Arabic-English Lexicon by Edward William Lane (d. 1876) المعجم العربي الإنجليزي لإدوارد وليام لين

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1 كَدَحَ, aor. ـَ (inf. n. كَدْحٌ, S,) He worked or wrought; laboured; employed himself actively; syn. سَعَى; (S, K;) and عَمِلَ: (S:) he wrought for himself good or evil: (K:) he was eager, and strove, laboured, or exerted himself, and wearied himself, in work, in the affairs relating to the present world and in those relating to the world to come: (Zj:) he toiled, or laboured hard. (S, K.) هُوَ يَكْدَحُ فِى كَذَا He toils, or labours hard, in such a thing, or affair. (S.) b2: كَدَحَ لِعِيَالِهِ, and ↓ اكتدح, He sought, sought after, or sought to gain, sustenance; or he gained, acquired, or earned; for his family, or household; syn. كَسَبَ, (S, K,) or اكتسب. (L.) A2: كَدَحَ وَجْهَهُ It (a thing, S) scratched, or lacerated, his face: (S, K:) or did to his face that which disfigured it, or rendered it ugly or unseemly: as also ↓ كدّحهُ, (K,) inf. n. تَكْدِيحٌ: (TA:) or كدّح, inf. n. تكديح, signifies it scratched, or lacerated, much, or many times, or in many places: (S:) also [so in the L; but in the K, or] كَدَحَ in the phrase كَدَحَ وَجْهَهُ signifies أَفْسَدَ; (K;) you say كَدَحَ وَجْهَ أَمْرِهِ, meaning he marred his affair. (L.) b2: كَدَحَ رَأْسَهُ He separated his hair with a comb. (K.) 2 كَدَّحَ see 1.5 تكدّح It (the skin) became scratched, or lacerated, much, or many times, or in many places. (S, K.) b2: وَقَعَ مِنَ السَّطْحِ فَتَكَدَّحَ He fell from the flat top, or roof, of the house, and became much broken [in his skin]. (L.) كَدْحٌ A scratch, or laceration, of the skin; i. q. خَدْشٌ: (S, K:) or a كَدْح is more (or larger, L) than a خَدْش: (S:) any mark made by scratching or biting: (IAth:) pl. كُدُوحٌ. (S, K.) Ex. بِهِ كَدْحٌ, (S, K,) and كُدُوحٌ, (S,) He has upon him a scratch, &c. (S, K.) إِنَّكَ كَادِحٌ إِلَى رَبِّكَ, [Kur lxxxiv. 6,] Verily thou workest, or labourest, (S,) or, workest for thyself good or evil, (TA,) or, strivest, or labourest, in thy work until the meeting of thy Lord, i. e., until death. (Jel.) حِمَارٌ مُكَدَّحٌ An ass much lacerated by the bites of other asses. (S, K.) A wild ass is termed مكدّح because he is lacerated by the bites of other asses. (A'Obeyd.)



1 كَفَتَ, [aor. ـِ inf. n. كَفْتٌ, It (a thing) turned over, lit, back for belly: (K:) or, as in a copy of the L, he turned a thing over, back for belly. (TA.) b2: كَفَتَهُ, (K,) or كَفَتَهُ عَنْ وَجْهِهِ, (S,) aor. ـِ (K,) inf. n. كَفْتٌ; and ↓ كفّته; (TA;) He turned him away, averted him, or diverted him, from his course, or design. (S, K.) (You say) كَفَتَهُ عَنْ حَاجَتِهِ He withheld him, restrained him, or debarred him, from the thing that he wanted. (As.) b3: اللّٰهُ ↓ كفّتهُ God took him; syn. قَبَضَهُ: meaning he died: and so كفتة اللّٰه اليه. (TA.) A2: كَفَتٌ, [aor. ـِ (S, K) inf. n. كَفْتٌ and كِفَاتٌ and كَفِيتٌ and كَفَتَانٌ, (K,) He, or it, hastened, or was quick, or swift: (S:) it (a bird &c.) hastened, or was quick, or swift, in flying, and running, and contracted itself therein: (K:) it (a solid-hoofed animal) contracted its fore-legs quickly in running: (Az:) the kind of running and flying termed كَفَتَانٌ is like a turning aside, or starting aside, (حَيَدَانٌ) with violence, or vehemence. (TA.) A3: كَفَتَهُ, [aor. ـِ inf. n. كَفْتٌ, He drove him, or urged him on, vehemently. (S.) b2: كَفَتَ الشَّىْءَ إِلَيْهِ, (aor.

كَفِتَ, inf. n. كَفْتٌ, S,); and ↓ كفّته; (but the latter has an intensive signification; S;) He drew the thing together to himself, (S, K,) and contracted it, grasped it, or took it. (K.) [See an ex. of the latter verb in a verse cited voce رَاجِلَةٌ.] b3: إِكْفِتُوا صِبْيَانَكُمْ بِاللَّيْلِ (S) Draw together your boys, and confine them in the houses, or tents, at night. (A 'Obeyd.) Said by Mohammad. b4: نُهِينَا أَنْ نَكْفِتَ الثِّيَابَ فِى الصَّلَاةِ We have been forbidden to draw together the clothes [that are upon us] in prayer: meaning, in the inclination of the body, and in prostration. (TA, from a trad.) b5: كَفَتَ الدِّرْعَ بِالسَّيْفِ, aor. ـِ and ↓ كفّتها; which latter has an intensive signification; He hung the coat of mail [i.e. the lower part of it] by means of, or upon, the sword [which he was wearing], and then drew it together to him. Zuheyr says, describing a coat of mail, of which the wearer had hung upon the sword the redundant lower portions, and drawn it together to him, وَ مُفَاضَةٍ كَالنَّهْىِ تَنْسِجُهُ الصَّبَا بَيْضَاءَ كَفَّتَ فَضْلَهَا بِمُهَنَّدِ [And an ample coat of mail, like the pool which the east wind ripples in transverse directions; white; the redundant lower parts of which he had hung upon the sword of Indian steel, and which he had then drawn together to him.] (TA.) 2 كَفَّتَ see 1, in two places.3 كافتهُ He contended with him in running, or in a race. (K.) A2: مَاتَ كِفَاتًا, and مُكَافَتَةً, He died suddenly. (K.) 7 انكفت He turned away, or became averted, or diverted, [عَنْ وَجْهِهِ from his course, or design]. (K.) b2: He returned [عن وجهه from his course, or design; and] إِلَى مَنْزِلِهِ to his abode. (TA.) A2: He, or it, became contracted; (K;) and so ↓ استكفت. (TA in art. سكف.) b2: It (a garment) was drawn up, or tucked up, and contracted. (TA.) b3: He was compact in make. (K, TA.) b4: He (a horse) was lean, lank, slender, light of flesh, or lank in the belly. (K.) A3: انكفت لَوْنُهُ His, or its, colour changed. (TA, art. كفأ.) 8 اكتفت المَالَ He took the whole of the property, (K,) and drew it together to himself. (TA.) 10 إِسْتَكْفَتَ see 7.

كَفْتٌ and ↓ كَفِيتٌ (and ↓ كَفِتٌ, Ks) A man quick or swift, (S, K,) and light, active, or agile, and slender: (K:) so too a horse. (TA.) b2: ↓ عَدْوٌ كَفِيتٌ, and ↓ كِفَاتٌ, [the latter originally an inf. n.] A quick, or swift, running: and so a passing by, or through. (L.) b3: [Hence]

كَفْتٌ (tropical:) Death. (K.) A2: خُبْزٌ كَفْتٌ Bread without seasoning; without savoury food. (K.) A3: See also كِفْتٌ.

كِفْتٌ (S, Z, K, &c.) and ↓ كَفْتٌ (Fr. K) and ↓ كَفِتٌ (Z) A small cooking-pot. (S, K, &c.) It is said, in a proverb, كِفْتٌ إِلَى وَئِيَّةٍ [A small cooking-pot (put) next to a large one]: i.e. a calamity next to which is another calamity. (S, TA.) Applied to him who oppresses a man, and compels him to do that which is disagreeable to him, and then adds to his oppression of him. (A 'Obeyd.) [See also Freytag, Arab. Prov. ii.


A2: See كَفِيتٌ.

كَفِتٌ: see كَفْتٌ and كِفْتٌ.

فَرَسٌ كُفَتٌ, and كُفَتَةٌ, A horse that leaps, springs, or bounds, with his whole body and limbs, and so that one cannot get possession of him, or obtain the mastery over him. (K.) See also art. كلت.

كفت [written without the syll. points] A certain herb. (See كَفُّ الكَلْبِ, in art. كلب.) كِفَاتٌ A place in which a thing is drawn together, or comprehended, (S, K,) and collected, or congregated. (K.) So in the words of the Kur [lxxvii. 25 and 26,] أَلَمْ نَجْعَلِ الْأَرْضَ كِفَاتًا

أَحْيَاءً وَأَمْوَاتًا [Have we not made the earth a place which comprehends the living and the dead? meaning كِفَاتَ أَحْيَاءٍ وَأَمْوَاتٍ:] (S:) EshShaabee, pointing to the houses of El-Koofeh, said, هٰذِهِ كِفَاتُ الأَحْيَاءش; and then, turning to its tombs, he said, هٰدهِ كِفَاتُ الأَمْوَاتِ; meaning to explain the above text of the Kur: but ISd thinks, that كفاتا in this text is an inf. n., and that احياء and امواتا are governed by it in the acc. case. (TA.) كَفِيتٌ: see كَفْتٌ. b2: One who contends with another in running, or in a race. (TA.) كَفِيتٌ, as used in the following trad., in which Mohammad says, حُبِّبِ إِلَىَّ النِّسَاءُ وَالطِّيبُ وَرُزِقْتُ الكَفِيتَ [Women and perfumes have been made objects of love, or pleasant, to me; and I have been supplied with, or have received, &c.], signifies Food by which the body is sustained; or, sufficient to sustain life: or what sustains life: (TA:) or that by which food necessary for the support of life is drawn, or collected, together, (K,) and properly prepared for use: (TA:) [or the means of acquiring subsistence, &c.:] or coition; [meaning power for coition;] so accord. to El-Hasan: or strength for coition: or certain food that was sent down to Mohammad from heaven, of which he ate, and whereby he received strength for coition: he is related to have said, that Gabriel came to him with a cooking-pot called الكَفِيتُ, from which he derived the strength of forty men in coition: but Sgh says, in the TS, that the descent of the cookingpot from heaven is not accepted as true by the authors on the traditions. (TA.) b3: See كِفْتٌ.

A2: كَفِيتٌ A traveller's provision-bag that does not lose [or suffer to escape] anything (K) of what is put into it: you say جِرَابٌ كفيتٌ: (TA:) as also ↓ كِفْتٌ. (K.) الكَفَّاتُ The lion. (TS, K.) مُكْفِتٌ One who wears two coats of mail with a garment between them: (K:) or who wears a long coat of mail, and draws together its skirt by means of hooks, or the like, to loops in its middle part, to disencumber himself of the lower part. (T.)



1 مَكَرَ, aor. ـُ (Msb, TA,) inf. n. مَكْرٌ; (S, A, Msb, K;) and ↓ امكر; (Msb;) He practised deceit, guile, or circumvention; or he practised deceit, guile, or circumvention, desiring to do to another a foul, an abominable, or an evil, action, clandestinely, or without his knowing whence it proceeded; syn. خَدَعَ; (Msb;) and of the inf. n. خَدِيعَةٌ: (S, A, K:) he practised an evasion or elusion, a shift, an artifice, or artful contrivance or device, a machination, a trick, a plot, a stratagem, or an expedient; he plotted; or he exercised art, craft, cunning, or skill, in the management or ordering of affairs, with excel-lent consideration or deliberation, and ability to manage according to his own free will; syn. of the inf. n. إِحْتِيَالٌ: (S, TA:) or to this explanation, conveyed by احتيال as the syn. of the inf. n., should be added secretly, or privately: (Lth, TA:) مَكْرٌ is praised or dispraised according to the nature of its object. (El-Basáir.) [For further explanation, see what follows.] b2: It is trans. by means of بِ: and also, accord. to Z, by itself: (MF:) [but I know not any instance of its being trans. by itself: except as meaning he plotted a thing: see مَكْرَ السَّيِّئ in the Kur, xxxv. 41, cited voce سَيِّئٌ:] you say مَكَرَ بِهِ, (S, A, TA,) aor. and inf. n. as above, (S, TA,) meaning, He deceived, beguiled, or circumvented, him; or he deceived, beguiled, or circumvented, him, and desired to do him a foul, an abominable, or an evil, action, clandestinely, or without his knowing whence it proceeded: &c.: (S, A, TA:) syn. كَادَهُ: or it differs [somewhat] from كاده, accord. to Aboo-Hilál El-'Askeree: (TA:) some say, that مكر به signifies as above with the addition of feigning the contrary of his real intentions; which كاده does not imply: or this latter signifies “ he did him harm,” or “ mischief; ” and the former, he did him harm, or mischief, clandestinely. (MF, voce كاد.) See art. خدع. b3: مَكَرَ also signifies He managed with thought, or consideration, or acted with policy, and practised stratagem, in war. (TA.) b4: مَكَرَ اللّٰهُ and ↓ أَمْكَرَ are syn., (IKtt, Msb,) signifying, (tropical:) God recompensed, or requited, for مَكْر [or the practising deceit, &c.]: (Lth, * Msb, TA: *) or مَكْرُ اللّٰهِ signifies God's granting a man respite or delay, and enabling him to accomplish his worldly aims [so as to bring upon himself the punishment due to his evil actions]: (Er-Rághib, TA:) or, accord. to IAth, God's causing his trials to befall his enemies, exclusively of his friends: or his taking men by little and little, so that they do not reckon upon it, bestowing upon them renewed favours for acts of obedience which are imagined to be accepted whereas they are rejected. (TA.) 3 ماكرهُ He practised with him mutual deceit, guile, or circumvention; &c.; (A, * TA;) syn. خَادَعَهُ. (TA.) 4 أَمْكَرَ see 1, in two places.6 تماكروا They practised mutual deceit, guile, or circumvention; &c. (A, * TA.) مَكُورٌ: see مَاكِرٌ.

مَكَّارٌ: see مَاكِرٌ.

مَاكِرٌ (S, A, Msb, K) and ↓ مَكَّارٌ (S, A, K) and ↓ مَكُورٌ (K) epithets from مَكَرَ: (S, A, Msb, K:) [the first signifying Practising deceit, guile, or circumvention; &c.: and the second and third, practising the same much, or frequently; deceitful, guileful, artful, crafty, or cunning; a trickster, or crafty knave.]


1 مَكَرَ بِهِ i. q. خَدَعَهُ, (Msb, &c.,) see كَادَهُ.

مَكْرٌ [Artifice; machination; stratagem; fraud; fraudulence; guile].



1 مَكَسَ, aor. ـِ (TK,) inf. n. مَكْسٌ, (Sh, A, K,) He diminished, or deducted from, a thing; (Sh, * A, * K, * TK;) syn. of the inf. n. تَقْصٌ. (Sh, A, K.) Thus Sh explains مَكْس in the saying of Jábir Ibn-Jinnee Et-Taghlibee: أَفِى كُلِّ أَسْوَاقِ العِرَاقِ إِتَاوَةٌ وَفِى كُلِّ مَا بَاعَ امْرُؤٌ مَكْسُ دِرْهَمِ [Is there bribing in every one of the markets of El-'Irák, and in the case of everything that a man has sold the deducting of a dirhem?]. (TA.) [Hence,] you say, مَكَسَ فِى البَيْعِ, aor. and inf. n. as above; (S, Mgh, Msb, K;) and ↓ ماكس, inf. n. مُمَاكَسَةٌ and مِكَاسٌ: (S, Mgh, Msb:) both signify He diminished, or deducted from, the price in the selling, or buying: (Msb:) or both signify he desired, or demanded, a diminution of, or deduction from, the price in selling or buying: (Mgh, TA, *) or the former signifies he collected property in selling or buying: (K: [but from what I find in the other lexicons, I think it probable that an early copyist has perverted the text of the K here by making a transposition; writing مَكَسَ فِى البَيْعِ يَمْكِسُ مَكْسًا جَبَى مَالًا واَلمَكْسُ النَّقْصُ وَالظُّلْمُ for مَكَسَ يَمْكِسُ مَكْسًا جَبَى مَالًا وَالمَكْسُ فى البَيْعِ النَّقْصُ وَالظُّلْمُ: in the TK we find جنى مالا, which is certainly a mistake:]) or مَكْسٌ signifies the diminishing (إِنْتِقَاص) of the price of a commodity: (M, TA:) and ↓ مِكَاسٌ, the acting with mutual niggardliness in bargaining; or, accord. to EshShereeshee, the vying in acuteness between a seller and buyer, the former demanding a price and the latter offering less, time after time, until they agree to a reduced price. (Har, p. 586.) You say also, مُكِسَ, meaning, He (a man) suffered a diminution, or deduction, in selling or buying and the like. (TA.) b2: [Hence, perhaps, or the reverse may be the case,] He wronged a man; treated him, or used him, wrongfully, injuriously, or tyrannically. (A, * K, * TK. [In the first and second, only the inf. n. of the verb in this sense is mentioned.]) b3: [Hence, also, app.,] He (the مَكَّاس, Mgh, Msb) collected a tax; syn. جَبَى; [particularly, the tax termed مَكْس:] (S, * M, Mgh, * Msb [in the first and third of which, only the inf. n. of the verb in this sense is mentioned:]) or he collected property. (A.) Hence the saying, (Mgh,) in a trad., (S,) لَا يَدْجُلُ صَاحِبُ مَكْسٍ الجَنَّةَ (S, Mgh) [The taker of the tax termed مكس will not enter paradise]; meaning, the عَشَّار. (TA.) 3 ماكس فِى البَيْعِ: see 1. b2: ماكسهُ, (K,) inf. n. مُمَاكَسَةٌ [and مِكَاسٌ], (TA,) He acted with him in a niggardly, a tenacious, or an avaricious, manner; syn. شَاحَّهُ: (K: but in some copies, شَاكَسَهُ.

TA,) or ماكسهُ فى البَيْعِ signifies he contended with him [by bidding against him or otherwise] in the sale. (MA.) [See, in art. كيس, voce كَاسَ, an ex. from a trad., accord. to one reading thereof.]6 تماكسا They acted in a niggardly, a tenacious, or an avaricious, manner, each with the other, in bargaining: (IDrd, K:) or تماكسوا فِى البَيْعِ they contended, one with another, [by outbidding or otherwise] in the sale. (MA.) مَكْسٌ, an inf. n., (see 1,) used as a subst., (Mgh, Msb,) Money that used to be taken from the seller of commodities in the markets in the time of ignorance: (IDrd, M, K:) and a dirhem which the collector of the poor-rate used to take after he had finished the receipt of that tribute: (IAar, K:) or what is taken by the عَشَّار, (S, Mgh,) or مَاكِس, (S,) or مَكَّاس: (Mgh, Msb:) so [accord. to some] in the verse above cited: (S:) the tax, or impost, which he used to take: (TA:) and generally, what the Sultán's guards take wrongfully on an occasion of buying and selling: so [accord. to some] in the verse cited above: (Msb:) pl. مُكُوسٌ. (A, Mgh, Msb.) مَكَّاسٌ (A, Mgh, Msb) and ↓ مَاكسٌ (S) One who takes, or receives, what is termed مَكْس: (Mgh, Msb;) i. e., (Mgh,) i. q. عَشَّارٌ. (S, Mgh.) مَاكِسٌ: see مَكَّاسٌ.



1 كَذَبَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. كَذِبٌ (a strange form of inf. n.; there being, accord. to Kz., only fourteen instances of it; as لَعِبٌ, and ضَحِكٌ, &c.; though there are many substantives of this measure; MF) and كِذْبٌ (S, K: accord. to Ibn-Es-Seed and others, this latter is formed from the former, by putting the second vowel of the former in the place of the first: MF) and كَذِبَةٌ (L) or كَذْبَةٌ (K) and كِذْبَهٌ (L, K) and كِذَابٌ and كِذَّابٌ (K: but this last, which is also assigned to كَذَبَ in the L, is, accord. to the S, which refers, for proof, to the Kur, ch. lxxviii.

28, one of the inf. ns. of كذّب: and Ks says, that the people of El-Yemen make the inf. n. of فعّل of the measure فِعَّالٌ, while the other Arabs make it تَفْعِيلٌ: TA) and, accord. to some, كُذْبٌ and كَذْبٌ (TA: but the latter of these two, though agreeable with analogy, is unheard: TA): see also كَذِبٌ, below: [He lied; uttered a falsehood; said what was untrue:] he gave an untrue account, or relation, of a thing, whether intentionally or unintentionally. (Msb) الكَذِبُ is of five kinds. b2: First, The relater's changing, or altering, what he hears; and his relating; as from others, what he does not know. This is the kind that renders one criminal, and destroys manly virtue. — Second, The saying what resembles a lie, not meaning anything but the truth. Such is meant in the trad., كَذَبَ إِبْرٰهِيمُ ثَلَاثَ كَذِبَاتٍ

Abraham said three sayings resembling lies; he being veracious in the three. — Third, The saying what is untrue by mistake, or unintentionally; making a mistake; erring. This signification is frequent. — Fourth, The finding one's hopes false, or vain. — Fifth, The act of instigating, or inciting. (IAmb.) [See illustrations of these and other significations below; and see more voce صَدَقَ.] [You say] يَكْذِبُكَ مِنْ أَيْنَ جَاءَ [He will lie to thee even as to the place whence he comes.] (L, art. مح, and in many other places, following the similar phrase لَا يَصْدُقُكَ أَثَرَهُ, or أَثَرُهُ.) Lebeed says, اِكْذِبِ النَّفْسَ إِذَا حَدَّثْتَهَا Lie to the soul (i. e., to thy soul,) when thou talkest to it: i. e., say not to thy soul, Thou wilt not succeed in thine enterprise; for thy doing so will divert thee, or hinder thee, therefrom. A proverb. (Meyd, &c.) b3: كُذِبَ, pass., He was told a lie; a falsehood; or an untruth. (K.) b4: Aboo-Duwád says, كَذَبَ العَيْرُ وَإِنْ كَانَ بَرَحْ The wild ass hath lied, although he hath passed from right to left: [the doing which is esteemed unlucky:] or, [agreeably with explanations of كَذَبَ given below,] hath become languid, and within [the sportsman's] power, or reach, &c.: or keep to the wild ass, and hunt him, &c. A proverb, applied in the case of a thing that is hoped for, though difficult of attainment. (TA.) b5: كَذَبَتْ and ↓ كذّبت (tropical:) She (a camel), being covered by the stallion, raised her tail, and then returned without conceiving. (En-Nadr, K.) b6: كَذَبَ is said of other things than men [and animals]: as of lightning, [meaning (assumed tropical:) It gave a false promise of rain]: of a dream, an opinion, a hope, and a desire, [meaning, in each of these cases, (assumed tropical:) It proved false]. (TA.) b7: So also كَذَبَتِ العَيْنُ (assumed tropical:) The sense [i. e., the sight] of the eye deceived it. (TA.) b8: كَذَبَ الرَّأْىُ [(assumed tropical:) The judgment lied]; i. e., he imagined the thing contrary to its real state. (TA.) [See also صَدَقَ ظَنِّى] b9: كَذَبَتْكَ عَيْنُكَ (tropical:) Thine eye showed thee what had no reality. (TA.) b10: كَذَبَ لَبَنُ النَّاقَةِ, and ↓ كذّب, (the latter mentioned in the S,) (tropical:) The milk of the camel passed away, or failed. (Lh.) b11: كَذَبَ فِى سَيْرِهِ (tropical:) [He (a camel) became slack, or slow, in his pace: see 2]. (TA.) b12: كَذَبَ الحَرُّ (tropical:) The heat abated. (TA.) b13: See also 2. كَذَبَ He found his hopes to be false, or vain. (IAmb.) اُنْظُرْ كَيْفَ كَذَبُوا عَلَى

أَنْفُسِهِمْ, [Kur vi. 24, lit., See how they lied against themselves,] is said to signify see how their hope hath proved false, or vain. (TA.) b14: ظَنُّوا أَنَّهُمْ قَدْ كُذِبُوا, [Kur xii. 110,] They (the apostles) thought that they had been disappointed of the fulfilment of the promise made to them. So accord. to one reading. Accord. to another reading, the verb is ↓ كُذِّبُوا: [in which case, the meaning of the words appears to be, “ They knew that they had been pronounced liars ” by the people to whom they were sent]. (TA.) There are also two other readings; ↓ كَذَّبُوا and كَذَبُوا: accord. to the former, the verb refers to the people to whom the apostles were sent; and ظنّوا means “ they knew: ” accord. to the latter, the words mean, “ They (the people above mentioned) thought that they (the apostles) had broken their promise. ” (Jel.) b15: مَا كَذَبَ الفُؤَادُ مَا رَأَى [The mind did not belie what he saw.] (Kur liii. 11.) b16: كَذَبَتْهُ نَفْسُهُ [His soul lied to him:] his soul made him to desire things, and to conceive hopes, that could scarcely come to pass. (K.) Hence the soul is called الكَذُوبُ.

