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Lane's Lexicon

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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
200. بتك13 201. بتل18 202. بث4 203. بَثِرَ1 204. بثق15 205. بجح14206. بجد10 207. بجر13 208. بجس17 209. بجل17 210. بح3 211. بحت15 212. بحث15 213. بحثر8 214. بحر16 215. بخ7 216. بخت13 217. بختر12 218. بخر15 219. بخس17 220. بخص10 221. بخع15 222. بخق13 223. بخل14 224. بد3 225. بدأ15 226. بدر19 227. بدع19 228. بدل18 229. بدن18 230. بده16 231. بدو8 232. بدى3 233. بذ4 234. بذأ11 235. بذخ12 236. بذر17 237. بذق8 238. بذل13 239. بذو6 240. بر5 241. برأ16 242. بربخ5 243. بربط8 244. برثن10 245. برج17 246. برجم12 247. برح19 248. برد20 249. بردع4 250. برذع9 251. برذن12 252. برز18 253. برزخ14 254. برسم11 255. برش14 256. برص18 257. برطل12 258. برع14 259. برعم9 260. برغث8 261. برق22 262. برقش11 263. برقع11 264. برك20 265. برم21 266. برن12 267. برنس13 268. برنك3 269. بره15 270. برهن11 271. برو7 272. برى5 273. بز4 274. بزخ9 275. بزر16 276. بزغ18 277. بزق14 278. بزل15 279. بزم14 280. بزو12 281. بس7 282. بسأ9 283. بست7 284. بسذ4 285. بسر21 286. بسط20 287. بسق17 288. بسل19 289. بسم15 290. بسمل10 291. بسن11 292. بش4 293. بشر19 294. بشع14 295. بشق11 296. بشم14 297. بشنين1 298. بص4 299. بصر24 Prev. 100




1 يَجِحَ, [aor. and inf. n. as below,] He rejoiced; or was joyful, glad, or happy; (S, A;) as also ↓ تبجّح: (S, Mgh, K:) and ↓ the latter signifies also he magnified himself; and gloried, or boasted: (Mgh:) or, accord. to Lh, this verb signifies he gloried, or boasted; and vied with others, or contended with them for superiority, in beauty, or goodliness, in respect of something; as also تمجِح: or, as some say, he magnified himself: and بَجِعَ is said to signify he was, or became, great in his own estimation. (TA.) You say also, بَجِعَ بِهِ, (S, Msb, K,) aor. ـَ (Msb, K,) inf. n. بَجَحٌ; (S, K, TA;) and بَجَحَ, (S, Msb, K,) aor. ـَ (Msb, K;) but the latter is of weak authority; (S, K;) He rejoiced in it, or at it; (S, K;) namely, a thing; (S;) as also ↓ تبجّح and ↓ ابتجح: (TA:) or he gloried in it, or boasted of it; and so ↓ تبجّح. (Msb.) And عَلَيْنَا ↓ فُلَانٌ يَتَبَجَّحُ, and يَتَمَجَّحُ علينا, Such a one talks foolishly, or irrationally, [to us, assuming superiority over us,] by reason of self-conceitedness: and so one says in speaking of a person in jest. (TA.) A2: See also 2.2 بجّحُه It (a thing, or an affair, TA) rejoiced him; made him joyful, glad, or happy; (A, TA;) as also ↓ ابجحّحُ. (TA.) And بَجَّحْتُهُ, (inf. n. تَبْجِيعٌ, S, K,) I rejoiced him; made him joyful, &c.: (S, Mgh, K:) or, as some say, magnified him: (TA:) and ↓ بَجَحْتُهُ, aor. ـِ I magnified it; namely, a thing. (Msb.) 4 أَبْجَحَ see 2.5 تَبَجَّحَ see 1, in five places.6 النِّسَآءُ يَتَبَاجَحْنَ Women, or the women, vie, or contend for superiority, one with another, in beauty, or goodliness, and in glorying, or boasting. (A, TA.) 8 إِبْتَجَحَ see 1.

بَجِحٌ Rejoicing, glad, or happy; as in the phrase, إَنَا بَجَعٌ بِمَكَانِ كَذَا [I am rejoicing in such a place]; and so بِهِ ↓ مُتَبَجِّحٌ. (A.) بَجَّاحٌ Joyful; [an intensive epithet] applied to a man. (TA.) بَاجِحٌ Great in estimation; applied to a man: pl. بُجَّعٌ and بُجْحٌ. (TA.) مَبَاجِحُ [a pl. of which the sing. is app. مَبْجَحَةٌ, meaning, accord. to analogy, A cause of joy or gladness or happiness]. You say, لَقِيتُ مِنْهُ المَنَاجِحَ والمَبَاجِحَ [app. I experienced from it, or him, the causes of success, and the causes of joy &c.]. (A, TA.) مُتَبَجِّحٌ: see بَجِعٌ.
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