Arabic-English Lexicon by Edward William Lane (d. 1876) المعجم العربي الإنجليزي لإدوارد وليام لين

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1 عُتِهَ, (Mgh, Msb, K, and so accord. to copies of the S,) inf. n. عَتَاهَةٌ and عَتَاهِيَةٌ, (Mgh, Msb,) [but see the former of these below,] and عَته [app. عَتْهٌ], (Mgh,) or عَتْهٌ and عُتْهٌ and عُتَاهٌ; (K;) and (Msb, TA) عَتِهَ, (Msb, TA, and so in one of my copies of the S in the place of عُتِهَ, and said in the TA to be mentioned by J,) on the authority of Akh, and also mentioned by IKtt, (TA,) inf. n. عَتَهٌ, (Msb, TA,) which is mentioned by A'Obeyd as of the inf. ns. from which no verbs are derived, (so in my copies of the S, in some copies of which this remark applies to تَعَتُّهٌ,) and عَتَاهٌ, with fet-h; (Msb;) He (a man, TA) was idiotic, or an idiot, i. e. deficient, or wanting, in intellect; (S, Mgh, Msb, K;) or one who had lost his intellect; (K;) or bereft of his intellect, or so in consequence of shame or fear &c., syn. دُهِشَ; (Mgh, Msb, K;) without diabolical possession, or madness: (Mgh, Msb:) or, accord. to IAar, عُتِهَ signifies he (a man) was, or became, possessed, or mad. (Ham p. 680.) [See also العَتَهُ, below.] b2: عُتِهَ فِى العِلْمِ He was, or became, addicted, attached, or devoted, to knowledge, or science, and vehemently desirous thereof. (K.) b3: And عُتِهَ فِى فُلَانٍ He was, or became, addicted to annoying such a one, and mimicking his speech. (K.) 5 تَعَتُّهٌ signifies The being, or becoming, or the feigning oneself, possessed, or mad; syn. تَجَنُّنٌ: and the being, or becoming, foolish, stupid, unsound in intellect, or deficient therein, and lax, or languid; syn. رُعُونَةٌ. (S, K.) [تَعَتَّةَ بِجَارِيَةٍ, occurring in this art. in the TA, app. means He was, or became, infatuated by love of a girl, or young woman.] b2: Also The feigning ignorance. (K.) b3: And The feigning oneself unmindful, or heedless. (K.) One says, هُوَ يَتَعَتَّهُ لَكَ عَنْ كَثِيرٍ

مِمَّا تَأْتِيهِ i. e. He feigns himself unmindful, or heedless, [to thee, of much that thou dost, or] of thee, in much that thou dost. (TA.) b4: And The affecting cleanliness, (K, TA,) and nicety, or refinement: (TA:) and the exceeding the usual bounds in dress and eating. (K, TA.) One says, تَعَتَّهَ فِى كَذَا He affected nicety, or refinement, and exceeded the usual bounds, in such a thing. (TA.) عَتَهٌ [see 1, first sentence, where it is mentioned as an inf. n.]. العَتَهُ is An evil affection, of essential origin, necessarily occasioning unsoundness in the intellect; so that the person affected therewith becomes confused in intellect; and therefore some of his speech resembles that of the intelligent; and some, that of the possessed, or mad: it differs from السَّفَهُ; for this does not resemble possession, or madness. (KT.) عُتَهٌ and ↓ عُتَهِىٌّ (so in the TA as from the K [but not found by me in the latter]) and ↓ عُنْتُهٌ and ↓ عُنْتُهِىٌّ (so too in the TA, but not as from the K, [though I find these two words without the two preceding in the copies of the K that I have been able to consult,]) A man who greatly exceeds the usual bounds in an affair. (K, TA.) عُتَهِىٌّ: see what next precedes. b2: It is also a subst. from التَّعَتُّهُ, of the measure فُعَلِىٌّ: thus in the saying of Ru-beh [which is cited in the Ham p. 680], فِى عُتَهِىِّ اللُّبْسِ وَالتَّقَيُّنِ [In affecting cleanliness, or nicety, or refinement, or in exceeding the usual bounds, in dress; and in self-adornment]. (TA.) عَتِيهٌ: see عَاتِهٌ.

عَتَاهَةٌ a subst. from عُتِهَ [app. in all its senses; i. e., meaning Idiocy; &c.; though it might be supposed, from the manner in which it is mentioned, to be a subst. from عُتِهَ in the last only of the senses above assigned to it]; (K, TA;) as also ↓ عَتَاهِيَةٌ: (TA:) or each is an inf. n. of that verb [q. v.]. (Mgh, Msb.) b2: See also the next paragraph.

عَتَاهِيَةٌ: see عَتَاهَةٌ. b2: Also Foolish, or stupid: and so ↓ عُتَاهِيَةٌ; (Akh, S, K, TA;) applied to a man. (TA.) b3: And, in a pl. sense, The erring of mankind; and so ↓ عَتَاهَةٌ; (K, TA;) which latter signifies also, in a pl. sense, foolish, or stupid. (TA.) عُتَاهِيَةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

عَاتِهٌ A man addicted to annoying another, and mimicking his speech; (K, TA;) as also ↓ عَتِيهٌ: (TA:) pl. [accord. to analogy, of the latter, but mentioned in the K as of the former,] عُتَهَآءُ. (K, TA.) عُنْتُهٌ and see عُتَهٌ.

عُنْتُهِىٌّ: see عُتَهٌ.

مُعَتَّهٌ Intelligent, and symmetrical in make: and also possessed, or mad, and incongruous in make: thus having two contr. significations. (K, TA.) مَعْتُوهٌ Idiotic, or an idiot, i. e. deficient, or wanting, in intellect; (S, Mgh, Msb, K;) or one who has lost his intellect; (K;) or bereft of his intellect, or so in consequence of shame or fear &c.; (Mgh, Msb, K;) without diabolical possession, or madness: (Mgh, Msb:) also expl. as signifying possessed, or mad; smitten, or afflicted, in his intellect. (TA.) عتو and عتى 1 عَتَا, aor. ـْ inf. n. عُتُوٌّ (S, Msb, K) and عُتِىٌّ and عِتِىٌّ, (S, K,) of which عُتُوٌّ is the original form, one [i. e. the second] of the two dammehs being changed into a kesreh and therefore the و into ى and then the other dammeh being assimilated to the kesreh, (S, TA,) He behaved proudly, (Msb, K,) and was immoderate, inordinate, or exorbitant: (K:) he was excessively, immoderately, or inordinately, proud or corrupt or unbelieving: (AO, TA; and so in a copy of the S as on the authority of A'Obeyd:) or he revolted, recoiled, or was averse, from obedience: (Er-Rághib, TA:) and ↓ تَعَتَّيْتُ signifies the same as عَتَوْتُ; (S, K;) or I [disobeyed, or] did not obey; (TA;) and so does عَتَيْتُ; (K, accord. to some copies; but in some, عَتِيتُ;) or, accord. to J and others, one should not say عَتَيْتُ. (TA.) It is said in the Kur [li. 44], فَعَتَوْا عَنْ

أَمْرِ رَبِّهِمْ (TA) i. e. But they turned with disdain from obeying the command of their Lord. (Bd, Jel.) b2: [Hence,] عَتَتِ الرِّيحُ (assumed tropical:) The wind blew immoderately. (IKtt, TA.) b3: And عَتَا said of and old man, (S, Msb, K, [but in my copy of the Msb الشى is put for الشيخ,]) aor. ـْ (S, Msb,) inf. n. عُتُوٌّ (S, Msb) and عِتِىٌّ, (S,) or عُتِىٌّ and عَتِىٌّ, with damm and also with fet-h, (K,) He became advanced in age, and in a declining state: (S, Msb, * K:) [or he became dried up; as is shown by what here follows.] It is said in the Kur [xix. 9], accord. to one reading, وَقَدْ بَلَغْتُ مِنَ الْكِبَرِ عُتِيًّا, (TA,) from عَتَا It became dried up; (Ksh, * Jel;) said of wood, or a branch; as also عَسَا: (Ksh:) the meaning here being, [And I have reached] the extreme degree of old age: (Jel:) or dryness, and hardness, or rigidness, in the joints and the bones; like the dry wood or branch. (Ksh.) 5 تَ1َ2َّ3َ see the preceding paragraph.

عَتِىٌّ: see عَاتٍ.

عَتَّى a dial. var. of حَتَّى, (S, K,) of the dial. of Hudheyl and Thakeef. (S.) عَاتٍ part. n. of 1; (S, Msb, K;) Proud, (Msb, K,) and immoderate, inordinate, or exorbitant: (K:) excessively, immoderately, or inordinately, proud (Mgh) [or corrupt or unbelieving: or revolting, recoiling, or averse, from obedience: (see 1:)] i. q. جَبَّارٌ: (Mgh, TA:) and ↓ عَتِىٌّ signifies the same: (K:) pl. عُتِىٌّ, (S, Msb, K,) originally [عُتُوٌّ,] of the measure فُعُولٌ, (Msb,) the [former] و being changed into ى, agreeably with a rule which, Mohammad Ibn-Es-Seree says, should be observed in a word of this [class and] measure when it is a pl., though not [generally] when it is an inf. n., (S, TA,) or this is pl. of عَتِىٌّ, and the pl. of عَاتٍ is عُتَاةٌ. (TA.) [See also أَعْتَآءٌ, below.] b2: Also Advanced [and declining] in age: [or dried up: (see 1, last sentence but one:)] pl. عُتِىٌّ. (Msb.) b3: and لَيْلٌ عاتى [a mistranscription, the latter word being correctly عَاتٍ,] A night intensely dark. (TA.) أَعْتَى Most [and more] excessive, immoderate, or inordinate, in pride [&c.: see عَاتٍ]. (Mgh.) أَعْتَآءٌ [a pl., app. of عَاتٍ, like as أَصْحَابٌ is of صَاحِبٌ,] applied to men as meaning دُعَّارٌ [i. e. Who act corruptly, or vitiously; who transgress the command of God; or who commit adultery or fornication; &c.]. (ISd, K, TA.)



1 عَلِمَهُ, aor. ـَ inf. n. عِلْمٌ, He knew it; or he was, or became, acquainted with it; syn. عَرَفَهُ: (S, K:) or he knew it (عَرَفَهُ) truly, or certainly: (B, TA:) by what is said above, and by what is afterwards said in the K, العِلْمُ and المَعْرِفَةُ and الشُّعُورُ are made to have one meaning; and this is nearly what is said by most of the lexicologists: but most of the critics discriminate every one of these from the others; and العِلْمُ, accord. to them, denotes the highest quality, because it is that which they allow to be an attribute of God; whereas they did not say [that He is] عَارِفٌ, in the most correct language, nor شَاعِرٌ: (TA:) [respecting other differences between العِلْم and المَعْرِفَة, the former of which is more general in signification than the latter, see the first paragraph of art. عرف: much might be added to what is there stated on that subject, and in explanation of العِلْم, from the TA, but not without controversy:] or عَلِمَ signifies تَيَقَّنَ [i. e. he knew a thing, intuitively, and inferentially, as expl. in the Msb in art. يقن]; العِلْمُ being syn. with اليَقِينُ; but it occurs with the meaning of الَمَعْرِفَةُ, like as المَعْرِفَةُ occurs with the meaning of العلْمُ, each being made to import the meaning of the other because each is preceded by ignorance [when not attributed to God]: Zuheyr says, [in his Mo'allakah,] وَأَعْلَمُ عِلْمَ اليَوْمِ وَالْأَمْسِ قَبْلَهُ وَلٰكِنِّنِى عَنْ عِلْمِ مَا فِى غَدٍ عَمِ meaning وَأَعْرِفُ [i. e. And I know the knowledge of the present day, and of yesterday before it; but to the knowledge of what will be to-morrow I am blind]: and it is said in the Kur [viii. 62], لَا تَعْلَمُونَهُمْ اَللّٰهُ يَعْلَمُهُمْ, meaning لَا تَعْرِفُونَهُمْ اَللّٰهُ يَعْرِفُهُمْ [i. e. Ye know them not, but God knoweth them]; المَعْرِفَة being attributed to God because it is one of the two kinds of عِلْم, [the intuitive and the inferential,] and the discrimination between them is conventional, on account of their different dependencies, though He is declared to be free from the imputation of antecedent ignorance and from acquisition [of knowledge], for He knows what has been and what will be and how that which will not be would be if it were, his عِلْم being an eternal and essential attribute: when عَلِمَ denotes اليَقِين, it [sometimes] has two objective complements; but as syn. with عَرَفَ, it has a single objective complement: (Msb:) it has two objective complements in the saying, in the Kur [lx. 10], فَإِنْ عَلِمْتُمُوهُنَّ مُؤْمِنَاتٍ [and if ye know them to be believers]; and [in like manner] they allowed one's saying عَلِمْتُنِى [meaning I knew myself to be], like as they said رَأَيْتُنِى and حَسِبْتُنِى &c.: (TA:) and sometimes it imports the meaning of شَعَرَ, and is therefore followed by بِ: (Msb:) [thus] عَلِمَ بِهِ signifies شَعَرَ or شَعُرَ (accord. to different copies of the K) [i. e. He knew it; as meaning he knew, or had knowledge, of it; was cognizant of it; or understood it: or he knew the minute particulars of it: or he perceived it by means of any of the senses: and sometimes this means he became informed, or apprised, of it: and sometimes, he was, or became, knowing in it]: or in this case, [as meaning شَعَرْتُ بِهِ,] you say, عَلِمْتُهُ and عَلِمْتُ بِهِ [I knew it; &c.]: (Msb:) and one says, مَا عَلِمْتُ بِخَبَرِ قُدُومِهِ, meaning مَا شَعَرْتُ [I knew not, &c., the tidings of his coming, or arrival]. (TA.) ↓ اعتلمهُ, also, signifies عَلِمَهُ [He knew it; &c.]. (K.) And one says ↓ تَعَلَّمْ in the place of اِعْلَمْ [Know thou; &c.]: ISk says, تَعَلَّمْتُ أَنَّ فُلَانًا خَارِجٌ is a phrase used in the place of عَلِمْتُ [as meaning I knew, or, emphatically, I know, that such a one was, or is, going forth]; adding, [however,] when it is said to thee, اِعْلَمْ أَنَّ زَيْدًا خَارِجٌ [Know thou that Zeyd is going forth], thou sayest قَدْ عَلِمْتُ [lit. I have known, meaning I do know]; but when it is said, تَعَلَّمْ أَنَّ زَيْدًا خَارِجٌ, thou dost not say, قَدْ تَعَلَّمْتُ; (S:) accord. to IB, these two verbs are not used as syn. except in the imperative forms: (TA:) [or] عَلِمَ الأَمْرَ and ↓ تَعَلَّمَهُ are syn. as signifying أَتْقَنَهُ [app. meaning he knew, or learned, the case, or affair, soundly, thoroughly, or well: see art. تقن: but I think it not improbable, though I do not find it in any copy of the K, that the right reading may be أَيْقَنَهُ, which is syn. with تَيَقَّنَهُ; an explanation of عَلِمَ in the Msb, as mentioned above, being تَيَقَّنَ]. (K, TA.) And الجَمِيعُ ↓ تعالمهُ meansعَلِمُوهُ [i. e. All knew him; &c.]. (S, K.) b2: عَلِمْتُ عِلْمَهُ [lit. I knew his knowledge, or what he knew, app. meaning I tried, proved, or tested, him, and so knew what he knew; and hence I knew his case or state or condition, or his qualities;] is a phrase mentioned by Fr in explanation of رَبَأْتُ فِيهِ. (TA voce رَبَأَ, q. v. See also the explanation of لَأَ خْبُرَنَّ خَبَرَكَ, in the first paragraph of art. خبر: and see غَبَنُوا خَبَرَهَا, in art. غبن.) b3: عَلِمْتُ is also used in the manner of a verb signifying swearing, or asseveration, so as to have a similar complement; as in the saying, وَلَقَدْ عَلِمْتُ لَتَأْتِيَنَّ عَشِيَّةً

[And I certainly knew that thou wouldst, or that she would, assuredly come in the evening]. (TA in art. شهد.) And يَعْلَمُ اللّٰهُ [God knoweth] is a form of asseveration. (IAth, TA voce قَيْرَوَانٌ: see an ex. in art. قير.) A2: عَلُمَ, agreeably with what is said in the M, which is عَلُمَ هُوَ نَفْسُهُ, accord. to the K عَلِمَ هُوَ فِى نَفْسِهِ, but the verb in this case is correctly like كَرُمَ, (TA,) He was, or became, such as is termed عَالِم and عَلِيم; (M, * K, * TA;) meaning he possessed knowledge (العِلْم) as a faculty firmly rooted in his mind: (IJ, * TA:) accord. to IB, i. q. ↓ تعلّم [q. v., as intrans.]: and he was, or became, equal to the عُلَمَآء

[pl. of عَالِمٌ and of عَلِيمٌ]. (TA.) A3: عَالَمَهُ فَعَلَمَهُ, aor. ـُ see 3.

A4: عَلَمَهُ, aor. ـُ and عَلِمَ, (K,) inf. n. عَلْمٌ, (TA.) signifies He marked it; syn. وَسَمَهُ. (K.) And one says, عَلَمْتُ عِمَّتِى, meaning I wound my turban upon my head with a mark whereby its mode should be known. (TA.) [See also 4.]

A5: عَلَمَ شَفَتَهُ, aor. ـِ (S, K,) inf. n. عَلْمٌ, (S,) He slit his [upper] lip. (S, K.) A6: عَلِمَ, aor. ـَ (S, Msb, K,) inf. n. عَلَمٌ, (S, Msb,) He (a man, S) had a fissure in his upper lip: (S, Msb, K:) or in one of its two sides. (K.) 2 علّمهُ [He, or it, made him to be such as is termed عَالِم and عَلِيم; i. e., made him to possess knowledge (العِلْم) as a faculty firmly rooted in his mind: and hence, he taught him. And it generally has a second objective complement]. You say, عَلَّمْتُهُ الشَّىْءَ [I made him to know, or taught him, the thing], in which case the teshdeed is [said to be] not for the purpose of denoting muchness [of the action; but see what follows]; (S;) and عَلَّمْتُهُ الفَاتِحَةَ [I taught him the Opening Chapter of the Kur-án], and الصَّنْعَةَ [the art, or craft], &c.; inf. n. تَعْلِيمٌ; (Msb;) and علّمهُ العِلْمَ, inf. n. تَعْلِيمٌ and عِلَّامٌ, the latter like كِذَّابٌ; and إِيَّاهُ ↓ اعلمهُ; (K;) both, accord. to the K, signifying the same [i. e. he taught him knowledge, or science]; but Sb makes a distinction between them, saying that عَلَّمْتُ is like أَذَّنْتُ, and that ↓ أَعْلَمْتُ is like آذَنْتُ; and Er-Rághib says that ↓ الإِعْلَامُ is particularly applied to quick information; and التَّعْلِيمُ is particularly applied to that which is repeated and much, so that an impression is produced thereby upon the mind of the مُتَعَلِّم: and some say that the latter is the exciting the attention of the mind to the conception of meanings; and sometimes it is used in the sense of الإِعْلَام when there is in it muchness: (TA:) you say, الخَبَرَ ↓ أَعْلَمْتُهُ and بِالخْبَرِ [meaning I made known, or notified, or announced, to him, or I told him, or I made him to know, or have knowledge of, the news, or piece of information; I acquainted him with it; told, informed, apprised, advertised, or certified, him of it; gave him information, intelligence, notice, or advice, of it]: (Msb:) see also 10: [hence the inf. n. ↓ إِعْلَامٌ is often used, as a simple subst., to signify a notification, a notice, an announcement, or an advertisement:] and sometimes ↓ اعلم has three objective complements, like أَرَى; as in the saying, أَعْلَمْتُ زَيْدًا عَمْرًا مُنْطَلِقًا [I made known, &c., to Zeyd that 'Amr was going away]. (I'Ak p. 117.) b2: See also 4, in three places.3 عَاْلَمَ ↓ عَالَمَهُ فَعَلَمَهُ, aor. of the latter عَلُمَ, means [I contended with him, or strove to surpass him, in عِلْم,] and I surpassed him in عِلْم [i. e. knowledge, &c.]: (S, K:) [the measure يَفْعَلُ,] and in like manner the measure يَفْعِلُ, in every case of this kind, is changed into يَفْعُلُ: so says Az: [but see 3 in art. خصم:] and Lh mentions the phrase, مَا كُنْتُ أَرَانِى أَنْ أَعْلُمَهُ [I did not think, or know, that I should surpass him in knowledge]. (TA.) 4 أَعْلَمَ see 2, in six places. b2: One says also, اعلم الثَّوْبَ (S, Mgh, TA) He (i. e. a beater and washer and whitener of clothes, S, Mgh) made the garment, or piece of cloth, to have a mark; (Mgh;) or he made upon it, or in it, a mark. (TA.) [And, said of a weaver, or an embroiderer,] He made to the garment, or piece of cloth, a border, or borders, of figured, or variegated, or embroidered, work, or the like. (Msb.) b3: and اعلم عَلَيْهِ He made, or put, or set, a mark upon it; namely, a writing, or book, &c.: (Msb:) [or] اعلم عَلَى مَوْضِعِ كَذَا مِنَ الكِتَابِ عَلَامَةً [He made, &c., a mark upon such a place of the writing, or book]. (TA.) b4: اعلم الفَرَسَ He suspended upon the horse some coloured wool, (K, TA,) red, or white, (TA,) in war, or battle. (K, TA.) And اعلم نَفْسَهُ He marked himself with the mark, sign, token, or badge, of war; as also ↓ عَلَّمَهَا. (K.) [Or] اعلم الفَارِسُ The horseman made, or appointed, for himself, [or distinguished himself by,] the mark, sign, token, or badge, of the men of courage. (S.) And لَهُ عَلَامَةً ↓ عَلَّمْتُ I appointed to him (وَضَعْتُ لَهُ) a mark, sign, or token, which he would, or should, know. (Msb.) b5: And القَبْرَ ↓ علّم (K in art. رجم) He put a tombstone [as a mark] to the grave. (TK in that art.) A2: اعلم said of a well-sinker, He found the well that he was digging to be one having much water. (TA.) 5 تعلّم is quasi-pass. of 2 [i. e. it signifies He was, or became, made to know, or taught; or he learned: and is trans. and intrans.]. (S, Msb, K, * TA.) You say, تعلّم العِلْمَ (MA, K) He learned [knowledge, or science]. (MA.) See also 1, latter half, in three places. [In the last of those places, تعلّم app. signifies, as it often does, He possessed knowledge as a faculty firmly rooted in his mind.] Accord. to some, التَّعَلُّمُ signifies The mind's having its attention excited to the conception of meanings, or ideas. (TA.) 6 تعالمهُ الجَمِيعُ: see 1, latter half.8 اعتلمهُ: see 1, latter half.

A2: اعتلم said of water, It flowed (K, TA) upon the ground. (TA.) b2: And said of lightning it means لَمَعَ فى العلم [app. فِى العَلَمِ, and, if so, meaning It shone, shone brightly, or gleamed, in, or upon, the long mountain]: a poet says, بَلْ بُرَيْقًا بِتُّ أَرْقُبُهُ لَا يُرَى إِلَّا إِذَا اعْتَلَمَا [But a little lightning, in watching which I passed the night, not to be seen save when it shone, &c.]. (TA.) 10 استعلمهُ He asked, or desired, him to tell him [a thing; or to make it known to him]. (MA, KL. *) You say, ↓ اِسْتَعْلَمَنِى الخَبَرَ فَأَعْلَمْتُهُ

إِيَّاهُ [He asked, or desired, me to tell him, or make known to him, the news, or piece of information, and I told him it, or made it known to him]. (S.) عَلْمٌ: see مَعْلَمٌ, in two places.

عِلْمٌ is an inf. n., (S, K, &c.,) and [as such] has no pl. [in the classical language]. (Sb, TA voce فِكْرٌ.) [As a post-classical term, used as a simple subst., its pl. is عُلُومٌ, signifying The sciences, or several species of knowledge.] b2: Sometimes it is applied to Predominant opinion; [i. e. preponderant belief;] because it stands in stead of that which is عِلْم properly so termed. (Ham p. 632.) b3: And sometimes it is used in the sense of عَمَلٌ [A doing, &c.], as mentioned by Az, on the authority of Ibn-'Oyeyneh, agreeably with an explanation of عَالِمٌ as signifying one “ who does according to his knowledge; ” and it has been expl. as having this meaning in the Kur xii. 68 [where the primary meaning seems to be much more apposite]. (TA.) b4: لَقِيتُهُ أَدْنَى عِلْمٍ means [I met him the first thing, like لقيته أَدْنَى

دَنِّىِ and أَدْنَى دَنًا; or] before everything [else]. (TA.) عَلَمٌ: see عَلَامَةٌ. b2: Also An impression, or impress; or a footstep, or track, or trace. (TA.) b3: And The عَلَم of a garment, or piece of cloth; (S;) [i. e. the ornamental, or figured, or variegated, border or borders thereof;] the figured, or variegated, or embroidered, work or decoration, (Msb, K, TA,) in the borders, (TA,) thereof: (Msb, K, TA:) pl. أَعْلَامٌ. (Msb.) b4: And [A way-mark; i. e.] a thing set up, or erected, in the way, (K, TA,) or, as in the M, in the deserts, or waterless deserts, (TA,) for guidance, (K, TA,) in the M, for the guidance of those going astray; (TA;) as also ↓ عَلَامَةٌ: (K:) the former is also applied to a building raised in the beaten track of the road, of such as are places of alighting for travellers, whereby one is guided to the land [that is the object of a journey]: pl. أَعْلَامٌ: and عَلَمٌ also signifies a مَنَارَة [app. a mistranscription for مَنَار, without ة: see these two words]. (TA. [See also مَعْلَمٌ.]) [Hence, أَعْلَامُ الكَوَاكِبِ The stars, or asterisms, that are signs of the way to travellers: see مِصْبَاحٌ.] b5: And A separation between two lands; [like مَنَارٌ;] as also ↓ عَلَامَةٌ. (K.) [Hence,] أَعْلَامُ الحَرَمِ The limits that are set to the Sacred Territory. (TA.) b6: And A mountain; (S, K;) as a general term: or a long mountain: (K:) [app. as forming a separation: or as being a known sign of the way:] pl. أَعْلَامٌ and عِلَامٌ: (K:) the former pl. occurring in the Kur [xlii. 31 and] lv. 24. (TA.) b7: And A banner, or standard, syn. رَايَةٌ, (S, K, TA,) to which the soldiers congregate: (TA:) and, (K,) some say, (TA,) the thing [i. e. flag, or strip of cloth,] that is tied upon the spear: (K, TA:) it occurs in a verse of Aboo-Sakhr El-Hudhalee with the second fet-hah lengthened by an alif after it [so that it becomes ↓ عَلَام]. (IJ, TA.) b8: And (tropical:) The chief of a people or party: (K, TA:) from the same word as signifying “ a mountain ” or “ a banner: ” (TA:) pl. أَعْلَامٌ. (K.) b9: [In grammar, it signifies A proper name of a person or place &c. b10: And the pl. أَعْلَامٌ is applied to Things pertaining to rites and ceremonies of the pilgrimage or the like, as being signs thereof; such as the places where such rites and ceremonies are performed, the beasts destined for sacrifice, and the various practices performed during the pilgrimage &c.; as also مَعَالِمُ, pl. of ↓ مَعْلَمٌ: the former word is applied to such places in the Ksh and Bd and the Jel in ii. 153; and the latter, in the Ksh and Bd in ii. 194: the former is also applied to the beasts destined for sacrifice in the Ksh and Bd and the Jel in xxii. 37; and the latter, in the Ksh and Bd in xxii. 33: and both are applied to the practices above mentioned, the former in the TA and the latter in the K, in art. شعر: see شِعَارٌ.]

A2: See also what next follows.

عُلْمَةٌ and ↓ عَلَمَةٌ and ↓ عَلَمٌ [the last of which is originally an inf. n., see 1, last sentence,] A fissure in the upper lip, or in one of its two sides. (K.) عَلَمَةٌ: see what next precedes.

عَلْمَآءُ fem. of أَعْلَمُ [q. v.].

عَلْمَآءِ in the saying عَلْمَآءِ بَنُو فُلَانٍ [meaning At the water are the sons of such a one] is a contraction of عَلَى المَآءِ. (S.) عِلْمِىٌّ Of, or relating to, knowledge or science; scientific; theoretical; opposed to عَمَلِىٌّ.]

عَلَمِيَّةٌ, in grammar, The quality of a proper name.]

عَلَامٌ: see عَلَامَةٌ: b2: and see also عَلَمٌ.

A2: [عَلَامَ is for عَلَى مَ.]

عُلَامٌ: see عُلَّامٌ.

A2: Also i. q. غُلَامٌ [q. v.]: an instance of the substitution of ع for غ. (MF and TA on the letter ع.) عَلِيمٌ: see عَالِمٌ. b2: العَلِيمُ and ↓ العَالِمُ and ↓ العَلَّامُ, as epithets applied to God, signify [The Omniscient;] He who knows what has been and what will be; who ever has known, and ever will know, what has been and what will be; from whom nothing is concealed in the earth nor in the heaven; whose knowledge comprehends all things, the covert thereof and the overt, the small thereof and the great, in the most complete manner. (TA.) عَلَامَةٌ i. q. سِمَةٌ [A mark, sign, or token, by which a person or thing is known; a cognizance, or badge; a characteristic; an indication; a symptom]; (K; [see also مَعْلَمٌ;]) and ↓ عَلَمٌ is syn. therewith [as meaning thus]; (S, Msb, TA;) and so ↓ أُعْلُومَةٌ, (Abu-l-'Omeythil ElAarábee, TA,) as in the saying ↓ بَيْنَ القَوْمِ أُعْلُومَةٌ [Among the people, or party, is a mark, sign, or token]; and the pl. of this last is أَعَالِيمُ: (TA:) the pl. of عَلَامَةٌ is عَلَامَاتٌ (Msb) and [the coll. gen. n.] ↓ عَلَامٌ, (K, TA,) differing from عَلَامَةٌ only by the apocopating of the ة. (TA.) b2: See also عَلَمٌ, in two places.

