2 سبّلهُ,
inf. n. تَسْبِيلٌ, means جَعَلَهُ فِى سَبِيلِ اللّٰهِ [He assigned it, or the profit, or revenue, or usufruct, thereof, to be employed in the way, meaning cause, of God, or of religion; or in the doing of anything, or all, that God has commanded, or of the works whereby one pursues the way that leads to advancement in the favour of God; he dedicated it to pious, or charitable, uses or purposes]; (
TA;) as though [meaning] he made it a trodden way [whereby to advance] to [the favour of] God. (
TA.) Yousay, سبّل ضَيْعَتَهُ, using the verb in this sense [i. e. He assigned the profit, or revenue, or usufruct, of his estate to be employed in the cause of God, or of religion]; (
S;) to be given to the wayfarer, and the poor, and the warrior against unbelievers, and others. (
TA voce سَبِيلٌ.) and سبّل التَّمَرَةَ He assigned the profit to be employed in the ways of good works (
Msb) and the various kinds of pious deeds: (
Msb:) or he made the profit to be allowable, or free, to those for whose benefit the property itself was made unalienable in perpetuity. (
TA. [See an
ex. in the first paragraph of art. حبس, relating to some palm-trees which 'Omar desired to give in charity.])
A2: سبّل, [either سَبَّلَ or, سُبِّلَ both
app. allowable, (see the part. ns., below,)] He (a man) was, or became, long in the سَبَلَة [
q. v.]; as though he had a long سَبَلَة given to him. (
b2: See also 4.
4 أَسْبَلَتِ الطَّرِيقُ The road had many passengers following, or succeeding, one another, or going repeatedly to and fro, upon it. (
A2: اسبل إِزَارَهُ, (
inf. n. إِسْبَالٌ, (
TA,) He let loose, let down, or lowered, his waist-wrapper; (
K;) and so السِّتْرَ the veil, or curtain, (
Msb,) or he let down, let fall, or made to hang down, the veil, or curtain: (
Mgh:) the former act is forbidden in a
trad. (
TA.) And اسبلت ذَيْلَهَا [She made her skirt to hang down; or to hang down low, so that she dragged it on the ground]; said of a woman. (
M.) And اسبل ثَوْبَهُ He dragged his garment [on the ground]; (O;) and ↓ سبّلهُ signifies the same, (
inf. n. تَسْبِيلٌ. (
TA.) And اسبل ذَنَبَهُ He made his tail to hang down; he hung down his tail; said of a horse. (
b2: [Hence,] اسبل المَآءَ (assumed
tropical:) He (a man) poured forth the water. (
Msb.) and اسبل دَمْعَهُ (
TA) (
tropical:) He shed, or let fall, his tears. (
A3: The verb is also similarly used intransitively. (
TA.) You say, of a part of the beard, اسبل عَلَى الصَّدْرِ [It fell, or hung down, upon the breast]. (
b2: and اسبل المَطَرُ (
tropical:) The rain let fall a shower, and became dense; as though it let down a curtain: (
TA: [but
accord. to this explanation, the verb is
app. trans.; and the phrase, elliptical:]) or the rain fell continuously, or in consecutive showers, and in large drops: and in like manner, الدَّمْعُ the tears. (
b3: And اسبلت السَّمَآءُ (
K) (assumed
tropical:) The sky let fall its rain issuing from the clouds and not as yet having reached the earth: (
TA:) or [simply] the sky rained. (
K.) And اسبلت أَرْوَاقُ العَيْنِ (
tropical:) The sides of the eye shed tears. (
K, *
TA, all in art. روق.)
b4: And اسبل عَلَيْهِ (
tropical:) He poured forth his speech against him abundantly, [or in torrents,] (
K, *
TA,) like as rain pours. (A.
A4: اسبل الزَّرْعُ The seed-produce put forth its سُنْبُل [or ears]; (
S;) and so ↓ سَنْبَلَ; (
Msb;) or put forth its سَبَل, (
Msb in explanation of the former,) which is
syn. with سُنْبُل, (
K,) or its سَبُولَة: (
K in explanation of the former:) [
Mtr says,] ↓ تَسَنْبَلَ I have not found. (
Q. Q. 1 سَنْبَلَ: see 4, last sentence:
A2: and art. سنبل.
