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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
3289. فوف13 3290. فوفل3 3291. فوق17 3292. فول10 3293. فولاذ1 3294. فوم183295. فوه18 3296. فى1 3297. فيأ16 3298. فيج9 3299. فيح13 3300. فيخ5 3301. فيد13 3302. فيروزج3 3303. فيش10 3304. فيص11 3305. فيض19 3306. فيظ9 3307. فيف14 3308. فيق7 3309. فيل17 3310. فين14 3311. فيه1 3312. فيهج1 3313. ق7 3314. قأب7 3315. قب6 3316. قبج6 3317. قبح17 3318. قبر19 3319. قبس20 3320. قبص18 3321. قبض21 3322. قبط17 3323. قبع14 3324. قبل22 3325. قبن13 3326. قبو9 3327. قبوس1 3328. قت6 3329. قتب19 3330. قتد11 3331. قتر19 3332. قترد4 3333. قتل20 3334. قتن11 3335. قث5 3336. قثأ10 3337. قثد10 3338. قثرد4 3339. قح5 3340. قحب13 3341. قحد10 3342. قحز11 3343. قحط17 3344. قحف16 3345. قحل14 3346. قحم20 3347. قحو8 3348. قد14 3349. قدح16 3350. قدر23 3351. قدس20 3352. قدع14 3353. قدم22 3354. قدو11 3355. قذ4 3356. قذر16 3357. قذع13 3358. قذف19 3359. قذل15 3360. قذى9 3361. قر7 3362. قرأ14 3363. قرّام1 3364. قرب22 3365. قربس9 3366. قرث8 3367. قرح21 3368. قرد21 3369. قرزح5 3370. قرس16 3371. قرش16 3372. قرشب5 3373. قرص18 3374. قرض18 3375. قرضأ3 3376. قرضب8 3377. قرط18 3378. قرطس15 3379. قرطف8 3380. قرطل8 3381. قرظ16 3382. قرع20 3383. قرف23 3384. قرفص13 3385. قرق13 3386. قرقع3 3387. قرم19 3388. قرمد9 Prev. 100




2 فَوَّمْتُ الخُبْزَ I made bread, or the bread. (IJ, M.) [And] فَوِّمُوا لَنَا Make ye bread for us: (T, S:) a phrase said by Fr to have been heard from the Arabs as meaning thus. (T.) فُومٌ, a word occurring in the Kur ii. 58, (T, S, M, &c.,) is expl. as signifying the same as ثُومٌ [which generally means Garlic; but is said to have also the meaning here next following]; (T, S, M, Msb, K;) said to be a dial. var. of the latter word, but app. [if meaning “ garlic ”] formed, as IJ says, by the substitution of ف for ث; (M;) and 'Abd-Allah [Ibn-Mes'ood] read [in the Kur ubi suprà] وَثُومِهَا [instead of وَفُومِهَا]: (Fr, T, S:) it is also expl. as signifying wheat; (T, S, M, Msb, K;) which is said by Lh to be a meaning of ثُوم and فُوم; and if Ibn-Mes'ood read the word as ثوم, the meaning is فوم, i. e. “ wheat; ” (T;) accord. to Fr, it is an old word, signifying thus, (T, S, *) and also bread; (T, S, K;) Zj says that there is no difference of state-ment among the lexicologists as to its having the former of these two meanings, that it is said to have the latter also, and that it also signifies the other grains, beside wheat, whereof bread is made [which last meaning is also mentioned in the K]; (T;) and IJ holds that it is rightly expl. as having the first of these three meanings (i. e. “ wheat ”) and the last of them: (M:) another meaning assigned to it is حِمَّصٌ [i. e. cicer arietinum; or chick-peas]; (S, K;) which is of the dial. of Syria: (S:) and it signifies also any عُقْدَة [app. meaning head of a plant, such as that] of an onion, or of a garlic: or a great gobbet of food: (K: [for أَوْ لُقْمَةٍ عَظِيمَةٍ in the CK, I read او لُقْمَةٌ عَظِيمَةٌ as in other copies of the K:]) in the dial. of Azd-es-Saráh, it is applied to ears of corn; and ↓ فُومَةٌ is its n. un.; (M;) this latter signifying an ear of corn, (S, K, TA,) as expl. by IDrd: (TA:) فُومٌ has فُومَانٌ [of the measure فُعْلَنَانٌ] for a pl., this being [virtually] a pl. pl.; mentioned by IJ, who says that the dammeh in فُومٌ is different from the dammeh in فُومَانٌ. (M, TA.) فُومَةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, near the end. b2: Also A thing that one carries between his two fingers. (K.) قَطَعُوا الشَّاةَ فُوَمًا فُوَمًا (M, K, *) means [They cut the sheep, or goat,] into a number of pieces; (M;) like فُؤَمًا. (K.) فَامِىٌّ, altered from فُومِىٌّ, A seller of فُوم [app. 3]. in any of its senses, but accord. to the TA as meaning wheat, or chick-peas]: (S, K:) [or] a seller of fruit: (MA:) accord. to Az, (TA,) الفَامِىُّ means السُّكَّرِىُّ, (Mgh, TA,) who is called by the vulgar البَيَّاعُ [generally signifying the seller, or vender; perhaps here meaning the seller of sugar, though I do not anywhere find السُّكَّرِىُّ thus explained]; (Mgh;) but he says, “I do not think it genuine Arabic. ” (TA.)
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