بَاذَنْجَانٌ, [or بَاذِنْجَانٌ, commonly pronounced in the present day بَادنْجَان and بَيْدِنْجَان and بِيدِنْجَان, from the Persian بَادِنْكَانْ,] a word of well-known meaning, often mentioned by the author of the K, [in explaining the words أَنَبٌ and حَدَقٌ and مَغْدٌ and وَغْدٌ,] but not in its proper place in the lexicon. (TA.) [It signifies The solanum melongena, mad-apple, or egg-plant; both the black, distinguished by the epithet أَسْوَدُ, and the white, distinguished by the epithet أَبْيَضُ.
And the solanum lycopersicum, or solanum Aethiopicum; also called love-apple, and so by the Arabs, تُفَّاحٌ الحُبٌِّ; and golden apple, تُفَّاحٌ ذَهَبِىٌّ; and tomato; and distinguished from the former species by the epithet أَحْمَرُ, and by the appellation باذنجان قُوطَة.] b2: [بَاذَنْجَانٌ تِرْيَاقِىٌّ Xanthium.]