Arabic-English Lexicon by Edward William Lane (d. 1876) المعجم العربي الإنجليزي لإدوارد وليام لين

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1 شَامَ الشَّىْءَ فِى الشَّىْءِ, (K,) [aor. ـِ inf. n. شَيْمٌ, (TA,) He hid, or concealed, the thing in the thing: (K, TA:) and he inserted the thing in the thing. (TA.) [Hence,] شام سَيْفَهُ, (K,) first Pers\. شِمْتُهُ, (S,) aor. as above, (K,) inf. n. شَيْمٌ, (TA,) He sheathed his sword; (S, K;) and [in like manner] شام نَبْلَهُ [He put his arrows into the quiver]: (TA:) and the former signifies also He drew his sword: thus having two contr. meanings: (S, K:) A 'Obeyd doubted of the latter meaning; and Sh knew it not; but the verb is said to have this meaning in a verse of ElFarezdak. (TA.) It is said in a trad. of Aboo-Bekr that a complaint was made to him against Khálid Ibn-El-Weleed, and he said, لَا أَشِيمُ سَيْفًا سَلَّهُ اللّٰهُ عَلَى المُشْرِكِينَ i. e. I will not sheath a sword [which God has drawn against the believers in a plurality of gods]. (TA.) [Hence also,] one says, شام أَبَا عُمَيْرٍ (K, TA) i. e. [He sheathed] the ذَكَر; (TA;) meaning (assumed tropical:) he attained his desire of the virgin. (K, TA.) b2: And شام فِى الفَرَسِ سَاقَهُ He struck the mare with his shank to make her run: (K:) or he impressed (lit. inserted) his leg [or shank] in the belly of the mare, striking her [with it]. (Aboo-Málik; TA.) A2: شِمْتُ مَخَايِلَ الشَّىْءِ I directed my look towards the indications, or symptoms, of the thing, waiting, or watching, for it. (S.) b2: And [hence, or the reverse may be the case,] شِمْتُ البَرْقَ, (S, Msb, K, *) aor. and inf. n. as above, (Msb, TA,) I looked at, (S, K, *) or watched, or observed, (Msb,) the lightning, (Msb, K,) or the cloud thereof, to see where it would rain, (S,) or to see where it would pour, or bring rain, (Msb,) or to see whither it tended and where it would rain: (K:) this is done only when it flickers and disappears without delay: and [it is said, but, in my opinion, fancifully, and with little reason, that] the drawing and sheathing of a sword are likened to lightning flickering and disappearing. (TA.) [Hence the phrase, شِمْتُ بَرْقَ فُلَانٍ (assumed tropical:) I looked hoping for the benefits of such a one: mentioned by Freytag on the authority of Meyd: and the like is said in Har p. 319.] And شام السَّحَابَ He looked at the clouds from afar: and [in like manner,] النَّارَ the fire. (TA.) It is said in a prov., لَا تَشِمِ الغَيْثَ فَقَدْ أَوْدَى النَّقَدْ i. e. [Look not thou hoping for rain, for] the lambs have perished: addressed to him who mourns for that which has past. (Meyd.) and one says, فُلَانٌ مُوسِرٌ وَلَا أَشِيمُهُ مِنْ فَقْرٍ (assumed tropical:) [Such a one is wealthy, and I do not look at him in hope by reason of poverty]; meaning that he is independent of him. (Z, TA.) b3: [Hence also,] شِمْ مَا بَيْنَهُمَا (tropical:) Compute thou, or estimate, or consider, (K, TA,) and look, or see, (TA,) what [relation, or difference,] is between them two. (K, TA. [In the CK, شَيَّمَ is erroneously put for شِمْ; and قَدَّرَهُ, in the explanation, for قَدِّرْهُ.]) A3: شَامَ also signifies It (a thing, TA) entered, فِى شَىْءٍ into a thing; (K, TA;) quasi-pass. of the same verb in the latter of the two senses expl. in the first sentence of this art.; (TA;) and so ↓ انشام, (S, K, TA,) and ↓ اشام, and ↓ اشتام, and ↓ تشيّم, and ↓ شيّم. (K, TA.) b2: Also, (K,) aor. as above, (TA,) inf. n. شَيْمٌ and شُــيُومٌ, He made a valid charge, or assault, or attack, in war, or battle. (K.) A4: Also, (K,) aor. as above, (TA,) He (a man) had a black رَقْمَة [app. meaning spot, or mole, i. e. شَامَة,] apparent in his skin. (K.) And شِيمَ, inf. n. شَيْمٌ, [perhaps a mistranscription for شَيَمٌ,] He was marked with a شَامَة [or mole]: or, as some say, [the pass. part. n.]

مَشْــيُومٌ [signifying “ marked with a شامة ”] has no verb: and Az says that ↓ شَيَمٌ, signifying the having upon him a شامة, has no known verb: (TA:) or شَيَمٌ is an inf. n. signifying the having upon him شَام [i. e. moles]. (Ham p. 361.) A5: شَامَ فُلَانًا, (K,) aor. as above, (TA,) He soiled the legs, or feet, of such a one with dust, or earth: (K, TA:) in [some of] the copies of the K, غَيَّرَ رِجْلَيْهِ بِالشِّيَامِ; but correctly, [as in the CK and in my MS copy of the K,] غَبَّرَ; and accord. to the M, from الشِّيَام, [meaning that the verb is derived from this word,] i. e. التُّرَاب. (TA.) 2 شَيَّمَ see 1, in the latter half.

A2: شيّم يَدَيْهِ فِى

رَأْسِهِ, or ثَوْبِهِ, He seized his head, or his garment, fighting him. (K.) 4 أَشْيَمَ see 1, in the latter half.5 تَشَيَّمَ see 1, in the latter half. b2: تشيّمهُ الضِّرَامُ The kindling of fire entered it; namely, a wood; as used in a verse of Sá'ideh: or, as some relate it, تَسَنَّمَهُ [q. v.]. (S, TA.) And تشيّم الحَرِيقُ القَصَبَ The fire entered, and mixed with, the reeds, or canes. (TA.) b3: And تشيّمهُ الشَّيْبُ (tropical:) Hoariness came upon him, (K, TA,) and became intermixed upon him: or, accord. to IAar, became abundant upon him, and spread; (TA;) as also تَسَنَّمَهُ. (IAar, M and TA in art. سنم.) A2: تشيّم أَبَاهُ He resembled his father in شِيمة i. e. nature, or natural disposition. (IAar, K, TA.) 7 انشام: see 1, in the latter half.

A2: Also He (a man) became one who was looked at. (S, K.) 8 إِشْتَيَمَ see 1, in the latter half.

شَامٌ: see شَامَةٌ, in three places.

A2: The country of الشَّام [i. e. Syria] has been mentioned in art. شأم [as originally الشَّأْم].

شِيمٌ A certain species of fish. (S, K. *) A2: Also pl. of أَشْيَمُ [q. v.]. (S, TA.) A3: And pl., in one sense, of شِيَامٌ [q. v.]. (K.) شَيَمٌ: see 1, near the end.

A2: Also Any land, or ground, in which one has not yet dug, remaining in its [original] hard state, (Aboo-Sa'eed, K, TA,) so that the digging therein is more difficult [than elsewhere] to the digger. (Aboo-Sa'eed, TA.) شَامَةٌ A mole, syn. خَالٌ, (S, Msb, TA,) upon the person; (Msb;) [i. e.] a pimple inclining to blackness, upon the person; (Mgh;) or a [natural] mark differing from the colour of the person upon which it is: (K, * TA:) its medial radical letter is originally ى: (S, TA:) and it is also with ء, i. e. شَأْمَةٌ: (IAth, TA:) pl. ↓ شَامٌ, (S, Msb, K,) [or rather this is a coll. gen. n.,] and [the pl. properly so termed is] شَامَاتٌ. (Msb, K.) حَتَّى تَكُونُوا كَأَنَّكُمْ شَامَةٌ فِى النَّاسِ [So that ye may be as though ye were a mole amid the people], occurring in a trad., means [that ye may] be in the goodliest garb or guise, appearing like the شامة, at which one looks exclusively of the rest of the person. (IAth, TA.) And one says, ↓ صَارُوا شَامًا فِى البِلَادِ, meaning (assumed tropical:) They became scattered [in the countries] like the شام [or moles] upon the person. (TA.) b2: Also A black mark upon the person, [an explanation which seems to apply, like the former in the K, to a mole, though given as differing therefrom,] and upon the ground: pl. [or coll. gen. n.] ↓ شَامٌ. (K.) b3: It is also [A mark, or spot,] upon a mare, upon a place that is disapproved, and sometimes upon her دَوَائِر [which means what are termed feathers, pl. of دَائِرَةٌ, q. v.]. (ISh, TA.) b4: And A spot (نُكْتَة) [upon the face] of the moon. (K.) b5: And (tropical:) A black she-camel: (IAar, S, K, TA:) accord. to Niftaweyh, شَأْمَةٌ, with; but ISd says, I know not the reason of this, unless it be extr., like الخَأْتَمُ and العَأْلِمُ. (TA.) One says, مَا لَهُ شَامَةٌ وَلَا زَهْرَآءُ, meaning, (tropical:) He has not a black she-camel nor a white one. (S, K, TA.) شِيمَةٌ Nature; natural, native, or innate, disposition, temper, or other quality or property; (S, Msb, K;) as also شِئْمَةٌ, (K,) which is an extr. dial. var.: (TA:) pl. شِيَمٌ. (Msb.) A2: Also Dust, or earth, dug from the ground; (As, S, K;) and so ↓ شِيَامٌ. (S, as on the authority of As; but only in one of my two copies of the S.) شَيَامٌ Soft, or plain, land; (AA, K, TA;) of which the earth is soft, or uncompact. (TA.) b2: See also the paragraph here following, in two places.

شِيَامٌ Dust, or earth, (K, TA,) in a general sense; (TA;) as also ↓ شَيَامٌ: (K:) see also شِيمَةٌ: [or,] accord. to Kh, a hollow dug in the ground: or, as some say, land of which the earth is soft, or uncompact. (S, TA.) b2: And A [covert such as is termed] كِنَاس: so called because of the wild animal's entering (لاِنْشِيَامِ الوَحْشِ i. e. دُخُولِهِ) into it. (As, S, TA.) A2: Also The rat, or mouse; syn. فَأْرٌ: (IAar, K, TA:) but written by Aboo-'Amr Ez-Záhid ↓ شَيَامٌ, and said by him to be the جُرَذ [generally meaning a large field-rat]: (TA:) pl. شِيمٌ. (K.) قَوْمٌ شُــيُومٌ A people, or party, in a state of security: occurring in a trad.: and it is said that شــيوم is an Abyssinian word: but, as some relate the trad., it is سُــيُومٌ [q. v., voce سَائِمٌ, of which it is said to be pl.]. (TA.) أَشْيَمُ A man (S, Msb) having a شَامَة [or mole] upon his person; (Az, S, Mgh, Msb, K; *) and ↓ مَشِيمٌ (S, K) and ↓ مَشُومٌ (K) and ↓ مَشْــيُومٌ (S, K) signify the same [or rather marked with a mole]: (S, * K:) or أَشْيَمُ signifies having upon him شَام [or moles]: (Ham p. 361:) fem. شَيْمَآءُ: (TA:) and pl. شِيمٌ. (S, TA.) b2: And A beast, (Lth, AO, TA,) and anything, (Lth, TA,) having upon him, or it, a [mark such as is termed] شَامَة, (Lth, AO, TA,) or [marks such as are termed] شَام. (AO, TA.) b3: And شِيمُ الإِبِلِ (assumed tropical:) Such as are black, of camels: sing., masc. and fem., as above: (TA:) occurring in this sense in a verse of Aboo-Dhueyb, as related by AA: but as heard by As, in this verse, شُومُهَا, and thought by him to be a pl. [originally شُيْم] of أَشْيَمُ. (S.) See also أَشْأَمُ (in art. شأم), last sentence.

مَشُومٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

A2: And see مَشْؤُومٌ, in art. شأم.

مَشِيمٌ: see أَشْيَمُ: A2: and see also the paragraph here next following.

مَشِيمَةٌ The غِرْس; (S, TA;) i. e. (TA) the place of, (K, TA,) or [membrane that encloses, or forms the] covering of, (Msb,) the fœtus (Msb, K, TA) of a human being: (Msb: [see غِرْسٌ:]) originally مَشْيِمَةٌ: (S, Msb:) pl. مَشَايِمُ (S, K) and [coll. gen. n.] ↓ مَشِيمٌ. (IB, K.) [See also سَلًى.]

مَشْــيُومٌ: see أَشْيَمُ.



1 بَذُوَ, (T, S, M, &c.,) aor. ـْ (T, S,) inf. n. بَذَآءٌ (S, M, Msb, K) and بَذَآءَةٌ, (K,) or the latter is the original form, but the ة is elided, as in جَمَالٌ, inf. n. of جَمُلَ, (S,) or بَذَآءَةٌ is an inf. n. of the verb with ء, but that of بذو is بَذَآءٌ; (IB;) and some say, بَذِىَ, (T,) which is a dial. var. of the former, (Msb,) aor. ـْ inf. n. بَذَآءٌ; (T in art. بذأ;) He (a man) was, or became, foul, unseemly, or obscene [in tongue]; (T, S, M, K;) evil in speech; (T in art. بذأ;) as also بَذُؤَ, (T, M, K, in that art.,) and بَذَأَ, (Msb and K in art. بذأ,) and بَذِئَ: (K in that art.:) and ↓ ابذى he uttered foul, unseemly, or obscene, speech or language. (TA.) And بَذَوْتُ عَلَى القَوْمِ, (S, M, Msb, * K,) aor. ـُ inf. n. بَذَآءٌ; (Msb;) and ↓ أَبْذَيْتُ عَلَيْهِمْ, (S, Msb, *) or أَبْذَيْتُهُمْ, (M, IB, K,) or both, (TA,) I uttered foul, unseemly, or obscene, language against the people, or company of men: (S, M, K, TA:) or behaved in a lightwitted, weak, stupid, or foolish, manner, or ignorantly, towards them; and uttered foul, unseemly, or obscene, language against them; and so though with truth. (Msb.) And بَذَا also signifies He (a man) was, or became, evil in disposition. (TA.) 3 باذي, (S, TA,) inf. n. مُبَاذَاةٌ, (TA,) [He vied with another, or strove to surpass him, in foul, unseemly, or obscene, speech or language: or he held such discourse with another:] the inf. n. is syn. with مُفَاحَشَةٌ. (TA.) 4 أَبْذَوَ see 1, in two places.

بَذَآءٌ [inf. n. of 1, used as a subst,] Foul, unseemly, or obscene, speech or language. (S, M, K.) بَذِىٌ, (T, M, Msb, K,) or بَذِىٌ اللِّسَانِ, (S,) A man foul, unseemly, or obscene, in tongue: (T, S, M, * K: *) or lightwitted, weak, stupid, or ignorant, in behaviour; and foul, unseemly, or obscene, in speech; and so though speaking truth: (Msb:) fem. with ة: (S, Msb:) and pl. أَبْذِيَآءُ. (T.)



1 رَاغَ, (S, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ (S, Msb,) inf. n. رَوْغٌ (S, Msb, K) and رَوَغَانٌ, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) said of a fox, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) and of a man, (K,) He turned aside or away from a thing: (K:) or went this way and that, (Mgh,) or to the right and left, quickly, (Msb,) and deceitfully, or guilefully: (Mgh, Msb:) [or turned aside to deceive him who was behind him: for] the primary signification of رَوْغٌ is the turning aside to deceive him who is behind one. (Er-Rághib, TA.) It is said in a prov., رُوغِى جَعَارِ وَ انْظُرِى أَيْنَ المَفِرْ [for المَفِرُّ, i. e. Turn aside or away, or go this way and that, &c., O she-hyena, and look where is the place to which to flee: or, as some relate it, the first word is رُوعِى: see art. جعر]. (S, TA. [Freytag seems to have found المعز for المفر; and has explained رُوغِى جَعَارِ as meaning “ Vide ubi capræ sint, hyæna! ”]) And you say, راغ الصَّيْدُ The game, or object of the chase, went away this way and that, or hither and thither. (TA. [There said to be tropical; but I see not wherefore.]) And one says, راغ عَنْ فُلَانٍ He turned aside, or away, from such a one [and particularly with deceit or guile; eluded him; dodged him]. (JK.) And هُوَ يَرُوغُ عَنِ الحَقِّ [He deviates from the truth, or from that which is right or just]. (TA.) And راغ الطَّرِيقُ The road turned aside or away, or deviated. (Msb.) And راغ مِنْ كَذَا He turned away from such a thing, and returned, concealing his return: (Har p. 21:) [for,] accord. to Fr, راغ is not said of one who has returned unless he concealed his return. (Har ibid., and TA.) And راغ إِلَى كَذَا, (S, Msb,) or الى فُلَانٍ, (TA,) He turned aside (S, Msb, TA) to such a thing, (S, Msb,) or to such a one, (TA,) secretly. (S, Msb, TA.) Hence, in the Kur [li. 26], فَراغَ

إِلَى أَهْلِهِ فَجَآءَ بِعِجْلٍ سَمِينٍ And he turned aside, (Jel, TA,) or went away, (Bd,) to his family secretly [and brought a fat calf]: (Bd, Jel, TA:) or he returned to his family concealing his return. (Fr, TA.) And in the Kur [xxxvii. 91], فَرَاغَ عَلَيْهِمْ ضَرْبًا بِالْيَمِينِ And he turned against them (Fr, S, Bd, TA) secretly, (Bd, TA,) smiting them with the right hand, or because of the oath that he had sworn; (Bd;) as though the رَوْغ in this case consisted in his employing a pretext against them in order that he might do to their gods what he did: (S, L:) or the meaning is, he advanced against them. (S, TA.) b2: راغ حَاجَةً إِلَى فُلَانٍ, aor. as above, He sought to obtain quickly an object of want of such a one. (JK, TA. [See also 4.]2 روّغ, (IAar, K,) inf. n. تَرْوِيغٌ, (TA,) (tropical:) He smeared, seasoned, imbued, or soaked, a mess of ثَرِيد [i. e. broken, or crumbled, bread], (IAar, K, TA,) or a morsel, or mouthful, (TA,) with grease, or gravy, or dripping; (IAar, K, TA;) as also مَرَّغَ, and سَغْبَلَ, and رَوَّلَ: (TA:) or you say, رَوَّغْتُ اللُّقْمَةَ بِالسَّمْنِ, inf. n. as above, I smeared, seasoned, imbued, or soaked, the morsel, or mouthful, with clarified butter; as also رَيَّغْتُ: (Msb:) or رَوَّغْتُ الخُبْزَ فِى الوَدَكِ I soaked the bread in grease, or gravy, or dripping; syn. رَوَّلْتُهُ فِيهِ. (JK.) 3 راوغهُ, (MA, TA,) inf. n. مُرَاوَغَةٌ (KL, TA) and رِوَاغٌ, (TA,) He practised deceit, delusion, guile, or artifice, (MA, KL, TA,) with him, or towards him; (MA, TA;) or strove, endeavoured, or desired, to deceive, delude, beguile, circumvent, or outwit, him; syn. خَادَعَهُ; as also ↓ اراغهُ, inf. n. إِرَاغَةٌ: and both signify he endeavoured to turn him; or endeavoured to turn him by blandishment, or by deceitful arts, or to entice him to turn; syn. رَاوَدَهُ. (TA.) It is said when its object is a person who has turned away from, or shunned, or avoided, that which one has devised, planned, or plotted, against him. (TA.) You say, فُلَانٌ يُرَاوِغُ فِى الأَمْرِ [Such a one practises deceit, &c., in the affair], inf. n. مُرَاوَغَةٌ. (S.) And مَا زِلْتُ أُرَاوِغُهُ عَنْ كَذَا I ceased not to endeavour to turn him, or to entice him to turn, from such a thing, syn. أُرَاوِدُهُ; (TA in this art;) and عَلَيْهِ to it: (TA in art. منع:) and [in like manner] you say, عَلَى أَمْرٍ ↓ فُلَانٌ يُرِيغُنِى Such a one endeavours to turn me, or to entice me to turn, to a thing; and عَنْ أَمْرٍ from a thing; syn. يُرَاوِدُنِى; and seeks, or demands, my doing so. (TA.) b2: مُرَاوَغَةٌ also signifies The act of wrestling together; (S, K;) like ↓ تَرَاوُغٌ. (K.) Yousay, رَاوغهُ He wrestled with him: (TK:) or رواغ بَعْضُهُمْ بَعْضًا One of them wrestled with another; [or they wrestled, one with another; or they wrestled together;] as also ↓ تراوغوا. (S, TA.) 4 أَرْوَغَ see 3, in two places. b2: اراغ, (S, Msb, K,) inf. n. إِرَاغَةٌ, (Msb, TA,) also signifies He sought, sought for or after, sought to find and take or get, or pursued after, and desired, (S, Msb, K,) a thing; (Msb;) or a thing that was difficult to take; as though it turned aside or away, or went this way and that, &c., (كَأَنَّهُ يَرُوغُ,) before him; (Har p. 21;) and ↓ ارتاغ, (S, Msb, K,) inf. n. اِرْتِيَاغٌ, (Msb,) signifies the same. (S, Msb, K.) [أَرِيغُونِى إِرَاغَتَكُمْ is expl. in one of my two copies of the S by the words اُطْلُبُونِى طَلِبَتَكُمْ: in the other of those copies, the latter of these words is written طلِبتَكم: I think that the right reading is طِلْبَتَكُمْ; and the meaning, Seek ye me with, or in, your mode, or manner, of seeking: the proper meaning is seek ye me with your seeking.] Khálid Ibn-Jaafar Ibn-Kiláb says, speaking of his mare حِذْقَة, أَرِيغُونِى إِرَاغَتَكُمْ فَإِنِّى

وَ حِذْقَةَ كَالشَّجَا تَحْتَ الوَرِيدِ [Seek ye me with your seeking; but ye will not be able to take me; for I, with Hidhkah, am like the bone sticking fast in the throat beneath the carotid artery]. (TA.) And you say, أَرَغْتُ الصَّيْدَ [I sought, or pursued, the game, or object of the chase]. (S.) And اراغت العُقَابُ الصَّيْدَ The eagle pursued the game this way and that, as the latter went. (Mgh and TA in art. هوى.) And خَرَجْتُ أُرِيغُ بَعِيرًا شَرَدَ مِنِّى I went forth seeking in every road, or way, a camel that had run away from me. (TA, from a trad.) and مَا ذَا تُرِيغُ What is this that thou seekest and desirest? or that which thou seekest and desirest? (S, TA.) And فُلَانٌ يُرِيغُ كَذَا وَ كَذَا Such a one eeks, and devises or plans or plots, such and such things. (T, TA.) 5 تروّغ He (a beast) rolled, or turned himself over. (JK, IDrd, K.) And تروّغ فِى الطِّينِ He became befouled, or bedaubed, in the mud. (JK.) 6 تَرَاْوَغَ see 3, last two sentences.8 إِرْتَوَغَ see 4, second sentence.

رَاغَةٌ: see رِيَاغَةٌ.

رَوَاغٌ [The act, or quality, of turning aside or away from a thing: or of going this way and that, or to the right and left, quickly, and deceitfully, or guilefully: or of turning aside to deceive him who is behind one: or of eluding, or dodging:] a subst. from رَاغَ. (S, Msb, K.) A2: خَيْرٌ رواغٌ, (so in the TA, the vowel of the ر in رواغ not indicated,) or ↓ خَيْرٌ لَهُ رَوَاغَآءُ and ↓ رُوَاغَآءُ, (so in the JK,) Abundant [wealth, or good of any kind]. (JK, TA.) رِيَاغٌ [originally رِوَاغٌ] A state of plenty; or of abundance of herbage, or of the goods or conveniences or comforts of life. (JK, Ibn-'Abbád, K.) You say, فُلَانٌ فِى الرِّيَاغِ Such a one is in a state of plenty, &c. (JK.) A2: See also art. ريغ.

رِوَاغَةٌ: see what next follows.

رِيَاغَةٌ The wrestling-place of a people; (Yz, JK, S, K;) as also ↓ رِوَاغَةٌ, (K,) which is the original form, the و being afterwards changed into ى because of the kesreh before it, though this, as Sgh says, is not a necessary sort of conversion; (TA;) or ↓ رَاغَةٌ. (So in the JK.) رُوَيْغَةٌ i. q. حِيلَةٌ [meaning An evasion or elusion, a shift, a wile, an artifice, an artful contrivance or device, a plot, or a stratagem]: (Ibn-'Abbád, K:) from الرَّوْغُ [inf. n. of رَاغَ]: so in the saying, أَخَذْتَنِى بِالرُّوَيْغَةِ [Thou tookest me by an artifice, &c.]. (JK, Ibn-'Abbád, K.) [It has a similar meaning also in a saying cited voce حَوْجَآءُ, q. v.]

رَوَاغَآءُ and رُوَاغَآءُ: see رَوَاغٌ.

رَوَّاغٌ [Wont to turn aside or away from a thing: or to go this way and that, or to the right and left, quickly, and deceitfully, or guilefully: or to turn aside for the purpose of deceiving him who is behind: or to elude, or dodge]. Mo'áwiyeh said to 'Abd-Allah Ibn-Ez-Zubeyr, إِنَّمَا أَنْتَ ثَعْلَبٌ رَوَّاغٌ كُلَّمَا خَرَجْتَ مِنْ جُحْرٍ انْجَحَرْتَ فِى

جُحْرٍ [Thou art only a fox wont to elude: whenever thou comest forth from a burrow, thou enterest into a burrow]. (TA.) [Hence,] الرَّوَّاغُ is an appellation of The fox. (JK, K.) طَرِيقٌ رَائِغٌ A deviating road. (S, TA.) Hence

↓ رَائِغَةٌ [as a subst.] A road deviating from the main road: pl. رَوَائِغُ. (TA, from a trad.) رَائغَة: see what next precedes.

أَرْوَغُ [More, and most, wont to turn aside or away from a thing: to go this way and that, or to the right and left, quickly, and deceitfully, or guilefully: to turn aside for the purpose of deceiving him who is behind: or to elude, or dodge]. Tarafeh Ibn-El-'Abd said to 'Amr Ibn-Hind, censuring his companions, كُلُّهُمُ أَرْوَغُ مِنْ ثَعْلَبٍ

مَا أَشْبَهَ اللَّيْلَةَ بِالبَارِحَهْ [Every one of them is more wont to elude than a fox: how like is this night to yesternight! meaning, how like are they, one to another! see art. برح]: أَرْوَغُ مِنْ ثَعْلَبٍ is a prov. (TA.)



1 فَزِعَ, (S, O, Msb, K,) and فَزَعَ, (K,) aor. ـَ of the former verb, (Msb, K,) and of the latter also, (K,) inf. n. فَزَعٌ, (S, O, Msb, K,) which is of the former verb, (S, * O, Msb, TA,) and [of the latter verb] فَزْعٌ [فَزَعًا in the CK being a mistake for فَزْعًا] and ?? (K, TA,) He feared; or was, or became, in fear, afraid, frightened, or terrified; (S, O, Msb, K, TA;) and so ↓ تفزّع: (TA in art. روع:) you say, فَزِعَ مِنْهُ he feared him, or it; or was, or became, in fear, &c., of him, or it: (MA, Msb, TA:) accord. to Er-Rághib, فَزَعٌ signifies a shrinking, and an aversion, that comes upon a man, from a thing causing fear or fright; and is a kind of جَزَع [q. v.]; and one should not say فَزِعْتُ مِنَ اللّٰهِ like as one says خِفْتُ مِنْهُ: or, as Mbr says, in the “ Kámil,” its primary signification is the fearing, or being in fear or afraid or frightened or terrified: then, by a metonymical application, it signifies a people's going forth quickly to repel an enemy, or the like, that has come upon them suddenly; and this meaning has become [conventionally regarded as] proper. (TA.) b2: فَزَعٌ signifies also The seeking, or demanding, aid, or succour: (Az, K, TA:) and the aiding, or succouring; (Az, S, O, K, TA;) this latter being likewise a signification of ↓ إِفْزَاعٌ: (S, O:) an ex. of the former word (S, O, TA) in the latter sense (O, TA) occurs in the saying of the Prophet to the Ansár, إِنَّكُمْ لَتَكْثُرُونَ عِنْدَ الفَزَعِ وَ تَقِلُّونَ عِنْدَ الطَّمَعِ [Verily ye are many on the occasion of aiding, or succouring, and ye are few on the occasion of coveting, or greed]; (S, O, TA;) or in this saying the implied meaning may be, on the occasion of men's betaking themselves to you in fear (عِنْدَ فَزَعِ النَّاسِ إِلَيْكُمْ) in order that ye may aid or succour them [which is virtually the same as their seeking your aid or succour]: (TA:) thus [it is said] فَزَعٌ has two contr. significations: (K:) and both of these significations are expressed by the verb فَزِعَ: (O:) you say فَزِعَ إِلَيْهِ and فَزِعَ مِنْهُ; (K in continuation of what has been last cited therefrom above, and TA; [app. meant to indicate that both of these phrases signify he sought, or demanded, aid, or succour, of him; and he aided, or succoured, him; or that the former phrase has the former signification; and the latter phrase, the latter signification; though accord. to the TK, both phrases have the former signification, and the former phrase has also the latter signification;]) but you should not say فَزَعَهُ, (K, TA,) i. e. like مَنَعَهُ: (TA:) [or] from الفَزَعُ as signifying “ fear,” or “ fright,” you say فَزِعْتُ

إِلَيْكَ and فَزِعْتُ مِنْكَ; [app. meant to indicate that the former phrase signifies I betook myself to thee in fear, which is a meaning thereof well known, and nearly agreeing with an explanation of the verb followed by إِلَيْهِ which will be found below in this paragraph; and that the latter phrase signifies I feared thee, or I was, or became, in fear, &c., of thee, the only meaning, of this phrase, for which I find any explicit authority, and one for which I have given three authorities in the first sentence of this art.;] but you should not say فَزِعْتُكَ: (S: [thus in my copies, فَزِعْتُكَ, not فَزَعْتُكَ:]) or فَزِعَ إِلَيْهِمْ signifies he sought, or demanded, of them, aid, or succour; and فَزَعَهُمْ and فَزِعَهُمْ signify he aided, or succoured, them, syn. أَغَاثَهُمْ [in the CK اَعانَهُمْ] and نَصَرَهُمْ, like ↓ أَفْزَعَهُمْ: (K, TA:) accord. to IB, فَزِعْتُهُ meaning أَغَثْتُهُ is originally فَزِعْتُ له [primarily signifying I feared, or became in fear &c., for him]; then the ل was dropped; for one says فَزِعْتُهُ and فَزِعْتُ لَهُ: (TA:) or فَزِعَ, like فَرِحَ, signifies اِنْتَصَرَ: (K: [thus in the copies of the K, and hence in the TA, app. a mistranscription for اِسْتَنْصَرَ, he sought, or demanded, aid, or aid against an enemy:]) and فَزِعَ إِلَيْهِ he betook himself, or had recourse, to him, or it, for refuge, protection, or preservation, (S, O, Msb, K, TA,) by reason of fear, or fright, (S,) and sought, or demanded, aid, or succour, by him, or it; whence, in a trad. respecting the eclipse of the sun, فَافْزَعُواإِلَى الصَّلَاة i. e. Then betake yourselves, &c., to prayer, and seek, or demand, aid, or succour, by it. (TA.) b3: فَزِعَ مِنْ نَوْمِهِ means He became roused from his sleep; (O, K;) because he who is roused is not free from some fear, or fright: occurring in a trad. in this sense. (O.) And one says, فَزِعْتُ بِمَجِىْءِ فُلَانٍ, meaning I prepared [or roused] myself by reason of the coming of such a one, by a change of state, or condition, like as the sleeper passes from the state of sleeping to that of waking. (TA.) A2: فَزَعَهُ in the phrase فَفَزَعَهُ ↓ فَازَعَهُ means He exceeded him in fear, or fright. (TA.) A3: فُزِعَ عَنْ قُلُوبِهِمْ: see the next paragraph.2 فزّعهُ: see 4. b2: [It also app. signifies He made a fearful event, or fearful events, to befall him: see its pass. part. n. below.] b3: فَزَّعَ عَنْهُ He removed from him fear, or fright: (O, in two places:) it is implied by the context in the K that عنه ↓ افزع has this meaning; but in the O and other lexicons it is فَزَّعَ. (TA.) And فُزِّعَ عَنْهُ, (S, K,) inf. n. تَفْزِيعٌ, (K,) Fear, or fright, was removed from him. (S, K.) It is said in the Kur [xxxiv. 22], حَتَّى إِذَافُزِّعَ عَنْ قُلُوبِهِمْ, meaning Until, when fear, or fright, shall be removed from their hearts: (S, O:) this is the common reading: another reading is فَزَّعَ, i. e. فَزَّعَ اللّٰهُ: and El-Hasan reads ↓ فُزِعَ: and he says that in this reading and the first, the prep. with its noun are [regarded as supplying the place of the agent and therefore virtually] in the nom. case, as in the phrase سِيرَ عَنِ البَلَدِ: (TA:) some read فُرِّغَ [q. v.]: (O and TA in art. فرغ:) and 'Eesà Ibn-'Omar is related to have read إِذَا افْرَنْقَعَ. (TA in art. فرقع.) 3 فازعهُ فَفَزَعَهُ [He vied with him in fear, or fright,] and he exceeded him therein. (TA. See 1, last sentence but one.) 4 افزعهُ, (Msb, K,) inf. n. إِفْزَاعٌ, (S, O,) He made him to fear, or to be afraid; frightened him; or terrified him; (S, * O, * Msb, K;) as also ↓ فزّعهُ, (S, O, Msb, K,) inf. n. تَفْزِيعٌ. (S, O.) And you say, يُفْزَعُ مِنْهُ [One is made to fear, or be afraid of, or is frightened, or terrified, at, it, or him], (S, O, K,) and مِنْ أَجْلِهِ [on account of him, or for the sake of him], (O, K,) and بِهِ [by him, or by means of him]. (O.) b2: [Hence,] He housed him from his sleep. (K, TA. [See 1, last quarter.]) b3: Also He aided, or succoured, him. (S, K.) See 1, former half; and again, in the latter half. b4: See also 2.5 تَفَزَّعَ see 1, first sentence.

