Arabic-English Lexicon by Edward William Lane (d. 1876) المعجم العربي الإنجليزي لإدوارد وليام لين

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1 دَهَرَهُمْ أَمْرٌ, (JK, A, K,) and دَهَرَ بِهِمْ أَمْرٌ, (S, TA,) aor. ـَ (K,) An event befell them (S, A) from fate, or fortune: (A:) or an evil event befell them. (JK, K.) In a trad. respecting the death of Aboo-Tálib occur these words [as said by him]: لَوْ لَا أَنًّ قُرَيْشًا تَقُولُ دَهَرَهُ الجَزَعُ لَفَعَلْتُ [Were it not that the tribe of Kureysh would say, Impatience hath befallen him, (or, perhaps, constrained him, from دَهْرٌ signifying “fate,” or overcome him, see what follows,) I would do it]. (TA.) b2: دَهَرَهُ, (Bd in xlv. 23,) inf. n. دَهْرٌ, (K,) He overcame, conquered, subdued, overpowered, or mastered, him; gained the mastery, prevailed, or predominated, over him; or surpassed him. (Bd ubi suprà, B, * K.) 3 عَامَلَهُ مُدَاهَرَةٌ and دِهَارًا is like مُشَاهَرَةً [i. e. it means He made an engagement, or a contract, or bargain, with him to work, or the like, for a long period, or for a constancy; like as مُشَاهَرَةً means“for a month”]. (K.) And in like manner one says, اِسْتَأْجَرَهُ مُدَاهَرَةً and دِهَارًا [He hired him for a long period, or for a constancy]. (Lh, TA.) Q. Q. 1 دَهْوَرَهُ, (S, K,) inf. n. دَهْوَرَةٌ, (TA,) He collected it together, and threw it into a deep place. (S, K.) b2: He pushed it, namely, a wall, so that it fell. (K.) b3: دهوراللُّقَمَ He made the mouthfuls large, (S, A,) or round, (Az,) and gulped them down. (Az, A.) Q. Q. 2 تَدَهْوَرَ It (sand) poured down, and for the most part fell. (Msb.) b2: And hence, He, or it, fell down, from a higher to a lower place. (Msb.) b3: And It (the night) for the most part went: (Msb:) or departed, or retreated. (K, TA.) دَهْرٌ (T, S, M, K, &c.) and ↓ دَهَرٌ, (M, K,) the latter either a dial. var., agreeably with the opinion of the Basrees in cases of this kind, and therefore such cases are limited by the authority of hearsay, or it is so written and pronounced because of the guttural letter, and so is accordant to a universal rule, agreeably with the opinion of the Koofees, (ISd,) Time, from the beginning of the world to its end; (Esh-Sháfi'ee, Az, Msb, Er-Rághib;) as also حِينٌ: (Esh-Sháfi'ee, Az:) this is the primary signification: (Er-Rághib:) and any long period of time; (Z, Mgh, K, Er-Rághib;) thus differing from زَمَانٌ, which will be explained below: (Er-Rághib:) and a portion of the longest period of time: (Az:) or دَهْرٌ signifies, (S, A,) or signifies also, (Az, Msb,) time; or a time; or a space, or period, of time; syn. زَمَانٌ, (Sh, Az, S, A, Mgh, Msb,) whether long or short: (Msb:) or this is the proper signification of زَمَانٌ, but not of دَهْرٌ: (Er-Rághib:) and (tropical:) a division of the year: and (tropical:) a less period: (Az, Msb:) Az says, I have heard more than one of the Arabs say, أَقَمْنَا عَلَى مَآءِ كَذَا دَهْرًا [We stayed at such a water a long time, or a time]; and هٰذَا المَرْعَى يَكْفِينَا دَهْرًا [This pasture-land will suffice us a long time, or a time]; but one does not say that الدَّهْرُ is four times, or four seasons, because its application to (tropical:) a short period of time is tropical, and an extension of its proper signification: (Msb:) or it signifies i. q. أَبَدٌ [meaning a long unlimited time; or an extended indivisible space of time; or duration without end; time without end]; (S, Msb;) it differs from زَمَانٌ in having no end: (Khálid Ibn-Yezeed:) or a prolonged, or lengthened, term; syn. أَبَدٌ مَمْدُودٌ: (K, in some copies of which, in the place of ابد, we find أَمَد:) and (tropical:) the period, or duration, of life; an age: (Kull p. 183:) the present state of existence: (Msb:) and (assumed tropical:) a thousand years: (K:) pl. [of pauc.] أَدْهُرٌ (K) and [of mult.] دُهُورٌ: (S, A, K:) both said to be pls. of دَهْرٌ, and no other pls. are known as those of دَهَرٌ; the form أَدْهَارٌ not having been heard. (TA.) b2: You say مَضَى عَلَيْهِ دَهْرٌ and دُهُورٌ [A long time and long times, or an age and ages, &c., passed over him, or it]. (A.) b3: And كَانَ ذٰلِكَ دَهْرَ النَّجْمِ That was in the time of God's creation of the stars; meaning, in the beginning of time; in ancient time. (A.) b4: [And فِى أَوَّلِ الدَّهْرِ In the beginning of time. (A.) b5: [And يَبْقَى الدَّهْرَ It remains for ever. b6: And لَا آتِيهِ الدَّهْرَ I will not come to him, ever. See also دَاهِرٌ.] b7: And صَامَ الدَّهْرَ [He fasted ever, or always]. (TA in art. اول, &c. [See a trad. cited voce آلَ, in that art.]) b8: [Hence, because, in one sense, time brings to pass events, good and evil,] الدَّهْرُ was applied by the Arabs to Fortune; or fate: and they used to blame and revile it: and as the doing so was virtually blaming and reviling God, since events are really brought to pass by Him, Mohammad forbade their doing thus. (Az, Mgh, TA, &c.) It is said in a trad., لَا تَسُبُّوا الدَّهْرَ فَإِنَّ الدَّهْرَ هُوَ اللّٰهُ, (S, Mgh, TA, &c.,) or, accord. to one reading, فَإِنَّ اللّٰهُ هُوَ الدَّهْرُ, (Az, Mgh, TA, &c.,) in which some explain الدهر in the first proposition as having a different meaning from that which it has in the second, whereas others assign to it the same meaning in both cases: (TA:) the meaning of the trad. is, Revile ye not [fortune, or] the Efficient of fortune; for the Efficient of fortune is God: (Az, S, TA, &c.:) or, accord. to the second reading, for God is the Efficient of fortune. (TA.) Hence, (TA,) some reckon الدَّهْرُ as one of the names of God: (K, &c.:) but some disallow this: and some say that it is allowable if meant to signify, as rendered above, the Efficient of fortune. (TA, &c.) b9: زَوْجُ دَهْرٍ A husband prepared for the accidents or calamities of fortune. (S in art. بهر. [See بَهْرٌ.]) b10: دَهْرٌ also signifies An evil event or accident; a misfortune; a calamity. (K.) See also دَهَارِيرُ.

[And see 1.] b11: Also A purpose; an intention: (S, K:) a desire: (TA:) the scope, or end that one has in view. (K, TA.) You say, مَا دَهْرِى

بِكَذَا, (S, TA,) and مَا دَهْرِى كَذَا, (TA,) My purpose, or intention, (S, TA,) and my desire, and my scope, or the end that I have in view, (TA,) is not such a thing. (S, TA.) b12: Also (tropical:) A custom, or habit, (S, K,) that is constant, or permanent, (Kull p. 183,) or that lasts throughout life. (TA.) You say, مَا ذَاكَ بِدَهْرِى (tropical:) That is not my custom, or habit, (S,) that lasts throughout my life: (TA:) and مَا دَهْرِى بِكَذَا (tropical:) My habit throughout life is not so. (TA.) دَهَرٌ: see دَهْرٌ.

دَهْرِىٌّ (S, A, Msb, K) and ↓ دُهْرِىٌّ (K) One who deviates from the truth, and introduces into it that which does not belong to it, syn. مُلْحِدٌ; (S, A;) who asserts that the duration of the present world is from eternity, (A, Msb,) or that it is everlasting, (K,) and does not believe in the resurrection, (Msb,) or in the world to come. (TA.) b2: And the latter, (S, A, Msb, K,) or the former, (IAmb,) An old, or aged, man. (IAmb, S, A, Msb, K.) Th says that both are rel. ns. from الدَّهْرُ, though the latter is contr. to rule, [as is also remarked in the Msb,] like سُهْلِىٌّ from الأَرْضُ السَّهْلَةُ. (S.) b3: Some say also that the latter signifies An acute, or ingenious, or expert, man. (TA.) دُهْرِىٌّ: see the next preceding paragraph.

دِهْرَارٌ: see دَهَارِيرُ.

دُهرُورٌ: see دَهَارِيرُ.

دِهْرِيرٌ: see دَهَارِيرُ.

دَهيِرٌ: see دَاهِرٌ.

دَهَارِيرُ, a pl. without a sing.; (K, TA;) or its sing. is ↓ دَهْرٌ, like as the sing. of مَذَاكِيرُ is ذَكَرٌ, and that of مَشَابِهُ, شَبَهٌ; or its sing. is ↓ دُهْرُورٌ, or ↓ دِهْرَارٌ, [in the TA written by mistake دهرات,] or ↓ دِهْرِيرٌ; (TA;) Misfortunes; calamities: as in the phrase وَقَعَ فِى الدَّهَارِيرِ He fell into misfortunes, or calamities. (A, TA.) b2: Also Severe, or calamitous. (S.) It is said in a trad. of Sateeh, فَإِنَّ ذَا الدَّهْرَ أَطْوَارًا دَهَارِيرُ [For verily this age is at times calamitous]. (TA.) دَهْرٌ دَهَارِيرُ, A severe, or calamitous, age, is a phrase like لَيْلَةُ لَيْلَآءُ, and نَهَارٌ أَنْهَرُ, &c.: (S:) [see also دَاهِرٌ:] and it also signifies a time of two states, adverse and prosperous: (TA:) and دُهُورٌ دَهَارِيرٌ, various, or varying, times: (K:) or long times. (A.) [See دَاهِرٌ.] b3: Also دَهَارِيرُ [or rather, as IbrD says, دَهْرُ الدَّهَارِيرِ, for this has the signification immediately following,] The beginning of time past: and [absolutely] preceding, or past, time. (K, TA.) You say كَانَ ذٰلِكَ فِى

دَهْرِ الدَّهَارِيرِ [That was in the beginning of past time: or in the time of by-gone ages]. (TA.) دَهْرٌ دَاهِرٌ (S, K) and ↓ دَهْرٌ دَهِيرٌ (K) are phrases in which the epithet has an intensive effect, [meaning A long, or an endless, period, or course, of time,] (K,) like أَبَدٌ أَبِيدٌ (S, TA) and أَبَدٌ آبِدٌ: (TA:) or a severe, or calamitous, age. (TA.) [See also دَهَارِيرُ.] b2: لَا آتِيكَ دَهْرَ الدَّهِرِينَ I will not come to thee, ever: (S, K:) similar to the phrase أَبَدَ الآبِدِينَ. (TA.) هُمْ مَدْهُورٌ بِهِمٌ, and مَدْهُورُونَ, They are afflicted with an evil event. (K.)



1 فَظُعَ الأمْرُ, (S, O, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ (O,) inf. n. فَظَاعَةٌ, (S, O, Msb,) and perhaps فَظَعٌ [respecting which see فَظِعَ]; (Mbr, TA;) as also ↓ افظع; (S, O, Msb, K;) The affair, or event, was, or became, hard, difficult, or distressing; bad, evil, abominable, foul, or unseemly; excessive, or exorbitant: (S:) or excessively bad, evil, abominable, foul, or unseemly. (O, Msb, K.) A2: And فَظِعَ الأَمْرَ, (K, TA,) thus in the copies of the K, and in like manner in the O, [where I find, Az says, فَظِعْتُ الأَمْرَ, aor. ـْ but [SM says] in the “ Nawádir ” of Az, فَظِعَ بِالأَمْرِ, inf. n. فَظَاعَةٌ, (TA,) He reckoned the affair, or event, or judged it to be, great, hard, difficult, or distressing, syn. اِسْتَعْظَمَهُ, (K,) or was made to fear, or be frightened, and was overcome, by it, (Az, O, TA,) and trusted not that he had power to accomplish it, or to bear it: (Az, O, K, TA:) it is said in a trad., أُرِيتُ أَنَّهُ وُضِعَ فِى يَدَىَّ سَوَارَانِ مِنْ ذَهَبٍ

فَفَظِعْتُهُمَا [I was made to see, meaning I imagined, or dreamt, that two bracelets of gold were put upon my arms, and I regarded them with fear]; in which instance, as IAth says, the verb is thus made trans. in accordance with its meaning, which is أَكْبَرْتُهُمَا, and خِفْتُهُمَا: but the phrase commonly known is فَظِعْتُ بِهِ and مِنْهُ: (TA:) you say, فَظِعْنُ بِكَذَا I was unable to do, or accomplish such a thing: (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K: *) and فَظِعْتُ بِأَمْرِى occurs in a trad. as meaning [I found that] my affair, or case, was hard, difficult, or distressing, to me, and I regarded it with fear, or dread: فَظِعَ بِالأَمْرِ, inf. n. فَظَاعَةٌ and فَظَعٌ, means He saw the affair, or event, or case, to be فَظِيع [q. v.]: Mbr says, فَظَعٌ is an inf. n. of فَظِعَ بِهِ: or it may be an inf. n. of فَظُعَ, like as كَرَمٌ is of كَرُمَ: but I have not heard it save in the saying of the poet, قدْ عِشْتُ فِى النَّاسِ أَطْوَارًا عَلَى خُلُقٍ

شَتَّى وَقَاسَيْتُ فِيهِ اللِّينَ وَالفَظَعَا [I have lived among men during several periods, conforming to disposition differing in kind, (عَلَى

خُلُقٍ شَتَّى being like the phrase إِنَّ سَعْيَكُمْ لَشَتَّى, in the Kur xcii. 4, meaning انّ مَسَاعِيكُمْ لَأَشْتَاتٌ, as is said in the Ksh and by Bd,) and I have endured therein softness and hardness]. (TA.) A3: فَظِعَ, (O, K,) aor. ـَ inf. n. فَظَعٌ, (O,) said of a vessel, (K,) It became full. (O, K.) 2 فظّع, inf. n. تَفْظِيعٌ, accord. to Freytag, signifies He described a thing as great: but for this he names no authority: by “ great ” is here meant hard, difficult, or distressing; &c.: see 1, first sentence.]4 افظع as intrans.: see 1, first sentence.

A2: أَفْظَعَنِى الأَمْرُ The affair, or event, made me to fear, or frightened me: made me to fall into a hard, difficult, or distressing, case: (TA:) made me to be without power, or strength, or ability; disabled, or incapacitated, me. (Ham p. 32.) b2: And أُفْظِعَ He (a man, S, O, Msb) suffered the befalling of a hard, difficult, or distressing, event. (S, O, Msb, K.) b3: See also 10.5 تَفَظَّعَ see what next follows.10 استفظعهُ (S, O, K) and ↓ افظعهُ (S, K) and ↓ تفظّعهُ (O, K) He found it (a thing, S) to be فَظِيع [i. e. hard, difficult, or distressing; &c.]. (S, O, K.) فَظِعٌ: see فَظِيعٌ.

A2: Also Full; applied to a vessel. (O, TA.) فَظِيعٌ (S, O, Msb, K) and ↓ مُفْظِعٌ (S, Msb, TA) and ↓ فَظِعٌ, which last is a possessive epithet, (TA,) applied to an affair, or event, Hard, difficult, or distressing; bad, evil, abominable, foul, or unseemly; excessive, or exorbitant: (S, TA:) or excessively bad, evil, abominable, foul, or unseemly. (O, Msb, K. *) b2: And the first, Much, or abundant: so in the saying of 'Amr Ibn-MaadeeKerib, وَقَدْ عَجَبَتْ أُمَامَةُ أَنْ رَاتَنِى

تَفَرَّعَ لِمَّتِى شَيْبٌ فَظِيعُ [And Umámeh wondered that she saw me such that much, or abundant, hoariness had spread in, or overspread, my hair descending below the ears, or upon the shoulders: فِى is app. understood before لِمَّتِى]. (O, TA.) A2: فَظِيعٌ applied to water signifies Sweet: (Lth, O, K:) or clear; limpid; or cool, sweet, and clear or limpid. (IAar, O, K, TA.) مُفْظِعٌ: see فَظِيعٌ.



1 عَرُبَ لِسَانُهُ, [aor. ـُ inf. n. عُرُوبَةٌ, His tongue [or speech] was, or became, Arabic, (S, O,) or chaste Arabic. (Msb.) b2: See also 4, first sentence, in three places.

A2: عَرِبَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. عَرَبٌ, He (a man) became disordered in the stomach by indigestion. (TA.) And عَرِبَتْ مَعِدَتُهُ, inf. n. as above, His stomach became in a corrupt, or disordered, state, (S, O, Msb, K,) from being burdened. (TA.) b2: Also, (O, K,) inf. n. as above, (TA,) said of a camel's hump, (O, TA,) It became swollen and purulent. (O, K, TA.) b3: And, said of a wound, (S, O, K, TA,) It became corrupt: (TA:) or it broke open again; or became recrudescent: (S, O:) or it had a scar remaining after it had healed. (K.) b4: Said of a river, It abounded with water. (K.) and عَرِبَتِ البِئْرُ The well contained much water; or its water became abundant. (K.) b5: And, (K, TA,) inf. n. عَرَبٌ (O, * K, * TA) and عَرَابَةٌ, said of a man, (TA,) He was, or became, brisk, lively, or sprightly. (K, TA.) A3: عَرَبَ, (O, K,) aor. ـِ (K,) inf. n. عَرْبٌ, (TK,) He ate (O, K) food. (TK.) 2 عرّب, (S, O,) inf. n. تَعْرِيبٌ, (S,) He (an Arab) arabicized a foreign word; spoke it, or pronounced it, agreeably with the ways of Arabic speech; (S;) as also ↓ اعرب, (S, O, *) inf. n. إِعْرَابٌ. (TA.) b2: And He taught another the Arabic language. (TA, from a trad.) b3: See also 4, in fourteen places. b4: The inf. n. signifies also The showing, or declaring, one's saying, (K, TA,) and one's deed, (TA,) to be bad, evil, abominable, or foul. (K, TA.) One says, عرّب عَلَيْهِ He showed him, or declared to him, that his saying, and his deed, was bad, &c.; and upbraided him for it. (TA.) And فَعَلْتُ كَذَا وَكَذَا فَمَا عَرَّبَ عَلَىَّ أَحَدٌ I did so and so, and no one upbraided me; or charged me with having acted disgracefully. (Az, TA.) And عرّب عَلَيْهِ فِعْلَهُ, (S, O,) and قَوْلَهُ, (TA,) He showed him, or declared to him, that his deed was bad, evil, abominable, or foul, (S, O,) and so his saying. (TA.) تَعْرِيبٌ is The saying to a man who has uttered what is foul, or erroneous, “It is not so, but so; ” telling him what is more correct. (Sh, TA.) And The replaying against a speaker; (K, TA;) and so ↓ إِعْرَابٌ. (TA.) One says, عرّب عَلَيْهِ He replied against him, denying or disallowing or disapproving what he said: (S:) or he prevented, hindered, or forbade, him: or he did so, and denied or disallowed or disapproved [what he said or did]. (TA.) [See what next follows.] b5: Also The treating medically, to remove his disease, one whose stomach is in a corrupt, or disordered, state. (O, K. [In both, التَّعْرِيبُ is expl. as meaning تَمْرِيضُ العَرِبِ i. e. الذَّرِبِ المَعِدَةِ. Freytag has strangely rendered the verb as signifying “ ægrotum reddidit aliquem stomachi corruptio. ”]) Az says that التَّعْرِيبُ followed by عَلَى and having for its object him who says what is disapproved may be from this. (TA.) b6: Also The lopping a palm-tree; or pruning it by cutting off some of its branches. (S, O, K. *) b7: And The scarifying a horse or similar beast in the parts of the skin next the hoofs and then cauterizing those parts: (K, TA:) or the cauterizing a horse in several places in those parts, and then gently scarifying them without producing any effect upon the sinews, or tendons, (Az, O, TA,) in order to strengthen the parts, (Az, TA,) or in order that the hair may become strong: (O:) or عرّب الفَرَسَ signifies he made an incision in the bottom of the horse's hoof; and the verb implies that, by this operation, what was concealed becomes apparent to the eye, so that one knows the state of the hoof, whether it be hard or soft, sound or diseased. (L, TA. See also 1 in art. بزغ.) A2: Also, the inf. n., The getting, or procuring for oneself, an Arabian horse. (TA. [See also 4, near the end.]) b2: And The taking, or making, for oneself, an Arabian bow. (O, K.) A3: Also the drinking much clear, or limpid, water, (O, K,) which is termed عَرِب. (O.) A4: عرّب البَقَرَةَ, (K,) or ↓ أَعْرَبَهَا, (O,) He rendered the cow desirous [of copulation]; said of a bull. (O, K.) A5: And عرّب, (Fr, Mgh, O,) inf. n. تَعْرِيبٌ; (Fr, O, K;) and ↓ اعرب, (Fr, Mgh, O, Msb,) inf. n. إِعْرَابٌ; (Fr, Mgh, K;) and ↓ عَرْبَنَ; (O, and S and K in art. عربن;) He gave what is termed an عُرْبُون (O, Msb, K) or عُرْبَان (Fr, Mgh) [i. e. an earnest], فِى كَذَا [in the case of such a thing], (O,) or فِى بَيْعِهِ [in the case of his purchase]. (Msb.) One says, ↓ أَعْرَبُوا فِى الدَّارِ أَرْبَعَمِائَةٍ They paid in advance, as an earnest, in the case of the house, four hundred [dirhems]. (L, TA.) It is related in a trad. that ↓ الإِعْرَاب in buying and selling is forbidden: (Mgh, O, TA:) this is said by Sh to mean A man's saying to another, If I do not purchase this for so much, thou shalt have such and such of my property. (O, TA.) 3 عَاْرَبَ [The following ex. is given of the inf. n. of this verb.] One says, مَا أُوتِىَ أَحَدٌ مِنْ مُعَارَبَةِ النِّسَآءِ مَا أُوتِىَ فُلَانٌ, (O,) or مَا أُوتِيتُهُ أَنَا, (TA,) meaning, (O, TA,) app., (TA,) [No one has been given what such a one has been given, or what I have been given, of] the means of coïtus [with women]. (O, TA.) 4 اعرب, (Az, Msb, TA,) [for اعرب الكَلَامَ, like افصح for افصح الكَلَامَ,] inf. n. إِعْرَابٌ, (A, K,) He spoke clearly, plainly, distinctly, or intel-ligibly, (Az, A, Msb, K, * TA,) in Arabic; (Msb;) as also ↓ تعرّب, and ↓ استعرب; said of a foreigner, or one [previously] not clear, plain, distinct, or intelligible, in speech: (Az, Msb, TA:) and ↓ عَرُبَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. عُرْبٌ and عُرُوبٌ, accord. to Th, and عُرْبَةٌ and عِرَابَةٌ [which accord. to general analogy would be عَرَابَةٌ] and عُرُوبِيَّةٌ; (TA;) or ↓ عَرِبَ, aor. ـَ (Msb;) [likewise] signifies he spoke clearly, plainly, or distinctly, after being barbarous, or vitious, in speech: (Msb, TA:) and ↓ عَرُبَ he spoke without incorrectness; (Msb;) and [so اعرب, for] إِعْرَابٌ signifies the committing no error in speech: (K, TA:) and the expressing of meanings clearly, plainly, distinctly, or perspicuously, by words. (TA.) [↓ عرّب, also, has a similar meaning:] it is said in a trad., أَنْ ↓ كَانُوا يَسْتَحِبُّونَ أَنْ يُلَقِّنُوا الصَّبِىَّ حِينَ يُعَرِّبُ يَقُولَ لَا إِلَاهَ إِلَّا اللّٰهُ سَبْعَ مَرَّاتٍ (O, TA) i. e. [They used to like teaching the boy,] when he spoke distinctly, or articulately, [to say “ There is no deity but God ” seven times.] (TA.) And one says, اعرب الكَلَامَ, and اعرب بِهِ, meaning He made the speech [that he spoke] clear, plain, distinct, or perspicuous. (TA.) And اعرب بِحُجَّتِهِ He declared, or spoke out clearly or plainly, his argument, plea, allegation, or the like, without fearing any one. (S, O.) And أَعْرَبْتُ الشَّىْءَ and اعربت عَنْهُ, and ↓ عَرَّبْتُهُ and عرّبت عَنْهُ, which last, accord. to Fr, is better than عرّبتهُ and اعربتهُ, I made the thing clear, plain, distinct, or manifest. (Msb.) And اعرب عَمَّا فِى ضَمِيرِهِ He declared, or spoke out clearly or plainly, what was in his mind. (TA.) And اعرب عَنْهُ لِسَانُهُ, and ↓ عرّب عنه, His tongue made clear, or plain, or spoke clearly, or plainly, for him: and عَمَّا فِى ↓ يُعَرِّبُ قَلْبِهِ لِسَانُهُ His tongue tells plainly, or declares, what is in his heart. (Az, TA.) It is said in a trad., الثَّيِّبُ تُعْرِبُ عَنْ نَفْسِهَا, (S,) or الأَيِّمُ, and ↓ تُعَرِّبُ, accord. to different relaters, but some say the former only, (Msb,) i. e. [She who has become a widow, or been divorced, &c., or she who has no husband, whether she be a virgin or not, or not being a virgin,] shall speak out plainly for herself [when demanded in marriage]: (S, Msb:) or الثَّيِّبُ يُعْرِبُ عَنْهَا لِسَانُهَا, so accord. to IKt, (O,) or عنها ↓ يُعَرِّبُ, (Mgh, O,) so accord. to A 'Obeyd, but, as IAmb says, both are dial. vars. of which neither is preferable to the other; and the meaning is [she who has become a widow, &c., her tongue] shall declare for her. (O.) One says also, اعرب عَنِ الرَّجُلِ He spoke out, or explained, for the man. (TA.) And عَنِ القَوْمِ ↓ عَرَّبْتُ I spoke for the people, or party; (Fr, S, Mgh, * O, K;) and pleaded for them; (Fr, Mgh, * TA;) as also أَعْرَبْتُ; but the former in this sense is better known. (Mgh.) And اعرب عَنْهُ, and عنه ↓ عرّب, He pleaded his cause. (TA.) and عَنْ حَاجَتِهِ ↓ عرّب He spoke and pleaded for the object of his want. (A.) b2: اعرب also signifies He was, or became, chaste, uncorrupt, or free from barbarousness, in speech; although not an Arab. (Msb.) And لَهُ الكَلَامَ ↓ عَرَّبْتُ, inf. n. تَعْرِيبٌ; as also أَعْرَبْتُ له, inf. n. إِعْرَابٌ; I made the speech [that I spoke] clear, or plain, to him, so that there was in it no barbarousness. (TA.) And مَنْطِقَهُ ↓ عرّب, (S, O,) inf. n. تَعْرِيبٌ, (K,) He made his speech free from error, or incorrectness. (S, O, K.) And أَعْرَبْتُ الحَرْفَ I made the حرف [i. e. word] clear, or plain: or the ا in this case denotes privation, and the meaning is (assumed tropical:) I removed its عرب, [app. ↓ عَرَب, from this word as inf. n. of عَرِبَ used in relation to the stomach &c.,] i. e. vagueness. (Msb.) And اعرب كَلَامَهُ He made his speech free from error, or incorrectness, in [what is termed] الإِعْرَاب [here meaning what grammarians generally intend thereby, namely, desinential syntax, or the science of the various inflections of words, literal or virtual, by reason of the various governing words]. (S, O.) [اعرب is also used by grammarians as meaning He declined a word; and أُعْرِبَ as meaning It was declined, or declinable; in these senses opposed to بَنَى and بُنِىَ, inf. n. بِنَآءٌ: and the former also as meaning He analyzed grammatically, or parsed, a sentence: and the inf. n. of the verb (act. and pass.) in these senses is إِعْرَابٌ.] b3: See also 2, first sentence: b4: and again in the first third part of the paragraph. b5: إِعْرَابٌ also signifies The making [a person] to revert from, or relinquish, foul speech; (K, TA;) and so ↓ تَعْرِيبٌ. (TA.) b6: And The speaking foul, or obscene, language; as also ↓ تَعْرِيبٌ, and ↓ اِسْتِعْرَابٌ: (O, K:) thus it bears two contr. significations. (K, TA.) One says of a man, اعرب [&c.], (S, O,) or اعرب فِى كَلَامِهِ, (Msb,) He spoke foul, or obscene, language. (S, O, Msb.) [Golius and Freytag have assigned this meaning to ↓ تعرّب also: the latter of them as from the S and K; in neither of which do I find it.] b7: And The act of copulating: or the speaking of that act in an oblique, or indirect, manner. (K.) A2: and اعرب, (S, O,) inf. n. إِعْرَابٌ, (K,) He had a child born to him of Arabian complexion, or colour. (S, O, K.) b2: And He possessed, or acquired, or sought to acquire, horses, or camels, of pure Arabian race. (TA. [See also 2, in the middle of the latter half; and see مُعْرِبٌ.]) b3: And إِعْرَابٌ signifies One's knowing a horse of pure Arabian race from one of mean race by his neighing. (K.) And A horse's being known by his neighing to be of pure Arabian race, free from any admixture of other than Arabian blood: (K, TA:) [or his making himself to be known as such by his neighing; for] اعرب means he (a horse) neighed, and was consequently known to be of Arabian race. (A.) b4: And The making a horse to run. (K.) Accord. to Fr, one says, اعرب عَلَى فَرَسِهِ, meaning He made his horse to run: but he adds that some say اغرب. (O.) A3: And إِعْرَابٌ signifies The taking as one's wife a woman such as is termed عَرُوبٌ [q. v.]. (K.) A4: اعرب سَقْىُ القَوْمِ meansThe people's watering [of their camels], having been at one time on alternate days, and another time on the fourth day after that of the next preceding watering, then became, and continued to be, of one uniform way. (S, O.) A5: See also 2, last four sentences.5 تعرّب He assimilated himself to the Arabs. (S.) He (a man not of genuine Arabian descent) introduced himself among the Arabs, and spoke their language, and imitated their manner or appearance; [he became a naturalized, or an insitious, Arab; (see العَرَبُ;)] as also ↓ استعرب. (Az, TA.) b2: He became an Arab of the desert; (S, Mgh;) he returned to the desert, (Az, Mgh, TA,) after he had been dwelling in a region of cities or towns or villages and of cultivated land, and joined himself to the Arabs of the desert. (Az, TA.) Hence, تعرّب بَعْدَ هِجْرَتِهِ He became an Arab of the desert [after his flight, or emigration, for the sake of El-Islám], (S, Mgh,) returning to the desert. (Mgh.) b3: He dwelt, or abode, in the desert. (O, K.) b4: See also 4, first sentence. b5: تَعَرَّبَتْ لِزَوْجِهَا She acted in an amorous manner, or with amorous dalliance, and mani-fested love, to her husband. (A, TA.) b6: Respecting a meaning assigned to تعرّب by Golius and Freytag, see 4, latter half.10 استعرب: see 5: b2: see also 4, first sentence: b3: and the same again in the latter half of the paragraph.

A2: استعرب جَرَبًا, said of a camel, He was affected with mange, or scab, which began in his armpits and groins or similar parts, and his lips, and appeared upon the general extent of his skin. (O.) b2: And استعربت, said of a cow, She desired the bull. (O, K.) Q. Q. 1 عَرْبَنَ: see 2, near the end.

عَرْبٌ is syn. with إِعْرَابٌ in the sense of إِفْصَاحٌ [but app. as a subst. (not an inf. n.) meaning Clear, plain, or distinct, speech]. (TA.) b2: and syn. with عِرَابَةٌ, q. v. (TA.) b3: And syn. with عَرَبٌ as [inf. n. of عَرِبَ, and] meaning نَشَاطٌ [i. e. Briskness, liveliness, or sprightliness]. (O, K.) العُرْبُ: see العَرَبُ, first sentence.

عِرْبٌ Such as is dried up, of the [species of barley-grass called] بُهْمَى: (S, O, K:) or of any herb, or leguminous plant: n. un. with ة: or عِرْبُ البُهْمَى signifies the prickles of the بُهْمَى. (TA.) العَرَبُ, (S, A, Mgh, O, Msb, K, &c.,) as also ↓ العُرْبُ, (S, O, Msb, K,) A certain people, or nation; [the Arabs, or Arabians;] (S, O;) the contr. of العَجَمُ (A, Msb, K, TA) and العُجْمُ; (TA;) the inhabitants of the cities, or large towns, (S, A, O, K,) or of the Arabian cities and towns or villages: (Mgh:) [but now, on the contrary, generally applied to those who dwell in the desert:] or those who have alighted and made their abode in the cultivated regions, and have taken as their homes the Arabian cities and towns or villages, and others also that are related to them: (Az, Msb:) or [accord. to general usage] an appellation of common application [to the whole nation]: (T, K:) [and in the lexicons and lexicological works applied to the desert Arabs of pure speech:] it is of the fem. gender: (Msb, K:) and العَرَبُ has two pls., namely, العُرُبُ, with two dammehs, and الأَعْرُبُ [which is a pl. of pauc.]: (Msb:) the rel. n. [which serves as a sing.] is ↓ عَرَبِىٌّ: (S, O, K: [عَرَبٌ عَرَبِىٌّ in the CK is a mistake:]) accord. to Az, (TA,) this appellation is applied to a man of established Arab lineage, even if he be not chaste, or correct, in speech. (Msb, TA.) The dim. of العَرَبُ is ↓ العُرَيْبُ, (S, O,) without ة, (O, TA,) an extr. word [with respect to analogy, as the undiminished noun is fem.]: (TA:) a poet (Abu-l-Hindee, whose name was 'Abd-El-Mu-min, son of 'AbdEl-Kuddoos, O, TA) says, وَمَكْنُ الضِّبَابِ طَعَامُ العُرَيْبِ وَلَا تَشْتَهِيهِ نُفُوسُ العَجَمْ

[And the eggs of dabbs are food of the little Arabs; but the souls of the Foreigners do not desire them]: in which he uses the dim. form to imply respect, or honour, like as it is used in the saying أَنَا جُذَيْلُهَا المُحَكَّكُ وَعُذَيْقُهَا المُرَجَّبُ [expl. in art. جذل]. (S, O.) b2: ↓ العَرَبُ العَارِبَةُ (in which the latter word is used as a corroborative of the former as in لَيْلٌ لَائِلٌ, S, O) and ↓ العَرَبُ العَرْبَآءُ (S, A, O, Msb, K) and ↓ العَرَبُ العَرَبِيَّةُ (O) and ↓ العَرَبُ العَرِبَةُ (K) and ↓ العَرَبُ العَرِبَاتُ (CK [but this I do not find in any other copy of the K]) are appellations of The pure, or genuine Arabs: (S, A, O, K:) or those who spoke the language of Yaarub Ibn-Kahtán; which is the ancient language: (Msb:) and ↓ العَرَبُ المُسْتَعْرِبَةُ, (S, O, Msb, K,) as also ↓ العَرَبُ المُتَعَرِّبَةُ, (S, O, K,) is an appellation of The insititious [or naturalized Arabs]; (K;) those who are not pure, or genuine, Arabs: (S, O:) or those who spoke the language of Ismá'eel [or Ishmael] the son of Ibráheem [or Abraham], i. e., the dialects of El-Hijáz and the parts adjacent thereto: (Msb:) and the appellation of ↓ مُسْتَعْرِبَةٌ is thought by Az to apply [also] to people not of pure Arabian descent, who have introduced themselves among the Arabs, and speak their language, and imitate their manner or appearance. (TA.) [The former division is most reasonably considered as consisting of the extinct tribes ('Ád, Thamood, and others mentioned in what follows); or of these together with the unmixed descendants of Kahtán, whose claims to the appellation of genuine Arabs are held by many to be equally valid: and the latter division, as consisting of those whose origin is referred, through Ma'add and 'Adnán, to Ismá'eel (or Ishmael), whose wife was descended from Kahtán. What I find in the TA, on this subject, is as follows.] The former of these two divisions consisted of nine tribes, descendants of Irem [or Aram] the son of Sám [or Shem] the son of Nooh [or Noah]; namely, 'Ád, Thamood, Umeiyim, 'Abeel, Tasm, Jedees, 'Imleek [or Amalek], Jurhum, and Webári; and from them Ismá'eel [or Ishmael is said to have] learned the Arabic language: and the ↓ مُتَعَرِّبَة are [said to be] the descendants of Ismá'eel, the descendants of Ma'add the son of 'Adnán the son of Udd: so says Abu-l-Khattáb Ibn-Dihyeh, surnamed Dhun-Nesebeyn: or the former division consisted of seven tribes, namely, 'Ád, Thamood, 'Imleek, Tasm, Jedees, Umeiyim, and Jásim; the main portion of whom has become extinct, some remains of them, only, being scattered among the [existing] tribes: so says IDrd: and the appellation of ↓ العَرَبُ العَارِبَةُ is also given to the descendants of Yaarub the son of Kahtán [only]. (TA.) [It should be observed, however, that the appellation of ↓ المُتَعَرِّبَةُ is, by those who hold the extinct tribes above mentioned as the only genuine Arabs, applied to the unmixed descendants of Kahtán; and ↓ المُسْتَعْرِبَةُ, to those who are held to be the descendants of Ismá'eel: thus in the Mz, 1st نوع.

