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4794. وسم20 4795. وسى5 4796. وش1 4797. وشب10 4798. وشج13 4799. وشح154800. وشر8 4801. وشظ10 4802. وشع11 4803. وشق16 4804. وشك14 4805. وشل9 4806. وشم16 4807. وشى9 4808. وص2 4809. وصأ4 4810. وصب19 4811. وصد13 4812. وصر11 4813. وصف17 4814. وصل21 4815. وصى5 4816. وضأ14 4817. وضح17 4818. وضخ8 4819. وضر12 4820. وضع22 4821. وضف6 4822. وضن14 4823. وط2 4824. وطأ16 4825. وطب12 4826. وطث7 4827. وطح9 4828. وطد13 4829. وطر14 4830. وطس17 4831. وطن14 4832. وظب14 4833. وظف17 4834. وع2 4835. وعب14 4836. وعث14 4837. وعد15 4838. وعر15 4839. وعز10 4840. وعس9 4841. وعظ17 4842. وعق9 4843. وعل16 4844. وعى10 4845. وغب9 4846. وغد14 4847. وغر13 4848. وغل16 4849. وغم11 4850. وفد15 4851. وفر17 4852. وفز14 4853. وفض16 4854. وفق14 4855. وفى7 4856. وقب12 4857. وقت18 4858. وقح16 4859. وقد14 4860. وقذ17 4861. وقر21 4862. وقص18 4863. وقع16 4864. وقف19 4865. وقى8 4866. وك1 4867. وكأ16 4868. وكب14 4869. وكت12 4870. وكث6 4871. وكح7 4872. وكد14 4873. وكر18 4874. وكز15 4875. وكس18 4876. وكظ10 4877. وكع15 4878. وكف18 4879. وكل18 4880. وكن12 4881. وكى5 4882. ول1 4883. ولب9 4884. ولت7 4885. ولث10 4886. ولج19 4887. ولح7 4888. ولد18 4889. ولس10 4890. ولع16 4891. ولغ15 4892. ولف11 4893. ولم14 Prev. 100




2 وشّح المَرْأَةَ, inf. n. تَوْشِيجٌ, He put on the woman a وِشَاح, q. v. (S, K.) b2: See 5. b3: وشّحهُ وِشَاحًا (tropical:) He struck him a blow upon the place of the وِشَاح. (TA.) 5 توشّحت, (S, K,) and ↓ اتّشحت, (K,) She (a woman) put on, or decked herself with, a وِشَاح q. v. (S, K.) b2: تّوشح بِثَوْبِهِ, (S, K, &c.,) and بِهِ ↓ اتّشح, (Msb,) (tropical:) i. q. تَقَلَّدَ: (K:) but MF disapproves of this explanation: (TA:) or He put his garment under his right arm-pit, and threw it [meaning a portion of it] over his left shoulder, like as the مُحْرِم does; (T, Msb;) like تَأَبَّطَ and اِضْطَبَعَ: (T:) or he threw a portion of his garment over his left shoulder, and drew its extremity under his right arm, and tied the two extremities together in a knot upon his bosom. (M.) Also, He wrapped himself up in his garment. (L.) b3: الثَّوْبَ ↓ وشّحهُ, as also أَشَّحَهُ (tropical:) He put on him the garment in the manner described in the explanation of the phrase توشّح بِثَوْبِهِ. (M, L.) b4: توشّح بِسَيْفِهِ (S, K, &c.) (tropical:) i. q. تَقَلَّدَهُ: (K:) [or i. q.] توشّح بِحَمَائِلِ سَيْفِهِ He put the suspensories of his sword over his left shoulder, leaving the right bare: (T:) and توشّح بِنِجَادِهِ [signifies the same]. (A.) b5: توشح بِلِجَامِهِ (L) (tropical:) He threw the bit and bridle of his horse upon his shoulder, and put his arm through it, so that it became like a وِشَاح. (Expos. of the Mo'allakát printed at Calcutta, p. 171.) [See the verse of Lebeed quoted below.] b6: توشّح امْرَأَةً (tropical:) Inivit feminam: (A, TA:) or he embraced a woman round the neck, and turned her over. (TA.) 8 إِوْتَشَحَ see 5, in two places.