Q. Q. 2 تَسَنْبَلَ: see 4, last sentence.
سَبَلٌ A thing that one has let loose, let down, let fall, or made to hang down, and to drag [on the ground]; like as نَشَرٌ signifies “ a thing that one has spread ” &c.: whence the
trad., مَنْ جَرَّ سَبَلَهُ مِنَ الخُيَلَآءِ لَا يَنْظُرُ اللّٰهُ يَوْمَ القِيٰمَةِ [He who drags what he has made to hang down of his garment from pride, or self-conceit, God will not look towards him on the day of resurrection]: (
O:) or سَبَلٌ means garments made to hang down [so as to drag]; and is
pl. of ↓ سَبَلَةٌ; [or rather a
coll. gen. n. of which سَبَلَةٌ is the
n. un.;] whence جَرَّ سَبَلَتَهُ, (
TA,) which means [He dragged his garment; though said to mean,] his garments. (
b2: Also (
tropical:) Rain: (
K:) or rain issuing from the clouds and not as yet having reached the earth: (
TA:) or flowing rain: and likewise flowing blood. (
Ham p. 359.)
b3: [Hence,
app., as indicating swiftness,] سَبَلُ is the name of (assumed
tropical:) A certain mare, (
K,) an excellent mare, said by
As to have been the mother of أَعْوَجُ, and to have belonged to [the tribe of] Ghanee. (
b4: And سَبَلٌ [or سَبَلُ as a
fem. proper name] is a name for (assumed
tropical:) A ewe, or she-goat: and such is called to be milked by saying سَبَلْ سَبَلْ. (Ibn-'Abbád,
A2: Also
i. q. ↓ سُنْبُلٌ, (
K,) which signifies The ears of corn: (
MA: [and in like manner both are
expl. in the
KL, but as singulars,
app. because used as gen. ns.:])
n. un. of the former with ↓ ة, and so of ↓ the latter: and the
pl. of ↓ سُنْبُلٌ, which is of the measure فُنْعُلٌ, is سَنَابِلُ: (
Msb:) or this is
pl. of سُنْبُلَةٌ, (
S,) as also سُنْبُلَاتٌ: (
Kur xii. 43 and 46:) or سُنْبُلَةٌ [in the
CK (erroneously) سُبْلَة] signifies an ear of corn [so I render زَرْعَةٌ (in the
CK زُرْعَة)] that is bending, or inclining, as also ↓ سَبُولَةٌ [mentioned in one of my two copies of the
S as
syn. with سُنْبُلَةٌ but not in the other copy] and ↓ سُبُولَةٌ (
K) and ↓ سَبَلَةٌ; (
K;) or,
accord. to
Lth, ↓ سَبُولَةٌ signifies an ear (سُنْبُلَة) of millet (ذُرَة), and of rice, and the like, when bending, or inclining: (
TA:) and some say that سَبَلٌ signifies spreading, or expanding, awn of the سُنْبُل [or ears of corn]; (
TA;) or the extremities thereof; (
TA;) and the
pl. is سُبُولٌ; (
M;) or سبول is
syn. with سُنْبُلٌ, in the
dial. of بنو هميان [?]. (
TA.) ↓ السُّنْبُلَةُ is also the name of A certain sign of the Zodiac [i. e. Virgo]: (
S in the present art., and
K in art. سنبل:) [or Spica Virginis;] a star in Virgo; thus called by astrologers; also called السِّمَاكُ الأَعْزَلُ. (
Kzw. [See art. سمك.]) الطِّيبِ ↓ سُنْبُلُ is A well-known plant, [spikenard, which is called in the present day السُّنْبُلُ الهِنْدِىُّ,] brought from India. (O. [See also art. سنبل.])
b2: Also
sing. of أَسْبَالٌ, which signifies (assumed
tropical:) The uppermost parts of a bucket, (
O,) or the lips thereof: (
S:) or ↓ سَبَلَةٌ is the
sing. of أَسْبَالٌ in these senses; and signifies (
tropical:) the head of a vessel [like as it signifies the “ ear,” which is the “ head,” of a culm of wheat &c.]. (
TA.) Yousay, مَلَأَهَا إِلَى أَسْبَالِهَا (
tropical:) He filled it (i. e. the winecup, الكَأْسَ,
TA, or the bucket, الدَّلْوَ, O) to its edges, (
TA,) and to its lips. (
K.) And a poet says, (
S,) namely
Bá'ith Ibn-Sureym El-Yeshkuree, (
TA,) إِذْ أَرْسَلُونِى مَاتِحًا بِدِلَائِهِمْ فَمَلَأْتُهُا عَلَقًا إِلَى أَسْبَالِهَا [When they sent me drawing with their buckets, and I filled them with blood to their brims]: he says, they sent me seeking to execute their blood-revenges, and I slew many: العَلَق meaning “ blood. ” (
TA. [See also
Ham p. 268, where some different readings are mentioned; and it is said that the اسبال may mean the knots that are connected with the cross-pieces of wood of the bucket.])
