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116801. فمه1 116802. فمو2 116803. فَمِيّ1 116804. فمي1 116805. فَمّيّ1 116806. فن4116807. فَنَّ 1 116808. فنأ5 116809. فنأل1 116810. فَنّا1 116811. فَنَا1 116812. فَناً1 116813. فِناء1 116814. فَنَاء1 116815. فناء1 116816. فَناءِ المسجد1 116817. فنَاء الْمصر1 116818. فِناء المضر1 116819. فَنّاخُرَّه1 116820. فنادقة1 116821. فَنَّادِيّ1 116822. فَنَار1 116823. فَنّاس1 116824. فَنَّان2 116825. فَنّانة1 116826. فَنَّانِي1 116827. فَنّاوِي1 116828. فَنَاوي1 116829. فَنَّاي1 116830. فنتسية1 116831. فنتق3 116832. فنج5 116833. فنجال1 116834. فِنْجَان2 116835. فنجان2 116836. فَنْجَةُ1 116837. فنجدكرد1 116838. فَنْجَدِيه1 116839. فنجر4 116840. فنجش2 116841. فنجك1 116842. فَنْجكانُ1 116843. فَنْجَكِرْد1 116844. فنجكن1 116845. فنجل6 116846. فنجلس3 116847. فنجن3 116848. فنجنكشت1 116849. فُنُجِيّ1 116850. فنجي1 116851. فنح5 116852. فَنَحَ1 116853. فَنَحَ 1 116854. فنخَ1 116855. فنخ9 116856. فَنَخَ1 116857. فَنْخ1 116858. فِنْخار1 116859. فَنْخَرَ1 116860. فنخر2 116861. فنخَر1 116862. فنخه1 116863. ْفُ:نَدْ1 116864. فَنِدَ1 116865. فند17 116866. فَنْدُ1 116867. فِنْد1 116868. فَنَدَ 1 116869. فَنْدَرٌ1 116870. فندر5 116871. فِنْدر1 116872. فندرج1 116873. فِنْدِري1 116874. فَنْدَسَ1 116875. فندس3 116876. فندش3 116877. فَنْدَشَهُ1 116878. فندق7 116879. فَنْدَقَة1 116880. فندقلي1 116881. فندل4 116882. فَنْدل1 116883. فِنْدَلاو1 116884. فَنْدَلَةُ1 116885. فندن1 116886. فُنْدور1 116887. فُندورة1 116888. فُنْدُورَج1 116889. فندوره1 116890. فَنْدُوز1 116891. فَنْدَوِينُ1 116892. فِنْدي1 116893. فِنْديَّة1 116894. فَنَديّة1 116895. فَنْدِيسَجَان1 116896. فُنْدِينُ2 116897. فنذ6 116898. فنر3 116899. فنزج6 116900. فَنْزَرُ1 Prev. 100