You say in the contr. case, صَذَقَتْهُ نفسه, and الكَذُوبُ. (TA.) See كَذُوبٌ, and art. صدق. b17: Hence, كَذَبَ عَلَيْهِ signifies It rendered him active, or brisk; animated him; instigated him; incited him; (K;) as also كَذَبَهُ. (Z.) b18: Hence, كَذَبَ and كَذَبَكَ and كَذَبَ عَلَيْكَ have sometimes the same signification, though not always the same government, as عَلَيْكَ, or اِلْزَمْ; Keep to; or take to. The noun following is put in the nom. case accord. to the dial. of El-Yemen; and in the acc. accord. to the dial. of Mudar; or, as some say, is correctly put in the nom. only. (TA.) You say, كَذَبَ عَلَيْكَ كَذَا وَكَذَا, meaning Keep to, or take to, such and such things. It is an extr. phrase. (ISk.) You also say, كَذَبْتُ عَلَيْكَ, meaning Keep thou to me: and كذبتُ عَلَيْكُمْ Keep ye to me. IAar. cites the following verse of Khidásh Ibn-Zuheyr, [in which he tauntingly compares a people to ticks]: كَذَبْتُ عَلَيْكُمْ أَوْ عِدُونِى وَعَلِّلُوا بِىَ الأَرْضَ وَالأَقْوَامَ قِرْدَانَ مَوْظَبَا [Keep ye to me: threaten me, and soothe by (the mention of) me the land and the peoples, O ticks of Mowdhab!]: meaning Keep ye to me, and to satirizing me, when ye are on a journey, and traverse the land mentioning me. (TA.) In like manner, يَوْمُ الأَحَدِ والخَمِيسِ كَذَبَاكَ أَوْ يَوْمُ الإِثْنَيْنِ والثَّلَاثَاءِ, in a trad. respecting the proper days for being cupped, signifies Keep thou to Sunday and Thursday, or Monday and Tuesday. (IAth, Z.) The verb is thus used after the manner of a proverb, and is invariable [as to tense], being constantly in the pret. tense, connected [literally or virtually, when explained by عَلَيْكَ followed by the prep. ب, or by إِلْزَمْ,] only with the person addressed, and in the sense of the imperative. كذباك here [lit.] signifies Let them render thee active, or brisk, and animate thee, instigate thee, or incite thee. (Z.). [A trad. of 'Omar, quoted below, presents another instance to which this signification is said to apply.] b19: Or كَذَبَ denotes instigation, or incitement, of the person addressed, to keep to the thing that is mentioned; as in the saying of the Arabs, كَذَبَ عَلَيْكَ العَسَلُ, meaning Eat thou honey: but the explanation of this is, (The relinquisher of) honey hath erred [to thee; i. e., in his representation of its evil qualites &c.; which is equivalent to saying, Eat, or keep to, honey]: العَسَلُ being put for تَارِكُ العَسَلِ. [See also 1 in art. عسل.] In like manner, the saying of 'Omar, كَذَبَ عَلَيْكُمُ الحَجُّ &c., (see below,) signifies Keep ye to the performance of the pilgrimage, &c.: [or (the relinquisher of) the pilgrimage hath erred to thee in his representation of it: therefore it means as above]. (IAmb.) Accord. to IAmb the noun signifying the object of instigation [which may also be called the cause thereof] cannot be rightly put in the acc. case: if so put, the verb is without an agent. (TA.) [But see what is said on this point in the remarks on the trad. of 'Omar below.] b20: Or the verb in a case of this kind signifies أَمْكَنَ: thus, كَذَبَكَ الحَجُّ signifies The performance of the pilgrimage is possible, or practicable, to thee: therefore [it means] Perform thou the pilgrimage. (ISh.) b21: Or أَمْكَنَ is its original signification; and the meaning intended is Keep to; as in the ex. كَذَبَ العَتِيقُ. (Aal.) b22: 'Antarah, addressing his wife 'Ableh, says; or, accord. to some, the poet is Khuzaz Ibn-Lowdhán; كَذَبَ العَتِيقُ وَمَآءُ شَنٍّ بَارِدٌ

إِنْ كُنْتِ سَائِلَتِى غَبُوقًا فَاذْهَبِى (TA.) i. e., Keep thou to the eating of dates, and to the cool water of an old, worn-out, skin: if thou ask me for an evening's drink of milk, depart: for I have appropriated the milk to my colt, which is profitable to me, and may preserve me and thee: (L:) العتيق is in the nom. case accord. to the dial. of El-Yemen: but in the acc. accord. to that of Mudar. (TA.) b23: Er-Radee [reading العتيقَ] cites this verse as a proof that كَذَبَ, originally a verb, has become a verbal noun, signifying اِلْزَمْ. (TA.) But he is the only one who asserts it to be a verbal noun. (MF.) b24: Also, Mo'akkir El-Bárikee says, وَذُبْيَانِيَّةٍ أُوْصَتْ بَنِيهَا بِأَنْ كَذَبَ القَرَاطِفُ وَالقُرُوفُ And many a woman of Dhubyán charged her sons by [saying], Keep to the red garments (اكسية), and the bags (or receptacles) of leather tanned with pomegranate-bark. She charged them to take plenty of these two things as spoil from the tribe of Nemir, if they should prevail over them. (Aboo-'Obeyd El-Kásim Ibn-Selám.) b25: كذب is also said to have the same meaning in the words of the trad. كَذَبَ النَّسَّابُونَ [Keep to those skilled in genealogy:] or Regard is to be had to what is said by those skilled in genealogy: another meaning to which is assigned below. (TA.) b26: It sometimes signifies It is incumbent, or obligatory. So in the following: (a trad. of 'Omar: TA:) كَذَبَ عَلَيْكُمُ الحَجُّ كَذَبَ عَلَيْكُمُ العُمْرَةُ كَذَبَ عَلَيْكُمُ الجِهَادُ ثلَاثَةُ

أَسْفَارٍ كَذَبْنَ عَلَيْكُمْ [The performance of the pilgrimage is incumbent on you: the performance of (the rites called) العمرة is incumbent on you: warring (for the sake of religion) is incumbent on you: three expeditions are incumbent on you]: (S, * K:) or كذب, here, is from كَذَبَتْهُ نَفْسُهُ, “ his soul made him to desire things, and to conceive hopes, that could scarcely come to pass; ” and the meaning is let [the expectation of the reward which will follow] the performance of the pilgrimage render thee active, or brisk, and animate thee, instigate thee, or incite thee, to the act: [and so of the rest of the trad.: but here I should observe, that, for لِيَكْذِبَكَ and لِيُنَشِّطَكَ and يَبْعَثَكَ, in the CK, we should read لِيَكْذِبْكَ &c.:] (K:) b27: or, as ISk says, كذب, here, seems to denote instigation, or incitement, meaning عَلَيْكُمْ بِهِ keep ye to it; and is an extr. word with respect to analogy: (S:) b28: accord. to Akh., الحجّ is governed in the nom. case by كذب; but as to the meaning, it is in the acc.; because the meaning is a command to perform the pilgrimage; as when you say, أَمْكَنَكَ الصَّيْدُ [“ the game hath become within thy power, or reach ”], meaning “ shoot it, ” or “ cast at it: ” (S:) he who puts الحجّ in the acc. case, [agreeably with one relation of the trad., TA,] makes عليك [or عليكم] a verbal noun; and in كذب is [implied] the pronoun which refers to الحجّ [and which is the agent of the verb]; (K;) or the agent is implied in كذب, and explained by what follows it; (Sb;) [so that] the meaning is كَذَبَ الحَجُّ عَلَيْكُمُ الحَجَّ: (Z:) or, [as shown above,] كذب is a verbal n., meaning الْزَمْ, and الحجّ is in the acc. case as governed by it: (Er-Radee:) though its being in the acc. case, accord. to some, is altogether unknown: (TA:) b29: [or the meaning is as stated before on the authority of ISh.:] b30: or the trad. means كَذَبَ عَلَيْكَ الحَجُّ إِنْ ذُكِرَ

أَنَّهُ غَيْرُ كَافٍ هَادِمٍ لِمَا قَبْلَهُ مِنَ الذُّنُوبِ [(the relinguisher of) the pilgrimage hath erred to thee if it have been spoken of (by him) as not sufficient, (and as not) abolishing the sins, or offences, (committed) before it: agreeably with the explanation by IAmb, given above]. (K.) b31: كَذَبَ He said what was false unintentionally; committed a mistake, or error. The verb is used in this sense by the people of El-Hijáz, and the rest of the Arabs have followed them in so using it. (Towsheeh.) A2: كَذَبَ is also said to signify He spoke truth; so as to bear two contr. meanings: and thus, كَذَبَ النَّسَّابُونَ may signify Those skilled in genealogy have spoken truth: but another explanation of this saying is given in this art. (MF, &c.) A3: كَذَبَتْ عَفَّاقَتُكَ [and the like] Thou brokest wind. (S in art. عفق.) 2 كذّبه, inf. n. تَكْذِيبٌ, (and كِذَّابٌ, TA, and تَكْذِبَةٌ [like تَجْرِبَةٌ &c.], occurring in the TA, voce لَهَبَةٌ, &c.) He made, or pronounced, him a liar; an utterer of falsehood; or a sayer of what was untrue: (K:) he attributed, or ascribed, to him lying, untruth, mendacity, or the speaking untruth: (Msb:) and (Msb) [accused him of lying:] he gave him the lie; said to him, “ Thou hast lied, ” &c. (S, Msb.) See also 4. b2: كذّب بِالأَمْرِ, inf. n. تَكْذِيبٌ and كِذَّابٌ (K: the latter inf. n. of the dial. of El-Yemen: Ks, Fr) and كِذَابٌ, (TA,) He rejected, disallowed, denied, disacknowledged, disbelieved in, or discredited, the thing; syn. أَنْكَرَهُ; (K;) as also كذّبهُ, and ↓ كَذَبَهُ. (Jel, liii. 11.) Ex. وَكَذَّبُوا بِآيَاتِنَا كِذَّابًا [And they rejected our signs, with rejection: Kur, lxxviii. 28]. (S.) And كَذَّبَ الفُؤَادُ مَا رَأَى, and ↓ كَذَبَ: see art. فأد, and see 1. b3: كذّب عَنْهُ (assumed tropical:) He repelled from him, [or defended him]; syn. رَدَّ عَنْهُ; namely, a man. (K.) [See exs. voce عوّى, in art. عو.]

A2: حَمَلَ فَمَا كَذّب, inf. n. تَكْذِيبٌ, (tropical:) He charged, and was not cowardly, (S, K,) and did not retreat. (TA.) حَمَلَ ثُمَّ كذّب He charge, and then was cowardly, or did not charge with earnestness, or sincerity: (S:) b2: or falsified the opinion formed of him: or made a false charge. (A.) كذّب عَنَ قِرْنِهِ He charged, and then retreated from his adversary. (Sh.) كذّب القِتَالَ He was cowardly in fight. التَّكْذِيبُ in fighting is the contr. of الصِّدْقُ. (TA.) b3: كذّب السَّيْرَ [He slackened his pace, or became slow, after giving promise of being quick;] he did not proceed in his journey with energy. (TA.) b4: مَا كَذَّبَ أَنْ فَعَلَ كَذَا (so in the TA, and in a MS. copy of the K: in the CK, and in two copies of the S, مَا كَذَبَ:) (tropical:) He did not delay to do so: (S, K:) he was not cowardly and weak, and did not delay to do so. (TA.) A3: كذّب عَنْ أَمْرٍ قَدْ أَرَادَهُ (tropical:) He abstained, or desisted, or drew back by reason of fear, from a thing that he had desired to do. (K.) b2: كذّب (and ↓ كَذَبَ, TA,) (assumed tropical:) He (a wild beast) took a run, and then stopped to see what was behind him, (K,) whether he were pursued or not. (TA.) 3 كَاذَبْتُهُ, inf. n. مُكَاذَبَةٌ and كِذَابٌ, I lied, &c., to him, and he to me. (K, * TA.) 4 اكذبهُ He found him a liar; an utterer of falsehood; or a sayer of what was untrue: (S, K:) or he said to him, “ Thou hast lied ”: &c.: (TA:) or this verb bears the former of these two significations, and ↓ كذّبه signifies the latter: (S:) or اكذبه signifies he shewed him that he had told a lie, &c.: (Zj:) or اكذبه signifies he announced that he had told, or related, a lie, &c.: and ↓ كذّبه, he announced his being a liar, &c.: (Ks, S:) or اكذبه and ↓ كذّبه are syn.: but the former sometimes signifies he incited, urged, or induced, him to lie, &c. (a signification assigned to it in the K): and sometimes, he made manifest, or proved, his lying, &c. (a signification also assigned to it in the K): and he found him a liar, &c. (Th, S, * TA.) A2: اكذب, inf. n. إِكْذَابٌ, (tropical:) He, being called to, or shouted to, remained silent, feigning to be asleep. (AA, K.) 5 تكدّب He affected lying: or he lied purposely (تَكَلَّفَ الكَذِبَ). (S, K.) He told a lie; [like كَذَب.] (MA, KL.) [See also an instance in which it is trans., meaning He spoke falsely, voce تزعّم.] b2: تكذّبهُ, (K,) and تكذّب عَلَيْهِ, (TA,) He asserted that he was a liar. (K.) Aboo-Bekr Es-Siddeek says, رَسُولٌ أَتَاهُمْ صَادِقًا فَتَكَذَّبُوا عَلَيْهِ وَقَالُوا لَسْتَ فِينَا بِمَا كِثِ

[An apostle came to them, speaking truth; but they brought a charge of lying against him, or asserted him to be a liar, and said, Thou shalt not stay among us]. (TA.) 6 تكاذبوا They lied, &c., one to another. (S.) See also تَصَادَقَا.

كَذْبٌ and كَذِبٌ and كَذَبٌ and كُذْبٌ i. q. كَدْبٌ &c. (K, art. كدب.) كَذِبٌ and ↓ أُكْذُوبَةٌ [pl. أَكَاذِيبُ] (S, K) and ↓ كُذْبَى and ↓ مَكْذُوبٌ (K: this last a pass. part. n. used in the sense of an inf. n., as is said to be done in only four other instances: MF) and ↓ مَكْذُوبَةٌ (S, K: a fem. pass. part. n. which is less used in this manner than a masc.: TA [or perhaps an inf. n., as its contr. مَصْدُوقَةٌ is said to be:]) and ↓ مَكْذَبَةٌ (K: a meemee inf. n. agreeable with analogy: TA) and ↓ مُكْذُبَةٌ (CK: omitted in a MS. copy, and in the TA) and ↓ كَاذِبَةٌ (S, K) and ↓ كُذْبَانٌ and ↓ كُذَّابٌ (K) and ↓ تَكْذَابٌ (L, art. مسح,) are synonymous: (S, K) [all of these are regarded by some as inf. ns., signifying The act of lying; uttering a falsehood; or saying what is untrue: by others, all but the first seem to be regarded as simple substantives, signifying a lie; a falsehood; an untruth; a fiction; a fable: and the first, being an inf. n., is often used as a subst.] b2: إِنَّ بَنِى

↓ نُمَيْرٍ لَيْسَ لَهُمْ مَكْذُوبَةٌ [Verily no lying, or lie, is attributable to the sons of Numeyr] is related as a phrase of the Arabs. (Fr.) b3: إِنَّ بَنِى فُلَانٍ

↓ لَيْسَ لِحَدِّهِمٌ مَكْذُوبَةٌ; i. e., كَذِبٌ; [Verily no falsity is attributable to the valour of the sons of such a one]. (S.) b4: ↓ لَيْسَ لِوَقْعَتِهَا كَاذِبَةٌ [Kur lvi. 2,] signifies There shall be no rejecting its happening [as a falsity]: كاذبة being here an inf. n.: (Fr) or كاذبة is here a subst. put in the place of an inf. n., like عَاقِبَةٌ and عَافِيةٌ and بَاقِيَةٌ. (S.) b5: ↓ لَا مُكْذَبَةَ, and ↓ لا كُذْبَى, and ↓ لا كُذْبَانَ, I do not accuse thee of lying; or make thee a liar: (TA:) [and in like manner] لَا كُذْبَ لَكَ, and لا كُذْبَى لَكَ, signify لا تَكْذِيبَ There is no accusing thee of lying; or making thee a liar. (Lb.) b6: الشِّعْرِ ↓ تَكَاذِيبُ [The lies of poetry]. (TA.) b7: جَاؤُوا عَلَى قَمِيصِهِ بِدَمٍ كَذِبٍ, [Kur xii. 18, They brought, upon his shirt, false blood]: كذب here means ↓ مَكْذُوبٍ: (Fr and Abu-l- 'Abbás:) or is for ذِى كَذِبٍ, meaning مَكْذُوبٍ فِيهِ: (Zj:) or the blood is termed كذب because he (Jacob) was told a lie thereby. (Akh.) See another reading in art. كدب.

كُذْبَى: see كَذِبٌ.

كَذْبَانٌ: see كَاذِبٌ.

كُذْبَانٌ: see كَذِبٌ.

الكَذُوبُ and الكَذُوبَةُ (tropical:) Names of the soul. (Az, K.) See 1. b2: صَدَقَتْهُ الكَدُوبُ, [The soul (i. e. his soul) told him truth:] the soul diverted him, or hindered him, or held him back, from an undertaking, causing him to imagine himself unable to prosecute it. (TA.) One says so of a man who threatens another, and then belies himself, and is cowardly and weak. (AA.) Fr cites this hemistich: حَتَّى إِذَا مَا صَدَقَتْهُ كُذُبُهْ Until, when his souls told him the truth, or diverted him, &c.: the poet assigning souls to the person spoken of because of the several opinions of the soul. (TA.) كَذَّابٌ: see كَاذِبٌ.

كُذَّابٌ: see كَذِبٌ.

كَذَّابَةٌ (assumed tropical:) A piece of cloth that is dyed of various colours, or figured, as though it were embroidered, and stuck to the ceiling of a chamber: so called because one would imagine that it [meaning what is figured] is upon the ceiling, whereas it is upon a piece of cloth beneath the ceiling. (A, L.) كَاذِبٌ and ↓ كَذَّابٌ (fem. with ة, TA,) and ↓ كَذُوبٌ and ↓ كُذَبَةٌ (S, K) and ↓ كَذُوبَةٌ and ↓ تِكِذَّابٌ (like تِصِدَّاقٌ, TA) and ↓ كَذْبَانٌ (K) and ↓ كَيْذُبَانٌ (S, K) and ↓ كَيْذَبَانٌ (Az, K) and ↓ مَكْذَبَانٌ and ↓ مَكْذَبَانَةٌ and ↓ كُذُبْذُبٌ and ↓ كُذُّبْذُبٌ (S, K; neither of which last two words has its like in measure, IJ) and ↓ كُذُبْذُبَانٌ (K) epithets, applied to a man, from كَذَبَ “ he lied, &c.: ” (S, K, &c.:) [the first word a simple epithet, signifying Lying, &c.; or a liar: each of the others an intensive epithet, signifying Lying, &c., much; mendacious; or a great, or habitual, liar]. Pl. of the first word [كَاذِبُونَ and] كُذَّبٌ; and of the third, كُذُبٌ: (S:) or, accord. to some, the last is pl. of كَاذِبٌ, contr. to analogy; or pl. of كِذَابٌ, which is an inf. n. used as an intensive epithet. (MF.) b2: See كَذِبٌ b3: نَاصِيَةٍ كَاذِبَةٍ, [in the Kur xcvi. 16,] signifies ناصيةٍ كاذبةٍ صَاحِبُهَا [By] a forelock whose owner is a liar. (TA.) b4: Of the same kind is the expression ↓ رُؤْيَا كَذُوبٌ, meaning رؤيا صَاحِبُهَا كَاذِبٌ [A dream whereof the dreamer finds it to be false, or vain; i. e. a false, or vain, dream]. (TA.) [See also a verse cited voce خَيَالٌ.] b5: قَدْ يَصْدُقُ ↓ إِنَّ الكَذُوبَ [Verily the habitual liar in some few instances speaks truth]. A proverb. (TA.) b6: نَاقَةٌ كَاذِبٌ, and ↓ مُكَذِّبٌ, (tropical:) A she-camel that, being covered by the stallion, raises her tail, and then returns without conceiving. (En-Nadr, K.) b7: حَمْلَةٌ كَاذِبَةٌ, and ↓ مَكْذُوبَةٌ [لَهَا? (see مَصْدُوقَةٌ),] (tropical:) A charge that is followed up with cowardice and retreating. (TA.) A2: الكَذَّابَانِ An epithet applied to Museylimeh El-Hanafee and El-Aswad El-'Ansee. (K.) [Each of them is called الكذّاب.]

أَكْذَبُ [More and most, lying, or mendacious]: see an ex. voce سُهَيْلَة.

أُكْذُوبَةٌ: see كَذِبٌ.

تَكْذَابٌ and تَكَاذِيبُ: see كَذِبٌ.

مَكْذَبَةٌ: see كَذِبٌ.

مُكْذُبَةٌ: see كَذِبٌ.

مَكْذُوبٌ: see كَذِبٌ b2: [One to whom a lie, falsehood, or untruth, is told: see كُذِبَ.] Ex.

كُلُّ امْرِئٍ بِطَوَالِ العَيْشِ مَكْذُوبُ Every man, in respect of the length of life, is lied to [by his own soul]. A proverb. (Meyd, &c.) b3: قَوْلٌ مَكْذُوبٌ [originally مَكْذُوبٌ فِيهِ] A false saying, or lie; [lit.] a saying in which a falsehood, or lie, is told. (M, TA, voce مَقْتُوتٌ.) مَكْذُوبَةٌ: see كَذِبٌ.

