1 نَفَخَ بِفَمِهِ, (K,) aor. ـُ [accord, to Golius and Freytag, incorrectly, نَفَخَ; see Kur, iii. 43, &c.] inf. n. نَفْخٌ; (Msb;) and ↓ نفّخ, (K,) inf. n. تَنْفِيخٌ; (TA;) He blew with his mouth; sent forth wind from his mouth; (K;) this is done in taking rest, and in labour or exertion, and the like. (L.) نَفَخَ is mostly used as a neut. v.; but sometimes it is trans., as many have asserted: you say نَفَخَ الصُّورَ, as well as نَفَخَ فِيهِ, He blew the trumpet, or blew into the trumpet: (MF, TA:) نَفَخَهُ is a dial. form of نَفَخَ فِيهِ: (S:) also, نَفَخَ فِى النَّارِ [he blew the fire; or blew into the fire]: [see 8 (last sentence) in art. قوت:] and نَفَخَ فىالزِّقِّ [he blew into, or inflated, the skin]: and sometimes one says نَفَخَهُ. (Msb.) نُفْخُوا occurs in a verse of El-Katámee for نُفِخُوا. (S.) b2: نَفَخَ الشَّيْطَانُ فِى أَنْفِهِ (assumed tropical:) [The devil blew into his nose]: said of him who aspires to that which is not for him. (TA.) b3: نَفَخَ شِدْقَيْهِ (tropical:) [He inflated, or puffed out, the sides of his mouth; meaning] he was proud, or affected pride. (A.) b4: نَفَخَهُ, aor. ـُ inf. n. نَفْخٌ, It (food) inflated him, or filled him. (L.) b5: نَفِخَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. (L) نَفَخٌ, (S, L,) He (a man, S, and a horse, L) had inflated testicles. (S, L.) b6: Also, He (a beast of carriage) had his pasterns inflated with wind. When a beast thus affected walks, the humour subsides. (L.) b7: نَفَخَ نِهَا Pepedit; crepitum ventris emisit. (S, K.) b8: نَفَخَتِ الرِّيحُ The wind came suddenly. (L.) b9: نَفَخَتْ بِهِمُ الطَّرِيقُ (tropical:) The road cast [or brought] them suddenly [to a place]: from نفخت الريح. (L.) A2: نَفَخَتِ الضُّحَى, inf. n. نَفْخٌ, (tropical:) The morning became advanced, and the sun high. (L, K.) You say also النَّهَارُ ↓ انتفخ (tropical:) The day became advanced, the sun being high, (S, L,) an hour before noon. (L.) 2 نَفَّخَ see 1.5 تَنَفَّخَ see 8.8 انتفخ It (a thing, S, as a skin, Msb,) became inflated, or puffy; (S, A, Msb;) as also ↓ تنفّخ: (A:) also, it became swollen; i. q. وَرِمَ. (K, art. ورم.) b2: انتفخ He became inflated, or filled, by food. (L.) See 1. b3: إِنْتِفَاخُ الأَهِلَّةِ (tropical:) The bigness [or swelling] of the new moons. Occurring in a trad. respecting the signs of the last day. (L.) [See انتفج.]
b4: انتفخ عَلَىَّ (assumed tropical:) [He became inflated against me; i. e.] he was angry with me. (TA.) And انتفخ لَهُ (assumed tropical:) [He behaved angrily to him]. (TA in art. زحر.) نَفْخٌ [Flatulence. b2: And hence,] (tropical:) Boastfulness; arrogance; pride; (S, K;) [inflation with pride]: pride was termed by Mohammad نَفْخُ الشَّيْطَانِ. (TA, art. همز.) b3: رَجُلٌ ذُو نَفْخٍ, as also ذو نَفْجِ, (tropical:) A boastful, arrogant, proud man; (S;) [a man inflated with pride].
