1 ضَرَطَ, aor. ـِ (S, Msb, K;) and ضَرِطَ, aor. ـَ (Msb;) inf. n. ضَرِطٌ (S, Msb, K, in the Msb said to be of the latter verb,) and ضَرْطٌ (Msb, K, in the Msb said to be of the former verb,) and ضَرِيطٌ and ضُرَاطٌ, (K,) or the last is a simple subst., (Msb,) [a coarse word, signifying] He broke wind, i. e. emitted wind from the anus, with a sound. (S, K.) [When it is without sound, you say فَسَا.] Hence the prov., أَوْدَى العَيْرُ إِلَّا ضَرِطًا The ass had no power remaining except [that of] emitting wind from the anus, with a sound: (S, K:) applied to a vile, or an abject, person, and to an old man; and in allusion to a thing's becoming in a bad, or corrupt, state, so that there remains of it nothing but what is of no use: (K:) the last word is in the accus. case as denoting a thing of a different kind from that signified by the preceding noun. (O.) And أَجْبَنُ مِنَ المَنْزُوفِ ضَرِطًا [More cowardly than he who is exhausted by emitting wind from the anus, with a sound]: another prov.: [its origin is variously related: see Freytag's Arab. Prov., i. 320:] or المَنْزُوفُ ضَرِطًا [or ضَرْطًا, for it is differently written in different copies of the K,] is a certain beast, between the dog and the cat, (K,) or between the dog and the wolf, (O,) which, when one cries out at it, emits wind from the anus, with a sound, by reason of cowardice. (Sgh, K.) 2 ضَرَّطَ see 4, in two places.4 اضرطهُ, and ↓ ضرّطهُ, (S, O, K,) He made him to emit wind from the anus, with a sound: (S:) or he did to him that which caused him to emit wind from the anus, with a sound. (O, K.) b2: اضرط بِهِ; and به ↓ ضرّط, (S, K,) inf. n. تَضْرِيطٌ; (K) He derided him, and imitated to him with his mouth the action of one emitting wind from the anus, with a sound; (S;) he made to him with his mouth a sound like that of an emission of wind from the anus, and derided him. (K, * TA.) اضرط بِالسَّائِلِ, said in a trad., of 'Alee, means He treated the asker with contempt, disapproving what he said; he derided him. (TA.) ضَرِطٌ: part. n. of ضَرِطَ. (Msb.) ضَرْطَةٌ [inf. n. un. of 1; A single emission of wind from the anus, making a sound]. It is said in a prov., of him who has done a deed of which he has not done the like before nor after, كَانَتْ مِنْهُ كَضَرْطَةِ الأَصَمِّ [There proceeded from him what was like the ضرطه of the deaf]. (Sgh, TA.) ضُرَاطٌ An emission of wind from the anus, with a sound: (S, TA:) or the sound thereof: (K, TA: [in the CK, صَوْتُ الفَقْحِ is put for صَوْتُ الفَيْخِ:]) a subst. from 1. (Msb.) ضَرُوطٌ: see ضَرَّاطٌ.ضُرَيْطٌ: see سُرَّيْطَى.
ضُرَيْطَى: see سُرَّيْطَى.
ضُرَيْطَآءُ: see سُرَّيْطَى.
ضَرَّاطٌ and ↓ ضَرُوطٌ and ↓ ضِرَّوْطٌ are all [intensive] epithets from 1; (K;) [signifying One who emits wind from the anus, with a sound, much, or frequently;] the last mentioned by Sb, and expl. by Seer. (TA.) ضِرَّوْطٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.
ضُرَّيْطٌ: see سُرَّيْطَى.
ضُرَّيْطَى: see سُرَّيْطَى.
ضِرِّيطَى: see سُرَّيْطَى.
أَضْرَطُ: see أَطْرَطُ, in art. طرط.
مُضَرِّطُ الحِجَارَةِ (assumed tropical:) [as though signifying He who makes the stones to emit sounds, from fear:] an appellation given to 'Amr Ibn-Hind, because of his strength and hardiness and courage, (S,) or because of the awe which he inspired. (A, TA.)