A2: A weak woman. (IAar, K.) b2: A virtuous woman. (TA.) مَكَاذِبُ [signifying lies, falsehoods, or untruths,] is said to be a word that has no proper sing.: or it is pl. of كَذِبٌ, contr. to analogy: or its sing. is مَكْذَبٌ: like as is said of مَحَاسِنُ and مَذَاكِرُ

&c. (MF.)



1 نَرَجَ He thrashed wheat, or corn, with a نَوْرَج. (TA.) نَوْرَجٌ (L, K) and ↓ نَيْرَجٌ and ↓ نُورَجٌ, the last of the dial. of El-Yemen, and a word of which there is not the like in Arabic, (L,) A thrashinginstrument, or that with which heaps of wheat, or corn, are thrashed, whether of wood or of iron; (L, K;) or, of iron and wood; (Sifr es-Sa'ádeh;) [a kind of drag, used, in Egypt and Arabia and some other countries of Western Asia, for the purpose of separating the grain of wheat and barley &c. and cutting the straw, which serves as fodder; it is a machine in the form of a chair fixed upon a sledge, which moves upon small iron wheels, or thin circular plates, generally eleven, fixed to three thick axle-trees, four to the foremost, the same number to the hindmost, and three to the intermediate axle-tree: this machine is drawn, in a circle, by a pair of cows or bulls, their driver being seated upon it, over the corn: pl. [of the first and last words] نَوَارِجُ. (TA.) b2: Also, the first and second, A ploughshare. (K.) نُورَجٌ and نَيْرَجٌ: see نَوْرَجٌ نَارَنْجٌ A well-known fruit; [the orange; citrus aurantium; of which there are two species common in the gardens of the East, one sweet, and the other bitter:] and arabicized word, from [the Persian] نَارَنْكْ [also called نَارِنْج]. (K.)



1 نَارَ intrans., in the sense of أَنَارَ: see the latter, in two places.

A2: نَارُوا النَّارَ: see 5.

A3: نُرْتُ البَعِيرَ (tropical:) I made a mark upon the camel with a hot iron. (M, K.) See نَارٌ.2 نوّر, intrans., in the sense of أَنَارَ, from النُّورُ: see 4, in two places. b2: نوّر بِالفَجْرِ, (Mgh, Msb,) inf. n. تَنْوِيرٌ, (Msb,) He performed the prayer of daybreak when the dawn had become light (Mgh, Msb:) (tropical:) or when the horizon had become bright: (TA:) تَنْوِيرُ الفَجْرِ, without بِ is an amplification. (Mgh.) تَنْوِيرٌ as a subst. from this verb, see below.

A2: نوّر, trans. in the sense of أَنَارَ, from النُّورُ: see 4. in three places.

A3: نوّر, (S, A, Msb, K.) inf. n. تَنْوِيرٌ, (S, K,) It (a tree. S, A, Msb, K, and a plant, Msb) blossomed, or flowered it put forth its نَوْر; (S, A, Msb, K;) as also ↓ أَنَارَ, (S, Msb, K,) originally أَنْوَرَ, (TA,) See also 4. b2: It (seed-produce) attained to maturity: (K:) [see an ex. in a verse cited in art. سمو, conj. 3:] تَنْوِيرٌ, the inf. n. of the verb in this sense, has a pl. تَنَاوِيرُ. (TA.) A4: نوّرهُ He smeared him or it with نُورَة. (Mgh, Msb.) b2: نوّر ذِرَاعَهُ, (S, K,) inf. n. تَنْوِيرٌ, (TA,) He pricked his fore-arm with a needle, and then sprinkled نَوُور, [q. v.] upon it. (S, K.) 4 انار, (inf. n. إِنَارَةٌ, Msb,) It (a thing) (S, Msb) gave light; or shone; or shone brightly; (S, A, * Msb, K; *) as also ↓ نوّر, (Lh, S, * A, Msb, K,) inf. n. تَنْوِيرٌ; (S, Msb;) and ↓ استنار; (S, A, Msb, K;) and ↓ نَارَ, (A, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ (Msb,) inf. n. نَوْرٌ, (K, TA,) or نُورٌ, (as in a copy of the A,) or نِيَارٌ: (Msb;) and ↓ تنوّر: (K:) نوّر (S, * Mgh, Msb, K) and انار (Mgh, Msb) and استنار, (Msb,) said of the dawn, signify as above; (Mgh, Msb;) or its light appeared. (S, * K) b2: [Hence,] الفِتْنَةُ ↓ نَارَتِ, aor. ـُ Sedition, or discord, or the like, happened and spread. (Msb.) b3: [Hence also,] انار and أَنْوَرَ, (K.) the latter being the original form; said of a plant; (TA;) It became beautiful: and it became apparent. (K, TA.) And أَنْوَرَتِ الشَّجَرَةُ The tree became beautiful in its verdure: or, as some say, put forth its blossoms or flowers. (TA.) See also 2.

A2: انار and ↓ نوّر He made to give light; to shine; or to shine brightly. (Msb.) ↓ التَّنْوِيرُ and الإِنَارَةُ signify the same. (S.) You say, انار السِّرَاجَ, and ↓ نوّرهُ, (A,) and المِصْبَاحَ ↓ نوّر, (Msb,) He made the lamp to give light; or to become bright. (Msb.) b2: انار المَكَانَ He illumined, or lighted, the place; (K;) i. e., put light [or a light] in it. (TA.) b3: [Hence,] انارهُ (tropical:) He elucidated it; rendered it apparent or plainly apparent, conspicuous, manifest, or evident; (TA;) as also ↓ نورّهُ. (A, TA. *) b4: And hence, انار اللّٰهُ بُرْهَانَهُ (tropical:) God taught him, or dictated to him, his proof. (TA.) 5 see 4, first signification.

A3: تنورّوا النَّارَ مِنْ بِعِيدٍ, (S, K,) and ↓ نَارُوهَا, (K,) They looked at the fire, or endeavoured to see it (تَبَصَّرُوهَا,) from afar: (S, K:) or تنوّر النَّارَ he looked at the fire, or endeavoured to see it, (تَبَصَّرَهَا) and repaired towards it: (A:) or he came to the fire: it has this signification as well as the first. (TA.) b2: تنوّر الرَّجُلَ, and المَرْأَةَ, He looked at the man, and the woman, at or by a fire, from a place where the latter did not see him; he stood in the dark to see the man, and the woman, by the light of the latter's fire, without the latter's seeing him; تَنَوُّرٌ being like تَضَوُّؤٌ. (TA.) A4: See also 8.8 انتار, (Th, T, S, M, K,) imp. إِنْتَرْ; (T;) and إِنْتَوَرَ, (T, K,) imp. إِنْتَوِرْ; (T;) and ↓ تنوّر; (S, M, A, Mgh, Msb, K;) or only انتار and انتور; not تنوّر; (T;) or some say انتار; [implying that most say تنوّر;] (S;) He smeared himself with نُورَة [which is differently explained in the lexicons, so that these verbs are made to bear different meanings by different lexicons]. (Th, T, S, M, A, Mgh, Msb, K.) 10 إِسْتَنْوَرَ see 4, first signification.

A2: استنار بِهِ He sought the aid of its light: (TA:) or of its rays. (M, K.) نَارٌ a word of which the meaning is well known; (M, K;) [Fire; not well explained as signifying] the flaming, or blazing, (لَهِيب,) that is apparent to the sense: (TA:) its ا is originally نُوَيْرَةٌ: (S, TA:) it is fem.: (S, M, Msb:) and sometimes masc.: (AHn, M, K:) and the dim. is أَنْوَارٌ, with و because it is the original medial radical, (S,) and with ة because نار is fem.: (Msb:) pl. [of pauc.] أَنْوُرٌ, (S, M, L,) in the K أَنْوَارٌ, [which is a mistake, though this is also said to be a pl. of نار,] (TA,) and [of mult.] نِيرَانٌ [which is the most common form] (S, M, K) and نُورٌ (AAF, S, M, Msb, K) and نِيَرَةٌ and نِيَارٌ, (M, K,) and أَنْيَارٌ also occurs, in the phrase نَارُ الأَنْيَارِ, in a trad. respecting the prison of hell; this phrase, if correctly related, perhaps meaning نَارُ النِّيِرَانِ, and انيار being originally أَنْوَار. (IAth.) النَّارُ is also applied to The fire of hell. (TA:) The Arabs say, in cursing their enemies, أَبْعَدَ اللّٰهُ دَارَهُمْ وَأَوْقَدَ نَارًا أَثَرَهُمْ [May God make their abode distant, and kindle a fire after them!] And it was a custom of Arab women, as related by IAar, on the authority of El-'Okeyleeyeh, when they feared evil from a man, and he removed from them, to kindle a fire behind him, with the view of causing his evil to depart with him. (T.) b2: نَارُ الْمُهَوِّلِ A fire which the Arabs used to kindle, in the time of ignorance, on the occasion of entering into a confederacy: they threw into it some salt, which crackled (يُفَقِّعُ) when the fire burned it: with this they frightened [one another] in confirmation of the swearing. (T.) b3: نَارُ الحُبَاحِبِ has been explained in art. حب. b4: نَارٌ also signifies simply Heat. (TA.) b5: Also, (tropical:) [The fire, meaning] the evil, and excitement, or rage, or war; as also ↓ نَائِرَةٌ. (TA.) Yousay, أَوْقَدَ نَارَ الحَرْبِ (tropical:) [He kindled the fire of war]. (A.) b6: Also, (tropical:) Opinion; counsel; advice. (IAar, T, K.) So in the trad., لَا تَسْتَضِيؤُوا بِنَارِ المُشْرِكِينَ, (T,) or بنار أَهْلِ الشِّرْكِ, (K,) (tropical:) [Seek ye not to enlighten yourselves by the counsel of the polytheists; i. e.,] seek ye not counsel of the polytheists. (IAar, T, A. *) b7: Also, (tropical:) Any brand, or mark, made with a hot iron, upon a camel; (As, T, S, M, A, K;) as also ↓ نُورَةٌ (M, K) and ↓ نُورٌ: (TA:) pl. as above: (M:) or the pl. is نِيَارٌ, and the pl. of the نار that burns is نِيرَانٌ. (IAar, Th, T.) The Arabs say, مَا نَارُ هٰذِهِ النَّاقَةِ (tropical:) What is the brand, or mark, of this she-camel, with which she is burned? (T, S, A. *) And they say, in a proverb, بِجَارُهَا نَارُهَا (T, S) Their origin is indicated by their mark with which they are burned. (T.) The Rájiz says, حَتَّى سَقَوْا آبَالَهُمْ بِالنَّارِ وَالنَّارُ قَدْ تَشْفِى مِنَ الأُوَارِ [Until, or so that, they watered their camels because of the brand that they bore: for the fire, or the brand, sometimes cures of the heat of thirst]: (T, S: *) he means, that, when they saw their marks with which they were burned, they left the water to them. (S. For another reading of this verse, see بِ.) See also نَجْرٌ.

نَوْرٌ Blossoms, or flowers, (M, Msb, K,) of a tree, and of a plant: (Msb:) or white blossoms or flowers; the yellow being called زَهْرٌ; (M, K;) for they become white, and then become yellow: (M:) and ↓ نَوْرَةٌ and ↓ نُوَّارٌ signify the same as نَوْرٌ: (M, K:) or [rather] نَوْرٌ and نُوَّارٌ signify the same; (S, Msb;) [but the former is often used as a generic n., signifying a kind of blossom or flower: though both are coll. gen. ns.;] and نَوْرَةٌ is the n. un. of نَوْرٌ, like as تَمْرَةٌ is of تَمْرٌ; (Msb;) and نُوَّارَةٌ is the n. un. of نُوَّارٌ: (S, M, L:) and the pl. of نَوْرٌ is أَنْوَارٌ. (M, Msb, K.) نُورٌ Light; syn. ضِيَآءٌ, (S,) or ضَوْءٌ; (M, A, Msb, K;) whatever it be; (M, A, K;) contr. of ظُلْمَةٌ: (Msb:) or the rays thereof: (M, A, K:) accord to Z, ضِيَآءٌ [with which ضَوْءٌ is syn.] is more intense than نُورٌ: in the Kur, x. 5, the sun is termed ضياء, and the moon نور: and it is said that ضياء is essential, but نور is accidental [light]: (TA:) it is of two kinds, the light of the present world and that of the world to come; and the former is either perceived sensibly, by the eye, and this is what diffuses itself from luminous bodies, as the sun and moon and stars, and is mentioned in the Kur, 10. 5, referred to above; or perceived by the eye of the intellect, and this is what diffuses itself of the divine lights, as the light of reason and the light of the Kur-án; of which divine light mention is made in the Kur, 5., former part of verse 15, and 24., latter part of verse 35; and both of these in common are spoken of in the Kur, 6. 1 and 39. 69: that of the world to come is mentioned in the Kur in lvii. 12 [and lxvi. 8]: (B:) the pl. is أَنْوَارٌ (S, M, Msb, K) and نِيرَانٌ; (M, K;) the latter mentioned by Th: (M:) and ↓ نَوْرَانيَّةٌ signifies the same as نُورٌ. (TA.) As نور is a convenience of the pious in the present world and the world to come, it is said in the Kur, [lvii. 13,] اُنْظُرُونَا نَقْتَبِسْ مِنْ نُورِكُمْ [Wait ye for us that we may take of your light]. (B.) [See also ظُلَمْةٌ.] b2: It is also applied to Mohammad: (T, M, K:) it is said by Aboo-Is-hak to be so applied in the Kur, v. 18. (T.) b3: And That which manifests things, (K, TA,) and shows to the eyes their true or real state: and therefore النُّور is applied in the Kur, vii.

156, to (tropical:) that [revelation] which the Prophet brought. (TA.) b4: النُّورُ is also one of the names of God; meaning, accord. to IAth, He by whose light the obscure in perception sees, and by whose guidance the erring is directed aright: or the Manifest, by whom is every manifestation. And أَللّٰهُ نُورُ السَّمٰوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ [in the Kur, xxiv. 35,] means God is the enlightener of the heavens and of the earth: like as فُلَانٌ غِيَاثُنَا means مُغِيثُنَا: (TA:) or, as some say, the right director of the inhabitants of the heavens and of the inhabitants of the earth. (T.) b5: See also نَارٌ, last signification.

نَوْرَةٌ: see نَوْرٌ.

نُورَةٌ: see نَارٌ, last signification.

A2: I. q. هِنَآءٌ [a word well known to mean Tar, or liquid pitch, or a kind thereof; but I do not know this signification as applying to نُورَةٌ, nor, app., did SM, for he has made it to be the same with that which here next follows, from the T]. (M, K:) or a kind of stone burned and made into كِلْس [or quick-lime] and used as a depilatory for the pubes: (T:) or lime-stone; syn. حَجَرُ الكِلْسِ: and by a secondary and predominant application, a mixture of quick lime (كلس) with arsenic, or orpiment, (زِرْنِيخ,) and other things, used for removing hair: (Msb:) [a depilatory composed of quick lime with a small proportion (about an eighth part) of orpiment: it is made into a paste with water, before application; and loosens the hair in about two minutes; after which it is immediately washed off: thus made in the present day:] some say that it is an Arabic word; and others, that it is arabicized. (Msb) See 8.

نَوْرَانِيَّةٌ: see نُورٌ.

نَيِّرٌ Giving light, shining, bright, or shining brightly; (A, Msb;) as also ↓ مُنِيرٌ and ↓ مُسْتَنِيرٌ (A) [and ↓ نَائِرٌ.] b2: Beautiful in colour, and bright; as also ↓ مُنِيرٌ and ↓ أَنْوَرُ: (TA:) or the last signifies [simply] beautiful; (K;) or conspicuous and beautiful. (TA.) It is said of Mohammad.

كَانَ أَنْوَرَ ↓ المُتَجَرَّدِ: He was beautiful and bright in the colour [of what was unclad] of his body. (TA.) نَوُورٌ, (S, Msb, and so in some copies of the K,) or نَؤُورٌ, (T, M, and so in some copies of the K,) or both, the former being the original form, (S, TA,) i. q. نِيلَجٌ [i. e. Indigo-pigment]; (S, K;) or نِيلَنْجٌ; [which appears from what follows to be the right reading, though both نيلج and نيلنج are used in the present day for the purpose described in explanations of نوور, to give a greenish colour to the marks made in tatooing;] (Msb;) i. e., (so accord. to the S and Msb; but in the K, and) the smoke [meaning the smokeblack] of fat, (IAar, T, S, M, Msb, K,) that adheres to the طَسْت, (IAar, T,) with which the punctures made in tatooing are dressed, (S, Msb,) or filled in, (M,) that they may become green; (S, Msb;) or with which the women of the Arabs of the time of ignorance tattooed themselves: (T:) i. q. غُنْجٌ [q v.]; (IAar, T:) or, accord. to to Lth, the smoke [or smoke-black] of the wick, used as a collyrium or for tatooing; but, [says Az,] I have not heard that the women of the Arabs used this as a collyrium in the time of ignorance nor in the time of El-Islám; their using it for tatooing, however, is mentioned in their poems: (T:) or lamp-black; the black pigment (نِقْس) prepared from the smoke of the lamp; used for tattooing. (Comm. on the Mo'allakát, printed at Calcutta, p. 143.) b2: Also, A kind of small stone, resembling إِثْمِد, which is bruised, or brayed, and then taken up, like as medicine is by the lip. (M.) [The same is found in the K, excepting that, in this latter lexicon, the explanation is less full, and اللِّثَةُ is substituted for الشَّفَةُ, the reading in the M.

نُوَّارٌ and نُوَّارَةٌ: see نَوْرٌ.

نَائِرٌ: see نَيِّرٌ. b2: (tropical:) Apparent or plainly apparent. conspicuous, manifest, or evident; as also ↓ مُنِيرٌ. (Thus the pl. fem. of each of these is explained in the TA.) b3: فِتْنَةٌ نَائِرَةٌ Sedition, or discord, or the like, happening and spreading. (Msb.) b4: And نَائِرَةٌ alone, Sedition, or discord, or the like: (Msb:) or sedition, or discord, or the like, happening: (TA:) and rancour, malevolence, or spite. (T:) enmity, or hostility, (T, S, A, Msb,) and violent hatred. (S, A, Msb.) See also نَارٌ.

You say, سَعَيْتُ فِى إِطْفَآءِ النَّائِرَةِ I laboured in stilling the sedition, or discord, or the like. (Msb.) And بَيْنَهُمْ نَائِرَةٌ Between them is enmity, or hatred, and violent hatred. (A, Msb.) A2: One who occasions evils among men. (T.) انْوَرُ: see نَيِّرٌ, in two places. b2: ذَا أَنْورُ مِنْ ذَاكَ [This is lighter, or brighter, than that], (TA.) تَنْوِيرٌ The time when the dawn shines, or becomes light. (T, Mgh.) You say, صَلَّى الفَجْرَ فِى التَّنْوِيرِ He performed the prayer of daybreak when the dawn shone, or became light. (Mgh.) See also 2.

مَنَارٌ [originally مَنْوَرٌ] A place of light; as also ↓ مَنَارَةٌ. (M. K.) b2: A sign, or mark, set up to show the way: (As, T, S, M, K:) and a thing that is put as a limit or boundary between two things; (M, K;) or between two lands, (As, T,) made of mud or clay or of earth: (As, TA:) pl. مَنَاثِرُ [respecting which see مَنَارَةٌ]. (A.) It is [also used as a coll. gen. n.; as, for instance, where it is] said, in a trad., لَعَنَ اللّٰهُ مَنْ غَيَّرَ مَنَارَ الأَرْضِ May God curse him who alters the marks of the limit between two lands: (T, TA:) or it may mean مَنَارَ الحَرَمِ the boundary-marks of the Haram [or sacred territory of Mekkeh], which [it is said] were set up by Abraham. (T, TA. *) And it is said in another trad, إِنَّ لِلْإِسْلَامِ صُوًى

وَمَنَارًا (tropical:) Verily there are to El-Islám signs and ordinances whereby it is known. (TA.) b3: See also صَوْمَعَةٌ. b4: The middle, or main part and middle, or part along which one travels, (مَحَجَّة,) of a road. (M, K.) مُنِيرٌ: see نَيِّرٌ, in two places. b2: See also نَائِرٌ.

مَنَارَةٌ, originally مَنْوَرَةٌ; (A, K;) see مَنَارٌ. b2: A stand for a lamp; a thing upon which a lamp is put: (T, S, M, A, K;) of the measure مَفْعَلَةٌ.

with fet-h (S, Msb) to the م; (S:) but by rule it should be with kesr, because it is an instrument (Msb.) Aboo-Dhu-eyb uses it, for the sake of metre, in the place of مِصْبَاح, in likening a bright spear-head, without rust, to a lamp. (M.) b3: Also, A candle having a سِرَاج [or lighted wick]. (T.) b4: [A pharos, or lighthouse.] b5: The mená reh [or turret of a mosque, whence the English term “ minaret,” so written in imitation of the Turkish pronunciation,] upon which the time of prayer is proclaimed; (S, Msb:) syn. مِئْذَنَةٌ, (K, TA,) vulgarly مَأَذَنَةٌ [which is the form given in the CK]. (TA.) b6: [Any pillar-like structure. (See زُرْنُوقٌ.) b7: The perch of a hawk, or falcon. (See مَرْبَأٌ.)] b8: The pl. is مَنَاوِرُ and مَنَائِرُ: he who uses the latter likens the radical letter to the augmentative; (S, Msb, K;) like as they say مَصَائِبُ, which is originally مَصَاوِبُ (S, Msb.) مُسْتَنِيرٌ: see نَيِّرٌ.



1 خَشَعَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. خُشُوعٌ, He was, or became, lowly, humble, or submissive; (S, Msb, K;) as also ↓ اختشع (S, K) and ↓ تخشّع; (Abu-lFet-h, Ham pp. 24 and 127;) خُشُوعٌ being syn. with خُضُوعٌ: (S, Msb, K:) or خشوع is nearly the same as خضوع: (Lth, K:) or the former is mostly used as meaning in the voice; and the latter, in the necks: (Msb:) or the latter is in the body; and the former is in the voice and in the eyes: (K:) or, as we read in the 'Eyn, the former is nearly the same as the latter, except that the latter is in the body, and signifies the acknowledging of humility and submission, and the former is in the voice and in the eyes; and the like is said in the Nh [and in the Msb in art. خضع]. (TA.) You say, خَشَعَتِ الأَصْوَاتُ The voices were [or shall be (as in the Kur xx. 107]) still and low: (Msb:) or low: or, as some say, still. (TA.) And خَشَعَ بِبَصَرِهِ He lowered his eye. (S.) And ↓ اختشع and ↓ تخشّع He cast his eye towards the ground, and lowered his voice. (TA.) Lth says that you say, فُلَانٌ ↓ اختشع, but not اختشع بِبَصَرِهِ. (TA.) And خَشَعَ بَصَرُهُ His eye became contracted. (TA.) And خَشَعَتْ دُونَهُ الأَبْصَارُ (tropical:) [meaning The eyes were cast down before him, or it]. (TA.) خُشُوعٌ also signifies The being, or becoming, still: and the abasing oneself; or lowering oneself. (K, TA.) And ↓ اختشع, He lowered, or stooped, or bent down, his breast. (TA.) b2: Also, inf. n. as above, He feared; for instance, in prayer: (TA:) or خَشَعَ فِى صَلَاتِهِ and فِى دُعَائِهِ signifies He applied himself with his heart to [or in] his prayer, and his supplication. (Msb.) b3: خَشَعَتِ الكَوَاكِبُ, (Aboo-'Adnán,) inf. n. as above, (K,) (tropical:) The stars approached to the place of setting; (Aboo-'Adnán;) or approached to setting: (K:) or sank, and nearly disappeared in their setting-place. (Aboo-Sálih El-Kilábee.) [The corresponding phrase in Hebrew, occurring in Gen. xxxvii. 9, probably has the same meaning.] b4: خَشَعَتِ الشَّمْسُ (tropical:) The sun became eclipsed. (TA.) b5: خَشَعَ السَّنَامُ (tropical:) The hump for the most part went away; (O, K;) i. e. the hump of the camel: (TA:) or became lean; its fat going away, and its height becoming lowered. (L.) b6: فُلَانٌ جِذْلٌ حِكَاكٌ خَشَعَتِ عَنْهُ الأُبَنُ is a saying of the Arabs, explained in art. حك. (TA in that art.) b7: خَشَعَ الوَرَقُ (tropical:) The leaves withered. (TA.) b8: خَشَعَتِ الأَرْضُ (tropical:) The earth, or land, dried up, not being rained upon. (TA.) A2: خَشَعَ فُلَانٌ خَرَاشِىٌّ صَدْرِهِ Such a one ejected the viscous saliva [or phlegm of his chest]. (O, K.) b2: And خَشَعَتْ خَرَاشِىٌّ صَرِهِ The viscous saliva [or phlegm of his chest] became ejected. (O, K.) The verb is thus intrans., as well as trans. (O.) 5 تخشّع He lowered, humbled, or abased, himself: (Lth, K:) or he constrained himself to be, or to become, lowly, humble, or submissive; or to be so, or to become so, in voice, or in the eyes. (S.) See also 1, in two places.6 تخاشع [He feigned lowliness, humility, or submissiveness, in demeanour, or in voice, or in the eyes]. (TA in art. موت; &c.) 8 إِخْتَشَعَ see 1, in four places.