عُلَامِىٌّ Light, or active; and sharp, or acute, in mind; (K, TA;) applied to a man: it is without teshdeed, and with the relative ى; from عُلَامٌ [signifying “ a hawk ”]. (TA.) عَلَّامٌ and ↓ عُلَّامٌ, (K, TA,) both mentioned by ISd, the latter [which is less used] from Lh, (TA,) and ↓ عَلَّامَةٌ (S, K) and ↓ تِعْلِمَةٌ and ↓ تِعْلَامَةٌ, (K,) Very knowing or scientific or learned: (S, K:) the ة in ↓ عَلَّامَةٌ is added to denote intensiveness; (S;) or [rather] to denote that the person to whom it is applied has attained the utmost degree of the quality signified thereby; [so that it means knowing &c. in the utmost degree; or it may be rendered very very, or singularly, knowing or scientific or learned;] and this epithet is applied also to a woman: (IJ, TA:) [↓ تِعْلَامَةٌ, likewise, is doubly intensive; and so, app., is ↓ تِعْلِمَةٌ:] the pl. of عَلَّامٌ is عَلَّامُونَ; and that of ↓ عُلَّامٌ is عُلَّامُونَ. (TA.) See also, for the first, عَلِيمٌ. b2: Also the same epithets, (K,) or عَلَّامٌ and ↓ عَلَّامَةٌ, (TA,) i. q. نَسَّابَةٌ; (K, TA;) [or rather عَلَّامٌ signifies نَسَّابٌ, i. e. very skilful in genealogies, or a great genealogist; and ↓ عَلَّامَةٌ signifies نَسَّابَةٌ, i. e. possessing the utmost knowledge in genealogies, or a most skilful genealogist;] from العِلْمُ. (TA.) عُلَّامٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, in two places. b2: Also, and ↓ عُلَامٌ, The صَقْر [or hawk]; (K;) the latter on the authority of IAar: (TA:) and [particularly] the بَاشَق [i. e. the musket, or sparrow-hawk]; (K;) as some say: (TA:) or so the former word, (T, * S, TA,) or the latter word accord. to Kr and IB. (TA.) b3: And the former word, The [plant called] حِنَّآء

[i. e. Lawsonia inermis]: (IAar, S, K, TA:) thus correctly, but mentioned by Kr as without tesh-deed. (TA.) b4: And the same, i. e. with tesh-deed, The kernel of the stone of the نَبِق [or fruit, i. e. drupe, of the lote-tree called سِدْر]. (TA.) عَلَّامَةٌ: see عَلَّامٌ, in four places.

عُلَّامَةٌ: see مَعْلَمٌ.

العَالَمُ, (S, Msb, K, &c.,) said by some to be also pronounced ↓ العَالِمُ, (MF, TA,) and pronounced by El-Hajjáj with hemz [i. e. العَأْلَمُ], is primarily a name for That by means of which one knows [a thing]; like as الخَاتَمُ is a name for “ that by means of which one seals ” [a thing]: accord. to some of the expositors of the Kur-án, its predominant application is to that by means of which the Creator is known: then to the intelligent beings of mankind and of the jinn or genii: or to mankind and the jinn and the angels: and mankind [alone]: Es-Seyyid Esh-Shereef [El-Jurjánee] adopts the opinion that it is applied to every kind [of these, so that one says عَالَمُ الإِنْسِ (which may be rendered the world of mankind) and عَالَمُ الجِنِّ (the world of the jinn or genii) and عَالَمُ المَلَائِكَةِ (the world of the angels), all of which phrases are of frequent occurrence], and to the kinds [thereof] collectively: (TA:) or it signifies الخَلْقُ [i. e. the creation, as meaning the beings, or things, that are created], (S, Msb, K,) altogether [i. e. all the created beings or things, or all creatures]: (K:) or, as some say, peculiarly, the intelligent creatures: (Msb:) or what the cavity (lit. belly) of the celestial sphere comprises, (K, TA,) of substances and accidents: (TA:) [it may often be rendered the world, as meaning the universe; and as meaning the earth with all its inhabitants and other appertenances; and in more restricted senses, as instanced above: and one says عَالَمُ الحَيَوَانِ meaning the animal kingdom, and عَالَمُ النَّبَات the vegetable kingdom, and عَالَمُ المَعَادِنِ the mineral kingdom:] Jaafar Es-Sádik says that the عَالَم is twofold: namely, العَالَمُ الكَبِيرُ, which is the celestial sphere with what is within it; and العَالَمُ الصَّغِيرُ, which is man, as being [a microcosm, i. e.] an epitome of all that is in the كَبِير: and Zj says that العَالَمُ has no literal sing., because it is [significant of] a plurality [of classes] of diverse things; and if made a sing. of one of them, it is [significant of] a plurality of congruous things: (TA:) the pl. is العَالَمُونَ (S, M, Msb, K, &c.) and العَوَالِمُ: (S, TA:) and the sing. is [said to be] the only instance of a word of the measure فَاعَلٌ having a pl. formed with و and ن, (ISd, K, TA,) except يَاسَمٌ: (K, TA:) [but see this latter word:] العَالَمُونَ signifies the [several] sorts of created beings or things: (S:) [or all the sorts thereof: or the beings of the universe, or of the whole world:] it has this form because it includes mankind: or because it denotes particularly the sorts of created beings consisting of the angels and the jinn and mankind, exclusively of others: I'Ab is related to have explained رَبُّ العَالَمِينَ as meaning the Lord of the jinn, or genii, and of mankind: Katádeh says, the Lord of all the created beings: but accord. to Az, the correctness of the explanation of I'Ab is shown by the saying in the beginning of ch. xxv. of the Kur-án that the Prophet was to be a نَذِير [or warner] لِلْعَالَمِينَ; and he was not a نذير to the beasts, nor to the angels, though all of them are the creatures of God; but only to the jinn, or genii, and mankind. (TA.) b2: عَالَمٌ is also syn. with قَرْنٌ [as meaning A generation of mankind; or the people of one time]. (O, voce طَبَقٌ, q. v.) عَالِمٌ and ↓ عَلِيمٌ signify the same, (IJ, Msb, K, *) as epithets applied to a man; (K;) i. e. Possessing the attribute of عِلْم (IJ, Msb, TA) as a faculty firmly rooted in the mind; [or learned; or versed in science and literature;] the former being used in [what is more properly] the sense of the latter; (IJ, TA;) which is an intensive epithet: (TA:) the pl. is عُلَمَآءُ and عُلَّامٌ, (K,) the latter of which is pl. of عَالِمٌ; (IB, TA;) the former being [properly] pl. of عَلِيمٌ; and عَالِمُونَ is [a] pl. of عَالِمٌ; (Msb;) [but] عُلَمَآءُ is used as a pl. of both, (IJ, TA,) and by him who says only عَالِمٌ [as the sing.], (Sb, TA;) because عَالِمٌ is used in the sense of عَلِيمٌ: to him who is entering upon the study of العِلْم, the epithet ↓ مُتَعَلِّمٌ [which may generally be rendered learning, or a learner,] is applied; not عَالِمٌ. (IJ, TA.) عَالِمٌ is also expl. as signifying One who does according to his knowledge. (TA.) b2: See also عَلِيمٌ: and أَعْلَمُ.

A2: And see العَالَمُ.

عَيْلَمٌ A well having much water: (S, K:) or of which the water is salt: (K:) and a wide well: and sometimes a man was reviled by the saying, يَا ابْنَ العَيْلَمِ, referring to the width of his mother [in respect of the فَرْج]: (TA:) pl. عَيَالِمُ or عَيَالِيمُ. (S, accord. to different copies: in the TA, in this instance, the latter.) b2: And The sea: (S, K:) pl. عَيَالِمُ. (TA.) b3: And The water upon which is the earth: (S, K:) or water concealed, or covered, in the earth; or beneath layers, or strata, of earth; mentioned by Kr: (TA:) [عَيْلَمُ المَآءِ occurs in the JK and TA in art. خسف, and is there plainly shown to mean the water that is beneath a mountain, or stratum of rock: (see also غَيِّثٌ: and see غَيْلَمٌ:) and it is said that] المَأءُ العَيْلَمُ means copious water. (Ham p. 750.) b4: And A large cooking-pot. (T, TA voce هِلْجَابٌ.) A2: Also Plump, and soft, tender, or delicate. (S, K.) A3: And The frog. (AAF, K. [This meaning is also assigned to غَيْلَمٌ.]) b2: And i. q. ↓ عَيْلَامٌ; (K;) which signifies A male hyena; (S, K;) occurring in a trad. (خَبَر) respecting Abraham, relating that he will take up his father to pass with him the [bridge called] صِرَاط, and will look at him, and lo, he will be عَيْلَامٌ أَمْدَرُ [a male hyena inflated in the sides, big in the belly, or having his sides defiled with earth or dust]. (TA.) عَيْلَامٌ: see the next preceding sentence.

أَعْلَمُ [More, and most, knowing or learned]. Applied to God, [it may often be rendered Supreme in knowledge: or omniscient: but often, in this case,] it means [simply] ↓ عَالِمٌ [in the sense of knowing, or cognizant]. (Jel in iii. 31, and I'Ak p. 240.) [Therefore اَللّٰهُ أَعْلَمُ virtually means, sometimes, God knows best; or knows all things: and sometimes, simply, God knows.]

A2: Also [Harelipped; i. e.] having a fissure in his upper lip: (S, Mgh, Msb, K:) or in one of its two sides: (K:) the camel is said to be اعلم because of the fissure in his upper lip: when the fissure is in the lower lip, the epithet أَفْلَحُ is used: and أَشْرَمُ is used in both of these, and also in other, similar, senses: (TA:) the fem. of أَعْلَمُ is عَلْمَآءُ: (S, Msb, TA:) which is likewise applied to a lip (شَفَةٌ). (TA.) b2: العَلْمَآءُ signifies also The coat of mail: (K:) mentioned by Sh, in the book entitled كِتَابُ السِّلَاحِ; but as not heard by him except in a verse of Zuheyr Ibn-Khabbáb [?]. (TA.) أُعْلُومَةٌ: see عَلَامَةٌ, in two places.

تِعْلِمَةٌ and تِعْلَامَةٌ: see عَلَّامٌ; each in two places.

مَعْلَمٌ i. q. مَظِنَّةٌ; مَعْلَمُ الشَّىْءِ signifying مَظِنَّتُهُ; (K, TA;) as meaning The place in which is known the existence of the thing: (Msb in art. ظن:) pl. مَعَالِمُ; (TA;) which is the contr. of مَجَاهِلُ, pl. of مَجْهَلٌ [q. v.] as applied to a land; meaning in which are signs of the way. (TA in art. جهل.) And hence, [A person in whom is known the existence of a quality &c.:] one says, هُوَ مَعْلَمٌ لِلْخَيْرِ [He is one in whom good, or goodness, is known to be]. (TA.) b2: Also A thing, (K,) or a mark, trace, or track, (S, TA,) by which one guides himself, or is guided, (S, K, TA,) to the road, or way; (S, TA;) as also ↓ عُلَّامَةٌ and ↓ عَلْمٌ: (K: [in several copies of which, in all as far as I know, وَالعَلْمُ is here put in the place of والعَلْمِ; whereby العَلْمُ is made to be syn. with العَالَمُ: but accord. to SM, it is syn. with المَعْلَمُ, as is shown by what here follows:]) and hence a reading in the Kur [xliii. 61], ↓ وَإِنَّهُ لَعَلْمٌ لِلسَّاعَةِ, meaning And verily he, i. e. Jesus, by his appearing, and descending to the earth, shall be a sign of the approach of the hour [of resurrection]: it is also said, in a trad., that on the day of resurrection there shall not be a مَعْلَم for any one: and the pl. is مَعَالِمُ. (TA.) And مَعْلَمُ الطِّرِيقِ signifies The indication, or indicator, of the road, or way. (TA.) b3: [And hence it signifies likewise An indication, or a symptom, of anything; like عَلَامَةٌ.] b4: See also عَلَمٌ, last quarter.

مُعْلَمٌ pass. part. n. of أَعْلَمَ [q. v.] in the phrase اعلم الثَّوْبَ, and thus applied as an epithet to a garment, or piece of cloth: (S:) [and also in other senses: thus in a verse of 'Antarah cited voce مَشُوفٌ:] and applied to a قِدْح [or gamingarrow] as meaning Having a mark [made] upon it. (TA.) b2: [See also a verse of 'Antarah cited voce مِشَكٌّ.]

مُعْلِمٌ act. part. n. of أَعْلَمَ [q. v.] in the phrase اعلم الثَّوْبَ: [and in other senses:] b2: thus also of the same verb in the phrase اعلم الفَارِسُ. (S.) مُعَلَّمٌ [pass. part. n. of 2, in all its senses: b2: and hence particularly signifying] Directed by inspiration to that which is right and good. (TA.) مُعَلِّمٌ [act. part. n. of 2, in all its senses: and generally meaning] A teacher. (KL.) b2: [It is now also a common title of address to a Christian and to a Jew.]

مَعْلُومٌ [Known; &c.]. الوَقْتُ المَعْلُومُ [mentioned in the Kur xv. 38 and xxxviii. 82] means[The time of] the resurrection. (TA.) And الأَيَّامُ المَعْلُومَاتُ [mentioned in the Kur xxii. 29] means[The first] ten days of Dhu-l-Hijjeh, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) the last of which is the day of the sacrifice. (TA.) b2: [In grammar, The active voice.]

مُتَعَلِّمٌ: see عَالِمٌ.



1 حَاطَ بِهِ, aor. ـُ see 4, in three places. b2: حَاطَهُ, (S, Msb, K,) aor. as above, (S, Msb,) inf. n. حَوْطٌ (S, Msb, K) and حِيطَةٌ and حِيَاطَةٌ, (S, K, TA, [the second and third, in the CK, erroneously, with fet-h to the ح, the former of them being expressly said in the S and TA, and the latter also in the TA, to be with kesr, and both being shown in the S to be originally with و, i. e. حِوْطَةٌ and حِوَاطَةٌ,]) and حِيَاطٌ is used in poetry for the last of these; (TA;) and ↓ حوّطهُ, (K,) inf. n. تَحْوِيطٌ; (TA;) and ↓ تحوّطهُ; (K, TA; [omitted in the CK;]) He guarded, kept, kept safely, protected, or took care of, him, or it; (S, Msb, K, TA;) he defended him, or it; (TA;) he paid frequent attention to him, or it; (K, TA;) he minded, or was regardful of, the things that were for his, or its, good. (TA.) You say, لَا زِلْتَ فِى حِيَاطَةِ اللّٰهِ Mayest thou not cease to be in the protection of God. (TA.) And مَعَ فُلَانٍ

حِيطَةٌ لَكَ There is with such a one compassion and affection for thee: you should not say عَلَيْكَ. (S.) And أَحُوطُ عِرْضِى [I guard, or defend, or take care of, my honour, or reputation]. (TA.) And أَخَاهُ ↓ هُوَ يَتَحَوَّطُ He takes care of, or pays frequent attention to, his brother; and undertakes, or superintends, or manages, his affairs. (TA.) And حَاطَهُمْ قَصَآءَهُمْ and بِقَصَائِهِمْ He fought in their defence. (TA.) [But this is generally meant ironically.] When an affliction befalls thee, and thy brother does not guard thee, or defend thee, and does not aid thee, one says [to thee], حَاطَكَ الفَضَآءَ [so in the TA, app. a mistranscription for القَصَآءَ or القَصَا, with which, however, it is nearly syn.,] which is used ironically; i. e. He guarded thee, or defended thee, in a distant quarter; meaning, (tropical:) he did not guard thee, or defend thee; for he who guards, or defends, his brother, draws near to him, and supports him, or aids him. (A, TA.) [See also 1 in art. حبو.] You say also, حَاطُونَا القَصَآءَ, (K,) or القَصَا, (TK,) [both are said to be correct in the TA in art. قصو, on the authority of Ibn-Wellád,] in some of the copies of the K with ف and ض, and in some with ف and ض, the latter unpointed, and so in [a copy of] the A, (TA,) (tropical:) They retired to a distance from us, they being around us, and we not being distant from them, had they desired to come to us. (K, TA.) And حُطْنِى القَصَا (tropical:) Retire thou to a distance from me; (Ibn-Wellád, and K in art. قصو;) as also القَصَآءَ. (Ibn-Wellád, and TA in that art.) And لَأَحُوطَنَّكَ القَصَا وَلَأَغْزُوَنَّكَ بِالعَصَا, in each case with the short & ا, meaning I will assuredly leave thee, and not go near thee; [and I will assuredly go against thee to fight thee with the staff.] (Ks, TA in art. قصو.) حُطْ حُطْ means Take thou care of the tie of kindred, and preserve it. (IAar, K. *) It also signifies Deck thou the boys (الصِّبْيَة [in the CK الصَّبِيَّة the girl]) with the حَوْط [for preservation from the evil eye]. (IAar, K.) And حُوطُوا غُلَامَكُمْ Deck ye your boy with the حَوْط. (AA.) b3: حَاطَ الحِمَارُ عَانَتَهُ, (S, * Msb, K,) nor, as above, (S, Msb,) inf. n. حَوْطٌ, (Msb,) The [wild] he-ass collected, or drew together, (S, * Msb, K, *) and guarded, or took care of, (TA,) his عَانَة [app. meaning his herd of wild asses: or the phrase may mean the he-ass drew towards himself, or compressed, and guarded, his she-ass: Freytag here renders عانة by “ pubem; ” and Golius, by “ veretrum ”]. (S, Msb, K.) 2 حوّط حَوْلَهُ, inf. n. تَحْوِيطٌ, He surrounded it by some such thing as earth, so as to make this to encompass it. (Msb.) And حوّط كَرْمَهُ, inf. n. as above, He built a حَائِط [or wall] around his vine. (S.) b2: Hence, أَنَا أُحَوِّطُ ذٰلِكَ الأَمْرُ (tropical:) I have within my compass, or power, and care, that thing, or affair; [like أُحَوِّضُ, q. v.;] syn. أَدُورُ. (S, TA.) [Hence also, حوّط عَلَيْهِ, in the present day, is used to signify (assumed tropical:) He monopolized it. See also 4.] b3: حوّط حَائِطًا, (K,) inf. n. as above, (TA,) He made a حائط [meaning either a walled garden or a wall; app. a wall of enclosure]; (K, TA;) as also ↓ احاطهُ. (IDrd, TA.) b4: See also 1.3 حاوط فُلَانًا (tropical:) He endeavoured to induce such a one to turn, or incline; or endeavoured to turn him by deceit, or guile; (دَاوَرَهُ;) in a matter that he desired of him, and which he refused him: (K:) as though each of them were guarding, or taking care of, (يَحُوطُ,) the other. (K: and so in the A, in illustration of what next follows.) حَاوِطْهُ فَإِنَّهُ يَلِينُ لَكَ (tropical:) Endeavour thou to induce him to turn, or incline; or endeavour thou to turn him by deceit, or guile; [for he will relent to thee;] syn. دَاوِرْهُ. (A, TA.) 4 احاط بِهِ and بِهِ ↓ حَاطَ signify the same [i. e. It, or he, surrounded, encompassed, environed, enclosed, or hemmed in, it, or him]. (TA.) Yousay, احاط القَوْمُ بِالبَلَدِ, inf. n. إِحَاطَةٌ; and ↓ حَاطُوا بِهِ; The people surrounded, encompassed, environed, encircled, or beset, the sides of the town. (Msb.) And احاطت الخَيْلُ بِفُلَانٍ, (S, TA,) and به ↓ حَاطَتْ, (TA,) and به ↓ احتاطت, (S,) The horses, or horsemen, surrounded, encompassed, environed, encircled, or beset, such a one. (S, TA.) [And احاطوا بِهِ مِنْ جَانِبَيْهِ, meaning They surrounded him on all his sides; lit. on his two sides: see جَنْبٌ.] b2: It is said in the Kur [xvii. 62], إِنَّ رَبَّكَ أَحَاطَ بِالنَّاسِ (assumed tropical:) Verily thy Lord hath men in his grasp, or power: (Bd, TA:) or (assumed tropical:) hath destroyed them; meaning Kureysh. (Bd.) You say also, أُحِيطَ بِفُلَانٍ, meaning (assumed tropical:) Such a one was destroyed: or (assumed tropical:) his destruction drew near. (TA.) And hence the saying in the Kur [xviii. 40], وَأُحِيطَ بِثَمَرِهِ (assumed tropical:) And its fruit became smitten by that which destroyed and spoiled it: (TA:) or (assumed tropical:) his possessions became destroyed: from أَحَاطَ بِهِ العَدُوُّ [the enemy surrounded him]. (Bd.) [Hence also, in the same, ii. 75,] وَأَحَاطَتْ بِهِ خَطِيْئَتُهُ (assumed tropical:) and over whom his sin hath gained the mastery, affecting all the circumstances of his case, so that he hath become as though he were entirely encompassed thereby: (Bd:) or (assumed tropical:) who hath died in the belief of a plurality of Gods. (TA.) You also say, احاط بِهِ الأَمْرُ (assumed tropical:) The thing beset him on every side, so that he had no place of escape from it. (TA.) And احاط عَلَيْهِ (assumed tropical:) He took it entirely to himself, debarring others from it: [see also 2.] (TA in art شرب.) b3: احاط بِهِ, (K,) or احاط بِهِ عِلْمًا, (S, Msb, TA,) and احاط بِهِ عِلْمُهُ, (S, TA,) (tropical:) [He comprehended it, or knew it altogether, in all its modes or circumstances;] he knew it extrinsically and intrinsically; (Msb;) or he attained the utmost particular thereof, and had a comprehensive and complete knowledge thereof: or he attained everything [relating to it], and the utmost knowledge thereof. (K, accord. to different copies. [In the CK, اَحْصٰى عِلْمُهُ is put, erroneously, for احصى عِلْمَهُ.]) It is said in the Kur [xxvii. 22], أَحَطْتُ بِمَا لَمْ تُحِطْ بِهِ (tropical:) I have known in all its circumstances, or modes, that which thou hast not so known. (TA.) And you say also, عَلِمَهُ عِلْمَ

إِحَاطَةٍ (tropical:) He knew it in all its circumstances, or modes; nothing of them escaping him. (TA.) b4: See also 2.5 تَحَوَّطَ see 1, in two places.8 احتاط: see 4. b2: Also (tropical:) He took the course prescribed by prudence, precaution, or good judgment; he used precaution; he took the sure course; (S, * K, * TA;) لِنَفْسِهِ for himself; (S, TA;) [and مِنَ الشَّىْءِ against the thing:] he sought the most successful means, and took the surest method; لِلشَّىْءِ for [the accomplishment, or attainment, of] the thing. (Msb.) The subst. [denoting the abstract signification of the inf. n., اِحْتِيَاطٌ,] is حيطة, (Msb,) i. e. ↓ حَيْطَةٌ and ↓ حِيطَةٌ, (K, TA,) which latter is originally حِوْطَةٌ, (TA,) [and is also an inf. n. of 1,] and ↓ حَوْطَةٌ. (K, TA.) Some hold احتياط to belong to art. حيط. (Msb.) You say also فِى الأُمُورِ ↓ استحاط [meaning in like manner (assumed tropical:) He took the course prescribed by prudence, &c., in affairs, or in the affairs: as is shown below: see مُحْتَاطٌ]. (TA.) 10 إِسْتَحْوَطَ see 8.

حَوْطٌ A twisted string of two colours, black and red, (IAar, K,) called بَرِيم, (IAar,) upon which are beads and a crescent of silver, which a woman binds upon her waist, [and which is bound upon a boy, (see 1,)] in order that the evil eye may not smite her [or him]: (IAar, K:) and also the crescent above mentioned; as well as the string with it. (TA.) [See also تَحْوِيطَةٌ.]

حَوْطَةٌ: see 8.

حَيْطَةٌ: see 8.

حِيطَةٌ: see 8.

حُوَاطٌ: see what next follows.

حُوَاطَةٌ An enclosure (حَظِيرَة) made for wheat: (S, K:) or it signifies a thing which one soon quits, or relinquishes, or from which one soon abstains; and so ↓ حُوَاطٌ, as occurring [accord. to one relation] in a verse cited voce عُرْسٌ. (L.) حَيِّطٌ, [originally either حَوِيطٌ or حَيْوِطٌ,] like سَيِّدٌ, A man who guards, protects, or defends, (يَحُوطُ,) his family and his brethren. (TA.) حَوَّاطٌ A monopolizer: so in the present day.]

حَوَّاطُ أَمْرٍ (tropical:) The undertakers, superintendents, or managers, of an affair. (K, TA.) [See a verse cited voce عُرْسٌ.]

حَائِطٌ A wall. (Msb, * K, TA:) or a wall of enclosure: (Msb, * TA:) or one that surrounds a garden: (Mgh:) [often applied to a fence of wood, or sticks, or of reeds, or canes:] so called because it surrounds what is within it; (TA;) but it is a subst., like سَقْفٌ and رُكْنٌ, though implying the meaning of surrounding: (IJ, TA:) or it is an act. part. n., from حَاطَ: (Msb:) pl. حِيطَانٌ, (S, Msb, K,) in which the و is changed into ى because of the kesreh before it, (S,) but by rule it should be حُوطَانٌ; (Sb, K;) and حِيَاطٌ. (IAar, K.) b2: And hence, (Mgh,) A garden, (Mgh, Msb, K,) in general: or a garden of palmtrees, surrounded by a wall: (TA:) pl. حَوَائِطُ. (Msb, TA.) اِفْعَلِ الأَحْوَطَ (assumed tropical:) Do thou that which is most comprehensive in relation to the principles of the ordinances [applying to the case], (مَا هُوَ أَجْمَعُ لِأُصُولِ الأَحْكَامِ,) and furthest from the sophistications of interpretations not according to the obvious meanings. (Msb.) And هٰذَا أَحْوَطُ (assumed tropical:) This is more, or most, conducive to put [one] in a position of اِحْتِيَاط [or taking the course prescribed by prudence, precaution, or good judgment; &c.: see 8]. (Mgh.) The word أَحْوَطُ is from the phrase حَاطَ الحِمَارُ عَانَتَهُ; not from الاِحْتِيَاطُ; because the افعل of excess is not formed from a verb of five letters: (Msb:) or it is anomalous, like أَخْصَرُ from الاِخْتِصَارُ. (Mgh.) [It may be rendered More, or most, prudent: or more, or most, sure.]

تَحُوطُ and التَّحُوطُ &c.: see what next follows.

تُحِيطُ and ↓ تَحُوطُ (ISk, TS, K) and تَحِيطُ and تِحِيطُ and ↓ يَحِيطُ (TS, K) and ↓ التَّحُوطُ and التَّحِيطُ (L, K) [and ↓ تَحَوُّط and ↓ تحوَّط (mentioned, with the third and fourth, in Freytag's Arab. Prov., ii. 803, as on the authority of Fr,)] (tropical:) The year of dearth, scarcity, or straitness, that destroys the beasts, (Fr, K, * TA,) or men: (A, TA:) تَحُوطُ being from حَاطَ بِهِ in the sense of أَحَاطَ; or it is used as a term of good omen; accord. to the A. (TA.) You say, وَقَعُوا فِى

تُحِيطَ, &c., [the last word being a noun imperfectly decl., (tropical:) They fell into the affliction of a year of dearth, &c.] (ISk, TA.) تَحْويِطَةٌ A thing that is hung upon a boy to repel the evil eye: of the dial. of El-Yemen. (TA.) [See also حَوْطٌ.]

مَحَاطٌ A place behind the camels or other beasts and the people [to whom they belong], surrounding and protecting them: (K:) some say that أَرْضٌ مَحَاطٌ signifies land surrounded by a wall: if not so surrounded, it is termed ضَاحِيَةٌ. (TA.) فُلَانٌ مُحَاطٌ بِهِ (assumed tropical:) Such a one is slain; is destroyed. (TA.) مُحِيطٌ [act. part. n. of 4; Surrounding, encompassing, or enclosing: &c.] b2: It is said in the Kur [lxxxv. 20], وَاللّٰهُ مِنْ وَرَائِهِمْ مُحيِطٌ (assumed tropical:) and God, behind them, includeth them altogether within his power; not one shall escape Him. (TA.) And again, [xi. 85,] عَذَابَ يَوْمٍ مُحِيطٍ (assumed tropical:) The punishment of a day which shall beset on every side so that there shall be no place of escape from it: (TA:) or of a destructive day: meaning the day of resurrection: or the punishment [of a day] of extermination: the epithet, which is that of the punishment, being applied to the day because it includes it. (Bd.) And again, [ii. 18,] وَاللّٰهُ مُحِيطٌ بِالكَافِرِينَ, explained by Mujá-hid as signifying (assumed tropical:) And God will collect together the unbelievers on the day of resurrection. (TA.) كَرْمٌ مُحوَّطٌ A vine having a wall built around it. (S.) هُوَ مُحْتَاطٌ فِى أَمْرِهِ and فِيهِ ↓ مُسْتَحِيطٌ [He is taking the course prescribed by prudence, precaution, or good judgment; or using precaution; or taking the sure course; or seeking the most successful means, and taking the surest method; in his affair: see 8]. (TA.) مُسْتَحِيطٌ: see what next precedes.

يَحِيطٌ: see تُحِيطٌ.



1 عَجَسَهُ, (K,) [aor. ـِ inf. n. عَجْسٌ, (S, O,) He grasped it; (S, O, K;) namely, a thing [such, for ex., as a bow]: (S:) [and he grasped it hard; for] عَجْسٌ signifies also the grasping a thing hard. (TA.) b2: And عَجَسَهُ عَنْ حَاجَتِهِ, aor. as above, (O, K,) and so the inf. n., (O,) He, or it, withheld him from the object of his want; (O, K;) as also ↓ تعجّسهُ: (TA:) and ↓ تعجّسهُ is likewise said of a radical, or hereditary, evil quality, meaning It withheld him from generous actions; (Sh, O, K;) as also تعقّلهُ and تثفّلهُ. (Sh, O.) And عَجَسَنِى عَنْكَ It (an affair, or event,) withheld me from thee. (AO, O.) And بِهِمْ ↓ تعجّس He withheld them; and he held them back, or made them slow or tardy: (Sh, O, K: *) and one says, بِىَ الرَّاحِلَةُ ↓ تَعَجَّسَتْ The riding-camel kept me back, or made me slow or tardy. (TA.) b3: عَجَسَ and ↓ تعجّس alone signify He was, or became, slow, tardy, late, or backward: (TA:) and the latter signifies [likewise] he was, or became, behind, or backward; or he remained behind, or held back. (O, TA.) b4: And one says of a she-camel, عَجَسَتْ بِهِ, (O, K,) aor. as above, (K,) and so the inf. n., (TA,) meaning She turned aside, or away, with him from the road, by reason of her briskness, liveliness, or sprightliness; (O, K, TA;) and so ↓ تعجّست; and, as written by El-Urmawee, ↓ عَجَّسَتْ. (TA.) 2 عَجَّسَ see what next precedes.5 تَعَجَّسَ see 1, in six places. b2: تعجّسهُ also signifies He reckoned, or esteemed, his judgment, or opinion, weak. (Sh, O, * TA.) b3: And He upbraided him, or reproached him, for a thing, or an affair, (IDrd, K, TA,) which he had commanded him to do. (IDrd, TA.) b4: And تعجّس

أَمْرَهُ He searched repeatedly after the knowledge of his (i. e. another's S, O) affair, or case. (S, O, K.) Hence, in a trad., فَيَتَجَّسُكُمْ فِى قُرَيْشٍ

And he seeks repeatedly after you among Kureysh. (TA.) b5: And تعجّست الأَرْضَ غُيُوثٌ Rains fell, one after another, upon the earth, or land, (S, O, K, TA,) and bore heavily upon it. (TA.) A2: تعجّس الرَّجُلُ The man went forth in a last portion, before daybreak, (↓ بِعِجْسَةٍ, O, or ↓ بِعُجْسَةٍ, K, [but see what follows,]) of the night: (O, K:) El-Marrár Ibn-Sa'eed El-Fak'asee says, describing his travelling-companions, وَإِذَا هُمُ ارْتَحَلُوا بِلَيْلٍ حَابِسٍ

↓ المُتَعَجِّسِ ↓ أُخْرَى النُّجُومِ بِعَجْسَةِ [And when they departed in an impeding night, in the last period of the appearance of the stars, in a last portion of the night of him who goes forth at that time]. (O: in which بعجسة is thus written, with fet-h and damm, and with مَعًا above them.) [It is also said in the O (immediately after this verse), and likewise in the K and TA (in neither of which is the verse cited), in all of them probably from one and the same source, that ↓ المُتَعَجِّسُ means المُتَشَمْخِرُ; and it is added in the TA that this has been mentioned in its place: but it is not mentioned in its proper art. in the O nor in the K nor in the TA; and it is evidently a mistranscription, for المُسْتَحِرُ, part. n. of اِسْتَحَرَ (q. v. voce أَسْحَرَ), and therefore I have rendered المُتَعَجِّس as above.]