Also, it should be observed that the appellation of ↓ العَرَبُ العَارِبِةُ, in the conventional language of Arabic lexicology, is often applied to the Arabs of the classical ages, and the later Arabs of the desert who retained the pure language of their ancestors, indiscriminately: it is thus applied by writers quoted in the Mz (1st نوع) to all the descendants of Kahtán, and those of Ma'add the son of 'Adnán (through whom all the descendants of Ismá'eel trace their ancestry) who lived before the corruption, among them, of the Arabic language.] b3: ↓ الأَعْرَابُ is the appellation given to Those [Arabs] who dwell in the desert; (S, Mgh, O, Msb, K;) such as go about in search of herbage and water; and Az adds, whether of the Arabs or of their freedmen: he says that it is applied to those who alight and abide in the desert, and are neighbours of the dwellers in the desert, and journey, or migrate, with them, to seek after herbage and water: (Msb:) it is not a pl. of العَرَبُ, not being like الأَنْبَاطُ, which is pl. of النَّبَطُ; (S, O;) but is a [coll.] gen. n.: (S:) الأَعَارِيبُ occurs as its pl. (S, O, K) in chaste poetry: (S:) it has no sing. [properly so termed]: (K:) the rel. n. is ↓ أَعْرَابِىٌّ, (S, O,) which is applied to single person; (Msb;) as also بَدَوِىٌّ: (TA:) Az says, if one say to an أَعْرَابِىّ, يَا عَرَبِىُّ, he is pleased; and if one say to an عَرَبِىّ, يَا أَعْرَابِىُّ, he is angry. (TA.) b4: Authors differ as to the cause why the عَرَب were thus called: some say, because of the perspicuity of their speech, from إِعْرَابٌ: others, that they were so called from Yaarub the son of Kahtán, who is said to have been the first that spoke the Arabic language; his original language having been, as asserted by IDrd, [what the Arabs term] Syriac; though some say that Ismá'eel was the first that spoke the Arabic language; and some, that Yaarub was the first that spoke Arabic, and that Ismá'eel was the first that spoke the pure Arabic of El-Hijáz, in which the Kur-án was revealed: others say that the عَرَب were so called from العَرَبَةُ, the name of a tract near El-Medeeneh, or a name of Mekkeh and the adjacent region, where Ismá'eel settled, or the same as Tihámeh [as is said in the Mgh, in which this is pronounced to be the most correct derivation], or the general name of the peninsula of Arabia, which is also called العَرَبَاتُ [as is said in the Msb]: but some say that they were so called in like manner as were the فُرْس and the رُوم and the تُرْك and others, not after the name of a land or other than a land, but by the coining of the name, not a term expressive of a quality or a state or condition &c. (TA.) [If the country were called العَرَبَةُ, an inhabitant thereof might be called, agreeably with analogy, عَرَبِىٌّ; and then, the people collectively, العَرَبُ: but I think that the most probable derivation is from the old Hebrew word

עְרֶב, meaning “ a mixed people,”

which the Arabs assert themselves to have been, almost from the first; and in favour of this derivation it may be reasonably urged that the old Himyeritic language agrees more in its vocabulary with the Hebrew and Phœnician than it does with the classical and modern Arabic.]

A2: See also عَرَبَةٌ.

A3: And see عَرِبٌ.

A4: [It also app. signifies (assumed tropical:) Vagueness (considered as an unsoundness) in a word; from the same as inf. n. of عَرِبَ used in relation to the stomach &c.:] see 4, latter half.

عَرِبٌ [part. n. of عَرِبَ, q. v.: as such signifying] Having the stomach in a bad, or corrupt, state. (O, K.) And مَعِدَةٌ عَرِبَةٌ A stomach in a bad, or corrupt, state, (S, O, TA,) from being burdened. (TA.) b2: Also, and ↓ عَرَبٌ, (O, K,) the former of which is the more common, (TA,) and ↓ عُرْبُبٌ, (O, K,) Abundant water, (O, K,) such as is clear, or limpid. (K.) And نَهْرٌ عَرِبٌ (TA) and ↓ عَارِبٌ and ↓ عَارِبَةٌ (K) A river containing abundance of water. (K, TA.) And بِئْرٌ عَرِبَةٌ A well containing much water. (K.) b3: عَرِبَةٌ applied to a woman: see عَرُوبٌ, in four places. b4: العَرَبُ العَرِبَةُ and العَرِبَاتُ: see العَرَبُ, first quarter.

عَرْبَةٌ: see عِرَابَةٌ.

عَرَبَةٌ A river that flows with a vehement, or strong, current. (S, O, K.) A2: And i. q. نَفْسٌ [The soul, mind, or self]. (S, O, K.) [It is thought to occur in a pl. sense, without ة, as a coll. gen. n., in the following sense, quoted in the S immediately after the explanation above.] A poet says, (S,) namely, Ibn-Meiyádeh, (O,) لَمَّا أَتَيْتُكَ أَرْجُو فَضْلَ نَائِلِكُمْ

↓ نَفَحْتَنِى نَفَحَةً طَابَتْ لَهَا العَرَبُ [When I came to thee, hoping for the redundance of your bounty, thou gavest me a gift with which the souls were pleased]: (S, O:) thus related by some, and expl. as meaning طَابَتْ لَهَا النُّفُوسُ: but the [approved] relation is, طَارَتْ بِهَا العَرَبُ [(assumed tropical:) which the Arabs made to fly upon the wings of fame], i. e. حَدَّثَتِ العَرَبُ النَّاسَ بِهَا [meaning (assumed tropical:) of which the Arabs talked to the people]. (O.) A3: Also sing. of عَرَبَاتٌ (TA) which is the name of Certain stationary vessels that used to be in the Tigris. (K, TA.) b2: [As meaning A wheel-carriage of any kind (which is commonly called in Egypt عَرَبِيَّة) it is post-classical.]

العَرَبُ العَرْبَآءُ: see العَرَبُ, first quarter: and see عَرْبَانُ.

عُرْبُبٌ: see عَرِبٌ.

عَرَبِىٌّ; and العَرَبُ العَرَبِيَّةُ: see العَرَبُ, first quarter. b2: لَا تَنْقُشُوا فِى خَوَاتِيمِكُمْ عَرَبِيًّا, (Mgh, O, K, TA,) in a trad., or, as some relate it, ↓ العَرَبِيَّةَ, (TA,) means Engrave not on your signets مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُولُ اللّٰهِ; (Mgh, O, K, TA;) because this was engraved on the Prophet's own signet: (O, TA:) as though he had said, نَبِيًّا عَرَبِيًّا [an Arabian prophet]; meaning himself. (O, K, TA.) Omar said, ↓ لَا تَنْقُشُوا فِى خَوَاتِيمِكُمُ العَرَبِيَّةَ [Engrave not on your signets Arabic]: and Ibn-'Omar disapproved of engraving on a signet words from the Kurn. (Mgh, * O, TA.) [عَرَبِىُّ الوَجْهِ often occurs in post-classical works as meaning Having an Arab face; i. e. long-faced; opposed to تُرْكِىُّ الوَجْهِ.] b3: See also عِرَابٌ, in two places.

A2: Also A white barley, the ears of which are bifurcate [so I render, agreeably with the TK, سُنْبُلُهُ حَرْفَانِ]: (K, TA:) it is wide, and its grain is large, larger than the grain of the barley of El-'Irak, and it is the best of barley. (TA.) العَرَبِيَّةُ The Arabic language; (S, TA;) the language of the Kurn. (Msb.) Katádeh says that the tribe of Kureysh used to cull, or select, what was most excellent in the dialects of the Arabs, [in the doing of which they were aided by the confluence of pilgrims from all parts of the country,] so that their dialect became the most excellent of all, and the Kur-án was therefore revealed in that dialect. (TA.) See also عَرَبِىٌّ, in two places. b2: And see عُرُوبَةٌ.

عَرْبَانُ [written in the TA without any syll. signs, but it is app. thus, fem. عَرْبَآءُ (like حَيْرَآءُ fem. of حَيْرَانُ), whence, probably, the appellation ↓ العَرَبُ العَرْبَآءُ,] A man chaste, uncorrupt, or free from barbarousness, in speech: so in the Towsheeh. (TA.) [See also عَرِيبٌ.]

عُرْبَانٌ and عُرُبَّانٌ: see what next follows.

عَرَبُونٌ and عُرْبُونٌ and ↓ عُرْبَانٌ (Mgh, * O, Msb, K) and ↓ عُرُبَّانٌ, mentioned on the authority of Ibn-Es-Seed, as of the dial. of El-Hijáz, and عَرْبُونٌ, mentioned by AHei, but this last is a vulgar word, and is disallowed by Lb; (TA;) as also أَرَبُونٌ and أُرْبُونٌ and أُرْبَانٌ; (Mgh, * Msb, K;) [An earnest, or earnest-money;] a portion of the price, whereby a bargain is ratified; (K, TA;) a thing that is paid by the purchaser of a commodity, (Mgh, O, Msb,) or by the hirer of a thing, (Msb,) on the condition that if the sale (Mgh, O, Msb) or hire (Msb) have effect, it shall be reckoned as part of the price, and otherwise shall not be reclaimed; (Mgh, O, Msb;) called by the vulgar رَبُون: (O:) it is forbidden in a trad., (Mgh, O, TA,) and by most of the lawyers, but allowed by some: (TA:) عربون is said by As to be a foreign word arabicized, (Msb,) and so say many authors; though it is said by some of the expositors of the Fs to be from التَّعْرِيبُ signifying “ the making clear, plain,” &c.; اربون being also derived from أُرْبَةٌ signifying “ a knot: ” (TA:) and [it is said that] the ن in عربون and عربان may be augmentative or radical, because one says أَعْرَبَ فِى كَذَا and عَرْبَنَ. (O.) b2: [Hence,] أَلْقَى عَرَبُونَهُ (assumed tropical:) He ejected his excrement, or ordure. (O, K, TA.) عِرْبِيَآءُ: see عَرُوبَآءُ.

عَرَابٌ The fruit of the species of tree called خَزَم [q. v.], of the bark of which [tree] ropes are made: (O, K, TA:) [beads which are used in prayer are made thereof, (Freytag, from the Deewán of the Hudhalees,) i. e., of the berries thus called, and] it [the fruit] is eaten by the apes, or monkeys, and sometimes, in a case of hunger, by men: n. un. with ة. (O, TA.) خَيْلٌ عِرَابٌ Horses of pure Arabian race; (Mgh, K;) opposed to بَرَاذِينُ; (S, O, Msb;) also termed ↓ أَعْرُبٌ and ↓ مُعْرِبَةٌ, (K,) which last [erroneously written in the CK مَعْرِبَةٌ] is fem. of مُعْرِبٌ, signifying a horse having no strain of admixture of other than Arabian blood: (Ks, S, O:) one of such horses is [also] termed ↓ عَرَبِىٌّ: (Mgh, Msb:) by the pl. عِرَابٌ, they distinguish beasts from human beings. (Mgh.) b2: And إِبِلٌ عِرَابٌ (S, O, Msb, K) and ↓ أَعْرُبٌ (TA) Camels of pure Arabian race: (K;) opposed to بَخَاتِىٌّ. (S, O, Msb.) b3: And بَقَرٌ عِرَابٌ A goodly sort of oxen, of generous race, with short and fine hair, smooth, or sleek, (Msb,) having even backs, and thick hoofs and hides: one of which is termed ↓ عَرَبِىٌّ. (TA voce دَرَبَانِيَّةٌ.) عَرُوبٌ A woman who manifests love to her husband; (IAar, S, O, K, TA;) and is obedient to him; (IAar, TA;) as also ↓ عَرُوبَةٌ: (TA:) and (so in the O and TA, but in the CK “ or ”) a woman disobedient to her husband; (IAar, O, K, TA;) unfaithful to him by unchastity; corrupt in her mind: (IAar, O, TA:) as though having two contr. meanings; [the latter meaning] from عَرْب [a mistranscription for عَرَب] signifying

“ corruptness ” of the stomach: (O:) or who loves him passionately, or excessively: or who manifests love to him, evincing passionate, or excessive, desire: [lit., evincing that; meaning what is expressed by the words immediately preceding it; for otherwise this last explanation would be the same as the first; and as I have rendered it, it is nearly the same as an explanation in the Expos. of the Jel (lvi. 36), manifesting love to her husband, by reason of passionate, or excessive, desire:] (K:) and (so in the TA, but in the CK “ or ”) a woman who is a great laugher: and ↓ عَرُوبَةٌ and ↓ عَرِبَةٌ signify the same: (K:) the pl. of the first is عُرُبٌ (S, O, K) and عُرْبٌ; (TA;) and the pl. of ↓ عَرِبَةٌ is عَرِبَاتٌ: (K:) IAth says that ↓ عَرِبَةٌ signifies a woman who is eager for play, or sport: and عُرُبٌ, he adds, is pl. of ↓ عَرِيبٌ, which signifies a woman of goodly person, who manifests love to her husband: and it is also said that عُرُبٌ signifies women who use amorous gesture or behaviour, and coquettish boldness, with feigned coyness or opposition: or who make a show of, or act with, lasciviousness: or passionately loving: and ↓ عَرِبَةٌ and عَرُوبٌ, accord. to Lh, signify a woman passionately loving, and lascivious. (TA.) عَرِيبٌ i. q. ↓ مُعْرِبٌ, which means, accord. to Az, A man chaste, uncorrupt, or free from barbarousness, in speech. (TA.) b2: [Hence,] مَا بِالدَّارِ عَرِيبٌ (S, O, K) and ↓ مُعْرِبٌ (K) (assumed tropical:) There is not in the house any one: (S, O, K:) used [in this sense] as applying to either sex, but only in a negative phrase. (TA.) b3: See also عَرُوبٌ, latter half.

العُرَيْبُ: see العَرَبُ (of which it is the dim.), second sentence.

عَرَابَةٌ: see عِرَابَةٌ. b2: Also Coïtus. (TA.) A2: And A bag with which the udder of a sheep, or goat, is covered: pl. عَرَابَاتٌ. (IAar, O, K.) عِرَابَةٌ (S, O, K) and ↓ عَرَابَةٌ (O, TA) and ↓ عَرْبَةٌ (O) or ↓ عَرْبٌ (TA) Foul, or obscene, speech or talk; (S, O, K, TA;) like إِعْرَابٌ and تَعْرِيبٌ. (K.) عَرُوبَةٌ: see عَرُوبٌ, in two places.

A2: عَرُوبَةُ (O, K) and العَرُوبَةُ (K) and (O) يَوْمُ العَرُوبَةِ (S, O) Friday; (S, O, K;) and ancient name of that day (S, O, TA) in the Time of Ignorance: (TA:) accord. to some, it is most chastely without the article; (TA;) thus it occurs in old poetry of the Time of Ignorance; (O;) and it is thought to be not Arabic; (TA;) and said to be arabicized from the Nabathæan أَرُبَا: (Har p. 340, q. v.:) accord. to others, the article is inseparable from it; and its meaning, accord. to Ibn-En-Nahhás is the manifest and magnified, from أَعْرَبَ “ he made clear, plain,” &c.; or accord. to an authority cited in the R, its meaning is mercy. (TA.) [See art. ابجد.]

عُرُوبَةٌ (S, K) and ↓ عُرُوبِيَّةٌ (K) The quality of being Arabian: (S, K, TA:) each [said to be] an inf. n. having no verb. (TA. [But see عَرُبَ at the commencement of this art. and under أَعْرَبَ.]) And ↓ عَرَبِيَّةٌ is used [in the same sense] as denoting the quality of a horse such as is termed عَرَبِىٌّ. (TA.) عَرُوبَآءُ a name of The seventh heaven: (IAth, K, TA:) or, accord. to Sub, it is ↓ عِرْبِيَآءُ, corresponding to جِرْبِيَآءُ, which is a name of “ the seventh earth; ” (TA in this art.;) or these two words are with the article ال. (TA in art. جرب.) عُرُوبِيَّةٌ: see عُرُوبَةٌ.

عَرَّابٌ One who makes عَرَابَات (pl. of عَرَابَةٌ) i. e. bags to cover the udders of sheep or goats. (IAar, O, K.) عَرَبْرَبٌ i. q. سُمَّاقٌ [i. e. Sumach]. (O, TA.) قِدْرٌ عَرَبْرَبِيَّةٌ i. q. سُمَّاقِيَّةٌ [app. meaning A cooking-pot in which food prepared with sumach is cooked]. (O.) عَارِبٌ and عَارِبَةٌ: see عَرِبٌ. b2: العَرَبُ العَارِبَةُ: see العَرَبُ, in two places.

أَعْرَبُ More, or most, distinct or plain [&c.]. (TA.) الأَعْرُبُ is a pl. of العَرَبُ [q. v.]. (Msb.) b2: See also عِرَابٌ, in two places.

الأَعْرَابُ: see العَرَبُ, latter half.

أَعْرَابِىٌّ: see العَرَبُ, latter half.

مُعْرِبٌ: see عَرِيبٌ, in two places: b2: and see عِرَابٌ. b3: Also One who has horses of pure Arabian race: (S, O:) one who has with him a horse of such race: and one who possesses, or acquires, or seeks to acquire, horses, or camels, of such race. (TA.) اسْمٌ مُعَرَّبٌ [An arabicized noun;] a noun received by the Arabs from foreigners, indeterminate, [i. e. significant of a meaning, (as is said in the Mz, 19th نوع,)], such as إِبْرِيسَم [meaning “ silk ”], and, if possible, accorded to some one of the forms of Arabic words; otherwise, spoken by them as they received it; and sometimes they derived from it: but if they received it as a proper name, it is not termed مُعَرَّبٌ, but أَعْجَمِىٌّ, like إِبْرَاهِيمُ and إِسْحَاقُ. (Msb.) [مُعَرَّبٌ alone is also used in this sense, as a subst: and as such its pl. is مُعَرَّبَاتٌ: thus in the Mz, ubi suprà; and often in lexicons &c.]

العَرَبُ المُتَعَرِّبَةُ and see العَرَبُ, each in three places.

العَرَبُ المُسْتَعْرِبَةُ: see العَرَبُ, each in three places.



1 قَدَسَ فِى الأَرْضِ He went far away into the land, or country. (Bd, ii. 28.) A2: قَدُسَ, aor. ـُ (TK,) inf. n. قُدْسٌ and قُدُسٌ, (S, A, K,) said of a thing, (TK,) It was, or became, [holy, accord. to the most common usage, or] pure. (S, * A, * K, * TK.) [It may also be said of God, as meaning, emphatically, He is holy.]2 قدّسهُ, (A,) inf. n. تَقْدِيسٌ, (S, M, K,) [He hallowed, or sanctified, him or it: he consecrated him or it]. b2: He declared Him (namely God, M, A) to be far removed, or free, from every impurity or imperfection, or from everything derogatory from his glory; (M;) he declared Him to be far removed from evil; [i. e., to be holy;] and so قدّس لَهُ; from قَدَسَ فِى الأَرْضِ, explained above; (Bd, ii. 28;) the ل, in the latter case, being redundant. (Jel, ii. 28.) b3: He purified him or it; (S, M, K, Bd, ubi supra;) because he who purifies a thing removes it far from unclean things. (Bd.) Accord. to Zj, وَنُقَدِّسُ لَكَ, in the Kur, ii. 28, means, And we purify ourselves, and those who obey Thee, for, or towards, Thee. (TA.) b4: He blessed him. You say, لَا قَدَّسَهُ اللّٰهُ May God not bless him. (IAar, M.) b5: تَقْدِيسٌ also signifies The praying for a blessing. (M.) [You say, app., قَدَّسَ لَهُ, meaning, He prayed for a blessing for him.]

A2: Also قدّس He came [or went] to بَيْت المَقْدِس [i. e. Jerusalem]; like كَوَّفَ [he came or went to El-Koofeh] and بَصَّرَ [he came or went to El-Basrah]. (A.) 5 تقدّس [He, or it, was, or became, hallowed, or sanctified: he, or it, was, or became, consecrated]. b2: He (God, Msb) was far, or far removed, or free, [or clear,] from every impurity or imperfection, or from everything derogatory from his glory; [i. e., He was holy;] or He removed himself far from every impurity or imperfection, &c.: (Msb, TA:) he, or it, was, or became, purified; or he purified himself. (S, K.) قُدْسٌ and ↓ قُدُسٌ [Holiness, sanctity:] purity: (S, A, Msb, K:) [each] a subst. as well as an inf. n.: (S, A, K:) the former a contraction of the latter. (Msb.) b2: Hence, (S,) حَظِيرَةُ القُدْسِ, or ↓ القُدُسِ, [The Enclosure of Holiness or Purity;] i. e., Paradise. (S, A.) b3: [Hence, also,] رُوحُ

↓ القُدُسِ, (S, A, K,) and رُوحُ القُدْسِ, accord. to the reading of Ibn-Ketheer, (Bd, ii. 81,) [The Spirit of Holiness or Purity; properly applied to The Holy Spirit, The Third Person of the Trinity, in Christian theology; generally, but incorrectly, called by the Eastern Christians among the Arabs الرُّوحُ القُدُسُ: but accord. to the Muslims,] Jibreel [i. e. Gabriel, the Archangel]; (S, A, K; and Bd, ubi supra;) as also القُدْسُ and القُدُسُ: (K, TA:) or the Spirit of Jesus: or the Gospel: or the most great name of God, by which Jesus used to raise to life the dead: (Bd, ubi supra:) or God's protection and direction. (A.) You say, رُوحُ القُدُسِ مَعَكَ, and مُعِينُكَ, Gabriel, or God's protection and direction, be with thee, and be thine aider. (A.) b4: قُدْسٌ or ↓ قُدُسٌ also signifies Blessing. (M, TA.) b5: Also, القُدْسُ and ↓ القُدُسُ i. q. البَيْتُ المُقَدَّسُ, q. v. (K,) or بَيْتُ المَقْدِسِ. (A.) b6: And ↓ أَرْضُ القُدُسِ [or ارض القُدْسِ] i. q. الارض المُقَدَّسَةُ. (TA.) قَدَسٌ A [vessel of the kind called] سَطْل; (S, A, K;) of the dial. of the people of El-Hijáz; so called because one purifies himself in it, (S, TA,) and with it. (TA.) قُدُسٌ: see قُدْسٌ, throughout.

حَدِيثٌ قُدْسِيٌّ [A holy tradition or narration]: see art. حدث.

القُدُّوسُ (S, M, A, Msb, K) and القَدُّوسُ, (S, M, K,) applied to God, (S, M, A, &c.,) as also ↓ المُتَقَدِّسُ (M, A) and ↓ المُقَدَّسُ; (A;) [all of which are nearly syn.;] القدّوس signifies [The All-holy, All-pure, or All-perfect;] He who is far removed from every imperfection or impurity, or from everything derogatory from his glory; (M, Msb;) as also المتقدّس [but not in an intensive degree]; (M;) and المقدّس signifies the same as this last; (T, TA;) or from faults and defects: (TA:) or the Pure; (S, * K;) [or the Very Pure:] or the Blessed; (Ibn-El-Kelbee, K;) [or the Greatly Blessed:] Sb used to say قَدُّوسٌ and سَبُّوحٌ, with fet-h to the first letter of each: (S:) Th says, (S,) every noun of the measure فعُّول is with fet-h to the first letter, (S, K, *) like سَفُّودٌ and كَلُّوبٌ &c., (S,) except سُبُّوحٌ and قُدُّوسٌ (S) and ذُرُّوحٌ, (S, K, but not as from Th,) and in the K is added فُرُّوجٌ; (TA;) [see سُبُّوحٌ] for these are mostly with damm, though sometimes with fet-h: (S, K: *) Lh says, all agree in pronouncing سبّوح and قدّوس with damm, though fet-h is allowable; (M;) but Az denies this agreement: (TA:) and Lh adds, that all other words of the measure فعُّول are with fet-h. (M.) بَيْتُ المَقْدِسِ: see مُقَدَّسٌ.

مُقَدَّسٌ Hallowed, or sanctified: consecrated: purified:] blessed. (M.) b2: المُقَدَّسُ, applied to God: see القُدُّوسُ. b3: البَيْتُ المُقَدَّسُ, (K,) and بَيْتُ المُقَدَّسِ, (S, K,) and [more commonly] بَيْتُ

↓ المَقْدِسِ, (M, A, K,) which [i. e. المَقْدِس] is either formed from مُقَدَّسٌ by rejecting the augmentative letter, or is a subst. not formed from a verb, like as Sb says of المَنْكِبُ, (M,) [signifying The hallowed, or consecrated, or purified, or blessed, dwelling; or the dwelling of the hallowed, &c.; are appellations of Jerusalem;] also called ↓ القُدْسُ [which is the name generally given to it in the present day] and ↓ القُدُسُ; (A, K;) because one is purified therein from sins, or because of the blessing that is therein. (TA.) b4: الأَرْضُ المُقَدَّسَةُ The [hallowed, or consecrated, or] purified land; (S, Msb, K;) or the pure land; (Fr;) or the blessed land; (IAar;) is an appellation of Damascus and Palestine and part of the Jordan: (Fr:) or Syria: (M:) and ↓ أَرْضُ القُدُسِ [or ↓ أَرْضُ القُدْسِ] signifies the same. (TA.) مُقَدِّسٌ A Christian monk [or any Christian or a Jew] who comes [or goes or performs pilgrimage or has performed pilgrimage] to القُدْس or بَيْت المَقْدِس [i. e. Jerusalem]: (A:) or a Christian monk: (K:) or a [learned Jew or other, such as is called] حَبْر. (M, TA.) Imra-el-Keys says, describing dogs and a [wild] bull, فَأَدْرَكْنَهُ يَأْخُذْنَ بِالسَّاقِ وَالنَّسَا كَمَا شَبْرَقَ الوِلْدَانُ ثَوْبَ المُقَدِّسِ

And they (the dogs) overtook him, (namely, the bull,) seizing the shank and the sciatic vein, and tearing his skin, as the children of the Christians tear the garment of the monk that has come from بَيْت المَقْدِس, [or Jerusalem] for the purpose of obtaining a blessing from it: thus the verse is found in the handwriting of Aboo-Sahl; but in all the copies of the S, we find ثَوْبَ المُقَدَّسِى, with ى. (TA.) مَقْدِسِىٌّ and مُقَدَّسِىٌّ Of, or relating to, or belonging to, بَيْت المَقْدِس or بَيْت المُقَدَّس [i. e. Jerusalem]: a Jew. (S.) المُتَقَدِّسُ: see القُدُّوسُ.


قَادُوسٌ (pl. قَوَادِيسُ) An earthen or wooden pot of a water-wheel. (PU.)



1 ثَرَا القَوْمُ, (As, S, M, K,) aor. ـُ (As, S;) and ثَرِىَ; (T, TT;) inf. n. ثَرًا; (M;) The people, or company of men, became many, much, or great in number or quantity; and increased: (As, T, S, M, K:) and in like manner, المَالُ, (As, S, M, K,) i. e., the cattle, or other property, became many, much, or great in number or quantity. (As, S, M.) b2: ثَرِىَ, (T, M, K,) aor. ـَ inf. n. ثَرْىٌ [or ثَرًا?] and ثَرَآءٌ, (T, TA,) He (a man, T, K) was, or became, abundant in cattle, or other property; (T, M, K;) as also ↓ اثرى, (T, S, M, Mgh, K,) and أَفْرَى: (M:) or ↓ اثرى signifies he was, or became, in a state of competence or sufficiency, in no need, or rich; syn. استغنى: (Msb:) or it signifies more than استغنى: (T:) and ثَرِيتُ بِكَ, I became, or have become, abundant [in property] by means of thee: (T, S:) and ثَرِيتُ بِفُلَانٍ I became in no need of other men by means of such a one. (T, S, M.) A poet says, (S,) namely, ElKumeyt, praising the Benoo-Umeiyeh, لَكُمْ مَسْجِدَا اللّٰهِ المَزُورَانِ وَالحَصَى

وَأَقْتَرَا ↓ لَكُمْ قِبْصُهُ مِنْ بَيْنِ أَثْرَى

[Ye have the two visited mosques of Mekkeh and El-Medeeneh, and ye have the number of the pebbles of such as are between him who is wealthy and him who is poor]: he means, مِنْ بَيْنِ مَنْ

أَثْرَى وَمَنْ أَقْتَرَ; i.e., مِنْ بَيْنِ مُثْرٍ وَمُقْتِرٍ. (S.) b3: ثَرِيتُ بِكَ, (T,) or بِهِ, inf. n. ثَرًا, (M,) also signifies I rejoiced (T, M) in thee, (T,) or in him, or it: (M:) and ثَرِىَ بِذٰلِكَ, aor. ـَ He rejoiced in, or by reason of, that. (ISk, S.) A2: ثَرَوْنَاهُمْ We were, or became, more than they: (AA, S, M:) or more in cattle, or other property. (K.) b2: ثَرَا القَوْمَ He (God) made the people, or company of men, to be many, or numerous; multiplied them. (AA, T, S.) 4 أَثْرَوَ see 1, in three places.

A2: لَا يُثْرِينَا العَدُوُّ The enemy will not say much respecting us. (M, TA.) ثَرًا; dual ثَرَوَانِ: see ثَرًى, in art. ثرى.

ثَرٍ: see ثَرِىٌّ. b2: أَنَا ثَرٍ بِهِ I am in no need of other men by means of him; (T, S, M;) as also ↓ ثَرِىٌّ. (M.) A2: See also art. ثرى.

ثَرْوَةٌ Many, or a great number, (S, M, K,) of men; and of cattle, or other property: (M, K:) or much, or a great quantity, or property; (Mgh, Msb;) as also ↓ ثَرَآءٌ: (S, M, * Mgh:) and فَرْوَةٌ signifies the same as ثَرْوَةٌ; the ف being a substitute for the ث. (M.) One says, إِنَّهُ لَذُو ثَرْوَةٍ

↓ وَذُو ثَرَآءٍ, (ISk, S,) or وَثَرْوَةٍ ↓ إِنَّهُ لَذُو ثَرَآءٍ, (T,) Verily he possesses a number [of men] and much property. (ISk, T, S.) Accord. to IAar, one says ثَوْرَةٌ مِنْ رِجَالٍ and ثَرْوَةٌ, meaning A great number of men: but only ثَرْوَةٌ مِنْ مَالٍ. (TA.) b2: Also The night of the conjunction of the moon and الثُّرَيَّا [or the Pleiades]. (M, K.) ثَرْوَانُ, fem. ثَرْوَى: see ثَرِىٌّ.

ثَرَآءٌ: see ثَرْوَةٌ, in three places. b2: Also A state of competence or sufficiency; or richness. (Msb.) ثَرِىٌّ Many, or numerous; [applied to a company of men;] and so ثَرِيَّةٌ applied to spears (رِمَاحٌ): (TA:) also many, or much, cattle, or other property; (S, M, K, TA;) and so ↓ ثَرٍ. (T, TA.) b2: Also A man possessing many, or much, cattle, or other property; and so ↓ أَثْرَى; (M, K;) and ↓ مُثْرٍ: (T:) so too ↓ ثَرْوَانُ; (T, S, Mgh;) or abounding (M, K, TA) in cattle, or other property: (TA:) and [its fem.] ↓ ثَرْوَى, applied to a woman, (T, S, M, K,) likewise signifies possessing many, or much, cattle, or other property: (T, S, K:) the dim. of this last is ↓ ثُرَيَّا. (T, S, M, K.) b3: See also ثَرٍ.

A2: And see art. ثرى.

ثُرَيَّا: see ثَرِىٌّ. b2: الثُّرَيَّا [The Pleiades; the Third Mansion of the Moon: it is believed to be the most beneficial, in its influences on the weather, of all the Mansions of the Moon, on account of the period of its auroral setting, which, in central Arabia, about the commencement of the era of the Flight, began on the 12th of Nov., O. S.: (see مَنَازِلُ القَمَرِ, in art. نزل; and see also نَوْءٌ:) hence what is said of it in Job xxxviii. 31; and hence, as being the most excellent of all asterisms, it is called by the Arabs]

النَّجْمُ [the Asterism]: (S, K:) the former appellation is given to it because it comprises, in appearance, many stars in a small space; (M, K; *) for it is said that amid its conspicuous stars are many obscure stars; (IAth, TA;) the number altogether being said to be four and twenty, agreeably with an assertion of the Prophet: some say that it is so called because of the abundance [of the rain] of its نَوٌء [here meaning auroral setting]: (TA:) the word is thus applied only in the dim. form, which is used in this instance to denote magnification. (M, TA.) b3: [ثُرَيَّا also signifies (tropical:) A cluster of lamps, generally resting in holes in the bottom of a lantern: see an engraving in my “Modern Egyptians,” ch. vi.] The ثُرَيَّا of lamps is so called as being likened to the asterism above mentioned. (M.) أَثْرَى: see ثَرِىُّ: A2: and see also art. ثرى.

مُثْرٍ: see ثَرِىُّ: A2: and see also art. ثرى.

مُثْرَاةٌ A cause of multiplying, or rendering abundant; syn. مَكْثَرَةٌ: so in the saying, هٰذَا مَثْرَاةٌ لِلْمَالِ [This is a cause of multiplying, or rendering abundant, cattle, or other property]. (S, K.) أَنَا مَثْرِىُّ بِهِ I am rejoiced in him. (ISk, TA in art. ثرى.) A2: See also art. ثرى.



