(صك) صككا وصكيكا كَانَ أصك
الصَّكَكُ: اصْطِكاكُ الركْبَتَيْنٍ، رَجُل مُصَكّكٌ. وظَلِيْمٌ أصَكُّ ومِصَكٌّ: أي تَقَاربَتْ رُكْبَتاه فأصابَ بعضُها بعضاً. وصَكِكَتِ الدابَّةُ: صارَتْ صَكّاءَ.
والصَكَّةُ: أشَدُّ الهاجِرَةِ، تقول: لَقِيْتُه في صَكّةِ الهاجِرَةِ.
والصَّكُّ: ضَرْبُ الشَيْءِ بالشَّيْءِ العَرِيضِ. والكتابُ الذي يُصَكُّ للشِّرى.
وبَعِيْرٌ مَصْكُوكٌ ومُصَكَكٌ: كأنَّ اللَّحْمَ صُكَّ فيه صَكّاً أي شُكَّ. وصُكَّ البابُ: أُغلِقَ. والمِصَكُّ: الصُّلْبُ الشَّدِيدُ من العِير. والصُكَاكُ: لُغَةٌ في السكَاكِ الذي هو الهَوَاءُ. وخُذْ هذا أوَّلَ صَكٍّ وأوَّلَ صَوْكٍ: أي أوَّلَ ما أَصُكُّكَ به.
الصَّكَكُ: اصْطِكاكُ الركْبَتَيْنٍ، رَجُل مُصَكّكٌ. وظَلِيْمٌ أصَكُّ ومِصَكٌّ: أي تَقَاربَتْ رُكْبَتاه فأصابَ بعضُها بعضاً. وصَكِكَتِ الدابَّةُ: صارَتْ صَكّاءَ.
والصَكَّةُ: أشَدُّ الهاجِرَةِ، تقول: لَقِيْتُه في صَكّةِ الهاجِرَةِ.
والصَّكُّ: ضَرْبُ الشَيْءِ بالشَّيْءِ العَرِيضِ. والكتابُ الذي يُصَكُّ للشِّرى.
وبَعِيْرٌ مَصْكُوكٌ ومُصَكَكٌ: كأنَّ اللَّحْمَ صُكَّ فيه صَكّاً أي شُكَّ. وصُكَّ البابُ: أُغلِقَ. والمِصَكُّ: الصُّلْبُ الشَّدِيدُ من العِير. والصُكَاكُ: لُغَةٌ في السكَاكِ الذي هو الهَوَاءُ. وخُذْ هذا أوَّلَ صَكٍّ وأوَّلَ صَوْكٍ: أي أوَّلَ ما أَصُكُّكَ به.
1 صَكَّهُ, (S, O, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ (TA,) inf. n. صَكٌّ, (Mgh, * Msb, TA,) He struck him, or it: (S, Mgh, O:) or he struck him, or it, vehemently, with a broad thing; or in a general sense, (K, TA,) with anything whatever: (TA:) or he slapped him with his hand, i. e. struck him with his expanded hand, (Msb,) like لَطَمَهُ, (TA in art. لطث, &c.,) upon the back of his neck, and upon his face. (Msb.) Hence, in the Kur [li. 29], فَصَكَّتْ وَجْهَهَا (S, TA) And she slapped her face with her hand; syn. لَطَمَتْهُ. (Jel.) And صَكَّ البَازِى صَيْدَهُ The hawk, or falcon, struck his prey with his foot, and so cast it down. (Ham p. 799.) And [hence, app.,] one says, خُذْ هٰذَا أَوَّلَ صَكٍّ, meaning أَوَّلَ مَا أَصُكُّ بِهِ [Take thou this on my first striking with it]: and so أَوَّلَ صَوْكٍ (O, TA.) b2: Also He pushed him, or thrust him; (As, TA;) like دَكَّهُ and لَكَّهُ. (TA in art. دك.) b3: And صَكَّ البَابَ He shut, or closed the door: (S, O, Msb, K:) or he locked the door. (Lth, O, K.) A2: And صَكَّ, aor. and inf. n. as above, He wrote what is termed a صَكّ [expl. below]. (Msb.) A3: صَكِكْتَ, (S, O, K,) like مَلِلْتَ, (K,) third Pers\. صَككَ, (MA, in which it is mentioned as said of an ass,) [and it is also implied in the TA that the third Pers\. is صَكِكَ, like لَحِحَتْ said of the eye, and some other instances, which are extr.,] a verb of the class of تَعِبَ, (Msb,) inf. n. صَكَكٌ, (S, Mgh, * O, Msb, K, TA,) [in the CK صَكِيكًا is erroneously put for صَكَكًا, and it seems from what follows that صَكٌّ is also an inf. n. like صَكَكٌ,] Thou wast knock-kneed: (S, O, Msb:) or thou hadst a colliding (اِضْطِرَاب) of the knees, and [when used in relation to an ostrich or a horse or the like] of the عُرْقُوبَانِ [which evidently means here, as in many other instances, the hocks]: (K:) [for] the verb is used in relation to a man, (S, O, K, TA,) and to other than man: (TA: [and the same is implied in the S and O, as is shown voce أَصَكُّ:]) صَكَكٌ [sometimes particularly] signifies the colliding of the knees [or of the hocks] in running, so that it makes a mark, or scar, upon each of them: (TA:) [and it is said that] this word, (Mgh,) or صَكٌّ, (TA, [perhaps a mistranscription for صَكَكٌ,]) signifies the colliding of the عُرْقُوبَانِ. (Mgh, TA.) 3 صاكّهُ [He struck him, or it; or struck him, or it, vehemently, with a broad thing, or with anything; or slapped him with his hand; being struck, &c., by him]. (Ham p. 313.) 