فَزَعٌ Fear, or fright: (S, O, K:) originally (S) an inf. n.; but notwithstanding this, (S, * O, K,) sometimes, (S, O,) having a pl., which is أَفْزَاعٌ. (S, O, K.) b2: [And, as seems to be indicated by an explanation of مُفَزَّعٌ (q. v.), A fearful event: pl. as above.]

فَزِعٌ Fearing; being afraid or frightened or terrified; (Er-Rághib, MA, Msb, TA;) thus in a verse cited voce ظُنْبُوبٌ; (Er-Rághib, TA;) and ↓ مُفَازِعٌ is syn. therewith: (O, K:) and one says also ↓ رَجُلٌ فَازِعٌ, pl. فَزَعَةٌ; and ↓ مَفْزُوعٌ; meaning a man put in fear; made afraid; frightened, or terrified. (TA.) And In a state of disquiet, disturbance, or agitation: whence an extraordinary reading, of four readers, in the Kur xxviii. 9, [i. e.

فَزِعًا] for فَارِغًا, relating to the heart of the mother of Moses, meaning in a state of disquiet, &c., almost quitting its pericardium. (TA.) It has no broken pl.; its only pl. being فَزِعُونَ. (TA.) b2: Also Seeking, or demanding, aid, or succour; and Sgh thus explains it [in the O] as used in the verse above mentioned; but Er-Rághib says that this is an explanation of the intended meaning, not of the literal signification: (TA:) and it has also the contr. meaning, aiding, or succouring; thus being trans., though of the measure فَعِلٌ; but it may be altered from ↓ فَازِعٌ, like as حَذِرٌ is [said to be] altered from حَاذِرٌ. (IB, TA,) فَزْعَةٌ: see فَزَعَةٌ.

فُزْعَةٌ A man whom one is made to fear, of whom one is made afraid, or at whom one is frightened: (O, K:) [like مَفْزَعَةٌ as expl. by Lth and others:] and by whom, or by means of whom, one is made afraid, or frightened. (O.) فَزَعَةٌ sing. of فَزَعَات in the phrase فَزَعَاتُ الرُّوعِ [app. meaning The fears, or frights, of the heart]. (TA. [The sing., as well as the pl., is there said to be thus, بِالتَّحْرِيك; but if the former be, as I think it is, an inf. n. un., it should by rule be ↓ فَزْعَةٌ.]) فُزَعَةٌ One who fears men, or is frightened at them: (K:) or one who fears, or is frightened, much, or often; (O;) [and] so ↓ فَزَّاعَةٌ. (TA. [But see what next follows.]) فَزَّاعَةٌ One who makes men to fear, or frightens them, much, or often. (O, K.) See also فُزَعَةٌ.

فَازِغٌ: see فَزِعٌ, in two places.

مَفْزَعٌ i. q. مَلْجَأْ [as meaning A refuge, i. e. a place to which, or a person to whom, one betakes himself, or has recourse, for refuge, protection, or preservation,] (S, O, Msb, K, TA,) on the occasion of the befalling of an affliction or a calamity; (TA;) applied to a sing. and a pl. (S, O, K) and a dual (S, O) and a masc. and a fem.; (S, O, K;) one says, فُلَانٌ مَفْزَعٌ لِلنَّاسِ Such a one is a refuge to men when an event comes upon them suddenly, and هُمَامَفْزَعٌ لِلنَّاسِ, and هُمْ مَفْزَعٌ, &c.; (S, O;) and ↓ مَفْزَعَةٌ is the same in signification and in its applications; (K;) expl. by IF as signifying a place to which one who is in fear, or frightened, betakes himself, or has recourse, for refuge, protection, or preservation: (TA:) or مَفْزَعٌ signifies one of whom aid, or succour, is sought, or demanded: (K:) and ↓ مَفْزَعَةٌ, [a cause of fear or fright; being a word of the class of مَبْخَلَةٌ and مَجْبَنَةٌ; i. e.] a thing that one is made to fear, or at which one is frightened; (S;) or a person whom one is made to fear, or at whom one is frightened; [like فُزْعَةٌ;] or on account of whom, or for the sake of whom, one is made to fear, or is frightened: (Lth, O, K:) you say, فُلَانٌ لَنَا مَفْزَعَةٌ [Such a one is to us a person whom we are made to fear, &c.], and in like manner you say of a female, and of a pl. number. (O.) مَفْزَعَةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, in two places.

مُفَزَّعٌ Cowardly; (Fr, O, K;) as being made to fear, or to be frightened at, everything: (Fr, O:) and courageous; (Fr, O, K;) as being one the like of whom fearful events are made to befall (بِمِثْلِهِ تُنْزَلُ الأَفْزَاعُ). (Fr, O. [But what here follows suggests another reason, and I think a better, for the latter meaning.]) مُفَزَّعَةٌ applied by 'Amr Ibn-Maadee-Kerib as an epithet to his اِسْت, in replying to a threat of El-Ash-'ath, who had said to him, لَوْ دَنَوْتَ لَأُضَرِّطَنَّكَ, means Secure from being overcome by fear, or fright, and [therefore] not lax so as to break wind [in consequence of fear]; being from فَزَّعَ عَنْهُ meaning “ he removed fear, or fright, from him; ” or it may be for the same reason as that for which مُفَزَّعٌ is applied to a courageous man. (O.) مَفْزُوعٌ: see فَزِعٌ, first sentence.

مُفَازِعٌ: see فَزِعٌ, first sentence.



1 خَبِلَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. خَبَالٌ (JK, K, TA) and خَبَلٌ, (TA,) He was, or became, corrupted, unsound, vitiated, or disordered, [in an absolute sense; and particularly] in his reason, or intellect: (TA:) [or he was, or became, in a corrupt, an unsound, a vitiated, or a disordered, state, occasioning him agitation like that of possession or insanity, by disease affecting the reason and thought: (see خَبَالٌ, below:) and hence,] he was, or became, possessed, or insane. (JK, K, TA.) b2: And خَبِلَ, [inf. n. خَبَلٌ, (q. v. voce خَبَالٌ,)] He was, or became, affected with [the palsy termed] فَالِج. (JK.) b3: And خَبِلَتْ يَدُهُ His arm, or hand, became corrupted, unsound, vitiated, or disordered, so as to be rendered motionless; or dried up; or became lost; (K, TA;) or was cut off. (TA.) A2: خَبَلَهُ, (JK, S, Msb, K,) aor. ـِ (Msb,) inf. n. خَبْلٌ; (TA;) and ↓ خبّلهُ, (S, K,) inf. n. تَخْبِيلٌ; (TA;) and ↓ اختبلهُ; (S, K;) It (grief, JK, K, and love, JK, T, TA, and time, or fortune, and the ruling power, and disease, T, TA) rendered him possessed, or insane: (JK, K, TA:) and it corrupted, rendered unsound, vitiated, or disordered, his reason, or intellect; or his limb, or member: (S, K:) or it (grief) deprived him of his heart: and he corrupted, rendered unsound, vitiated, or disordered, one of his limbs or members: or deprived him of his reason, or intellect. (Msb.) And خَبَلَ قَلْبَهُ, aor. ـِ and خَبُلَ, It (love) corrupted, or rendered unsound, his heart. (JM.) And خَبَلَ فُلَانٌ يَدَ فُلَانٍ Such a one corrupted, rendered unsound, vitiated, or disordered, the arm, or hand, of such a one, so that it became motionless; or caused it to dry up; or deprived him of it. (JK.) b2: Also خَبَلَهُ, (TA,) [aor. ـِ inf. n. خَبْلٌ, (K, TA,) He restrained, withheld, or debarred, him: (K, * TA:) and ↓ اختبل likewise signifies he restrained, withheld, or debarred. (TA.) You say, مَا خَبَلَكَ عَنَّا What withheld, or has withheld, thee from us? (TA.) And خَبَلَهُ عَنْ كَذَا, aor. and inf. n. as above, He prevented, or hindered, him from doing such a thing. (K, * TA.) A3: خَبَلَ عَنْ فِعْلِ أَبِيهِ He fell short of the doing of his father. (JK, K.) 2 خَبَّلَ see 1.4 إِخْبَالٌ signifies The act of lending; (JK;) as also ↓ اِخْتِبَالٌ. (TA.) You say, أَخْبَلْتُهُ المَالَ, (S,) i. e. النَّاقَةَ, or الفَرَسَ, (S, K, *) I lent him the she-camel (S, K *) in order that he might ride her (TA) or in order that he might make use of her milk and her fur, or the horse in order that he might go on a hostile, or hostile and plundering, expedition upon him. (S, K, TA.) And اخبلهُ إِبِلًا, and غَنَمًا, He lent him camels, and sheep or goats. (M, TA.) See also 10. b2: Also The dividing one's camels into two halves, that one half might breed in each year; like as one does in land and sowing. (Ibn-' Abbád, K. *) 8 إِخْتَبَلَ see 1, in two places: b2: and see 4.

A2: اختبلت الدَّابَّةُ The beast remained not in its accustomed place. (Lth, ISd, K.) 10 استخبل مَالَ فُلَانٍ He sought to corrupt, render unsound, vitiate, or disorder, some of the camels of such a one. (Er-Rághib.) b2: [and hence,] استخبلهُ مِنْ مَالِهِ He asked of him the loan of some of his camels, or the like, until the time of abundance of herbage. (JK, O, * TA. *) And استخبلنى نَاقَةً, or فَرَسًا, He asked of me the loan of a she-camel (K, TA) in order that he might ride her (TA) or in order that he might make use of her milk and her fur, or a horse in order that he might go on a hostile, or hostile and plundering, expedition upon him. (K, TA.) And استخبلهُ إِبِلًا, and غَنَمًا, He asked of him the loan of camels, and sheep or goats. (M, TA.) Zuheyr says, ↓ هُنَا لَكَ إِنْ يُسْتَخْبَلُوا المَالَ يُخْبِلُوا [There, if they be asked to lend cattle, they lend]. (S, TA. [See also 10 in art. خول.]) خَبْلٌ: see خَبَالٌ, in four places. b3: Also Corruptness, unsoundness, or a vitiated or disordered state, of the limbs or members, (M, K,) of a man, so that one knows not how to walk; (Az, TA;) and so ↓ خَبَلٌ; (K;) which likewise signifies the same in the legs of a beast. (JK, K. *) b4: b5: And The [palsy termed] فَالِج; as also ↓ خَبَلٌ. (K.) b6: Also The cutting off of arms or hands, and legs or feet: (JK, Az, ISd, K:) pl. خُبُولٌ. (K.) So in the saying, قَوْمِى يُطَالِبُونَ بَنِى فُلَانٍ

بِدِمَآءٍ وَخَبْلٍ [My people, or party, prosecute the sons of such a one for blood (lit. bloods) and the cutting off of arms or hands, and legs or feet]. (JK.) And so خُبُولٌ in the saying, لَنَا فِى بَنِى

فُلَانٍ دِمَآءٌ وَخُبُولٌ [We have a claim, upon the sons of such a one, to blood (lit. bloods) and the cutting off of arms &c.]. (S.) b7: And Wounds: (JK:) and ↓ خَبَلٌ signifies a wound: and is so explained as used in the saying, بَنُو فُلَانٍ يُطَالِبُونَنَا بِخَبَلٍ [The sons of such a one prosecute us for a wound]. (TA.) b8: And i. q. فِتْنَةٌ and هَرْجٌ [i. e. Trial, punishment, slaughter, civil war, conflict and faction, discord, dissension, &c.]. (TA.) A2: Also A loan: and a demand of a loan: (K, TA:) relating to anything. (TA.) b2: And An addition which one gives, beyond what the جَمَّال [i. e. owner, or attendant, of a camel or camels (in the CK حَمّال i. e. porter)] imposes on one by stipulation. (M, K, TA.) A3: See also the next paragraph.

خُبْلٌ: see خَبَالٌ.

A2: وَقَعَ فِى خُبْلِى It came into my mind; (JK, K;) a phrase like the saying, سَقَطَ فِى يَدِى: (JK, K: * [in the K, meaning the same as this saying:]) and sometimes (JK) one says also ↓ فِى خَبْلِى. (JK [and so in the K accord. to the TA, but not in the CK, nor in my MS. copy of the K].) خَبَلٌ: see خَبَالٌ, in four places: b2: and see خَبْلٌ, in three places.

A2: Also The jinn, or genii; (IAar, Fr, S, K;) and so ↓ خَابِلٌ: (JK, K:) or the latter has this signification; and the former is a quasi-pl. n. of the latter, or, as some say, a pl., as is also خُبَّلٌ: (TA:) and ↓ خَابِلٌ signifies also a devil, or the devil. (K.) One says, بِهِ خَبَلٌ, meaning In him is somewhat of [the jinn, or genii, called] أَهْلُ الأَرْضِ. (S. [See الأَرْضُ, near the end of the paragraph: and see other explanations of خَبَلٌ voce خَبَالٌ, which may apply in this case.]) b2: Accord. to IAar and Fr, it is also applied to Mankind. (TA.) b3: Also A certain bird, that cries all the night, with one cry, resembling مَاتَتْ خَبَلْ. (M, K, * TA.) A3: Also A مَزَادَة [or leathern water-bag]. (Fr, K.) b2: And A full قِرْبَة [or water-skin]. (Fr, K.) خَبِلٌ and ↓ أَخْبَلُ (K, TA) Corrupted, unsound, vitiated, or disordered, [in an absolute sense; and particularly] in his reason, or intellect; as also ↓ مَخْبُولٌ: (TA:) [or in a corrupt, an unsound, a vitiated, or a disordered, state, occasioning him agitation like that of possession or insanity, by disease affecting the reason and thought: (see خَبَالٌ, below:) and hence,] possessed, or insane; (K, TA;) as also ↓ مُخَبَّلٌ and ↓ مُخْتَبِلٌ: (TA:) or ↓ مُخَبَّلٌ signifies a man having no heart; (JK;) as also ↓ مَخْبُولٌ: (JK, Msb:) or this last, haring one of his limbs, or members, corrupted, rendered unsound, vitiated, or disordered: (Msb:) and خَبِلٌ and ↓ مُخَبَّلٌ signify also a beast corrupted, rendered unsound, vitiated, or disordered, in the legs, so as not to know how to walk: (JK:) or ↓ مُخَبَّلٌ signifies a man who is as though his extremities were amputated. (S.) b2: دَهْرٌ خَبِلٌ (tropical:) A time difficult to the people thereof; (T, S, K, TA;) in which they see not happiness. (T, TA.) خُبْلَةٌ Corruption from a wound. (TA.) A2: See also خُبْرَةٌ, last signification.

خَبَالٌ Corruptness, unsoundness, or a vitiated or disordered state, [in an absolute sense;] (S, Msb, TA;) said in the O and the Mufradát [of Er-Rághib] to be the primary signification; (TA;) as also ↓ خَبَلٌ (Ham p. 542) and ↓ خَبْلٌ, of which last the pl. is خُبُولٌ: (S:) [and particularly in the reason, or intellect: (see خَبِلَ, of which it is an inf. n.:)] and in actions, as well as in bodies and in minds: (TA:) or, primarily, such as is incident to an animal, occasioning him agitation like that of possession or insanity, by disease affecting the reason and thought; as also ↓ خَبَلٌ and ↓ خَبْلٌ: (Er-Rághib, TA:) or ↓ خَبَلٌ signifies possession, or insanity; (K;) and so ↓ خَبْلٌ (JK, Msb, K) and ↓ خُبْلٌ (K) and خَبَالٌ; (Msb;) or ↓ خَبَلٌ signifies an affection, in the heart, resembling possession or insanity; (Az, TA;) or egregious stupidity or foolishness, without possession or insanity; (TA;) and ↓ خَبْلٌ also signifies a state, or quality, resembling possession or insanity, such as stupidity, or foolishness; and heedlessness, or weakness of intellect, and the like. (Msb.) مَا زَادُوكُمْ إِلَّا خَبَالًا, in the Kur [ix. 47], means They had not added to you aught save corruption and evil. (Bd, TA.) And لَا يَأْلُونَكُمْ خَبَالًا, in the same [iii. 114], They will not fall short, or flag, or be remiss, in corrupting, or vitiating, your affairs. (TA.) b2: Hence, (TA,) Loss, or a state of diminution; syn. نُقْصَانٌ: (O, K, Er-Rághib:) or this is the primary signification. (TA.) b3: And hence, (TA,) A state of perdition or destruction: (O, K, Er-Rághib:) or a thing's going, passing, or wasting, away; or being consumed or destroyed. (Zj, TA.) b4: Also The condition of a well when it is hollowed in the sides, and old, so that sometimes the bucket enters into its hollowed part and becomes lacerated. (Fr, K.) b5: And Fatigue, weariness, distress, embarrassment, affliction, trouble, or difficulty. (JK, S, O, K.) So in the saying, فُلَانٌ خَبَالٌ عَلَى أَهْلِهِ [Such a one is a cause of fatigue, &c., to his family]. (JK, * S, O.) b6: And A deadly poison. (IAar, K.) b7: And The fluid squeezed, or wrung, (IAar, TA,) or flowing, (S, K. TA,) from the inhabitants of Hell, or from their skins. (IAar, S, K, TA.) [See also رَدَغَةٌ.]

خَابِلٌ Corrupting, rendering unsound, vitiating, or disordering, [in an absolute sense;] (M, K;) and particularly in the reason, or intellect. (TA.) b2: See also خَبَلٌ, in two places. b3: It is also added to خَبْلٌ to give intensiveness to the signification. (TA.) أَخْبَلُ: see خَبِلٌ.

مُخَبَّلٌ: see خَبِلٌ, in four places.

مُخَبِّلٌ a [proper] name of Time. (S, K.) مَخْبُولٌ: see خَبِلٌ, in two places.

مُخْتَبِلٌ: see خَبِلٌ.

A2: مُخْتَبِلُ دَابَّةٍ The legs of a beast. (JK. [But this I do not find in any other lexicon; and I doubt its correctness.])



أل جَيْأَلُ The ضَبُع [or female hyena]; (S, K;) a name thereof, of the measure فَيْعَلُ, determinate without ال (S,) imperfectly decl.; (K;) as also ↓ جَيْأَلَةُ, (S, K,) accord. to Ks; (S;) and جَيَلُ, without ء, (S, K,) the ى not being changed into ا as in نَابٌ and the like because the ء, though literally suppressed, is considered as though meant to be retained, and because the ى is considered as though meant to be quiescent; (Aboo-'Alee the grammarian, S, TA;) and الجَيْأَلُ, (K,) like the first, but with ال. (TA.) b2: Also, الجَيْأَلُ, accord. to Ibn-Es-Seed, The wolf: but MF deems this strange. (TA.) جَيْأَلَةُ: see above.



1 رَدَجَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. رَدْجٌ, He (a mare's foal [or a young ass, or a lamb or kid, or any young solid-hoofed animal only,]) voided the excrement termed رَدَج. (TA.) A2: رَدَجَ, inf. n. رَدَجَانٌ, i. q. دَرَجَ, inf. n. دَرَجَانٌ: (K:) one of these is formed by transposition from the other: or, accord. to IJ, each is an original word. (TA.) رَدَجٌ What comes forth, (S, K,) or what first comes forth, (TA,) from the belly of a lamb or kid, or of a mare's foal, (S, K, TA,) and of a young mule, and of a young ass, (TA,) or of any young solid-hoofed animal only, (Az, T, TA,) before it eats: like عِقْىٌ in relation to a child: (S, K:) pl. أَرْدَاجٌ. (TA.) أَرْدَاجٌ pl. of رَدَجٌ: (TA:) A2: and used by Ru-beh for أَرَنْدَج, q. v. (K.) أَرَنْدَجٌ (Lh, S, K) and إِرَنْدَجٌ (K) and ↓ يَرَنْدَجٌ (Lh, S) Black skin [or leather], (S, K,) of which boots are made: termed by Ru-beh, in the following hemistich, ↓ أَرْدَاج: كَأَنَّمَا سُرْوِلْنَ فِى الأَرْدَاجِ [As though they were clad in trousers of ارندج]: (K:) accord. to A' Obeyd, originally Pers\., (S,) arabicized, (K,) from رَنْدَهْ: (S, K:) one should not say رَنْدَجٌ: (ISk, S:) accord. to Lh, i. q. دَارِشٌ: or, he adds, as some say, a skin [or leather] different from that termed دارش: or i. q. زَاجٌ, with which one blackens. (TA. [See what follows.]) With respect to these words of a poet, describing a woman as ignorant, or inexperienced, قَبْلَهَا ↓ لَمْ تَدْرِ مَا نَسْجُ اليَرَنْدَجِ [She knew not what is the weaving of يرندج before it], it is said that he imagined يرندج to be woven, or that he meant that this woman, by reason of her ignorance, or inexperience, imagined it to be so. (TA.) b2: [It is said, app. on the ground of an assertion mentioned above, that]

↓ يَرَنْدَجٌ also signifies A certain black dye; (L;) the black [or blacking] with which boots are blacked: or زَاجٌ [i. e. vitriol]. (K.) b3: Az mentions ارندج and ↓ يرندج as quadriliteral-radical words. (TA.) يَرَنْدَجٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, in four places.



1 عَقَرَهُ, (S, Mgh, O, &c.,) aor. ـِ (Mgh, O, Msb, K,) inf. n. عَقْرٌ, (S, * Mgh, O, Msb, K,) He wounded him; (S, Mgh, O, Msb, K;) [and so, app., accord. to the K, ↓ عقّرهُ, inf. n. تَعْقِيرٌ; or the latter signifies he wounded him much; for it is said that] تَعْقِيرٌ signifies more than عَقْرٌ: (S, O:) you say of a lion, and of a lynx, and of a leopard, and of a wolf, يَعْقِرُ النَّاسَ [He wounds men]. (Az, Msb.) b2: And عَقَرَهُ, (S, O, Msb, K, &c.,) and عَقَرَهَا, (L, Mgh, &c.,) aor. ـِ (K,) inf. n. عَقْرٌ; (Mgh, &c.;) and ↓ عقّرهُ, (K,) and عقّرها, (L,) inf. n. تَعْقِيرٌ; (TA;) [or the latter has an intensive signification, or applies to many objects; see above;] He hocked, houghed, or hamstrung, (عَرْقَبَ,) him, or her, namely, a beast; (TA;) he laid bare his [or her] (namely, a camel's) عُرْقُوب [or hock-tendon]; such being the meaning of عقر with the Arabs; (Az, TA;) he struck, (S, IAth, Mgh, Msb,) or cut, (TA,) his, (a camel's, S, IAth, O, Msb, or a horse's, S, O, or a sheep's or goat's, IAth,) or her, (a camel's, L, Mgh,) legs, بِالسَّيْفِ with the sword, (S, IAth, Mgh, O, Msb, TA,) while the beast was standing; (IAth;) he cut one of his, or her, (a camel's,) legs, previously to stabbing the animal, that it might not run away when being stabbed, but might fall down, and so be within his power; he moved [his or] her (a camel's) legs with the sword; (IKtt, TA;) he made a mark, or wound, like a notch, in his, or her, (a horse's, or a camel's,) legs. (K.) [See عَقْرٌ, below.] b3: Hence (Az, TA,) عَقَرَهُ, aor. and inf. n. as above, He stabbed him, namely, a camel; slaughtered him by stabbing: (Az, Msb, TA:) because the slaughterer of the camel first lays bare its عَرْقُوب [or hocktendon; or hocks it; or strikes or cuts its legs, or one of its legs, with a sword: see above]. (Az, TA.) So in the saying of Imra-el-Keys, وَــيَوْمَ عَقَرْتُ لِلْعَذَارَى مَطِيَّتِى

[And the day when I slaughtered for the virgins my riding-camel]. (TA.) And so in the trad. لَا عَقْرَ فِى الإِسْلَامِ [There shall be no slaughtering of camels at the grave in the time of El-Islám]: for they used to slaughter camels at the graves of the dead, saying, The occupant of the grave used to slaughter camels for guests in the days of his life; so we recompense him by doing the like after his death. (IAth, TA.) b4: Hence also, He slew him; he destroyed him: of this signification we have an ex. in the story of Umm-Zara: وَعَقْرَ جَارَتِهَا And [a cause of] the destruction of her fellow-wife through [the latter's] envy [of her] and rage [against her]. (TA.) b5: حَلْقَى ↓ عَقْرَى, (Mgh, O, Msb, K, &c.,) said of a woman, (TA,) occurring in a trad. of Safeeyeh, (Mgh, Msb, TA,) in which Mohammad is related to have used this expression, on the day of the return of the pilgrims from Minè, when he was told that she had her menstrual flux, to which he added, “I see her not to be aught but a hinderer of us; ” thus accord. to the relaters of traditions, each word being an inf. n., like دَعْوَى; (O, * TA;) of the measure فَعْلَى; or, as some say, the ى is to mark a pause; (Mgh;) and عَقْرًا حَلْقًا, (O, K,) which are also inf. ns.; (TA;) and this is accord. to the usage of the Arabs; (Az, TA;) being a form of imprecation, though not meant to express a desire for its having effect, (Az, Msb, TA,) for what is meant by it is only blame; (Msb;) expl. by وَعَقَرَهَا اللّٰهُ تَعَالَى وَحَلَقَهَا, (K,) i. e., [May God (exalted be He) wound her, &c., and] shave her hair, or afflict her with a pain in her throat: (TA:) or may her body be wounded (عُقِرَ), and may she be afflicted with a disease in her throat: (Mgh, O: *) so accord. to A'Obeyd: or may her leg and her throat be cut: or may her leg be cut and her head shaven: (Mgh:) [or may she be destroyed, and may her throat be cut:] or the two words عقرى and حلقى are epithets, applied to a woman of ill luck; and the meaning is, (Z, O, TA,) she is one who extirpates [or destroys, and cuts the throats of,] her people, by the effect of her ill luck upon them; (Z, O, K, * TA;) being virtually in the nom. case, as enunciatives; i. e., وَحَلْقَى ↓ هِىَ عَقْرَى. (Z, TA.) Lh mentions the phrase, ↓ لَا تَفْعَلْ ذٰلِكَ أُمُّكَ عَقْرَى [app. meaning, Do thou not that: may thy mother be childless: (see عَقُرَت:)] without explaining it: but he mentions it with the phrases أُمُّكَ ثَاكِلٌ and أُمُّكَ هَابِلٌ. (TA.) Or ↓ عَقْرَى signifies Having the menstrual flux. (K.) One says also, imprecating a curse upon a man, جَدْعًا لَهُ وَعَقْرًا وَحَلْقًا, meaning, May God [maim him, and] wound (عَقَرَ) his body, and afflict him with a pain in his throat: and sometimes, حَلْقَى ↓ عَقْرَى, without tenween. (S.) [See also 1 in art. حلق.] b6: عَقَرَبِهِ He killed the beast which he was riding, and made him to go on foot: he hocked, houghed, or hamstrung, his beast. (TA.) b7: Hence, عَقَرْتَ بِى Thou hast long detained me, or restrained me; as though thou hadst hocked (عَقَرْتَ) my camel and I were therefore unable to journey: ISk cites as an ex.