فلَان فَنًّا كثر تفننه فِي الْأُمُور فَهُوَ مفن وفنان وَالرجل فَنًّا أتعبه ومطله وَفُلَانًا فِي البي غبنه وَالشَّيْء زينه
فن: فن: تستعمل بمعنى تفنن وفنن وافتن (معجم مسلم).
فنن: تستعمل بمعنى تفنن. ومفنن تعنى أيضا متفنن وهو المثقف العالم بمختلف أنواع العلوم (عبد الواحد المقدمة ص14 رقم 4، المقري 2: 644).
تفنن. تفنَّن في العلوم بمعنى فنن (انظر فنن) وفي الخطيب (ص24 و): في الترف. وفي المقدمة (2: 58): تفننوا في السعايات فيه. أي تنوعت أساليبهم في السعايات فيه. (تاريخ البربر 2: 495).
تفنن: تنزه، ذهب في نزهة (باين سميث 1412). افتن. افتنان السؤال: أساليب المكدين المختلفة في الاستعطاء وطلب الصدقة والإحسان. (معجم مسلم).
افتن فلان: فسرت اشتق بت وطرد. (ديوان الهذليين ص194 البيت 63).
فن. كاملة الفنون: تطلق على الفتاة التي تجمع كل أنواع الجمال. (ألف ليلة 1: 116).
أفنان: مختلف أنواع الزهور في البستان (المقري 2: 408، 409).
أفنان: براعة، رقة، رهافة، رشاقة، لياقة. (بوشر).
بفن: بمهارة، بخفة، بلياقة. (بوش).
فن الأكل: ذواقة، حسن الأكل، التأنق في المطعم، مهارة في التمتع بالأطعمة الفاخرة (بوشر).
فن الطفيلية: أسلوب الطفيلية وهم الواغلون على طعام الآخرين والذين يحضرون المآدب دون أن يدعوا إليها. (بوشر).
فنة، والجمع فنون: مادة، أداة. (الكالا).
فنن: ذكرت في ديوان الهذليين (ص196، البيت 71). تفنن: رقة، لطف، (الكالا).
مفنن: رقيق، لطيف، رهيف، (الكالا).
فن: الفَنُّ: الحالُ.
والفُنُوْنُ: الضُّرُوْبُ من كُلِّ شَيْءٍ. والرَّجُلُ يَفْتَنُّ: أي يَشْتَقُّ في فَنٍّ بَعْدَ فَنٍّ. والتَّفْنِيْنُ: فِعْلُكَ به.
والمِفَنُّ: الذي يَأْتي بكُلِّ فَنٍّ من الجَرْيِ، ورَجُلٌ مِفَنٌّ: شَدِيْدُ العَدْوِ ذُوْ فُنُوْنٍ منه، وافْتَنَّ في العَدْوِ: انْكَفَتَ فيه وانْصَبَّ.
ورَجُلٌ مُفَنَّنٌ ومُتَفَنِّنٌ: إذا كانَ كَثِيرَ الخَطَإِ والاخْتِلاَطِ. وفَنَّنَ فلانٌ رَأْيَه: إذا لم يَسْتَقِمْ على رَأْيٍ واحِدٍ.
والفَنُّ: العَنَاءُ، فَنَنْتُه فَنّاً. وهو الطَّرْدُ أيضاً؛ فَنَّتْه الكِلاَبُ: طَرَدَتْه؛ والفَانُّ: الطّارِدُ، والافْتِنَانُ: مِثْلُه.
والتَّفَنُّنُ: فِعْلُ الثَّوْبِ إذا بَلِيَ وتَفَزَّرَ، وكذلك الخَشَبُ.
والفَنَنُ: الغُصْنُ المُسْتَقِيْمُ طُوْلاً أو عَرْضاً، وهي الأَفْنَانُ، وشَجَرَةٌ فَيْنَانَةٌ. وغُصْنٌ وشَعرٌ فَيْنَانٌ: كَثِيْرٌ.
وتَفَنَّنَ العِضَاهُ: اخْضَرَّ بَعْدَ الحُمْرَةِ.
والأَفْنَانُ: خُصَلُ الشَّعْرِ، وكُلُّ خُصْلَةٍ: فَنَنٌ، ويُجْمَعُ أَفَانِيْنَ.
والفُنُوْنَةُ: جَمْعُ الفَنَنِ من الأغْصَانِ.
والأَفَانِيْنُ: ضَرْبٌ من النَّبْتِ، الواحِدَةُ أَفَانِيْنَةٌ.
والأُفْنُونُ: واحِدُ الأَفَانِيْنِ وهي الضُّرُوْبُ، ومنه: اسْمُ أُفْنُوْنِ الشّاعِرِ. والفَنِيْنُ: خُرّاجٌ طَوِيْلٌ بَيْنَ المَنْكِبِ واللَّبَّةِ، بَعِيْرٌ مَفْنُوْنٌ، وقد فُنَّ.
وامْرَأَةٌ أُفْنُوْنٌ: أي عَجُوْزٌ، وقيل: هي المُتَلَوِّنَةُ لا تَدُوْمُ على حالٍ.
والمُفَنَّنَةُ الكَبِيْرَةُ من النِّسَاءِ السَّيِّئَةُ الخُلُقِ.
ونُوْقٌ مُفَنَّنَةٌ: يُخَيَّلُ إليكَ أنَّها عُشَرَاءُ ثُمَّ تتكَشَّفُ؛ أي من كِشَافِ النّاقَةِ، وناقَةٌ مُفَنَّنٌ بغَيْرِ هاءٍ.
وما أَلْقَاهُ إلاَّ الفَنَّةَ والفَنَّ والفَيْنَةَ: بمَعْنىً.
وكُنّا في فُنَّةٍ من الكَلأِ وثُنَّةٍ: أي في شَيْءٍ كَثِيرٍ.
ومَدَحْتُ الرَّجُلَ وفَنَنْتُه: أي زَيَّنْته.
وهو فِنُّ عِلْمٍ: أي يُحْسِنُ القِيَامَ به.
وفَنْيَانُ: اسْمُ جَبَلٍ.