1 عَلَا, (Msb, K,) aor. ـْ (Msb,) inf. n. عُلُوٌّ; (Msb, K;) and عَلِىَ; and ↓ تعلّى [which last see also below]; (K;) It (a thing, Msb) was, or became, high, elevated, or lofty; (Msb, K; *) syn. اِرْتَفَعَ; (Msb;) and so ↓ تعالى: (S, K:) or you say, عَلَا فِى المَكَانِ [it was, or became, high, or elevated, in place], aor. ـْ inf. n. عُلُوٌّ: (S:) and عَلِىَ فِى الشَّرَفِ [(assumed tropical:) he was, or became, high, or elevated, or exalted, in dignity, or nobility], (S, Mgh,) with kesr, (S,) aor. ـْ inf. n. عَلَآءٌ; (S, Mgh;) and also عَلَا, with fet-h, aor. ـْ a poet says, لَمَّا عَلَا كَعْبُكَ لِى عَلِيتُ [(assumed tropical:) When thy nobility became exalted to me, I became exalted]; thus combining the two dial. vars.: (S:) or you say, عَلِىَ فِى المَكَارِمِ [(assumed tropical:) he was, or became, eminent in generous, or honourable, actions or qualities], inf. n. عَلَآءٌ [in some copies of the K عَلًا]; (Msb, K;) and عَلَا, inf. n. عُلُوٌّ; (K;) and thus the two verbs are used in the saying of the poet cited above: (TA:) and ↓ استعلى, said of a man, signifies the same as عَلَا. (S.) [Hence,] عَلَتِ الشَّمْسُ The sun became high; as also ↓ اِعْتَلَت: (Nawádir el-Aaráb, TA in art. دلك:) and [hence,] عَلَا النَّهَارُ The day became advanced, the sun being somewhat high; syn. اِرْتَفَعَ [q. v.]; as also ↓ اعتلى and ↓ استعلى. (K.) b2: عَلَا فِى المَكَانِ, inf. n. عُلُوٌّ, signifies [also] He ascended the place, or upon the place; syn. صَعِدَ: and عَلَوْتُ عَلَى الجَبَلِ and عَلَوْتُ أَعْلَاهُ are syn. [as meaning I ascended the mountain, or upon the mountain, or upon the top, or highest part, thereof]: and عَلَوْتُهُ and عَلَوْتُ فِيهِ signify I ascended it; syn. رَقِيتُ فِيهِ. (Msb.) عَلَاهُ (S, Msb, K, TA) and عَلَا بِهِ, (K, TA, [in the CK علّاه وبه is put for عَلَاهُ وَبِهِ,]) and ↓ استعلاهُ, (S, K, TA,) and ↓ اعتلاهُ, (S,) and ↓ اِعْلَوْلَاهُ, and ↓ اعلاهُ, and ↓ علّاه, (K, TA,) this last [for which the CK has عالاهُ] being with teshdeed, (TA,) and ↓ عالاهُ and بِهِ ↓ عالى, (K, TA, [in the CK عالَّاهُ وبه,]) are syn., (S, K,) signifying He ascended it, or upon it; (K; [in the CK صَعَّدَهُ, and so in my MS. copy of the K, but in other copies صَعِدَهُ, which is certainly the right reading;]) whether the object be a mountain or a beast: (TA:) [or] you say, عَلَا الدَّابَّةَ He mounted the beast; (K, TA;) and in like manner, anything: (TA:) and عَلَى السَّطْحَ, aor. ـْ (K, TA;) but in the M عَلِىَ السَّطْحَ, i. e., like رَضِىَ; (TA;) inf. n. عَلْىٌ (K, TA) and عِلْىٌ (TA, and so accord. to some copies of the K,) and عُلِىٌّ; (TA, and so accord. to other copies of the K instead of عِلْىٌ;) He ascended upon the flat house-top; syn. صَعِدَهُ. (K, TA.) b3: [عَلَاهُ signifies also He, or it, was, or became, upon it, or over it: and it came, or arose, upon it; overlay it; was, or became, superincumbent, or supernatant, upon it; or overspread it; as scum, and rust, &c. And It lay on him as a burden. Hence,] one says, مَا سَأَلْتُكَ مَا يَعْلُوكَ ظَهْرًا i. e. [(assumed tropical:) I did not ask, or demand, of thee, what would lie as a burden on thy back; or] what would be onerous, burdensome, oppressive, or troublesome, to thee. (TA.) b4: And [hence also] عَلَاهُ It over-topped it, rose above it, or exceeded it in height. (TA in art. دصر.) [And in like manner, ↓ استعلى

عَلَيْهِ It became elevated above it.] b5: And عَلَوْتُهُمْ بِالشَّرَفِ and بِالجَمَالِ [(assumed tropical:) I was, or became, superior to them in nobility and in goodliness]. (S in art. فرع.) b6: And عَلَاهُ [(assumed tropical:) He had, or gained, ascendency over him, or it; as also عَلَا عَلَيْهِ and عليه ↓ استعلى: and] (assumed tropical:) he overcame him; or had, or gained, the mastery over him; (S, Msb, TA;) and subdued him; (Msb;) namely, his opponent, or adversary; as also ↓ استعلاهُ: and in like manner, عَلَا حَاجَتَهُ and ↓ استعلاها (assumed tropical:) he gained the mastery over the object of his want: and ↓ اعتلى

الشَّىْءَ (assumed tropical:) he prevailed against the thing, or had power over it, and overcame it; and عَلَا لِلشَّىْءِ, aor. ـْ (assumed tropical:) he was, or became, able to do, or accomplish, or to bear, the thing. (TA.) عَلَا بِالأَمْرِ means اِضْطَلَعَ بِهِ وَاسْتَقَلَّ [i. e. (assumed tropical:) He had strength, or power, sufficient for the affair, and had absolute control over it]: (S: [so in one of my copies: the other has اِطَّلَعَ, which I find also in the PS and in my copy of the TA; and which is allowed by some, but disallowed by others, in the sense of اِضْطَلَعَ, as is shown voce مُضْطَلِعٌ:]) a poet says, فَاعْمِدْ لِمَا تَعْلُو فَمَا لَكَ بِالَّذِى

لَا تَسْتَطِيعُ مِنَ الأُمُورِ يَدَانِ [Then aim thou at that for which thou hast sufficient strength, or power, and over which thou hast absolute control: (بِهِ being understood after تعلو:) for what object hast thou in meddling with that which a pair of hands cannot accomplish, of affairs?]. (S.) [And hence, perhaps,] one says to him who possesses much property, اعل به i. e. ابق بعده [app. اُعْلُ بِهِ and اِبْقَ بَعْدَهُ, as though meaning (assumed tropical:) Have thou ability to consume it, and so survive thou it; like as one says to him who puts on a new garment, أَبْلِ (see 4 in art. بلو)]: or [perhaps a mistake for “ and ”] it is [virtually] a prayer for his continuance in life. (TA.) b7: عَلَوْتُ عَلَى فُلَانٍ الرِّيحَ means I was [or went] on the windward side of such a one: and one says, لَا تَعْلُ الرِّيحَ عَلَى الصَّيْدِ فَيَرَاحَ رِيحَكَ وَيَنْفِرَ [i. e. Go not thou on the windward side of the game, lest it scent thy odour, and take fright and flee]. (TA.) b8: عَلَوْتُهُ بِالسَّيْفِ means I smote him [with the sword; or, more properly, I set upon him therewith]. (S, TA.) And [in like manner] one says, عَلَاهُ بِالشَّتْمِ وَالضَّرْبِ [(assumed tropical:) He set upon him, or assailed him, or overcame him, with reviling and beating]. (S and M in art. ثول, &c.) b9: عَلَا فِى

الأَرْضِ, (S, TA,) inf. n. عُلُوٌّ, (S,) signifies (assumed tropical:) He exalted, or magnified, himself, [in the earth,] or behaved proudly, insolently, or exorbitantly. (S, * TA.) And [in like manner] لَا تَعْلُوا عَلَى اللّٰهِ, in the Kur xliv. 18, (assumed tropical:) Exalt not, or magnify not, yourselves against God; or behave not proudly, &c. (Bd, Jel.) b10: عَلَا عَنْهُ [lit. signifies It rose from it: and hence,] it recoiled from it, i. e., a thing from another thing; it did not cleave to it: and تَعْلُو عَنْهُ العَيْنُ means (assumed tropical:) The eye recoils from him. (TA.) b11: اُعْلُ عَنِّى: see 3. b12: عَلَا بِهِ as syn. with أَعْلَاهُ: see expl. with the latter below.2 علّاهُ: see 4. b2: [Hence,] one says, عَلَّيْتُ بِهِ عَلَى البَعِيرِ [I raised it, and put it, upon the camel]: (S:) [and so ↓ عَالَيْتُهُ; as in a verse cited voce رَائِحٌ, in art. روح; in which, and in the present art., it is cited in the S and TA: and ↓ عَالَبْتُ بِهِ; as in a verse cited voce إِلَى in the sense of مِنْ, in art. الو:] and عَلَىَّ ↓ عَالِ means اِحْمِلْ [i. e. Put thou upon me such a thing to be carried by me; or load thou me]. (S, K.) b3: And عَلَّيْتُ الحَبْلَ, inf. n. تَعْلِيَةٌ, I raised the cord to its proper place in respect of the channel of the sheave, and in respect of the [main] well-rope. (S.) b4: And علّى الدَّلْوَ, inf. n. as above, He raised the bucket from a stone projecting in the lower part of the casing of a well [and impeding its ascent]; he having descended the well for that purpose: [or simply he raised the filled bucket; for] some say that ↓ المُعَلِّىsignifies he who raises the filled bucket; i. e., who draws water thereby. (TA.) b5: And علّى المَتَاعَ عَنِ الدَّابَّةِ He put down the goods, or furniture and utensils, from the beast: [app. because he who does so lifts them off the beast:] (K, TA:) أَعْلَاهُ in this sense is disapproved. (TA.) b6: See also 1, former half. b7: And see Q. Q. 1.3 مُعَالَاةٌ signifies (assumed tropical:) The vying, competing, or contending for superiority, in highness, loftiness, elevation, or eminence. (KL.) You say, عَالَاهُ, meaning سَامَاهُ. (M in art. سمو. [See 3 in that art. in two places.]) b2: See 4, in two places. b3: عُولِىَ, said of clarified butter, and of the fat of anything having fatness, means It was wrought (صُنِعَ [app. over a fire]) until it rose in the operation. (TA.) b4: عَالَوْا نَعِيَّهُ (assumed tropical:) They manifested the announcement of his death: (K, TA:) [as though meaning they raised the report of his death:] one should not say أَعْلَوْهُ nor عَلَّوْهُ. (TA.) b5: See 2, in three places. b6: عَالَتِ البَيْقُورَ, occurring in a verse of Umeiyeh Ibn-Abi-s-Salt, is mentioned and explained in the S in this art. and in art. عول: see the latter art. [to which it seems more properly to belong]. b7: See 1, former half, in two places. b8: عَالِ عَنِّى Remove thou, or go thou away or aside, from me; as also عَنِّى ↓ أَعْلِ; (S, TA;) for which latter, أَعْلِ عَنِّجْ occurs in a trad. respecting the slaughter of Abu-Jahl; and عَنِّى ↓ اُعْلُ with the conjunctive ا is a dial. var. of أَعْلِ عَنِّى

with the disjunctive ا mentioned by Fr. (TA.) b9: [Hence,] one says, عَنَّا ↓ أَعْلِ and عَالِ [i. e. and عَالِ عَنَّا], meaning (assumed tropical:) Seek the object of thy want at the hands of other than us (عِنْدَ غَيْرِنَا), for we are not able to accomplish it. (TA.) b10: And عالى and ↓ اعلى signify He came to the 'Áliyeh of Nejd, i. e. the region above Nejd, extending to the land of Tihámeh and the part behind Mekkeh, (S, K,) i. e. [to] El-Hijáz and what is next to it. (S.) 4 اعلاهُ He (a man, Msb) elevated it (i. e. a thing, Msb); or made it high, or lofty; (Msb, K;) as also ↓ علّاهُ, (K,) with teshdeed, (TA,) and بِهِ ↓ عَلَا [without teshdeed]: (K:) it is [also] said of God, meaning (assumed tropical:) He elevated, or exalted, him; and ↓ عالاهُ is like it [in meaning]: (S:) and بِفُلَانٍ ↓ عَالَيْتُ signifies the same as أَعْلَيْتُهُ [(assumed tropical:) I elevated, or exalted, such a one; as also, app., (see 4 in art. ظهر,) أَعْلَيْتُ بِفُلَانٍ]. (Ham p. 175.) Hence one says, أَعْلَى اللّٰهُ كَعْبَهُ [(tropical:) God exalted, or may God exalt, his nobility]. (TA.) b2: See also 1, former half. b3: أَعْلِ الوِسَادَةَ means Sit thou upon the cushion. (TA.) b4: And أَعْلِ عَنِ الوِسَادَةِ Rise thou from the cushion; syn. قُمْ: (TA in art. دك:) or descend thou from it. (S * and TA in the present art.) And اعلى عَنِ الدَّابَّةِ He alighted from the beast. (K, TA.) b5: See also 3, latter half, in three places.5 تعلّى: see 1, first sentence. b2: Also (K) He, or it, was, or became, high, elevated, or lofty, gently, or leisurely. (S, K.) b3: And He came upon a party of men suddenly, or at unawares, without permission. (TA.) b4: تَعَلَّتْ مِنْ نِفَاسِهَا (assumed tropical:) She (a woman) became free, (S, Mgh, K,) and passed forth, (Mgh,) from her state of impurity consequent upon childbirth; (S, Mgh, K;) as also ↓ تَعَالَتْ; (Mgh; and TA in art. عل;) and so تَعَالَّتْ, as well as تَعَلَّلَتْ: (K and TA in that art.:) or مِنْ مَرَضِهَا from her disease: (K:) or you say of a woman, تعلّت من نفاسها meaning [as above or] she became pure from the effects of her childbirth: (TA:) and of a man you say, تعلّى مِنْ عِلَّتِهِ (S, TA) he recovered from his disease. (TA.) 6 تعالى: see 1, first sentence. b2: Addressing a man, (S, Msb,) using the imperative form, you say, تَعَالَ, (S, Msb, K,) with fet-h to the ل, (S, K,) originally meaning Be thou elevated, (S, Msb,) and said by a man in a high place in calling a man in a low place; (Msb;) then, by reason of frequency of usage, employed in the sense of هَلُمَّ [meaning Come thou], (S, Msb,) absolutely, whether the place of the person called be high or low or on the same level; so that it is originally applied to denote a particular meaning, and then used in a general meaning: (Msb:) and to a woman one says, تَعَالَىْ; (S, K;) and to two women, (S,) or two persons, (TA,) تَعَالَيَا; (S, TA;) and to a pl. number of men, تَعَالَوْا; (Msb, TA;) and to a pl. number of women, تَعَالَيْنَ; (S, Msb, TA;) and sometimes the ل is pronounced with damm in the pl. masc., and with kesr in the fem.; whence El-Hasan El-Basree read, [in the Kur iii. 57,] قُلْ يَا أَهْلَ الْكِتَابِ تَعَالُوا [Say thou, O people of the Scripture, come ye, the usual reading being تَعَالَوْا], for the sake of congeniality with the و: (Msb, TA:) it is not allowable to say تَعَالَيْتُ [as meaning I came], nor to use the prohibitive form; (S;) but one says, (thus accord. to several copies of the S,) or nor does one say, (thus accord. to one of my copies of the S, [and accord. to the TA, in which it is said that the verb is not used otherwise than in the imperative form,]) قَدْ تَعَالَيْتُ [as meaning I have come], and إِلَى أَىِّ شَىْءٍ أَتَعَالَى

[as meaning To what thing shall I come? like as one says, إِلَامَ أَهَلُمَّ]. (S.) b3: [تعالى signifies also (assumed tropical:) He was, or became, exalted, or extolled: and (assumed tropical:) he exalted himself: and in both of these senses it is often followed by عَنْ as syn. with عَلَى, denoting superiority: you say, تعالى فُلَانٌ عَنْ كَذَا, meaning (assumed tropical:) Such a one was, or became, exalted above such a thing; or simply, was, or became, above it, i. e. too elevated in character for it: and also, exalted himself above such a thing; or held himself above it.] Said of God, in the Kur xx. 113 [and in other instances therein], it means [(assumed tropical:) Exalted, or supremely exalted, is He] in his essence and his attributes, above the created beings. (Bd.) [But in common speech, it is generally used as an ejaculation of praise, meaning (assumed tropical:) Exalted or extolled, or supremely exalted or extolled, be He, or his greatness or majesty or glory, or his name; or acknowledged be his absolute supremacy. And the common expression (used in citing words of the Kur-án) قَالَ تَعَالَى means (assumed tropical:) He saith, or hath said, exalted or extolled, or supremely exalted or extolled, be He; &c.] b4: See also 5.8 إِعْتَلَوَ see 1, in two places as trans.: b2: and also in two places as intrans.

A2: [It may also be used for, or in the sense of, اِئتَلَى, as meaning He fell short in an affair: see its part. n.]10 إِسْتَعْلَوَ see 1, in seven places. [The inf. n. اِسْتِعْلَآءٌ, properly denotes Superiority that is perceptible by sense: and tropically, such as is ideal, or perceived by the intellect: see عَلَى, below.] b2: One says also, هٰذِهِ الكَلِمَةُ تَسْتَعْلِى لِسَانِى, meaning [(assumed tropical:) This word, or sentence,] is often current upon my tongue. (TA.) b3: And اِسْتَعْلَى عَلَى الغَايَةِ, said of a horse in the contending to outstrip in a race, means (assumed tropical:) He reached the goal. (TA.) 12 اِعْلَوْلَاهُ: see 1, former half. Q. Q. 1 عَلْوَنَ الكِتَابَ, (S, K,) inf. n. عَلْوَنَةٌ and عُلْوَانٌ, (K,) i. q. عَنْوَنَهُ [He put a superscription, or title, to the book, or writing; or he wrote the superscription, or title, thereof]; (S, K;) as also الكِتَابَ ↓ عَلَّى; (K;) which latter is the more agreeable with analogy. (TA.) [See also Q. Q. 1 in arts. عن and عنو.]

مِنْ عَلُ: see the next paragraph. It also signifies, simply, Above him or it; or in the higher, or highest, part of him or it: thus in a hemistich cited voce تَحْت. (Mughnee.) [In all cases,] عَلُ is determinate, and indecl., with damm for its invariable termination: (Mughnee, TA:) [for it is regarded as a prefixed noun of which the complement is to be understood as to the meaning but not as to the letter:] in the saying of Ows, كَغِرْقِئِ بَيْضٍ كَنَّهُ القَيْضُ مِنْ عَلُو [Like the thin pellicle of eggs, which the shell covers above], the و [in عَلُو] is augmentative, being added to render the rhyme unrestricted: (S, TA:) and in the instance of مِنْ عَلُهْ, likewise ending a verse, the ه is that of pausation: for if عَلُ were [really] a prefixed noun, it would not be thus indecl. (Mughnee, TA.) أَتَيْتُهُ مِنْ عَلِ, (S, * K,) whence the saying of Imra-el-Keys cited in the first paragraph of art. حط, (S, Mughnee, TA,) and ↓ مِنْ عَلُ, [respecting which see the next preceding paragraph,] and ↓ مِنْ عَلَا, (S, K,) of which a verse cited voce نَاشَ in art. نوش is an ex., (S, TA,) and ↓ مِنع عَالٍ, signify the same, (S, Mughnee, K,) i. e. مِنْ فَوْقٍ; (K;) [which, with أَتَيْتُهُ preceding it, means I came to him, or it, from above; and (assumed tropical:) I overcame, or subdued, him, or it; for] اتاه من فوق and من علو [app. ↓ من عَلْوٍ (see عَلْوٌ below,) tropically used,] means قَهَرَهُ; (Ham p. 128;) [but the former is here meant in many, if not in all, instances, as is shown by what follows;] and [in like manner] one says, ↓ أَتَيْتُهُ مِنْ مُعَالٍ; [whence] Dhu-r-Rummeh says, وَنَغَضَانُ الرّحْلِ مِنْ مُعَالِ [And the shaking of the camel's saddle in the upper part]. (S, TA.) عَلِ in مِنْ عَلِ is indeterminate [in itself] and decl. [as being a prefixed noun of which the complement is to be understood as to the meaning and as to the letter; thus differing from عَلُ in مِنْ عَلُ: if the complement were not to be understood either as to the letter or as to the meaning, one would say مِنْ عَلٍ, originally مِنْ عَلْوٍ]. (TA.) One says also أَتَيْتُهُ مِنْ عَلِ الدَّارِ, [thus in several copies of the S, from which one of my copies deviates by erroneously substituting عَلى for عَلِ,] with kesr to the ل, meaning مِنْ عَالِ [or rather مِنْ عَالِ الدَّارِ i. e. I came to him, or it, from the high, or elevated, part of the house or abode]: (S:) or the using عَل [thus] as a prefixed noun is a mistake. (Mughnee.) b2: And one says, اُزْجُرِ الفَزَّ عَلِ عَلِ and ↓ عَلَا عَلَا [Chide thou the young one of the wild cow, saying عَلِ عَلِ and عَلَا عَلَا]. (TA.) عَلَا [as a subst.]: see the next preceding paragraph, in two places.

A2: See also عَلَاةٌ.

عَلْوٌ: see عُلْوٌ in five places. b2: Also A high, or an elevated, state of the base, or foundation, of a building. (TA.) b3: And you say, أَخَذَهُ عَلْوًا, meaning (assumed tropical:) He took him, or it, by force. (K, TA.) See also the next but one of the preceding paragraphs.

عُلْوٌ and ↓ عِلْوٌ (S, Msb, K) and ↓ عَلْوٌ (K) signify The higher, or highest, part (S, Msb, K) of a house, or an abode, (S, Msb,) or of a thing; (K;) as also ↓ عِلْوَةٌ (K voce سُفْلٌ) and ↓ عُلَاوَةٌ and ↓ عَالِيَةٌ. (K in the present art.) You say, قَعَدْتُ عُلْوَهُ and ↓ عِلْوَهُ and فِى عُلْوِهِ and ↓ فى عِلْوِهِ [i. e. I sat in the higher, or highest, part of it]. (TA.) And Aashà-Báhileh says, إِنِّى أَتَنْنِى لِسَانٌ لَا أُسَرُّ بِهَا لَا عَجَبٌ مِنْهَا وَلَا سُخُرُ ↓مِنْ عَلْوَ (S,) or, as in one of my copies of the S, أَسُرُّ and سَخَرُ,) i. e. Verily information has come to me [by which I shall not be rejoiced (or by which I shall not rejoice others, accord. to the latter reading mentioned above,)] from the higher, or highest, parts of Nejd, (مِنْ أَعْلَى نَجْدٍ, thus in some copies of the S and in the TA, but in other copies of the S the word نَجْدٍ is omitted,) [at which there is no wondering, as at a thing that is improbable, nor any scoffing;] related [thus] with fet-h to the و and with damm thereto and with kesr thereto [i. e. عَلْوَ as above and also ↓ عَلْوُ and ↓ عَلْوِ]. (S, TA.) b2: One says also, هٰذَا شِعْرُ عُلْو [app. عُلْوٍ], meaning (assumed tropical:) This is poetry of a high class: or [the last word may be ↓ عَلْوَ or عَلْوُ or عَلْوِ, for it may mean], of the higher, or highest, part of Nejd. (TA.) عِلْوٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, in three places.

عَلْىٌ: see عَلْيَآءُ.

عِلْىٌ: see عَلِىٌّ.

عَلَى is a particle and a noun (Mbr, S, Mughnee, K) and a verb; (Mbr, S;) though some assert that it is only a noun, and ascribe this assertion to Sb: (Mughnee:) its alif, (Sb, S, Msb,) [which, when it has no affix, is written ى, and] which is originally و, (Sb, S,) [like that of إِلَى, q. v.,] is changed into [what is properly] ى when it has a pronominal affix, (Sb, S, Msb,) as in عَلَيْكَ, (Sb, S,) and عَلَيْهِ; (Msb;) but some of the Arabs [in this case] leave it unchanged, as in the saying of a rájiz, طَارُوا عَلَاهُنَّ فَطِرْ عَلَاهَا [They fled, or have fled, upon them, (referring to camels,) and flee thou upon her]; this, it is said, being of the dial. of Belhárith Ibn-Kaab. (Sb, S.) b2: As a particle, it has nine [or more than nine] meanings. (Mughnee.) As such, (Mughnee,) or, accord. to Sb, as a noun, (K,) it denotes الاِسْتِعْلَآء [i. e. superiority] (Msb, Es-Subkee, Mughnee, K, TA) properly thus termed, (Msb,) such as is perceptible by sense; (Es-Subkee, TA;) either with respect to what is signified by the noun governed by it, and this is generally the case, (Mughnee,) as in the saying [in the Kur xxiii. 22 and xl. 80], وَعَلَيْهَا وَعَلَى الْفُلْكِ تُحْمَلُونَ [And upon them (referring to camels) and upon the ship, or ships, ye are carried]; (Mughnee, K;) or with respect to what is near thereto, as in the saying [in the Kur xx. 10], أَوْ أَجِدُ عَلَى النَّارِ هُدًى [Or I shall find near upon the fire, i. e. at the fire, a right direction]: (Mughnee:) and using it to denote الاستعلآء properly thus termed, you say, كُنْتُ عَلَى السَّطْحِ [I was upon the flat house-top]: (Msb:) [in like manner also,] as denoting الاستعلآء that is perceptible by sense, it occurs in the saying [in the Kur lv. 26], كُلُّ مَنْ عَلَيْهَا فَانٍ [Every one that is upon it (referring to the earth) is transitory]: (Es-Subkee, TA:) and you say, عَلَى زَيْدٍ ثَوْبٌ [Upon Zeyd is, or was, a garment], عَلَى being here a particle; and عَلَا زَيْدًا ثَوْبٌ [A garment was upon Zeyd,] عَلَا being here a verb. (Mbr, S.) And it denotes الاستعلآء, likewise, tropically thus termed, (Msb, TA,) such as is ideal, or perceived by the intel-lect; (Msb, Es-Subkee, Mughnee, TA;) as in the saying زَيْدٌ عَلَيْهِ دَيْنٌ (tropical:) [Zeyd, a debt is lying upon him, or incumbent on him, i. e. he owes a debt, لِفُلَانٍ to such a one], that which is ideal being thus likened to that which is corporeal; (Msb;) and in the phrases عَلَيْنَا أَمْرٌ and عَلَيْنَا مَالٌ, meaning (tropical:) An affair, or a command, lies, or rests, upon us, or is incumbent on us, and so property, [as due from us, i. e.] the former as a duty and the latter as a debt, i. e. يَثْبُتُ, like as the thing lies, or rests, (يَثْبُتُ,) upon the place; the latter phrase importing responsibility: and ثَبَتَ عَلَيْهِ مَالٌ is also said to mean كَثُرَ [i. e. (assumed tropical:) property was, or became, much in quantity, or amount, upon him, app. as a burden imposing upon him responsibility]. (TA.) And it [likewise] denotes ideal استعلآء in the phrase لَهُمْ عَلَىَّ ذَنْبٌ (tropical:) [A crime, or an offence, committed upon (or here, as in many other instances, it may be rendered against) me is imputable to them]: (Mughnee:) and so in the saying [in the Kur ii. 254 and xvii. 22], فَضَّلْنَا بَعْضَهُمْ عَلَى بَعْضٍ (tropical:) [We have made some of them to have superiority over some]. (Es-Subkee, Mughnee, TA.) [See also أَنْتَ عَلَى عَيْنِى, and and أَنْتَ عَلَى رَأْسِى, voce عَيْنٌ, first quarter.] b3: It also denotes concomitance, like مَعَ; as in the saying [in the Kur ii. 172], وَآتَى المَالَ عَلَى حُبِّهِ [And giveth property with (or notwithstanding) the love of it]; (Mughnee, K;) and so it is said to be used in the phrase, in a trad. respecting the alms of the breaking of the fast [of Ramadán], عَلَى كُلِّ حُرٍّ وَعَبْدٍ صَاعٌ [With every free man and slave, a sáa], because the alms-gift of the breaking of the fast is not incumbent on the slave, but only on his master; (IAth, TA;) and so it is used in the [common] phrase, عَلَى أَنَّنِى رَاضٍ

[With (or notwithstanding) my being pleased, or well pleased, or content]. (Har p. 13.) b4: It also denotes transition, (Mughnee, K,) like عَنْ; (Mughnee;) as in the saying (of El-Koheyf El-'Okeylee, TA), إِذَا رَضِيَتْ عَلَىَّ بَنُو قُشَيْرٍ

لَعَمْرُ اللّٰهِ أَعْجَبَنِى رِضَاهَا [When the sons of Kusheyr shall be pleased, or well pleased, or content, with me, (or rather, if عَلَىَّ here denote transition, with what will proceed from me,) by the everlasting existence of God, their being pleased, &c., will induce in me admiration, or pleasure], (Mughnee, K, * TA,) i. e. عَنِّى; (Mughnee, TA;) or it may be that رَضِىَ is made to imply the meaning of عَطَفَ [which is trans. by means of عَلَى]; (Mughnee;) or, as Ks says, it is made to accord with its contr. سَخِطَ, (Mughnee, TA,) by its being made trans. by means of عَلَى: (TA:) and so in the saying, فِى لَيْلَةٍ لَا نَرَى بِهَا أَحَدًا يَحْكِى عَلَيْنَا إِلَّا كَوَاكِبَهَا [In a nigh in which we shall not see any one that shall report what will proceed from us, except its stars], i. e., عَنَّا; or it may be said that يَحْكِى is [here] made to imply the meaning of يَنُِمُّ. (Mughnee.) b5: It is also used to assign a cause, like ل; as in the saying [in the Kur ii. 181], وَلِتُكَبِّرُوا اللّٰهَ عَلَى مَا هَدَاكُمْ, (Mughnee, K,) meaning لِهِدَايَتِهِ

إِيَّاكُمْ [i. e. And that ye should magnify God for, or on account of, his rightly directing you]; (Mughnee;) [and in the same, vi. 90, &c., لَا

أَسْأَلُكُمْ عَلَيْهِ أَجْرًا i. e. I will not ask of you for it, or on account of it, a recompense;] and as in the saying of Rabee'ah Ibn Makroom Ed-Dabbee, فَدَعَوْا نَزَالِ فَكُنْتُ أَوَّلَ نَازِلٍ

وَعَلَامَ أَرْكَبُهُ إِذَا لَمْ أَنْزِلِ i. e. [And they called out, “Alight; ” and I was the first of any alighting:] and for what [or wherefore] do I ride him if I do not alight when called upon to do so? (Ham p. 29. [عَلَامَ is here, as usually, for عَلَى مَ.]) b6: It is also used in the sense of فِى [generally followed by a noun significant of time]; (S, Mughnee, K; *) as in the saying [in the Kur xxviii. 14], وَدَخَلَ الْمَدِينَةَ عَلَى حِينِ غَفْلَةٍ [And he entered the city in, or during, a time of inadvertence]; (Mughnee, K;) and in the saying [in the same ii. 96], وَاتَّبَعُوا مَا تَتْلُو الشَّيَاطِينُ عَلَى مُلْكِ سُلَيْمَانَ, meaning, فِى

زَمَنِ مُلكِ سليمان [i. e. And they followed what the devils related, or recited, in the time of, or during, the reign of Suleymán (or Solomon)]; (Mughnee;) and in the phrase, كَانَ كَذَا عَلَى

عَهْدِ فُلَانٍ, meaning, فِى عَهْدِهِ [i. e. It was thus, or such a thing was, in the time of such a one]: (S:) [and in like manner it is used in the saying in the Kur iii. 173, مَا كَانَ اللّٰهُ لِيَذَرَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ عَلَى مَا أَنْتُمْ عَلَيْهِ God is not purposing to leave, or certainly will not leave, the believers in that state wherein ye are: and in the phrase عَلَى سَفَرٍ, in ii. 180 &c. of the same, i. e. In (or, as we also say, on) a journey: in like manner also] لَقَدْ سَرَيْتُ عَلَى الظَّلَامِ, in a verse of Aboo-Kebeer El-Hudhalee, means, فِى الظَّلَامِ [i. e. I have journeyed by night in the darkness], فى الظلام holding the place of a noun in the accus. case as a ظَرْف [i. e. an adverbial noun of time or place]; or it may be in the place of a denotative of state, meaning وَأَنَا عَلَى الظَّلَامِ i. e. رَاكِبٌ لَهُ [riding upon the darkness]: (Ham p. 37:) and you say of one who was desiring to rise and hasten, رَأَيْتُهُ عَلَى أَوْفَاضٍ [i. e. I found him in a state of haste: see وَفْضٌ]. (TA.) b7: [It also denotes conformity, accordance, adaptation, or agreement; as in the phrase, اِضْرِبْهُ عَلَى طَبْعِ هٰذَا i. e. Make thou it, fashion it, or mould it, conformably, or according, to the model, make, fashion, or mould, of this; (see طَبْعٌ;) and in طُبِعَ عَلَى الشَّىْءِ and جُبِلَ and فُطِرَ &c. i. e. He (a man) was created conformably, or with an adaptation or a disposition, to the thing: (see 1 in art. طبع:) so too in the phrase in the Kur xxiv. last verse, قَدْ يَعْلَمُ مَا أَنْتُمْ عَلَيْهِ Certainly He knoweth that state of conduct and mind to which ye are conforming yourselves; and in many other passages therein: thus also in the saying of Mohammad, كُلُّ مَوْلُودٍ يُولَدُ عَلَى

الفِطْرةِ Every infant is born in a state of conformity to the natural constitution with which he is created in his mother's womb in relation to the soul; (see art. فطر;) and in the prov., mentioned by Meyd, النَّاسُ عَلَى دِينِ المُلُوكِ The people are in conformity to, i. e. are followers of, or follow, the religion of the kings; and in the phrase, relating to a saying or an opinion, عَلَيْهِ أَكْثَرُ العُلَمَآءِ Upon it most of the learned are in agreement; in which, as in other exs. of the same kind, a verb or a part. n., (in the last, for instance, مُجْمِعُونَ or the like,) is understood. b8: It also denotes a condition; as in the phrases, صَالَحَهُ عَلَى كَذَا He made peace, or reconciliation, or a compromise, with him on the condition of such a thing, and عَلَى أَنْ يَفْعَلَ كَذَا on the condition of his doing such a thing. b9: And there are various other usages of this prep. depending upon verbs or part. ns. expressed or obviously understood in connection with them, too numerous to be here collected. Many of these will be found among the explanations of words with which they occur.] b10: It is also used in the sense of مِنْ; as in the saying, إِذَا اكْتَالُوا عَلَى النَّاسِ يَسْتَوْفُونَ, (S, Mughnee, K,) in the Kur [lxxxiii. 2], meaning, مِنَ النَّاسِ [i. e. Who, when they take by measure from men, take fully], (S,) or, as in the T, عَنِ النَّاسِ [which signifies the same]. (TA.) b11: It is also used in the sense of بِ; (S, Mughnee, K;) as in the saying in the Kur [vii. 103], عَلَى أنْ لَا أَقُولَ عَلَى اللّٰهِ إِلَّا الْحَقَّ, (Mughnee, K, *) meaning بِأَنْ, (TA,) [i. e. That I should not say of God aught save the truth,] and Ubeí read with ب [i. e. بِأَنْ]; (Bd, Mughnee;) like as they say, رَمَيْتُ عَلَى القَوْسِ [meaning بِالقَوْسِ, i. e. I shot with the bow], and جِئْتُ عَلَى حَالٍ حَسَنَةٍ [meaning بِحَالٍ حَسَنَةٍ, i. e. I came in a good condition]; (Bd; [in which, and also voce حَقِيقٌ, last sentence, see more;]) and they said also, اِرْكَبْ عَلَى اسْمِ اللّٰهِ [meaning, بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ, i. e. Mount thou in the name of God]: (Mughnee:) thus [too] it is used in the saying of Aboo-Dhu-eyb, يَسَرٌ يُفِيضُ عَلَى القِدَاحِ وَيَصْدَعُ [expl. in art. فيض, conj. 4,] meaning بِالقِدَاحِ: (S:) [and in the phrase عَلَى يَدِهِ i. e. By his hand, or (assumed tropical:) by his means.] b12: It is also used to denote an emendation, (Mughnee, K,) and a digression, or transition, (Mughnee,) like لٰكِنَّ; (TA;) as in the saying, فُلَانٌ لَا يَدْخُلُ الجَنَّةَ لِسُوءِ صَنِيعِهِ, (Mughnee,) or فُلَانٌ جَهَنَّمِىٌّ, (K,) عَلَى أَنَّهُ لَا يّيْأَسُ مِنْ رَحْمةِ اللّٰهِ, (Mughnee, K,) meaning لٰكِنَّهُ [i. e. Such a one will not enter Paradise, because of the evilness of his deed, or conduct, or such a one is hell-doomed; but, or yet, he will not despair of the mercy of God]: (TA:) and thus it is used in the saying, بِكُلٍّ تَدَاوَيْنَا فَلَمْ يُشْفَ مَا بِنَا عَلَى أَنَّ قُرْبَ الدَّارِ خَيْرٌ مِنَ البُعْدِ عَلَى أَنَّ قُرْبَ الدَّارِ لَيْسَ بِنَافِعٍ

إِذَا كَانَ مَنْ تَهْوَاهُ لِيْسَ بِذِى وَدِّ [With everything we treated, or have treated, ourselves curatively, and what was in us was not, or has not been, healed; but the nearness of the abode is better than the remoteness; but the nearness of the abode is not profitable when the person whom thou lovest is not endued with affection]: the poet invalidates by the first عَلَى his saying فَلَمْ يُشْفَ مَا بِنَا; and then, by the second عَلَى, the clause immediately preceding it. (Mughnee.) b13: It is also redundant, for the purpose of compensation; as in the saying, إِنَّ الكَرِيمَ وَأَبِيكَ يَعْتَمِلْ

إِنْ لَمْ يَجِدْ يَوْمًــا عَلَى مَنْ يَتَّكِلْ meaning مَنْ يَتَّكِلُ عَلَيْهِ [i. e. Verily the generous, by thy father, will work for himself when he finds not, some day, him upon whom he may rely]; عَلَى being added before مَنْ for the purpose of compensation [for its omission in its proper place]: (Mughnee, K:) Es-Subkee says, it may be redundant, as in the saying, لَا أَحْلِفُ عَلَى يَمِينٍ, meaning لا احلف يَمِينًا [i. e. I will not swear an oath]. (TA.) A2: It is also a noun, having the meaning of فَوْق [i. e. The location that is above, or over], this being the case when it is immediately followed by مِنْ; (S, Msb, Mughnee, K; *) as in the saying (of Muzáhim-El-'Okeylee, describing a قَطَاة [or sand-grouse, and, afterwards, its making a rumbling sound in its inside, from thirst], TA), غَدَتْ مِنْ عَلَيْهِ بِعْدَ مَا تَمَّ ظِمْؤُهَا [It went away in the early morning from the location above it, (or, as we say, from above it,) after that her interval between two comings to water was complete]: (Msb, Mughnee, K: [and a similar ex. is cited in the S:]) or, accord. to As, meaning مِنْ عِنْدِهِ [from its vicinage]: and, used in this sense, as a noun, it admits before it no other prep. than مِنْ. (Msb.) A3: عَلَيْكَ is also a verbal noun, used as an incentive: (TA:) you say, عَلَيْكَ زَيْدًا, (S, K, TA,) and بِزَيْدٍ, (TA,) meaning Take thou Zeyd; or take thou hold of Zeyd: (S, TA:) or keep thou, or cleave thou, to Zeyd: (K, TA:) and عَلَيْكَ بِكَذَا keep thou to such a thing: (El-Munáwee, TA in art. ب:) [thus] it is said in a trad., عَلَيْكَ باِلرِّفْقِ [Keep thou to gentleness]. (El-Jámi' es-Sagheer.) b2: And [in like manner] you say, عَلَىَّ زَيْدًا, and بِزَيْدٍ, meaning Give thou me, or present thou to me, Zeyd: (S, TA:) [or, more commonly, bring thou to me Zeyd:] you say, عَلَىَّ بِكَذَا, meaning bring thou to me such a thing. (MA.) عُلًى: see عَلَآءٌ. b2: [It is also pl. of عُلْيَا, fem. of أَعْلَى, q. v.]