قَدْ عَقَرَتْ بِالْقَوْمِ أُمُّ خَزْرَجِ [Umm-Khazraj has long detained the party, or people]. (S, O, TA.) And in the A it is said that عَقَرَتْ فُلَانَةُ بِالرَّكْبِ means Such a woman, or girl, came forth to the riders on camels, and they staid long in her presence; as though she hocked (عَقَرَت) the camels upon which they rode. (TA.) One says also قَدْ كَانَتْ لِى حَاجَةٌ فَعَقَرَنِى

عَنْهَا I had a want, and he withheld me from it, and hindered me. (Ibn-Buzurj, L.) Hence, عَقْرُ النَّوَى, (Az, TA,) meaning صَرْفُهَا حَالًا بَعْدَ حَالٍ

[i. e. The shifting about of the course of a journey by successive changes: see صَرْفٌ, third sentence]. (O, TA.) b8: And عَقَرَ بِالصَّيْدِ i. q. وَقَعَ بِهِ [app. meaning He made much slaughter among the objects of the chase]. (O, K.) b9: And عَقَرَتْ بِهِمْ She (a woman) smote their souls, and wounded their hearts. (O.) b10: عَقَرَ النَّخْلَةَ, (inf. n. عَقْرٌ, TA, and subst. [or quasi-inf. n., like جَدَادٌ and صَرَامٌ and قَطَافٌ &c.,] ↓ عَقَارٌ, T, S, O, TA,) He cut off the head of the palm-tree, (T, S, O, K,) altogether, with the heart (الجُمَّار), (T, S, O,) so that it dried up, (K,) and nothing came forth from its trunk. (IKtt.) b11: لَا تَعْقِرَنَّ شَجَرًا Thou shalt by no means cut down trees. (Mgh.) b12: عَقَرَ المَرْعَى He cut down the trees of the pasture-land: he cut down the herbage, or pasture, and spoiled it. (TA.) b13: عَقَرَ الكَلَأَ He ate the herbage, or pasture. (O, K.) And He had the herbage for pasturage. (O.) b14: You say of wine, يَعْقِرُ العَقْلَ [It disables the intellect; like as a man disables a beast by hocking him]. (IAar.) b15: عَقَرَهُ, (S, O, TA,) aor. ـِ (TA,) inf. n. عَقْرٌ, (S, O, TA,) He (a man) galled his (a camel's) back: (TA:) he galled it; namely, a camel's back: (S, O:) it (a camel's saddle, TA, and a horse's saddle, S, O, TA) galled his (the beast's) back. (S, O, TA.) b16: And عُقِرَتْ رَكِيَّتُهُمْ Their well was demolished. (O.) A2: عَقِرَ, (S, K,) aor. ـَ (K,) inf. n. عَقَرٌ, (S, O,) His (a man's) legs betrayed him, so that he was unable to fight, by reason of fright and stupefaction: (S, O:) he became stupified, or deprived of his reason: (S, K:) or he was taken by sudden fright, (K, TA,) and stupified, or deprived of his reason, (TA,) so that he could not advance nor retire. (K, TA.) عَقِرْتُ حَتَّى خَرَرْتُ إِلَى الأَرْضِ [My legs betrayed me, &c., so that I fell to the earth] was said by 'Omar. (S.) And one says, عَقِرْتُ حَتَّى مَا أَقْدِرُ عَلَى الكَلَامِ [I am stupified, or taken by sudden fright, &c., so that I am not able to talk]. (M, TA.) [And عَقِرَ alone means He became unable to speak. In one place in the L, this verb is written عُقِرَ; but this is probably a mistake.]

A3: عَقُرَتْ, aor. ـُ (S, IJ, M, IKtt, L, Msb;) in the K, عُقِرَتْ, of the class of عُنِىَ; but the authorities indicated above show that عَقُرَتْ is the correct form; (TA;) and عَقَرَتْ, aor. ـِ (M, IKtt, L, Msb, K;) and عَقِرَتْ, aor. ـَ (M, IKtt, L;) inf. n. عُقْرٌ, (S, M, IKtt, L, Msb, K,) of the first, (S, Msb, like as حُسْنٌ is inf. n. of حَسُنَتْ, (S,) or of the second, (M, L, K,) and عَقَارَةٌ (M, L, K) and عُقَارَةٌ, (K,) or عِقَارَةٌ, (M and L, as in the TA,) which are of the first, (M, L, K,) and عَقْرٌ, (M, IKtt, L, Msb, K,) which is of the second, (M, L, Msb, K,) and عَقَارٌ, or عُقَارٌ, (accord. to different copies of the K,) or عِقَارٌ, (M and L, as in the TA,) also of the second, (K,) or of the third; (M, L;) She (a woman [and a camel &c.]) was, or became, barren: (K, TA:) or did not conceive: (S:) or ceased to conceive. (IKtt, Msb.) b2: عَقَرَ, aor. ـِ and عَقِرَ, aor. ـَ He (a man [and a beast]) was barren; did not generate. (TA.) b3: عَقُرَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. عُقْرٌ, (assumed tropical:) It (an affair) did not produce any issue, or result. (K.) A4: عَقَرَهَا He (God) made her [to be barren, or] to cease to conceive. (Msb.) 2 عقّرهُ: see 1, first and second sentences. b2: جَدَّعْتُهُ وَعَقَّرْتُهُ I said to him جَدْعًا لَكَ وَعَقْرًا. (Sb.) [See 1.]3 عاقرهُ He contended with him for superior glory (K, TA) and generosity and excellence (TA) in the hocking, or slaughtering, (عَقْر [see 1],) of camels. (K, TA.) It was customary for two men thus to contend for superior munificence, [giving away the flesh of the victims,] but they did so for the sake of display and vain glory; wherefore the eating of the flesh of camels slaughtered on an occasion of this kind is forbidden in a trad., and they are likened to animals sacrificed to that which is not God. (TA.) b2: And عاقرهُ, (TK,) inf. n. مُعَاقَرَةٌ, (S, K,) He held a dialogue or colloquy, or a disputation or debate, with him, (S, K,) and encountered him with mutual reviling and satire (S, TA) and cursing. (TA.) A2: Also عاقرهُ, (K,) inf. n. مُعَاقَرَةٌ, (S, O, K,) He, or it, kept, confined himself or itself, clave, clung, or held fast, to him, or it: (S, O, K: *) he kept, or applied himself, constantly, or perseveringly, to him, or it. (TA.) You say عاقر الخَمْرَ, (S, * TA,) and simply عاقر, (TA,) He kept, or applied himself, constantly, or perseveringly, to the drinking of wine: (S, TA:) or مُعَاقَرَةُ الشَّرَابِ signifies the contending with wine for superiority; as when a man says, I have more, or most, strength for drinking, and so contending with it for superiority, and being overcome thereby. (Aboo-Sa'eed, TA.) You say also, عَاقَرَتِ الخَمْرُ الدَّنَّ The wine remained long confined to the [jar called] دَنّ; syn. لَازَمَتْهُ. (S, K.) And عاقرت الخَمْرُ العَقْلَ [app., The wine took hold upon the intellect: or contended with it for superiority]. (S.) 4 اعقرهُ He stupified him [so that his legs betrayed him and he was unable to fight or to advance or retire: see عَقِرَ]. (S, O.) A2: اعقر اللّٰهُ رَحِمَهَا God rendered her womb barren; (O, TA;) God affected her womb mith a disease (K, TA) so that she did not conceive. (TA.) A3: اعقر فُلَانًا He assigned to such a one a grant of land; syn. أَطْعَمَهُ عُقْرَةً i. e. طُعْمَةً. (K.) b2: and one says, أَعْقَرْتُكَ كَلَأَ مَوْضِعِ كَذَا I have given thee permission to pasture thy beasts upon the herbage of such a place. (O.) A4: And اعقر He became possessed of much property such as is termed عَقَار. (S, IKtt, O.) 6 تَعَاقَرَا, (K,) or تعاقرا إِبِلَهُمَا, (S, O,) They two hocked, or hamstrung, their camels, (عَرْقَبَا

إِبِلَهُمَا, S, O, or عَقَرَاهَا, K,) vying, each with the other, therein, (S, O,) that it might be seen which of them should do so most. (K.) [See 3.]7 انعقر He (a camel, and a horse, [&c.,]) [became hocked, houghed, or hamstrung; had his hock-tendon laid bare;] had his legs struck [or cut] with a sword. (S.) [See 1.] b2: It (a camel's or a horse's back) became galled by the saddle; as also ↓ اعتقر. (S, K.) 8 إِعْتَقَرَ see what next precedes.

عَقْرٌ The act of wounding; &c.: [see 1:] a mark, or wound, (أَثَرٌ,) like a notch, (كالحَزِّ, K, TA, [in the CK, كالخَرِّ,]) in the legs of a horse, and of a camel. (K.) [Hence, عَقْرًا حَلْقًا, and عَقْرَى حَلْقَى: see 1.]

A2: See also عُقْرٌ, first sentence: A3: and again in the last quarter.

A4: Also What is, or constitutes, the most essential part, of anything; or the prime, or the principal part, thereof; syn. أَصْلٌ: [such appears to me to be the meaning of اصل as here used, from what follows.] (S, IF, Msb.) b2: The principal part (أَصْل) of a دَار [i. e., a country]; (As, S, Msb, K;) which is the place where the people dwell, or abide; (As, S;) as also ↓ عُقْرٌ: (As, S, Msb, K:) the former of the dial. of Nejd; (As, TA;) and the latter of the dial. of the people of El-Medeeneh, (As, S,) or of the dial. of El-Hijáz; (TA;) or both of the dial. of the people of El-Hijáz; and the latter, in the dial. of others, signifies the chief, or main, part of a دار; (Msb;) and the latter also signifies the middle [or heart] of a دار: (K:) or عَقْرُ الدَّارِ and ↓ عُقْرُهَا both signify the principal part (اصل) of the place of abode of a people, upon which they rest their confidence. (Mgh, O.) This last signification is exemplified by the trad. of 'Alee, مَا غُزِىَ قَوْمٌ فِى عَقْرِ دَارِهِمْ إِلَّا ذَلُّوا [No people have had war waged against them in the principal part of their country, upon which they rest their confidence, but they have become abased, or brought into subjection]: (Mgh, O:) or the meaning here is, in the midst [or heart] of their country, &c.; i. e., in the place where they abide, or lodge. (L.) It is said in another trad., عَقْرُ دَارِ الْإِسْلَامِ الشَّأْمُ, meaning, The principal part (اصل), and the place, of the country of El-Islám is Syria: apparently pointing to a time of conflicts and factions, or seditions, when Syria should be free from them, and the Muslims should there be more secure. (TA.) Lth has confounded in explaining what is the عُقْر of a دار and what is the عُقْر of a tank or trough for watering beasts &c. (Az.) عُقْرٌ (S, M, &c.) and ↓ عَقْرٌ, (M,) or ↓ عَقْرَةٌ and ↓ عُقْرَةٌ, (A, K,) Barrenness, in a woman, (S, K, &c.,) and in a man. (S, TA.) You say also لَقِحَتِ النَّاقَةُ عَنْ عُقْرٍ [The she-camel conceived after having been barren]. (S, O.) And لَقِحَ لِقَاؤُكَ عَنْ عُقْرٍ [app., (assumed tropical:) The meeting thee hath been productive of good after barrenness thereof]. (A, TA.) And لَقِحْنَ إِلَى عُقْرٍ, a phrase used by Dhu-r-Rummeh, referring to wars; i. e. (assumed tropical:) They returned to stillness. (TA.) And رَجَعَتِ الحَرْبُ

إِلَى عُقْرٍ (assumed tropical:) The war became languid. (A, TA.) b2: عُقْرٌ in a palm-tree means [Barrenness, or a drying up, and perishing, occasioned by] having the [fibrous substance called] لِيف stripped off (O, K, TA) from the heart, (O, TA,) and the heart itself taken away; (O, K, TA;) which being done, it dries up and perishes. (Az, O, TA.) A2: Also, or ↓ عُقُرٌ, or the latter is used only by poetic license, Anything which a man drinks, and in consequence thereof has no offspring born to him. (O, TA.) A3: Also, عُقْرٌ, A kind of dowry, (S,) or compensation, (IAth,) which is given to a woman when connection has been had with her in consequence of dubiousness, or a likeness [on her part to the man's wife]: (إِذَا وُطِئَتْ عَنْ شُبْهَةٍ, S; or بِشُبْهَةٍ, Mgh; or عَلَى وَطْءِ الشُّبْهَةِ, IAth:) or a recompense which is given to a woman for connection with her: (AO:) or a mulct, or fine, which is paid to a woman for ravishing her: (Lth, Msb, K:) or what is given to a female slave who has been ravished, like a dowry in the like case to a free woman: (Ahmad Ibn-Hambal:) so called because devirgination wounds the object of it: pl. أَعْقَارٌ. (IAth, TA.) b2: Hence, in consequence of frequency of usage, (Msb,) A woman's dowry; (Msb, K;) i. q. بُضْعُهَا. (O.) b3: Also The exploration of a woman to see if she be a virgin or not: (Kh, O, K, TA:) but Az says that this is unknown. (TA.) [Perhaps it is a meaning inferred from what here follows.] b4: بَيْضَةُ العُقْرِ is That [egg] with which a woman is tested on the occasion of devirgination: (K: [but what is meant by this, I have not been able to learn:]) or the first egg of the hen; (K, TA;) because it wounds her: (TA:) or the last egg of the hen; (O, K, TA;) when she is old and weak: (TA:) or the egg of the cock, which [they say] he lays once in the year, (O, K,) [or once in his life, for] they assert that it is the egg of the cock, because he lays, in his life, one egg, somewhat inclining to length; so called because the virginity of the girl, or young woman, is tested with it: hence, they say of a thing given one time [only], كَانَتْ بَيْضَةَ العُقْرِ: or, as some say, it is like the phrases بَيْضُ الأَنُوقِ and الأَبْلَقُ العَقُوقُ; so that it is a phrase proverbially used as applied to a thing that never is: (S, O:) accord. to A'Obeyd, when a niggard gives once, and not again, one says [of the gift], كَانَتْ بَيْضَةَ الدِّيكِ; and when he gives a thing, and then stops doing so, one says of the last time [of his giving], كَانَتْ بَيْضَةَ العُقْرِ. (TA.) One says also, كَانَ ذٰلِكَ بَيْضَةَ العُقْرِ meaning * That happened once, not a second time. (TA.) and بَيْضَةُ العُقْرِ means also (tropical:) He who has no offspring. (K, TA. [See also عَاقِرٌ.]) And (assumed tropical:) He who stands another in no stead. (TA.) A4: Also A grant of land; syn. طُعْمَةٌ; (O, K;) and so ↓ عُقْرَةٌ. (K. [See 4.]) b2: And A place where people alight (مَحَلَّةُ قَوْمٍ, K, TA) between the house, or abode, and the trough, or tank, for watering beasts &c.; (TA;) as also ↓ عَقْرٌ: (K, TA:) or (TA, but in the K “ and ”) the hinder part of a trough, or tank, for watering beasts &c., (S, K, TA,) where the camels stand when they come to water; as also ↓ عُقُرٌ: (S:) or the station of the drinker; (K;) as in all the copies of the K; but accord. to the T and Nh, the station of the animals drinking: (TA:) or the place where the bucket is emptied, at the hinder part of the trough, or tank; the place at the fore part being called its إِزَآء: (IAar:) pl. أَعْقَارٌ. (S, O.) It is said in a prov., إِنَّمَا يُهْدَمُ الحَوْضُ مِنْ عُقْرِهِ [lit., The trough, or tank, for watering beasts &c. is demolished only by commencing from its hinder part]; meaning, an affair is performed only by setting about it in the proper way. (TA.) b3: Also The part of a well where the fore feet of the animals watering stand when they drink. (TA.) b4: See also عَقْرٌ, in two places.

عَقِرٌ: fem. عَقِرَةٌ: see the latter voce عَقِيرٌ: A2: and see عَاقِرٌ.

A3: نَاقَةٌ عَقِرَةٌ, accord. to the K, A she-camel that will not drink save from fear: but accord. to IAar [and the S and O], that will not drink save from the عُقْر of the trough, or tank; and أَزِيَةٌ signifies one “ that will not drink save from its إِزَآء,” i. e. “ from its fore part. ” (TA.) عُقَرٌ: see مِعْقَرٌ, in two places.

عُقُرٌ: see عُقْرٌ, in two places.

عَقْرَةٌ: see عُقْر, first sentence.

عُقْرَةٌ: see عُقْرٌ, first sentence: A2: and again in the last quarter.

عُقَرَةٌ: see مِعْقَرٌ, in two places; and عَقُورٌ.

A2: Also A kind of bead (خَرَزَةٌ, S, O, K) which a woman binds upon her flanks, in order that she may not conceive; (T, S, O;) or which a woman bears, or carries, in order that she may not bear offspring: (K:) accord. to IAar, a kind of bead which is hung upon her who is barren, in order that she may bear offspring; but this is strange. (TA.) Hence the saying, عُقَرَةُ العِلْمِ النِّسْيَانُ [That which renders knowledge barren is forgetfulness]. (S, O.) A3: See also عَاقِرٌ, in two places.

عَقْرَى: see 1, in five places.

عُقْرَى: see the paragraph here following.

عَقَارٌ: see عَقَرَ النَّخْلَةَ.

A2: Also Real, or immovable, property, (كُلُّ مَالٍ لَهُ أَصْلٌ, Mgh, or مِلْكٌ ثَابِتٌ لَهُ أَصْلٌ, Msb, or مَا لَهُ أَصْلٌ وَقَرَارٌ, KT,) [an estate] consisting of a house or land yielding a revenue; (Mgh;) or such as land and a house; (KT;) or such as a house and palm-trees: (Msb:) or simply, land yielding a revenue; syn. ضَيْعَةٌ; (Mgh, K:) as also ↓ عُقْرَى: (Sgh, K:) or land; or lands yielding revenues (syn. ضِيَاعٌ); and palmtrees; (S, O, TA;) and the like: (TA:) and palm-trees (L, K) in particular: (L:) pl. عَقَائِرُ. (Msb.) You say مَا لَهُ دَارٌ وَلَا عَقَارٌ He has not a house nor land, or lands yielding revenues, or palm-trees. (S, O.) b2: Also (sometimes, Msb) Household goods, or furniture and utensils, (S, O, Msb, * K, TA,) which are not used except on the occasions of festivals, (K, TA,) and necessary affairs of great importance, (TA,) and the like: (K, TA:) thus, with fet-h, accord. to Az and IAar; (TA;) and sometimes with damm [↓ عُقَارٌ], (K,) thus accord. to As; (O, TA;) but in saying so, he differs from the generality of authorities: (TA:) or the best of furniture and the like, because none but the best is spread on the occasions of festivals: (TA:) and the best of anything. (O, TA.) One says فِى البَيْتِ عَقَارٌ حَسَنٌ In the house, or tent, are goodly furniture and utensils. (S, O.) عُقَارٌ Wine: (S, O, K:) or wine that does not delay to intoxicate: (TA:) so called because of its taking hold upon the intellect, or contending with it for superiority, (لِأَنَّهَا عَاقَرَتِ العَقْلَ,) accord. to Aboo-Nasr; (S;) or because of its remaining long confined to the [jar called] دَنّ, (S, O, K,) accord. to AA; (S, O;) [see 3;] or because the drinker keeps closely to it; (TA;) or because it prevents the drinker from walking; (K;) or because it disables (يَعْقِرُ) the intellect. (IAar.) A2: See also عَقَارٌ.

عَقُورٌ, applied to a dog, (S, O, Msb, K,) and to any animal of prey, as a lion, and a lynx, and a leopard, and a wolf, (Az, IAth, Msb,) and the like, (IAth,) each of these being called كَلْبٌ عَقُورٌ, (Az, IAth, Msb,) because of the same rapacious nature as the dog, (IAth,) meaning, That wounds, (Az, * IAth, O, Msb,) and kills, and seizes its prey and breaks its neck: (IAth:) [or that wounds, &c., much; for] it is an intensive epithet: (TA:) only applied to an animal; (S, K; [in the latter of which, the words thus rendered are preceded by “ or; ” the epithet in what precedes being restricted to a dog, but not explained;]) ↓ عُقَرَةٌ being applied to an inanimate thing: (K:) pl. عُقُرٌ, (Msb, and so in some copies of the K,) or عُقْرٌ. (So in some copies of the K, and in the TA.) عَقِيرٌ i. q. ↓ مَعْقُورٌ; (IF, O, K;) applied to a man, Wounded: (S, O:) pl. عَقْرَى. (S, Mgh, O, K.) b2: Applied to a camel, (S, Mgh, O,) both to a male and to a female, (TA,) and to a horse [or mare, &c.], (S, O,) [Hocked, houghed, or hamstrung;] having the [hock-tendon or] two hock-tendons laid bare, so as to be unable to run; applied to a horse; (TA;) struck [or cut] in the legs with a sword; (S, Mgh, O;) [a camel having one of the legs cut, previously to being stabbed; having a mark, or wound, like a notch, made in his, or her, (a camel's or a horse's) legs: see 1:] pl. as above. (S, Mgh.) [See also عَقِيرَةٌ.] b3: [Hence,] applied to a camel, (male, Msb, and female, L,) Stabbed; slaughtered by stabbing: (L, Msb, TA:) pl. as above. (Msb.) b4: Applied to a palm-tree (نَخْلَةٌ), as also ↓ مَعْقُورَةٌ, (Az, TA,) and, accord. to the copies of the K, ↓ عَقِيرَةٌ, but correctly ↓ عَقِرَةٌ, as in the M, (TA,) Having its head cut off, (Az, K, TA,) altogether, with the heart, (Az, TA,) and having in consequence dried up, (K, TA,) so that nothing comes forth from its trunk. (IKtt, TA.) A2: A man unable to walk, or to fight, by reason of fright and stupefaction; (TA;) taken by sudden fright, so as to be unable to advance or retire: or stupified: (K:) in which last sense it is applied to an antelope. (TA.) A3: See also عَاقِرٌ.

عَقِيرَةٌ signifies مَا عُقِرَ [What is wounded, or hocked, or struck or cut in the legs,] of wild animals that are snared or hunted or chased, and the like; (K;) of the measure فَعِيلَةٌ in the sense of the measure مَفْعُولَةٌ. (TA.) See عَقِيرٌ. b2: A man of high rank who is slain. (S, K.) So in the saying, مَا رَأَيْتُ كَالْــيَوْمِ عَقِيرَةً وَسْطَ قَوْمٍ [I have not before seen, as on this day, a man of high rank who is slain in the midst of a people]. (S.) b3: A leg, or shank, cut. (S, O, K.) b4: Hence, The voice, or a cry; (S;) the voice of a singer (K, TA) singing; (TA;) the voice of a weeper (K, TA) weeping; (TA;) the voice of a reciter or reader (K, TA) reciting or reading; (TA;) the utmost extent of the voice or of a cry. (TA.) You say رَفَعَ فُلَانٌ عَقِيرَتَهُ Such a one raised his voice: the origin of the saying was this: a man had one of his legs cut, or cut off, and he raised it, and put it upon the other, and cried out with his loudest voice: so this was afterwards said of any one who raised his voice: (S, O:) or it is expl. thus: a man had one of his limbs wounded, and he had camels which were accustomed to his singing in driving them, and which had become dispersed from him; so he raised his voice, crying, by reason of the wound; and his camels, hearing, and thinking that he was singing to drive them, came together to him: and hence this was afterwards said of any one who raised his voice, singing. (Az, TA.) عُقَيْرَى a dim. n., of the occurrence of which the only instance known to KT is in a trad. cited and expl. voce أَصْحَرَ: said by IAth to be derived from عَقْرٌ in the phrase عَقْرُ الدَّارِ. (TA.) عَقَّارٌ [A simple; a drug;] any of the elements (أُصُول) of medicines; (S, O;) what is used medicinally, of plants and of their roots (أُصُول) and of trees: (K, TA:) [accord. to the CK, what is used medicinally, of plants, or of their roots: and trees: the last word being in the nom. case:] as also ↓ عِقِّيرٌ: (K:) or what is used medicinally, of plants and trees: (L, TA:) or a medicine that is used for moving the bowels: (Az, TA:) or any curative plant; as also its pl., (AHeyth,) which is عَقَاقِيرُ: (AHeyth, S:) nothing thus termed is called فُوهٌ. (AHeyth.) b2: [Hence,] حَدِيدٌ جَيِّدُ العَقَاقِيرِ (assumed tropical:) Iron of excellent manufacture. (O, K.) عِقِّيرٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

عَاقِرٌ; see مِعْقَرٌ.

A2: Also, applied to a woman, Barren: (O, K, TA:) that does not conceive: (S, O:) or that has ceased to conceive: (Msb:) as being from عَقُرَتْ, it is an instance of the confusion of dialects; [being properly from عَقَرَتْ;] or it is a possessive epithet [meaning having the quality of barrenness]: (IJ:) pl. عُقَّرٌ, (K, TA,) which is applied to women and to she-camels, (TA,) or عَوَاقِرُ and عَاقِرَاتٌ: (Msb:) and ↓ عُقَرَةٌ is in like manner applied to a woman, signifying, having a disease in her womb, (O, K, TA,) in consequence of which she does not conceive. (TA.) b2: Applied to a man, Barren; that has no offspring born to him; (S, O, Msb, K;) as also ↓ عَقِيرٌ: (K:) the former anomalous; [if regarded as from عَقُرَ, not from عَقَرَ; but عَقُرَ said of a man, I do not find;] the latter regular; [if from عَقُرَ;] and the latter has not been heard applied to a woman: (TA:) pl. عُقَّرٌ: (Msb, TA:) and ↓ عُقَرَةٌ is also applied to a man, and signifies, one who comes to women, and feels them, and indulges himself with them in mutual embracing, or pressing to the bosom, (يُحَاضِنُهُنَّ,) but has no offspring born to him. (IAar, TA.) b3: (tropical:) A tree (شَجَرَةٌ) that does not bear; barren: and in like manner ↓ عَقِرَةٌ, occurring in a trad., as the name of a certain tract of land (أَرْضٌ), which name Mohammad changed to خَضِرَةٌ; or this may be from the same epithet applied to a palm-tree. (TA.) [See also عَقِيرٌ.] b4: Applied to a tract of sand (رَمْلَةٌ), (tropical:) That produces no plants or herbage; (O, K, TA;) likened to a [barren] woman: (TA:) or of which the sides produce plants or herbage, but the middle does not produce: (TA:) or such as is large: (K:) or large and producing no plants or herbage. (S.) عَاقُورٌ: see مِعْقَرٌ.

أَعْقَرُ مِنْ بَغْلَةٍ [More barren than a she-mule]. (TA in art. بغل.) مُعْقِرٌ A man having much properly such as is termed عَقَارٌ. (S, K.) A2: See also the next paragraph.

مِعْقَرٌ (S, O, K) and ↓ مِعْقَارٌ and ↓ مُعْقِرٌ (K) and ↓ عُقَرٌ (Az, S, O, K) and ↓ عُقَرَةٌ (S, O, K) and ↓ عَاقُورٌ, (O, K,) applied to the saddle of a horse (S, K) and that of a camel, (TA,) That galls the back; (S, * O, * K;) i. e., that usually galls the back: if it galls it but once it is only termed ↓ عَاقِرٌ. (A' Obeyd.) b2: Also مِعْقَرٌ and ↓ عُقَرٌ and ↓ عُقَرَةٌ A man who galls the backs of camels by fatiguing them with labour, or by urging them much in a journey. (L, K.) مُعْقَرَةٌ Having her womb rendered barren by God. (TA.) مِعْقَارٌ: see مِعْقَرٌ.

مَعْقُورٌ and مَعْقُوَرةٌ: see عَقِيرٌ.

مُعْتَقَرٌ A place of عَقْر [or اِعْتِقَار, i. e. of galling, or being galled, upon the back of a camel or the like]. (TA in art. ارى.)



أ1 بَدَأَ بِهِ, (T, S, M, &c.,) aor. ـَ (Mgh, K,) inf. n. بَدْءٌ, (T, S, M, Msb,) i. q. به ↓ ابتدأ; (S, Msb, K;) [He began with it;] he made it to have precedence, or to be first; gave precedence to it; syn. قَدَّمَهُ: (Mgh, Msb:) in the dial. of the Ansár, بَدِئَ به is used in this sense of قدّمه; (M;) or بَدِىَ به [without ء]; (IKtt, TA; [see بَدةءٌ;]) [and بَدَى به; see art. بدى;] and به ↓ ابدأ signifies the same. (Msb.) [So in the Kur xii. 76, فَبَدَأَ بِأَوْعِيَتِهِمْ قَبْلَ وِعَآءِ أَخِيهِ And he began with their bags, before the bags of his brother. and بَدَأَهُ is sometimes used in the sense of بَدَأَ بِهِ; whence, in the Kur ix. 13, وَهُمْ بَدَؤُوكُمْ أَوَّلَ مَرَّةٍ

And they, it was, began with you the first time; i. e., as Bd says, by acting with hostility, and fighting.] You say also, بَدَّا ثُمَّ عَادَ He began, or did a first time, or the first time: then repeated, or did a second time. (Az, TA in art. عود.) and بَدَأَ فِىِ الأَمْرِ [He began, or made a beginning, in the affair.] (M.) b2: بَدَأَ also signifies It (a thing) began; began to be; originated; or came into existence. (Msb.) [See also 5.]

