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Lane's Lexicon

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3471. قلت15 3472. قلح17 3473. قلخ7 3474. قلد18 3475. قلس17 3476. قلص223477. قلع15 3478. قلف16 3479. قلفع3 3480. قلق14 3481. قلقس5 3482. قلم19 3483. قلمس7 3484. قلو7 3485. قم4 3486. قمأ9 3487. قمح15 3488. قمحد3 3489. قمد8 3490. قمر20 3491. قمس14 3492. قمش11 3493. قمص17 3494. قمط15 3495. قمطر14 3496. قمع18 3497. قمل17 3498. قمه8 3499. قمهد5 3500. قن7 3501. قنأ14 3502. قنب15 3503. قنبر8 3504. قنبط5 3505. قنبع6 3506. قنت18 3507. قنح12 3508. قند13 3509. قنر7 3510. قنس9 3511. قنص13 3512. قنط17 3513. قنطر12 3514. قنع18 3515. قنفد4 3516. قنفذ8 3517. قنقل5 3518. قنو14 3519. قهب9 3520. قهد10 3521. قهر15 3522. قهزب3 3523. قهق2 3524. قهقب4 3525. قهقر10 3526. قهقم3 3527. قهل10 3528. قهنب3 3529. قو2 3530. قوب15 3531. قوت17 3532. قوح11 3533. قود14 3534. قور17 3535. قوس17 3536. قوض13 3537. قوط12 3538. قوع15 3539. قوف13 3540. قوق11 3541. قول15 3542. قولنج3 3543. قوم19 3544. قوه12 3545. قوى5 3546. قيا2 3547. قيح16 3548. قيد16 3549. قير15 3550. قيس18 3551. قيص10 3552. قيض20 3553. قيظ14 3554. قيق7 3555. قيل18 3556. قين16 3557. ك6 3558. كَ2 3559. كأ1 3560. كأب11 3561. كأد11 3562. كأس13 3563. كأكأ10 3564. كأن4 3565. كأى1 3566. كب4 3567. كبا6 3568. كبت18 3569. كبث11 3570. كبح15 Prev. 100





, or القَلاَئِصُ, Some small stars before الدَّبَرَانُ; [i. e., towards التُّرَيَّا; being between the Hyades and t(??) (??)eiades;] following الثريّا. (Mir-át ez-Zemán.) Or The Hyades.


1 قَلَصَ, (S, M, A, &c.) aor. ـِ inf. n. قُلُوصٌ, (S, M, Msb, K,) [has, among its significations, three which I mention together because two of them are assigned to it in one of the phrases here following, and all of them in another:] It contracted, or shrank; or became contracted or shrunk; (S, M, Mgh, L, Msb, K; *) as also ↓ قلّص, (S, Mgh, K, *) inf. n. تَقْلِيصٌ; (K;) and ↓ تقلّص: (S, M, * Mgh, Msb, * K:) and i. q. اِرْتَفَعَ; [which has two significations: it rose, or became raised: and it went away:] (S, M, * A, Mgh, Msb, * K; *) as also ↓ قلّص, and ↓ تقلّص. (A, Mgh.) You say, قَلَصَ الظِّلُّ, (S, M, A, Mgh, Msb, K,) and قلّص (TA) and تقلّص (Mgh) and ↓ اقلص, (Fr, TA,) The shade contracted, or shrank, (M, K, TA,) عَنِّى from me: (M, K:) or decreased: (TA:) or went away; syn. اِرْتَفَعَ: (S, Msb, TA:) all of which explanations are correct. (TA.) and قَلَصَتْ شَفَتُهُ His lip became contracted; (S, M, Msb, K;) as also ↓ تقلّصت: (Msb:) or became contracted upwards. (A, TA.) And قَلَصَ الضَّرْعُ The udder became drawn together. (TA.) and قَلَصَ الثَّوْبُ بَعْدَ الغَسْلِ The garment, or piece of cloth, contracted, or shrank, after the washing. (S, Msb, K.) And القَمِيصُ ↓ قلّص, inf. n. تَقْلِيصٌ; (K, TA;) or ↓ تقلّص; (M, TA;) The shirt became contracted, or raised, or tucked up: (M, K, TA:) and in like manner, الدِّرْعُ ↓ قلّصت, and ↓ تقلّصت, [the coat of mail became contracted,] most frequently meaning upwards. (TA.) b2: It (water) collected in a well, and became abundant: (IKtt, TA:) or rose (S, M, K) in a well; (S;) syn. اِرْتَفَعَ: (S, M, K:) or, when said of the water of a well, it signifies اِرْتَفَعَ as meaning it went away: and also as meaning it rose by its becoming copious: (A, TA:) thus it has two contr. significations: and it is also said that قَلَصَتِ البِئْرُ signifies the water of the well rose to its upper part: and the well became nearly, or entirely, exhausted: (TA:) and قَلَصَ الغَدِيرُ the water of the pool left by a torrent went away. (M.) b3: قَلَصَتْ نَفْسُهُ, (M, K,) aor. ـِ inf. n. قَلْصٌ, (M,) and قَلِصَتْ, (M, K,) with kesr; (K;) His soul heaved; or became agitated by a tendency to vomit; syn. غَثَتْ: (M, K:) and a dial. form thereof is with س [i. e. قَلَسَتْ, and also لَقِسَتْ]. (TA.) b4: Also قَلَصَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. قُلُوصٌ, He leaped, sprang, or bounded. (AA, K.) b5: قَلَصَتِ الإِبِلُ; (so in a copy of the A;) and ↓ قلّصت, (M, K,) inf. n. تَقْلِيصٌ; (K;) [probably signify the same: or] the former signifies The camels rose in their pace, or going: (A:) and the latter, they (the camels) were light, or active, and quick, or were vigorous, (شَمَّرَتْ,) in their pace, or going: (M:) or went on in one regular, uniform, or constant, course. (K.) b6: قَلَصَ, inf. n. قُلُوصٌ, also signifies He went away; (IB, TA;) and so ↓ قلّص, inf. n. تَقْلِيصٌ: (TA:) each likewise signifies the same, but the latter in an intensive sense, said of tears; and so the latter when said of anything: (TA:) and so ↓ تقلّص said of an animal's milk. (Mgh.) b7: Also, قَلَصَ القَوْمُ, inf. n. قُلُوصٌ, The company of men took up their luggage, (O, TS, K,) or collected themselves together, (L,) and went, or departed: (O, TS, L, K:) or they became distant, or remote: (TA:) or removed, or migrated, quickly from the dwelling. (A, TA.) b8: And قَلَصَ الغُلَامُ, inf. n. as above, The boy grew up and walked. (TA.) See قَلُوصٌ.2 قَلَّصَ see 1, passim: b2: see also 4.

