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Lane's Lexicon

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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
3053. غوط19 3054. غوغ9 3055. غول21 3056. غوى9 3057. غيب17 3058. غيث143059. غيد9 3060. غير18 3061. غيض22 3062. غيط6 3063. غيظ15 3064. غيف12 3065. غيق7 3066. غيل22 3067. غيم13 3068. غين14 3069. ف10 3070. فأ1 3071. فأت6 3072. فأد11 3073. فأر13 3074. فأس12 3075. فأل10 3076. فأم11 3077. فأو7 3078. فا4 3079. فالوذ2 3080. فاوانيا1 3081. فت3 3082. فتأ11 3083. فتح19 3084. فتخ13 3085. فتر17 3086. فتش14 3087. فتق19 3088. فتك15 3089. فتكر4 3090. فتل19 3091. فتن16 3092. فتو5 3093. فث4 3094. فثأ10 3095. فثج9 3096. فثر9 3097. فثى4 3098. فج4 3099. فجأ13 3100. فجر20 3101. فجس8 3102. فجع12 3103. فجل12 3104. فجن6 3105. فجو10 3106. فح4 3107. فحث6 3108. فحج12 3109. فحس6 3110. فحش17 3111. فحص18 3112. فحل13 3113. فحم17 3114. فحو9 3115. فخ3 3116. فخت11 3117. فخذ12 3118. فخر15 3119. فخم11 3120. فد3 3121. فدح13 3122. فدخ6 3123. فدر13 3124. فدع14 3125. فدغ13 3126. فدم17 3127. فدن13 3128. فدى8 3129. فذ4 3130. فر5 3131. فرأ11 3132. فربيون2 3133. فرت17 3134. فرتن8 3135. فرث15 3136. فرج22 3137. فرجن9 3138. فرح17 3139. فرخ16 3140. فرد15 3141. فردوس1 3142. فرز15 3143. فرزن5 3144. فرس20 3145. فرسخ9 3146. فرسق2 3147. فرسك6 3148. فرسن8 3149. فرش18 3150. فرشح12 3151. فرص20 3152. فرصد9 Prev. 100




1 غَاثَ اللّٰهُ البِلَادَ, (S, O, Msb, K,) aor. ـِ inf. n. غَيْثٌ, (S, O, Msb,) God watered the country, or countries, with rain. (O, Msb, TA.) and غَاثَنَا He (God) sent down rain upon us. (TA.) And غاث الغَيْثُ الأَرْضَ, (aor. and inf. n. as above, Msb,) The rain fell upon the earth. (S, O, Msb, K.) And غِيثَتِ الأَرْضُ, aor. ـَ (S, O, Msb, K,) inf. n. as above, (S, O,) The land was watered with rain. (S, O, Msb, K.) غِيثَ القَوْمُ The people were rained upon; rain fell upon the people [or upon their land]. (TA.) And غِثَنْا مَا شِئْنَا [We were rained upon as much as we desired]: (S, O, Msb, TA:) originally غُيِثْنَا. (TA.) b2: غاث النَّوْرُ (tropical:) The blossom shone. (O, K, TA.) A2: See also 4 in art. غوث.2 غيّث, said of a blind man, He sought, or searched, [or groped, with the hand,] for a thing: (Kr, TA:) also written [عيّث] with [the unpointed] ع, and thus correctly, though ISd thought this latter to be a mistranscription. (TA.) 5 تغيّث He became fat: (K:) said of a camel. (TK.) غَيْثٌ inf. n. of غَاثَ [q. v.]. (S, O, Msb.) b2: And [a subst.] signifying Rain: (S, A, O, Msb, K:) or rain that occupies the space of a بَرِيد [i. e. six miles, or twelve miles,] in width: (AA, O, K:) or rain that is productive of much good; [supposed to belong to art. غوث, for it is added,] because mankind are aided thereby; thus expl. in the “ Sharh esh-Shifè: ” pl. أَغْيَاثٌ [a pl. of pauc.] and غُيُوثٌ. (TA.) [Hence a tropical usage in a saying mentioned voce ثَجَّاجٌ.] b3: And [hence]

ذُبَابُ غَيْثٍ [or ذُبَابُ الغَيْثِ (see ذُبَابٌ) lit. The fly of rain or the fly of the rain] signifies (assumed tropical:) the bee, or bees collectively: so called because the bee seeks after herbage and flowers, which are consequent upon the rain: (IAth, TA:) [for] b4: غَيْثٌ signifies also (tropical:) Herbage (Lth, S, A, O, Msb, K) which grows by means of the water of the sky: (Lth, A, O, K:) called thus by the name of its cause. (Msb.) b5: And (tropical:) Clouds. (S, O, TA.) [See an ex. voce فَرُوقَةٌ.]

غِيَاثٌ, originally غِوَاثٌ, see in art. غوث.

غَيِّثٌ i. q. عَيْلَمُ مَآءٍ [i. e. Water that is beneath a stratum of rock]. (TA.) [Hence] بِئْرٌ ذَاتُ غَيِّثٍ

A well having a constant accession of water. (O, K.) b2: And [hence] فَرَسٌ ذُو غَيِّثٍ (tropical:) A horse that performs, (O,) or that increases [his running], (K, TA,) run after run. (O, K, TA.) أَرْضٌ مَغِيثَةٌ, and ↓ مَغْيُوثَةٌ, (the latter being the original form, TA,) Land watered with rain. (S, O, Msb, K.) غَيْثٌ مُغِيثٌ A general rain. (TA.) [But the epithet مُغِيثٌ evidently belongs to art. غوث; and the phrase properly signifies A rain that gives aid, or succour.]

أَرْضٌ مَغْيُوثَةٌ: see مَغِيثَةٌ.
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