Lane's Lexicon

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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
4864. وقف19 4865. وقى8 4866. وك1 4867. وكأ16 4868. وكب14 4869. وكت124870. وكث6 4871. وكح7 4872. وكد14 4873. وكر18 4874. وكز15 4875. وكس18 4876. وكظ10 4877. وكع15 4878. وكف18 4879. وكل18 4880. وكن12 4881. وكى5 4882. ول1 4883. ولب9 4884. ولت7 4885. ولث10 4886. ولج19 4887. ولح7 4888. ولد18 4889. ولس10 4890. ولع16 4891. ولغ15 4892. ولف11 4893. ولم14 4894. وله15 4895. ولى8 4896. ومأ13 4897. ومت2 4898. ومد9 4899. ومض15 4900. ومى4 4901. ونب7 4902. ونى7 4903. وهب18 4904. وهت8 4905. وهث8 4906. وهج13 4907. وهد14 4908. وهر6 4909. وهق13 4910. وهل12 4911. وهم18 4912. وهن14 4913. وهى6 4914. ويب10 4915. ويح10 4916. ويس8 4917. ويل15 4918. ى1 4919. يأ2 4920. يأس10 4921. يب1 4922. يبس19 4923. يتم18 4924. يتن10 4925. يثم1 4926. يد4 4927. يربع2 4928. يرع15 4929. يرق10 4930. يرم3 4931. يرنأ7 4932. يزن6 4933. يسر20 4934. يشب4 4935. يشم4 4936. يطب6 4937. يفخ7 4938. يفع14 4939. يقت6 4940. يقظ16 4941. يقن15 4942. يلب10 4943. يم4 4944. يمر6 4945. يمن20 4946. ينبت2 4947. ينبث2 4948. ينم7 4949. يهت6 4950. يهمت1 4951. يوح6 4952. يوم19 4953. يى1 Prev. 100




1 وَكَتَ, aor. ـِ (inf. n. وَكَتٌ, He, or it, made a mark, or impression, or left a mark. (K.) You say وَكَتَ شَيْئًا He, or it, made a mark, or impression, or left a mark, upon a thing. (TK.) A2: وَكَتَ aor. ـِ inf. n. وَكْتٌ; and ↓ وِكّت, inf. n. تَوْكِيتٌ; He filled (K.) a قِرْبَة, (Lh,) or a cup, or the like, as also زكت. (Fr.) A3: وَكَتَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. وَكْتٌ, He walked, or went, with short steps. (Sh, K.) b2: He (a beast of carriage) raised and put down his feet quickly. (L.) b3: وَكَتَ المَشْىَ, inf. n. وَكْتٌ and وَكَتَانٌ, He went, or walked, with short steps, but in a heavy and ugly manner. (L.) b4: فِى سَيْرِهِ ↓ وَكّت He went with a particular kind of pace. (L, from Kr.) A4: وَكَتَ الكِتَابَ, inf. n. وَكْتٌ, He pointed, or dotted, the book, writing, or letter. (L.) 2 وَكَّثَتِ البُسْرَةُ inf. n. تَوْكِيتٌ, The date became speckled, by reason of its ripening. (S, M, K.) A2: See 1.

وَكْتٌ, (Nh, &c.,) or وَكْتَهٌ, (L,) A mark, (L,) or a small mark, (Nh,) in a thing, resembling a speck (نقطة), of a different colour from the thing itself: (Nh, L:) pl. of the latter [or rather coll. gen. n., of which the latter is the n. un.] وَكْتٌ. (L.) b2: وَكْتٌ A little; not much, a little thing. (Sh, K.) b3: وَكْتٌ and وَكْتَةٌ A speck that appears in a date by reason of its ripening. (TA.) b4: وَكْتَةٌ A speck (نُقْطَة) in a thing: (K:) or what resembles a نُقْطَة in a thing: (S:) a red speck, or spot, in the white of the eye, which, if neglected, becomes a وَدْقَة: (ISd:) or a white speck, or spot, in the black of the eye: (TA:) you say, فِى عيْنِهِ وكتةٌ [In his eye is a speck, &c.]. (S.) b5: فِى قَلْبِى وَكْتَةٌ مِمَّا قُلْتَ (tropical:) On my heart is a slight impression made by what thou saidst. (A.) وُكْتَةٌ i. q. فُرْضَةُ زَنْدٍ (K: in the CK, فَرْضة) [app., The notch in a wooden instrument for striking fire; as understood by Golius: but accord. to the TA, the notch, or the like, in the joint called زند of a camel].

وَكِيتٌ The act of calumniating, or slandering, syn. سِعَايَةٌ and وِشَايَةٌ, (K,) to one possessed of command, or power. (TA.) رَجَلٌ وَكَّاتٌ, mentioned by Kr; thought by ISd to be from وَكَتَ المَشْىَ; [and therefore to signify A man who walks, or goes, with short steps, but in a heavy and ugly manner]; because were it by the phrase mentioned by Kr [i. e.

وَكّت فى سيره] it would be مُوَكِّتٌ. (TA.) وَاكِتٌ, in a camel, i. q. نَاكِتٌ. (K.) مَوْكُوتٌ (tropical:) Changed in colour (كَمِدٌ) by reason of anxiety, or grief: (K:) or changed in colour (كَمِدٌ), and full of malevolence, and of anxiety, or grief. (TA.) b2: عَيْنٌ مَوْقُوتةٌ An eye in which is a وَكْتَة. (A, &c.) بُسْرَةٌ مُوَكِّتَةٌ, and مُوَكِّتٌ, (the latter on the authority of Seer, TA) A date speckled, or becoming speckled, by reason of its ripening. (T, M, K.) When it is speckled in the part next the stalk, it is called مُذَنِّبَةٌ (TA.) See بُسْرٌ.
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