Arabic-English Lexicon by Edward William Lane (d. 1876) المعجم العربي الإنجليزي لإدوارد وليام لين

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1 مَلَقَهُ He flayed him with a whip: like سَلَقَهُ. (TA in art. سلق.) 5 تَمَلَّقَهُ , (S, K,) and تَمَلَّقَ لَهُ, (S, Msb, K,) inf. n. تَمَلُّقٌ and تِمِلَّاقٌ, [like تِحِمَّالٌ and تِكِلَّامٌ, not تَمْلَاقٌ as in the CK,] He behaved in a loving, or an affectionate, and a blandishing, or coaxing, manner to him. (S, Msb, * K.) See a verse cited in art. رضو, conj. 5.

مَلَقِيَّةٌ [A swiftly-running mare]. See عَبَّرَ بِهِ.

مَلَّاقٌ Vehement in journeying, or in his pace; i. q. مَلَّاخٌ. (TA, voce مَلَّاخٌ.) مِمْلَقَةٌ A harrow: see مَلَّسَ.



1 فَسَا, (aor. ـْ Msb,) inf. n. فَسْوٌ (S, M, Msb, K) and فُسَآءٌ, (M, K,) or this latter is a simple subst., (S, Msb,) He emitted a noiseless wind [or a puff of wind] (Msb, K, TA) from his anus. (K, * TA.) [Hence the saying, فَسَابَيْنَنَا الظَّرِبَانُ, or بَيْنَهُم, expl. in art. ظرب.]6 تفاسى, said of a man, He protruded his posteriors: (M, TA:) and تَفَاسَتْ, said of the [beetle called] خُنْفَسَآء, It protruded its podex for the purpose of emitting a noiseless wind: (S, TA:) but As says that it is with hemz. (TA. See 6 in art. فسأ.) الفَسَا is a dial. var. of الفَسَأُ [i. e. فَسًا is a dial. var. of فَسَأٌ, expl. in art. فسأ]. (K.) الفُسَاةُ: see the paragraph here following.

فَسْوَةٌ [is the inf. n. of unity of فَسَا, as such signifying A single noiseless emission of wind from the anus: and] has for its pl. [فَسَوَاتٌ, agreeably with rule, and also] فُسًى, which is [anomalous,] like شُهًى pl. of شَهْوَةٌ, which see. (TA.) b2: لَيْسَ لَهُ إِلَّا فَسْوَةُ الضَّبُعِ [the lit. signification of which is sufficiently plain] occurs in a trad. as meaning (assumed tropical:) There is not any benefit, or profit, or utility, attributable to it; [or rather, it is worse than useless;] the ضبع [or hyena] being particularized because of its stupidity and its evil nature: or, some say, it [i. e.

فسوة الضبع, and app. ↓ الفُسَاةُ also (mentioned among the addenda to this art. in the TA),] is a plant (شَجَرَةٌ) like the خَشخَاش [or poppy], from the fruit of which no great utility is derived: so says IAth. (TA.) [See also خَمْطٌ, in two places.]

b3: فَسَوَاتُ الضِّبَاعِ is an appellation of Certain truffles (كَمْأَةٌ); (K;) a species of كَمْأَة; (M;) said by AHn to be the species thereof called القَعْبَلُ; (M, TA;) and the like is said in the Minháj; and further, that it is a plant of disagreeable odour, having a head which is cooked, and eaten with milk; and when it dries, there comes forth from it what resembles وَرْس [q. v.]. (TA.) فَسَآءٌ an inf. n. of 1; (M, K;) or a subst. therefrom [signifying A noiseless wind from the anus]. (S, Msb.) فَسُوٌّ A man who often emits a noiseless wind from the anus; (S, M, K;) as also ↓ فَسَّآءٌ. (M, K.) فُسَيَّةٌ [originally فُسَيْوَةٌ] dim. of فَسْوَةٌ. (TA.) فَسَّآءٌ: see فَسُوٌّ. b2: And الفَسَّآءَةُ: see what here follows.

الفَاسِيَةُ (S, M, K) and ↓ الفَاسِيَآءُ (M, K) and ↓ الفَسَّآءَةُ (TA) The [beetle called] خُنْفَسَآء; (S, M, K;) which emits a noiseless wind, and makes the party to stink by its foul odour: (M:) the pl. of the first is الفَوَاسِى. (TA.) Hence the prov., أَفْحَشُ مِنْ فَاسِيَةٍ i. e. [More foul than] a خنفساء. (S, M.) الفَاسِيَآءُ: see the next preceding paragraph. b2: [اِبْنُ الفَاسِيَآءِ is an appellation of The insect called قَرَنْبَى, resembling the beetle called خُنْفَسَآء, or somewhat larger than the latter, with long hind legs, and with a speckled back: for القَرَنْبَى, as the explanation of ا, the TA, in art. بنى, has القرينى; and the TT, in that art., as from the T,.

الفُرَنَى: what I have here substituted for these is evidently, in my opinion, right.]

أَفْسَى مِنَ الظَّرِبَانِ [More wont to emit noiseless wind from the anus than the ظربان, a small stinking beast, described in art. ظرب,] is a saying of the Arabs. (TA.) المَفْسَى The anus [as being the place of emission of the فُسَآء]. (TA.) مَا أَقْرَبَ مَحْسَاهُ مِنْ مَفْسَاهُ [How near is his mouth to his anus!] is a prov. [expressive of wonder at a man's shortness: see مَحْسًى, in art. حسو]. (S.)



1 مَجَلَتْ يَدُهُ His hand became blistered, or vesicated, by much work. (Mgh.)



5 تَمَوَّلَ He became abundant in wealth. (TA, art. ثمر).

مَالٌ Whatever one possesses: (K:) property; wealth:] accord. to Mohammad [the Hanafee Imám), whatever men possess, of dirhems, or deenárs, or gold, or silver, or wheat, or barley, or bread, or beasts, or garments or pieces of cloth, or weapons, or other things: (Mgh:) [property, or wealth:] or originally what one possesses of gold and silver: then applied to anything that one acquires and possesses of substantial things: and mostly applied by the Arabs to camels, because these constitute most of their wealth: (IAth, TA:) and animals. (TA.) b2: مَالٌ Camels or sheep or goats. (S.) The مال of the people of the desert consists of what are termed نَعَمٌ, (T, Msb,) i. e. Cattle, consisting of camels or neat or sheep or goats, or all these, or camels alone; (Msb in art. نعم;) herds, or flocks, or herds and flocks. b3: مَالٌ A square in arithmetic: pl. أَمْوَالٌ. See جَذْرٌ. b4: رَجُلٌ مَالٌ, for ذُومَالٍ. (L, art. صيد.) مَالِىٌّ Of, or relating to, property or wealth.



1 غَدَا, (S, M, Msb, K,) aor. ـْ (S, M, Msb,) inf. n. عُدُوٌّ (S, M, Mgh, Msb, K) and غَدْوٌ (M, TA, and so accord. to the CK instead of غُدُوٌّ [which is the only inf. n. commonly known]) and غُدْوَةٌ, (K,) He went, or went away, in the time called غُدْوَة, (Mgh, Msb,) i. e. [the early part of the morning,] the period between the prayer of daybreak and sunrise: this is the primary signification: (Msb:) or i. q. بَكَّرَ [he went forth early in the morning; in the first part of the day; or between the time of the prayer of daybreak and sunrise]; so in the phrase غَدَا عَلَيْهِ [he went forth early in the morning, &c., to him, or it]; (K;) as also ↓ اغتدى: (S, * K:) and ↓ غاداهُ signifies the same as غَدَا عَلَيْهِ; (S;) or the same as بَاكَرَهُ [which is syn. with بَكَّرَ عَلَيْهِ as expl. above; and signifies also, like بَكَّرَ عَلَيْهِ, he hastened to it, or to do it, at any time, morning or evening]: (ISd, K, TA:) الغُدُوُّ is the contr of الرَّوَاحُ [inf. n. of رَاحَ]. (S.) Hence, in the Kur [lxviii. 22], أَنِ اغْدُوا عَلَى حَرْثِكُمْ [Saying, Go ye forth early, &c., to your land's produce]: and the saying of a poet, وَالطَّيْرُ فِى وُكُنَاتِهَا ↓ وَقَدْ أَغْتَدِى

[And sometimes, or often, I go forth early, &c., while the birds are in their nests]. (TA.) b2: Afterwards, by reason of frequency of use, it became employed as meaning He went, or went away, or departed, at any time. (Mgh, * Msb, TA.) Hence the saying, (Mgh, Msb,) of the Prophet, (Msb,) in a trad., (Mgh,) اُغْدُ يَا أُنَيْسُ, (Mgh, Msb,) meaning Depart then, O (??) (Msb.) b3: [Freytag bas erroneously assigned to it another meaning, i. e. “ Nutrivit ” misled by his finding تَغْدُوْ put for تَغْذُو in art. طلى in the CK.] b4: غَدِىَ: see 5.2 غَدَّيْتُهُ, (S, Msb, K,) inf. n. تَغْدِيَةٌ, (Msb, K,) I fed him with the meal called غَدَآء [q. v.]. (S, * Msb, K.) 3 غَاْدَوَ see 1, first sentence. One says, أَنَا أُعَادِيهِ وَأُرَاوِحُهُ expl. in the first paragraph of art. روح.5 تغدّى [He ate the meal called غَدَآء, q. v.; properly,] he ate in the first part of the day; (S, Msb, * K;) as also ↓ غَدِىَ, (IKtt, K, TA,) inf. n. غَدًا. (TK: but in the TA written غداء.) When it is said to thee, تَغَدَّ [Eat thou the غَدَآء], thou sayest, مَا بِى مِنْ تَغَدٍّ [I have no desire for eating the غَدَآء]; and not مَا بِى غَدَآءٌ, for [the] غَدَآء is the meal itself. (S, Msb. See also 5 in art. عشو.) تَغَدَّى فِى رَمَضَانَ means تَسَحَّرَ [i. e. He ate the meal, or drank the draught of milk, called سَحُور, q. v.]. (TA.) b2: And تَغَدَّتِ الإِبِلُ means The camels pastured in the first part of the day. (AHn, TA.) 8 إِغْتَدَوَ see 1, first and second sentences. [10. استغدى accord. to Freytag is syn. with تَغَدَّى; but for this I do not find any authority.]

غَدٌ, meaning The morrow, the day next after the present day, (Msb,) is originally ↓غَدْوٌ, (S, Msb, K,) the و being elided, (S, Msb,) without any substitution, (S,) and the د being made a letter of declinability. (Msb.) And one says غَدًا meaning [I will do such a thing, &c.,] tomorrow: and بَعْدَ غَدٍ the day after to-morrow. (MA.) See also غَدَاةٌ. b2: And its signification has been extended so that it is applied to a remote time that is expected, (Msb, TA,) and to a near time. (Nh, TA.) b3: It is not used in its complete form except in poetry: (Nh, TA:) Lebeed, (S, TA,) or Dhu-r-Rummeh, (TA,) has thus used it in his saying, وَمَا النَّاسُ إِلَّا كَالدِّيَارِ وَأَهْلُهَا بَلَاقِعُ ↓ بِهَا يَوْمَ حَلُّوهَا وَغَدْوًا [And mankind are no other than the like of dwellings, the occupants thereof being in them daring the day in which they have alighted in them, and to-morrow they are vacant]: (S, TA:) or, accord. to the M, one says, هٰذَا عَدُكَ and ↓ هٰذَا غَدْوُكَ [This is thy morrow]. (TA.) b4: It has no diminutive. (Sb, S, in art. امس.) غَدْوٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, in there places.

غَدَاةٌ: see غُدْوَةٌ, in four places: though [properly] fem., and not heard as made mase., it may be made mase. if meant to be understood as signifying the “ first part of the day: ” (IAmb, Msb:) it is originally غَدَوَةٌ, because its pl. is غَدَوَاتٌ. (IHsh, TA.) One says, ↓ آتِيكَ غَدَاةَ غَدٍ

[I will come to thee in the early part of the morning, &c., of to-morrow]. (S, TA.) بِالْغَدَاةِ وَالْعَشِىِّ in the Kur [vi. 52 and xviii. 27] means After the prayer of daybreak and [after] the prayer of [the period of the afternoon called] the عَصْر: or, accord. to some, [it means in the morning and the evening, or rather in the forenoon and the afternoon, for they say that] it denotes constancy of religious service: Ibn-'Ámir and Aboo-'Abd-erRahmán Es-Sulamee read وَالْعَشِىِّ ↓ بِالْغُدْوَةِ; but the former is the common reading; and A 'Obeyd says, we think that they read thus following the handwriting, for it is written in all the copies of the Kur-án with و like الصَّلَوة and الزَّكَوة, and this is not an indication of the reading [which they have adopted], as the و in الصلوة and الزكوة is not pronounced [otherwise than as an] of prolongation except that it requires the fet-hah that follows to be uttered with a somewhat broad sound]. (TA.) b2: هُوَ ابْنُ غَدَاتَيْنِ means He is a son of two days [i. e. he is two days old]. (TA.) b3: The dim. is ↓ غُدَيَّةٌ: (TA:) or this is the dim. of ↓ غُدْوَةٌ: (EM p. 56:) one says, أَرْكَبُ

إِلَيْهِ غُدَيَّةً [I will ride to him, or it, in a short period of an early part of a morning, &c.]: and one says also, ↓ ذَتَيْتُهُ غُدَيَّانَاتٍ [I came to him, or it, in short periods of early parts of mornings, &c.]; an anomalous [pl.] dim. like عُشَيَّانَات; both of which are mentioned by Sb. (TA.) غَدْوَةٌ A journey in the first part of the day: [an inf. n. un. of غَدَا:] opposed to رَوْحَةٌ. (TA.) b2: See also the next paragraph. b3: And see غَدَآءٌ.

غُدْوَةٌ, (S, Msb, K, &c.,) and ↓ غَدْوَةٌ, said by MF to be well known, and ↓ غِدْوَةٌ, said by him to be rare, or disapproved, (TA,) The early part of the morning; the first part of the day; (K;) or the period between the time of the prayer of daybreak and sunrise; (S, Msb, K;) as also ↓ غَدَاةٌ, and ↓ غَدِيَّةٌ, (K, TA,) the last [in the CK غَدْيَةِ, but correctly] a dial. var. of غُدْوَةٌ, like ضَحِيَّةٌ a dial. var. of ضَحْوَةٌ: (IAar, TA:) or ↓ غَدَاةٌ is syn. with ضَحْوَةٌ [meaning the early part of the forenoon, after sunrise; accord. to some, when the sun is yet low; or, accord. to others, when the sun is somewhat high]: (Msb:) [it may therefore be generally rendered morning, before, or after, sunrise:] the pls. are غُدًى, which is pl. of غُدْوَةٌ; (S, Msb, TA;) and غَدَوَاتٌ, (S, Msb, K, TA,) which is pl. of ↓ غَدَاةٌ; (S, Msb, TA;) and ↓ غُدُوٌّ, (K, TA,) which is a pl. of غُدْوَةٌ, formed by rejecting the ة [of the sing.], or, accord. to the M, an anomalous pl. of ↓ غَدَاةٌ, or, as J says, [in the S,] referring to the phrase بِالْغَدُوِّ وَالْآصَالِ, in the Kur [vii. 204 and xiii. 16 and xxiv. 36], بِالغُدُوِّ there means بِالغَدَوَاتِ, and is a verb [i. e. an inf. n.] used to denote the time, as [is طُلُوع] in the saying طُلُوعَ الشَّمْسِ meaning فِى وَقْتِ طُلُوعِ الشمس; (TA;) and غَدِيَّاتٌ, (IAar, K, TA, [in the CK, erroneously, غَدَياتٌ,]) which is pl. of ↓ غَدِيَّةٌ; (TA;) and غَدَايَا, (K, TA,) which is likewise a pl. of ↓ غَدِيَّةٌ, accord. to IAar, and, if so, regularly formed from غَدَايِوُ, in the same manner as has already been expl. in the case of عَشَايَا [pl. of عَشِيَّةٌ, q. v. voce عَشِىٌّ]; by some said to be a pl. of غُدْوَةٌ, but this has been controverted by IHsh in the Expos. of the “ Kaabeeyeh ” and by its commentator ['AbdEl-Kádir] El-Baghdádee; (TA;) or غَدَايَا is not used except in conjunction with عَشَايَا; (K, TA;) one says, إِنِّى لَآتِيهِ بِالغَدَايَا وَالعَشَايَا [Verily I come to him in the early parts of mornings and in the late parts of evenings], for the purpose of conformity. (S, TA.) Zj says that when غُدْوَة means The بُكْرَة [or early part of the morning, &c.,] of the present day, or of a particular day, it is imperfectly decl.: and AHei says that it is thus accord. to the opinion commonly obtaining, as is also بُكْرَة, each as being a generic proper name, like أُسَامَةُ; and that when you mean to generalize, you say, غُدْوَةٌ وَقْتُ نَشَاطٍ [An early part of a morning is a time of briskness, liveliness, or sprightliness]; and when you mean to particularize, لَأَسِيرَنَّ اللَّيْلَةَ إِلَى غُدْوَةَ [I will assuredly journey to-night until the early part of the morning]: (TA:) [in the latter case also] one says, أَتَيْتُهُ غُدْوَةَ [I came to him in the early part of the morning of this, or of a particular, day]; غدوة being here imperfectly decl. because it is determinate, like سَحَرَ; but it is of those adv. ns. that may be used otherwise than as adv. ns.: you say, سِيرَ عَلَى فَرَسِكَ غُدْوَةَ and غُدْوَةً [i. e. Journeying was performed on thy horse, or mare, in the غُدْوَة of this, or of a particular, day, and in a غُدْوَة,] and غُدْوَةٌ and غُدْوَةٌ [i. e. the journey of the غُدْوَة of this, or of a particular, day, and the journey of a غُدْوَة, was performed (lit. was journeyed) on thy horse, or mare, غُدْوَةُ and غُدْوَةٌ being for. مَسِيرَةُ غُدْوَةَ and مَسِيرَةُ غُدْوَةٍ, like as شَهْرٌ in the Kur xxxiv. 11 is for مَسِيرَةُ شَهْرٍ]; what is with tenween, of these, being indeterminate, and what is without tenween being determinate. (S. [In one of my copies of the S, سِرْ is put in the place of سِيرَ: that the latter is the right is shown by the addition of غُدْوَةُ and غُدْوَةٌ; for each of these must be what is termed نَائِبٌ عَنْ فَاعِلٍ i. e. a substitute for an agent.]) See also غَدَاةٌ, in two places.

غِدْوَةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

غَدَوِىٌّ: see غَدِىٌّ. b2: Also Whatever [offspring] is in [any of] the bellies of pregnant animals (AO, K, TA) of camels and of sheep or goats: (AO, TA:) or peculiarly of sheep or goats; (K, TA;) thus in the dial. of the Prophet: (TA:) or it [virtually, in a trad. mentioned in what follows,] means the selling a camel, or other [animal], for what the stallion begets: or the selling a sheep for the offspring begotten by the ram: (K:) in all of which senses غَذِىٌّ and غَذَوِىٌّ are [said to be] syn.: (K in art. غذو:) or غَدَوِىٌّ, (TA,) or غَذَوِىٌّ, or, as some relate a verse of El-Farezdak in which it occurs, غَدَوِىٌّ, (S in art. غذو,) means the selling a thing for the offspring begotten by the ram [or, as appears from what follows, by the stallioncamel] in that year: غَدَوِىٌّ being a rel. n. from غَدٌ: as though they rendered one desirous by saying, “Our camels will bring forth and we will give thee to-morrow (غَدًا): ” (S in art. غذو, and TA:) what is thus termed is forbidden in a trad.: a man used to buy, for a camel or a she-goat or money, what was in the bellies of pregnant animals; and this is a hazardous proceeding, and was therefore forbidden. (Nh, TA.) See also art. غذو. b3: And see عَدَوِيَّةٌ, in art. عدو.

غَدْيَانُ Eating the meal called غَدَآء: (S, K: *) fem. غَدْيَا, of the measure فَعْلَى, applied to a woman; (S;) or غَدْيَآءُ: (so in copies of the K:) they are originally with و [in the place of the ى], on the ground of preference, as is said in the M: and غَدْيَانَةٌ is mentioned by Z, as applied to a woman, coupled with عَشْيَانَةٌ. (TA.) غَدَآءٌ The morning-meal, that is eaten between daybreak and sunrise; i. e. the meal, or repast, of the غُدْوَة; (K;) or of the غَدَاة; (Msb;) the meal, or repast, that is the contr. of the عَشآء: (S:) [it may therefore be rendered breakfast: but it is now commonly applied to dinner, which is eaten soon after the prayer of noon, and which is a lighter repast than the عَشَآء, i. e. supper:] الغدوة [app. ↓ الغَدْوَةُ] as meaning الغَدَآءُ is vulgar: (TA voce عَشْوَةٌ:) the pl. of غَدَآءٌ is أَغْذِيَةٌ. (K.) And The [meal, or the draught of milk, called]

سَحُور is thus termed; because it is to the person fasting the like of what it is to him who is not fasting. (TA.) b2: Also The pasture of camels in the first part of the day. (TA.) غُذُوٌّ: see غُدْوَةٌ.

غَدِىٌّ Of, or relating to, the morrow; the rel. n. from غَدٌ; as also ↓ غَدَوىٌّ; (S, K;) the latter allowable. (S.) b2: See also عَدَويَّةٌ, in art. عدو.

غَدِيَّةٌ: see its syn. غُدْوَةٌ, in three places.

غُدَيَّةٌ: and see غَدَاةٌ, last sentence.

غُدَيَّانَاتٌ: see غَدَاةٌ, last sentence.

الغَادِى The lion: (K, TA:) because he goes forth in the early part of the morning against the prey. (TA.) غَادِيَةٌ A cloud that rises (S, K) in the صَبَاح (S) or in the غُدْوَة (K) [i. e. in the first part of the day]: or a rain of the [period of the morning called] غَدَاة: (K, TA:) thus says Lh: the pl. is غَوَادٍ. (TA.) [See a verse in the Ham p. 429.]

مَغْدًى and ↓ مَغْدَاةٌ [A place to which people go, or to which they return, in the period of the morning called غُدْوَة; opposed to مَرَاحٌ and مَرَاحَةٌ]. b2: [Hence] one says, مَا تَرَكَ فُلَانٌ مِنْ أَبِيهِ مَغْدًى

وَلَا مَرَاحًا, and وَلَا مَرَاحَةً ↓ مَغْدَاةً, expl. in art. روح. (S in art. روح, and K in the present art.) مَغْدَاةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, in two places.



