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Lane's Lexicon

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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
1458. رأم13 1459. رأو2 1460. رأى9 1461. را1 1462. رب6 1463. ربأ121464. ربت10 1465. ربث11 1466. ربح16 1467. ربد18 1468. ربذ13 1469. ربص16 1470. ربض16 1471. ربط18 1472. ربع24 1473. ربق14 1474. ربك12 1475. ربل14 1476. ربو13 1477. ربى3 1478. رت3 1479. رتب18 1480. رتج15 1481. رتع16 1482. رتق16 1483. رتك11 1484. رتل18 1485. رتم16 1486. رث4 1487. رثأ10 1488. رثد10 1489. رثم12 1490. رثو6 1491. رثى7 1492. رج6 1493. رجأ13 1494. رجب15 1495. رجح15 1496. رجحن6 1497. رجز17 1498. رجس18 1499. رجع15 1500. رجعن3 1501. رجف18 1502. رجل21 1503. رجم17 1504. رجن13 1505. رجو11 1506. رجى1 1507. رح3 1508. رحب19 1509. رحض17 1510. رحق12 1511. رحل17 1512. رحم18 1513. رخ2 1514. رخص13 1515. رخل8 1516. رخم17 1517. رخو8 1518. رد3 1519. ردأ15 1520. ردب9 1521. ردج9 1522. ردح12 1523. ردس10 1524. ردع16 1525. ردغ15 1526. ردف18 1527. ردم20 1528. ردن13 1529. ردو4 1530. ردى7 1531. رذ2 1532. رذل17 1533. رز2 1534. رزأ11 1535. رزب16 1536. رزتق3 1537. رزح13 1538. رزدق7 1539. رزغ12 1540. رزق18 1541. رزم17 1542. رزن14 1543. رزى5 1544. رس4 1545. رسب16 1546. رستق6 1547. رسح13 1548. رسخ13 1549. رسدق3 1550. رسغ14 1551. رسف14 1552. رسل19 1553. رسم18 1554. رسن16 1555. رسو8 1556. رش3 1557. رشأ10 Prev. 100




أ1 رَبَأَ, [aor. ـَ inf. n. رَبْءٌ,] He, or it, was, or became, high, or elevated: (K:) [or] he, or it, was, or became, high, or elevated, so as to overtop, or overlook, what was around or adjacent; as also ↓ ارتبأ. (M, K.) You say, رَبَأَتِ الأَرْضُ, (M, TA,) inf. n. رَبْءٌ, (M,) The ground rose: and some read, in the Kur xxii. 5 and xli. 39, رَبَأَتْ instead of رَبَتْ; because, as Zj says, when a plant is about to appear, the earth rises thereat. (M, TA.) And you say also, رَبَأَ عَلَى جَبَلٍ and ↓ ارتبأ and ↓ اربأ He took a high and commanding position upon a mountain, or ascended upon it, (أَشْرَفَ عَلَيْه,) to look. (TA.) And مَا عَرَفْتُ فُلَانًا لِى ↓ حَتَّى أَرْبَأَ I knew not such a one until he became within a commanding, or near, view of me; syn. أَشْرَفَ. (T.) And رَبَأَ عَلَى شَرَفٍ He ascended upon an eminence [to watch] lest an enemy should come unawares upon a party. (TA.) And رَبَأْتُ المَرْبَأَةَ and ↓ اِرْتَبَأْتُهَا I ascended upon the place of observation. (S.) And رَبَأَ القَوْمَ, (S, M, K, *) aor. ـَ (M, K,) inf. n. رَبْءٌ; (S, M;) and رَبَأَلَهُمْ; (T, M, K;) and ↓ اِرْتَبَأَهُمْ; (S;) He was, or became, [or acted as,] a scout to the party, (T, S, M, * K,) upon an eminence. (M.) And رَبَأَ لَنَا فُلَانٌ, and ↓ ارتبأ, Such a one was, or became, or acted as, a scout to us. (S.) b2: رَبَأْتُ بِكَ عَنْ كَذَا, aor. and inf. n. as above, means I exalted thee [or held thee] above such a thing: (M:) and رَبَأْتُ بِكَ أَرْفَعَ الأَمْرِ I exalted thee [in the highest degree]: (IJ, M:) and رَبَأْتُ بِنَفْسِى

عَنْ عَمَلِ كَذَا [I held myself above the doing such a thing]: (Har p. 265:) and إِنِّى لَأَرْبَأُ بِكَ عَنْ هٰذَا الأَمْرِ Verily I exalt thee [or hold thee] above this thing, (S, Har ubi suprà, TA,) and do not approve of it for thee: (Har, TA:) as though properly signifying I betake myself with thee to an elevated place of observation, in honour of thee, and in care, or solicitude, for thee, and preserve thee and keep watch for thee as a scout and a watchman: (Har ubi suprà:) [this usage of the verb, as is shown in the TA, is what is meant by its being said that] رَبَأَ is also syn. with رَفَعَ. (K.) b3: رَبَأَ المَالَ He preserved, guarded, or took care of, (TA,) and put into a good, or right, state, (K, TA,) the property, or cattle. (TA.) b4: See also 3. b5: رَبَأَ فِى الأَمْرِ He looked into the thing, or affair, and considered. (TA.) b6: رَبَأْتُ فِيهِ, accord. to Fr, means عَلِمْتُ عِلْمَهُ [lit. I knew his knowledge, or what he knew; app. meaning I tried, proved, or tested, him, and so knew what he knew]. (TA. [See the phrase لَأَ خْبُرَنَّ خَبَرَكَ.]) b7: مَا رَبَأَ رَبْأَهُ He did not know, or had no knowledge of, nor did he desire, him, or it: (M:) or he did not know, or had no knowledge of, and did not prepare himself for, him, or it: (Lh, M:) or he did not care for, mind, heed, or regard, him, or it: (T:) or مَا رَبَأْتُ رَبْءَ فُلَانٍ means I did not know such a one, nor care for, mind, heed, or regard, him. (S, K. *) A2: رَبَؤُوا لَهُ They collected for him of every kind of food, (M, K, *) milk and dates &c. (M.) A3: جَآءَ يَرْبَأْ فِى