A2: قلّص قَمِيصَهُ He contracted his shirt; he raised it, or tucked it up. (M, K, * TA.) Thus the verb is trans. as well as intrans. (K.) b2: قلّص بِيْنَ الرَّجُلَيْنِ He separated the two men, each from the other, in a case of reviling or fighting; syn. خَلَّصَ. (M.) 4 اقلص: see 1, second sentence. b2: It (a camel's hump) began to come forth: (IKtt, TA:) and, said of a camel, his hump appeared in some degree, (ISk, S, K, TA,) and rose: (TA:) and in like manner اقلصت said of a she-camel: (TA:) or the latter signifies she (a camel) became fat in her hump; as also ↓ قلّصت; and in like manner one says of a he-camel [اقلص and ↓ قلّص]: (M:) or she became fat in the [season called]

صَيْف: (S, M, * K:) or i. q. غَارَتْ; [so in the copies of the K, evidently a mistake for غَارَّتْ, q. v.;] and her milk went away, or became drawn up; (K;) [a signification nearly agreeing with explanations of غارّت;] opposed to أَنْزَلَتْ. (TA.) See also قَلَصٌ.5 تَقَلَّصَ see 1, passim.

قَلْصٌ Abundance of water: and, contr., paucity thereof: (TA:) and ↓ قَلَصَةٌ and ↓ قَلْصَةٌ have the former of these significations: (M:) or ↓ قَلَصَةٌ signifies water of a well collecting therein and rising: (S, K:) and so ↓ قَلْصَةٌ, accord. to some lexicologists, as mentioned by Ibn-El-Ajdábee: (IB:) the pl. of قَلَصَةٌ is قَلَصَاتٌ: (S, K:) and the pl. [or rather quasi-pl. n.] of قَلْصَةٌ is ↓ قَلَصٌ. (IB.) An Arab of the desert is related to have said, مِنَ المَاءِ ↓ فَمَا وَجَدْتُ فِيهَا إِلَّا قَلْصَةً, meaning, And I found not in it [i. e. the well] save a little quantity of water. (TA.) قَلَصٌ: see قَلْصٌ.

A2: The beginning of a she-camel's becoming fat; as also ↓ قُلُوصٌ. (M.) See 4.

قَلْصَةٌ and قَلَصَةٌ: see قَلْصٌ, throughout.