1 نَجَبَ الشَّجَرَةَ, aor. ـِ and نَجُبَ, inf. n. نَجْبٌ, He took off the bark of the stem, or trunk, of the tree: (S:) or نَجَبَهُ, aor. and inf. n. as above; and ↓ نجّبه, inf. n. تَنْجِيبٌ; and ↓ انتجبه; He took off its bark; barked it. (ISd, K.) See نَجَبٌ.

A2: نَجُبَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. نَجَابَةٌ, He was generous, noble, or liberal, &c.: [see نَجِيبٌ]. (Msb, K.) He, or it, was excellent, or choice. (MA.) [Said of a horse and the like, He was generous, excellent, strong, light, or swift.] b2: نَاجَبَهُ فَنَجَبَهُ: see 3.2 نَجَّبَ see 1.3 نَاْجَبَ ↓ نَاجَبَهُ فَنَجَبَهُ [He vied with him, or strove to surpass him, in generosity, nobleness, or liberality; and he surpassed him therein.] (TA, art. خير.) 4 انجب He begot a generous, noble, or liberal, child; such as is termed نَجِيبٌ. (S.) [This verb, being coupled in the K with نَجُبَ, might be imagined syn. therewith; but this, accord. to the TA, is not the case.] El-Aashà says, أَنْجَبَ أَزْمَانَ وَالِدَاهُ بِهِ

إِذْ نَجَلَاهُ فَنِعْمَ مَا نَجَلَا (S) He begot a generous son in the times when his parents (rejoiced) in him, when they produced him; and excellent was that which they produced. Accord. to one reading, the second word is أَيَّامَ: and أَيَّامُ وَالِدَيْهِ is also read in place of ازمان والداه; in which case, ايَّام is fig. the agent of انجب. (TA.) b2: انجبت is said of a woman, in the same sense. (TA.) See also انخب. b3: انجب [as also انخب] He begot a cowardly child: (from نَجَبٌ, the “ bark ” of a tree: TA:) thus the verb bears two contr. significations: (K:) or the two significations are not necessarily contr.; for a courageous man may be not generous, or liberal; and a generous, or liberal, man may be not courageous. (MF.) 8 انتجبهُ He selected him; chose him; (S;) preferred him above others. (TA.) See also انتخب. b2: See 1. b3: ذَهَبَ يَنْتَجِبُ He went to collect [the kind of bark called] نَجَبٌ. (TA.) b4: A poet says, يَا أَيُّهَا الزَّاعِمُ أَنِّى أَجْتَلِبْ وَأَنَّنِى غَيْرَ عِضَاهِى أَنْتَجِبْ meaning, O thou who assertest that I take the verses of other poets and appropriate them to myself, and, and as it were, take the bark of other trees than my own 'idáh, to tan therewith... (TA.) [See عِضَاهُ.]

نَجْبٌ: see نَجِيبٌ.

نَجَبٌ The bark (لِحَآء) of trees: (S, K:) or the rind of the roots thereof: or of what is hard thereof. (K.) The soft peel of branches is not thus called; nor is the rind of roots called قِشْر, but نجب: n. un. نَجَبَةٌ. (TA.) نَجْبَةُ نَمْلَةٍ A bite of an ant. So in a trad., accord. to one reading: accord. to another reading, it is نَخْبَة. Both these words are given by IAth on the authority of Z. (TA.) نُجَبَةٌ and نَجَبَةٌ: see نَجِيبٌ.

نَجِيبٌ A generous, noble, liberal, man; (S, K;) one distinguished by rank or quality, nobility or eminence, reputation or note or consideration; (K;) excellent; of great worth in his kind; one who is like his father in generosity and actions: (TA:) as also ↓ نَجْبٌ (K) [explained as signifying “ liberal, generous ”] and ↓ نُجَبَةٌ: (S, K:) or you call a man نجيب when he is generous, noble, or liberal; but when he is unequalled among his people in generosity, &c., you say قَوْمِهِ ↓ هُوَ نَجَبَةُ, in measure like حَلَمَة: (El-'Alam Es-Sakháwee:) [but MF doubts the correctness of this measure; and seems to think that the correct word is ↓ نُجَبَة:] القَوْمِ ↓ هو نُجَبَةُ is said of a man when he is the man, among them, who is distinguished by generosity, &c.: (S:) pl. نُجَبَآءُ and أَنْجَابٌ and نُجُبٌ. (K.) b2: نَجِيبٌ Excellent, as an epithet applied to any animal; (IAth;) a generous, excellent, camel or horse; one of high breed; (ISd;) a strong, light, swift, camel: (TA:) you say نَاقَةٌ نَجِيبَةٌ as well as ناقة نَجِيبٌ: (K:) pl. نَجَائِبُ (S, K) and نُجُبٌ. (S.) b3: نَجَائِبُ القُرْآنِ The most excellent, and the purest, parts of the Kurn. Of such is the سُورَةُ الأَنْعَام. (TA.) In like manner, ↓ نَوَاجِبُهُ The heart thereof that has [as it were] no نَجَب [or bark] upon it: or the best, or most excellent, thereof. (K.) نَوَاجِبُ: see what next precedes.

مُنْجِبٌ A man who begets generous, noble, or liberal, children; such as are termed نُجَبَاءُ. (K.) In like manner, اِمْرَأَةٌ مُنْجِبَةٌ, and ↓ مِنْجَابٌ: (S, K:) pl. of the latter مَنَاجِيبُ. (S.) b2: ↓ منجاب also signifies A woman who has generous, noble, or liberal, children; such as are termed نجبآء. (TA.) مِنْجَابٌ A weak man: (S, K:) pl. مَنَاجِيبُ. (TA.) See مُنْجِبٌ, and also مِنْخَابٌ. b2: مِنْجَابٌ An arrow that has neither feathers nor head; (A'Obeyd, S;) that is trimmed, shaped, or pared, but has neither feathers nor head. (As, A'Obeyd, K.) b3: مِنْجَابٌ An iron with which a fire is stirred. (K.) مَنْجُوبٌ A vessel that is capacious within: (K:) a capacious vessel of the kind called قَدَحٌ: (S:) or wide, or capacious, in the bottom: i. q. مَنْجُوفٌ, which, accord. to ISd, is the correct word; but others say that the ب and ف may be interchangeable. (TA.) b2: جِلْدٌ مَنْجُوبٌ A hide tanned with the bark of the trunk of the طَلْح. (S.) b3: سِقَاءٌ منجوبٌ A skin tanned with the same: (S, K:) or with [the kind of bark called] نَجَبٌ: (K:) as also نَجَبِىٌّ (S, K) and مِنْجَبٌ: (Aboo-Mis-hal, K:) but the last is disapproved by ISd, because it is of the measure مِفْعَلٌ, which is not used in the sense of the measure مَفْعُولٌ. (TA.) مُنْتَجَبٌ Select; chosen; choice: (K:) an epithet applied to anything. (TA.)



1 ذَكَتِ النَّارُ, (S, K, &c.,) aor. ـْ (S,) inf. n. ذَكًا (S, Mgh, K, &c.) and ذَكَآءٌ accord. to Z (K) and ذُكُوٌّ, (M, K, TA,) like عُلُوٌّ; (TA; [accord. to the CK ذَكْوٌ; and so accord. to the MA, as well as ذُكُوٌّ and ذَكًا;]) and ↓ استذكت; (K;) The fire blazed, or flamed; burned up; or burned brightly or fiercely: (S:) or blazed, or flamed, vehemently, or intensely: (K:) or blazed, flamed, or burned up, completely; agreeably with the primary signification of the root, which is “ completeness. ” (Mgh.) b2: ذَكَا المِسْكُ The mush gave forth odour, or fragrance; (MA;) [or a strong, or pungent, odour; for] the primary signification of ذَكًا in relation to odour is the being strong, [or pungent,] in sweetness or in fetidness. (TA.) b3: ذَكِىَ, aor. ـْ (S, Msb, K) and ذَكَا, (Msb, K,) aor. ـْ (K,) or ـْ (Msb;) and ذَكُوَ, (MA, K,) aor. ـْ (K;) all three mentioned by ISd; (TA;) inf. n. ذَكَآء; (S, MA, K, * TA; [in my copy of the Msb, the inf. n. of the first is said to be ذَكًى; but this is app. a mistranscription; or the author perhaps held ذَكًى, more properly written ذَكًا, to be the inf. n.; for he says that ذَكِىَ is of the class of تَعِبَ, of which the inf. n. is تَعَبٌ, and afterwards mentions ذَكَآءُ as though he held this to be a simple subst.;]) said of a man, (S, Msb,) He was, or became, sharp, or acute, in mind, (S, TA,) with quickness of perception, and of intelligence, understanding, sagacity, skill, or knowledge: (TA:) or quick of understanding, (Msb, K,) or intelligence, sagacity, skill, or knowledge: (K:) or quick of perception, and sharp, or acute, in understanding: (Er-Rághib, TA:) or quick in drawing conclusions. (TA. [See ذَكَآءُ, below.]) [Also, app., said of a camel, and the like, meaning He was, or became, sharp in spirit. See ذَكِىٌّ.]

A2: [ذَكَا seems to have been also used by some as meaning He (a beast) was, or became, legalty slaughtered; and consequently, legally clean: or to have been supposed to have this signification. b2: And hence,] أَيُّمَا أَرْضٍ جَفَّتْ فَقَدْ ذَكَتْ means (assumed tropical:) Whatever ground has become dry, it has become clean, or pure: but [Mtr, after mentioning this, adds,] I have not found it in the lexicons. (Mgh. [See also ذَكَاةٌ, below.]) 2 ذكّى النَّارَ, (T, Msb, K,) inf. n. تَذْكِيَةٌ, (S, TA,) He made the fire to blaze or flame, to burn up, or to burn brightly or fiercely; (T, S, K;) as also ↓ اذكاها: (S, K:) or he supplied the fire fully with fuel: (Msb, TA:) and السِّرَاجَ ↓ اذكى He lighted the lamp. (Har p. 53.) b2: [ذكّى العَقْلَ, and ذكّى alone, said of a medicine &c., It sharpened the intellect.]

A2: ذكّى, (Mgh, Msb,) inf. n. as above, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) He slaughtered (S, Mgh, Msb, K) an animal, (Mgh,) or a camel and the like, (Msb,) in the manner [prescribed by the law,] termed ذَبْحٌ, (S, Mgh, K,) i. e., (Mgh, K,) in the manner termed ذَكَاةٌ [q. v. infrà]. (Mgh, Msb, K.) The proper signification of التَّذْكِيَةُ is The causing the natural heat to pass forth: but it is peculiarly applied in the law to signify the destroying of life in a particular manner, exclusive of any other manner. (Er-Rághib, TA.) إِلَّا مَا ذَكَّيْتُمْ, in the Kur [v. 4], means Except that whereof ye shall attain to the ذَكَاة [or slaughter in the manner prescribed by the law] (Bd, Msb, TA) said of a man, (S,) He became old, or advanced in age, (S, K,) and big-bodied, or corpulent: (K:) [or he attained to full growth or age: said of a man, and of a horse and the like:] see ذَكَآءٌ, last sentence. [See also مُذَكٍّ, below.]) 4 أَذْكَوَ see 2, in two places. b2: [Hence,] أَذْكَيْتُ الحَرْبَ (assumed tropical:) I kindled war. (TA.) b3: أَذْكَيْتُ عَلَيْهِ العُيُونَ I sent against him the scouts. (S.) 10 إِسْتَذْكَوَ see 1, first sentence. b2: [Hence, app.,] استذكى الفَحْلُ عَلَى الأُنْثَى (assumed tropical:) The stallion pressed vehemently upon the female. (TA.) ذَكًا an inf. n. of 1; The blazing, or flaming, &c., of fire. (S, K, &c. [See 1, first sentence.]) b2: See also ذُكْوَةٌ.

A2: And see ذَكَاةٌ.

ذَكٍ a possessive epithet: (ISd, TA:) you say نَارٌ ذَكِيَةٌ, (K, TA,) without teshdeed, (TA, [in the CK ذَكِيَّةٌ,]) A fire blazing, or flaming, &c. (K, TA.) ذَكَاةٌ: see ذُكْوَةٌ.

A2: [Also] a subst. (Mgh, Msb, TA) syn. with تَذْكِيَةٌ (Mgh, Msb, K, TA) as signifying ذَبْحٌ [i. e. The slaughter of an animal for food in the manner prescribed by the law]; (Mgh, K, TA;) as also ↓ ذَكًا, (K, TA, [in the CK ذَكاء,) which is likewise said to be a simple subst.: (TA: [in the TK, ذَكًا and ذَكَاةٌ are both said to be inf. ns., of which the verb is ذَكَا, signifying ذَبَحَ; but this I do not find in any lexicon of authority:]) it is satisfactorily performed by the severing of the windpipe and gullet, as is related on the authority of Ahmad [Ibn-Hambal], or, as is also related on his authority, by severing them an also the وَدَجَانِ, [or two external jugular veins], less than which is not lawful; or, accord to A boo-Haneefeh, the severing of the windpipe and gullet and one of the ودجان; or, accord. to Málik, the severing of the أَوَدَاج [or external jugular veins] though it be without the severing of the windpipe. (Msb.) The saying ذَكَاةُ الجَنِينِ ذَكَاةُ أُمِّهِ is for ذَكَاةُ الجَنِينِ هِىَ ذَكَاةُ أُمِّهِ [The legal slaughter of the fœtus, or young in the belly, it is the legal slaughter of its mother]: (Msb, TA:) or it is an instance of the transposition of the inchoative and enunciative, (Mgh, Msb,) its implied meaning being ذَكَاةُ أُمِّ الجَنِينِ ذَكَاةٌ لَهُ [The legal slaughter of the mother of the fœtus, or young in the belly, is a legal slaughter of it also; so that the latter, like the former, may be lawfully eaten]; (Msb;) i. e., when she is legally slaughtered, it is legally slaughtered: (TA:) the use of the accus. case (Mgh, TA) in the like thereof, (Mgh,) [or] in the phrase ذكاة امّه, [i. e., the saying ذَكَاةَ أُمِّهِ,] is a mistake. (Mgh, TA.) b2: Hence the saying of Mohammad Ibn-El-Hanafeeyeh, ذَكَاةُ الأَرْضِ يُبْسُهُا (assumed tropical:) [The cleanness, or purity, of the ground is its becoming dry]; i. e., when it becomes dry from the moisture of uncleanness, it becomes clean, like as a beast becomes clean by means of legal slaughter. (Mgh. [See also 1, last sentence.]) ذُكْوَةٌ, (T, TA, &c.,) with damm, not ذَكْوَةٌ as the text of the K indicates it to be (TA) [and as it is written in the copies thereof], and ذُكْيَةٌ, (S, TA,) also with damm, (TA,) [in the copies of the K ذَكْيَة,] What is thrown upon the fire, (T, S, K, *) of firewood, or of camel's or similar dung, (T,) to make it blaze, or flame, or burn up, or burn brightly or fiercely. (S, K.) b2: Also the former, A blazing, or flaming, coal of fire; and so ↓ ذَكًا, (K, TA,) with the short ا, on the authority of IDrd; [in the CK ذَكَاء;] or, as in the M, ↓ ذَكَاةٌ. (TA.) ذَكْوَانٌ A kind of trees: n. un. with ة: (IAar, TA:) the pl. of the latter is ذَكَاوِينُ, and signifies small [trees of the kind called] سَرْح [q. v.]. (M, K, TA. [In the CK, السَّرْج is erroneously put for السَّرْح.]) ذَكَآءُ Sharpness, or acuteness, of mind, (S, Msb, TA,) with quickness of perception, and of intelligence, understanding, sagacity, skill, or knowledge: (TA:) or completeness of intelligence, with quickness of apprehension: (Msb:) or quickness of intelligence, understanding, sagacity, skill, or knowledge: (K:) or quickness of perception, and sharpness, or acuteness, of understanding: thus applied, it is like the phrase فُلَانٌ شُعْلَةُ نَارٍ: (Er-Rághib, TA:) or quickness in drawing conclusions. (TA. [See ذِهْنٌ: and see also 1.]) [It app. signifies also Sharpness of spirit; as a quality of a camel and the like. See ذَكِىٌّ.] b2: Also Age: (S, K:) or full, or complete, age: so says Mbr in the “ Kámil: ” (TA:) contr. of فَتَآءٌ: (Ham p. 217:) accord. to Az, its primary signification, universally, is a state of completeness: and الذَّكَآءُ فِى السِّنّ meanscompleteness of age: accord. to Kh, it means the age of completeness of strength, [app. in a horse, or any solid-hoofed animal, for he says that it is] when a year has passed after the قُرُوح [or finishing of teething]: (TA:) or ذَكَآءُ السِّنِّ means the utmost term of youthfulness; from the primary signification of the root, which is “ a state of completeness. ” (Mgh.) Hence the saying of El-Hajjáj, فُرِرْتُ عَنْ ذَكَآءٍ [I have been examined as to age; app. meaning (assumed tropical:) my abilities have been tested and proved]: and بَلَغَتِ الدَّابَّةُ الذَّكَآءَ The beast attained to [fulness of] age (S, TA.) [Hence, also,] one says, فَتَآ فُلَانٍ

كَذَكَآءِ فُلَانٍ and فُلَانٍ ↓ كَتَذْكِيَةِ [The youthfulness of such a one is like the fulness of age of such a one], i. e., the prudence, or discretion, of such a one notwithstanding his deficiency of age is like the prudence, or discretion, of such a one with his fulness of age. (Ham p. 217.) ذُكَآءُ, imperfectly decl., The sun: (S, K:) determinate, and not admitting the article ال: you say, هٰذِهِ ذُكَآءُ طَالِعَةٌ [This is the sun rising]: (S:) derived from ذَكَتِ النَّارُ. (TA.) b2: Hence, (S,) اِبْنُ ذُكَآءَ The dawn, or daybreak: (S, K:) because it is from the light of the sun. (S.) Homeyd says, [or, accord. to some, Besheer Ibn-En-Nikth, as in one of my copies of the S, in art. كفر,] فَوَرَدَتْ قَبْلَ انْبِلَاجِ الفَجْرِ وَابْنُ ذُكَآءَ كَامِنٌ فِى الكَفْرِ [And she, or they, came to the water before the bright shining of the daybreak, while the dawn lay kid in the darkness of night]. (S.) ذَكِىٌّ, applied to musk, and so ذَكِيَّةٌ, (K, TA,) for مِسْكٌ, as is said by IAmb, is both masc. and fem., and so is عَنْبَرٌ, (TA,) and ↓ ذَاكٍ, Diffusing odour: (K:) or having a strong [or pungent] odour. (TA. [See 1, second sentence.]) Yousay also رَائِحَةٌ ذَكِيَّةٌ A sharp [or pungent, or a strong,] odour [whether sweet or fetid]; syn. حَادَّةٌ. (K in art. حد.) b2: Applied to a man, Having the attribute, or quality, termed ذَكَآء, (S, Msb, K,) as meaning sharpness, or acuteness, (S, Msb,) or quickness, (K,) of mind, (S, Msb,) or of intel-ligence, &c.: (K, TA, &c.:) pl. أَذْكِيَآءُ. (Msb, TA.) It is also, sometimes, applied to a camel [or the like, as meaning Sharp in spirit: see فُؤَادٌ]. (TA.) A2: Also i. q. ذَبِيحٌ [meaning Slaughtered in the manner prescribed by the law, termed ذَبْحٌ and ذَكَاةٌ]: (K:) it is of the measure فَعِيلٌ in the sense of the measure مَفْعُولٌ: (Msb:) and [therefore] you say شَاةٌ ذَكِىٌّ, meaning [a sheep, or goat, slaughtered in the manner above mentioned; and also,] to whose ذَكَاة [or slaughter in that manner] one has attained [while life yet remained therein: see 2]: (Mgh, Msb:) ذَكِيَّةٌ [as its fem.] is extr. [like ذَبِيحَةٌ]. (TA.) b2: Hence, جِلْدٌ ذَكِىٌّ (tropical:) A skin stripped from an animal that has been slaughtered in the manner mentioned above. (Mgh.) ذَاكٍ: see the next preceding paragraph.

مُذْكٍ; and the fem., مُذْكِيَةٌ: see the following paragraph, in three places.

مُذَكٍّ, applied to a man, (TA,) Old, or advanced in age, and big-bodied, or corpulent: (K, TA:) [or full-grown, or of full age: see ذَكَآءٌ:] or an old man, but only such as is much experienced and disciplined: (Er-Rághib, TA:) and accord. to ISd, anything [i. e. any animal] old, or advanced in age: by some especially applied to a solid-hoofed animal; and said to mean one that has passed the قُرُوح [or finishing of teething] by a year: (TA:) or مَذَاكٍ, (S, K, TA,) which is its pl., (S, TA,) [(like as مُذَكِّيَاتٌ is pl. of the fem.,) and also pl. of its syn. ↓ مُذْكٍ,] signifies, applied to horses, (S, K, TA,) of generous race, advanced in age, (TA,) that have passed a year, or two years, after their قُرُوح: (S, K, TA:) the sing. is like مُخْلِفٌ applied to a camel: (S, TA:) or مُذَكٍّ signifies a horse of full age and of complete strength; as also ↓ مُذْكٍ: (Ham p. 217:) or a horse whose run becomes spent (يَذْهِبُ), and [then, but not before he has exhausted his power,] stops. (TA.) It is said in a prov., جَرْىُ المُذَكِّيَاتُ غِلَابٌ [The running of the horses that have attained to their full age and strength is a contending for superiority]: (Meyd, and so in some copies of the S:) it may mean that the horse in this case contends for superiority with him that runs with him; or that his second run is always more than his first, and his third than his second: (Meyd:) or, as some relate it, غِلَآءٌ; (Meyd, and so in other copies of the S in this art., and in the S and K in art غلو;) meaning that the running of such horses is several bowshots: (Meyd, and S and K in art. غلو:) it is applied to him who is described as entering into contests for excellence with his compeers. (Meyd.) b2: [Hence,] ↓ سَحَابَةٌ مُذْكِيَةٌ, (K,) or, as in the Tekmileh, مُذَكِّيَةٌ, (TA,) (assumed tropical:) A cloud that has rained time after time. (K, TA.) Quasi ذكى ذُكْيَةٌ: see ذُكْوَةٌ, in art. ذكو.

ذَكِىٌّ: see art. ذكو



1 نَحَبَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. نَحْبٌ; (S, A, K;) and ↓ نحّب, inf. n. تَنْحِيبٌ; (A;) He vowed; made a vow; (S, K;) put himself under an obligation to do a thing. (A.) b2: نَحَبَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. نَحْبٌ, He laid a bet, or wager; betted, or wagered. (K.) [The explanation of the inf. n. by مُرَاهَنَةٌ, in the K, seems to imply that it is the same as 3; but this appears to be doubtful.]