عَجْسٌ and ↓ عُجْسٌ and ↓ عِجْسٌ The handle, or part that is grasped by the hand, of a bow; (S, O, K, TA;) which is the part, thereof, that is the place of the arrow; as AHn says, the thickest place therein; (TA;) as also ↓ مَعْجِسٌ [lit. the place of grasping]. (S, O, K.) b2: And, (K,) or the first of these words, (S, O,) A portion of the middle of the night; (S, O, K;) as though from the عَجْس of the bow; [whence] one says, مَضَى عَجْسٌ مِنَ اللَّيْلِ [A portion of the middle of the night passed]: (S, O:) or the last part of the night: (Lth, O, K:) or the blackness of the night &c. (TA.) [See also عُجْسَةٌ.] b3: And see أَعْجَسُ.

عُجْسٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

عِجْسٌ: see عَجْسٌ. [It is of the dial. of Hudheyl. (Freytag, from the Deewán of the Hudhalees).] b2: Also The part, of an arrow, that is below, or exclusive of, the feathers. (TA.) عَجْسَةٌ: see 5, last sentence but one.

عُجْسَةٌ, with damm, A period (سَاعَةٌ) of the night. (O, K, TA.) And The blackness of night. (IAar, TA. [See also عَجْسٌ.]) And see 5, last sentence but one, in two places.

عِجْسَةٌ: see 5, last sentence but one.

عَجُوسٌ Pouring rain, (S, O, K, TA,) that does not clear away. (TA.) And Clouds (سَحَابٌ) heavy [with rain], (O, K,) not passing away. (O.) عَجِيسٌ, applied to a stallion, (S, K, TA,) Impotent to cover; (TA;) that will not impregnate: (S, K, TA:) as also عَجِيزٌ. (S.) and both signify also A man who does not come to women [by reason of impotence]. (TA in art. عجز.) b2: See also what next follows.

لَا آتِيكَ سَجِيسَ عُجَيْسٍ, (S, O,) and سَجِيسَ

↓ عَجِيسٍ and سَجِيسَ عَجِيسَ, (O,) both of which words are written in the K in this art. like

أَمِير, with a reference to art. سجس, but the latter of them is correctly عُجَيْس, in the dim. form, (TA,) mean I will not come to thee ever; (S, O;) or while time lasts. (TA.) And one says also, لَا آتِيكَ عُجَيْسَ الدَّهْرِ I will not come to thee to the end of time. (TA.) أَعْجَسُ Strong in the ↓ عَجْس, i. e. the middle. (O, K.) [To what this epithet is applied is not said.]

مَعْجِسٌ: see عَجْسٌ.

مُتَعَجِّسٌ see 5, last two sentences.



1 ثَمَلَ, [aor., app., ثَمِلَ and ثَمُلَ,] inf. n. ثَمْلٌ, It (water) remained in a watering-trough or tank. (Msb.) b2: Also, (T, TA,) aor. ـِ and ثَمُلَ, (TK,) inf. n. ثَمْلٌ (T, M, K) and ثُمُولٌ, (M, K,) He (a man, T) remained, stayed, resided, dwelt, or tarried. (T, M, K.) You say, ثَمَلَ فُلَانٌ فَمَا يَبْرَحُ Such a one remained, &c., and does not quit his place. (T.) And ارْتَحَلَ بَنُو فُلَانٍ وَثَمَلَ فُلَانٌ فِى

دَارِهِمْ, i. e., [The sons of such a one removed, or departed, and such a one] remained [in their abode]. (T, TA.) A2: ثَمَلَهُ He steeped it, or macerated it, and left it, or kept it, long; namely, poison. (Skr p. 194.) [See ثُمَالٌ.] b2: ثَمَلَتِ الصِّبْيَانَ, aor. ـِ [inf. n., app., ثَمْلٌ,] She (a woman) was a support to the children, remaining, or abiding, with them. (M.) And ثَمَلَهُمْ, (T, M, K,) aor. ـُ (T, K) and ثَمِلَ, (K,) inf. n. تَمْلٌ, (M,) He aided them, or succoured them, (T, K,) namely, his party, kinsfolk, or tribe, (K,) and undertook, or managed, their affairs: (Ibn-Buzurj, T, K:) he fed them, and gave them drink, (M, K,) namely, orphans, (M,) and undertook, or managed, their affairs. (M, K.) b3: مَا ثَمَلَ شَرَابَهُ بِشَىْءٍ (Yoo, T, S, M, K) مِنْ طَعَامٍ (Yoo, S) He ate no food before drinking. (Yoo, T, S, M, K.) b4: You say also, أَكَلَتِ المَاشِيَةُ مِنَ الكَلَأِ مَا يَثْمُلُ مَا فِى أَجْوَافِهَا مِنَ المَآءِ The cattle ate of the herbage what was equal to the water that they had drunk. (T.) b5: And ثَمَلَ, aor. ـِ He ate (K) food. (TK.) A3: ثَمِلَ, (S, M, K,) aor. ـَ (K,) inf. n. ثَمَلٌ, (S, M, K, *) He (a man, S) became intoxicated. (S, M, K.) 2 ثمّل as an intrans. v.: see 4.

A2: ثمّلهُ, inf. n. تَثْمِيلٌ, He made it, or caused it, to remain; he left it; or reserved it; (S, K; [in the former of which, for the explanation بقّاهُ, Golius found نقّاه;]) as also ↓ اثملهُ. (S, TA.) You say, اُحْقُنِ الثُّمَالَةَ ↓ الصَّرِيحَ وَأَثْمِلِ, i. e., [Collect thou the clear milk in a skin, and] leave the ثمالة [or froth] in the milking-vessel. (T.) b2: ثَمَّلْتُ الحُبَّ I took forth the ثُمَالَة [or remaining water or the like] from the bottom of the jar; as also ↓ أَثْمَلْتُهُ. (TA.) 4 اثمل It (a thing, S, or milk, TA) had much ثُمَالَة, i. e., froth; (S, * TA;) as also ↓ ثمّل. (TA.) b2: اثملت She (a camel) gave much froth in her milk. (TA in art. حلب.) A2: See also 2, in three places.5 تثمّل He supped, or sipped, what was in a vessel. (Ibn-'Abbád, K.) ثَمْلٌ: see ثَمَلٌ, in four places.

ثُمْلٌ: see ثُمْلَةٌ.

ثَمَلٌ Remanence, stay, residence, or tarriance; like ↓ ثَمْلٌ: (T, M, K:) [the latter is an inf. n.: see 1:] and both signify also ease; repose; easiness of life, and ampleness of the circumstances thereof. (T.) You say دَارُ ثَمَلٍ (T, M) and ↓ ثَمْلٍ (M) An abode of [fixed] residence, (T, M,) and of ease, or repose, &c. (T.) And ↓ مَكَانُ ثَمْلٍ A place peopled, inhabited, well stocked with people and the like. (Th, AAF, M.) And دَارُ بَنِى فُلَانٍ

ثَمَلٌ and ↓ ثَمْلٌ The abode of the sons of such a one is an abode of [fixed] residence. (IDrd, TA.) b2: Shade, or shadow. (M, K.) A2: Intoxication: (K:) inf. n. of ثَمِلَ. (S, M.) A3: See also ثَمَلَةٌ, in two places.

ثَمِلٌ, Intoxicated. (S, M, K.) b2: أَنَا ثَمِلٌ إِلَى

مَوْضِعِ كَذَا (tropical:) I have a love for such a place. (K, * TA.) ثَمْلَةٌ, (T, M,) or ↓ ثُمْلَةٌ, (K,) Mud taken forth from the bottom of a well. (Az, T, M, K.) b2: See also ثُمْلَةٌ, in two places.

ثُمْلَةٌ Grain, and meal of parched barley or wheat (سَوِيق), and dates, of which half and less, (Az, T, M, K,) or half and more, (M, K,) is [remaining] in the receptacle, or bag; (Az, T, M, K;) as also ↓ ثَمْلَةٌ (K) and ↓ ثَمِيلَةٌ: (M, K:) pl. (of the first, TA) ثُمَلٌ and (of the last, TA) ثَمَائِلُ. (K.) b2: And in like manner, A [heap such as is termed] صُبْرَة of wheat. (TA.) b3: Also, and ↓ ثَمَلَةٌ, (AA, S, M, K,) and ↓ ثَمْلَةٌ, (K,) and ↓ ثُمَالَةٌ, (S, M, Msb,) and ↓ ثَمِيلَةٌ, (K,) A remainder, (AA, S,) or water remaining, (Msb,) or a little water remaining, (M, K,) in a wateringtrough, (Msb,) or in the bottom of a wateringtrough, (S, M, K,) or of a skin, (M, K,) or of a vessel (AA, S, M) of any kind, (M,) &c.; (AA, S;) and the same, (TA,) or ↓ ثَمِيلَةٌ, of which ↓ ثَمِيلٌ is the pl. [or rather coll. gen. n.], (S,) water, (S,) or a little water, (TA,) remaining in a rock, or in a valley: (S, TA:) or these two words signify water remaining in pools left by torrents, and in hollows that have been bug. (T.) [See an ex. of ↓ ثُمَالَةٌ in a verse cited voce قَصَرَ.]

b4: بِهِ ثُمْلَةٌ and ↓ ثُمْلٌ (assumed tropical:) In him is somewhat [remaining] of intelligence, and prudence, (K, TA,) and judgment, to which regard, or recourse, may be had. (TA.) b5: See also ثَمْلَةٌ. b6: And see ثَمَلَةٌ.

ثَمَلَةٌ: see ثُمْلَةٌ. b2: Also, (IF, TA,) or ↓ ثَمَلٌ, (M,) Some tar remaining in a vessel. (IF, M, TA.) b3: And (hence, IF, TA) the former, A piece of rag, (IF, M,) dipped in tar, (M,) or a tuft of wool, (S, K,) with which a camel is tarred, (IF, S, M, K,) [to cure him of, or preserve him from, the mange, or scab,] and with which a skin for water or milk is anointed; (M, K;) as also ↓ ثُمْلَةٌ (M, K) and ↓ مِثْمَلَةٌ. (S, K.) b4: and (hence, as being likened thereto, TA) The rag of the menses: pl. [or rather coll. gen. n.] ↓ ثَمَلٌ. (M, K.) ثُمَالٌ Steeped, or macerated, poison; as also ↓ مُثَمَّلٌ: (T, S, K: [in the CK, المُنْتَقِعُ is put for المُنْقَعُ:]) or ↓ the latter signifies poison that has been long steeped, and has remained: (S, * M:) or that has been steeped in a vessel, and remained steeped for some days, until it has fermented: (Ibn-'Abbád, Z:) or poison with which has been mixed something that strengthens it and excites its energy, that it may be more penetrating, or more effective: (Ham p. 215:) and simply poison. (T.) [The poison of a serpent or other thing. (Golius, from Meyd.)] b2: [Hence,] الكَرَى ↓ رَنَّحَهُ مُثَمَّلُ (tropical:) [The infection of drowsiness made him to incline from side to side]. (TA.) b3: See also ثَمَالَةٌ.

ثِمَالٌ An aider, or a succourer, who undertakes, or manages, the affairs, of his party, kinsfolk, or tribe: (T, S, K:) their stay, or support: (M:) the aider, or succourer, of orphans: (Lh, M:) a refuge, or protector. (Mgh. [See also مَثْمِلٌ.]) Hence, (Mgh,) ثِمَالُ اليَتَامَى عِصْمَةٌ لِلْأَرَامِلِ [The aider, &c., or the stay, or support, or the refuge, of the orphans; a defence to the widows]; (Mgh, TA;) said by Aboo-Tálib, in praising Mohammad. (TA.) [See also another ex. in a verse cited voce أَنْ.]

ثَمِيلٌ: see ثُمْلَةٌ.

ثُمَالَةٌ: see ثُمْلَةٌ, in two places: b2: and see ثَمِيلَةٌ. b3: Also, (S, M, Mgh, Msb, K,) and ↓ ثُمَالٌ, (M, Mgh,) accord. to Th, (M,) or the latter is pl. of the former, (S, M, Msb, K,) [or rather coll. gen. n.,] Froth, (S, M, Mgh, Msb, K,) of any kind: (M:) or froth of milk (Th, M) when it is drawn. (M.) ثَمِيلَةٌ: see ثُمْلَةٌ, in three places. b2: Also Remains of food, (M, K,) or of herbage, or fodder, (S,) or of fresh pasture and of fodder, (T,) and of drink, (S, K,) in the belly, (S, M, K,) or in the intestines and other parts, (T,) of a camel, or other animal; (S;) as also ↓ ثُمَالَةٌ: (K:) and food that has been eaten before drinking: (T, S:) and any remains, or anything remaining: (S:) pl. ثَمَائِلُ. (TA.) b3: Also The part (Lh, M, K) of the belly (K) of a man (Lh, M) in which are the food and drink: (Lh, M, K:) and the part in which is the drink in the belly of the ass. (Lh, M.) مَثْمِلٌ, (S, Sgh, K,) like مَنْزِلٌ, (K, TA, but in one copy of the S مَثْمَل, and in another مُثْمَل, and in the CK like مِنْبَر,) A refuge; an asylum. (S, Sgh, K. [See also ثِمَالٌ.]) مُثْمِلٌ Milk having froth; [or, app., having much froth; see 4;] as also ↓ مُثَمِّلٌ. (M, K.) مِثْمَلَةٌ: see ثَمَلَةٌ.

مُثَمَّلٌ: see ثُمَالٌ, in three places.

مُثَمِّلٌ: see مُثْمِلٌ.



1 عَجِبَ مِنْهُ, (S, O, Msb, K,) [and لَهُ, as shown by what follows,] aor. ـَ inf. n. عَجَبٌ; (Msb, TA;) and منه ↓ تعجّب, and ↓ استعجب منه, (S, O, Msb, K,) which two are syn. each with the other, (S, O, K,) and with the first also; (S, K;) all signify He wondered at it; i. e. he deemed it strange, extraordinary, or improbable, said of a thing occurring, or presenting itself, to him; (K, TA;) on account of his being little accustomed to it: (TA:) or the first signifies [as above, i. e.] he deemed it strange, extraordinary, or improbable: and ↓ تَعَجُّبٌ is of two kinds; one is [the wondering] at a thing which one commends, and it means the accounting (a thing) good or goodly, or approving [it], and expressing one's approval of a thing; and the other is at a thing that one dislikes, and it means the deeming [a thing] strange, extraordinary, or improbable, and discommending [it]: (Msb:) or, accord. to some of the grammarians, it signifies the mind's becoming affected, or acted upon, by some excessive quality in the thing by which it is so affected; [so that it may be rendered the becoming affected with wonder;] as when one says مَا أَشْجَعَهُ [“ how courageous is he! ”] and أَسْمِعْ بِهِمْ وَأَبْصِرْ [“ how clearly shall they hear! and how clearly shall they see! ”]: (Msb, MF, TA:) or it is [the wondering] at a thing of which the cause, or reason, is hidden, and not known: or it is when one sees a thing that pleases him, and thinks that he has not seen the like of it: (L, TA:) [therefore تَعَجَّبَ مِنْهُ may be rendered he wondered at it, and he admired it:] accord. to some, it peculiarly relates to what is deemed good or goodly, or approved; [though this is inconsistent with the application of the grammatical term فِعْلُ التَّعَجُّبِ the verb of wonder;] and the subst. derived from it is ↓ عَجْبٌ: and ↓ استعجب relates to what is good or goodly or approved, and to what is otherwise; and the subst. is ↓ عَجَبٌ [which is also the inf. n. of عَجِبَ]: or accord. to the A and L, ↓ استعجب signifies he wondered at a thing intensely; or became affected with intense wonder. (TA.) b2: [عَجَبًا لِهٰذَا, a phrase of common occurrence, (mentioned in the K voce وَيْبٌ, &c.,) is for أَعْجَبُ عَجَبًا لِهٰذَا I wonder greatly, lit. with wondering, at this. See also an ex. voce عَجَبٌ, last sentence but two.] b3: Of the words in the Kur xxxvii. 12, there are two readings, بَلْ عَجِبْتَ وَيَسْخَرُونَ and بل عَجِبْتُ ويسخرون: accord. to the former, the meaning is, Nay, thou wonderest at their conduct, or deemest it extraordinary, [O Mohammad,] and they mock: respecting the latter reading, [which may be rendered Nay, I wonder, &c.,] it is observed that عَجَبٌ when attributed to God has a meaning different from that which it has when attributed to men: IAth says that, when attributed to God, it is used in a tropical manner, as the causes of things are not hidden from Him: or, accord. to IAmb, the verb here meams I have recompensed them for their wondering at the truth, or their deeming it strange or improbable: and in like manner it is said [in the Kur viii. 30], يَمْكُرُونَ وَيَمْكُرُ اللّٰهُ [lit. “ They plot and God plotteth ”], meaning, “God recompenseth them for their plotting. ” (L, TA.) b4: It is also said that عَجَبٌ when attributed to God [sometimes] means The being well pleased, content, or satisfied. (K, TA.) The saying, in a trad., عَجِبَ رَبُّكَ مِنْ قَوْمٍ يُقَادُونَ

إِلَى الجَنَّة فِى السَّلَاسِلِ means Thy Lord wonders at a people who will be led to Paradise in chains [because of their deeming themselves unworthy thereof]; the verb عجب being here used in a tropical sense: or the meaning is, thy Lord is well pleased with, and will reward, a people &c.: and there are other trads. of the same kind. (L, TA.) b5: عَجِبَ إِلَيْهِ means He loved, or liked, him, or it. (L, TA.) [See a verse cited voce عَجِيبٌ; from which it seems to signify lit. He, or it, was an object of love to him.]

A2: عَجِبَتْ, inf. n. عَجَبٌ; and عَجُبَتْ; said of a she-camel, She was, or became, such as is termed عَجْبَآء (TA.) 2 عجّبهُ, inf. n. تَعْجِيبٌ, He caused him to wonder, (S, O, K, TA,) بِالشَّىْءِ [by the thing]. (TA. [See also 4.]) 4 اعجبهُ It (a thing, or an affair, or event, TA) induced, or excited, him to wonder. (K, TA. [See also 2.]) In the following saying of Ibn-Keys-er-Rukeiyát, رَأَتْ فِى الرَّأْسِ مِنِّى شَيْبَةً لَسْتُ أُغَيِّبُهَا فَقَالَتْ لِى ابْنُ قَيْسٍ ذَا وَبَعْضُ الشَّيْبِ يُعْجِبُهَا the meaning is, [She saw upon my head some hoariness, which I did not hide; and she said to me, “Is this Ibn-Keys? ” somewhat of hoariness] causing her to have wonder. (TA.) b2: And It (a thing, or an affair, or event, TA) induced in him wonder, or admiration, and pleasure, or joy: (K:) or it excited his admiration, or approval: (Msb:) or it pleased, or rejoiced, him. (TA.) You say, أَعْجَبَنِى هٰذَا الشَّىْءُ لِحُسْنِهِ [This thing has excited my admiration, or approval, or has pleased me, for its goodness, or goodliness, or beauty]. (S, O.) And أَعْجَبَنِى حُسْنُهُ [Its goodness, or goodliness, or beauty, excited my admiration, &c.]. (Msb.) b3: And أُعْجِبَ بِهِ He was excited to wonder, or admiration, and pleasure, or joy, by it; he admired it, and was pleased with it, or rejoiced by it. (K.) You say, أُعْجِبَ بِنَفْسِهِ, (S, O, Msb,) inf. n. إِعْجَابٌ, [which is often used as syn. with عُجْبٌ, the corresponding subst.,] (O,) [He admired himself, (lit. was excited to admiration by himself,) was pleased with himself, or was self-conceited, or vain; or] he exalted, and magnified, himself; was haughty, and proud. (Msb.) b4: [مَا أَعْجَبَهُ generally signifies How wonderful is it!] b5: مَا أَعْجَبَهُ بِرَأْيِهِ [How greatly does he admire his opinion or judgment! or how greatly is he pleased with it! or how conceited, or vain, or proud, is he of it!] is anomalous [in two respects], (S, O, K,) not to be taken as an example to be imitated; (S, O;) for the verb here is formed from a passive [and augmented] verb [أُعْجِبَ], like as is the case in مَا أَشْغَلَهُ; whereas it is the primary rule with respect to the verb of wonder that it shall not be formed from any but an active [and unaugmented] verb. (TA.) 5 تَعَجَّبَ see 1, in two places. b2: One says also, تعجّب فِى مِشْيَتِهِ [app. meaning He showed عُجْب, i. e. self-admiration, &c., in his gait]. (TA voce تَفَخَّتَ.) A2: تَعَجَّبَنِى signifies تَصَبَّانِى

[He excited my desire, and invited me, or made me to incline, to ignorant, or foolish, or silly, and youthful, conduct, so that I yearned towards him: or he deceived me, or beguiled me, and captivated my heart]; (O, K, TA;) said of a man: (O, TA:) and تَفَتَّنَنِى [in the O تَفَتَّتَنِى, which I think a mistranscription, though I do not find تَفَتَّنَ elsewhere in the sense here assigned to it,] signifies the same. (TA.) 10 إِسْتَعْجَبَ see 1, in three places.

عَجْبٌ: see عَجَبٌ, in two places: A2: and see also عُجْبٌ.

A3: Also The root, or base, of the tail: (S, O, K:) or the part of the root, or base, of the tail, of any beast, which the haunch encloses, (Msb, TA,) and which is inserted in the hinder part of the rump: (TA:) or the root, or base, and bone, of the tail: (Lh, TA:) also called the عُصْعُص [q. v.]: (Msb, TA:) or it is the head of the عُصْعُص: (TA:) or the upper part of the عُصْعُص: or the external extremity of the spine; and the عُصْعُص is its internal extremity: (Az, L voce قُحْقُحٌ:) it is said in a trad., that every part of a man will become consumed, except the عَجْب, (TA,) or the عَجْب of the tail, (O, TA,) accord. to different relations; (TA;) from which [as a rudiment] he was created, and upon which he will [at the resurrection] be put together: (O:) i. e. the bone at the lower, or lowest, part of the spine, at the rump; which is the عَسِيب of beasts: it is said to be like a grain of mustard-seed: or, as Z says in the “ Fáïk,” it is the bone that is between the buttocks: it is also pronounced ↓ عُجْبٌ; and accord. to MF, ↓ عِجْبٌ, but no one else says this: and, as El-Khafájee says, it is also called عَجْمٌ and عُجْمٌ and عِجْمٌ, in this case with the three vowel-sounds. (TA.) b2: Also (tropical:) The hinder part (S, O, K, TA) of a tract of sand, (S, O,) or of anything: (K, TA:) and hence, عَجْبُ كَثِيبٍ i. e. the thin hinder portion [of a sand-hill, or of an extended and gibbous sand-hill, or of a collection of sand that has poured down]: (TA:) pl. عُجُوبٌ, (S, O,) and perhaps أَعْجَابٌ also in the former sense [and therefore in this likewise]. (TA.) عُجْبٌ: see عَجَبٌ. b2: Also a subst. from the phrase أُعْجِبَ بِنَفْسِهِ, (S,) or from الإِعْجَابُ; (O;) [i. e. it signifies Self-admiration; or selfconceitedness; or] vanity; and pride: (K:) it is said to be [a result, or an offspring, of stupidity, or folly; or] a redundance of stupidity, or folly, which one has turned to what is thus termed. (TA.) [Er-Rághib makes a distinction between عُجْبٌ and تِيهٌ; as will be seen below, voce مُعْجَبٌ.]

A2: Also, and ↓ عَجْبٌ, and ↓ عِجْبٌ, A man who is pleased to sit with women, (O, K,) and to converse with them, without his doing what induces doubt, or suspicion, or evil opinion: (O:) or with whom women are pleased: (K, TA:) the pl. is perhaps أَعْجَابٌ. (TA.) A3: See also عَجْبٌ.

عِجْبٌ: see عُجْبٌ: A2: and see also عَجْبٌ.

عَجَبٌ [originally an int. n.] (S, O, K) and ↓ عُجْبٌ, (accord. to the K,) or ↓ عَجْبٌ, (accord. to the TA,) Wonder; i. e. a deeming strange, extraordinary, or improbable, what occurs, or presents itself, to one, (K, TA,) on account of being little accustomed to it; (TA;) or [the effect, upon the mind, of] the consideration of a thing with which one is not familiar, and to which one is not accustomed: (IAar, TA:) for a distinction between عَجَبٌ and ↓ عَجْبٌ, see 1, in the middle of the paragraph: the pl. of عَجَبٌ [in this sense] is [said to be] أَعْجَابٌ; (K;) or it has no pl.: (S, O, K:) [this statement correctly applies to عَجَبٌ as an epithet; for as such it is app. used as sing. and pl., being originally an inf. n.:] but El-'Ajjáj has pluralized it, [regarding it in the sense expl. above,] saying, ذَكَرْنَ أَشْجَابًا لِمَنْ تَشَجَّبَا وَهِجْنَ أَعْجَابًا لِمَنْ تَعَجَّبَا [They mentioned griefs to him who grieved, and they excited wonder to him who wondered]. (O.) يَا لَلْعَجَبِ [may be rendered O case of wonder! but properly] means O wonder come, for this is thy time: and يَا لِلْعَجَبِ [may also be rendered O case of wonder! but properly] means O [people, or the like, come] to wonder; the noun signifying the invoked being suppressed. (Har p. 27.) A2: It is also an epithet applied to a thing, an affair, an event, or a case; one says أَمْرٌ عَجَبٌ [A wonderful thing or affair &c.]; and so ↓ عَجِيبٌ [which is more common in this sense], and ↓ عُجَابٌ, and ↓ عُجَّابٌ: or ↓ عَجِيبٌ is syn. with عَجَبٌ; but ↓ عُجَابٌ signifies more than عَجَبٌ: (K:) or ↓ عُجَابٌ is syn. with ↓ عَجِيبٌ, (S, O,) which signifies a thing, (S, O, Msb,) or an affair, or event, or a case, (S, O,) wondered at; (S, O, Msb, TA;) or inducing wonder, or admiration, and pleasure, or joy; or pleasing, or rejoicing; syn. ↓ مُعْجِبٌ; (TA;) and ↓ عُجَّابٌ; signifies more than عَجَبٌ: (S, O, TA:) [it is said that] عَجَبٌ has no pl.; [app. meaning when it is used as an epithet, as observed above;] nor has ↓ عَجِيبٌ; (S, O, K;) or the pl. of this is عَجَائِبُ [respecting which see عَجِيبَةٌ]; (S, O, K;) like as أَفَائِلُ is pl. of أَفِيلٌ; and تَبَائِعُ, of تَبِيعٌ. (S, O.) [Being originally an inf. n., it is used alike as masc. and fem.:] one says قِصَّةٌ عَجَبٌ [meaning A wonderful story: and for the same reason, it may, as an epithet, be also used alike as sing. and pl.: like عَدْلٌ &c.]. (O.) b2: [It is also used as a subst. in a pl. sense, signifying Wonders, as meaning wonderful things; like the pl. عَجَائِبُ, &c.; and it may be similarly used in a sing. sense for شَىْءٌ عَجَبٌ or أَمْرٌ عَجَبٌ: but when used as a subst. in the pl. sense expl. above, it seems to be regarded by some as a coll. gen. n., of which ↓ عَجَبَةٌ is the n. un.; for] one says, مَا فُلَانٌ إِلَّا عَجَبَةٌ مِنَ العَجَبِ [Such a one is none other than a wonder of wonders]. (A, TA.) [Hence, also,] أَبُو العَجَبِ [lit. The father of wonders] is a surname of Fortune. (TA.) and it signifies also The practiser of legerdemain, or sleight-of-hand; syn. الشَّعْوَذِىُّ, (A, TA,) or المُشَعْوِذُ: (Eth-Tha'álibee, TA in شعذ:) and any one who does wonderful things. (A, TA.) And a poet says, يَا عَجَبًا لِلدَّهْرِ ذِى الأَعْجَابِ [for يَا أَعْجَبُ عَجَبًا O, I wonder greatly, lit. with wondering, at fortune that is ever attended with wonders]. (TA.) [See also عَجِيبَةٌ.]

A3: Also The quality, in a she-camel, that is denoted by the epithet عَجْبَآءُ [fem. of أَعْجَبُ, q. v.]; and so ↓ عُجْبَةٌ. (O.) عُجْبَةٌ: see the last preceding sentence.

عَجَبَةٌ: see عَجَبٌ, last quarter.

عُجَابٌ: see عَجَبٌ, in three places, near the middle of the paragraph: b2: and see also عَاجِبٌ.

عَجِيبٌ: see عَجَبٌ, in four places, near the middle of the paragraph. b2: Also Loved, beloved, or an object of love: so in the following verse, cited by Th: وَمَا البُخْلُ يَنْهَانِى وَلَا الجُودُ قَادَنِى

وَلٰكِنَّهَا ضَرْبٌ إِلَىَّ عَجِيبٌ [And neither does niggardliness forbid me nor liberality lead me; but she is a sort of person, to me, an object of love]: by قَادَنِى, the poet means يَقُودُنِى. (L, TA.) عَجِيبَةٌ (K) and ↓ أُعْجُوبَةٌ (S, O, K) A wonderful thing; a thing at which one wonders: (S, O, K: *) [the pl. of the former, accord. to modern usage, is عَجَائِبُ, mentioned above as pl. of عَجَبٌ: and]

أَعَاجِيبُ seems to be pl. of أُعْجُوبَةٌ, like as أَحَادِيثُ is pl. of أُحْدُوثَةُ: (S, O:) and ↓ تَعَاجِيبُ signifies wonderful things; syn. عَجَائِبُ; (S, O, K;) and is a word [of a rare form, (see تَبَاشِيرُ,)] having no proper sing., (S, O,) like تَعَاشِيبُ; (O;) erroneously thought by the author of the “ Námoos ”

[on the Kámoos] to be most probably a mistake for أَعَاجِيبُ: (TA:) a poet says, وَمَنْ تَعَاجِيبِ خَلْقِ اللّٰهِ غَاطِيَةٌ يُعْصَرُ مِنْهَا مُلَاحِىٌّ وَــغِرْبِــيبُ [And of the wonderful things of God's creation is a grape-vine covering the ground (so غَاطِيَةٌ is expl. by IB), whereof grapes of the kinds called ملاحىّ and غربــيب are pressed for making wine]. (S, O.) عُجَّابٌ: see عَجَبٌ, near the middle of the paragraph, in two places.

