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Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
4673. هيم17 4674. هين7 4675. هيه9 4676. و11 4677. وأ3 4678. وأب64679. وأد13 4680. وأر7 4681. وأل13 4682. وأم13 4683. وأى5 4684. وب1 4685. وبأ16 4686. وبت4 4687. وبخ12 4688. وبد9 4689. وبر18 4690. وبش15 4691. وبص14 4692. وبل17 4693. وبه10 4694. وبى1 4695. وت2 4696. وتا1 4697. وتب3 4698. وتح10 4699. وتد19 4700. وتر22 4701. وتن14 4702. وتى1 4703. وث1 4704. وثا1 4705. وثب15 4706. وثج8 4707. وثر16 4708. وثق18 4709. وثم9 4710. وثن17 4711. وثى1 4712. وج2 4713. وجأ13 4714. وجب17 4715. وجح10 4716. وجد17 4717. وجذ6 4718. وجر15 4719. وجز13 4720. وجس14 4721. وجع14 4722. وجن15 4723. وجه16 4724. وجى2 4725. وح1 4726. وحب2 4727. وحت4 4728. وحج3 4729. وحد19 4730. وحش15 4731. وحف16 4732. وحل14 4733. وحم14 4734. وحن6 4735. وحى8 4736. وخ1 4737. وخد12 4738. وخذ2 4739. وخز13 4740. وخش15 4741. وخض7 4742. وخط13 4743. وخف13 4744. وخم15 4745. وخى4 4746. ود2 4747. ودأ9 4748. ودب4 4749. ودج17 4750. ودح7 4751. ودع21 4752. ودق16 4753. ودك15 4754. ودن11 4755. ودى8 4756. وذأ9 4757. وذب5 4758. وذح10 4759. وذر18 4760. وذم13 4761. ورأ10 4762. ورب9 4763. ورث19 4764. ورخ8 4765. ورد22 4766. ورس18 4767. ورش15 4768. ورط17 4769. ورع19 4770. ورف12 4771. ورق19 4772. ورك19 Prev. 100




أب1 وَأَبَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. وَأْبَةٌ [app. a mistake for وَأْبٌ and إِبَةٌ], It (a hoof) was contracted in its edges, or in its fore edges. (Az.) See وَأْبٌ. b2: وَأَبَ, aor. ـِ (S, K,) inf. n. وَأْبٌ (S) and إِبَةٌ (S, K) He contracted himself, or drew himself together, or shrank; and was ashamed. (S, K.) b3: وَأَبَ (TA) and ↓ اٰتَّأَبَ (S, K) He was ashamed, (S, K,) مِنْ شَىْءٍ of a thing. (TA.) b4: وَأَبَ, aor. ـِ i. q. انف [app. meaning He was disdainful]. (TA.) b5: وَئِبَ, [aor. ـْ see وَطِئَ:] He was angry. (K.) 4 أَوْءَبَهُ He did to him an action of which one should be ashamed: (S, K:) or he made him angry: [mentioned twice in the K: once as though there were no difference of opinion respecting it:] or he turned him, or drove him, back with ignominy, from his affair, or from the object of his want: (so in the copies of the K; but in an old copy, relied upon as correct, of the Tahdheeb el-Af'ál, from his companion, عن صاحبه: TA:) as also ↓ اِتَّأَبَهُ; (K;) meaning he turned him, or drove him, back with ignominy: (TA:) or اوءبه also signifies he turned him, or drove him, back from his affair, or from the object of his want. (S.) 8 اِتَّأَبَ: see 1 and 4.

وَأْبٌ, as an epithet applied to a solid hoof, Strong, contracted in the edges, or in the fore edges, and light: (K:) or simply strong: (L, art. رضح:) or round like a cup (such as is called قَعْبٌ); cup-shaped; (S, K;) and that takes [app. meaning occupies] much of the ground: [(see also تَنَاهَبَ:) accord. to Freytag, hollowed within, so that it takes up (tollat) much earth:] (K:) or i. q. حفيظ: (Az, as cited in the TA:) [but this I incline to think a mistake for خَفِيفٌ light:] or of excellent size: (K:) or of moderate size; not wide, nor contracted. (T.) b2: وَأْبُ الحَوَافِرِ Having hoofs contracted in the edges, or in the fore edges. (Az.) See also وَأْبٌ above. b3: وَأْبٌ A large, or big, and wide, arrow: (K:) [but I think that, for مِنَ القِدَاحِ, in the K, we should read من الأقْدَاحِ; and that وأب is therefore an epithet applied to a cup, such as is called قَدَحٌ; as Golius and Freytag have understood it; and not to a قِدْح: see what follows]. إِنَاءٌ وَأْبٌ A large, or big, and wide, vessel: a wide vessel: pl. أَوْآبٌ. قدحٌ وأبٌ A large, or big, deep, and wide, [cup]. (TA.) b4: قِدْرٌ وَأْبَةٌ A wide, or ample, cooking-pot. (TA.) b5: See also وَثِيبٌ. b6: وَأْبٌ A great camel: (S, K:) accord. to some. (S.) b7: وَأْبَةٌ A short and broad she-camel, or woman. (TA.) b8: A female of middling make, between good and bad, or handsome and ugly. (TA.) b9: A small hollow, or cavity, in a rock, that retains water. (S, K.) b10: بِئْرٌ وَأْبَةٌ A wide and deep well: (K:) or a deep well. (L, K.) وَئِيبٌ Wide, or ample: syn. رَغِيبٌ. (TA.) b2: قِدْرٌ وَئِيبَهٌ A deep cooking-pot. (T, K.) إِبَةٌ, (S, K,) in which the ة is a substitute for the [incipient radical] و, (S,) and ↓ تُؤَبَةٌ, (S, K,) in which the ت is originally و, (S,) and ↓ مَوْثِبَةٌ, (K,) A disgrace; a shame; a thing of which one should be ashamed: disgrace, or ignominy: (S, K:) shame; (K;) and a contracting of one's self, or shrugging: (TA:) a vice; fault; or the like. (Aboo-'Amr Esh-Sheybánee.) b2: Ex. نَكَحَ فُلَانٌ فِى إِبَةٍ [Such a one married in a manner that was disgraceful; or, of which one should be ashamed: i. e., married a woman of low origin, or the like]. (S.) b3: Dhu-r-Rummeh says, إِذَا المَرَئِىُّ شَبَّ لَهُ بَنَات عَصَبْنَ بِرَأْسِهِ إِبَةً وَعَارَا [When the Maraee has daughters that have attained to puberty, they bind upon his head disgrace and ignominy]. (S.) b4: ↓ طَعَامُ تُؤَبَةٍ (or طَعَامٌ ذُو تُؤَبَةٍ, as in the TA,) Food of which one should be ashamed to eat. Mentioned by AA on the authority of an eloquent Arab of the desert. (S.) تُؤَبَةٌ and مَوْئِبَةٌ: see إِبَةٌ.

مُوئِبَاتٌ Foul, or disgraceful, qualities, or dispositions. (S, K.)
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