1 وَقَتَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. وَقتٌ; and ↓ وقّت, inf. n. تَوْقِيتٌ; He determined, defined, or limited, a thing as to time; (IAth, L, Msb;) and otherwise: (L, Msb:) he determined, or defined, times. (S, K.) وَقَتَهُ He declared [or appointed] a time in which it should be done. (S.) وَقَتَ اللّٰهُ الصلَاةَ, aor. ـِ and ↓ وَقَّتَهَا, God hath determined, or defined, a time for prayer. (Msb.) ↓ وقّت, as also أَقَّتَ, He assigned, or appointed, for a thing, a particular time; he assigned, or appointed, a particular time for doing a thing. (IAth, L.) لِيَوْمِ ↓ وَقَّتُّهُ كَذَا [I appointed him, or it, for such a day]; like أَجَّلْتُهُ. (S.) b2: In the following words of the Kur. [lxxvii. 11,] وَإِذَا الرُّسُلُ أُقِّتَتْ, ↓ اقتت is a dial. form of وُقِّتَتْ, like as أُجُوهٌ is of وُجُوهٌ; (S;) and the meaning is And when the Apostles shall have one [particular] time assigned to them to decide between the people [to whom they have been sent to preach]: (Zj:) or, shall be collected at their appointed time, on the day of resurrection. (Fr.) This is the general reading: but there are other reading; namely, وُقِّتَتْ, and وُقِتَتْ, (S, TA,) and وُوقِتَتْ, which last is of the measure فُوعِلَتْ, from المُوَاقَتَةُ. (K.) b3: لَمْ يَقِتْ فى الخَمْرِ حَدًّا He (Mohammad) did not determine, or define, for [drinking wine,] a castigation consisting of a certain number [of blows, or stripes]. (TA, from a trad.) b4: وَقَتَ sometimes signifies He [i. e. God] made the entering upon the state of إِحْرَام in pilgrimage, and prayer at the commencement of its appointed time, obligatory, or incumbent, upon men. (TA.) b5: لِأَهْلِ المَدِينَةِ ذَا الحُلَيْفَةِ ↓ وَقَّتَ He appointed, for the people of El-Medeeneh, Dhu-l-Huleyfeh as the place where they should enter upon the state of إِحْرَام. (TA, from a trad.) 2 وَقَّتَ see 1 throughout.3 واقتهُ, inf. n. مُوَاقَتَهٌ, [He made an appointment with him for a particular time]. (K.) وَقْتٌ (S, K) A time; or space, or measure, of time, (M, L, K, Msb,) appointed for any affair; a season: (Msb:) mostly used with respect to what is past: (M, K:) sometimes with respect to the future: (TA:) as also ↓ مِيقَاتٌ, (K, Msb:) or, accord. to some, there is a difference between these two words; the former having an absolute signification, and the latter signifying a time appointed for the performance of some action: [as in the S:] (TA:) pl. of the former أَوْقَاتٌ, and of the latter مَوَاقِيتُ. (Msb.) [Hence, وَقْتَئِذٍ Then; at that time.] b2: وَقْتٌ (tropical:) A space, or measure, of local extension; as a mile, &c. (Sb.) مَوْقِتٌ, [of the measure] مَفْعِلٌ from الوَقْتُ: (S, K:) [it may therefore be an inf. n., or a noun of place, or a noun of time]. El-'Ajjáj says, وَالجَامِعُ النَّاسَ لِيَوْمِ المَوْقِتِ [And He who congregateth mankind for the day of the appointment of a particular time, or, of the place of a certain event, or, of the time of a certain event; i. e., for the day of resurrection]. (S.) مِيقَاتٌ: see وَقْتٌ. b2: Also, A place in which a certain action is appointed to be performed. (S.) Ex. مِيقَاتُ الحَجِّ The place where the pilgrims enter upon the state of إِحْرَام: (S, K:) you say, هٰذَا ميقاتُ أَهْلِ الشَّأْمِ This is the place where the people of Syria enter upon the state of احرام. (S.) b3: [Also, A place in which a meeting is appointed to take place at a particular time. Ex.] الآخِرَةُ مِيقَاتُ الخَلْقِ [The world to come is the place in which mankind are appointed to meet after the resurrection]. (L.) b4: [Also, That which determines the commencement, or the like, of a period &c. Ex.] الهِلَالُ ميقاتُ الشَّهْرِ [The crescent is that which determines the commencement of the month]. (L.) b5: See also مَوْقِتٌ.مَوْقُوتٌ and ↓ مُوَقَّتٌ Determined, defined, definite, or limited, as to time. (L.) b2: وَقْتٌ مَوْقُوتٌ, and ↓ مُوَقَّتٌ, A determined, defined, definite, or limited, time. (K.) b3: إِنَّ الصَّلَاةَ كَانَتْ عَلَى المُؤْمِنِينَ كِتَابًا مَوْقُوتًا [Kur. iv. 104,] For prayer is to the believers a prescript, or an appointment, or ordinance, ordained [to be performed] in the times [thereof]. (S, K, &c.) b4: Also [مَوْقُوثٌ (see 1) and] ↓ مُوَقَّتٌ Determined, defined, or definite, as to its extreme limit, extent, or amount: (L:) both signify anything defined, definite, or limited. (Msb.) مُوَقَّتٌ: see مَوْقُوتٌ.