عَجَبٌ عَاجِبٌ [meaning Very wonderful or admirable or pleasing] (S, O, K) is like لَيْلٌ لَائِلٌ, the latter word being a corroborative of the former; (S, O;) and one says also [in like manner] ↓ عَجَبٌ عُجَابٌ. (K.) أَعْجَبُ [More, and most, wonderful or admirable or pleasing]. b2: [And the fem.] عَجْبَآءُ signifies A female wondered at for her beauty: and also, for her ugliness. (O, K.) A2: Also, i. e. the former, A thick, or big, or coarse, camel. (O, K. *) and so the fem. applied to a she-camel: (O, K:) or, so applied, thick in the عَجْب [or root, &c.,] of the tail: (TA:) or whereof the hinder part, (O, K,) or the upper portion of that part, (L, TA,) is narrow, and whereof the جَاعِرَتَانِ [q. v.] are prominent: (O, L, K, TA:) the kind of make thus particularized is ugly. (TA.) أُعْجُوبَةٌ: see عَجِيبَةٌ.

رَجُلٌ تِعْجَابَةٌ A man of (lit. having, possessing, or endowed with,) wonders, or wonderful things. (O, K, TA.) تَعَاجِيبُ, a pl. without a sing.: see عَجِيبَةٌ.

مُعْجَبٌ بِنَفْسِهِ, and بِرَأْيِهِ, [Admiring himself, (lit. excited to admiration by himself,) or pleased with himself, and his opinion, or judgment; selfconceited, and conceited of his opinion or judgment,] (S, O, TA,) [or] vain, or proud, [thereof; for]

مُعْجَبٌ signifies a man vain, or proud, of what proceeds from him, whether good or bad, and of himself, or of a thing [belonging to him, such as his dress or wealth &c.]: but Er-Rághib makes a distinction between مُعْجَبٌ and تَائِهٌ; saying that the معجب believes himself with respect to the opinion or judgment that he forms of himself indecisively from evidence outweighed in probability; [so that it rather denotes conceit than vanity;] whereas the تائه believes himself decisively. (MF, TA.) مُعْجِبٌ [Inducing wonder, or admiration, &c.]: see عَجَبٌ, in the middle of the paragraph: [or] a thing that is very good or goodly or beautiful. (TA.)



1 زَجَّهُ, (S, A, Msb,) aor. ـُ (S,) inf. n. زَجٌّ, (S, A, Msb, K,) He pierced him, or thrust him, (i. e. a man, S, Msb,) with the زُجّ [or pointed iron foot of the spear]; (S, A, Msb, K; *) and cast at him with it: and زَجَّ also signifies he pierced, or thrust, with haste. (TA.) and زَجَجْتُهُ بِالرُّمْحِ I cast at him with the spear. (A, and Ham p. 147.) b2: [Hence,] زَجَّ بِالشَّىْءِ (tropical:) He cast, or threw, the thing from himself: (A:) or زَجَّ بِالشَّىْءِ مِنْ يَدِهِ, aor. ـُ (TA,) inf. n. as above, (K, TA,) (tropical:) he cast, or threw, the thing from his hand. (K, * TA.) b3: [And hence,] زَجٌّ signifies also (tropical:) The running or the ostrich. (K, TA.) Yousay of the ostrich, زَجَّ بِرِجْلَيْهِ, (A, TA,) inf. n. as above, (TA,) (tropical:) He ran, (A, TA,) throwing out his legs. (TA.) b4: [Hence also,] نَزَلْنَا بِوَادٍ يَزُجُّ النَّبَاتَ (tropical:) We alighted in a valley putting forth herbage; as though casting it from itself. (A, TA.) b5: See also 4.

A2: زَجَّ, sec. Pers\. زَجِجْتَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. زَجَجٌ, It (an eyebrow) was, or became, narrow and long: (TK:) or arched: (MA:) [or narrow and long and full and arched: see زَجَجٌ below.]2 زَجَّّ see 4.

A2: زَجَّجَتْ حَاجِبَهَا, (S, A,) or زجّج حَاجِبَهُ, (K, TA,) inf. n. تَزْجِيجٌ, (TA,) She, or he, made her, or his, eyebrow narrow and long: (S, K:) [or made it arched: (see 1, last sentence:) or made it narrow and long and arched: (see زَجَجٌ below:)] or clipped the redundant portions of the hair thereof: or lengthened it [in appearance] with إِثْمِد [i. e. antimony, or ore of antimony, or a black collyrium; like as the ancient Egyptians were accustomed to do, as appears from their paintings and sculptures; and like as some of the Arab women still do; extending a black line towards the ear, and also a similar line from the outer angle of the eye]. (TA.) In the following verse of the poet Er-Rá'ee, إِذَا مَا الغَانِيَاتُ خَرَجْنَ يَوْمًا وَزَجَّجْنَ الحَوَاجِبَ وَالعُيُونَا

[the last of these significations may be intended; so that it may be rendered, When the females content with their husbands, or with their beauty, &c., shall go forth (or went forth) one day, and shall lengthen (or lengthened) with black collyrium the eyebrows and the eyes: or] كَحَلْنَ is meant to be understood before العُيُونَا. (S.) b2: Hence, from تَزْجِيحُ الحَوَاجِبِ as signifying “ the clipping of the redundant portions of the hair of the eyebrows,” زجّج مَوْضِعَهَا, occurring in a trad., referring to a hole made in a piece of wood in which a thousand deenars and a writing had been inserted, is expl. as meaning He made even, and adjusted, the place thereof: or, accord. to IAth, it may be that the hole was in the end of the piece of wood, and so it may mean he made a زُجّ [q. v.] upon the place thereof, to hold it fast, and to preserve what was in it. (TA.) 4 ازجّ الرُّمْحَ; (IAar, ISk, S, A, K;) and ↓ زجّجهُ; (A, TA;) and ↓ زَجَّهُ, aor. ـُ inf. n. زَجٌّ; (Msb;) and زَجَّاهُ; (TA;) He put, or made, a زُجّ [q. v.] to the spear. (IAar, ISk, S, A, Msb, K.) b2: The first of these phrases is said also to signify He removed, or took off, its زُجّ from the spear: (A:) IAar is related to have said thus; but he is also related to have said that this signification is not allowable. (TA.) 8 اِزْدَجَّ, said of the eyebrow, It reached to the outer extremity (ذُنَابَى) of the eye. (K.) b2: And, said of herbage, Its intervening spaces became closed up. (TA.) زُجٌّ [The pointed iron foot, or heel, or shoe, of a spear;] the iron at the lower extremity of a spear; (S, A, Msb, K;) i. e. the iron which is fixed upon the lower extremity of a spear, and with which the spear is stuck into the ground: the iron which is fixed upon its upper extremity, and with which one pierces, being called سِنَانٌ: (ISd, TA:) pl. [of mult.] زِجَاجٌ and زِجَجَةٌ (S, Msb, K) and [of pauc.] أَزْجَاجٌ and أَزِجَّةٌ, (TA,) or this last is not allowable, (S, Msb, TA,) accord. to ISk. (Msb.) Zuheyr says, وَمَنْ يَعْصِ أَطْرَافَ الزِّجَاجِ فَإِنَّهُ يُطِيعُ العَوَالِى رُكِّبَتْ كُلَّ لَهْذَمِ [And he who refuses to yield to the points of the iron feet of the spears shall yield to the upper extremities thereof mounted with every sharp spear-head]: ISk says, he means that he who refuses to yield to a small thing will encounter a great thing: and Khálid Ibn-Kulthoom says, they used to meet their enemies, when they desired peace, with the iron feet of their spears turned towards them; and if they refused peace, they turned their spears' heads to them, and combated them. (TA.) [By a synecdoche, the pl.] زِجَاجٌ is also used to signify Spears, altogether. (Ham p. 147.) b2: Hence, as being likened to the زُجّ of the spear, (L,) (tropical:) The extremity of the elbow, (S, L, K,) which is pointed: (L:) or the part [or joint] between the lower extremity of the os humeri and the extremity of the ulna at the elbow: (T in art. ابر:) or [simply] the elbow. (A.) You say, اِتَّكَأَ عَلَى زُجَّيْهِ (tropical:) He leaned upon his elbows: and اِتَّكَؤُوا عَلَى زِجَاجِ مَرَافِقِهِمْ (tropical:) [They leaned upon the extremities of their elbows]. (A.) b3: [Hence also, (tropical:) A tush, or canine tooth:] زِجَاجُ الفَحْلِ signifies (tropical:) the tushes of the stallion-camel. (A, K.) b4: [Hence also a signification mentioned by Golius on the authority of Meyd, (assumed tropical:) An iron pivot (“ subscus ferrea ”) round which a mill-stone turns.] b5: Also An arrow-head: (IAar, K:) pl. زِجَجَةٌ and زِجَاجٌ (K) and أَزِجَّةٌ. (TA.) زَجَجٌ Narrowness and length in the eyebrows: (S, K:) or narrowness and archedness of the eyebrows: (A:) or archedness thereof: (MA:) or narrowness and length and fulness and arched-ness thereof. (TA.) [See 1, last sentence.] b2: Also, in an ostrich, (assumed tropical:) Length of the shanks, and width of step. (L.) b3: And in camels, (assumed tropical:) Width, or wideness, (رَوَحٌ) in [the space between] the hind legs. (TA.) b4: And (assumed tropical:) Wideness of a solid hoof: which is a fault. (TA in art. صر.) زُجُجٌ Darts, or javelins, (حِرَابٌ,) furnished with iron heads: (K:) its sing. is not mentioned. (TA.) b2: [It is also expl. in different copies of the K as meaning حَمِيرٌ مُقْتَتِلَةٌ or مُقَتَّلَةٌ or مُقْتَلَّةٌ: the first I regard as the right reading; i. e. Asses (wild asses) fighting one another.]

زُجَاجٌ and زَجَاجٌ and زِجَاجٌ, (AO, S, Msb, K,) the first of which is that used by the seven readers [of the Kur-án], (Msb,) and the last is the least common, (TA,) words of well-known meaning; (S, Msb, K;) [Glass: pieces of glass: glassvessels:] glass flasks or bottles; syn. قَوَارِيرُ: (TA:) and [glass] drinking-cups or bowls: (AO, TA:) pls. of ↓ زُجَاجَةٌ (AO, S) and ↓ زَجَاجَةٌ and ↓ زِجَاجَة: (AO:) or [rather] these are the ns. un. (Msb.) In the Kur [xxiv. 35], ↓ زُجَاجَة means A lamp, syn. قِنْدِيل,(Lth, Bd, Jel,) of زُجَاج [i. e. glass]. (Bd.) A2: زَجَاجٌ, with fet-h, also signifies The berries of the clove-tree; syn. حَبُّ القَرَنْفُلِ. (Ktr, TA.) زُجَاجَةٌ and زَجَاجَةٌ and زِجَاجَةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph; the first, in two places.

A2: The last also signifies The art, or occupation, of making زُجَاج [i. e. glass, glass vessels, &c.]. (TA.) زُجَاجِىٌّ (Msb, K, TA) [and زَجَاجِىٌّ and زِجَاجِىٌّ, the former in the CK, and both implied in the K and in the Msb,] A seller of زَجَاج [i. e. glass, glass vessels, &c.]. (Msb, K.) زَجَّاجٌ A maker, or manufacturer, of زُجَاج [i. e. glass, glass, vessels, &c.] (Msb, K.) الزَّجَّاجَةُ (assumed tropical:) The anus; because it emits (تَزُجُّ) wind and excrement. (TA.) أَزَجُّ, applied to a man, (S, A,) Having narrow and long eyebrows: (S, K:) or having narrow and arched eyebrows: (A:) [or having arched eyebrows: see زَجَجٌ:] or having narrow and long and full and arched eyebrows: (TA:) fem.

زَجَّآءُ, (A, K,) applied to a woman: (A:) [pl. زُجٌّ:] and one says also أَزَجُّ الحَوَاجِبِ [meaning the same]. (L.) It is likewise applied to the eyebrow [as meaning Narrow and long: or narrow and arched: &c.]: (A, TA:) and so ↓ مُزَجَّجٌ: (TA:) or the former signifies an eyebrow narrow and long [&c.] naturally: and ↓ the latter, rendered so artificially. (MF.) and الأَزَجُّ is a name for The eyebrow [itself] in the dial. of El-Yemen. (TA.) b2: Also, applied to a male ostrich, (assumed tropical:) Long in step: (S, K:) or longlegged and long in step: (L:) or that runs throwing out his legs: (TA:) or having white feathers above his eyes: (K:) fem. زَجَّآءُ: (S:) and pl. زُجٌّ (K.) And, applied to a man, (assumed tropical:) Long-legged. (L.) b3: Also, applied to a solid hoof, (assumed tropical:) Wide. (TA in art. صر. [See زَجَجٌ, last sentence.]) مُزَجٌّ A spear having a زُجّ [q. v.] affixed to it. (ISk, S.) مِزَجٌّ A short spear, like the مِزْرَاق, (S, K, TA,) having at its lower extremity a زُجّ [q. v.]: and sometimes used as meaning one that transpierces, or passes through, quickly. (TA.) مِزَجَّةٌ An instrument with which the eyebrow is made such as is termed أَزَجُّ [or narrow and long, or narrow and arched, &c.]. (TA.) مُزَجَّجٌ: see أَزَجُّ in two places.

مَزْجُوجٌ Pierced, or thrust, with the زُجّ [q. v.] of a spear. (S, TA.) And Cast at therewith. (TA.) b2: Also A large bucket (غَرْبٌ) not made round, but having its two lips [or opposite edges] put together, and then sewed. (K.)



1 لَجِنَ: see لَجِذَ.5 تَلَجَّنَ النَّبَاتُ: see تَلَزَّجَ.



عَنْكَبٌ: see عَنْكَبُوتٌ, in two places.

عَنْكَبَاةٌ and عَنْكَبَآءُ: see the next paragraph.

عَنْكَبُوتٌ; (S, O, K;) generally fem., (S, O,) but sometimes masc.; (O, K;) also, fem., عَكْنَبَاةٌ, (S, O, K,) in the dial. of El-Yemen, with the ك put before the ن; (TA;) and ↓ عَنْكَبَاةٌ and عَنْكَبُوهٌ (so in the O and TA, but in the CK and a MS. copy of the K عَنْكَبُوةٌ); and ↓ عَنْكَبَاءُ; (O, K;) the last mentioned by Sb as shewing the ت in عنكبوت to be an augmentative letter; but it is doubtful whether this be a sing., or a quasi-pl. n.: (TA:) also, masc., ↓ عَنْكَبٌ; (IAar, O, K;) fem., عَنْكَبَةٌ: (IAar, K:) or the former of these two words is a coll. gen. n. [and the latter, its n. un.]: (TA:) [The spider;] the thing that weaves; (S, O;) an insect that weaves a delicate web in the air and upon the upper part of a well: (TA:) pl. عَنَاكِبُ (S, O, K) and عَنْكَبُوتَاتٌ (K) and عَنَاكِيبُ (Lh, TA) and عَنَاكبِيتُ, (As, Ktr, TA,) which last is anomalous, in its having four letters together after its ا: dim. ↓ عُنَيْكِبٌ and ↓ عُنَيْكِيبٌ and ↓ عُنَيْكِبِيتٌ; but this last is not approved: (TA:) quasi-pl. nouns عِكَابٌ and عُكُبٌ and أَعْكُبٌ [in the CK أَعْكَبٌ]. (K.) بَيْتُ العنكبوت [The spider's web] is also called عَكْدَبَةٌ. (Fr, TA.) b2: Sá'ideh-Ibn-Ju-eiyeh says, مَقَتُّ نِسَآءً بِالْحِجَازِ صَوَالِحًا

↓ وَإِنَّا مَقَتْنَا كُلَّ سَوْدَآءَ عَنْكَبِ [meaning I hated virtuous women in El-Hijáz; and verily we hated every black, short woman: for] here عنكب signifies short: (Skr, L:) or it may be syn. with عَنْكَبُوتٌ, but be used as an epithet, though a subst., because it implies blackness and shortness. (IJ, L.) b3: زَهْرُ العَنْكَبُوتِ: see رُتَيْلَآءُ. b4: عنكبوت also signifies A worm, or maggot, that is engendered in the honeycomb, and spoils the honey. (AHn, L.) b5: عنكبوت is mentioned in this art. agreeably with the rule of Sb; when ن occupies the second place in a word, it is not to be pronounced augmentative without proof: but J and some others consider the ن augmentative, and mention the word in art. عكب. (TA.) عُنَيْكِبٌ and عُنَيْكِيبٌ and عُنَيْكِبِيتٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

مُعَنْكَبُ القَرْنِ A he-goat having a horn curved so as to resemble a ring. (Az, TA.)



1 مَجَّهُ مِنْ فِيهِ, (S, K, &c.,) and مَجَّ بِهِ, aor. ـُ and some allow مَجَّ, but this is not well known, and, unless the medial letter of the pret.

be pronounced with kesreh by those who use this form of the aor. , it is to be rejected utterly, (TA,) He cast it forth, or ejected it, or spirted it, from his mouth; meaning beverage, or wine, شَرَاب: (S, K:) and spittle: or, accord. to some, water only: or a thing: (L:) or, properly, something fluid; لَفَظَهُ being used to signify “ he cast it forth ” from his mouth when the thing meant is not fluid: but used with relation to all other things that are perceived by any of the senses, figuratively: (MF:) accord. to Sh, it is used to signify the pouring forth of water, and of spittle, from the mouth, when it is ejected to a short distance or far; or, as some say, only when it is ejected far. (TA.) It is made trans. by means of بِ because syn. with رَمَى [which is trans. by the same means]. (MF.)

b2: مَجَّتِ

النَّحْلُ العَسَلَ The bees ejected the honey from their mouths. (TA.)

b3: مَجَّ العِرْقُ بِالدَّمِ The vein ejected, or spirted forth, blood. (TA.)

b4: مَجَّتِ الشَّمْسُ رِيقَهَا (tropical:) [The sun ejected its spittle; meaning the filmy substance described in the explanation of لُعَابُ الشَّمْسِ]. (A.)

b5: هٰذَا كَلَامٌ

تَمُجُّهُ الأَسْمَاعُ (tropical:) This is language which the ears reject. (MF.)

b6: قَرَأَ آيَةً فَمَجَّ بِهَا (tropical:) He read a verse of the Kur-án, and dismissed it from his mind]; i. e., did not reflect upon it. (MF, from a trad.)

A2: مَجَّ and بَجَّ, (TA in this art.,) or مَجَّ and نَجَّ, (TA in art. نج,) acc. to IAar, are syn. (TA.)

4 امجّ, (S, K,) and, by poetic licence, أَمْجَجَ, (TA,) inf. n. إِمْجَاجٌ, (As,) He (a horse) ran

violently: (TA:) or he (a horse) began to perform the act of running, before it (his run, As) was vehement, or ardent. (قَبْلَ أَنْ يَضْطَرِمَ). (As, S, K.)

b2: He (a man) went, or went forth journeying, through (فى) countries. (S, K.)

b3: He went away, or departed, to (إِلى) a country or town. (TA.)

7 انمجّت نُقْطَةٌ مِنَ القَلَمِ A drop [of ink]

became spirted from the reed-pen. (S, K.)

R. Q. 1 مَجْمَجَ فِى خَبَرِهِ, (inf. n. مَجْمَجَةٌ, TA,) He was not explicit in his information. (S, K.) [See also حَجْحَجَ.]

b2: مَجْمَجَ الكِتَابَ He made the writing indistinct in its letters: (S, K:) or he rendered the writing confused, and marred it with the pen. (Lth.) مَجْمَجَ خَطَّهُ He made his handwriting confused. (A.)

b3: مَجْمَجَ بِفُلَانٍ He pursued an indirect course of speech with such a one, and turned him back from one state to another: (Shujáa Es-Sulamee, K:) as also بَجْبَجَ بِهِ. (Shujáa.)

مَجٌّ (S, K) and ↓ مُجَاجٌ (TA) The grain of the مَاش: (K:) or the grain called ماش; and called by the Arabs خُلَّرٌ and زِنٌّ: (T:) or a kind of grain resembling the lentil, (but more round, TA); an arabicized word; in Persian ماش: (S:) or, accord. to El-Jawáleekee, it is Arabic: accord. to AHn, what is called مَجَّةٌ [n. un. of مَجٌّ, which is a coll. gen. n.,] is a sour or salt, or salt and bitter, plant, or tree, (حَمْضَةٌ) resembling the طَحْمَآء, but more delicate, and smaller. (TA.)

A2: See مُجَاجٌ.

مُجُجٌ Drunken men. (K.)

b2: Bees. (K.)

مُجَاجٌ (S, K) and مُجَاجَةٌ (S) Spittle, or saliva, that one casts forth from his mouth: (S, K:) or the latter, [and so, app., ↓ مَجَّةٌ, see مَجَّاجَةٌ] a portion of such; a gob of spittle. (TA.)

b2: مُجَاجٌ فَمِ الجَارِيَةِ Girl's saliva, or spittle. (TA.)

b3: Also مُجَاجٌ, (K,) and مُجَاجُ النَّحْلِ [The ejected spittle of the bees], (S, K,) honey. (S, K.)

b4: مُجَاجُ الجَرَادِ (tropical:) The slaver of locusts. (TA.)

b5: مُجَاجُ الدَّبَى The slaver of little locusts. (L.)

b6: مُجَاجُ المُزْنِ (tropical:) [The ejected spittle of the clouds; i. e.,] rain. (S, K.)

b7: مُجَاجة also signifies (tropical:) The expressed juice of a thing. (S.)

b8: مُجَاجُ العِنَبِ (tropical:) What flows of the expressed juice of grapes. (TA.)

A2: See مَجٌّ.

مَجَّاجٌ (tropical:) A writer: so called because his pen emits ink. (TA.)

الأُذُنُ مَجَّاجَةٌ وَلِلنَّفْسِ حَمْضَةٌ (assumed tropical:) The ear is wont to reject instruction, through forgetfulness, while the mind has eager desire to listen thereto, is said in a trad. (TA.) And in another trad., وَلِلنَّفْسِ حَمْضَةٌ ↓ لِلْأُذُنِ مَجَّةٌ [meaning the same]. (TA., art. حمض.) [See also حَمْضَةٌ.]

مَاجٌّ One whose slaver flows by reason of old age, or extreme age: (K:) an old man who ejects his spittle, and cannot retain it, by reason of age: you say أَحْمَقُ مَاجٌّ, meaning a stupid, or foolish, drivelling, or slavering, fellow: (S:) and so, simply, مَاجٌّ: or stupid, or foolish, and decrepit: fem. with ة: (TA:) and pl. مَاجُّونَ (IAar) and مُجَّاجٌ. (TA.)

b2: Also, An old she-camel: (K:) or a she-camel so old that she ejects the water from her throat: (S:) and in like manner an old and slavering he-camel: fem. with ة: (TA:) and pl. مَجَجَةٌ. (IAar.)

قَوْلٌ مَمْجُوجٌ (tropical:) A saying which the ear rejects. (TA.)



بَنَاتُ لَبَنٍ [app. The small guts or intestines, in which originate the lacteals;] the intestines in which is the milk. (M, K.) See حَويَّةٌ, termed بَنَاتُ اللَّبَنِ. b2: لَبَنَةٌ [n. un. of لَبَنٌ]. (Az, in TA, art. خرس.) لَبِنٌ Bricks; (T, S, M, Mgh, Msb, K;) crude, or unburnt, bricks. (MA.) لِبْنَةٌ: see بَنِيقَةٌ.

لُبَانٌ [The frankincense-tree] is a tree of the kind called عِضَاه, having a fruit resembling the pistachio-nut, and a resin like the كُنْدُر, [which is said in the S and TA to be the same as the لُبَان,] when it concretes: (O and TA in art. سيع:) it is also, and more commonly, applied to the resin itself, i. e. frankincense, or olibanum: the tree that produces it is now known to be of the genus Boswellia, found in Hadramowt and other parts of Southern Arabia, and also in the opposite (eastern) region of Africa, and in India: it was formerly erroneously supposed to be the Juniperus Lycia. b2: حَصَى لُبَانٍ: see K, voce عَسَلٌ; and see art. حصى.

لِبَانٌ The sucking of milk or of the breast: (S, Msb, K:) see an ex. in a verse of El-Aashà

cited voce أَسْحَمُ: and see 1 in art. غذو.

لَبُونٌ: see لَقُوحٌ and بَكْرٌ. b2: إِبْنُ لَبُونٍ A male camel that has entered upon his third year: (S, Mgh, K:) or entering upon his third year: (Msb:) or in his second year. (K.) عَسَلُ اللُّبْنَى i. q. المَيْعَةُ [now applied to Storax, or styrax] sometimes used for fumigation. (TA.) See art. عسل.

لُبَانَةٌ مَــغْرِبِــيَّةٌ: see فَرْبَيُونٌ.

لَبَنِيَّةٌ Food made with milk: so in modern Arabic: see خَطِيفَةٌ.

لُبَيْنَةٌ [A little milk: dim. of لَبَنَةٌ, n. un. of لَبَنٌ]: see رَثَأَ.

مِلْبَنٌ A thing like the مِحْمَل, upon which bricks (لَبِن) are carried from place to place. (M.) See فَتْخَآءُ.



1 رَاشَهُ, aor. ـِ (S, A, Msb, K,) inf. n. رَيْشٌ, (S, Mgh, TA,) He feathered it, namely, an arrow; stuck the feathers upon it: (S, A, * K:) or he repaired it, or put it into a right state, by putting the feathers upon it: (Mgh:) or he repaired, or put into a right state, its feathers: (Msb:) and ↓ ريّشهُ, (K,) inf. n. تَرْيِيشٌ, (TA,) signifies the same; (K;) and so ↓ ارتاشهُ. (TA.) It is said in a prov., فُلَانٌ لَا يَرِيشُ وَ لَا يَبْرِى [lit., Such a one neither feathers nor pares arrows]; meaning, (assumed tropical:) Such a one neither profits nor injures. (TA.) b2: (assumed tropical:) He fed him, and gave him drink, and clad him; namely, a friend: (K:) (assumed tropical:) he clad him, and aided him; namely, a poor man; because such is like a bird with a clipped wing: (TA:) (assumed tropical:) He (God) restored him, from a state of poverty, to wealth, or competence: (TA:) (tropical:) he strengthened his wing, [or power,] by beneficence to him: (A:) (tropical:) he rectified, or made good, or amended, his state, or condition, (S, K,) and profited him: (K:) (assumed tropical:) he did that which was a means of good to him: or he caused him to attain good: (Msb:) (assumed tropical:) he did good to him: (assumed tropical:) he strengthened him, and aided him to obtain his subsistence. (TA.) In the saying of Dhu-r-Rummeh, رَاشَ الغُصُونَ شَكِيرُهَا (assumed tropical:) [Their shoots clad the branches: or surpassed in length the branches:] it is said to mean كَسَا: or, accord. to AA, طَالَ: but the former meaning is the better known. (TA.) [It is also doubly trans.:] you say, رَاشَهُ اللّٰهُ مَالًا (assumed tropical:) God gave him property. (TA, from a trad.) A2: رَاشَ, (K,) aor. and inf. n. as above, (TA,) [seems to have originally signified, when used intransitively, He became feathered. b2: And hence,] (assumed tropical:) He collected ريش, meaning, property, and أَثَاث [or household goods, or furniture and utensils, &c.]. (K, * TA.) b3: And He (a man) became rich, or in a state of competence: (Fr:) and ↓ تريّش (assumed tropical:) he became wealthy, or abundant in wealth. (Bd in vii. 25.) [See also 8].

A3: He (a bird) shed many feathers. (TA.) 2 رَيَّشَ see 1, first sentence.5 تَرَيَّشَ see 8, in two places: and see 1, last sentence but two.8 ارتاش (tropical:) He became strengthened in his wing, [or power,] by being an object of beneficence; as also ↓ تريّش: (A:) he became in a good state, or condition: (S:) he attained good: (Msb:) he obtained good, and the effect thereof was seen upon him; as also ↓ the latter verb. (TA.) [See also 1, last sentence but two.]

A2: ارتاشهُ: see 1, first sentence.

رَاشٌ A bird whose feathers have grown. (TA.) b2: [And hence,] (assumed tropical:) A man possessing property and clothing; as also ↓ أَرْيَشُ. (TA.) A2: See also the next paragraph.

رِيشٌ [Feathers; plumage;] a certain appertenance of birds, (S, A, Msb, K,) well known, (A, Msb,) constituting their clothing and ornament; (A, TA;) as also ↓ رَاشٌ: (KT, K:) n. un. of the former with ة: (S, Msb:) pl. [of pauc.]

أَرْيَاشٌ (S, K) and [of mult.] رِيَاشٌ. (IJ, K.) b2: Hence, (B,) (tropical:) Clothing: (ISk, B:) or superb, or excellent, clothing; as also ↓ رِيَاشٌ: (S, K:) or both signify what appears of clothing: (KT:) the former occurs in the Kur vii. 25, accord. to one reading; (S;) and ↓ the latter accord. to another reading: (TA:) and hence also, the former signifies (tropical:) ornament; and beauty: (A, TA: *) or ↓ both signify (assumed tropical:) property; and plenty, or abundance of the produce of the earth and of the goods or conveniences and comforts of life: (S:) or the former signifies (assumed tropical:) good; or prosperity; or wealth: (Msb:) and (assumed tropical:) state; or condition: (TA:) and ↓ the latter, (assumed tropical:) property: (Msb:) and (tropical:) goodness of state or condition; (A, TA;) or a goodly state or condition: (Msb:) or the former signifies, (K,) and ↓ the latter also, (TA,) (assumed tropical:) plenty, or abundance of the produce of the earth and of the goods or conveniences and comforts of life; and the means of subsistence: (K, TA:) and (assumed tropical:) property which one has acquired for himself: and أَثَاث [or (assumed tropical:) household-goods, or furniture and utensils, &c.]: (TA:) the Benoo-Kiláb say that ↓ the latter word means (assumed tropical:) household-goods of whatever kind, consisting of clothes, or stuffing for mattresses or the like, or outer garments: and sometimes it means (tropical:) clothes, exclusively of other articles or kinds of property. (ISk, TA.) Yousay, إِنَّهُ لَحَسَنُ الرِّيشِ (tropical:) Verily he is goodly in clothing, or apparel. (TA.) Respecting the saying, أَعْطَاهُ مِائِةً بِرِيشِهَا, it is said, (S, A, * K,) by AO, (S,) that kings, when they gave a gift, put upon the humps of the camels [that bore it] ostrich-feathers, (S, K,) or [other] feathers, (A, TA,) in order that it might be known to be the king's gift; (S, A, K;) and the meaning is, accord. to As, [He gave him a hundred camels] with their saddles (S, A *) and their coverings: (S:) or with their coverings and their cloths beneath the saddles. (K.) رِيَاشٌ: see رِيشٌ, (of which it is a syn. as well as a pl.,) in several places.

رَائِشٌ: see مَرِيشٌ.

A2: Also (tropical:) An agent between two persons, (A, Mgh, K,) namely, the briber and the accepter of a bribe, (Mgh, K,) who composes their affair, (Mgh,) or who gives (يَرِيشُ) this one of the property of that. (A.) Such Mohammad cursed. (Mgh, TA.) [See رَاشٍ, in art. رشو.) أَرْيَشُ: see رَاشٌ.