b3: And (assumed
tropical:) A number of spears, few or many. (
K. [Perhaps because their heads are likened to the heads of corn.])
A3: Also The nose: (
pl. سِبَالٌ: so in the Moheet. (
TA.) One says, أَرْغَمَ اللّٰهُ سَبَلَهُ [May God make his nose to cleave to the earth, or dust: or (assumed
tropical:) abase, or humble, him]. (
A4: And Garments made of the hards, or hurds, of flax of the coarsest of qualities: and so ↓ سَبَلَةٌ [if one of these words be not a mistranscription for the other]. (
A5: And A certain disease in the eye, [thus رِيحُ السَّبَلِ is
expl. in the
M,] resembling a film, as though it were the web of a spider, with red veins: (
S:) or a film of the eye, from the swelling, or inflation, of its external veins upon the surface of the مُلْتَحِمَة, (
K,) which is one of the layers of the eye, (
TA,) [namely, the tunica albuginea, or white of the eye, so called in the present day,] and the appearance of a web, or thing woven, between the two, [i. e. between those veins and the white tunic,] like smoke: (
K:) or a film covering the eye; as though from إِسْبَالْ meaning the “ letting down ” of a veil, or curtain. (
A6: Also A reviling, or vilifying. (
K.) One says, بَيْنِى وَ بَيْنَهُ سَبَلٌ Between me and him is a reviling, or vilifying: so in the Moheet. (
TA.) سَبِلٌ [is
app. a possessive
epithet, meaning Having length and flaccidity]. خُصْيَةٌ سَبِلَةٌ means[A scrotum] that is long (
TA) and flaccid. (
TA.) سُبْلَةٌ (assumed
tropical:) A rain of wide extent. (
K.) سَبَلَةٌ: see سَبَلٌ, in five places.
b2: Also (assumed
tropical:) The شَارِب [or mustache]: (
S:) or the دَائِرَة [or small protuberance termed حِثْرِمَة,
q. v.,] in the middle of the upper lip: or the hair that is upon [
app. meaning of] the شَارِب; (
K;) whence the saying, طَالَتْ سَبَلَتُكَ فَقُصَّهَا [thy hair of the mustache has become long, therefore clip it]; and it is
tropical: (
TA:) or the extremity of that hair: (
K:) or the two mustaches together: (
K: *) or what is upon the chin, to the extremity of the beard: or the fore part of the beard: (
K:) or what hangs down, of, or from, the fore part of the beard: (
Zj, in his “ Khalk el-Insán: ”) or,
accord. to
Az, it signifies, with the Arabs, the fore part of the beard, and what hangs down thereof, or therefrom, upon the breast: or,
accord. to
IDrd, some of them apply it to the extremity of the beard; and some, to the hair of the mustache that hangs down on the beard: in a
trad., in which it is said that he [Mohammad] was full in the سَبَلَة,
Az says that it means the hairs beneath the lower jaw:
accord. to
Az, it is what appears, of the fore part of the beard, after [or exclusive of] the hair of the side of each cheek and the عُثْنُون [here
app. meaning the portion of the beard next the front of the throat], and what is concealed [thereof]: (
TA:) or,
accord. to
Th, the beard altogether: (
M:) the
pl. is سِبَالٌ, (
K,) [to which ة is sometimes added, agreeably with a common license, as appears from an
ex. in what follows,] and سَبَلَاتٌ, occurring in the saying, إِنَّهُ لَذُو سَبَلَاتٍ, mentioned by
Lh, in which the term سَبَلَة is made to apply to every separate portion [so that the meaning is, Verily he has a سَبَلَة]. (
M.) One says, of enemies, هُمْ صُهْبُ السِّبَالِ (assumed
tropical:) [They are red, or reddish, in respect of the mustaches, &c.: see art. صهب]. (
TA.) and of a man who has come threatening, one says, جَآءَ فُلَانٌ وَ قَدْ نَشَرَ سَبَلَتَهُ (
tropical:) [Such a one came having spread out his mustache, &c.]. (
K, *
TA.) And in a
trad. respecting Dhu-th-Thudeiyeh, [see art. ثدى,] it is said, عَلَيْهِ شُعَيْرَاتٌ مِثْلُ سِبَالَةِ السِّنَّوْرِ [
app. meaning (assumed
tropical:) Having upon him small hairs like the whiskers of the cat].