A2: بَدَأَ الشَّيْءَ, (S, M, K,) aor. and inf. n. as above, (M,) [He began the thing; commenced it; set about it; as also ↓ ابتدأهُ: accord. to the Mgh, the latter has this meaning, or, agreeably with the authority of the M and K, the meaning which here next follows:] he did the thing first, for the first time, by way of beginning, or originally; (S, M, K;) as also ↓ ابدأهُ and ↓ ابتدأهُ; (M, K;) i. e., not after the example of anything preceding. (TA. [But this addition seems rather to belong to another explanation to be mentioned below.]) One does not say, زَيْدًا ↓ ابتدأ nor بَدَأَهُ, because these two verbs [signifying as last explained above] do not have for their objects corporeal things. (Mgh.) [El-Mutanakhkhil El-Hudhalee uses the phrase سَأَبْدُؤُهُمْ بِمَشْمَعِةٍ I will begin with them (meaning his guests) by sporting and jesting; like the phrase in the Kur ix. 13 cited above: but different from these is the saying in the Kur xxxii. 6, وَبَدَأَ خَلْقِ الْإِنْسَانِ مِنْ طِينٍ And He began the creation of man from clay.] The saying, ↓ فَإِنْ كَانَ السَّبُعُ ابْتَدَأَهُ means ابتدأ أَخْذَهُ

أَوْ عَضَّهُ [But if the beast, or bird, of prey has begun the seizing of him, or the biting of him]; the noun that is prefixed [to the pronoun] being suppressed. (Mgh.) You say also, كَانَ ذٰلِكَ فِى

الأَمْرِ ↓ ابْتِدَآءِ That was in the beginning, or first, of the affair. (Msb.) [See also بَدْءٌ, below.] b2: He originated the thing; brought it into being or existence; made it, or produced it, for the first time, it not having been before; (Mgh;) [and] so ↓ ابدأهُ, said [of God, and] of a man, as the agent; (Msb;) and ↓ ابتدأهُ. (Mgh in art. بدع.) [Hence,] بَدَأَ اللّٰهُ الخَلْقَ, and ↓ أَبْدَأَهُمْ, God created, or brought into existence, mankind, or the created beings: (M, Msb, K:) both signify the same. (S.) البَاطِلُ وَمَا يُعِيدُ ↓ مَا يُبْدِئُ [in the Kur xxxiv. 48, means What doth that which is false, or the Devil, originate, or produce in the first instance? and what doth it, or he, reproduce after it hath perished?]: Zj says that مَا, here, is in the place of an accus., meaning in each Instance أَىَّ شَىْءٍ: or it may be a negative; and الباطل here is Iblees; i. e., Iblees createth not, nor raiseth to life after death. (M.) You say also, وَمَا يُعِيدُ ↓ مَا يُبْدِئُ, meaning وَلَا ↓ مَا يَتَكَلَّمُ عَائِدَةٍ, (S, K,) i. e. He does not say anything for the first time, nor anything for the second time; or anything original, nor anything in the way of repetition; الكَلَامِ ↓ بَادِئَةُ signifying what is said for the first time; and عَائِدَةُ الكَلَامِ, what is said for the second time, afterwards: (TA:) or he says not anything: (A in art. عود:) and he has no art, artifice, or cunning. (IAar, TA in art. عود; and A in the present art.) b3: بَدَأَ البِئْرَ He dug the well [for the first time: see بَدِىْءٌ]. (Msb.) A3: بَدَأَ مِنْ أَرْضٍ إِلَى أَرْضٍ, (T,) or مِنْ أَرْضِهِ, (K,) He went forth from a land to a land, or from his land; as also ↓ ابدأ. (T, K.) A4: بُدِئَ, (inf. n. as above, S, M, K,) He (a man, S, M) had the small-pox: (Az, As, T, S, M, K:) or the حَصْبَة [i. e. measles, or spotted fever]: (S, M, K:) or, as Az says, and the حصبة: (T:) or, as Lh says, there came forth upon him pustules resembling the small-pox: but he adds, some say, the small-pox itself: (M:) the epithet applied to a person affected therewith is ↓ مَبْدُوْءٌ. (Az, As, Lh, T, S, M.) b2: Also He fell sick. (IAth, TA.) In a trad. of ' Áïsheh occur the words, فِى الــيَوْمِ الَّذِى بُدِئَ فِيهِ رَسُولِ اللّٰهِ [meaning In the day in which the Apostle of God fell sick]: and IAth says, مَتَى بُدِئَ فُلَانٌ meaning When did such a one fall sick? is a phrase used in inquiring respecting the living [who has been attacked by illness] and respecting the dead. (TA.) 4 ابدأ: see 1, in seven places. b2: Also He did a new thing; a thing unknown before; or a strange, or wonderful, thing. (S, * TA.) b3: and He voided excrement, or ordure; or broke wind; syn. نَجَا; [as also أَبْدَى;] said of a man. (M.) b4: And He put forth his second teeth; said of a child; (M;) and of a colt. (TA voce أَحْفَرَ, q. v.) 5 تبدّأ He, or it, began, or made a beginning. (KL.) [See also 1. Golius mentions, but without giving the authority, and without the vowel-signs, the saying, هَاتِ القِصَّةَ مِنْ ذِى تُبُدِّئَتْ; but writing the last word تبديت, stating only that it is in the passive form; as meaning Relate thou the story, or history, from the beginning.]8 إِبْتَدَاَ see 1, in seven places. b2: ابتدأهُ بِوَعْدٍ He made him a promise in anticipation; without his asking it of him. (M in art. انف.) بَدءٌ inf.n. of 1; (T, S, M, Msb;) [The act of beginning;] or the doing a thing first. (M.) Yousay, لَكَ البَدْءُ, (M, K,) and ↓ البُدْءُ, (As, TA,) and ↓ البَدْأَةُ, (S, M, Msb, K,) and ↓ البُدْأَةُ, (S, M, K,) and ↓ البِدْأَةُ, (L,) and ↓ البَدَآءَةُ, (M, K,) and ↓ البُدَآءَةُ, (S, M, K,) and البُدَاهَةُ, with ه substituted for ء, (M, Mtr,) and ↓ البِدَآءَةُ, (Mtr, TA,) and, accord. to IKtt, البِدَايَةُ, but see what follows, (TA,) and ↓ البَدِئَةُ, (M, K,) and ↓ البُدَّآءَةُ, (Az, TA,) It is for thee to begin, (S, M, Msb, K,) before any other, in shooting or casting, &c.: (S:) as to البِدَايَةُ, mentioned above, accord. to Mtr [and Fei], (TA,) it is a vulgar word, (Mgh, Msb, TA,) as IB and several others have stated, (Msb, TA, *) a corruption of ↓ البِدَآءَةُ, (Mgh, Msb,) signifying the first; as also ↓ البُدَآءَةُ; and ↓ البَدْأَةُ: (Msb:) but IKtt says that it is a word of the dial. of the Ansár; بَدَأْتُ بِالشَّىْءِ and بَدِيتُ بِهِ signifying قَدَّمْتُهُ: [see 1:] and he cites the following verse of Ibn-Rawáhah: وَلَوْ عَبَدْنَا غَيْرَهُ شَقِينَا بِاسْمِ الْإِلَاهِ وَ بِهِ بَدِينَا [In the name of God, and with it we begin; and if we worshipped any other than Him, we should be miserable]: see art. بدى. (TA. [This verse is also cited in the S in art. بدو, where, in one copy I find it as above; in another, with بَدَيْنَا instead of بَدِيْنَا.]) And you say, فَعَلَهُ عَوْذَا وَبَدْءًا, (T, S,) and عَوْدَهُ عَلَي بَدْئِهِ, (M,) and فِى عَوْدِهِ وَبَدْئِهِ, and ↓ فِى عَوْدَتِهِ وَبَدْأَتِهِ, (S, M,) [He did it returning and beginning again; or returning to his beginning; i. e. he did it again from the beginning; he recommenced it: or you say this] meaning like as is meant by the saying next following. (TA.) رَجَعَ عَوْدَهُ عَلَى بَدْئِهِ, (S, K,) and عَوْدًا عَلَى بَدْءٍ, in both of which [and in the last following] the verb may be trans., and the noun following therefore in the accus. case, (TA,) and فِى عَوْدِهِ وَبَدْئِهِ, and ↓ فِى عَوْدَتِهِ وَبَدْأَتِهِ, [in both of which, if correct, the verb must be intrans.,] and عَوْدًا وَبَدْءًا, [as though meaning عَائِدًا وَبَادِئًا, used as a phrase denotative of state,] (K,) [but in this last, and the two next preceding, accord. to the TA, the verb should be فَعَلَهُ, as in the next preceding sentence, instead of رَجَعَ, and this is confirmed by what is said in the K in art. عود,] He returned in the way whence he had come: (S, K:) [accord. to the TA, the literal meaning of the first and second may be he made his returning to revert to his beginning, and he made a returning to revert to a beginning:] or the meaning of the first, (Sb, TA in art. عود, and K in that art.,) and of the second, (K in that art.,) is, he returned without stopping after he had gone away: (Sb, K:) and sometimes it signifies the stopping in one's coming and then returning: (Sb:) [and it returned to its first state; it recommenced:] and you say, رَجَعْتُ عَوْدِى عَلَى

بَدْئِى, meaning I returned like as I had come. (Sb ubi suprà.) b2: Also First, or former; preceding all others, or preceding another; as also ↓ البَدْءُ بَدِىْءٌ; and البَدِىءُ being syn. with الأَوَّلُ. (S, K.) Hence the saying, اِفْعَلْهُ بَادِى بَدْءٍ, and ↓ بَادِى بَدِىْءٍ, meaning Do thou it the first thing, or the first of everything; [accord. to different copies of the S;] the ى in بادى being quiescent, in the place of the accus. case, accord. to usage; and sometimes they omit the [altogether], on account of frequent use [of the phrase], as will be stated in art. بدو, (S in the present art.,) saying بَادِى بَدٍ, and بَادِىبَدِى (S in art. بدو.) You say also, اِفْعَلْهُ بَدْءًا, and أَوَّلَ بَدْءٍ, (Th, M, K,) and بَدْءَ بَدْءٍ, (CK,) and بَدَا بَدْءٍ, (M, K,) and بَدْءٍ ↓ بَادِئَ, (A'Obeyd, T, S, M, K,) and بَادِىَ بَدٍ, (K,) and بَادِىْ بَدًا, (M, K, [in the CK بَادِىْ بَدٍ,]) and بَادِىْ بَدًا, (M,) and بَدِىْءٍ ↓ بَادَئَ, (K,) and بَادِىْ بَدَا, (M, K,) and ↓ بَدِىْءٍ ↓ بَادِئَ, (A'Obeyd, T, S, M, CK,) and بَدِىٍّ ↓ بَادِئَ, which is anomalous, (M,) or بَادِىَ بَدِّىِ, (K,) and بَادِىْ بَدِيٍّ, (Fr, A'Obeyd, T, S, M,) and ↓ بَدِئٍ ↓ بَادِئَ, (S, CK,) or ↓ بَادِىَ بَدِئٍ, (K, TA,) and بَادِىْ

↓ بَدْأَةَ, (M, K, TA,) the former word being the act. part. n. of بَدِىَ, which is of the dial. of the Ansár, as mentioned above, and the latter being indecl., with fet-h for its termination, (TA, [in the CK the latter word is written بَدْءَة,]) and بَدْءٍ ↓ بَدْأَةَ, (CK,) and ↓ بَدْأَةَ بَدْأَةَ, (M, K,) and ↓ بَدِىْءٍ ↓ بَدْأَةَ, (S,) and بَدْءٍ ↓ بَدِىْءَ, (S, CK,) and بَدْءَ ذِى بَدْءٍ, (Fr, T,) and ذِى بَدْءٍ ↓ بَدْأَةَ, (Fr, T, S, K,) and ↓ بَدْأَةَ ذِى بَدْأَةٍ, and ↓ ذِى بَدِىْءٍ ↓ بَدْأَةَ, (S, K,) and ↓ ذِي بَدَآءَةَ ↓ بَدَأَةَ, (K, TA,) not بداءة [as in the CK], (TA,) and ↓ بَدِىْءَ ذِى بَدِىْءٍ, (S, K, TA, [in the CK the last word is written بَدْءٍ,]) and ↓ ذِى بَدِىْءٍ ↓ بَدَآءَةِ, (K,) meaning Do thou it the first thing; (Fr, T, K;) so in a correct copy [of the K, and so I find in a MS. copy of the K and in the CK]: accord. to another copy, the first of everything: (TA:) or the first of first; (S;) thus in the L: (TA:) the words here put in the accus. case [literally or virtually] are so put [in some instances] as adverbial nouns; or, accord. to MF, they may be [in some instances] denotatives of state, with respect to the agent; the meaning being اِفْعَلْهُ حَالَةَ كَوْنِكَ بَادِئًا, i. e. مُبْتَدِئَا بِهِ [lit. do thou it in the state of thy being beginning it]. (TA.) [In like manner,] you also say, بَدْءَ الرَّأْىِ, and [more commonly] الرَّأْىِ ↓ بَادِئَ, At first thought; or on the first opinion: (Lh, M:) [بَدْءُ الرَّأْىِ and] الرَّأْىِ ↓ بَادِئُ signifying the first, and beginning, of the idea, thought, opinion, or judgment; or what is perceived before considering well or thoroughly: (M:) [and بَدْءٌ alone signifying a first idea, thought, opinion, or judgment; as is implied in the A, voce صَيُّورٌ, q. v.:] hence, الرَّأْيِ ↓ فَعَلَهُ فِى بَادِئِ [He did it at first thought, &c.]: (M:) and الرَّأْىِ تُرِيدُ ↓ أَنْتَ بَادِئَ ظُلْمَنَا, and الرأى ↓ مُبْتَدَأَ, i.e. Thou at first thought, &c., desirest to wrong us: and one says also, بَادِىَ الرأى, without; meaning on the occasion of what appeared of opinion; i. e. at the first of what appeared thereof; [or at the first opinion's presenting itself;;] in which case, the phrase does not belong to this art. [but to art. بدو]: it occurs in the Kur xi. 29: (M:) AA alone there read بَادِئَ, with; all the other readers pronounced it without ء (TA.) b3: Also A chief, or lord, (S, M, Msb, K,) who occupies the first place in chieftainship or lordship: (S:) or, as some say, a youth, or young man, whose judgment, or opinion, is deemed good, and who is consulted: (M:) or it signifies also an intelligent youth or young man: (K:) pl. بُدُوْءٌ. (M.) A poet (namely, Ows Ibn-Maghrà Es-Saadee, TA) says, ثُنْيَانُنَا إِنْ أَتَاهُمْ كَانَ بَدْأَهُمُ وَبَدْؤُهُمْ إِنْ أَتَانَا كِانَ ثُنْيَانَا [Our second chief, if he came to them, would be their first chief; and their first chief, if he came to us, would be a second chief]. (S.) b4: Also, and ↓ بَدْأَةٌ, A share, or portion, of a slaughtered camel: (S, K:) or the best share or portion thereof: (T:) or the former word has the latter signification; and the latter word, the former signification: and the former signifies also a bone with the meat, or flesh, that is on it: (M:) and a joint; syn. مَفْصِلٌ; (AA, T, M;) and so بَدًا q.v.: (AA, T:) the pl. [of pauc.] of بَدْءٌ is أَبْدَآءٌ (S, M, K) and [of mult.] بُدُوْءٌ; (S, K;) the former of which is the more common: (TA:) or this is pl. of بَدًا. (AA, T.) The shares abovementioned [as commonly divided for the game called المَيْسِر q. v.] are ten; namely, the two haunches, the two thighs properly so called, the two thighs commonly so called (i. e. the tibiæ), the two shoulders, and the two arms; which last are the worst, because of the many veins [therein]. (TA.) b5: See also بَدِىْءٌ.

بُدءٌ: see بَدْءٌ; second sentence.

بَدِئٌ: see بَادِئَ بَدِئٍ, or بَادِىَ بَدِئٍ, voce بَدءٌ.

بَدْأَةٌ: see بَدْءٌ, in thirteen places. b2: Also The beginning, or outward course, of a military expedition; opposed to رَجْعَةٌ, meaning the returning, or homeward course, thereof: occurring in a trad., in which it is said that the Prophet gave, in the case of the former, a fourth [of the spoil], and in the case of the latter, a third; i.e., when a troop went forth from the main body of the army and attacked a party of the enemy, they were to have a fourth of the spoil that they took, and the rest of the army was to share with them the remaining three fourths; and if a troop did so in returning, they were to have a third of all the spoil that they took, because of the greater difficulty and danger attending this case. (T, Mgh.) b3: كَانَ ذٰلِكَ فِى بَدْأَتِنَا, and ↓ بُدْأَتِنَا, and ↓ بِدْأَتِنَا, (K,) and ↓ بَدَآءَتِنَا, (Lh, M, TA,) and ↓ بُدَآءَتِنَا, and ↓ بِدَآءَتِنَا, (TA,) and ↓ بَدَأَتِنَا, (Lh, M, K,) but [ISd says,] I know not how that is, (M,) and ↓ مُبْدَئِنَا, and ↓ مُبْدَئِنَا, (K,) and ↓ مَبْدَأَتِنَا, (Lh, M, and so in some copies of the K,) or مَبْدَاتِنَا, (so in other copies of the K,) thus in the بَاهِر of Ibn-'Odeys [in the CK Ibn-'Adebbes], (K,) which is said to indicate that we should hesitate respecting them [before admitting them to be of classical authority], are phrases meaning That was in the first of our state, and in our adolescence. (TA.) A2: Also, (so in a copy of the M, there written بَدْأَة,) or ↓ بُدْأَةٌ, with damm, (K,) A certain plant; (M;) a black thing, resembling a truffle (كَمْء), of which no use is made: so says AHn. (M.) بُدْأَةٌ: see بَدْءٌ; second sentence: and see بَدْأَةٌ, in two places.

بِدْأَةٌ: see بَدْءٌ; second sentence: and see بَدْأَةٌ بَدَأَةٌ: see بَدْأَةٌ.

بَدَآءٌ, with medd; [Excrement from the anus; as also بَدَّا;] a subst. from أَبْدَأَ, as meaning نَجَا. (M.) بَدِىْءٌ: see بَدْءٌ, as signifying First, or former; in eight places. b2: Also, applied to a thing, or an affair, i. q بَدِيعٌ, (S, and so in a copy of the K,) or مُبْدَعٌ: (so in other copies of the K:) [thus it signifies] Originated; brought into being or existence; made, or produced, for the first time, not having been before, or not after the similitude of any former thing: (TA:) and created: (M, K:) and wonderful: (M, Msb, TA:) and strange, or extraordinary, as not being after the similitude of any former thing. (TA.) b3: [Hence, as is implied in the Mgh,] بِئْرٌ بَدِىْءٌ A well newly dug; (T, Mgh, Msb;) i. q. بَدِيعٌ; (M;) or dug since the era of ElIslám (S, K;) not ancient; (S, Mgh, Msb;) as also ↓ بَدْءٌ: (S:) the former epithet [in this sense] is generally pronounced [بَدِىٌّ] without ء: (T:) the well thus called is one dug in a waste land that has no owner: (TA:) AO says, (TA,) this epithet, and بَدِيع, are applied to a well when thou hast dug it; but if thou findest it to have been dug before thee, it is termed خَفِيَّة; and thus the well of Zemzem is termed خفيّة, because it was Ismá'eel's, and was filled up or covered over [after his time]: (T, TA:) the term قَلِيب is [said to be] applied to an ancient well of which neither the owner nor the digger is known: (TA:) it is said in a trad., that the حَرِيم of a well such as is termed بدىء [i. e. the space surrounding it and belonging to it] is five-and-twenty cubits: (T, S: [but see حَرِيمٌ:]) the pl. is بُدُوْءٌ: (M:) and AO says that بُودَانٌ is pl. of بَدِىْءٌ applied to a well, and is syn. with قُلْبَانٌ [a pl. of قَلِيبٌ which I have not found elsewhere] and رَكَايَا, being formed by transposition of letters from بُدْيَانٌ [which is for بُدْآنٌ, as بَدِىٌّ is for بَدِىْءٌ; the د and ى being transposed, the word becomes بُيْدَانٌ, and this, by a rule of permutation, becomes بُودَانٌ]. (TA.) بَدَآءَةٌ: see بَدْءٌ, in three places: and see بَدْأَةٌ: and بَدِئَةٌ, in two places.

بُدَآءَةٌ: see بَدْءٌ, in two places: and see بَدْأَةٌ: and for the former, see also بَدِئَْةٌ.

بِدَآءَةٌ: see بَدْءٌ, in two places: and see بَدْأَةٌ: and for the former, see also بَدِئَةٌ.

بَدِيْئَةٌ: see بَدْءٌ; second sentence. b2: Also, (M, K,) and ↓ بَدَآءَةٌ, (K,) or ↓ بُدَآءَةٌ, (M,) i. q. بَدِيهَةٌ, (K,) and بَدَاهَةٌ, (TA,) or بُدَاهَةٌ, i. e. The first occurrence of a thing, that happens to one unexpectedly: (M:) [or the first of anything: and an occurrence thereof by which one is taken unawares: accord. to explanations in the K in art. بده:] pl. of the first, بَدَايَا. (TA.) b3: [And all app. signify The faculty of extemporizing; like بَدِيهَةٌ (q. v.) &c.] You say, جَيِّدَةٍ ↓ فُلَانٌ ذُو بَدَآءَةٍ, i. e. بَدِيهَةٍ حَسَنَةٍ, [meaning] Such a one has a good faculty of extemporizing; or of uttering, or relating, things by means of the promptness of his intelligence. (TA.) بُدَّآءَةٌ: see بَدْءٌ; second sentence.

بَادِئٌ [act. part. n. of 1]: see بَدْءٌ, in nine places.

بَادِئَةٌ: see 1, in two places.

مَبْدَأٌ [originally noun of place and of time from 1; A place, and a time, of beginning, &c. b2: ] See بَدْأَةٌ. b3: [Also A principle, or first rule, of a science &c.: pl. مَبَادِئُ. b4: And The primary import of a word; opposed in this sense to غَايَةٌ.]

مُبْدَأٌ: see بَدْأَةٌ.

المُبْدِئُ, applied to God, The Creator, or Originator, of the things [that exist], who hath produced them at the beginning, not after the similitude of anything pre-existing. (Nh.) and المُبْدِئُ المُعِيدُ, so applied, He who createth mankind, and who returneth them after life to death in the present world and after death to life on the day of resurrection. (TA in art. عود.) b2: مُبْدِئُ مُعِيدٌ A man who has gone on warring, or warring and plundering, expeditions, time after time, and is experienced in affairs: (A 'Obeyd, and K in art. عود:) and a horse upon which the owner has gone time after time on warring, or warring and plundering, expeditions; (TA in that art.;) or well trained and exercised, (K and TA in that art.) so as to be obedient to his rider. (TA in that art.) b3: [For other significations of مُبْدِئٌ, see its verb (4); and see أَحْفَرَ.]

مَبْدَأَةٌ: see بَدْأَةٌ مَبْدُوْءٌ [pass. part. n. of 1; Begun, &c.

A2: ] See بُدِئَ.

مُبْتَدَأٌ: see بَدْءٌ. b2: [In grammar, as correlative of خَبَرٌ, An inchoative.]



1 غَبَرَ, (S, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ (S, Msb,) inf. n. غُبُورٌ, (Msb, K,) He, or it, (a thing, S) remained, lasted, or continued: (S, Msb, TA:) and (Msb) he (a man, JK) tarried, stayed, or waited. (JK, Zbd, Msb, K.) b2: And He, or it, passed, passed away, or went away. (Msb, K.) It is sometimes used in this latter sense; (Msb;) and thus it has two contr. significations. (Msb, K.) b3: And It was future. (KL.) A2: See also 9.

A3: غَبِرَ: see 5, last two sentences. b2: Also, this last, aor. ـَ (S, K,) inf. n. غَبَرٌ, (S,) said of a wound, (S, K,) It was, or became, in a corrupt state: (K:) or it became in a healing state, and then became recrudescent: (S:) or it was always recrudescent: and it became in a healing state upon, or over, corruptness: (IKtt, TA:) or it healed externally while in a withering state internally. (L.) b3: And [hence, perhaps,] غَبِرَ said of a man, (assumed tropical:) He bore rancour, malevolence, malice, or spite; or hid enmity, or violent hatred, in his heart. (IKtt, TA.) 2 غبّر النَّاقَةَ: see 5. b2: [Hence, app., as inf. n. of the pass. verb,] التَّغْبِيرُ signifies The milk's becoming drawn up or withdrawn [from the udder]. (TA.) A2: غبّرهُ, inf. n. تَغْبِيرٌ, He sullied, or sprinkled, him, or it, with dust. (K.) b2: See also 4, in two places. b3: [Hence,] تَغْبِيرٌ signifies also A reciting of poetry, or verses, in the praising, or glorifying, of God, in which the performers trill, or quaver, and prolong, the voice; whence the epithet مُغَبِّرَة; as though the persons thus called, being affected with a lively emotion, danced, and raised the dust: thus accord. to Lth: (TA:) or the saying لَا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا اللّٰهُ, (IDrd, IKtt, K, TA,) in the praising, or glorifying, of God: (K, TA:) or it signifies, (IDrd, TA,) or signifies also, (IKtt, K, TA,) the reiterating the voice in reciting [the Kur-án] &c. (IDrd, IKtt, K, TA) Esh-Shá- fi'ee is related to have said that, in his opinion, this تَغْبِير was instituted by the زَنَادِقَة [pl. of زِنْدِيقٌ, q. v.], in order that they might turn away [others thereby] from the [simple] praising, or glorifying, of God, and from the reciting of the Kurn. (Az, TA.) A3: غبّر ضَيْفَهُ, inf. n. as above, He gave his guest, to eat, غُبْرَان [meaning dates thus termed]: (TA:) the verb thus used is like لَهَّجَ [and لَمَّجَ &c.]. (L, TA.) A4: مَا غَبَّرَتْ إِلَّا لِطَلَبِ المِرَآءِ is a saying mentioned by Az [app. meaning She did not oppose and then acquiesce save for the purpose of obstinate disputation]: see غَبَرٌ. (TA.) 4 اغبر He (a man) raised the dust; (S, Msb, K;) as also ↓ غبّر, (S, K,) inf. n. تَغْبِيرٌ. (S.) [Hence,] فِى وَجْهِهِ ↓ غَبَّرَ [so, evidently, but written in the TA without any syll. signs, lit. He raised the dust in his face; meaning,] (assumed tropical:) he outwent him; outstripped him; went, or got, before him. (TA.) b2: And اغبر فِى طَلَبِ الحَاجَةِ (assumed tropical:) He strove, laboured, exerted himself, or employed himself vigorously or diligently, in seeking after the thing that he wanted; (ISk, S, K;) he hasted, made haste, or was quick, in doing so; as though, by reason of his eagerness and quickness, he raised the dust. (TA.) b3: أَغْبَرْتُ فِى الشَّئِْ (assumed tropical:) I set about, or commenced, doing the thing. (IKtt.) b4: أَغْبَرَتْ عَلَيْنَا السَّمَآءُ (assumed tropical:) The sky rained upon us vehemently. (S, * K, * TA.) A2: See also 9.5 تغبّر النَّاقَةَ He milked the camel, drawing what remained in her udder; (Z, Sgh, K, TA;) as also ↓ غَبَّرَهَا. (Ham p. 527.) b2: Hence the following saying, of a people who had increased and multiplied, on their being asked how it was that they had increased: كُنَّا لَا نَلْتَبِئُ الصَّغِيرَ وَلَا نَتَغَبَّرُ الكَبِيرَ (assumed tropical:) We used not to take the first seed of the young, nor the remainder of the seed of the old; meaning the marrying them, from eagerness to procreate. (TA. [But لَا is there omitted in both clauses, and نَلْتَبِسُ is put by mistake for نَلْتَبِئُ.]) [See also art. لبأ.] b3: And hence, (TA,) تغبّر مِنَ المَرْأَةِ وَلَدً (S, K) (assumed tropical:) He got offspring from the woman [she being old]. (K.) It is related that a certain man, (S, K, TA,) an Arab of the desert, (Z,) 'Othmán, accord. to the K, but correctly, as in the Genealogies of Ibn-El-Kelbee, Ghanm (غَنْمٌ) with gheyn moved by fet-h, and a quiescent noon, (TA,) the son of Habeeb (K, TA) the son of Kaab the son of Bekr the son of Yeshkur the son of Wáïl, (TA,) married a woman advanced in age, (S, Z,) Rakáshi the daughter of 'Ámir, (K,) and it was said to him, “She is old: ” (S, * K, * TA:) whereupon he said, لَعَلِّى أَتَغَبَّرُ مِنْهَا وَلَدًا (S, K) May-be I shall get from her offspring: (TA:) and when a son was born to him, he named him غُبَرُ, (S, K,) like غُمَرُ; (S;) and he became the father of a tribe. (TA.) A2: تغبّر also signifies He, or it, became sullied, or sprinkled, with dust; (TA;) as also ↓ غَبِرَ. (L.) You say also التَّمْرُ ↓ غَبِرَ The dates, or dried dates, became dusty. (TA.) 9 اغبرّ, (S, K,) inf. n. اِغْبِرَارٌ, (S,) It was, or became, dust-coloured; of a colour like dust; (S, K;) as also ↓ غَبَرَ, (K,) inf. n. غُيُورٌ and غُبْرَةٌ; (TA;) and ↓ أَغْبَرَ, (K,) inf. n. إِغْبَارٌ. (TA.) b2: It (a day) became very dusty. (Aboo-'Alee, K.) غُبْرٌ A remain, remainder, remnant, relic, or residue, (S, K,) of a thing; (K;) generally, of the blood of the menses, (K,) and of milk in the udder: (S, K:) as also ↓ غُبَّرٌ: (Msb, K:) or ↓ غُبَّرٌ is a pl. of غُبْرٌ: [but if so it is extr.:] (TA:) or the pl. of غُبْرٌ is أَغْبَارٌ: (S, K:) and ↓ غُبَّرٌ is pl. of ↓ غَابِرٌ [used as an epithet in which the quality of a subst. is predominant]; (A'Obeyd, TA;) and signifies remains, &c.: (A'Obeyd, S, TA:) and ↓ غُبَّرَاتٌ is a pl. pl.; i. e., pl. of ↓ غُبَّرٌ. (A'Obeyd, TA.) You say بِهَا غُبْرٌ مِنْ لَبَنٍ In her (the camel) is a remain of milk. (S.) And ↓ غُبَّرُ الحَيْضِ signifies The remains [of the blood] of the menses; (S;) as also غُبْرُهُ. (Ham p. 37.) and المَرَضِ ↓ غُبَّرُ The remains of the disease. (S.) and in like manner, اللَّيْلِ ↓ غُبَّرُ (S) The last part, and the remains, of the night. (TA.) It is said in a trad. of 'Amr Ibn-El-Ás, مَا تَأَبَّطَتْنِى الإِمَآءُ وَلَا المَآلِى ↓ حَمَلَتْنِى البَغَايَا فِى غُبَّرَاتِ [Female slaves did not carry me under their armpits,] i. e., female slaves did not have the office of rearing me, nor did prostitutes carry me in the remains of the rags used for the menses. (TA.) And in another trad., مِنْ أَهْلِ الكِتَابِ ↓ فَلَمْ يَبْقَ إِلَّا غُبَّرَاتٌ, or أَهْلِ ↓ غُبَّرُ الكِتَابِ, accord. to different relations, i. e. and there remained not save remains of the people of the Scripture, or the remains &c. (TA.) And in a trad. of Mo'áwiyeh, بِفَنَائِهِ أَعْنُزٌ دَرُّهُنَّ غُيْرٌ [In the court of his house were some she-goats whose flow of milk was a mere remain of what it had been,] meaning, little. (L.) [See also غَابِرٌ.]

غِبْرٌ (assumed tropical:) Rancour, malevolence, malice, or spite; or concealed enmity and violent hatred: (K, TA:) like غِمْرٌ. (TA.) غَبَرٌ A remaining, lasting, or continuance; (TA;) and so ↓ مَغْبَرٌ. (Ham p. 225.) b2: [and by some of the grammarians it is used as signifying The future: see also غَابِرٌ.]

A2: Also A certain disease in the interior of the foot of a camel. (K.) b2: And A morbid affection in a vein, that will hardly, or in nowise, be cured. (TA.) [See also غَبِرٌ.] b3: دَاهِيَةُ الغَبَرِ (said by A'Obeyd to be from the phrase جُرْحٌ غَبِرٌ [q. v.], TA) means A calamity, or misfortune, (JK, S, K,) of great magnitude, (S,) which, (JK, S,) or the like whereof, (K,) is such that no way of escape therefrom will be found: (JK, S, * K: *) or a trial, or an affliction, that will hardly, or in nowise, depart: (TA:) or a person who opposes thee, disagreeing with thee, and then returns, or has regard, to thy saying; (K, TA;) whence the saying, mentioned by Az, إِلَّا لِطَلَبِ المِرَآءِ ↓ مَا غَبَّرَتْ. (TA. [See 2, last sentence.]) b4: صَمَّآءُ الغَبَرِ, occurring in a verse of El-Hirmázee in praise of El-Mundhir Ibn-Járood, to whom it is applied, is expl. by Z as meaning The serpent that dwells near to a small water in a place where it collects and stagnates, and that will not be approached. (TA.) And [it is said that] الغَبَرُ signifies Water little in quantity. (O.) A3: Also Dust, or earth; syn. تُرَابٌ. (K.) [See also غُبَارٌ.]