إِأُشَاحٌ: see وِشَاحٌ.

وِشَاحٌ and وُشَاحٌ, (S, K,) also written ↓ إِشَاحٌ and أُشَاحٌ, and by poetic licence ↓ وِشْحَنٌّ, (S.) An ornament worn by women, (L,) [consisting of] two series (كِرْسَانِ) of pearls and jewels strung or put together in regular order, which two series are disposed, or placed, contrariwise, (يُخَالَفُ بَيْنَهُمَا,) one of them being turned (مَعْطُوف) over the other [so that they cross each other]: (L, K:) or a thing woven of leather, and adorned with jewels, like a قِلَادَة, worn by a woman: (Msb:) or a wide [piece, or thing, of] leather, (K,) or a thing woven of leather, in a wide, or broad, form, (S,) and adorned with jewels, which a woman binds (تَشُدُّهُ) between her shoulders and her flanks: (Lth, S, Mgh, K:) or a قِلَادَة of the belly, which is sometimes long, so that the redundant portions of its two extremities are thrown over the shoulders: (Mgh:) or one of a pair of necklaces which a woman makes to hang down upon her sides; one upon her right side, and the other upon her left: (W. 144:) [hence it seems to be of different kinds; one kind consisting of two ornaments resembling necklaces, one of which rests upon the right shoulder and against the left flank, the other resting upon the left shoulder and against the right flank; another kind seems, from an expression in the A, “a woman bearing a وِشَاح, and وِشَاحَيْنِ,” to be one such ornament; another, an ornament resembling a necklace, thrown over the head, so as to rest upon the shoulders, crossing in front, and passing round the loins, and is tied or crossed in front, and of which the redundant portions are thrown over the shoulders: see also كَشْحٌ:] pl. وُشُحٌ and أَوْشِحَةٌ (S, K) and وَشَائِحُ: (M, K:) the last thought by ISd to be formed as though from وشاحة. (L.) b2: Lebeed says: وَلَقَدْ حَمَيْتُ الحَىَّ تَحْمِلُ شِكِّتِى

فُرُطٌ وِشَاحِى إِذْ غَدَوْتُ لِجَامُهَا [And I have protected the tribe; a swift, outstripping, horse, whose bit and bridle were my وِشَاح when I went away, bearing my arms: see توشّح بلجامه]: he relates his having gone forth as a scout for his people, mounted on his camel, with his horse by his side, and bearing its bit and bridle like a وشاح, so that he might bit the horse if he perceived the enemy. (L.) b3: وِشَاحٌ (assumed tropical:) A bow: (L:) [so called because of the manner in which it is worn]. b4: وِشَاحٌ (M) and ↓ وِشَاحَةٌ (M, K) (assumed tropical:) A sword: (M, K:) so called because of the manner in which it is worn: see 5. (M.) b5: هِىَ غَرْثَى الوِشَاحِ, [and عَطْشَى الوِشَاحِ, or عَطِشَةُ الوِشَاحِ, and جَائِعَةُ الوشاح,] (tropical:) She is slender in the belly and flanks. (K.) [See also art. غرث.]

وِشَاحَةٌ: see وِشَاحٌ.

وَشْحّآءُ A she-goat (S, K) that is black, (L,) with a white mark, or with two white marks, like a وِشَاح; expl. by مُوَشَّحَةٌ بِبَيَاضٍ. (S, L, K.) مُوَشَّحٌ (tropical:) A garment, and a cock, having two marks like a وِشَاح. (L.) b2: مُوَشَّحَةٌ (tropical:) A gazelle, and a sheep, and a bird, having two streaks, or strips, one on each side. (L.) [See صُلْصُلٌ.]
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