b3: سَبَلَةُ البَعِيرِ means (assumed
tropical:) The part of the camel, in which he is stabbed, or stuck, in the uppermost part of the breast; (
M;) called also the تَرِيبَة: (
T:) or the fur that flows down upon that part of the camel. (
K. [In the
CK, مَنْخَرِه is erroneously put for مَنْحَرِهِ.]) You say لَتَبَ فِى سَبَلَةِ النَّاقَةِ, meaning (assumed
tropical:) He stabbed, or stuck, the she-camel in the part above mentioned: (
M in art. لتب: [in the
K, in the present art., كَتَبَ is erroneously put, in this phrase, in the place of لَتَبَ:])
Az heard an Arab of the desert say لَتَمَ فِى سَبَلَةِ بَعِيرِهِ, [which means the same as لَتَبَ,] and he supposes the سَبَلَة to be hairs in the part above mentioned. (
TA.) You say also, بَعِيرٌ حَسَنُ السَّبَلَةِ, meaning (assumed
tropical:) [A camel goodly in respect of] the thinness of his skin (جِلْدِهِ): so in the O and
K: but
accord. to the
T, of his cheek (خَدِّهِ); and this is probably the right explanation. (
TA.) سَبَلَانِىٌّ: see أَسْبَلُ.
سَبِيلٌ A way, road, or path; (
K;) and what is open, or conspicuous, thereof; (
K;) and
Er-Rághib adds, wherein is easiness: (
TA:) and ↓ سَبِيلَةٌ signifies the same: (Ibn-'Abbád,
K:) the former is
masc. and
fem.; (
K;) like زُقَاقٌ; (
Msb;) made
fem. by the people of El-Hijáz, and
masc. by Temeem; (
S voce زُقَاقٌ;) but mostly
fem.; (
TA;) in the
Kur it is made
masc. in vii. 143, and
fem. in xii. 108: (
pl. سُبُلٌ, (
K,) or,
accord. to
ISk, it has this
pl. when
masc., and سُبُولٌ, like عُنُوقٌ when
fem., (
Msb, [but this distinction and the latter
pl. are both strange,]) and it has also as a
pl. [of pauc.]
أَسْبِلَةٌ. (
TA.) In the saying, وَ عَلَى اللّٰهِ قَصْدُ السَّبِيلِ [And upon God it rests to show the right way (see art. قصد)], (
K,) in the
Kur [xvi. 9], (
M,) it is used as a
gen. n., because it is added, وَ مِنْهَا جَائِرٌ. (
b2: اِبْنُ السَّبِيلِ means (assumed
tropical:) The son of the road; (
K;) he whom the road has brought, or [as it were] brought forth; (
IB;) the wayfarer, or traveller: (
Msb:) or he who travels much or often: (
TA:) or the traveller who is far from his place of abode: (
Er-Rághib:) as used in the verse of the
Kur, (
Msb,) ix, 60, (
M,) it means the person to whom the way has become cut short [so that he is unable to continue his journey]; (
K;) to which has been added, who desires to return to his country, or town, and finds not what will suffice him: (
TA:) or the traveller who is cut off from his property: (
Msb:) or the person who desires to go to a country, or town, other than his own, for a necessary affair: or,
accord. to Ibn-'Arafeh, the guest who has become disabled from proceeding in his journey, his means having failed him: to such should be given as much as will suffice him to his home. (
b3: تَقْطَعُونَ السَّبِيلَ, in the
Kur [xxix. 28], means (assumed
tropical:) [And ye cut off] the way of offspring [by your unnatural practices]: or and ye oppose yourselves to men in the roads [or road] for the purpose of that which is excessively, or enormously, foul or abominable. (
b4: [سَبِيلُ اللّٰهِ means (assumed
tropical:) The way, or cause, of God, or of religion; or the way whereby one seeks approach to God, or advancement in his favour.] It is said in the
Kur [ii. 191], وَ أَنْفِقُوا فِى سَبِيلِ اللّٰهِ, meaning (assumed
tropical:) And expend ye in warring against unbelievers and the like, and in every good work commanded by God; (
K;) such being of the ways [that lead] to God: (
M:) mostly used in relation to warring against unbelievers and the like. (
K.) And in the same, iii. 163, الَّذِينَ قُتِلُوا فِى سَبِيلِ اللّٰهِ, meaning [Who have been slain in the cause of God, or of his religion, i. e.,] for the sake of the religion of God. (
Jel.) And you say, جَعَلَ ضَيْعَتَهُ فِى سَبِيلِ اللّٰهِ (assumed
tropical:) [He made his estate to have its profit, or revenue, or usufruct, employed in the cause of God, or of religion]. (
b5: سَبِيلٌ also signifies (assumed
tropical:) A means of access; a connexion, or a tie: so in the saying, in the
Kur [xxv. 29], يَا لَيْتَنِى اتَّخَذْتُ مَعَ الرَّسُولِ سَبِيلًا (assumed
tropical:) [O would that I had obtained, with the Apostle, a means of access to Paradise]: (
TA:) thus it has been explained: (
TA:) or the meaning is, [O would that I had taken, with the Apostle,] a way to safety: or one way, the way of truth. (
b6: [Also, in the present day, applied to A public drinking-fountain.]