8 اِصْطَكَّا They (two men, O, TA, and two bodies, TA) struck each other. (O, TA.) One says, تَصْطَكُّ رُكْبَتَاهُ [His two knees collide, or knock together]. (S, O, Msb. *) And اِصْطَكُّوا بِالسُّيُوفِ They struck one another with the swords. (TA.) صَكٌّ inf. n. of صَكَّ. (Mgh, * Msb, TA.) A2: Also a Pers\. word (S, O) arabicized, (S, Mgh, O, TA,) A certain writing, (S, O, K, *) called in Pers\. جَك, (O,) or چَكْ; (TA;) a debenture, or written acknowledgement of a debt (Mgh, Msb) of money or property, or of some other thing: (Mgh:) and a written statement of a commercial transaction, purchase or sale, transfer, bargain, contract, or the like: (Msb, TA:) i. q. سِجِلٌّ [in this last sense or in the senses next following]: (S and TA in art. سجل:) a سِجِلّ of a قَاضِى [i. e. a sealed, or signed and sealed, statement of a judicial decision; a judicial record; or the record of a judge, in which his sentence is written]: (KL:) and a written order for the payment of subsistence-money, or of a stipend, salary, pension, or allowance; which some persons used to sell, but the selling of which is forbidden: (Msb, TA:) pl. [of pauc.] أَصُكٌّ and [of mult.] صِكَاكٌ and صُكُوكٌ. (S, O, Msb, K.) [Hence,] لَيْلَةُ الصَّكِّ The night of the middle [of the month] of Shaa-bán; because in it are written the صِكَاك of the allowances of subsistence [of individuals]: also called لَيْلَةُ البَرَآءَةِ. (O, TA.) [Hence also] صَكُّ المُسَافِرِ The traveller's pass, given him to prevent any one's offering opposition to him. (A and Mgh in art. جوز.) صَكَّةٌ The vehemence of the midday-heat in summer: (K:) or the most vehement heat of midday in summer: (S:) and it is prefixed to عُمَىّ: (K:) one says, لَقِيُتُه صَكَّةَ عُمَىٍّ, (S, O,) a prov., meaning I met him in the most vehement heat of midday in summer when the heat almost blinded by its vehemence: (Lh, O, TA:) for عُمَىّ is said to be an abbreviated dim. of أَعْمَى: (S, O, TA:) and by it is said to be meant the gazelle, because he is dazzled and confounded in the midday-heats of summer, and knocks against the thing that is before him: some say, صَكَّةَ حُمَىٍّ, from حَمِيَتِ الشَّمْسُ: and some assert that عُمَىّ means the heat, itself: (O, TA:) or it is the name of a certain man [as will be found expl. in art. عمى, with variations of this saying]. (S, O, K, TA.) صُكَاكٌ The air [or atmosphere, between heaven and earth]; like سُكَاكٌ; (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K;) a dial. var. of the latter word. (Ibn-'Abbád, O.) صَكِيكٌ Weak: (IAmb, Hr, K, TA:) of the measure فَعِيلٌ in the sense of the measure مَفْعُولٌ; [lit.] meaning one who is struck much, or often, because deemed weak. (TA.) صَكَّاكٌ [A writer of the statements termed صِكَاك, pl. of صَكٌّ: or, accord. to Golius, as on the authority of Meyd, an actuary, who commits to writing the sentences of the judge].أَصَكُّ Knock-kneed: (S, O, Msb:) or having a colliding (اِضْطِرَاب) of the knees, and [when used in relation to an ostrich or a horse or the like] of the عُرْقُوبَانِ [which evidently means here, as in many other instances, the hocks]; as also ↓ مِصَكٌّ; (K;) which latter [in this sense is rare, and is written in the CK مَصَكٌّ, but] is with kesr to the م: (TA:) thus applied to a man; (S, O, K, TA;) and to other than man; (TA;) [i. e.] applied also to a horse; (O;) and to an ostrich, because he is long in step, long-legged, and sometimes, or often, his رُكْبَتَانِ [here improperly used as meaning “ hocks ”] being near together, his legs strike each other: (S, O:) and a man is also said to be أَصَكُّ الرِّجْلَيْنِ: (TA:) the fem. is صَكَّآءُ: (Mgh, Msb:) and the pl. is صُكٌّ. (TA.) b2: Also One whose teeth, both the أَسْنَان and the أَضْرَاس, cleave close together: like أَلَصُّ. (Az, TA.) b3: See also the next paragraph.
مِصَكٌّ Strong: (S, O, K;) applied to a man; and to other than man; (K;) [i. e.] applied to a camel, and to an ass, (S, O,) as in a verse cited in the last paragraph of art. سهر; (O;) and ↓ أَصَكُّ signifies the same: (K:) the fem. of the former is with ة; (S, O, TA;) which is held by Sb to be rare; for epithets of the measures مِفْعَلٌ and مِفْعَالٌ seldom have ة affixed to denote the fem. (TA.) b2: One says also رَأْسٌ مِصَكٌّ لِلرُّؤُوسِ [app. meaning A head strong to butt, or knock, against other heads]. (K in art. رأس.) b3: See also أَصَكُّ.
A2: Also A lock; syn. مِغْلَاقٌ. (K.) مُصَكَّكٌ: see what follows.
مَصْكُوكٌ and ↓ مُصَكَّكٌ are epithets applied to a camel, [app. as meaning Fleshy;] as though flesh were thrust (صُكَّ, i. e. شُكَّ,) into him. (O.)