خُشْعَةٌ A low hill: (S:) or a hill cleaving to the ground: (IAar, K:) and a piece of rugged ground: (IDrd, K:) or [elevated ground such as is termed] قُفّ that is for the most part soft, i. e. neither stone nor clay: (Lth:) and a rock growing in the sea: (TA:) pl. خُشَعٌ. (K.) It is said in a trad., كَانَتِ الأَرْضُ خُشْعَةً عَلَى المَآءِ ثُمَّ دُحِيَتْ [The earth was a low hill, &c., upon the water: then it was spread out]: (S:) but this trad. is variously related. (TA.) خَاشِعٌ Lowly, humble, or submissive, (K, TA,) and still: (TA:) [or so in the voice and in the eyes: (see 1:)] pl. خَاشِعُونَ and خُشَّعٌ; the latter also signifying men lowering, humbling, or abasing, themselves: or constraining themselves to be, or to become, lowly, humble, or submissive; or to be so, or to become so, in voice, or in the eyes: or casting their eyes towards the ground, and lowering their voices. (TA.) Hence, in the Kur [lxviii. 43, and lxx. 44], accord. to different readings, خَاشِعَةً أَبْصَارُهُمْ and خَاشِعًا أَبْصَارُهُمْ [Having their eyes cast down]: the accus. case being used as denotative of state. (Zj, TA.) b2: Bowing; or bending down the head and body. (K.) b3: Fearing. (TA.) b4: (tropical:) A camel's foot (خُفٌّ) cleaving to the ground. (TA.) b5: (tropical:) A wall that has cracked, and given notice of its falling, and [then] become even with the ground. (TA.) b6: (tropical:) A herb dried up, and falling down upon the ground. (TA.) b7: Applied to a place, (S, K,) and, with ة, to a بَلْدَة [or portion of country], (S,) (tropical:) Overspread with dust, [in the CK المُعَنْبَرُ is erroneously put for المُغَبَّرُ,] and having in it no place of alighting, or of abiding: (S, K:) and to land (أَرْضٌ), meaning of which the wind raises the surface, by reason of its softness, so as to efface its traces, or tracks: (L:) or in this case it is with ة, as in the Kur xli. 39, and means altered (مُتَغَيِّرَة [probably a mistranscription for مُتَغَبِّرَة overspread with dust]), and having its herbage broken in pieces: (Zj, * TA:) or dried up, and containing no herbage: (Jel:) or containing no green herbage: or low, or depressed, and still: (TA:) and, without ة, applied to a place, to which one finds not his way: (Sgh, K:) pl. خُشَّعٌ. (TA.)



1 نَظَرَ إِلَيْهِ, (S, M, A, Msb, K,) and نَظَرَهُ, (M, A, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ (M, A, &c.,) and أَنْطُورٌ is substituted for أَنْظُرُ in the dial. of certain Arabs, (IDrd, TS, K,) or, accord. to Lb, in the Bughyetel-Ámál, the و is here added only [by poetic license,] to make the sound of the dammeh full, agreeably with other instances; (TA;) and نَظِرَ إِلَيْهِ, and نَظِرَهُ, aor. ـَ (A, K,) the verb being like سَمِعَ accord. to the correct copies of the K, [and so in the A,] but in one copy of the K, like ضَرَبَ; (TA;) inf. n. نَظَرٌ, (S, M, A, Msb, K,) and نَظْرٌ is allowable, as a contraction of the former, (Lth,) and نَظَرَانٌ (S, K,) and مَنْظَرٌ (M, A, K) and مَنْظَرَةٌ and تَنْظارٌ, (M, K,) [which last is an intensive form; He looked at, or towards, in order to see, him, or it;] he considered, or viewed, him or it with his eye; (S, A, K;) with the sight of the eye; (Msb;) [i. e. looked at him or it;] as also ↓ تنظّرهُ: (K:) and ↓ انتظرهُ signifies the same as تنظّرهُ and نَظَرَهُ [but app. in another sense, to be mentioned below, and not in the sense explained above, though the latter is implied in the TA; and the same may be meant when it is said that ↓ تنظّر is syn. with نَظَرَ, if this assertion, which I find in the M, have been copied without consideration, and be not confirmed by an example]: (TA:) or نَظَرَ إِلَيْهِ signifies he extended, or stretched, or raised, [or directed,] his sight towards him or it, whether he saw him or did not see him. (TA.) The usage of النَّظَرٌ as relating to the sight is most common with the vulgar, but not with persons of distinction, who use it more in another sense, to be explained below. (TA.) You say, نَظَرَ إِلَيْهِ نَظْرَةً حُلْوَةً [He looked at him, or towards him, with one sweet look.] (A.) And نَظَرَ فِى المِنْظَارِ [He looked in the mirror]. (A.) And نَظَرَ فِى الكِتَابِ [He looked into, or inspected, the writing or book], (A, Msb,) which is for نَظَرَ المَكْتُوبَ فِى الكِتَابِ [he looked at what was written in the writing or book], or has a different meaning to be explained below. (Msb.) And هُوَ يَنْظُرُ حَوْلَهُ [lit., He looks around him; meaning,] he looks much. (A.) [See also نَظَرٌ below.] b2: نَظَرَتِ الأَرْضُ, (Sgh, K,) and نَظَرَتِ الأَرْضُ بِعَيْنٍ, and بِعَيْنَيْنِ, (A,) (tropical:) The earth, or land, showed (A, Sgh, K) to the eye (Sgh, K) its plants or herbage. (A, Sgh, K.) b3: نَظَرَ إِلَيْهِ (tropical:) It looked towards, meaning faced, him or it. So in the Kur, [vii. 197,] وَتَرَاهُمْ يَنْظُرُونَ إِلَيْكَ وَهُمْ لَا يُبْصِرُونَ (tropical:) Thou seest them look towards thee, i. e., face thee, but they see not; referring to idols, accord. to A'Obeyd. (TA.) And you say, دَارِى يَنْظُرُ إِلَى دَارِ فُلَانٍ (tropical:) My house faces the house of such a one. (S.) And نَظَرَ إِلَيْكَ الجَبَلُ (tropical:) The mountain faced thee:(A:) as in the following ex.: إِذَا أَخَذْتَ فِى طَرِيقِ كَذَا فَنَظَرَ إِلَيْكَ الجَبَلُ فَخُذْ عَنْ يَمِينِهِ أَوْيَسَارِهِ (tropical:) [When thou takest such a road, and the mountain faces thee, then take thou the way by the right of it or the left of it.] (S.) b4: [Hence, perhaps,] نَظَرَ الدَّهْرُ إِلَى بَنِى فُلَانٍ فَأَهْلَكَهُمْ [app. meaning, (assumed tropical:) Fortune opposed the sons of such a one and destroyed them]: (S [immediately following there the ex. which immediately precedes it here:]) or نَظَرَ إِلَيْهِمُ الدَّهْرُ signifies (tropical:) Fortune destroyed them: (M, A:) but (says ISd) I am not certain of this. (M.) b5: النَّظَرُ also signifies (assumed tropical:) The turning the mind in various directions in order to perceive a thing [mentally], and the seeing a thing: and sometimes it means (assumed tropical:) the considering and investigating: [and as a subst., speculation, or intellectual examination:] and sometimes, (assumed tropical:) the knowledge that results from [speculation or] investigation. (El-Basáïr.) It is mostly used as relating to the intellect by persons of distinction; and as relating to the sight, most commonly by the vulgar. (TA.) [It is said that] when you say نَظَرْتُ إِلَيْهِ, it means only [I looked at, or towards, him or it] with the eye: but when you say نَظَرْتُ فِى الأَمْرِ, it may mean [(assumed tropical:) I looked into, inspected, examined, or investigated, the thing or affair] by thought and consideration, intellectually, or with the mind: (TA:) [this remark, however, is not altogether correct, as may be seen from what follows: the truth seems to be, that نَظَرَهُ and نَظَرَإِلَيْهِ may be used in the latter of these two senses, though نَظَرَ فِيهِ is most common in this sense.] It is said in the Kur, [x. 101,] قُلِ انْظُرُوا مَا ذَا فِى السَّمٰوَاتِ (assumed tropical:) Say, Consider ye what is in the heavens. (TA.) And you say, نَظَرَ إِلَيْهِ He saw it, and (assumed tropical:) thought upon it, and endeavoured to understand it, or to know its result. (TA.) [And He looked to it, or at it, or examined it, intellectually; regarded it; had a view to it.] And نَظَرَ فِيهِ (assumed tropical:) He considered it: (TA:) or thought upon it; namely a writing or book; or when such is the object it may have another meaning, explained before; and an affair: and with this is held to accord the saying وَفِيهِ نَظَرٌ, q. v. infrà, voce نَظَرٌ: (Msb:) and (tropical:) he though upon it, measuring it, or comparing it. (M, K, TK. In the M and K, only the inf. n., نَظَرَ فِى أَمْوَالِ الأَيْتَامِ, of the verb in this sense is mentioned.) And فَنَطَرَ نَظْرَةً فِى النُّجُومِ (assumed tropical:) He considered, or examined, [or estimated,] the possessions of the orphans, in order to know them. (Msb.) And similar to this is the phrase [in the Kur, xxxvii. 86,] النَّظَرُ, meaning, (assumed tropical:) and he examined the science of the stars: (Msb:) [or he took a mental view of the stars, as if to divine from them.] الاِعْتِبَارُ when used unrestrictedly by those who treat of scholastic theology means الاِعْتِبَارُ [(assumed tropical:) The thinking upon a thing, and endeavouring to understand it, or to know its result; or judging of what is hidden from what is apparent; or reasoning from analogy]. (MF.) b6: نَظَرَ بَيْنَهُمْ, inf. n. نَظَرٌ, [app. for نَظَرَ فِى مَا بَيْنَهُمْ,] (assumed tropical:) He judged between them. (K.) b7: نَظَرَتْ, (TA,) inf. n. نَظَرٌ, (assumed tropical:) She practised divination; (K, * TA;) which is a kind of examination with insight and skill. (TA, from a trad.) b8: أُنْظُرْ لِى فُلَانًا (tropical:) [look thou out for such a one for me;] seek thou for me such a one. (A, TA.) b9: أُنْظُرْنِى (assumed tropical:) Listen thou to me. (M, K, TA [in the CK, erroneously, أُنْطِرْنِى.]) The verb [says ISd] has this meaning in the Kur, ii. 98. (M.) b10: أَنَا أَنْظُرُ إِلَى اللّٰهِ ثُمَّ إِلَيْكَ [lit., I look to God, then to thee; meaning,] (tropical:) I look for the bounty of God, then for thy bounty. (A.) b11: نَظَرَ اللّٰهُ إِلَيْهِ (tropical:) God chose him, and compassionated him, pitied him, or regarded him with mercy; because looking at another is indicative of love, and not doing so is indicative of hatred: (IAth:) or (assumed tropical:) God bestowed benefits upon him; poured blessings, or favours, upon him: (El-Basáïr:) and نَظَرَ لَهُمْ (tropical:) he compassionated them, and aided them; (Sgh, K;) and simply, he aided them: (K, * TA:) and نَظَرَ لَهُ (assumed tropical:) he accomplished his want, or that which he (another) wanted. (Msb.) A2: نَظَرَهُ is also syn. with ↓ إِتْنَظَرَهُ, q. v. b2: Also syn. with أَنْظَرَهُ, q. v. b3: Also نَظَرَهُ, (K, TA,) inf. n. نَظْرٌ; (TA;) or ↓ نَظَّرَهُ; (so in a copy of the M, and in the CK; but from the mention of the inf. n. in the TA, the former seems to be the right reading;) He sold it (a thing, M) with postponement of the payment; he sold it upon credit. (M, * K, * TA.) See also 4. b4: [In these last three acceptations, accord. to the A, the verb is used properly, not tropically.]

A3: نُظِرَ He was, or became, affected by what is termed a نَظْرَة; (K, TA;) i. e., a stroke of an [evil] eye; (TA;) [or of an evil eye cast by a jinnee;] or a touch, or slight taint of insanity, from the jinn; (K;) or a swoon. (K, TA.) 2 نَظَّرَ see 1, last signification but one. b2: نظّر فِيهِ [He said of it فِيهِ نَظَرٌ, q. v.]. (TA passim.) 3 نَاظَرَهُ فِى أَمْرٍ, inf. n. مُنَاظَرَةٌ, (T, S, *) (tropical:) He considered, or examined, or investigated, with him a thing or an affair, to see how they should do it: (T, TA:) he investigated, or examined, with him a thing, and emulated him, or vied with him, in doing so, each of them adducing his opinion: (TA:) [he held a discussion with him respecting a thing:] or نَاظَرَهُ is syn. with جَادَلَهُ: (Msb:) or مناظرة signifies the examining mentally, or investigating, by two parties, the relation between two things, in order to evince the truth; (KT; and Kull, p. 342;) and sometimes with one's self; but مجادلة signifies the disputing respecting a question of science for the purpose of convincing the opponent, whether what he says be wrong in itself or not. (Kull.) b2: Also ناظرهُ [(tropical:) He, or it, looked towards, or faced, him, or it; was opposite, or corresponded, to him or it. (See نَظِيرٌ.)] b3: (tropical:) He was, or became, like him: (A, K:) or like him in discourse or dialogue. (TA.) b4: جَيْشٌ يُنَاظِرُ أَلْفًا (tropical:) An army that is nearly equal to a thousand. (A.) b5: نَاظَرَ فُلَانًا بِفُلَانٍ (tropical:) He made, or called, such a one like such a one. (K.) Hence the saying of Ez-Zuhree, (K,) Mohammad Ibn-Shiháb, (TA,) لَا تُنَاظِرْ بِكِتَابِ اللّٰهِ وَلَا بِكَلَامِ رَسُولِ اللّٰهِ, i. e., Thou shalt not call anything like the book of God, nor like the words of the apostle of God: (A'Obeyd, T, K:) or thou shalt not compare anything, nor call anything like, to the book of God, &c.: (A,) or thou shalt not apply [aught of] the book of God, nor the words of the apostle of God, as a proverb to a thing that happens: (A'Obeyd, T, K; in which last, we read لِشَىْءٍ لِغَرَضٍ, in the place of the right reading, لِشَىْءٍ يَعْرِضُ: TA:) for, as Ibráheem En-Nakha'ee says, they used to dislike the mentioning a verse of the Kur-án on the occasion of anything happening, of worldly events; (T;) as a person's saying to one who has come at a time desired by the former, (TA,) or to one named Moosà, who has come at a time desired, (K,) جِئْتَ عَلَى قَدَرٍ يَا مُوسَى [Thou hast come at a time appointed, O Moosà: (Kur, xx. 42:)] (T, K:) and the like: (T:) but the first explanation is the most probable (TA, as from Az; but I do not find it in the T) 4 أُنْظِرَ بِهِ (tropical:) [He, or it, was made like]. Yousay, مَا كَانَ هٰذَا نَظِيرًا لِهٰذَا وَلَقَدْ أُنْظِرَ بِهِ (tropical:) [This was not like this, but has been made like]. (T, K:) like as you say, مَا كَانَ خَظِيرًا لَهُ وَلَقَدْ

أُخْطِرَ بِهِ. (T.) A2: انظرهُ He postponed him; delayed him: (M, A, Msb, K:) he granted him a delay or respite; let him alone, or left him, for a while: (T, TA:) as, for instance, a debtor, (T, Msb, TA,) and a man in difficult circumstances: (TA:) and ↓ نَظَرَهُ signifies the same. (Msb.) You say, بِعْتُهُ شَيْئًا فَأَنْظَرْتُهُ I sold to him a thing, and granted him a delay. (T.) And a person speaking says to him who hurries him, أَنْظِرْنى أَبْتَلِعْ رِيقِى Grant me time to swallow my spittle. (T.) And it is said in the Kur, [xv. 36 and xxxviii. 80,] فَأَنْظِرْنِى إِلَى يَوْمِ يُبْعَثُونَ Then delay me until the day when they shall be raised from the dead. (TA.) See also 8. b2: He sold to him a thing with postponement of the payment; he sold to him a thing upon credit. (M.) See also 1 last signification but one.5 تَنَظَّرَ see 1, first signification.

A2: See also 8.6 تناظرا (tropical:) They faced each other. (K.) You say, تناظرت الدَّارَانِ (tropical:) The two houses faced each other. (M.) And دُورُنَا تَنَاظَرُ, (S,) or تَتَنَاظَرُ, [which is the original form,] (A,) (tropical:) Our houses faced one another. (S, A.) b2: See also تَرَاوَضَا.8 انتظره: see 1, first sentence.

A2: He looked for him; expected him; awaited him; waited for him; watched for his presence; syn. اِرْتَقَبَ حُضُورَهُ; (TA;) and تَأَنَّى عَلَيْهِ; (M, K;) and ↓ نَظَرَهُ (aor. ـُ T &c., inf. n. نَظَرٌ S, K) signifies the same; (T, M, A, Msb, K;) and so ↓ تنظرّهُ, (M, A, K,) and ↓ أَنْظَرَهُ; (Zj, TA;) [but respecting the last two, see what is said below:] but when you say انتظر without any objective complement, the meaning is, [he waited; or] he paused, and acted or behaved with deliberation, or in a patient, or leisurely, manner. (Lth, T.) It is said in the Kur, [lvii. 13,] اُنْظُرُونَا نَقْتبِسْ مِنْ نُورِكُمْ Wait for us (اِنْتَظِرُونَا) that me may take of your light: and accord. to Zj, أَنْظِرُونَا [which is another reading] is said to mean the same: or the latter means delay us: accord. to Fr, however, the Arabs say أَنْظِرْنِى meaning Wait thou for me (اِنْتَظِرْنِى) a little, (T.) ↓ التَّنَظُّرُ also signifies The expecting, or waiting for a thing: (TA:) or the expecting, or waiting for, a thing expected: (M, K, TA:) or ↓ تنظّرهُ signifies he expected, or waited for, (انتظر,) him, or it, leisurely, and so ↓ استنظرهُ. (S.) You say also, انتظر بِهِ خَيْرًا أَوْ شَرَّا (M, A, K, in art. ربص, in the last of which is added يَحُلٌّ بِهِ) [He looked for expected, awaited, or waited for, something good or evil to befall him, or betide him]10 استنظرهُ: see 8, last signification but one b2: He asked of him, or desired of him, a postponement, or delay. (M, A, K.) نِظْرٌ: see نَظِيرٌ.

A2: A man says to another, بَيْعٌ, [or perhaps بِيعٌ, like the word used in reply to it. here following and like خِطْبٌ and نِكْحٌ meaning, I sell and the other says, نِظْرٌ, meaning, Grant me a delay (أَنْظِرْنِى) that I may buy (أَشْتَرِى) of thee. (M, TA.) نَظَرٌ: see 1. [Used as a subst., as well as when used as an inf. n.,] it has no pl. (Sb, in TA, voce فِكْرٌ.) b2: ضَرَبْنَاهُمْ بِنَظَر, and مِنْ نَظَرِ, (tropical:) We saw them. (A, TA.) b3: بَيْنَنَا نَظَرٌ (tropical:) Between as is the extent of a look in expect of ?? (A, TA.) b4: حَىٌّ نَظَرٌ, (K, * TA,) and حَىٌّ جِلَالٌ وَنَظَرٌ, (S,) and حَىٌّ حِلَالٌ وَرِيَآءٌ وَنَظَرٌ, (A,) (tropical:) A tribe went together, (S, A, K, *) of which the several portions see one another. (S, A.) b5: وَفِيهِ نَظَرٌ (assumed tropical:) But it requires consideration, by reason of its want of clearness, or perspicuity: (Msb:) [a phrase used to imply doubt, and also to insinuate politely that the words to which it relates are false, or wrong:] like فِيهِ تَأَمُّلٌ. (MF, art. صفح.) b6: هُوَ بِخَيْرِ النَّظَريْنِ, said in a trad., of one who has purchased a ewe or she-goat that has been kept from being milked for some days; meaning, (assumed tropical:) He has the option of adopting the better of the two things; he may either retain it or return it. (TA.) نَظْرَةٌ A look: a quick look or glance: (T:) pl. نَظَرَاتٌ. (A.) Hence the trad., لَا تُتْبِعِ النَّطْرَةَ النَّظْرَةَ فَإِنَّ لَكَ الأُوْلَى وَلَيْسَتْ لَكَ الآخِرَةُ [Thou shalt not make a look to follow a look; for the former is thine or right, lad the latter is not thine: i. e., when thou hast once looked at anything forbidden, unintentionally, thou shalt not look at it a second time]. (T, TA.) And the saying of a certain wise man, مَنْ لَمْ تَعْمَلْ نَظْرَتُهُ لَمْ يَعْمَلْ لِسَانُهُ [He whose look does not produce an effect, his tongue does not produce an effect]; (T;) meaning, that he who is not restrained from a fault or offence by being looked at is not restrained by speech. (TA.) b2: A stroke of an [evil] eye: (TA:) a stroke of an [evil] eye by which one is affected from the jinn's looking at him; (T, S; *) as also سَفْعَةٌ: (T;) or a touch, or a slight taint or infection of insanity. (طَائِفٌ,) from the jinn: or a swoon. (M, K.) b3: An alteration of the body or complexion by emaciation or hunger or travel &c. (S, M, K.) b4: Foulness; ugliness: (AA, TA:) evilness; or badness, of form or appearance; a fault: a defect; an imperfection. (M, K.) b5: (assumed tropical:) Reverence, veneration, awe, or fear, (I Aar, T, K,) b6: (tropical:) Compassion, pity, merry. (I Aar, T, K,) نَظِرَةٌ A postponement; a delay. (T, S, M, Msb, K.) It is said in the Kur. [ii. 280.]

