ى1 نَهَاهُ عَنْهُ He forbade him it. b2: لَاتُسْهَىوَلَا تُنْهَى: see art. سهى, in two places.6 تَنَاْهَىَ see 8.8 اِنْتَهَى عَنْهُ , and ↓ تَنَاهَى, He refrained, abstained, or desisted, from it, as forbidden; left, relinquished, or forsook it. (S, Msb.) See an ex. of the latter voce سَوَادٌ. b2: اِنْتَهَى إِلَيْهِ It ultimately reached, or extended, and sometimes it so pertained, to him, or it: in the latter sense said of authority and the like: and simply, it reached to him, or it. b3: اِنْتَهَى إِلَيْهِ الخَبَرُ, and ↓ تَنَاهَى, The information, or news, reached him. (S.) b4: اِنْتَهَى إِلَى مَوْضِعٍ He came at last, or ultimately, to a place. So I have rendered it in explaining أَفْضَى. b5: اِنْتَهَى It (a thing, or an affair,) attained the utmost possible point, or degree. (Msb.) It (fruit, and the like) attained its utmost state of growth. b6: اِنْتَهَى It is ended: a word put to mark the end of a quotation.
رَكِبَ النَّهْىَ He did that which he was forbidden to do. (TA in art. ردع.) نَهُوٌّ is anomalous, (TA,) like بَغُوٌّ.
نِهَايَةٌ The utmost possible point, or degree: (Msb:) and the ultimate point, or element, to which a thing can be reduced or resolved: its utmost point or particular: as also ↓ مَنْتَهًى. See فَصٌّ. b2: نِهَايَةٌ فِى السَّخَآءِ [Extreme in bounty, or munificence]. (O and K, voce مَسْحَلٌ.) نَاهِيكَ بِأَخِينَا [A person sufficing thee is our brother]: the ب is added to denote emphatic praise. (Fr in TA, art. بِ.) See also Har, p. 28, and, more particularly, p. 91.
مُنْتَهًى A place to which a person or thing comes at last; a journey's end; a goal; a destination, or place or state to which a person or thing is appointed to come; an end; an ultimate object: see an ex. in a verse near the end of art. ب. See نِهَايَةٌ. b2: سِدْرَةُ المُنْتَهَى (Kur liii. 14) The lote-tree of the ultimate point of access, in the Seventh Heaven: see سدر.