مَرِيشٌ, applied to an arrow, Feathered; or having the feathers stuck upon it; (S, A, * K;) as also ↓ مُرَيَّشٌ: (A, K:) or having its feathers repaired, or put into a right state: (Msb:) and ↓ رَائِشٌ signifies [the same: (see رَاشَ:) or] having feathers; (K;) being like دَافِقٌ applied to water [in the sense of ذُو دَفْق]. (TA.) Hence the saying, مَا لَهُ أَقَذُّ وَ لَا مَرِيشٌ [lit., He has not a featherless arrow nor a feathered one]; meaning, (assumed tropical:) he has not anything. (S.) مُرَيَّشٌ: see مَرِيشٌ. b2: Also, applied to the kind of garment called بُرْد, (A, K,) an epithet similar to مُسَهَّمٌ: (A:) signifying (tropical:) Figured (Lh, K) with marks in the forms of feathers. (Lh.)



1 سَمُحَ, (S, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ (Msb, K,) inf. n. سَمَاحٌ and سَمَاحَةٌ and سُمُوحٌ and سُمُوحَةٌ and سَمْحٌ and سِمَاحٌ, (K,) He was, or became, liberal, bountiful, munificent, or generous; (S, * Msb, * K;) as also ↓ اسمح: (Msb, K:) but the unaugmented verb commonly known, but faultily omitted in the K, is سَمَحَ, aor. ـَ and this is the only one mentioned by IKtt and IKoot and a number of other authors: سَمُحَ, like كَرُمَ, means he became of the people of السَّمَاحَة [i. e. liberality, &c.]: (MF:) [but] سَمَحَ and ↓ اسمح both signify as above; he was, or became, liberal, &c.; and he gave from a motive of generosity and liberality: this is the correct explanation of both; though some say that the former only is used in this sense; and the latter, in relation to compliance and submissiveness. (L.) You say, سَمَحَ بِهِ, (S, A, Msb,) aor. ـَ inf. n. سَمَاحٌ and سَمَاحَةٌ (S, * A, * Msb) and سُمُوحٌ, (Msb,) He was liberal, bountiful, munificent, or generous, with it; (S, A, Msb;) and gave it; and complied therein with that which was desired of him; as also ↓ اسمح. (Msb.) [And سَمَحَ لَهُ He was liberal, &c., to him; as also ↓ اسمح; whence,] God is represented, in a trad., as saying, لِعَبْدِى ↓ أَسْمِحُوا كَإِسْمَاحِهِ إِلَى عِبَادِى Be ye liberal, &c., to my servant, [meaning Mohammad,] like as he is liberal, &c., to my servants. (L.) And سَمَحَ لِى, (S,) or لَهُ, (A,) He gave (S, A) to me, (S,) or to him: (A:) and بِكَذَا ↓ سَامَحَهُ he gave him such a thing. (Msb.) And سَمَحَ لِى بِذٰلِكَ, and ↓ اسمح, and ↓ سامح, He complied with my desire in that thing. (L: see also a similar phrase below.) b2: سَمَحَتْ, said of a she-camel, means She became submissive, and went quickly: (L:) and ↓ اسمحت said of a beast (دَابَّة), it became gentle and submissive after being refractory: (L, K: *) and in like manner ↓ اسمح; (A;) and ↓ سمّح, inf. n. تَسْمِيحٌ; (L;) said of a camel: (A, L:) or تَسْمِيحٌ signifies the going an easy pace: (S, L, K:) and the going quickly: (L, K:) or (so in the L, but in the K “ and ”) the act of fleeing. (L, K.) And ↓ اسمح It became easy and submissive. (L.) You say, قَرُونَتُهُ ↓ أَسْمَحَتْ, (S, A, K,) and قَرِينَتُهُ, as also ↓ سَامَحَتْ, (L,) His mind became submissive, (S, A, L, K,) لِذٰلِكَ الأَمْرِ to that thing. (L.) b3: سَمَحَ, inf. n. سَمَاحٌ; (L;) and ↓ سمّح, (Mgh, L,) inf. n. تَسْمِيحٌ; (L, K;) and ↓ سامح, (Mgh, L,) inf. n. مُسَامَحَةٌ; (S, A, L, K;) and ↓ اسمح, (Mgh,) and ↓ تسمّح; (L;) also signify He acted in an easy, or a gentle, manner; (S, A, Mgh, L, K;) and he made easy, or facilitated; (L;) فِى أَمْرٍ in an affair: (Mgh, L:) and ↓ مُسَامَحَةٌ signifies the acting in an easy, or a gentle, manner in a contest in thrusting, or piercing, with spears or the like, and smiting with swords, and running. (L.) It is said in a well-known trad., السَّمَاحُ رَبَاحٌ The acting in an easy, or a gentle, manner, in affairs, is a means of gain, or profit, to the performer thereof. (L.) And you say, فِى الأَمْرِ ↓ سامحهُ He acted in an easy, or a gentle, manner with him. (TK.) And سَمَحَ لَهُ and بِهِ, and ↓ اسمح, He made [a thing] easy to him. (L.) And اِسْمَحْ يُسْمَحْ لَكَ (Meyd, Mgh, L) and بِكَ, (L,) and يُسْمَحْ لَكَ ↓ أَسْمِحْ (Meyd, L) and بِكَ, (L,) a trad., (Mgh, L,) meaning Facilitate thou, and facilitation shall be rendered to thee: (As, Sh, L:) or act thou in an easy, or a gentle, manner, and easy, or gentle, treatment, shall be rendered to thee: (Mgh:) or be thou compliant, and compliance shall be rendered to thee. (Meyd.) And سَمَحَ لَهُ بِحَاجَتِهِ, and ↓ اسمح, He made easy to him the object of his want. (IAar, L: see also a similar phrase above.) b4: سَمَاحَةٌ (A, TA) and سُمُوحَةٌ, (TA,) [app. inf. ns. of which the verb is سَمُحَ,] in a branch, or rod, signify (tropical:) The being even and smooth, without any knots [or inequality of thickness: see سَمْحٌ]. (A, TA.) 2 سَمَّحَ see 1, in two places. b2: تَسْمِيحُ الرُّمْحِ means (assumed tropical:) The straightening, or making even, of the spear, (S, K, TA,) so as to render it smooth. (TA. [See 1, last sentence.]) 3 سَاْمَحَ see 1, in six places.4 أَسْمَحَ see 1, in all but four sentences.5 تَسَمَّحَ see 1, in the latter half of the paragraph: b2: and see also the paragraph here following, in two places.6 تسامحوا They acted in an easy, or a gentle, manner, one with another. (S, A, K.) b2: [Hence]

تَسَامُحٌ [as a conventional term in lexicology, or in relation to language,] is [A careless, or defective, manner of expression,] when the meaning of a sentence is not known, and, in order to its being understood, requires another word or phrase to be supplied: (KT:) [or the using a careless mode of expression, relying upon the understanding of the reader or hearer; as also ↓ تَسَمُّحٌ: or] a deficiency in what a speaker says, relying upon [the knowledge of] the person addressed. (Marginal note in a copy of the KT, subsigned سمع [app. to denote that the authority is Isma'eel Hakkee].) [See also تَسَاهُلٌ, which is often used as though it were syn. with تَسَامُحٌ.] b3: The primary meaning of تَسَامُحٌ and ↓ تَسَمُّحٌ is [said to be] The being wide, or ample: whence the phrase فِى الحَقِّ مَسْمَحٌ [expl. below]. (Msb.) 7 السمح [app. syn. with أَسْمَحَ, or perhaps a mistranscription for the latter word]: see اِنْسَجَحَ.

سَمْحٌ (T, S, A, Mgh, Msb, K) and ↓ سَمِحٌ, of which the former is a contraction, (Msb,) [but which is seldom used,] as also ↓ سَمِيحٌ and [in an intensive sense] ↓ مِسْمَحٌ (T, M, TA) and ↓ مِسْمَاحٌ (T, S, * M, A, * K, * TA) [and ↓ سَمُوحٌ, occurring in the K voce نَعُوسٌ, the last three fem. as well as masc.], Liberal, bountiful, munificent, or generous: (T, S, M, A, Mgh, Msb, K, TA:) fem. سَمْحَةٌ: (T, S, M, A, K:) pl. سِمَاحٌ, (Th, T, S, M, A, Msb, K,) applied to women (Th, S, Msb, K) only, (Th, S, K,) or to men and to women, (T, M, TA,) and سُمَحَآءُ, (T, S, M, A, Msb, K,) applied to a party of people, (S, A,) [i. e.] to men and to women, (T, M, TA,) as though pl. of سَمِيحٌ, (S, K,) and مَسَامِيحُ, (T, S, M, A, K,) applied to men and to women, (T, M, A, *) pl. of مِسْمَاحٌ, (A,) or as though pl. of مِسْمَاحٌ. (S, K.) The dim. of سَمْحٌ is ↓ سُمَيْحٌ and ↓ سُمَيِّحٌ; (K;) but the latter is by some disallowed. (TA.) You say also, فُلَانٌ سَمْحٌ لَمْحٌ and لَمِيحٌ ↓ سَمِيحٌ [app. meaning Such a one is very liberal, &c.; for in each case the latter epithet is probably an imitative sequent, and therefore a corroborative]. (L.) b2: دَابَّةٌ سَمْحَةٌ [A beast that is submissive, or easy, or gentle: and probably also quick: see 1]. (A, voce جَمْحَةٌ, q. v.) b3: [Hence, app.,] سَمْحَةُ is the name of A mare of Jaafar the son of Aboo-Tálib. (K. [See also سَبْحَة.]) b4: And أُمُّ سَمْحَةَ The she-goat. (T in art. ام.) b5: And قَوْسٌ سَمْحَةٌ (assumed tropical:) A pliant bow. (K, * TA.) b6: And عُودٌ سَمْحٌ (tropical:) A branch, or rod, that is even and smooth, (A, * Msb, * TA,) without any knot: (A, K, TA:) or of even growth, so that what is between its two extremities is not more slender than its two extremities or than one of them. (AHn, TA.) One says also سَاجَةٌ سَمْحَةٌ (tropical:) [An oblong squared piece, or a board or tablet, of the wood of the ساج (q. v.), that is even and smooth]. (TA.) b7: And مِلَّةٌ سَمْحَةٌ (assumed tropical:) A religion in which is no straitness (K, TA) nor difficulty. (TA.) b8: The saying of 'Omar Ibn-'AbdEl-'Azeez أَذِّنْ أَذَانًا سَمْحًا means (assumed tropical:) [Recite thou a call to prayer] without a prolonging of the voice, and trilling, and without modulation. (Mgh.) سَمِحٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

سِمَاحٌ Tents (بُيُوت) made of skins. (Ibn-ElFaraj, K.) سَمُوحٌ: see سَمْحٌ, first sentence.

سَمِيحٌ: see سَمْحٌ, in two places.

سُمَيْحٌ and سُمَيِّحٌ dims of سَمْحٌ, q. v. (K.) أَسْمَحُ [More, and most, liberal, bountiful, munificent, or generous]. See an ex. voce لَافِظْ.

عَلَيْكَ بِالحَقِّ فَإِنَّ فِيهِ لَمَسْمَحًا, (A, Msb, * K, *) Keep thou to the truth, for verily in it is ample scope for avoiding falsity; expl. by مَتَّسَعًا, (A, Msb, K,) and مَنْدُوحَةً عَنِ البَاطِلِ. (A, Msb.) مِسْمَحٌ: see سَمْحٌ, first sentence.

مِسْماح: see سَمْحٌ, first sentence.



1 عَقَدَ الحَبْلَ, (S, Mgh, L, Msb, K, &c.,) aor. ـِ (L, Msb, K,) inf. n. عَقْدٌ (Mgh, L, Msb) and تَعْقَادٌ [of which see an ex. in a verse cited voce رَتَمٌ, and which is properly an intensive or a frequentative form]; and ↓ عقّدهُ [which is also intensive or frequentative, inf. n. تَعْقِيدٌ]; and ↓ اعتقدهُ; (L;) He tied the cord, or rope; knit it; complicated it so as to form a knot or knots; tied it in a knot or knots; tied it firmly, fast, or strongly; contr. of حَلَّهُ; (L;) syn. شَدَّهُ: (K:) the etymologists assert that the primary signification of عَقْدٌ is the contr. of حَلٌّ: that it was afterwards used in relation to sales, or bargains, contracts, &c.: and then, in relation to a firm determination of the mind. (MF.) [عَقَدَ لَهُ لِوَآءً He tied for him a banner, to a spear, is said of a man on appointing him to a command.] and one says, عَقَدَ حَبْلَهُ meaning (assumed tropical:) He exerted and prepared himself for action &c.: and لَا يَعْقِدُ الحَبْلَ (assumed tropical:) He is incompetent, or lacks power or ability, to do a thing, by reason of his abject state. (L.) b2: عَقَدَ البَيْعَ, and العَهْدَ, (S, L, Msb, * K, &c.,) and اليَمِينَ, (L, Msb,) aor. as above, (L, K,) inf. n. عَقْدٌ; (L;) and العَهْدَ ↓ عقّد, (L,) and اليَمِينَ, (L, Msb,) which latter form of the verb has a more energetic signification; (Msb;) He concluded, settled, confirmed, or ratified, the sale, or bargain, and the contract, compact, covenant, agreement, or league, (L, Msb, K,) and the oath. (L, Msb.) In the phrase وَالَّذِينَ عَقَدَتْ

أَيْمَانُكُمْ, or ↓ عَقَّدَتْ, or ↓ عَاقَدَتْ, accord. to different readings, in the Kur [iv. 37], by the verb is meant ratification; and by ايمانكم, your oaths, or your right hands: (L:) [i. e., accord. to the first and second readings, the meaning is, and those whose contracts, or the like, (عُهُودَهُمْ being understood,) your oaths, or your right hands, have ratified: and accord. to the third reading, and those with whom (هُمْ being understood) your oaths, or your right hands have ratified a contract, or the like.] One says also, عَقَدَ عَلَيْهِمْ عُقُودًا He imposed upon them obligations. (L.) And عَقَدَ الجِزْيَةَ فِى عُنُقِهِ He imposed upon himself the obligation to pay the [tax called] جزية. (L, from a trad.) And عَقَدْتُ عَلَيْهِ فِى كَذَا, and فى كذا ↓ عَاقَدْتُهُ, I obliged him to do such a thing, by taking, or exacting, from him an engagement, or a security. (L.) عَقَدَ قَلْبَهُ عَلَى الشَّىْءِ [He settled, or determined, his heart, or mind, firmly upon the thing; (see the first sentence of this art.; and see also عَزَمَ;)] he held, adhered, or clave, to the thing [with his heart, or mind; he knit his heart to it]. (L.) See also 8. b3: عَقَدَتْ بِذَنَبِهَا, said of a she-camel, (S, O, L,) She twisted her tail, as though tying it in a knot: (L:) this she does to make it known that she has conceived. (S, O, L.) b4: عَقَدَ لِحْيَتَهُ He dressed his beard so as to make it knotted, and crisp, or curly: this they used to do in wars, and their doing so was forbidden by the Prophet: (O, L:) they did it from a motive of pride and self-conceit. (L.) b5: عَقَدَ نَاصِيَتَهُ [lit. He knotted his forelock] means (assumed tropical:) he was angry, and prepared himself to do evil, or mischief. (A, O, L.) [See 2.] b6: عَقَدَ عُنُقَهُ

إِلَيْهِ (assumed tropical:) He had recourse, betook himself, or repaired, to him, for refuge, or protection; (O, L, K; *) heard by Is-hák Ibn-Faraj from an Arab of the desert: (L:) and so عَكَدَهَا. (O.) b7: عَقَدَ, (K,) or عَقَدَ بِأَصَابِعِهِ, (O,) or عَقَدَ الحِسَابَ, (MA,) aor. ـِ (O, TA,) inf. n. عَقْدٌ, (TA,) He numbered, counted, or reckoned, (M, A, O, K,) with his fingers [by bending their tips down upon the palm, one after another, commencing with the little finger, and then by extending them in like manner]. (MA, O.) b8: عَقَدَ فَمُ الفَرْجِ عَلَى المَآءِ [The mouth of the vulva closed upon the sperma of the male]. (O.) b9: عُقِدَتِ السِّبَاعُ (assumed tropical:) The beasts, or birds, of prey were restrained from injuring the cattle, and the like, by means of charms and talismans. (L, from a trad.) b10: عَقَدَ التَّاجَ فَوْقَ رَأْسِهِ, and ↓ اعتقدهُ, He put the crown upon his head. (L.) b11: عَقَدَ البِنَآءَ, (A, L,) [aor. ـِ inf. n. عَقْدٌ; (L;) and ↓ عقّدهُ, (A, O, L, K,) inf. n. تَعْقِيدٌ; (L;) He arched [or vaulted] the building, or structure. (A, O, L, K.) b12: And عَقَدَ البِنَآءَ بِالجِصِّ, aor. ـِ inf. n. عَقْدٌ, He cemented the building, or structure, with gypsum. (L.) b13: عَقَدَ ثَمَرَهُ, said of a plant, (M in art. ثمر,) or ↓ عقّدهُ, (K in that art., [in the CK عقّد ثَمَرُهُ,]) and عَقَدَ alone, (A, O, K, in art. حبل, [see 4 in that art. and also in art. علف,]) [It organized and compacted, or compactly organized, its fruit; and in like manner each verb is said of a fruit in relation to a fruit-stone, such as that of a date, and of a peach, &c.]. b14: لَا تَعْقِدُ عَلَيْهِ السَّائِمَةُ شَحْمًا وَلَا لَحْمًا [The pasturing cattle will not make upon it fat nor flesh], said of a pasturage. (O in art. ضرع.) b15: عَقَدَ الشَّحْمُ The fat became formed and compacted, and became apparent. (L.) b16: عَقَدَ, (S, M, A, L, [in the O عَقِدَ, which is app. a mistranscription,]) aor. ـِ (M, L,) inf. n. عُقُودٌ; (A;) and ↓ تعقّد; (Ks, S, O, L, K;) and ↓ انعقد; (M, A, L;) said of rob, (Ks, S, O, M, A,) and of tar, (Ks, S, O,) and of honey, (M, A, O,) and of expressed juice of fresh ripe dates, (K,) and the like, (Ks, S, M, O,) [generally meaning when boiled,] It thickened; became thick, or inspissated. (Ks, S, M, A, O, L, K.) b17: [Hence, app.,] عَقَدَ بَطْنُهُ [His belly became constipated]. (M voce صَرَبَ, q. v.) A2: عَقِدَت, said of a bitch, (TK,) [aor. ـَ inf. n. عَقَدٌ, (O, L, K,) Her vulva clung fast to the head of the قَضِيب of the dog. (O, L, K, TK.) b2: عَقِدَ, said of the tongue, (S, O, K, *) aor. ـَ (S, [in the O عَقِدَ, an evident mistake,]) inf. n. عَقَدٌ, (S, O,) It had in it an impediment. (S, * O, * L, K. *) And, said of a man, He had an impediment in his tongue; was unable to speak freely; was tongue-tied. (TA.) b3: Also, said of sand, It became moistened in consequence of much rain [so as to cohere]. (L.) 2 عَقَّدَ see 1, first sentence. [Hence,] عَقَّدُوا النَّوَاصِىَ [They tied the forelocks of their horses in knots] on an occasion of war, or battle; it being customary on such an occasion to do thus to the hair of the mane and that of the tail. (W p. 140.) b2: See again 1, former half,. in two places: b3: and latter half also in two places. b4: See also 4. b5: عقّد كَلَامَهُ He rendered his speech, or language, obscure. (A, L.) And فِى كَلَامِهِ تَعْقِيدٌ In his speech, or language, is obscurity. (A.) 3 عَاقَدْتُهُ عَلَى كَذَا, (Msb,) inf. n. مُعَاقَدَةٌ, (S, O, L,) I united with him in a contract, a compact, a covenant, an agreement, a league, a treaty, or an engagement, or I covenanted with him, respecting, or to do, such a thing. (S, * O, * L, * Msb.) b2: See also 1, former half, in two places.4 اعقدهُ; (Ks, S, M, A, O, K;) and ↓ عقّدهُ, (S, O, L, K,) inf. n. تَعْقِيدٌ; (S, O, K;) but the former is the more approved, (L,) He thickened it; caused it to become thick, or inspissated; (Ks, S, M, A, O, K;) by boiling it; (O, K;) namely, rob, (Ks, S, O, M, L,) and tar, (Ks, S, O,) and honey, (M, A, O,) and the like. (Ks, S, M, O.) 5 تعقّد: see 7, first sentence. b2: See also 8, last quarter. b3: تَعَقَّدَتْ قَوْسُ قُزَحَ The rainbow became like a constructed arch (O, L, K) in the sky. (O, L.) And in like manner تعقّد is said of a collection of clouds (سَحَاب). (A, L.) b4: تَعَقُّدٌ in a well is The projecting of the lower part of the interior casing of stone, and the receding of the upper part thereof as far as the اِتِّسَاع of the well, (O, L, K,) which is its جِرَاب [app. here meaning the main portion of the well, from the water, or a little above this, to the mouth; this portion, it seems, being without casing]: (O, L:) thus expl. by El-Ahmar. (O.) b5: تعقّد said of sand, [as also ↓ انعقد, (S and O and K voce سَلَاسِلُ,)] It became accumulated, or congested. (S, K. *) And the former said of moist earth, It became contracted, and compacted in lumps. (L.) b6: And تعقّدت القَرْحَةُ [The wound, or ulcer, formed itself into a knot, or lump]. (K in art. جرذ: see 1 in that art.) b7: تعقّد said of rob, and of tar, and the like: see 1, last quarter.6 تعاقدوا They united in a contract, a compact, a covenant, an agreement, a league, a treaty, or an engagement, (S, O, K,) فِيمَا بَيْنَهُمْ [respecting the matter between them]. (S, O.) b2: تعاقدت الكِلَابُ The dogs stuck fast together in coupling. (S, O, K.) 7 انعقد, said of a cord, or rope, (S, O, L, Msb,) as also ↓ تعقّد, (S, * O, * L,) [but the latter has an intensive or a frequentative signification,] It became tied, knit, complicated so as to form a knot or knots, tied in a knot or knots, tied firmly or fast or strongly. (L.) b2: And the former, said of a sale or bargain, and of a contract or compact or the like, (S, O, L,) It was, or became, concluded, settled, confirmed, or ratified. (L.) One says, انعقد النِّكَاحُ بَيْنَ الزَّوْجَيْنِ The marriage was, or became, concluded, settled, &c., between the husband and wife. (L.) b3: Said of an animal's tail, It became twisted [as though tied in a knot]. (L.) b4: And said of hair, It became knotted, and crisp, or curly. (L.) b5: Said of the date [and other fruit, It became organized and compact, or compactly organized]. (K in art. بسر, &c.) See also 8, latter half. b6: Said of sand: see 5. b7: And said of rob, and of tar, and the like: see 1, last quarter.8 اعتقدهُ: see 1, first sentence: b2: and see also 1 in the latter half. b3: اعتقد كَذَا, (Msb,) or اعتقد كَذَا بِقَلْبِهِ, (S, O,) He settled, or determined, his heart, or mind, firmly upon such a thing; or he held, adhered, or clave, to such a thing with the heart, or mind; i. q. عَلَيْهِ ↓ عَقَدَ القَلْبَ وَالضَّمِيرَ; (Msb;) [he believed, or believed firmly, or was firmly persuaded of, such a thing: this is its most usual meaning;] he was, or became, certain, or sure, of such a thing. (PS.) [It is mostly used in relation to matters of religion, to religious dogmas and the like.] See also عَقِيدَةٌ. b4: اعتقد also signifies He acquired, (S, Mgh, O, L, K,) or bought, (A,) an estate consisting of land, or of land and a house, &c., (S, A, O, L, K,) or other property: (S, A, Mgh, O, L, K:) he collected property. (Mgh, * Msb.) Also, [without any objective complement expressed,] He bought what is termed عُقْدَة, i. e. an estate, or a property, consisting in land or houses. (L.) b5: And اعتقد أَخًا فِى اللّٰهِ He adopted a brother in God. (A.) b6: اعتقد الدُّرَّ, and الخَرَزَ, He made the pearls, and the beads, into a necklace; and in like manner, other things. (L.) A2: اعتقد said of a date-stone, (A,) or other thing, (S, O, L,) [as also ↓ انعقد, which frequently occurs in the lexicons &c. in the sense here following,] It became hard. (S, A, O, L.) b2: and hence, [so in the A,] اعتقد بَيْنَهُمَا الإِخَآءُ Fraternity became true, or sincere, and firmly established, between them two: (A:) and [in like manner]

↓ تعقّد it (i. e. fraternity) became firmly established. (L.) b3: And accord. to Ibn-Buzurj, اعتقد signifies He (a man) closed, or locked, a door upon himself, when in want, that he might die: (O:) thus Sh found in the Book of Ibn-Buzurj, i. e. اعتقد, with ق: (TA in art. عفد:) but others say that it is اعتفد, with ف: (O:) [or] اعتقد and اعتفد signify the same. (K.) 10 استعقدت She (a sow) desired the male. (O, K.) عَقْدٌ [as an inf. n.: see 1. b2: See also أُخْذَةٌ, which is syn. with the inf. n. تَأْخِيذٌ. b3: As a simple subst.,] see عُقْدَةٌ, third sentence. b4: Also A contract, a compact, a covenant, an agreement, a league, a treaty, or an engagement: (Mgh, O, L, K:) pl. عُقُودٌ. (O, L.) Agreeably with this explanation, the pl. is used in the Kur v. 1, as meaning Contracts, &c.: or it there means the obligatory statutes, or ordinances, of God: or, accord. to Zj, the covenants imposed by God, and those imposed mutually by men agreeably with the requirements of religion. (L.) And ↓ مَعَاقِدُ is used in the sense of عُقُودٌ: thus one says, بَيْنَهُمْ مَعَاقِدُ [Between them are contracts, compacts, &c.]. (A.) b5: Also Responsibility, accountableness, or suretiship; syn. ضَمَانٌ. (Ibn-'Arafeh, O, K.) b6: See also مَعْقُودٌ. b7: Also An arch; [and a vault;] a structure that is curved in like manner as are [in many instances] doorways: (A, * O, L, * K:) pl. عُقُودٌ (A, O, L, K) and أَعْقَادٌ [a pl. of pauc.]. (L.) [Hence,] أَعْقَادُ السَّحَابِ The arches of the clouds: sing. عَقْدٌ. (L.) b8: Applied to a he-camel, it means Having the back firmly compacted: (S, O, K:) and so القَرَا ↓ مَعْقُودَةُ applied to a she-camel. (S, A, O.) b9: [And A decimal number; of those numbers of which the first is ten and the last is ninety: (I have not found any satisfactory authority for the orthography of the word in this sense; and have therefore followed the general usage, in mentioning it as عَقْدٌ: in the MA, it is written عِقْدٌ, as from only one MS.; and Freytag has mentioned its pl. under عِقْدٌ; which I hold to be wrong:) the pl. is عُقُودٌ: thus in the A and K in art. عشر, it is said that العَشَرَةُ is the first of the عُقُود.]

عِقْدٌ A necklace; (S, O, Msb, K;) a string upon which beads are strung: (L, TA:) pl. عُقُودٌ: (O, L, Msb, K:) and ↓ مِعْقَادٌ signifies a string upon which beads are strung and which is hung upon the neck of a boy; (O, L, K;) as does عِقْدٌ also: (TA:) and ↓ عُقْدَةٌ, likewise, signifies a kind of necklace. (L.) عَقَدٌ [as an inf. n.: see 1, last four sentences. b2: Also] A twisting in the tail of a sheep or goat, as though it were knotted, or tied in a knot. (L.) And A twisting, or a knottiness, in the horn of a hegoat. (L.) b3: And A canker, corrosion, rottenness, or blackness, (syn. قَادِحٌ,) in teeth. (L.) b4: See also the next paragraph.

A2: And see عَقَدَانٌ.

