v.] b3: إِبِلٌ ثَوَامِنُ, [the latter word pl. of ثَامِنَةٌ,] Camels that come to water on the eighth night [after the next preceding watering]: from ثِمْنٌ. (TA.) أَثْمَنُ Of more [and of most] price or value. (S.) مُثْمَنٌ Sold for a price: (Msb:) or having a price named for it, and assigned to it. (Mgh.) [See also ثَمِينٌ.]

مُثْمِنٌ: see ثَمِينٌ مِثْمَنَةٌ A مِخْلَاة [or nose-bag]: (IAar, T:) or the like thereof. (S.) مُثَمَّنٌ Octangular. (S, K.) b2: A verse composed of eight feet. (TA.) A2: Collected together. (T, TA.) A3: Poisoned; syn. مَسْمُومٌ. (K.) b2: Fevered; syn. مَحْمُومٌ. (K.)



ثُفْرُوقٌ The قِمَع [or base] of a date: (S, K:) or the قِمَع of a full-grown unripe date; i. e., the round portion of its covering, surrounding the stalk, and adhering to the upper part of the date: (Mgh:) or the part (El-'Adebbes, A-'Obeyd, S, K) of the date (El-'Adebbes, A'Obeyd, S) to which the قمع adheres: (El-'Adebbes, A'Obeyd, S, K:) or, accord. to Lth, the connecting medium (علاقة) between the stone of the date and the قمع; and Az says the like: (TA: [see فَرضٌ as signifying a sort of dates of 'Omán:]) or a raceme of which the dates have been eaten, or of which all the dates have been stripped off except one or two or three: (ISh, TA:) pl. ثَفَارِيقُ; (S, K;) explained by Ks as meaning the أَقْمَاع of fullgrown unripe dates. (S.) تُفْرُوقٌ is a dial. var. thereof. (TA in art. تفرق.) The pl. also signifies The bases (أَقْمَاع) of grapes: (JK:) or the ثُفْرُوق of a grape is what adheres to the raceme; and a closed perforation therein. (Mgh.) b2: [Hence,] مَا لَهُ ثُفْرُوقٌ (assumed tropical:) He possesses not anything. (JK, Ibn-'Abbád, K.)



1 لَفَقَ الثَّوْبَ He joined and sewed together, or put together and sewed, the two oblong pieces of cloth of the garment; (S, Msb, K;) and ↓ لَفَّقَ, inf. n. تَلْفِيقٌ, signifies the same, and is more common; or has an intensive signification. (TA.) b2: See also Har, pp. 253 and 254. b3: ↓ تَلْفِيقٌ The bringing, or putting, together. (KL.) And The making suitable, or conformable. (KL.) b4: and The speaking, or telling, what is untrue, or false: (KL:) the embellishing [of speech] with lies. (Har, p. 254.) b5: لَفَقَ He felled (a seam or garment).2 لَفَّقَ see 1. b2: لَفَّقَ بَيْنَ الكَلَامِ, (JK, voce رَسَّغَ, &c.,) inf. n. تَلْفِيقٌ, (K, voce تَرْسِيغٌ, &c.,) He interlarded, or embellished, the speech, or discourse, with falsehood: see the pass. part. n. مُلَفَّقَةٌ: and see رَسَّغَ, and رَبِقَ, and رَمَّقَ.5 تَلَفَّقَ بِهِ: see تَأَفَّقَ.

لِفْقَانِ Two pieces which compose a مُلَآءَة, (Mgh, Msb, TA, in art. ريط,) being joined together, (Mgh, TA, in that art.,) by sewing or the like. (TA in that art.) لِفَاقٌ: see رَدِيمَةٌ.

أَحَادِيثُ مُلَفَّقَةٌ Narrations, or stories, compounded, or combined, with falsehood; embel-lished [or interlarded] therewith: and put together. (MA, Har, p. 254.) b2: شُقَّةٌ مُلَفَّقَةٌ: see بَِصيرَةٌ.



1 قَفَا أَثَرَهُ and إِتْرَهُ He followed his track, or footsteps; tracked him. (S, Msb.) b2: قَفَا فُلَانًا He followed the footsteps of such a one. (TA.) See قَصَّ أَثَرَهُ, which signifies the same, for a better explanation. See also قَفَوَتُ أَثَرَهُ.

قَفًا The back of the neck. (S, Msb, K.) b2: عَيْنَاهُ فِى قَفَاهُ is said of him who is put to flight. because he looks behind him, fearing pursuit. (TA in art. انف.) And جَعَلَ أَنْفَهُ فِى قَفَاهُ: see أَنْفٌ. b3: [Also the back of the hand: and the flat back of a knife and the like.]


: see دَوَآءُ.


, by synecdoche, for ذُو قَافِيَةٍ, (IJ,) (tropical:) A verse; a single verse of a poem. (Akh, Az, TA.) b2: Also, [by a further extension of the proper signification,] A قَصِيدَة [or an ode, or a poem]. (Az, IJ, TA.)