A2: نَحَبَ, aor. ـِ (S, Msb,) or ـَ (K,) inf. n. نَحِيبٌ, (S, K,) or this is a subst., (Msb,) and نَحْبٌ; (K;) and ↓ انتحب; (S, K;) (tropical:) He raised his voice with weeping, or wailing; wept, or wailed, loud; (S;) wept, or wailed, most violently; (M, K;) wept, or wailed, with prolonged voice. (TA.) b2: نَحَبَ, aor. ـِ (S, K,) inf. n. نُحَابٌ (S) and نَحْبٌ (K) He (a camel, S) had a cough, or coughed. (S K.) A3: نَحَبَ, [aor. ـَ inf. n. نَحْبٌ, He went, travelled, or journeyed, at a quick pace: (AA, S, K:) or with a light pace: (K:) with much exertion and perseverance. (TA.) [The inf. n. only is mentioned, and said, in the S, to be syn. with نَعْبٌ.]2 نَحَّبَ see 1.

A2: نحّبوا, inf. n. تَنْحِيبٌ, (tropical:) They strove, or exerted themselves, in their work; worked with energy: (AA, S, K:) or they went on, travelled, or journeyed, (with energy, TA,) until they came near to the water: (K:) they made a hard journey by night, in order to arrive at the water on the morrow. (S.) b2: نَحَّبْنَا سَيْرَنَا We pursued our journey laboriously, or with energy. (TA.) b3: نحّب السَّفَرُ فُلَانًا (assumed tropical:) The journey harassed such a one, (K,) being long. (TA.) b4: نحّب عَلَى أَمْرٍ, and فِى أَمْرٍ, (tropical:) He applied himself to a thing, or set about it, and adhered to it. (TA.) 3 ناحبهُ, (inf. n. مُنَاحَبَةٌ, TA,) He laid a bet, or wager, with him, (K,) عَلَى أَمْرٍ respecting a thing. (TA.) b2: نَاحَيْتُهُ إِلَى فَلَانٍ I cited him, or invited him, to submit our case to such a one as judge; I cited him before such a one as judge. (S, K.) b3: ناحبته I contended with him, or disputed with him, for glory, or honour, or superiority in glorious or honourable qualities and the like, (K,) before a judge, or umpire. (TA.) b4: Talhah said to Ibn-'Abbás, هَلْ لَكَ فِى أَنْ أُنَاحِبَكَ وَتَرْفَعَ النَّبِىَّ (S) [or تَرْفَعُ النبى: for I find it stated in the margin of a copy of the S, that J left the final letter of ترفع without a vowel point, either fet-hah or dammeh:] Wilt thou that I contend with thee, or dispute with thee, for glory, or honour, and that thou enumerate thine excellencies and the honour which thou derivest from thine ancestors &c., I doing the like, and that thou put the Prophet out of the question, not mentioning thy relationship to him, since this excellence is conceded to thee? (AM.) 6 تناحبوا They appointed together a time, لِلْقِتَالِ for fighting; and sometimes for other purposes. (K.) 8 إِنْتَحَبَ see 1. b2: He sighed vehemently; (K;) wept and sighed vehemently. (TA.) نَحْبٌ A vow. (S, K.) b2: قَضَى نَحْبَهُ He died: or he was slain in an expedition undertaken for the sake of God's religion: originally meaning he accomplished his vow: see Kur, xxxiii. 23: (Msb:) as though he had constrained himself [by a vow] to fight until he died: (TA:) or it signifies he ended his term, or period of life; ended his days: (Fr, Zj:) [or he finished his time: (as implied in the S): or he yielded his soul: or he accomplished his want:] from significations given below. (TA.) b3: نَحْبٌ A great bet, or wager: syn. خَطَرٌ عَظِيمٌ. (K.) So in the following verse of Jereer: بِطِخْفَةَ جَالَدْنَا المُلُوكَ وَخَيْلُنَا عَشِيَّةَ بِسْطَامٍ جَرَيْنَ عَلَى نَحْبِ [In Tikhfeh we contended with the sword with the kings; and our horses, in the evening of Bistám, ran for a great bet]. (TA.) b4: نَحْبٌ A proof; a demonstration; an evidence: syn. بُرْهَانٌ. (K.) b5: A necessity; want; needful thing; an object of want or need: syn. حَاجَةٌ. (K.) See قَضَى

نَحْبَهُ. b6: (tropical:) Death. (K.) See قَضَى نَحْبَهُ, above. b7: A term; fixed period; the period of life. (K.) See قَضَى نَحْبَهُ, above. b8: The soul: syn. نَفْسٌ. (AO, K.) b9: Mind; purpose; aspiration; desire; ambition: syn. هِمَّةٌ. (K.) A2: خِمْسٌ نَحْبٌ A laborious journey: syn. دَائِبٌ. (S.) b2: سَيْرٌ نَحْبٌ, (TA,) and ↓ سير مُنَحِّبٌ (K) (tropical:) A quick pace, or journey. (K, TA.) b3: The same epithets are likewise applied, in the same sense, to a man. (TA.) b4: نَحْبٌ A quick (or light, K,) pace, or mode of going, travelling, or journeying, (AA, S, K,) with much exertion and perseverance. (TA.) b5: سَارَ فُلَانٌ عَلَى نَحْبٍ Such a one went on, travelled, or journeyed, with energy; [lit., for a great bet, or wager;] as though he had laid a [great] bet, and therefore strove, or exerted himself. (S.) b6: نَحْبٌ Length. (AA, K.) b7: يوم نحب [so in the TA: perhaps, يَوْمُ نَحْبٍ, but more probably يَوْمٌ نَحْبٌ] A long day. (Er-Riyáshee.) b8: نَحْبٌ A space of time: a time. (S, K.) See قَضَى نَحْبَهُ, above. b9: Sleep: syn. نَوْمٌ. (L, K: in some copies of the K, يَوْمٌ TA.) b10: Fatness. (K.) b11: I. q. شِدَّةٌ [Vehemence; violence; &c.: or distress; difficulty; adversity; &c.]. (K.) b12: A game of hazard: syn. قِمَارٌ. (K.) A3: A great camel. (K.) Perhaps a mistake for نَجْبٌ. (TA.) نُحْبَةٌ (tropical:) i. q. قُرْعَةٌ [A lot used in sortilege: or lots collectively: or sortilege itself;] (K;) from نَاحَبَهَ “ he cited him before a judge; ” “ he contended with him for glory; ” and “ he laid a bet, or wager, with him; ” because it is, as it were, a judge, or that which decides, in a case of sortilege. (TA.) b2: لَوْ عَلِمَ النَّاسُ مَا فِى الصَفِّ الأَوَّلِ لَاقْتَتَلُوا عَلَيْهِ وَمَا تَقَدَّمُوا إِلَّا بِنُحْبَةٍ [If men knew what advantage is attained by being in the first row of the congregation in the mosque, they would fight for it, and not advance but by lot]. (TA, from a trad.) نُحَابٌ A cough that attacks camels: as also قُحَابٌ and نُحَازٌ. (Az from Az.) See 1.

نَاحِبَةٌ (tropical:) A weeping, or wailing, woman: pl. نَوَاحِبُ. (TA.) سَارَ سَيْرًا مُنَحِّبًا He proceeded, or journeyed, in a direct course, not desiring [to pursue] any other: as though he had made a vow to do so. ElKumeyt says, تَخَذْنَ بِنَا عَرْضَ الفَلَاةِ وَطُولَهَا كَمَا صَارَ عَنْ يُمْنَى يَدَيْهِ المُنَحِّبُ By المنحّب is meant the man. ISd says, Th cites this verse, and says in explanation of it, This was a man who swore, saying, If I do not overcome, I will cut off my hand. He seems to consider it as implying the signification of vowing. So in the L. But it requires consideration. (TA.) b2: سِرْنَا إِلَيْهَا ثَلَاثَ لَيَالٍ مُنَحِّبَاتٍ We proceeded, or journeyed, thither during three nights of laborious travelling. (TA.)



1 جَلَا, (S, Mgh, Msb,) [aor. ـُ inf. n. جَلَآءٌ, (Msb,) It (a thing, and (assumed tropical:) an affair, or a case, Mgh, or (assumed tropical:) information, or tidings, Msb,) was, or became, clear, unobscured, exposed to view, displayed, laid open, disclosed, or uncovered, (Mgh, Msb,) للِنَّاسِ to men, or the people; (Msb;) as also ↓ تجلّى, said of a thing: (S, Mgh, Msb:) it ((assumed tropical:) information, or tidings, S, Msb, or (assumed tropical:) an affair, or a case, Mgh,) was, or became, apparent, or plainly apparent, overt, conspicuous, manifest, notorious, plain, obvious, or evident, (S, Mgh, Msb,) لِى to me, (S,) or لِلنَّاسِ to men, or the people. (Msb.) One says, الشَّمْسُ ↓ تجلّت The sun became unobscured, or exposed to view, and ceased to be eclipsed. (TA from a trad.) Er-Rághib says that ↓ وَالنَّهَارِ إِذَا تَجَلَّى is sometimes by the thing itself; as in the phrase [in the Kur xcii. 2], فَلَمَّا تَجَلَّى رَبُّهُ لِلْجَبَلِ [By the day when it becometh clear, &c.]: and sometimes, by the case, and the action; as in the saying [in the Kur vii. 139], فَلَمَّا تَجَلَّى رَبُّهُ لِلْجَبَلِ [And when his Lord became manifested to the mountain]: Zj says that the meaning in this instance is, appeared, and so say the Sunnees; El-Hasan says that the meaning is, تجلّى بِالنُّورِ العَرْشِ [became manifested by light, the light of the empyrean]. (TA.) b2: جَلَا, [aor. ـُ inf. n. جَلَآءٌ (S, Mgh, Msb, K) and جَلْوٌ; (K;) and ↓ اجلى; (S, Mgh, Msb, K;) He, (a man, Msb,) or they, (a company of men, Mgh, Msb,) went forth, or emigrated, (S, Mgh, Msb,) عَنِ البَلَدِ from the country, or town, (S, Msb,) and عَنْ

أَوْطَانِهِمْ from their homes: (S, Mgh:) [like جَلَّ:] or they (a company of men) dispersed themselves, or became dispersed, عَنِ المَوْضِعِ, and مِنْهُ, from the place: (K:) or جلا means, in consequence of fear: and ↓ اجلى, in consequence of drought: (Az, K:) or مَنْزِلَهُمْ ↓ أَجْلَوْا signifies they left their place of abode in consequence of fear; the verb in this case being trans. by itself: but if they have left for some other reason than fear, you say, عَنْ مَنْزِلِهِمْ: (Msb:) accord. to IAar, جَلَا signifies he fled, being driven away, from his home. (TA.) [See also 12.] b3: جَلِىَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. جَلًا, He had that degree of baldness which is termed ↓ جَلًا; (K;) i. e. baldness of the fore part of the head; (S, K;) like جَلَهٌ: (S:) or baldness of half of the head; (S, K;) which is the beginning of صَلَعٌ: (S:) or baldness less than what is termed صَلَعٌ. (K.) And جَلا الجَبِينِ, inf. n. جَلًا, signifies the same as جَلِىَ [The part above the temple became bald]. (A'Obeyd, TA.) A2: جَلَاهُ, [aor. ـُ inf. n., app., جِلَآءٌ, or perhaps جَلَآءٌ, but the former seems to be indicated by what follows;] (S, Mgh, Msb;) and ↓ جلّاهُ; (MA;) He made it, or rendered it, clear, or unobscured; exposed it to view, displayed it, laid it open, disclosed it, or uncovered it; (S, Mgh, MA;) namely, a thing: (S, Mgh:) he made it, or rendered it, apparent, or plainly apparent, overt, conspicuous, manifest, notorious, plain, obvious, or evident; (S, Mgh, Msb, MA;) namely, (assumed tropical:) an affair, (Mgh,) or (assumed tropical:) information, or tidings. (Msb.) You say, جَلَا العَرُوسَ, inf. n. جِلَآءٌ and جِلْوَةٌ (S, Msb, K) and جَلْوَةٌ (Msb, K) and جُلْوَةٌ; (K;) and ↓ اجتلاها; (S, Msb, K;) He displayed the bride, عَلَى بَعْلِهَا to her husband: (K:) or he looked at the bride displayed: (S:) and you say also, جُلِيَتْ عَلَى

زَوْجِهَا (TA) She mas shown to her husband, and he looked at her displayed: (Har p. 30:) and جَلَاهَا زَوْجُهَا Her husband presented, or gave, to her a female slave (S, K) or some other thing at the time of her being displayed to him; as also ↓ جلّاها: (K:) and جَلَتِ المَاشِطَةُ العَرُوسَ The female hairdresser adorned the bride [to display her to her husband]. (TA.) You also say, جَلَا فُلَانٌ الأَمْرَ (tropical:) Such a one displayed, discovered, disclosed, revealed, or manifested, the affair, or case; as also ↓ جلّاهُ, and جَلَا عَنْهُ: (K, * TA:) or جَلَا فُلَانًا الأَمْرِ he displayed, discovered, &c., to such a one the affair, or case; as also ↓ جلّاه [i. e. جلّاهُ الأَمْرَ], and جَلَا عَنْهُ [i. e. جلا عنه الأَمْرَ or جلا فُلَانًا عَنِ الأَمْرِ]. (So accord. to the CK and my MS. copy of the K. [The reading in the TA is, in my opinion, preferable to the latter.]) And السَّاعَةَ ↓ اَللّٰهُ يُجَلِّى (assumed tropical:) God will make manifest the hour, or time of the resurrection; or will make it to appear. (K in art. جلى: [but it belongs to the present art.:]) so in the Kur vii. 186. (TA.) And عَنْ نَفْسِهِ ↓ هُوَ يُجَلِّى (assumed tropical:) He declares, or explains, his mind. (S.) b2: جَلَوْتُ السَّيْفَ, inf. n. جِلَآءٌ, (S, Msb, K, [in the CK جَلاء, but it is]) with kesr, (S, Msb,) and جَلْوٌ, (K,) I removed, or cleared off, the rust from the sword; (Msb;) I polished, or furbished, the sword; (S, K;) and المِرْآةَ the mirror; (K;) and the like; (TA;) [as, for instance,] الفِضَّةَ the silver; and so جَلَيْتُهَا. (K in art. جلى.) And جَلَوْتُ بَصَرِى بِالكُحْلِ [I cleared my sight with collyrium]: (S:) [whence,] جَلَا He applied collyrium to his eye or eyes. (IAar, TA.) and جَلَوْتُ هَمِّى عَنِّى (tropical:) I removed my anxiety, or caused it to depart, from me: (S, K, * TA: *) and عَنْهُ الهَمَّ ↓ اجلى (assumed tropical:) He removed, or cleared away, from him anxiety. (Lth, TA.) and جَلَا اللّٰهُ عَنْهُ المَرَضَ (assumed tropical:) God removed from him the disease. (TA.) b3: جَلَاهُمْ, and ↓ اجلاهم, (S, Mgh,) or جَلَاهُ, and ↓ اجلاهُ, (Msb, K,) and ↓ اجتلاهُ, (K,) He, (a man, S, Msb, or the Sultán, Mgh,) or it, (drought, K,) caused them, or him, to go forth, or emigrate; or expelled them, or him; or drove them, or him, forth; (S, Mgh, Msb, K;) [from their homes, or from his home.] And جَلَا النَّحْلِ, inf. n. جِلَآءٌ, or جَلَآءٌ, (accord. to different copies of the K,) and جلوة [thus written without any syll. signs]; and ↓ اجتلاها; (TA;) He smoked [out] the bees, in order to collect the honey; (K;) he drove away the bees by means of smoke. (TA.) 2 جلّى: see 1, in six places.

A2: Also, inf. n. تَجْلِيَةٌ and تَجْلِىٌّ, He (a hawk, or falcon,) raised his head, and looked, (K, TA,) seeing the prey: (TA:) or he (a hawk) closed his eyes, and then opened them, in order to see more clearly. (Ibn-Hamzeh, TA.) b2: And [hence,] جلّى بِبَصَرِهِ, inf. n. تَجْلِيَةٌ, He cast his eyes (S, K) like the hawk looking at the prey. (S.) A3: [جلّى is also mentioned (in Har p. 161), on the authority of Mtr, as signifying He, or it, outstripped; from المُجَلِّى

meaning “ the first of the horses in a race; ” but as being not known in this sense on any other authority.]3 جَالَيْتُهُ بِالأَمْرِ, inf. n. مُجَالَاةٌ, I acted openly with him in the affair; as also جَالَحْتُهُ. (S.) 4 اجلى as an intrans. v.: see 1, in two places. b2: أَجْلَوْ عَنِ القَتِيلِ They cleared themselves away, or removed, from the slain person. (S, Mgh, Msb, TA.) b3: اجلى يَعْدُو He hastened, running: (K:) or hastened somewhat, running: (TA:) or اجلى signifies he became distant, or remote, and hastened. (So accord. to some copies of the K, where we find وَأَجْلَى بَعُدَ وَ أَسْرَعَ instead of وَ أَجْلَى

يَعْدُو أَسْرَعَ.) A2: As a trans. v.: see 1, in four places.5 تجلّى: see 1, in three places: b2: and see also 7.

A2: تجلّى الشَّىْءَ He looked at the thing, (K in art. جلى,) standing upon a higher position. (TA.) [See also 8.]6 تَجَالَيْنَا Our states, or conditions, became disclosed to each other; the state, or condition, of each of us to the other. (S.) 7 انجلى It became removed, or cleared away; said of anxiety, (S, K, * TA,) and of an affair [&c.]; as also ↓ تجلّى. (K, * TA.) You say, انجلى عَنْهُ الهَمُّ Anxiety became removed, or cleared away, from him, (S,) كَمَا تَنْجَلِى الظُّلْمَةُ like as the darkness becomes removed, or cleared away. (TA.) 8 اجتلاهُ He looked at him, or it. (K.) [See also 5.] Hence, اجتلى العَرُوسَ, explained above: see 1. (TA.) b2: See also 1 in two other places, last two sentences. b3: اِجْتَلَيْتُ العِمَامَةَ عَنْ رَأْسِى

I raised the turban, while folding it, from the side of my forehead (عَنْ جَبِينِى): (S:) [like جَلَهْتُهَا.]

A2: اجتلى It became polished, or furbished; said of a sword [&c.]. (TA.) 12 اجلولى He went forth, or emigrated, from one country, or town, to another. (IAar, K.) [See also 1.]

اِبْنُ جَلَا (tropical:) A man who is well known, celebrated, or notable; (Mgh;) of whom it is said, جَلَا الأُمُورَ, i. e. he has made affairs clear, unobscured, or manifest; (S, Mgh;) or جَلَا أَمْرُهُ, i. e. his case has become clear, unobscured, or manifest: (Mgh:) or one whose case is clear, apparent, plainly apparent, or manifest; (K, TA;) as also ↓ اِبْنُ أَجْلَى: (K:) applied to a man who is upon an elevated and conspicuous place; and applied by El-Hajjáj to himself, as meaning that he was one whom every one knew: (TA:) and also, (K,) for this reason, (TA,) the name of a certain man, (S, K,) well known, (K,) of the Benoo-Leyth, who was a person of great daring. (TA.) A poet says, (S,) namely, Soheym Ibn-Wetheel Er-Riyáhee, (TA,) أَنَا ابْنُ جَلَا وَطَلَّاعُ الثَّنَايَا مَتَى أَضِعَ العِمَامَةَ تَعْرِفُونِى

[I am a man well known, celebrated, or notable, &c.; and he who rises to eminences, or who is accustomed to embark in, or surmount, lofty and difficult things: when I put down the turban, ye will know me]. (S, TA.) Sb says, (TA,) جلا in this case is a verb in the pret. tense: 'Eesà Ibn-'Omar says that when a man is named قَتَلَ or ضَرَبَ or the like, the word is imperfectly decl.; and he adduces, in evidence, this verse: others say that جلا may be here without tenween because it is imitative of a phrase, as though the poet said, أَنَا ابْنُ الَّذِى يُقَالُ لَهُ جَلَا الأُمُورِ: (S, TA:) accord. to IB, it is without tenween because it is a verb with its agent [implied in it]. (TA.) b2: Accord. to some, it signifies (assumed tropical:) The daybreak, or dawn; (Har p. 498;) and so ↓ اِبْنُ أَجْلَى: (TA:) accord. to Hamzeh, (assumed tropical:) the beginning of day: and accord. to some, (assumed tropical:) the moon. (Har ubi suprà) جَلًا: see 1, voce جَلِىَ: A2: and see جِلَآءٌ.

جِلًا: see جِلَآءٌ.

جِلْوَةٌ A female slave, (S, K,) or some other thing, (K,) that is presented, or given, by the husband to his bride at the time of her being displayed to him. (S, * K.) One says, مَا جِلْوَتُهَا [What is her bridal present?]; and is answered, “ Such a thing. ” (S.) جَلَآءٌ A thing, an affair, or a case, that is apparent, manifest, plain, or evident. (S, K, TA.) b2: And Acknowledgment, or confession: so in the saying of Zuheyr: فَإِنَّ الحَقَّ مَقْطَعُهُ ثَلَاثٌ يَمِينٌ أَوْ نِفَارٌ أَوْ جَلَآءٌ [For verily the means of deciding the truth are three: an oath, and incongruity of circumstances, and acknowledgment, or confession]: (S:) but Az writes the last word ↓ جِلَآء, with kesr to the ج, as meaning an evidence, or a proof, and witnesses; from مُجَالَاةٌ [inf. n. of 3, q. v.]. (TA.) b3: أَقَمْتُ عِنْدَهُ جَلَآءَيَوْمِى, (K, TA,) or جَلَآءَ يَوْمٍ, (so in some copies of the K,) [I remained with him, or at his abode,] during the whiteness of my, or a, day. (Zj, K, TA.) A2: See also the next paragraph.

جِلَآءٌ: see the paragraph next preceding.