عَلَاةٌ The سِنْدَان [or anvil], (S, Mgh, K, TA,) whether of شجر [app. meaning of such as are made from trees, or perhaps this is a mistranscription for صَخْر, i. e. rock], or of iron; or the زُبْرَة [i. e. iron anvil] upon which the blacksmith beats iron: (TA:) pl. [or rather coll. gen. n.]

↓ عَلًا. (S.) b2: Hence it is applied to a she-camel, as being likened thereto in respect of her hardness: you say نَاقَةٌ عَلَاةُ الخَلْقِ (assumed tropical:) [A she-camel hard, or firm, in respect of make]: (S:) or عَلَاةٌ thus applied signifies tall, or overtopping; as also ↓ عِلْيَانٌ, and ↓ عِلِّيَانٌ: (K, TA:) or ↓ عِلْيَانٌ, (TA,) or ↓ عَلْيَانٌ, (S,) and ↓ عِلِّيَانٌ, (TA,) signify, thus applied, tall and bulky; (S, TA;) or, as some say, outstripping in pace or journeying; never seen otherwise than before the other camels. (TA.) b3: Also A stone [placed upon two other stones called حِمَارَانِ (q. v.)] upon which is put [to dry the preparation of curd called] أَقِط: (S, K, TA:) or, as some say, a piece of rock upon which is made a circle of أَخْثَآء [or lumps of dung such as is called خِثْى (q. v.)] and bricks, or crude bricks, (لَبِن,) and ashes, and in, or upon, which أَقَط is then cooked: pl. [or coll. gen. n.] as above. (TA.) b4: And A thing like the [milking-vessel called] عُلْبَة, around which [dung such as is called]

خِثْى is put, and which is used for milking therein. (K.) عِلْوَةٌ: see عُلْوٌ.

عِلْيَةٌ: see عَلِىٌّ [of which it is said to be pl.].

عَلْوَى, accord. to IAar, [and so in my MS. copy of the K,] but accord. to [other copies of] the K ↓ عَلْوَآءُ, (TA,) i. q: قِصَّةٌ عَالِيَةٌ [app. A story, or an affair, of a high quality]. (K, TA. [See also عَلْيَآءُ.]) عَلْوَآءُ: see what next precedes.

عَلْيَآءُ A high place; (IAth, K, TA;) a subst. in this sense, not [an epithet syn. with عُلْيَا] fem. of أَعْلَى; for if it were this, it would [by rule] be necessarily determinate; (IAth, TA;) [though] it is sometimes used as syn. with عُلْيَا, see أَعْلَى: (Msb:) any high, or overtopping, place: (S, Msb:) this is its primary meaning: (Msb:) and [in like manner] ↓ عَلَايَةٌ signifies any high, or lofty, place; as also ↓ عَلْىٌ. (K.) And Any high thing. (K.) The head of a mountain: (K, TA:) or the head of any high, or overtopping, mountain. (TA.) And العَلْيَآءُ signifies The sky: (K, TA:) a subst., not an epithet. (TA.) مَا زَالَ مِنْهَا بِعَلْيَآءَ means He ceased not to be ennobled, and elevated in rank, or dignity, in consequence of it; i. e., a deed that he had done. (As, TA in art. بعل.) b2: Also (tropical:) A high, or an eminent, deed. (K, TA.) عُلْوِىٌّ: see عَالِىٌّ.

عُلْوَانٌ of a book or writing, The عُنْوَان thereof; (S, Msb, K, * TA;) i. e. its superscription, or title; syn. سِمَةٌ. (TA.) [See arts. عن and عنو.]

عَلْيَانٌ: see the next paragraph: and see also عَلَاةٌ.

عِلْيَانٌ, with kesr, (K, TA,) thus accord. to Az and ISd, but accord. to J, [in the S,] ↓ عَلْيَانٌ, like عَطْشَانٌ [in measure] Tall and corpulent, applied to a man, (S, TA,) and likewise to a woman: (TA:) or bulky: and tall: (K:) or bulky and tall, applied to a man and to a camel; fem. with ة: or, applied to a camel, old and bulky. (TA.) See also عَلَاةٌ, in two places. b2: Also, عِلْيَانٌ, The male hyena: (K, TA:) or a tall hyena. (TA.) b3: And A high, or loud, voice, as also ↓ عِلِّيَانٌ. (K.) A2: And Household-goods, or furniture and utensils; syn. مَتَاعٌ. (TA, as from the K; and TK; but not in my MS. copy of the K, nor in the CK.) عَلَآءٌ inf. n. of عَلِىَ (S, Mgh, Msb) in the phrase عَلِىَ فِى الشَّرَفِ (S, Mgh) or فِى المَكَارِمِ: (Msb:) and [used as a simple subst.] it signifies High, or elevated, rank or station; or eminence, or nobility; (K;) as also ↓ عُلًى, and ↓ مَعْلَاةٌ; (S;) or this last signifies the acquisition of high, or elevated, rank or station, or of eminence, or nobility; (K;) [or, agreeably with analogy, a cause, or means, of acquiring high, or elevated, rank &c.; being originally مَعْلَوَةٌ, of the measure مَفْعَلَةٌ, like مَبْخَلَةٌ and مَجْبَنَةٌ &c.;] and its pl. is مَعَالٍ, (S, Msb,) whence مَعَالِى الأُمُورِ i. e. مكتسب الشرف [a strange explanation of a pl. by a sing., app. meaning (the affairs, or actions, that are) the cause, or means, of acquiring high, or elevated, rank &c.]. (Msb.) b2: أَبُو العَلَآءِ [is a name for The kind of sweet food called] الفَالُوذَجُ [and الفَالُوذُ, q. v.]. (Har pp. 228.) عَلُوٌّ, like عَدُوٌّ [in measure], an epithet used in the phrase رَجُلٌ عَلُوٌّ لِلرِّجَالِ [app. meaning A man wont to exalt himself to other men]. (TA.) عُلُوٌّ: [see 1, of which it is an inf. n., and] see عِلِىٌّ.

عَلِىٌّ High, elevated, or lofty; (S, K;) applied to a thing; (K;) [and] so ↓ عَالٍ: (Msb:) so, too, the former, [and more commonly so,] in respect of rank, condition, or state; eminent, or noble: and ↓ عِلْيَةٌ is a pl. thereof in the latter sense; like as صِبْيَةٌ is of صَبِىٌّ; [or, as some hold a word of this form and class to be, a quasi-pl. n.;] as in the saying, فُلَانٌ مِنْ عِلْيَةِ النَّاسِ [Such a one is of the high in rank, &c., of men]; (S;) or عِلْيَةٌ, as also ↓ عِلْىٌ, [which latter is of a form proper to quasi-pl. ns. by common consent,] signifies the great in respect of estimation, rank, or dignity, of men, thus used in a pl. sense. (K.) b2: It signifies also Strong, robust, or powerful: (K, TA:) and hence it is used as a proper name of a man; (K, * TA;) and it may be also from the meaning of highness of rank &c., eminence, or nobility. (TA.) b3: العَلِىُّ as a name of God signifies [The High: or the Most High, like ↓ الأَعْلَى; i. e.] He above whom is nothing. (TA.) b4: عَلِيُّونَ [is also a pl. of عَلِىٌّ, and] signifies Persons alighting, or abiding, in the high parts of a country; in this sense opposed to سُفْلِيُّونَ: b5: and it signifies also Persons having opulence, and eminence, or nobility; in this sense likewise opposed to سُفْلِيُّونَ. (TA.) b6: عَلِيَّةٌ applied to a she-camel means Having strength to bear her burden; as also ↓ مُعْتَلِيَةٌ and ↓ مُسْتَعْلِيَةٌ: and you say نَاقَةٌ حَلِيَّةٌ عَلِيَّةٌ, the former epithet meaning pleasing in appearance and pace, and عالية [an evident mistranscription for عَلِيَّةٌ] meaning excelling. (TA.) b7: And one says, فُلَانٌ هَيىْءٌ عَلِىٌّ, meaning [Such a one is a person of goodly form or aspect or the like,] one who acts effeminately to women. (TA.) عِلِىٌّ i. q. ↓ عُلُوٌّ [an inf. n. of 1, q. v.]. (K, TA.) Hence the reading of Ibn-Mes'ood [in the Kur xxvii. 14], ظُلْمًا وَعِلِيًّا [By reason of wrongfulness and self-exaltation]. (TA.) عُلَاوَةٌ: see عُلْوٌ. b2: عُلَاوَةُ الرِّيحِ means The windward side; the side, or quarter, from which the wind blows; with respect to the game, or object of the chase; (S, TA;) and with respect to a man: (TA:) opposed to سُفَالَتُهَا. (S, Msb, * TA.) [See 1, last quarter.]

عِلَاوَةٌ Anything that one has raised and put, (S,) or a thing that one has hung, upon a camel, after the loading him (S, Mgh, Msb) completely, such as the water-skin and the سَفُّود [q. v.], (S,) or such as the [small leathern water-bag called] إِدَاوَة and the سُفْرَة [q. v.]: (Mgh, Msb:) or a thing that is put between the two equiponderant burdens, (K, TA,) after the binding of them upon the camel or other animal: (TA:) pl. عَلَاوَى, (S,) or عِلَاوَاتٌ. (Msb.) b2: Also A superaddition of anything; as meaning something added. (K, TA.) One says, أَعْطَاهُ أَلْفَ دِينَارٍ وَدِينَار عِلَاوَة [as though the phrase were, وَدِينَارَ عِلَاوَة, but the right reading is app. وَدِينَارًا عِلَاوَةً, i. e. He gave him a thousand deenárs, and a deenár as a superaddition, or over and above]. (TA.) b3: And (assumed tropical:) The upper, or uppermost, part of the head, or of the neck: (K:) or the head of a human being as long as it remains upon the neck: one says, ضَرَبَ عِلَاوَتَهُ i. e. رَأْسَهُ (assumed tropical:) [He smote his head, app. meaning he beheaded him]: (S:) or ضَرَبَ عِلَاوَةَ رَأْسِهِ, which is tropical: (Mgh:) and سَبَتَ عِلَاوَتَهُ (assumed tropical:) he smote his neck [so as to decapitate him]: (S and M in art. سبت:) and سُبِتَتْ عِلَاوَتُهُ (tropical:) His head was cut off; a tropical phrase. (A in that art.) عَلَايَةٌ: see عَلْيَآءُ.

عِلِّيَانٌ: see عَلَاةٌ, in two places: b2: and عِلْيَانٌ.

عِلِّىٌّ: see عِلِّيُّونَ.

عُلِّيَّةٌ, (S, Msb, K,) with damm, (Msb, K,) the ل, which is meksoorah, being with teshdeed, as is also the ى, (TA,) of the measure فُعِّيلَةٌ, like مُرِّيقَةٌ [n. un. of مُرِّيقٌ], (S,) originally عُلِّيوَةٌ, (S, Msb,) from عَلَوْتُ; (S;) and عِلِّيَّةٌ, with kesr, (S, Msb, K,) of the measure فِعِّيلَةٌ; or, as some say, from a reduplicate root, and of the measure فُعْلِيَّةٌ; adding that there is no instance of فُعِّيلَةٌ in the language; (S;) [therefore it is also mentioned in art. عل;] An upper chamber; or a chamber in the upper, or uppermost, story; syn. غُرْفَةٌ: (S, Msb, K:) pl. عَلَالِىُّ. (S, Msb, K.) b2: And عِلِّيَّةٌ, it is said, may signify also The board upon which is placed the مِعْيَار [or assay-balance]. (Har p. 550.) b3: See also the next paragraph.

عِلِّيُّونَ, [said to be] a pl. of which the sing. is ↓ عِلِّىٌّ, (K and TA in this art. and in art. عل,) or ↓ عِلِّيَّةٌ or عُلِّيَّةٌ, or a pl. having no sing., (K and TA in art. عل,) [or rather it is from a Hebr. word, as I have stated in art. عل,] A place in the Seventh Heaven, to which ascend the souls of the believers: (K, TA:) or the highest of the places: or a certain thing above another thing; [a word] of which the sing. is not known, nor the fem.: or loftiness above loftiness: or the Seventh Heaven [altogether]: or the دِيوَان [or register, or place of reckoning,] of the guardian angels, to which are brought up the reports of the deeds of the righteous: (TA:) or Paradise: or the right leg [or pillar] of the عَرْش [which is vulgarly held to mean the throne of God]: or [the lote-tree called] سِدْرَةُ المُنْتَهَى [respecting which see art. سدر]. (Har p. 5.) [See also other explanations in art. عل.]

عَالٍ: see عَلِىٌّ. b2: [Hence,] رَجُلٌ عَالِى الكَعْبِ (assumed tropical:) A man who is elevated, exalted, eminent, or noble. (K. [See also كَعْبٌ.]) It is said in a trad. respecting Keyleh, لَا يَزَالُ كَعْبُكِ عَالَيًا, meaning May thou not cease to be elevated, or noble; exalted above such as treats, or regards, thee with enmity. (TA.) b3: مِنْ عَالٍ signifies the same as مِنْ عَلِ, q. v. (S, K.) b4: عَالِيَةُ الدَّمِ, said of the حَائِض, means One whose blood rises above the water. (TA.) b5: [عَالٍ applied to a word, or form of word, signifies (assumed tropical:) Of high authority, approved, or chaste: and hence, usual, or common: see أَعْلَى.]

A2: See also عَائِلٌ, in art. عول.

عَالِيَةٌ [a subst. from عَالٍ, rendered such by the affix ة]: see عُلْوٌ. b2: Also [particularly] The upper portion of the spear-shaft; (K, TA;) سَافِلَةٌ signifying the “ lower portion ” thereof: (TA:) or the head (رأس) thereof: or the half that is next to the iron head: (K, TA:) or the part, of the spear, that is below the iron head: (Er-Rághib, TA:) or the portion, of the spear, that enters the iron head, extending to the third part thereof [i. e. of the shaft; so that it signifies the uppermost of the three equal portions of the shaft]: (S, TA:) pl. عَوَالٍ, which some explain as meaning the iron heads of spears. (TA. [See an ex. of the pl. in a verse cited voce زُجٌّ.]) Also A straight spear-shaft. (TA.) b3: And The [upper] part, of a valley, whence the water thereof descends. (TA.) b4: العَالِيَةُ, also, is The region above Nejd, extending to the land of Tihámeh, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) and to the part behind Mekkeh, (S, K,) i. e. [to] El-Hijáz and what is next to it: (S:) and it is said that the عَالِيَة of El-Hijáz is the higher and more elevated part thereof, forming a wide extent of country. (TA.) And [its pl.] العَوَالِى, (K, TA,) as also العَالِيَةُ, (TA,) is applied to Certain towns, or villages, in the exterior of El-Medeeneh, (K, TA,) the nearest four miles distant from it, and the most distant, in the direction of Nejd, eight. (TA.) عَالِىٌّ Of, or relating to, the region called العَالِيَة; (S, K;) and so ↓ عُلْوِىٌّ, (S, Msb, K,) with damm, (Msb, K,) which is anomalous. (S, Msb, K.) أَعْلَى Higher, and highest; contr. of أَسْفَلُ: (M and Msb and K in art. سفل:) the fem. is عُلْيَا; (TA;) which is like دُنْيَا and قُصْيَا, with و changed into ى; (ISd, TA voce بُقْوَى;) and of which the pl. is عُلًى, like as كُبَرٌ is of كُبْرَى. (Msb, TA.) See عَلِىٌّ. b2: One says شَفَةٌ عُلْيَا and ↓ عَلْيَآءُ, but the former is the more usual, meaning An upper lip. (IAmb, Msb, TA.) b3: عُلْيَا مُضَرَ means The higher [app. in respect of territory (see a note in p. xi. of the preface to this work)] of Mudar; (K, TA;) said to denote Kureysh and Keys; the rest being called سُفْلَى مُضَرَ. (TA.) b4: And one says, جَآءَ مِنْ أَعْلَى وَأرْوَحَ, meaning It came from the sky and the place whence the wind blows. (TA.) b5: أَعْلَى applied to a word, or form of word, means (assumed tropical:) [Of higher authority, more approved, or more chaste; and also, hence, as frequency of usage is a necessary condition of فَصَاحَةٌ, q. v.,] more usual or common. (M and TA in art. قر.) b6: One says also, هُمْ بِهِمْ أَعْلَى

عَيْنًا i. e. (assumed tropical:) They are most knowing respecting them, and most acquainted with their state, or condition. (TA.) b7: And هُوَ أَعْلَى بِكُمْ عَيْنًا i. e. (assumed tropical:) He is in the highest degree a magnifier, or honourer, of you; ye being greatly esteemed by him. (TA.) b8: اليَدُ العُلْيَا (assumed tropical:) The abstinent, or chaste, hand: or the expending, or disbursing, hand. (TA.) A2: أَعْلَى

formed by transposition from أَعُوَلُ: see the latter, in art. عول.

مَعْلَاةٌ: see عَلَآءٌ.

المُعَلَّى The seventh of the arrows of the game called المَيْسِر; (As, A'Obeyd, S, M, Mgh, K;) the most excellent of them; it has seven notches; and it obtains seven shares [of the slaughtered camel] when it wins, and occasions the imposition of seven fines when it does not win. (M, TA.) [See an ex. in a verse cited voce رَقِيبٌ.]

المُعَلِّى: see 2. b2: Also He who comes to the milch beast [meaning the she-camel, when she is to be milked,] from the direction of her left side: (S, K:) or the she-camel has two milkers; one of them holds the milking-vessel on the right side, and the other milks on the left side; and the milker [thus standing on the left side] is called المُعْلِّى and ↓ المُسْتَعْلِى; and the holder, البَائِنُ: thus in the M: or ↓ المُسْتَعْلِى is he who stands on the left side of the milch beast: or he who takes the milking-vessel with his left hand and milks with his right hand: or he who milks from the left side. (TA.) أَرْضٌ مُعْلَوْلِيَةٌ: see مُغْلَوْلِيَةٌ, in art. غلو.

أَتَيْتُهُ مِنْ مُعَالٍ: see أَتَيْتُهُ مِنْ عَلِ.

مُعْتَلٍ (assumed tropical:) Having ability, or power; as also ↓ مُسْتَعْلٍ. (TA.) b2: [Hence,] المُعْتَلِى signifies (assumed tropical:) The lion; (K, TA;) because of his strength. (TA.) b3: See also عَلِىٌّ, last quarter.

A2: هُوَ غَيْرُ مُعْتَلٍ فِى الأَمْرِ means He is not one who falls short, or falls short of doing what is requisite, or who is remiss, in the affair; like غَيْرُ مُؤْتَلٍ. (TA.) المُتَعَالِى, as a name of God, He who is great, or supremely great, above the lie [or lying imputation] of the forgers of falsehood: or the High: and the Most high; who is higher than every [other] high one: (TA:) or He who has ascendency over everything by his power: or He who is great, and exalted, or supremely exalted, above [the ascription of] the attributes of the created beings. (Ksh, Bd.) مُسْتَعْلًى The near, i. e. left, side of a she-camel: you say, أَتَيْتُ النَّاقَةَ مِنع قِبَلِ مُسْتَعْلَاهَا i. e. مِنْ قِبَلِ إِنْسِيِّهَا [I came to the she-camel from the direction of her near, or left, side]. (TA.) مُسْتَعْلٍ: see مُعْتَلٍ; and عَلِىٌّ, last quarter: b2: and see also المُعَلِّى, in two places. b3: اليَدُ المُسْتَعْلِيَةُ means (assumed tropical:) The hand of him who takes by force, and of the plunderer, and the like: opposed to اليَدُ المُسْتَخْفِيَةُ: the Sunneh ordains that the latter shall be cut off [except in certain cases] but not the former. (TA in art. خقى.) b4: الحُرُوفُ المُسْتَعْلِيَةُ [The high, or elevated, letters] are خ, ص, ض, ط, ظ, غ, and ق; (K, TA;) in which is a rising [of the tongue] to the palate; with إِطْبَاق [of the tongue (see 4 in art. طبق)] except in خ and غ and ق: opposed to المُنْخَفِضَةُ. (TA.)



1 عَسَبَ النَّاقَةَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. عَسْبٌ, He (the stallion) covered, or compressed, the she-camel. (Mgh, Msb, TA.) [See also عَسْبٌ below.] b2: And one says, الكَلْبُ يَعْسِبُ The dog chases the bitches with the desire of coupling. (TA.) b3: and عَسَبَهُ فَحْلَهُ, aor. and inf. n. as above, He let him his stallion to cover for hire. (S.) [See also 4.]

b4: And عَسَبَ, aor. and inf. n. as above, He gave hire for a stallion's covering. (A, * K.) You say, عَسَبْتُ الرَّجُلَ, inf. n. as above, I gave the man hire for a stallion's covering. (Msb.) 4 اعسبهُ جَمَلَهُ He lent him his he-camel [app. for covering]. (Lh, TA.) [See also 1.]

A2: اعسب said of a wolf, He ran, and fled. (O, K.) 10 استعسبهُ جَمَلَهُ He asked, or demanded, or desired, of him, the loan of his he-camel [app. for covering]. (TA.) b2: استعسبت She (a mare) desired the stallion. (S.) And استعسب He (a dog) became excited by lust: you say, فُلَانٌ يَسْتَعْسِبُ اسْتِعْسَابَ الكَلْبِ Such a one becomes excited by lust like as does the dog. (TA.) A2: And استعسبت نَفْسِى مِنْهُ My soul disliked, or hated, him, or it. (O, K. *) عَسْبٌ A stallion's covering, or compressing: (S, A, Mgh, O, K:) [in this sense an inf. n.: (see 1:)] also used, metaphorically, as relating to a man: (TA:) or (so in the A and K; but in the S, “and, it is said,” ) his sperma; (S, A, K, TA;) that of a horse or of a camel; in which sense it has no verb: (TA:) or his progeny: and offspring; syn. وَلَدٌ; (A, O, K;) [app. of human beings; for it is added by SM that,] in this sense, it is, accord. to some, tropical. (TA.) One says, قَطَعَ اللّٰهُ عَسْبَهُ, (A, TA,) meaning [God cut short, or may God cut short,] his progeny, (A,) or his sperma and his progeny. (TA.) And Kutheiyir says, describing mares that had cast abortively their offspring, يُغَادِرْنَ عَسْبَ الوَالِقِىِّ وَنَاصِحٍ

تَخُصُّ بِهِ أُمُّ الطَّرِيقِ عِيَالَهَا [They leave behind them the offspring of ElWálikee and Násih: the hyena appropriates them to her dependants for maintenance]: (O, TA:) الوالقىّ and ناصح were two horses; (O;) two stallions; and امّ الطريق is the hyena. (TA.) b2: Also The hire of covering, for كِرَآءُ عَسْبٍ; (Mgh, Msb, TA;) the hire that is taken for a stallion's covering: (S, O, TA:) so in a trad. in which it is said that عَسْبُ الفَحْلِ is forbidden. (S, Mgh, O, Msb, TA.) رَأْسٌ عَسِبٌ A head that has remained long without being combed and anointed. (O, * K, * TA.) عَسْبَةٌ: see عَسِيبٌ, last sentence.

عَسُوبٌ: see يَعْسُوبٌ.

عَسِيبٌ A palm-branch from which the leaves have been removed: (T, Msb, TA:) or a straight and slender palm-branch from which the leaves have been stripped off: and one upon which leaves have not grown: (K:) or the part, of a palmbranch, a little above the كَرَب [or lower, thick, and broad, portions,] upon which no leaves have grown; that [or those parts] upon which leaves have grown being termed سَعَفٌ: (S, O:) pl. [of mult.] عُسُبٌ, (O, Msb, TA,) with two dammehs, (TA,) and عُسْبَانٌ (Msb, TA) and عِسْبَانٌ and عُسُوبٌ and [of pauc.] أَعْسِبَةٌ. (TA.) It is said of the Prophet, in a trad., قُبِضَ وَالقُرْآنُ فِى العُسُبِ وَالقُضُمِ وَالكَرَانِيفِ [He was taken, i. e. he died, while the Kur-án was written only upon leafless palm-branches, and skins, or white skins, and stumps of palm-branches]. (O, TA.*) b2: Also The bone of the tail; and so ↓ عَسِيبَةٌ: (K:) or the slender part thereof: (TA:) or the part where grows the hair thereof, (K, TA,) i. e. of the tail: (TA:) or عَسِيبُ الذَّنَبِ signifies the part, of the skin and bone of the tail, where the hair grows. (S, O, TA.) b3: And The outer [here meaning upper] part of the human foot: and likewise [i. e. the shorter side, or app., accord. to some, the shaft (see ظَهْرٌ as used in relation to a feather),] of a feather, lengthwise. (K.) b4: And A cleft, or fissure, in a mountain; as also ↓ عَسْبَةٌ. (K.) عَسِيبَةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

يَعْسُوبٌ The king of the bees: (S, O, K: *) the male bee. (A, O, * K.) b2: And hence, (S, O,) (tropical:) The lord, or chief, of his people: (S, A, O:) or a great chief; as also ↓ عَسُوبٌ; (K;) or this signifies [simply] a lord, or chief, like يَعْسُوبٌ: (O:) pl. يَعَاسِيبُ. (TA.) It is said in a trad. of 'Alee, When such and such things shall happen (mentioning factions, or seditions), ضَرَبَ يَعْسُوبُ الدِّينِ بِذَنَبِهِ; (A, O, TA;) in which, accord. to As, يعسوب الدين means the chief of men in respect of religion at that time; (TA;) or it means the leader of the religion: (T and TA in art. ضرب:) and it is said that ضرب بذنبه here means shall quit the faction, or sedition, and its party, with his partisans in religion; by ذنبه being meant his followers; and by ضرب, shall go away through the land, journeying, or warring in the cause of the religion: or , as Z says, ضرب بذنبه means (tropical:) shall remain, and be firm, together with his religious followers; and accord. to Aboo-Sa'eed, the same is said of the locust, when it lays its eggs, thrusting its tail into the ground; and the meaning here is, (assumed tropical:) shall remain firm until the people shall return to him, and the religion become manifest, and spread abroad. (TA. [See also ضَرَبَ and ذَنَبٌ.]) b3: Also (tropical:) Gold; so called because it is that by means of which an affair is managed, or ordered: and [in a larger sense] a thing to which one has recourse for protection or the like; as in a saying of 'Alee, in which wealth is termed the يعسوب of the unbelievers or of the hypocrites. (TA.) b4: And A certain flying thing, smaller than the locust; (As, A'Obeyd, K;) or larger; (K;) and having a long tail: (TA:) or a certain flying thing, longer than the locust, that does not contract its wings when it alights; to which a horse is likened for the slenderness of its body: (S, O:) or a kind of moth, or the like, (فَرَاشَةٌ,) of a greenish colour, that flies in the [season called] رَبِيع. (IAth, TA.) [Golius explains it as “ Insectum oblongum, quaternis pennis volucre, mordella Gazæ, seu orsodacna Aristot. ” ] b5: And A species of حَجَل [or partridge]. (O, K, TA.) b6: And A blaze, or white mark, on a horse's face, (K, TA,) of a long shape, terminating before it extends as far as the upper parts of the nostrils; or extending upwards along the bone of the nose, wide and straight, until it reaches the lower part of the even portion of the forehead, whether it be little or much, if it do not reach as far as the eyes: (TA:) or a white line, or stripe, of the blaze, extending downwards until it touches the fore part of the nose and mouth. (En-Nadr, A'Obeyd, Az, O.) b7: And (accord. to Lth, O) A دَائِرَة [or what we term a feather] in the part of the flank of a horse where the rider strikes it with his foot: (O, K, TA:) but Az says that this is a mistake, and that the correct meaning is that given above on the authority of A'Obeyd. (TA.) b8: The ى in يَعْسُوبٌ is augmentative; because there is no Arabic word of the measure فَعْلُولٌ except صَعْفُوقٌ. (S, O.)



1 لَامَ, inf. n. لَوْمٌ, He blamed, censured, or reprehended, syn. عَذَلَ, (S, M, Msb, K,) a person, (S, Msb,) عَلَى كَذَا [for such a thing]. (S.) 4 أَلَامَ He did a thing for which he should be blamed. (S in art. جنف, and L and TA in art. ريب.) 5 تَلَوَّمَ i. q. تَكَلَّفَ اللَّوْمَ. (Ham, p. 356.) لَائِمَةٌ A thing for which the doer is blamed. (TA.)



1 مَرَجَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. مَرْجٌ, He (a beast of carriage) fed in a pasture. (Msb.) b2: مَرَجَ, (aor.

مَرُجَ, S,) inf. n. مَرْجٌ, He sent a beast of carriage to pasture: (S, K:) or left it [app. to pasture wheresoever it would]: (KT:) he pastured it; (TA;) and so ↓ أَمْرَجَ: (KT, K:) or the latter signifies he left it to go wheresoever it would [app. to pasture]. (TA.) A2: مَرَجَ, inf. n. مَرْجٌ, (tropical:) He mixed [a thing with another thing, or two things together]. (K.) b2: مَرَجَ البَحْرَيْنِ, [Kur., xxv., 55; and lv., 19,] (tropical:) He hath mixed the two seas, (Zj, K,) so that they meet together, the sweet and the salt, yet so that the salt does not overpass its bounds and mix itself with the sweet: (Zj:) or He hath sent them forth so that they afterwards meet together: but this is only said by the people of Tihámeh: (Fr:) or, as also ↓ أَمْرَجَ, (this latter form is used by some, Akh, S, and is the form used by the grammarians, TA,) He hath let them flow freely, yet so that one does not become mixed with the other: (S, K:) He hath made them flow. (IAar, with reference to the former verb.) b3: مَرَجَ, aor. ـُ (assumed tropical:) He marred, or spoiled, his affair. (TA.) b4: مرِجَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. مَرَجٌ, (tropical:) It (e. g. a deposit, S, and a covenant, and religion, TA) became corrupt; impaired; spoiled; marred; or disordered. (S, K.) b5: مَرِجَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. مَرَجٌ; (S, K;) and مَرَجَ; but the former is the more approved; (TA;) It (a ring, on the finger, S, and an arrow, TA) became unsteady; (S, K,) like جَرِجَ. (S.) b6: مَرِجَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. مَرَجٌ, (tropical:) It (religion, and an affair, S, and a covenant, TA) became in a confused and disturbed state, (S, K, TA,) so that one found it difficult to extricate himself from perplexity therein. (TA.) It (a covenant), was in a confused state, and little observed. (TA.) b7: مَرِجَ النَّاسُ The people became confused. (TA.) 4 أَمْرَجَ see 1, in two places. b2: امرجت She (a camel) ejected her embryo, (S, K,) or the seed of the stallion, (M,) in a state consisting of, (K,) or after its becoming, (S, M,) what is termed غِرْس [or matter resembling mucus] and blood. (S, M, K.) b3: امرج (tropical:) He violated a covenant, (K,) and religion. (TA.) مَرْجٌ A pasture, pasturage, pasture-land, or meadow; a place in which beasts pasture; (S, K, Msb, TA;) an ample tract of land abounding with herbage, into which beasts are sent to pasture: (T:) also a wide, open tract of land: (TA:) pl. مُرُوجٌ. (Msb.) هَرْجٌ وَمَرْجٌ; the latter being written thus, with the ر quiescent, only to assimilate it to the former; (S, K;) and signifying (tropical:) Confusion, and disturbance, in an affair or the like: (S, K:) or intricate disorder, discord, trouble, or the like. (L.) مَرَجٌ A camel, and camels, (or a beast, or beasts, TA,) pasturing without a pastor. (K.) مَرْجَانٌ, a coll. gen. n.; n. un. with ة; (L;) Small pearls: (AHeyth, T, S, K:) or the like thereof: or large pearls: (El-Wáhidee:) or coral, بُسَّذٌ, which is a red gem: or red beads; which is the meaning assigned to the word by Ibn-Mes'ood, and is agreeable with the common acceptation thereof; or, accord. to Et-Tarasoosee (or, as in the TA, Et-Turtooshee, and so correctly accord. to MF) certain red roots that grow up in the sea, like the fingers of the hand: [vulgarly pronounced مُرْجَان:] the ن is said to be an augmentative letter, because there is no Arabic word of the measure فَعْلَالٌ, except such as are reduplicative, like خَلْخَالٌ: but Az says, I know not whether it be a triliteral-radical word or a quadriliteral: (Msb:) IKtt asserts it to be of the measure فَعْلَالٌ. (TA.) b2: Also A leguminous plant that grows in the season called الرَّبِيع, (K,) rising to the height of a cubit, with red twigs, and broad round leaves, very dense, juicy, satisfying thirst, and having the property of making the milk of animals that feed upon it to become abundant: (TA:) n. un. with ة. (K.) أَمْرٌ مَرِيجٌ, (S, K,) and ↓ مَارِجٌ, (TA,) (tropical:) A confused affair, or case: (Zj., S, K:) or error: so the former signifies in the Kur, l., 5. (TA.) سَرَّاجٌ مَرَّاجٌ: see سَرَّاجٌ.

مَارِجٌ (tropical:) Mixture, syn. خَلْطٌ: (L:) [as though one of the few inf. ns. of the measure فَاعِلٌ, like قَائِمٌ: but it is said in the L to be a subst., like كَاهِلٌ and غَارِبٌ, and evidently signifies a mixture, or that which is mixed; syn. خِلْطٌ]. b2: مَارِجٌ مِنْ نَارٍ, as occurring in the Kur., [lv., 14,] (tropical:) A mixture (خِلْطٌ, L) of fire: (A'Obeyd:) or flame mixed with the black substance of fire: or flame of fire: (TA:) or fire without smoke, (S, K,) whereof was created El-Jánn, (S,) i. e., Iblees, the father of the Jinn, or Genii, (Bd, Jel,) or the Jinn collectively: (Bd:) or fire دون الحجاب, [app. meaning below the veil, or that which conceals the lowest heaven, and the angels, from the jinn, or genii, who when they attempt to overhear the conversation of the angels, are smitten by the angels pursuing them with thunderbolts,] of which the thunderbolts consists. (Fr.) b3: See مَرِيجٌ.

مِمْرَاجٌ: see مُمْرِجٌ. b2: Also, A man who mars, or spoils, his affairs, (K, TA,) and does not execute them soundly. (TA.) مُمْرِجٌ A she-camel ejecting her embryo, or the seed of the stallion, in a state consisting of, or after its becoming, what is termed غِرْس [or matter resembling mucus] and blood. (TA.) A camel that usually does so is termed ↓ مِمْرَاجٌ. (K.)



1 مَلَكَهُ He possessed it, or owned it, [and particularly] with ability to have it to himself exclusively: (M, K:) [and he exercised, or had, authority over it; for] مُلْكٌ signifies the exercise of authority to command and to forbid in respect of the generality of a people [&c.]: (Er-Rághib, TA:) or the having possession and command or authority: and the having power to exercise command or authority. (TA.) مِلْكٌ, as inf. n. of مَلَكَهُ meaning He possessed it, is more common than مَلْكٌ and مُلْكٌ. b2: [مَلَكَ أَمْرَهُ He had the ruling, or ordering, of his affair, or case] and مَلَكَ عَلَى النَّاسِ أَمْرَهُمْ He had the dominion, or sovereignty, or ruling power, over the people. (Msb.) A2: See 4.2 مَلَّكَهُ He made him to possess a thing; (S, K;) as also ↓ أَمْلَكَهُ. (K.) b2: He made him king; or made him to have dominion, kingship, or rule. (Msb, K.) b3: يُمَلَّكَ الرَّجُلُ أَمْرَهُ [The man shall be made to have the ruling, or ordering, of his affair, or affairs, or case]. (Sh, T in art. دين.) 3 مَالكَ أُمَّهُ : see شَدَنَ.4 مَلَكَ ↓ العَجِينَ and أَمْلَكَهُ He kneaded well the dough. (S, K.) A2: See 2.5 تَمَلَّكَ He took possession of a thing [absolutely or] by force. (Msb.) 6 مَا تَمَالَكَ أَنْ فَعَلَ He could not restrain himself from doing; (Mgh, Msb;) syn. مَا تَمَاسَكَ [q. v.] (S.) مِلْكٌ : its pl. أَمْلاَكٌ, in common conventional language means [or rather includes] Houses and lands. (TA.) See its pl. pl. أَمْلاَكَاتٌ.

مُلْكٌ Dominion; sovereignty; kingship; rule; mastership; ownership; possession; right of possession; authority; sway. b2: مُلْكُ اللّٰهِ God's world of spirits; or invisible world. (TA, art. شهد.) b3: [مُلْكٌ (when distinguished from ملكوت) The dominion that is apparent; as that of the earth.]

مَلَكٌ An angel: see مَأْلَكٌ. b2: مَلَكٌ Water. (S.) مَلِكُ الأَمْلاَكِ The king of kings. See أَخْنَعُ.

مَلاَكُ الأَمْرِ and ↓ مِلاَكُهُ That whereby the thing &c. subsists: (S, KL:) its قَوَام [q. v.] by whom, or by which, it is ruled, or ordered: (K:) its foundation; syn. أَصْلُهُ: (KL:) its support; that upon which it rests: (T, TA:) it may be rendered the cause, or means, of the subsistence of the thing; &c.