جُرْحٌ غَبِرٌ A wound in a corrupt state: (K:) or that becomes in a healing state upon, or over, corruptness, and then becomes recrudescent after having healed. (TA.) b2: Hence, عِرْقٌ غَبِرٌ A vein constantly becoming recrudescent; (S, TA;) called in Pers\. [and hence in Arabic] نَاسُور [q. v.]. (TA.) A2: نَاقَةٌ غَدِرَةٌ غَبِرَةٌ غَمِرَةٌ A she-camel that remains, or lags, behind the other camels in being driven. (L in art. غدر.) غُبَرٌ A kind [or species] of fish; as also ↓ غَوْبَرٌ. (O, K.) غَبْرَةٌ A sullying, or sprinkle, of, or with, dust. (TA.) غُبْرَةٌ Dust-colour; a colour like dust: (S, L, K:) and a dusty hue of complexion arising from grief or anxiety and the like. (L.) b2: See also غُبَارٌ.

غَبَرَةٌ: see غُبَارٌ: A2: and see also أَغْبَرُ, latter half.

غَبْرَآءُ: see غُبَيْرَآءُ. [For other meanings, see the masc., أَغْبَرُ.]

غُبْرَانٌ Two ripe dates upon one base; pl. غَبَارِينُ: (K, TA:) so says A'Obeyd: or two, or three, full-grown unripe dates upon one base; and it has no pl. of its own radical letters: or, accord. to AHn, several small green dates that come forth upon one base. (TA.) غُبْرُورٌ A certain small bird of the passerine kind, (O, L, K, TA,) dust-coloured: (O, L, TA:) so says AHát in the “ Book of Birds: ” pl. غَبَارِيرٌ: (O:) it is the same as is mentioned in an earlier part of this art. in the K by the name of ↓ غُبْرُون, which is a mistranscription. (TA.) غُبْرُونٌ: see what next precedes.

غُبَارٌ and ↓ غَبَرَةٌ signify the same, (S, L, K,) as also ↓ غُبْرَةٌ; (IAar, K:) i. e. Dust; syn. رَهَجٌ: (L:) or the first, dust raised and spreading: (L:) or what remains of dust raised and spreading: (B, TA:) and the second, the moving to and fro of dust. (L.) b2: You say طَلَبَ فُلَانًا فَمَا شَقَّ غُبَارَهُ (assumed tropical:) [He pursued after such a one but did not cleave his dust;] i. e., he did not overtake him. (TA.) And مَا يُشَقُّ غُبَارُهُ, and مَا يُحَطُّ غُبَارُهُ, (assumed tropical:) He is not to be outgone, outstripped, or got before. (TA.) [See also بَاعَ فُلَانٌ عَلَى بَيْعِ فُلَانٍ, in art. بيع.] b3: لَا غُبَارَ عَلَيْهِ (assumed tropical:) [There is no dust upon it; meaning, it (a phrase or the like) is clear, or perspicuous, or free from obscurity; like the saying لَا عَفَرَ فِيهِ, or لَا عَفْرَ لَهُ]. (TA, in many places.) غَبِيرٌ A sort of dates. (K, TA.) غُبَيْرَآءُ [dim. of غَبْرَآءُ]: see أَغْبَرُ, in two places. b2: Also A certain plant [or tree], (K,) well known, (S,) growing in the plains; (TA;) [the service-tree, or sorb: or its fruit: so called in the present day: as is also the “ inula undulata: ”] and so ↓ غَبْرَآءُ: (K:) so called because of the colour of its leaves; the fruit of which, when it appears, becomes intensely red: (TA:) or the former is the tree, and the latter is the fruit: or the converse is the case: (K:) the sing. and pl. are alike: all this says AHn, in his “ Book of Plants. ” (TA.) A2: Also A kind of beverage, (شَرَاب, S, K, or نَبِيذ, Msb,) which intoxicates, made by the Abyssinians, (S,) from ذُرَة [or millet]; (S, Msb, K;) also called سُكُرْكَة: (Mgh, Msb, K:) or wine [or cider] made from the wellknown fruit of the same name [the service-apple]. (Th, TA.) [See also مِزْرٌ.] It is said in a trad., إِيَّاكُمْ وَالغُبَيْرَآءَ فَإِنَّهَا خَمْرُ العَالَمِ (S, Mgh, TA) Avoid ye the beverage called غبيراء; for it is like the wine that is commonly known of all men: there is no distinction to be made between the two drinks (Mgh, TA) with respect to prohibition. (TA.) In another trad., it is called غُبَيْرَآءُ السَّكَرِ; to distinguish it from a kind of غبيراء made of dates, or dried dates. (Mgh.) غُبَّرٌ and غُبَّرَاتٌ: see غُبْرٌ, passim.

غَابِرٌ Remaining; lasting; continuing: (Az, S, IAmb, Mgh:) this is the sense in which it is used by the Arabs: (Az:) or it is the meaning most commonly obtaining among them: (IAmb:) tarrying; staying; waiting: pl. غُبَّرٌ: (K:) and the pl. of غَابِرَةٌ is غَوَابِرُ. (TA.) You say قَوْمٌ غُبَّرٌ [A people remaining, &c.]. (TA.) And غُيَّرُ النَّاسِ The later of mankind. (TA.) And هُوَ غَابِرُ بَنِى

فُلَانٍ He is the relic of the sons of such a one. (TA.) And الغَابِرُ مِنَ اللَّيْلِ What remains of the night. (TA.) And جَوْفُ اللَّيْلِ الغَابِرُ The last division of the night. (Mgh.) And العَشْرُ الغَوَابِرُ مِنْ شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ The remaining, or last, ten nights of the month of Ramadán. (TA.) And قَطَعَ اللّٰهُ غَابِرَهُ وَدَابِرَهُ [May God cut off the last, and what remains, of him, or it: or may God extirpate him]. (TA.) See also غُبْرٌ

A2: Passing; passing away; going away: past: syn. مَاضٍ; (Az, S, IAmb, Mgh;) or ذَاهِبٌ: (K:) so accord. to some of the lexicologists: (Az:) or so used sometimes, as, for instance, by the poet El-Aashà: (IAmb:) thus it bears two contr. significations. (S.) You say, أَنْتَ غَابِرٌ غَدًاوَذِكْرُكَ غَابِرٌ أَبَدًا [Thou passest away to-morrow, but thy fame remaineth for ever]. (TA.) A3: [Future time. See an ex. in the first of the verses cited voce حَيْثُ. The meaning of “ remaining ” seems equally appropriate in that verse: but غابر is often used by grammarians in the last of the senses expl. above.]

غَوْبَرٌ: see غُبَرٌ.

الغَابِرَةُ means البَاقِيَةُ [The lasting, or everlasting, state of existence]; (K, TA;) i. e. الآخِرَةُ [the latter, or last, state]. (TA.) أَغْبَرُ Dust-coloured; of a colour like dust: (S:) [fem. غَبْرَآءُ: and pl. غُبْرٌ.] b2: الأَغْبَرُ (assumed tropical:) The wolf; (K, TA;) because of his [dusty] colour: like الأَغْثَرُ. (TA.) b3: And الغَبْرَآءُ (assumed tropical:) The female of the حَجَل [or partridge]. (K.) b4: Also (الغَبْرَآءُ) (tropical:) The earth; (S, IAth, Msb, K;) because of its dusty colour; or because of the dust that is upon it: (TA:) opposed to الخَضْرَآءُ, which means “ the sky,” or “ heaven. ” (IAth.) b5: And you say, جَآءَ عَلَى غَبْرَآءِ الظَّهْرِ (assumed tropical:) He came on foot: (Z, TA:) [i. e.] he came upon the earth, or ground; and so الظَّهْرِ ↓ جَآءُ عَلَى غُبَيْرَآءِ: (M, TA:) or the latter means, he returned without his having obtained, or attained, anything: (T, TA:) or he returned without his having been able to accomplish the object of his want. (El-Ahmar, TA.) And تَرَكَهُ الظَّهْرِ ↓ عَلَى غُبَيْرَآءِ (assumed tropical:) He left him in the possession of nothing: (M, TA:) accord. to Zeyd Ibn-Kethweh, it is said by one who has contended in an altercation with another and overcome him so as to become master of all that was in his hands: in all the copies of the K, [probably in consequence of an omission by an early transcriber,] it is expl. as meaning he returned disappointed, or unsuccessful; and so تركه على غَبْرَآءِ الظهر. (TA.) b6: بَنُو الغَبْرَآءِ (assumed tropical:) The poor, needy, or indigent; (S, IB, K, TA;) [to which is strangely added in one of my copies of the S and the guests;] so called because of their cleaving to the dust: (IB, TA:) and غَبْرَآءُ النَّاسِ likewise means the poor of mankind: or, as some say, the former means strangers from their homes: (TA:) or strangers, (K,) or persons, (TA,) who assemble together for [the drinking of] beverage, or wine, without mutual acquaintance: (K, TA:) or persons who contribute equally to the expenses which they have to incur in journeys: all of these meanings have been assigned to it in explaining a verse of Tarafeh: [see EM p. 85:] and it is also expl. in the A as meaning persons of whom one knows not to what family, or tribe, they belong: (TA:) and [it is said that] اِبْنُ غَبْرَآءَ signifies the thief, or robber. (T in art. بنى.) b7: غَبْرَآءُ also signifies (assumed tropical:) Land abounding with coverts of the kind termed خَمَر [q. v.]: (TA:) and land abounding with trees; (K;) or so أَرْضٌ غَبْرَآءُ; (TA;) as also ↓ غَبَرَةٌ. (K.) b8: Also (assumed tropical:) Herbage in plain, or soft, land. (Sgh, K.) [This is said in the TA to be more probably with ث; but I do not find any meaning like this assigned to غَثْرَآءُ.] b9: And (assumed tropical:) A species of plant. (S. [App. that called غُبَيْرَآءُ, q. v.]) b10: وَطْأَةٌ غَبْرَآءُ (assumed tropical:) A footstep, or footprint, that is becoming obliterated, or effaced: (S, A, K:) or such as is recent. (K. [See also دَهْمَآءُ, voce أَدْهَمُ.]) b11: And عِزٌّ أَغَبَرُ (assumed tropical:) Might departing; (K, TA;) becoming effaced. (TA.) b12: سَنَةٌ غَبْرَآءُ (assumed tropical:) A year of drought; (IAth, K;) a year in which is no rain: (TA in art. شهب:) pl. غُبْرٌ: so called because of the dustiness of the tracts of the horizon therein from paucity [or want] of rain, and of the ground from there being no herbage. (IAth.) b13: And جُوعٌ أَغْبَرُ (assumed tropical:) Severe hanger or famine. (TA.) مَغْبَرٌ: see غَبَرٌ, first sentence.

مُغْبَرٌّ A camel the interior of whose foot is in a withering state. (As, TA.) مُغَبِّرَةٌ A party of men praising, or glorifying, God, by saying لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا اللّٰهُ, and reiterating the the voice in reciting [the Kur-án] &c.: (Lth, K, TA:) accord. to Zj, (TA,) so called because of their exciting men to be desirous of the غَابِرَة, which means the بَاقِيَة [or lasting, or everlasting, state of existence], (K, TA,) and to be undesirous of the evanescent, which is the present, state (TA.) [See 2.]

مِغْبَارٌ A palm-tree (نَخْلَةٌ) that becomes overspread with dust. (AHn, K.) A2: And A she-camel that abounds with milk after the abounding therewith of those that have brought forth with her. (K.) مُغْبُورٌ i. q. مُغْثُورٌ [q. v.]: (Kr, K:) the latter is the more approved term. (TA.)



1 سَبِخَتِ الأَرْضُ, (JK, A, Msb,) aor. ـَ inf. n. سَبَخٌ; (Msb;) and ↓ اسبخت; (JK, A, Msb, K;) The land, or earth, exuded water and produced salt: (JK, K:) or was, or became, salt; had in it salt. (A, Msb.) And سَبِخَ المَكَانُ, inf. n. as above, The place produced salt, and was such that the feet sank in it. (TA.) A2: See also 2.

A3: سَبْخٌ, an inf. n. of which the verb is سَبَخَ, aor. ـُ (TK,) means also (assumed tropical:) The being in a state of sleep: (AA, S:) and ↓ تَسْبِيخٌ (assumed tropical:) The sleeping soundly: (S:) or both have this meaning: (K:) or the former signifies (assumed tropical:) the being in a state of rest, and easing the body by sleep: (IAar, L:) and ↓ the latter, (assumed tropical:) the sleeping every hour: (TA:) and the former signifies also (assumed tropical:) the being unoccupied, at leisure, or free from work or business; (AA, S, K;) and so ↓ the latter. (K.) In the Kur lxxiii. 7, some read سَبْخًا [instead of سَبْحًا, q. v.]; (S, K;) meaning (assumed tropical:) rest, and easing of the body by sleep; (IAar, L;) and said by Fr to be from تَسْبِيخٌ, in the first of the senses expl. in the next paragraph: (L:) or (assumed tropical:) freedom from occupation or work or business. (S.) Accord to Zj, السَّبْحُ and السَّبْخُ are nearly the same in meaning. (TA.) You say also سَبْخٌ مِنْ نَوْمٍ and مَشْىٍ and حَرٍّ [app. meaning (assumed tropical:) A ceasing from sleeping and from walking or journeying and of heat]. (JK.) b2: And سَبَخْتُ النَّوْمَ, inf. n. سَبْخٌ, (assumed tropical:) [I slept long; or] I lengthened sleeping. (JK.) b3: And سَبَخْتُ فِى الأَرْضِ (assumed tropical:) I went, or travelled, far, in, or into, the land, or country; (JK, K, * TA;) like سَبَحْتُ. (TA.) 2 تَسْبِيخٌ [inf. n. of سبّخ] The separating, or plucking asunder, and loosening, of cotton, and making it [or spreading it out] wide. (Fr, L.) b2: And The winding of cotton and the like, (K, TA,) such as wool, and soft hair (وَبَر), after the separating and loosening, for a woman to spin it; (TA;) [as also سَبْخٌ, inf. n. of ↓ سَبَخَ; see سَبِيخٌ.]

b3: [Hence,] (tropical:) The act of lightening, or alleviating. (S, A, K.) It is related in a trad. that the Prophet said to 'Áïsheh, when she had cursed a thief, (S, A, TA,) who had stolen something from her, (S, A, TA,) who had stolen something from her, (S, TA,) لَا تُسَبِّخِى عَنْهُ بِدُعَائِكِ عَلَيْهِ, (S, A, * TA,) meaning (tropical:) Do not thou alleviate (S, A, TA) the merited punishment of his crime by thy cursing him. (S, * TA.) And a poet says, فَسَبِّخْ عَلَيْكَ الهَمَّ وَاعْلَمْ بِأَنَّهُ

إِذَا قَدَّرَ الرَّحْمٰنُ شَيْئًا فَكَائِنُ [Then alleviate thou the disquietude of thy mind; and know that, when the Compassionate decreeth a thing, it happeneth]. (S.) One says also, سَبَّخَ اللّٰهُ عَنْكَ الحُمَّى May God alleviate thy fever. (S.) And اَللّٰهُمَّ سَبِّخْ عَنَّا الأَذَى O God, remove from us, or alleviate to us, that which harms, or hurts. (TA.) b4: And (assumed tropical:) The act of stilling, quieting, rendering motionless, appeasing, tranquillizing, calming, allaying, assuaging, or quelling. (K.) A2: Also (assumed tropical:) The becoming [alleviated, or lightened,] still, quiet, motionless, appeased, tranquil, calm, allayed, assuaged, or quelled. (K, * TA.) One says of heat, (S, K,) and of anger, (TA,) سبّخ, (S, K,) inf. n. as above; and ↓ تسبّخ; (K;) (assumed tropical:) It became abated, or allayed, (S, K, TA,) and alleviated. (S.) b2: Also (assumed tropical:) The ceasing of veins from the throbbing occasioned by pain therein. (IAar, L, K. *) b3: See also 1, in three places.3 سابخ expl. by Freytag as meaning He contended with another in swimming is a mistake for سابح.]4 اسبخ He reached salt earth in digging (S, K) a well. (TA.) b2: See also 1, first sentence.5 تَسَبَّخَ see 2, near the end of the paragraph.

سَبَخٌ is expl. by Freytag as applied in the Deewán of Jereer to A dense cloud that is seen suspended apart from other clouds.]

سَبِخٌ; and its fem., with ة: see سَبَخَةٌ, in three places.

سَبْخَةٌ: see the next paragraph, in three places.

سَبَخَةٌ and ↓ سَبْخَةٌ [A piece, or tract, of] land that exudes water and produces salt: (K:) pl. (of the former, S, or of the latter, Msb) سِبَاخٌ: (S, A, Msb, K:) ↓ أَرْضٌ سَبِخَةٌ [also] signifies as above; (JK;) or land containing سِبَاخ, (S, A,) i. e. [places that exude water and produce salt, or simply] salt; (A;) or salt land or earth, as also ↓ ارض سَبْخَةٌ, in which the latter word is a contraction of سَبِخَةٌ, and ارض سَبَخَةٌ also: (Msb:) and ↓ سَبِخٌ signifies a place producing salt, (Msb, * TA,) and in which the feet sink: (TA:) the pl. of ↓ سَبِخَةٌ is سَبِخَاتٌ. (Msb.) The Prophet said to Anas, on his mentioning El-Basrah, إِنْ مَرَرْتَ بِهَا وَدَخَلْتَهَا فَإِيَّاكَ وَسِبَاخَهَا, meaning [If thou pass by it and enter it, then beware thou of] its tracts of land overspread with saltness, that seldom, or never, give growth to anything but some trees, or shrubs. (L.) b2: Also, (K,) or the latter, i. e. ↓ سَبْخَةٌ, (JK,) A thing that overspreads water (JK, K, TA) in consequence of its having been long left, (TA,) resembling [the green substance called] طُحْلُب, (JK, K,) or such as طحلب and the like. (TA.) سَبِيخٌ Cotton, and wool, and soft hair (وَبَر), separated, or plucked asunder, and loosened; as also ↓ مُسَبَّخٌ: (TA:) [and ↓ سَبِيخَةٌ, in which the ة is added to convert the epithet into a subst., signifies a portion, i. e. a loose flock, thereof; and its pl. is سَبَائِخُ, whence] one says, طَارَتْ سَبَائِخُ القُطْنِ [The loose flocks of the cotton flew about]. (A.) b2: [Hence,] (tropical:) Feathers (رِيش) that fall off (S, A, K) and become scattered: (K:) as also ↓ مُسَبَّخٌ: (TA:) the pl. of the former (K, TA) [used as a subst.], in this and in the following senses, (TA,) [or rather of ↓ سَبِيخَةٌ as a n. un. thus used,] is سَبَائِخُ. (K, TA.) One says, وَرَدْتُ مَآءً حَوْلَهُ سَبِيخُ الطَّيْرِ, and ↓ سَبَائِخُهُ, i. e. (tropical:) [I came to water around which were] the feathers that had fallen off [and become scattered] of birds. (A.) b3: Also Cotton made wide for a medicament to be put upon it (K, TA) and for it to be applied upon a wound: (TA:) and ↓ سَبِيخَةُ signifies a portion of cotton thus prepared for this purpose. (JK, K. *) b4: And Cotton, (S, K,) and wool, and soft hair (وَبَر), (S,) wound, after the separating and loosening, (S, K, in the former بَعْدَ النَّدْفِ ↓ يُسْبَخُ i. e. يُلَفُّ,) to be spun (S, K) by a woman: (S:) and ↓ سَبِيخَةٌ signifies a portion thereof. (S.) سَبِيخَةٌ; and its pl., سَبَائِخُ: see the next preceding paragraph, in five places.

مُسَبَّخٌ: see سَبِيخٌ, in two places.



1 صَرْخَةٌ, (L, K,) an inf. n. of صَرَخَ, (S,) signifies The calling or calling out, or crying or crying out, vehemently; [or screaming;] (L, K;) on an occasion of fright, or alarm, or of some affliction, or evil accident: (L:) one says, صَرَخَ, inf. n. صَرْخَةٌ; and ↓ اصطرخ; [He called or called out, &c.;] both meaning the same. (S.) and صُرَاخٌ is also an inf. n. of صَرَخَ, (A, Mgh, Msb,) and signifies The raising the voice, calling or calling out, crying or crying out: (S, A, L, K:) or doing so vehemently: (L, K:) and the calling, or crying, for aid, or succour; (A;) which last meaning is said to be tropical, but conventionally regarded as proper; (MF;) as also صَرِيخٌ, (S, TA,) which is likewise an inf. n. of صَرَخَ: (A, Mgh:) one says, صَرَخَ, aor. ـُ (A, MA, Mgh, L, Msb) and صَرَخَ, (MA,) inf. n. صُرَاخٌ (A, MA, Mgh, L, Msb) and صَرِيخٌ, (A, Mgh,) He raised his voice, called or called out, cried or cried out: (A, MA, L, Msb:) or did so vehemently: (Mgh, L, Msb: *) and he called, or cried, for aid, or succour, (A, Mgh, L, Msb,) saying, وَا غَوْثَاهْ [Alas, a crying for aid!] and وَا صَرْخَتَاهْ [Alas, a crying of alarm!]; (L;) and ↓ استصرخ signifies the same: (AHát, L:) and ↓ اصطرخوا is syn. with

↓ تصارخوا; (S, TA;) meaning صَرَخُوا; as also ↓ استصرخوا; (TA;) or [rather] meaning They called or called out, &c., (صَرَخُوا,) one to another. (TK.) كَانَتْ كَصَرْخَةِ الحُبْلَى [It was like the vehement crying-out, or the screaming, of the pregnant woman] is a prov., said of a thing that comes upon one suddenly, when he is not aware. (T.) 4 اصرخ He aided, or succoured, another; in answer to a call, or cry; (S, A, Mgh, Msb;) as also ↓ استصرخ: (AHát, L:) the | in the former verb is said to have a privative effect, so that أَصْرَخْتُهُ signifies I made his crying, or vehement crying, &c., to cease: (TA:) and ↓ صَارِخَةٌ has the signification of the inf. n. of this verb, as an inf. n. [or rather quasi-inf. n.] of the measure فَاعِلَةٌ; (K;) and ↓ صَرِيخٌ also may have this signification in the Kur xxxvi. 43, as is said in the Ksh [and by Bd]. (TA.) 5 تصرّخ He made an effort to call or call out, to cry or cry out, or to do so vehemently; [or, to scream;] (S, A, K;) or he made an effort in calling or calling out, &c., (PS,) in calling or calling out, &c., vehemently, and in crying for aid or succour. (KL.) One says, التَّصَرُّخُ بِهِ حُمْقٌ, (S,) meaning التَّصَرُّخُ بِالعُطَاسِ [i. e. The making an effort to call or call out, &c., or in calling or calling out, &c., in sneezing, is stupidity]. (S, TA.) 6 تصارخوا They called or called out, cried or cried out, or did so vehemently, one to another; (A;) [and so, accord. to a copy of the A, ↓ استصرخوا; and app. ↓ اصطرخوا, as seems to be indicated in the L and K;] see 1.8 إِصْتَرَخَ see 1, in two places: and see also 6.10 استصرخهُ He called, or cried, to him for aid, or succour. (S, A, Mgh, L, Msb.) b2: and He incited him, urged him, or induced him, to call or call out, to cry or cry out, [app. for aid, or succour,] or to do so vehemently. (L, TA.) b3: [Hence,] اُسْتُصْرِخَ الإِنْسَانُ There came to the man a voice, or cry, informing him of an event on account of which his aid was invoked, or announcing to him a death. (IAth, TA.) اِسْتِصْرَاخُ الحَىِّ means The tribe's being invoked for aid to perform what is requisite for the dead: and hence the trad. of Ibn-'Omar, فَاسْتُصْرِخَ عَلَى امْرَأَتِهِ, not بِامْرَأَتِهِ, meaning, And he was called to aid in furnishing for the grave, and burying, the corpse of his wife: or it may mean, was informed that his wife was at the point of death. (Mgh.) A2: See also 1, in two places; and 6: b2: and see 4.

صَرْخَةٌ an inf. n. of 1 [q. v.]. (S.) b2: Hence, (TA,) The call to prayer. (K, TA.) صُرَاخٌ an inf. n. of صَرَخَ [q. v.]. (A, &c.) صَرِيخٌ an inf. n. of صَرَخَ [q. v.]: (A, Mgh:) see also 4.

A2: See also صَارِخٌ, in four places.

الصَّرَّاخُ [He who calls or calls out, or cries or cries out, or does so vehemently, or screams, &c., much, or often. b2: And hence,] The peacock. (IAar, K.) صَارِخٌ Calling or calling out, or crying or crying out, or doing so vehemently; [or screaming;] as also ↓ صَرِيخٌ. (A, Msb.) And Calling, or crying, for aid, or succour; (S, Msb, K;) and so ↓ صَرِيخٌ; (S, K;) and ↓ مُسْتَصْرِخٌ. (S.) b2: Also, and ↓ صَرِيخٌ, (AHeyth, S, A, K,) or the latter [only] of these, (T, Msb,) and ↓ مُصْرِخٌ, (S, A, Msb, K,) and ↓ صَارِخَةٌ, (Lth, TA,) Aiding, or succouring; or an aider, or a succourer: (Lth, T, S, A, Msb, K:) Az says that he had not heard صَارِخٌ in this sense on the authority of any except As; but that all men agree that it has the second of the senses given above, and that ↓ مُصْرِخٌ has the last of those senses. (TA.) أَمَةٌ ↓ عَبْدٌ صَرِيخُهُ, meaning [A male slave] whose aider [is a female slave], is a prov. applied in the case of a mean man who is aided by one meaner than he. (Meyd.) And it is said in the Kur [xiv. 27], ↓ مَا أَنَا بِمُصْرِخِكُمْ وَمَا أَنْتُمْ بِمُصْرِخِىَّ I am not your aiders, nor are ye my aiders. (TA.) b3: الصَّارِخُ is an appellation of The cock; (K, TA;) because he cries much in the night: and it is said by some to be tropical. (TA.) b4: And صَارِخٌ signifies also A voice, or cry, informing a man of an event on account of which his aid is invoked, or announcing to him a death. (IAth, TA.) صَارِخَةٌ The voice, or cry, of the calling for aid, or succour. (K.) Hence the saying, سَمِعْتُ صَارِخَةَ القَوْمِ [I heard the cry of the people, or party, calling for aid, or succour]. (TA.) b2: See also 4. b3: And see صَارِخٌ.

مُصْرِخٌ: see صَارِخٌ, in three places.

مُسْتَصْرِخٌ: see صَارِخٌ.



2 جنّد جُنُودًا (S, A) He collected, or assembled, جنود [i. e. armies, military forces, &c.]. (A.) 5 تجنّد He took or prepared, for himself, a جُنْد [i. e. an army, a military force, &c.]. (A, TA.) جُنْدٌ [a coll. gen. n.] An army; a military force; a legion; a body of troops or soldiers; (L, K;) a collected body of men prepared for war: (Mgh:) auxiliaries: (S, L, Msb, K:) n. un. ↓ جُنْدِىٌّ [signifying a trooper; a soldier; an auxiliary]; like as رُومِىٌّ is n. un. of رُومٌ: (Msb:) pl. of the former, جُنُودٌ (S, A, Mgh, Msb) and [pl. of pauc.] أَجْنَادٌ. (Mgh, Msb.) It is said in a trad., ↓ الأَرْوَاحُ جُنُودٌ مُجَنَّدَةٌ (S, A, L) Souls are troops collected together: meaning that they are created of two parties, each party agreeing together, and disagreeing with the other party, like two armies opposed, each to the other. (L.) b2: Also Any kind, or species, of creatures, or created things, regarded as alone, by itself, or apart from others. (K, * TA.) It is said in a prov., إِنَّ لِلّهِ جُنُودًا مِنْهَا العَسَلُ Verily to God belong kinds, or species, of created things [by means of which He effects his purposes as by armies or auxiliaries], of which is honey: (Z, K:) first said by Mo'áwiyeh, when he heard that El-Ashtar had been given to drink some honey containing poison, in consequence of which he died: and used on the occasion of rejoicing at a misfortune that has befallen an enemy: it occurs in the history of El-Mes'oodee thus; إِنَّ لِلّهِ جُنْدًا فِى العَسَلِ. (MF.) b3: Also, [as a term used in Syria, and afterwards by the Arabs from Syria in Spain,] A city [with its territory; i. e. a province, or district]: (K:) or particularly a city of Syria [with its territory]: (AO, TA:) pl. أَجْنَادٌ. (TA.) Syria consists of five اجناد; namely, Dimashk [or Damascus], Hims [or Emessa], Kinnesreen, El-Urdunn [or the Jordan], and Filasteen or Falasteen [or Palestine]: (S, M, A:) they were thus called because the military forces were thence collected. (A.) [See مِخْلَافٌ.]

جُنْدِىٌّ: see جُنْدٌ. b2: Also Of, or relating to, a جُنْد of Syria. (A.) جُنْدٌ مُجَنَّدٌ An army, or a military force, collected. (TA.) See also جُنْدٌ.