سَبُولَةٌ and سُبُولَةٌ: see سَبَلٌ, in three places.
سَبِيلَةٌ: see سَبِيلٌ, first sentence.
سَابِلٌ Travelling upon a road:
pl. سَوَابِلُ and [
coll. gen. n.] ↓ سَابِلَةٌ; (
TA:) this last signifies travellers, (
M, *) or a company of people, (
K,) following, or succeeding, one another, or going repeatedly to and fro, (
K,) upon the roads, (
Mgh,) or upon the road, (
K,) for the accomplishment of their wants: it is made
fem. as denoting a جَمَاعَة. (
b2: Also, ↓ سَابِلَةٌ, (
TA in art. شغر,) or سَبِيلٌ سَابِلَةٌ, (
K, *
TA,) A travelled road; (
TA;) a beaten road. (
TA in art. شغر.)
A2: غَيْثٌ سَابِلٌ (assumed
tropical:) Rain falling continuously, or in successive showers, and in large drops, and copiously. (
TA.) سَابِلَةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, in two places.
سُنْبُلٌ and سُنْبُلَةٌ: see سَبَلٌ, in five places: and see also art. سنبل.
سَلْسَبِيلُ the name of A certain fountain in Paradise: determinate; [without tenween;] but occurring at the end of a verse of the
Kur [lxxvi. 18], (
K,) and being with fet-h, (
S,) ا is added to it, (
K,) for the sake of conformity [with the endings of other verses before and after it]. (
K.) See also art. سلسبل.
أَسْبَلُ (
tropical:) A man long in the سَبَلَة [
q. v., here said in the
TA to mean the beard, but this is questionable], as also ↓ سَبَلَانِىٌّ and ↓ مُسْبِلٌ and ↓ مُسْبَلٌ and ↓ مُسَبِّلٌ and ↓ مُسَبَّلٌ. (
b2: And the
fem., سَبْلَآءُ, (assumed
tropical:) A woman having hair in the place of the mustache. (
b3: And (assumed
tropical:) An eye having long lashes. (
K.) مُسْبَلٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.
مُسْبِلٌ A man lengthening his garment, and making it to hang down to the ground. (
TA.) [And in like manner,] applied to a woman, [though without ة,] Who has made her skirt to hang down [
app. to the ground]. (
b2: See also أَسْبَلُ.
b3: And المُسْبِلُ signifies (
tropical:) The penis: (
TA:) because of its pendulousness. (
b4: And (assumed
tropical:) The [lizard called] ضَبّ. (
b5: and the fifth of the arrows used in the game called المَيْسِر: (
K:) or the sixth of those arrows, (
K,) also called المُصْفَحُ, (
S,) in which are six notches, and to which are assigned six shares [of the slaughtered camel] if it win, and six fines if it do not win: (
pl. المَسَابِلُ. (
b6: And مُسْبِلٌ is one of the names of Dhul-Hijjeh; (
K; *) of the time of 'Ád. (
M.) مُسَبَّلٌ: see أَسْبَلُ.
b2: Also An ugly old man: (
app. because of the length of his beard. (
TA.) مُسَبِّلٌ: see أَسْبَلُ.