فَنَظرَةٌ إِلَى مَيْسَرَةٍ [Then let there be a postponement, or delay, until he shall be in an easy state of circumstances]; (T, M, Msb) a. c., فَإِنْظَارٌ, (T,) or فَتَأْخِيرٌ: (Msb) and accord. to another reading, ↓ فَنَاظِرَةٌ, like كَاذِبَةٌ, in the Kur, lvi. 2. (M.) You say also, بَاعَ مِنْهُ الشَّىْءَ بِنَظِرَةٍ He sold to him the thing with postponement of the payment, he sold to him the thing upon credit. (M.) and اِشْتَرَيْتُهُ مِنْهُ بِنَظِرَةٍ, and بِإِنْظَارٍ, I bought a of him with postponement of the payment; I bought a of him upon credit. (T.) نَظَرِىٌّ (assumed tropical:) [Speculative knowledge or science; such as is acquired by study;] that of which the origination rests upon speculation. and acquisition by study; as the conception of the intellect or mind, and the assent of the mind or the position, that the world has had a ??? (K, T.) [It is opposed to بَدِيهِىٌ and to صرورِىٌّ.]

سُمْعُنَّةٌ نُظْرُنَّةٌ, and vars. thereof, see in art. سمع.

نَظَارِ, like قَطَامِ, (S, K,) an imp. n., (T.) meaning, Wait thou: syn إِنْتَظِرْ. (T, S, K.) نَظُورٌ and ↓ نَظُورَةٌ and ↓ نَاظُورَةٌ and ↓ نُظِيرَةٌ A chief person, whether male or female, to whom one looks. (M, K.) You say, ↓ فُلَانٌ نَظِيرَةٌ قَوْمِهِ, and قَوْمِهِ ↓ نَظُورَةُ, Such a one is the person to whom his people look, (Fr, T, S,) and whom they imitate, or to whose example they conform. (Fr, T.) All these words are also used in a pl. sense: (M, K:) or [so in some copies of the K; but in others, and,] نظيرة and نظورة have نَظَائِرُ for their pl., (S, K,) sometimes. (K.) b2: Also, نَظُورٌ A man who neglects not to look at, (M, L, K,) or to consider, (A,) that which, (M, A, L,) or him who, (K,) disquiets him, or renders him solicitous. (M, A, L, K.) نَظِيرٌ (tropical:) Looking to, or facing, another person or thing; opposite or corresponding to another person or thing; as also ↓ مُنَاظِرٌ; syn. مُقَابِلٌ. (A.) [Hence, نَظِيرُ السَّمْتِ, and النَّظِيرُ, (tropical:) The nadir; the point opposite to the zenith.] نَظِيرُكَ signifies أَلَّذِى يُنَاظِرُكَ, (M,) or الذى تُنَاظِرُهُ وَيُنَاظِرُكَ, (T,) [which I suppose to mean (tropical:) He who looks towards, or faces, thee; who is opposite, or corresponds, to thee; or he towards whom thou lookest, &c., and who looks towards thee, &c.: though susceptible of other interpretations: see 3.] b2: (tropical:) Like; a like; a similar person or thing: (AO, T, S, M, A, K;) equal; an equal: (Msb:) applied to anything: (TA:) as also ↓ نِظْرٌ; (AO, S, K;) like نَدِيدٌ and نِدٌّ; (AO, S;) and ↓ مُنَاظِرٌ: (K:) fem. نَظِيرَةٌ: (T, M, A:) pl. masc., نُظَرَآءُ: (M, A, Msb, K:) and pl. fem. نَظَائِرُ, (T, A,) applied to words and to all things. (T.) You say, فُلَانٌ نَظِيرُكَ (tropical:) Such a one is thy like. (T.) And هٰذَا نَظِيرٌ لِهٰذَا, (T,) or نَظِيرُ هٰذَا, (Msb,) (tropical:) This is the like of this, (T,) or the equal of this. (Msb.) And عَدَدْتُ إِبِلَ فُلَانٍ نَظَائِرَ (tropical:) I counted, or numbered, the camels of such a one in pairs, or two by two; (As, T, K; *) if by looking at their aggregate, you say, عَدَدْتُهَا جَمَارًا. (As, T.) نَظُورَةٌ: see نَظُورٌ, in two places. b2: See also نَظِيرَةٌ.

نَظِيرَةٌ: see نَظُورٌ, in two places. b2: Also, A scout, or scouts; (T, Sgh, K;) and so ↓ نَظُورَةٌ: (Sgh, K:) pl. of both, نَظَائِرُ. (TA.) b3: Fem. of نَظِيرٌ, q. v. (T, &c.). [And hence,] النَّظَائِرُ [the pl.] The more excellent of men: (K, * TA:) because they resemble one another in dispositions and actions and sayings. (TA.) نَظَّارٌ (tropical:) A horse (A, K) that raises his eye by reason of his sharpness of spirit: (A:) or sharpspirited, and raising his eye. (T, K.) نَظَّارَةٌ A people looking at a thing; (S, K;) as also ↓ مَنْظَرَةٌ. (K.) b2: See also مِنْظَارٌ.

نَاظِرٌ act. part. n. of نَظَرَ; Looking; &c.: pl. نُظَّارٌ. (Msb.) b2: النَّاظِرُ [The pupil, or apple, of the eye, the smallest black of the eye, (S, Msb,) in which is [seen] what is termed إِنْسَانُ العَيْنِ, (S,) [and] with which the man sees; (Msb;) the black spot in the eye; (M, K;) the clear black spot that is in the middle of the [main] black of the eye, with which the looker sees what he sees: or that part of the eye which resembles a mirror, in which, when one faces it, he sees his person: (TA:) or a duct (عِرْق) in the nose, wherein is the water of sight: (M, K:) [app. a loose description of the optic nerve:] or the sight itself: (M, K:) or the eye: (K:) or the eye is called ↓ النَّاظِرَةُ; (S, A; *) the pl. of which is نَوَاظِرُ. (A.) b3: شَدِيدُ النَّاظِرِ, (so in a copy of the M and of the A and in some copies of the K,) or سَدِيدُ النَّاظِرِ, (so in some copies of the K and in the TA,) A man clear of suspicion, who looks with a full gaze: (M, K:) or clear of that with which he is upbraided. (A.) b4: النَّاظِرَانِ Two veins at the two edges of the nose, commencing from the inner angles of the eyes, towards the face. (Zj, in his Khalk el-Insán.) b5: Also, نَاظِرٌ (assumed tropical:) A guardian; a keeper; a watcher: (S, Msb:) and, as also ↓ نَاظُورٌ, i. q. نَاطُورٌ, (K, TA,) [which last is] a word of the Nabathean dialect. (TA.) b6: [The dim. is نُوَيْظِرٌ.] You say, عُيَيْنَتِى نُوَيْظِرَةٌ إِلَى اللّٰهِ ثُمَّ إِلَيْكُمْ (tropical:) My eye (lit. my little eye) is looking to God for His bounty, then to you for your bounty. (A.) A2: In the Kur, [lxxv. 23,] the words إِلَى رَبِّهَا نَاظِرَةٌ have been explained as signifying Waiting for (مُنْتَظِرَةٌ) their Lord: but this is a mistake; for the Arabs do not say نَطَرْتُ إِلَى الشَّىْءِ in the sense of إِنْتَظَرْتُهُ, but they say نَظَرْتُ فُلَانًا in that sense. (T.) نَاظِرَةٌ: see نَاظِرٌ.

A2: See also نَظِرَةٌ.

نَاظُورٌ: see نَاظِرٌ.

نَاظُورَةٌ: see نَظُورٌ.

أَنْظُورُ for أَنْظُرُ: see 1.

مَنْظَرٌ [A place in which a thing is looked at]: a place, or state, in which one likes to be looked at. (T, A, TA.) You say, فُلَانٌ فِى مَنْظَرٍ وَمَسْمَعٍ

وَفِى رِىٍّ ومَشْبَعٍ (tropical:) Such a one is in a state in which he likes to be looked at and listened to [and in a state in which he is satisfied with drink and food]. (T, A, TA.) And لَقَدْ كُنْتَ عَنْ هٰذَا المَقَامِ بِمَنْظَرٍ (tropical:) Thou wast in a state [in] which thou likedst [to be looked at], away from this place of abode. (T, TA.) b2: The aspect, or outward appearance, of a thing; opposite of مَخْبَرٌ: (S, art. خبر:) [when used absolutely, a pleasing, or goodly, aspect; or beauty of aspect; as also ↓ مَنْظَرَةٌ: this is implied by the usage of مَنْظَرَانِىٌّ, q. v., and is well known:] or what one looks at and is pleased by or displeased by; as also ↓ مَنْظَرَةٌ: (M, K:) or the former, a thing that pleases and rejoices the beholder when he looks at it: (T:) and the ↓ latter, the aspect (مَنْظَر) of a man when one looks at it and is pleased by it or displeased by it. (T, TA. *) You say, لَهُ مَنْظَرٌ حَسَنٌ [He has a goodly aspect]. (A.) And اِمْرَأَةٌ حَسَنَةُ المَنْظَرِ, and ↓ المَنْظَرَةِ, [A woman goodly of aspect.] (S.) And مَنْظَرُهُ خَيْرٌ مِنْ مَخْبَرِهِ [His aspect is better than his internal state]. (S.) And إِنَّهُ لَذُو مَنْظَرٍ بِلَا مَخْبَرٍ, (T,) and بَلَا مَخْبَرَةٍ ↓ ذُو مَنْظَرَةٍ, (A,) [Verily he has a pleasing aspect without a pleasing internal state.]

مَنْظَرَةٌ A high place on which a person is stationed to watch; (S;) a place on the top of a mountain, where a person observes and watches the enemy: (T:) and مَنَاظِرُ [the pl.] eminences; or elevated parts of the earth; or high grounds: (M, K:) because one looks from them. (M.) b2: Its application to A certain separate place of a house, [generally an apartment on the groundfloor overlooking the court, and also a turret, or rather a belvedere, and any building, or apartment, commanding a view,] is vulgar. (TA.) b3: See also نَظَّارَةٌ. b4: And see مَنْظَرٌ, in five places.

مَنْظَرِىٌّ: see what next follows.

مَنْظَرَانِىٌّ (S, M, A, K) and ↓ مَنْظَرِىٌّ, (M, K,) the latter contr. to analogy, (M,) A man (M,) of goodly aspect. (M, K.) You say, رَجُلٌ مَنْظَرَانِىٌّ مَخْبَرَانِىٌّ [A man of goodly aspect and of pleasing internal, or intrinsic, qualities]; (S, A;) i. e., ذُو مَنْظَرٍ and ذُو مَخْبَرٍ. (TA, art. خبر.) مِنْظَارٌ A mirror (A, K) in which the face is seen. (TA.) b2: Also, A telescope; a thing in which what is distant is seen [as though it were] near: vulgarly, ↓ نَظَّارَةٌ. (TA.) مَنْظُورٌ A man looked at with an evil eye: (A, TA;) affected by what is termed a نَظْرَة; (T, TA;) i. e., a stroke of an [evil] eye; [or of an evil eye cast by a jinnee; or a touch, or slight taint of insanity, from the jinn;] or a swoon. (TA.) b2: A person, (T,) or chief person, (A,) whose bounty is hoped for, (T, A,) and at whom eyes glance. (A.) b3: مَنْظُورَةٌ A woman in whom is a نَظْرَة, meaning, a fault, defect, or imperfection. (K, * TA.) مُنَاظِرٌ: see نَظِيرٌ.

نظف &c.



1 نَصَرَهُ, (M, A, K,) aor. ـُ (M,) inf. n. نَصْرٌ (M, A, K) and نُصْرَةٌ, (A,) or this is a simple subst., (S, Msb,) and نُصُورٌ, (K,) [but see the verse of Khidásh in what follows,] He aided or assisted him, (M, K,) namely, a person wronged, misused, or treated unjustly or injuriously, (M. A, K,) against his enemy: (TA:) [he avenged him: (see the verse here following, and see 8:) he supplied his want, or somewhat thereof (TA.) Kidásh Ibn-Zuheyr says.

فَإِنْ كُنْتَ تَشْكُو مِنْ خَلِيلٍ مَخَانَةً

فتِلْكَ الجَوَازِى عَقْبُهَا وَنُصُورُهَا [And if thou complain of treachery from a friend. those requitals are its result and its avengers, or avengement]: here نُصُور may be a pl. of نَاصِرٌ.

like شُهُودٌ is of شَاهِدٌ; or it may be an inf. n., like دُخُولٌ and خُرُوجٌ. (M.) You say, تَصَرَهُ عَلَى عَدُوِّهِ, (S, A, Msb,) and مِنْ عَدُوِّهِ, (A, Msb,) aor. ـُ (S, Msb,) inf. n. نَصْرٌ (S, A, Msb) and نُصْرَةٌ, (A,) or this, as remarked above, is a simple subst., (S, Msb.) He (namely, God. S, A, or a man, Msb,) aided or assisted him, and strengthened him, against his enemy: (Msb:) [he avenged him of his enemy. (See 8.)] and نَصَرَهُ اللّٰهُ God made him to be victorious, to conquer, or to overcome: so in the Kur, xxii. 15, where the pronoun relates to Mohammad. (TA.) In the Kur, xlvii. 8. إِنْ تَنْصُرُوا اللّٰهَ يَنْصُرْكُمْ means, If ye aid God's religion and his apostle, He will aid you against your enemy: (Bd, Jel) or if ye aid his servants, &c.: or if ye keep his ordinances and aid his orders and comply with his commands and shun the things which He hath forbidden, &c. (El-Basáïr.) And the trad.

أُنْصُرْ أَخَاكَ ظَالِمَّا أَوْ مَظْلُومًا is explained as meaning, Prevent thou thy brother from wronging when he is a wronger, and aid him against his wronger when he is wronged. (TA.) Also, نَصَرَهُ مِنْهُ, (K,) inf. n. نَصْرٌ and نُصْرَةٌ, (TA,) [or the latter in this sense, as in the cases above mentioned, is a simple subst.,] He served or Preserved him from him or it. (K.) b2: نَصَرَاللّٰهُ الأَرْضَ God gave rain to the earth or land. (A.) And نَصَرَ الغَيْثُ الأَرْضَ (S, M, K,) [aor. ـُ inf. n. نَصْرٌ, (M,) (tropical:) The rain aided the earth or land: (S:) or watered it: (M:) or watered it generally and copiously, (K, TA,) and caused it to produce herbage: (TA:) and نَصَرَ البَلَدَ (tropical:) it assisted the country to produce abundance of herbage: (TA:) and نُصِرَتِ الأَرْضْ (tropical:) the earth or land was watered by rain. (S.) b3: Hence, نَصَرَهُ, aor. ـُ inf. n. نَصْرٌ, (tropical:) He gave to him. (M.) An Arab of the desert [in the A a beggar] accosted a people saying, أُنْصُرُونِى نَصَرَكُمُ اللّٰهُ, meaning, (tropical:) Give ye to me: may God give to you. (M, A.) b4: نَصَرَهُ اللّٰهُ also signifies (assumed tropical:) God bestowed upon him the means of subsistence, or the like; syn. رَزَقَهُ. (IKtt.) 2 نصّرهُ, (inf. n. تَنْصِيرٌ, K,) He made him a Christian. (S, M, K.) It is said in a trad., [relating to the natural disposition of a child to adopt the true faith,] فَأَبَوَاهُ يُهَوِّدَانِهِ وَيُنَصِّرَانِهِ [But his two parents make him a Jew or make him a Christian]. (S.) 3 نَاْصَرَ [ناصرهُ He rendered reciprocal aid to him. See an ex. voce عَاصَرَ.]5 تنصّر He laboured, or strove, to aid, or assist; syn. عَالَجَ النَّصْرَ: (M, K:) not of the same category as تَحَلَّمَ [he endeavoured to acquire حِلْم] and تبرّر [he endeavoured to characterize himself by بِرّ]. (M.) A2: He became a Christian. (M, K.) 6 تناصروا They aided or assisted one another: (S, Msb, TA:) they assisted one another to aid. (M, A, K, TA.) b2: تناصرت الأَخْبَارُ (tropical:) The accounts, or tidings, confirmed, or verified, one another. (M, K, TA.) 8 انتصر He defended himself: (Bd, Jel, lv. 35:) he defended himself against his wronger, or injurer. (TA.) b2: انتصر مِنْهُ He exacted, or obtained, his right, or due, completely, from him, so that each of them became on a par with the other: (Az, TA:) he revenged himself upon him. (Az, S, M, * Msb, K.) 10 استنصر He asked, sought, or desired, aid, or assistance. (M, K.) And استنصره He asked him to aid him, (S, Msb, K,) عَلَيْهِ against him, (S, K,) i. e. against his enemy. (S, TA.) b2: (tropical:) He begged; (K;) as though he asked for a gift, which is termed نَصْر. (TA.) نَصْرٌ [used a subst.,] Aid or assistance, rendered to another, especially against an enemy: [avengement or another:] victory or conquest: (Bd, xxix. 9:) and ↓ نُصْرَةٌ is a subst. from نَصَرَهُ [and therefore signifies the same]: (S, Msb:) or the ↓ latter signifies good aid, or assistance: (M, K:) and this ↓ same word, when the object is God, signifies aid of God's servants; &c.; as explained above: see 1. (El-Basáïr.) b2: Spoil; plunder; booty. (Bd, ubi supra.) b3: (tropical:) Rain; (A, TA;) as also ↓ نُصْرَةٌ: (TA:) in like manner as it is called فَتْح: (A, TA:) or the ↓ latter signifies a complete rain. (IAar.) b4: [Hence,] (tropical:) A gift: (S, TA:) and نَصَائِرُ gifts. (M.) b5: See also نَاصِرٌ.

نُصَرٌ: see نَاصِرٌ.

نُصْرَةٌ: see نَصْرٌ, in five places.

نَصْرِىٌّ: see نَصْرَانِىٌّ.

نَصْرَانٌ: see نَصْرَانِىٌّ.

نَصْرَانِىٌّ, (S, A, Msb, K, &c.) and ↓ نَصْرَانٌ, (M, A,) or this latter has not been used without the addition of the relative ى, (S,) or it has been sometimes used, (M,) and ↓ نَصْرِىٌّ, (M, Msb, K,) but we have not heard this used, (M,) [A Christian: or this is a secondary application, and the original meaning is a Nazarene:] fem. نَصْرَانِيَّةٌ, (S, A, Msb, K,) and نَصْرَانَةٌ, (S, A, K,) or the latter is used only by poetic licence: (IB:) ↓ نَصَارَى [applied to the Christians] is a rel. n. from نَاصِرَةُ, [or Nazareth,] a town of Syria, (S, M, K,) also called نَصْرَانَةُ, (Lth, IDrd, K,) or نَصْرَانُ, (S, Msb,) and نَصُورِيَةٌ, (M, Sgh, K,) without teshdeed, accord. to Sgh, (TA,) and نُصْرِىٌّ and نُصْرَى, (as in a copy of the M,) or نَصْرَى and نَصْرَوَةُ: (TA:) so originally, and then applied to such as hold the religion of its inhabitants: (Msb:) this is the opinion of the lexicologists; but it is of weak authority, though admissible as there are other anomalous rel. ns.: (M:) or [so in K, but in the S, and] نَصَارَى is pl. of نَصْرِىٌّ, (Kh, M, Msb, K,) like as مَهَارَى is pl. of مَهْرِىٌّ; (Msb, K;) or of نَصْرَانٌ (Kh, S, M) and نَصْرَانَةٌ, (S,) like as نَدَامَى is pl. of نَدْمَانٌ (Kh, S, M) and نَدْمَانَةٌ; (S;) but more probably of نَصْرَانٌ, because this word has been sometimes used, whereas we have not heard نَصْرِىٌّ used: (M:) and it is implied in the copies of the K, that أَنْصَارٌ is pl. of نَصْرَانِىٌّ; but correctly, it is a pl. of نَصْرَانٌ, without ى, as is said in the TS, and the L, in both of which is mentioned the saying of the poet, لَمَّا رَأَيْتُ نَبَطًا أَنْصَارَا [When I saw Nabatheans, Christians], meaning نَصَارَى. (TA.) النَّصْرَانِيَّةُ The religion of the نَصَارَى [or Christians]. (K, TA.) نَصُورٌ One who aids, or assists, much or well. (TA in art. عقرب.) نَصِيرٌ: see نَاصِرٌ. It has the signification of the measure فَاعِلٌ or of the measure مَفْعُولٌ; for أَخَوَانِ نَصِيرَانِ, occurring in a trad., means Two brothers, aiders of, and aided by, each other. (TA.) نَصَارَى: see نَصْرَانِىٌّ.

نَصَائِرُ: see نَصْرٌ.

نَاصِرٌ act. part. n. of نَصَرَ, An aider or assister, especially against an enemy; &c.; as also ↓ نَصِيرٌ, (S, * M, A, Msb, K,) and ↓ نَصَرٌ: (Sgh, K:) pl. (of نَصِيرٌ, (S, M, Msb, and of نَاصِرٌ, M,) أَنْصَارٌ (S, M, A, Msb, K) and (of نَاصِرٌ, M) نُصَّارٌ, (M, K,) and نُصُورٌ may also be a pl. of the same, as occurring in the verse of Khidásh, cited above: (M:) and أَنَاصِيرُ is a pl. pl., being pl. of أَنْصَارٌ: (TA:) and ↓ نَصْرٌ is used as sing. and pl., (M, K,) being an inf. n. employed as an epithet, like عَدْلٌ. (M.) b2: الأَنْصَارُ also signifies The Assistants of the Prophet; (M, K;) of [the tribes of] El-Ows and El-Khazraj; (TA;) being an epithet applied to them especially, (M, K,) and used as a subst., as though it were the name of a tribe, wherefore the rel. n. أَنْصَارِىٌّ [which is used as sing.] is formed from it. (M.) نَاصُورٌ: see نَاسُورٌ.

أَنْصَارٌ: see نَصْرَانِىٌّ: b2: and ناصِرٌ.

أَنْصَارِىٌّ: see نَاصِرٌ.

مَنْصُورٌ [Aided or assisted, especially against an enemy, &c.]. b2: أَرْضٌ مَنْصُورَةٌ (tropical:) Land watered by rain; rained upon. (S, A.) مُسْتَنْصِرٌ [Asking, seeking, or desiring, aid, or assistance]. b2: (tropical:) A beggar. (M.)



1 نَسَرَ, aor. ـُ (S, M, K) and نَسِرَ, (M, K,) inf. n. نَسْرٌ, (S, M, K,) He (a bird, M, K, or a hawk or falcon, S, [or other bird, see نَسْرٌ below,]) plucked flesh (S, M, K) with his beak. (S, TA.) You say also, نَسَرَهُ بِمِنْسَرِهِ, meaning, He (a hawk or falcon [or other bird]) plucked his flesh with his beak. (A.) A2: [Hence,] نَسَرَهُ (tropical:) He blamed him; found fault with him; spoke evil of him behind his back, or in his absence, saying of him what would grieve him if he heard it. (A.) 10 استنسر He (the بَغَاث [or ignoble bird, or most ignoble of birds,] S, M) became a نَسْر [or vulture]: (M:) or became like the نَسْر (S, K) in strength. (K.) Hence the proverb, إِنَّ البَغَاثَ بِأَرْضِنَا يَسْتَنْسِرُ [Verily the most ignoble bird, or most ignoble birds, in our land becomes like the vulture, or become like vultures]: (S, M:) meaning, the weak among us becomes strong. (S.) See also art. بغث.

