ى1 ضَهِيَتْ, aor. ـَ inf. n. ضَهًى, She was, or became, such as is termed ضَهْيَآء. (K.) 3 ضاهاهُ, (S, Msb, K,) inf. n. مُضَاهَاةٌ, (S, Msb,) He resembled, or conformed with, him, or it; syn. شَاكَلَهُ; (S, Msb, K;) like ضَاهَأَهُ [q. v.]: (S, Msb:) and, like the latter, he imitated him. (Msb, TA. *) It is said in a trad., أَشَدُّ النَّاسِ عَذَابًا يَوْمَ القِيَامَةِ الَّذِين يُضَاهُونَ خَلْقَ اللّٰهِ i. e. [The most severely punished of mankind on the day of resurrection will be] those who imitate by what they make [the creation of God]; meaning the sculptors or limners or the like. (Msb.) b2: Also, [or ضَاهَى بِهِ, like ضَاهَأَ به, q. v.,] He was, or became, gentle, tender, or courteous, or he acted, or behaved, gently, &c., with him, or to him; namely, a man, and other than a man. (TA.) 4 اضهى He married, i. e. took to wife, a woman such as is termed ضَهْيَآء. (AA, K.) A2: And He pastured his camels upon the species of tree called ضَهْيَآء. (K.) ضَهْيًا: see the next paragraph, in four places.ضَهْيَآءُ A woman that does not menstruate: pl. ضُهْىٌ; which necessarily implies that the former is [as above, i. e.] with the long ا: but AA mentions ↓ ضَهْيَاةٌ and ↓ ضَهْيَاهٌ, with ة and with ه, as having this meaning; which necessarily implies that ضهيا is with the short ا [i. e., accord. to a general rule, ↓ ضَهْيًا, with tenween, like ضَهْيَأٌ, q. v. in art. ضهيأ, though (accord. to a general rule) this should be regarded as a masc. epithet]: (S) or ضَهْيَآءُ, and also with the short ا [app. ↓ ضَهْيًا, as above, not ضَهْيَا, or, as I rather incline to think, ضَهْيَأٌ (which is mentioned in art. ضهيأ) may be here meant], signify a woman that does not menstruate nor become pregnant; (K, TA;) so that she is as though she resembled a man: (TA: [see 3:]) or that menstruates but does not become pregnant: (K, TA:) or that does not bring forth, though she menstruate: (TA:) or whose breasts do not grow forth; (K, TA;) and when this is the case, she does not menstruate: or the former signifies that does not menstruate, being pregnant. (TA.) b2: And (assumed tropical:) Land that does not give growth to anything; as also with the short ا [i. e. ↓ ضَهْيًا or ضَهْيَأٌ]. (K. [In the TA this meaning is restricted, app. without reason, to the form with the short ا.]) A2: Also, (S, K,) and with the short ا [i. e. ↓ ضَهْيًا or ضَهْيَأٌ], (K,) A species of tree (S, K) of the kind called عِضَاه, (K,) having a بَرَمَة [q. v.] and a pod (عُلَّفَة) [which succeeds the بَرَمَة], and many thorns. (TA. [For further descriptions thereof, see ضَهْيَأٌ, in art. ضهيأ.]) ضَهْيَاةٌ and ضَهْيَاهٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.
ضَهِىٌّ, (S, K,) of the measure فَعِيلٌ, (S,) The like of another [thing or person]: (S, K:) one says, هٰذَا ضَهِىُّ هٰذَا This is the like of this: (S:) or هُوَ ضَهِيُّكَ He is the like of thee. (K.)