1 غَرَّهُ, aor. ـُ inf. n. غُرُورٌ (Fr, S, Msb, K) and غَرٌّ, (Az, K,) which latter is preferable to the former, [though less common,] because the inf. n. of a trans. verb is scarcely ever of the measure فُعُولٌ, (Az,) and غِرَّةٌ (Lh, K) and غَرَرٌ, (IKtt, TA,) He (the devil, TA) deceived him; beguiled him; (S, K;) made him to desire what was vain, or false. (K.) You say غَرَّتْهُ الدُّنْيَا The world deceived him, or beguiled him, by its finery, or show, or pomp. (Msb.) It is said in the Kur [lxxxii. 6], مَا غَرَّكَ بِرَبِّكَ What hath deceived thee, and led thee into error, so that thou hast neglected what was incumbent on thee to thy Lord? (Aboo-Is-hák:) or what hath deceived thee respecting thy Lord, and induced thee to disobey Him, and to feel secure from his punishment? (TA:) or what hath deceived thee, and emboldened thee to disobey thy Lord? (Bd. [But see بِ as syn. with عَنْ.]) مَا غَرَّكَ بِفُلَانٍ signifies [What hath deceived thee, and emboldened thee against such a one? or] how is it that thou art emboldened against such a one? (As, S, Msb, TA.) [See also 4.] And مَنْ غَرَّكَ بِفُلَانٍ, (TA,) and مِنْ فُلَانٍ, (S, TA,) Who hath made thee to pursue a course without being rightly directed, or a course not plain, (مَنْ أَوْطَأَكَ عُشْوَةً, S, TA,) with respect to such a one, (S,) or with respect to the case of such a one? (TA. [See again 4.]) [Also غُرَّ مِنْ فُلَانٍ, i. e. غُرَّ غُرُورًا صَادِرًا مِنْ فُلَانٍ, He was deceived by such a one; he was deceived with deceit proceeding from such a one. See غَرِيرٌ, as syn. with مَغْرُورٌ.] And غَرَّ فُلَانٌ فُلَانًا Such a one exposed such a one to perdition or destruction [app. by deceiving him]. (TA. [See also 2, and 4.]) Also Such a one acted with such a one in a manner resembling the slaying with the edge of the sword. (TA. [See 3 in art. عطو.]) A2: غَرَّ فَرْخَهُ, (S, O, K,) aor. ـُ (S, O,) inf. n. غَرٌّ (S, O, K) and غِرَارٌ, (O, K, [or the latter is inf. n. of غَارَّ only,]) It (a bird, S, O, K, * or a pigeon, TA) fed its young one with its bill: (S, O, K:) and أُنْثَاهُ ↓ غارّ, (As, S, K,) inf. n. غِرَارٌ (S) or مُغَارَّةٌ, (TA,) he (the [collared turtle-dove called] قُمْرِىّ) fed his female with his bill. (As, S, K.) b2: Hence, in a trad., كَانَ يَغُرُّ عَلِيًّا (O, TA) بِالعِلْمِ (TA) (assumed tropical:) He (the Prophet) used to nourish 'Alee with knowledge like as the bird feeds its young one. (O, TA. *) And one says, غُرَّ فُلَانٌ مِنَ العِلْمِ مَا لَمْ يُغَرُّهُ غَيْرُهُ (assumed tropical:) Such a one has been nourished, and instructed, with that wherewith other than he has not been nourished, and instructed, of knowledge. (TA.) A3: غَرَّ, aor. ـِ (S, Msb,) with kesr; (S;) or غَرَّ, see. Pers\. غَرِرْتَ, aor. ـَ (K, TA;) inf. n. غَرَارَةٌ; (S, Msb, K;) He (a man, S, Msb, or a youth, or young man, K) was inexperienced in affairs; (S, K;) he was ignorant of affairs; negligent, or heedless, of them. (Msb.) You say كَانَ ذٰلِكَ فِى غَرَارَتِى وَحَدَاثَتِى, i. e. فِى غِرَّتِى, That was in [the time of] my inexperience and youth. (S.) [See also 8.] b2: And غَرَّ, (K,) see. Pers\. غَررْتَ, (IAar, T, TA,) aor. ـَ with fet-h, (IAar, T, K,) inf. n. غَرَارَةٌ, (IAar, T, TA,) He acted in a youthful or childish manner: (IAar, T, TA:) or he so acted after having soundness of judgment, produced by experience. (Sgh, K.) But this is at variance with what J cites from Fr, in art. شد, that the aor. of an intrans. verb of this class of the measure فَعَلَ, should be of the measure يَفْعِلُ, with kesr to the ع. (TA.) A4: غَرَّ, (IAar, IKtt, K,) in one place written by IAar غَرِرَ, to show that it is of the measure فَعِلَ, and that the sec. Pers\. is غَرِرْتَ, (TA,) aor. ـَ (IAar, IKtt, K,) inf. n. غَرَرٌ (IAar, K) and غُرَّةٌ, (IAar, IKtt, K,) or the latter, as ISd thinks, is not an inf. n., but a subst., (TA,) and غَراَرَةٌ, (K,) He (a horse, IAar, IKtt, and a camel, IAar) had what is termed a غُرَّة upon his forehead: (IAar, IKtt:) it (his face) had what is so termed: (K:) it (his face) became white. (IAar, K. *) b2: غَرَّ, aor. ـَ He (a man) became eminent, or noble. (TA.) b3: And غُرَّةٌ signifies also A grape-vine's quickly becoming tall. (K.) A5: See also R. Q. 1.

A6: غَرَّ عَلَيْهِ المَآءَ He poured upon him, or it, the water: like قَرَّ. (TA.) And غُرَّ فِى حَوْضِكَ Pour thou into thy watering-trough. (TA.) And غُرَّ فِى سِقَائِكَ Fill thou thy skin by putting it into the water and throwing the water into it with thy hand, not abstaining until thou fillest it: thus as related by Az accord. to the usage of the desert-Arabs. (TA.) 2 غرّر بِنَفْسِهِ, (S, K, TA,) and بِمَالِهِ, (TA,) inf. n. تَغْرِيرٌ and تَغِرَّةٌ, (S, K,) He exposed himself, (K, TA,) and his property, (TA,) to perdition, or destruction, or loss, (K, TA,) without knowing it: (TA:) he endangered, jeoparded, hazarded, or risked, himself, (S, TA,) [and his property,] and was negligent, or heedless, of the end, issue, or result, of an affair. (TA.) [See also 1.]

A2: غُزِّرَ He (a horse) was marked with a غُرَّة [i. e. a star, or blaze, or white mark, on the forehead or face]: you say بِمَ غُرِّرَ فَرَسُكَ With what kind of غُرَّة is thy horse marked? and the owner answers, With a شاَدِخَة, or with a وَتِيرَة, &c. (Mubtekir El-Aarábee, TA.) A3: غَرَّرَتْ ثَنِيَّتَا الغُلاَمٍ

The central incisors of the boy showed their points for the first time: (S:) or غرّر الغُلاَمُ the first of the teeth of the boy showed its point; as though the غُرَّة, i. e. whiteness, of his teeth appeared: and غَرَّرَتْ أَسْنَانُ الصَّبِىِّ the teeth of the boy were disposed to grow, and came forth. (TA.) b2: and hence, (TA,) غَرَّرَتِ الطَّيْرُ The birds desired, or endeavoured, to fly, and raised their wings. (K, TA.) A4: غرّر القِرْبَةَ (Sgh, K, TA) and السِّقَآءَ (TA) He filled the water-skin. (Sgh, K, TA.) 3 غارّت النَّاقَةُ, (As, ISk, S, K,) aor. ـَ inf. n. غِرَارٌ, (ISk, S,) The she-camel became scant of milk: (As, S, K:) or deficient in milk: (TA:) or she took fright, and drew up her milk, (ISk, S,) after yielding milk freely: (ISk, TA:) or the she-camel, having yielded milk abundantly on her teats' being stroked, and not being promptly milked, drew up her milk, and would not yield it plentifully until it collected again in her udder in the interval before the next period of milking. (Az.) [This signification of the verb is said in the TA to be tropical: but I rather think it to be proper; as the next is derived from it.] b2: غارَّت السُّوقُ, aor. ـَ (Az, S,) inf. n. غِرَارٌ, (Az, S, K,) (tropical:) The market became stagnant, or dull, with respect to traffic; (Az, S, K;) contr. of دَرَّت. (Az, S.) b3: [See also غِرَارٌ, below.]

A2: غارّ

أُنْثَاهُ, said of the قُمْرِىّ: see 1.4 اغرّهُ He, or it, emboldened him, or encouraged him; [by deceiving him;] syn. أَجْسَرَهُ: so says AHeyth; and he cites the following verse: أَغَرَّ هِشَامًا مِنْ أَخِيهِ ابْنِ أُمِّهِ قَوَادِمُ صَأْنٍ يَسَّرَتْ وَرَبِيعُ meaning [The teats of sheep that have yielded abundance of milk and of young, and spring herbage, i. e.] the abundance of his sheep and their milk, have emboldened Hishám against his brother, the son of his mother, [to pursue a wrong course towards him, and] to forsake him, thinking himself in dependent of him: the poet makes قوادم to belong to sheep, whereas they properly belong to the udders of camels, using the word metaphorically. (TA.) [But I incline to think that the أَ in أَغَرَّ is the interrogative particle, and that its explanation is أَجَسَّرَ, with the same particle; and the more so as I have not found any authority, if this be not one, for أَجْسَرَ in the sense of جَسَّرَ: so that the meaning of the verse is, Have the teats, &c.? and it shows that غَرَّهُ مِنْهُ, not أَغَرَّهُ, means جَسَّرَهُ عَلَيْهِ, like غَرَّهُ بِهِ. See 1.] b2: Also He caused him to fall into peril, danger, jeopardy, hazard, or risk. (TA.) [But perhaps this meaning is also derived from a misunderstanding of the verse quoted above. See again 1.]8 اغترّ He became deceived, or beguiled; (S, K;) made to desire what was vain, or false; (K;) بِشَىْءٍ by a thing. (S.) [See also 10.] b2: He was negligent, inattentive, inadvertent, inconsiderate, heedless, or unprepared; (S, K;) he thought himself secure, and therefore was not on his guard. (Msb.) [See again 10.]

A2: اغترَهُ He, or it, came to him when he was negligent, inadvertent, heedless, or unprepared; (T, S, TA;) as also ↓ استغرّهُ: (T, K, TA:) or he sought to avail himself of his negligence, inadvertence, heedlessness, or unpreparedness; as also اغترّبِهِ. (TA.) 10 استغرّ i. q. اغترّ [which see in two places: but in what sense, is not said]: (K, TA:) said of a man. (TA.) A2: استغرّهُ: see اِغْتَرَّهُ.

R. Q. 1 غَرْغَرَ, (IKtt,) inf. n. غَرْغَرَةٌ, (K,) He gargled with water; (IKtt, K;) and in like manner with medicine; (IKtt;) made it to reciprocate in his throat, (IKtt, K,) not ejecting it, nor suffering it to descend easily down his throat; (IKtt;) as also ↓ تَغَرْغَرَ. (K.) b2: غَرْغَرَتِ القِدْرُ The cooking-pot made a sound in boiling. (TA.) And غرغر اللَّحْمُ The flesh-meat made a sound in broiling. (K.) [See an ex. in a verse of El-Kumeyt cited voce مَرْضُوفَةٌ.] b3: غرغر He gave up his spirit, [app. with a rattling sound in the throat,] at death; (K;) as also ↓ غَرَّ. (TA.) b4: غرغر بِصُوْتِهِ He (a pastor) reiterated his voice in his throat. (S.) A2: غَرْغَرَهُ He slaughtered him by cutting his throat with a knife. (K, * TA.) b2: He pierced him in his throat with a spear-head (IKtt, K.) A3: And غَرْغَرَةٌ signifies also The breaking of the bone of the nose, and of the head of a flask or bottle. (K.) R. Q. 2 تَغَرْغَرَ: see R. Q. 1. b2: تغرغر صَوْتُهُ فِى حَلْقِهِ His (a pastor's) voice became reiterated in his throat. (S.) b3: تغرغرت عَيْنُهُ بِالدَّمْحِ The water came and went repeatedly in his eye. (TA.) غَرٌّ, (S, O, K, TA,) with fet-h, (S, O, TA, [in the CK erroneously said to be with damm,]) A crease, wrinkle, ply, plait, or fold, (S, O, K, TA,) in skin, (O, * S,) accord. to Lth, from fatness, (TA,) or in a skin, (K,) and in a garment, or piece of cloth; (S, O, K;) syn. كَسْرٌ, (S, O,) or كَسْرٌ مَتَثَنٍّ, (K,) and مَكْسِرٌ: (S, * O:) pl. غُرُورٌ. (S, TA.) [Hence,] غُرُورُ الفَخِذَيْنِ The furrows [or creases or depressed lines] between the muscles of the thighs. (TA.) And غُرُورُ الذِّرَاعَيْنِ The duplicatures [or creases] between the [sinew's called] حِباَل [pl. of حَبْلٌ q. v.] of the fore arms. (TA.) And غَرُّ الظَّهْرِ The duplicature [or crease] of the مَتْن [or flesh and sinew next the backbone]: or, as ISk says, غَرُّ المَتْنِ signifies the line of the متن. (TA.) And غُرُورُ القَدَمِ The creases of the foot. (TA.) And one says, طَوَيْتُ الثَّوْبَ عَلَى غَرِّهِ I folded the garment, or piece of cloth, according to its first, or original, folding. (S, O, TA. [In the TA said to be tropical; but for this I see no reason.]) And hence طَوَيْتُهُ عَلَى غَرِّهِ meaning (assumed tropical:) I left him as he was, without making known his case: a saying proverbially used in relation to one who is made to rely upon his own opinion. (Har p. 233. [In Freytag's Arab Prov., ii. 38, it is not well rendered nor well explained.]) Hence also the saying of 'Áïsheh, respecting her father, mentioned in a trad., فَرَدَّ نَشَرَ الإِسْلَامِ عَلَى غَرِّهِ i. e. (assumed tropical:) And he reduced what was disordered of El-Islám to its [primitive] state [of order]: (O:) meaning that he considered the results of the apostacy [that had commenced], and counteracted the disease thereof with its [proper] remedy. (TA.) b2: Also A fissure, or cleft, in the earth or ground. (K.) b3: And A rivulet: (IAar, TA:) or a narrow steam of water in land: (K, TA:) so called because it cleaves the earth: pl. غُرُورٌ. (TA.) b4: غُرُورٌ signifies also The streaks, or lines, of a road. (TA.) b5: and الغَرَّانِ signifies Two lines by the two sides of the lower part of the عَيْر [or ridge in the middle of the iron head, or blade, of an arrow &c.]. (AHn, TA.) b6: See also غِرَارٌ, last sentence. b7: Also, the sing., The extremity of a tooth: pl. as above. (O.) A2: And The food wherewith a bird feeds its young one with its bill: (K, TA:) pl. as above. (TA.) b2: Its pl. is used in a verse of 'Owf Ibn-Dhirweh in relation to the journeying of camels, in the phrase اِحْتَسَى غُرُورَ عِيدِيَّاتِهَا, meaning (assumed tropical:) He jaded their عِيديَّات [an appellation given to certain excellent she-camels]; as though he supped their غُرُور. (TA.) غِرٌّ Inexperienced in affairs; (S, K;) ignorant of affairs; negligent, or heedless, of them; (Msb;) applied to a man, (S, Msb,) or to a youth, or young man; (K;) as also ↓ غَارٌّ (Msb) and ↓ غَرِيرٌ; (S, K;) and applied to a young woman; as also غِرَّةٌ and ↓ غَرِيرَةٌ (S, K:) or these three epithets, applied to a girl, signify young, inexperienced in affairs, and not knowing what woman know of love: (A'Obeyd:) the pl. of غِرٌّ is أَغْرَارٌ (S) and غِرَارٌ; (TA;) and of ↓ غَرِيرٌ, أَغْرَّآءُ (S, K) and أَغِرَّةٌ [which is a pl. of pane.] (K.) [And غِرَّةٌ is also used as a pl.] Paradise says, يَدْ خُلْنِى غِرَّةُ النَّاسِ The simple, of mankind, who prefer obscurity. and discard the affairs of the present world, and provide themselves for the world to come, enter me. (TA, from a trad.) b2: Also Youthful, or childish, in conduct: applied to a man, and to a girl, or young woman. (IAar, T.) b3: And One who submits to be deceived. (K.) غُرَّةٌ Whiteness: clearness of colour or complexion. (L, TA.) So in the phrase غُرَّةً ↓ أَغَرُّ [app. meaning More, or most. fair-complexioned]; occurring in a trad. applied to virgins: or the phrase is ↓ غِرَّةً ↓ أَغَرُّ, meaning more, or most, remote from the knowledge of evil. (L.) b2: [A star, or blaze, or white mark, on the forehead or face of a horse;] a whiteness on the forehead of a horse, (S, Mgh, Msb, K, *) above the size of a دِرْهَم; (S, Msb;) or of the size of a درهم; (Mgh;) as also ↓ غُرْغُرَةٌ: (S, K:) or it is a general term [for a star or blaze], including different kinds, as the قُرْحَة and the شِمْرَاخ and the like: or, if round, it is termed وَتِيرَةٌ; and if long, شَادِخَةٌ: or as, ISd thinks, the space itself, of the face, that is occupied by whiteness; not the whiteness: pl. غُرَرٌ. (TA.) [See also أَغَرُّ.] b3: In a dog, A white speck, or a small white spot, above each of the eyes: so in a trad., in which it is said that the black dog having two such marks is to be killed. (TA.) A2: Also (tropical:) The first, or commencement, of the month; (Msb;) the night, of the month, in which the new moon is first seen: (K:) so called as being likened to the غُرَّة on the forehead of a horse: (AHeyth:) pl. غُرَرٌ: (AHeyth, Msb:) which is also applied to the first three nights of the month. (A'Obeyd, S, Msb.) One says كَتَبْتُ غُرَّةَ الشَّهْرِ كَذَا I wrote on the first of the month thus. (TA.) b2: [And hence,] (assumed tropical:) The first, or commencement, of El-Islám; (TA;) and of anything. (S.) b3: The whiteness of the teeth; and the [first that appears] of them. (K.) b4: (assumed tropical:) The head app. when first appearing] of a plant. (TA.) b5: (assumed tropical:) [The sight, or spectacle, or] whatever appears to one, of light, or daybreak: you say thereof, بَدَتْ غُرَّتُهُ [The sight, or spectacle, thereof appeared]. (K.) b6: (assumed tropical:) The aspect of the new moon: (K:) because of its whiteness: (TA:) or the phasis of the moon in the first night of the month]. (TA in art. هل.) b7: (assumed tropical:) The face of a man: (K:) or his aspect; syn. طَلْعَة. (TA.) b8: (assumed tropical:) [And The forehead of a man. So used, as opposed to قَفًا, in the Life of Teemoor, 170, ed. Mang., cited by Freytag; and so used in the present day; but whether in classical times I know not.] b9: تَطْوِيلُ الغُرَّةِ. in performing the ablution termed وَضُوْء, means (assumed tropical:) The washing of the fore part of the head with the face, and the washing of the side of the neck: or, as some say the washing of somewhat of the fore arm and of the shank with the hand and the foot. (Msb) b10: And غُرَّهٌ also signifies (assumed tropical:) A noble, or an (??) man, (K,) or a chief, or lord, (S,) of a people (S, K:) pl. غُرَرٌ. (S.) b11: And (tropical:) The best. (K.) and chiefest, (TA,) of goods. or household furniture: (K:) pl. as above: (TA:) the best of anything: (S:) the best, (Mgh,) or most precious and excellent, (Aboo-Sa'eed,) of property ; as, for instance, a horse, and an excellent camel, (Aboo-Sa'eed, Mgh.) and camels, (TA.) and a male slave. (Aboo-Sa'eed. S. Mgh, Msb, K.) and a female slave, (S, Msb, K,) or a clever female slave: (Aboo-Sa'eed, Mgh:) its application to a slave, male or female, [among articles of property,] is most common. (TA.) It has this last signification (a male or female slave) in a trad. in which it relates to the compensation for the destroying of a child in the womb: (TA:) as though this term were applied, by a synecdoche, to the whole person; (S;) the word properly signifying the “ face; ” in like manner as the terms رَقَبَةٌ and رَأْسٌ are employed: (Mgh:) Aboo-'Amr Ibn-El-Alà is related to have said that it there means a white male slave or a white female slave: but this is not a condition accord. to the doctors of practical law; for they hold the term to mean a male or female slave whose price amounts to the tenth part of the whole price of blood: (IAth:) or to the twentieth part thereof: (K, T:) or it means a slave of the best sort. (Mgh.) The Rájiz says, كُلُّ قَتِيلٍ فِى كُلَيْبٍ غُرَّهْ حَتَّى يَنَالَ القَتْلُ آلَ مُرَّهْ Every one slain in retaliation for Kuleyb is as a slave, until the slaying reach the family of Mur-rah. (TA.) b12: Also (assumed tropical:) Goodness, and righteous conduct: so in the saying, إِيَّاكُمْ وَالمُشاَرَّةَ فَإِنَّهَا تَدْفِنُ الغُرَّةَ وَتُظْهِرُ العُرَّةَ [Avoid ye contention, or disputation, for it hides goodness, &c., and manifests what is disgraceful]. (TA.) A3: [It is also an inf. n.: see 1, latter part.]

غِرَّةٌ Negligence; inattention; inadvertence, or inadvertency; inconsiderateness; heedlessness; or unpreparedness: (S, Mgh, Msb, K:) [pl. غِرَّاتٌ and غِرَرٌ: see an ex. of the former in a verse cited voce شَفَعَ, and exs. of both in a verse cited voce دَرَى.] It is said in a prov., الغِرَّةُ تَجْلِبُ الدِّرَّةَ Inadvertence brings the means of subsistence: (TA:) or paucity of milk causes to come abundance thereof: applied to him who gives little and from whom much is hoped for afterwards. (Meyd. [See Freytag's Arab. Prov. ii. 179: and see also غِراَرٌ.]) [Hence,] عَلَى غِرَّةٍ [On an occasion of negligence, &c.; unexpectedly]. (K in art. عرض; &c.) [And عَنْ غِرَّةٍ In consequence of inadvertence: see an ex. in a verse cited voce زَلَقٌ.] Also Inexperience in affairs. (S.) غِرَّةٌ and غَرَارَةٌ signify the same. (A'Obeyd.) [The latter is an inf. n.: see 1.] See also غُرَّةٌ, second sentence. b2: غِرَّةٌ بِاللّٰهِ means Boldness against God. (Mgh.) A2: [See also غِرٌّ.]

غُرَّى: see أَغَرُّ, near the end.

غَرَرٌ Peril; danger; jeopardy; hazard; or risk. (S, Mgh, Msb, K.) It is said in a trad., نَهَى عَنْ بَيْعِ الغَرَرِ He (Mohammad) forbade the sale of hazard, or risk; (S, Mgh, Msb;) of which it is unknown whether the thing will be or not; (Mgh;) such as the sale of fish in the water, and of birds in the air: (S, Mgh:) or, accord. to 'Alee, in which one is not secure from being deceived: (Mgh:) or of which the outward semblance deceives the buyer, and the intrinsic reality is unknown: (TA:) or that is without any written statement (عُهْدَة), and without confidence. (As, Mgh.) b2: حَبْلٌ غَرَرٌ means غَيْرُ مَوْثُوقٍ بِهِ [i. e., app., A bond, or compact, in which trust, or confidence, is not placed]. (TA.) A2: See also غَرِيرٌ.

غِرَارٌ Paucity of milk of a camel: (K:) or deficiency thereof. (S.) [See 3.] It is said in a prov., respecting the hastening a thing before its time, سَبَقَ دِرَّتُهُ غِرَارَهُ [lit., His abundant flow of milk preceded his paucity thereof]: (As:) or سَبَقَ دِرَّتَهُ غِرَارُهُ [lit., his paucity of milk preceded his abundance thereof; agreeably with an explanation of Z, who says that it is applied to him who does evil before he does good: see Freytag's Arab. Prov. i. 613: and see also غِرَّةٌ]. (So in my copies of the S.) b2: Hence, (assumed tropical:) Paucity of sleep. (As, A'Obeyd, S.) b3: [Hence also,] in prayer, (tropical:) A deficiency in, (K,) or an imperfect performance of, (S,) the bowing of the body, and the prostration, (S, K,) and the purification. (K.) And in salutation, The saying (in reply to السَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ) وَعَلَيْكُمْ, not وَعَلَيْكُمُ السَّلَامُ: (T, TA:) or the saying سَلَامٌ عَلَيْكُمْ (K) or سَلَامٌ عَلَيْكَ (M) [without ال prefixed to سلام: as though it were a deficient form; but it is the form specially sanctioned by the Kur-án]: or the replying by saying عَلَيْكَ, not عَليْكُمْ. (K.) This is said in explanation of a trad., لاَ غِرَارَ فِى صَلَاةٍ وَلَا تَسْلِيمٍ [There shall be no deficiency in prayer, nor in salutation]: but accord. to one relation, it is لا غرار فى صلاة ولا تَسْلِيمَ, meaning, that the person praying shall not salute nor be saluted: in the former case, تسليم is an adjunct to صلاة: in the latter, it is an adjunct to غرار, so that the meaning is, There shall be no deficiency nor salutation in prayer. (TA.) b4: Also (tropical:) Little sleep (S, K) &c. (K.) El-Farezdak uses the expression نَوْمُهُنَّ غِراَرٌ Their sleep is little. (TA.) b5: And particularly (assumed tropical:) Littleness of consideration; denoting haste. (TA.) You say, أَتَانَا عَلَى غِراَرٍ (assumed tropical:) He came to us in haste. (S.) And لَقِيتُهُ غِرَارًا (assumed tropical:) I met him in haste. (TA.) b6: And مَا أَقَمْتُ عِنْدَهُ إِلَّا غِرَارًا (assumed tropical:) [I remained not at his abode save] a little while. (TA.) And لَبِثَ غِرَارَ شَهْرٍ He (a man, S) tarried the space of a month. (S, O, TA.) And لَيْتَ الــيَوْمَ غِرَارُ شَهْرِ i. e. [Would that the day were] of the length of a month. (So in some copies of the S, and in the O: in other copies of the S, لَبِثَ القَوْمُ غِرَارَ شَهْرٍ [like the phrase immediately preceding].) b7: And, accord. to As, غِرَارٌ signifies A way, course, mode, or manner. (S, O, TA.) One says, رَمَيْتُ ثَلَاثَةَ أَسْهُمٍ عَلَى غِرَارٍ وَاحِدٍ [I shot three arrows] in one course. (S, O, TA.) And وَلَدَتْ فُلَانَةُ ثَلَاثَةَ بَنِينَ عَلَى غِرَارٍ, (S,) or عَلَى غِرَارٍ وَاحِدٍ, (TA,) i. e. [Such a woman brought forth three sons,] one after another, (S, TA,) without any girl among them. (TA.) And بَنَى القَوْمُ بُيُوتَهُمْ عَلَى

غِرَارٍ وَاحِدٍ [app. The people, or party, reared their tents, or, perhaps, their houses, in one line, or according to one manner]. (S, O.) b8: Also The model, or pattern, according to which iron heads (S, K) of arrows (S) are fashioned, (S, K,) in order to their being made right. (K.) One says, ضَرَبَ نِصَالَهُ عَلَى غِرَارٍ وَاحِدٍ (S, TA) i. e. [He fashioned his arrow-heads according to] one model, or pattern. (TA.) b9: And The حَدّ [app. meaning point, or perhaps the edge of the iron head or of the blade,] of a spear and of an arrow and of a sword: [see also ذُبَابٌ:] and ↓ غَرٌّ also signifies the حَدّ of a sword: (K, TA:) or الغِرَارَانِ signifies the two sides of the [arrow-head called] مِعْبَلَة: (AHn, TA:) or the two edges of the sword: [see, again, ذُبَابٌ:] and غِرَارٌ, the حَدّ of anything that has a حَدّ: (S, O:) and the pl. is أَغِرَّةٌ. (S.) غَرُورٌ Very deceitful; applied in this sense as an epithet to the present world; (Msb;) or what deceives one; (K;) such as a man, and a devil, or other thing; (As, TA;) or such as property or wealth, and rank or station, and desire, and a devil: (B, TA:) and ↓ غُرُورٌ signifies a thing by which one is deceived, of worldly goods or advantages: (S:) or the former signifies the devil, specially; (Yaakoob, S, K;) because he deceives men by false promises and by inspiring hopes; or because he urges a man to do those things which are causes of his being loved but which are followed by that which grieves him: (TA:) and this last sense it has, accord. to ISk, in the Kur xxxi. 33 and xxxv. 5: (S:) also the present world; (K;) as an epithet in which the quality of a subst. predominates: and this sense is assigned to it by some as used in the passages of the Kur-án to which reference has just been made. (TA.) [It is masc. and fem., agreeably with analogy.]

A2: Also A medicine with which one gargles: (S, K:) a word similar to لَدُودٌ and لَعُوقٌ and سَعُوطٌ (S) and سَفُوفٌ. (TA.) غُرُورٌ False, or vain, things; vanities: (Zj, K:) as though pl. of غَرٌّ, inf. n. of غَرَّهُ: (Zj:) or pl. of ↓ غَارٌّ; (Zj, K;) like as شُهُودٌ is pl. of شَاهِدٌ, and قُعُودٌ of قَاعِدٌ: (Zj:) or what is false, or vain; a deception; a thing by which one is deceived. (Az.) See also غَرُورٌ.

غَرِيرٌ Deceived; beguiled; made to desire what is vain, or false; (A'Obeyd, K;) and so ↓ مَغْرُورٌ. (K.) And you say likewise, مِنْكَ ↓ أَنَا غَرَرٌ, in the sense of مَغْرُورٌ [I am deceived by thee]. (TA.) And ↓ مَغْرُورٌ signifies also A man who marries to a woman in the belief that she is free, and finds her to be a slave. (TA.) b2: See also غِرٌّ, in three places. b3: It is said in a prov., أَنَا غَرِيرُكَ مِنْ هٰذَا الأَمْرِ, meaning I am one possessing knowledge in this affair so that when thou askest me of it I will inform thee respecting it without being prepared for it and without consideration: so says Az: and Z says the like; i. e. I [am one who] will answer thee if thou ask me unexpectedly respecting this affair by reason of the soundness of my knowledge of the true state of the case: or [it means I am a deceived informant of thee respecting this affair; for] as As says, the meaning is, thou art not deceived by me, but I am the person deceived; the case being this, that false information came to me, and I acquainted thee with it, and it was not as I told thee; I having only related what I had heard. (TA.) And one says, أَنَا غَرِيرُكَ مِنْهُ i. e. I caution thee [or I am thy cautioner] against him; (K, TA:) [i. e.,] مِنْ فُلَانٍ [against such a one]; (S, O;) meaning, as Aboo-Nasr says in the “ Kitáb el-Ajnás,” [that] there shall not happen to thee, from him, that whereby thou shalt be deceived; (S, O, TA;) as though he said, I am thy surety, or sponsor, for that. (AM, TA.) b4: [Hence, app., it is said that] غَرِيرٌ signifies also A surety, sponsor, or guarantee. (K, TA.) b5: And عَيْشٌ غَرِيرٌ (tropical:) A life in which one is not made to be in fear: (S, K, TA:) like عَيْشٌ أَبْلَهُ: (TA:) pl. غُرَّانٌ. (K.) b6: Hence, perhaps; or from الغِرَّةُ [app. as meaning “ inexperience ”], which is sometimes approved; (Har p. 607;) or because it [sometimes] deceives; (TA;) غَرِيرٌ also signifies (tropical:) Good disposition or nature. (S, O, K, TA.) One says of a man when he has become old, and evil in disposition, أَدْبَرَ غَرِيرُهُ وَأَقْبَلَ هَرِيرُهُ (tropical:) His good disposition has regressed, or departed, and his evil disposition has advanced, or come: (S, Meyd, O, TA:) or what deceived and pleased has gone from him, and what is disliked on his part, of evilness of disposition &c., has come. (Meyd.) غِرَارَةٌ, (S, Msb, K,) not غَرَارَةٌ, (K,) for the latter is vulgar, (TA,) A sack, syn. جُوَالِقٌ, (K,) for straw &c., (S,) resembling what is called عِدْلٌ: (Msb:) [J says,] I think it is an arabicized word: (S:) pl. غَراَئِرُ. (S, Msb.) غَارٌّ Deceiving; beguiling; causing to desire what is vain, or false; a deceiver. (TA.) b2: See also غُرُورٌ.

A2: And Negligent; inattentive; inadvertent; inconsiderate; heedless; unprepared. (S, K.) See also غِرٌّ.

