ارج: الأْرَاجَةُ: شَيءٌ من كُتُبِ أصْحَابِ الدَّوَاوِيْنِ في الخَرَاجِ ونَحْوِه. وهذا كِتَابُ التَّأْرِيْجِ. والأُرَجُ: الرِّيْحُ الطَّيِّبَةُ ونَفْحُها، أرِجَ النَّبْتُ يَأْرَجُ أرَجاً، وهو أرِيْجٌ وأرِجٌ. والتَّأْرِيْجُ: شِبْهُ تَأْرِيْشِ الحَرْبِ. واليارَجَانِ: من حَلْيِ اليَدَيْنِ، فارِسِيَّةٌ. والأَرَجَانُ: التَّزَيُّدُ في الكَلاَمِ. والأَرّاجُ: الكَذّابُ.
1 أَرِجَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. أَرَجٌ (S, A, Msb, K) and أَرِيجٌ (S, A, K) and أَرِيجَةٌ, (K, [in which it is only mentioned as syn. with the first and second of these ns., so that it may be a simple subst.,]) It (perfume) diffused, or exhaled, its odour; (S, A;) as also ↓ تآرّج: (A:) it had a hot, or strong, odour; syn. تَوَهَّجَ رِيحُهُ. (S, A, K.) b2: It (a place) was, or became, strongly fragrant. (Msb.) A2: أَرَجَ: see 2, in three places.2 أرّج, [and app. ↓ أَرَجَ also,] He perfumed a thing; made it fragrant. (Ham p. 135.) b2: [Both also app. signify He made perfume to diffuse, or exhale, its odour: or made it to have a hot, or strong, odour. b3: And hence,] أرّج, inf. n. تَأْرِيجٌ; (S, K) and ↓ أَرَجَ, (TA,) aor. ـُ (TK,) inf. n. أَرْجٌ; (K, TA;) (assumed tropical:) He excited discord, dissension, disorder, strife, quarrelling, or animosity, (S, K, TA,) بَيْنَ القَوْمِ between, or among, the people, or company of men, like أَرَّشَ, (S, TA,) and فِي الحَرْبِ in war. (TA.) And أرّج الحَرْبَ, (S, K, TA, and Ham ubi suprà,) and ↓ أَرَجَهَا, (TA,) (assumed tropical:) He kindled war, or the war; (S, TA, and Ham ubi suprà;) and in like manner, النَّارَ the fire. (IAar, Ham.) 5 تَاَرَّجَ see 1.أَرَجٌ (L) and ↓ أَرِيجٌ and ↓ أَرِيجَةٌ (ISd, TA) A sweet odour: (ISd, L, TA:) pl. of the last, أَرَائِجُ. (ISd, TA.) [See also 1.]
أَرِجٌ Perfume diffusing, or exhaling, its odour: having a hot, or strong, odour. (TA.) b2: Applied also to a place: you say, مَكَانٌ أَرِجٌ A strongly fragrant place: (Msb:) and بَيْتٌ أَرِجٌ بِالِّيبِ [a house, or chamber, fragrant, or strongly fragrant, with perfume]. (A.) أَرِيجٌ: see أَرَجٌ.
أَرِيجَةٌ: see أَرَجٌ.
أَرَّاجٌ (K) and ↓ مِئْرَجٌ (TA) (assumed tropical:) A liar: and one who excites discord, dissension, disorder, strife, quarrelling, or animosity, among people. (K, * TA.) مِئْرَجٌ: see what next precedes.
المُؤَرَّجُ (assumed tropical:) The lion. (K.)