مِلَاكٌ see مَلاَكٌ.

مَالِكٌ : see رَبٌّ. b2: مَالِكُ الأَمْرِ The possessor of command, or rule. b3: المَالِكُ الكَبِيرُ The Great Master, or Owner; i. e., God; in contradistinction to المَالِكُ الصَّغِيرُ the little master, or owner; i. e., the human owner of a slave, &c. b4: مَالِكٌ الحَزِينُ: (so in one copy of the S: in another, and the MA, and Kzw, مَالِكُ الحَزِينِ:) [The heron: or a species thereof] in Pers\. بوتيمار; (MA;) a certain bird, long in the neck and legs, called in Pers\.

بوتيمار. (Kzw:) see سَبَيْطَرٌ b5: أَبُو مَالِكٍ Hunger. (MF, art. جبر.) See also أَبٌ.

أَمْلَاكَاتٌ pl. of أَمْلاَكٌ pl. of مِلْكٌ Goods, or chattels, of a bride: see أَغْنَآءٌ in art. غنى.

مَلَكَةٌ [A faculty.] A quality firmly rooted in the mind. (KT.) مَلَكُوتُ اللّٰهِ God's world of corporeal beings. (TA, art. شهد.) Generally The kingdom of God.

مِلِيك is also syn. with مَمْلُوكٌ; this is meant in the TA where it is said that مُلَكَآءُ in the saying لَبَا مُلُوكٌ وَلَيْسَ لَبَا مُلَكَآءُ [We have kings of bees, but we have not slaves] is pl. of المَلِيكُ from المَمْلُوكُ: it is also said in art. رغو in the TA, (see 4 in that art.) that مَلِيكَةٌ is syn. with مَمْلُوكَةٌ.

أَمْلَكُ : see شَرْطٌ. and also أَمْلَأُ, and أَرَبٌ. b2: مَا أَمْلِكُ شَدًّا وَلاَ إِرْخَآءً: see شَدَّ.

مَمْلَكَةٌ A kingdom, or realm. (S.) مَمْلُوكٌ A slave; a bondman; syn. عَبْدٌ, (S,) or رَقِيقٌ. (TA.) In the present day, specially, A white male slave. (TA.) See مَرْبُوبٌ.



1 غَالَتْ وَلَدَهَا, inf. n. غَيْلٌ [q. v.]: see 4.

A2: غَالَ فُلَانًا كَذَا Such a thing brought evil to such a one. (TA.) 4 أَغَالَ and أَغْيَلَ, (Mgh,) or أَغَالَ وَلَدَهُ (S, Msb) and أَغْيَلَهُ, (Msb,) He compressed the mother of his child while she was suckling it. (S, Mgh, * Msb.) b2: And أَغَالَتْ and أَغْيَلَتْ, (Mgh,) or أَغَالَتْ وَلَدَهَا and أَغْيَلَتْهُ, (S, Msb, K,) She gave her child to drink what is termed غَيْل, (S, K, TA,) i. e. the milk of her who was compressed, or the milk of her who was pregnant: (TA:) or [accord. to common usage] she suckled her child while she was pregnant: (Mgh, Msb:) and وَلَدَهَا ↓ غَالَتْ, aor. ـِ inf. n. غَيْلٌ, signifies [the same, or] she suckled her child while she was being compressed, or while she was pregnant. (TK.) [See also 10.]

A2: أَغْيَلَتْ said of sheep or goats, (O, K,) and of cows, (O, TA,) They brought forth twice in the year. (O, K, TA.) A3: See also the next paragraph.5 تغيّل الشَّجَرُ The trees became tangled, or abundant and dense, (As, S, K,) in their branches, having leafy coverings or shades; as also ↓ أَغْيَلَ and ↓ اِسْتَغْيَلَ: (K:) or all signify the trees became large, and tangled, or abundant and dense. (TA.) b2: And تغيّلوا They became many: (O, K:) and (so in the O, but in the K “ or ”) their cattle, or possessions, became many. (O, K.) A2: تغيّل He entered the غِيل [i. e. thicket, or covert]. (O.) And تغيّل الشَّجَرَ He (a lion) entered among the trees, and took them as a غِيل [or covert. (TA.) 8 اغتالهُ He did evil to him without his knowing whence it came so that he might prepare himself. (TA.) It is said in a trad., أَعُوذُ بِكَ أَنْ

أُغْتَالَ مِنْ تَحْتِى i. e. [I seek protection by Thee from] my being the object of an event's befalling me whence I shall not know; meaning thereby the sinking [into the ground] and being swallowed up. (TA.) الاِغْتِيَالُ and الغِيلَةُ are syn. in a sense expl. below. (S, O, K.) See the latter word below: and see also 8 in art. غول. One says, اُغْتِيلَ, meaning He was deceived, and taken to a place, and [there] slain. (TA.) A2: اغتال said of a boy, He became thick and fat. (S, K.) 10 اِسْتَغْيَلَتْ, said of a woman, a verb of which the subst. is غِيلَةٌ [q. v.]: (K:) [accord. to the context in the K, in which the meaning is not clearly indicated, it seems to signify She suckled her child while being compressed, or while pregnant; like أَغَالَتْ for أَغَالَتْ وَلَدَهَا; and this I believe to be the right meaning: or] it signifies she was compressed while suckling a child, or while pregnant. (TK.) A2: See also 5, first sentence.

غَيْلٌ: see غِيلَةٌ, first sentence, in two places. b2: As some say, (Msb,) it signifies The milk with which a woman suckles while she is being compressed, (S, Msb, K, TA,) or while she is pregnant: (S, K, TA:) you say, سَقَتْهُ غَيْلًا, (Msb,) or الغَيْلَ, (K, TA,) i. e. She gave him to drink such milk. (TA.) A2: Also Water running upon the surface of the earth; (S, Mgh, O, Msb, K;) thus correctly, with fet-h; but ↓ غِيلٌ, with kesr, is a dial. var. thereof, mentioned by ISd: (TA:) both are said to signify water running amid trees: (Ham p. 555:) IB says that the former signifies thus; and that its pl. is غُيُولٌ: and it is also said to signify water running in rivers or rivulets, and in streamlets for irrigation: (TA:) and by some, to signify water running amid stones, in the interior of a valley. (Ham ubi suprà.) It is said in a trad., that in the case of that [produce] which is irrigated by the water thus termed (مَا سُقِىَ بَالغَيْلِ, S, Mgh, O, Msb, TA, or غَيْلًا, Mgh) there shall be [given for the poor-rate] the tenth; (S, Mgh, O, Msb, TA;) and in the case of that which is irrigated by the bucket, half of the tenth. (S, TA.) [See also an ex. voce صُبَابَةٌ.] b2: And Any valley in which are flowing springs: (K:) or a place in a collection of tangled, or abundant and dense, trees, in which is water running upon the surface of the earth: (Lth, TA:) and any place in which is water, (K, TA,) such as a valley and the like: (TA:) and ↓ غِيلٌ, with kesr, signifies any valley in which is water; and the pl. of this is أَغْيَالٌ [a pl. of pauc.] and غُيُولٌ. (K.) b3: See also غِيلٌ.

A3: Also A plump, full, سَاعِد [or fore arm]; (S, O, K;) and so ↓ مُغْتَالٌ: (K:) the latter said by Fr to be applied to a wrist as meaning full because from الغَوْلُ; but this saying is not valid, as غَيْلٌ is found in the same sense. (IJ, TA.) [See an ex. of the former in a verse cited voce طَفْلٌ.] And A fat, big, boy; as also ↓ مُغْتَالٌ: (K:) fem. of the former غَيْلَةٌ; (TA;) which is applied to a woman as meaning fat; (S, K;) or a fat, big, woman. (AO, TA.) b2: See also غَيِّلٌ, in two places.

A4: Also The ornamental, or figured, or variegated, border (syn. عَلَم) in a garment: (AA, K:) pl. أَغْيَالٌ. (AA, TA.) b2: And A line that one makes, or marks, upon a thing. (K.) غِيلٌ A thicket; or trees in a tangled, confused, or dense, state: (As, S, O:) or an abundance of such trees, (K, TA,) not thorn-trees, amid which one may conceal himself: (TA:) and ↓ غَيْلٌ signifies the same: (K:) and the former, a collection of reeds or canes, and of [the kind of high, coarse, grass called] حَلْفَآء: (K:) and i. q. أَجَمَةٌ [i. e. a collection, or an abundant collection, of tangled, confused, or dense, trees, or of reeds or canes]: (S, O, K) [and in like manner ↓ غَيْلَةٌ, occurring in the Deewán of the Hudhalees, is expl. by Freytag, as signifying “ saltus: ”] and the place [meaning covert] of the lion: it may not have the termination ة: the pl. is غُيُولٌ; (S, O;) and غَيَايِيلُ is said to be an anomalous pl. of غِيلٌ. (O and TA in art. عيل, voce عَيَّالٌ, q. v.) b2: See also غَيْلٌ, in two places.

غَيْلَةٌ: see غِيلَةٌ. b2: Also A single act of اِغْتِيَال [q. v. voce غِيلَةٌ]. (TA.) A2: See also غِيلٌ.

A3: It is also fem. of the epithet غَيْلٌ [q. v.]. (TA.) غِيلَةٌ and ↓ غَيْلٌ signify the same; (Mgh, O, Msb); i. e. The compressing one's wife while she is suckling: (Mgh, Msb:) thus expl. by AO as stated by A'Obeyd: (Mgh:) and thus the former signifies accord. to El-'Alkamee; and so says Málik: or, accord. to El-Munáwee, it signifies the compressing one's wife while she is suckling or pregnant: or, accord. to ISk, a woman's suckling while pregnant: (from a marginal note in a copy of the Jámi' es-Sagheer of Es-Suyootee, in explanation of a trad. mentioned in what here follows, commencing with the words لَقَدْ هَمَمْتُ:) and ↓ غَيْلٌ has this last signification (Mgh, TA) accord. to Ks: (Mgh:) غِيلَةٌ is the subst. from اِسْتَغْيَلَتْ: (K:) and IAth says that ↓ غَيْلَةٌ is a dial. var. thereof; or, as some say, this denotes a single act [of what is termed غِيلَة]; or the pronunciation with fet-h is not allowable unless with the elision of the ة. (TA.) One says, أَضَرَّتِ الغِيلَةُ بِوَلَدِ فُلَانٍ, meaning His mother's being compressed while she was suckling him [injured the child of such a one], and likewise his mother's being pregnant while she was suckling him. (S, O.) [But] in a trad. is related the saying, (of the Prophet, O) “ Verily I had intended to forbid الغِيلَة (S, Mgh, * O, Msb, K) until I remembered that the Persians and the Greeks practise it and it does not injure their children. ” (Mgh, O, Msb.) [See also 4 in art. فسد.] b2: Also The act of deceiving, or beguiling: (K:) and i. q. ↓ اِغْتِيَالٌ: (S, O, K: [see 8, and غِيلَةٌ, as expl. in art. غول:]) accord. to Aboo-Bekr, in the language of the Arabs it signifies the causing evil, or slaughter, to come to another from an unknown quarter. (TA.) One says, قَتَلَهُ غِيلَةً, meaning He deceived, or, beguiled, him, and went with him, or took him, to a place, and slew him (S, O, K) when he reached it: (S, O:) or he slew him at unawares. (Abu-l- 'Abbás, TA.) A2: Also The شَقْشِقَة [or faucial bag of the he-camel]. (IAar, K.) أُمُّ غَيْلَانَ [in Pers\. مُغَيْلَان] A species of the [trees called] غِضَاه; (Mgh, Msb;) the [species of lote-] trees called سِدْر; (S, O, K, TA;) the fruit of which is said to be sweeter than honey: the saying, of some, that it is with kesr to the غ, and that it is thus called because the غِيلان [pl. of غُولٌ] are often found before it, is rejected and false: (TA:) Lth and ISh say that it is the same as the طَلْح [q. v.]. (TA in art. طلح.) غَيُولٌ, as stated by IJ, on the authority of Aboo-'Amr Esh-Sheybánee, who had it from his grandfather, is sing. of غُيُلٌ, (TA,) which is an epithet applied to oxen, or bulls and cows, (AO, IJ, O, K, TA, [نَفَرٌ in the CK being a mistake for بَقَرٌ,]) and to camels, (K,) signifying Numerous: and also [in the K “ or ”] fat. (AO, IJ, O, K.) b2: And, applied to anything, Alone; solitary: pl. غُيُلٌ. (AA, TA.) غَيِّلٌ, like سَيِّدٌ, (O, TA,) in the K ↓ غَيْلٌ, but this latter is said by ISd to be of weak authority, (TA,) applied to a garment, Wide, or ample. (O, K, TA.) And so غَيِّلَةٌ applied to a land: (O, TA: [mentioned also in art. غول:]) or, as some say, غَيِّلٌ, thus applied, (O, TA,) but accord. to the context in the K ↓ غَيْلٌ, (TA,) signifies Such as one judges to be of little extent, though it is far extending: (O, K, * TA:) and ذَاتُ غَوْلٍ, so applied, has been mentioned in art. غول as having this meaning. (TA.) And غَيِّلَةٌ applied to a woman signifies Tall: (O, TA:) and so does ذَاتُ غَوْلٍ. (TA in art. غول.) الغَيَّالُ The lion: (K) or the lion that is in the غِيل [or covert]. (O.) غَائِلٌ Much, or abundant, dust or earth. (TA.) غَائِلَةٌ Rancour, malevolence, malice, or spite, that is covert, or concealed. (K.) And Evil, or mischief; as also ↓ مَغَالَةٌ: (S, K:) thus in the saying فُلَانٌ قَلِيلُ الغَائِلَةِ and ↓ المَغَالَةِ [Such a one is a person of little evil or mischief]. (S.) b2: See also the same word in art. غول.

أَغْيَلُ Full; big, or large. (TA.) مُغَالٌ (Mgh, K) and ↓ مُغْيَلٌ (S, Mgh, K) A child given to drink what is termed غَيْل: (S, * K: [See 4:]) or suckled while its mother is pregnant. (Mgh.) مُغْيَلٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

مُغِيلٌ (S, Mgh, Msb, K) and مُغْيِلٌ (Mgh, Msb, K) A woman giving her child to drink what is termed غَيْل: (S, K: [see 4:]) or suckling it while she is pregnant. (Mgh, Msb.) مَغَالَةٌ: see غَائِلَةٌ, in two places.

مُغَيِّلٌ [in the CK مُغَيَّل] and ↓ مُتَغِيِّلٌ Continuing, or remaining fixed, or stationary, in the غِيل [meaning thicket, or covert, in the CK غَيْل]: and entering therein. (K, TA.) مِغْيَالٌ A tree (شَجَرَةٌ) having tangled, or abundant and dense, branches, with leafy coverings or shades. (K.) مُغْتَالٌ: see غَيْلٌ, latter half, in two places.

مُتَغَيِّلٌ: see مُغَيِّلٌ.



1 غَارَ, (As, Fr, IAar, S, Msb, &c.,) aor. ـُ (S, &c.,) inf. n. غَوْرٌ (S, K) and غُؤُورٌ; (K;) and ↓ اغار, (Fr, Msb,) inf. n. إِغَارَةٌ; (K;) but IAth says that this form of the verb is of rare occurrence, (TA,) and As disallows it; (S, Msb, TA;) and ↓ غوّر, inf. n. تَغْوِيرٌ; (S, K;) and ↓ تغوّر; (K, TA;) He came to the غَوْر, (As, Fr, IAar, S, Msb, K,) i. e., low land or country, (Msb,) [or the region so called, in Arabia:] or غار signifies he journeyed in the region of the غور: (As, TA:) or غار and ↓ اغار signify he took his way towards the غَوْر. (TA.) There is a difference of opinion respecting the saying of El-Aashà, نَبِىٌّ يَرَى مَا لَا تَرَوْنَ وَذِكْرُهُ لَعَمْرِى فِى البِلَادِ وَأَنْجَدَا ↓ أَغَارَ [meaning, accord. to the first explanation of اغار, A prophet who seeth what ye see not, and whose fame has come to the low lands, by my life, or by my religion, in the several regions, and has come to the high lands]: As says that اغار signifies has gone quickly; and انجد, has risen; and that the poet does not mean has come to the low lands nor to the high lands; holding غار only to signify the coming to the low land: but Fr asserts that اغار is a dial. var. of غار; and cites this verse as authority: and some say اغار وانجد, but when they do not conjoin the two verbs they say غار; like as they say هَنَأَنِى الطَّعَامُ وَمَرَأَنِى, but when they do not conjoin these two verbs they say أَمْرَأَنِى: (S:) As also mentions another relation of the second hemistich, commencing اغام [app. a mistake for أَقَامَ or some other word]: (IKtt:) and there is another relation, accord. to which the second hemistich is مَخْرُوم, commencing with غَارَ. (L.) You say also غَارَ وَأَنْجَدَ meaning (assumed tropical:) He became famous in the low countries and the high. (A in art. نجد.) b2: غار فِى شَىْءٍ, inf. n. غَوْرٌ and غُؤُورٌ (K) and غِيَارٌ, (Sb, K,) He, or it, entered [or entered deeply] into a thing. (K.) b3: [Hence,] غار فِى أَمْرٍ (tropical:) He examined minutely [or deeply] into an affair; (IKtt, Msb;) as also ↓ اغار. (IKtt.) You say فُلَانٌ بِعِيدُ الغَوْرِ (tropical:) Such a one is a deep examiner: (TA:) or acquainted [deeply] with affairs: or very rancorous, malevolent, malicious, or spiteful. (Msb.) [See also غَوْرٌ, below.]

b4: غار المَآءُ, (Lh, S, Msb, K,) فِى الأَرْضِ (K,) inf. n. غَوْرٌ (Lh, S, K, &c.) and غُؤُورٌ; (S, TA;) and ↓ غوّر, (Lh, TA,) inf. n. تَغْوِيرٌ; (K;) The water sank, (S, IKtt,) or went away, (Msb, K,) into the ground, or earth: (S, Msb, K:) or went away into the sources, or springs. (Lh.) b5: غَارَتِ الشَّمْسُ, (S, K,) aor. ـُ (S,) inf. n. غِيَارٌ (S, K) and غُؤُورٌ; (K;) and ↓ غوّرت; (K;) The sun set: (S, K:) and in like manner one says [غار and ↓ غوّر] of the moon and of a star. (TA.) b6: غَارَتْ عَيْنُهُ, aor. ـُ (S, Msb,) inf. n. غَوْرٌ (S, TA) and غُؤُورٌ; (S, Msb, TA;) and غَارَتْ, aor. ـَ (S, TA;) and ↓ غوّرت; (TA;) His eye sank, or became depressed, (lit. entered,) in the head; (S, TA;) i. q. اِنْخَسَفَتْ. (Msb.) b7: غار النَّهَارُ (assumed tropical:) The day became intensely hot [app., like غَوَّرَ, meaning when the sun had declined from the meridian]: (K:) hence الغَائِرَةُ [q. v.]. (TA.) b8: See also 2.

A2: غَارَ شَيْئًا, aor. ـُ He sought for, or after, a thing. (TA.) A3: غَارَهُمْ, and غَارَ لَهُمْ, [aor. ـُ inf. n. غِيَارٌ, He (God) bestowed upon them غِيرَة, (K,) i. e. مِيرَة [a provision of corn, or wheat, &c.]. (TA.) [See also art. غير.] b2: He benefited them; (S in art. غير, and TA;) and so غَارَهُمْ بِخَيْرٍ: (S:) and غَارَهُمْ, aor. ـُ (K,) inf. n. غِيَارٌ; (TA;) or غَارَهُمْ بِخَيْرٍ; (TA;) He (God) bestowed upon them abundance of the produce of the earth, and rain: (K, TA:) and غَارَهُمْ بِرِزْقٍ He bestowed upon them means of subsistence. (TA.) You say also اَللّٰهُمَّ غُرْنَا بِغَيْثٍ, (K,) and بِمَطَرٍ, and بِخَيْرٍ, (TA,) and غُرْنَا مِنْكَ بِغَيْثٍ, (S,) O God, aid us, or succour us, with rain (S, K) from Thee, (S,) and with prosperity. (TA.) [See also art. غير.]

A4: غَارَ الرَّجُلَ, aor. ـُ and يَغِيرُهُ, He gave the man the bloodwit [which is termed غِوَرٌ and غِيَرٌ]: (ISk, TA:) and so غَيَّرَهُ. (TA in art. غير.) A5: غَارَ عَلَى أَهْلِهِ, aor. ـَ inf. n. غِيرَةٌ [or rather غَيْرَةٌ (see art. غير)] and غَارٌ, [He was jealous of his wife.] (IKtt.) غَارٌ and غَيْرَةٌ, (S, so in my two copies,) or غَارٌ and غِيرَةٌ, with kesr, (K,) signify the same. (S, K.) You say فُلَانٌ شَدِيدُ الغَارِ عَلَى

أَهْلِهِ i. e. الغيرة [Such a one is vehemently jealous of his wife]. (TA.) See also art. غير.2 غوّر, inf. n. تَغْوِيرٌ: see 1, in five places. b2: Also He slept in the middle of the day; (S, * K, TA;) and so ↓ غَارَ. (K, TA.) b3: And He alighted (Lth, S, K, TA) to sleep (Lth, S, TA) in the middle of the day. (Lth, S, K, TA.) and غَوِّرُوا بِنَا Make ye the camels to lie down with us during the vehement midday-heat. (JM and TA in art. رمض.) IAar says that ↓ مُغَوِّرٌ signifies One alighting in the middle of the day for a little while and then departing [i. e. resuming his journey]. (TA.) And مَا بِتُّ هٰذِهِ اللَّيْلَةَ إِلَّا تَغْوِيرًا occurs in a trad. as meaning [I did not tarry, or have not tarried, this night,] save in taking a nap [like the sleep in the middle of the day]. (TA.) b4: Also He entered upon the middle of the day. (K, TA.) b5: And He journeyed in the middle of the day: (Lth, K:) or he (a rider upon a camel, or upon a horse or other beast,) journeyed until the declining of the sun from the meridian, and then alighted. (ISh, TA.) b6: And غوّر النَّهَارُ (tropical:) [app. The day became intensely hot when] the sun declined from the meridian. (Ibn-Buzurj, TA. [See also غَارَ النَّهَارُ.]) A2: غوّرهُ, inf. n. as above, He put it, or made it to enter, into a low, or depressed, place: he hid, or concealed, it; or caused it to disappear. (Har p. 165.) b2: and غوّر, (TA,) inf. n. as above, (K, TA,) signifies also He routed, defeated, or put to flight; and he drove away. (K, * TA.) 3 غَاْوَرَ see 4; and see also 6.4 اغار عَيْنَهُ [He made his eye to sink, or become depressed, in his head: see 1]. (TA.) A2: اغار as intrans.: see 1, in four places. b2: Also He went away in, or into, the country, or land. (K.) b3: And, (S, K, &c.,) inf. n. إِغَارَةٌ (S, Mgh, Msb) and غَارَةٌ, (Mgh,) or the latter is a simple subst., [or quasi-inf. n.,] (Msb,) He hastened, (K,) or was quick, (Msb,) in walking, or marching, or journeying: (Msb, K:) he was quick, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) and pushed, or pressed, on, or forward, (دَفَعَ, S,) in his running; (S, Mgh, Msb;) said of a horse, (Mgh, Msb,) and of a fox: (S, Mgh:) he (a horse, K) ran vehemently, and was quick, (S, K,) in a غَارَة [or raid, or sudden attack upon a people, or their dwellings,] &c. (K.) Hence the saying, (in a trad. respecting the pilgrimage, TA,) أَشْرِقْ ثَبِيرْ كَيْمَا نُغِيرْ [Enter thou upon the time of sunrise, Thebeer, (the name of a mountain near Mekkeh,)] that we may proceed quickly, (S, K,) or push, or press, on, or forward, (Yaakoob, Msb,) to the sacrifice of the pilgrimage: (S, Msb, K:) or to the return from Minè: (Yaakoob:) or that we may plunder the meats of the sacrifices: or that we may enter into the low land. (TA. [See also 2 in art. شرق.]) Hence also the saying, أَغَارَ

إِغَارَةَ الثَّعْلَبِ He was quick, and pushed, or pressed, on, or forward, like as does the fox. (S.) b4: اغار عَلَى العَدُوِّ, (S, Msb,) and عَلَى القَوْمِ, (K,) inf. n. إِغَارَةٌ (S, K) and غَارَةٌ, (K,) or the latter is a simple subst., [or quasi-inf. n., as in the case mentioned above,] (TA,) and مُغَارٌ, (S, TA,) He made [a raid, or hostile or predatory incursion, into the territory of the enemy; or] a sudden, or an unexpected, attack [upon the enemy, or] upon the territory or dwellings of the enemy, [with a party of armed horsemen, generally meaning a predatory incursion,] and engaged with them in conflict; (Msb,) or he urged the horses upon, or against, the people; as also ↓ استغار: (K, TA:) and in like manner you say العَدُوَّ ↓ غاور, inf. n. مُغَاوَرَةٌ and غِوَارٌ. (S.) See also 6. And اغار الذِّئْبُ فِى الغَنَمِْ The wolf made an incursion among the sheep or goats; (K * and TA in art. شع;) as also ↓ استغار. (TA ibid.) b5: Also اغار عَلَيْهِ He plundered it; took it by pillage. (TA.) b6: And اغار بِبَنِى فُلَانٍ, and sometimes إِلَى بنى فلان, He came to the sons of such a one to aid, or succour, them: (IKtt, K:) or to be aided, or succoured, by them. (IKtt.) A3: اغار, (S, K,) inf. n. إِغَارَةٌ and quasi-inf. n. غَارَةٌ, (TA,) signifies also He twisted hard (S, K) a rope. (S.) A4: اغار أَهْلَهُ He married another in addition to his wife [and so caused her to be jealous: see 1]. (S.) [See also art. غير.]5 تَغَوَّرَ see 1, first signification.6 تغاوروا They made [raids, or hostile or predatory incursions, into each other's territories; or] sudden attacks, one upon another, or one party upon the dwellings of another party, and engaged in conflict, one with another; or urged their horses one upon, or against, another; expl. by ↓ أَغَارَ بَعْضُهُمْ عَلَى بَعْضٍ: (S, K:) and so ↓ غاوروا, inf. n. مُغَاوَرَةٌ. (TA.) 8 اغتار He procured مِيرَة [or provision of corn, or wheat, &c.]. (TA.) b2: And He derived, or obtained, benefit, advantage, or profit. (K.) 10 إِسْتَغْوَرَ He, or it, descended: (TA:) or he desired to descend into a low land or country. (K, TA.) b2: See also 4, in two places.

A2: Also He became fat; and fat entered into him: (S, TA:) or you say, استغار الشَّحْمُ فِيهِ fat spread in him; and he became fat; (K, TA;) the pronoun referring to a horse, which is not mentioned in the K; but the explanation in the S is better: or, accord. to Az, استغار is said of the fat and flesh of a she-camel, meaning it became hard, and compact; like the rope of which one says يَسْتَغِيرُ i. e. it is twisted hard: or, accord. to some, said of the fat of a camel, it means it entered his inside. (TA.) b2: استغارت said of a wound, (قَرْحَةٌ, S, in the K جُرْحَة,) means It became swollen. (S, K.) A3: اِسْتَغْوَرَ اللّٰهَ He asked, or begged, of God, غِيرَة, (K, TA,) i. e. مِيرَة [provision of corn, or wheat, &c.]. (TA.) غَارٌ A cave, or cavern; syn. كَهْفٌ; (S, K;) in a mountain; (S;) as also ↓ مَغَارَةٌ and ↓ مَغَارٌ (S, K) and ↓ مُغَارَةٌ and ↓ مُغَارٌ and ↓ غَوْرٌ: (K: [but غَارٌ in this sense is omitted in the CK:]) or what resembles a كهف in a mountain, [only differing in being less large,] like a سَرَب: (TA:) or what is hewn out in a mountain, resembling a مَغَارَة: when it is large, or spacious, it is called كهف: (Msb:) or what resembles a house, or chamber, in a mountain: (Lh, K:) or a low, or depressed, place in a mountain: (Th, K:) or any low, or depressed, land, country, or ground: (K:) see also غَوْرٌ [and خَوْرٌ]: or the hole, or burrow, to which a wild animal betakes itself: (K: [see an instance in art. سمو, conj. 8:]) and sometimes ↓ مَغَارٌ is applied to the coverts of gazelles, among trees: (S:) the dim. of غَارٌ is غُوَيْرٌ: (S, K:) [of which see two exs. (a prov. and a verse) voce بُؤْسٌ:] and the pl. (of pauc., TA) أَغْوَارٌ (IJ, K) and (of mult., TA) غِيرَانٌ. (S, Msb, K.) b2: Also The portion of the upper part of the mouth which is behind the فَرَاشَة [or thin bone of the palate]: or the hollow (أُخْدُود) which is between the two jaws: or the interior of the mouth: (K: [for دَاخِلَ الفَمِ, in the CK, I read دَاخِلُ الفم, as in the TA:]) or, as some say, the two parts whereof each is called نِطْعٌ, [app. meaning the anterior part of the palate and the corresponding part next the lower gums,] in the حَنَكَانِ [or the palate and the part corresponding to it below]. (TA.) b3: And الغَارَانِ signifies The [sockets of the eyes; or] two bones in which are the eyes. (ISd, K.) b4: And The belly and the pudendum: (S:) or the mouth and the pudendum. (K.) Hence the saying of a poet, يَسْعَى لِغَارَيْهِ [He works, or earns, for his belly, or his mouth, and his pudendum]. (S, TA.) A2: Also (غَارٌ) An army: (S, K:) or a numerous army. (TA.) You say اِلْتَقَى الغَارَانِ The two armies met. (S.) b2: And A company, or body, of men: (TA:) or a numerous company or body of men. (ISd, K.) A3: And I. q. غَيْرَةٌ, (S,) or غِيرَةٌ. (K.) [See 1, last signification.]

A4: And A kind of tree, (S, Mgh, K,) of large size, (Mgh, K,) having leaves longer than those of the خِلَاف, (Mgh, TA,) and a fruit [or berry] smaller than the hazel-nut, which is black, and which, being divested of its covering, discloses a heart that is employed in medicine [that is designed to produce a narcotic or an intoxicating effect: the berries are called حَبُّ الغَارِ]: its leaves have a sweet odour, (Mgh, TA,) and are employed in perfume: (TA:) its fruit is called [in Persian] دَهْمَسْت: (Mgh, TA:) and it has an oil, (K,) which is called دُهْنُ الغَارِ: (S:) [it is the bay-tree; or female laurel-tree; the laurus nobilis; also called the sweet bay; of which there are several sorts, as the broad-leaved bay, the narrow-leaved bay, &c.: it is commonly supposed to be the laurus of the ancients:] n. un. with ة. (TA.) b2: And The leaves of the grapevine. (K.) غَوْرٌ The bottom, or lowest part, of anything; (S, Msb, K;) as also ↓ غَوْرَى: (K:) and its depth. (TA.) b2: You say, عَرَفْتُ غَوْرَ هٰذِهِ المَسْأَلَةِ (tropical:) [I have become acquainted with the bottom of this question]. (TA.) And فُلَانٌ بَعِيدُ الغَوْرِ (S) (tropical:) Such a one is deep and excellent in judgment; one who examines deeply. (TA.) [See also 1.] And هَوَ بَحْرٌ لَا يُدْرَكُ غَوْرُهُ (tropical:) [He is a sea whereof the bottom shall not be reached]. (TA.) And مَنْ

أَبْعَدُ غَوْرًا فِى البَاطِلِ مِنِّى (tropical:) [Who is deeper in knowledge with respect to what is vain, or false, than I?]. (TA, from a trad.) b3: Low, or depressed, land, country, or ground; (S, Msb, K;) [like خَوْرٌ;] as also ↓ غَارٌ. (K.) b4: See also غَارٌ, in the first of its senses expl. above.

A2: Applied to water, i. q. غَائِرٌ [Sinking, or going away, into the ground, or earth]: (S, K:) an inf. n. used as an epithet, like مَآءٌ سَكْبٌ, and دِرْهَمٌ ضَرْبٌ. (S.) غِوَرٌ A bloodwit; syn. دِيَةٌ: (K, TA:) a dial. var. of غِيَرٌ: (TA:) or the latter is a pl., of which the sing. is غِيرَةٌ. (AA, K in art. غير, q. v.) غَارَةٌ, a subst. from أَغَارَ; A going away into a country, or land. (TA.) b2: A quick running, (Mgh, Msb,) or vehement running, (TA,) of a horse, (Mgh, Msb, TA,) and of a fox; (Mgh;) as also ↓ غَوِيرٌ, of a fox. (TA.) b3: [A raid; or an incursion into the territory of an enemy; or a sudden, or an unexpected, attack upon an enemy, or upon the territories or dwellings of an enemy, with a party of armed horsemen, and engagement with them in conflict; an urging of horses upon, or against, a people; generally, a hostile, or predatory, incursion: or the making such an incursion:] a subst. [or quasi-inf. n.] from أَغَارَ عَلَى

العَدُوِّ. (S, TA.) b4: And Plunder, or pillage. (TA.) b5: And hence, (Mgh, Msb,) [Horsemen making a raid, or a sudden, or an unexpected, attack, upon an enemy, or upon the dwellings of an enemy, and engaging with them in conflict: horsemen urging their horses upon, or against, a people:] i. q. ↓ خَيْلٌ مُغِيرَةٌ: (S, Mgh, Msb, TA:) and one says also ↓ خيل مِغِيرَةٌ, with kesr. (TA.) You say شَنَّ عَلَيْهِمُ الغَارَةَ i. e. He scattered, (S in art. شن, and Mgh * and Msb, *) or poured, (K in art. شن,) upon them [the horsemen making a raid, or sudden attack, and engaging in conflict, or the horsemen urging their horses]. (S, K.) The poet (El-Kumeyt Ibn-Maaroof, TA) says, وَنَحْنُ صَبَحْنَا آلَ نَجْرَانَ غَارَةً

تَمِيمَ بْنَ مُرٍّ وَالرِّمَاحَ النَّوَادِسَا [And we gave as a morning-drink to the people of Nejrán a troop of horsemen making a raid, or sudden attack, upon them, or urging their horses against them, namely the tribe of Temeem Ibn-Murr, and the piercing spears]: he means, سَقَيْنَاهُمْ خَيْلًا مُغِيرَةً: and تميم بن مرّ is put in the accus. case as a substitute for غارة. (S, TA.) A2: حَبْلٌ شَدِيدُ الغَارَةِ means A rope twisted hard; or hard in respect of the twisting; (S, TA;) غَارَةٌ being in this case [as in that first mentioned above] a subst. standing in stead of the inf. n. إِغَارَة: (TA:) and so ↓ حَبْلٌ مُغَارٌ; (S, TA;) applied to a rope that is twisted with another. (TA voce مِسْحَلٌ.) A3: And الغَارَةُ signifies The navel: (Sgh, K:) app. so called because of its depth. (Sgh, TA.) الغَوْرَةُ The sun. (IAar, K, TA.) A2: See also غَائِرَةٌ.

غِيرَةٌ Abundance of the produce of the earth: and rain: and i. q. مِيرَةٌ [a provision of corn, or wheat, &c.]: belonging to this art. and to art. غير. (TA.) A2: [See also 1, last signification.]

غَوْرَى: see غَوْرٌ.

غَوِيرٌ: see غَارَةٌ, second sentence.

غَائِرَةٌ i. q. قَائِلَةٌ [app. as syn. with قَيْلُولَةٌ, i. e. A sleeping in the middle of the day; though the primary signification of قَائِلَةٌ is that which here next follows]; (S, O, K;) as also ↓ غَوْرَةٌ. (O, K.) b2: And The middle of the day [itself]. (K.) b3: And one says, بُنِىَ هٰذَا البَيْتُ عَلَى غَائِرَةِ الشَّمْسِ, meaning (tropical:) [This house, or tent, was, or has been, built, or set up,] facing the place of sunrise. (TA.) مَغَارٌ: see غَارٌ, in two places. b2: Also A place of entrance: and a place where a thing is sought for: you say, إِنَّكَ غُرْتَ فِى غَيْرِ مَغَارٍ Verily thou hast entered into that which is not a place of entrance: and verily thou hast sought in that which is not a place where a thing is sought for. (TA.) مُغَارٌ: see غَارٌ.

A2: Also A place of a غَارَة [or raid, or sudden attack upon an enemy, or upon the dwellings of an enemy, with a party of armed horsemen, &c.]. (TA.) A3: See also غَارَةٌ, last sentence but one. b2: Hence, (tropical:) A horse strong, or compact, in make; as though twisted: (Az, TA:) or a horse strong in the joints: (Lth, TA:) or, applied to a horse, i. q. مُضَمَّرٌ [made lean, or light of flesh; &c.: see 2 in art. عير: and see also مِعَارٌ in that art.]. (Aboo-Sa'eed Ed-Dareer, TA in art. عير.) And A horse that runs swiftly. (TA. [But in this last sense, the word should be, accord. to rule, as here next follows.]) مُغِيرٌ A horse swift in running: [see also what next precedes:] and ↓ مِغْوَارٌ [likewise] signifies a swift horse: or this latter, accord. to Lh, vehement in running: and its pl. is مَغَاوِيرُ. (TA.) b2: خَيْلُ مُغِيرَةٌ and مِغِيرَةٌ: see غَارَةٌ.