غَرْغَرَةٌ A sound with which is a roughness, (K,) like that which is made by one gargling with water. (TA.) b2: The sound of a cooking-pot when it boils. (K.) b3: The reciprocation of the spirit in the throat. (S.) b4: A word imitative of the cry of the pastor (K, TA.) and the like. (TA.) [See also R. Q. 1.]

غُرْغُرَةٌ: see غُرَّةٌ: b2: and see أَغَرُّ.

أَغَرُّ More, or most, negligent, inattentive, inadvertent, inconsiderate, heedless, or unprepared. (Mgh.) See also غُرَّةٌ, second sentence.

A2: and White; (S, K;) applied to anything: (K:) pl. غُرٌّ (TA) and غُرَّانٌ (S) [and perhaps غُرَرٌ, as in an ex. voce ذِرْوَةٌ: but see what is said of this pl. in a later part of this paragraph]. You say رَجُلٌ أَغَرُّ الوَجْهِ A man white of countenance. (TA.) And قَوْمٌ غُرَّانٌ, (S,) and غُرٌّ, (TA,) White people. (S.) And اِمْرَأَةٌ غَرَّآءُ A woman [white of countenance: or] beautiful in the front teeth. (TA voce فَرَّآءُ.) See, again, غُرَّةٌ, second sentence. And الأَيَّامُ الغُرُّ The days of which the nights are white by reason of the moon; which are the 13th and 14th and 15th; also called البِيضُ. (TA.) And يَوْمٌ أَغَرُّ مُحَجَّلٌ: see art. حجل. And اللَّيْلَةُ الغَرَّآءُ (assumed tropical:) The night of [i. e. preceding the day called] Friday. (O.) b2: Also A horse having a غُرَّة [i. e. a star, or blaze, or white mark, on the forehead or face]: (S, Mgh, Msb, K:) or having a غُرَّة larger than a دِرْهَم, in the middle of his forehead, not reaching to either of the eyes, nor inclining upon either of the cheeks, nor extending downwards; it is more spreading than the قُرْحَة, which is of the size of a درهم, or less: or having a غُرَّة of any kind, such as the قُرْحَة or the شِمْرَاخ or the like: (L, TA:) and in like manner a camel having a غُرَّة: (IAar:) fem. غَرَّآءُ. (Msb, K.) [See an ex. in a prov. cited voce بَهِيمٌ: and another (from a trad.) voce مُحَجَّلٌ.] b3: [Hence]

الغَرَّآءُ (assumed tropical:) A certain bird, (K, TA,) black, (TA,) white-headed: applied to the male and the female: pl. غُرٌّ; (K, TA;) which is also expl. in the K as signifying certain aquatic birds. (TA.) b4: and أَغَرُّ, (K, TA,) applied to a man, (TA,) (assumed tropical:) One whose beard occupies the whole of his face, except a little: (K, TA:) as though it [his face] were a [horse's] غُرَّة. (TA.) b5: And (tropical:) Generous; open, or fair, or illustrious, in his actions; (K;) applied to a man: (TA:) eminent; noble; as also ↓ غُرْغُرَةٌ: (S, K:) or fair-faced: or a lord, or chief, among his people: (Msb:) pl. غُرٌّ, (T, M,) accord. to the K غُرَرٌ, but the former is more correct, (TA,) and غُرَّانٌ. (T, M, K.) And ↓ غُرَّى signifies (assumed tropical:) A woman of rank, eminence, or nobility, among her tribe. (Sgh, K, TA.) b6: يَوْمٌ أَغَرُّ means (tropical:) An intensely hot day: (K, TA: afterwards expl. in the K as meaning [simply] a hot day: TA.) and in like manner one says هَاجِرَةٌ غَرَّآءُ, and ظَهِيرَةٌ غَرَّآءُ, (K, TA, expl. by As as meaning, white by reason of the intense heat of the sun, TA,) and وَدِيقَةٌ غَرَّآءُ. (K, TA.) b7: And سَنَةٌ غَرَّآءُ (assumed tropical:) A year in which is no rain. (L in art. شهب.) مَغْرُورٌ: see غَرِيرٌ, in two places.

مُغَارٌّ (S, K) and مُغَارَّةٌ (TA) A she-camel having little milk: (S, K:) or having lost her milk by reason of some accident or disease; as some say, on disliking her young one, and rejecting the milker: (TA:) or taking fright, and drawing up her milk, (ISk, S,) after yielding it freely: (TA:) pl. مَغَارُّ, (S, K,) imperfectly decl. [being originally مَغَارِرُ]. (S.) b2: Hence, (TA,) (tropical:) A niggardly, or tenacious, hand: (K:) but accord. to the A and the TS, you say رَجُلٌ مُغَارُّ الكَفِّ, meaning a niggardly, or tenacious, man. (TA.)



1 دَلَجَ, (S, L, K,) aor. ـُ (S, L) and دَلِجَ, (L,) inf. n. دُلُوجٌ, He transferred the bucket from the mouth of the well to the watering-trough, to empty it therein: (S, K:) or he took the bucket, when it came forth, and went with it whithersoever he pleased. (TA.) One says also, هُوَ يَدْلُجُ بِالدَّلْوِ and يَدْجُلُ بِهَا: the latter verb being formed by transposition. (Fr, TA in art. دجل.) b2: and He transferred the milk, when the camels had been milked, to the [large bowls called] جِفَان. (K.) b3: [See a remark of IF at the end of art. دلك.]4 ادلج, (inf. n. إِدْلَاجٌ, Msb, TA,) He journeyed from the beginning of the night: and ↓ اِدَّلَجَ he journeyed from the latter part of the night: (Th, S, K:) or the former signifies he journeyed all the night: and ↓ the latter, he journeyed in the latter part of the night: (A, Msb, TA:) or the former, he journeyed in the night, at any hour from the beginning to the end thereof: (Th, from Aboo-Suleymán ElAarábee:) or, accord. to El-Fárisee, ↓ both these verbs are syn., and each bears the first and second of the significations given above: IDrst contends against the assertions of those who make a difference between them, and affirms them to be syn., and to signify he journeyed in the night, at any time, in the beginning or middle or end thereof: therefore, he says, their signification is restricted, in several examples, by the context; and hence, he adds, the appellation مُدْلِجٌ given to a hedgehog: (TA:) [agreeably with this explanation,] 'Alee says, اِصْبِرْ عَلَى السَّيْرِ وَالإِدْلَاجِ فِى السَّحَرِ [Endure thou with patience travelling, and journeying in the night, in the period a little before daybreak]. (MF.) [See another ex. voce أَصْبَحَ.]8 إِدْتَلَجَ see 4, in three places.

دَلْجٌ: see the next paragraph.

دَلَجٌ: see the next paragraph.

دَلْجَةٌ: see the next paragraph.

دُلْجَةٌ and ↓ دَلْجَةٌ and ↓ دَلَجٌ, (S, K,) all substs., (S,) A journeying from the beginning of the night: (S, K:) and the first and second a journeying from the latter part of the night: (S:) or thus the first: (A:) and the second, (ISd, A,) or the first and second, (TA,) a journeying all the night: (ISd, A, TA: ) and the second, also, a journeying a little before daybreak: (ISd, TA:) or the first and second (TA) and third (IDrst, TA) a journeying in the night; and this seems to be the meaning intended in the trad., عَلَيْكُمْ بِالدُّلْجَةِ فَإِنَّ الأَرْضَ تُطْوَى بِاللَّيْلِ [Keep ye to journeying in the night, for the earth is to be traversed by night]: (TA:) [and ↓ دَلِيجٌ occurs in the L in the sense of دُلْجَةٌ &c.:] the pl. of the first is دُلَجٌ. (Ham p. 521.) One says also, الدُّلْجَةَ قَبْلَ البُلْجَةِ [Keep to the journeying in the night, &c., before the breaking of the dawn]. (A.) [See another ex. voce بُلْجَةٌ.] b2: Also, the same three words, and ↓ دَلْجٌ and ↓ دَلَجَةٌ, An hour, or a time, or a short portion, (سَاعَةٌ,) of the latter part of the night: (ISd, TA:) or دَلَجٌ signifies the whole of the night, from the beginning to the end. (Th, from Aboo-Suleymán ElAarábee.) دَلَجَةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

دَلِيجٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

دَالِجٌ One who takes the bucket and goes with it from the mouth of the well to the wateringtrough, to empty it therein. (S, K.) b2: and One who transfers the milk, when the camels have been milked, to the [large bowls called]

جِفَان. (K.) دَوْلَجٌ (S, K) and ↓ مَدْلَجَةٌ (K) A wild animal's, (S, K,) or gazelle's, (TA,) covert, or hidingplace, among trees: (S, K, TA:) the former word like تَوْلَجٌ: (S:) the د in دولج is held by Sb to be a substitute for ت, and the ت is a substitute for و. (TA.) b2: Also, the former, A hole, or den, of a wild animal; or a subterranean excavation or habitation; syn. سَرَبٌ. (S, K.) b3: And A closet; a small chamber within a large chamber. (TA.) مَدْلَجٌ and ↓ مَدْلَجَةٌ The space between the well and the watering-trough. (S, A, K.) المُدْلِجُ (K) and أَبُو المُدْلِچ (A, K) The hedgehog; syn. القُنْفُذُ: (A, K:) so called because he goes about all the night: (TA:) or not because he does so in the first part of the night, or in the middle, or in the latter part, or during the whole of it; but because he appears at night at any time when he wants herbage or water &c. (IDrst, TA.) مَدْلَجَةٌ: see مَدْلَجٌ: A2: and see also دَوْلَجٌ.

مِدْلَجَةٌ A large milking-vessel in which milk is transferred [to the جِفَان, or large bowls: see 1]. (K.) سَحَابَةٌ مِدْلَاجٌ [A cloud that comes in the latter part of the night]. (A voce بَكُورٌ, q. v.)



1 ثَرَا القَوْمُ, (As, S, M, K,) aor. ـُ (As, S;) and ثَرِىَ; (T, TT;) inf. n. ثَرًا; (M;) The people, or company of men, became many, much, or great in number or quantity; and increased: (As, T, S, M, K:) and in like manner, المَالُ, (As, S, M, K,) i. e., the cattle, or other property, became many, much, or great in number or quantity. (As, S, M.) b2: ثَرِىَ, (T, M, K,) aor. ـَ inf. n. ثَرْىٌ [or ثَرًا?] and ثَرَآءٌ, (T, TA,) He (a man, T, K) was, or became, abundant in cattle, or other property; (T, M, K;) as also ↓ اثرى, (T, S, M, Mgh, K,) and أَفْرَى: (M:) or ↓ اثرى signifies he was, or became, in a state of competence or sufficiency, in no need, or rich; syn. استغنى: (Msb:) or it signifies more than استغنى: (T:) and ثَرِيتُ بِكَ, I became, or have become, abundant [in property] by means of thee: (T, S:) and ثَرِيتُ بِفُلَانٍ I became in no need of other men by means of such a one. (T, S, M.) A poet says, (S,) namely, ElKumeyt, praising the Benoo-Umeiyeh, لَكُمْ مَسْجِدَا اللّٰهِ المَزُورَانِ وَالحَصَى

وَأَقْتَرَا ↓ لَكُمْ قِبْصُهُ مِنْ بَيْنِ أَثْرَى

[Ye have the two visited mosques of Mekkeh and El-Medeeneh, and ye have the number of the pebbles of such as are between him who is wealthy and him who is poor]: he means, مِنْ بَيْنِ مَنْ

أَثْرَى وَمَنْ أَقْتَرَ; i.e., مِنْ بَيْنِ مُثْرٍ وَمُقْتِرٍ. (S.) b3: ثَرِيتُ بِكَ, (T,) or بِهِ, inf. n. ثَرًا, (M,) also signifies I rejoiced (T, M) in thee, (T,) or in him, or it: (M:) and ثَرِىَ بِذٰلِكَ, aor. ـَ He rejoiced in, or by reason of, that. (ISk, S.) A2: ثَرَوْنَاهُمْ We were, or became, more than they: (AA, S, M:) or more in cattle, or other property. (K.) b2: ثَرَا القَوْمَ He (God) made the people, or company of men, to be many, or numerous; multiplied them. (AA, T, S.) 4 أَثْرَوَ see 1, in three places.

A2: لَا يُثْرِينَا العَدُوُّ The enemy will not say much respecting us. (M, TA.) ثَرًا; dual ثَرَوَانِ: see ثَرًى, in art. ثرى.

ثَرٍ: see ثَرِىٌّ. b2: أَنَا ثَرٍ بِهِ I am in no need of other men by means of him; (T, S, M;) as also ↓ ثَرِىٌّ. (M.) A2: See also art. ثرى.

ثَرْوَةٌ Many, or a great number, (S, M, K,) of men; and of cattle, or other property: (M, K:) or much, or a great quantity, or property; (Mgh, Msb;) as also ↓ ثَرَآءٌ: (S, M, * Mgh:) and فَرْوَةٌ signifies the same as ثَرْوَةٌ; the ف being a substitute for the ث. (M.) One says, إِنَّهُ لَذُو ثَرْوَةٍ

↓ وَذُو ثَرَآءٍ, (ISk, S,) or وَثَرْوَةٍ ↓ إِنَّهُ لَذُو ثَرَآءٍ, (T,) Verily he possesses a number [of men] and much property. (ISk, T, S.) Accord. to IAar, one says ثَوْرَةٌ مِنْ رِجَالٍ and ثَرْوَةٌ, meaning A great number of men: but only ثَرْوَةٌ مِنْ مَالٍ. (TA.) b2: Also The night of the conjunction of the moon and الثُّرَيَّا [or the Pleiades]. (M, K.) ثَرْوَانُ, fem. ثَرْوَى: see ثَرِىٌّ.

ثَرَآءٌ: see ثَرْوَةٌ, in three places. b2: Also A state of competence or sufficiency; or richness. (Msb.) ثَرِىٌّ Many, or numerous; [applied to a company of men;] and so ثَرِيَّةٌ applied to spears (رِمَاحٌ): (TA:) also many, or much, cattle, or other property; (S, M, K, TA;) and so ↓ ثَرٍ. (T, TA.) b2: Also A man possessing many, or much, cattle, or other property; and so ↓ أَثْرَى; (M, K;) and ↓ مُثْرٍ: (T:) so too ↓ ثَرْوَانُ; (T, S, Mgh;) or abounding (M, K, TA) in cattle, or other property: (TA:) and [its fem.] ↓ ثَرْوَى, applied to a woman, (T, S, M, K,) likewise signifies possessing many, or much, cattle, or other property: (T, S, K:) the dim. of this last is ↓ ثُرَيَّا. (T, S, M, K.) b3: See also ثَرٍ.

A2: And see art. ثرى.

ثُرَيَّا: see ثَرِىٌّ. b2: الثُّرَيَّا [The Pleiades; the Third Mansion of the Moon: it is believed to be the most beneficial, in its influences on the weather, of all the Mansions of the Moon, on account of the period of its auroral setting, which, in central Arabia, about the commencement of the era of the Flight, began on the 12th of Nov., O. S.: (see مَنَازِلُ القَمَرِ, in art. نزل; and see also نَوْءٌ:) hence what is said of it in Job xxxviii. 31; and hence, as being the most excellent of all asterisms, it is called by the Arabs]

النَّجْمُ [the Asterism]: (S, K:) the former appellation is given to it because it comprises, in appearance, many stars in a small space; (M, K; *) for it is said that amid its conspicuous stars are many obscure stars; (IAth, TA;) the number altogether being said to be four and twenty, agreeably with an assertion of the Prophet: some say that it is so called because of the abundance [of the rain] of its نَوٌء [here meaning auroral setting]: (TA:) the word is thus applied only in the dim. form, which is used in this instance to denote magnification. (M, TA.) b3: [ثُرَيَّا also signifies (tropical:) A cluster of lamps, generally resting in holes in the bottom of a lantern: see an engraving in my “Modern Egyptians,” ch. vi.] The ثُرَيَّا of lamps is so called as being likened to the asterism above mentioned. (M.) أَثْرَى: see ثَرِىُّ: A2: and see also art. ثرى.

مُثْرٍ: see ثَرِىُّ: A2: and see also art. ثرى.

مُثْرَاةٌ A cause of multiplying, or rendering abundant; syn. مَكْثَرَةٌ: so in the saying, هٰذَا مَثْرَاةٌ لِلْمَالِ [This is a cause of multiplying, or rendering abundant, cattle, or other property]. (S, K.) أَنَا مَثْرِىُّ بِهِ I am rejoiced in him. (ISk, TA in art. ثرى.) A2: See also art. ثرى.



1 ذَنَبَهُ, (M, K,) aor. ـُ (S, M, A, K) and ذَنِبَ, (M, K,) inf. n. ذَنْبٌ; (TK;) and ↓ استذنبهُ; (M, K;) [properly signifies] He followed his tail, not quitting his track: (M:) [and hence, tropically,] (assumed tropical:) he followed him [in any case], not quitting his track. (K.) You say, ذَنَبَ الإِبِلَ and ↓ استذنبها He followed the camels. (A: there mentioned among proper significations.) ElKilábee says, وَجَآءَتِ الخَيْلُ جَمِيعَا تَذْنُبُهْ [And the horses, or horsemen, came all together, following him]. (S [in which the meaning is indicated by the context; but whether it be proper or tropical in this instance is not shown].) and Ru-beh says, الرَّوَاحِلَا ↓ مِثْلُ الأَجِيرِ اسْتَذْنَبَ [Like the hired man,] he was at the tails of the ridden camels. (T, S.) ذَنَبَتِ القَوْمُ, and [ذَنَبَتِ]

الطَّرِيقُ, and الأَمْرُ [ذَنَبَ], and السَحَابُ يَذْنُبُ بَعْضُهُ بَعْضًا, are tropical phrases [meaning (tropical:) The people followed one another, and (tropical:) The road followed on uninterruptedly, and (tropical:) The affair, or case, or event, proceeded by successive steps, uninterruptedly, and (tropical:) The clouds follow one another]. (A.) b2: See also 2.2 ذنّب, (T, M, A,) inf. n. تَذْنِيبٌ, (T, A,) said of the locust, It stuck its tail into the ground to lay its eggs: (A:) or, said of the [lizard called]

ضبّ, (Lth, T, M,) and of the locust, (M,) and of the [locust in the stage in which it is termed]

فَرَاش, (Lth, T, M,) and the like, (Lth, T,) it desired to copulate, (Lth, T, M,) or to lay eggs, and therefore stuck its tail into the ground: (M:) or, said of the ضَبّ, it signifies only it struck with its tail a hunter or serpent desiring to catch it: (T:) or, said of the ضَبّ, it signifies also it put forth its tail (M, A) from the nearest part of its hole, having its head within it, as it does in hot weather, (M,) or when an attempt was made to catch it: (A:) [or it put its tail foremost in coming forth from its hole; contr. of رَأَّسَ.] b2: ذَنَّبَتِ البُسْرَةُ, (T, S, M, K,) or ذَنَّبَ البُسْرُ, (As, A, Mgh,) or الرُّطَبُ, (Msb,) inf. n. تَذْنِيبٌ, (Msb, K,) (tropical:) [The full-grown unripe date or dates, or the ripening dates,] began to ripen, (Mgh, and so in a copy of the S,) or showed ripening, (Msb, and so in a copy of the S,) or became speckled by reason of ripening, (As, T, M, K,) or ripened, (A,) at the ذَنَب, (As, T, S, M, A, Mgh, K,) i. e. the part next the base and stalk. (Mgh.) The dates in this case are termed ↓ تَذْنُوبٌ (Fr, T, S, M, A, K) in the dial. of Benoo-Asad, (Fr, T,) and ↓ تُذْنُوبٌ (Fr, T, K) in the dial. of Temeem (Fr, T) and ↓ مُذَنِّبٌ; (A, Mgh;) and a single date is termed ↓ تَذْنُوبَةٌ (T, M, * K) and ↓ مُذَنِّبَةٌ. (T, S.) A2: ذنّب الضَّبَّ, [or, probably, ↓ ذَنَبَ, being similar to رَأَسَ and جَنَبَ and فَأَدَ &c., or perhaps both,] He seized the tail of the ضبّ; said of one endeavouring to catch it. (A.) b2: ذنّب الأَفْعَى, said of a ضَبّ, It turned its tail towards the viper, or met the viper tail-foremost, in coming forth from its hole; contr. of رَأَّسَ الأَفْعَى. (TA in art. رأس.) b3: ذنّب عِمَامَتَهُ (tropical:) [He made a tail to his turban;] (S, K, TA;) i. e. (tropical:) he made a portion of his turban to hang down like a tail: (S, TA:) you say of him who has done this, ↓ تَذَنَّبَ. (S, A, K, TA.) b4: ذَنَّبْتُ كَلَامَهُ [and كِتَابَهُ (tropical:) I added an appendix to his discourse and his writing, or book; like ذَيَّلْتُهُ]. (A, TA.) [Hence, the inf. n. تَذْنِيبٌ is used to signify (assumed tropical:) An appendix; like تَذْيِيلٌ.] b5: ذَنَّبُوا خُشْبَانَهُ (assumed tropical:) They made channels for water (which are termed مَذَانِب) in its rugged ground. (TA from a trad.) 3 ذَانَبَتْ, (AO, T, K,) written by Sgh, with his own hand, with ء, but by others without, (MF,) said of a mare [in parturition], She was in such a state that her fœtus came to her قُحْقُح [or ischium (here described by MF as the place of meeting of the two hips)], and the سِقْى [q. v. (here explained by MF as a skin containing yellow water]) was near to coming forth, (AO, T, K,) and the root of her tail rose, and the part thereof that is bare of hair, and she did not [or could not] lower it. (AO, T.) In this case, she is said to be ↓ مُذَانِبٌ, (AO, T, K.) 4 اذنب He committed a sin, crime, fault, misdemeanour, &c.; (S, * M, * A, * MA, K; *) he became chargeable with a ذَنْب [or sin, &c.]: (Msb:) it is an instance, among others, of a verb of which no proper inf. n. has been heard; [ذَنْبٌ being used instead of such, as a quasi-inf. n.;] for إِذْنَابٌ, like إِكْرَامٌ, [though mentioned in the KL, as signifying the committing of a sin or the like, and also in the TK,] has not been heard. (MF.) 5 تذنّب عَلَى فُلَانٍ He accused such a one of a sin, crime, fault, misdemeanour, or the like, which he had not committed, or though he had not committed any. (A, TA.) A2: See also 2, near the end of the paragraph. b2: تَذَنَّبْتُ الوَادِىَ (tropical:) I came to the valley from the direction of its ذَنَب [q. v.]. (A.) And تذنّب الطَّرِيقَ (tropical:) He took the road; (K, TA;) as though he took its ذِنَابَة, or came to it from [the direction of] its ذَنَب. (TA.) 10 استذنبهُ He found him to be committing [or to have committed] a sin, crime, fault, misdemeanour, or the like: and he attributed, or imputed, to him a sin, &c. (Har p. 450.) A2: See also 1, in three places.

A3: استذنب الأَمْرُ (assumed tropical:) The affair was, or became, complete, [as though it assumed a tail,] and in a right state. (K, * TA.) ذَنْبٌ A sin, a crime, a fault, a misdemeanour, a misdeed, an unlawful deed, an offence, a transgression, or an act of disobedience; syn. إِثْمٌ, (T, M, A, Msb,) or جُرْمٌ, (S,) or both, (TA,) and مَعْصِيَةٌ: (T, TA:) or it differs from إِثْمٌ in being either intentional or committed through inadvertence; whereas the اثم is peculiarly intentional: (Kull p. 13:) or a thing that precludes one from [the favour of] God: or a thing for which he is blamable who does it intentionally: (KT:) pl. ذُنُوبٌ (M, Msb, K) and pl. pl. ذُنُوبَاتٌ. (M, K.) وَلَهُمْ عَلَىَّ ذَنْبٌ [in the Kur xxvi. 13, said by Moses, meaning And they have a crime to charge against me,] refers to the speaker's slaughter of him whom he struck, who was of the family of Pharaoh. (M.) ذَنَبٌ and ↓ ذُنَابَى (T, S, M, A, Msb, K) and ↓ دِنِبَّى and ↓ ذُنُبَّى (El-Hejeree, M, K) signify the same; (T, S, M, &c.;) i. e. The tail; syn. ذَيْلٌ: (TA: [in the CK, الذِّنْبِىُّ is erroneously put for الذِّنْبِىَّ:]) but accord. to Fr, one uses the first of these words in relation to the horse, and the second in relation to the bird: (T:) or the first is used in relation to the horse (S, A) and the ass [and the like] (S) more commonly than the second; (S, A; *) and the second is used in relation to a bird (S, M, A, Msb) more commonly than the first, (S, M, *) or more chastely: (M, * Msb:) or the second is [properly] of a winged creature; and the first is of any other; but the second is sometimes, metaphorically, of the horse: (Er-Riyáshee, TA:) or, as some say, the second signifies the place of growth of the ذَنَب [or tail]: (M:) the pl. of ذَنَبٌ is أَذْنَابٌ. (S, M, A, Msb, K.) [Hence the following phrases &c.] b2: رَكِبَ ذَنَبَ البَعِيرِ [lit. He rode on the tail of the camel, meaning] (tropical:) he was content with a deficient lot. (T, A, K.) b3: ضَرَبَ بِذَنِبِهِ [lit. He smote the earth with his tail, الأَرْضَ being understood, meaning] (assumed tropical:) he (a man) stayed, or abode, and remained fixed. (K.) [See also another explanation of this phrase below.] And أَقَامَ بِأَرْضِنَا وَ غَرَزَ ذَنَبَهُ, meaning (tropical:) [He stayed, or abode, in our land, and remained fixed, or] did not quit it; [lit., and stuck his tail into the ground;] originally said of the locust. (A, TA. [See art. غرز.]) b4: بَيْنِى

وَ بَيْنَهُ ذَنبُ الضَّبِّ [lit. Between me and him is the tail of the ضبّ,] means (tropical:) between me and him is opposition or competition [as when two persons are endeavouring to seize the tail of the ضبّ]. (A, TA.) b5: اِسْتَرْخَى ذنَبُ الشَّيْخِ (tropical:) The old man's شَىْء became lax, or languid. (Á, TA.) b6: رَكِبَ ذَنَبَ الرِّيحِ [lit. He rode upon the tail of the wind,] means (tropical:) he outwent, or outstripped, and was not reached, or overtaken. (T, A, K.) b7: وَلَّى خَمْسِينَ (??) [lit. He turned his tail upon the fifty,] means (tropical:) he passed the [age of] fifty [years]: (M, TA:) and so وَلَتْهُ الخَمْسُونَ ذَنَبَهَا [lit. the fifty turned their tail upon him]: (A, TA:) the former accord. to Yaakoob: accord. to IAar, El-Kilábee, being asked his age, said, قَدْ وَلَّتْ لِىَ الخَمْسُونَ ذَنَبَهَا [lit. The fifty have turned their tail to me]. (M, TA.) b8: اِتَّبَعَ ذَنَبَ

أَمْرٍ مُدْبِرٍ [lit. He followed the tail of an event retreating,] means (tropical:) he regretted an event that had passed. (T, A, * TA. *) b9: [The ذَنَب of a man is (assumed tropical:) The part corresponding to the tail: and hence,] رَجُلٌ وَقَاحُ الذَّنَبِ (assumed tropical:) [A man hard in the caudal extremity;] meaning (assumed tropical:) a man very patient in enduring riding. (IAar, M, and K in art. وقح.) b10: [And of a garment, The skirt:] you say, تَعَلَّقْتُ بِأَذْنَابِهِ (tropical:) [I clung to his skirts]. (A.) b11: The ذَنَبَ of a ship or boat is (assumed tropical:) The rudder. (Lth and S * and L in art. سكن. [See also خَيْزُرَانٌ.]) b12: ذَنَبٌ also signifies [(assumed tropical:) Anything resembling a tail. b13: Hence,] (assumed tropical:) The extremity of a whip. (Mgh, Msb.) b14: And, of an unripe date, (M, Mgh,) and of any date, (M,) (assumed tropical:) The kinder part; (M;) the part next the base and stalk. (Mgh.) b15: (tropical:) And (tropical:) The outer extremity of the eye, next the temple; as also ↓ ذِنَابٌ and ↓ ذِنَابَةٌ (M, A) and ↓ ذُنَابَةٌ (A) [and ↓ ذُنَابَى, as used in the K voce اِزْدَجَّ, in art. زج]. b16: See also ذَنُوبٌ, third sentence. b17: Also (assumed tropical:) The end; or last, or latter, part; of anything: pl. ذِنَابٌ (T) [and أَذْنَابٌ]: and ↓ ذِنَابٌ [as a sing.], (K,) or ↓ ذُنَابٌ, (so in the TT as from the M,) has this meaning. (M, K.) You say, كَانَ ذٰلِكَ فِى ذَنَبِ الدَّهْرِ (assumed tropical:) That was in the end of the time [past]. (M.) And ذَنَبُ الوَادِى and ↓ الذُنَابَةُ: both signify the same [i. e. (assumed tropical:) The end of the valley]: (A 'Obeyd, M, TA:) or ↓ ذُنَابَةٌ and ↓ ذِنَابَةٌ and ↓ ذَنَبَةٌ signify the (tropical:) last, or latter, parts, (K, TA,) in some copies of the K, the last, or latter, part, (TA, [and so in the TT as from the M, and this meaning seems to be indicated in the A,]) of a valley, (A, K, TA,) and of a river, (A, TA,) and of time; (K, TA;) [and ↓ ذِنَابٌ app. has the former of these two significations in relation to a valley, accord. to Az; for he says,] it seems that ذِنَابٌ and ↓ ذِنَابَةٌ in relation to a valley are pls. of ذَنَبٌ, like as جِمَالٌ and جِمَالَةٌ are pls. of جَمَلٌ: (T:) or ↓ ذِنَابَةٌ and ↓ ذَنَبَةٌ, (S, Msb,) the former of which is more common than the latter, (Th, S, Msb,) signify (assumed tropical:) the place to which finally comes the torrent of a valley: (S, Msb:) the pl. of ↓ ذِنَابَةٌ is ذَنَائِبُ: (T:) the ذَنَب of a valley and its ↓ مِذْنَبَ are the same; [i. e. (assumed tropical:) the lowest, or lower, part thereof;] (T;) [for the pls.] أَذْنَابٌ (T, TA) and مَذَانِبُ (TA) signify (assumed tropical:) the lowest, or lower, parts of valleys: (T, TA:) and أَذْنَابٌ signifies [in like manner] (assumed tropical:) the last, or latter, parts, of [water-courses such as are termed]

