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Lane's Lexicon

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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
4316. نسف17 4317. نسك16 4318. نسل17 4319. نسم18 4320. نش4 4321. نشأ154322. نشب15 4323. نشج13 4324. نشد13 4325. نشر20 4326. نشز18 4327. نشط19 4328. نشف17 4329. نشق14 4330. نص5 4331. نصأ7 4332. نصب20 4333. نصح16 4334. نصر15 4335. نصع13 4336. نصف22 4337. نصل18 4338. نصم3 4339. نصى2 4340. نض4 4341. نضب16 4342. نضج16 4343. نضح17 4344. نضد17 4345. نضر18 4346. نضل17 4347. نضو11 4348. نطأ1 4349. نطب9 4350. نطح16 4351. نطر12 4352. نطس14 4353. نطش7 4354. نطع16 4355. نطف18 4356. نطق16 4357. نطل14 4358. نطم3 4359. نطو7 4360. نظر19 4361. نظف18 4362. نظم16 4363. نعب15 4364. نعت15 4365. نعث7 4366. نعج14 4367. نعر16 4368. نعس17 4369. نعش15 4370. نعظ9 4371. نعق16 4372. نعل18 4373. نعم24 4374. نعو7 4375. نغ2 4376. نغب12 4377. نغت5 4378. نغث3 4379. نغر16 4380. نغص13 4381. نغض16 4382. نغف13 4383. نغق12 4384. نغل16 4385. نغم13 4386. نغو5 4387. نفأ7 4388. نفت9 4389. نفث19 4390. نفج14 4391. نفخ16 4392. نفد17 4393. نفذ20 4394. نفر21 4395. نفز10 4396. نفس22 4397. نفش19 4398. نفض18 4399. نفط16 4400. نفع15 4401. نفق22 4402. نفل21 4403. نفى5 4404. نقب25 4405. نقت7 4406. نقث9 4407. نقح16 4408. نقخ10 4409. نقد16 4410. نقذ16 4411. نقر20 4412. نقرس11 4413. نقز15 4414. نقس18 4415. نقش17 Prev. 100




أ1 نَشَأَ, aor. ـَ and نَشُؤَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. نَشْءٌ and نُشُوْءٌ and نَشَآءٌ and نَشْأَةٌ and نَشَآءَةٌ; He lived; (K;) and (accord. to Sh) he rose, or became elevated, or high. (TA.) b2: [It rose.] b3: النَّشْأَةُ الأُخْرَى, or النَّشَآءَةُ, [Kur, liii. 48,] The resurrection: [lit., the other life]. (TA.) b4: النَّشْأَةُ الآخِرَةُ, or النَّشَآءَةُ, [Kur, xxix. 19, the same: lit., the latter life]. (TA.) [See also نَشْأَةٌ below.] b5: نَشَأَ, (S, K,) inf. n. نَشْءٌ and نَشَآءٌ (TA) and نُشُوْءٌ; (S;) He grew up, (K,) and became a youth, or young man. (S, K.) [See نَاشِئٌ.] b6: نَشَأْتُ فِى بَنِى