نَسْرٌ (S, M, Msb, K, &c.) and sometimes ↓ نِسْرٌ [agreeably with the modern general pronunciation] and ↓ نُسْرٌ, (Sheykh-el-Islám Zekereeyà, in his Comm. on the Expos. of Bd,) but this is very strange, (MF,) [The vulture; app. any vulture, whatever be its species or variety, known to the Arabs, except the رَخَم, or aquiline vulture; and said to be applied by some of the Arabs to the eagle; (see also نُسَارِيَّةٌ;) agreeing with the Hebrew נֶשֶׁר, which is plainly applied to the former bird in Micah, i. 16, and probably in other instances;] a certain bird, (S, M, A, Msb, K,) well known; (A, Msb;) so called because it plucks (يَنْسُِرُ) a thing, and swallows it, (A, and so in some copies of the K,) or, and pulls it out (so in some copies of the K,) or, and chases and captures it; (so in some copies of the K; the various readings being وَيَبْتَلِعُهُ and وَيَقْتَلِعُهُ and وَيَقْتَنِصُهُ;) it is said that it has no مِخْلَب [or talon], but only the ظُفْر [or nail], like that of the domestic cock and hen, and of the crow and the like, and of the رَخَمَة [or aquiline vulture]: (S:) the bird called in Persian كَرْكَشْ, which eats carcases until it is unable to fly, and is said to live a thousand years: (Kzw:) AHn asserts, that the نسر is a bird of the description called عِتَاق; [which is a term applied to birds of prey, and to noble birds, (in a sense wider than that in which this appellation is used in English falconry,) and especially to eagles;] but [ISd says] I know not how that is: (M:) pl. (of pauc., S) أَنْسُرٌ and (of mult., S) نُسُورٌ. (S, M, Msb, K.) b2: النَّسْرُ الوَاقِعُ (assumed tropical:) [The Falling, or Alighting, Vulture,] and النَّسْرُ الطَّائِرُ (assumed tropical:) [The Flying Vulture,] are two stars or asterisms, (S, * M, A, Msb, K,) well-known, (M,) which together are called النَّسْرَانِ [the Two Vultures], (M, A,) and each of which alone is called النَّسْرُ (M, Msb, K) and نَسْرٌ; (M;) being likened to the bird so named: (M:) the former is the bright star [a] in the constellation الشَّلْيَاقُ [or Lyra] likened by the Arabs to a vulture (نسر) that has contracted its wings to itself, as though it had alighted upon something: and the latter consists of the three well-known stars [a and b and g] in the constellation العُقَابُ [or Aquila]: (Kzw:) [The former rose heliacally, about the epoch of the Flight, in central Arabia, on the 25th of November, O. S., with the Eighteenth Mansion of the Moon, which is a of Scorpio; and the latter, on the 28th of December, O. S.: and both set, together, anti-heliacally, at that period and in that part, on the 24th of July, O. S. See نَوْءٌ, and دَبُورٌ.]

A2: نَسْرٌ (S, M, Msb) and النَّسْرُ, (S, M, K,) the latter occurring in a verse cited in art. عز, (S,) A certain idol, (S, M, Msb, K,) belonging to Dhu-l-Kelaa, (S, Msb, K,) in the land of Himyer, (S, K,) as يَغُوثُ did to Medhhij, and يَعُوقُ to Hemdán, of the idols of the people of Noah, (S,) all of which are mentioned in the Kur, lxxii. 22 and 23: (S, M:) or a certain good man, who lived between Adam and Noah, and of whom, after his death, was made an image, which, after a long time, became an object of worship; like وَدٌّ and سُوَاعٌ and يَغُوثُ, and يَعُوقُ, mentioned therewith in the Kur, ubi supra. (Bd.) A3: Also, نَسْرٌ [The frog, or frush, of the hoof of a horse or ass or mule; thus called in the present day;] a portion of tough flesh, [or rather a horny substance,] in the بطْن [or sole] of the solid hoof, as though it were a datestone, [which it resembles in substance,] or a pebble: (S:) or the flesh of the solid hoof, which the poets liken to date-stones: (T:) or a portion of flesh, (K,) or of hard flesh, (M,) in the بَاطِن [or sole, or inner part,] of the solid hoof, (M, K, TA,) as though it were a pebble, or a date-stone, (TA:) or what rises in the باطن of the hoof of the horse, from, or of, the upper part thereof: (M, K:) or the باطن itself of the solid hoof: (M:) pl. نُسُورٌ, (M, K,) which Aboo-Sa'eed explains as signifying the prominences in the بَطْن [or sole] of the solid hoof, which are likened to date-stones because of their hardness, and which do not touch the ground. (TA.) Hence the saying, حَافِرٌ صُلْبُ النُّسُورِ [A solid hoof hard in the frog: the sing. and pl. being used indiscriminately]. (TA.) نُسْرٌ: see نَسْرٌ, first signification.

نِسْرٌ: see نَسْرٌ, first signification.

نِسْرِينٌ [The wild rose, dog-rose, eglantine, or sweet brier: so in the present day: and, accord. to Spreng., Hist. Rei Herb., cited by Freytag, the jonquil:] a well-known rose; (K;) a well-known sweet-smelling flower; (Msb;) a species of sweetsmelling flower; (M;) a Persian word, (M, Msb,) arabicized: (Msb:) of the measure فِعْلِيل; and, if so, the [final] ن is radical: or of the measure فِعلِينٌ; and if so, that letter is augmentative: Az says, I know not whether it be Arabic or not. (Msb.) نُسَارِيَّةٌ The eagle; syn. عُقَابٌ: (IAar, K:) likened to the نَسْر. (IAar, TA.) [Hence it appears that, accord. to IAar, the نَسْر is not the eagle.]

نَاسُورٌ (also written with ص, S, Msb,) A certain disease that happens in the inner angles of the eyes, (S, Msb, K,) with an incessant defluxion therefrom: (S, TA:) and sometimes it happens also in the part around the anus: and in the gum: (S, Msb:) or it signifies also a certain disease in the part around the anus: and a certain disease in the gum: (K:) and is an arabicized word [from the Persian]: (S, Msb:) نَوَاصِير, pl. of نَاصُورٌ, accord. to certain of the physicians, is a term applied to deep ulcers in the anus, at the extremity of the gut. (Msb, art. نصر.) b2: Also, A vein constantly becoming recrudescent, (عِرْقٌ غَبِرٌ,) with an incessant defluxion; (S, K;) corrupt within; whenever its upper part heals, breaking forth again with corruption. (TA.) See also غَرْبٌ.

مِنْسَرٌ (S, A, Msb, K) and ↓ مَنْسِرٌ, (Msb, K,) or the former only, (Az,) The beak of a bird (S, A, Msb, K) of prey; (S, Msb;) or of a hawk or falcon; (A;) that of any other bird being called مِنْقَارٌ. (S, Msb.) A2: [Hence,] ↓ both words also signify (assumed tropical:) A portion of an army that goes before the main army: (S, K:) [likened to the beak of a bird of prey; as the side bodies are likened to the wings:] and a troop of horse or horsemen in number from thirty to forty: or from forty to fifty: or from forty to sixty: (M, K:) or from a hundred to two hundred: (M, Msb, K:) or a troop of horse or horsemen: (El-Farábee, Msb:) or an army that does not pass by anything without snatching it away. (Msb.) مَنْسِرٌ: see مِنْسَرٌ, throughout.



1 نَذَرَ عَلَى نَفْسِهِ, (Yoo, Akh, T, S, M, A, * K,) aor. ـِ and نَذُرَ, (M, K,) inf. n. نَذْرٌ (Yoo, Akh, S, M, K,) and نُذُورٌ, (M, K,) [He made a vow; imposed upon himself a vow; أَنْ يَفْعَلَ كَذَا that he would do such a thing; either absolutely, or conditionally, as will be explained below;] he made [a future action] binding, or obligatory, on himself; (T, M, A, K;) as also ↓ انتذر. (K.) And نَذْرًا ↓ انتذر signifies the same as نَذَرَ [He vowed a vow]. (Sgh.) You say also نَذَرْتُ مَالِى, aor. ـُ [and نَذِرَ as implied in the K] inf. n. نَذْرٌ, [I vowed my property; made a vow to give it.] (Yoo, Akh, S, K. *) And نَذَرْتُ لِلّٰهِ كَذَا, (S, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ and نَذِرَ, (S, Msb,) inf. n. نَذْرٌ, (Msb,) I made it binding, or obligatory, on myself, [i. e., I vowed,] of my own free will, to do or to give such a thing to God; namely, some religious service, or an alms, &c.: (TA:) or نَذْرٌ signifies the promising conditionally; as when one says, “Such a thing shall be obligatory on me if God restore to health my sick [son or other]: ”

this is termed نَذْرٌ: but the saying “ I impose upon myself the giving a deenár as alms,” is not so termed. (K.) The doing this is repeatedly forbidden in traditions: but what is meant thereby is, one's doing so in the belief that he may attain by it something which God has not decreed to betide him, or that he may divert from himself something decreed to befall him: yet if he do so, fulfilment is obligatory on him. (IAth.) Yousay also, نَذَرَ الوَلَدَ, (M, K,) and نَذَرَتْهُ, (M,) He (the father, M, K) and she (the mother, M) appointed the child [by a vow] to be a minister or servant to the church, (M, K,) or to a place appropriated to religious services or exercises, or acts of devotion: (TA:) so in the Kur, iii. 31. (M.) A2: نَذِرَ بِالشَّىْءِ, aor. ـَ (M, IKtt, Msb, K,) inf. n. نَذَرٌ (M, IKtt) and نَذَارَةٌ and نِذَارَةٌ, (IKtt,) or, as some assert, it has no inf. n., like عَسَى &c., the Arabs being content to use in its stead أَنْ followed by the verb, as is said in the 'Ináyeh, on the Kur, chap. xiv., (MF,) He knew of the thing: (Msb:) or he knew of the thing and was cautious of it or on his guard against it or in fear of it. (M, K.) You say also نَذِرَ القَوْمُ بالعَدُوِّ (S, A) The people knew of the enemy: (S:) or knew of the enemy and prepared themselves for them: (A:) or knew of the enemy and were cautious of them or on their guard against them or in fear of them. (TA.) And it is said in a trad., إِنْذَرِ القَوْمَ Have thou knowledge of the people and be cautious of them or on thy guard against them or in fear of them. (TA.) 4 أَنْذَرْتُهُ بِالأَمْرِ, (M, K,) and انذرته الشَّىْءَ, (Msb,) inf. n. إِنْذَارٌ (T, S, M, Msb, K) and نُذْرٌ (M, K) the latter accord. to Kr, but correctly it is a simple subst., (M,) and نُذُرٌ, (T, K,) or this is pl. of نَذِيرٌ, (T,) and نَذْرٌ, (K,) accord. to Lh and Kr, (TA,) [but this is properly a simple subst.,] and نَذِيرٌ, (M, K,) accord. to Zj, (M,) or Ez-Zejjájee, (TA,) but this should rather be regarded as a simple subst., (T, M,) I informed him, or advised him, of the thing: (M, K, TA:) this is the primary signification: (TA:) and [I warned him of the thing;] I cautioned him, or put him on his guard, against the thing, and put him in fear, (M, * K,) in my communication or announcement: (K:) in this sense the verb is used in the Kur, xl. 18: (M, TA:) or I announced to him the thing, (S, * Msb,) generally in a case of putting in fear the person addressed, or frightening him, (Msb,) or never otherwise than in such a case: (S:) and thus the verb is used in the Kur, ubi supra., وَأَنْذرْهُم يَوْمَ آلازِفَةِ [and warn them and put them in fear of the day of the approaching event, the day of resurrection] meaning, put them in fear of its punishment: (Msb:) and أَنْذَزْتُهُ بِكَذَا I informed him, or advised him, of such a thing. (Msb.) انذرهُ also signifies He (a spy) informed him, or advised him, of the state of the enemy: in the copies of the K, نَذَرَهُ; but this is a mistake. (TA.) And you say, أَنْذَرْتُ القَوْمَ مَسِيرَ العَدُرِّ

إِلَيْهِمْ I informed the people of the march of the enemy towards them, to put them on their guard. (T.) And أَنْذَرْتُ القَوْمَ بِالعَدُوِّ, and أَنْذَرْتُهُمُ العَدُوَّ, signify the same. (A.) It is said in a proverb, قَدْ أَعْذَرَ مَنْ أَنْذَرَ, meaning, He hath become excused, and averted from himself the blame of men, who hath warned thee that he will punish thee for a future evil deed proceeding from thee, if thou then do the evil deed and he punish thee. (T.) See also أَعْذَرَ, in two places: and see عُذْرٌ.6 تناذر القَوْمُ The people warned, or cautioned, one another, or put one another in fear, (M, K,) of a terrifying evil. (TA.) You say تناذر القَوْمُ كَذَا The people warned one another, (S,) and put one another in fear, of such a thing. (S, A.) A poet says, (S,) namely, En-Nábighah, (T, TA,) describing a serpent, (T,) and his being threatened by En-Noamán so that he passed the night as though he had been stung, turning over and over upon his bed, (TA,) تَنَاذَرَهَا الرَّاقُونَ مِنْ سُوْءِ سَمِّهَا تُطَلِّقُهُ طَوْرًا وَطَوْرًا تُرَاجِعُ [Of which the charmers have warned one another, and put one another in fear, on account of the evil nature of its poison, which it discharges one time and one time draws back]. (T, S, TA.) 8 إِنْتَذَرَ see نَذَرَ, in two places.10 استنذر إِلَيْهِ He offered warning to him (A, TA, art. عذر.) See استعذر.

نَذْرٌ A vow, which a man makes to be binding, or obligatory, on himself; (T, M, * K, * TA;) [either absolutely, or conditionally: (see نَذَرَ:)] pl. نُذُورٌ: (S, M, K: *) and in the following verse of Ibn-Ahmar, some say that نُذُر is pl. of نَذْرٌ, like as رُهُنٌ is pl. of رَهْنٌ; but others say that it is pl. of نَذِيرٌ in the sense of مَنْذُورٌ: كَمْ دُونَ لَيْلَى مِنْ تَنُوفِيَّةٍ

لَمَّاعَةٍ تُنْذَرُ فِيهَا النُّذُرْ [How many a waterless desert glistening with the mirage, in which vows, or things vowed, are vowed, lie in the way to Leylà!]. (S.) b2: Also, (tropical:) The mulct for an intentional wound; used in this sense by Esh-Sháfi'ee, (T, TA,) and of the dial. of El-Hijáz; (TA;) i. q. أَرْشٌ, (T, A, K, TA,) which is of the dial. of the people of El-'Irák: (T, TA:) pl. نُذُورٌ: (T, A, K:) said by Aboo-Nahshal to be only for wounds, small and great. (T, K. *) You say, لِى قِبَلَ فُلَانٍ نَذْرٌ, (T, TS, L,) or عِنْدَ فُلَانٍ, (K,) (tropical:) A mulct for a wound is owed to me. (T, K, &c.) And أَعْطَيْتُهُ نَذْرَ جُرْحِهِ (tropical:) I gave him the mulct for his wound. (A.) Aboo-Sa'eed Ed-Dareer says that it is thus called لِأَنَّهُ نُذِرَ فِيهِ, i. e., because it is made binding, or obligatory, for it; [namely, for the wound;] from the phrase نَذَرْتُ علَى نَفْسِى. (T, TA.) b3: [A votive offering].

A2: See also نُذْرٌ.

نُذْرٌ (M) and ↓ نُذُرٌ (T, S, K) [and ↓ نَذْرٌ (see 4)] and ↓ نَذِيرٌ (S, M) and ↓ نَذِيرَةٌ (M) and ↓ نِذَارَةٌ (Esh-Sháfi'ee, K) and ↓ نُذْرَى (K) are substs. in the sense of إِنْذَارٌ [meaning An informing, or advising, of a thing: and a warning, or cautioning, and putting one on his guard, against a thing, and putting one in fear of a thing; &c.: (see 4:)] (T, S, M, K:) or a putting one in fear in announcing a thing. (TA.) عُذْرًا

أَوْ نُذْرًا and عُذُرًا أَوْ نُذُرًا, accord. to different readings, in the Kur, lxxvii. 6, put in the accus. case as causal complements, signify لِلْإِعْذَارِ وَالْإِنْذَارِ [For excusing and warning]. (Zj, T.) [See also art. عذر.] And in like manner, ↓ نُذُرِ, in the Kur, liv. 16, &c., signifies إِنْذَارِى. (S, K.) And so ↓ نَذِيرِ, in the Kur, lxvii. 17. (T, M.) Hence also the saying of the Arabs, عُذْرَاكَ لَا نُذْرَاكَ, meaning, أَعْذِرُ وَلَا تُنْذِرْ [i. e. Do thou that for which thou wilt be excused, by inflicting punishment when it is deserved, and do not merely warn and put in fear]. (TA.) نُذُرٌ: see نُذْرٌ.

نُذْرَى: see نُذْرٌ.

نَذِيرٌ i. q. ↓ مُنْذِرٌ, (T, S, M, A, Msb, K,) as also ↓ نَذِيرَةٌ; (M;) i. e. [One who gives information, or advice, of a thing, or things: and one who warns;] one who cautions; (M, TA;) and who puts in fear: (TA:) one who gives notice to a people of an enemy, or other thing, that has come upon them; (TA;) a spy who gives notice, to a people, of an enemy, to put them on their guard; (A;) and in like manner ↓ نَذِيرَةٌ, a spy who informs an army of the state of the enemy: (T, K:) نَذِيرٌ is of the measure فَعِيلٌ in the sense of the measure مُفْعِلٌ: (M, L:) or its verb was نَذَرَ, but this has become obsolete: (T:) its pl. is نُذُرٌ; (M, Msb, K;) occurring in the Kur, liv. 23, [&c.]. (TA.) b2: [Hence,] ابو مُنْذِرٍ The cock (Har. p. 644). b3: [And also,] النَّذِيرُ The apostle: (M, K:) so in the Kur, xxxv. 34, accord. to Th: (M:) the prophet Mohammad: (T, K:) so, accord. to most of the expositors, in that verse of the Kur. (T.) b4: Hoariness, or whiteness of the hair: (T, M, K:) so, accord. to some, in the verse of the Kur, last referred to: (T, M:) but the explanation immediately preceding is more probable. (T.) b5: The sound of a bow: (AHn, M, K:) because it warns, or frightens, (يُنْدِرُ,) that which is shot at. (AHn, M.) A2: I. q. مَنْذُورٌ [i. e. Vowed]: pl. نُذُرٌ. (S.) See نَذْرٌ.

A3: See also نُذْرٌ.

نِذَارَةٌ: see نُذْرٌ.

نَذِيرَةٌ [A votive gift;] that which he gives who makes a vow. (M, K.) b2: A child appointed by the father (M, K) and mother (M) [by a vow] to be a minister, or servant to the church, (M, K,) or to a place appropriated to religious services, or exercises, or acts of devotion: (T:) pl. نَذَائِرُ. (T.) A2: See also نَذِيرٌ, in two places.

A3: And see نُذْرٌ.

نَاذِرٌ: see مُنَذِّرٌ.

مُنْذِرٌ: see نَذِيرٌ.

مَنْذُورٌ: see نَذِيرٌ.

فُلَانٌ مُنَذِّرٌ إِلَىَّ بِعِيْنِهِ, and ↓ نَاذِرٌ, Such a one is looking at me hard or intently, and making his eye prominent. (T, in TA, art. زنر.) مُتَنَاذَرٌ [A thing of which people warn or caution one another, or of which they put one another in fear]: applied to a disease [&c.]. (TA, art. خبر voce خَيْبَرَى.) b2: [Hence,] المُتَنَاذَرُ (assumed tropical:) The lion. (Sgh, K.)



1 خَلَعَهُ, (S, Mgh, Msb,) aor. ـَ (TA,) inf. n. خَلْعٌ, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) He pulled it off; syn. نَزَعَهُ; (Mgh, Msb;) or stripped it off; or took it off; (TA;) or put it, or threw it, or cast it, off from him; (IAth;) namely, his garment, (S, IAth, Mgh, Msb,) عَنْ بَدَنِهِ from his body; (Mgh;) and his sandal, (S, Mgh, Msb,) عَنْ رِجْلِهِ from his foot; (Mgh;) &c.; (Msb, TA;) [as also ↓ اختلعهُ, as appears from its being said that]

اِخْتِلَاعٌ is syn. with خَلْعٌ: (TA:) accord. to some, خَلْعٌ is syn. with نَزْعٌ; but accord. to Lth, (TA,) the former is like the latter, except that the former is a somewhat leisurely action. (K, TA.) The phrase in the Kur [xx. 12], فَاخْلَعْ نَعْلَيْكَ is said to be used in its proper sense, [And do thou pull off, or put off, thy sandals,] because his sandals were of the skin of a dead ass: or, as the Soofees say, it is a command to stay; like as you say to him whom you desire to stay, “Pull off thy garment and thy boots,” and the like; and is tropical: (TA:) or, accord. to some, (assumed tropical:) make thy heart vacant from [care for] family and property. (Bd.) b2: خَلَعَ عَلَيْهِ, (B, TA,) and ↓ خَلَعَ عَلَيْهِ خِلْعَةٍ, (S, TA,) [He took off from himself, and bestowed upon him, a garment: and hence,] he bestowed upon him, or gave him, a garment; [generally meaning, a robe of honour;] the meaning of giving being inferred from the connective على, not from the verb alone. (B, TA.) b3: It is said in a trad. respecting 'Othmán, إِنَّ اللّٰهَ سَيُقَمِّصُكَ قَمِيصًا وَ إِنَّكَ تُلَاصُ عَلَى خَلْعِهِ, (L,) meaning (tropical:) Verily God will invest thee with the apparel of the office of Khaleefeh, (K and TA in art. قمص,) and thou wilt be urged with enticement, and solicited, to divest thyself of it. (TA in art. لوص.) b4: خَلَعَ الفَرَسُ عِذَارَهُ (assumed tropical:) The horse threw off his head-stall, or halter, and wandered about at random. (Mgh.) b5: [and hence,] خَلَعَ عِذَارَهُ [said of a man,] (tropical:) (tropical:) He threw off from himself his عذار, [meaning restraint,] and acted in a wrongful and evil manner towards others, with none to repress him. (TA.) b6: خَلَعَ أَوْصَالَهُ He removed its اوصال [meaning the bones so called, as is indicated by the context]. (TA.) b7: خَلَعَ مَالَ صَاحِبِهِ (tropical:) [He took away the property of his companion]; said of a person gambling with another. (A, TA.) b8: خَلَعَ قَلْبَ النَّاظِرِ إِلَيْهِ (assumed tropical:) [It drew away the heart of the beholder towards it]; said of the best of property. (Aboo-Sa'eed.) b9: خَلَعَ قَيْدَهُ (tropical:) [He took off his shackles; or] he released him from his shackles: and in like manner, خَلَعَ دَابَّتَهُ, and ↓ خلّعهَا, he released his beast from its shackles. (TA.) b10: خَلَعَ الرِّبْقَةَ عَنْ عُنُقِهِ (tropical:) He annulled his compact, or covenant. (TA.) b11: خَلَعَ يَدًا مِنْ طَاعَةٍ (tropical:) He [threw off his allegiance, or] forsook obedience to his Sultán, and acted in a wrongful and evil manner towards him: (TA:) obedience being likened to a garment which a man puts off, or throws off, from him. (IAth, TA.) b12: يُخْلَعُ المَيِّتُ [ for يُخْلَعُ الكَفَنُ عَنِ المَيِّتِ, like خَلَعَ الدَّابَّةَ (mentioned above) for خَلَعَ قَيْدَ الدَّابَّةِ,] The corpse shall have its grave-clothes pulled off from it. (Mgh.) b13: [In like manner you say,] خَلَعْتُ الوَالِى عَنْ عَمَلِهِ (tropical:) I removed the ruler, or governor, or the like, from his office; or deposed him. (Msb.) And خُلِعَ الوَالِى (tropical:) [The ruler, or governor, or the like, was divested of his authority; or] was removed from his office; or was deposed; (S, TA;) and so العَامِلُ [the agent, or the exactor of the poor-rates]; and الخَلِيفَةُ [the Khaleefeh]. (TA.) And خَلَعَ قَائِدَهُ (tropical:) [He divested his leader of his authority; or removed him from his office; or dismissed him]. (S, TA.) But IF says, This is scarcely, or never, said, except of an inferior who forsakes, or relinquishes, his superior; so that [خَلَعَهُ signifies, in a case of this kind, (tropical:) He threw off his allegiance to him; or forsook obedience to him; like another phrase, mentioned above; and] one does not say, [or seldom says,] خَلَعَ الأَمِيرُ وَالِيَهُ عَلَى بَلَدِ كَذَا [as meaning (assumed tropical:) The prince deposed his ruler over such a province, or the like]; but only, [or rather,] عَزَلَهُ. (TA.) b14: خَلَعَ امْرَأَتَهُ, (Az, S, Mgh, Msb,) inf. n. خُلْعٌ, with damm, (S, K, *) or this is a simple subst., (Az, Mgh, Msb,) and the inf. n. is خَلْعٌ, (Az, Msb, TA,) and some add خِلَاعٌ; (TA;) and ↓ خالعها, (Az, TA,) inf. n. مُخَالَعَةٌ; (K;) [and خِلَاعٌ seems to be another inf. n. of this latter verb, rather than of the former;] (tropical:) He divorced his wife (Az, Mgh, Msb, K) for a ransom given by her, (Msb,) or for her property given by her as a ransom to release herself from him, (Az, Mgh, TA,) or for a gift, or a compensation, from her, (K, accord. to different copies; some having بِبَذْلٍ; and others, بِبَبَدَلٍ;) or from another: (K:) because the wife is [as] a garment to the husband, and the husband to the wife, (Az, Mgh, Msb, TA,) as is said in the Kur ii. 183: (Az, TA:) [it is also said that] ↓ تَخَالُعٌ is syn. with خُلْعٌ: (K:) [but see 6, below:] and اِخْلَعْهَا, occurring in a trad., is explained as signifying Divorce thou her, and quit her. (TA.) b15: خَلَعَهُ أَهْلُهُ (tropical:) [His family cast him off, repudiated him, or renounced him;] so that if he committed a crime, or an offence rendering liable to punishment, they should not be prosecuted for it. (S, TA.) In the Time of Ignorance, when one said, (K, TA,) proclaiming in the fair, or festival, (TA,) يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ هٰذَا ابْنَى