مُغَوِّرٌ: see 2.

مَغَارَةٌ and مُغَارَةٌ: see غَارٌ, first sentence.

مِغْوَارٌ: see مُغِيرٌ. b2: Also A fighting man; and so ↓ مُغَاوِرٌ: (S:) or the former signifies one who occupies himself much in غَارَات [or raids, or sudden attacks upon enemies, or upon the dwellings of enemies, with armed horsemen, &c., pl. of غَارَةٌ]; (K, TA;) as also ↓ مُغَاوِرٌ: (TA:) pl. مَغَاوِيرُ: (S:) and مَغَاوِرُ may be a contracted pl. of مِغْوَارٌ or a pl. of مُغَاوِرٌ. (TA.) مُغَاوِرٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, in two places.



1 قَطَرَ, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ (S, Msb,) inf. n. قَطْرٌ and قَطَرَانٌ (S, Mgh, Msb, K) and قُطُورٌ; (K;) [and in an intensive sense, تَقْطَارٌ (see a verse cited voce غُسْلٌ);] and ↓ اقطر; (AHn, TA;) and ↓ تقاطر; (Msb, TA;) said of water, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) and of tears, (K,) or other fluid, (S, * TA,) [It dropped, dripped, or fell in drops;] it flowed (Mgh, Msb, TA) drop by drop. (Msb.) b2: It occurs in a trad. as signifying قَطَرَ عَرَقًا, or بَوْلًا, [He let fall sweat, or urine, in drops,] in which each subst, is in the accus. case as a specificative: said of a person in intense awe or fear. (Mgh.) b3: قَطَرَ الصَّمْغُ مِنَى الشَّجَرَةِ The gum [exuded in drops or] came forth from the tree. (TA.) b4: قَطَرَتِ اسْتُهُ i. q. مَصَلَت [His anus voided excrement in drops]. (K.) A2: قَطَرَ فِى الأَرْضِ inf. n. قُطُورٌ, (tropical:) He went away into the country, or in the land; (S, K; *) and hastened; (K, * TA;) as also مَطَرَ, inf. n. مُطُورٌ. (TA.) A3: قَطَرَهُ, (As, S, Mgh, Msb, K,) [aor. ـُ inf. n. قَطْرٌ; (Mgh;) and ↓ اقطرهُ, (Mgh, Msb, K,) inf. n. إِقْطَارٌ; (Msb;) or the latter but not the former accord. to Az; (Msb;) and ↓ قطّرهُ, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) inf. n. تَقْطِيرٌ; (S, Mgh, Msb;) He (God, K, or a man, S, Msb) made it (namely water &c.) [to drop, drip, dribble, or fall in drops;] to flow (S, Msb, TA) drop by drop: (S, Msb:) he poured it out, or forth. (Mgh.) Yousay قَطَرْتُ المَآءَ فِى الحَلْقِ, and أَقْطَرْتُهُ, and قَطَّرْتُهُ, [He made the water to fall drop by drop into the throat.] (Msb.) b2: مَا قَطَرَكَ عَلَيْنَا (tropical:) What hath poured thee (مَا صَبَّكَ) upon us? (TA.) b3: قَطَرَ فُلَانًا, (Lth, K,) inf. n. قَطْرٌ, (Lth,) (assumed tropical:) He prostrated such a one with vehemence. (Lth, K.) [Perhaps this is from قُطْرٌ, signifying the “ side; ” and if so it is not tropical. See also 2.] b4: قَطَرَ الثَّوْبَ (tropical:) He sewed the garment, or piece of cloth. (IAar, K.) A4: قَطَرَ الإِبِلَ, (Msb, K,) aor. ـُ (Msb,) inf. n. قَطْرٌ; (Msb, K;) and ↓ قطّرها, (S, Msb, K,) inf. n. تَقْطِيرٌ; (S;) but this has an intensive signification; (Msb;) and ↓ اقطرها; (K;) but this [says SM] I do not find in the [other] lexicons; Az and ISd mention only the first and second; (TA;) He disposed the camels in a file, string, or series; (S, * Msb;) he placed the camels near, one to another, in a file, string, or series; (K;) [and tied the halter of each, except the first, to the tail of the next before it.] It is said in a proverb, الجَلَبَ ↓ النُّفَاضُ يَقَطِّرُ The failure of provisions causes the camels, driven or brought from one place to another, to be disposed in files for sale. (S.) A5: قَطَرَ البَعِيرَ He smeared the camel with قَطِرَان [or tar]. (S, Msb.) 2 قطّرهُ: see 1. b2: بِهِ تَقْطِيرٌ [He has a dribbling of his urine] is said of a man who cannot retain his urine, (Mgh, K, *) by reason of cold affecting the bladder. (TA.) A2: قطّر الإِبِلَ: see 1.

A3: طَعَنَهُ فَقَطَّرَهُ (inf. n. تَقْطِيرٌ, S) He pierced him [with his spear] and threw him down on one of his sides. (S, Msb.) And قطّرهُ فَرَسُهُ; in the copies of the K قطّرهُ عَلَى فَرَسِهِ, but this is a mistake; (TA;) and ↓ اقطرهُ; and بِه ↓ تقطّر; (K;) vulgarly تَقَنْطَرَ بِهِ; (TA;) His horse threw him down on one of his sides. (K, * TA.) See قُطْرٌ: see also 1.

A4: قطّر ثَوْبَهُ, inf. n. as above, He fumigated his garment with قُطْر, i. e., aloes-wood. (K.) 4 اقطر: see 1. b2: It was time for it to drop, drip, or fall in drops; it was ready, or near, to drop, &c.; expl. by حَانَ لَهُ أَنْ يَقْطُرَ, (S,) and حَانَ أَنْ يَقْطُرَ. (K.) A2: اقطرهُ: see 1.

A3: اقطر الإِبِلَ: see 1.

A4: اقطرهُ فَرَسُهُ: see 2.5 تقطّر, quasi-pass. of 2, [It was made to drop, drip, or fall in drops; &c. See an ex. in a verse cited voce تَسَقَّى. b2: ] He fell [upon his side]. (S.) b3: تقطّر بِهِ فَرَسُهُ: see 2.

A2: تقطّرت She fumigated herself with قُطْر, i. e., aloes-wood. (K.) 6 تَقَاْطَرَ see 1.

A2: تقاطر القَوْمُ (tropical:) The people came in consecutive companies; from قِطَارُ الإِبِلِ. (S, TA.) And hence also, تقاطرت كُتُبُ فُلَانٍ (tropical:) [The books, or letters, of such a one followed one another in a regular series]. (TA.) 10 استقطرهُ He sought, or desired, its dropping, or dripping, or flowing; [endeavoured to make it drop, or drip;] expl. by رَامَ قَطَرَانَهُ, (K, TA,) i. e., سَيَلَانَهُ. (TA.) b2: استقطر مَعْرُوفًا [He sought, or demanded, bounty, as it were drop by drop]. (K in art. نض.) Q. Q. 1 قَنْطَرَ: see art. قنطر.

Q. Q. 2 تَقَنْطَرَ: see art. قنطر.

قَطْرٌ [Drops;] pl. of قَطْرَةٌ: (S:) [or rather a coll. gen. n., having this signification; or] what drops, (K,) of water &c.: (TA:) n. un. قَطْرَةٌ; (K;) which signifies a drop: (Msb:) pl. of the former, قِطَارٌ: (K:) and of the latter, قَطَرَاتٌ. (Msb.) [See also قُطَارَةٌ.] You say سَالَ قَطْرَةً قَطْرَةً It flowed drop by drop. (Msb.) b2: Rain: (S, Msb:) n. un. قَطْرَةٌ [signifying a rain; a shower of rain]: (Msb:) pl. of the former, قِطَارٌ. (S.) قُطْرٌ A side, part, portion, quarter, tract, or region, (S, Msb, K,) of the heavens, and of the earth; (TA;) as also قُتْرٌ (S, K, art. قتر,) and قُتُرٌ: (K, ibid.) either side of a man: pl. أَقْطَارٌ. (S, Msb, K.) You say أَلْقَاهُ على احد قُطْرَيْهِ He threw him down on one of his sides. (S, * Msb, * K, * TA.) And لَا أَدْرِى عَلَى أَىِّ قُطْرَيْهِ يَقَعُ [I know not on which of his two sides he will fall; i. e., what will be his final state]. (JK.) and the pl. signifies The outer parts or regions (نَوَاحٍ) of a horse, and of a camel: the prominent parts of a horse, such as the withers (الكَاثِبَة) and the rump: the prominent parts of the upper portions of a camel, and of a mountain. (TA.) b2: فُطْرُ دَائِرَةٍ [The diameter of a circle;] a straight line extending from one side of a circle to the other side so that its middle falls upon the centre (KT.) [But this is app. post-classical.]

A2: قُطْرٌ (S, K) and ↓ قُطُرٌ (S) Aloes-wood with which one fumigates. (S, K.) قِطْرٌ (S, Mgh, Msb, K) and ↓ قَطِرٌ (ISk, TA) Copper, or brass: (S, Mgh, Msb:) so in the Kur [xiv. 51, accord. to one reading,] مِنْ قِطْرٍ آنٍ (S,) or مِنْ قَطِرٍ آنٍ, accord. to the reading of I'Ab, meaning, of copper, or brass, in the utmost state of heat: (TA:) [but the common reading is مِنْ قَطِرَانٍ:] or copper, or brass, in a state of fusion: (K:) so in the Kur, xxxiv. 11 (TA) [and xviii. 95]: or a certain kind thereof: (K:) or molten iron: (Mgh, Msb:) and anything that drops or flows (يَقْطُرُ) by fusion or melting, like water. (Mgh.) قَطِرٌ: see قِطْرٌ.

قُطُرٌ: see قُطْرٌ.

قَطْرَةٌ: see قَطْرٌ, in two places.

قَطِرَانٌ (S, Msb, K) and قِطْرَانٌ (Msb, K) and قَطْرَانٌ (K) [Tar, or liquid pitch;] what exudes from the tree called أَبْهَل, [or juniper, or the species of juniper called savin, both of which have this name in the present day,] (Msb, K, * TA,) and from the أَرْز [or pine-tree], and the like, (K, TA,) when subjected to the action of fire; (lit. when cooked;) used for smearing [mangy] camels, (Msb, TA,) &c.; (Msb;) i. q. هِنَآءٌ. (S.) [See also زِفْتٌ.]

قُطَارٌ A cloud, (K,) or rain, (TA,) having large drops. (K, TA.) قِطَارٌ A file, string, or series, of camels; a number of camels disposed in one series; (JK, Msb, K; *) one behind another; (JK;) [the halter of each, except the first, being tied to the tail of the next before it:] and the poet Abu-n-Nejm speaks of a قِطَار of ants: (S:) of the measure فِعَالٌ in the sense of the measure مَفْعُولٌ: (Msb:) pl. قُطُرٌ (S, Msb) and, (S,) or pl. pl., (Msb,) قُطُرَاتٌ; (S, Msb;) vulg. قِطَارَاتٌ. (TA.) قَطُورٌ and مِقْطَارٌ A cloud having many drops, or much rain. (Th, AAF, K.) قُطَارَةٌ What drops, or drips, (مَا قَطَرَ,) from a jar (حُبّ) and the like: (Lh, S:) or from a thing. (K.) See also قَطْرٌ. b2: A small quantity of water. (Lh, K. *) Ex. فِى الإِنَآءِ قُطَارَةٌ مِنْ مَآءٍ In the vessel is a little water. (Lh.) قَاطِرٌ Any gum that exudes in drops, or comes forth, (يَقْطُرُ,) from trees. (IDrd, K. *) b2: القّاطِرُ المَكِّىُّ: see دَمٌ in art. دمو. b3: A camel whose urine continually dribbles. (S, K.) قَنْطَرَةٌ and قِنْطَارٌ &c.: see art. قنطر.

مِقْطَرَةٌ [A kind of stocks]: see عِلْبَةٌ and فَلَقٌ.

مَقْطُورٌ. b2: أَرْضٌ مَقْطُورَةٌ Land rained upon. (K, TA.) A2: بَعِيرٌ مَقْطُورٌ, and ↓ مُقَطْرَنٌ, (S, K,) the latter after the form of the original [قَطِرَانٌ], (S, TA.) A camel smeared with قَطِرَان [or tar]. (S, K.) مُقَطْرَنٌ: see مَقْطُورٌ.



1 قَاسَ الشَّىْءَ بِغَيْرهِ, and عَلَى غَيْرِهِ, aor. ـُ inf. n. قَوْسٌ (S, K *) and قِيَاسٌ, (S,) i. q. قَاسَهُ, aor. ـِ inf. n. قَيْسٌ (S, K *) and قِيَاسٌ; (S;) i. e., He measured the thing by another thing like it; [both in the proper sense and mentally; but the latter verb is the more common, though the former, accord. to the JK, is the original;] (S, TA;) and so الشَّىْءَ بِغَيْرِهِ ↓ اقتاس: (S, K: *) but you should not say ↓ أَقَسْتُهُ for قُسْتُهُ or قِسْتُهُ. (S.) A2: قَوِسَ: see 5.2 قَوَّسَ see 5, in two places.

A2: قوّسهُ, inf. n. تَقْوِيسٌ, He made it bowed, or bent. (KL.) 4 أَقْوَسَ see 1: A2: and see 5.5 تقوّس It (a thing) became bowed, or bent; as also ↓ استقوس: (TA:) the ↓ latter is also said, tropically, of the moon when near the change [&c.]. (A, TA.) b2: (tropical:) He (an old man, S, A) became bowed, or bent; (A, * K;) as also ↓ قَوَّسَ, inf. n. تَقْوِيسٌ; (S, A, * Msb, K;) and ↓ استقوس; (S;) and ↓ اقوس: (A:) or he became bowed, or bent, in the back; as also ↓ قَوَّسَ; and ↓ استقوس; (TA;) and so ↓ قَوِسَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. قَوَسٌ. (K.) A2: تقوّس قَوْسَهُ He put his bow upon his back. (TA.) 8 إِقْتَوَسَ see 1. b2: يَقْتَاسُ بِأَبِيهِ, (S, K,) inf. n. إِقْتِيَاسٌ, (S,) (assumed tropical:) He follows the way of his father, and imitates him. (S, K.) 10 إِسْتَقْوَسَ see 5, in four places.

قَاسُ رُمْحٍ: see قِيسُ رُمْحٍ.

قَوْسٌ [A bow;] a certain thing, well known, (A, K,) with which one shoots: (M, TA:) of the fem. gender: (IAmb, M, Msb:) or masc. and fem.: (S, Msb:) or sometimes masc.: (A, K:) pl. [of pauc.] أَقْوَاسٌ (IAmb, S, A, Msb, K) and أَقْيَاسٌ, (TA, and so in some copies of the K, in the place of the former,) the ى being interchangeable with the و, (TA,) and [of mult.] قِسِىٌّ, (S, A, Msb, K,) originally قُوُوسٌ, (S, TA,) which is not used, (TA,) of the neasure فُعُولٌ, (S, Msb,) first changed to قُسُوٌّ, of he measure فُلُوعٌ, and then to قِسِىٌّ, of the measure فِلِيعٌ, like عِصِىٌّ, (S,) and قُسِىٌّ, (Fr, Sgh, K,) from the same original, (TA,) [like عُصِىٌّ,] and قِيَاسٌ, (IAmb, S, A, Msb, K,) which is more agreeable with analogy than قسىّ. (TA.) The dim. is قُوَيْسٌ, (IAmb, M, Msb, K,) without ة, contr. to rule, as the word is fem., (M, TA,) and قُوَيْسَةٌ, (IAmb, Msb, K,) sometimes: (IAmb, Msb:) or the former accord. to those who make قوس to be masc., (S,) and the latter accord. to those who make it to be fem. (S, Msb.) It is prefixed to another word to give it a special signification. Thus you say, قَوْسُ نَبْلٍ An Arabian bow. And قَوْسُ نُشَّابٍ A Persian bow. And قَوْسُ حُسْبَانٍ [A bow for shooting a certain kind of short arrows]. and قَوْسُ جُلَاهِقٍ [A cross-bow]. And قَوْسُ نَدْفٍ [A bow for loosening and separating cotton]. (Msb.) b2: [Hence the saying,] فُلَانٌ لَا يَمُدُّ قَوْسَهُ أَحَدٌ [Such a one, no one will pull his bow;] i. e., (tropical:) no one will vie with him, or compete with him. (A, TA.) And رَمَوْنَا عَنْ قَوْسٍ وَاحِدٍ, (A, TA,) or وَاحِدَةٍ, (Mgh,) [lit., They shot at us from one bow: meaning, (tropical:) they were unanimous against us;] a proverb denoting agreement. (Mgh.) [In the Msb, رَمَوْهُمْ and وَاحِدَةٍ.] And هُوَ مِنْ خَيْرِ قُوَيْسٍ سَهْمًا; (S, L, K; except that in the L and K, for قويس, we find قَوْسٍ;) (tropical:) [He is of the best of a little bow, as an arrow; i. e., he is one of the best arrows of a little bow;] or صَارَ خَيْرَ قُوَيْسٍ سَهْمًا (A, K) (tropical:) [He became the best of a little bow, as an arrow; i. e., he became the best arrow of a little bow:] a proverb [See Arab. Prov. i. 718] applied to him who has become mighty after being of mean condition: (A:) or to him who opposeth thee and then returns to doing what thou likest. (A, K.) [Hence also the phrase in the Kur, liii. 9,] فَكَانَ قَابَ قَوْسَيْنِ And he was at the distance of two Arabian bows: or two cubits [this is app. an explanation by one who holds قَابَ قَوْسَيْنِ to be for قَابَىَ قَوْسٍ:] (K:) or the meaning is, قَابَىْ قَوْسٍ, i. e., [at the distance of the measure of] the two portions between the part of a bow that is grasped by the hand and each of the curved extremities. (TA.) See also art. قوب. b3: القَوْسُ (assumed tropical:) [The Sign of Sagittarius; also called الرَّامِى;] one of the signs of the zodiac; (S, K;) namely, the ninth thereof. (TA.) b4: قَوْسُ قُزَحَ The rainbow: the two words are inseparable. (TA.) See قزح. b5: قَوْسُ الرَّجُلِ (assumed tropical:) The bowed, or bent, part of the back of a man. (IAar.) b6: أَقْوَاسُ البَعِيِر (tropical:) The anterior ribs of the camel. (A.) b7: Also قَوْسٌ (tropical:) What remains, of dates, (S, A, * K,) in the [receptacle called] جُلَّة, (S,) or in the bottom thereof, (K,) or in the sides thereof, like a bow: (A:) or, accord. to Zeyd Ibn-Kuthweh, the fourth part of the جُلَّة, of dates; like رِزْمَةٌ: (TA in art. رزم:) in this sense, also, it is fem.: or a number of dates collected together: pl. as above. (TA in the present art.) A2: Also, A cubit: (S, K:) sometimes used in this sense: (S:) because a thing is measured (يُقَاسُ) with it. (K.) قِيسُ رُمْحٍ and قَاسُ رُمْحٍ The measure of a spear. (Msb, in this art.; and S, K, in art. قيس.) قَوَّاسٌ A hewer, or fashioner, of bows; and so, perhaps, قَيَّاسٌ. (TA.) قُسَوِىٌّ is the rel. n. from قِسِىٌّ, [pl. of قَوْسٌ,] because it is [before its last change] of the measure فُلُوعٌ changed from the measure فُعُولٌ. (S.) أَقْوَسُ Having a bowed, or bent, back. (S, K.) b2: Sand that is elevated (K, TA) like a hoop or ring. (TA.) مِقْوَسٌ A bow-case. (S, K.) A2: A horse-course; a race-ground: (Ibn-'Abbád, K:) a place whence horses run (K) for a race; (TA;) i. e., (so in the K accord. to the TA,) a rope at which the horses are placed in a row (S, A, K) on the occasion of racing, (S, K,) in the place whence they run: (A:) or the extended rope from which the horses are started: (JK:) also called مقيص: the pl. is مَقَاوِسُ. (TA.) Hence the saying, عُرِضَ فُلَانٌ عَلَى المِقْوَسِ [Such a one has been put to the starting-rope]; meaning, (tropical:) such a one has been tried, or proved, by use, practice, or experience. (A, TA.) And فُلَانٌ عَلَى مِقْوَسٍ, i. e., عَلَى حِفَاظٍ

[app. meaning, (assumed tropical:) Such a one is intent upon defending his honour or the like]. (Lth, L.) مُقَوَّسٌ and مُقَوِّسٌ: see مُتَقَوِّسٌ.

مُتَقَوِّسٌ (assumed tropical:) An eyebrow [or other thing] likened to a bow; as also ↓ مُسْتَقْوِسٌ (K) and ↓ مُقَوَّسٌ: (TA:) ↓ the second of these epithets is also applied, in the same sense, or like a bow, to a gutter round a tent, and the like. (TA.) b2: Also, A man bowed, or bent; and so ↓ مُقَوِّسٌ. (TA.) A2: Also, (K,) or مُتَقَوِّسٌ قَوْسَهُ, (S,) A man having with him his bow. (S, K. *) مُسْتَقْوِسٌ: see مُتَقَوِّسُ, in two places.



1 عَوِجَ, (S, O, L, Msb, K,) aor. ـْ (TA,) inf. n. عَوَجٌ (S, O, L, Msb) and عِوَجٌ, (L,) or the latter is a simple subst.; (S, O, K;) and ↓ اِعْوَجَّ, [which is more common,] inf. n. اِعْوِجَاجٌ; (S, O, L, Msb, K;) and ↓ انعاج; and ↓ تعوّج; (L;) It was, or became, crooked, curved, bent, winding, wry, contorted, distorted, or uneven: (L:) or [عَوِجَ and] ↓ اعوجّ, it was, or became, so of itself; and [↓ انعاج and] ↓ تعوّج,it was, or became, so by the operation of an external agent; (L, Msb;) as is said by Az: (L:) ↓ انعاج is quasi-pass. of عُجْتُهُ; (L;) and ↓ تعوّج is quasi-pass. of عَوَّجْتُهُ: (Az, S, O, L, Msb, K:) and عَوَجٌ and عِوَجٌ are said to be used in relation to different things: (S, O, L, Msb, K, &c.:) [for instance,] one says, عَوِجَ العُودُ, inf. n. عَوَجٌ, The wood, or stick, was, or became, crooked, curved, bent, or distorted: and عَوِجَ الأَمْرُ, inf. n. عِوَجٌ, The affair was, or became, difficult, arduous, or troublesome. (MA.) [See عَوَجٌ below.] b2: لَا عِوَجَ لَهُ, in the Kur xx. 107, means There shall be no evading it. (Jel.) b3: عُجْتُ إِلَيْهِ, aor. ـُ inf. n. عِيَاجٌ and عِوَجٌ, I turned, or inclined, towards it; namely, a place of abode. (L.) And عَلَيْهِ ↓ انعاج He turned, or inclined, towards it, or him. (S, O.) And ↓ انعاجت and ↓ تعوّجت, said of a she-camel, She turned aside; or became turned aside; the former quasi-pass. of عَاجَهَا; and the latter, of عَوَّجَهَا. (TA.) b4: عاج بِهِ He inclined, and came to him, or came to him and alighted at his abode as a guest: and he passed by him. (L.) and عُجْتُ بِالمَكَانِ, aor. ـُ (S, O, K, *) inf. n. عَوْجٌ and مَعَاجٌ; (K;) and ↓ عوّجتُ; (TA;) I remained, stayed, dwelt, or abode, in the place. (S, O, K. *) And عاج عَلَيْهِ He stopped, or paused, at it. (S, * O, * K, * TA.) A poet says, عُجْنَا عَلَى رَبْعِ سَلْمَى أَىَّ تَعْرِيجِ [We stopped at the abode of Selmà, with what a staying!]: putting تعريج [in some copies of the S تعويج] in the place of عَوْج because their meaning is one. (S, O, TA.) b5: فُلَانٌ مَا يَعُوجُ عَنْ شَىْءٍ Such a one does not revert from, or relinquish, anything. (IAar, S, O, K. *) b6: Accord. to AA, [the inf. n.] عِيَاجٌ signifies The returning to that upon which one had been intent, or attent, or employed. (O and TA in art. عيج.) A2: عُجْتُهُ: see 2. b2: عُجْتُ البَعِيرَ, (S, A, * O, K, *) and عُجْتُ رَأْسَ البَعِيرِ, (L,) aor. ـُ inf. n. عَوْجٌ (S, O, L) and مَعَاجٌ, (S, O,) I turned the camel's head by means of the nose-rein: (S, A, * O, L, K: *) and in like manner one says of a horse: and عاج نَاقَتَهُ, and ↓ عوّجها, He turned aside his she-camel. (TA.) And عاج رَأْسَهُ إِلَى المَرْأَةِ (O and TA from a trad.) He inclined his head towards the woman, and looked towards her. (TA.) And المَرْأَةُ تَعُوجُ رَأْسَهَا إِلَى ضَجِيعِهَا [The woman turns her head towards her bedfellow]. (TA.) And عاج عُنُقَهُ, inf. n. عَوْجٌ, He inclined, or bent, his neck. (TA.) And عُجْ لِسَانَكَ عَنِّى وَلَا تُكْثِرْ [Turn, or withhold, thy tongue from me, and do not multiply words]. (A.) And بِهِ الطَّرِيقُ ↓ عَوَّجَ [The road led him, or turned him, aside]. (K in explanation of حَوَّجَ.) b3: مَا أَعُوجُ بِكَلَامِهِ I do not pay regard, or attention, to his speech, (ISk, S in art. عيج, A, * and O,) is a phrase of the Benoo-Asad, who take it from عُجْتُ النَّاقَةَ: (ISk, S, O:) others say مَا أَعِيجُ. (O.) And one says, مَا عُجْتُ بِحَدِيثِهِ [I did not pay regard to his discourse]. (A.) b4: عُجْتُهُ بِالمَكَانِ I made him to remain, stay, dwell, or abide, in the place: the verb being trans. as well as intrans. (S, O.) 2 عَوَّجْتُهُ, (T, S, O, Msb, K,) inf. n. تَعْوِيجٌ; (T, S, O, Msb;) I crooked it, curved it, bent it, contorted it, distorted it, or rendered it uneven; (T, S, * O, * Msb, K, * TA;) namely, a thing; (T, S, O, Msb, TA;) as also ↓ عُجْتُهُ, inf. n. عَوْجٌ and عِيَاجٌ. (TA.) b2: See also 1, latter half, in two places. b3: تَعْوِيجٌ [as an inf. n. of which the verb, if it have one in the following sense, is عُوِّجَ], in a horse, is syn. with تَجْنِيبٌ [app. as meaning A bending, or curving, and tension of the sinews, in the kind leg] which is a quality approved. (TA.) A2: See also 1, near the middle. [Hence] one says, مَا لَهُ عَلَى أَصْحَابِهِ تَعْوِيجٌ, meaning [There is not for him any] remaining, or staying, [at the abode of his companions;] as also تَعْرِيجٌ. (TA.) A3: عوّجهُ, inf. n. as above, also signifies He set it, or inlaid it, with عَاج [which means ivory, and tortoise-shell]; (O, K, TA;) namely, a thing, (O,) or a vessel. (TA.) 5 تَعَوَّجَ see 1, former half, in four places.7 إِنْعَوَجَ see 1, former half, in five places.9 إِعْوَجَّ see 1, first sentence, in two places.

عَاجٌ, as an epithet applied to a she-camel, Pliable; syn. لَيِّنَةٌ الأَعْطَافِ, or لَيِّنَةُ الاِنْعِطَافِ, accord. to different copies of the K; and by the latter words is expl. (but not in the K) ↓ عَائِجَةٌ, as so applied: in the L, عَاجٌ is expl. as meaning tractable, submissive, or manageable; syn. مِذْعَانٌ: (TA:) or مِذْعَانُ السَّيْرِ لَيِّنَةُ الاِنْعِطَافِ (thus in the O:) and it is said to be without a parallel in respect of the dropping of the [fem. termination] ة, whether its original measure be فَعِلٌ or فَاعِلٌ [?]. (TA.) A2: Also [Ivory;] elephant's bone; (S, O, K;) or [rather] only elephant's tusk; (Lth, Msb, TA;) thus say ISd and Kz: (TA:) n. un. with ة [signifying a piece of ivory]: (S, O:) of its properties are these: that if seed-produce or trees be fumigated with it, worms will not approach them; and the woman who drinks of it every day two drachms with water and honey, if compressed after seven days, conceives. (K.) b2: and Tortoise-shell; syn. ذَبْلٌ [q. v.]; (O, K;) i. e. (O) the back [or shell] of the sea-tortoise [or turtle]: (O, Msb:) i. q. مَسَكٌ: (Sh, L:) or a thing that is made from the back of the sea-tortoise: (L:) and it is said that the Arabs called any [sort of] bone by this name: n. un. with ة. (TA.) The Prophet is related to have had a comb of عاج, i. e. ذَبْل: (L:) and he is said to have ordered to purchase for Fátimeh a pair of bracelets of عاج, by which he meant not what is turned of elephants' tusks, for their tusks are مَيْتَة, [i. e. they are taken from an animal of which the flesh is unlawful food,] but ذبل: (O, * L, Msb: *) the عاج of the elephant is impure accord. to EshSháfi'ee, but pure accord. to Aboo-Haneefeh. (L.) b3: Also Bracelets of عاج, as distinguished from ذَبْل, [i. e. of ivory: and probably of tortoise-shell also:] (ISh:) n. un. with ة. (TA in art. جوج.) A3: عَاجِ, (S, O, L, K,) indecl., with kesr for its termination, (L, K,) as a determinate noun; and عَاجٍ, with tenween, as an indeterminate noun; (L;) A cry by which a she-camel is chidden: (S, O, L, K:) Az says, in chiding a she-camel, one says عَاجِ, without tenween; and if he please, عَاجْ, with jezm, as though a pause were imagined to be made after it: or, accord. to A'Obeyd, one says to her عَاجٍ, and جَاهٍ, with tenween: [but see art. جوه:] accord. to AHeyth, a word of this kind is originally mejzoom; but in the case of a rhyme, [and in any case of poetical necessity,] it may be makhfood. (TA.) [See also art. عج.]

عَوَجٌ and ↓ عِوَجٌ [are inf. ns. of عَوِجَ, q. v., or the latter is a simple subst.; and both, used as simple substs.,] signify Crookedness, curvity, a bending, a winding, wryness, contortion, distortion, or unevenness: (L:) or the former is peculiar to objects of the sight, as bodies; and the latter, to what are not seen, as opinion, and a saying, and religion: or, as some say, the latter is used in both of these cases; but the distinction is more common: (IAth, TA:) Az makes the same distinction; but adds that some of the Arabs used the latter word in relation to a road: (Msb:) accord. to ISk, (S, O,) the former is in anything erect, (S, O, K,) or in anything that was erect and has inclined, (TA,) as a wall, (S, O, K, TA,) and a stick, (S, O, Msb,) or a staff, (K, TA,) and a spear; (TA;) and the latter, in land, or ground, and in religion, (S, O, Msb, K, TA,) and in means of subsistence: (S, O:) in land, or ground, the latter means unevenness; thus in the Kur xx.

106: in a road, deflection; as also عَوَجٌ: in religion, and in natural disposition, corruptness, or deviation from rectitude: (TA:) and عَوَجٌ, (S, O, TA, [thus accord. to both of my copies of the S,]) or عِوَجٌ, (accord. to a copy of the A, [which I incline to regard as the right, in consideration of its consistency with explanations here preceding, notwithstanding the apparent preponderance of authority in favour of عَوَجٌ,]) in a man, signifies evilness of natural disposition: (S, A, O: [and so, app., هَوَجٌ:]) or عَوَجٌ, with fet-h to the ع, as an inf. n., signifies the being evil in natural disposition. (KL.) عِوَجٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

العُوَيْجَآءُ [dim. of العَوْجَآءُ fem. of الأَعْوَجُ] A species of ذُرَة [or millet]. (TA.) عَوَّاجٌ A possessor of عَاج [i. e. ivory, and app. tortoise-shell also]; (S, O, K;) accord. to Sb: (S, O:) and (O, K) accord. to another or others (O) a seller thereof. (O, K.) عَائِجٌ: for its fem. (with ة) as an epithet applied to a she-camel, see عَاجٌ, first sentence. b2: See also أَعْوَجُ, near the end. b3: Also Stopping, or pausing. (S, O.) أَعْوَجُ Crooked, curved, bent, or bending, winding, wry, contorted, distorted, or uneven: (S, * O, * L, Msb:) and ↓ مُعْوَجٌّ, [or this and the former also,] crooked, curved, &c., of itself: fem. of the former عَوْجَآءُ: (L, Msb:) and pl. عُوجٌ. (L.) One says ↓ عَصًا مُعْوَجَّةٌ [A crooked, or crooking, staff or stick]; but not مِعْوَجَّةٌ, with kesr to the م: (S, O:) or, accord. to ISk, one says the former; but not ↓ مُعَوَّجَةٌ, with fet-h to the ع and teshdeed to the و; though analogy does not forbid this, as it is allowable to say عَوَّجَهَا: accord. to As, one should not say ↓ مُعَوَّجٌ, with teshdeed to the و, except in applying it to a stick, or in another sense expl. below: Az says that this word is allowable as signifying rendered crooked or curved &c. (Msb.) b2: [Hence,] العَوْجَآءُ signifies The bow. (S, A, K.) b3: And عَوْجَآءُ applied to a woman, Inclining, or bending, towards her child, to suckle it. (TA.) And, so applied, That has become crooked by reason of leanness and hunger. (Ham p. 744.) And, applied to a she-camel, Lean, lank, light of flesh, slender, or lank in the belly: (S, A, K:) or emaciated so that her back has become crooked, or curved. (TA.) b4: [and أَعْوَجُ applied to a هِلَال (or new moon), Oblique: see أَدْفَقُ.] b5: نَخِيلٌ عُوجٌ signifies Palm-trees inclining, or leaning, and therefore crooked, or curved: and accord. to some, the saying of Lebeed, describing a [wild] he-ass and his she-asses, وَأَوْرَدَهَا عَلَى عُوجٍ طِوَالِ [the latter hemistich of a verse cited in the first paragraph of art. حوذ] means, And he brought them to the watering-place at [tall] palm-trees growing over the water, inclining and curving by reason of the abundance of their fruit: but others say that the meaning of على عوج is, upon their crooked legs. (TA.) b6: Hence, عُوجٌ signifies The legs of a horse or similar beast; (O, TA;) as ISd says, thus used as an epithet in which the quality of a subst. predominates [app. implying their having that bending, or curving, and tension of the sinews, termed تَجْنِيب, agreeably with what here follows]. (TA.) b7: And hence also, (TA,) خَيْلٌ عُوجٌ meaning Horses that have, in their hind legs, the quality termed تَجْنِيب. (A, TA. *) b8: أَعْوَجُ applied to a man means [Crooked in temper, or] evil in natural disposition. (S, A, O, K.) b9: المِلَّةُ العَوْجَآءُ [The crooked, or perverted, or corrupted, religion] is a phrase occurring in a trad., applied to the religion of Abraham as changed by the Arabs from its state of rectitude. (TA.) And one says خُطَّةٌ عَوْجَآءُ, and رَأْىٌ أَعْوَجُ, meaning [An affair, and an opinion,] not of a right kind. (A.) b10: الأَيَّامُ عُوجٌ رَوَاجِعُ [The days are apt to decline from the right course, apt to return,] is a prov., (Meyd, O, TA,) meaning fortune at one time declines from thee, and at another time returns to thee; (Meyd;) said by him at whose affliction one rejoices, or said on his part, and sometimes on an occasion of threatening: Az says that عُوجٌ, here, may be pl. of أَعْوَجُ, or of عَوْجَآءُ; or it may be pl. of ↓ عَائِجٌ, and originally عُوُجٌ. (O, TA.) [Hence,] العُوجُ is used as signifying The days [in allusion to their variableness with respect to good and evil]. (TA.) b11: and أَعْوَجُ is a [proper] name of A watering-trough. (Th, TA.) b12: See also the next paragraph, in four places.