فُلَانٍ, (S,) and مَنْشَئِى فى بنى فلان, (TA.) I grew up, and became a young man, among the sons of such a one. (S, TA.) b7: نَشَأَ, (S, K,) inf. n. نَشْءٌ and نُشُوْءٌ, (TA,) It (a cloud) rose, (S, K,) and appeared: said of its first begin-ning. (TA.) b8: نَشَأَ He arose. (TA.) b9: [It became produced; it originated; عَنْ from another thing. See 4.] b10: It happened, occurred, or came to pass. (TA.) b11: نَشَأَ لَهُ رَأْىٌ [An opinion occurred to him, or arose in his mind]. (S, K, art. بدو.) 2 نُشِّئَ and ↓ أُنْشِئَ are syn., (S, K,) [signifying He was reared, made to grow, or grow up, and to become a young man.] See 4.4 انشأ He (i. e. God) raised the clouds. (S, K.) b2: انشأ عَلَمًا He set up a beacon, or sign of the way, in a desert or highway: (TA:) and so عَلَمًا ↓ استنشأ He set up a beacon, or sign of the way. (A.) b3: انشأهُ, inf. n. إِنْشَآءٌ, He (i. e. God) caused him to attain the age of manhood, or nearly that age. (TA.) See 2. b4: انشأ and ↓ نشأ [so TA: app. نشّأ:] He (i. e. God) created; produced; originated. (S.) انشأ اللّٰهُ الخَلْقَ God originated the creation. (TA.) b5: أَنْشَأْتُهُ I originated it; brought it into being or existence; made it, or produced it, for the first time, it not having been before. (Msb.) b6: انشأ He founded or began to build, a house [&c.]. (K.) b7: He framed or constructed, a proverb, or phrase. (TA.) b8: He composed language [such as an ode or the like]. (TA.) b9: He recited poetry, or a خُطْبَة, well. (IAar.) b10: He forged a tradition, (S, K,) and attributed it [to the Prophet]. (Lth) b11: انشأ, followed by an aor. , He began (S, K) to relate, (K,) or say, (TA,) or do. (S.) A2: انشأ مِنْهُ He went forth from it. (K.) Ex. مِنْ أَيْنَ أَنْشَأْتَ, Whence hast thou come forth? (TA.) A3: انشأت النَّاقَةُ The she-camel conceived: (K:) of the dial. of Hudheyl. (TA.) A4: انشأ عَلَيْهِ He came to, advanced to, or approached him or it. (TA.) 5 تنشّأ لِحَاجَتِهِ He rose and went to accomplish his affair, or business. (AA, K.) b2: تنشّأ

عَادِيًا He arose and went running to accomplish his affair. (AA.) 10 إِسْتَنْشَاَ see 4.

A2: يَسْتَنْشِئُ الرِّيحَ He scents the wind: said of a wolf: (ISk, S:) and استنشأ الأَخْبَارَ He sought, or searched after, news: (K, TA:) in both instances, with and without ء; (S, * L;) being derived from نَشِيتُ الرِّيحَ (S, L) and رَجُلٌ نَشْيَانُ لِلْخَبَرِ: [see also مُسْتَنْشِئَة.] (L.) A3: إِسْتَنْشَأْتُهُ قَصِيدَةً [I requested him to compose, or, perhaps, to recite an ode, or the like]. (A.) نَشْءٌ and ↓ نَشِىْءٌ Risen clouds: (K:) or the first that rises of them: (S, K:) or their first appearance: (ex. لِهٰذَا السَّحَابِ نَشْءٌ حَسَنٌ These clouds have a good first appearance:) or clouds when they appear like a piece of drapery (مُلَآءَة) spread out. (TA.) b2: نَشْءٌ The exhalation, or odour, of wine. (IAar.) [See 10.] b3: See نَاشِئٌ. b4: Also, The young ones of camels: (Kr, K:) pl. [or rather quasi-pl. n.] نَشَأٌ. (K.) نَشْأَةٌ and ↓ نَشَآءَةٌ A creation; an original production. (Aboo-'Amr Ibn-El-'Ala, S) [See also 1.] b2: See نَشِيْئَةٌ.

نَشَآءَةٌ: see what precedes.

نَشِىْءٌ: see نَشْءٌ.

نَشِيْئَةٌ The first part that is made of a tank, or cistern. (ISk, S, K.) b2: بَادِى النّشيْئة A tank, or cistern, of which the water is dried up, and the bottom apparent. (S.) b3: Also, نشيئة The stone that is placed in the bottom of a tank, or cistern. (A'Obeyd, S, K.) b4: The earth that is behind the نَصَائِب, (K,) which are the stones that are set up around the tank, the interstices between which stones are filled up with kneaded clay: (TA:) or it is said to signify what is constructed round the tank; also called أَعْضَادٌ. (TA.) b5: نشيئةُ البِئْرِ The earth that is taken forth from the well. (TA.) b6: نَشِيْئَةٌ What is fresh and green of the plant which is called, when dry, طَرِيفَةٌ. (K, * TA.) b7: And (which is nearly as above, L,) The plants نَصِىّ and صِلِّيَان: (L, K:) or accord. to AHn, the plant called تَفِرَة, when it has become a little thick, and high, and is yet fresh and green: (TA:) or, (as he says on another occasion, TA,) what has sprung, or sprouted up, of any plant, and not yet become thick; as also ↓ نَشْأَةٌ. (K.) See نَاشِئٌ, at the end.