قَدْ خَلَعْتُهُ, (K, * TA,) meaning [O men, this, my son, I cast off, repudiate, or renounce, him, or] I declare myself to be clear of him; so that if he commit a crime, or an offence rendering him liable to punishment, I am not responsible; and if a crime, or an offence rendering liable to punishment, be committed against him, I will not pursue [for redress, or retaliation]; (TA;) he was not punished afterwards for any such act committed by him: (K, TA:) this was when the person doing so feared some foul action or treachery from his son: and in like manner, they said, إِنَّا قَدْ خَلَعْنَا فُلَانًا [Verily we cast off, &c., such a one]. (TA.) In like manner, also, خَلَعُوهُ, inf. n. خَلْعٌ, signifies (tropical:) [They cast him off, repudiated him, or renounced him, or] they declared themselves to be clear of him; meaning a confederate; so that they should not be punished for a crime, or an offence rendering liable to punishment, committed by him, nor should he be punished for such an act committed by them. (IAth, L.) In the same sense the verb is used in the saying, نَخْلَعُ وَنَتْرُكُ مَنْ يَفْجُرُكَ [We repudiate, or renounce, or] we declare ourselves clear of, and forsake, him who disobeys, or opposes, Thee: (Mgh, TA:) or نَخْلَعُ وَنَهْجُرُ مَنْ يَكْفُرُكَ we hate, and [repudiate, or renounce, or] declare ourselves clear of, [and forsake,] him who denies, or disacknowledges, thy favour, or who is ungrateful, or unthankful, for it. (Msb.) A2: خَلُعَ, aor. ـُ (K,) inf. n. خَلَاعَةٌ, (S, * TA,) (tropical:) He became cast off, repudiated, or renounced, by his family; (صَارَ خَلِيعًا; TA; i. e. خَلَعَهُ أَهْلُهُ; S, TA;) so that if he committed a crime, or an offence rendering liable to punishment, they were not prosecuted for it: (S, K, TA:) he became alienated or estranged [from his family]; syn. تَبَاعَدَ: (TA:) [he became vitious, or immoral; notorious for drinking and play; a gambler; or the like: see خَلَاعَةٌ, below; and see خَلِيعٌ.]

A3: خُلِعَ He became affected with what is termed خَالِعٌ, i. e., a twisting of the عُرْقُوبٌ [or hock-tendon]. (K.) 2 خلّع دَابَّتَهُ: see 1. b2: تَخْلِيعٌ as signifying a certain manner of walking: see 5.3 خَالَعَتْ بَعْلَهَا, (S,) or تَخْلِيعٌ, (Mgh, Msb,) inf. n. مُخَالَعَةٌ, (Msb,) (assumed tropical:) She incited, urged, or induced, her husband to divorce her for a gift, or a compensation, (بِبَذْلٍ, or بِبَدَلٍ, accord. to different copies of the S,) from her to him: (S, Mgh: *) or (assumed tropical:) she ransomed herself from him, and he divorced her for the ransom. (Msb.) b2: خالع امْرَأَتَهُ: see 1. b3: خالعهُ (tropical:) He contended with him in a game of hazard: because he who does so takes away the property of his companion. (TA.) 5 تخلّع It (a bond, or chain,) came off, or fell off, from the hand or foot. (KL.) [See also 7.] b2: تخلّعت السَّفِينَةُ The ship parted asunder; became disjointed; became separated in its places of joining. (Mgh.) b3: تخلّع, in walking, i. q. تَفَكَّكَ; (S, K, TA;) i. e. (tropical:) [He was, or became, loose in the joints; or] he shook his shoulder-joints and his arms, and made signs with them: (TA:) and ↓ تَخْلِيعٌ also signifies a certain manner of walking, (so in some copies of the K, and in the TA,) in which one shakes his shoulder-joints and his arms, and makes signs with them: (TA:) or the walking of him whose buttocks are apart, or parted. (CK, and so in a MS. copy of the K.) [See also تَخَلَّجَ.] b4: تخلّع فِى الشَّرَابِ (assumed tropical:) He persisted in the drinking of intoxicating beverage, (K, * TA,) or became intoxicated, so that his joints became lax, or loose. (TA.) b5: تخلّع القَوْمُ (assumed tropical:) The people, or company of men, stole away, slipped away, or went away secretly. (IAar.) 6 تخالعوا (tropical:) They annulled, dissolved, or broke, the confederacy, league, compact, or covenant, that was between them. (S, * K, * TA.) b2: تَخَالَعَا (tropical:) They divorced themselves, namely, a husband and his wife, for a gift, or a compensation, (بِبَذْلٍ, or بِبَدَلٍ, accord. to different copies of the S,) from the wife to the husband. (S.) See also خَلَعَ امْرَأَتَهُ.7 انخلع It became pulled off, stripped off, taken off, or removed, from its place; it became displaced. (Mgh.) [See also 5.] b2: Hence, اِنْخَلَعَ قِنَاعُ قَلْبِهِ مِنْ شِدَّةِ الفَزَعِ (tropical:) [He became as though] the integument of his heart became pulled off, in consequence of violence of fear, or fright. (Mgh.) And hence also, اِنْخَلَعَ فُؤَادُ الرَّجُلِ (tropical:) [The heart of the man became removed from its place; meaning] the man became frightened. (Mgh.) b3: [انخلع العُضْوُ, or العَظْمُ, The limb, or the bone, became dislocated. See اِنْخَرَجَ. b4: انخلع عَنْ عَمَلِهِ (tropical:) He (a ruler, or governor, or the like,) became removed from his office; became deposed. See 1.]

b5: انخلع مِنْ مَالِهِ (tropical:) He became stripped of his property, like as a man is stripped of his garment. (TA.) 8 اِخْتَلَعَتْ (S, Mgh, K) مِنْ زَوْجِهَا, (Mgh,) (tropical:) She became divorced from her husband (S, Mgh, K) for a gift, or a compensation, from her, (S, K, accord. to different copies; some having بِبَذْلٍ; and others, بِبَبَدٍ;) or from another, (K,) or for her property given by her as a ransom to release her from him. (Mgh.) A2: اختلعهُ: see 1, first sentence. b2: اختلعوهُ (tropical:) They took his property: (K, TA:) from the "Nawá-dir el-Aaráb." (TA.) خَلْعٌ Flesh-meat cooked with seeds that are used for seasoning, then put into a receptacle of skin, (S, K, *) which is called قَرْفٌ: (S:) or flesh-meat cut into strips or oblong pieces, and dried, or salted, and dried in the sun, roasted, (K, TA,) and, as Lth says, (TA,) put into a receptacle with its melted grease: (K, * TA:) or flesh-meat having its bones pulled out, then cooked, and seasoned with seeds, and put into a skin, and used as provision for travelling: (Z, TA:) and ↓ خَلِيعٌ, also, signifies flesh-meat of which the bones have been pulled out, and which is seasoned with seeds, and laid up (يُرْفَعُ) [for future use]: (TA:) and ↓ خَوْلَعٌ, flesh-meat which is boiled in vinegar, and then carried in journeys. (TA.) A2: A state of dislocation of the joint, of the arm or hand, or of the leg or foot; its becoming displaced, without separation; as also ↓ خَلَعٌ. (TA.) خُلْعٌ [accord. to the S, and app. accord. to the K, and inf. n., (see خَلَعَ امْرَأَتَهُ,) or] a simple subst., signifying (tropical:) The act of divorcing a wife (Az, Mgh, Msb) for a ransom given by her, (Msb,) or for her property given by her as a ransom to release her from her husband, (Az, Mgh, TA,) or for a gift, or a compensation, from her; or from another: (K: see 1:) IAth says that it annuls the return to the wife unless by means of a new contract: accord. to EshSháfi'ee, there is a difference of opinion respecting it; whether it be an annulment of the marriage, or a divorcement: [if the latter, it is not irrevocable unless preceded by two divorcements:] sometimes it is called by the latter term. (TA.) [See also خُلْعَةٌ.]

خَلَعٌ: see خَلْعٌ.

خُلْعَةٌ A state of divorcement [for a ransom given by the wife, or for her property given by her as a ransom to release her from her husband, or] for a gift, or a compensation, from the wife, (S, * K,) or from another. (K.) [See 8: and see also خُلْعٌ.] You say, وَقَعَتْ بَيْنَهُمَا الخُلْعَةُ [Divorcement, or] separation, [for a ransom, &c. or] for [a gift, or] a compensation, took place between them two. (TK.) A2: (assumed tropical:) The best, or choice part, of property, or of camels or the like; (Aboo-Sa'eed, S Sgh, K;) so called because it takes away the heart of him who looks at it; (Aboo-Sa'eed;) as also ↓ خِلْعَةٌ. (Aboo-Sa'eed, Sgh, K.) A3: (assumed tropical:) Weakness in a man. (TA.) خِلْعَةٌ Any garment which one pulls off, or takes off, from himself: (TA:) and particularly, (TA,) a garment which is bestowed upon a man, [generally meaning a robe of honour,] (K, * TA,) whether it be put upon him or not: (TA:) or a gift, or free gift, [of any kind,] which a man bestows upon another: (Msb:) or a sewed garment: (KL:) pl. خِلَعٌ. (Msb, TA.) You say, خَلَعَ عَلَيْهِ خِلْعَةً [explained above]: see 1, near the beginning. (S, TA.) b2: See also خُلْعَةٌ.

خُلْعِىٌّ, with damm, One who sells [cast-off or] old garments. (Ibn-Nuktah, TA.) خِلْعِىٌّ, with kesr to the خ, and with the ل quiescent, One who sells the garments bestowed by kings. (TA.) خُلَاعٌ (assumed tropical:) An affection resembling what is termed خَبَلٌ [q. v.], (K, TA,) and insanity, or diabolical possession, (TA,) which befalls a man: (K, TA:) or weakness, and fear or fright: (TA:) and ↓ خَوْلَعٌ and ↓ خَيْلَعٌ [in like manner] signify (tropical:) fear, or fright, affecting the heart, (S, K, TA,) occasioning evil imagination, and weakness, (TA.) as though it were a touch of insanity, or of diabolical possession, (S, K, TA,) in a man, and in the heart. (S.) خَلِيعٌ Pulled off; stripped, or taken, off; put, or thrown, or cast, off; i. q. ↓ مَخْلُوعٌ; applied [to a garment, and a sandal, or the like, or], accord. to some, to anything. (TA.) b2: [Hence, used as a subst., A cast-off, or] an old, and wornout, garment. (K, TA.) You say, هُوَيَكْسُوهُ مِنْ خَلِيعِهِ [He clothes him with some of his cast-off, or old, and worn-out, apparel]. (TA.) b3: See also خَلْعٌ. b4: (assumed tropical:) A person whose property is won from him in a game of hazard; as also ↓ مَخْلُوعٌ. (L.) b5: خَلِيعُ العِذَارِ (assumed tropical:) (assumed tropical:) A man who does and says what he pleases; not caring, nor fearing God nor the blame of men; like the beast that has no halter on its head. (Har p. 676.) Also applied to a woman in a state of estrangement [from her husband; lit., Having her headstall, or halter, pulled off, or thrown off; she being likened to a mare; meaning, (assumed tropical:) (assumed tropical:) without restraint]; having none to command or forbid her: [see 1:] incorrectly written خَلِيعَةُ العِذَارِ; for خليع is here of the measure فَعِيلٌ in the sense of the measure مَفْعُولٌ: or you say خَلِيفَةٌ without mentioning the عذار, from خَلَعَةٌ, like ظَرِيفَةٌ and لَطِيفَةٌ [from ظَرَافَةٌ and لَطَافَةٌ]. (Mgh.) [See also خَالِعٌ.] b6: خَلِيعٌ is also applied to a Khaleefeh, and a prince or the like, meaning (tropical:) Divested of his authority; removed from his office; deposed; (L;) as also ↓ مَخْلُوعٌ: and it is a strange thing, noticed by Dmr and others, that every sixth is مخلوع. (TA.) b7: Also (tropical:) A young man, (S,) or a son, (K,) and a confederate, (IAth, L,) cast off, repudiated, or renounced, (S, IAth, L, K,) by his family, (S,) or father, (K,) or confederates, (IAth, K,) so that if he commit a crime, or an offence rendering liable to punishment, they, i. e. his family, or he, i. e. his father, or they, i. e. his confederates, shall not be prosecuted, or punished, for it; (S, IAth, L, K;) as also ↓ مَخْلُوعٌ: (K:) pl. of the former, خُلَعَآءُ: (K:) and (tropical:) a young man (K, TA) thus cast off by his family, (TA,) who commits, or has committed, many crimes, or offences rendering him liable to punishment; as also ↓ خَوْلَعٌ: (K, TA:) (assumed tropical:) one alienated or estranged [from his family]: (TA:) (tropical:) one who has broken off from his family, and disagreed with them, and wearied them by his wickedness and baseness and guile; (Mgh, K, * TA; *) as though he had thrown off his headstall or halter, [i. e., restraint,] and who does what he will; or because his family have cast him off, and declared themselves clear of him; (Mgh;) or because he has cast off his kinsfolk, and they have declared themselves clear of him; or because he is divested of religion and shame; (TA;) fem. with ة: (K: [indicating that it is a part. n. of خَلُعَ; not of the measure فَعِيلٌ in the sense of the measure مَفْعُولٌ, as is implied by some portions of the explanations here given:]) (assumed tropical:) bad, evil, wicked, or mischievous: (TA:) (tropical:) [vitious, or immoral: (see خَلَاعَةٌ, whence it is derived:)] (assumed tropical:) notorious for drinking and play: (TA:) [in the present day commonly used in this sense; and as signifying (assumed tropical:) waggish; or a way:] (assumed tropical:) a player, with another, at a game of hazard, or for stakes laid by both of them to be taken by the winner; (IDrd, K;) as also ↓ مُخَالِعٌ; because the best, or choice part, of his property (خُلْعَتُهُ) is [often] won from him: (S:) (assumed tropical:) one who applies himself constantly to games of that kind: (TA:) and ↓ خَوْلَعٌ signifies (tropical:) a player at games of that kind, who has had the punishment termed حَدٌّ inflicted upon him, and is always overcome in such games, or who is fortunate, and always overcomes in such games. (K, accord. to different copies; in some of which we read المُقَامِرُ المَحْدُودُ الَّذِى يُقْمَرُ أَبَدًا; and in others, المقاصر المَجْدُودُ الذى يَقْمُرُ ابدا.) b8: (assumed tropical:) A hunter, fowler, or fisherman; (S, Sgh, K;) so called because he is alone. (Sgh.) b9: (tropical:) A [demon, or devil, &c., of the kind called] غُول; (S, K, TA;) because of its evil nature; (TA;) as also ↓ خَوْلَعٌ (K) and ↓ خَيْلَعٌ. (TA.) b10: (assumed tropical:) A wolf; (S, K;) as also ↓ خَوْلَعٌ (K) and ↓ خَيْلَعٌ. (Sgh, K.) b11: (assumed tropical:) The gaming-arrow that does not win (S, Kr, K) at first: (S, Kr:) or, accord. to some, the gaming-arrow that wins at first; as is said by Sgh and in the L: (TA:) pl. خِلَعَةٌ. (Kr.) خَلَاعَةٌ: [see خَلُعَ:] it is syn. with دَعَارَةٌ [i. e. (tropical:) Vice, or immorality; or vitious, or immoral, conduct; &c.]; as also خَرَاعَةٌ, a dial. var. thereof; (S in art. خرع;) and ↓ خَلِيعَةٌ signifies the same. (TA.) خَلِيعَةٌ: see what next precedes.

خَلِعُ العِذَارِ [(assumed tropical:) A horse throwing off his headstall, or halter, and wandering about at random. b2: And hence, (assumed tropical:) (assumed tropical:) A man throwing off from himself restraint, and acting in a wrongful and an evil manner towards others, with none to repress him. See also خَلِيعٌ. b3: And hence,] (assumed tropical:) (assumed tropical:) (assumed tropical:) A beardless youth, or young man; or one whose mustache has grown forth, but not his beard. (TA.) b4: خَالِعٌ (assumed tropical:) A kid. (TA.) [App. because of its playful disposition.] b5: (assumed tropical:) A woman who incites, urges, or induces, her husband to divorce her for a gift, or a compensation, from her to him: [see 3:] (S:) or who causes herself to be divorced for a gift, or a compensation, from her to her husband: [see 6:] and in like manner, a husband who divorces his wife for a gift, or a compensation, from her. (K.) b6: رُطَبٌ خَالِعٌ Dates that are all ripe, or ripe throughout, or soft; syn. مُنْسَبِتٌ; (S, K;) because their skins strip off by reason of their succulency: (TA:) and بُسْرَةٌ خَالِعٌ, (K, TA,) and خَالِعَةٌ, (TA,) a date that has become wholly fit to be eaten. (K, * TA.) [See بُسْرٌ] b7: خَالِعٌ also signifies A twisting of the عُرْقُوب [or hocktendon]: (K:) or a certain disease that attacks the عُرْقُوب of a she-camel. (TA.) And you say, بَعِيرٌ بِهِ خَالِعٌ, (S,) or بَعِيرٌ خَالِعٌ, (K,) A camel that is unable to rise (S, K) when a man sits upon the part called غُرَاب [q. v.] of its haunch, (S) in consequence, as some say, of a dislocation of the tendon of the hock. (TA.) b8: جُبْنٌ خَالِعٌ (tropical:) Vehement cowardice; as though the vehemence of the man's fear removed his heart from its place; accord. to IAth, an affection arising from yearning thoughts, and weakness of the heart, on an occasion of fear. (TA.) خَوْلَعٌ: see خَلْعٌ. b2: It also signifies هَبِيد [i. e. Colocynth, or its pulp, or seed,] when it is cooked until its سَمْن [or decocted juice] comes forth, whereupon it is cleared, and put aside; and bruised dates of which the stones have been taken out are put upon it, and flour, and it is stirred about and beaten until it becomes mixed; then it is left, and put down; and when it becomes cold, its سمن is restored to it: or, as some say, colocynth (حَنْظَل) bruised, moistened with something to sweeten it, and then eaten; also called مُبَسَّلٌ. (TA.) [See هَبِيدٌ.]

A2: See also خُلَاعٌ: A3: and خَلِيعٌ, in four places.

A4: Also Stupid; (K;) applied to a man. (TA.) A5: And A skilful guide. (Sgh, K.) خَيْلَعٌ: see خُلَاعٌ: A2: and see خَلِيعٌ, in two places, near the end. b2: Also (assumed tropical:) A weak man. (TA.) [See also مُخَلَّعٌ.]

مُخَلَّعٌ الأَلْيَتَيْنِ A man (S) having the buttocks apart, or parted. (S, K.) b2: And مُخَلَّعٌ A weak, and soft, or flabby, man. (Lth, K.) [See also خَيْلَعٌ.]

b3: (tropical:) A man (TA) in whom is what resembles a loss of reason, or a touch of insanity or of diabolical possession: (K, * TA:) and (tropical:) a man insane, or possessed by a jinnee. (TA.) مَخْلُوعٌ: see خَلِيعٌ, in four places. b2: رَجُلٌ مَخْلُوعُ الفُؤَادِ (tropical:) A man frightened, or terrified; as though his heart were removed from its place. (TA.) مُخَالِعٌ: see خَلِيعٌ, in the latter part of the paragraph.

مُخْتَلِعَةٌ (tropical:) A woman divorced from her husband for a gift, or a compensation, from him, (S, K,) or from another: (K:) [see 8:] and [the pl.]

مُخْتَلِعَاتٌ [is explained as signifying] (tropical:) women who incite, urge, or induce, their husbands to divorce them for a gift, or a compensation, without any injurious conduct from the latter. (TA.) b2: (assumed tropical:) A woman affected with lust. (Sgh, K.)



