1 أَهَّ, (S in art. اوه, and K,) inf. n. أَةٌّ (K) and أَهَّةٌ (S, * K) and the same without teshdeed; (K, * TA; [app. meaning آهَةٌ, which, however, belongs to art. اوه, q. v.;]) or إِهَّةٌ; (so in the CK; [but in some copies of the K, and ↓ أَهَّهَ, as in the TK, where it is said that the inf. n. of this form of the verb is تَأْهِيهٌ;]) and ↓ تأهّه; (K;) [i. q. آهَ and أَوَّهَ and تَأَهِيهٌ; or] He expressed pain or grief or sorrow, or he lamented or complained or moaned, (S, K,) as one in an evil state, and broken in spirit by grief or mourning, and said آهِ, or هَاهْ. (K.) [See a verse cited in art. اوه, voce آهَةٌ.]2 اَهَّّand 5: see above.إِهْ, i. e. إِ with the ه of pausation; imperative of وَأَي, q. v. (Mughnee in art. الف) آهِ and آهٍ and آهًا &c.: see art. اوه.