أَعْوَجِىٌّ the rel. n. of أَعْوَجُ: (Msb, TA:) and applied to A [single] horse of those termed الأَعْوَجِيَّاتُ, (TA,) an appellation of certain horse so called in relation to one named أَعْوَجُ, belonging to the Benoo-Hilál, (S, O, K,) a stallion than which there was none more celebrated among the Arabs, nor any that had a more numerous progeny: (S, O:) they were also called الخَيْلُ الأَعْوَجِيَّةُ, (L,) and ↓ بَنَاتُ أَعْوَجَ, (S, O,) and ↓ بَنَاتُ عُوجٍ; and a poet says, وَقَاحُ الحَافِرِ ↓ أَحْوَى مِنَ العُوجِ [Brown, or a blackish bay, of the progeny of Aawaj, hard in the hoof]; meaning ↓ مِنْ وَلَدِ أَعْوَجَ; using that form of pl. because أَعْوَجُ is originally an epithet. (TA.) مَعَاجٌ A place to which one turns; or in which one remains, stays, dwells, or abides. (Har p. 325.) A2: Also an inf. n. of عَاجَ signifying “ he remained ” &c.: (K:) and of the verb in the phrase عُجْتُ البَعِيرَ. (S, O.) مُعْوَجٌّ: see أَعْوَجُ, first and second sentences.

مُعَوَّجٌ: see أَعْوَجُ, second sentence, in two places.

A2: Also A thing set, or inlaid, with عَاج [which means ivory, and tortoise-shell]: (As, Msb:) applied in this sense to a vessel. (TA.)



ذَاتُ; dual. ذَوَاتَا; pl. ذَوَاتٌ: see art. ذو.

ذَاتِىٌّ: and ذَاتِيَّةٌ: see art. ذو.



1 سَبِخَتِ الأَرْضُ, (JK, A, Msb,) aor. ـَ inf. n. سَبَخٌ; (Msb;) and ↓ اسبخت; (JK, A, Msb, K;) The land, or earth, exuded water and produced salt: (JK, K:) or was, or became, salt; had in it salt. (A, Msb.) And سَبِخَ المَكَانُ, inf. n. as above, The place produced salt, and was such that the feet sank in it. (TA.) A2: See also 2.

A3: سَبْخٌ, an inf. n. of which the verb is سَبَخَ, aor. ـُ (TK,) means also (assumed tropical:) The being in a state of sleep: (AA, S:) and ↓ تَسْبِيخٌ (assumed tropical:) The sleeping soundly: (S:) or both have this meaning: (K:) or the former signifies (assumed tropical:) the being in a state of rest, and easing the body by sleep: (IAar, L:) and ↓ the latter, (assumed tropical:) the sleeping every hour: (TA:) and the former signifies also (assumed tropical:) the being unoccupied, at leisure, or free from work or business; (AA, S, K;) and so ↓ the latter. (K.) In the Kur lxxiii. 7, some read سَبْخًا [instead of سَبْحًا, q. v.]; (S, K;) meaning (assumed tropical:) rest, and easing of the body by sleep; (IAar, L;) and said by Fr to be from تَسْبِيخٌ, in the first of the senses expl. in the next paragraph: (L:) or (assumed tropical:) freedom from occupation or work or business. (S.) Accord to Zj, السَّبْحُ and السَّبْخُ are nearly the same in meaning. (TA.) You say also سَبْخٌ مِنْ نَوْمٍ and مَشْىٍ and حَرٍّ [app. meaning (assumed tropical:) A ceasing from sleeping and from walking or journeying and of heat]. (JK.) b2: And سَبَخْتُ النَّوْمَ, inf. n. سَبْخٌ, (assumed tropical:) [I slept long; or] I lengthened sleeping. (JK.) b3: And سَبَخْتُ فِى الأَرْضِ (assumed tropical:) I went, or travelled, far, in, or into, the land, or country; (JK, K, * TA;) like سَبَحْتُ. (TA.) 2 تَسْبِيخٌ [inf. n. of سبّخ] The separating, or plucking asunder, and loosening, of cotton, and making it [or spreading it out] wide. (Fr, L.) b2: And The winding of cotton and the like, (K, TA,) such as wool, and soft hair (وَبَر), after the separating and loosening, for a woman to spin it; (TA;) [as also سَبْخٌ, inf. n. of ↓ سَبَخَ; see سَبِيخٌ.]

b3: [Hence,] (tropical:) The act of lightening, or alleviating. (S, A, K.) It is related in a trad. that the Prophet said to 'Áïsheh, when she had cursed a thief, (S, A, TA,) who had stolen something from her, (S, A, TA,) who had stolen something from her, (S, TA,) لَا تُسَبِّخِى عَنْهُ بِدُعَائِكِ عَلَيْهِ, (S, A, * TA,) meaning (tropical:) Do not thou alleviate (S, A, TA) the merited punishment of his crime by thy cursing him. (S, * TA.) And a poet says, فَسَبِّخْ عَلَيْكَ الهَمَّ وَاعْلَمْ بِأَنَّهُ

إِذَا قَدَّرَ الرَّحْمٰنُ شَيْئًا فَكَائِنُ [Then alleviate thou the disquietude of thy mind; and know that, when the Compassionate decreeth a thing, it happeneth]. (S.) One says also, سَبَّخَ اللّٰهُ عَنْكَ الحُمَّى May God alleviate thy fever. (S.) And اَللّٰهُمَّ سَبِّخْ عَنَّا الأَذَى O God, remove from us, or alleviate to us, that which harms, or hurts. (TA.) b4: And (assumed tropical:) The act of stilling, quieting, rendering motionless, appeasing, tranquillizing, calming, allaying, assuaging, or quelling. (K.) A2: Also (assumed tropical:) The becoming [alleviated, or lightened,] still, quiet, motionless, appeased, tranquil, calm, allayed, assuaged, or quelled. (K, * TA.) One says of heat, (S, K,) and of anger, (TA,) سبّخ, (S, K,) inf. n. as above; and ↓ تسبّخ; (K;) (assumed tropical:) It became abated, or allayed, (S, K, TA,) and alleviated. (S.) b2: Also (assumed tropical:) The ceasing of veins from the throbbing occasioned by pain therein. (IAar, L, K. *) b3: See also 1, in three places.3 سابخ expl. by Freytag as meaning He contended with another in swimming is a mistake for سابح.]4 اسبخ He reached salt earth in digging (S, K) a well. (TA.) b2: See also 1, first sentence.5 تَسَبَّخَ see 2, near the end of the paragraph.

سَبَخٌ is expl. by Freytag as applied in the Deewán of Jereer to A dense cloud that is seen suspended apart from other clouds.]

سَبِخٌ; and its fem., with ة: see سَبَخَةٌ, in three places.

سَبْخَةٌ: see the next paragraph, in three places.

سَبَخَةٌ and ↓ سَبْخَةٌ [A piece, or tract, of] land that exudes water and produces salt: (K:) pl. (of the former, S, or of the latter, Msb) سِبَاخٌ: (S, A, Msb, K:) ↓ أَرْضٌ سَبِخَةٌ [also] signifies as above; (JK;) or land containing سِبَاخ, (S, A,) i. e. [places that exude water and produce salt, or simply] salt; (A;) or salt land or earth, as also ↓ ارض سَبْخَةٌ, in which the latter word is a contraction of سَبِخَةٌ, and ارض سَبَخَةٌ also: (Msb:) and ↓ سَبِخٌ signifies a place producing salt, (Msb, * TA,) and in which the feet sink: (TA:) the pl. of ↓ سَبِخَةٌ is سَبِخَاتٌ. (Msb.) The Prophet said to Anas, on his mentioning El-Basrah, إِنْ مَرَرْتَ بِهَا وَدَخَلْتَهَا فَإِيَّاكَ وَسِبَاخَهَا, meaning [If thou pass by it and enter it, then beware thou of] its tracts of land overspread with saltness, that seldom, or never, give growth to anything but some trees, or shrubs. (L.) b2: Also, (K,) or the latter, i. e. ↓ سَبْخَةٌ, (JK,) A thing that overspreads water (JK, K, TA) in consequence of its having been long left, (TA,) resembling [the green substance called] طُحْلُب, (JK, K,) or such as طحلب and the like. (TA.) سَبِيخٌ Cotton, and wool, and soft hair (وَبَر), separated, or plucked asunder, and loosened; as also ↓ مُسَبَّخٌ: (TA:) [and ↓ سَبِيخَةٌ, in which the ة is added to convert the epithet into a subst., signifies a portion, i. e. a loose flock, thereof; and its pl. is سَبَائِخُ, whence] one says, طَارَتْ سَبَائِخُ القُطْنِ [The loose flocks of the cotton flew about]. (A.) b2: [Hence,] (tropical:) Feathers (رِيش) that fall off (S, A, K) and become scattered: (K:) as also ↓ مُسَبَّخٌ: (TA:) the pl. of the former (K, TA) [used as a subst.], in this and in the following senses, (TA,) [or rather of ↓ سَبِيخَةٌ as a n. un. thus used,] is سَبَائِخُ. (K, TA.) One says, وَرَدْتُ مَآءً حَوْلَهُ سَبِيخُ الطَّيْرِ, and ↓ سَبَائِخُهُ, i. e. (tropical:) [I came to water around which were] the feathers that had fallen off [and become scattered] of birds. (A.) b3: Also Cotton made wide for a medicament to be put upon it (K, TA) and for it to be applied upon a wound: (TA:) and ↓ سَبِيخَةُ signifies a portion of cotton thus prepared for this purpose. (JK, K. *) b4: And Cotton, (S, K,) and wool, and soft hair (وَبَر), (S,) wound, after the separating and loosening, (S, K, in the former بَعْدَ النَّدْفِ ↓ يُسْبَخُ i. e. يُلَفُّ,) to be spun (S, K) by a woman: (S:) and ↓ سَبِيخَةٌ signifies a portion thereof. (S.) سَبِيخَةٌ; and its pl., سَبَائِخُ: see the next preceding paragraph, in five places.

مُسَبَّخٌ: see سَبِيخٌ, in two places.



1 جَزَرَ, aor. ـِ and sometimes جَزُرَ, (K,) inf. n. جَزْرٌ, (Mgh, K,) He cut, or cut off, (Mgh, K,) a thing. (TA.) b2: جَزَرَ, (S, Mgh, Msb,) aor. ـُ (S, Msb,) [inf. n. as above,] He slaughtered a camel (S, Mgh, Msb) or other animal, (Msb,) and skinned it; (S;) as also ↓ اجتزر. (S, TA.) You say also, جَزَرَ لَهُمْ, meaning He slaughtered for them a camel. (A.) And القَوْمَ جَزُورًا ↓ اجتزر He slaughtered and skinned for the people a camel. (TA.) b3: جَزَرَ النَّخْلَ, aor. ـِ (S, K) and جَزُرَ, (K,) inf. n. جَزْرٌ (S, K) and جَزَارٌ and جِزَارٌ, (Lh, K,) He cut off the fruit of the palm-trees: (Lh, S, K:) or, as some say, he spoiled the palm-trees in fecundating them. (TA.) b4: And جَزَرَ, (TA,) inf. n. جَزْرٌ, (K,) He gathered honey from the hive. (K, TA.) A2: جَزَرَ, aor. ـِ and جَزُرَ, inf. n. جَزْرٌ, (S, Msb, K, &c.,) (tropical:) It (water) sank, and disappeared; became low; or became remote; (S, K;) decreased; went away; (TA;) flowed away, or retired, (A, Mgh, * Msb,) from the earth, or land: (A, Mgh:) it (the sea, and a river, Lth, ISd) ebbed; contr. of مَدَّ; (S, ISd, K; [but in this last sense, only جَزِرَ is authorized by the K, and app. by ISd also, as the aor. ـ) i. e., retreated, or went back; (S. Msb; *) as also ↓ انجزر; (ISd, TA;) or ceased to increase. (Lth, Mgh.) 4 اجزرهُ, (K,) or اجزر القَوْمَ, (ISk, S,) He gave to him, or to the people, a sheep or a goat, for him, or for them, to slaughter; (ISk, S, K;) meaning a ewe or a ram or a she-goat; (ISk, S;) or a sheep, or goat, fit for slaughter: (TA:) and أَجْزَرْتُهُ شَاةً I gave to him a ewe or a ram or a she-goat, and he slaughtered it: (ISk, TA:) and أَجْزَرْتُكَ بَعِيرًا, or شَاةً, I gave to thee a camel, or a sheep or goat, that thou mightest slaughter it: (A:) [but] accord. to ISk, one does not say أَجْزَرْتُهُمْ نَاقَةً, because a she-camel is fit for other purposes than that of slaughter: (S:) and accord. to some, one should not say اجزرهُ جَزُورًا, but اجزرهُ جَزَرَةً. (TA.) A2: اجزر He (a camel) attained to the fit time for his being slaughtered. (S, K.) b2: اجزر النَّخْلُ The palm-trees attained to the fit time for the cutting off of the fruit. (S, K.) b3: [And hence,] اجزر الشَيْخُ (tropical:) The old man attained to the fit time for his dying; (K, TA;) being aged, and near to his perishing; like as the palm-tree attains to the fit time for having its fruit cut off. (TA.) Youths used to say to an old man أَجْزَرْتَ يَا شَيْخُ, meaning, Thou hast attained to the fit time for thy dying, O old man: and he would say, أَىْ بَنِىَّ وَتُحْتَضَرُونَ, i. e., “[O my sons, and] ye shall die youths: ” but accord. to one way of relation, it is أَجْزَزْتَ; from أَجَزَّ البُرُّ “ the wheat attained to the proper time for being out. ” (S.) b4: اجزر القَوْمُ The people attained to the fit time for the cutting off of the fruit of the palm-trees. (Yz, TA.) 5 تَجَزَّرَ see 8.6 تَجَازَرَا (assumed tropical:) They reviled each other (K, TA) vehemently, or excessively. (TA.) 7 إِنْجَزَرَ see 1.8 اجتزر: see 1, in two places. b2: اجتزروا فِى

القِتَالِ and ↓ تجزّروا (K, TA) They fought one another [app. so that they cut one another in pieces]. (TA.) [In the K, this is immediately followed, as though for the purpose of explanation, by the words تَرَكُوهُمْ جَزَرًا لِلسِّبَاعِ أَىْ قِطَعًا: but there is evidently an omission in this place, at least of the conjunction وَ.] b3: And اجتزروا They had a camel slaughtered for them. (A.) جَزْرٌ inf. n. of 1. (S, K, &c.) A2: And also (assumed tropical:) The sea (K, TA) itself. (TA.) جَزَرٌ, (not ↓ جِزَرٌ, Fr, S, [but see what follows,]) [a coll. gen. n.,] Fat sheep or goats: (S, K, TA:) n. un. جَزَرَةٌ: (S, K:) or sheep, or goats, that are slaughtered; (M;) as also ↓ جَزُورٌ: (K:) n. un. as above: (M: in the K جَزْرَةٌ:) or جَزَرَةٌ signifies a sheep, or goat, fit for slaughter: or a sheep, or goat, to which the owners betake themselves and which they slaughter: and anything that is lawful to be slaughtered; n. un. of جَزَرٌ, which is sometimes [written ↓ جِزَرٌ,] with fet-h to the ز. (TA.) b2: جَزَرُ السِّبَاعِ The flesh which beasts or birds of prey eat. (S, Mgh.) One says, تَرَكُوهُمْ جَزَرًا (S, K) They slew them: (S:) or they left them cut in pieces لِلسِّبَاعِ [for the beasts or birds of prey]. (K.) And صَارُوا جَزَرًا لِلْعَدُوِّ [They became a prey to the enemy, cut in pieces]. (Mgh.) A2: See also جَزِيرَةٌ.

A3: Also, and ↓ جِزّرٌ, (Fr, S, Msb, K,) the latter with kesr to the ج, (Msb, K,) arabicized, (K,) from the Persian [گَزَرْ], (AHn,) [coll. gen. ns., meaning Carrots, or the carrot;] a certain root, (أَرُومَة,) which is eaten, (S, K,) well known: (TA:) n. un. with ة; (K;) or جَزَرَةٌ: (As, S, Msb:) the best kind is the red and sweet, which grows in winter: it is hot in the extreme of the second degree; moist in the first degree; (TA;) diuretic; (K, TA;) lenitive; emollient; (TA;) strengthening to the venereal faculty; emmenagogue: the putting of its pounded leaves upon festering ulcers is advantageous: (K, TA:) it is difficult of digestion; and engenders bad blood; but is made wholesome with vinegar and mustard. (TA.) b2: [See also حِنْزَابٌ, in art. حزب.]

جِزَرٌ: see جَزَرٌ, in three places.

جِزَارٌ The time of the cutting off of the fruit of palm-trees. (Yz, TA.) [See also 1.]

جَزُورٌ A camel [that is slaughtered, or to be slaughtered]; (K;) applied to the male and the female: (S, Msb:) or (as some say, Sgh, Msb) properly a she-camel that is slaughtered: (Sgh, Msb, K:) but the former is the correct assertion; (TA;) though the word is fem., (IAmb, S, Msb, TA,) on the authority of hearsay; (TA;) therefore you say, رَعَتِ الجَزُورء [the camel for slaughter pastured]: (IAmb, Msb:) or when used alone, it is fem., because what are slaughtered are mostly she-camels: (TA:) and when used as a common term, it implies the like of predominance [of the fem. gender]: (Háshiyeh of Esh-Shiháb, TA:) [the shares into which the جزور is divided in the game called المَيْسِر are described voce بَدْءٌ:] pl. جُزُرٌ (S, Msb, K) and جَزَائِرُ and جُزُرَاتٌ, (Msb, K,) the last of which is pl. of جُزُرٌ, like as طُرُقَاتٌ is of طُرُقٌ. (TA.) b2: See also جَزَرٌ.

جُزَارَةٌ, of a camel, The extremities; (S, A;) namely, (S,) the fore and kind legs, (اليَدَانِ وَالرِّجْلَانِ, S, K,) and the head, (S,) or neck: (A, K:) because the slaughterer receives them; (S;) they being his hire, (S, K,) or right, (A,) not being included among the shares in the game called المَيْسِر. (TA.) But when a horse is said to be عَبْلُ الجُزَارَةِ, (S,) or ضَخْمُ الجُزَارَةِ, (M,) what is meant is thickness of the fore and hind legs, and abundance of sinews; and the head is not included, because largeness of the head, in a horse, is a fault. (S, M.) جِزَارَةٌ The trade of him who slaughters camels (Mgh, Msb, K, * TA) and other animals. (Msb.) جَزِيرَةٌ (tropical:) An island; land in the sea [or in a river], from which the water has flowed away, so that it appears; (Az, Mgh;) and in like manner, land which a torrent does not overflow, but which it surrounds; (Az, TA;) land from which the tide retires; as also ↓ جَزَرٌ: (K:) so called because cut off from the main land: (S:) or because of the retiring of the water from it: (Msb:) pl. جَزَائِرُ: (S, Mgh:) [also, a peninsula:] and a piece of ground or land. (Kr, TA.) جَزَّارٌ (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K) and ↓ جِزِّيرٌ (K) and ↓ جَازِرٌ (A) One who slaughters camels (A, Mgh, Msb, K) and other animals. (Msb.) جِزِّيرٌ: see what next precedes.

جَازِرٌ: see what next precedes.

مَجْزَرٌ, (Msb, K,) or مَجْزِرٌ, with kesr to the ز, (S, Ibn-Málik,) contr to rule, as the aor. of the verb is with damm, (Ibn-Málik, TA,) and sometimes ↓ مَجْزَرَةٌ [or مَجْزِرَةٌ], (Msb,) A place where camels are slaughtered, (S, Msb, K,) and other animals, (Msb,) namely, bulls and cows and sheep and goats, and where their flesh is sold: pl. مَجَازِرُ. (TA.) In a trad. of 'Omar, persons are enjoined to avoid مَجَازِر, (S, TA,) meaning as above; because of their uncleanness; (TA;) or because the witnessing of the slaughter of animals hardens the heart and dispels mercy: (IAth, TA:) or the meaning is, places of assembly; because a camel is slaughtered only where people are collected together: (S, TA:) the ↓ مَجْزَرَة is one of the places in which it is forbidden to perform the usual prayers. (Mgh.) مَجْزَرَةٌ or مَجْزِرَةٌ: see مَجْزَرٌ, in two places.



1 خَلَّ لَحْمُهُ, aor. ـُ (Ks, S, K, TA, in the CK خَلَّ,) [irreg. in the case of an intrans. v. of this class, unless the verb be of the measure فَعُلَ,] and خَلِّ, (K,) [agreeably with general rule,] inf. n. خَلٌّ and خُلُولٌ; (Ks, S, K;) and ↓ اختلّ; (Sgh, K;) His flesh became little, or scanty; (Ks, S;) or his flesh decreased, diminished, or wasted: (K:) he became lean, or spare. (Ks, S, K.) [But it seems, from what follows, that the verb may be of the measure فَعِلَ, aor. ـَ as well as of the measure فَعَلَ, aor. ـِ or خَلُّ; or perhaps of the measures فَعِلَ and فَعَلَ and فَعُلَ, so that the aor. may be regularly خَلَّ and خَلِّ and خَلُّ.] b2: You say also خَلِلْتُ مِنْ كَذَا I missed such a thing. (JK.) And خَلَّ البَعِيرُ مِنَ الرَّبِيعِ The camel missed the [herbage called] ربيع, and became lean in consequence thereof. (JK, Ibn-'Abbád, TA.) b3: and خَلَّ, (JK, S, K,) inf. n. خَلٌّ; (TA;) and ↓ أَخَلَّ, (JK, Msb, TA,) or ↓ أُخِلَّ, (K,) and بِهِ ↓ أُخِلَّ; (S, TA;) and ↓ اختلّ; (MA, KL;) said of a man, (JK, S, Msb,) He was, or became, poor, or in want or need. (JK, S, MA, KL, Msb, K, AT.) A2: خَلَّ الشَّىْءَ, (K,) aor. ـُ inf. n. خَلٌّ, (TA,) He, or it, perforated the thing; transpierced it, or pierced it through; as also ↓ تخللّٰهُ: (K:) so in the M. (TA.) You say, خَلَلْتُ الشَّىْءَ بِالخِلَالِ, aor. ـُ I transfixed, or transpierced, the thing with the [pin called] خلال. (JK,) [And خَلَّ اللَّحْمَ He skewered the flesh-meat.] And خَلَلْتُهُ بِالرُّمْحِ I pierced him with the spear. (JK.) And بِالرُّمْحِ ↓ اختلّهُ He transpierced him, or transfixed him, with the spear; (T, M, K, TA;) and so بِالسَّهْمِ with the arrow: (S:) or the former signifies he pierced him with the spear and transfixed his heart: (TA:) accord. to Az, الاِخْتِلَالُ relates to the heart and the liver. (M in art. نظم.) And CCC الثَّوْرُ ↓ يَخْتَلًّ

الكَلْبَ بِقَرْنِهِ [The bull pierces the dog with his horn]. (JK. [It is there vaguely indicated that ↓ خِلَّةٌ signifies The act, or perhaps the effect, of a bull's piercing a dog with his horn.]) and بِالرُّمْحِ ↓ تخللّٰهُ He pierced him time after time with the spear. (M, K.) b2: And خَلَّ الفَصِيلَ, (K,) inf. n. خَلٌّ, (TA,) He slit the tongue of the young camel, and inserted into it a wooden pin called خِلَال, in order that he might not such: (K:) or [simply] he slit the tongue of the young camel, in order that he might not be able to such [any longer], so that he became lean; as also خَلَّ لِسَانَ الفَصِيلِ: (S:) or الخَلُّ signifies the fixing a خِلَال above the nose of the young camel, to prevent his sucking. (TA in art. لهج.) b3: and خَلَّةُ, (T, Mgh, Msb, K, TA,) aor. ـُ inf. n. خَلٌّ, (S, Msb, TA,) namely, a thing, (TA,) a garment, (T, TA,) a [garment such as is called] كِسَآء (S, K, TA) or رَدَآء (Mgh, Msb) &c., (TA,) and a [tent such as is called] خِبَآء, (S, TA,) He pinned it with the [pin called] خِلَال; (T, TA;) he conjoined (Mgh, Msb, TA) its two edges, (Mgh, Msb,) or its edges, (TA,) or he fastened it, (K,) with a خِلَال: (S, Mgh, Msb, K, TA:) and ↓ خللّٰهُ has a similar, but intensive, signification. (Msb) A poet says, سَمِعْنَ بِمَوْتِهِ فَظَهَرْنَ نَوْحًا قِيَامًا مَا يُخَلُّ لَهُنَّ عُودُ meaning, لَا يُخَلُّ لَهُنَّ ثَوْبٌ بِعُودٍ [i. e. They (the women) heard of his death, and appeared, wailing, standing; no garment of theirs having its edges fastened together with a pointed piece of wood]. (TA.) A3: خَلَّ الإِبِلَ, (K,) aor. ـُ inf. n. خَلٌّ, (TA,) He removed, transferred, or shifted, the camels to what is termed خُلَّة [after they had been pasturing upon حَمْض]; as also ↓ أَخَلَّهَا: (K:) or the latter signifies he pastured them upon خُلَّة. (S.) A4: خَلَّ, (Lh, S, K,) [aor. ـُ inf. n. خَلٌّ, (TA,) is also syn. with خَصَّ [He particularized, or specified]; (Lh, S, K;) contr. of عَمَّ; (K;) and so ↓ خلّل: (JK, S, TA:) thus in the phrase, عَمَّ فِى دُعَائِهِ وَخَلَّ (S, TA) and وَخَلَّلَ (JK, S, TA) [He included, or comprehended, persons or things in common, or in general, in his prayer or supplication &c., and particularized, or specified, some person or thing, or some persons or things].2 خلّل أَسْنَانَهُ, inf. n. تَخْلِيلٌ, [He picked his teeth;] he extracted the remains of food between his teeth with a خِلَال [or toothpick]; (Msb, K, * in which latter the pass. form of the verb is mentioned;) and so ↓ تخلّل, alone; (T, S, * O, TA;) but accord. to the K, you say, تخللّٰهُ [he extracted it], meaning the remains of food between the teeth. (TA.) b2: خلّل الشَّعَرَ بِالمُشْطِ [He separated the hair with the comb; he combed the hair]. (Mgh voce تَشْرِيحٌ.) b3: خلّل لِحْيَتَهُ, (S, * Msb, K,) and أَصَابِعَهُ, (S, * K,) inf. n. as above, (S,) He made the water to flow into the interstices of his beard, (Msb, K,) and of his fingers or toes, (K,) in the ablution termed وُضُوْء; (S, TA;) and ↓ تخلّل, alone, signifies the same. (S.) It (the former) is as though it were taken from تَخَلَّلْتُ القَوْمَ meaning “I entered amid the breaks, or interspaces, of the people. ” (Msb.) Hence the trad., خَلِّلُوا أَصَابِعَكُمْ لَا تُخَلَّلَهَا نَارٌ قَلِيلٌ بُقْيَاهَا [Make ye the water to flow into the interstices of your fingers or toes, lest fire that shall spare little be made to flow into their interstices]. (TA.) b4: خللّٰهُ كِلْسًا He put صَارُوج [or كِلْس, i. e. quick lime, &c.,] into the interstices of its (a building's) stones. (TA in art. كلس.) b5: خلّل القِثَّآءَ, and البِطِّيخَ, inf. n. as above, He investigated the state of the cucumbers, and the melons, or water-melons, so as to see every one that had not grown, and put another in its place. (AA, TA.) b6: See also 1, in the latter half of the paragraph.

A2: And see 1 again, last sentence.

A3: خلّل, inf. n. تَخْلِيلٌ, said of wine and of other beverages, It became acid, or sour; and spoiled: (K:) or, said of شَرَاب [i. e. wine and the like], (Mgh,) or of نَبِيذ [i. e. must and the like], (Msb,) or of expressed juice, (K,) it became vinegar; (Mgh, Msb, K;) as also ↓ اختلّ; (Lth, K;) but this is disallowed by Az; (TA;) and ↓ تخلّل; but this is of the language of the lawyers; (Mgh;) or, said of نبيذ, this last signifies it was made into vinegar: (Msb:) or خلّل, said of شراب, signifies it spoiled, (JK, T,) and became vinegar. (T.) A4: تَخْلِيلٌ also signifies The making vinegar; (S;) and so ↓ اِخْتِلَالٌ; (K;) i. e. of the expressed juice of grapes and of dates. (TA.) You say, خلّل الخَمْرَ, (K,) or الشَّرَابَ, (Mgh,) or النَّبِيذ, inf. n. as above, (Msb,) the verb being trans. as well as intrans., (Mgh, Msb, K,) and النَّبِيذَ ↓ تخلّل, (TA,) He made the wine, or beverage, or must or the like, into vinegar. (Mgh, Msb, K, TA.) A5: And خلّل البُسْرَ He put the full-grown unripe dates in the sun, and then sprinkled them (نَضَحَهُ, in some copies of the K نضجه,) with vinegar, and placed them in a jar: (K:) so in the M: and in like manner, other things than بُسْر; as cucumbers, and cabbage, and بَاذَنْجَان [q. v.], and onions. (TA.) [Accord. to modern usage, the verb signifies He pickled.]3 خالّهُ, (JK, Mgh, K,) inf. n. مُخَالَّةٌ and خِلَالٌ (JK, S, K) and [quasi-inf. n.] ↓ خُلَّةٌ, (JK,) He acted, or associated, with him as a friend, or as a true, or sincere, friend. (JK, S, * Mgh, K.) لَا بَيْعٌ فِيهِ وَلَا خِلَالٌ, in the Kur [xiv. 36], is said to mean [Wherein shall be no buying or selling] nor mutual befriending: or [and no friends, or true friends, for], as some say, خِلَالٌ is here pl. of ↓ خُلَّةٌ, like as جِلَالٌ is pl. of جُلَّةٌ. (TA.) 4 أَخَلَّ and أُخِلَّ and أُخِلَّ بِهِ: see 1, near the beginning. b2: أخَلَّ بِهِ He (a man) fell, or stopped, short in it; fell short of accomplishing it; fell short of doing what was requisite, or due, or what he ought to have done, in it, or with respect to it; or flagged, or was remiss, in it; namely, a thing; syn. قَصَّرَ فِيهِ; (Msb;) as, for instance, in belief, and in confession thereof, and in works: (Ksh and Bd in ii. 2:) he left it, neglected it, omitted it; or left it undone: (Har p. 402:) or i. q. أَجْحَفَ بِهِ [app. as meaning he was near to falling short of accomplishing it, or of doing what was requisite in it; or was near to being remiss in it]; namely, a thing. (K.) b3: He failed of fulfilling his compact with him, or his promise to him. (K.) b4: He became absent, or he absented himself, from it; he left, abandoned, or quitted, it; namely, a place &c. (K.) You say, اخلّ بِمَرْكَزِهِ He (a man, S, or a horseman, Mgh) left, abandoned, or quitted, his station (S, Mgh) which the commander had appointed him. (Mgh.) And اخلّ بِهِمْ He became absent, or he absented himself, from them. (JK.) b5: اخلّ الوَالِى بِالثُّغُورِ The prefect made the frontiers to be kept by a small body of troops. (K.) A2: أَخَلَّ إِلَيْهِ: see 8.

A3: اخلّهُ He made him, or caused him, to want, or be in need. (JK, S, K.) Yousay, مَا أَخَلَّكَ إِلَى هٰذَا What has made thee, or caused thee, to want, or be in need of, this? (S.) And مَا أَخَلَّكَ اللّٰهُ إِلَيْهِ What has God made thee, or caused thee, to want, or be in need of? (Lh, K.) A4: اخلّ الأِبِلَ: see 1, near the end of the paragraph.

A5: اخلّوا, (K,) inf. n. إِخْلَالٌ, (TA,) Their camels pastured upon what is termed خُلَّة. (K.) b2: Hence, اخلّ said of a man signifies (assumed tropical:) أَخَذَ مِنْ قُبُلٍ [i. e. He took frontways]: opposed to أَحْمَضَ [and حَمَّضَ, q. v.], meaning أَخَذَ مِنْ دُبُرٍ. (TA.) A6: اخلّت النَّخْلَةُ The palmtree produced bad fruit. (A' Obeyd, JK, S, K.) b2: And The palm-tree produced dates such as are termed خَلَال: [like أَبْلَحَت from بَلَحٌ:] thus it bears two contr. significations. (K.) 5 تخلّل [primarily signifies It entered, or penetrated, or passed through, the خِلَال, i. e. interstices, &c., of a thing]. You say, تَخَلَّلْتُ القَوْمَ I entered amid the breaks, or interspaces, of the people. (S, M, Msb, K. *) And تَخَلَّلُوا الدِّيَارَ [They went through the midst of the houses]. (S in art. جوس.) And تخلّل الرَّمْلَ He passed through the sands. (Az, TA.) And تخلّل القَلْبَ (assumed tropical:) [It penetrated the heart]; said of admonition. (TA in art. بهم.) And تخلّل الاشَّىْءُ The thing [i. e. anything] went, or passed, through. (JK, * S, K.) b2: [Hence, It intervened; said of a time &c. And hence the phrase مِنْ غَيْرِ تَخَلُّلِ Without interruption.] b3: And تخلّل المَطَرُ The rain was confined to a particular place, or to particular places; was not general. (S, K.) b4: See also 1, in two places, in the former half of the paragraph. b5: تخلّل الرُّطَبَ He sought out the fresh ripe dates in the interstices of the roots of the branches (M, K) after the cutting off of the racemes of fruit. (M.) And تخلّل النَّخْلَةَ He picked the dates that were among the roots of the branches of the palm-tree; as also تَكَرَّبَهَا. (AHn, TA.) b6: For other significations, see 2, in four places.6 تَخَالٌّ [said of several persons] The being friendly, one with another. (KL.) [You say, تَخَالُّوا They acted together, or associated, as friends, or as true friends.]8 اختلّ [primarily signifies] It had interstices, breaks, chinks, or the like. (MA. [See خَلَلٌ.]) b2: [And hence,] It was, or became, shaky, loose, lax, uncompact, disordered, unsound, corrupt, (Msb,) faulty, or defective, (KL, Msb,) [and weak, or infirm, (see خَلَلٌ and مُخْتَلٌّ,)] said of a thing or an affair; (KL;) it became altered for the worse. (Msb.) [You say, اختلّ مِزَاجُهُ His constitution, or temperament, became in a corrupt or disordered state. And اختلّ alone He was, or became, disordered in temper; (see تَحَمَّضَ;) but this seems to be from the same verb said of a camel; (see اختلّت الأِبِلُ, below;) for the camel becomes disordered in his stomach by pasturing long upon خُلَّة, without shifting to حَمْض. And اختلّ عَقْلَهُ His mind, or intellect, was, or became, unsound, or disordered.] and اختلّ أَمْرُهُ [His affair, or state, was, or became, unsound, corrupt, or disordered]; (S, voce اِضْطَرَبَ;) i. e. وَقَعَ فِيهِ الخَلَلُ. (JM.) b3: He was, or became, lean, meagre, or emaciated; (KL;) and so اختلّ جِسْمُهُ. (S.) See 1, first sentence. b4: See also خَلَّ as syn. with أَخَلَّ or أُخِلَّ &c., near the beginning of the first paragraph. [Hence,] اختلّ إِلَيْهِ He wanted it, or needed it; (S, Msb, K;) namely, a thing; (S, Msb;) as also اليه ↓ أَخَلَّ: (TA:) whence the saying of Ibn-Mes'ood, عَلَيْكُمْ بِالعِلْمِ فَإِنَّ أَحَدَكُمْ لَايَدْرِى مَتَى يُخْتَلُّ إِلَيْهِ [Keep ye to the pursuit of knowledge, or science; for any one of you knows not, or will not know, when it will be wanted, or needed]; i. e., when men will want, or need, that [knowledge] which he possesses. (S.) You say also, اُخْتُلَّ إِلَى فُلَانٍ Such a one was wanted, or needed. (JK.) A2: See also 2, in two places.

A3: اختلّهُ بِالرُّمْحِ, and بِالسَّهْمِ: and يَخْتَلُّ الثَّوْرُ الكَلْبَ بِقَرْنِهِ: see 1, in the former half of the paragraph. b2: اختلّ also signifies He served together. (KL.) b3: اُخْتُلَّ said of herbage: see خُلَّةٌ, near the end of the paragraph.