A2: Also, (S, Mgh, K,) written by El-Muhellebee ↓ جَلَآءٌ, (TA,) and ↓ جَلًا, which is more correct than the first, (Mgh,) or it is allowable, as also ↓ جِلًا, the former of the last two mentioned on the authority of En-Nahhás, (TA,) Collyrium: (S, K:) or a particular kind thereof, (K, TA,) that clears the sight; (TA;) [i. e.] i. q. إِثْمِدٌ [antimony, or an ore of antimony]; (Mgh, TA;) so called because it clears the sight. (Mgh.) A3: مَاجِلَاؤُهُ What is his honourable name, or surname, (S,) or his good surname, (K,) by which he is addressed? (S, K.) جَلِىٌّ Clear, unobscured, exposed to view, displayed, laid open, disclosed, or uncovered: apparent, or plainly apparent, overt, conspicuous, manifest, notorious, plain, obvious, or evident: (S, Msb, K, TA:) جَالٍ thus used has not been heard. (Er-Rághib, TA.) It is applied as an epithet to information, or tidings, (Msb, TA,) and to analogy, or rule. (TA.) b2: عَيْنٌ جَلِيَّةٌ A seeing eye. (IB, TA.) جَلِيَّةٌ Sure information or tidings. (S.) b2: أَخْبَرَنِى عَنْ جَلِيَّةٌ الأَمْرِ He informed me of the true, or real, state of the affair, or case. (TA.) دَوَآءٌ جَلَّآءٌ [A medicine that clears the complexion or skin]. (K voce فُوَّةٌ, &c.) جِلِيَّانٌ The act of rendering apparent, open, manifest, plain, or evident: rendering clear, or unobscured; exposing to view, displaying, laying open, disclosing, or uncovering. (TA.) جَالٍ Going forth, or emigrating, from his country, or town: [like جَالٌّ:] and so جَالِيَةٌ, applied to a company of people; [as also جَالَّةٌ;] (Msb;) or to people who have gone forth, or emigrated, from their homes; (S;) and particularly to those tributaries, (Mgh, Msb,) namely, certain Jews, (Mgh,) whom 'Omar expelled from the country of the Arabs; (Mgh, Msb;) and afterwards, to such as have the poll-tax imposed upon them, of the people of the Bible, and of the Magians, though not having emigrated from their homes; (Mgh;) [i. e.] the free non-Muslim subjects of a Muslim government; because they were expelled by 'Omar from Arabia; (K;) the word being fem. because denoting a جَمَاعَة; (Mgh;) and its pl. is جَوَالٍ. (Mgh, Msb.) b2: Hence, (Msb,) ↓ جَالِيَةٌ [as a subst.] is applied to The poll-tax that is exacted from the persons last mentioned above; (S, Mgh, Msb;) as also جَالَّةٌ: (S:) first, in this sense, applied to that which was exacted from the people expelled from Arabia by 'Omar. (Msb.) You say, اُسْتُعْمِلَ فُلَانٌ عَلَى

الجَالِيَةِ [Such a one was employed as collector of the poll-tax]. (S, Mgh, Msb.) A2: See also جَائِلٌ, in art. جول.

جَالِيَةٌ (as a subst.): see what next precedes.

أَجْلَى Having that degree of baldness which is termed جَلًا; i. e. baldness of the fore part of the head: or baldness of half of the head; (S, K;) which is the beginning of صَلَعٌ: (S:) or baldness less than what is termed صَلَعٌ: (K:) or baldness of half of the head, and the like: (A'Obeyd, TA:) fem. جَلْوَآءٌ. (K.) [See أَجْلَحُ.] b2: Beautiful, or handsome, in face, bald in the sides of the forehead. (K.) b3: جَبْهَةٌ جَلْوَآءُ A wide forehead. (K.) b4: سَمَآءٌ جَلْوَآءٌ (assumed tropical:) A cloudless sky: (Ks, S, K:) and لَيْلَةٌ جَلْوَآءُ (assumed tropical:) a cloudless, bright, night. (TA.) b5: اِبْنُ أَجْلَى: see اِبْنُ جَلَا, in two places. b6: Also (i. e. ابن اجلى) (assumed tropical:) The lion. (TA.) A2: فَعَلْتُهُ مِنْ

أَجْلَاكَ, and ↓ إِجْلَاكَ, I did it on account of thee, for thy sake, or because of thee; syn. مِنْ أَجْلِكَ. (K.) فَعَلْتُهُ مِنْ إِجْلَاكَ: see what next precedes.

مَجْلًى sing. of مَجَالٍ, which signifies The fore parts of the head, which are the [first] places of baldness: (Fr, S:) or what is seen of the head when one fronts the face. (TA.) مُجْلٍ [act. part. n. of 4. Hence,] فَإِمَّا حَرْبٌ مُجْلِيَةٌ وَ إِمَّا سِلْمٌ مُخْزِيَةٌ And either war that shall cause you to emigrate, or abasing peace. (TA.) المُجْلِّى The first of the horses in a race. (K in art. جلى.)



1 خَزَمَهُ, aor. ـِ (Mgh, K,) inf. n. خَزْمٌ, (JK, TA,) He pierced it, or perforated it; (JK, Mgh, K;) namely, a thing of any kind: for instance, the nose of a camel, for the [ring called]

خِزَامَة [to which the rein is attached]: and the letter of a Kádee to another Kádee; for such a letter is pierced for the سِحَآءَة [or strip of paper with which it is bound], and is then sealed [upon this strip]; and when this is done, the letter is said to be ↓ مَخْزُومٌ. (Mgh.) You say, خَزَمَ البَعِيرَ, aor. as above, (Mgh, Msb,) and so the inf. n., (Msb,) He pierced the nose of the camel (Mgh, Msb) for the خِزَامَة: (Mgh:) or خَزَمَ البَعِيرَ (S, K) بِالخِزَامَةِ, (S,) aor. and inf. n. as above, (TA,) he put the خزامة in the side of the nostril, (K,) or in the partition between the nostrils, (S,) [but the former is the more common practice,] of the camel; (S, K;) as also ↓ خزّمهُ; (K;) [or] this signifies the doing so much, or often. (TA.) [Hence,] خَزَمَ أَنْفَهُ (assumed tropical:) He brought him under, or into, subjection; rendered him submissive, tractable, or manageable. (TA.) and خَزَمْتُ الجَرَادَ فِى العُودِ I spitted the locusts in a series upon the [skewer, or] piece of stick or wood. (S.) And خَزَمَ شِرَاكَ نَعْلِهِ He pierced and tied the [thong called] شَراك [q. v.] of his sandal [app. so as to attach to it the two branches (عَضُدَا الشِّرَاكِ) of the strap that encompasses the heel]. (TA, [See also خِزَامَةٌ.]) b2: [Also He cut it. for] الخَزْمُ is syn. with القَطْعُ. (Ham p. 166.

[It is there also said to be syn. with الشد; i. e. الشَّدُّ; but this is app. a mistake for الشَّكُّ, a meaning assigned to it in the JK, agreeably with the K.]) 2 خَزَّمَ see 1.3 خازمهُ, (S,) or خازِمهُ الطَّرِيقَ, (K,) inf. n. مُخَازَمَةٌ (S in art. خصر) [and خِزَامٌ], He (a man, S) took a different way from his (another's) until they both met in one place: (S, K:) the doing so is also termed مُخَاصَرَةٌ: (S in art. خصر, and TA:) it is as though it were a rivalling, or imitating, in travelling. (TA.) Ibn-Fesweh says, إِذَا هُوَ نَحَّاهَا عَنِ القَصْدِ خَازَمَتْ بِهِ الجَوْرَ حَتَّى تَسْتَقِيمُ ضُحَى الغَدِ i. e. When he turns her, meaning his she-camel, from the right way, she pursues with him a way different from the wrong, so that she overcomes him, and takes the right way, in the early daytime of the morrow. (TA.) مُخَازَمَةٌ also signifies The act of rivalling, or imitating. (JK, TA.) And one says, لَقِيتُهُ خِزَامًا (JK, TA) and مَخَازَمَةً, (JK,) meaning I met him face to face: (TA:) or suddenly, or unexpectedly, and face to face. (JK.) 5 تخزّم الشَّوْكُ فِى رِجْلِهِ The thorns pierced his foot, or leg, and entered into it. (K, * TA.) 6 تخازم الجَيْشَانِ The two armies rivalled, or imitated, each other; or opposed each other; syn. تَعَارَضَا. (TA.) خَزَمٌ A certain kind of tree, (JK, T, S, Msb, K,) of the bark of which ropes are made: (S, Msb:) it is like the دَوْم [or Theban palm]; (K;) having branches with small dates, which become black when ripe, bitter, astringent, or disagreeable and choking; not eaten by men; but the crows are greedy of them, and come to them time after time: so says AHn.: (TA:) n. un. with ة. (S, Msb.) A2: See also خَزُومَةٌ.

خُزَمٌ: see خُزَامَى.

خُزُمٌ [a pl. of which the sing is not mentioned] Sewers of skins or hides or boots and the like; syn. خَرَّازُونَ. (TA.) خَزَمَةٌ n. un. of خَزَمٌ, explained above. (S, Msb.) b2: Also The leaves (خُوص) of the مُقْل [or Theban palm]; (JK, K;) of which are made women's أَحْفَاش [i. e. receptacles for their perfumes and other similar things, pl. of حِفْشٌ]. (TA.) إِبِلٌ خَزْمَى: see مَخْزُومٌ.

خِزَامٌ: see خِرَامَةٌ, in two places.

خَزُومٌ: see خَزُومَةٌ.

خِزَامَةٌ A ring of [goat's] hair, which is put [in the side of the nostril (see 1) or] in the partition between the nostrils of the camel, (S, Msb, * TA,) and to which is tied the rein; (S, TA;) as also ↓ خِزَامٌ: (TA, and Har p. 73:) or a بُرَة in the nose of a she-camel: (JK:) or, accord. to the K, a بُرَة which is put in the side of the nostril of the camel: but Lth says that when it is of brass it is termed بُرَة; and when of [goat's] hair, خِزَامَة: (TA:) pl. خَزَائِمُ (JK, Msb, TA) and خِزَامَاتٌ. (Msb.) [Hence,] أَعْطَى القُرْآنَ خَزَائِمَهُ: from a trad. of Abu-d-Dardà, in which it is said, مُرْهُمْ

أَنْ يُعْطُوا القُرْآنَ بِخَزَاتِمِهِمْ (tropical:) Command ye them that they submit themselves to the judgment, or decision, of the Kur-án; خزائم being here pl. of خِزَامَةٌ: (IAth, TA:) or أَعْطُوا القُرْآنَ خَزَائِمَهُ (assumed tropical:) Render ye to the Kur-án its due. (JK.) [In the present day, ↓ خِزَامٌ, vulgarly pronounced خُزَام, is applied to A woman's nose-ring, of gold or other metal.] b2: The خِزَامَة of the sandal is A slender thong which is pierced and tied between [the two thongs called] the شِرَاكَانِ [app. here meaning the عَضُدَانِ of the شِرَاك: see 1]. (K, * TA.) خُزَامَى A certain plant, (JK, K, TA,) called also ↓ خُزَمٌ, (JK,) of sweet odour: (TA:) or i. q. خِيرِىُّ البَرِّ [q. v.]; (S, Msb, K;) accord. to El-Fárábee: one of the plants of the desert: said by Az to be a certain herb of sweet odour, having a flower like that of the violet: (Msb:) [accord. to the book entitled مَا لَا يَسَعُ الطَّبِيبَ جَهْلَهُ, as stated by Golius, a certain wild herb, having a long stalk, small leaves, red flower, and very sweet odour:] its flower is the sweetest of flowers in odour; the fumigation therewith dispels every fetid odour; the use thereof as a suppository in the vagina promotes pregnancy; and the taking it internally restores to a right state the liver and the spleen, and the brain affected with cold: (K:) [in the present day, applied to the common lavender; lavandula spica:] n. un. خُزَامَاةٌ. (TA.) خَزُومَةٌ i. q. بَقَرَةٌ [app. as meaning both A bull and a cow], (JK, S, K,) in the dial. of Hudheyl; (S;) or such as is advanced in age, and short: (M, K:) pl. ↓ خَزُومٌ, [or rather this is a coll. gen. n.,] and [the pl. is] خَزَائِمُ (JK, K) and خَزُومَاتٌ (S) and [quasi-pl. n.] ↓ خَزَمٌ. (TA.) خَزَّامٌ A maker of ropes of the bark of the tree called خَزَم. (JK, S. *) [Accord. to the K, A seller of the kind of tree called خَزَم: but this is a mistake, app. caused by an omission in the K.]

اريحٌ خَازِمٌ (assumed tropical:) A cold wind; as though it pierced through the extremities: so says Kr: A'Obeyd says خَارِمٌ: accord. to the K, both signify the same. (TA.) مُخَزَّمٌ; and its fem., with ة: see what follows, in four places.

مَخْزُومٌ Anything pierced or perforated: (S, Mgh:) applied in this sense, (JK,) or as meaning pierced and tied, (TA, [see 1,]) to the [thong, of a sandal, called] شِرَاك; (JK, TA;) or, thus applied, it means cut. (Ham p. 166.) See also 1, first sentence, for its meaning as applied to a letter. b2: Any animal having the nose pierced. (Msb.) And ↓ إِبِلٌ خَزْمَى means Camels having rings such as are termed خَزَائِم (pl. of خِزَامَة) in their nostrils; (IAar, K, TA;) as also ↓ مُخَزَّمَةٌ. (IAar, TA.) All birds, also, are said to be مَخْزُومَة, (S, K,) and ↓ مُخَزَّمَة; (K;) because perforated in the partition between the nostrils: (S, K:) and particularly the ostrich is said to be مَخْزُوم (S, K *) and ↓ مُخَزَّم. (JK, K. *) One says, ↓ مَاهُمْ إِلَّا كَالْأَنْعَامِ المُخَزَّمَةِ, meaning (tropical:) They are none others than stupid, or foolish, persons. (TA. [But كَالْأَنْعَامِ is app., here, a mistranscription for كَالنَّعَامِ; for the ostrich is proverbial for stupidity: one says أَحْمَقُ مِنْ نَعَامَةٍ “ More stupid than an ostrich: ” because, as Meyd says, when an ostrich happens to see the eggs of another ostrich, it will sit upon them, and forget its own eggs.])



1 نَبَتَ, (S, M, K,) aor. ـُ inf. n. نَبْتٌ and نَبَاتٌ; [which two ns. see mentioned as substs.;] and ↓ تنبّت; (M;) and ↓ انبت; (Fr, S, K;) [respecting which last see below;] It (a thing, M, or a leguminous [or other] plant, S, K,) grew; grew forth; sprouted; vegetated; or germinated. (S, M, K.) As disallows ↓ انبت in this sense; but AO allows it, alleging the words of Zuheyr, البَقْلُ ↓ حَتَّى إِذَا أَنْبَتَ [Until, when the leguminous plants grew]. نَبَتَ and ↓ أَنْبَتَ are said to be like مَطَرَتِ السَّمآءُ and أَمْطَرَت. In the Kur, xxiii. 20, Ibn-Ketheer, Aboo-'Amr and El-Hadremee read تُنْبِتُ: others, تَنْبُتُ: but ISd says, that, accord. to the former reading, some hold ب, which follows تُنْبِتُ, to be redundant; and others hold that مَا تُنْبُتُ is understood after تُنْبِتُ. Fr holds them to be syn. (TA.) b2: نَبَتَ عَلَىَ حَالَةٍ حَسَنَةٍ He, or it, grew in a good manner, condition, or state. (L.) b3: نَبَتَ, inf. n. نُبُوتٌ, (tropical:) It (a girl's breast) became swelling, prominent, or protuberant. (K.) b4: نَبَتَتِ الأَرْضُ, and ↓ أَنْبَتَت, The land produced, or gave growth to, plants, or herbage. (S, K.) 2 نبّت, inf. n. تَنْبِيتٌ, (tropical:) He fed or nourished, or reared or brought up, a child: (S, K:) he nourished a girl, and nursed her up well, hoping that she might profit excellently. (TA.) b2: نَبِّتْ

أَجَلَكَ بَيْنَ عَيْنَيْكَ [(tropical:) Plant the term of thy life before (lit. between) thine eyes; i. e., keep it ever before thee]. (S.) b3: نبّت, inf. n. تَنْبِيتٌ, He planted a tree. (M, S, K.) b4: He sowed seed, (M,) or grain. (A.) 4 انبتهُ, (S, K,) inf. n. إِنْبَاتٌ [for which نَبَاتٌ occurs, as shown below], (TA,) He (God) caused it, or made it, (a plant) to grow, vegetate, or germinate. (S, K.) b2: انبت, inf. n. إِنْبَاْتٌ; for which inf. n. نَبَاتٌ occurs in the Kur, iii. 32; and lxxi. 16; (tropical:) He (God) caused a child to grow. (TA.) b3: See 1. b4: انبت His (a boy's) hair of the pubes grew forth; (S, K;) he having nearly attained the age of puberty. (TA.) He (a boy) became hairy: and in like manner a girl. (Msb.) 5 تَنَبَّتَ see 1.10 استنبتهُ [He endeavoured to make it grow, or vegetate, or germinate]. (TA, art. بلس.) استنبتهُ بالبَذْرِ [He grew it, or raised it, by means of seed], and بِالنَّوَى [by means of date-stones], and بالغَرْسِ [by means of planting]. (Mgh, art. حرث.) نَبْتٌ and ↓ نَبَاتٌ [properly coll. gen. ns.] are syn., (S, K,) [signifying A plant, a herb: and plants, herbs, or herbage:] whatever God causes to grow, vegetate, or germinate, in the earth: (Lth:) the latter is an inf. n. used as a subst.: (Lth:) or it is a subst. which is used in the place of an inf. n. of أَنْبَتَ: (Fr:) n. un. of the former نَبْتَةٌ; (AHn;) [and of the latter نَبَاتَةٌ of which the pl. نَبَاتَاتٌ is mentioned in the K in this art., and frequently occurs in other works]. b2: أَهْلُ بَيْتٍ وَأَهْلُ نَبْتٍ A people of the highest rank, or nobility, and a people whose property has grown to the most flourishing state by means of their own exertions. (L, from a trad.) نِبْتَةٌ The manner, form, state, or condition, in which a thing grows, or germinates. (L.) b2: إِنَّهُ لَحَسَنُ النِّبْتَةِ Verily he, or it, is of a goodly manner, &c., of growth. (L.) نَبَاتٌ: see نَبْتٌ. b2: سُكَّر نَبَات [Sugar-candy; so called in the present day;] an admirable kind of sugar, of which are made pieces resembling crystal, intensely white and lustrous: app. Persian, and post-classical. (MF.) خَبِيتٌ نَبِيتٌ Vile, and contemptible, or despicable: (Lh, K:) said of a man, and of a thing. (TA.) In some copies of the K, and in the L, instead of حَقِيرٌ, we read فَقِيرٌ, [accord. to which, the meaning is vile, and poor]. (TA.) نَبِيتَةٌ sing. of نَبَائِتُ, which latter signifies the ridges that are raised along the edges of rivulets such as are called فُلْجَان (in the CK, فَلْجَان) to retain the water: النبائت being expl. by أَعْضَادُ الفُلْجَانِ: so in the L, &c.: in several copies of the K we read, in the place of اعضاد, اغصان: but this is a mistake. (TA.) نَابِتٌ كُلِّ شَىْءٍ What is fresh, or new, of anything, when it is growing forth small. (TA.) نَبَتَتْ لَهُمْ نَابِتَةٌ There grew up unto them young offspring, (S, K,) that became conjoined to the old, and increased their number. (TA.) Dim.

نُوَيْبِتَةٌ. (L.) b2: إِنَّ بَنِى فُلَانٍ لَنَابِتَةُ شَرٍّ [Verily the sons of such a one are an evil offspring]. (S.) b3: مَا أَحْسَنَ نَابِتَةَ بَنِى فُلَانٍ How good is the manner, condition, or state, in which grow (مَا تَنْبُتُ عَلَيْهِ, see 1,) the camels &c., (أَمْوَال) and children of the sons of such a one! b4: نَابِتَةٌ (TA) and نَوَابِتُ [pl. of the former] (S, K) Inexperienced young men. (S, K.) You say, هٰذَا قَوْلُ النَّابِتَةِ, and النَّوَابِتِ, This is the saying of inexperienced young men. (TA.) b5: النَّوَابِتُ The name of a certain sect who introduced strange innovations in El-Islám. (A, TA.) El-Jáhidh couples them with the رَافِضَة. (MF.) مَنْبَتٌ: see مَنْبِتٌ.

مَنْبِتٌ (tropical:) Origin, or race, [from which a man springs;] syn. أَصْلٌ. (L.) So in the phrase إِنَّهُ لَفِى

مَنْبِتِ صِدْقٍ (tropical:) Verily he belongs to an excellent race; is of an excellent origin]: and so in the phrase فِى أَكْرَمِ المَنَابِتِ [of the most generous of origins, or races.] (TA.) b2: مَنْبِتٌ A place in which plants, or herbs, grow: (S, K:) dev. from the constant course of speech: analogically it should be ↓ مَنْبَتٌ: (K:) as the aor. of the verb from which it is derived is not يَنْبِتُ, with kesreh: but there are other examples like it; as مَسجِدٌ and مَطْلِعٌ &c.: ↓ مَنْبَتٌ, however, also sometimes occurs. (TA.) [Pl. مَنَابِتُ.]

أَرْضٌ مِنْبَاتٌ [Land abounding with plants, or herbage]. (K, voce رَحَبَةٌ, &c.) مَنْبُوتٌ (contr. to analogy, S, [for مُنْبَتٌ,]) A plant caused to grow, or germinate. (S, K.) مُتَنَبِّتٌ Firmly rooted; syn. مُتَأَصِّلٌ. (TA.) تَنْبِيتٌ and ↓ تِنْبِيتٌ, (K,) the latter so written, not as being so originally, but for the sake of agreement in sound [with respect to the first and second vowels], (AHei,) a subst., signifying What grows or germinates, of slender (i. e. small, TA,) trees, [or shrubs,] and large: (K:) ex., بَيْدَآءُ لَمْ يَنْبُتْ بِهَا تَنْبِيتُ [A desert in which there grew not aught of shrubs or of large trees]: (TA:) young shoots of palmtrees: (IKtt:) the prickles and branches that are cut off from a palm-tree, to lighten it. (AHn, as from 'Eesa Ibn-'Omar.) b2: Pieces of the hump of a camel. (L.) تِنْبِيثٌ: see تَنْبِيثٌ.

يَنْبُوتٌ [coll. gen. n.] A certain species of trees: (S:) poppy-plants; syn. شَجَرُ الخَشْخَاش: and other trees of a large kind: or the trees called خرّوب [see below]: (K:) or a kind of thorny trees, having branches and leaves, with a fruit of the kind called جِرْو, i. e., round; called in 'Omán غاف: n. un. with ة: AHn says that there are two species of ينبوت; one of these is a kind of thorny and short trees, also called خَرُّوب [q. v.] having a fruit resembling a bubble, in which are red grains, having an astringent effect upon the bowels, used as a medicine; the other species is a large species of trees: ISd says, An Arab of the desert, of the tribe of Rabeea, described to me the ينبوتة as [a tree] resembling a large apple-tree, the leaves of which are smaller than those of the apple, having a fruit smaller than the زُعْرُور, intensely black and intensely sweet, with grains, or stones, which are put into scales, or balances: [evidently meaning the carob, or locust-tree, (see خَرُّوب,) whence our term “ carob,” applied to a small weight, the twenty-fourth part of a grain]. (L [See غَافٌ and فُرْفُورٌ].)