عَقِدٌ: see أَعْقَدُ. b2: Also, applied to moist earth (ثَرًى), Contracted, and compacted in lumps: [said to be] in this sense a possessive epithet [as distinguished from a part. n.: but see 1, last sentence]. (L.) b3: And [as an epithet in which the quality of a subst. predominates, i. e. used as a subst.,] Sand accumulated, or congested; as also ↓ عَقَدٌ; (S, O, L, K;) the latter accord. to AA: (S, O:) n. un. of each with ة: (S, O, L, K:) pl. أَعْقَادٌ. (L.) See also عَقِصٌ, in two places. b4: رَوْضَةٌ عَقِدَةٌ A meadow of which the herbage is continuous, or uninterrupted. (O.) b5: عَقِدٌ applied to a camel, Short, and patient in endurance of labour: (IAar, O, K:) or, so applied, strong. (TA.) A2: And A kind of tree, the leaves of which consolidate wounds. (K.) عُقْدَةٌ A knot; a tie; (L, Msb;) pl. عُقَدٌ. (L.) [Hence النَّفَّاثَاتُ فِى العُقَدِ: see art. نفث. and العُقْدَةُ meaning (assumed tropical:) The star a Piscium; as being in the place of the knot of the two strings: the same, app., that is called الخَيْطَيْنِ ↓ عَقْدُ, mentioned by Freytag under عِقْدٌ. Hence also] one says, تحلّلت عُقَدُهُ [lit. His knots became loosed, or untied], meaning (assumed tropical:) his anger became appeased. (S, A, O, K.) And فِى عُقْدَتِهِ ضَعْفٌ (assumed tropical:) In his judgment and his consideration of his own affairs is a weakness. (TA.) And حَصِيفُ العُقْدَةِ, occurring in a letter of 'Omar, means (assumed tropical:) [Firm] in judgment, and in the management, conducting, ordering, or regulating, of affairs. (TA in art. حصف.) And فِى لِسَانِهِ عُقْدَةٌ (S, O, L, K *) (assumed tropical:) In his tongue is an impediment [as though it were tied], or a distortion. (L. [See عَقِدَ.]) b2: The knot, tie, or bond, (L,) or the obligation, (O, K,) of marriage, (O, L, K,) and of anything, (O, K,) as a sale and the like: (TA:) and the ratification (O, L, Msb) of marriage (O, Msb) &c., (Msb,) or of anything. (L.) It is said in a trad. relating to prayer, لَكَ مِنْ قُلُوبِنَا عُقْدَةُ النَّدَمِ, meaning [We offer to Thee, from our hearts,] the ratification of the resolution to repent. (L.) b3: A promise of obedience, or vow of allegiance, ratified to persons in acknowlegment of their being prefects, or governors: (O, L, K, * TA:) from عُقْدَةُ الحَبْلِ [the knot, or tie, of the cord or rope]: (O:) thus in the saying, in a trad. of Ubeí, هَلَكَ أَهْلُ العُقْدَةِ [Those who have received the promise of obedience &c. have perished; virtually meaning the same as the saying in the sentence here following]. (L.) And [hence also] The prefecture over, or government of, a town, country, province, or the like: pl. عُقَدٌ: (L, K, TA:) thus in the saying of 'Omar, هَلَكَ أَهْلُ العُقَدِ [The possessors of the prefectures &c. have perished]. (L.) b4: Also A place where a knot, or node, is formed: and [particularly] an uneven juncture (عَثْمٌ) [of a bone] in the arm: (S, O, K:) thus in the saying, جُبِرَتْ يَدُهُ عَلَى عُقْدَةٍ [His arm was set and joined unevenly, so that a node, or protuberance, was produced in the bone]: (S, O:) and in like manner one says, جَبَرَ عَظْمَهُ عَلَى عُقْدَةٍ He set and joined his bone unevenly. (L.) b5: [Hence also A joint, i. e. an articulation, of the fingers: and a bone of a finger, i. e. any one of the phalanges: it is used in both of these senses in the present day: and العُقْدَةُ مِنَ الأَصَابِعِ occurs in the Msb, in art. نمل, in explanation of الأَنْمَلَةُ; which is generally expl. as meaning “ the head of the finger,” or “ the portion in which is the nail. ” (See also مَعْقِدٌ.) b6: A knot, or joint, of a cane and the like. And what is termed A knot in the horn of a mountain-goat (as in the S and K in art. حيد) and the like. b7: A knot in a tree. b8: A node, of a plant, whence a leaf shoots forth: a bud, or gem, of a plant: and any fruit, or produce, of a plant, forming a compact and roundish head; by some termed حَسَكَةٌ, n. un. of حَسَكٌ, q. v. b9: العُقْدَتَانِ signifies The nodes of a planet. (See تِنَّينٌ.) b10: And عُقْدَةٌ signifies also Any small nodous lump; such as the substance of a ganglion; see غُدَّةٌ: and a gland, or glandular body; see غُنْدُبَةٌ. And A knob in a general sense. b11: And hence,] The penis of a dog (IAar, A, O, L, K) compressus in coitu, et extremitate turgens: otherwise it is not thus called: (IAar, O, L:) and when this is the case, the epithet ↓ أَعْقَدُ is applied to the dog. (IAar, O.) A2: Also An estate consisting of land, or of land and a house, or of a house or land yielding a revenue, or of a house and palm-trees, or the like, syn. ضَيْعَةٌ, (S, A, O, L, K,) and عَقَارٌ, which a person has acquired (اِعْتَقَدَهُ) as a possession. (O, L, K.) b2: Any land abounding with herbage (K, TA) and with trees. (TA.) A place abounding with trees or palm-trees; (S;) or with trees and palm-trees; (O, L, K;) or with trees of the kinds called رِمْث and عَرْفَج, or, accord. to some, not of the latter kind, (L, TA,) serving for pasturage: (TA:) or a garden of many palm-trees, surrounded by a wall: and a town, or village, abounding with palm-trees, the crows of which are not made to fly away: (Ibn-Habeeb, L:) [whence] it is said in a prov., آلَفُ مِنْ غُرَابِ عُقْدَةٍ

[More familiar than the crow of a place abounding with trees or palm-trees]; because its crow is not made to fly away, (S, O, L, K, [or, as in some copies of the S and K, does not fly away,]) on account of the abundance of its trees; (K;) [or مِنْ غُرَابِ عُقْدَةَ than the crow of ' Okdeh; for]

عُقْدَة is perfectly decl. as a name for any fruitful land, and is imperfectly decl. as a proper name of a particular land (O, K) abounding with palmtrees. (O.) Also Herbage, or pasturage, sufficient for camels: (O, K:) or a place abounding with herbage, or pasturage, sufficient for cattle. (TA.) And Pasturage such as is termed جَنْبَة, (O, L, K, [in the CK جَنَبَة, and in my MS. copy of the K جُنْبَة,]) remaining from the next preceding year; also termed عُرْوَةٌ: (O, L:) or remains of pasturage: (L:) pl. عُقَدٌ (O, L) and عِقَادٌ. (L.) And accord. to the copies of the K, it signifies also Camels, or cattle, that are constrained to feed upon trees: but [this is evidently a mistake; for] it is said in the L, [as also in the O,] sometimes camels, or cattle, are constrained to feed upon trees, and these [trees] are termed عُقْدَة and عُرْوَة; but while the جَنْبَة exists, the trees are not termed عُقْدَة nor عُرْوَة. (TA.) b3: Also Anything whereby a man feels himself to be well established, and whereon he relies; from the same word signifying “ a garden of many palmtrees, surrounded by a wall; ” because, when a man has this, he considers his condition to be well established: (L, TA:) or a thing, (K, TA,) or an estate consisting of land or of land and a house &c., (عَقَارٌ, O,) in which is a sufficiency for a man: (O, K, TA:) pl. عُقَدٌ. (TA.) A3: See also عِقْدٌ.

عَقَدَةٌ The root of the tongue; (O, K;) as also عَكَدَةٌ [q. v.]; (O;) i. e. the thick part thereof. (TA.) b2: Also n. un. of عَقَدٌ as applied to sand. (S, O, L, K. [See عَقِدٌ.]) عَقِدَةٌ n. un. of عَقِدٌ [q. v.] as applied to sand. (S, O, L, K.) عَقَدَانٌ A species, or sort, of dates; (O, L, K; *) as also ↓ عَقَدٌ. (L.) عَقِيدٌ i. q. ↓ مُعَاقِدٌ, (S, O, K,) One who unites, or joins, in a contract, a compact, a covenant, an agreement, a league, a treaty, or an engagement: (K, TA:) a confederate. (TA.) One says, هُوَ عَقِيدُ الكَرَمِ and اللُّؤْمِ [He is bound by nature to generosity and to meanness]: (S, O, K:) the former is said of him who is by nature generous; and the latter, of him who is by nature mean. (TK.) b2: Also, (S, M, A, O,) and ↓ مُعْقَدٌ, (M,) and ↓ مُعَقَّدٌ, (A,) applied to rob, (S, M, A,) and honey, (M, A, O,) and the like, (S, M, A,) Thick, or thickened, or inspissated. (S, M, A, O. *) عَقِيدَةٌ [A doctrine, or the like, upon which one's mind is firmly settled or determined; or to which one holds, adheres, or cleaves, with the heart, or mind; a belief, or firm belief or persuasion; a creed; an article of belief; a religious tenet; i. e.]

مَا يَدِينُ الإِنْسَانُ بِهِ: (Msb:) [see اِعْتَقَدَ كَذَا, in connection with which it is mentioned in the Msb: pl. عَقَائِدُ: and ↓ مُعْتَقَدٌ signifies the same as عَقِيدَةٌ; pl. مُعْتَقَدَاتٌ: so too does ↓ اِعْتِقَادٌ, an inf. n. used in the sense of a pass. part. n.; pl. اِعْتِقَادَاتٌ.] One says, لَهُ عَقِيدَةٌ حَسَنَةٌ [He has a good belief]; meaning he has an عقيدة free from doubt. (Msb.) [See also مَعْقُودٌ.]

عَاقِدٌ A she-camel that has confessed herself to have conceived; (S, O, K;) or that has closed her vulva upon the sperma of the stallion; (L;) for she then twists her tail as if tying it in a knot, and it is thereby known that she has conceived: (S, O, L:) and a she-camel twisting her tail as if tying it in a knot, (L,) or that has so twisted her tail, (O,) on the occasion of her conceiving; (O, L;) in order that it may be known that she has conceived: (O:) pl. عَوَاقِدُ. (L.) b2: And A she-gazelle having the end of her tail twisted [as if tied in a knot]: or bending her neck in lying down: or raising her head in fear for herself and her young one. (L.) And A gazelle putting his neck upon his rump, (O, L,) having bent it to sleep: (TA:) or having put his neck upon his rump: (K:) pl. as above. (O, L.) b3: And one says, جَآءَ عَاقِدًا عُنُقَهُ, meaning He came twisting his neck by reason of pride. (A, O, L.) b4: عَاقِدٌ is also applied as an epithet to أَقِط [q. v.] meaning That of which the water has gone, and which is thoroughly cooked. (AHát, TA voce كَثْءٌ.) A2: Also The [space called the] حَرِيم [q. v.] of a well; (S, M, O, K;) and what is around it, (مَا حَوْلَهُ, S, M, TA,) i. e. what is around the حريم: in the K [and O], ما حُوْلَهَا, i. e. what is around the well; but the former is the right. (TA.) عِنْقَادٌ: see what next follows.

عُنْقُودٌ and ↓ عِنْقَادٌ (S, O, L, Msb, K, &c.) A raceme, or bunch, (Mgh voce عِثْكَالٌ,) of grapes, (S, O, L, Msb, K,) and the like, (Msb,) as of dates, (Mgh ubi suprà, and ISh in art. ثفرق of the TA,) and of [the fruit of] the أَرَاك, and بُطْم, (O, K,) and the like: (K:) pl. عَنَاقِيدُ. (S, O, L, &c.) أَعْقَدُ A wolf, (O, L, K,) and a dog, and a ram, and any other animal, (L.) having a twisted tail [as though it were tied in a knot]: (O, L, K:) and [the fem.] عَقْدَآءُ, a sheep or goat (شَاة) having a twisted tail as though it were knotted or tied in a knot. (S, * L, K. *) And الأَعْقَدُ signifies The dog; (S, O, L, K;) a well-known name thereof; (S, O, L;) because of his tail's being twisted as though it were tied in a knot. (S, L.) b2: And A crooked tail. (L.) b3: And A stallion [app. of the camels] that raises his tail; which he does by reason of sprightliness. (L.) b4: And A he-goat having a twist, or a knot, in his horn. (L.) b5: For one of its meanings as an epithet applied to a dog, see عُقْدَةٌ, latter half. b6: Also, and ↓ عَقِدٌ, A man having an impediment in his tongue; unable to speak freely; tongue-tied. (S, * O, * L, K. *) b7: And لَئِيمٌ أَعْقَدُ A mean man, of difficult, or stubborn, disposition. (ISk, O, L.) b8: And [the fem.]

عَقْدَآءُ signifies A female slave. (AA, O, K.) مَعْقِدٌ The place of the عَقْد [or tying, &c.,] of a thing: (Msb:) pl. مَعَاقِدُ. (S, O: in which this is similarly explained.) مَعْقِدُ حَبْلٍ signifies The place of a cord, or rope, where it is tied, knit, or tied in a knot or knots. (L.) [Hence,] one says, هُوَ مِنِّى مَعْقِدَ الإِزَارِ [lit. He is, in respect of me, in the place of the tying of the waistwrapper], meaning he is near to me in station, standing, or grade: (S, O, L, K:) and in like manner, مَقْعَدَ القَابِلَةِ: (TA:) مَعْقِدَ الإِزَارِ being an adverbial phrase having a special application, but used as one not having such an application. (L.) b2: And A joint, an articulation, or a place of juncture between two bones. (L. [See also عُقْدَةٌ, in the latter part of the former half.]) b3: أَسْأَلُكَ بِمَعَاقِدِ العِزِّ مِنْ عَرْشِكَ i. e. I ask Thee by the properties wherein consists the title of thy throne to glory, or by the places wherein those properties are [as it were] knit together, properly meaning by the glory of thy throne, is a phrase used in prayer, of which, IAth says, the party of Aboo-Haneefeh disapprove. (L.) b4: For another meaning of the pl., مَعَاقِدُ, see عَقْدٌ.

مُعْقَدٌ: see عَقِيدٌ.

مُعَقَدٌ [Tied in many knots]. One says خُيُوطٌ مُعَقَّدَةٌ [Threads, or strings, tied in many knots]: the latter word being with teshdeed to denote muchness, or multiplicity. (S, O, L.) b2: and [hence] applied to language, (S, O, L, K,) as meaning Rendered obscure: (S, O, L:) or [simply] obscure. (K.) b3: See also مَعْقُودٌ. b4: and see عَقِيد. b5: It also occurs in a trad. as meaning A sort of بُرْد, of the manufacture of Hejer. (L.) مُعَقِّدٌ [Tying a number of knots or many knots: as enchanters used to do. (See نَفَثَ.) b2: and hence,] An enchanter. (A, O, K.) مِعْقَادٌ: see عِقْدٌ.

مَعْقُودٌ A cord, or rope, tied, knit, complicated into a knot or knots, or tied firmly, fast, or strongly. (L.) الخَيْلُ مَعْقُودٌ فِى نَوَاصِيهَا الخَيْرُ, a saying occurring in a trad., means Good fortune cleaves to the forelocks of horses as though it were tied to them. (L.) b2: Also A sale, or bargain, and a contract, a compact, or the like, concluded, settled, confirmed, or ratified. (L.) b3: لَيْسَ لَهُ مَعْقُودٌ means رَأْىٍ ↓ ليس له عَقْدُ [i. e. He has not any settled, or determined, opinion or judgment]. (S, O, K.) b4: بِنَآءٌ مَعْقُودٌ A building, or structure, [arched, or vaulted, or] having arches, like those of [many] doorways; (A, O, K;) as also ↓ مُعَقَّدٌ. (A.) b5: مَعْقُودَةُ القَرَا: see عَقْدٌ.

مُعَاقِدٌ: see عَقِيدٌ.

مُعْتَقَدٌ: see عَقِيدَةٌ.

يَمِينٌ مُنْعَقِدَةٌ An oath to do, or to abstain from doing, a thing in the future. (KT.) يَعْقِيدٌ, asserted by some to be the only word in the language of the measure يَفْعِيلٌ except يَعْضِيدٌ, (O,) Honey thickened, or inspissated, (O, L, K,) by means of fire: (O, K:) and (as some say, L) food, or wheat, (طَعَام,) made thick with honey. (O, L, K.)



1 عَمَدَهُ, (S, A, O, L, Msb, K,) aor. ـِ (L,) inf. n. عَمْدٌ; (L, Msb;) and ↓ اعمدهُ; (Msb, K;) He stayed it, propped it up, or supported it; (S, A, O, L, Msb, K;) namely, a wall, (A, L, Msb,) or other thing; (S, O, L;) i. q. دَعَمَهُ: (A, L, Msb:) or ↓ اعمده, [and app. sometimes عَمَدَهُ, (see مَعْمُودٌ,) and in a similar manner ↓ عمّدهُ is expl. by Golius, as on the authority of J, whom I do not find to have anywhere mentioned it, but it is probably correct, (see its pass. part. n. in this art.,)] he placed beneath it columns, pillars, or props. (S, O. [See عَمُودٌ, &c.]) b2: And عَمَدَهُ, (L, K,) aor. ـِ (L,) or ـُ (TA,) inf. n. عَمْدٌ, (L,) He struck him, or beat him, with an [iron weapon such as is called] عَمُود. (O, L, K.) b3: And He struck him, or beat him, upon the part called عَمُودُ البَطْن. (O, L, K.) A2: عَمَدَ لَهُ, (S, A, O, L, Msb,) and عَمَدَ إِلَيْهِ, (L, Msb,) and عَمَدَهُ, (L, K,) aor. ـِ [or عَمِدَ and عَمُدَ, (Har p. 299,)] inf. n. عَمْدٌ (S, O, L, Msb) and عَمَدٌ and عِمَادٌ and عُمْدَةٌ (Mtr, TA) and عُمُودٌ (Nawádir el-Aaráb, TA) and مَعْمَدٌ; (Ibn-'Arafeh, TA;) and ↓ تعمّدهُ, (L, Msb, K,) and لَهُ ↓ تعمّد; (S, L;) and ↓ اعتمدهُ; (L, TA;) He intended it, or purposed it; did it intentionally, or purposely; the inf. n. signifying the contr. of خَطَأٌ: (Az, S, L, TA:) he directed himself, or his course or aim, to it, or towards it; made for it, or towards it; made it his object; aimed at it; sought, or endeavoured, after it; or tended, repaired, or betook himself, to it, or towards it; syn. قَصَدَهُ; (L, K;) or قَصَدَ لَهُ, (S, A, O,) or إِلَيْهِ. (Msb.) You say, الأَمْرَ ↓ اعتمد He intended, or purposed, the affair; or aimed at it; &c.; syn. صَمَدَهُ; (A in art. صمد;) or صَمَدَ صَمْدَهُ, i. e. قَصَدَ قَصْدَهُ. (M in that art.) And ذَنْبًا ↓ تعمّد He committed a sin, or the like, intentionally. (TA in art. خطأ.) And تعمّد ↓ صَيْدًا [He aimed at an object of the chase]. (Sgh, in Msb.) And عَمَدَ لِرَأْسِهِ بِالعَصَا He aimed at his head with the staff, or stick. (M in art. صمد.) And عَمَدَهُ, [and عَمَدَ إِلَيْهِ,] aor. ـِ and ↓ اعتمدهُ; and ↓ تعمّدهُ; He betook himself to him, or had recourse to him, in a case of need. (A.) b2: And [hence] one says, فَعَلْتُهُ عَمْدًا عَلَى عَيْنٍ, (S, O, Msb, K,) and عَمْدَ عَيْنٍ, (S, A, O, Msb, K,) I did it seriously, or in earnest, and with certain knowledge, or assurance. (S, A, O, Msb, K. [See also عَيْنٌ.]) When a man sees a bodily form and imagines it to be an object of the chase and therefore shoots at it, he cannot use this phrase, for he only aims at what is an object of the chase in his imagination: so says Sgh. (Msb.) A3: عَمَدَهُ, (S, O, L, K,) aor. ـِ (L,) said of disease, (S, O, L,) It pressed heavily upon him, or oppressed him; (S, O, L, K;) on the authority of IAar: (TA:) and so said of straitness, or confinement, or imprisonment, and captivity; (O;) and it caused him to fall; (O, K;) in this sense in like manner said of confinement, &c.: (O:) also, (O, K,) said of a disease, (O,) it pained him. (O, K.) And عَمَدَهُ, (K, TA,) aor., in this case, عَمُدَ, (TA, [but this, I think, requires confirmation,]) It grieved him, or made him sorrowful. (K, TA.) One says, مَا عَمَدَكَ What has grieved thee, or made thee sorrowful? (TA.) A4: عَمِدَ, (S, O, L, K,) aor. ـَ inf. n. عَمَدٌ, (S, O,) said of earth, It became moistened by rain so that when a portion of it was grasped in the hand it became compacted by reason of its moisture: (S, O, L, K:) or it became moistened by rain and compacted, layer upon layer. (L.) And عَمِدَتِ الأَرْضُ, inf. n. as above, The land became moistened by the rain's sinking into the earth so that when a portion of it was grasped in the hand it became compacted by reason of its moisture. (Az.) b2: Also, (inf. n. as above, L,) said of a camel, He had the inner part of his hump broken [or bruised] by being [much] ridden, while the outer part remained whole, or sound: (S, O, L, K:) or he had his hump swollen in consequence of the galling of the saddle and the cloth beneath it, and broken [or bruised]: whence عَمِيدٌ and مَعْمُودٌ as epithets applied to a man. (L.) And عَمِدَتْ أَلْيَتَاهُ مِنَ الرُّكُوبِ His buttocks became swollen, and quivered, or throbbed, in consequence of [long and hard] riding. (En-Nadr, O, K.) And عَمِدَ, aor. and inf. n. as above, said of a pustule, It became swollen in consequence of its having been squeezed before it had become ripe, and its egg [or white globule] did not come forth. (L, TA.) b3: Also He suffered pain. (L.) b4: And, (T, O, L, K,) inf. n. as above, (T, L,) He was, or became, angry: (T, O, L, K:) like عَبِدَ (T, L) [and أَمِدَ and أَبِدَ]. One says, عَمِدَ عَلَيْهِ He was angry with him. (T, L.) b5: [And He wondered.] One says, أَنَا أَعْمَدُ مِنْهُ I wonder at him, or it: (S, O, L, K:) or, as some say, I am angry at him, or it: and some say that it means I lament at, or complain of, him, or it. (L.) أَعْمَدُ مِنْ سَيِّدٍ قَتَلَهُ قَوْمُهُ (S, O, L) i. e. Do I wonder at a chief whom his [own] people have slain? (L) was said by Aboo-Jahl (S, O, L) when he lay prostrated at Bedr; meaning, hath anything more happened than the slaughter of a chief by his [own] people? this is not a disgrace [to him]: he meant thereby that the destruction that befell him was a light matter to him: (A'Obeyd, L:) the saying is interrogative; (Sh, L;) أَعْمَدُ being app. contracted from أَأَعْمَدُ, by the suppression of one of the two hemzehs. (Az, L.) And أَعْمَدُ مِنْ كَيْلٍ مُحِّقَ, as related by A'Obeyd, [and thus in the O, in two copies of the S written مُحِقّ, and in a third copy omitted,] or مُحِقَ, without teshdeed, as seen by Az written in an old book, [i. e. Do I wonder at a measure incompletely filled?] is a saying of the Arabs, expl. in the book above alluded to, and, Az thinks, correctly, as meaning is it anything more than a measure incompletely filled? [and in a similar manner, but not so fully, expl. in two copies of the S and in the O:] or, accord. to IB, is it anything more than the fact of my measure's being incompletely filled? (L:) thus expl. also by ISk: and in a similar manner the saying of Aboo-Jahl. (From a marginal note in one of my copies of the S.) b6: عَمِدَ بِهِ means He kept, or clave, to it; (Ibn-Buzurj, O, K;) namely, a thing. (O.) 2 عمّد السَّيْلَ, inf. n. تَعْمِيدٌ, He stopped, or obstructed, the course of the torrent, so as to make it collect in a place, by means of earth, (O, K,) or the like, (K,) or stones. (O.) b2: See also 1, first sentence. b3: [عمّدهُ as used by the Christians, and held to be of Syriac origin, means He baptized him: see مَعْمُودِيَةٌ.]4 أَعْمَدَ see 1, first sentence, in two places. b2: أَعْمَدَتَاهُ رِجْلَاهُ occurs in a trad. as meaning His legs rendered him عَمِيد, i. e. in such a state that he could not sit unless propped up by cushions placed at his sides: (L:) it is of the dial. of Teiyi, who say in like manner أَكَلُونِى البَرَاغِيثُ. (TA.) 5 تَعَمَّدَ see 1, former half, in five places.7 انعمد It became stayed, propped up, or supported; (S, O, L, K;) said of a wall, (L,) or other thing. (S, O, L.) 8 اِعْتَمَدْتُ عَلَى الشَّىْءِ I leaned, reclined, bore, or rested, upon the thing; stayed, propped, or supported, myself upon it. (S, O, L, Msb.) b2: and [hence] اعتمدت عَلَيْهِ فِى كَذَا (assumed tropical:) I relied upon him in such a thing, or case; (S, O, L;) as also اِعْتَمَدْتُهُ. (L.) And اعتمدت عَلَى الكِتَابِ [and اعتمدت الكِتَابَ, and perhaps بِالكِتَابِ (see De Sacy's Chrest. Arabe, sec. ed., i. 315),] (tropical:) I relied upon the book, and held to it: a metaphorical phrase, from the first above. (Msb.) b3: [Hence also the phrase, used by grammarians, يَعْتَمِدُ عَلَى مَا قَبْلَهُ (assumed tropical:) It is syntactically dependent upon what is before it; as, for instance, an enunciative upon its inchoative, an epithet upon the subst. which it qualifies, and an objective complement of a verb upon its verb. b4: اعتمد المَطَرُ عَلَى الأَرْضِ, a phrase occurring in the K in art. نكح, app. meansThe rain rested upon the ground so as to soak into it: see عَمِدَ.] b5: اعتمد عَلَى السَّيْرِ He went, or journeyed, gently; went a gentle pace. (L in art. هود.) And اعتمد لَيْلَتَهُ He rode on journeying during his night. (A, O, K.) A2: See also 1, former half, in three places. b2: [اعتمدهُ بِكَذَا means قَصَدَهُ بِكَذَا i. e. He brought to him such a thing; lit. he directed, or betook, himself to him with such a thing: see two exs. in the first paragraph of art. بى.]

عَمَدٌ: see عَمُودٌ (of which it is a quasi-pl. n., as it is also of عِمَادٌ), in four places: and عُمْدَةٌ.

A2: [It is also an inf. n. of عَمَدَ لَهُ, q. v.: A3: and the inf. n. of عَمِدَ, q. v.: b2: and hence it signifies] A swelling, with galls, in the back of a camel. (L.) عَمِدٌ Earth moistened by rain so that when a portion of it is grasped in the hand it becomes compacted by reason of its moisture: (S, O, L:) or moistened by rain and compacted, layer upon layer. (L.) b2: [Hence] one says, هُوَ عَمِدُ الثَّرَى abundant in goodness, beneficence, or bounty. (Az, Sh, O, K.) b3: عَمِدٌ is also applied to a camel, meaning Having the inner part of his hump broken [or bruised] by his being [much] ridden, while the outer part remains whole, or sound: (S, O, L:) or having his hump swollen in consequence of the galling of the saddle and of the cloth beneath it, and broken [or bruised]: fem. with ة: and, with ة, a she-camel broken, or subdued, by the weight of her burden. (L.) Lebeed says, describing rain (S, O, L) that caused the valleys to flow, (S,) فَبَاتَ السَّيْلُ يَرْكَبُ جَانِبَيْهِ مِنَ البَقَّارِ كَالعَمِدِ الثَّقَالِ [And the torrent continued during the night, what resembled the heavy, or slow-paced, camel such as is termed عَمِد overlying its two sides, from the valley of El-Bakkár]: As says, he means that a collection of clouds resembling the [camel termed]

عَمِد overlay the two sides of the torrent; i. e., that clouds encompassed it with rain. (S, O, L.) b4: Also, applied to a pustule, Swollen in consequence of its having been squeezed before it had become ripe, and retaining its egg [or white globule]. (L.) عُمْدَةٌ A thing by which another thing is stayed, propped, or supported; a stay, prop, or support; as also ↓ عِمَادٌ; of which latter the pl. [or rather quasi-pl. n.] is ↓ عَمَدٌ; (Msb;) as it is also of عَمُودٌ: (S, Msb, &c.:) a thing upon which one leans, reclines, or bears; upon which one stays, props, or supports, himself: a thing upon which one relies: (S, * O, * L, * K, TA:) and أَمْرٍ ↓ عِمَادُ (S and K voce قِوَامٌ) and ↓ عَمُودُهُ and ↓ عَمِيدُهُ (L) signify the stay, or support, of a thing or an affair; that whereon it rests, or whereby it subsists; its efficient cause of subsistence; that without which it would not subsist: (L, and S * and K * ubi suprà:) and ↓ مُعْتَمَدٌ, applied to a man, is syn. with سَنَدٌ [meaning a person upon whom one leans, rests, stays himself, or relies; a man's stay, support, or object of reliance; like عَمْدَةٌ and ↓ عِمَادٌ]: (S and K * in art. سند:) عُمْدَةٌ is used alike as masc. and fem. and as sing. and dual and pl.: (TA:) one says, أَنْتَ عُمْدَتُنَا Thou art he to whom we betake ourselves, or have recourse, in our necessities; (A;) or عُمْدَ تُنَا فِى الشَّدَائِدِ our stay, or support, or object of reliance, (↓ مُعْتَمَدُنَا,) in difficulties: (Msb:) and أَنْتُمْ عُمْدَتُنَا Ye are they upon whom we stay ourselves, or rely: (TA:) and one says also حَيِّهِ ↓ هُوَ عَمُودُ He is the stay, or support, of his tribe: (A:) and القَوْمِ ↓ عِمَادُ means the stay, support, or object of reliance, of the people, or party; syn. سَنَدُهُمْ. (Ham p. 457.) See also عَمُودٌ, second quarter. b2: [Hence, as used by grammarians,] (assumed tropical:) An indispensable member of a proposition; as, for instance, the agent; contr. of فَضْلَةٌ. (I'Ak p. 143.) b3: Also An intention, a purpose, an aim, or a course: so in the phrase اِلْزَمْ عُمْدَتَكَ [Keep to thy intention, &c.]. (A.) عِمْدَةٌ The place that swells, or becomes inflated, in the hump and withers of a camel. (L. [See عَمِدَ and عَمَدٌ.]) عُمْدَانٌ: see عَمُودٌ, second quarter.

عُمُدٌّ and ↓ عُمُدَّانِىٌّ (O, L, K) and ↓ عُمُدَّانٌ and ↓ مُعَمَّدٌ (L) or ↓ مُعْمَدٌ (TA) A youth, or young man, full of the sap, or vigour, of youth: (O, L, K:) or bulky, or corpulent, and tall: (L:) the fem. (of every one of these, L) is with ة: (L, K:) and the pl. of the second is ↓ عُمُدَّانِيُّونَ: and ↓ عُمُدَّانِيَّةٌ signifies a corpulent, bulky, woman; (O, L;) as also ↓ عُمُدَّانَةٌ. (O.) عُمُدَّانٌ (O, K, TA, in the CK عُمَّدان) Tall; (O, K;) applied to a man; fem. with ة, applied to a woman: (O:) and ↓ مُعْمَدٌ, (A, K,) like مُكْرَمٌ [in measure], (K,) or ↓ مُعَمَّدٌ, (O,) signifies the same, (A, O, K,) applied to a man; (A;) and so ↓ طَوِيلُ العِمَادِ. (Mbr, L.) b2: See also عُمُدٌّ, in two places.

عُمُدَّانِىٌّ, and its pl., and fem.: see عُمُدٌّ.

