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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
4471. نهى9 4472. نوأ13 4473. نوب17 4474. نوت8 4475. نوث3 4476. نوح184477. نوخ14 4478. نور19 4479. نوس18 4480. نوش17 4481. نوص12 4482. نوط18 4483. نوع14 4484. نوف11 4485. نوق15 4486. نول14 4487. نون14 4488. نوه16 4489. نوى9 4490. نيأ11 4491. نيب16 4492. نيت4 4493. نير14 4494. نيس3 4495. نيط9 4496. نيك11 4497. نيل15 4498. نيلوفر3 4499. نينوفر1 4500. ه4 4501. هأ1 4502. هب5 4503. هبت12 4504. هبث6 4505. هبج13 4506. هبخ6 4507. هبد11 4508. هبذ7 4509. هبر12 4510. هبش12 4511. هبط20 4512. هبع8 4513. هبل13 4514. هبو11 4515. هت7 4516. هتأ6 4517. هتر18 4518. هتك15 4519. هث6 4520. هثر1 4521. هج8 4522. هجأ6 4523. هجب4 4524. هجد18 4525. هجر24 4526. هجس17 4527. هجع17 4528. هجل13 4529. هجم17 4530. هجن18 4531. هجو12 4532. هد7 4533. هدأ14 4534. هدب19 4535. هدبد6 4536. هدج13 4537. هدر19 4538. هدف16 4539. هدل16 4540. هدم20 4541. هدمل7 4542. هدن19 4543. هدى12 4544. هذ7 4545. هذأ6 4546. هذب15 4547. هذر16 4548. هذرب4 4549. هذلم5 4550. هذى4 4551. هر8 4552. هرا7 4553. هرب17 4554. هربذ6 4555. هرت15 4556. هرث4 4557. هرج17 4558. هرجب6 4559. هرجل7 4560. هرح1 4561. هرد12 4562. هردب7 4563. هرس18 4564. هرش16 4565. هرشب3 4566. هرشف8 4567. هرطل5 4568. هرق17 4569. هرل6 4570. هرم18 Prev. 100




الغُرَابُ النُّوحِىُّ [The Noachian crow;] an appel-lation applied in Egypt to the زاغ (or rook). (TA, art. زيغ.)


1 نَاحَتِ المَرْأَةُ, aor. ـُ inf. n. نَوْحٌ and نِيَاحٌ (S, K) and نُوَاحٌ, (L, K,) or this is a simple subst., (Msb,) and نِيَاحَةٌ, (A, L, K,) or this also is a simple subst., (S, Msb, [and as such it is also mentioned in the K,]) and مَنَاحٌ (K) and مَنَاحَةٌ, (L,) [The woman wailed]. You say نَاحَتْ عَلَى

المَيِّتِ, (Msb,) and عَلَى زَوْجِهَا, and نَاحَتْهُ, (L, K,) but ناحت عَلَيْهِ is preferred, (TA,) [She wailed for, or bewailed, the dead, and, her husband]. Also, نَاحَ على الميّت. (A.) نَاحَ and ↓ استناح are syn. (L, K.) [In the S it is implied that it is tropical: see نَائِحَة: but in the A it is said to be proper.] b2: نَاحَتِ الحَمَامَةُ, (L,) inf. n. نَوْحٌ, (L, K,) The pigeon cooed (L, K) in a plaintive or wailing manner. (L.) Some say that this is tropical; but most, that it is proper. (MF.) b3: الطَّيْرُ تَنُوحُ [The birds warble plaintively.] (A.) 3 ناوح بَعْضُهَا بَعْضًا One of them was opposite to, or faced, another. Said of mountains, and in like manner of winds. (S, L.) 5 تنوّح It (a thing) moved about, hanging down; it dangled. (S, K.) 6 الطَّيْرُ تَتَنَاوَحُ [The birds warble plaintively, one to another]. (A.) See an ?? in art. فوح, conj. 6. b2: تناوحتِ الرِّيَاحُ The winds blew violently [as is generally the case when they blow from opposite directions]. (TA.) See an ex. voce سهو. b3: تناوحا They two were opposite, one to the other; they faced each other. (S, K.) You say so of two mountains, and of two winds. (S, L.) 10 إِسْتَنْوَحَ see 1. b2: استناح He (a wolf) howled, (L, K,) and was listened to and followed by other wolves. (L.) b3: He (a man) wept and induced another, or others, to weep: (K:) or he wept so as to induce another, or others, to weep. (L.) نَوْحٌ: see نَائِحَةٌ.

نَوْحَةٌ and ↓ نَيْحَةٌ Strength; force. (L.) نَيْحَةٌ: see نَوْحَةٌ.

نُوَاحٌ: see نِيَاحَةٌ.

نِيَاحَةٌ (S, Msb, K) and ↓ نُوَاحٌ (Msb) substs. from نَاحَتِ المَرْأَةُ, q. v. [A wailing, or bewailing a dead person].

نُوَّحٌ: see نَائِحَةٌ.

نَيِّحَةُ رِيحٍ أُخْرَى A counterwind, or wind which is the opposite, of another wind. (S, A. L.) One that blows transversely with respect to another is called the نَسِيجَة of the latter. (S, L.) نَوَّاحَةٌ: see نائِحَةٌ.

النَّوَاحِى: see نَائِحَةٌ.

نَائِحَةٌ [A wailing woman]: (Msb:) pl. نَوَائِحُ and نَائِحَاتٌ: and you also say ↓ نِسَآءٌ نَوْحٌ, and أَنْوَاحٌ, and ↓ نُوَّحٌ: (S, K:) نَوَائِحُ is an epithet applied to women who assemble in a مَنَاحَة: and ↓ مَنَاحَةٌ (also) and ↓ نَوْحٌ signify women who assemble together for the purpose of mourning. (L.) نَوَائِحُ are so called from التَّنَاوُح, signifying “ the being opposite, one to another: ” (S:) [if so, it is app. a tropical term: but accord. to the A, التناوح, as above explained, is tropical]. Also

↓ نَوَّاحَةٌ [A woman who wails much, or frequently; who is in the habit of wailing: a professional wailing woman]. Ex. هِىَ نَوَّاحَةُ بَنِى

فُلَانٍ [She is the professional wailing woman of the sons of such a one]. (A.) b2: حَمَامَةٌ نَائِحَةٌ. and ↓ نَوَّاحَةٌ, A pigeon that cooes in a plaintive or wailing manner. (L.) b3: نَوَائِحُ also signifies Standards, or ensigns, opposite one to another, in battle. (L.) b4: Also, Swords. In this sense, it occurs written ↓ النَّوَاحِى, by transposition. (Ks, L.) مَنَاحَةٌ A place of نَوْح [or wailing for a dead person]: (Msb:) pl. مَنَاحَاتٌ and مَنَاوِحُ. (A, L.) Ex. كُنَّا فِى مَنَاحَةِ فُلَانٍ [We were in the place of wailing of, or for, such a one]. (S, K.) b2: See نَائِحَةٌ.

الرِّيَاحُ المُتَنَاوِحَةُ The winds called النُّكْبُ: [see نَكْبَآءُ:] so called because they are opposite, one to another: they blow in times of drought, when rains are scanty, and when the air is dry, and the cold severe. (L.)
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