نَاشِئٌ A young person past the age of puberty: (TA:) or a boy or girl past the age of childhood: (S, K:) or a comely young man: (IAar:) or a youth who has attained the stature of a man: (AHeyth:) a girl, as well as a boy, is called thus; (TA;) and they also say, جَارِيَةٌ نَاشِئَةٌ. (AA.) Pl. نَشْءٌ and نَشَأٌ (S, K [or these two are rather quasi-pl. ns.,] or the ↓ former is an inf. n. used as an epithet, Aboo-Moosa,) and نَاشِئُونَ (AHeyth) and نَواشِئُ: (TA:) or the last is a pl. of ناشئ as applied to a girl. (MF.) Lth says that ↓ نَشْءٌ signifies Young people; or youths; and is used in the sing. also: ex. هُوَ نَشْءُ سَوْءٍ He is a bad youth: and he says that he had never heard ناشئ used as an epithet for a girl. Fr says that the ء of the pl. نَشْءٌ is sometimes suppressed, and they say, in the nom. نَشُو صدْقٍ

[Excellent youths]; acc., نَشَا صدق; gen. نَشِى

صدق. (TA.) b2: نَاشِئٌ Clouds not completely collected together. Hence, it is said, is derived the expression نَشَأَ الصَّبِىُّ; which is therefore tropical. (TA.) b3: نَاشِئٌ Whatever happens (and, perhaps, appears TA,) in the night: pl. نَاشِئَةٌ; (K;) a strange form of pl. of a word of the measure قَاعِلٌ: (M, F:) or نَاشِئَةٌ [see Kur, lxxiii. 6,] is an inf. n. (K) in the sense of قِيَامٌ: (TA:) AM says, that ناشئةُ اللَّيْلِ signifies قيام الليل the rising in the night: (TA:) or ناشئة signifies the first part of the night, and of the day: or the first of the hours of the night: (S, K:) or a pious act of the night; i. e., performed in the night: (S:) or every hour of the night in which one rises: (K:) or every hour of the night: (Zj:) or a rising after a sleeping, (K,) in the first part of the night; (TA;) as also ↓ نَشِيْئَةٌ. (K.) مَنْشَأٌ The place of origination of anything, properly and tropically; its source.]

مُنْشَأٌ and ↓ مُسْتَنْشَأٌ A beacon, or sign of the way, raised and pointed. (K.) [See the verbs.]

b2: Also, the former, An elevated hill. b3: الجَوَارِى المسْشَآتُ [Kur, lv. 24,] The ships with elevated sails: (Mujáhid, S, K:) or, accord. to one reading, ↓ المُنْشِئَاتُ, The ships elevating their sails: (TA:) or, advancing and retiring; or coming and going: (Fr:) or, commencing their courses. (TA.) نَاقَةٌ مُنْشِئٌ A she-camel that has conceived: (K:) of the dial. of Hudheyl. (TA.) b2: See مُنْشَأٌ.

مُسْتَنْشَأٌ: see مُنْشَأٌ.

مُسْتَنْشِئَةٌ, (K,) also without ء, (TA,) A female diviner: (K:) so called because she seeks, or searches after, news: see the verb: or from انشأ “ he originated: ” (TA:) or مُسْتَنْشِئَةُ, without tenween, is the proper name of a certain female diviner, (T,) one of the Muwelledehs (مُوَلَّدَات) of Kureysh, in the time of Mohammad. (TA.)
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