1 وَثُجَ, aor. ـْ inf. n. وَثَاجَةٌ; (S, K;) and ↓ اوثج, and ↓ استوثج; (TA;) It (anything, S,) became dense; thick; compact. (S, K.) b2: وَثُجَ, aor. ـْ inf. n. وَثَاجَةٌ, He became abundant in flesh; or very fleshy: وَثُرَ, inf. n. وَثَارَةٌ signifying he became abundant in fat; or very fat: and both signify he became bulky, or big; or large in body, corpulent and fleshy. (Az, S.) b3: وَثُجَ النَّبْتُ The herbage, or plants, became dense, thick, or compact, and tall.4 أَوْثِجْ لَنَامِنْ هٰذَا الطَّعَامِ Give us much of this food. (TA.) See 1.10 استوثج It became in a complete, or perfect, state: (TA:) or it became so in a certain way: (S:) one says استوثج النَّبْتُ (tropical:) the plants, herbs, or herbage, clung together, one part to another, and became in a complete, or perfect, state. (S, K.) b2: See 1. b3: استوثج المَالُ The property [app. meaning camels or the like] became much, or abundant. (S, K.) b4: استوثج مِنَ المَالِ He desired, wished for, or longed for, much of property [app. meaning camels or the like]; syn. اسْتَكْثَرَ: (As, Th, S, K *:) as also استوثق. (TA.) b5: استوثجت She (a woman) became large in body, or corpulent and fleshy, and perfect in make. (T.) وَثِيجٌ Anything (S) dense; thick; compact. (S, K.) b2: A horse, (S,) and a camel, (TA,) compact in flesh: (S:) or strong. (TA.) b3: Dense, thick, or compact, herbage. (TA.) [See also ارض موتثجة.] b4: ثَوْبٌ وَثِيجٌ (tropical:) A garment, or piece of cloth, of firm texture. (A.) [See also ثياب موثوجة.]وَاثِجٌ, applied to herbage, Dense, thick, or compact, and tall. (TA.) أَرْضٌ مُوتَثِجَةٌ (in the CK مُؤْتَثِجَةٌ [which is evidently a mistake]) Land abounding with herbage, or pasture, (S, K,) and with tangled trees; as also وَثِيجَةٌ: (ISh:) land of which the herbage is dense, thick, or compact. (TA.) [See also وَثِيخٌ.]
ثِيَابٌ مَوْثُوجَةٌ Garments, or pieces of cloth, of which the threads and texture are slack, or loose. (K, from Sh, on the authority of a man of Bá-hileh: but see وَثِيجٌ. TA.)