1 نَعَتَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. نَعْتٌ; and ↓ انتعت; He described, or characterized, or designated, (S, K,) a thing; (S;) syn. وَصَفَ: (S, K:) or he described a thing by mentioning what was in it, or what it possessed; whereas, in the وَصْف of a thing one may exaggerate: (L;) (??) distinguished a person or a thing by an epithet: and hence, he qualified a substantive by an epithet: and he used a word as an epithet] or he described a thing by mentioning what was in it that was good, or goodly; not with reference to what was bad. or foul, or ugly; unless by a straining of the meaning one say نَعْتٌ سَوْءٌ; whereas وَصَفَ is said with respect to what is good, or goodly and what is bad, or foul, or ugly: (IAth: or نَعَتَ signifies he described by mentioning the make, or form, or other outward characteristic, as tallness and shortness; and وَصَفَ respects action, as beating: or, accord. to Th, نَعَتَ signifies he described by mentioning something in some particular place in the body, such as lameness; whereas وَصَفَ is used with respect to what is common to the whole, as greatness, and generosity; therefore God is an object of وَصْف, but not of نَعْت. (TA.) b2: نَعَتَ نَفْسُه بالْحَيْرِ [He described himself as possessing, or characterized by, or distinguished by, goodness.] (Msb.) b3: نَعَتَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. نَعَاتَةٌ, He (a man) was naturally endowed with powers of description, and skilful in the use of those powers. (TA.) b4: نَعُت, aor. ـُ inf. n. نَعَانَةٌ, He (a horse) was, or became, what is termed نَعْتٌ, i. e., generous, or fleet, &c. (L, K.) b5: نَعَتَ, (L,) or نَعِتَ, of the same measure as فَرِحَ, (K,) He (a horse) affected, or endeavoured, or constrained himself, to be, or become, what is termed نَعْتٌ, i. e., generous, or fleet, &c. (L, K.) MF remarks that نَعِتَ, in this sense, is strange, as فَعِلَ is not a measure denoting تَكَلُّف. (TA.) 4 انعت His face became beautiful, or goodly, so that he was described (K) as characterized by beauty, (TA,) [or, so that he became distinguished by an epithet].8 انتعت He, or it, was, or became, described: (TA:) [he, or it, was, or became, distinguished by an epithet: he, or it, was, or became, characterized, or distinguished, by that which made him to excel others of his kind: see نَعْتٌ]. See 1.10 استنعتهُ He asked him to describe him, or it. (T, K.) نَعْتٌ An epithet; or that whereby a person or thing is described: [hence, an epithet whereby a substantive is qualified:] (TA:) pl. نُعُوتٌ: it has no other pl. than this. (ISd.) [Respecting distinctions said to exist between نَعْتٌ and وَصْفٌ or صِفَةٌ, see 1.] [You say,] لَهُ نُعُوتٌ وَمَنَاعِتُ جَمِيلَةٌ [He has goodly epithets applied to him, and goodly qualities, or properties. which are causes, or occasions, of epithets]. (A.) b2: [كَنَعْتِ كَذَا, a phrase similar to كَمَثَل كَذَا, meaning Like such a thing. See an ex. voce سَبّع.]

b3: نَعْتٌ Anything excellent. (TA.) b4: [Hence,] فَرَسٌ نَعْتٌ, and ↓ مُنْتَعِتٌ, and ↓ نَعْتَةٌ, [in the CK, نَعْتَت,] and ↓ نَعيتٌ, and ↓ نَعِيتةٌ, A generous, or a fleet, or swift, horse, that (??) in running, and outstrips others. (K.) And (??) ↓ مُنْتَعِتٌ A beast of carriage, or a man, characterized, or distinguished, by that which makes him to excel others of his kind. a horse at scribed as distinguished by generousness, or by fleetness, or swiftness, and by outstripping others (TA.) نَعْتَةٌ: see نَعْتٌ.

عَبْدُكَ نُعْتَةٌ, or أَمَتُكَ نُعْتَةٌ, Thy male slave or thy female slave, is of the highest quality. (K.) But in the A it is said, عَبَدُكَ نَعْتٌ, and أَمَتُكَ نَعْتَةٌ. (TA.) نَعِيتٌ A generous, excellent, surpassing, man. (TA.) See also نَعْتٌ.

نَعِيتَةٌ: see نَعْتٌ, نَاعِتٌ Describing; a describer: pl. نُعَّاتٌ. (TA.) مَنْعُوتٌ [A person or thing described; distinguished by an epithet: and hence, a substantive qualified by an epithet]. b2: مَنْعُوتٌ بِالْكَرَمِ [Described as possessing, or characterized by, or distinguished by, generosity; distinguished by the epithet of generous]. (A.) مُنْتَعِتٌ: see نَعْتٌ.



1 نَشَجَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. نَشِيجٌ and نُشُوجٌ, It (water) made a sound [in running] upon the ground. (L.) b2: نَشَجَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. نَشِيجٌ (S, K) and نَشْجٌ, (S,) He sobbed: (L:) he became choked with weeping, without raising, or prolonging, his voice therein: (S, K:) he wept like a child when he is beaten, when his weeping does not find egress, but is reciprocated in his chest: (A'Obeyd:) he became choked with weeping, on an occasion of fright, or fear. (T.) b3: نَشَجَ, (K,) or نَشَجَ بِصَوْتِهِ, inf. n. نَشِيجٌ, (S;) (tropical:) He (an ass) made his voice to reciprocate (S, K) in his chest: (S:) he brayed, (A'Obeyd,) on an occasion of fright, or fear. (TA.) b4: نَشَجَ (tropical:) It (a cookingpot, and a skin, S, K, and a jar, or earthen pot, S) made a gurgling noise by the motion of its contents, as in boiling. (S, K.) b5: نَشَجَ, (aor.

نَشِجَ, inf. n. نَشِيجٌ, TA.) He (a singer) made a distinction, or an interval, (فَصَلَ,) between two sounds, and prolonged [the same]. (K.) b6: نَشَجَ (assumed tropical:) It (a frog) made a reciprocating croaking. (K.) b7: نَشَجَتِ الطَّعْنَةُ (tropical:) The stab made a [gurgling] sound within, on the coming forth of the blood. (TA.) b8: نَشَجَ. aor. ـِ inf. n. نَشِيجٌ, He, or it, uttered, or made, a sound, or noise. (L.) نَشَجٌ A channel in which water flows: pl. أَنْشَاجٌ (S, K.) عَبْرَــةٌ نُشُجٌ A weeping that reciprocates in the throat, with sobbing. (L.) نَشِيجٌ The channel of a torrent: pl. أَنْشَاجٌ. (L.)



1 رَجَوْتُهُ, aor. ـْ (S, Msb,) inf. n. رَجْوٌ, (S, M, K,) or رُجُوٌّ, (Msb,) and رَجَآءٌ, (S, K, TA, &c., [in the CK erroneously written with the short ا i. e., without the meddeh and ء,]) or the latter is a simple subst., (Msb,) and رَجَاوَةٌ (S, K) and رَجَاةٌ, or رَجَآءَةٌ, (accord. to different copies of the K,) or both, (CK,) and مَرْجَاةٌ; (K;) and ↓ رَجَّيْتُهُ, (S,) inf. n. تَرْجِيَةٌ; (K;) and ↓ تَرَجَّيْتُهُ, (S, K, *) and ↓ اِرْتَجَيْتُهُ; (S, Msb, K; *) I hoped for him [or it; relating only to what is possible; syn. with أَمَلْتُهُ; see رَجَآءٌ, below]; all signify the same: (S:) and رَجَيْتُهُ, aor. ـْ is a dial. var. of رَجَوْتُهُ: (Msb:) and رَجِيَهُ, aor. ـْ like رَضِيَهُ, is a dial. var. of رَجَاهُ, aor. ـْ accord. to Lth: it is disapproved by Az, because heard by him on no other authority than that of Lth; but it is mentioned also by ISd. (TA.) One says, مَا أَتَيْتُكَ إِلَّا رَجَاوَةَ الخَيْرِ [I did not, or have not, come to thee except hoping for that which is good]. (S.) No regard is to be paid to the assertion of Lth, that the saying فَعَلْتُ رَجَاةَ كَذَا [I did a thing hoping for such a thing] is a mistake, and that the correct word is only رَجَآءَ; for رَجَاةٌ occurs in a trad., and in the poetry of the Arabs. (TA.) b2: Sometimes رَجْوٌ, (S,) or رُجُوٌّ, (Msb,) has the meaning of خَوْفٌ; (S, Msb;) because the hoper fears that he may not attain the thing for which he hopes; (Msb;) and so رَجَآءٌ; (T, S;) but only when there is with it a negative particle: (Fr, T, TA:) you say, مَا رَجَوْتُكَ (assumed tropical:) I feared not thee: but you do not say, رَجَوْتُكَ, meaning I feared thee: (TA:) the saying in the Kur [lxxi. 12], مَا لَكُمْ لَا تَرْجُونَ لِلّٰهِ وَقَارًا means (assumed tropical:) [What aileth you] that ye will not fear the greatness, or majesty, of God? (S:) or the meaning is, that ye will not hope for God's magnifying of him who serves Him and obeys Him? or that ye will not believe in greatness, or majesty, belonging to God, so that ye may fear disobeying Him? (Bd:) another instance occurs in a verse of Aboo-Dhu-eyb, cited in art. خلف, conj. 3: (S:) and ↓ ارتجاهُ, also, signifies (tropical:) he feared him, or it; [but app. only when preceded by a negative particle, as in exs. cited in the TA;] (K, TA;) in which sense it is tropical. (TA.) Accord. to Lth, رَجْوٌ is also syn. with مُبَالَاةٌ; and مَا أَرْجُو means مَا أُبَالِى [I do not care, mind, or heed]: but this is disapproved by Az. (TA.) A2: رَجِىَ He broke off, or ceased, [app. by reason of inability,] from speaking: (K:) or, accord. to Az, he became confounded, or perplexed, and unable to see his right course: or, as Fr says, he desired to speak, and was unable to do so: (TA:) and رُجِىَ عَلَيْهِ, like عُنِىَ, he became unable to speak. (K.) 2 رَجَّوَ see 1, first sentence.4 أَرْجَتْ She (a camel, S, or a pregnant female [of any kind], TA) was, or became, near to bringing forth; (S, K, TA;) so that her bringing forth was hoped for: accord. to Er-Rághib, the proper signification is she made her owner to have hope in himself that her bringing forth was near: (TA:) and أَرْجَأَتْ means the same. (S.) b2: ارجى الصَّيْدَ He failed of getting any game; (K;) [as though he made the game to have hope;] and ارجأهُ signifies the same: (TA:) or so ارجى [alone], and ارجأ [alone]. (K and TA in art. رجأ.) A2: And أَرْجَيْتُهُ, (S, Msb,) inf. n. إِرْجَآءٌ, (K,) I postponed it, put it off, deferred it, or delayed it; (S, Msb, K; *) namely, an affair [&c.]; (S;) as also ارجأتهُ. (S, Msb.) [See the latter verb: and see also an ex. in the Kur vii.108 and xxvi. 35; and the various readings mentioned by Bd in the former instance.]

A3: ارجى البِئْرَ He made a side (رَجًا) to the well. (S, K.) 5 تَرَجَّوَ see 1, first sentence. b2: [In the present day, ترجّى is often used as meaning He besought, entreated, petitioned, or prayed.]8 إِرْتَجَوَ see 1, first sentence: b2: and again in the latter part of the paragraph.

رَجًا The side, (K,) in a general sense: (TA:) or the side of a well, (S, Msb, K,) and of the sky, (Er-Rághib, TA,) and of anything; (S, Msb; *) and ↓ رَجَآءٌ signifies the same: (K:) the side of a well from its top to its bottom; (TA;) and the two sides thereof: which last is also [or properly] the meaning of the dual; which is رَجَوَانِ: (S:) pl. أَرْجَآءٌ. (S, Msb, K.) Hence, in the Kur [lxix. 17], وَالْمَلَكُ عَلَى أَرْجَائِهَا [The angels being at the sides thereof]. (S, TA.) They said, رُمِىَ بِهِ الرَّجَوَانِ, meaning (assumed tropical:) He was cast into places of destruction: (S:) or it is said of one who is held in mean estimation: (M, TA:) اِسْتِهْزَآءٌ in the K is a mistake for اُسْتُهِينَ بِهِ, the reading in the M: (TA:) as though the two [opposite] sides of the well were cast at with him. (K.) And one says of him who will not be deceived so as to be turned away from one course to another, لَا تُرْمَى بِهِ الرَّجَوَانِ (assumed tropical:) [lit. The two sides of the well will not be cast at with him]; in allusion to the well's two [opposite] sides' being cast at with the bucket. (Z, TA.) رَجَآءٌ [accord. to most an inf. n., (see 1, in two senses,) but accord. to the Msb a simple subst.,] Hope; syn. أَمَلٌ; (S and M and K in art امل;) contr. of يَأْسٌ; (K;) an opinion requiring the happening of an event in which will be a cause of happiness; (Er-Rághib, TA;) expectation of deriving advantage from an event of which a cause has already occurred: (El-Harállee, TA:) or, as Ibn-El-Kemál says, properly, i. q. أَمَلٌ: and conventionally, the clinging of the heart to the happening of a future loved event: (TA:) or hope, or eager desire, for a thing that may possibly happen; differing from تَمَنٍّ, which relates to what is possible and to what is impossible. (MF, TA.) A2: See also رَجًا.

رَجِيَّةٌ [A thing hoped for]: you say, مَالَى فِى

فُلَانٍ رَجِيَّةٌ There is nothing for me to hope for in such a one. (S.) رَاجٍ [Hoping: b2: and Fearing]. (Msb.) أُرْجِيَّةٌ A thing postponed, put off, deferred, or delayed. (ISd, K.) أُرْجُوَانٌ Redness: (Msb, K:) a certain red dye: (K:) or a certain dye, intensely red: (S:) accord. to A'Obeyd, (S,) what is called نَشَاسْتَج; (S, K;) and he says that the بَهْرَمَان is inferior to it (دُونَهُ [but this often has the contr. meaning]): it is said also that ارجوان is an arabicized word, from the Pers\. أَرْغَوَان, which means a sort of trees having a red blossom, of the most beautiful kind; and that every colour resembling it is termed ارجوان. (S.) Also Red: (K:) and red garments or clothes. (IAar, K.) And one says أَحْمَرُ

أُرْجُوَانٌ, mentioned by Seer has having an intensive meaning; (M, TA;) in the K, ↓ أَحْمَرُ أُرْجُوَانِىٌّ; but this is wrong; (TA;) i. e. Intensely red. (K, TA.) And قَطِيفَةٌ حَمْرَآءُ أُرْجُوَانٌ [A villous, or nappy, outer, or wrapping, garment, intensely red]: (S, M, A:) but IAth says that the most common practice is to prefix the word ثَوْب or قَطِيفَة to أُرْجُوَان so as to govern the latter in the gen. case; [saying ثَوْبُ أُرْجُوَانٍ or قَطِيفَةُ أُرْجُوَانٍ;] and that the word [ارجوان] is said by some to be Arabic, the ا and ن being augmentative. (TA.) أُرْجُوَانِىٌّ: see the next preceding paragraph.

مُرْجًى Postponed, put off, deferred, or delayed; as also مُرْجَأٌ.] Some read [in the Kur ix. 107]

وَآخَرُونَ مُرْجَوْنَ لِأَمْرِ اللّٰهِ. (S: see مرجأ, in art. رجأ.) مُرْجٍ and مُرْجِيَةٌ and] مُرْجِىءٌ and مُرْجِءَةٌ A female near to bringing forth. (K, * TA.) A2: مُرْجٍ also signifies A man who is one of the people [or sect] called the مُرْجِيَة; (S;) or one of the مُرْجِئَة, mentioned in art. رجأ; as also مُرْجِىءٌ; and so ↓ مُرْجِىٌّ; (K;) or this is [properly speaking] a rel. n. from مُرْجٍ; (S;) and مُرْجِئِىٌّ also; (K;) or rather this is another rel. n., like مُرْجِىٌّ. (IB and TA in art. رجأ, q. v.) مُرْجِى: see what next precedes. You say رَجُلٌ مُرْجِىٌّ [A man of, or belonging to, the sect called the مُرْجِيَة]. (S.)



Q. 1 خَرْطَمَهُ, (K,) inf. n. خَرْطَمَةٌ, (TK,) He hit, or struck, his خُرْطُوم [or nose, &c.]: or he twisted it. (K.) Q. 3 اِخْرَنْطَمَ He (a man, TA) elevated his nose: (K:) or twisted it, and was silent, in his anger: (TA:) and was proud and angry, (K, TA,) raising his head. (TA.) خُرْطُمٌ and خُرْطُمٌّ: see خُرْطُومٌ.

خُرْطُمَانٌ Long, or tall: (JK, K:) or longnosed. (TA.) And A man having a large nose. (IKh, IB.) خُرْطُومٌ The nose, (Az, JK, S, Msb, K,) [properly,] accord. to Th, of a beast of prey: (TA:) or the fore part thereof: (K:) or a large, or an elevated, nose: (MA:) or the part upon which a man contracts, or closes, the حَنَكَانِ [or upper and lower portions of the mouth]: as also ↓ خُرْطُمٌ; (K;) sometimes, by poetic license, written ↓ خُرْطُمٌّ: (TA:) or it signifies also the part upon which contracts, or closes, the front of the حَنَكَانِ: (JK:) [and a snout: often used in this sense; and so, in describing the fish termed كَوْسَج, in the S and K:] and the proboscis of an elephant; and, as being likened thereto, of (??) flea: (Th, TA:) pl. خَرَاطِيمُ. (Msb.) سَنَسِمُهُ عَلَى الخُرْطُومِ, in the Kur [lxviii. 16], means (tropical:) [We will brand him] upon the nose; the nose of a man being thus termed metaphorically: (ISd, TA:) or it is like the phrase جَدَعْتُ أَنْفَهُ; and means (assumed tropical:) we will stigmatize him with indelible disgrace; the term خرطوم, which signifies the “ proboscis ” of an elephant, being applied to his nose because it is regarded as unseemly: (Er-Rághib, TA:) or it means (assumed tropical:) [we will brand him] upon the face. (Fr, Th, TA.) b2: [Hence, (assumed tropical:) A spout. You say] الابْرِيقُ انَآءٌ لَهُ خُرْطُومٌ (assumed tropical:) [The ابريق is a vessel having a spout]. (Mgh in art. برق, and Bd and Jel in lvi. 18.) b3: [Hence also, (assumed tropical:) The pointed toe of a boot and the like: pl. as above: see خِفَافٌ مُخَرْطَيَةٌ, below. b4: And app. (assumed tropical:) The point of a sword: whence,] ذُو الخُرْطُومِ the name of a certain sword. (K.)] b5: [Hence, also,] خَرَاطِيمُ القَوْمِ (tropical:) The chiefs of the people or party; (JK, S, K, TA;) those who are made the foremost of the people or party, in affairs, (JK, TA,) and in the military forces. (JK.) A2: Also Wine: (JK, S:) or wine that quickly intoxicates: (K:) and the juice that first flows from the grapes, before they are trodden. (K.) خُرَاطِمٌ A woman advanced in age. (M, K.) مُخَرْطَمٌ (assumed tropical:) Elongated like a snout or nose; and so, app., ↓ مُخْرَنْطِمٌ: see a verse cited voce مَتَاوِجُ.

Hence,] خِفَافٌ مُخَرْطَمَةٌ [in the sing. خُفٌّ مُخَرْطَمٌ (occurring in the K in art فقع)] i. q. ذَاتُ

↓ خَرَاطِيمَ; i. e. (assumed tropical:) [Boots] having their fore parts pointed. (TA.) مُخْرنْطِمٌ: see the next preceding paragraph. b2: Also Angry and proud, with his head raised: (S:) or angry when his nose is twisted. (JK.) [See اِنْبَاعَ, in art. بوع.]



1 نَجَدَهُ, aor. ـُ (S, L,) inf. n. نَجْدٌ, (L, K,) He overcame, conquered, subdued, overpowered, prevailed over, or surpassed, him. (AO, S, L, K.) b2: نَجَدَ رَأْيَهُ فِى الأُمُورِ, inf. n. نَجْدٌ, He exerted his judgment in affairs. (Sh, L.) b3: نَجُدَ, (S, M, &c.,) [aor. ـُ inf. n. نَجَادَةٌ (M, L, K) and نَجْدَةٌ, (K,) or the latter is a simple subst., (M, L,) He (a man, S, L,) was, or became, courageous, (S, M, L, Msb, K,) and sharp, or vigorous and effective, in those affairs which others lack power or ability to accomplish: (M, L, K:) or, very valiant: or, quick in assenting to that which he was called or invited to do, whether it were good or evil. (M, L.) See also 10, and 4. b4: نَجِدَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. نَجَدٌ; (S, L;) or نُجِدَ, like عُنِىَ, inf. n. نَجْدٌ; (K;) He became [overcome,] afflicted, distressed, or oppressed, by sorrow, grief, or anxiety. (S, L, K.) b5: نَجِدَ, aor. ـَ (S, L,) and نَجُدَ, which is extr., (L,) [or properly the aor. of نَجُدَ,] inf. n. نَجَدٌ, (S, L,) He (a man, S) sweated, by reason of work, or of sorrow, grief, or anxiety: (S, L:) and ↓ أَنْجَدَ he (a man, TA) sweated. (K.) b6: نُجِدَ عَرَقًا, (K,) or نَجُدَ عَرَقًا, (L,) He, (L,) or it, namely the body, (K,) flowed with sweat. (L, K.) b7: نَجِدَ, aor. ـَ (TA,) inf. n. نَجَدٌ (K) He was, or became, stupid, dull, wanting in intelligence; not penetrating, sharp, vigorous, or effective, in the performing of affairs; soft, without strength, or sturdiness, and without endurance: and weary, or fatigued. (K, TA.) b8: نَجُدَ He became terrified, or frightened. (L.) A2: نَجَدَ, (aor.