قَلُوصٌ A young, or youthful, she-camel; (S, M, Msb, K;) i. e. among camels (Mgh, Msb) the like of a جَارِيَة among women: (S, Mgh, Msb:) or such as endures journeying; (Lth, K;) so called until her tush grows forth, [in her ninth year,] when she ceases to be so called: (Lth:) or a young, or youthful, Arabian camel: (TA:) or a she-camel from the time when first ridden, until she sheds the central incisor, [in her sixth year,] when she is called نَاقَةٌ; (El-'Adawee, S, Sgh, K;) the he-camel during that period being called قَعُودٌ, and then جَمَلٌ: (El-'Adawee, S, Sgh:) or any sh-camel from the time when she is ridden, whether she be a بِنْتُ لَبُونٍ or a حِقَّة, until she becomes a بَكْرَة, or until her tush grows forth: (M:) or a she-camel in her sixth year: or in her second year: (M:) and sometimes a she-camel just born is thus called: (M:) the قلوص is so called because of the length of her legs, and her not being yet bulky in the body: (T, TA:) and a long-legged she-camel is so called, (S, K,) sometimes: (S:) the term is only applied to a female: (IDrd, K:) [dim. قُلَيِّصَةٌ, of the pl. of which (قُلَيِّصَاتٌ) see an ex. in a verse cited in art. ده:] pl. قَلَائِصُ and قُلُصٌ (S, M, A, Mgh, Msb, K) and قُلْصَانٌ (M, L) and (pl. pl., K, i. e. pl. of قُلُصٌ, S) قِلَاصٌ. (S, M, Msb, K.) [Hence,] قِلَاصُ الثَّلْجِ (tropical:) The clouds that bring snow. (A, TA.) [Hence also,] قِلَاصُ النَّجْمِ [also called القِلَاصُ and القَلَائِصُ] (assumed tropical:) Twenty stars, which, as the Arabs assert, الدَّبَرَان drove before him in demanding in marriage الثُّرَيَّا; (TA;) some small stars before الدبران, following الثريّا: (Mir-át ez-Zemán:) [by some applied in the present day to the Hyades:] or the قِلَاص are the stars around الدَّبَرَان. (Kzw.) b2: Also, (tropical:) A young, or youthful, female of the ostrich-kind; like the قلوص of the camel-kind; (M, TA;) the female of رِئَال [or young ostriches, or young ostriches a year old]; i. e. a رَأْلَة; (TA;) a female of the ostrich-kind, of such as are termed رئال: (S:) or a female of the ostrich-kind: (A, O, K:) and of such as are termed رئال: (K:) or قُلُصُ النَّعَامِ signifies the رئال of the ostrich: (IDrd, TA:) or قلوص [so in the TA, app. a mistake for قُلُص,] signifies the offspring of the ostrich; its حَفَّان and its رئال: so says IKh, on the authority of El-Azdee. (IB, TA.) b3: Also, (assumed tropical:) The young of the [species of bustard called] حُبَارَى: (K:) or the female of the حبارى: or a little female حبارى. (M.) b4: قُلُصٌ is also metonymically applied to signify (tropical:) Young women; (K;) as also قَلَائِصُ: (TA:) and the latter, to signify women [in a general sense]. (TA.) A2: بِئْرٌ قَلُوصٌ A well having abundance of water: pl. قَلَائِصُ. (M.) قُلُوصٌ: see 1, (of which it is an inf. n.,) throughout: b2: and see قَلَصٌ.

قَلِيصٌ: see قَالِصٌ.

قَلَّاصٌ: see قَالِصٌ.

ظِلٌّ قَالِصٌ Shade [contracting, or shrinking, from one: (see 1:) or] decreasing: (S, TA:) [or going away.] شَفَةٌ قَالِصَةٌ A contracting lip: (S:) and رَجُلٌ قَالِصُ الشَّفَةِ a man having a contracting lip. (Msb.) ثَوْبٌ قَالِصٌ A garment contracted and short: (Sh, TA:) and ↓ قميص مُقَلِّصٌ a short shirt: (A:) or a shirt contracted, or raised, or tucked up: and ↓ دِرْعٌ مُقَلِّصَةٌ [a coat of mail contracted]: most frequently meaning upwards. (TA.) b2: مَآءٌ قَالِصٌ and ↓ قَلِيصٌ and ↓ قَلَّاصٌ Water collecting and becoming abundant in a well: (TA:) or rising, or high, (S, M, K,) in a well: (S:) the pl. of قَلِيصٌ is قُلُصٌ. (TA.) See also 1.

مُقَلِّصٌ: see قَالِصٌ, in two places. b2: Also, applied to a horse, Long in the legs, and contracted in the belly: (M, TA:) or light, or active, and quick, (مُشَمِّرٌ,) tall, and long in the legs: (S, K:) or tall. (A.) مِقْلَاصٌ A she-camel fat in the hump; and in like manner, a he-camel: (M:) or a she-camel that becomes fat in the [season called] صَيْف: (S, M:) and also, a she-camel that becomes fat and lean in the winter. (Ks, TA.) قلع قلف قلق See Supplement
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