عِمَادٌ: see عُمْدَةٌ, in four places: b2: and عَمُودٌ also, former half, in four places. b3: Also Lofty buildings: (S, O, L, Msb, K:) masc. and fem.: (S, O, L, K:) [being a coll. gen. n.:] one thereof is called عِمَادَةٌ. (S, O, L, Msb, K.) b4: إِرَمُ ذَاتُ العِمَادِ [mentioned in the Kur lxxxix. 6] means Irem possessing lofty buildings supported by columns: or possessing tallness: (L:) or possessing tallness and lofty buildings: (O:) or, accord. to Fr, the possessors of tents; i. e. who dwelt in tents, and were accustomed to remove to places of pasture and then to return to their usual places of abode. (O, L.) b5: طَوِيلُ العِمَادِ: see عُمُدَّانٌ. b6: Also (i. e. طويل العماد) (assumed tropical:) A man whose abode is a place known for its visiters. (S, O, L, K.) b7: And فُلَانٌ رَفِيعُ العِمَادِ means (assumed tropical:) [Such a one is a person of exalted nobility; lit.] such a one has a high pole of the tent of nobility. (A.) عَمُودٌ a word of well-known meaning, (Msb, K,) The عَمُود of a بَيْت, (S, O,) or of a خَيْمَة; (Mgh;) [i. e.] a pole of a tent; as also ↓ عِمَادٌ: and a column, or pillar, of a house or the like: (L:) pl. (of pauc., S, O) أَعْمِدَةٌ, and (of mult., S, O) عُمُدٌ, and (quasi-pl. n., L) ↓ عَمَدٌ. (S, O, L, Msb, K.) [The former is the primary, and more common, meaning: and hence the phrase]

أَهْلُ عَمُودٍ (Lth, A, Msb) and عُمُدٍ or ↓ عَمَدٍ, (Msb,) or this last is not said, (L,) and ↓ أَهْلُ عِمَادٍ, (Lth, A, Msb, K,) [The people of the tent-pole or of the tent-poles;] meaning the people of, or who dwell in, tents: (Lth, A, Msb, K:) or the last means the people of lofty tents, (K,) or of lofty structures. (TA.) تَرَوْنَهَا ↓ خَلَقَ السَّمٰوَاتِ بِغَيْرِ عَمَدٍ, in the Kur [xxxi. 9 (and see also xiii. 2)], (O, L,) accord. to Ibn-'Arafeh, (O,) or Fr, (L,) meanseither He created the heavens without عَمَد [or pillars] as ye see them; and with the sight ye need not information: or He created the heavens with pillars (عَمَد) that ye see not; [i. e., with invisible pillars;] (O, * L;) the pillars that are not seen being his power; or, accord. to Lth, Mount Káf, which surrounds the world [or earth]; the sky being like a cupola, whereof the extremities rest on that mountain, which is of green chrysolite, whence, it is said, results the greenness of the sky. (L.) And ↓ عَمَدٍ and عُمُدٍ in the Kur [civ., last verse], accord. to different readings, are pls. [or rather the former is a quasipl. n.] of عَمُودٌ; (Fr, L;) or of ↓ عِمَادٌ; and mean [pillars] of fire. (Zj, L.) b2: Also Any tent (خِبَآء) supported on poles: or any tent extending to a considerable length along the ground, supported on many poles. (L.) b3: See also عُمْدَةٌ, in two places. b4: [Hence,] A lord, master, or chief, (S, O, K,) of a people, or party; (S, O;) as also ↓ عَمِيدٌ; (S, A, O, K;) both signify a lord, master, or chief, upon whom persons stay themselves, or rely, in their affairs, or to whom they betake themselves, or have recourse; and the pl. of the latter is عُمَدَآءُ. (TA.) And (accord. to IAar, O, L, TA) The رَئِيس [or chief, or commander], (so in the L, and in the copy of the K followed in the TA,) or رَسِيل [app. meaning, if correct, the scout, or emissary, or perhaps the advanced guard], (so in the O, and in the CK, and in my MS. copy of the K,) of an army; (O, L, K;) also called the زُوَيْر [which corroborates the former explanation, being syn. with رَئِيس]; (L, TA; [in the O written زَوِير;]) as also ↓ عِمَادٌ and ↓ عُمْدَةٌ and ↓ عُمْدَانٌ. (O, L, K.) b5: Also, [from the same word in the first of the senses expl. above,] A staff, or stick. (L.) b6: And A weapon made of iron, with which one beats, or strikes; (Mgh;) a rod of iron; (L;) [a kind of mace; app. a rod of iron with a ball of the same metal at the head: I have heard this appellation applied to the kind of weapon which I have mentioned in an explanation of طَوَارِقُ, pl. of طَارِقَةٌ, q. v.; and it is vulgarly said, in Egypt, to have been used by the فِدَاوِيَّة, the sect called in our histories of the Crusades “ the Assassins: ”] pl. [of pauc.] أَعْمِدَةٌ. (Mgh.) b7: [And A bar of iron, or of any metal. b8: And A perpendicular.] b9: And A slender and lofty mountain: so in the saying, العُقَابُ تَبِيضُ فِى رَأْسِ عَمُودٍ [The eagle lays her eggs in the top of a slender and lofty mountain]. (A.) b10: عَمُودُ البِئْرِ [Each of] the two upright supports (قَائِمَتَانِ [or قَامَتَانِ]) upon which is [placed the horizontal cross-piece of wood whereto is suspended] the great pulley (مَحَالَة) of the well: (O, K:) [both together being termed the عَمُودَانِ:] a poet says, إِذَا اسْتَقَلَّتْ رَجَفَ العَمُودَانْ [When it (the bucket, الدَّلْوُ,) rises, the two upright supports of the piece of wood to which hangs the great pulley tremble]. (O.) b11: عَمُودُ الظَّلِيم [Each of] the two legs of the male ostrich: (K:) his two legs are called his عَمُودَانِ. (O, L, TA.) b12: عَمُودُ الصَّلِيبِ [The upright timber of the cross] is an appellation applied by the vulgar to the star [e] upon the tail of the constellation Delphinus. (Kzw.) b13: عَمُودُ المِيزَانِ The شَاهِين, (K voce شاهين,) i. e. the beam of the balance; the same as the مِنْجَم, except that it (the عَمُود) is generally of the قَبَّان, or steelyard. (MA.) b14: عَمُودُ السَّيْفِ The شَطِيبَة [or شُطْبَة, generally meaning a ridge, but sometimes a channel, or depressed line,] that is in the مَتْن [or broad side, or middle of the broad side, of the blade] of the sword, (En-Nadr, O, K,) in the middle of its مَتْن, extending to its lower part: (En-Nadr, O:) [the swords of the Arabs in the earlier ages being generally straight and twoedged:] and sometimes the sword had three أَعْمِدَة [pl. of pauc. of عَمُودٌ] in its back, termed شُطُب and شَطَائِب. (En-Nadr, O.) b15: And عَمُودُ السِّنَانِ The ridge (عَيْر, in the O and in copies of the K [erroneously] written غَيْر,) rising along the middle of the spear-head, between its two cutting sides. (ISh, O, L, K. *) b16: عَمُودُ البَطْنِ The back; (S, A, Mgh, O, L, K;) because it supports the belly: (Mgh, O, L:) or a vein (عِرْق), (K,) or a thing resembling a vein, (O, L,) extending from the place of the رُهَابَة [or lower extremity of the sternum] to a little below the navel, (O, L, K,) in the middle whereof the belly of the sheep or goat is cut open; so says Lth: (O, L:) or, accord. to Lth, a vein extending from the رهابة to the navel. (Mgh.) They said, حمَلَهُ عَلَى عَمُودِ بَطْنِهِ, meaning He carried it on his back: (S, O, L:) or, in the opinion of A'Obeyd, (tropical:) with difficulty, or trouble, and fatigue; whether upon his back or not. (O, L.) b17: عَمُودُ الكَبِدِ The rising thing (المُشْرِفُ [app. meaning the longitudinal ligament]) in the middle of the liver: (Zj in his “ Khalk el-Insán: ”) or a certain vein that irrigates the liver: (Lth, O, L, K:) or عَمُودَا الكَبِدِ signifies two large veins, on the right and left of the navel. (ISh, O, L.) One says, إِنَّ فُلَانًا لَخَارِجٌ عَمُودُ كَبِدِهِ مِنَ الجُوعِ [Verily such a one has his عمود of his liver coming forth in consequence of hunger]: (O:) or عَمُودُهُ مِنْ كَبِدِهِ [his عمود from his liver]; (L, TA;) and some say that by his عمود in this saying is meant what here next follows. (TA.) b18: عَمُودُ السَّحْرِ The وَتِين [app. meaning the aor. a, as though it were considered as the support of the lungs]. (O, K.) b19: عَمُودُ الأُذُنِ The main part, and support, of the ear: (O, L, K, TA: [in the CK, قَوامُها is erroneously put for قِوَامُهَا:]) or the round part which is above the lobe. (L.) b20: عَمُودُ القَلْبِ The middle of the heart, (A, L,) lengthwise: or, as some say, a certain vein that irrigates it. (L.) One says, اِجْعَلْ ذٰلِكَ فِى عَمُودِ قَلْبِكَ Put thou that in the middle of thy heart. (A.) b21: عَمُودُ اللِّسَانِ The middle of the tongue, lengthwise. (L.) b22: عَمُودُ الكِتَابِ The text of the book: thus in the saying, هُوَ مَذْكُورٌ فِى عَمُودِ الكِتَابِ [It is mentioned in the text of the book]. (A, TA.) b23: عَمُودُ الصُّبْحِ The bright gleam of dawn; (L;) the dawn that rises and spreads, (A, L, Msb, *) filling the horizon with its whiteness: (Msb voce فَجْرٌ:) [app. thus called as being likened to a tent, or long tent:] it is the second, or true, فَجْر, and rises after the first, or false, فجر has disappeared; and with its rising, the day commences, and everything by which the fast would be broken becomes forbidden to the faster. (Msb voce فَجْرٌ.) One says, سَطَعَ عَمُودُ الصُّبْحِ, (S, O, L,) or ضَرَبَ الصُّبْحُ بِعَمُودِهِ, (A,) or ضَرَبَ الفَجْرُ بِعَمُودِهِ, i. e. [The bright gleam of dawn] rose and spread. (Msb.) b24: عَمُودُ الإِعْصَارِ That [meaning the dust] which rises into the sky, or extends along the surface of the earth, in consequence of the [wind called] إِعْصَار [q. v.]. (O, L.) b25: عَمُودُ الحُسْنِ (assumed tropical:) Tallness of stature. (TA in art. ملأ.) b26: عَمُودُ النَّوَى (tropical:) The state of distance, from their friends, in which travellers continue. (L.) b27: دَائِرَةُ العَمُودِ The curl of the hair [which we term a feather] on a horse's neck, in the places of the collar: it is approved by the Arabs. (L.) b28: اِسْتَقَامُوا عَلَى عَمُودِ رَأْيِهِمْ means They continued in the course upon which they placed reliance. (O, K.) A2: Also, i. e. عَمُودٌ, (accord. to the O and K,) or ↓ عَمِيدٌ, (accord. to the TA [agreeably with an explanation of the latter in the L],) Affected with vehement, or intense, grief or sorrow. (O, K, TA.) عَمِيدٌ: see عُمْدَةٌ b2: and see also عَمُودٌ, first quarter. b3: Also A man sick, (L,) or very sick, (A,) so that he cannot sit unless propped up by cushions placed at his sides. (A, * L.) b4: Also, and ↓ مَعْمُودٌ, (S, O, L, K,) and ↓ معَمَّدٌ, (K,) A man broken, or enervated, by the passion of love; (S, O, K;) and in like manner all the three are applied to a heart: (O:) or the first and second signify a man whose عَمُود of his heart is severed: (A:) or a man much distressed, or afflicted, by love; likened to a camel's hump of which the interior is broken: (L. [See عَمِدَ:]) and ↓ مَعْمُودٌ signifies diseased, or sick. (L.) b5: See also عَمُودٌ, last sentence.

A2: عَمِيدُ الوَجَعِ The place of pain. (L.) عَامِدٌ applied to the latter part of the night, Causing pain. (IAar, O.) And لَيْلَةٌ عَامِدَةٌ A night causing pain. (IAar, Az, O.) مُعْمَدٌ A tall [tent such as is called] طِرَافٌ. [So in a copy of the A. [Perhaps a mistranscription for مُعَمَّدٌ, q. v.]) See also عُمُدَّانٌ. b2: And see عُمُدٌّ.

مُعَمَّدٌ, applied to a tent, Set up with poles: (O, K:) occurring in a verse of [the Mo'allakah of] Tarafeh [p. 88 in the EM]. (O. [See also مُعْمَدٌ.]) b2: وَشْىٌ مُعَمَّدٌ (O, K, TA, in some copies of the K شَىْءٌ,) A sort of وَشْى [or variegated cloth] (O, K, TA) [figured] with the form of عِمَاد [app. meaning lofty buildings]. (TA.) b3: See also عَمُدَّانٌ: b4: and عُمُدٌّ: and عَمِيدٌ.

مُعْمِدَانٌ and مُعْمِدَانِىٌّ and مَعْمُودَانِىٌّ epithets used by the Christian Arabs, meaning A baptist.]

مَعْمُودٌ applied to a thing that presses heavily, such as a roof, Held [up, or supported,] by columns: differing from مَدْعُومٌ [q. v.]. (TA in art. دعم.) A2: Also A person resorted to in cases of need. (A.) A3: See also عَمِيدٌ, in two places.

المَعْمُودِيَةُ, thus correctly, as in the 'Ináyeh, without teshdeed to the ى, but in the copies of the K with teshdeed, [and so in the O; held by some to be of Arabic origin, but by others, of Syriac;] said by Es-Sowlee to be an arabicized word, from مَعْمُوذِيت, with the pointed ذ, signifying الطَّهَارَةُ [app. as meaning “ ablution,” or “ purification ”]; (TA;) [Baptism: and baptismal water; expl. as signifying] a yellow water, pertaining to the Christians, (O, K, TA,) consecrated by what is recited over it from the Gospel, (TA,) in which they dip their children, believing that is is a purification to them, like circumcision to others. (O, K, TA.) [See also صِبْغَةٌ.]

مُعْتَمَدٌ: see عُمْدَةٌ, in two places. b2: [Also A ground of reliance:] one says, مَا عَلَى فُلَانِ مَعْتَمَدٌ [There is not any ground of reliance upon such a one]. (S voce مَحْمِلٌ, q. v.)



1 عَبَرَهُ, aor. ـُ (S, Mgh, O, Msb, K,) inf. n. عَبْرٌ and عُبُورٌ, [the latter of which is the more common,] (S, O, Msb, K,) He crossed it, went across it, or passed over it, (Mgh, Msb, K,) from one side thereof to the other; (Msb, K;) namely, a river, (S, Mgh, O, Msb, K, *) and a valley, (K, TA,) &c. (S, Mgh.) b2: [Hence,] عَبَرَ بِهِ المَآءَ: see 2. b3: عَبَرَ السَّبِيلَ, (Msb, K,) aor. ـُ inf. n. عُبُورٌ, (TA,) He travelled, or passed along, the way, or road; (Msb, K; *) as though he cut it, or furrowed it. (K, * TK.) b4: And hence, (TA,) عَبَرَ, (aor. as above, S,) (tropical:) He died: (S, O, Msb, K:) as though he travelled the road of life: or, as F says in the B, as though he crossed over the bridge of the present world or life. (TA.) A poet says, فَإِنْ نَعْبُرْ فَإِنَّ لَنَا لُمَاتٍ

وَإِنْ نَغْبُرْ فَنَحْنُ عَلَى نُذُورِ i. e. (tropical:) So if we die, there are others like to us; and if we remain alive, we are waiting for that which must necessarily come to pass, as though we were bound by vows to meet it. (S, O.) b5: And عَبَرَتِ السَّحَائِبُ, aor. as above, inf. n. عُبُورٌ, The clouds travelled, or passed along, quickly. (TA.) A2: عَبَرَ الرُّؤْيَا: see 2, in two places. b2: and [hence, perhaps,] عَبَرْتُ الطَّيْرَ, aor. ـُ and عَبِرَ, (O, K,) inf. n. عَبْرٌ, (TA,) i. q. زَجَرْتُهَا [I augured from the flight, or alighting-places, or cries, &c., of the birds; or I made the birds to fly away in order that I might augur from their flight, &c.]. (O, K.) b3: And عَبَرَ الكِتَاتَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. عَبْرٌ, (As, S, A, * O, K, *) He meditated upon, endeavouring to understand it, or he considered, examined, or studied, (As, S, O, K,) or he read mentally, (A,) the book, or writing, not raising his voice in doing so, (As, S, A, O, K,) i. e. in reading it. (K.) And you say, بَعْضَ ↓ اِعْتَبَرَ الكِتَابِ بِبَعْضٍ, meaning عَبَرَهُ [i. e. He considered and compared one part of the book, or writing, with another part, in order to understand it]. (TA.) b4: And عَبَرَ المَتَاعَ, and الدَّرَاهِمَ, (K, TA,) aor. ـُ inf. n. عَبْرٌ, (TA,) He examined what was the weight of the goods, and of the dirhems, and what they were. (K, TA.) And you say, الدَّرَاهِمَ فَوَجَدْتُهَا أَلْفًا ↓ اِعْتَبَرْتُ, meaning عَبَرْتُهَا, i. e. I tried, or examined, the dirhems, and found them to be a thousand. (Msb.) b5: See also 8, second sentence.

A3: عَبِرَ, with kesr, aor. ـَ inf. n. عَبَرٌ; (S;) or عَبَرَ, inf. n. عَبْرٌ; (K;) [but the former seems to be the more correct, as will be seen from what follows;] and ↓ استعبر; (A, O, K;) He shed tears; his eyes, or eye, watered. (S, A, K, TA.) And عَبِرَتْ عَيْنُهُ His eye shed tears, or watered; (S, O;) as also ↓ استعبرت. (S.) b2: And عَبِرَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. عَبَرٌ; (Az, T, O, * L, TA;) or عَبَرَ, inf. n. عَبْرٌ; (K; [but see above;]) He grieved, or mourned; was sorrowful, sad, or unhappy. (Az, T, O, L, K, TA.) مَا لَهُ سَهِرَ وَعَبِرَ [What aileth him? May he be sleepless by night, and may he grieve, or mourn:] is a form of imprecation against a man, used by the Arabs. (TA.) And عَبِرَتْ, inf. n. عَبَرٌ, means She became bereft of her child, or children, by death. (A.) [See عُبْرٌ.]2 عبّرهُ بِالمَآءِ, (Lh, K,) inf. n. تَعْبِيرٌ; (TA;) and بِهِ المَآءَ ↓ عَبَرَ, (Lh, K,) and النَّهْرَ; (TA;) He made him to cross, go across, or pass over, or he conveyed him across, the water, (Lh, K, TA,) and the river. (TA.) A2: عبّر الرُّؤْيَا, (S, O, Msb, K,) inf. n. as above; (S, O;) and ↓ عَبَرَهَا, (S, A, O, Msb, K,) [which is less common, but more chaste,] aor. ـُ (S, O,) inf. n. عِبَارَةٌ (S, A, O, Msb, K) and عَبْرٌ; (A, Msb, K;) He interpreted, or explained, the dream, (S, A, O, Msb, K,) and told its final sequel or result: (A, O, K:) or the former verb has an intensive signification: (Msb:) and تَعْبِيرٌ has a more particular [or more restricted] meaning than تَأْوِيلٌ: it is said to be from عَبَرَ الكِتَابَ [q. v.]; or, as some say, it is from عِبْرٌ signifying the “ side ” of a river, because the interpreter of the dream considers the two sides thereof, and meditates upon every particular of it from its beginning to its end. (TA.) In the phrase of the Kur [xii. 43], إِنْ كُنْتُمْ لِلرُّؤْيَا

↓ تَعْبُرُونَ, the ل is termed لَامُ التَّعْقِيبِ [the ل of succedaneousness], because it is succedaneous to the connection termed إِضَافَة [i. e. the phrase is succedaneous to إِنْ كُنْتُمْ عَابِرِى الرُّؤْيَا If ye be interpreters of the dream]: (O, TA:) or it is inserted as an explicative: (Zj, TA:) the phrase is similar to إِنْ كُنْتَ لِلْمَالِ جَامِعًا. (S, O.) b2: عبّر عَمَّا فِى نَفْسِهِ, (A, K, TA,) inf. n. as above, (TA,) He declared, spoke out clearly or plainly, or explained, what was in his mind. (A, * K, * TA.) And اللِّسَانُ يُعَبِّرُ عَمَّا فِى الضَّمِيرِ The tongue declares, or explains, what is in the mind. (S, * O, * Msb) And عبّر عَنْهُ غَيْرُهُ Another spoke, or spoke out, or explained, for him; (L, K, * TA;) he (the latter) being unable to say what he would. (L, TA.) And عَبَّرْتُ عَنْ فُلَانٍ I spoke for such a one. (S, O, Msb.) [Hence, يُعَبِّرُ عَنْ كَذَا, said of a word or phrase, It expresses the meaning of, signifies, or denotes, such a thing. And يُعَبَّرُ بِهِ عَنْ كَذَا The meaning of such a thing is expressed thereby; or such a thing is signified, or denoted, thereby.] b3: عبّر الدَّنَانِيرَ, (A,) or الذَّهَبَ, (K,) inf. n. as above, (A, K,) He weighed the deenárs, (A,) or the gold, (K,) deenár by deenár: (A, K:) or عبّرهُ signifies he weighed it (a thing), or measured it, without extraordinary care: (K, * TA:) and تَعْبِيرُ الدَّرَاهِمِ, the weighing of the dirhems collectively, after making divisions of them. (S, O, TA.) A3: عبّر بِهِ, (K, TA,) inf. n. as above, (TA,) signifies أَرَاهُ عُبْرَ عَيْنِهِ (K, TA, in the CK عَيْنَيْهِ,) i. e. He showed him what would make his eye to weep: or what would make his eye hot. (TA.) Dhu-r-Rummeh says, عَلَى مَلَقِيَّاتٍ يُعَبِّرْنَ بالغُفْرِ [Upon swiftly-running mares that show the mountain kids, in the swiftness of their pace, what makes their eyes to weep from envy]. (TA.) And you say also, عبّر عَيْنَيْهِ, meaning He made his eyes to weep. (TA.) b2: Also He destroyed him: (K, TA:) as though he showed him what would make his eye to weep, or make it hot. (TA.) b3: And He caused him to fall into difficulty, or distress. (A.) And It (an affair, or event,) was, or became, difficult, or distressing, to him. (O, K.) 8 اعتبر He became admonished, or reminded; he took warning, or example: in this sense the verb is used in the Kur lix. 2: and you say, اِعْتَبَرَ بِمَا مَضَى He became admonished or reminded, or he took warning or example, by what passed: (Msb:) and السَّعِيدُ مِنَ اعْتَبَرَ بِغَيْرِهِ وَالشَّقِىُّ مَنِ اعْتَبَرَ بِهِ غَيْرُهُ [The fortunate is he who takes warning by others, and the unfortunate is he by whom others take warning]. (Kull p. 60.) And عَبَرٌ [as inf. n. of ↓ عَبِرَ, aor. ـَ signifies the same as اِعْتِبَارٌ [as inf. n. of اِعْتَبَرَ in the sense expl. above]: (Fr, O, L, K, TA:) whence the saying of the Arabs, اَللّٰهُمَّ اجْعَلْنَا مِمَّنْ يَعْبَرُ الدُّنْيَا وَلَا يَعْبُرُهَا, (Fr, O, L, TA,) with fet-h to the ب of يعبر in the first case, and with damm to it in the second case, (TA,) meaning O God, make us to be of those who take warning, or example, by the present world, and do not [pass through it or] die quickly, or soon, until they content Thee by obedience: (Fr, O, L, TA:) in the copies of the K, مِمَّنْ يَعْبُرُ الدُّنْيَا وَلَا يَعْمُرُهَا, the former verb with ب [and damm], and the latter with م [and damm]: and in the A is given, as a trad., اُعْبُرُوا الدُّنْيَا وَلَا تَعْمُرُوهَا: but the reading given by Sgh and in the L is pronounced by MF to be the right. (TA.) See also عِبْرَةٌ. [And see 10, last sentence.] b2: Also He took, or regarded, what he witnessed, or saw, or beheld, as an indication, or evidence, of what was concealed from him: (O:) he compared what was unapparent with what was apparent [and so judged of the former from analogy]: or he considered the essential properties of things, and their modes of indication, in order that, by the consideration thereof, another thing, of their kind, might become known. (Kull p. 60.) See, again, عِبْرَةٌ. Ibn-Seereen used to say, أَعْتَبِرُ الحَدِيثَ [I judge by comparison with what has been transmitted by tradition from the Prophet]; meaning I interpret a dream according to what has been transmitted by tradition, like as I do according to the Kur-án; as when a crow is interpreted as meaning an unrighteous man, and a rib as meaning a woman, in imitation of forms of speech used by the Prophet. (O, * TA.) b3: See also 1, latter half, in two places. b4: Also He accounted, or esteemed, or regarded, a thing, in respect of predicamental order. (Msb.) See, again, عِبْرَةٌ. b5: [And He esteemed a person, or thing; held him, or it, in high estimation or regard. b6: And He took a thing into account, regarded it, or included it in a mental view or an examination. Hence the phrase بِاعْتِبَارِ كَذَا With regard, or respect, or with regard had, to such a thing; in consideration of such a thing, or of the implication thereof; and having regard, or respect, to such a thing; as also اِعْتِبَارًا لِكَذَا and بِكَذَا. And بِاعْتِبَارٍ وَاحِدٍ

Considered in one respect; in one and the same light. Hence also the phrase,] يُعْتَبَرُ كَذَا لِصِحَّةِ العَقْدِ Such a thing is made a condition [or is taken into account] for the soundness, or validity, of the contract. (Msb.) b7: اعتبر مِنْهُ means He wondered at him, or it. (K, TA. In the CK, منه is omitted.) 10 استعبر [He desired to cross, go across, or pass over, a river or the like. (See الغُمَيْصَآءُ.)]

A2: استعبرهُ الرُّؤْيَا He asked him to interpret, or explain, the dream; (K;) he related to him the dream in order that he might interpret, or explain, it. (S, O.) b2: لَقَدْ أَسْرَعْتَ اسْتِعْبَارَكَ الدَّرَاهِمَ is a saying mentioned by As as meaning [Assuredly thou hast hastened] thy drawing forth of the dirhems. (O.) A3: See also 1, last quarter, in two places. b2: [Accord. to Golius, استعبر is also syn. with اعتبر in the first of the senses assigned to the latter above; but for this I do not find any authority.]

عَبْرٌ: see عِبْرٌ.

A2: عَبْرُ أَسْفَارٍ and عَبْرُ سَفَرٍ: see what here follows.

عُبْرُ أَسْفَارٍ and اسفارٍ ↓ عِبْرُ (S, K) and اسفار ↓ عَبْرُ (K) and عُبْرُ سَفَرٍ and سفرٍ ↓ عِبْرُ and سفرٍ ↓ عَبْرُ (TA) A he-camel, and a she-camel, and camels, like a ship [or ships], i. e. upon which journeys are continually made: (S:) or a she-camel that is strong (K, TA) to journey, (TA,) [as though] cutting. or furrowing, what she passes over, (K, TA,) and upon which journeys are made: (TA:) and likewise a man (K, TA) bold to undertake journeys, vigorous and effective therein, and strong to make them: and in like manner a he-camel, and camels: (TA:) applied to a sing. and to a pl. (K, TA) and to a fem.: (TA:) and in like manner also ↓ عَبَّارٌ, applied to a he-camel, (K,) meaning strong (O, TA) to journey; and so ↓ عِبَارٌ, with kesr, [app. pl. of عَبْرٌ,] applied to camels. (TA.) b2: Hence one says, لِكُلِّ عَمَلٍ ↓ إِنَّ فُلَانًا عِبْرٌ Verily such a one is fit, and sufficiently strong, for every work. (A.) b3: [Hence likewise] عُبْرٌ signifies Clouds that travel, or pass along, vehemently [or quickly]. (K.) A2: See also عِبْرٌ.

A3: And عُبْرٌ and ↓ عَبَرٌ (S, O, K. TA, in the CK عُبْرَة and عَبَرَة,) and ↓ عُبُرٌ signify A weeping with grief: (TA:) or heat in the eye, causing it to weep: (S, O:) or heat of the eye. (K.) One says, لِأُمِّهِ العُبْرُ, and ↓ العَبَرُ, (S, A, O, TA,) and ↓ العُبُرُ, meaning May his mother have weeping with grief: (TA:) or heat in the eye, causing it to weep: (S, O:) or may his mother be bereft of her child, or children, by death. (A.) And أَرَاهُ عُبْرَ عَيْنِهِ (K, TA, in the CK عَيْنَيْهِ,) He showed him what would make his eye to weep: or what would make his eye hot. (TA.) And رَأَى فُلَانٌ عُبْرَ عَيْنَيْهِ Such a one saw what made his eyes hot. (S, O.) And إِنَّهُ لَيَنْظُرُ

إِلَى عُبْرِ عَيْنَيْهِ Verily he looks at that which he dislikes, or hates, and at which he weeps. (A.) and the phrase وَعُبْرُ جَارَتِهَا occurs in the trad. of UmmZara, meaning And, by reason of her chastity and beauty, a cause of weeping to her fellow-wife. (TA.) A4: عُبْرٌ also signifies Women bereft of their children by death; syn. ثَكْلَى: (K, TA:) as though pl. of عَابِرٌ. (TA.) عِبْرٌ, (S, O, K, TA, in the CK عِبْرَة,) and ↓ عُبْرٌ, (S, O,) or ↓ عَبْرٌ, (Kr, A, K, TA, accord. to the CK عَبْرَة,) The bank, or side, (S, A, O, K,) of a river, (S, A, O,) and of a valley. (A, K.) En-Nábighah Edh-Dhubyánee says, of the Euphrates, تَرْمِى أَوَاذِيُّهُ العِبْرَيْنِ بِالزَّبَدِ [Its waves casting foam upon the two banks]. (S, O.) And one says, فُلَانٌ فِى ذٰلِكَ العِبْرِ Such a one is upon that side. (TA.) A2: See also the next preceding paragraph, in three places.

عَبَرٌ inf. n. of عَبِرَ [q. v.]. (Az, T, &c.) b2: See also عُبْرٌ, in two places: b3: and عَبْرَةٌ.

عَبِرٌ; and its fem., with ة; see عَابِرٌ.

عُبُرٌ: see عُبْرٌ, in two places.

عَبْرَةٌ: see عِبَارَةٌ.

A2: Also A tear: (TA:) or a tear before it overflows: or a [sobbing, or] reiteration [of the sound] of weeping in the bosom: (A, K:) or an overflowing of tears without the sound of weeping: (TA:) or a flowing, or an oozing, of tears: (S, O:) or grief without weeping: (A, K:) pl. عَبَرَاتٌ (O, K) and ↓ عَبَرٌ, (so in the O, [but this, if correct, is a quasi-pl. n.,]) or عِبَرٌ. (Thus in copies of the K.) Of the first meaning, the following is an ex.: وَإِنَّ شِفَائِى عَبْرَةٌ لَوْ سَفَحْتُهَا [And verily my cure would be a tear if I shed it]: and of the last, the following is an ex.: لَكَ مَا أَبْكِى وَلَا عَبْرَةَ بِى

or, as some relate it, ولا عبرة لِى; and the meaning is, For thy sake I weep, but there is grief in me for myself: so says As: (TA:) or in this saying, which is a prov., ما may be redundant, or it may be what is termed مَصْدَرِيَّة; and the meaning is, For thee I weep, or for thee is my weeping, I [myself] having no need of weeping. (Meyd.) عِبْرَةٌ a subst. from الاِعْتِبَارُ; An admonition, or exhortation: (Bd in iii. 11): an admonition, or exhortation, by which one takes warning or example: (Jel in xxiii. 21:) a thing by the state, or condition, of which one is admonished, or reminded, and guided, or directed: (Bd in xxiii. 21:) i. q. ↓ اِعْتِبَارٌ [lit. a being admonished, or reminded, &c.; but meaning a cause of being admonished, &c.; i. e. a warning, or an example]: (Jel in xvi. 68:) or اِعْتِبَارٌ بِمَا مَضَى i. e. اِتّعَاظٌ and تَذَكُّرٌ [meaning, in like manner, a cause of being admonished, or reminded, by what has passed]: (Msb:) an indication, or evidence, (Bd and Jel in xxiv. 44, and Bd in xvi. 68,) whereby one passes from ignorance to knowledge: (Bd in xvi.

68:) a state [of things or circumstances] whereby, from the knowledge of what is seen, one arrives at the knowledge of what is not seen; as also ↓ اِعْتِبَارٌ: (B, TA:) and a wonderful thing [app. such as serves as a warning or an example]: (A, K:) pl. عِبَرٌ. (Msb, TA.) b2: And The account, or estimation, or regard, in which a thing is held in respect of predicamental order; as also ↓ اِعْتِبَارٌ. (Msb.) [Hence the common phrase لَا عِبْرَةَ بِهِ, meaning No regard is due to it.]

A2: See also عِبَارَةٌ.

