1 طَجْنٌ The act of frying: (K:) an adventitious word in the Arabic language. (TA.) You say, طَجَنَ الشَّىْءَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. طَجْنٌ, He fried the thing. (TK.) طَاجَنٌ, (S,) or طَاجِنٌ, (T,) or both, (Msb, TA, and in a copy of the S written طَاجَنٌ,) and ↓ طَيْجَنٌ, (S, Msb, K,) A frying-pan; syn. مِقْلًى; (Msb;) a طَابَق upon which one fries: (S, K:) arabicized words, (S, Msb, K,) because ط and ج do not occur in the original language of the Arabs: (S, TA:) [app. from the Greek τήγανον:] the pl. of طاجن is طَوَاجِنُ; (Msb, TA;) and that of ↓ طيجن is طَيَاجِنُ, (Msb,) or طَيَاجِينُ. (MA, TA.) طَيْجَنٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, in two places.مُطَجَّنٌ Fried in a طَاجِن. (K.)