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Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
2499. ضرس18 2500. ضرط18 2501. ضرع20 2502. ضرغم12 2503. ضرم15 2504. ضرو52505. ضَعٌّ1 2506. ضعف20 2507. ضعو4 2508. ضغث18 2509. ضغط17 2510. ضغن17 2511. ضف4 2512. ضفدع10 2513. ضفر17 2514. ضفو10 2515. ضل5 2516. ضلع17 2517. ضم6 2518. ضمحل6 2519. ضمحن4 2520. ضمخ13 2521. ضمد15 2522. ضمر16 2523. ضمن18 2524. ضن5 2525. ضنأ8 2526. ضنك17 2527. ضنو2 2528. ضنى3 2529. ضهأ8 2530. ضهب11 2531. ضهد10 2532. ضهضب2 2533. ضهو4 2534. ضهى3 2535. ضهيأ1 2536. ضو1 2537. ضوأ13 2538. ضوح3 2539. ضود4 2540. ضور13 2541. ضوز8 2542. ضوض3 2543. ضوع13 2544. ضوف5 2545. ضوم4 2546. ضون7 2547. ضوى3 2548. ضيح11 2549. ضير14 2550. ضيز10 2551. ضيع16 2552. ضيف21 2553. ضيق15 2554. ضيل8 2555. ضيم11 2556. ط7 2557. طأ1 2558. طب5 2559. طباهج1 2560. طبخ14 2561. طبرزذ7 2562. طبع19 2563. طبق17 2564. طبل13 2565. طبن11 2566. طبو6 2567. طجن12 2568. طح2 2569. طحل12 2570. طحلب12 2571. طحم9 2572. طحن16 2573. طخو3 2574. طدو2 2575. طر4 2576. طرأ13 2577. طرب18 2578. طربل10 2579. طرث10 2580. طرح17 2581. طرد17 2582. طرز17 2583. طرس16 2584. طرش14 2585. طرط7 2586. طرطب9 2587. طرف21 2588. طرق20 2589. طرمح5 2590. طرمذ6 2591. طرو7 2592. طس5 2593. طست10 2594. طسق8 2595. طسوج1 2596. طش3 2597. طشت3 2598. طعم18 Prev. 100


ضرو and ضرى 
1 ضَرِىَ بِهِ, (S, M, Msb, K,) aor. ـَ (S, Msb, K,) inf. n. ضَرَاوَةٌ (S, M, Msb, K) and ضَرًا (M, Msb, K) and ضَرْىٌ and ضَرَآءَةٌ, (K, TA, [the last in the CK written ضَرَاة,]) He was, or became, attached, addicted, or devoted, to it; (S, M, K, TA;) and (TA) he habituated, or accustomed, himself to it, (M, * Msb, K, * TA,) so that he could hardly, or in nowise, withhold himself from it; (TA;) and emboldened himself to do it or undertake it or the like: and he kept, or clave, to it; and became attached, addicted, or devoted, to it; like the animal of prey to the chase. (Msb.)

[And ضَرِيَهُ occurs in the M, in art. مرس, in explanation of تَمَرَّسَ بِهِ, app. for ضَرِىَ بِهِ, in the same sense.] It is said in a trad., إِنَّ لِلْإِسْلَامِ

ضَرَاوَةً i. e. Verily there is a habituating and an attachment of oneself to El-Islám; meaning, one cannot withhold himself from it. (TA.) and in a saying, (S,) or trad., (M, TA,) of 'Omar, إِيَّاكُمْ وَهٰذِهِ المَجَازِرَ فَإِنَّ لَهَا ضَرَاوَةً كَضَرَاوَةِ الخَمْرِ (S, M, TA) i. e. [Avoid ye these places where cattle are slaughtered and where their flesh is sold, for] there is a habituating of oneself to them, and a yearning towards them, like the habituating of oneself to wine; for he who habituates himself to flesh-meat hardly, or in nowise, withholds himself from it, and becomes extravagant in his expenditure. (TA. [See also مَجْزَرٌ.]) And one says of a dog, ضَرِىَ بِالصَّيْدِ, (S, M, Mgh, K,) [in Har p. 579 فى الصَيد, which I do not find elsewhere,] aor. ـَ (S,) inf. n. ضَرَاوَةٌ, (As, S, Mgh,) or ضَرًى and ضِرَآءٌ and ضَرَآءٌ, (M, K,) the last on the authority of Az, (M,) He became habituated, or accustomed, to the chase. (S, Mgh, TA.) and ضَرِيَتِ الجَرَّةُ بِالخَلِّ [The jar became seasoned with vinegar] and بِالنَّبِيذِ [with must or the like]. (TA.)

And ضَرِىَ النَّبِيذُ The نبيذ became strong [by remaining several days in the jar or skin]. (TA.)