A4: اختلّ المَكَانُ The place had in it خُلَّة [q. v.]. (MA.) b2: And اختلّت الإِبِلُ The camels were confined in [pasturage such as is termed] خُلَّة. (K.) R. Q. 1 خَلْخَلَهَا He attired her with the خِلْخَال [or anklet, or pair of anklets]. (TA.) A2: خلخل العَظْمَ He took the flesh that was upon the bone. (K.) R. Q. 2 تَخَلْخَلَتْ She attired herself with the خَلْخَال [or anklet, or pair of anklets]. (K.) A2: تخلخل It (a garment, or piece of cloth,) was, or became, old, and worn out. (JK.) خَلٌّ a word of well-known meaning, (S, Msb.) Vinegar; i. e. expressed juice of grapes (JK, Mgh, K) and of dates (JK) &c. (K) that has become acid, or sour: (JK, * Mgh, K:) so called because its sweet flavour has become altered for the worse (اِخْتَلَّ): (Msb:) a genuine Arabic word: (IDrd, K:) the best is that of wine: it is composed of two constituents (K) of subtile natures, (TA,) hot and cold, (K,) the cold being predominant: (TA:) and is good for the stomach; and for the gums, (K,) which it strengthens, when one rinses the mouth with it; (TA;) and for foul ulcers or sores; and for the itch; and for the bite, or sting, of venomous reptiles; and as an antidote for the eating of opium; and for burns; and for toothache; and its hot vapour is good for the dropsy, and for difficulty of hearing, and for ringing in the ears: (K: [various other properties &c. are assigned to it in the TA:]) ↓ خَلَّةٌ signifies somewhat (lit. a portion) thereof; [being the n. un.:] (Aboo-Ziyád, K;) or it may be a dial. var. thereof, like as خَمْرَةٌ is [said by some to be] of خَمْرٌ: (Aboo-Ziyád, TA:) see also خَلَّةٌ: the pl. is خُلُولٌ [meaning sorts, or kinds, of vinegar]. (Msb.) It is said in a trad., نِعْمَ الإِدَامُ الخَلُّ [Excellent, or most excellent, is the seasoning, vinegar!]. (TA.) b2: [Hence,] أُمُّ الخَلِّ [The mother of vinegar; meaning] wine. (JK, TA.) b3: [Hence also the saying,] مَا فُلَانٌ بِخَلٍّ وَلَا خَمْرٍ, (A'Obeyd, JK, S,) or مَا لَهُ خَلٌّ وَلَا خَمْرٌ, (K,) or مَا عِنْدَ فُلَانٍ خَلٌّ وَلَا خَمْرٌ, (S, in art. خمر,) Such a one, or he, possesses neither good nor evil: (A'Obeyd, JK, S, K:) [or neither evil nor good: for] AA says that some of the Arabs make الخَمْرُ to be good, and الخَلُّ to be evil; [and thus the latter is explained in one place, in this art., in the K;] and some of them make الخمر to be evil, and الخلّ to be good. (Har p. 153.) A2: I. q. حَمْضٌ [i. e. A kind of plants in which is saltness: or salt and bitter plants: or salt, or sour, plants or trees: &c.: opposed to خُلَّةٌ]. (K.) A poet says, لَيْسَتْ مِنَ الخَلِّ وَلَا الخِمَاطِ [She is not, or they are not, of the plants or trees called خلّ, nor of the kind called خماط (pl. of خَمْطٌ)]. (TA.) A3: A road in sands: (S:) or a road passing through sands: or a road between two tracts of sand: (K:) or a road passing through heaped-up sands: (JK, K:) masc. and fem. [like طَرِيقٌ]: (S, K:) pl. [of pauc.] أَخْلٌّ and [of mult.] خِلَالٌ. (K.) One says حَيَّةُ خَلٍّ

[A serpent of a road in sands, &c.]; like as one says أَفْعَى صَرِيمَةٍ. (S.) b2: An oblong tract of sand. (Ham p. 709.) b3: b4: A vein in the neck (JK, K) and in the back, (K,) communicating with the head. (JK, TA.) b5: A slit, or rent, in a garment, or piece of cloth. (K.) A4: An old and worn-out garment, or piece of cloth, (JK, S, K, TA,) in which are streaks: (TA:) [or so ثَوْبٌ خَلٌّ:] and ↓ خَلْخَلٌ and ↓ خَلْخَلٌ, applied to a garment, or piece of cloth, (JK, K,) signify old and worn out, (JK,) or thin, (K,) like هَلْهَلٌ and هَلْهَالٌ. (TA.) b2: A bird having no feathers: (JK:) or having few feathers. (K.) b3: A man (JK, S) lean, meagre, or emaciated; (JK, S, K;) as also ↓ خَلِيلٌ (K) [a meaning said in the TA to be tropical] and ↓ مَخْلُولٌ and ↓ مُخْتَلٌّ: (TA:) or light in body: (IDrd, TA:) and [the fem.] خَلَّةٌ, applied to a woman, light (K, TA) in body, lean, or spare: (TA:) the pl. of خَلٌّ is خُلُولٌ. (JK.) Also Fat: thus bearing two contr. significations: (K:) and so ↓ مَخْلُولٌ. (TA.) It is applied to a man and a camel. (TA.) Accord. to the K, it also signifies A [young camel such as is termed]

فَصِيل: (TA:) but it means such as is lean, or emaciated: (TA:) and so ↓ مَخْلُولٌ, applied to a فصيل as an epithet, for a reason mentioned above, in an explanation of the phrase خَلَّ الفَصِيلَ. (S, TA.) b4: Also i. q. اِبْنُ مَخَاضٍ [i. e. A male camel in his second year]; (JK, K;) and so ↓ خَلَّةٌ; which is also applied to the female: (As, S, K:) and i. q. اِبْنُ لَبُونٍ [i. e. a male camel in, or entering upon, his third year]; and in like manner ↓ خَلَّةٌ is applied to the female; (JK;) or, as in the M, to a she-camel; (TA;) and, as some say, (JK,) a large she-camel: (JK, TA:) and اِبْنُ

↓ الخَلَّةِ signifies the same as اِبْنُ اللَّبُونِ (T in art. بنى) or اِبْنُ مَخَاضٍ [or ابن المَخَاضِ]. (TA in that art.) You say, أَتَاهُمْ بِقُرْصٍ كَأَنَّهُ فِرْسِنُ

↓ خَلَّةٍ, (S, TA,) or كَأَنَّهُ خُفُّ خَلَّةٍ, (JK,) [They brought them a round cake of bread as though it were the foot of a camel in its second, or third, year,] meaning small. (JK. [In the TA, meaning سَمِينَة (i. e. fat); but this seems to be a mistranscription.]) A5: A cautery. (TA.) خُلٌّ: see خَلِيلٌ, in two places.

خِلٌّ: see خُلَّةٌ, in two places: b2: and see خَلِيلٌ, in four places.

خَلَّةٌ A road between two roads. (TA.) b2: A hole, perforation, or bore, that penetrates, or passes through, a thing, and is small: or, in a general sense: (K:) or a gap, or breach, in a booth of reeds or canes. (T, TA.) [See also خَلَلٌ.]

b3: [And hence,] The gap that is left by a person who has died: (As, T, S, TA:) or the place, of a man, that is left vacant after his death. (K.) One says, of him who has lost a person by death, اَللّٰهُمَّ اخْلُفْ عَلَى أَهْلِهِ بِخَيْرٍ وَاسْدُدْ خَلَّتَهُ, i. e. [O God, supply to his family, with that which is good, the place of him whom they have lost,] and fill up the gap which he has left by his death. (As, T, S, * TA.) b4: And The interval, or inter-vening space, between the piercer, or thruster, and the pierced, or thrust: whence the saying, رَقَعَ خَلَّةَ الفَارِسِ, explained in art. رقع. (O and K and TA in that art.) b5: [Hence also,] Want, or a want: poverty; (S, Msb, K;) need, straitness, or difficulty. (Lh, K.) One says, بِهِ خَلَّةٌ شَدِيدَةٌ He has pressing, or severe, need or straitness or difficulty. (Lh, TA.) And سَدَّ اللّٰهُ خَلَّتَهُ May God supply his want. (TA.) And it is said in a prov., الخَلَّةُ تَدْعُو إِلَى السَّلَّةِ Want invites to theft. (K, * TA.) A2: I. q. خَصْلَةٌ; (JK, S, Mgh, Msb, K;) both signify A property, quality, nature, or disposition: and a habit, or custom: (KL, PS, TK:) [and app. also a practice, or an action:] in a man: (TA: [see the latter word:]) pl. خِلَالٌ. (JK, Mgh, Msb, K.) One says, فُلَانٌ خَلَّتُهُ حَسَنَةٌ [Such a one, his nature, or disposition, is good]. (IDrd, TA.) And hence, خَيْرُ خِلَالِ الصَّائِمِ السِّوَاكُ [The best of the habits, or customs, of the faster is the use of the tooth-stick]. (Mgh.) b2: See also خُلَّةٌ.

A3: An isolated tract of sand, (Fr, K,) separate from other sands. (Fr, TA.) b2: And i. q. هَضْبَةٌ [which signifies An elevated tract of sand: but more commonly a hill; or a spreading mountain; &c.]. (JK, TA.) A4: Wine, (K,) in a general sense: (TA:) or acid, or sour, wine: (S, K:) or wine altered for the worse, (K, TA,) in flavour, (TA,) without acidity, or sourness: (K, TA:) pl. [or coll. gen. n.] ↓ خَلٌّ. (K.) b2: See also خَلٌّ, first sentence.

A5: And see this last word near the end of the paragraph, in four places.

خُلَّةٌ an inf. n. [or rather quasi-inf. n.] of خَالَّهُ, q. v.: (JK:) True, or sincere, friendship, love, or affection; as also ↓ خُلُولَةٌ and ↓ خُلَالَةٌ and ↓ خَلَالَةٌ and ↓ خِلَالَةٌ: (S:) or all these signify a particular true or sincere friendship, or love, or affection, in which is no unsoundness, or defect, and which may be chaste and may be vitious: (K: [in which all are said to be substs., except خُلَّةٌ, as though this were properly speaking an inf. n., though having a pl., as shown below:]) [and sometimes simply friendship: see an ex. in a verse cited voce مَرْحَبٌ, in art. رحب:] or خُلَّةٌ and ↓ خَلَّةٌ, (Msb,) or ↓ خِلٌّ and ↓ خِلَّةٌ, each with kesr, (K,) signify true, or sincere, friendship, or love, or affection, (Msb, K,) and brotherly conduct: the last two as used in the phrases, إِنَهُ

↓ لَكَرِيمُ الخِلِّ and ↓ الخِلَّةِ [Verily he is generous in respect of true, or sincere, friendship, &c.]: (K:) the pl. of خُلَّةٌ in the sense explained above is خِلَالٌ. (S, K.) b2: See also خَلِيلٌ, in three places.

A2: A kind of plants or herbage [or trees]; (JK, S, Msb, K;) namely, the sweet kind thereof; (S, K;) not حَمْض: (JK:) or any pasture, or herbage, that is not حَمْض; all pasture, or herbage, consisting of حَمْض and خُلَّة, and حَمْض being such as has in it saltness [or sourness]: (TA:) the [kind of plant, or tree, called] عَرْفَج; and every tree that remains in winter: (JK:) accord. to Lh, it is [applied to certain kinds] of trees &c.: accord. to IAar, peculiarly of trees: but accord. to A'Obeyd, [shrubs, i. e.] not including any great trees: (TA:) and a certain thorny tree: also a place of growth, and a place in which is a collection, of [the plants, or trees, called] عَرْفَج: (K:) and any land not containing [the kind of plants, or herbage, or trees, called] حَمْض; (AHn, K;) even though containing no plants, or herbage: (AHn, TA:) the pl. is خُلَلٌ: (K:) one says أَرْضٌ خُلَّةٌ and أَرَضُونَ خُلَلٌ: ISh says that أَرْضٌ خَلَّةٌ and خُلَلُ الأَرْضِ mean land, and lands, in which is no حَمْض, sometimes containing [thorny trees such as are called] عِضَاه, and sometimes not containing such; and that خُلَّةٌ is also applied to land in which are no trees nor any herbage: (TA:) some say that خُلَّةٌ, as meaning the pasture, or herbage, which is the contrary of حَمْض, has for a pl. خِلَالٌ, and then, from خِلَال is formed the pl. أَخِلَّةٌ: and some say that this last means herbage that is cut (وَاجْتُزّ ↓ اُخْتُلّ [in which the latter verb seems to be an explicative adjunct to the former]) while green. (Ham p. 662, q. v.) They say that the خُلَّة is the bread of camels, and the حَمْض is their fruit, (JK, T, Sudot;, TA,) or their flesh-meat, (S, TA,) or their خَبِيص. (TA.) b2: Hence, by way of comparison, it is applied to (tropical:) Ease, or repose; freedom from trouble or inconvenience, and toil or fatigue; or tranquillity; and ampleness of circumstances: and حَمْض, to evil, and war: (T, TA:) and the former, to life: and the latter, to death. (Ham p. 315.) b3: Also Acid, or sour, leaven or ferment. (IAar, TA.) خِلَّةٌ: see 1, near the middle of the paragraph: A2: and see also خُلَالةٌ, in four places: A3: and خُلَّةٌ, first sentence, in two places: A4: and خَلِيلٌ, in two places.

A5: Also The جَفْن [i. e. the scabbard, or the case,] of a sword, covered with leather: (K:) or a lining with which the جَفْن of a sword is covered, (S, K, and Ham pp. 330 et seq.,) variegated, or embellished, with gold &c.; (S;) but the pl. is also used as meaning scabbards: (Ham p. 331:) and a thong that is fixed upon the outer side of the curved extremity of a bow: (S, K:) in the T it is explained as meaning the inner side of the thong of the جَفْن, which is seen from without, and is an ornament, or a decoration: (TA:) and any piece of skin that is variegated, or embellished: (M, K:) the pl. is خِلَلٌ (S, K, and Ham p. 330) and خِلَالٌ, and pl. pl. أَخِلَّةٌ, (K,) i. e. pl. of خِلَالٌ. (TA.) خَلَلٌ An interstice, an interspace or intervening space, a break, a breach, a chink, or a gap, between two things; (JK, S, Msb, K;) pl. خِلَالٌ: (JK, S, Msb:) and particularly the places, (K,) or interstices, (S,) of the clouds, from which the rain issues; as also ↓ خِلَالٌ; (S, K;) both occurring in this sense, accord. to different readings, in the Kur xxiv. 43 and xxx. 47: (S, TA:) the latter may be [grammatically] a sing. [syn. with the former], or it may be pl. of the former: (MF, TA:) and الدَّارِ ↓ خِلَالُ signifies what is around the limits of the house; (JK, K;) or around the walls thereof; thus in the M; (TA;) and what is between the chambers thereof. (K.) You say, دَخَلْتُ بَيْنَ خَلَلِ القَوْمِ and ↓ خِلَالِهِمْ [I entered amid the breaks, or interspaces, of the people]. (S, Msb.) And هُوَ خَلَلَهُمْ and ↓ خِلَالَهُمْ (M, K) and ↓ خَلَالَهُمْ (K [but in the CK these words are with damm to the second ل]) He is amid them. (M, K.) And بُيُوتِ الحّى ↓ جُسْنَا خِلَالَ, and دُورِ القَوْمِ ↓ خِلَالَ, i. e. [We went, or went to and fro, or went round about, &c.,] amid the tents of the tribe, and in the midst of the houses of the people; like a phrase in the Kur xvii. 5. (TA.) b2: And [hence] Shakiness, looseness, laxness, or want of compactness, and disorder, or want of order, of a thing; (Msb;) unsoundness, or corruptness, (S, Msb, *) in an affair or a thing, (S,) or of a thing; (Msb;) [a flaw in a thing;] defect, imperfection, or deficiency; (Ham p. 300;) weakness, or infirmity, in an affair, (JK, K, TA,) as though some place thereof were left uncompact, or unsound, (TA,) and in war, (JK,) and in men: (JK, K: *) and (tropical:) unsettledness in an opinion. (K, * TA.) b3: الخَلَلُ The night. (JK, Ibn-'Abbád.) خُلَلٌ: see خُلَالَةٌ, in two places.

خِلَلٌ: see خُلَالَةٌ, in three places.

خِلَلَةٌ: see خُلَالَةٌ, in two places.

خَلَالٌ [Dates in the state in which they are termed] بَلَحٌ, (JK, T, S, K,) in the dial. of the people of El-Basrah; (T, TA;) i. e. green dates: (JK:) [but see بَلَحٌ and بُسْرٌ:] n. un. with ة. (JK, TA.) A2: هُوَ خَلَالَهُمْ: see خَلَلٌ.

خُلَالٌ: see خُلَالَةٌ.

A2: Also An accident that happens in anything sweet so as to change its flavour to acidity, or sourness. (K.) خِلَالٌ A thing with which one perforates, or transpierces, a thing, (JK, K,) either of iron or of wood: (JK:) pl. أَخِلَّةٌ. (K.) b2: A wooden thing [or pin] (S, Msb,) with which one pins a garment, (T, S, Mgh, Msb, K,) conjoining its two edges: (Mgh, Msb:) pl. as above: (S, Msb:) which also signifies the small pieces of wood with which one pins together the edges of the oblong pieces of cloth of a tent. (TA.) b3: [A skewer for flesh-meat.] b4: A wooden pin which is inserted into the tongue of a young camel, in order that he may not such: (K:) or which is fixed above the nose of a young camel, for that purpose. (TA in art. لهج.) b5: [A toothpick;] a thing (of wood, S, Msb) with which one extracts the remains of food between his teeth; (S, Msb, K;) as also ↓ خِلَالَةٌ. (Har p. 101.) b6: [A long thorn or prickle: such being often used as a pin and as a toothpick.]

A2: See also خُلَالَةٌ.

A3: And see خَلَلٌ, in six places.

خَلِيلٌ Perforated, or transpierced; like

↓ مَخْلُولٌ. (K.) b2: See also خَلٌّ, in the latter half of the paragraph. b3: Poor; needy; in want; (JK, S, Msb, K;) as also ↓ مُخِلٌّ, (so in some copies of the K and in the M,) or ↓ مُخَلٌّ, (so in other copies of the K,) and ↓ مُخْتَلٌّ and ↓ أَخَلُّ (K:) and أَخِلَّةٌ may be a pl. of خَلِيلٌ in this sense. (Ham p. 662.) b4: A friend; or a true, or sincere, friend; (S, Mgh, Msb;) as also ↓ خِلٌّ, and ↓ خُلَّةٌ, which is used alike as masc. and fem., because originally an inf. n., [or a quasi-inf. n., i. e. of 3, q. v.,] (S,) or ↓ خِلَّةٌ, [thus in the copies of the K, but what precedes it, though not immediately, seems to show that the author perhaps meant خُلَّةٌ,] used alike as masc. and fem. and sing. and pl.: (K:) or a special, or particular, friend or true or sincere friend; as also ↓ خِلٌّ and ↓ خُلٌّ; or this latter is only used in conjunction with وُدٌّ, as when you say, كَانَ لِى وُدًّا وَخُلًّا [He was to me an an object of love and a friend &c.]; (K;) or, as ISd says, ↓ خِلٌّ is the more common, and is applied also to a female; (TA;) as is also ↓ خُلَّةٌ, (K,) and ↓ خِلَّةٌ: (TA:) خَلِيلٌ also signifies veracious; (K;) thus accord. to IAar: (TA:) or a friend in whose friendship is no خَلَل [i. e. unsoundness, or defect, or imperfection]: (Zj, TA:) or one who is pure and sound in friendship, or love: (IDrd, K:) the pl. is أَخِلَّآءُ (Msb, K) and خُلَّانٌ (JK, K) and أَخِلَّةٌ: (Ham p. 662, and MA:) the fem. is خَلِيلَةٌ; (S, M, K;) of which the pl. is خَلِيلَاتٌ and خَلَائِلُ: (M, K:) the pl. of ↓ خِلٌّ or ↓ خُلٌّ is أَخْلَالٌ: (K:) and the pl. of ↓ خُلَّةٌ is خِلَالٌ, (S,) mentioned before, see 3, second sentence. It is applied in the Kur iv. 124 to Abraham; who is called خَلِيلُ اللّٰه, (TA,) and الخَلِيلُ. (K.) and it is said that the pl. أَخِلَّةٌ means also Pastors; because they act to their beasts like أَخِلَّآء [or friends, &c.], in labouring to do good to them. (Ham p. 662.) b5: Also One who advises, or counsels, or acts, sincerely, honestly, or faithfully. (IAar, TA.) b6: And الخَلِيلُ also signifies The heart. (IAar, JK, K.) b7: And The liver. (JK, TA.) b8: And The nose. (JK, K.) b9: And The sword. (IAar, TA.) [And] A sword of Sa'eed Ibn-Zeyd Ibn-' Amr Ibn-Nufeyl. (K.) b10: and The spear. (IAar, TA.) خَلَالَةٌ: see خُلَّةٌ, first sentence.

خُلَالَةٌ i. q. كُرَابَةٌ; (AHn, JK;) i. e. The scattered dates that remain at the roots of the branches [after the racemes of fruit have been cut off]; (AHn, TA;) the fresh ripe dates that are sought out in the interstices of the roots of the branches; as also ↓ خُلَالٌ. (K.) b2: Also What comes forth from the teeth when they are picked; (JK, S, * Msb;) as also ↓ خِلَلٌ (JK, S) and ↓ خُلَلٌ (S) and ↓ خِلَّةٌ: (JK:) or ↓ خِلَلٌ and ↓ خِلَالٌ and خُلَالَةٌ (K) and ↓ خِلَّةٌ (S) and ↓ خَالٌّ (TA) signify the remains of food between the teeth; (S, K;) and the sing. [of خِلَلٌ] is ↓ خِلَّةٌ and [the n. un. of the same] ↓ خِلَلَةٌ. (K, TA. [In the CK, for خِلَلَةٌ is erroneously put خَلَّلَهُ.]) You say, فُلَانٌ يَأْكُلُ خُلَالَتَهُ and ↓ خَلَلَهُ (JK, S) and ↓ خُلَلَهُ (S) and ↓ خِلَّتَهُ (JK) and ↓ خِلَلَتَهُ (TA) Such a one eats what comes forth from his teeth when they are picked. (JK, S, * TA.) A2: See also خُلَّةٌ, first sentence.

خِلَالَةٌ: see خُلَّةٌ, first sentence: A2: and see also خِلَالٌ.

خُلُولَةٌ: see خُلَّةٌ, first sentence.

خَلَّالٌ A seller of vinegar. (K, * TA.) خُلِّىٌّ a rel. n. from خُلَّةٌ as meaning the “ sweet kind of plants or herbage.” (S.) You say بَعِيرٌ خُلِّىٌّ, (Yaakoob, S,) and إِبِلٌ خُلِّيَّةٌ (Yaakoob, S, K) and ↓ مُخْلَّةٌ and ↓ مُخْتَلَّةٌ, (K,) meaning [A camel, and camels,] pasturing upon خُلَّة. (K.) And hence the prov., فَتَحَمَّضْ ↓ إِنَّكَ مُخْتَلٌّ (assumed tropical:) [meaning Verily thou art disordered in temper, therefore sooth thyself; or] shift from one state, or condition, to another: accord. to IDrd, said to him who is threatening: (TA. [See also 5 in art. حمض:]) [or it may mean verily thou art weary of life, therefore submit to death: see Ham p. 315.] And the saying of El- 'Ajjáj, فَلَاقَوْا حَمْضَا ↓ كَانُو مُخَلِّينَ [lit. They were pasturing upon خُلَّة, and they found حَمْض; meaning (assumed tropical:) they were seeking to do mischief, and found him who did them worse mischief]: applied to him who threatens, and finds one stronger than he. (TA. [See also حَمْضٌ.]) خَلْخَلٌ: see خَلٌّ, in the latter half of the paragraph: A2: and see also خَلْخَالٌ.

خُلْخُلٌ: see the next paragraph.

خَلْخَالٌ: see خَلٌّ, in the latter half of the paragraph. b2: رَمْلٌ خَلْخَالٌ Rough sand. (TA.) A2: Also, and ↓ حَلْخَلٌ, (JK, S, K,) which is a dial. var. of the former, or a contraction thereof, (S,) and ↓ خُلْخُلٌ, (JK, K,) A well-known ornament (K) of women; (S, K; *) i. e. an anklet: (KL:) [or a pair of anklets; for you say,] فِى سَاقَيْهَا خَلْخَالٌ [Upon her legs is a pair of anklets]: (TA in art. حجل:) pl. (of the first, S) خَلَاخِيلُ (S, TA) and [of the second and third] خَلَاخِلُ. (TA.) خَالٌّ (K) and ↓ مُتَخَلْخِلٌ (Mgh, K) [and ↓ مُخْتَلٌّ all signify Having interstices, breaks, chinks, or the like:] uncompact, or incoherent: (Mgh, K:) the first and second applied in this sense to an army. (K.) b2: For the first, see also خَالٌ, in art. خيل.

A2: And see خُلَالَةٌ.

أَخَلُّ More, and most, poor, or needy: (K, TA:) from أَخَلَّ إِلَيْهِ signifying “ he wanted it,” or “ needed it. ” (TA.) Hence the phrase أَخَلُّ إِلَيْهِ [meaning More, or most, in need of him, or it]. (TA.) b2: See also خَلِيلٌ.

مُخَلٌّ: see خَلِيلٌ.

مُخِلٌّ: see خَلِيلٌ: A2: and see also خُلِّىٌّ, in two places: b2: and what here follows.

أَرْضٌ مَخَلَّةٌ, or ↓ مُخِلَّةٌ, (accord. to different copies of the S,) A land abounding with خُلَّة, not containing any حَمْض. (S.) مَخْلُولٌ: see خَلِيلٌ, first sentence: A2: and see also خَلٌّ, in the latter half of the paragraph, in three places.

مُخَلْخَلٌ The part, of the leg, which is the place of the خَلْخَال [or anklet]; (JK, K;) i. e., of the leg of a woman. (TA.) مُخْتَلٌّ: see خَالٌّ: b2: and see خَلٌّ, in the latter half of the paragraph: b3: and خَلِيلٌ. b4: Also Vehemently thirsty. (ISd, K.) b5: أَمْرٌ مُخْتَلٌّ An affair in a weak, or an unsound, state. (K.) A2: See also خُلِّىٌّ, in two places.

مُتَخَلْخِلٌ: see خَالٌّ.



1 خَالَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. خَوْلٌ, He became possessed of خَوَل [so I read, meaning slaves, or servants, and other dependents, in the place of خوال, an evident mistranscription, in the TA,] after having been alone. (TA.) b2: فُلَانٌ يَخُولُ عَلَى أَهْلِهِ Such a one pastures for his family: (S:) or يَخُولُ عَلَيْهِمْ signifies he milks and waters and pastures for them. (T, TA.) And خال عَلَيْهِمْ He ruled, or governed, them. (JK.) And خال مَالَهُ, (K, * TA,) aor. as above, (TA,) inf. n. خَوْلٌ and خِيَالٌ, (K,) He pastured his cattle, or camels &c., and managed them, or tended them, and sustained them, (K, * TA,) well: (K:) or خُلْتُ المَالَ, aor. ـُ I managed the cattle, &c., well: (S:) and خال عَلَى المَالِ, aor. ـُ he pastured the cattle, &c., and managed them well; as also خال, aor. ـِ (TA in art. خيل.) A2: خال, aor. ـُ and يَخَالُ or يَخِيلُ, see اختال (with which it is syn.) in art. خيل.2 خوّلهُ اللّٰهُ الشَّىْءَ, (JK, S,) or مَالًا, (Msb,) or المَالَ, (K,) inf. n. تَخْوِيلٌ, (S,) God made him to possess, (JK, S,) or gave him, (Msb, K,) or conferred upon him, as a favour, (K,) the thing, (JK, S,) or property, (Msb,) or the property. (K.) So in the Kur vi. 94 and xxxix. 11 [and 50]. (TA.) 4 أَخْوَلَ (JK, Msb, K) and أُخْوِلَ (K) He (a man, JK, Msb) had maternal uncles: (JK, K:) or he had many maternal uncles: (Msb:) [both signify the same accord. to the K: but the latter properly signifies he was made to have maternal uncles, or many maternal uncles: see مُخْوَلٌ.]

A2: مِنَ الخَيْرِ ↓ اخال فيه خَالًا He perceived, or discovered, in him an indication, or a symptom, sign, mark, or token, of good; as also ↓ تخوّل (JK, S, K) and تخيّل. (K.) [See also 2 in art. خيل.]

A3: See also 10, in two places.5 تَخَوَّلَ see 4: A2: and see also 10, in three places.

A3: تخوّلهُ also signifies He paid frequent attention, or returned time after time, (JK, S, K,) to it, (JK,) or to him; syn. تَعَهَّدَهُ. (JK, S, K.) You say, تَخَوَّلْتُهُمْ بِالمَوْعِظَةِ I paid frequent attention to them with exhorting, or admonishing; syn. تَعَهَّدْتُهُمْ. (Msb.) It is said in a trad., of the Prophet, كَانَ يَتَخَوَّلُنَا بِالمَوْعِظَةِ مَخَافَةَ السَّآمَةِ [He used to pay frequent attention to us with exhorting, or admonishing, for fear of loathing on our part, or disgust]; (S;) or يَتَخَوَّلُهُمْ, i. e. يَتَعَهَّدُهُمْ: (TA:) As used to say يَتَخَوَّنُنَا, i. e. يَتَعَهَّدُنَا; (S;) or يَتَخَوَّنُهُمْ: and some read يَتَحَوَّلُهُمْ, with the unpointed ح, explained in art. حول. (TA.) And sometimes they said, تخوّلتِ, الرِّيحُ الأَرْضَ, i. e. تَعَهَّدَتْهَا [app. meaning The wind returned to the land time after time]. (S.) 10 اِسْتَخْوَلَهُمْ He took them as خَوَل, (K, TA,) i. e. slaves, or servants, and other dependents. (TA.) A2: استخول فِيهِمْ and استخال He took, or adopted, them as maternal uncles: and خَالًا ↓ تخوّل he took, or adopted, a maternal uncle; (K;) like as one says, تَعَمَّمَ عَمًّا: and ↓ تَخَوَّلَتْهُ She called him her maternal uncle. (TA.) You say, اِسْتَخِلْ خَالًا غَيْرَ خَالِكَ and اِسْتَخْوِلْ (JK, S) and ↓ تَخَوَّلَ (JK) Adopt thou a maternal uncle other than thy [proper] maternal uncle. (JK, * S.) A3: الاِسْتِخْوَالُ is also like الاِسْتِخْبَالُ [as meaning The asking one to lend cattle, or camels &c.: and ↓ الإِخْوَالُ is like الإِخْبَالُ as meaning The lending cattle, or camels &c.]: and AO used to recite thus the saying of Zuheyr: ↓ هُنَالَكَ إِنْ يُسْتَخْوَلُوا المَالَ يُخْوِلُوا [There, if they be asked to lend cattle, they lend]. (S, TA. [See also 10 in art. خبل.]) خَالٌ A maternal uncle; one's mother's brother: (JK, S, K:) pl. أَخْوَالٌ (S, Msb, K) and أَخْوِلَةٌ, (K,) [both pls. of pauc.,] the latter anomalous, (TA,) and (of mult., TA) خُوَّلٌ and خُؤُولٌ (K) and خُؤُولَةٌ: (Msb, K:) the fem. is خَالَ, (JK, S, K,) a maternal aunt; one's mother's sister: (JK, S:) and the pl. of this is خَالَاتٌ. (Msb.) One says, هُمَاابْنَا خَالَةٍ [meaning Each of them two is a son of a maternal aunt of the other]; but one cannot say, ابْنَا عَمَّةٍ: (K:) and in like manner one says, ابْنَا عَمًّ; but one cannot say, ابْنَا خَالٍ. (TA.) A2: An owner of a horse: you say, أَنَا خَالُ هٰذَا الفَرَسِ I am the owner of this horse. (K.) [See also خَالٌ in art. خيل.] b2: هُوَ خَالُ مَالٍ and مَالٍ ↓ خَائِلُ He is a manager, or tender, of cattle, or camels &c.; (K;) or a good manager or tender thereof; (S, K; *) and so مَالٍ ↓ خَوْلِىُّ: (S:) ↓ خَائِلٌ signifies also a keeper, or guardian, of a thing; (T, S;) or a pastor; (Fr, TA;) a people's pastor, who milks and waters and pastures for them; and one who pays frequent attention to a thing, puts it into a good or right state, or restores it to such a state, and undertakes the management of it: (T, TA:) خُوَّلٌ [is a pl. of خَائِلٌ, like as نُوَّمٌ is of نَائِمٌ, &c., and] signifies pastors who take care of cattle, or camels &c.: (TA:) and ↓ خَوْلِىٌّ, (K,) or, accord. to the M, ↓ خَوَلِىٌّ, (TA,) signifies a pastor who is a good manager of cattle, or camels, and sheep or goats; (M, K, * TA;) or a good manager and orderer of the affairs of men; (TA;) and its pl. [or quasi-pl. n. or n. un.] is ↓ خَوَلٌ; (M, K;) accord. to the M, like as عَرَبٌ is of عَرَبِىٌّ. (TA.) [See also خَالٌ in art. خيل.]

A3: An indication, or a symptom, sign, mark, or token, of good (S, * K, TA) in a person. (S, TA.) See 4.

A4: A mole; i. e. [a thing resembling] a pimple in the face, inclining to blackness: dim. ↓ خُوَيْلٌ and خُيَيْلٌ: and pl. خِيلَانٌ. (JK. [See also art. خيل.]) A5: The [kind of banner called] لِوَآء, of an army or a military force. (S, K. [See also art. خيل.]) b2: A kind of soft garment, or cloth, of the fabric of El-Yemen: (JK:) a kind of بُرْد, (S, K,) well known, (K,) having a red [or brown] ground, with black lines or stripes. (TA. [Mentioned also in art. خيل.]) A6: A black stallion-camel. (IAar, K. [See also art. خيل.]) خَوَلٌ A man's slaves, or servants, and other dependents: (S, Msb, TA:) or slaves, and cattle, or camels &c.: (JK:) or the cattle, camels &c., [in the CK, النِّعَم is erroneously put for النَّعَم,] and male and female slaves, and other dependents, given to one by God: (K:) said to be (S) from 2 [q. v.]: (JK, S, TA:) it is said to be a quasi-pl. n.; (TA;) and the sing. is ↓ خَائِلٌ; (S, K, TA;) though used as sing. and pl., and masc. and fem.: (K:) sometimes used as a sing. applied to a male slave and a female slave: but Fr says that it is pl. [or quasi-pl. n.] of ↓ خَائِلٌ meaning a pastor. (S.) You say هٰؤُلَآءِ خَوَلُ فُلَانٍ, meaning These are persons who have been subjected, and taken as slaves, by such a one. (TA.) b2: See also خَالٌ. b3: Also A gift, or gifts: [and this seems to be the primary signification; whence

“ a slave ” &c., and “ slaves ” &c., as being given by God:] so in the phrase, هُوَ كَثرُ الخَوَلِ [He is a person of many gifts]. (TA.) A2: Accord. to Lth, (TA,) it signifies also The lower part (أَصْل) of the فَأْس [q. v.] of a bit: (JK, K, TA:) but Az says, “I know not the خول of the bit nor what it is. (TA.) [See خَالٌ, last sentence but one, in art. خيل.]

خَوْلَةٌ A female gazelle. (IAar, K.) خَوْلِىٌّ: see خَالٌ, in two places. b2: Also A measurer of land with the measuring-cane. (TA.) خَوَلِىٌّ: see خَالٌ.

خُوَيْلٌ: see خَالٌ, of which it is the dim.

خُؤُولَةٌ The relationship of a maternal uncle [and of a maternal aunt]: (JK, S, K, TA:) an inf. n. (JK, TA) having no verb. (TA.) Yousay, بَيْنِى وَ بَيْنَهُ خُؤُولَةٌ [Between me and him is a relationship of maternal uncle]. (S, K.) A2: Also a pl. of خَالٌ in the first of the senses assigned to the latter above. (Msb, K.) خَوَّالٌ A giver of many gifts. (TA.) خَائِلٌ: see خَالٌ, in two places: b2: and خَوَلٌ, also in two places.

تَطَايَرَ الشَّرَرُ أَخْوَلَ أَخْوَلَ The sparks flew about scattered; meaning the sparks that fly about from hot iron when it is beaten; as in a verse of Dábi [El-Burjumee] cited in art. سقط: see 3 in that art. (S.) And ذَهَبُو أَخْوَلَ أَخْوَلَ They went away scattered, (JK, S, K,) one after another, like as sparks are scattered from iron: or, as some say, الأَخْوَلُ itself means sparks: (JK:) [but here,] اخول اخول are two nouns made into one, and indecl., with fet-h for the termination: (S:) Sb says that they may be like شَغَرَ بَغَرَ, or like يَوْمَ يَوْمَ. (TA.) A2: هُوَ أَخْوَلُ مِنْ فُلَانٍ He is prouder than such a one. (Suh, TA.) [See also أَخْيَلُ, in art. خيل.]

مُخَالٌ: see مُخْوَلٌ.

مَخُولٌ: see أَخْيَلٌ, in art. خيل.

مُخْوَلٌ and ↓ مُخْوِلٌ A man having maternal uncles: (TA:) or the former signifies a man made to have many maternal uncles; and ↓ the latter, having many maternal uncles: (Msb:) and رَجُلٌ مُعَمٌّ مُخْوَلٌ (Msb, K) and ↓ مُخَالٌ, (JK, K,) and ↓ مُعِمٌّ مُخْوِلٌ, A man who has generous paternal and maternal uncles: (Msb, K:) but As disallows مُعِمٌّ and ↓ مُخْوِلٌ: (Msb:) and the latter word in each case is not used, (K,) or is scarcely ever used, (TA,) without the former. (K, TA.) مُخْوِلٌ: see what next precedes, in four places.

إِنَّهُ لَمَخِيلٌ لِلْخَيْرِ, (K in this art.,) or مُخِيلٌ, (S in art. خيل,) Verily he is adapted or disposed by nature to good [i. e. to be, or to do, or to effect, or to produce, what is good]. (S, K.) [See also مُخِيلٌ in art. خيل.]
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