1 فَنَّهُ, (M,) or فَنَّ الإِبِلَ, (T, S,) aor. ـُ (T, M,) inf. n. فَنٌّ, (T, S, M, K,) He drove away (T, S, M, K *) him, (M,) or the camels. (T, S.) b2: And [فَنَّهُ also signifies He delayed, or deferred, with him, or put him off, in the matter of his debt, by promising time after time to pay him; for] one of the significations of الفَنُّ is المَطْلُ. (T, K.) b3: And فَنَّهُ, aor. ـُ (M,) inf. n. فَنٌّ, (M, K,) He cheated, deceived, overreached, or defrauded, him; or made him to suffer loss or damage or detriment; syn. of the inf. n. غَبْنٌّ. (M, K.) b4: And He caused him to suffer difficulty, distress, or trouble; or fatigue, or weariness; syn. عَنَّاهُ; (M;) or the syn. of الفَنُّ is العَنَآءُ [which is the subst. from عَنَّاهُ; and signifies difficulty, distress, or trouble]. (T, K.) b5: [And He, or it, adorned. or decorated, him, or it; for] الفَنُّ signifies التَّزْيِينُ. (K.) 2 فنّن النَّاسَ He made the men, or people, to consist of different sorts, or of a medley, not of one tribe. (M, K, TA.) b2: فنّن الحَدِيثَ He diversified the narrative, or discourse. (MA.) And فنّن الكَلَامَ [He diversified the speech, or language: or] he branched off into one mode after another [in speech]: and so ↓ تفنّن [alone, this verb being intrans.]. (T, TA.) And فنّن رَأْيَهُ He varied his opinion, not keeping steadily to one opinion. (T, TA.) b3: And [the inf. n.] تَفْنِينٌ signifies The mixing or confusing [a thing or things]; or a state of confusion or disorder; syn. تَخْلِيطٌ. (S, K.) [Hence, as inf. n. of فُنِّنَ,] in a garment, or piece of cloth, [the having] streaks differing from the rest: (S, K:) or the state of becoming dissundered, (T, M,) one part from another, (T,) when old and worn out, without becoming much rent: (T, M:) or difference (M, K) in its make (M) or in its texture, (K,) by thinness in one place and thickness in another: (M, K:) or التَّفْنِينُ signifies [there being] what is a thin, or flimsy, unseemly place in the garment, or piece of cloth, that is [in other parts] thick, or compact. (T.) b4: And فنّن signifies also He sought many [or various] things. (Har p. 612.) 5 تفنّن It was, or became, of various sorts, or modes, or manners. (KL.) b2: See also 2. Yousay likewise تفنّن فِى الكَلَامِ [He practised, or took to, various modes, or manners, in speech; he diversified therein]. (TA in art. طرق, conj. 3.

[Thus used, it is like افتنّ, q. v.]) b3: And تفنّن فِى العُلُومِ He was, or became, possessed of various acquirements in the sciences. (MA.) A2: Also It was, or became, in a state of commotion: thus expl. by some; others add, like the فَنَن [or branch]. (M.) 8 افتنّ He began, commenced, or entered upon, various sorts of speech. (M, K.) And افتنّ فِى