1 ثَفڤرَ and 2: see 4.4 اثفرهُ He bound, tied, or fastened, upon him a ثَفَر [or crupper]; (S, M, A, Msb, K;) namely, a beast, a horse, an ass, or a camel: (S, * M, * TA, &c.:) or he made for him (namely, a camel or an ass &c., TA) a ثَفَر [or crupper]. (M, K.) [Hence,] أَثْفَرْتُهُ بَيْعَةَ سُوْءٍ (tropical:) [app. I imposed upon him a bad sale so that he could not rid himself of it; lit.] I stuck a bad sale to his backside. (A, K.) b2: (tropical:) He drove him, or urged him on, from behind; (A, K;) as also ↓ ثفّرهُ, inf. n. تَثْفِيرٌ; (K;) in some copies of the K, ↓ ثَفَرَهُ, aor. ـُ (TA.) b3: اثفرت She (a goat) showed, or gave evidence of, pregnancy, or bringing forth. (K: in the CK, بَيَّنَتِ الوِلادَ: in MS. copies of the K, and in the TA, الوِلَادَة.) 10 استثفر (tropical:) He (a man, M) put (a part of] his

إِزَار [or waist-wrapper] between his thighs, twisted together; (M, K;) he (a wrestler) turned back the extremity of his garment [between his thighs] and stuck it in the part where it was bound round his waist: (A:) or استثفر بِثَوْبِهِ, (S, Msb,) or بِإِزَارِهِ, (T, Mgh,) or استثفر إِزَارَهُ, (Mgh,) he (a man) turned back the extremity of his garment between his legs to the part where it was bound round his waist; (S;) or he (a wrestler, T, Mgh) bound his garment, (IF, Msb,) or his ازار, (T, Mgh,) round the lower part of his body, (IF, Mgh, Msb,) or round his thighs, (T,) and then turned back its extremity between his legs, and stuck it in the part where it was bound round his waist, behind. (T, IF, Mgh, Msb.) b2: استثفرت, said of a menstruous woman, signifies the like; (Msb;) (tropical:) i. q. تَلَجَّمَتْ; (A, Msb;) She closed her vulva with a broad piece of rag, or stuffed it with some cotton, and fastened the [or each] extremity of the bandage to a thing tied round her waist. (T, L.) b3: And استثفر, (M,) or استثفر بِذَنَبِهِ, (S, A, Msb, K,) said of a dog, (tropical:) He put his tail between his thighs, (S, M, A, * Msb, K,) making it to cleave to his belly. (M, K.) ثَفْرٌ (S, M, Msb, K) and ↓ ثُفْرٌ (M, K) The vulva of an animal of prey, (As, T, S, M, Msb, K,) and of any creature that has claws, or talons: (S, Msb, K:) or the vagina thereof: (M, K:) and metaphorically used in relation to other animals: (Msb:) thus applied to that of a cow, (S, M, TA,) and of a mare, and of a ewe, and of a woman: or applied to that of a cow it is proper, not tropical. (M, TA.) b2: Also, accord. to AA and others, The anus. (Mz 44th نوع.) A2: See also ثَفَرٌ.

ثُفْرٌ: see ثَفْرٌ.

ثَفَرٌ, (S, M, A, Msb, K,) and sometimes ↓ ثَفْرٌ, (K,) The [crupper, or] strap, or thong, at the hinder part of the saddle; (M, K;) the appendage of the saddle that is put beneath the tail (Mgh) of a beast, (S, A, Mgh, Msb,) of a horse, an ass, or a camel: (T, TA:) its two ends are bound to the دَفَّتَانِ: (IDrd in his book on the Saddle and Bridle, p. 4:) pl. أَثْفَارٌ. (Msb.) مِثْفَرٌ: see what follows.

مِثْفَارٌ A beast that throws its saddle backwards. (S, M, A, K.) b2: (tropical:) A catamite; syn. مَأْبُونٌ; (K;) الَّذِي يُؤْتَى; (M;) as also ↓ مِثْفرٌ. (M, K.)



1 ثَجَرَ, aor. ـُ He mixed the ثَجِير of dates [i. e. the dregs of pressed dates] with other [dates] in the beverage called نَبِيذ: (S:) or he mixed the dregs of pressed unripe dates with dried dates in making نبيذ: (Mgh:) or ثَجَرَ التَّمْرَ he mixed the dried dates with the dregs of pressed unripe dates. (K.) The doing so is forbidden in a trad. (S, Mgh.) ثَجِيرٌ, an arabicized word, (Msb,) pronounced by the vulgar with ت, (S, Msb,) The dregs of anything that is pressed; (S, A, Mgh, Msb;) as of pressed unripe dates: (K:) or the dregs of pressed unripe dates, which are mixed with dried dates in making the beverage called نَبِيذ: (TA:) or the expressed juice of dates; or the dregs of pressed dates: (As, Msb:) or pressed grapes from which the juice has run, and of which the dregs remain. (Lth, TA.)
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