A2: ضَرَا, (S, K,) aor. ـُ inf. n. ضَرْوٌ, (S,) or ضُرُوٌّ, (K,) said of a vein, It shed blood: (S, K:) or, accord. to the T, it quivered, and gushed with blood or made a sound by reason of the blood coming forth: Z says that the form of the verb is altered because of the alteration of the meaning. (TA.) And ضَرَى, (M, K,) aor. ـِ (K,) [likewise] said of a vein, (M,) signifies It flowed, (M, K, TA,) and ran [with blood]; on the authority of IAar. (TA.) And ضَرَا, aor. ـُ said of a wound, It ceased not to flow [with blood]. (IAth, TA.)

A3: And ضَرَا, inf. n. ضرو [whether ضَرْوٌ or ضُرُوٌّ is not shown], said of a man, He hid, or concealed, himself. (IKtt, TA. [See also 10.])

2 ضرّاهُ بِهِ, (M, Msb, K;,) inf. n. تَضْرِيَةٌ; (K;;) and ↓ اضراهُ; (Msb, K;;) He caused him to become attached, addicted, or devoted, to it; (M, Kudot;, TA;) he habituated, or accustomed, him to it, (M, * Msb, Kudot;, * TA,) [so that he could hardly, or in nowise, withhold himself from it; (see 1, first sentence;)] and emboldened him to do it or undertake it or the like. (Msb.) And ضرّى

الكَلْبَ بِالصَّيْدِ, (S;, * Mgh,) inf. n. as above; (Sudot;, Mgh;) and بِهِ ↓ اضراهُ, (S, Mgh, TA, ast;) inf. n. إِضْرَآءٌ; (Mgh;) He habituated, or accustomed, the dog to the chase; (S, Mgh, TA;) and incited him, or caused him to become attached or addicted, thereto. (S.)

4 أَ1ْ2َ3َ see the next preceding paragraph in two places.

10 اِسْتَضْرَيْتُ لِلصَّيْدِ I deluded, or circumvented, the object, or objects, of the chase, at unawares. (S. [See also 1, last meaning.])

ضَرُوٌ: see the next paragraph, in three places.

ضِرْوٌ A dog, (M,) or young dog, (S, Kudot;,) such as is termed ضَارٍ [i. e. habituated, or accustomed, to the chase]; (S, M, K;) as also ↓ ضَرِىٌّ: (K, TA: [in the CK, كالضَّرَى is erroneously put for كَالضَّرِىِّ:]) the latter word is like غَنِىٌّ: (TA:) the fem. of the former is with ة: and the pl. [of pauc.] أَضْرٍ [originally أَضْرُوٌ] and [of mult.] ضِرَآءٌ. (S, M.)

A2: And A taint of جُذَام

[or elephantiasis]: (M, K:) occurring in a trad.

in which it is said of Aboo-Bekr, أَكَلَ مَعَ رَجُلٍ

بِهِ ضِرْوٌ مِنْ جُذَامٍ [He ate with a man in whom was a taint of elephantiasis]: it is from [the inf. n.]

الضَّرَاوَةُ; as though the disease became attached, or habituated, to the person: (M, TA:) mentioned by Hr in the “ Ghareebeyn: ” (M:) or, as some relate it, the word is with the fet-h, [i. e.

↓ ضَرْوٌ,] and is from ضَرَا said of a wound, the meaning being in whom was a wound having an incessant flowing. (TA.)

A3: Also, and ↓ ضَرْوٌ, A species of tree, of sweet odour, with [the wood of]

which the teeth are rubbed and cleansed, and the leaves of which are put into perfume; (M, TA;)

i. q. مَحْلَبٌ [q. v.]; so says Lth: (TA:) AHn

says, the places of its growth are mostly in ElYemen; (M, TA;) and some say that the ضِرْو is the بُطْم [or terebinth-tree, or the fruit thereof]: (M:) AHn says also, it is of the trees of the mountains, and is like the great oak, (M, TA, *)

having clusters [of berries] like those of the oak, but its berries are larger; its leaves are cooked, and, when thoroughly cooked, are cleared away, and the water thereof is returned to the fire, and coagulates, (M, TA,) becoming like قُبَيْطَآء [q. v.], (M,) and is used medicinally as a remedy for roughness of the chest and for pain of the fauces: (M, TA:) or the gum of a certain tree called the كَمْكَام [i. e. the cancamum-tree], brought from El-Yemen: (S:) or this is a mistake, for it is the tree so called, not its gum: (K:) [but] it is said in the T, on the authority of AHn, that كَمْكَام signifies the bark (قِرْف) of the tree called ضِرْو: and some say that it is the resin (عِلْك) of the ضِرْو: and in the Moheet of Ibn-'Abbád it is said that كَمْكَام signifies the bark (قِرْف, or, as some say, لِحَآء,) of the tree called ضِرْو, and is an aromatic perfume: (TA:) and (K, TA) IAar

says, (TA,) the ضِرْو is the حَبَّة خَضْرَآء [or fruit of the terebinth-tree], (K, TA,) which is also sometimes used for rubbing and cleansing the teeth: when a girl rubs and cleanses her teeth with a stick of the tree called ضِرْو the saliva with which the stick is moistened from her mouth is like honey: (TA:) and the word is also pronounced ↓ ضَرْوٌ. (K.)