نَجُدَ, L,) inf. n. نُجُودٌ, It (a thing, or an affair,) was, or became, apparent, manifest, plain, or evident. (L, K.) b2: نَجَدَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. نُجُودٌ, It (a road) was, or became, apparent, manifest, conspicous, or plain. (L.) b3: أَعْطَاهُ الأَرْضَ بِمَا نَجَدَ مِنْهَا He gave him the land with what came forth from it. (L.) 2 نجّدهُ الدَّهْرُ, (inf. n. تَنْجِيدٌ, K,) Time, or habit, or fortune, tried, or proved, him, and taught him, (S, L,) and rendered him expert, or experienced, and well informed, (L,) or firm, or sound, in judgment: (K:) as also نجّذه, which is more approved. (L.) A2: نجّد, inf. n. تَنْجِيدٌ, He ran; syn. عَدَا. (K.) A3: نجّد, inf. n. تَنْجِيدٌ, He ornamented, or decorated, a house or tent (بيت) with the articles of furniture called نُجُود, pl. of نَجْدٌ: (S, * L, K: *) [and, accord. to present usage, he manufactured beds and the like, and pillows; and teased, separated, or loosened, cotton, for stuffing beds, &c., with the bow and mallet: see also نَجَّادٌ].3 ناجدهُ He went forth to him to fight, or combat. (A.) b2: ناجدت الإِبِلَ She (a camel) vied with the other camels in abundance of milk: she yielded abundance of milk when the other camels had little. (L, K. *) b3: See 4.4 انجد, (S, L, Msb, K,) inf. n. إِنْجَادٌ; (L;) and ↓ نَجَدَ, aor. ـُ (Msb;) and ↓ ناجد, inf. n. مُنَاجَدَةٌ; (S, L;) He aided, or assisted, another: (S, L, Msb, K;) he succoured him. (L.) b2: انجدهُ عَلَيْهِ He aided, or assisted, him against him. (L.) b3: انجد الدَّعْوَةَ (S, L, K) He answered, or complied with, the call, prayer, or invitation. (L, K.) And انجدهُ الدَّعْوَةَ He answered, or complied with, his call, prayer, or invitation. (M, L.) b4: انجد He was, or became, or drew, near to his family, or wife; expl. by قَرُبَ مِنْ أَهْلِهِ. (Lh, ISd, K.) A2: انجدت السَّمَآءُ The sky became clear. (K.) b2: انجد (L, K) and ↓ تنجّد (K) He, or it, (a person, or thing, L, both said of such a thing as a mountain, TA,) became high, or lofty. (L, K.) b3: غَارَ وَأَنْجَدَ (assumed tropical:) He became famous in the low countries and in the high. (A.) b4: انجد, (inf. n. إِنْجَادٌ, L,) He entered upon the country of Nejd: (S, L:) or he came to Nejd, or to high land or country: (L, K:) or he went thither: (L:) or he went forth to, or towards, it. (Lh, ISd, L, K.) b5: أَنْجَدَ مَنْ رَأَى حَضَنَا, a proverb, He enters Nejd who sees Hadan, which is the name of a mountain; i. e., in going up from El-Ghowr, or El-Ghór. (S, L.) 5 تنجّد: see 4. b2: He swore a big oath. (L.) 10 استنجدهُ He asked, or desired, of him aid, or assistance, (S, L, K, *) and succour. (L.) b2: استنجد He (a man) became strong after having been weak, (S, L, K,) or sick. (TA.) b3: استنجد عَلَيْهِ, (S, L,) and بِهِ, (L, TA,) He became emboldened against him, (S, L, K,) and clave to him, (L,) after having regarded him with awe, or fear. (S, L, K.) b4: استنجد He became courageous after having been cowardly. (A.) See also نَجُدَ.

نَجْدٌ High, or elevated, land or country: (S, L, Msb, K:) or hard, and rugged, and elevated, or high, table-land: only stony and rugged, or hard, elevated land, like a mountain, standing over against one and intercepting his view of what is behind it, but not very high, is thus called: (L:) pl. أَنْجُدٌ, (S, L, K,) a pl. of pauc., (TA,) and أَنْجَادٌ, (L, K,) [also a pl. of pauc.,] and نِجَادٌ and نُجُودٌ (S. L, K) and نُجُدٌ; (IAar, L, K;) and pl. of نُجُودٌ, أَنْجِدَةٌ; [another pl. of pauc.;] (S, K;) or this is a mistake, and it is pl. of نِجَادٌ, like as أَحْمِرَةٌ is pl. of حِمَارٌ; or it is a pl. deviating from common rule. (IB, L.) You say أُعْلُ هَاتِيكَ النِّجَادَ Ascend thou these high lands; and هَاذَاكَ النِّجَادَ this high land, making it singular. (L.) b2: نَجْدٌ, (S, L, K, &c.,) and نَجُدٌ, (K,) the latter of the dial. of Hudheyl, (Akh,) of the masc. gender, [The high land, or country;] a division of the country of the Arabs; opposed to الغَوْرُ, [or the low country,] i. e., Tihámeh; all the high land from Tihámeh to the land of El-'Irák; (S, L;) above it are Tihámeh and El-Yemen, and below it El-'Irák and Esh-Shám; (K;) it begins, towards El-Hijáz, at Dhát-'Irk, (Msb, K,) and ends at Sawád of El-'Irák, and hence it is said to form no part of El-Hijáz: (Msb:) or it comprises all that is beyond the moat, or fosse, which Kisrà made to the Sawád of El-'Irák until one inclines to the Harrah (الحَرَّة), when he is in El-Hijáz; (El-Báhilee, T, L, Msb;) and it extends to the east of El-Ghowr, or El-Ghór; which is all the tract of which the torrents flow westwards: Tihámeh extends from Dhát-'Irk to the distance of two days' journey beyond Mekkeh: the tract beyond this, westward, is Ghowr, or Ghór; and beyond this, southwards, is Es-Saráh, as far as the frontiers of El-Yemen: (El-Báhilee, L:) or, as the Arabs of the desert have been heard to say, the country which one enters when, journeying upwards, he leaves behind him 'Ijliz, which is above El-Karyateyn, and which he quits when he descends from the mountain-roads of Dhát-'Irk, where he enters Tihámeh, and when he meets with the stony tracts termed حِرَار in Nejd, where El-Hijáz commences: (As, L:) or the high country from Batn-er-Rummeh to the mountain-roads of Dhát-'Irk: (ISk, L:) or the country from El-'Odheyb to Dhát-'Irk, and to El-Yemámeh, and to El-Yemen, and to the two mountains of Teiyi, and from El-Mirbed to Wejreh: Dhât-'Irk is the beginning of Tihámeh, extending to the sea and Juddeh: El-Medeeneh is not of Tihámeh nor of Nejd, but of El-Hijáz, higher than El-Ghowr, or El-Ghór, and lower than Nejd. (IAar, L.) b3: نَجْدٌ An elevated road: (S:) or an elevated and conspicuous road. (L, K.) A road in a mountain. (L.) [Hence طَلَّاعُ الأَنْجُدِ, expl. below, and in art. طلع.] b4: هَدَيْنَاهُ النَّجْدَيْنِ [Kur, xc. 10] We have shown him the two ways; the way of good and that of evil: (Beyd, Jel, L:) or the two conspicuous ways: (L:) b5: or We have given him the two breasts; (Beyd, L;) for نَجْدٌ also signifies a woman's breast; (L, K;) the belly beneath it being like the [country called] غَوْر. (TA.) b6: أَمَا وَنَجْدَيْهَا مَا فَعَلْتَ ذٰلِكَ Now, by her two breasts, didst thou not that? A form of oath of the Arabs. (MF.) b7: نَجْدٌ and ↓ نَاجِدٌ A thing, or an affair, apparent, manifest, plain, or evident. (L.) b8: هُوَ طَلَّاعُ أَنْجُدٍ, and طلّاع أَنْجِدَةٍ, (S, L, K,) and طلّاع نِجَادٍ, (L, K,) and الأَنْجُدِ, (K, art. طلع,) and النِجَادِ, (L, K,) (tropical:) He is one who surmounts difficult affairs: (A:) or he is one who manages affairs thoroughly, (L, K,) and masters them: (L:) or he is a man expert in affairs, who surmounts and masters them by his knowledge and experience and excellent judgment: or, who aims at lofty things: (K, art. طلع:) or he is one who rises to eminences, or to lofty things or circumstances, or to the means of attaining such things: (S:) as also طَلَّاعُ الثَّنَايَا. (S, K, art. طلع.) See نَجِدٌ, and مُنَاجِدٌ.

A2: نَجْدٌ, sing. of نُجُودٌ (A 'Obeyd, S, L, K) and of نِجَادٌ, (L, K,) which signify The articles of household farniture and the like (متاع) with which a house or tent (بيت) is ornamented, or decorated; (A 'Obeyd, S, L;) the carpets and beds or other things that are spread, and the pillows, used for that purpose: (L, K:) the cloths or stuffs used for this purpose, with which the walls are hung, and which are spread; (L;) the curtains which are hung upon the walls: (A:) and أَنْجَادٌ, pl. of نَجْدٌ, household furniture, consisting of such things as are spread, and pillows, and curtains. (L.) A3: نَجْدٌ A skilful, or an expert, guide of the way. (L, K.) A4: نَجْدٌ, (K,) or ↓ نُجُدٌ, (L,) A place in which are no trees. (L, K.) A5: نَجْدٌ A kind of tree resembling the شُبْرُم (L, K) in its colour and manner of growth and its thorns. (L.) نَجَدٌ Sweat, (S, L, K,) by reason of work, or of sorrow, grief, or anxiety, &c. (L.) A2: النَّجَدَاتُ A certain sect of the Khárijees, (S, L,) of those called the Harooreeyeh; (L;) the companions, (S, K,) or followers, (L,) of Nejdeh Ibn-'Ámir (S, L, K) El-Harooree (L) El-Hanafee, (S, L, K,) of the Benoo-Haneefeh; (TA;) also called ↓ النَّجْدِيَّةُ. (TA.) نَجُدٌ: see نَجِذٌ.

نَجِدٌ and ↓ نَجُدٌ and ↓ نَجِيدٌ (S, M, L, K) and ↓ نَجْدٌ (M, L, K) A courageous man, (S, M, L, K,) sharp, or vigorous and effective, in those affairs which others lack power or ability to accomplish: (M, L, K:) or courageous and strong: (Msb:) or very valiant: or quick in assenting to that which he is called or invited to do, whether it be good or evil: (M, L:) pl. of نَجُدٌ, أَنْجَادٌ, like as أَيْقَاظٌ is pl. of يَقُظٌ; (S, L;) or this is pl. of نَجْدٌ and نَجِدٌ; (Sb, M, L;) and not of نَجِيدٌ: (M, L:) the pl. of this last is نُجُدٌ and نُجَدَآءُ. (S, L.) b2: ↓ النَّجِيدُ The lion: (K:) so called because of his courage. (TA.) b3: نَجِدٌ فِى الحَاجَةِ A man quick in accomplishing that which is wanted, or needed. (S, L.) b4: نَجِدٌ and ↓ مَنْجُودٌ (L) and ↓ نَجِيدٌ (TA) and ↓ نَاجِدٌ, in which last the ا is perhaps inserted by poetic licence, (L,) Sweating, by reason of work, or of sorrow, grief, or anxiety, &c. (L, TA.) See also مَنْجُودٌ.

نُجُدٌ: see نَجْدٌ.

نَجْدَةٌ, a simple subst. (M, L,) Courage, (S, M, L, Msb, K,) and sharpness, or vigour and effectiveness, in those affairs which others lack power or ability to accomplish: (M, L:) or courage with steadiness, and calmness in awaiting fearlessly death, victory, or martyrdom: (EshShiháb [El-Khafájee]:) or great valour: or quickness in assenting to that which one is called or invited to do, whether it be good or evil. (M, L.) b2: ذُو نَجْدَةٍ A man possessing valour. (S, L.) See مُنَاجِدٌ. b3: نَجْدَةٌ Fight; combat; battle. (L, K.) b4: Terror; fright. (L, K.) b5: Difficulty; distress; affliction; adversity: (Lh, S, * L, Msb, * K: *) pl. نَجَدَاتٌ (Msb.) Ex.

لَاقَى فُلَانٌ نَجْدَةً Such a one experienced difficulty, distress, trouble, or adversity. (Lh, S, L.) b6: See also a saying of Sakhr-el-Ghei, and a citation from a trad., voce رِسْلٌ. b7: نَجْدَةٌ Aid; assistance. (Msb.) b8: هُوَ ابْنُ نَجْدَتِهَا (tropical:) He is ignorant thereof: contr. of هو ابن بَجْدَتِهَا. By نجدة is meant an allusion to Nejdeh El-Harooree. (A.) See نَجَدٌ.

نِجْدَةٌ, with kesr, Trial, or affliction, (بَلَاءٌ) [experienced] in wars. (Esh-Shiháb [El-Khafájee] and TA.) النَّجْدِيَّةُ: see نَجَدٌ.

نِجَادٌ The suspensory cords or strings of a sword: (S, K:) or the part thereof that lies upon the shoulder. (L.) b2: طَوِيلُ النِّجَادِ [lit., Having long suspensory cords or strings to his sword,] means (tropical:) a man of tall stature: for when a man is tall his نجاد must be long. (L.) نَجُودٌ, applied to a she-ass, and to a she-camel, Long-necked: (L, K:) or, so applied, (K,) or specially to a she-ass, (L,) or to a wild she-ass, (S,) that does not become pregnant: (S, L, K:) but Sh says, that this meaning is disapproved; and that the correct meaning is tall, applied to a she-ass: (L:) or tall; overpeering: (S, L:) or high and great: from نَجْدٌ [signifying “ high or elevated land ”]: (As, L:) pl. نُجُدٌ. (S, L, K.) b2: Also, applied to a she-camel, Sharp; spirited; vigorous: (L, K:) a correct meaning thus applied: (Sh:) or strong: (R:) one that precedes, or outgoes, others: (L, K:) or strong in spirit: (L:) pl. as above. (K.) b3: Also, so applied, Abounding with milk: (L, K:) and, that vies with the other camels in abundance of milk, (L, K,) and surpasses them therein, (L,) or yields abundance when they have little: (K:) [but for إِذَا غَزُرْنَ, in the copies of the K in my hands, meaning “ when they yield abundance of milk,”

I read اذا غَرَزْنَ:] pl. as above. (K.) b4: Also, so applied, That lies down upon a high, or elevated, place: (K:) or that will not lie down save upon high ground: (L:) pl. as above. (K.) b5: Also, An intelligent woman; sharp, or quick, in intellect: (K:) possessing judgment; as though she exerted her judgment in affairs: a strange meaning in which the word is used in a trad.: (Sh, L:) pl. as above. (K.) b6: See مَنْجُودٌ, and مُنَاجِدٌ.

A2: نَجُودٌ One who works in shaking and spreading and stuffing and arranging [those articles of household furniture which are called] نُجُود [pl. of نَجْدٌ]. (M, L.) See also نَجَّادٌ.

نَجِيدٌ: see نَجِدٌ, and مُنْجُودٌ.

نَجَّادٌ One who manufactures (يُعَالِج) beds and the like, and pillows; and sews them: (S, L, K:) [and, accord. to present usage, who teases, separates, or loosens, cotton, for stuffing beds &c., with the bow and mallet: as also ↓ مُنَجِّدٌ:] one who ornaments, or decorates, houses, and beds and the like, and carpets. (AHeyth, L.) See also نَجُودٌ.

نَاجِدٌ and ↓ مَنْجُودٌ Stupid, dull, wanting in intelligence; not penetrating, sharp, vigorous, or effective, in the performing of affairs; soft, without strength, or sturdiness, and without endurance: and weary, or fatigued. (TA.) b2: See نَجِدٌ.

نَاجِدَةٌ, sing. of نَوَاجِدُ (L,) which signifies Streaks of fat (L, K) upon the shoulders of a camel: occurring in a trad.: so called because of their elevation. (L.) نَاجُودٌ Wine: (As, L, K:) or excellent wine: or the first wine that comes forth when the clay is removed from the mouth of the jar: (As, L:) of the masc. gender. (L.) b2: A wine-vessel: (K:) any vessel into which wine is put, (A 'Obeyd, S, K, *) such as a بَاطِيَة, (L,) or a جَفْنَة &c.: (A 'Obeyd, S, L:) or a wine-cup, or a cup of wine; syn. كَأْسٌ: (L:) or a vessel in which wine is cleared; (A;) a clarifier, or strainer for wine; syn. رَاوُوقٌ; (Lth, L;) which last is the meaning that most assign to the word. (TA.) b3: Saffron. (As, L, K.) b4: Blood. (As, L, K.) مِنْجَدٌ A small mountain (K, [in the CK, for جُبَيْل is put حُبَيْل,]) overlooking a valley. (TA.) b2: مِنْجَدٌ A kind of ornament, (L, K,) worn by women, (L,) adorned with gems, or jewels, (L, K,) one over another: (L:) a necklace of pearls and gold, or of cloves, a span in breadth, extending from the neck to the part beneath the breasts, and lying upon the place of the نِجَاد; (L, K;) i. e. of the نجاد of a man's sword: from نَجَّدَ البَيْتَ: (L:) pl. مَنَاجِدُ. (L, K.) مِنْجَدَةٌ A light staff or stick with which a beast of carriage is urged on. (K.) b2: A stick, or wooden instrument, with which wool is teased, or separated, i. q. مِنْدَفٌ (?) (TA,) and with which the حَقِيبَة of a camel's saddle is stuffed. (K, TA.) مِنْجَادٌ A man who aids, or assists, much or well. (Lh, L.) مَنْجُودٌ Overcome; conquered; subdued; overpowered: and fatigued. (L.) b2: مَنْجُودٌ and ↓ نَجِيدٌ (and ↓ نَجُودٌ applied to a female, R,) Afflicted, distressed, or oppressed, by sorrow, grief or anxiety. (S, L, K.) See also نَجِدٌ. b3: مُنْجُودٌ In a state of perishing or destruction. (L, K.) b4: See نَاجِدٌ.

مُنَجَّدٌ, as also مُنَجَّذٌ, (S, L,) which latter is the more approved, (L,) A man tried and strengthened by experience; expert, or experienced; (S, L, K;) who has had experience in affairs, and has estimated and understood them, and become well informed. (L.) مُنَجِّدٌ: see نَجَّادٌ.

مُنَاجِدٌ A fighter; a combatant. (S, L, K.) b2: An aider; an assistant; (K;) [and so, app., ↓ نَجْدٌ and ↓ نَجْدَةٌ and ↓ نَجُودٌ, mentioned in the A].



1 نَبَذَهُ, aor. ـِ inf. n. نَبْذٌ, (S, L, Msb, K,) He cast, threw, or flung, it away, as a thing esteemed of no account or importance: this is the original signification; and in this sense it is mostly used in the Kur-án: (Er-Rághib:) he cast, threw, or flung, it (S, A, L, Msb. K) from his hand, (S, L,) before him or behind him: (L, K:) and he cast, threw, or flung, it far away, or to a distance: (L:) and (so in the L; but in the K, or) he cast, threw, or flung it in any manner: (L, K:) ↓ نبّذ has teshdeed given to it to denote frequency, or repetition, of the action, or its application to many objects. (S, A, L.) b2: نَبَذَ خَاتَمَهُ He threw his signet from his hand. (L, from a trad.) b3: فَنَبَذُوهُ وَرَآءَ ظُهُورِهِمْ (Kur, iii. 184) (tropical:) [lit., And they cast it behind their backs;] means and they did not observe it; (namely, their covenant;) they disregarded it. (Beyd.) b4: نَبْذٌ is both by act and by word; having for its objects both substances and accidents: (L:) you say نَبَذَ العَهْدَ (tropical:) He dissolved the league, or covenant, and cast it from him to him with whom he had made it: (A, L, Msb: *) and نَبَذَ كُلُّ فَرِيقٍ مِنْهُمَا إِلَى

