فِرْصِدٌ and ↓ فِرْصِيْدٌ The stones of raisins and of grapes; (M, O, L, K;) as also ↓ فِرْصَادٌ. (M, L, K.) فِرْصَادٌ The [mulberry called] تُوت [q. v.]: (AO, AHn, O, Msb:) or the [tree called] تُوت: or its fruit: (M, K:) or the red توت: (S, Msb:) [or, accord. to Zeyn el-'Attár, the sweet and white mulberry: so says Golius: see تُوتٌ:] Lth says that it is a well-known tree; that the people of ElBasrah call the tree thus, and call its fruit تُوتٌ: (T, O, * Msb:) and by فِرْصَادٌ the lawyers mean the tree that bears the [fruit called] تُوت. (Msb.) b2: Also A red dye; (K:) or redness. (M, L.) b3: See also فِرْصِدٌ.
فِرْصِيدٌ: see فِرْصِدٌ.