ومن خفيفه: (ب خَ)
بَخْ بَخْ، وبَخٍ بَخٍ: وبَخٍ بَخْ، كَقَوْلِك: غاق غاق وَنَحْوه، كل ذَلِك: كلمة تقال عِنْد تَعْظِيم الْإِنْسَان، وَعند التَّعَجُّب من الشَّيْء.
بَخْ بَخْ، وبَخٍ بَخٍ: وبَخٍ بَخْ، كَقَوْلِك: غاق غاق وَنَحْوه، كل ذَلِك: كلمة تقال عِنْد تَعْظِيم الْإِنْسَان، وَعند التَّعَجُّب من الشَّيْء.
بخ: كلمة تقال عند الرضا بالشيء مبني على الكسر وتخفف غالبا.
كلمة تقال عِنْد الرِّضَا والإعجاب بالشَّيْء أَو الْمَدْح أَو الْفَخر تَقول بخ بخ وَتقول مكررا بخ بخ وبخ بخ
كلمة تقال عِنْد الرِّضَا والإعجاب بالشَّيْء أَو الْمَدْح أَو الْفَخر تَقول بخ بخ وَتقول مكررا بخ بخ وبخ بخ
بخ تبخبخ الحر سكن بعض فورته. وتبخبخت الغنم سكنت حيث كانت. وإذا استرخى لحم الرجل واتسع جلده فهو بخباخ. وبخ كلمة تقال عند الإعجاب بالشيء، وقد تخفف. ودرهم بخي كتب عليه بخ. وبخباخ وبخ هو الهدير المتقدم. وبخبخته هديره. وبخ في النوم أي غط، وكذلك بخبخ. وحسب بخ وبخيخ أي رفيع.
بَخْ [كلمة وظيفيَّة]: اسم فعل للمدح والإعجاب والرِّضا بشيء، ويكرّر للمبالغة، وفي حالة الوصل تُكسر الخاءُ وتُنوّن فتقول: بَخٍ بَخٍ "بَخْ بَخْ بأعمالك الحسنة- بَخٍ بَخٍ بمالك الذي تصدقت به".
بَخْ [كلمة وظيفيَّة]: اسم فعل للمدح والإعجاب والرِّضا بشيء، ويكرّر للمبالغة، وفي حالة الوصل تُكسر الخاءُ وتُنوّن فتقول: بَخٍ بَخٍ "بَخْ بَخْ بأعمالك الحسنة- بَخٍ بَخٍ بمالك الذي تصدقت به".
R. Q. 1 بَخْبَخَ, (S, K,) inf. n. بَخْبَخَةٌ and بِخْبَاخٌ, (TA,) [a verb imitative of the sound which it signifies,] He (a camel [in a state of excitement]) brayed, (S, K,) so that his شِقْشِقَة [or faucial bag] filled his mouth: (S:) or, as some say, began to bray. (TA.) b2: [Hence, perhaps,] He (a man) said [بَخْ] or بَخْ بَخْ [&c.]. (TA, and Har p. 556.) b3: And [hence,] بَخْبَخَ بِصُحْبَتِى He rejoiced in my company. (Har ubi suprà.) b4: And بَخْبَخَ الرَّجُلَ He said بَخْ or بَخْ بَخْ
&c. to the man. (S.) بَخْ, (S, A, K, &c.,) [in some copies of the K written بَخَّ, which is wrong, for it is] like بَلْ, (A,) [i. e.] like قَدْ, (TA,) [perhaps, as I have suggested above, from the sound made by a hecamel in a state of excitement,] a word used on the occasion of praising; (S, A;) on praising one from whom has proceeded a good and wonderful action; (Har p. 142;) on approving a thing; (T, S, Msb, K;) on being pleased with it, or having one's admiration excited by it; (A, K;) or on the occasion of glorying and of praising; (K;) in pronouncing a thing great in estimation, (IAmb,) or excellent; (AHeyth;) in deeming a thing great in estimation, (AHei,) or good; (Mgh;) or it means wonder, or admiration; (R;) and sometimes it is used [ironically] to denote disapproval; also, as an exhortation to gentleness with a thing, and to taking extraordinary pains; (TA;) and in a case of expertness, or skilfulness: (AHei:) it means نِعْمَ الرَّجُلُ and نِعْمَ الفِعْلُ [Excellent, or most excellent, is the man! and, the deed!]; (Har p. 142;) [or simply, excellent! or most excellent! how good! how goodly! well done! bravo! and the like;] or عَظُمَ الأَمْرُ and فَخُمَ [great in estimation is the thing, or affair, or event, or case!]: (K:) MF observes, [probably from finding بَخَّ in the place of بَخْ in his copy or copies of the K,] that this explanation is like an express assertion that it is a verb in the pret. tense, which requires consideration. (TA.) It is used alone; and in this case you say, بَخْ, (K,) and بَخِ, (Msb, K,) with kesr for its invariable termination, (Msb,) and بَخٍ, and بَخٌ; (K, TA; [but in the CK, in the place of بَخٍ and بَخٌ, we find بُخٌ;]) without tesh-deed, (T, Msb,) in most cases; (Msb;) but also with teshdeed, (T, S, A,) like a noun; so that one says, بَخٍ لَكَ and بَخٍّ [&c., meaning I say excel-lent! &c., to thee]: (S:). and one repeats it, (S, A, K, &c.,) for the sake of emphasis; (S, A;) saying, بَخْ بَخْ, (IAmb, S, A, K, &c.,) with the خ quiescent like the ل in هَلْ and بَلْ, (IAmb,) and بَخٍ بَخٍ, (S, A, R, K,) pronounced in the latter manner, with tenween, when in connexion with a following word, [and in this case only, whereas it is pronounced in the former manner in any case,] (S, A,) and بَخٍّ بَخٍّ, (S, * A, * R, K,) and بَخٍ بَخْ, (K,) and بَخِّ بَخِّ. (R.) جَمَلٌ بَخْبَاخُ الهَدِيرِ A camel that fills his mouth with his شِقْشِقَة [or faucial bag] when he brays. (S.) إِبِلٌ مُبْخْبَخَةٌ Camels to which one says بَخْ بَخْ; being pleased with them: (ISd, TA:) or largebellied camels; (K;) as also مُخَبْخَبَةٌ, which is formed from the former by transposition; from بَخْ بَخْ, or بَخٍ بَخْ, which is said by the Arabs in praising a thing; as though, by reason of their greatness, the people, seeing them, said, How goodly are they! (TA.)