حَدِيثِهِ and فِى خُطْبَتِهِ He produced, or gave utterance to, various sorts and ways of speech, [i. e. he diversified,] in his narration, or discourse, and in his oration, or harangue: (S, TA:) it is like اِشْتَقَّ [meaning he branched off in it]. (S. [See also 5.]) And افتنّ فِى خُصُومَتِهِ He expatiated, and practised versatility, in his altercation, or disputation, or litigation. (TA.) b2: And افتنّ الحِمَارُ بِأُتُنِهِ The he-ass betook himself to driving away his she-asses to the right and to the left and in a direct and an indirect course. (TA.) 10 استفنّهُ He incited, urged, or made, him to practise various sorts, or modes, or manners, of pacing. (K.) R. Q. 1 فَنْفَنَ He (a man, IAar, T) caused his camels to become dispersed, by reason of indolence and remissness. (IAar, T, K.) فَنٌّ A sort, or species, syn. ضَرْبٌ, (T, M, K,) or نَوْعٌ, (S, Msb,) of a thing; (Msb;) as also ↓ أُفْنُونٌ [in this sense and in the senses here following; in the CK, erroneously, اَفْنُون]: (M, K:) and a state, or condition; syn. حَالٌ: (M, K:) [and a way: (see what follows:)] and a mode, or manner: (MA:) pl. [of mult.] فُنُونٌ (T, S, M, Msb, K) and [of pauc.] أَفْنَانٌ. (T, M, K.) One says, رَعَيْنَا فُنُونَ النَّبَاتِ [We pastured our cattle upon the various sorts of herbage]: and أَصَبْنَا فُنُونَ الأَمْوَالِ [We obtained the various sorts of possessions]: and a poet says, قَدْ لَبِسْتُ الدَّهْرَ مِنْ أَفْنَانِهِ كُلُّ فَنٍّ نَاعِمٍ مِنْهُ حَبِرْ [I have enjoyed of the various sorts of fortune, every pleasant, soft, sort thereof]. (T.) [↓ أُفْنوُنٌ has for its pl. أَفَانِيْنُ, which may also be regarded as pl. of أَفْنَانٌ pl. of فَنٌّ like as it is said to be a pl. pl. of فَنَنٌ: and] أَفَانِينُ [alone], (S,) or أَفَانِينُ كَلَامٍ, (TA,) signifies kinds [or sorts], and ways, or modes, or manners, [i. e. diversities, or varieties,] of speech; (S, TA, * PS;) like أَسَالِيبُ [pl. of أُسْلُوبٌ]. (S, TA.) And فُنُونٌ signifies Different sorts of men, or a medley thereof, not of one tribe. (M.) b2: Also A wonderful thing or affair or case. (S, TA.) هُوَ فِنُّ عِلْمٍ He is [a good student of science, i. e.] one who occupies himself well with science. (K.) فَنَّةٌ مِنَ الدَّهْرِ A particular period of time; [or a particular time;] as also فَيْنَةٌ. (T, K. *) The Arabs say, كُنْتُ بِحَالِ كَذَا وَكَذَا فَنَّةً مِنَ الدَّهْرِ and فَيْنَةً مِنَالدَّهْرِ [I was in such and such a state, or condition, at, or during, a particular time]. (T.) فُنَّةٌ Much, or abundance, of herbage. (IAar, K.) فَنَنٌ A branch of a tree: (S, M, Msb, K:) or such as is of just proportion in length or in breadth: (T:) said to be syn. with غُصْنٌ; but this latter signifies “ such as has been cut off ” i. q. قَضِيبٌ meaning مَقْضُوبٌ: (M:) pl. أَفْنَانٌ; (T, S, M, Msb, K;) said by Sb to be its only pl.; (M;) occurring in the Kur lv. 48; where some explain it as pl. of فَنٌّ, and meaning “ sorts,” or “ species ”; others, as pl. of فَنَنٌ: (T, Bd:) and أَفَانِينُ is a pl. pl., (T, S, K,) i. e. pl. of أَفْنَانٌ. (T, S.) b2: And as a branch shelters like as does darkness, a poet uses it metaphorically, saying, أَغَاثَ شَرِيدَهُمْ فَنَنُ الظَّلَامِ (tropical:) [The shelter of the darkness aided him, or them, who fled]. (M.) b3: And [in like manner also] the pl. pl. is used in a trad. describing the inmates of Paradise, as meaning (tropical:) Locks of hair; these being likened to branches: and El-Marrár says, أَعَلَاقَةً أُمَّ الوَلِيدِ بَعْدَمَا