ضَرَآءٌ A level tract of land in which are beasts of prey and a few trees: (M, K:) or a piece of land, or ground, that conceals one: (AA, TA:) and trees, &c., that conceal one: (M:) or a thicket; or tangled, or luxuriant, or abundant and dense, trees; in a valley. (S, K.) One says, تَوَارَى

الصَّيْدُ مِنِّى فِى ضَرَآءِ الوَادِى [The game hid itself from me in the tangled, or luxuriant, or abundant and dense, trees of the valley]. (S.) And فُلَانٌ

يَمْشِى الضَّرَآءَ, with fet-h, meaning Such a one goes along lurking among the trees that conceal him. (S.) And هُوَ يَدِبُّ لَهُ الضَّرَآءَ وَيَمْشِى لَهُ الخَمَرَ [He creeps to him in the thicket, and walks, or goes along, to him in the covert of trees]: said of a man when he deludes, or circumvents, his companion: (S:) but accord. to IAar, ضرآء here means a low, or depressed, place. (Meyd.) and فُلَانٌ لَا يُدَبُّ لَهُ الضَّرَآءُ [app. meaning The thicket will not be crept through to such a one: but mentioned after the last of the explanations here following]. (M.) [See also ضَرَّآءُ, in art. ضر.]

b2: [It is said that] it signifies also The hiding or concealing, oneself: (AA, K, TA:) [or] the walking, or going along, in that which conceals one from him whom one beguiles, or circumvents. (M.)

ضِرَآءٌ, a pl. epithet, [of which the sing. is probably ↓ ضُرِىٌّ,] Courageous: hence, in a trad., إِنَّ فِينَا ضِرَآءُ اللّٰهِ [Verily among us are the champions of God]. (TA.)

ضَرِىٌّ: see ضِرْوٌ, first sentence.

b2: Applied to a vein, (S, M, K, TA,) (tropical:) Flowing; as also ↓ ضَارٍ: (M:) or flowing much; (TA;) of which the blood hardly, or in nowise, stops; (S, K, TA;) as though it were habituated to the flowing. (TA.)

b3: See also ضِرَآءٌ.

ضَارٍ Attached, addicted, or devoted, to a thing; (TA;) habituated, or accustomed, thereto, (Msb, TA,) so as hardly, or in nowise, to withhold himself therefrom; (TA;) and emboldening himself to do it or undertake it or the like: and keeping, or cleaving, thereto; being attached, addicted, or devoted, to it; like the animal of prey to the chase. (Msb.) [Hence,] كَلْبٌ ضَارٍ, (S, Mgh,) or كَلْبٌ ضَارٍ بِالصَّيْدِ, (M, K,) A dog habituated, or accustomed, to the chase: (S, Mgh, TA:) and كَلْبَةٌ ضَارِيَةٌ. (S. [See also ضِرْوٌ, first sentence.])

[كَلْبٌ ضَارٍ بِالصَّيْدِ is also expl. in the TA by the words إِذَا تَطَعَّمَ بِلَحْمِهِ, app. meaning A dog having his appetite excited by tasting the flesh of the game.] ضَوَارٍ [is pl. of ضَارٍ applied to an irrational animal, and as such] signifies [Animals accustomed to prey; rapacious, or ravenous, beasts; and particularly] lions. (TA.) and المَوَاشِى الضَّارِيَةُ The cattle that are in the habit of pasturing upon peoples' seed-produce. (Nh, TA.) And بَيْتٌ ضَارٍ بِاللَّحْمِ A house, or tent, in which flesh-meat is habitually found so much that its odour remains in it. (TA.) And سِقَآءٌ ضَارٍ

بِاللَّبَنِ, thus correctly, as in the M, but in [some of] the copies of the K بِالسَّمْنِ, (TA,) A skin in which milk is long kept so that its flavour becomes good. (M, TA.) And جَرَّةٌ ضَارِيَةٌ بِالخَلِّ and بِالنَّبِيذِ [A jar become seasoned with vinegar and with must or the like]. (M, TA.) الإِنَآءُ الضَّارِى, occurring in a trad. of 'Alee, is said to mean The jar that runs [or leaks]; and the drinking from it is forbidden because it renders the drinking troublesome: thus expl. by IAar: but it is also expl. as meaning the wine-jar that has become seasoned with wine (ضَرِىَ بِالْخَمْرِ); so that when نَبِيذ is put into it, it becomes intoxicating. (TA.)

And عِرْقٌ ضَارٍ means A vein shedding blood: (S, K, TA:) [or quivering, and gushing with blood or making a sound by reason of the blood coming forth: (see the verb:)] or flowing, or running: (TA: see ضَرِىٌّ:) or accustomed to be opened, and therefore when the time for it is come and it is opened, emitting its blood more quickly. (TA.)
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