نُفُخٌ (assumed tropical:) A young man (TA) full of youthfulness [or youthful plumpness or vigour]; (K;) and so, without ة, a damsel. (TA.) نَفْخَةٌ and نُفْخَةٌ and نِفْخَةٌ Inflation of the belly (S, K) by food &c. (TA.) You say بِهِ نفخةٌ He has an inflation of the body: (K:) and أَجِدُ نفخةً I experience an inflation of the body. (S.) b2: [And A flatulent humour of any kind: a meaning well known.] b3: النَّفْخَةُ The blast [of the horn] of the day of resurrection. (L.) b4: نَفْخَةٌ A slight odour: differing from نَفْحَةٌ, which is a plenteous odour. (L.) b5: نَفْخَةُ الشَّبَابِ (tropical:) The chief part of youth. (L.) نَفْخَةُ الرَّبِيعِ (tropical:) The time of the season called الربيع when the earth produces herbs, or herbage: (A:) or نُفْخَةُ الربيع, and نِفْخَتُهُ, the time of that season when vegetation has ended. (Az:) b6: نُفْخَةٌ A disease that attacks a horse, and makes his testicles to swell. (L.) b7: See نُفَّاخٌ.
نَفْخَآءُ (applied to land, or ground, S) i. q. نَبْخَآءُ: (S, L, K:) or elevated and good or fertile ground, in which is no sand nor stones, producing a few trees; and so نَهْدَآءُ, except that this latter is more flat and extensive: or soft land, in which is elevation: (L:) or tumid earth, that breaks in pieces when trodden upon: (TA, voce رَخَّآءُ:) pl. نَفَاخِىُّ: it has a form of pl. proper to substs, because it is an epithet in which the quality of a subst. predominates. (L.) b2: نَفْخَآءُ The upper part of the bone of the ساق [or shank, or tibia]. (K.) نَفِيخٌ One who is employed to blow a fire. (K.) نُفَّاخٌ An inflation of a humour occasioned by disease, (T, K,) arising in any part: (T:) a humour; as also ↓ نَفْخَةٌ. (L.) b2: See نُفَّاخَةٌ.
نُفَّاخَةٌ A bubble upon water. (L, K [but in some copies of the K, for الحَجَاةُ is erroneously put الحجارة.]) b2: [The air-bladder of a fish;] an inflated thing in the belly of a fish, which is (as they assert, L,) its نِصَاب [app. meaning its most essential part, or element,] by means of which it rises in the water, and moves to and fro. (L, K.) b3: A bladder of a plant (S, O, L, voce قَتَادٌ, &c.) N. un. of نُفَّاخٌ (AHn, in TA, voce عُشَّرٌ.) [And in anatomy, A cell.]
مَا بِالدَّارِ نَافِخُ ضَرَمَةٍ [There is not in the house a blower of a fire; i. e.,] there is not in the house any one. (S.) b2: نَافِخٌ حِضْنَيْهِ [A man inflating, or puffing out, his sides;] inflated, and ready to do mischief, or evil. (L, from a trad.) أَنْفَخُ A man, (S, L, K,) and a horse, (L,) having inflated testicles: (S, L, K:) syn. of آدَرُ. (Mgh, in art, ادر.) b2: Also, A beast of carriage having his pasterns inflated with wind: see نَفِخَ. (L.) رَجُلٌ أُنْفُخَانٌ, and إِنْفِخَانٌ, and أُنْفُخَانِىٌّ, and إِنْفِخَانِىٌّ, fem. with ة, (assumed tropical:) A man full of fat; (K;) inflated with flaccid fat, and so ↓ رحل مَنْفُوخٌ; pl. مَنْفُوخُوَن. (TA.) مِنْفَخٌ: see what follows.
مِنْفَاخٌ (S, L, Msb, K) and ↓ مِنْفَخٌ (Msb) The instrument with which a fire is blown; (Msb, K:) a blacksmith's bellows: the thing with which a fire or other thing is blown: (L:) the thing into which one blows. (S.) See also كيرٌ b2: مِنْفَاخُ الرَّاعِى The instrument [i. e. reed-pipe] of the pastor, with which he calls together the camels. (A, TA, voce شِيَاعٌ.) مَنَافِخُ الشَّيْطَانِ (assumed tropical:) The suggestions of the devil (TA.) مَنْفُوخٌ (assumed tropical:) Big-bellied; (K, TA;) [inflated in the belly]. b2: Also, (K,) ↓ مُنْتَفِخٌ, (TA,) (tropical:) Fat; as an epithet; (A, K;) [inflated, or swollen, with fat]. See أُنْفِخَانٌ. b3: مَنْفُوخٌ (tropical:) A coward: so called because he swells out his lungs. (L.) مُنْتَفِخٌ (tropical:) A man inflated, or puffed, or filled, with pride, and with anger. (L.) See مَنْفُوخٌ.