تِلَاع. (T, TA. See also مِذْنَبٌ.) It is said in a trad, لَا يَمْنَعُ فُلَانٌ ذَنَبَ تَلْعَةٍ [(assumed tropical:) Such a one will not impede the last part of a water-course]; applied to the abject, weak, and contemptible. (T.) And أَذْنَابُ أُمُورٍ means (tropical:) The last, or latter, parts of affairs or events. (M.) You say also, حَدِيثٌ طَوِيلُ الذَّنَبِ (tropical:) [A long-tailed story;] a story that hardly, or never, comes to an end. (M.) And يَوْمٌ طَوِيلُ الذَّنَبِ (assumed tropical:) A day of which the evil does not come to an end: (TA:) and ↓ يَوْمٌ ذَنُوبٌ has this meaning; (T, M, TA;) as though it were long in the tail; (M;) or means (assumed tropical:) a day of long-continued evil. (K.) And اِتَّبَعَ القَوْمِ ↓ ذِنَابَةَ, and الإِبِلِ, (tropical:) He followed [the last of] the people, and the camels, not quitting their track. (A.) b18: Also (tropical:) The followers, or dependants, of a man: (T, TA:) and ↓ ذَانِبٌ and ↓ ذُنَابَةٌ (assumed tropical:) a [single] follower, or dependant: (S, K:) and أَذْنَابٌ (M, A, K) and ↓ ذُنَابَى (S) and دَنَائِبُ [pl. of ↓ ذُنَابَةٌ] (A) and ↓ ذُنُبَاتٌ, (so in the TT as from the M,) or ↓ ذَنَبَاتٌ, (K,) but some state that this last is not said of men, (Ham p. 249,) (tropical:) followers, or dependants, (S, M, A, K,) of a people or party; (M, K;) and the lower, or lowest, sort, or the rabble, or refuse, thereof; (M, A, K;) and such as are below the chiefs. (TA.) ضَرَبَ يَعْسُوبُ الدِّينِ بِذَنَبِهِ, in a trad. of 'Alee, means, [accord. to some, (assumed tropical:) The leader of the religion] shall go away through the land with followers, or dependants, (T, * TA,) and those holding his opinions. (T. [But see arts. ضرب and عسب.]) and عُقَيْلٌ طَوِيلَةٌ الذَّنَبِ, a phrase mentioned by IAar, but not explained by him, app. means (assumed tropical:) [The tribe of] 'Okeyl have numerous horsemen. (M.) b19: [Also ذَنَبٌ (as will be shown by the use of its pl. in the verse here following) and] ↓ ذِنَابٌ, (S, K, TA,) or ↓ ذُنَابٌ, (so in the TT as from the M,) (assumed tropical:) The sequel, consequence, or result, syn. عَقِبٌ, of anything. (S, M, K.) A poet says, تَعَلَّقْتَ مِنْ أَذْنَابِ لَوٍّ بَلَيْتَنِى

وَلَيْتَ كَلَوٍّ خَيْبَةٌ لَيْسَ يَنْفَعُ [From considering what might be the sequels of “ if,” (i. e. of the word لَوْ,) Thou clungest to the reflection “ Would that I had done so and so: ”

but “ would that,” like “ if,” is disappointment: it does not profit]. (TA.) And one says, مَنْ لَكَ لَوٍّ ↓ بِذِنَابِ i. e. [Who will be responsible to thee for] the sequel [of the word لَوْ]? (TA:) [or, as in the Proverbs of El-Meydánee, لَوٍّ ↓ بِذُنَابَةِ, which means the same.] b20: ذَنَبُ السِّرْحَانِ: see art. سرح. b21: ذَنَبُ الفَرَسِ (assumed tropical:) A certain asterism (نَجْمٌ, M, K, TA) in the sky, (TA,) resembling the ذَنَب [or tail] of the horse. (M, K.) [الذَّنَبُ is a name applied to each of several stars or asterisms: as (assumed tropical:) The star a of Cygnus; also called ذَنَبُ الدَّجَاجَةِ, and الرِّدْفُ: and (assumed tropical:) The star beta of Leo; also called ذَنَبُ الأَسَدِ. And الرَّأْسُ وَالذَّنَبُ signifies (assumed tropical:) The two nodes of a planet: see تِنِّينٌ.]

b22: ذَنَبُ الخَيْلِ, (K,) or أَذْنَابُ الخَيْلِ, (M,) (assumed tropical:) A certain herb, (M, K,) of which the expressed juice concretes: so called by way of comparison [to horses' tails: the latter name is now applied to the equisetum, or horse-tail]. (M.) [Accord. to Forskål, (Flora Aegypt. Arab., p. cxii.,) the Portulaca oleracea (or garden-purslane) is called in some parts of El-Yemen ذَنَبُ الفَرَسِ.] ذَنَبُ الثَّعْلَبِ (assumed tropical:) A certain plant, resembling the ذَنَب [or tail] of the fox; (M, K;) a name applied by some of the Arabs to the ذَنَبَان [q. v.] (T.) b23: [ذَنَبُ السَّبُعِ (assumed tropical:) Cauda leonis, i. e. circium (or cirsium): (Golius, from Diosc. iv. 119:) now applied to the common creeping way-thistle. b24: ذَنَبُ الفَأْرَةِ (assumed tropical:) Cauda muris, i. e. plantago. (Golius, from Ibn-Beytár.) b25: ذَنَبَ الثَوْرِ (assumed tropical:) A species of aristida, supposed by Forskål (Flora Aegypt. Arab. p. civ,) to be the aristida adscensionis. b26: ذَنَبُ العَقْرَبِ (assumed tropical:) Scorpioides, or scorpion-grass: so called in the present day.]

ذَنَبَةٌ, and its pl. ذَنَبَاتٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, in three places.

ذُنُبَاتٌ: see ذَنَبٌ, in the latter half of the paragraph.

ذَنَبَانٌ A certain plant, (T, S,) well known, called by some of the Arabs ذَنَبُ الثَّعْلَبِ: (T:) a certain plant having long branches, somewhat dust-coloured (M, TA) in its leaves, growing in plain, or soft, land, upon the ground, not rising high, approved as pasture, (TA,) and not growing except in fruitful years: (M, TA:) or a certain herb, or plant, like ذُرَة [or millet]; (K;) or a certain herb having ears at its extremities like the ears of ذُرَة, (M, TA, *) and having reeds, (قصب [i. e. قَصَب], M,) or twigs, (قضب [i. e.

قُضُب], TA,) and leaves, growing in every place except in unmixed sand, [for حُرَّ الرَّمْلِ in the TA, I find in the M حَوَّ الرُملِ,] and growing upon one stem and two stems: (M, TA:) or, accord. to AHn, a certain herb, having a جزرة [app. meaning rhizoma like the carrot], which is not eaten, and twigs bearing a fruit from the bottom thereof to the top thereof, having leaves like those of the طُرْخُون, agreeing well with the pasturing cattle, and having a small dust-coloured blossom upon which bees feed; (M, TA;) rising about the height of a man, (TA,) or half the height of a man; (M;) two whereof suffice to satiate a camel: (M, TA:) [a coll. gen. n.:] n. un. with ة. (M, K.) ذُنُبَّى and ذِنِبَّى: see ذَنَبٌ, first sentence.

ذُنَابٌ: see ذَنَبٌ, in two places.

ذِنَابٌ: see ذَنَبٌ, in five places: b2: and see also مِذْنَبٌ. b3: Also A small cord with which a camel's tail is tied to his hind girth, lest he should swing about his tail and so dirt his rider. (M, K.) ذَنُوبٌ A horse (T, S, &c.) having a long tail: (T, S:) or having a full, or an ample, tail. (M, A, K.) [See also أَذْنَبٌ.] b2: Hence applied to a day: see ذَنَبٌ, in the latter half of the paragraph. b3: Also A great دَلْو [or bucket]: (Fr, T, Msb:) or one that has a ↓ ذَنَب [or tail]: (TA:) or one that is full (S, M, Msb, K) of water; (S, Msb;) not applied to one that is empty: (S, TA:) or one that is nearly full of water: (ISk, S:) or one containing less than fills it: or one containing water: or a دَلْو (M, K) in any case: (M:) or a bucketful of water: (A:) masc. and fem.; (Fr, Lh, T, S, M, Msb;) sometimes the latter: (Lh, M:) pl. (of pauc., S) أَذْنِبَةٌ and (of mult., S) ذَنَائِبُ (S, M, K) and ذِنَابٌ. (M, A, * Msb, K.) Fr. cites as an ex., لَنَا ذَنُوبٌ وَلَكُمْ ذَنُوبُ فَإِنْ أَبَيْتُمْ فَلَنَا القَلِيبُ [as meaning For you shall be a great bucket, and for us a great bucket: or, if ye refuse this, for us shall be the well]. (T.) [Accord. to the K, it also signifies A grave: but this is evidently a mistake, which seems to have arisen from a misunderstanding of a statement by ISd, who says,] Aboo-Dhu-eyb uses it metaphorically in relation to a grave, calling it [i. e. the grave] a well, in his saying, فَكُنْتُ ذَنُوبَ البِئْرَ لَمَّا تَبَسَّلَتْ وَسُرْبِلْتُ أَكْفَانِى وَوُسِّدْتُ سَاعِدِى

[app. meaning (tropical:) And I was as though I were the corpse of the grave (lit. the bucket of the well) when she frowned, and clad with my grave-clothes, and made to recline upon my upper arm: for the corpse is laid in the grave upon its right side, or so inclined that the face is turned towards Mekkeh]. (M.) [And Umeiyeh Ibn-Abee- 'Áïdh El-Hudhalee, describing a wild he-ass and she-asses, likens to it a certain rate of running which he contrasts with another rate likened by him to a well such as is termed خَسِيفٌ: see Kosegarten's “ Carmina Hudsailitarum,” p. 189.]

b4: Hence metaphorically applied to (tropical:) Rain. (Ham p. 410.) b5: [Hence, also,] (tropical:) A lot, share, or portion: (Fr, T, S, M, A, Msb, K:) [see the former of the two verses cited in this paragraph:] in this sense masc.: (Msb:) and in this sense it is used in the Kur li. last verse but one. (Fr, T, M.) A2: Also (tropical:) The flesh of the [portion of the back next the back-bone, on either side, which is called the] مَتْن: (M, K:) or the part where the مَتْن ends; (M;) the flesh of the lower, or lowest, part of the مَتْن: (S:) or the [buttocks, or parts called] أَلْيَة and مَأْكِم: (M, K:) or the flesh of the أَلْيَة and مَآكِم: (CK:) and the ذَنُوبَانِ are the [two parts called the] مَتْنَانِ, (M, K,) on this side and on that [of the back-bone]: (M:) or ذَنُوبُ المَتْنِ means the flesh that is called يَرَابِيعُ المَتْنِ [which are the portions of flesh next the back-bone, on either side thereof]. (A.) ذُنَيْبٌ [dim. of ذَنَبٌ: A2: and] i. q. ذُنَيْبِىٌّ, q. v. (TA.) دُنَابَةٌ The أَلْف [i. e. toe, or foremost extremity, also called the أَسَلَة,] of a sandal. (K.) b2: See also ذَنَبٌ, in six places. b3: And see مِذْنَبٌ.

ذِنَابَةٌ: see ذَنَبٌ, in six places: b2: and see مِذْنَبٌ, in two places. b3: ذِنَابَةٌ الطَّرِيقِ (assumed tropical:) The point, or place, to which the way, or road, leads; syn. وَجْهُهُ. (IAar, M, K.) So in the saying of Abu-l-Jarráh, to a certain man, إِنَّكَ لَمْ تَرْشَدْ ذِنَابَةَ الطَّرِيقِ [(assumed tropical:) Verily thou didst not follow a right course in respect of the point, or place, to which the way that thou tookest leads]. (IAar, M.) A2: Also (assumed tropical:) Relationship; nearness with respect to kindred; or near relationship. (K.) ذُنَابَى: see ذَنَبٌ, in three places. b2: It is also applied to Four [feathers] in the wing of a bird, after what are called الخَوَفِى. (S.) b3: It is said in a trad., مَنْ مَاتَ عَلَى ذُنَابَى طَرِيقٍ فَهُوَ مِنْ أَهْلِهِ, meaning [(assumed tropical:) Whosoever dies] purposing to pursue a way leading to some particular end, [he is to be reckoned as one of the people thereof.] (TA.) A2: Accord. to Fr and the S, it signifies also A fluid like mucus that falls from the noses of camels: but this is a mistake: the right word, as stated by IB and others, is ذُنَانَى. (L, MF, TA.) ذُنَيْبَآءُ A certain grain that is found in wheat, whereof the latter is cleared [by winnowing or other means]. (M, K.) [See also ذُنَيْنَآءُ, in art. ذن.]

ذُنَيْبِىٌّ (assumed tropical:) A certain kind of [the striped garments called] بُرُود [pl. of بُرْدٌ]; (AHeyth, K;) as also ↓ ذُنَيْبٌ. (TA.) ذَانِبٌ (tropical:) Following in the track of a thing. (TA.) See also ذَنَبٌ, in the latter half of the paragraph.

أَذْنَبُ A [lizard of the kind called] ضَبّ having a long tail. (T, L.) [See also ذَنُوبٌ.]

تَذْنُوبٌ and تُذْنُوبٌ, and with ة: see 2.

مَذْنَبٌ: see the next paragraph.

مِذْنَبٌ A long tail. (IAar, T, K.) b2: and [hence, app. for ذُو مِذْنَبٍ], (T,) or ↓ مُذَنِّبٌ, (TA, [but see this latter below,]) A [lizard of the kind called] ضَبّ. (T, TA.) b3: Also, (S, K,) or ↓ مَذْنَبٌ, like مَقْعَدٌ, (A,) and ↓ مِذْنَبَةٌ, (M, TA,) (assumed tropical:) A ladle; (S, M, A, K;) because it has a tail, or what resembles a tail: (M:) pl. مَذَانِبُ. (S, M.) b4: And (assumed tropical:) A water-course, or channel of a torrent, in a tract at the foot of a mountain; (Lth, T, S, M, A, K;) not wide; (A;) or not very wide; (M;) or not very long and wide; (Lth, T;) as also ↓ ذِنَابَةٌ: (S:) the تَلْعَة is in the lower part of a mountain (Lth, T, A) or in an acclivity: (Lth, T, S, A:) also a water-course or channel of a torrent, between what are termed تَلْعَتَانِ; (TA; [see تَلْعَةٌ, and see also مَدْفَعٌ;]) or this is termed تَلْعَة ↓ ذَنَبُ; (T;) or it is termed ↓ ذِنَابٌ, of which the pl. is ذَنَائِبُ: (M, K:) also a water-course, or channel of a torrent, [running] to a tract of land: (M, K:) and a rivulet, or streamlet, (K,) or the like thereof, (AHn, T, M,) flowing from one رَوْضَة [or meadow] to another, (AHn, T, M, K,) and separating therein; (T;) as also ↓ ذُنَابَةٌ and ↓ ذِنَابَةٌ; (K;) and the tract over which this flows is also called مِذْنَبٌ. (T.) See also ذَنَبٌ, in the middle of the paragraph.

مِذْنَبَةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

مُذَنِّبٌ [app. applied to a she-camel, accord. to the K, or perhaps to a lizard of the kind called ضَبّ, as seems to be indicated in the TA,] Finding difficulty in parturition, and therefore stretching out her tail: (K:) [but accord. to Az,] it is applied to a ضَبّ only when he is striking with his tail a hunter or a serpent desiring to catch him. (T.) See also مِذْنَبٌ. b2: See also 2, in two places.

مَذْنُوبٌ (tropical:) A man followed [by dependants]. (A.) مُذَانِبٌ A camel that is at the rear of other camels; (K;) as also ↓ مُسْتَذْنِبٌ. (TA.) b2: See also 3.

سَحَابٌ مُتَذَانِبٌ (tropical:) Clouds following one another. (A.) مُسْتَذْنِبٌ: see مُذَانِبٌ. b2: Also One who is at the tails of camels, (S, TA,) not quitting their track. (TA.)



1 خَلَدَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. خُلُودٌ (S, A, L, Msb, K) and خُلْدٌ, (S, * A, L, K, * [but the latter is not said to be an inf. n. in the first nor in the last of these lexicons, and is perhaps a simple subst.,]) He remained, stayed, dwelt, or abode; syn. أَقَامَ: (L, Msb, K:) or he remained, stayed, dwelt, or abode, long; syn. أَطَالَ الإِقَامَةَ: (A:) بِمَكَانٍ (S, A, Msb, K) and إِلَى مَكَانٍ (K) [in a place]; as also ↓ اخلد (S, A, L, Msb, K) and ↓ خلّد: (K:) and he remained, or continued, incessantly, always, endlessly, or for ever; (S, A, L, K; *) syn. بَقِىَ, (A, L, K,) and دَامَ, (K,) or دَامَ بَقَاؤُهُ; (S, L;) فِى دَارٍ in a house, or an abode, not going forth from it: (L:) he remained, stayed, dwelt, or abode, for ever, or perpetually, in Paradise, (A, L,) or in Hell. (A.) b2: [Hence,] خَلَدَ, (L, K,) aor. ـِ and خَلُدَ, (Ham p. 70, and L,) inf. n. خَلْدٌ, (K,) or خَلَدٌ, (thus in the L,) and خُلُودٌ; (L, K;) and ↓ اخلد; (Ham ubi suprà;) (tropical:) He was slow in becoming hoary, (Ham, L, K,) when advanced in years; (K;) as though he were created to continue for ever. (L.) b3: See also 4, in two places.2 خلّد, as a trans. v.: see 4.

A2: Also He adorned a girl [with bracelets, or other ornaments (see the pass. part. n.), or] with earrings. (AA.) A3: As an intrans. v.: see 1: b2: and see also 4.4 اخلدهُ, (S, A, L,) inf. n. إِخْلَادٌ; (S, L;) and ↓ خلّدهُ, (S, A, L,) inf. n. تَخْلِيدٌ; (S, L;) He (God, S, L) caused him to remain, stay, dwell, or abide: (L:) or caused him to remain, stay, dwell, or abide, long, in a place: (A:) or caused him to remain, or continue, incessantly, always, endlessly, or for ever, (S, L,) in a house, or an abode, not going forth from it: (L:) or caused him to remain, stay, dwell, or abide, for ever, or perpetually, in Paradise, (A, L,) or in Hell. (A.) يَحْسَِبُ أَنَّ مَالَهُ أَخْلَدَهُ, in the Kur civ. 3, means He thinketh that his wealth hath made him to be one that shall continue for ever; that he shall not die: (Jel:) i. e. he acteth as one that thinketh, with his opulence, he shall not die. (L.) A2: As an intrans. v.: see 1, in two places. b2: You say also, اخلد بِهِ, (inf. n. as above, AA,) He kept, or clave, to him; (AA, Az, S, K;) i. e., to his companion. (Az, S, K.) b3: And اخلد إِلَيْهِ (tropical:) He inclined, or propended, to him, (L, K, TA,) and liked him: (L, TA:) he inclined to, and relied upon, (S, A, Msb,) him, (S, A,) or it; (Msb;) as also ↓ خَلَدَ. (Msb.) اخلد إِلَى الأَرْضِ, in the Kur [vii. 175], (Ks, S, A, L,) as also ↓ خَلَدَ, and ↓ خلّد, but this last is rare, (Ks, L,) and so is the second, (L,) means (tropical:) He inclined to, and relied upon, the earth: (S, A:) or he inclined, or propended, to the world; (Bd, Jel;) and relied thereon: (Jel:) or he inclined, or propended, to lowness, baseness, or meanness. (Bd.) خَلْدٌ: see the next paragraph.

خُلْدٌ an inf. n. of خَلَدَ, (A, L,) [or a simple subst.] syn. with [the inf. n.] خُلُودٌ. (K.) b2: [Hence,] الخُلْدُ, (T, K,) or دَارُ الخُلْدِ, (L,) [the latter signifying The abode of the state of perpetual existence;] Paradise: (K:) or the Paradises: (T:) or the world to come. (L.) A2: A bracelet: and an earring; as also ↓ خَلَدَةٌ: pl. خِلَدَةٌ: (K:) which last signifies [also] ornaments for the person, collectively; (TA;) and so ↓ خُلْدَةٌ [if this be not a mistranscription for خِلَدَةٌ]. (L.) A3: [The mole;] the blind rat; (L, K;) as also ↓ خَلْدٌ, (K,) and جُلْذٌ [q. v.]: (K in art. جلذ:) or a species of rat; as also ↓ خِلْدٌ: (L:) or one of the names of the فَأْر [or rat]: (IAar:) or a species of the [kind of rats called]

جِرْذَان, blind (Lth, S, L, Msb) by nature, (Lth, L, Msb,) having no eyes, (Lth, L,) inhabiting the deserts: (Msb:) Lth says that the sing. is ↓ خِلْدٌ, and the pl. خِلْدَانٌ: in the T it is said that the sing. is ↓ خِلْدَةٌ, and the pl. خِلْدَانٌ; which is very strange: (L:) or a blind beast [that lives] beneath the ground. (K,) having no eyes, (TA,) that likes the smell of onions and leeks; so that if either of these be put over its hole, it comes forth and is caught: if its upper lip be hung upon a person affected with a quartan fever, it cures him; and its brain, mixed, or moistened, with oil of roses, and used as an ointment, dispels the maladies termed البَرَص and البَهَق and القَوَابِى and الجَرَب and الكَلَف and الخَنَازِير, and every eruption upon the body: (K:) مَنَاجِذُ, (L, K,) or, as in some copies of the K, مَنَاجِدُ, with the unpointed د, (TA,) is used as its pl, like as مَخَاضٌ is used as pl. of خَلِفَةٌ. (L, K.) b2: Also A species of the قُبَّرَة [or lark]. (K.) خِلْدٌ: see خُلْدٌ, in two places.

خَلَدٌ The mind: (S, A, K:) the heart: (S, K:) pl. أَخْلَادٌ. (TA.) You say, وَقَعَ ذٰلِكَ فِى خَلَدِى

That came into my mind, or heart. (S.) خُلْدَةٌ: see خُلْدٌ.

خِلْدَةٌ: see خُلْدٌ.

خَلَدَةٌ: see خُلْدٌ.

خَالِدٌ [Remaining, staying, &c.]. b2: [Hence,] الخَوَالِدُ [as though pl. of الخَالِدَةُ] (assumed tropical:) The three pieces, or portions, of stone, or rock, called الأَثَافِى, upon which the cooking-pot is placed, (S, A, L, K,) remaining in their places: (L:) so called because of their remaining (S, L) a long time (L) after the standing relies of a house have become effaced. (S, L.) [See an ex., from a poem of ElMukhabbal Es-Saadee, voce إِلَّا, p. 78; where خوالد is with tenween for the sake of the metre.]

b3: Also (tropical:) The mountains: and the stones: (L. K:) and the rocks: so called for the same reason. (L.) A2: [As a proper name, خَالِدٌ is often written خٰلِدٌ.]

مُخْلَدٌ: see the next paragraph, in two places.

مُخْلِدٌ (tropical:) Slow in becoming hoary; (A;) as also ↓ مُخْلَدٌ and ↓ مُخَلَّدٌ: (Har p. 588:) whose teeth do not fall out (T, A) by reason of extreme old age: (T:) or, as some say, it is ↓ مُخْلَدٌ; as though [meaning] made by God to continue for ever in such a state: (A:) a man who is not hoary when advanced in age: (ISk, S:) whose hair of his head and beard remains black in old age. (T.) b2: Also (assumed tropical:) Still; motionless. (TA in art. خمد.) مُخَلَّدٌ: see the paragraph next receding. b2: مُخَلَّدُونَ in the Kur [lvi. 17 and lxxvi. 19] meansAlways of the same age; never altering in age: (Fr:) or [endowed with perpetual vigour;] that never become decrepit: (K:) or that never exceed the fit age for service: (L, K:) A2: or it means adorned with earrings: (L, K:) or, with bracelets; (AO, L, K;) accord. to the dial. of El-Yemen: (L:) or, with ornaments. (Zj.)



1 عَطِشَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. عَطَشٌ, (S, O, Msb, K,) and sometimes مَعْطَشٌ, (TA,) He thirsted; was thirsty: was in want of drink; and it was in want of irrigation: عَطَشٌ being the contr. of رِىٌّ. (S, O, TA.) b2: عَطِشَ إِلَى لِقَائِهِ (tropical:) He longed, or desired, [lit. thirsted,] to meet with him: like as they say ظَمِئَ. (IDrd, O.) And أَنَا شَدِيدُ العَطَشِ إِلَى لِقَائِكَ (tropical:) [I am vehemently longing, or desiring, to meet with thee]. (A.) [See also the first paragraph of art. عمى.]

A2: عَاطَشَهُ فَعَطَشَهُ: see 3.2 عَطَّشَ see 4.3 عَاطَشَهُ فَعَطَشَهُ [aor. of the latter, accord. to general rule, عَطُشَ, He vied with him in endeavouring to satisfy, (see 6,) or in bearing, thirst, and surpassed him therein]. (O, K, TA. [But whether sanctioned by usage, seems to be doubtful.]) 4 اعطش His camels, or cattle, thirsted. (T, S, M, O, K.) A2: اعطش فُلَانًا He made such a one to thirst. (O, * K, * TA.) b2: اعطش الإِبِلَ He increased the intervals between the two drinkings, or waterings, of the camels, and withheld them from coming to the water, (O, K,) or from the water on the day of their coming thereto: (TA:) and ↓ عطّشها, [in like manner,] he increased their thirsting: (A:) or the latter, of which the inf. n. is تَعْطِيشٌ, has a more intensive signification than the former verb: (O, K, TA:) or it signifies he kept them thirsty; i. e., did not water them at all; or, watered them little, so that they were not satisfied: (TA, voce ثَأْثَأَ:) when a man has been accustomed to bring his camels to water on the third day, or the fourth, and waters them one day beyond that, you say أَعْطَشَهَا. (TA.) 5 تعطّش He constrained himself to thirst; syn. تَكَلَّفَ العَطَشَ. (O, K.) 6 تَعَاطَشَا [app. They vied, each with the other, in endeavouring to satisfy their thirst, (see K, voce تَجَاشَعَا,) or in bearing thirst].

عَطُشٌ; fem. with ة: see the next paragraph, in three places.

عَطِشٌ (Mgh, O, Msb, K) and ↓ عَطُشٌ (K) and ↓ عَطْشَان [without and with tenween, as is shown by the two forms of its fem., which see in what follows,] (S, Mgh, O, Msb) and ↓ عَاطِشٌ (TA) Thirsting; or thirsty: (S, TA:) or needing water: (Mgh:) or you say, الْآنَ ↓ هُوَ عَطْشَانُ [He is thirsting, or thirsty, now]; (Lh, K;) and هُوَ غَدًا ↓ عَاطِشٌ [He will be thirsting, or thirsty, tomorrow]; (Lh, O, K;) and بَعْدَ ↓ مَا هُوَ بِعَاطِشٍ

هٰذَا الــيَوْمِ [He will not be thirsting, or thirsty, after this day]: (Lh, TA:) fem. [of the first]

عَطِشَةٌ (O, Msb, K) and [of the second] ↓ عَطُشَةٌ (TA) and [of the third] ↓ عَطْشَى, (S, O, Msb, K,) which is also used as a pl., (S, K,) and ↓ عَطْشَانَةٌ: (Lth, O, K:) pl. masc. [of the first and third and fourth, and perhaps of the second also,] عِطَاشٌ (S, O, Msb, K) and عُطَاشٌ [which is irregular] and عَطِشُونَ and [of the second]

عَطُشُونَ (TA) and [of the third] عَطَاشَى: (S, O, K:) pl. fem. عِطَاشٌ, like the masc., (S, O, K,) and [of the first] عَطِشَاتٌ, (Lth, O, K,) but this was ignored by Aboo-Leylà, (O,) and [of the second] عَطُشَاتٌ (TA) and [of the third] عَطْشَانَاتٌ. (Lth, O, K.) Accord. to Mohammad Ibn-EsSeree, ↓ عَطْشَان is originally عَطْشَآءُ, like صَحْرَآءُ, the ن being substituted for the fem. ا, as is shown by its plural's being عَطَاشَى like صَحَارَى: (S, O:) [but there are many similar pls. of epithets of the measure فُعْلَان; as سَكَارَى and غَيَارَى and نَدَامَى and كَسَالَى &c.] You say also عَطْشَانُ نَطْشَانُ; the latter being an imitative sequent to the former, not used alone. (S, O.) And إِنَّكَ كَأَنَّكَ عَطْشَانُ ↓ إِلَى الدَّمِ عَطْشَانُ [Verily thou art thirsting for blood, as though thou wert 'Atshán]: (A:) this being the name of a sword of 'Abd-ElMuttalib Ibn-Háshim. (A, O, K.) The dim. of عَطِشٌ is ↓ عُطَيْشَان, as though from عَطْشَان; and ↓ عُطَيْشٌ also; but the former is the better. (ISk, O.) b2: [Hence,] ↓ عَطْشَان also signifies (tropical:) Longing; or desiring. (K.) You say, إِنِّى إِلَيْكَ

↓ لَعَطْشَانُ (tropical:) [Verily I am longing for seeing thee]. (IAar, O.) b3: مَكَانٌ عَطِشٌ (S, O, Msb) and ↓ عَطُشٌ (S, O) A place in which is little water: (S, O, Msb:) or in which is no water. (Msb.) b4: الوِشَاحِ ↓ فُلَانَةُ عَطْشَى (A) or عَطِشَةُ الوِشَاحِ (TA) (tropical:) [Such a woman is slender in the waist; or in the belly and flanks; like غَرْثَى الوِشَاحِ].

عَطْشَان: fem. عَطْشَى and عَطْشَانَةٌ: see عَطِشٌ, throughout.

عُطَاشٌ [Insatiable thirst;] a certain disease, (S, O, K, TA,) that attacks a man, (S, O, TA,) or a child, (TA,) the sufferer from which drinks water and cannot satisfy his thirst: (S, O, K, * TA:) or intense thirst: the sufferer thereof is permitted to break his fast. (TA.) عُطَيْشٌ: dims. of عَطِشٌ, q. v. (ISk, O.) عُطَيْشَان: dims. of عَطِشٌ, q. v. (ISk, O.) عَاطِشٌ: see عَطِشٌ, in three places.

مَعْطَشٌ [The space in which one becomes thirsty: see an ex. voce مَجَاعٌ. And] sing. of مَعَاطِشُ, (O, K,) which signifies The appointed times (مَوَاقِيت, S, A, O, K) of thirst, or of the restraining of camels from water, (S, A, O,) or of thirsts, or of the restrainings of camels from water. (K.) مُعْطِشٌ A man whose camels have become thirsty. (TA.) [See also مِعْطَاشٌ.] b2: See also مَعْطَشَةٌ.

مِعْطَشٌ A man who has not had drink given to him. (TA.) مَعْطَشَةٌ A land in which is no water; (O, K;) as also ↓ أَرْضٌ مُعْطِشَةٌ: (TA:) pl. of the former مَعَاطِشُ. (O, K.) b2: A cause of thirst. (TA in art. بخل.) مُعَطَّشٌ Confined, or withheld, (O, K, TA,) from water, purposely. (TA.) مِعْطَاشٌ Very thirsty; or often thirsty: applied to a man and to a woman. (Lh) b2: Having thirsty camels: applied to a man and to a woman. (O, K.) [See also مُعْطِشٌ.]
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