عُبْرِىٌّ, applied to the [species of lote-tree called]

سِدْر, means That grows on the banks of rivers, and becomes large: (S, O:) an anomalous rel. n. from عِبْرٌ: (TA:) [or a regular rel. n. from عُبْرٌ as syn. with عِبْرٌ:] or, accord. to 'Omárah, such as is large in the leaves, having few thorns, and taller than the ضَال: or, as Aboo-Ziyád says, that has no thorns except such as hurt [not (see سِدْرٌ)]; the thorns [that hurt] being of the سِدْر called ضال: he does not say, as others do, that it is that which grows upon the water: some assert that it is also called عُمْرِىٌّ, the ب being changed into م: (O:) or, as some say, such as has no trunk; and such is only of those that are near to the عِبْر [or bank of a river]: Yaakoob says that the terms عُبْرِىّ and عُمْرِىّ are applied to the سِدْر that imbibes water; and that such as does not this is that of the desert, and is the ضال: Az says that the سدر, and such as is large of the عَوْسَج, are called عُبْرِىٌّ; and عُمْرِىٌّ is applied to the سدر that is old. (TA.) [See also عُمْرِىٌّ.]

عِبْرِىٌّ [Hebrew: and a Hebrew]. العِبْرِيُّونَ is an appellation of The Jews [i. e. the Hebrews]. (O.) b2: And العِبْرِىُّ and ↓ العِبْرَانِىُّ, (S, A, K,) or العِبْرِيَّةُ (O) and ↓ العِبْرَانِيَّةُ, (O, TA,) [The Hebrew language;] the language of the Jews. (S, A, O, K, TA.) عَبْرَانُ; and its fem. عَبْرَى: see عَابِرٌ, in six places.

العِبْرَانِىُّ and العِبْرَانِيَّةُ: see عِبْرِىٌّ.

عِبَارٌ: see عُبْرُ أَسْفَارٍ.

الشِّعْرَى العَبُورَ [The star Sirius;] a certain bright star; (TA;) one of the شِعْرَيَانِ, which [in the order of rising] is after, or behind, [in the TA, erroneously, “with,”] الجَوْزَآء [here meaning Gemini]: (S, O:) called العبور because of its having crossed the Milky Way. (S, O, TA.) [See also الشِّعْرَى in art. شعر. b2: Hence the saying, عَصَفَتْ دَبُورُهُ وَسَقَطَتْ عَبُورُهُ, expl. in art. دبر.]

عَبِيرٌ A certain mixture (As, S, O, Msb, K) of perfumes, (Msb, K,) compounded with saffron: (As, S, O:) or, (K,) with the Arabs (S, O, TA) of the Time of Ignorance, (TA,) accord. to AO, it means saffron (S, O, K, TA) alone: but in a trad., mention is made of smearing with عبير or with saffron; and this shows عبير to be different from saffron: (S, O, TA:) IAth says that it is a sort of perfume, having colour, compounded of certain mixtures. (TA.) [See a verse cited voce ذَبِيحٌ; and another cited voce رَقْرَقَ.]

عَبَارَةٌ: see the next paragraph, in two places.

عِبَارَةٌ Speech that passes from the tongue of the speaker to the ear of the hearer. (TA.) b2: [and hence, A passage in a book or writing.] b3: [Hence also,] A word, an expression, or a phrase. (Kull p. 60.) b4: And [An explanation, or interpretation;] a subst. from عَبَّرَ عَنْهُ; as also ↓ عَبَارَةٌ, (L, K, TA, [the former only in the CK,]) and ↓ عَبْرَةٌ or ↓ عِبْرَةٌ, accord. to different copies of the K. (TA.) You say, هُوَ حَسَنُ العِبَارَةِ, and, accord. to the M, ↓ العَبَارَةِ also, i. e. He has a good faculty of explaining, or of diction, or of speaking perspicuously. (Msb.) [and هٰذَا عِبَارَةٌ عَنْ كَذَا This is a word, or an expression, or a phrase, for, or denoting, such a thing; lit., an explanation of such a thing.]

A2: Also A thing that is made a condition: or a thing that is made account of, or esteemed, or regarded as being of importance. (Msb.) عَبَّارٌ: see عُبْرُ أَسْفَارٍ.

A2: Also An interpreter, or explainer, of dreams. (TA.) عَابِرُ سَبِيلٍ A wayfarer; a passenger; a person passing along a way or road; (S, O, TA;) a traveller: (TA:) or one who passes through without abiding: (Mgh:) pl. عَابِرُو سَبِيلٍ and عُبَّارُ سَبِيلٍ. (TA.) And عَابِرُ السَّبِيلِ The wayfarer; the passer along the way or road. (Msb.) إِلَّا عَابِرِى سَبِيلٍ, in the Kur [iv. 46], means Except those who, wanting something in the mosque, and their houses or tents being distant, [merely pass through, or] enter the mosque and go forth quickly: (TA:) or except travellers; for the traveller sometimes wants water [which is found in the mosque]: or, as some say, except passers through the mosque, not meaning to pray. (Msb, TA.) b2: Hence عَابِرٌ signifies (tropical:) Dying, or dead. (TA. [See 1.]) b3: [And Passing, or having currency. Hence,] لُغَةٌ عَابِرَةٌ An allowable form of word or expression: (S, K, TA:) from عَبَرَ signifying “ he passed over ” a river. (TA.) A2: عَابِرٌ also signifies Examining a thing: examining a book, or writing, and considering and comparing one part of it with another, so as to understand it. (TA.) A3: Also Shedding tears, (S, O, *) applied to a man, and likewise to a woman: and ↓ عُبْرَانُ weeping, applied to a man; and so [its fem.] ↓ عَبْرَى applied to a woman: (S, O:) or ↓ عَبْرَانُ signifies weeping and grieving, applied to a man; as also ↓ عَبِرٌ; (K, * TA;) and عَابِرٌ and ↓ عَبْرَى and ↓ عَبِرَةٌ are applied to a woman in the same sense, (K,) or as meaning grieving: (TA:) pl. [of ↓ عَبْرَانُ and عَبْرَى]

عَبَارَى, (K, TA,) like سَكَارَى: (TA:) and عَيْنٌ

↓ عَبْرَى means a weeping eye. (O, K, * TA.) عَنْبَرٌ: see art. عنبر.

مَعْبَرٌ A place where a river is crossed; a ferry: (Mgh:) a bank, or side, of a river, prepared for crossing: (O, Msb, K:) pl. مَعَابِرُ. (Mgh.) مِعْبَرٌ A thing upon which, (S, O, Msb,) or by means of which, (K,) one crosses a river; (S, O, Msb, K;) whether it be a boat [i. e. a ferryboat], (S, O, Msb,) which is also called ↓ مِعْبَرَةٌ, (Az, TA,) or a bridge, (S, O, Msb,) or some other thing: (TA:) [pl. مَعَابِرُ.]

معْبَرَةٌ: see what next precedes.



1 لَامَ, inf. n. لَوْمٌ, He blamed, censured, or reprehended, syn. عَذَلَ, (S, M, Msb, K,) a person, (S, Msb,) عَلَى كَذَا [for such a thing]. (S.) 4 أَلَامَ He did a thing for which he should be blamed. (S in art. جنف, and L and TA in art. ريب.) 5 تَلَوَّمَ i. q. تَكَلَّفَ اللَّوْمَ. (Ham, p. 356.) لَائِمَةٌ A thing for which the doer is blamed. (TA.)



1 عَنَزَ, (O, K,) inf. n. عَنْزٌ, (O,) or عُنُوزٌ, (TA,) He turned away, (O, K, TA,) and declined, (TA,) عَنْهُ [from him, or it]: (K, TA:) or he removed, went away or aside, or retired to a distance; (IKtt, TA;) and thus ↓ اعتنز signifies; (S, O, K;) as also ↓ استعنز; (O, K;) or these two verbs, and ↓ تعنّز, signify he removed, went away or aside, or retired to a distance, from the people, or from men; (TA;) and ↓ اعتنز signifies also he alighted in a place aside or apart [from others]. (S. [See also مُعْتَنِزٌ.]) A2: عَنَزَهُ, (IKtt, K,) or عَنَزُوهُ, (A,) inf. n. عَنْزٌ, (TA,) He pierced him, or thrust him, with the عَنَزَة, (IKtt, K,) or they pierced him, or thrust him; from the word عَنَزَةٌ [q. v.]. (A.) 2 تَعْنِيزٌ is [the inf. n. of عُنِّزَ, and signifies The having little flesh in the face; being] from the phrase مُعَنَّزُ الوَجْهِ. (O.) 4 اعنزهُ, (K, TA,) or ↓ اعتنزهُ, (thus accord. to the O, [but the former is app. the right,]) He, or it, made him to decline, (O, K, TA,) and to remove, go away or aside, or retire to a distance. (TA.) 5 تَعَنَّزَ see 1.8 إِعْتَنَزَ see 1, in two places: A2: and see also 4.10 إِسْتَعْنَزَ see 1.

عَنْزٌ A she-goat; the female of the common goat: (S, O, K:) or a she-goat a year old; (Msb;) [and so ↓ عَنْزَةٌ: (Freytag, from the Kitáb el-Addád:)] and the female of the mountain-goat; and of the gazelle: (S, O:) pl. [of pauc.] أَعْنُزٌ and [of mult.] عُنُوزٌ and عِنَازٌ, or, accord, to some, the last of these is pl. of عَنْزٌ in the last of the senses expl. above. (TA.) هُمَا كَرُكْبَتَىِ العَنْزِ [They two are like the two knees of the she-goat] is a prov. applied to two men vying with each other, (O, K,) or equalling each other, (TA,) because her two knees, when she desires to lie down, fall together. (O, K. [See Freytag's Arab. Prov. ii. 861: where, instead of العنز, we find البَعِيرِ; and thus I find in a MS. copy of the Proverbs of Meyd.]) And it is said in another prov., to him who commits a crime that occasions his destruction, لَا تَكُ كَالْعَنْزِ تَبْحَثُ عَنِ المُدْيَةِ [Be not thou like the she-goat that scrapes up the dust, or earth, from over the butcher's knife]. (TA. [See also بَاحِثٌ.]) Hence the saying, يَوْمٌ كَيَوْمِ العَنْزِ [A day like the day of the she-goat]; mentioned by Th; alluding to its bringing death. (TA.) And لَقِىَ يَوْمَ العَنْزِ [He met with the day of the she-goat] is also a prov., (O, TA,) applied to him who meets with that which destroys him, (O, K,) or to him who labours for his own destruction. (A.) b2: العَنْزُ is a name of (assumed tropical:) The star ε] on the left [or (as some figure the constellation) the right] elbow of Auriga: and العِنَازُ is a name of (assumed tropical:) The two stars ζ and η] on the left [or the right] wrist together with العَيُّوق [which is Capella]. (Kzw in his description of Auriga.) b3: Also The female eagle: (S, O, K: [see also عَنْسٌ:]) pl. عُنُوزٌ. (TA.) And The female vulture: (IDrd, O, K:) pl. عُنُوزٌ. (IDrd, O.) and The female of the [species of bustard called] حُبارَى (IDrd, O, K) is sometimes thus termed: (O:) and it is said to be also called ↓ العَنْزَةُ. (TA.) And The female of the hawk. (TA.) b4: Also A species of aquatic bird; (O, K; *) [by some, in the present day, applied to a gray heron;] also called عَنْزُ المَآءِ. (O.) b5: And A species of fish; also called عَنْزُالمَآءِ: (Az, O:) accord. to Ibn-'Abbád, (O,) a certain great fish, which a mule can hardly, or in nowise, carry: (O, K:) and the pl., he says, is أَعْنِزَةٌ. (O.) A2: عَنْزٌ also signifies An [eminence, or a hill, such as is termed]

أَكَمَة: (S:) or a black أَكَمَة. (O, K.) b2: and A rock in the water: pl. عُنُوزٌ. (TA.) b3: and Land having in it ruggedness and sand and stones and [the species of tamarisk called] أَثْل. (TA.) A3: And I. q. بَاطِلٌ [q. v.]. (TA.) عَنْزٌ: see its n. un. عَنَزَةٌ.

عَنْزَةٌ: see عَنْزٌ, in two places.

عَنَزَةٌ A short spear; (A;) a small spear, between a staff and a spear, (O, K,) longer than a staff and shorter than a spear, (S,) said to be of the measure of half a spear, or somewhat more, having a head like that of the spear; (TA;) or a staff shorter than a spear; (Msb;) and, as some say, (TA,) having a زُجّ [i. e. a pointed iron foot at the lower extremity], (S, O, Msb, K, TA,) like that of the spear: (S, O, TA:) the old man leans, or stays himself, upon it; and it is nearly like the عُكَّازَة [q. v.]: (TA:) or it is like the عُكَّازَة, which is a staff having a زُجّ: (Mgh:) pl. ↓ عَنَزٌ, [or rather this is a coll. gen. n., of which عَنَزَةٌ is the n. un.,] and عَنَزَاتٌ. (Msb.) The Prophet is related to have prayed towards an عَنَزَة. (Mgh. [See سُتْرَةٌ.]) b2: Also The حَدّ [by which may be meant either the edge or point] of a فَأْس [which means a hoe and an adz and an axe, and also a pickaxe]: (O, K:) or the long حَدّ [or iron point] of the مِلْطَاس, which is a long double-headed pickaxe. (ISh, TA in art. لطس.) A2: Also A certain beast, (O, K,) found in the desert, slender in the muzzle, smaller than the dog, of the beasts of prey, (O,) that seizes the camel in his rump, (O, K,) and is seldom seen; asserted by the Arabs to be a devil: (O:) or, (K,) accord. to Aboo-Leyleh, (O,) it is like the weasel (O, K) in size: (O:) it approaches the she-camel when she is lying down, (O, K,) then springs, (O,) and enters into her vulva, and conceals itself therein, (O, K,) until it reaches the womb, (O,) whereupon the she-camel (O, K) dies on the spot (K) or aborts and dies on the spot. (O.) عَنِيزٌ Afflicted by a calamity; as also ↓ مَعْنُوزٌ; (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K;) both applied to a man. (Ibn-'Abbád, O.) مُعَنَّزٌ Small in the head (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K) and ears. (Ibn-'Abbád, O.) b2: مُعَنَّزُ الوَجْهِ A man (A, O) having little flesh in his face. (A, O, K.) b3: مُعَنَّزُ اللِّحْيَةِ Whose beard is like [that of] the goat: (K:) applied to a man as though his beard were like the beard of the goat: (O:) meaning, as expl. by Aboo-Dáwood, بُزْ بُزْ رِيشْ in Pers\. meaning the “ goat ” [and رِيشْ the “ beard ”]. (TA.) مَعْنُوزٌ: see عَنِيزٌ.

مُعْتَنِزٌ is said to mean One who does not dwell in the neighbourhood of [other] men lest something should be gotten from him: and one says, نَزَلَ مُعْتَنِزًا meaning He alighted and abode aside, or apart, from men. (TA. [See its verb.])



1 عَرَشَ, aor. ـِ and عَرُشَ, (S, O, K,) inf. n. عَرْشٌ, (S, O,) He constructed, or built, what is called an عَرِيش; (K;) as also ↓ اعرش; (Zj, K;) and ↓ عرّش, (K,) inf. n. تَعْرِيشٌ: (TA:) or he built a building of wood. (S, O.) b2: عَرَشَ البَيْتَ, (K,) aor. ـِ and عَرُشَ, inf. n. عَرْشٌ and عُرُوشٌ, (TA,) He built the house, or the like. (K.) b3: عَرَشَ الكَرْمَ: see 2. b4: عَرَشَ البِئْرَ, (A, K,) aor. ـِ and عَرُشَ, (K,) inf. n. عَرْشٌ, (S, A, O,) He cased the well with stones to the height of the stature of a man in the lowest part, and the rest of it with wood: (K:) or he cased the well with wood, after having cased the lowest part thereof with stones to the height of the stature of a man. (S, O.) A2: عَرَشَ فُلَانًا, (K, TA,) aor. ـِ inf. n. عَرْشٌ, (TA,) He struck such a one in the عُرْش, (K, TA,) i. e. base, (TA,) of his neck. (K, TA.) 2 عرّش, inf. n. تَعْرِيشٌ: see 1. b2: Also (assumed tropical:) He (a bird) rose, and shaded with his wings him who was beneath him. (TA.) b3: عرّش العَرْشَ He made the عَرْش [q. v.: or perhaps we should read العَرِيشَ]. (TA.) b4: عرّش البَيْتَ, (O, K,) inf. n. as above, (TA,) He roofed the house, or the like; (O, K, TA;) and raised the building thereof. (TA.) b5: عرّش الكَرْمَ, (S, O, Msb, K,) inf. n. as above, (S, O, TA,) He made an عَرِيش for the grape-vine: (Msb:) or he raised the shoots of the grape-vine upon the pieces of wood [made to support them]; as also ↓ عَرَشَهُ, (Zj, O, K,) aor. ـِ and عَرُشَ, inf. n. عَرْشٌ and عُرُوشٌ; (K;) or both signify he made an عَرْش for the grape-vine, and raised its shoots upon the pieces of wood; (TA;) and ↓ اعرشهُ signifies the same as عرّشهُ: (Zj, O, TA:) or عرّشهُ signifies he bent the pieces of wood upon which its branches, or shoots, were trained. (TA.) 4 اعرش: see 1. b2: اعرش الكَرْمَ: see 2.5 تَعَرَّشْنَا We pitched our tent, or tents. (A, TA.) b2: تعرّش بِالبَلَدِ He became fixed, settled, or established, in the country, or town. (Az, O, K.) 8 اعترش He made, or took, for himself an عَرِيش. (O, K.) b2: اعترش العِنَبُ The grapes mounted (S, O, K) upon the عَرِيش, (O, K,) or, as in the Mufradát, upon their عريش, (TA,) or upon the عِرَاش [which may be a pl. of عَرِيشٌ, like عَرَائِشُ, or perhaps it is a mistranscription for this last word]: (S: so in two copies:) and in like manner, اعترش العِنَبُ العَرِيشَ: (L, TA: [expl. by عَلَاهُ عَلَى العِرَاشِ, which seems to be a mistake for عَلَا عَلَى العِرِيشِ:]) and اعترشت القُضْبَانُ عَلَى العَرِيشِ The branches, or shoots, mounted upon the عريش. (A, TA.) عَرْشٌ A booth, or shed, or thing constructed for shade, (مِظَلَّةٌ,) mostly made of canes, or reeds; (K;) and sometimes, (TA,) made of palm-sticks, over which is thrown ثُمَام [a species of panic grass]; (Mgh, TA:) as described by Az, on the authority of the Arabs; (TA;) and such is meant by the عَرْش of Moses: (Mgh:) a thing resembling a house, or tent, made of palm-sticks, over which is put ثُمَام; as also ↓ عَرِيشٌ: (Msb:) a booth, or shed, syn. خَيْمَةٌ, (K, TA,) made of wood and ثمان; (TA;) as also ↓ عَرِيشٌ; (S, A, * O, K;) and such is meant by the ↓ عَرِيش of Moses; (A;) and sometimes the ↓ عَرِيش was made of palm-sticks, with ثُمَام thrown over them: (TA:) both signify a thing, (S, O,) or a house, or the like, (K,) used for shade: (S, O, K:) pl. of the former, عُرُوشٌ (ISd, Mgh, Msb, K) and عُرُشٌ and أَعْرَاشٌ [which is a pl. of pauc.] and عِرَشَةٌ: (K:) or عُرُشٌ is pl. of ↓ عَرِيشٌ, (S, ISd, O, Msb,) not of عَرْشٌ: (ISd:) or it is also pl. of ↓ عَرِيشٌ: (K:) and عُرُوشٌ is also a pl. of ↓ عُرْشٌ, which is a pl. of ↓ عَرِيشٌ. (L.) Hence The houses of Mekkeh, (S, A, Mgh, O, Msb,) in which the needy of its inhabitants dwelt, (Mgh,) or its ancient houses, (K,) were called العُرُوشُ, (S, A, Mgh, O, Msb, K,) and العُرُشُ, (S, Msb,) and ↓ العُرْشُ; (O, K;) because they were of poles, or sticks, set up, and shaded over: (S, O, Msb:) or Mekkeh itself was called ↓ العُرْشُ: (Az, O, L, K:) or it was called العَرْشُ, with fet-h, and ↓ العَرِيشُ: (Az, L, K:) and its houses were called ↓ العُرْشُ, and العُرُوشُ. (K.) And hence, (S, O, Msb,) the saying in a trad., (S, O,) i. e., the saying of Saad, (K, TA,) when he heard that Mo'áwiyeh forbade the performing conjointly the greater and minor pilgrimages, (TA,) تَمَتَّعْنَا مَعَ رَسُولِ اللّٰهِ صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ وَفُلَانٌ كَافِرٌ بِالْعُرُشِ, (S, O, K, *) or بِالْعُرُوشِ, (S, TA,) i. e., [We performed conjointly the greater and minor pilgrimages with the Apostle of God, (God bless and save him,)] when such a one, meaning Mo'áwiyeh, was abiding (O, L, K) in his state of unbelief, (L,) in Mekkeh; (L, K;) i. e. in the houses thereof: (O, L:) or, as some say, was hiding himself in the houses of Mekkeh. (L.) b2: A house [in an absolute sense]; a dwelling, or place of abode: (Kr, TA:) pl. عُرُشٌ (TA) [and عُرُوشٌ]. b3: A [building of the kind called] قَصْر. (K.) b4: The wood upon which stands the drawer of water: (K:) or a structure of wood built at the head of the well, forming a shade: [pl. عُرُوشٌ:] when the props are pulled away, the عُرُوش fall down. (TA.) [عَرْشٌ in relation to a well has also another meaning; which see below.] b5: The wooden thing [or trellis] which serves for the propping of a grape-vine. (TA.) [But this is more commonly called عَرِيشٌ, q. v.] b6: The roof of a house or the like: (S, Mgh, O, Msb, K:) pl. عُرُوشٌ. (A.) So in a trad., where a lamp is mentioned as suspended to the عرش: (O, TA:) and in another, in which a man relates that he used, when upon his عرش, to hear the Prophet's reciting [of the Kur-án]. (TA.) And so it has been expl. as occurring in the phrase of the Kur [ii. 261 and xxii. 44], خَاوِيَةٌ عَلَى عُرُوشِهَا Having fallen down upon its roofs: meaning that its walls were standing when their roofs had become demolished and had fallen to the foundations, and the walls fell down upon the roofs demolished before them: (O, TA:) but some consider على as here meaning عَنْ [from]. (TA.) b7: [Hence, app.,] العَرْشُ is applied to The عَرْش of God, which is not definable: (A, K:) I'Ab is related to have said that the كُرْسِىّ is the place of the feet and the عَرْش is immeasurable: and it is said in the Mufradát of Er-Rághib that the عَرْش of God is one of the things which mankind know not in reality, but only by name; and it is not as the imaginations of the vulgar hold it to be; [namely, the throne of God;] for were it so, it would be a support to Him; not supported; whereas God saith [in the Kur., xxxv. 39], “Verily God holdeth the heavens and the earth, lest they should move from their place; and if they should move from their place, no one would hold them after Him: ” or, as some say, it is the highest sphere; [or the empyrean;] and the كرسىّ is the sphere of the stars: and they adduce as an indication thereof the saying of Mohammad, that the seven heavens and earths, by the side of the كرسىّ, are nought but as a ring thrown down in a desert land; and such is the كرسىّ with respect to the عَرْش: and this assertion is mentioned in the B, but without approval: (TA:) [it appears, however, to be most commonly accepted:] or a red sapphire, which glistens with the light of the Supreme. (A, K.) [Hence the saying,] مِنَ العَرْشِ إِلَى الفَرْشِ meaning, [From the highest sphere, or the empyrean, to] the earth. (A.) b8: Also The سَرِير [or throne] (S, A, O, Msb, K) of a king; (S, A, O, K;) the seat of a sultán; [perhaps as being likened to the عرش of God; or, more probably, from its being generally surmounted by a canopy; or] because of its height. (Er-Rághib.) [Hence,] the phrase اِسْتَوَى عَلَى

عَرْشِهِ means He reigned as king. (A, TA.) b9: And [hence, also,] Certain stars in advance of السِّمَاك الأَعْزَل [which is Spica Virginis]; (TA;) [app. those meant by what here follows;] عَرْشُ السِّمَاكِ signifies four small stars [app. γ, δ, ε, and η, of Virgo, regarded as the seat of Bootes, the principal star of which is called السِّمَاكُ الرَّامِحُ, being described as] beneath العَوَّآء [which is a name of Bootes and also of the four stars mentioned above], and also called عَجُزُ الأَسَدِ [the rump of Leo, the figure of which was extended by the Arabs far beyond the limits which we assign to it]. (S, O, K.) b10: And عَرْشُ الجَوْزَآءِ [The seat of Orion; applied by our astronomers to

α of Lepus; but described as] four stars, of which two are on the fore legs and two on the hind legs, of Lepus. (Kzw.) b11: And عَمْشُ الثَّرَيَّا Certain stars near الثُّرَيَّا [or the Pleiades]. (T, TA.) b12: عَرْشٌ also signifies The جَمَازَة; (O, K, TA;) i. e., the bier of a corpse. (O, TA.) and hence, as some say, the expression in a trad., اِهْتَزَّ العَرْشُ لِمَوْتِ سَعْدِ بْنِ مُعَاذٍ, meaning The bier rejoiced [lit. shook] at the death of Saad Ibn-Mo'ádh; i. e., at carrying him upon it to his place of burial: (O, K, * TA:) but there are other explanations, for which see art. هز. (TA.) b13: The wood with which a well is cased after it has been cased with stones (S, O, K) in its lowest part (S, O) to the height of the stature of a man: (S, O, K:) pl. عُرُوشٌ. (S, O.) [Another meaning of the same word in relation to a well has been mentioned before.] b14: (assumed tropical:) The nest of a bird, such as is built in a tree, (K,) [app. as being likened to a booth.]

b15: The angle, or corner, or strongest side, syn. رُكْن, (Ks, Zj, K,) of a house, (Ks, Zj,) or [other] thing: (K:) pl. عُرُوشٌ. (Ks, Zj.) Accord. to some, the phrase in the Kur [ii. 261, mentioned above], خَاوِيَةٌ عَلَى عُرُوشِهَا, means Empty, and fallen to ruin upon its أَرْكَان [or angles, &c.]. (Ks, Zj, O.) b16: [Hence,] (tropical:) The head, or chief, who is the manager or regulator of the affairs, of a people, or company of men: (K:) likened to the عَرْش of a house. (TA.) b17: [Hence also,] (assumed tropical:) The means of support of a thing, or an affair. (A, O, K.) Hence the saying, ثُلَّ عَرْشُهُ, (O, K,) meaning (tropical:) His means of support became taken away: (TA:) or he perished: (A:) or he was slain; as also ↓ ثُلَّ عُرْشُهُ: (IDrd, in M, art. ثل:) or his might, or power, departed: (TA:) or his affairs, or state, became weak, and his might, or power, departed. (S, O. [See also art. ثل.] [For عَرْشٌ also signifies] b18: (tropical:) Might, or power: (Er-Rághib, K:) regal power; sovereignty; dominion: (IAar, Er-Rághib, K:) from the same word as signifying the throne, or seat, of a king. (Er-Rághib.) b19: And The protuberant part (S, O, K) in, (S, O,) or of, (K,) the upper surface of the foot, (S, O, K,) in which are the toes; (S, O, TA;) as also ↓ عُرْشٌ: pl. [of pauc.] أَعْرَاشٌ and [of mult.] عِرَشَةٌ: (O, TA:) and the part between the عَيْر [or prominent bone] and the toes, of the upper surface of the foot; as also ↓ عُرْشٌ: (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K:) pls. the same as last mentioned above: (K:) or ↓ عُرْشٌ signifies the upper surface of the foot; and its lower surface is called the أَخْمَص. (IAar.) عُرْشٌ, both as a sing. and as a pl.: see عَرْشٌ, last sentence, in three places: b2: and the same paragraph, first and second sentences, in four places: and see ثُلَّ عُرْشُهُ in the latter part of the same paragraph. b3: العُرْشَانِ signifies Two oblong portions of flesh in the two sides of the neck, [app. the two sterno-mastoid muscles,] (S, A, O, K, TA,) between which are the vertebræ [of the neck]: (TA:) or in the base of the neck: (K:) or the base [itself] of the neck: so in the phrase ثَلَّ عُرْشَيْهِ: (IDrd and M in art ثل, q. v.:) or the أَخْدَعَانِ [or two branches of the occipital artery], (TA, as from the K, [in which I do not find it,]) which are (TA) [in] the two places of the cuppingvessels: (K, TA:) or the أَخْدَعَانِ are in the عُرْشَانِ: (Ibn-'Abbád, O:) or the عُرْش is a vein in the base of the neck: (Th, O:) or the عُرْشَانِ are [app. the two greater cornua of the os hyoides, which forms a support to the tongue; two bones in the لَهَاة [meaning furthest part of the mouth], which erect the tongue. (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K.) It is related in a trad., respecting the slaying of Aboo-Jahl, that he said to Ibn-Mes'ood, خُذْ سَيْفِى فَاجْتَزَّ بِهِ رَأْسِي مِنْ عُرْشَيَّ [Take thou my sword, and cut with it my head from my عُرْشَانِ]. (O, TA.) b4: And (assumed tropical:) The ear: (K:) or (assumed tropical:) the two ears: because near to the عُرْشَانِ [properly so called]: hence the saying, نَفَثَ فِى عُرْشَيْهِ (assumed tropical:) He spoke secretly to him, or with him. (As, A, O.) b5: And The extremity of the hair of the mane of a horse: (IDrd, O, K:) or so العُرْشُ. (TA.) b6: Also, (K,) or العُرْشُ, (TA [and thus accord. to a verse there cited],) The bulky she-camel; as though her chest were cased like a well. (K, TA. [See 1.]) عَرِيشٌ: see عَرْشٌ, first and second sentences, in several places. b2: Also, (K,) or عَرِيشُ كَرْمٍ, (S, Mgh, Msb,) [The trellis of a grape-vine;] the structure made for a grape-vine, of sticks, or pieces of wood, in the form of a roof, upon which are put the branches, or shoots, of the vine; (K, * TA;) [also, but less commonly, called عَرْشٌ;] the structure made for a grape-vine to rise upon it; (Mgh;) the elevated structure upon which a grape-vine spreads itself: (Msb:) pl. عَرَائِشُ, (Mgh, Msb,) [and perhaps عِرَاشٌ also: see 8.]

b3: Also, عَرِيشٌ, A thing resembling a هَوْدَج, (S, O, K,) but not [exactly the same as] it, made for a woman, who sits in it upon her camel: (S, O:) so called as being likened in form to the عريش of a vine: (Er-Rághib:) or ↓ عَرِيشَةٌ, with ة, is the same as هودج; and its pl. is عَرَائِشُ, (Msb,) which signifies the same as هَوَادِجُ. (ISh, A.) b4: And An enclosure of the kind called حَظِيرَة, made for beasts, to protect them from the cold. (TA.) عَرِيشَةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

عُرُوشَاتٌ Grape-vines. (TA.) كُرُومٌ مَعْرُشَاتٌ [Grape-vines furnished with, or trained upon, عَرَائِش, or trellises, pl. of عَرِيشٌ]. (S.) b2: بِئْرٌ مَعْرُوشَةٌ [A well cased with what is termed an عَرْش]. (S.) b3: Hence, (O,) مَعْرُوشُ الجَنْبَيْنِ A camel large in the sides. (O, K.)



1 مَا عَاقَتْ وَلَا لَافَتْ: see 1 in art. عوق.
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