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فيقا جاد بِنَفسِهِ عِنْد الْمَوْت
فلَان فواقا شهق شهقة عالية متكررة والناقة وَنَحْوهَا اجْتمعت الفيقة فِي ضرْعهَا بعد حلبها وَفُلَان بِنَفسِهِ عِنْد الْمَوْت مَاتَ وَالشَّيْء فوقا وفواقا علاهُ وَيُقَال فاق أَصْحَابه فَضلهمْ وَصَارَ خيرا مِنْهُم والسهم وضع فَوْقه فِي الْوتر ليرمى بِهِ وَكسر فَوْقه



الــفَاوَانِيَا i. q. عُودُ الصَّلِيبِ, [both of which appel-lations are now applied to The common peony, pæonia officinalis, and this is what is meant in what here follows,] i. e. the كهينا, [app. for كَهْيَانَا, which is a Pers\. word, meaning the plant above-mentioned,] a plant less than a cubit [in height], having a purple flower, not found except in the day of the sun's taking its abode in Libra; (TA;) [its root has, from ancient times, and in various countries, been held in high repute for medicinal properties; and various fancied virtues (some of which are supposed to be partly dependant upon particular aspects of the moon and certain stars, and several of which are mentioned in the TA,) are ascribed to it:] it is hot, attenuant, resolutive, diuretic, has the property of stopping hæmorrhage, and is beneficial as a remedy against the نِقْرِس [i. e. gout, or particularly podagra,] and epilepsy (الصَّرْع), even by its being suspended [on the patient]. (K.) [See also يَبْرُوحٌ, in art. برح.]

فَاعَل للدلالة على الموالاة

فَاعَل للدلالة على الموالاة

مثال: ذَاكَرَ دروسَه
الرأي: مرفوضة
السبب: لأن صيغة «فاعل» لا تدلُّ إلاّ على المشاركة.

الصواب والرتبة: -ذَاكَرَ دروسَه [فصيحة]
التعليق: (انظر: استعمال «فَاعَلَ» للدلالة على الموالاة).
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