1 نَصَحَ لَهُ, and نَصَحَهُ, (S, K, &c.,) but the former is the original mode of expression, (Lb,) and is the more chaste, (S, Msb,) and the latter was scarcely ever used by the Arabs, (Fr,) aor. ـَ inf. n. نُصْحٌ and نَصَاحَةٌ (S, K,) and نَصِيحَةٌ, (A, L, Msb,) or this last is a simple subst., (S, K,) and نِصَاحَةٌ and نَصْحٌ (L) and نُصُوحٌ (TA) and نَصَاحِيَةٌ; (K;) and ↓ ناصحهُ, inf. n. مُنَاصَحَةٌ; (MF;) He advised him, or counselled him, [in an absolute sense,] sincerely, honestly, or faithfully: and he so acted towards him: (Msb:) he directed him to that which was for his good, by words, or speech, which is the proper signification; or otherwise, which is a tropical signification: (Lb:) or he gave him good advice, or counsel; directed him to what was good: or he advised him, or counselled him, sedulously, or earnestly: or he acted sincerely, or honestly, to him, (MF,) or he was benevolent towards him; desired what was good for him. (Nh, MF.) b2: نَصَحَتْ لَهُ نَصِيحَتِى, inf. n. نُصُوحٌ, My advice, or counsel, or conduct, was sincere, honest, or faithful, to him. (L.) b3: نَصَحَتْ تَوْبَتُهُ, inf. n. نُصُوحٌ (tropical:) His repentance was, or became, true, or sincere, [&c.: see نَصُوحٌ]. (A.) b4: جِئْنَاكَ لِلنَّصَاحَةِ لَمْ نَأْتِ لِلرَّقَاحَةِ [We have come unto Thee for the purpose of sincere worship: we have not come for gain, or traffic: see art. رقح]. (S, art. رقح.) b5: نَصَحَ It (anything, S) was, or became, pure, unadulterated, or genuine. (S, K.) A2: نَصَحَ, (S, K,) aor. ـَ inf. n. نَصْحٌ; (S;) and ↓ تنصّح; (K;) (tropical:) He sewed a garment, (S, K,) or a shirt: (TA:) or he sewed it well. (A.) A3: نَصَحَ الرِّىَّ, (inf. n. نَصْحٌ, TA,) (tropical:) He (a man, TA,) drank until he was satisfied. (K.) b2: نَصَحَتِ الإِبِلُ الشُّرْبَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. نُصُوحٌ, (tropical:) The camels drank in good earnest. (IAar, S.) b3: نَصَحَ الغَيْثُ البَلَدَ, (inf. n. نَصْحٌ, TA,) (tropical:) The rain watered the district so that its herbage became close, without any bare part: (En-Nadr, K:) or, watered it abundantly. (TA.) A4: نَصَحَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. نَصْحٌ, He clarified honey. (MF.) But this is rejected by the author of the K in [the work entitled] the Basáïr. (TA.) 3 ناصحهُ, inf. n. مُنَاصَحَةٌ, [He advised him, or counselled him, with sincerity or faithfulness, &c., reciprocally: see also 1]. (A.) 4 انصح He watered camels so as to satisfy them with drink. (IAar, S, K.) 5 تنصّح He was prodigal of نُصْح [i. e., sincere or faithful advice or counsel, &c.] Hence the saying of Aktham Ibn-Seyfee, إِيَّاكُمْ وَكَثْرَةَ التَّنَصُّحِ فَإِنَّهُ يُورِثُ التُّهَمَةِ [Beware ye of being prodigal of sincere or faithful advice or counsel, for it occasions doubt, or suspicion, or evil opinion]. (L.) b2: تنصّح He affected to be like, or imitated, نُصَحَآء [i. e., those who advise, or counsel, sincerely, honestly, or faithfully, &c.: see نَاصِحٌ]. (S, K.) b3: See 1.6 تناصحوا [They advised or counselled one another sincerely or faithfully, &c.: see 1]. (A, art. فضح.) 8 انتصح He accepted نَصِيحَة, (S, K, *) or نُصْح, (TA,) [i. e., sincere, honest, or faithful, advice or counsel, &c.]. As an ex. of this signification the following is cited يَقُولُ انْتَصِحْنِى إِنَّنِى لَكَ نَاصِحٌ [He says, Accept my sincere advice, for I am to thee a sincere adviser]: (TA:) and إِنْتَصِحٌ كِتَابَ اللّٰهِ Accept the sincere or faithful advice or counsel of the Book of God. (A.) But IB says, that the verb in this sense is intrans.; and that, when trans., it signifies He took a person as a نَصِيح [a sincere or faithful adviser or counsellor, &c.]; whence the saying لَا أُرِيدُ مِنْكَ نُصْحًا وَلَا انْتِصَاحا, i. e. لَا أُرِيدُ مِنْكَ أَنْ تَنْصَحَنِى

وَلَا أَنْ تَتَّخذَنِى نَصِيحًا [I do not desire of thee sincere or faithful advice, nor thy taking me as a sincere or faithful adviser]. (L.) b2: See 10 10 استنصحهُ, (S, L,) and ↓ انتصحهُ, (L,) He reckoned him, or deemed him, نصِيحَ, (S, L,) i. e., a sincere, faithful, or honest, adviser, or counsellor, or actor. (L.) نِصَاحٌ (tropical:) Thread (S, K) with which one sews: (S:) pl, نُصُحٌ (K, TA; in the CK نُصْحٌ;) and نِصَاحَةٌ: (K:) the kesreh and ا in the latter are not those which are in the sing., and the ة is added as a fem. sign of the pl. (TA.) [See also خَيْطٌ.]

نِصَاحَاتٌ Skins. (S, K.) As cites as an ex this verse of El-Aasha, فَتَرَى القَوْمَ نَشَاوَى كُلَّهُمْ مِثْلَمَا مُدَّتْ نِصَاحَاتُ الرُّبَحْ (S, &c.) ربح here signifies, accord. to some, a young camel such as is called رُبَعٌ: (Az;) or a lamb, or kid: (ISd:) or the bird called in Persian زاغ. (TA.) [But see what follows.] b2: Also, (accord. to El-Muärrij, TA.) Snares, (as in some copies of the K, and in the TA) or cords, (as in other copies of the K) having loops (حَلَق) made to them, which are set, and with which apes (قُروُد) are caught; (K;) one of these animals being attached to one of the cords to attract others. (TA.) Agreeably with this signification some explain the verse of El-Aasha cited above; رُبَحٌ, originally رُبَاحٌ, signifying apes. (TA.) تَوْبَةٌ نَصُوحٌ (tropical:) True, or sincere, repentance: (S, K:) from نَصَحَتِ الإِبِلُ الشُّرْبَ: (IAar, S:) or [repentance that mends one's life;] form نَصَحَ الثَّوْبَ, agreeably with the saying of Mohammad, “ He who traduces the absent rends, and he who begs forgiveness of God mends: ” [see رَفَأَ:] (S:) or such repentance that one returns not after it to that of which he repents: (K:) sincere repentance, after which one returns not to sin: so explained by Mohammad himself: (TA:) or very sincere, or very honest repentance: (Zj:) فَعُولٌ being a measure of an intensive epithet, applicable alike to the masc. and fem.: (TA:) or repentance in which one does not purpose to return (K) to the sin of which he repents. (TA.) The people of El-Medeeneh read [in the Kur, lxvi., 8,] نَصُوحًا: but some read نُصُوحًا, which is an inf. n. (Fr.) نَصِيحٌ: see نَاصِحٌ.

نَصِيحَةٌ, and inf. n., (L, Msb,) or a simple subst., (S, K,) Sincere, honest, or faithful, advice, or counsel, and conduct: (Msb:) direction to that which is for the good of the person who is the object, by words, or speech, which is the proper signification; or otherwise, which is a tropical signification: (Lb:) or good advice or counsel; direction to what is good: or sedulousness, or earnestness, in advice or counsel: or sincere or honest conduct: (MF:) or benevolence; desire for what is good for the person who is the object: (Nh, MF:) [pl. نَصَائِحُ]

نَصَّاحٌ: see نَاصِحٌ.

نَاصِحٌ (act. part. n. of نَصَِحَ) and ↓ نَصِيحٌ are syn., (S, K,) signifying One who advises, or counsels, sincerely, honestly, or faithfully: and who so acts; (Msb:) [who directs another to that which is for the good of the latter, by words, or speech; or otherwise: or who gives good advice, or counsel: or who advises, or counsels, sedulously, or earnestly: or who acts sincerely, or honestly: or benevolent; who desires what is good for another: see نَصَح لُهَ;] pl. of the former نُصَّحٌ and نُصَّاحٌ; (K;) and of the latter, نُصَحَآءُ. (S.) b2: رَجُلٌ نَاصِحُ الجَيْبِ (tropical:) A man pare, or sincere, of heart; (S;) in whom is no deceit, dishonesty, insincerity, or dissimulation: (K:) said to be an expression similar to طَاهِرُ الثَّوْبِ [q. v.]. (TA.) [See also art. جيب.]

A2: نَاصِحٌ (S, K) and ↓ نَصَّاحٌ and نَاصِحِىٌّ (K) (tropical:) A sewer; a worker with the needle; a tailor. (S, K.) A3: نَاصِحٌ (tropical:) Pure, or clear, honey, (As, S, K,) &c., like نَاصِعٌ (As, S). سَقَانِى نَاصِحَ العَسَلِ (tropical:) He gave me to drink white honey; or fine, or thin, white honey. (A.) A4: غُيُوتٌ نَوَاصِحُ (tropical:) Rains succeeding one another. (A.) مِنْصَحٌ and مِنْصَحَةٌ (tropical:) A needle, with which one sews. (L, K.) If thick, it is called شَغِيزَةٌ. (L.) مُنْصَاحٌ: see مَنْصُوحٌ.

قَمِيصٌ مَنْصُوحٌ, (A, L,) and ↓ مُنْصَاحٌ, (A,) (tropical:) A shirt that is rent (A) and sewed. (L.) [See also مُتَنَصَّحٌ.]

A2: أَرْضٌ مَنْصُوحَةٌ (tropical:) A land plentifully watered by rain, (K.) having its herbage closely conjoined, (ISd, K,) as though the spaces which were between the several portions of the herbage were closed up by sewing. (ISd.) مُتَنَصَّحٌ (tropical:) Well sewed. (AA, K.) [See also مَنْصُوحٌ.] b2: Also (tropical:) A place, in a garment, repaired and sewed: (TA:) a patched place, or place of patching: (K:) a place for sewing; similar to مُتَرَقَّعٌ, q. v. (TA in art. رقع.)



1 نَضَبَ, aor. ـُ (S, K, &c.) and also نَضِبَ, (Msb,) which latter is strange, (MF,) inf. n. نُضُوبٌ; (S, K, &c.;) and ↓ نضّب; (K;) It (water) sank into the earth; disappeared in the earth: (S, M, K, &c.:) and became low: (S:) became remote. (S, M.) b2: نَضَبَ الحَوْضُ, occurring in a verse cited by Th, [The water of the tank or cistern, sank into the earth]. (TA.) b3: نَضَبَتْ عُيُونُ الطَّائِفِ [The sources of El-Táïf became dried up]. (A.) b4: مَا نَضَبَ عَنْهُ البَحْرُ وَهُوَ حَىٌّ فَمَاتَ فَكُلُوهُ That from which the water of the sea has become exhausted, and has dried up, it being alive, and which has then died, eat ye it. (TA, from a trad.) b5: كُنَّا عَلَى شَاطِئِ النَّهْرِ بِالْأَهْوَازِ وَقَدْ نَضَبَ عَنْهُ المَاءُ [We were on the bank of the river in El-Ahwáz, and the water had sunk, or receded, from it, leaving it dry]. (TA, from a trad.) b6: نَضَبَتْ عَيْنُهُ, (aor.

نَضُبَ, inf. n. نُضُوبٌ, TA,) (tropical:) His eye sank, or became depressed, in the socket: or it is only said of the eye of a she-camel. (K.) b7: نَضَبَ It (herbage and the like, that had been abundant,) became little, or scanty: (K:) or failed altogether. (TA.) b8: نَضَبَ is met. used with reference to accidents [as it is properly with respect to substances]: thus it is said in a trad., نَضَبَ عُمْرُهُ (tropical:) His life passed away, or ended. (IAth.) This is what F means by saying نَضَبَ فُلَانٌ signifies مَاتَ, (tropical:) Such a one died. (TA.) b9: نَضَبَ خَيْرُهُ, inf. n. نُضُوبٌ, (tropical:) His goodness, or beneficence, became little. (Az.) b10: نَضَبَ مَاءُ وَجْهِهِ (tropical:) He was not ashamed. (TA.) A2: نَضَبَ, (inf. n. نُضُوبٌ, TA,) (tropical:) It (a desert) was far-extending. (K.) b2: نَضَبَ, inf. n. نُضُوبٌ, (tropical:) It (a people, or party,) was, or became, distant. (S.) b3: نَضَبَ (tropical:) It (a people, or party,) strove, or used exertion, [app., in a journey.] (TA.) A3: نَضَبَ, aor. ـُ It (a thing, TA,) flowed, and ran (K.) By our saying “ a thing,” we mean to exclude water, though water is included in the definition of a thing: so that we need not infer from what is said in the K that the verb bears two contr. significations. (TA.) [But this observation appears to me to be scarcely admissible.]

b2: نَضَبَتِ الدَّبَرَةُ [in the copies of the K in my hands, written دَبْرَة] The sore on the back of a camel &c. became severe. (K.) نَضَبَ الدَّبَرُ (tropical:) The scar of the sore became severe and deep in the back. (A.) A4: نَضَبَ الثَّوْبَ He pulled off the garment. (Msb.) 2 نَضَّبَ see 1 b2: نضّبت, inf. n. تَنْضِيبٌ, She (a camel) had little milk; and her flow thereof became slow; (K;) and her milk was long in flowing again into her udder after each previous milking. (TA.) 4 انضب القَوْسَ He pulled the string of the bow, in order that it might make a sound: like أَنْبَضَهَا: (K:) the former verb is [said to be] an original syn. of the latter; (TA;) [and if so, it has an inf. n., as shown below:] or he pulled the string of the bow, and then let it go, to make it twang: or he pulled the string of the bow without an arrow, and then let it go, to make it twang: (TA:) or he caused the bow to make a sound, or twang: (AHn, L:) انضب وَتَرَ القَوْسِ is the same as أَنْبَضَهُ, of which it is a transp. syn. (S.) AHn, gives to it the inf. n. إِنْضَابٌ; and yet asserts it to be formed by transposition: but this is absurd; for verbs so formed have not inf. ns.; as mentioned by Sb and Aboo-'Alee and the rest of the skilful grammarians. (Abu-l-Hasan.) See قَلَبَ.

غَضِيرٌ نَاضِبٌ A pool of which the water has sunk into the earth. (A.) b2: [So] ↓ عين مُنَضِّبَةٌ A source of which the water has sunk into the earth; [a source that has become dried up]. (A.) b3: خَرْقٌ نَاضبٌ (tropical:) [A deep hole: or a far extending desert]: syn. بَعِيدٌ. (S, TA.) b4: إِنَّ فُلَانًا لَنَاضِبُ الخَيْرِ (tropical:) Verily such a one is a person of little good, or beneficence. (Az.) b5: نَاضِبٌ (tropical:) Distant; remote: (As, S:) an epithet applied to water and anything. (TA.) b6: جَرْىٌ نَاضِبٌ (assumed tropical:) A far-extending run. (TA.) تَنْضُبٌ, a coll. gen. n., [I find it said to have been written with tenween by J himself: but it appears to have been also used as a generic proper name; and as such, having the measure of a verb, it must be written تَنْضُبُ, being imperfectly declinable:] A certain tree: the ت is augmentative, because there is no word of the measure فَعْلُلٌ; whereas there are words of the measure تَفْعُلُ, as تَقْتُلُ and تَخْرُجُ: n. un. تَنْضُبَةٌ: (S:) a certain tree of El-Hijáz: (K:) it grows large, in the form, or manner, of the سَرْح, having white and thick branches; and folds, such as are called حَظَائِر, are made of it: [this is the only meaning I can assign to the words وهو محتظر, supposing بِهِ to be omitted after محنظر, though يُحْنَظَرُ would be better:] its leaves are contracted; and it always appears as though it were dry and dusty, though growing: (TA:) its thorns are like those of the عَوْسَج: (K, TA:) and it has a fruit [called مَغْدٌ (L, K, art. مغد)] like small grapes, which is eaten, of a reddish colour: AHn says, that its smoke is white, of the colour of dust; and that poets therefore liken dust to it: and in one place he says, that it is a large tree, without leaves [properly so called], which has a trunk, and from which grow thick boughs, with many branches; its leaves [if such they may be called] being only shoots, which are eaten by the camels and sheep and goats: Aboo-Nasr says, that it is a tree having short thorns: not of the trees that grow on lofty mountains; frequented by chameleons: [see حِرْبَاءٌ, in art. حرب: and see an ex. in a verse cited voce سَاقٌ:] ISd thinks that it is thus called because of its little sap: AM says, that it is a large tree, from which are cut tentpoles: (TA:) and Ibn-Selemeh says, that it is a tree from which arrows are made. (S.) b2: نُوقٌ كَقِدَاحِ التَّنْضُبِ [She-camels like arrows made of the wood of the tendub]. (TA).

مُنَضِّبَةٌ: see نَاصِبٌ.



ى1 وَرَى

, aor. ـِ inf. n. وَرْىٌ [and وُرِىٌّ and رِيَةٌ, K]; and وَرِىَ, aor. ـِ and ↓ أَوْرَى; It (a زَنْد) produced its fire. (Msb.) b2: وَرِيَتْ بِكَ زِنَادِى, or وَرَتْ: see art. زند, and see وَقَدَ and زَهَرَ, and راى. b3: قَدْحٌ لَا يُورِى: see خَيَّابٌ.2 وَرَّى بِشَىْءٍ عَنْ شَىْءٍ

[He pretended, or made believe, a thing, instead of a thing which he meant: as is shown by the explanation of a trad. in the TA]. (S, art. عرض; save that the inf. n. is there mentioned instead of the pret.) b2: وَرَّى عَنْ كَذَا, inf. n. تَوْرِيَةٌ, He alluded to such a thing equivocally, or ambiguously: equivocated respecting it: he meant such a thing and pretended another. (M, K.) التورية is also called الإِيهَامُ and التَّوْجِيهُ and التَّخْيِيلُ: (Kull, p. 113:) and signifies The using a word, an expression, or a phrase, which has an obvious meaning, and intending thereby another meaning, to which it applies, but which is contrary to the obvious one. (Msb.) See مِعْرَاضٌ. b3: See 4.3 وَارَاهُ He hid it, concealed it, or covered it. (S, Msb, K, &c.) 4 أَوْرَى and ↓ وَرَّى and ↓ اِسْتَوْرَى He made his زند to produce fire. (S, K.) b2: See 1.10 إِسْتَوْرَىَ see 4.

وَرْىٌ Purulent matter in the interior of the body: or [an abscess; or] a severe ulcer that discharges purulent matter and blood. (M, K, TA.) وَرْيًا وَقُحَابًا: see قُحَابٌ.


: see رِئَةٌ, in art. رأى.

وَرَائِى كَذَا Behind me is such a thing, as though it were a burden upon my back. b2: مِنْ وَرَآءَ وَرَآءَ From behind a thing covering, or concealing. (TA.) b3: فُلَانٌ مِنْ وَرَآءِ فُلَانٍ

Such a one is an aider of such a one: or a follower. (Ham, p. 206.) b4: اَللّٰهُ مِنْ وَرَائِكَ God is seeking after thee, and watching, or lying in wait, for thee. (Ham, p. 206.) See also an ex. in the first paragraph of art. فتل.

النَّوْرَاةُ The Book of the Law revealed to Moses. (Bd, iii. 2; &c.)



أ1 نَهِئَ, aor. ـَ and نَهُؤَ, aor. ـُ (S, K;) and نَهُؤَ; (as in one copy of the S;) inf. n. نَهْءٌ (S, K) and نَهَأٌ (S) and نَهَآءَةء (S, K) and نُهُوْءَةٌ (K) and نُهُوْءٌ (S, K) and نَهَاوَةٌ, (the last dev. from rule); (K;) It (flesh-meat) was not, or did not become, thoroughly cooked. (S, K.) b2: مَا أُبَالِى مَا نَهِئَ مِنْ ضَبِّكَ وَلَا مَا نضِجَ [I care not what is insufficiently cooked, of thy ضَبّ, nor what is thoroughly cooked: i. e. I care not whether evil or good befall thee]. (S, * TA,) A proverb. (TA.) A2: شَرِبَ حَتَّى نَهَأَ, aor. ـَ He drank till he was full. (K, * TA.) 4 انهأ (S, K) inf. n. إِنْهَآءٌ, (S,) He insufficiently cooked flesh-meat. (S, K.) b2: He did a thing not firmly, not soundly, not thoroughly. (K.) نُهُوْءٌ The state of being not thoroughly cooked. (TA.) نَهِىْءٌ (S, K) and ↓ مُنْهَأٌ (S) Insufficiently cooked flesh-meat. (S, K.) نَاهِئٌ Satiated with food and with drink. (IAar.) مُنْهَأٌ: see نَهِىْءٌ.



أ1 نَكَأَ القَرْحَةَ. (S, K,) inf. n. نَكْءٌ, (S,) He peeled off the scab from the sore (S, K,) before it was healed, and it became moist in consequence. (K.) [See also نَكَى.]

A2: نَكَأَ العَدُوَّ, and فِى

العَدُوِّ, dial. form of نَكَى [q. v.] (K.) By some rejected. (TA) A3: نَكَأَهُ حَقَّهُ (like رَكَأهُ, TA), inf. n. نَكْءٌ, He paid him his due. (K.) b2: هُنِّئتَ وَلَا تُنْكأْ, (S,) and تُنْكَ, (TA,) and تُنْكهُ (S, for تُنْكَ or تُنْكأْ, TA), Mayest thou be made to have enjoyment in that which thou hast received, and not experience pain! (S) Mayest thou gain what is good, and may harm not befall thee! (T:) or, with the latter of the two verbs without نَكُاَ (تنك), may God not make thee discomfited (AHeyth, L.) [Accord. to AHeyth. as mentioned in the TA, the latter verb in this proverb is written تَنْكَهْ and تُنْكَهْ; but the right reading is doubtless تُنْكَ and تُنْكَهْ: this is shown by the explanation there following.]8 انتكأت القَرْحَةُ The scab peeled off from the sore before it was healed, and it became moist in consequence. (A, TA.) A2: انتكأ مِنْهُ حَقَّهُ (like ازدكأ, TA) He received from him his due. (K, TA.) نُكَأَةٌ and زُكَأَةٌ One who pays his debts, and does not put off. (K.) A2: نَكَأَةُ الطُّرْثُوثِ, and نُكَأَةُ, dial. form of نَكَعَة [q. v.]. (K.)



أ1 نَجَأَهُ, aor. ـَ (S, K,) inf. n. نَجْءٌ (so in the S: in the TA, نَجْأَةٌ: [but this I think a mistake:]); and ↓ انتجأه (Lh, K) and ↓ تنجّأه; (S, K;) He affected him, or it, by an evil, or a malignant, eye. (S, K.) 5 تَنَجَّاَand 8: see 1.

نَجُؤُ العَيْنِ, and نَجُوْءُ العين, and العين ↓ نَجِئُ, and نَجِىْءُ العين, Having an evil, or a malignant, eye; (Fr, S, K;) and powerfully affecting therewith. (K.) نَجِئٌ and نَجِىٌءٌ; and نَجُوْءٌ: see نَجُؤُ العَيْنِ.

نَجْأَةٌ An affecting with an evil, or a malignant, eye: (Ks:) force, or eagerness, of look: (Ks, IAth, S:) lust, or desire, or a hankering after a thing. (Ks, K.) Ex. رُدُّوا نَجْأَةَ السَّائِلِ بِاللُّقْمَةِ (S) Avert the beggar's evil eye; (Ks;) or the force, or eagerness, of his look at thy food, or at thee; (S;) or his lust; or accomplish his desire, and avert his eye from thy food, in compassion for him; (TA;) do this by giving him a morsel. (S.) b2: رُدَّ عَنْكَ نَجْأَةَ هٰذَا الشَّىْءِ Avert from thee the desire of this thing. (TA.)
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