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74636. حَسُّونَة1 74637. حُسُونيّ1 74638. حَسَوَى 1 74639. حَسْوِيَّة1 74640. حِسِويَّة1 74641. حسى374642. حَسَى1 74643. حسي4 74644. حِسِّيّ1 74645. حِسْيُ الغميمِ1 74646. حِسْيُ المُرَيْرَة1 74647. حِسْيُّ المُصَرِّدِ...1 74648. حِسْيُ ذي تمنَّي1 74649. حِسِيُ كُبابٍ1 74650. حَسِيَّان1 74651. حَسْيَانيّ1 74652. حَسِيب1 74653. حَسِيب الدين1 74654. حَسِيب الله1 74655. حَسِيبَانِيّ1 74656. حَسِيبة1 74657. حَسِيبِيّ1 74658. حُسَيْدَة1 74659. حُسَيْر1 74660. حَسِير1 74661. حُسَيْس1 74662. حَسِيس1 74663. حُسَيْسِن1 74664. حَسِيف1 74665. حُسَيكةُ1 74666. حُسَيْلَان1 74667. حُسيلَةُ1 74668. حُسَيْم1 74669. حَسِيم1 74670. حُسَيْمة1 74671. حَسِيمَة1 74672. حُسَيْن1 74673. حَسِين1 74674. حُسَيْنار1 74675. حُسَيْنة1 74676. حسينم1 74677. حُسَيْنو1 74678. حُسَيْني1 74679. حُسَيني1 74680. حُسَيْنِيَّة1 74681. حُسَيْوِنيّ1 74682. حَشَّ1 74683. حش7 74684. حشَّ1 74685. حَشُّ كَوْكَب1 74686. حَشَّ 1 74687. حشء1 74688. حشأ3 74689. حَشَأَهُ1 74690. حشأه1 74691. حشا5 74692. حَشَا1 74693. حَشا1 74694. حشا 1 74695. حَشَائِش1 74696. حَشَّاتة1 74697. حَشَّاد1 74698. حَشَاد1 74699. حَشَّادي1 74700. حُشَاشُ1 74701. حَشَّاش2 74702. حِشَاش1 74703. حَشَّاشة1 74704. حُشَاشة1 74705. حِشّانٌ1 74706. حَشَّانَة1 74707. حَشَّانِي1 74708. حَشاه العليلة1 74709. حَشَاي1 74710. حَشَايِش1 74711. حشب7 74712. حَشِبَ 1 74713. حشبر1 74714. حَشْبَرِيّ1 74715. حشبل3 74716. حُشْبَلَةً1 74717. حشتن1 74718. حُشْتَنُ1 74719. حَشْحَشَ1 74720. حشحش1 74721. حشحشوا1 74722. حَشِد1 74723. حَشْد1 74724. حَشَدَ2 74725. حشد16 74726. حَشَدَ 1 74727. حشذ1 74728. حشر18 74729. حَشْرٌ1 74730. حَشر1 74731. حَشَرَ1 74732. حَشَر نَفْسَه1 74733. حَشَرَ 1 74734. حَشْرَان1 74735. حَشْرَجُ1 Prev. 100


(حسى) الحسى حساه
حِسْيٌ: مَوْضِعٌ سَهْلٌ يَسْتَنْقِعُ فيه الماءُ، والجَميعُ: الأحْسَاءُ. واحْتَسَيْنا حِسْياً: حَفَرْناه. وذو حُسَيً: مَوْضِعٌ. وتَحَسَّيْتُ الخَبَرَ: بمعنى تَحَسَّسْتُ، وحَسِيْتُه. ورَجُلٌ حَسٌ للأخْبارِ أشَدَّ الحَسى. وحَسِيْتُ به عَلِمْتَه. وأحَسْنَ به.


ى1 حَسَى حِسْيًا: see 8.

A2: حَسِيتُ الخَبَرَ i. q. حَسِسْتُ [i. e. I knew the news certainly; or knew somewhat of the news; see 4 in art. حس]; as also الخَبَرَ ↓ أَحْسَيْتُ. (S, TA.) And حَسِىَ مَا فِى

نَفْسِهِ He knew what was in his mind; as also ↓ احتساهُ. (K.) One says also, مِنْ ↓ هَلِ احْتَسَيْتَ فُلَانٍ شَيْئًا, meaning Hast thou found, or discovered, [or learned,] anything from such a one? (Az, TA.) 4 أَحْسَىَ see 1.8 احتسى He dug out the sand from a حِسْى

to procure the water beneath: (S:) he dug out the earth for the water to come forth: (TA:) and احتسى حِسْيًا (T, K) he fetched out, by digging, the water of a حِسْى; so as heard by Az from more than one of Benoo-Temeem: (TA:) or he dug a حِسْى; as also ↓ حَسَاهُ. (K.) b2: [Hence,] (assumed tropical:) He asked, or sought, information, news, or tidings. (TA.) b3: See also 1, in two places.

حَسْىٌ: see what next follows.

حِسْىٌ (T, S, K) and ↓ حِسًى (Ahmad Ibn-Yahyà, AAF, K) and ↓ حَسْىٌ, accord. to the K, but this is unknown, and the correct word is حَسًا, [or rather ↓ حَسًى,] mentioned by IAar, (TA,) Water which the earth imbibes from sand [above it], and which, when it reaches what is hard, is arrested thereby: one digs out the sand from over it, and draws it forth: (S:) or accumulated sand, beneath which is hard rock, so that, when the sand is rained upon, it imbibes the water of the rain, which, reaching the rock beneath, is arrested thereby, and the sand prevents the heat of the sun from drying up the water; wherefore, when the heat is vehement, the upper portion of the sand is dug out from over the water, and it wells forth, cold and sweet, and is taken by little and little: (Az, TA:) or soft, or plain, ground, in which water remains and collects: or rugged ground, over which is sand, that collects the rainwater; so that whenever a bucketful is drawn forth, another collects: (K, TA:) so in the M: (TA:) pl. [of pauc.] أَحْسَآءٌ (S, K) and [of mult.] حِسَآءٌ: (K:) أَحْسَآءٌ is syn. with كِرَارٌ. (S.) [See also حَشْرَجٌ.] b2: حِسْىٌ also signifies A small quantity of water; and so ↓ حَسَآءٌ. (Th, TA.) حَسًى: see حِسْىٌ.

حِسًى: see حِسْىٌ.

حَسَآءٌ: see حِسْىٌ.
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