1 قَمِدَ, aor. ـَ (TA,) inf. n. قَمَدٌ, (K,) He, or it, was, or became, tall, or long: or he was, or became, large and long in the neck. (K, TA.) Q. Q. 4 إِقْمَهَدَّ [in which the ه is an augmentative letter accord. to J, is said by F to be improperly assigned by J to this art.] see art. قمهد.قُمُدٌّ (Lth, S, L, K) and قُمُدٌ (K) or قُمْدٌ (L) and قُمْدُدٌ (Lth, L) and قُمْدُودٌ and قُمَادٌ and قُمَادِىٌّ (K) and قُمُدَّانٌ and قُمُدَّانِىٌّ (L, K) Strong: (Lth, S, K:) or strong and hard or hardy: (L:) or gross, thick, coarse, or rude, (K,) and hard, or hardy: (TA:) applied to a man: (L, K:) fem. قُمُدَّةٌ (S) and قُمُدَّانَةٌ and قُمُدَّانِيَّةٌ. (L.) b2: إِنَّهُ لَقُمُدٌّ قُمْدُدٌ Verily he is very strong. (Lth, L.) b3: ذَكَرٌ قُمُدٌّ Penis vehementer se erigens, (L, K,) or القُمُدُّ is a name of the penis. (L.) b4: See also أَقْمَدُ.
أَقْمَدُ, fem. قَمْدَآءُ, (L, K,) and ↓ قُمُدٌّ and [fem.?
see قُمُدُّ above] قُمُدَّةٌ and قُمُدَّانِيَّةٌ, (K,) Large and long in the neck: or tall, (L, K,) in a general sense: applied to a human being. (L.) b2: نَحْنُ قُمْدُ الأَقْمَادِ We are thick-necked. (L.) b3: See also قُمُدٌّ.