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Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
228. بدل18 229. بدن18 230. بده16 231. بدو8 232. بدى3 233. بذ4234. بذأ11 235. بذخ12 236. بذر17 237. بذق8 238. بذل13 239. بذو6 240. بر5 241. برأ16 242. بربخ5 243. بربط8 244. برثن10 245. برج17 246. برجم12 247. برح19 248. برد20 249. بردع4 250. برذع9 251. برذن12 252. برز18 253. برزخ14 254. برسم11 255. برش14 256. برص18 257. برطل12 258. برع14 259. برعم9 260. برغث8 261. برق22 262. برقش11 263. برقع11 264. برك20 265. برم21 266. برن12 267. برنس13 268. برنك3 269. بره15 270. برهن11 271. برو7 272. برى5 273. بز4 274. بزخ9 275. بزر16 276. بزغ18 277. بزق14 278. بزل15 279. بزم14 280. بزو12 281. بس7 282. بسأ9 283. بست7 284. بسذ4 285. بسر21 286. بسط20 287. بسق17 288. بسل19 289. بسم15 290. بسمل10 291. بسن11 292. بش4 293. بشر19 294. بشع14 295. بشق11 296. بشم14 297. بشنين1 298. بص4 299. بصر24 300. بصط5 301. بصع10 302. بصق12 303. بصل14 304. بصم9 305. بصن5 306. بض3 307. بضع21 308. بط4 309. بطأ11 310. بطح18 311. بطخ13 312. بطر15 313. بطرق11 314. بطرك5 315. بطش17 316. بطق9 317. بطل16 318. بطم10 319. بطن18 320. بطو2 321. بظر17 322. بعث17 323. بعثر15 324. بعج14 325. بعد21 326. بعر16 327. بعض17 Prev. 100




1 بَذَّ, (M,) sec. Pers\. بَذِذْتَ, (S, Mgh, K,) aor. ـَ (L, K,) inf. n. بَذَاذَةٌ (S, M, Mgh, K) and بُذُوذَةٌ (S, M, K) and بَذَذٌ (M, Mgh, K) and بَذَاذٌ, (K,) or بِذَاذٌ, with kesr, (TA,) [of all which, the third is the regular form,] He (a man) was, or became, threadbare, and shabby, or mean, in the state of his apparel, (Ks, S, M, Mgh, L,) and in an evil condition; (M, L, K;) slovenly with respect to his person: (Ks, M, L:) or he neglected the constant adornment of himself: or he adorned himself one day, and another day left his hair in a shaggy or dishevelled, or matted and dusty, state: (T, L:) or he was humble in his apparel, not taking pleasure therein. (IAth, L.) بَذَاذَة is said in a trad. to be a part of religion; (Ks, T, M, Mgh, L;) meaning, in this instance, The being humble in dress, and wearing that which is not conducive to self-conceit and pride. (Mgh.) A2: بَذَّهُ, aor. ـُ (T, S, M, L,) inf. n. بَذٌّ (S, M, L, K) and ↓ بَذِيذَةٌ, (K,) [or this may be a simple subst.,] He overcame him; (T, S, M, L, K;) he surpassed him in goodliness or beauty, or in any deed: (T, L:) he outstripped him. (M, L.) It is said in a trad., بَذَّ القَائِلِينَ He outstripped, or surpassed, and overcame, the speakers. (L.) 3 باذّهُ He hastened with him; made haste, or strove, to be, or get, before him: (K, * TA:) he vied with him in glory or excellence. (TA.) 8 ابتذّ حَقَّهُ He took his (i. e. his own) right, or due. (K.) 10 استبذّ بِالأَمْرِ He was alone, with none to share, or participate, with him, in the affair; (K, * TA;) i. q. استبدّ (K) and استقلّ. (TA.) بَذٌّ [perhaps from the Persian بَدْ] A man slovenly with respect to his person, and poor. (IAar, T, L.) And بَذُّ الهَيْئَةِ, and الهَيْئَةِ ↓ بَاذُّ, A man threadbare, and shabby, or mean, in the state of his apparel; (Ks, T, * S, Mgh, L;) and in an evil condition with respect to it; (L, K;) slovenly with respect to his person: (Ks, L:) or one who neglects the constant adornment of his person: or who adorns himself one day, and another day leaves his hair in a shaggy or dishevelled, or matted and dusty, state: (T, L:) or humble in his apparel, not taking pleasure therein. (IAth, L.) b2: بَذُّ البَخْتِ A man having evil fortune. (Kr, M, L.) b3: هَيْئَةٌ بَذَّةٌ A threadbare, and shabby, or mean, state of apparel. (M.) b4: حَالٌ بَذَّةٌ, (S,) and حَالَةٌ بَذَّةٌ, (TA,) An evil state or condition. (S, TA.) b5: تَمْرٌ بَذٌّ Dates that are separate, each one from another, not sticking together; like فَذٌّ: (IAar, M:) or that are scattered. (K.) b6: فَذٌّ بَذٌّ Single; sole; that is alone, or apart from others: (IAar, K:) and so أَحَذُّ

↓ أَبَذُّ. (K.) فِى هَيْئَتِهِ بَذَّةٌ, and بَذَاذَةٌ, [the latter an inf. n. (of بَذَّ) used as a simple subst.,] In his state of apparel is slovenliness, and threadbareness, and shabbiness, or meanness. (T.) ↓ بَذِيذَةٌ, also, (sometimes written ↓ بَذْبَذَةٌ, TA, and so in the TT but without vowel-signs,) signifies Slovenliness with respect to one's person; or neglect of cleanliness. (T, L, K.) بَذِيذَةٌ, or بَذْبَذَةٌ: see بَذَّةٌ.

A2: And for the former, see also بَذَّهُ.

بَاذٌّ: see بَذٌّ.

A2: Also Any one overcoming, or surpassing. (M, L.) أَبَذٌّ: see بَذٌّ.
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