صَاحبه العَهْدَ الَّذِى تَهَادَنَا عَلَيْهِ (tropical:) [Each party of them cast from him, to the other, the league, or covenant, by which they had made a truce; i. e., each party of them rejected it, or renounced it, to the other]: (T:) and نَبَذَ إِلَى العَدُوِّ, and ↓ نابذهُ, (tropical:) He cast from him the league, or covenant, to the enemy, and dissolved it: and ↓ تَنَابَذُوا (tropical:) They mutually cast from themselves the league, or covenant, and dissolved it. (A.) See also 3. b5: نَبَذَ أَمْرِى وَرَآءِ ظَهْرِهِ (tropical:) [lit., He cast my affair behind his back; meaning,] he did not perform my affair; (A;) he neglected it. (Msb.) b6: نَبَذَتْ فُلَانَةُ قَوْلًا مَلِيحًا (tropical:) Such a woman threw out a goodly, beautiful, or pretty, saying. (A.) b7: نَبَذْتُ إِلْيهِ السَّلَامَ, and التَّحِيَّةَ, (tropical:) I threw to him the salutation. (A.) b8: نُبِذْتُ بِكَذَا (tropical:) [I had such a thing as it were thrown to me; I had it thrown in my way;] I had it offered, or presented, to me, the meeting with it being appointed, or prepared; as also رُمِيتُ بِهِ. (A.) b9: لِلّٰهِ أُمٌّ نَبَذَتْ بِكَ (tropical:) To God (be attributed the excellence of) the mother that brought thee forth!] (A.) b10: نَبَذَ He threw forth earth or dust [in digging a hole &c.]; as also نَبَثَ. (A.) See also نَبِيذَةٌ. b11: نَبَذَ He threw dates or raisins into a bag or skin, and poured water upon them, and left the liquor until it fermented and became intoxicating: (T:) [or, simply, he steeped dates or raisins in water; for the beverage thus made, called نَبَيذ, was not always left until it became intoxicating, as is shown by several trads.] b12: نَبَذَ نَبِيذًا, (S, L, K, &c.,) the most usual form of the verb, (Kz,) aor. ـِ only; (MF;) and ↓ نبّذهُ, (A, L, K,) and ↓ انبذهُ, (L, K,) a form used by the vulgar, (S, IDrst,) and rejected by Th and others, but mentioned, on the authority of Er-Ruásee, by Fr, who says that he had not heard it from the Arabs, but that the authority of its transmitter is worthy of reliance, (TA,) and ↓ انتبذهُ; (L, K;) (tropical:) He made beverage of the kind called نَبِيذ. (S, A, L, K.) b13: Also, نَبَذَ تَمْرًا, (Lh, IAth, L,) and عِنَبًا, (IAth, L,) and ↓ انبذهُ, but this is seldom used, (Kutr, Lh, ISk, and others, and L,) and ↓ انتبذهُ, (L,) (tropical:) He made, of the dates, and of the grapes, beverage of the kind called نَبِيذ; (Lh, L;) he left the dates, and the grapes, in water, that it might become beverage of the kind so called. (IAth, L.) b14: Also, ↓ انتبذ (tropical:) He made for himself that beverage. (A.) b15: فُلَانٌ يَنْبِذُ عَلَىَّ (tropical:) Such a one boils against me like [the beverage called] نَبِيذ. (A.) A2: نَبَذَ, [aor. ـِ (S, L, K,) inf. n. نَبْذٌ (L, K) and نَبَذَانٌ, (S, K,) It (a vein) pulsed; (L, K;) a dial. form of نَبَضَ. (S, L.) 2 نَبَّذَ see 1.3 نابذهُ, inf. n. مُنَابَذَةٌ, He bargained with him by saying, Throw thou to me the garment, or piece of cloth, (A'Obeyd, L, K,) or other article of merchandise, (A'Obeyd, L,) or I will throw it to thee, and the sale shall become binding, or settled, or concluded, for such a sum: (A' Obeyd, L, K:) or, by throwing to another a garment, or piece of cloth, the other doing the like: (Lh, L, K:) or, by saying, When thou throwest thy commodity, or when I throw my commodity, the sale is binding, or settled, or concluded, for such a sum: (Msb:) or, by saying, When I throw it to thee, or when thou throwest it to me, the sale is binding, or settled, or concluded: (Mgh, art. لمس:) or, by saying, When I throw the pebble (L, K) to thee, (L,) the sale is binding, or settled, or concluded: (L, K:) or by another's throwing a pebble to him: (L:) بَيْعُ المُنَابَذَةِ and بَيْعُ الحَصَاةِ and بَيْعُ إِلْقَآءِ الحَجَرِ signify the same; (Mgh;) as also بَيْعُ الإِلْقَآءِ: (A:) such bargaining is forbidden. (L.) b2: نابذوا, inf. n. مُنَابَذَةٌ; and ↓ انتبذوا; (tropical:) They retired, each of the two parties, apart, in war. (L, K.) b3: نَابَذَهُمُ الحَرْبَ, and إِلَيْهِمُ الحَرْبَ ↓ نَبَذَ, He retired from them to a place aside, or apart, in war, for a just purpose, (لِلْحَقِّ, in the 'Eyn for war, لِلْحَرْبِ, TT,) they doing the like: (Lth, T, L:) or these two phrases, followed by عَلَى سَوَآءٍ, are used when there is between two parties at variance a covenant, or league, or a truce, after fighting, and they desire to dissolve the league, or covenant, and each party casts it from him (يَنْبِذُهُ) to the other: thus, فَانْبِذْ إِلَيْهِمْ عَلَى سَوَآءٍ, in the Kur, [viii. 60, lit., cast thou from thee, to them, their league, or covenant, in an equitable, or just, manner,] means, announce thou to them that thou hast dissolved the league between thee and them, so that they may have equal knowledge with thee of the dissolving thereof and of the returning to war: (T, L:) على سواء here signifies على الحَقِّ وَالعَدْلِ: (Lh:) نَابَذَهُ الحَرْبَ also signifies he made war with him openly; (S, L, Msb;) and is syn. with نَبَذَ إِلَيْهِ الحَرْبَ: (L:) and نَابَذُوهُمْ عَلَى سَوَآءٍ they made war with them openly, in an equitable manner, declaring their hostile intention, so that it was equally known to their enemies and themselves. (L.) See also 1. b4: نَابَذْتُهُمْ (tropical:) I acted contrarily to, or differently from, or adversely to, them; or was, or became, contrary to, or different from, or adverse to, them; syn. خَالَفْتُهُمْ. (Msb.) 4 أَنْبَذَ see 1.6 تَنَاْبَذَ see 1.8 انتبذ (tropical:) He went, withdrew, or retired, aside, or apart, from others; separated himself from others. (S, A, L, K.) b2: انتبذت مَكَانًا (Kur, xix. 16,) (tropical:) She withdrew, or retired, to a place apart from her family, (L, Msb,) far away. (Msb.) b3: اِنْتَبَذَ عَنْ قَوْمِهِ He withdrew, or retired, from his people. (M.) b4: اِنتبذ نَاحِيَةً He went aside. (T.) See 1. b5: And see اِنْتَبَثَ in art. نبث.

نَبْذٌ (tropical:) A little; a small quantity; (S, A, L, K;) مِنَ المَالِ of wealth, or property; (S, A, L;) as also ↓ نُبْذَةٌ [which is a word much used though I find it explained in few lexicons]; (L, TA;) because what is little is thrown away, and disregarded: (A:) and in like manner, of herbage, and of rain, and of hoariness or hoary hair, (S, A, L,) &c: (L:) and a small number of men: (A, L:) and the latter word, a piece, or portion, of a thing, such as a perfume: (L:) pl. of the former, أَنْبَاذٌ: (L, K:) [and of the latter, نُبَذٌ.] b2: أَنْبَاذٌ مِنَ النَّاسِ (K, * TA) (tropical:) The refuse of the people; (TA;) mixed people of the baser sort. (K, TA.) بَيْنَنَا وَبَيْنَ بَنِى فُلَانٍ نَبْذَةٌ: see جَذْبَةٌ. b2: جَلَسَ نَبْذَةً, and ↓ نُبْذَةً, (tropical:) He sat aside, or apart. (S, A, L, Msb, K.) نُبْذَةٌ: see نَبْذٌ: b2: and نَبْذَةٌ.

نَبِيذٌ Cast, thrown, or flung, [&c.; see 1;] (K;) i. q. مَنْبُوذٌ. (L.) But see below. b2: ↓ نَبِيذَةٌ The earth or dust that is thrown forth from a hole or the like that is dug; as also نَبِيثَةٌ: pl. نَبَائِذٌ. (A, * L.) Yaakoob asserts, that the ذ is a substitute for ث. (L.) b3: نَبِيذٌ (tropical:) A kind of beverage, made of dates, and of raisins; i. e., must; and of honey; i. e., mead; and of wheat, and of barley, &c.; i. e. wort: (L:) or made of dates, or of raisins, which one throws (يَنْبِذُ, i. e. يَطْرَح, whence its appellation,) into a vessel or skin of water, and leaves until it ferments (يَفُور, T, L, or يَغْلِى, Mgh) and becomes intoxicating, or not so long as to become intoxicating: before it has become so, it is a lawful beverage: (T, L:) whether intoxicating or not, it is thus called: (L:) or it is thus called because it is left (يُنْبَذُ, i. e., يُتْرَكُ,) until it becomes strong; (Msb;) being expressed juice, or the like, that is left (نُبِذَ) [for a time to acquire strength]: (L, K:) it is said that this word is originally of the measure فَعِيلٌ in the sense of the measure مَفْعُولٌ, but that it has become obsolete in this latter sense, and, applied to the beverage, is used as though it were a primitive substantive, as is shown by the form of its pl., (M, F,) which is أَنْبِذَةٌ; (S, L, MF;) for a word of the measure فعيل in the sense of the measure مفعول has not this form of pl.: (MF:) wine expressed from grapes is also called نَبِيذٌ, like as نبيذ is also called خَمْرٌ: [نَبِيذٌ is a coll. gen. n., and its n. un. is with ة:] نَبِيذَةٌ signifies some نَبِيذ; lit., a portion thereof. (Msb, art. خمر.) See also مِزْرٌ. (L.) نَبِيذَةٌ: see نَبِيذً, and مَنْبُوذٌ.

نَبَّاذٌ [One who throws things away often, or quickly]. See أَخَّاذٌ.

A2: نَبَّاذٌ [One who makes, or sells, the beverage called نَبيذ]. (S, K, art. سكر.) مِنْبَذَةٌ A pillow, or cushion; (Lh, S, A, L, K;) upon which one reclines, or sits: so called because it is thrown upon the ground to be sat upon: (L:) pl. مَنَابِذُ. (A.) Ex. تَرَبَّعُوا عَلَى

المَنَابِذِ [They sat cross-legged upon the pillows, or cushions]. (A.) مَنْبُوذٌ A child cast out by its mother (T, S, L, Msb, K) in the road, (T, S, L, K,) on the occasion of her bringing it forth, and which a Muslim picks up and maintains; whether a bastard or lawfully begotten; (T, L;) a foundling: (L, K:) such may not be called a bastard because its kin may be established: (T, L:) also, (assumed tropical:) a bastard; (L, K;) because such is cast away in the road: (L:) fem. مَنْبُوذَةٌ (L) and ↓ نَبِيذَةٌ: (A, L:) pl. masc. مَنْبُوذُونَ and مَنَابِذَةٌ; (L;) and pl: of نبيذة, نَبَائِذُ. (A.) b2: مَنْبُوذَةٌ and ↓ نَبِيذَةٌ (assumed tropical:) A ewe or other animal (L) that is not eaten, by reason of its leanness: (L, K:) so called because it is cast away. (L.) b3: صَلَّى

عَلَى قَبْرِ مَنْبُوذٍ He (Mohammad) prayed upon the tomb of a foundling: or, accord. to another reading على قَبْرٍ مَنْبُوذٍ, meaning, upon a tomb apart, (L,) or distant, (K,) from other tombs; (L, K;) like an expression occurring in another trad., ↓ مَرَّ بِقَبْرٍ مُنْتَبِذٍ he passed by a tomb apart from other tombs. (L.) هوَ مُنْتَبِذُ الدَّارِ (tropical:) He is far from his house. (A.) b2: مُنْتَبِذٌ and ↓ مُتَنَبِّذٌ [A man &c.,] aside, or apart, or separate, from others; (L;) [See also مَنْبُودٌ: and see a verse of Lebeed, voce أَصْلٌ.]

مُتَنَبِّذٌ: see مُنْتَبِذٌ.



1 نَفَذَ, aor. ـُ (M, L,) inf. n. نَفَاذٌ and نُفُوذٌ, (M, L, K,) It went, or passed, through: (L:) or it went, or passed, through a thing, and became clear of it. (M, L, K.) b2: نَفَذْتُ I went, or passed, through. (L.) b3: نَفَذَ السَّهْمُ, aor. ـُ inf. n. نُفُوذٌ and نَفَاذٌ, The arrow perforated, transpierced, or pierced through, the animal at which it was shot, and went forth from it: (Msb:) or نَفَذَ السَّهْمُ الرَّمِيَّةَ, (M, L,) and نَفَذَ مِنْهَا, (S, L,) and فِيهَا, (M, A, L,) aor. ـُ (M, L,) inf. n. نَفَاذٌ (M, A, L, K) and نُفُوذٌ (A) and نَفْذٌ, (M, L, K,) the arrow penetrated into the inside of the animal at which it was shot, and its extremity went forth from the other side, or protruded from it, the rest remaining therein; the extremity of the arrow passed through the animal at which it was shot, the rest remaining therein; (M, L, K;) a part of the arrow passed through, or went forth or protruded from, the animal at which it was shot. (A, art. صرد.) See سهْمٌ نَافِذٌ b4: نَفَذَتِ الطَّعْنَةُ The wound made by a spear or the like passed through, or beyond, the other side (T, L.) b5: اُنْفُذْ عَنْكَ Go thou from thy place; pass thou from it. (L.) [See also عَنْ.] b6: نَفَذَ لِوَجْهِهِ He went his way. (TA.) b7: نَفَد الطَّرِيقُ (tropical:) The road was [a thoroughfare (see نَافِذٌ)] pervious, or passable, to every one in common. (Msb.) b8: هٰذَا الطَّرِيقُ يَنْفُدُ إِلَى مَكَانِ كَذَا [This road is a thoroughfare, along which every one may pass, to such a place]. (T, M, * L.) b9: نَفَذَ الَمْنزِلُ إِلَى الطَّرِيقِ (tropical:) The house, or abode, [was a thoroughfare, and] communicated with the road. (Msb.) b10: نَفَذَ القَوْمَ He passed through the people, and left them behind him; (T, M, L, K;) as also ↓ أَنْفَذَهُمْ; (L, K;) or only the former is used in this sense (L.) See also the latter. b11: نَفذَهُمُ البَصَرُ (tropical:) The sight reached them, and extended beyond them: (Ks, L:) or, extended over them all: (A'Obeyd, L:) you say also, البَصَرُ ↓ أَنْفَذَهُمُ in the former sense (L:) [or The sight penetrated into the midst of them: see أَنْفَذَ القَوْمَ.] b12: نَفَذَ رَأْيُهُ (assumed tropical:) His judgment was penetrating; syn. ثَفَبَ. (K in art ثفب) b13: نَفَذَ فِى الأَمْرِ (tropical:) He acted, or went on, with penetrative energy, or with sharpness, vigorousness, and effectiveness, in the affair; syn. مَضَى (S, K, art. مضى.) b14: نَفَذَ الكِتَابُ إِلَى فُلَانٍ, inf. n. نَفَاذٌ and نُفُوذٌ, (tropical:) [The letter passed to, came to, or reached, such a one]: (S, L:) [and in like manner, الرَّسُولُ the messenger: see 4.] b15: نَفَذَ الأَمْرُ,and القَوْلُ, (assumed tropical:) The command, or order, and the saying, was effectual; had effect; was, or became, executed, or performed; syn. مَضَى. (Msb.) b16: نَفَذَ العِتْقُ (assumed tropical:) [The act of emancipation had, or took effect; was, or became, executed. or performed; and in like manner, a covenant, contract, sale, &c.: see 4]. App. a met. expression, from نُفُوذُ السَّهْمِ; because there is no retracting it. (Msb.) b17: يَنْفُدُ بَيْنَنَا (tropical:) He shall judge between us, and make his command or order to have effect, or execute or perform it. (L.) b18: لَهُ نَفَاذٌ فِى الأُمُورِ (tropical:) [He has ability in affairs, to execute, or perform]. (A.) 2 نَفَّذَ see 4.3 نافذهُ (assumed tropical:) He cited him before a judge. It is said in a trad., ان نَافَذْتَهُمْ نَافَذُوكَ If thou cite them before a judge, they will do the same to thee; meaning, If thou say to them, they will say to thee. Accord. to one relation, the verb is with ق and د. (L.) [Accord. to another, it is with ف and ذ.]4 انفذ السَّهْمَ, (A, Msb,) and ↓ نفّذهُ, (Msb,) He made the arrow to pierce, and go forth from, or to pass through, the animal at which it was shot: (Msb:) [or, to penetrate within the animal at which it was shot, and to protrude its extremity from the other side, the rest remaining within; accord. to the explanation of نَفَذَ السَّهْمُ in the M, L, K: or to penetrate the animal at which it was shot, and to protrude a part of it from the other side; accord. to the explanation of سَهْمٌ نَافِذٌ in the A, art. صرد.] You say also, أَنْفَذْتُ فِيهِ السَّهْمَ [I made the arrow to pierce, or penetrate, him, &c.] (A.) b2: رَمَيْتُهُ فَأَنْفَذْتُهُ I shot, or cast, at him, and pierced, or made a hole, through him. (Mgh.) b3: See 1. b4: انفذ الأَمْرَ (assumed tropical:) [He brought to pass the command, or order; made it effectual; made it to have effect; executed or performed it: and in like manner, the saying: see 1]. b5: (assumed tropical:) He executed, performed, or accomplished, the affair. (M, L, K.) b6: انفذ القَوْمَ He became [or entered] among the people: (M, L:) in the copies of the K, explained by صَارَ مِنْهُمْ; but the correct reading is بَيْنَهُمْ [as in the M and L]: (TA:) or he penetrated into them, and went, or walked, in the midst of them. (T, L, K.) See also نَفَذَ القَوْمَ. b7: انفذ كِتَابًا إِلَى فُلَانٍ; (S, L;) and ↓ نفّذهُ, (A,) inf. n. تَنْفِيذٌ; (S, L;) (tropical:) [He sent, or transmitted, a letter to such a one; caused it to pass to or to reach him]: and in like manner, رَسُولًا a messenger. (A.) b8: انفذ عَهْدَهُ, inf. n. إِنْفَاذٌ (assumed tropical:) He made his covenant, or contract, or the like, to take effect; executed or performed it: [and in like manner, an act of emancipation: see 1.] (L, TA.) 6 تَنَافَذُوا إِلَيْهِ (assumed tropical:) They came to him, (namely, a judge,) and referred to him their cause, or suit, for judgment. When each party adduces his plea, or allegation, one says تنافدوا, with د, unpointed. (Aboo-Sa'eed, T, L, K. *) طَعْنَةٌ لَهَا نَفَذٌ i. q. طَعْنَةٌ نَافِذَةٌ; (S;) A wound having a passage through the other side; by نَفَذٌ being meant مَنْفَذٌ, or نُفُوذٌ: (T, L:) pl. أَنْفَاذٌ. (A.) Keys Ibn-El-Khateem says (see Ham. p. 85), طَعَنْتُ ابْنَ عَبْدِ القَيْسِ طَعْنَةَ ثَائِرٍ

لَهَا نَفَذٌ لَوْلَا الشَّعَاعُ أَضَاءَهَا (T, S, L) I pierced the son of 'Abd-El-Keys with the wound of one making an angry assault, that had a passage through, which, but for the spirtling blood, would have made it show the light through him. (T, L [See also شُعَاعٌ.]) See also مَنْفَذٌ. b2: نَفَذٌ (tropical:) A place, or way, or means, of exit, escape, or safety; syn. مَخْرَجٌ (T, S, A, L, K.) So in the saying أَتَى بِنَفَذِ مَا قَالَ (tropical:) He effected a means of escape from [the natural consequences of] what he had said; i. e., بِالمَخْرَجِ مِنْهُ. (T, S, A, L, K.) It occurs in a trad., where it is said, that unless a man who has published against a Muslim a charge of which he is clear do this, he is to be punished. (T, L.) b3: نَفَذٌ a subst., (M, L,) used in the sense of إِنْفَاذٌ: (T, M, L, K: *) نَفَذٌ أَمْرٍ signifying (assumed tropical:) [The making a command, or order, effectual; making it to have effect; to be executed or performed;] i. q. إِنْفَاذُهُ: (T, L:) you say, أَمَرَ بِنَفَذِهِ (assumed tropical:) He commanded that it should have effect, or be executed or performed;] i. e., بِإِنْفَاذِهِ: (M, L:) and قام المُسْلِمُونَ بِنَفَذِ الكِتَابِ (assumed tropical:) [The Muslims accomplished the execution, or performance, of what was in the Scripture:] i. e. بإِنفَاذِ مَا فِيهِ. (T, A, L.) نَفُوذٌ: see نَافِذٌ.

أَمْرٌ نَفِيذٌ (assumed tropical:) An affair arranged, or made easy. (L.) See also نَافِذٌ.

نَفَّاذٌ: see نَافِذٌ.

سَهْمٌ نَافِذٌ [An arrow that perforates, transpierces, or pierces through, and goes forth from, or passes through, the animal at which it is shot; accord. to the explanation of the verb in the Msb: or, that penetrates into the inside of the animal at which it is shot, and of which the extremity goes forth from the other side, or protrudes from it, the rest remaining therein; accord. to the explanation of the verb in the M, L, K: or,] of which a part has passed through the animal at which it is shot: when the extremity only has passed through, it is termed صارِدٌ; and when the whole of it has passed through, مَارِقٌ. (A, art. صرد.) b2: طَعْنَةٌ نَافِذَةٌ A wound made by a spear or the like passing through both sides: (M, L:) pl. طَعَنَاتٌ نَوَافِذُ. (A.) See also نَفَذٌ. b3: طَرِيقٌ نَافِذٌ (tropical:) A road which is a thoroughfare; (T, M, L, K;) [pervious;] not stopped up; (T, L;) along which every one may pass. (T, A, L, Msb.) See also مَنْفَذٌ. b4: نَافِذٌ sing. of نَوَافِذُ, (Msb,) which signifies All the holes, or perforations, by which joy or grief is conveyed to the mind (of a man, Msb); as the two ear-holes, (IAar, on the authority of Abu-l-Mekárim, T, L, Msb, K,) and the two nostrils, and the mouth, and the anus: (IAar, T, L, K: *) called by the doctors of practical law مَنَافِذُ, which is contr. to analogy: see مَنْفَِذٌ. (Msb.) b5: نَافِذٌ and ↓ نَفُوذٌ and ↓ نَفَّاذٌ [but the second and third are intensive epithets] (tropical:) A man (M, L) penetrating, or acting with a penetrative energy, or sharp, energetic, vigorous, and effective, (مَاضٍ,) in all his affairs. (M, L, K.) b6: رَجُلٌ نَافِذٌ فِى أَمْرِهِ (tropical:) A man penetrating, or acting with a penetrative energy, or sharp, vigorous, and effective, in his affair; (S, L;) and فى الأُمُورِ in affairs. (A.) b7: أَمْرُهُ نَافِذٌ (assumed tropical:) His command, or order, is effectual; has effect; is executed, or performed; syn. مَاضٍ (K;) and obeyed; (S, L, Msb, K; *) as also ↓ نَفِيذٌ. (K.) b8: دَائِرَةٌ نَافِذَةٌ A feather, or curl of hair in a horse's coat, of the kind which, when it is only on one side, is called هَقْعَةٌ, but which is on both sides. (AO, T, L.) ذَا مَنْفَذُ القَوْمِ, and ↓ نَفَذُهْمُ; and هٰذِهِ مَنَافِذُهُمْ, and أَنْفَاذُهُمْ, [This is the place of passage of the people, and these are their places of passage]. (A.) b2: هٰذَا الطَّرِيقُ مَنْفَذٌ لِمَحَلِّ كَذَا (tropical:) This road is a way along which every one may pass to such a place. (A.) b3: فِيهِ مَنْفَذٌ للقَوْمِ (tropical:) In it (the road) is a [free, or an open,] passage to, or for, the people. (T, L.) See also نَافِذٌ.

مَنْفِذٌ, in measure like مَسْجِدٌ, [or مَنْفَذٌ, agreeably with analogy, as it is written in copies of the T, A, L,] A place by which a thing passes through; [a thoroughfare; an outlet; a place of egress:] pl. مَنَافِذُ. (Msb.) See also نَافِذٌ.

مُنْتَفَذٌ (assumed tropical:) Ample room, space, or scope, or liberty to act &c.: (syn. سَعَةٌ, (M, L, K, TA,) and مَنْدُوحَةٌ: (TA:) [ample means of escape: see also نَفَذٌ:] you say, إِنَّ فِى ذٰلِكَ لَمُنْتَفَذًا Verily in that there is ample room, scope, or means [for action, or for escape]. (TA.) See also مُنْتَفَدٌ.