مِشْيَتِهِ He came bearing himself heavily, or sluggishly, in his gait. (M, K. * [Like يَرْنَأُ.]) A4: See also what next follows.2 ربّأهُ, inf. n. تَرْبِئَةٌ, He made it to pass away; (K, TA;) namely, property: so in the Tekmileh: in the K, ↓ رَبَأَ is likewise mentioned, in an earlier part of the art., as meaning أَذْهَبَ; but the context in the K compared with that in the Tekmileh seems to show that this is a mistake. (TA.) 3 رابأ He watched, or observed, a thing; (M, K; *) as also ↓ رَبَأَ and ↓ اربأ and ↓ ارتبأ: (TA:) he guarded (حَارَسَ, T, M, K) men, (M,) or a man, (T, K, *) being guarded by him. (T.) b2: He was cautious of, or he feared, a thing, (T, * S, K, *) or a man; (M;) inf. n. مُرَابَأَةٌ. (T, S. [In one of my copies of the S, رَبَأْتُ الشَّىْءَ مَرْبَأَةً is erroneously put for رَابَأْتُ الشىء مُرَابَأَةً.]) 4 أَرْبَاَ see 1, in two places, near the beginning: A2: and see also 3.8 ارتبأ He stationed himself, or stood, upon a place such as is called مَرْبَأٌ. (T.) See also 1, in five places.

A2: And see 3.

رَبْأَةٌ, (K,) written by El-Munáwee رَبَأَةٌ, but it is not certain, (TA,) The [kind of leathern vessel for water called] إِدَاوَة that is made of four skins; (K;) made of four skins because of its largeness. (MF.) رَبَآءٌ [High ground]. You say أَرْضٌ لَا رَبَآءَ فِيهَا وَلَا وَطَآءَ, with medd in each case, [A land in which is no high ground nor low ground.] (T.) رَبِىْءٌ: see what next follows, in two places.

رَبِيْئةٌ (T, S, M, O, K) and ↓ رَبِىْءٌ (S, O) and ↓ مُرْتَبِىءٌ (T in art. رمى) A scout; (T, S, M, O, K;) but only (O, TA) such as is stationed upon a mountain or some elevated spot, (T, * O, TA,) whence he looks out: (O, TA:) [perhaps also signifying scouts; for the word طَلِيعَةٌ by which the first is explained in the S and M and O and K, and the second also in the S and O, means “ a scout ” and “ scouts: ”] pl. [of the first]

رَبَايَا. (S, O.) The first is fem. because the طليعة is also called عَيْنٌ, and عين is fem.: but Sb states that this last word in the sense of طليعة is masc. and fem.; fem. originally, and masc. as being turned from [the signification of] a part [i. e. an eye] to [that of] the whole [person]. (M.) AA cites, as an ex. of ↓ رَبِىْءٌ فَأَرْسَلْنَا أَبَا عَمْرٍو رَبِيْئًا [And we sent Aboo-' Amr as a scout]: (TA:) from a poem of 'Abd-Esh-Shárik El-Juhanee. (Ham pp. 218 et seqq.) رَابِىءُ الضُّرَبَآءِ [The superintendent, or supervisor, of the players at the game called المَيْسِر, whose place is behind them]. (TA in art. رقب.) مَرْبَأٌ and ↓ مَرْبَأَةٌ (S, M, K) and ↓ مُرْتَبَأٌ (S, K) and ↓ مِرةبَآءٌ (TA as from the K [but not in the CK nor in my MS. copy of the K]) An elevated place of observation, or upon which a person is stationed to watch; (S, K;) the place of the رَبِيْئَة [or scout]. (M.) b2: And hence, the first of these words, (S,) or ↓ the second, (T, M,) The مَنَارَة [or perch], (T,) or place, (S, M,) of the hawk, or falcon, (T, S, M,) upon which he stands, (S,) or upon which he mounts. (M.) A rájiz suppresses the ء, saying, مُقَيَّدَا ↓ بَاتَ عَلَى مَرْبَاتِهِ [He passed the night upon his perch, shackled]. (T.) مَرْبَأَةٌ and مَرْبَاةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, in three places.

مَرْبَآءٌ, (M, and so in copies of the K,) accord. to IAar, with medd and fet-h, (M,) or ↓ مِرْبَآءٌ, (M, and so in the K accord. to the TA,) the latter preferred by Th, (M,) A stair, or ladder. (IAar, M, K.) مِرْبَآءٌ: see مَرْبَأٌ; and مَرْبَآءٌ.

مُرْتَبَأٌ: see مَرْبَأٌ.

مُرْتَبِىءٌ: see رَبِيْئَةٌ.
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