أَفْنَانُ رَأْسِكَ كَالثَّغَامِ المُخْلِسِ (tropical:) [Dost thou feel attachment of love to Umm-ElWeleed after that the locks of thy head have become like the hoary thaghám?]; meaning the locks of the hair of his head when he had become hoary. (T. [See ثَغَامٌ.]) فَنِينٌ A humour in the armpit [of a camel], with pain. (M, K.) b2: And A camel having the tumour thus called; as also ↓ مَفْنُونٌ. (M, K.) شَجَرَةٌ فَنَّآءُ and فَنْوَآءُ, which latter is anomalous, A tree having branches; (S;) the latter thus expl. by AA; but by rule it should be فَنَّآءُ: (A'Obeyd, T:) or the latter, which is anomalous, signifies having long branches: (M:) or both signify having many branches. (K.) b2: And [hence] اِمْرَأَةٌ فَنْوَآءُ (assumed tropical:) A woman having much hair: but in this case, as in the former, the epithet, by rule, should be فَنَّآءُ. (M.) [See also فَيْنَانٌ.]

فَنَّانٌ A wild ass that has various sorts, or modes, of running: (S, K:) used in this sense in the poetry of El-Aashà. (S.) [See also مِفَنٌّ.]

شَعَرٌ فَيْنَانٌ (assumed tropical:) Hair having locks [lit. branches (أَفْنَان)] (M, * K) like the أَفْنَان of trees; [the latter word properly signifying having many branches, (see Ham p. 622,) of the measure فَيْعَالٌ, not فَعْلَان;] therefore it is perfectly decl.: so says Sb: (M:) or it signifies long and beautiful hair; the latter word being of the measure فَيْعَالٌ from الفَنَنُ, and the ى augmentative. (T.) b2: and one says also, agreeably with analogy, رَجُلٌ فَيْنَانٌ, (M,) and اِمْرَأَةٌ فَيْنَانَةٌ, (M, K,) meaning [A man, and a woman,] having much hair; (K;) for فَيْنَان is perfectly decl., derived from أَفْنَانُ الشَّجَرِ: IAar has mentioned اِمْرَأَةٌ فَيْنَى meaning [a woman] having much hair; and if the phrase be thus, فَيْنَان must be imperfectly decl.; but [ISd says] I regard this as a mistake of IAar. (M.) [See also art. فين.]

أُفْنُونٌ: see فَنٌّ, in two places.

A2: Also A tangled, or luxuriant, or dense, branch. (T, K.) b2: And Obscure, indistinct, or confused, speech, (T, K,) of a foolish, stupid, or dull, person. (T.) b3: And A mixed, or confused, run, of a horse and of a she-camel. (T, K.) A3: Also A serpent. (T, M, K.) b2: And An old woman: so some say: (M:) or an old woman advanced in age: (T, K:) or one who is flaccid, or flabby: (K:) Yaakoob has explained it as having the first of these three meanings; but IB regards this as improbable, because a verse of Ibn-Ahmar which is cited as an ex. thereof is preceded by what shows that it is applied to his beloved. (TA.) [It is said in the M to be also the proper name of a certain woman; and as such it may be used by Ibn-Ahmar.] b3: And i. q. دَاهِيَةٌ [A calamity, or misfortune, &c.]: (M, K:) so some say. (M.) A4: And The first part of youth, or youthfulness; and of clouds. (M, K.) مِفَنٌّ A man who has various sorts, or modes, [i. e. diversities, or varieties,] of speech; (T, TA;) and so ↓ مُتَفَنِّنٌ: (S:) or a man who utters, or performs, wonderful things: (S, K, TA:) fem. with ة. (T, S, K.) b2: And A horse that performs various sorts, or modes, of running. (TA.) مُفَنَّنٌ A garment, or piece of cloth, diversified; not uniform. (M, TA.) b2: And Old, and evil in disposition, as an epithet applied to a man: (M:) and so with ة applied to a woman. (M, K.) b3: Also, with ة, A she-camel that seems to one to have been ten months pregnant, ثُمَّ تَنْكَشِفُ مَنَ الكِشَافِ [app. meaning then suffers, or exposes, herself to be compressed; from الكِشَافُ as inf. n. of كَشَفَت said of a she-camel: compare تنكشف as here used with تَكْتَشِفُ said of a woman]. (K.) مَفْنُونٌ: see فَنِينٌ.

مُتَفَنِّنُ: see مِفَنٌّ.
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