1 نَبَرَ, (T, S, A, K,) aor. ـِ (S, K,) inf. n. نَبْرٌ, (S,) He, (a man, S, A,) or it, (anything, T,) raised, or elevated, a thing: (T, S, A, K:) or نَبْرٌ signifies specially the raising of the voice: (MF, from the first part of the Keshsháf:) or the rising of the voice; so with the Arabs; and one says نَبَرَ الرَّجُلُ, inf. n. نَبْرَةٌ, meaning, the man spoke in a high tone: (IAmb:) and نَبَرَ, inf. n. نَبْرَةٌ, he (a man) uttered a sound: (A:) and [the inf. n.] نَبْرَةٌ, signifies the crying out, or shouting, from fright, or fear: (T, K:) and نَبْرَةُ المُغَنِّى, the singer's raising his voice from a low to a high pitch. (S, K.) b2: نَبَرَ الحَرْفَ, (S, M, A, K,) aor. ـِ (M, K,) inf. n. نَبْرٌ, (S, M,) He pronounced the letter with hemz (هَمْز). (S, M, A, K.) قُرَيْشٌ لَا تَنْبِرُ [The tribe of Kureysh] do not pronounce with hemz. (S.) A man said to the Prophet, يَا نَبِىْءَ اللّٰهِ [O Prophet of God]; and he said لَا تَنْبِرْ يِاسْمِى, i. e. Pronounce not thou my name with hemz: (M:) for the tribe of Kureysh did not pronounce with hemz. (TA.) And when ElMahdee performed the pilgrimage, he preferred El-Kisáee to recite the prayers in El-Medeeneh, and the people of that city disapproved of his pronouncing with hemz, asking him wherefore he did so in reciting the Kur-án in the mosque of the Apostle of God. (TA.) 8 انتبر It (a heap of wheat) rose, by additions. (T.) b2: It (the body, M, K, and a wound, T, A) swelled; became swollen. (T, M, A, K.) b3: It (the mouth, TA,) became blistered, or vesicated. (K, TA.) And انتبرت يَدُهُ His arm, or hand, became blistered. (S, A.) b4: He (the أَمِير, M, and the خَطِيب, K) ascended the مِنْبَر [or pulpit]. (M, K.) نِبْرٌ sing. of أَنْبَارٌ, (T, S,) which signifies Heaps, syn. أَكْدَاسٌ, (M, K,) or a collection, (M, S,) of طَعَام, (S, M, K, MS,) meaning of wheat, and of barley, [or other corn,] and of dates: (MS:) or [in the TA, and] granaries (أَهْرَآء) of طَعَام: (in the present day, a granary:] what is called هُرْىٌ being also called نِبْرٌ because the طعام, when poured in its place, rises: and the pl. pl. [i. e. pl. of انبار] is أَنَابِيرُ. (T.) b2: أَنْبَارٌ also signifies A merchant's magazine, or chamber, (بَيْت,) in which he puts together, in order, or piles up, his goods. (M, K.) [In the K, it is added, that the sing. is نِبْرٌ: but this addition seems to be misplaced: for انبار in the last of the senses here explained, as well as when applied to a granary. and to a collection of طعام, appears to be a pl. without a sing.]

نَبْرَةٌ Anything rising from a thing. (M, A, K.) b2: A swelling in the body. (M, K.) b3: I. q.

هَمْزَةٌ [meaning the sound, or the character, so called]. (T, S, K.) مِنْبَرٌ The pulpit of the خَاطِب [in a mosque]: (M, TA:) so called because of its height: (S, M, A, K:) [pl. مَنَابِرُ.]

مُنَبَّرٌ: see مَنْبُورٌ.

المَسْأَلَةُ المِنْبَرِيَّةُ: see the first paragraph of art. عول.

مَنْبُورٌ Pronounced with hemz (هَمْز). (T.) قَصَائِدُ مَنْبُورَةٌ, and ↓ مُنَبَّرَةٌ, i. q. مَهْمُوزَةٌ [i. e. Poems of which the verses end with hemz].



1 نَقَرَ, (S, A, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ inf. n. نَقْرٌ, (S, Msb,) He (a bird) pecked, or picked up, (S, A, Msb, K,) a grain, (S,) or grains, (A, Msb,) from this place and that, (A, K,) بِمِنْقَارِهِ with his beak. (A.) [Accord. to the TA, the addition “ from this place and that,” which is found in the K and A, and in one place in the S, seems to be unnecessary. And ↓ انتقر signifies the same: see 8, in art. قب.] b2: [Hence, because of the sure aim with which a bird pecks a thing,] the same verb, having the same [aor. and] inf. n. signifies, (tropical:) It (an arrow) hit the butt. (Msb.) And He (an archer) hit the butt, without making his arrow to pass through, partly or wholly. (TA.) b3: [Hence also,] (assumed tropical:) He took [or picked] a thing, as, for instance, food, with the finger. (TA.) b4: Also, (M, K,) aor. and inf. n. as above, (M, TA,) He struck a thing (IKtt, K, * TA,) with a thing: (IKtt, TA:) [generally, he struck, knocked, or pecked, a thing with a pointed instrument, like as a bird strikes a thing with its beak:] he struck [or pecked] a mill-stone, or a stone, &c., with a مِنْقَار [which is a pick, or a kind of pickaxe; i. e., he wrought it into shape, and roughened it in its surface, with a pick]. (M, TA.) b5: [Hence,] (tropical:) He wrote [or engraved writing] فِى حَجَرٍ upon a stone. (A, K.) Whence the saying, التَّعْلِيمُ فِى الصِّغَرِ كَالنَّقْرِ عَلَى الحَجَرِ [or, as in a verse of Niftaweyh, فِى الحَجَرِ, i. e., Teaching in infancy is like engraving writing upon stone]. (TA.) b6: He struck [or fillipped] a man's head, and in like manner a lute, and a tambourine, with his finger. (TA.) You say also أُذُنَهُ ↓ أَنْقَرَ, meaning, He struck [or fillipped] his ear with his finger. (AA, in TA, art. نطب.) b7: [Hence,] نَقَرَ, [aor. ـُ inf. n. نَقْرٌ, as appears from what follows;] and ↓ أَنْقَرَ; (tropical:) [He made a snapping with his thumb and middle finger;] he struck his thumb against the end of the middle finger and made a sound with them. (A.) [And in like manner the former verb used transitively; as in the following instance:] وَضَعَ طَرَفَ إِبْهَامِهِ عَلَى بَاطِنِ سَبَّابَتِهِ ثُمَّ نَقَرَهَا [(tropical:) He put the end of his thumb against the inner side of his first finger, then made a snapping with it]. (TA.) See also نَقْرٌ, below. b8: [Hence also,] نَقَرَ بِالدَّابَّةِ, (T, A, TS,) or بِالفَرَسِ, (S,) aor. ـُ (TA,) inf. n. نَقْرٌ; (T, S, TS;) and ↓ أَنْقَرَ, (A, TS,) inf. n. إِنْقَارٌ; (TS;) (tropical:) He made a [smacking or] slight sound, to put in motion the [beast or] horse, by making his tongue adhere to his palate and then opening [or suddenly drawing it away]: (S:) or he struck with his tongue the place of utterance of the letter ن and made a [smacking] sound [by suddenly withdrawing his tongue]: (A:) نَقْرٌ signifies the making the end of the tongue to adhere to the palate, then making a sound [by suddenly withdrawing it]: (M, K:) or one's putting his tongue above his central incisors, at the part next the palate, then making a smacking sound [so I render ثُمَّ يَنْقُر]: (TA:) [the sounds thus described, which are nearly the same, are commonly made by the Arabs in the present day, in urging beasts of carriage:] or an agitation of the tongue (K, TA) in the mouth, upwards and downwards: (TA:) or a sound, (so in some copies of the K and in the TA,) or slight sound, (so in the TS [as mentioned in the TA] and in some copies of the K) by which a horse is put in motion: (TS, K:) or نَقَرَ بِلِسَانِهِ, accord. to IKtt, signifies he struck his palate with his tongue to quiet the horse: but this is at variance with what is said by Az, J, and ISd, and requires consideration. (TA.) A poet, (S,) Fedekee El-Minkaree, (K,) i. e., 'Obeyd Ibn-Máweeyeh, of the tribe of Teiyi, (TA,) uses النَّقُرْ for النَّقْرْ, meaning النَّقْرُ بِالْخَيْلِ [The smacking with the tongue to urge the horses]: pausing after the word, at the end of a hemistich, he transfers the vowel of the ر to the ق, (S, K,) agreeably with the dial. of certain of the Arabs, (TA,) that the hearer may know it to be the vowel of the [final] letter when there is no pause; (S;) like as you say, هٰذَا بَكْرُ and مَرَرْتُ بِبَكِرْ: but this is not done when the word is in the accus. case (S, K:) and if you choose, you may make the final letter quiescent in pausing, though it is preceded by a quiescent letter. (S.) b9: Hence also, فَإِذَا نُقِرَ فِى النَّاقُورِ [Kur, lxxiv. 8,] (tropical:) For when the horn shall be blown: (S, * A, * Bd, K:) from نَقْرٌ signifying (tropical:) the making a sound: originally, striking, which is the cause of sound. (Bd.) See also نَاقُورٌ, below. b10: Also, نَقَرَ He bored, perforated, or made a hole through or in or into, a thing: (TA:) or he did so with a مِنْقَار: (S:) and, inf. n. نَقْرٌ, he hollowed out, or excavated, a piece of wood. (Mgh, Msb.) نُقِرٌ and ↓ اِنْتَقَرَ, (so in some copies of the K,) or ↓ أُنْتُقِرَ, (so in other copies of the K and in the TA,) both in the pass. form, (TA,) said of stone and of wood and the like, signify alike, (K,) It was bored, or perforated, or it had a hole made through or in or into it: (TA:) [and it was hollowed out.] Yousay, نَقَرَ البَيْضَةَ عَنِ الفَرْخِ, (K,) aor. ـُ inf. n. نَقْرٌ, (TA.) He made a hole in the egg [so as to disclose the young bird]. (K.) And نَقَرَت الخَيْلُ, (A,) and بحوافرها نُقَرًا ↓ انتقرت, (Lth, K,) The horses made hollows in the ground with their hoofs. (Lth, A, K.) And in like manner, ↓ انتقرت السُّيُولُ نُقَرًا The torrents left hollows in the ground, in which water was retained. (TA.) b11: Hence, نَقَرَ عَنِ الأَمْرِ; (Msb;) and عَنْهُ ↓ نقّر, (S, K,) inf. n. تَنْقِيرٌ; (S;) and ↓ نقّرهُ; and ↓ تنقّرهُ: and ↓ انتقرهُ; (K;) (tropical:) He searched or inquired into the thing; investigated, scrutinized, or examined, it; (S, Msb, K, TA;) and endeavoured to know it: (TA;) and so نَقَرَ عَنِ لخَبَرِ (tropical:) he investigated the news, and endeavoured to know it. (A.) [and hence,] السَّهْمَ بَيْنَ إِصْبَعَيْهِ ↓ نقّر. (K, in art. حن,) or عَلَى الإِبْهَامِ, inf. n. تَنْقِيرٌ, (K, in art. دوم,) [He tried the sonorific quality of the arrow by turning it round between his fingers, or upon his thumb: see حَنَّانٌ, and دَرَّ السَّهْمُ, and see also 4, in art. دوم: or] نقّر السَّهْمَ signifies he made the arrow to produce a sharp sound [by turning it round between his fingers, or] upon his thumb. (TK, in art. دوم.) 2 نَقَّرَ see 1, last two sentences.4 أَنْقَرَ see 1, in three places, in the first half.

A2: انقر عَنْهُ, (S, K,) inf. n. إِنْفَارٌ, (TA,) He refrained, forbore, abstained, or desisted, from it or him; he left or relinquished, it or him. (S, * K.) Hence the saying, ضَرَبَهُ فَمَا أَنْقَرَ عَنْهُ حَتَّى قَتَلَهُ He beat him and left him not until be killed him. (TA.) And hence the saying of I'Ab, مَاكَانَ اللّٰهُ لِيُنْقِرَ عَنْ قَاتِلِ الْمُؤْمِنِ, i. e., God will not leave the slayer of the believer until He destroy him (S, TA.) 5 تَنَقَّرَ see 1, last signification 8 إِنْتَقَرَ see 1, latter part, in four places.

نَقْرٌ (tropical:) A slight sound that is heard in consequence of striking the thumb against the middle finger [and then letting them fly apart in opposite directions, passing each other]: (S, K:) [or the snapping with the fingers or with the thumb and middle finger, or with the thumb and first finger; as also ↓ نَقيرٌ: n. an. of the former with ة.] One says, مَا أَثَابَهُ نَقْرَةٌ (tropical:) [He did not reward him with even a snap of the fingers;] meaning, with anything: (S, K [in the former of which it is implied that نقرة thus used is from نَقْرٌ in the first of the senses explained above;]) not used thus save in [a negative phrase. (S.) A poet says, وَهُنّ حَرَى أَلَّا يُثِبْنَكَ نقْرَةٌ وَأَنْتَ حَرُى بِالنَّار حِينَ تُثِيبُ (tropical:) [And they are fit, or worthy, not to reward thee with anything, and thou art fit for, or worthy of, the fire of hell when thou rewardest]. (S.) Or the right reading in both these instances is ↓ نُقْرَةً, with damm. (TA.) [See نُقْرَةٌ.] One says also, لَمْ يَكْتَرِتْ لِى بِقَدُر نَقْرَة إِصْبَعٍ (tropical:) [He did not care for me so much as a snap of a finger]. (A.) [See also an (??) in a verse cited in the first paragraph of art. شأو.] I'Ab, in explanation of the words of the Kur, [iv. 123,] وَلَا يُظْلَمُونَ نَقِيرًا, put the end of the thumb against the inner side of his first finger, then made a snapping with it (ثُمَّ نَقَرَهَا), and said, This is what is termed ↓ نَقِيرٌ; [denoting the lit. meaning to be (tropical:) And they shall not be wronged a snap of the fingers.] (TA.) But see نُقْرَةٌ, below. b2: Also, A sound, or slight sound, by which a horse is put in motion: (TS, K:) as also ↓ نَقِيرٌ: (TA:) or the former has one or other of the different significations assigned to it above, in the explanations under the head of نَقَرَ بِالدَّابَّةِ. (K, &c.) نِقْرٌ: see نُقْرَةٌ.

نَقْرَةٌ: see نَقْرٌ, in four places.

نُقْرَةٌ A small hollow or cavity in the ground: (S:) or a hollow or cavity in the ground, not large: (Msb:) or a hollow or cavity in the ground in which water stagnates: (TA:) or a round وَهْدَة [or hollow] in the ground, (K, TA,) not large, in which water stagnates: (TA:) pl. نُقَرٌ (A, K) and نِقَارٌ: (K:) ↓ نَقِيرٌ also signifies a hollow, or cavity, in the ground; and its pl. is أَنْقِرَةٌ. (S.) b2: Hence, (S.) The place where the قَمَحْدُوَة [or occiput] ends, in the back part of the neck; (K;) i. e., the hollow in the back of the neck; (TA;) what is called نُقْرَةُ القَفَا; (S, A, Msb;) i. e., the hollow where (??) brain ends: the cupping in that part occasions forgetfulness: (Msb.) [and any similar hollow as the pit of the stomach: and a dimple: accord. to present usage; and in this sense it is used in the A, K, and TA, voce فَحْصَةٌ b3: The cavity, or socket, of the eye. (K.) b4: Foramen and; syn. ثَقْبُ الاِسْتِ: (K:) but in the (??) it is said that نُقْرَةُ الوَرِكِ signifies the hole, or perforation, that is the middle of the haunch; [app. meaning the sacro-ischiatic foramen: see الفَائِلُ, in art. فيل: but perhaps it may sometimes mean the socket of the thigh-bone; for نُقْرةٌ signifies any socket of a bone.] (TA.) b5: The little spot [or embryo] upon the back of a date stone, (AHeyth, K,) which is as though it were hollowed. (TA,) and from which the palm-tree grows forth: (AHeyth;) as also ↓ نَقيرٌ (S, A, Msb, K) and ↓ نِقْرٌ (K) and ↓ أُنْقُورٌ. (Sgh, K) You say, مَا أَثَابَهُ نُقْرَةٌ, (El-Basáir, TA,) and ↓ نَقِيرًا, (A,) lit., [He did not reward hour] (??) even a little spot on the back of a date-stone; (A, El-Basáïr;) meaning, (tropical:) with the meanest thing. (El Basáïr.) In the S and K, ما اثابه نَقْرَةٌ: see نَقْرٌ.] And مَا أَعْنَى عَنِّى نُقْرَةٌ (tropical:) He did not stand me in stead of the meanest (??) (A.) Lebeed says, bewailing the death of his brother Arbad.

↓ وَلَيْسَ النَّاسُ بَعْدَكَ فِى نَقِيرٍ

lit., [And the people, after thee, are not worth] a little spot on the back of a date-stone; meaning, لَبْسُوا بَعْدَكَ فِى شَىْءٍ (tropical:) [after thee they are not worth anything]. (S.) And hence, accord. to ISk [and the Jel], the saying in the Kur, [iv. 123.] وَلَا يُظْلَمُونَ نَقِيرًا [And they shall not be wronged even as to a little spot on the back of a date-stone.] (TA.) Hence also, [in verse 56 of the same chap.,] لَا يُؤْتُونَ النَّاسَ نَقِيرًا (tropical:) They would not give men a thing as inconsiderable as the little hollow in the back of a date-stone. (Jel.) See also نَقْرٌ. b6: The place in which a bird lays its eggs: (K:) pl. نُقَرٌ. (TA.) نَقِيرٌ: see نَقْرٌ, in three places.

A2: What is bored, or perforated; and what is hollowed out, or excavated; (مَا نُقِبَ, TA, and مَا نُقِرَ, K, TA;) of stone, and of wood, and the like. (K, TA.) b2: A piece of wood, (Msb,) or a block of wood, (أَصْلُ خَشَبَةٍ, S, K,) or a stump, or the lower part, (أَصْل,) of a palm-tree, (T,) which is hollowed out, and in which the beverage called نَبِيذ is made; (T, S, Msb, K;) the نبيذ whereof becomes strong: (S, K:) or a stump, or the lower part, (اصل,) of a palm-tree, which it was a custom of the people of El-Yemámeh to hollow out, then they crushed in it ripe dates and unripe dates, which [with water poured upon them] they left until fermentation had taken place therein and subsided: (A 'Obeyd:) or a stump, or the lower part, (اصل,) of a palm-tree, whereof the middle was hollowed out, then dates were put in them, with water, which became intoxicating نبيذ: (IAth:) the word is of the measure فَعِيلٌ in the sense of the measure مَفْعُولٌ. (Msb.) It is said in a trad., that Mohammad forbade النَّقِير, (S, * Msb, * TA,) meaning, the نبيذ thereof. (TA.) b3: A trunk of a palm-tree, hollowed out, and having the like of steps made in it, by which one ascends to غُرف [or upper chambers]. (K. [See also عَجَلَةٌ.]) b4: See also نُقْرَةٌ, throughout.

نُقَارَةٌ The quantity [of grain] which a bird pecks, or picks up. (K.) See 8, in art. قب. b2: What remains from the boring, or excavating, (نَقْر,) of stones: like نُجَارَةٌ and نُحَاتَةٌ. (TA.) نَقَّارٌ An engraver: or, accord. to Az, one who engraves stirrups and bits and the like: and one who bores (يَنْقُرُ) mill-stones. (TA.) b2: (tropical:) One who investigates, scrutinizes, or examines, and endeavours to know, affairs, and news. (TA.) ناَقِرٌ act. part. n. of نَقَرَ. b2: (tropical:) An arrow that hits, (Msb,) or has hit, (S, A, K,) the butt, (S, K,) or the eye of the target: (A:) if it do not hit the butt it is not so called: (S, TA:) [but see a phrase following:] pl. نَوَاقِرُ. (A, Msb.) b3: [Hence,] أَخْطَأَتْ نَوَاقِرُهُ (tropical:) [lit., His arrows that were wont to hit the butt missed]; meaning, he did not continue in the right course. (TA.) [And hence,] نَاقِرَةٌ (tropical:) A calamity; (K, TA;) pl. نَوَاقِرُ. (TA.) One says, رَمَاهُ الدَّهْرُ بِنَاقِرَةٍ, and بِنَوَاقِرَ, (tropical:) Fortune smote him with a calamity, and with calamities. (TA.) b4: Also, نَاقِرَةٌ (tropical:) A right argument, allegation, evidence, or the like; syn. حُجَّةٌ مُصِيبَةٌ: in the K, a و is incorrectly inserted between these two words: but the pl., نَوَاقِرُ, is afterwards correctly rendered in the K. (TA.) One says, أَتَتْنِى عَنْهُ نَوَاقِرُ (tropical:) There came to me, from him, speech which displeased me, or grieved me: or right arguments, or the like, (K, TA,) like arrows hitting the mark. (TA.) In the L, رَمَاهُ بِنَوَاقِرَ (tropical:) He cast at him words that hit the mark. (TA.) نَاقُورٌ (tropical:) A horn in which one blows; syn. صُورٌ: (S, K:) in the Kur, lxxiv. 8, the horn in which the angel shall blow for the congregating at the resurrection: the blast there mentioned is said to be the second blast: Fr. says that it is the first of the two blasts. (TA.) أُِنْقُورٌ: see نُقْرَةٌ.

مِنْقَرٌ: see مِنْقَارٌ.

مُنَقَّرُ العَيْنِ, (K,) and ↓ مُنْتَقَرُهَا, (Sgh, K,) or ↓ مُنْتَقِرُهَا, (CK,) Having the eye sunken. (K.) مِنْقَارٌ The beak of a bird; that which is to a bird as the mouth to a man; (Msb;) because it pecks, or picks up, with it: (TA:) or of a bird which is not one of prey; that of a bird of prey being called مِنْسَرٌ: (Fs, and S in art. نسر, and MF:) therefore the explanation in the K, which is, the مِنْسَر of a bird, is incorrect: (MF:) [and the dual signifies the two mandibles of a bird; used in this sense in the TA, art. صغو:] pl. مَنَاقِيرُ. (S.) b2: Hence, (TA,) The fore part of the خُفّ [app. meaning the foot of a camel, not a boot]. (K.) b3: [A kind of pickaxe; or a pick, by which a mill-stone, or the like, is pecked, or wrought into shape, and roughened in its surface; (see 1;)] an iron instrument like the فَأْس, (A, K,) slender, round, and having a خَلْف [or pointed head], (TA,) with which one pecks, (يُنْقَرُبِهَا, A, K, TA,) and cuts stones, and hard earth; (TA;) used [also] by a carpenter: (S:) and ↓ مِنْقَرٌ signifies [app. the same, or nearly the same,] i. q. مِعْوَلٌ: (S, K:) [the former is applied in the present day to a chisel:] pl. of the former, مَنَاقِيرُ; (S;) and of the latter, مَنَاقِرُ. (TA.) Dhu-r-Rummeh says, كَأَرْحَآءِ رَقْدٍ زَلَّمَتْهَا المَنَاقِرُ [Like mill-stones of Rakd (a mountain so called) which the minkars have rounded]. (TA.) See زَلَّمَ.

مُنْتَقَرُ العَيْنِ, or مُنْتَقِرُهَا: see مُنَقَّر.
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